#dirty martini running club
maddiesflame · 2 years
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Faking Ms. Right headers
like/reblog if saved © maddiesflame
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bookishwum · 2 years
He turned back, meeting my gaze, a disarming openness in his eyes. Right there, in that exact moment, I did a terrible, terrible thing.
I fell in love with my boss.
— Faking Ms. Right, Claire Kingsley
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jarofstyles · 5 months
Can you write something about love bites pretty pleaseeeeee like Harry’s obsessed with giving them
Yes 🤭🤭🤭🤭 here is a tiny one!
Check out our Patreon
Warnings- kinda dirty hehe
“So pretty.” Fingers brushed over her sensitive skin as she looked in the mirror, trying her best to ignore how the sensation wanted to make her shiver. The large form behind her wasn’t helping her achieve that at all. “You look so gorgeous tonight but… my favorite are these.” The marks on the curve of her neck that he’d sucked into pretty bruises, blooming purple.
It was no secret between them that Harry quite liked the marks on her, but he liked putting them there the most. “Thank you.” She laughed through her nose, blending the makeup on her cheeks before setting the little sponge down. “But you’re very distracting, you know that? How am I supposed to cover them if you’re petting all over them?”
“Don’t!” The whine was nearly comical as she caught his scowl in the mirror. “Don’t cover up the art, precious. Leave ‘em there.” It was a travesty, in his opinion, any time they were covered with makeup. Even if she was quite talented at the magic of making them disappear, he didn’t appreciate his little marks of love being covered up. “S’not like we’re going to the Louvre- which, they’d probably appreciate the art anyways. We’re goin’ for drinks at a dingy club to buy overpriced martinis while we chat shit while I wait for you t’get tired enough for me to bring home and love on you.”
Harry was many things. Blunt was one of them.
“Tell me how you really feel, H.” She snorted, putting powder under her eyes. Her hand stuttered though, when she felt him tuck his face into her neck and a wet, hot swipe licked over the marks. It was a bit pathetic how quickly she felt lax, like a dog rolling over for belly rubs, but she gave a shaky exhale as his teeth found a new patch of skin to nibble on.
“I feel like… you should leave those marks so people know t’fuck off, that you get fucked well, that you’re mine. Let their imaginations run wild about how I gave ‘em to you balls deep, or if I did them just like this. As long as they know that you’re a loved and taken woman, m’a happy man.” The grumbles against her skin were finished with another bite, eliciting a noise blooming from her throat.
It was hard to say no to the man in most capacities, with his soft green eyes and his strawberry pout, but when he ran his hands over the front of her dress and his tongue over her throat as he found a new patch to work on, sucking harshly enough to make her knees weaken and her clit throb between her legs? It was impossible. “Harry…” the sigh of his name was accompanied by the lull of her head back against his shoulders, letting him slip his hands under the front of her dress and the makeup brush fall into the sink.
“Lucky we’re even goin’ out when all I want to do is worship that sweet cunt all night. But I’ll be good, I’ll let you get finished with your makeup and all that if you leave ‘em be. Show ‘em off for me. Please?” The plead was melted into her bones, breathing picking up as his fingers cupped over her lace covered cunt, holding it firmly. The man knew how to get his way and this was a solid example. The sweet and silly vibe of the room transforming into the hot and sensual teasing one that he had mastered the art of. “I’ll let you choose whatever you want me t’do to you tonight. Whatever my girl wants. Jus’ let me give you another one and leave my art alone. Everyone should be able to see it.”
How could she say no to that?
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milfs69420 · 1 month
You Belong With Me (part 1)
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Natasha ran from her home country when she was 18, and has since been working at a stripclub in NYC. One night she spots a woman who seems all too familiar and turns out to be her childhood lover. While getting to know each other all over again, they discover new truths and old lies.
- Natasha Romanoff x Katya Petrova - Wordcount: 3K - Warnings: none I think - A/N: Sooooo, I wrote a fanfic about a fanfic. This stripclub AU idea has been floating around for a while, but I finally managed to get a part done. Thank you @katyaromanoffpetrova for letting me borrow your babies🫶 I hope I did them justice. If you're curious about who Katya is, check out the forgotten ghost series here!
Do not repost my work as your own or translate my work!!
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The bright light above the mirror casts its hideous yellow hue down on Natasha’s face. She could hardly tell the shades of her various lipsticks apart in this setting. Some days she hardly bothered with her makeup, the dark circles around her eyes were far too visible for any concealer to hide. Today though, something told her to put in some extra effort. Who, or what, was telling her, she didn’t know. Very few things harnessed the power to make Natasha Romanoff listen, but she would never go against her intuition.
The redhead stepped out of the dressing room and into the dimly lit hallway. After sitting under that bright light for so long she had to squint her eyes to see where she was going. She hardly needed the ability to see here at all. Natasha had walked this very path so many times that she was doing it on auto-pilot by now. She knew every crease in the dirty, stained carpet. She knew exactly where to place her heel adorned feet as she made her way to the stage area.
Natasha liked dancing, loved it even. As a little girl in Russia she had danced nearly every single day. Even the extremely strict ballet teacher hadn’t been able to break her and her passion for letting the rhythm guide her body. Of course, this wasn’t the type of dancing career she had imagined for herself while growing up, but it’s what paid her bills and kept her alive.
Moving, or rather, running away to another country when she had just turned eighteen hadn’t been easy, and it certainly hadn’t been cheap. So when she met Clint, her best friend and one of the bartenders at the club, she took the opportunity she was offered and started working there as one of the dancers. Originally it had been a temporary solution, just to get her on her feet in this new life. However, she quickly realised these people were much more than just coworkers, they’d become her found family before she even realised it.
So here she was, in her high heels and the skimpy bits of fabric you could hardly call clothing. She heard the music start and let her body take over from her brain, as she made her way to the centre of the stage, complete with pole and all, she took a quick and subtle look at the crowd. At first glance it was the same as every other night, young guys who’d just gotten their paycheques, middle aged men who most likely told their wives they’re working late, and the same old men smoking cigars and eyeing her up.
But as she was about to shut her brain off and let her limbs move themselves, she spotted a woman. All alone and mysterious in the darkest corner of the club, with what looked like a martini in her hand. Thanks to the darkness, Natasha couldn’t make out any clear features. All she could see was dark hair, seemingly brown but she wasn’t certain. And all that she felt was an overwhelming amount of familiarity, like she hadn’t only seen this woman before, but like she knew her. Natasha could not see the woman’s eyes in the darkness, but she knew they were focused on her.
Whether she meant to or not, Natasha’s dance was focused on this woman now. If she looked into the crowd at all, she looked at her. She put some extra effort and seductiveness into her movements, and she enjoyed doing it. Dancing for men whose attention she hardly wanted in the first place was just a job, and not one she was always happy to do. But this woman brought out her true passion for dancing, motivated her to truly let the rhythm guide her and just enjoy the moment.
When the redhead finished her dance, she left the stage almost immediately and made her way towards that dark corner. The crowd didn’t let her through nearly as fast as she wanted, and she was disappointed to find the seat empty when she finally got there. If this had been any random person, Natasha would’ve assumed they got flustered by just being in the club and ran. However, something told her that wasn’t the case here. Her mood now having been ruined by not even catching a glimpse of the woman, she didn’t feel the need to stick around.
She went to the backstage area, walked that barely lit hallway again until she reached the door to the stairs. She was one of three people living above the club. Her, Clint and Maria each had their own spaces and enough privacy to not be bothered by each other, they did however share a kitchen together. The rent was incredibly cheap due to their employment and it was a nice spot in the city as well. Unbeknownst to their boss, Fury, Natasha had a dark haired, four legged roommate upstairs.
She found Liho in the street when she was still a kitten. She was looking about as miserable and hopeless as the redhead was feeling at the time, so the only logical option was obviously to take her home. Part of Natasha had been afraid that the cat would abandon her over time, but Liho seemed better than the humans who’d let the woman down time and time again.
That night, sleep did not come easy to Natasha. She overanalysed everything she saw, or didn’t see of the mysterious woman. For some unknown reason, she was a hundred percent sure that she knew this person. When or how they met, she didn’t know, but she was certain that they had.
Every night that she was on stage, Natasha looked at that corner, hoping to see the person who’d been keeping her up for weeks now. She’d almost lost hope that she would see her again at all, until today. As the redhead went through her entry routine on stage, she spotted that mystery person in the corner. Before she could stop it, the slightest smirk appeared on her face.
You see, Natasha had spent her sleepless nights coming up with a plan to prevent this woman from escaping again before she could truly see her. So she made her way to the front of the stage, which had stairs connected to it, and she went into the audience. Now obviously she couldn’t just walk straight to the corner, so as she moved through the various seating arrangements, she stopped a few times. She danced at some tables and gave some extra attention to men who seemed well off enough to throw her some extra dollar bills, until she finally approached that corner.
The lighting in the club focused on Natasha, and therefore started lighting up this usually dark area. As she moved closer, the redhead could see the woman more clearly by the second. The first thing that got her attention wasn’t the clothing that she was wearing, but rather the skin left exposed by it. Tattoos that Natasha couldn’t make out quite clear enough yet, decorated smooth skin as far as she could see. She found herself imagining how many more of those she could find underneath the black slacks and white dress shirt combination. The black blazer had been hung over the chair, and her white sleeves had been rolled up. As her eyes made their way upwards, she didn’t fail to notice the amount of buttons that had been undone on the shirt, before finally getting a look at the woman’s face
Brown, shoulder length hair surrounded what may just be the most gorgeous face she’d seen in a long time, if not her whole life. Piercing blue eyes had locked onto her green ones as soon as she’d left the stage, and hadn’t looked away since. Now, Natasha was by no means shy or introverted, but she found a surprising amount of difficulty just to hold eye contact. The woman however, seemed to radiate nothing but confidence.
Where most, if not all, men would be eyeing her up like a piece of meat by now, she found what seemed an awful lot like admiration in the brunette’s eyes. She was definitely staring at Natasha, but in an oddly respectful manner. There wasn’t just lust in her eyes, she seemed enticed by the way the redhead moved her body. The way this woman was looking at her made Natasha feel good. It made her feel sexy in a way she hadn’t felt in a long time, and it filled her with newfound confidence.
Since the brunette was situated in a single chair and not in one of the booths they had in the club, Natasha took the opportunity to circle around her before settling in front of the chair. As the redhead moved her body to the music, the woman uncrossed and opened up her legs in a swift, but elegant, movement. Natasha took this as an invite to get closer, and as she did so she bent over just enough for her mouth to end up near this woman’s ear.
“Are you planning on running away again, darling?”
As she moved back to stand up straight again, she held eye contact with the brunette and found a smirk adorning that mesmerising face. Natasha could’ve, and had, imagined many different responses to her question. She’d thought about it far more than she should have probably. However, what came out of the woman’s mouth was far from anything she had expected.
“I think I’ll stay this time, I’ve missed seeing your face, Natalia.”
Shock and confusion overtook the redhead, and it was a good thing her performance time had ended at this moment. The spotlight went out as she made one last gesture to the crowd before turning around to face the woman again, what she found was that same smirk still on her face. Now though, Natasha didn’t think about how attractive that face was, she only focused on how the hell this person knew a name she had left behind all those years ago.
“How do you know that?” Was the first of many questions she wanted to ask, but for now it was the most important one. She recognised the features of the brunette’s face, but had a feeling that the time they knew each other was far in the past. What was starting to get to her though, was the smugness all over the face opposite of her. She seemed to know nothing about the person in front of her, who seemed to know a whole lot about Natasha.
“You really don’t remember me, do you?” The brunette started to get on her nerves now, Natasha wasn’t in the mood for any of these games, she wanted answers right now. “Am I supposed to recognise you? You seem to think you’re quite memorable.” At that, the woman smiled, not a smirk, no smug looks, a genuine smile.
“I thought people always remembered their first kiss.”
Now seemed like a great moment for Natasha to sit down in the chair opposite of the brunette, mainly because the shock of this all gave her some difficulty with standing up straight. “Katariina?” She couldn’t find the right words to say, so instead opted for just her name. She hadn’t seen that gorgeous face since they were both teenagers, so it made sense she didn’t recognise her right away, so many years later. Now that she knew though, she couldn’t stop the flood of memories that came over her.
Natasha had moved around Russia far more than she would’ve liked when she was a kid. Her mother had passed away when she was a baby, and her father just left her on the doorstep of the nearest orphanage. Little Natasha was far too rebellious for her own good, and this resulted in being kicked out of foster homes time after time again. The longest she ever lasted was a little over a year, and it wasn’t the family she was staying with that got her through that time. No, it was that beautiful face she found looking back at her now.
“It’s just Katya now actually, but good to know you remember, Natalia.” And remember, she did. She recalled the first time that she saw Katya, her foster parents quickly tugged her the other way and told her not to play with the girl, to never even go near the huge house on the other side of the street. But something about her had already intrigued Natasha, even if she had only seen her for just a second. From that moment on, all that she wanted to do was get to know this girl. As she did so, she found that she craved to be much closer than friends were supposed to be. She wanted to know her in far more intimate ways than society deemed acceptable for them.
“It’s probably my hair. It’s not blonde anymore” Natasha looked at her, took her time to take in this new appearance. “I can see that, the ink wasn’t there either.” Now it was Katya’s turn, to take in her own appearance. Smiling, she looked back at the redhead. “I suppose you, of all people, would’ve known about any ink on my skin.” At that, Natasha couldn’t help but blush. Memories of their secret meet ups filled her head. Some nights had been spent exploring the rural areas around their town, where nobody would find them. Other nights, they explored each other instead.
While they were both enjoying this seemingly light-hearted conversation, Natasha had questions to ask. “So I guess it’s not a coincidence that you found me, is it?” Katya smiled at her now, no longer hiding behind a facade of smugness and false confidence, powerful as she was, she’d been terrified of how the redhead could’ve reacted. “No it’s not, though I’ve got to give you credit where it’s due. You didn’t make it easy to track you down.”
“So how did you manage to find me anyway?” Natasha had changed her whole identity, finding her was supposed to be nearly impossible. “I have my ways.” Is all that the brunette gave her.
“Still being mysterious, I see. Nice to know you didn’t change too much.” She hadn’t meant to let that out as angrily as it did, but this was a lot to handle.
“I couldn’t afford to tell you anything back then, it would’ve put both of our lives at risk, Natalia.”
“And you still can’t tell me now?” For some reason, Natasha didn’t feel the need to correct the brunette when she used her old name. She was sure that Katya knew her new identity anyway, but simply chose not to acknowledge it. Plus, she didn’t mind the way her name sounded, rolling off of her childhood lover’s tongue.
“I could, and I might, but this isn’t the time or place. I’m sure you understand that, don’t you?”
“So when and where do I have to be, to get some answers out of you?” Again, Katya smiled at her, and this time Natasha couldn’t help but notice how gorgeous she looked as she did so. It seemed as if that magical charm that had intrigued her when they were teens, was still there all these years later.
“You seem quite eager to spend more time with me milaya(милая).” To hear that term of endearment coming from the brunette, seemed to bring back far more than just memories. Natasha felt as if her stomach did a backflip as soon as the word reached her ears. It shouldn’t be that easy, for Katya to make her feel anything at all after all this time. But neither of them could deny that they had a special connection, one that ran far deeper than just childhood love.
“I’m just eager to know how you found me, and why you wanted to in the first place.”
Katya just looked at her, a more serious expression on her face now. She seemed to be taking in every detail of Natasha’s appearance, studying her so attentively that the redhead started feeling shy under her gaze. Before she realised what was happening, Katya started getting up. She put on her jacket and Natasha would never admit how much she hated seeing all that skin being covered up. Right as the brunette was about to walk away, she turned around one last time.
“Saturday night, nine PM, be ready and wait outside. I’ll have a car pick you up.”
With that, Katya walked towards the exit, leaving Natasha to gather her thoughts as she made her way upstairs. The rest of the night was spent thinking about Katya, and that damn smile of hers. The brunette was the only person she’d met in their home country, who didn’t hurt her. The only person who made her feel like life may not be all that bad when you have someone to share it with. Leaving that town had been one of the most painful things she’d experienced, and she’s been through a lot. Being forced to leave the only person she had truly loved and felt connected to up until then had felt like someone ripped apart her heart. The worst part was that she wasn’t given a reason, her foster parents seemed to have decided overnight not to want her anymore.
She’d since learned to live with all the abandonment she’s had to go through, and she’s worked on becoming a better person ever since she left her home country. While she was well aware that this was much too early to think about having Katya in her life at all, she couldn’t help but feel excited at the prospect of getting to know her again.
That night, Natasha went to sleep feeling hopeful. Maybe she would’t end up alone, doing this job, after all.
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pictureinme · 9 months
no need to be shy – patricia 'kitten' braden
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❧ request: the shy reader is at the club and she knows the kitten and the kitten knows her! The reader is sitting in the corner all quiet by herself until the kitten comes over and gets her comfortable before fucking her senseless in a private room! Or the bathroom …
word count: ~1.5k tags: semi-public, a tinge of roughness + dirty talk, p in v, grinding masterlist | ao3
You huff as you make yourself as small as possible in the already cramped club– the sticky leather booth you’ve huddled yourself in only making you more aware of the hopelessness of the predicament. You were never the ‘party animal’ or even the clubbing type as so many of your peers were, but decided tonight would be the night that all changes. To no one’s surprise, that didn’t work out, not even for a second.
The moment you were let into the club by the bouncer, who was a bit too generous with the cologne, you felt as though your heart dropped to your stomach. The music was shit, and the blokes were even worse– hounding you like you were easy and fresh meat for them to intoxicate until your standards lowered. You thought a drink might actually help in the end, but it was not only expensive, it tasted like watered-down gasoline.
Beginning to collect your purse and coat, your eyes fall upon a familiar face making her way through the crowd– bouncing off the energy of everyone in her path effortlessly. It was Patricia Braden, but you know her solely as Kitten, one of your most drop-dead gorgeous friends. You often dreamt of the day it would become more, with all her flirtations towards you, but you’d have to be held at gunpoint to admit such a thing.
Before you can hide yourself away amidst the crowd of drunkards, Kitten spots you– immediately lighting up like nothing else. She saunters to your booth, her platform heels clicking on the floor– the sound drowned out by the obnoxious music.
She tilts her head and smiles, "Well, fancy seeing you here, gorgeous! Mind if I join you?"
Kitten slides into the booth beside you before you can mutter a response, her fur coat brushing against your bare thigh. She takes a sip of her martini, the glass cradled so delicately– her eyes never leaving your face. "It's quite a surprise running into you here, (Y/N). This really isn’t your scene, is it?"
Her cadence is soft, leaving you with that familiarly strange sense of comfort in her presence. Shaking your head gently, you tug nervously at your ill-fitting dress for the evening, “You’re quite right, I… don’t know what was expecting by coming here. Was actually gonna leave before you spotted me!”
"Oh, sweetheart, don’t leave now! You look absolutely stunning, it would be such a waste,” Kitten leans closer, her hand resting lightly on your arm, “You know, there's plenty of fun to be had around here… as long as you know where to look."
Your heart speeds up as her eyes practically drill holes into your own, yet you can’t find the courage to meet them, “Well, you’re the life of the party, aren’t you? I’m sure it comes easy to you…”
Kitten hums, pulling your arm closer to her, the warmth of her body making you dizzy, “Oh, come on, then! Let’s get you used to the clubbing lifestyle– dance with me, dear!”
You let her drag you out of the booth, everything becoming a daze as her body seems to slot itself behind yours perfectly– the music suddenly seeming less shitty than it once did. You allow yourself to move with Kitten, her guidance with the rhythm made the rest of the club melt away. You lean back against her body, the fabric of your dresses shifting against each other perfectly– you don’t yet notice that delicious warmth igniting in your stomach at the touch.
“Not so bad, is it?” Kitten leans to your ear, her warm breath and voice causing you to tremble.
Opting to just nod in response, rather than embarrass yourself with a crack in your desperate voice, you feel her body shake with a laugh. Her hands snake their way all over you, seeming like it was all part of the dance she had guided you in– until she squeezed your hips.
Your legs open wider at this, the subconscious reaction telling Kitten everything that she needed to know, “Much less shy, aren’t you now, love?”
She spins you around to see your expression– the two of you share the same lust-filled gazes. You nod again, grateful that the music masked your heavy breathing– but it couldn’t mask the way you stared at her perfect lips. Not wasting another precious moment, she grips your hand in hers, and you allow her to take you wherever she was planning to.
Kitten sneaks around the perimeter of the club with you, knowing exactly where the private rooms are– you would never question how she knew such a thing when your brain was so dizzy from her simple touch. She swiftly unlocks the inconspicuous door, and before you know it, has you pinned behind it with a surprisingly gentle kiss.
“Been wanting to kiss you for so long, you know,” Kitten breathes out a laugh, her blue eyes darting between your eyes and lips, “Just needed an excuse, didn’t I?”
You let out a whimper at her words, and a simple utterance of, “Please.”
She locks you in another kiss, more searing than the last, as she quickly lifts your dress to caress your hips properly. You do the same to her, fingers brushing against her growing arousal– held back only by the thin fabric of her panties.
Separating to breathe again, you nod vehemently as she pulls down your panties, her fingers teasing at your wetness. Kitten brings them to her ruby red lips, savoring the taste as you feel your knees almost buckle at such an erotic sight.
She reaches up to stroke your cheek, her fingers tracing the line of your jaw, "Are you ready for a little more fun?"
You let her lead you to the velvet couch, the wide seating allowing the two of you to rest comfortably– it was becoming increasingly obvious that this room was used for a lot more than just dancing. You fall back against the plush fabric, legs spread as Kitten crawls in between them– leaning down to kiss your awaiting lips. She kisses down your neck, leaving red lipstick in her wake as you feel her hips begin to rock against your own. You let out a moan as her bulge rubs particularly hard against your already sensitive clit, and she moans as well.
“Please, Kitten,” you look at her weakly, your trepidation long gone, “I can’t wait anymore, please, I…”
She pouts, and you would have believed it, if it were not for the way her hips twitched at your pleas, “We’ll draw out the fun another time, then…”
Kitten quickly pulls down her panties, and without hesitation, starts to grind against your arousal again– but with no flimsy barriers in sight. The two of you whine in tandem as she coats herself in your wetness, all in the name of preparation, you’re sure. You feel as though you would burst just from this, but she just as quickly enters you with one swift thrust.
Your head falls back against the couch, thumping repeatedly as Kitten desperately fucks into your warmth, like it was the last thing she could ever do, “God, you feel so good, love… I always knew you would.”
“Kitten, oh!” You quickly cover your mouth with your hand at both her movements and words, the two seeming to concoct a plan to get you off embarrassingly fast.
She grabs your wrists to quickly pin them above you, not letting you hide your high-pitched moans from her, “Been wanting to be inside of you for so long, sweetheart… need to hear your cute little moans for me, don’t hide away.”
Her unexpected roughness has your legs wrapping around the small of her back, pressing Kitten even further into you– her shallow and quick thrusts deepening. You were completely at her mercy, and it only increased the volume of your moans– rivaling the music just outside the door.
“Always so perfect and shy,” she smiles as her grip on your wrists tightens, “Just needed me to fuck it out of you, right, my love?”
Nodding again, as it was the only thing you felt you could do in her presence, you mewl at her term of endearment despite the way she fucked into you, “Please, please, please…”
Kitten’s thrusts stutter at your already fucked-out expression and voice, “You’re so close, aren’t you? How long has it been since you’ve been loved properly, hm? Let go for me, angel.”
With her permission, you let yourself fall deeper into the pleasure she was giving you, the peak in sight as she reaches one of her hands down to rub deep circles on your clit. Your back arches off of the velvet, the blend of pain and pleasure from her insatiability crashes onto you like a tidal wave as you release.
She keeps thrusting into you, muttering praise as your legs keep her deep inside of you as she releases as well. You would figure out that predicament later, the only thing you could focus on was calming your breathing, and tiredly kissing Kitten back as she pulled out of your aching warmth.
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powderblueblood · 9 months
please do something with nancy wheelr i miss my baby
SAVE ME FROM WHAT I WANT - nancy wheeler
author's note: my beautiful jean genie anon, i love you so much for asking for this and i hope to god you like it. this honestly maybe might be a prologue to something bigger i'm toying around with (spot the references l o l) but-- let's just get into it, shall we??? content warning: nancy wheeler being semi in denial about her sexuality, nancy wheeler is a lesbian, mentions of pussy eatin but no actual pussy eatin, references to complicated stancy and jancy, mention of parent illness, a little angst and a little fluff word count: 1.7k
The first time Nancy Wheeler kissed a girl was not a light bulb moment.
There were no choirs of angels singing, no great and fantastic revelation about who she is. 
Because it’s not like she hadn’t thought about it before.
Nancy, a student of the human scene, has entertained the curiosity the same way one might like, want to see what happens when they throw a watermelon off the top of an eleven story building. The fall and the impact will surely be thrilling, but then there’s the cleanup. Did you know it’s illegal to throw watermelons off buildings in most US states? So theoretically, if she were to throw the watermelon, she could always toss and run. But then she’d have to live with the guilt of not going back and owning up to her mess. It could have really hurt someone. Maybe it did! 
But the temptation to throw is still there. 
Anyway, she doesn’t think about it that much. So it’s fine. 
She only thought about it when her feminist lit professor paused at her desk, returning the paper she’d written about Gloria Steinem infiltrating the Playboy Club. Professor Gonzalez, who Nancy can’t quite bring herself to call Flo despite her insistence, has sleek black hair that tumbles over her shoulder like dark and deadly sand through an hourglass. It fell in a sheet then too, almost hitting Nancy in the face as Flo told her, “This is great. I know Gloria, and she would totally love this.” 
Despite Nancy’s best friend derisively protesting that Professor Gonzalez does not know Gloria, are you shitting me, Nancy entertains daydreams where she and Flo and Gloria Steinem meet up in a dark bar for a gorgeous, stimulating meeting of the minds. In some versions, Flo goes home first, leaving Nancy and Gloria alone. In other versions, the versions that throw heat on Nancy’s cheeks even just thinking about them, Gloria goes home first and Nancy and Flo are staring at each other through the brine-heavy buzz of dirty martinis. 
Nancy doesn’t even like dirty martinis. 
She discovered this at some dorm get together or another, where one of her similarly-affected-by-pretentiousness coursemates attempted to mix them. Badly, she assumed, because they tasted like crap. She winced on every sip. 
“Someone once told me these were supposed to taste like pussy,” her best friend had said from the common area couch, to which Nancy had snorted, Jesus!, a little gin and vermouth and brine coming out of her nose. 
“And?” That came from a girl in a smart ponytail, who was wearing smart suit slacks and a smart sweater in ultra smart, muted colors. She had taken a seat next to Nancy on the floor by the fire, and Nancy found herself awkwardly adjusting her off-the-shoulder sweatshirt. She should have dressed up for this, right? But these common room salons were always happening, and it felt like it was so hard to gauge the dress code. 
“How does that flavor profile match up?” 
Nancy realized that the low tone this girl was speaking in wasn’t meant for the room. It wasn’t even meant for her best friend, who’d posed the question. It was just meant for her. 
Ah, Nancy mouthed. “Um. I don’t know. I’ve never… tried it.”
Oh, the girl mouthed back, her head cocked toward her shoulder. “Maybe you should think about expanding your palate.” 
Nancy’s stomach had jumped and she had drunk the rest of her shitty martini way too fast. By the time she had figured it was time to head to bed, her head felt like it was floating a couple of inches above her neck, and she was hand-in-hand with the smart girl from the fire. 
Back slumping against the door in a clumsy stumble. Nancy giggled. The girl, who said her name was Sal, which Nancy thought was very glamorous, leaned against the door next to her. 
“I wish I dressed like you,” Nancy said, reaching out to finger the arm of her sweater. Cashmere. Something expensive. People were always wearing expensive things here. They looked so grown-up, so continental, compared to Nancy’s department store skirts and pastel shades. 
“We can swap outfits,” Sal hummed, the words coming from low in her throat as she tilted her head towards Nancy’s, “if your roommate isn’t home.”
Nancy Wheeler, even four crapshoot dirty martinis in, is not obtuse. Seeing double might make it a quadruple entendre, but she still knows one when she hears it. 
“I… have a boyfriend,” she’d whispered, almost into Sal’s mouth. That was, at the time, only half true. She and Steve were still navigating long distance in a post-Jonathan-breakup world. It wasn’t perfect yet, so no promises were made. But history weighed heavy on them.
Sal reached out to pluck at Nancy’s old sweatshirt, the one she’d cut the neck out of to make it drape around her shoulders like Jennifer Beals in Flashdance. It was a comfort thing, an old blanket, a teddy bear. “A Hawkins Tiger, no doubt?”
“Used to be.” 
“And what does a Hawkins Tiger know about pussy?” This, Sal had whispered into the shell of her ear, arm tightening around her waist. Her lips met that spot of skin behind Nancy’s ears that she liked to have touched, how did Sal know that. Giggling lowly, Nancy tilted her head to meet Sal’s lips, the kiss so small and so delicate that it hardly felt like launching anything at all. No great pull, no absolute passionate urgency. 
Suddenly, as Sal flushed her chest against Nancy’s and deepened the kiss, she had a vision of splattered watermelon. 
Projectiles are so dangerous. 
“They know… more than you’d think,” Nancy said, and smiled, and slipped away from Sal and into the darkness of her bedroom. 
Better to be safe than sorry. 
The second time Nancy kissed a girl, she didn’t even look like herself. 
She had come stomping into her best friend’s off-campus apartment (this girl being one year her senior) with her makeup kit in hand, like she was cashing in a makeover coupon that was about to expire. “Please, help me out here. I need to– it needs to be different this time.”
Now, that statement could have meant anything; it being New Years Eve, which they were about to celebrate, it being the most recent iteration of her breakup with Steve, it being her entire vision of herself. 
Nancy was fashioned into a vixen of epically out-of-her skin proportions, but she loved it. And maybe it was the bottle of cheap champagne they’d indulged in while getting ready, but she couldn’t quit gazing at her sparkling sapphire eyelids, the dress with chains for straps draping over her lithe little frame, the body waves her perm had been gelled into. She felt so far away from the hardheaded provincial do-gooder she’d admonished herself for being, a tiny bumpkin of a fish in the humongous, rushing, risque pond of college life. She felt alive and mischievous, like a nymph, her blood sparkling in her veins like the bubbles in her coupe.  
She and her best friend set off out to a party, shivering against the sub-zero temperatures and whooping like hyenas all the way there. Arms linked, sharing what little body heat they had, their mood soon flatlined as they settled into the festivities– average college fare, you know, with all of their other friends already paired off for their New Years’ kisses. They were the only two single people there, it seemed– she, recently liberated and her best friend, taking her seasonal sabbatical from mistletoe-themed hookups. It reminds her too much of a boy she knew in high school, though she’d never admit that. 
But Nancy knows. And Nancy loves her, despite the collegiate wild streak that has alienated her a little bit. And Nancy wanted to show her as much. 
Before the countdown even began, Nancy entwined their glitter painted fingers and said, “Hey! Promise me something?”
“Anything, Pants.” 
“Promise me we’ll always be as fun as we are right now,” she said, beaming. “Promise that no matter what happens, we’ll never lose it.” 
Aw! her best friend had mouthed, and took Nancy’s heart-shaped face in her hands. She leaned in, lips pulling Nancy’s in. Like tulip petals, Nancy had thought, but hadn’t exactly known why. They kissed and kissed, as the countdown raged and the ball dropped into sparkling smithereens. And as she felt her best friend’s tongue try and brace against her lips, Nancy pulled away. They stood together, forehead-to-forehead, giggling again. 
When their bubbles finally flattened, they spent the rest of the night and much of the morning talking about what life would be like if they could be together– because as much as Nancy loved her, and as fun as kissing her was, it was no watermelon. “It was a gas,” her best friend said, in that Fitzgeraldian way she had about her. 
They would celebrate the anniversary of what could have been, if they only worked out every year after.
Her first year out of college, Nancy spent her nights praying for a thrill. Six months filled with pulling doubles at a college bar in Indianapolis, hospital rooms, speaking to doctors when her mother couldn’t, fighting against her brother’s sullen silences and explaining to her sister what remission meant. Misery metastasized into monotony. She started staring down watermelons at the market. 
And she knows that’s a terrible thing to say and think, but it’s true. Even with all the support she had from Steve, who never knew exactly what to do when she’d report on her father’s diminishing health with the cadence of a newscaster, or even the help she was getting from Eddie, who took her on as a roommate in his shithole apartment. He got her a job in that divey college bar so she could be closer to her family as they all fell apart, shuttling her back and forth to Hawkins in his van. He was a better sibling to Mike than she ever was, she thought. Mike certainly seemed to like him more. 
The first time Nancy Wheeler realizes she really, really, really wants to kiss a girl, she stinks of fryer grease and spilled beer. And she should have expected it.
Expected to see her, anyway. 
Steve had told her about it weeks ago, but she had smoked half a joint of Eddie’s without telling either of them and zoned out. Very unlike the Nancy Wheeler that Hawkins had once known. 
She should have expected to see her, but here she is. Like a shock to the system, a last alarm. Nervous hands curved around a glass of Pilsner. Baseball cap on backwards. Cheeks ruddy with the chill of the city. 
“Oh! Hey– hi, Robin.”
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georgiapeach30513 · 1 year
Underneath the City Lights, Part 3
Summary:  It’s time for Ari to move
Pairings:  Ari Levinson X Reader
Rating:  explicit
Warnings:  explicit language, explicit sexual content, attempted non/con, physical abuse against reader, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  6.1K
Series Masterlist
*dividers created by @firefly-graphics​
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“And if you gentleman head this way,” Calvin leads a new group of investors to the club down the hallway, and towards the dressing rooms.  “If we’re lucky we may hear our Candy Jane practicing.  She should have a grand performance for you tonight.  Completely…nude.”
Calvin fights himself to not be disgusted at the thought of you being nude, but you were being put up for auction tonight, even if you didn’t know it.  Ari wanted to act like he had some grand claim on you, but Calvin would make it near impossible for Ari to pay if he had to.  He was getting tired of the two of your games.  There was something more going on, and he was going to put an end to it.
“What was that?” The businessman stops when a woman screams out, followed by the sound of broken glass.  “What sort of business are you running here, Newton?”
“The one where the clients get everything they want.  No matter what.  Some people like things a bit rough.  They enjoy their brats from time to time,” he awkwardly laughs, hearing another scream, this time from you.  “Anyways, I think it’s time to get you men in your seats.  Charles, make sure these gentlemen have the best seats in the house.”
Taking a deep breath, he waits for Charles to lead them down the hall before he heads towards your dressing room.  Slinging the door open right as August backhands you across the face.  Rita lays on the floor out cold, “What the fuck?”
“Calvin!  Calvin, please I didn’t do anything!” Talking back receives a grab to your arm.  His fingers dig into you as he jerks you to his body.  “Calvin!”
“Shut the fuck up you fucking cunt!  Your brother told me you were my problem to deal with,” your stupid brother backs himself out of your dressing room, leaving you to feel with August’s wrath.  “Like I said.  You want to be a fucking whore, I’ll treat you like one.”
When you scream no at him, he pushes you into the wall.  Starting to stalk towards you, while you cower in the corner; pissed and scared at the predicament that you’re in.  This isn’t at all what you signed up for.  This isn’t what your father or mother would have wanted, and your brother didn’t even care.  He was a coward.
“You,” Calvin snaps at a woman that was walking down the hall, flinching when she hears you cry out for help.  “Let the DJ know that Candy Jane won’t be performing tonight.”
“Sir?” Gasping when she hears you cry out in pain.
“She’s getting what is coming to her.  And if you were smart, you’d forget you heard anything,” he straightens his tie out, walking down the hall.  He did tell August that you were his problem, but that doesn’t mean he had to listen to it.  He had a goal, and that was to destroy Ari Levinson and his fucking mafia.  Stealing from his family for years.  Paying their dues.  They didn’t need Ari.
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“What the fuck is this?” Ari sits up, eyes flitting around the stage.  This was your spot, but that was not you.  “Jonathan, we have a problem.”
“I see that,” he snaps his fingers at the nearest waitress, and she bounces over to them.  Batting her lashes at Ari, anything for extra tips.  “Where’s the Candy girl?”
“Uh…she…sh-sh-she can’t perform,” she was told to forget what happened, and that’s what she should do.
“Why?” Ari growls out, standing up, and she backs away from him.  “You tell me where she is, and I’ll make sure you never have to work another day here in your life.”
“August,” she squeaks out.  Tears falling down her face.  “She was screaming, and Calvin told me to forget.  I’m sorry.  I know she’s your favorite, but they’re…August wants her.”
“Pay her,” Ari demands, darting off towards the dressing rooms.  He has studied The Dirty Martini enough.  He doesn’t stop even when people start yelling at him.  You had given him valuable information, and he was going to make sure that you were kept safe.  Tonight was the night anyway.  The jet was ready.  All he needed was you in it.
It’s easy enough to find your dressing room with your piercing screams.  The hallway was completely empty.  Everyone was fleeing away from your cries for help.  “You fucking bitch!  Not only have you been stealing money, but that prick promises you a ride on his dick, and you start running your cock sucking mouth.”
“August stop!” One more scream, and he slams your head on the vanity, and your vision starts to blur.  “Please, don’t,” whimpering as he kicks your legs further apart.  “Don’t,” between the stars in your eyes, and your tears, you can’t see anything.  With one hand, August holds you down, but he spits in the other.  Your body starts shaking with your cries as you try to take your mind anywhere but here.
August never touches you, and your body does drop down on the floor.  You scurry underneath the dressing table, hiding from whatever commotion is occurring around you.  Pulling your knees up to your chest and hiding your face while Ari pounds into August’s skull.  You look over at Rita who you just know is dead.  You can’t see clearly enough to see if she was breathing.  
Ari spits on August, and turns towards you.  Holding you bridal style, and carrying you out of there, “Rita.”
“Dulce, I’m not worried about her right, sweetheart.  Can you see?” Sniffling, you shake your head no.  “I’m getting you out of here.  Just keep those pretty little eyes open, and look at me,” your face is already forming bruises.  Swelling every second.  And Ari runs a bit faster.  He needs you out of here.  Things happen so quickly as he carries you through the building.  You couldn’t even tell he was running.  
He puts the both of you in the backseat of an SUV, and tells something to his partner, but you cling tighter to him.  Your brother was allowing that monster to touch you in any way that he wanted.  And August kept repeating how he was going to break you in.
“Dulce, eyes open, darling.  We’re getting on the jet.”
“No.  Rita,” you need to know she’s okay.  Your eyes start to flutter close, and Ari gives you a tap to your cheek.  “Ari?”
“Jonathan when we take off, I want you to make sure that Rita is the next one to be retrieved…well…just let me know what you find out.  I’m going off grid for a couple of days,” Jonathan clears his throat as Ari gets the two of you out of the car.  “I have to make sure she’s okay.  Is there a doctor on board?”
“Yes,” Jonathan answers shortly.  There isn’t time for Ari to be missing for a couple of days.  He had a job to do.
“A couple of days.  Give me that,” with that Ari walks the two of you onto the jet.  Trying to sit you in your own seat, but you hold him tighter, “Dulce, I need someone to look at you.”
“Don’t leave me, please,” his hand cups your cheek, and he looks at you so sweetly.  “Please, don’t,” whispering again.  Ari’s glassy eyes look up at the doctor.  He couldn’t.  You need to be checked out.
“Ari, I can look at her while you hold her.  No big deal,” she tilts your head towards her, shining a light into your eyes, and you try not to sob.  Calvin allowed this.  “Other than what I see, did he hurt you anywhere else?” You shake your head, and squeeze tighter to Ari.  “Sweetheart, do you need Ari to leave?”
“No!” The idea of Ari’s skin not touching yours makes your body start to shake uncontrollably, and he pulls you closer to his body.
“Look at me, did he touch you?  Did…did he…”
“No, Angie.  I walked in before he was able to,” a kiss.  The softest kiss is pressed on your temple.  Slowly your breathing regulates, and the tenseness in your body starts to subside.
“Is that true?” Her voice was soft, and reminded you so much of your mother’s.  “Honey, no one here will judge you.  I just need to know.”
“No.  He didn’t.  Ari?”
“I’m right here.  Can you give her something for the pain?  Anything?”
Answering yes, she gets out of her seat, fetching her bag when she comes back, “Now, after your adrenaline has calmed down, I need you to get checked out again.  Where you’re going, someone will know how to get in touch with someone to help.  I fear that you may have fractures.  I’m giving you a fake passport, and ID.  Ari will be listed as your emergency contact, but try not to get lost.  Your bruises are deep.  But you survived.”
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Ari softly lays you in a warm bed, walking over to a dresser, he pulls out a few things before heading back to you, “Dulce, sit up, darling,” you sit up, and he pushes back the robe off your body.  Replacing it with a silk nightgown.  His hands never touch your skin, but he is sure to pull it completely down your body.
“I’m going to lay you back down, and change your panties, okay?” Your eyes finally give up their fight, and start closing as you lean back.  “Good girl,” Ari whispers gently.  Every touch on you is with so much care.  And then a thick duvet is pulled over your body, followed by a kiss to your temple.
Sleep starts to overtake you, and your body feels as if it weighs five thousand pounds.  Stuck to the bed, and unable to move.  It’s strangling.  Voices.  So many voices.  Hands.  Rough hands all over you.  Blinding lights.  Piercing pain.  Blurry vision.  Grunts.  Force.
You jolt up in bed sweating, heaving as you look around you.  You had never been here.  Your body is so sore, and you have no idea where you are.  “Ari,” you whisper.  He had been with you.  He saved you.  Throwing off the heavy blanket, you start tiptoeing out the room you are in.  Listening for voices, but there is none.
Your eyes look up and down the hallway, and only one door has a faint glow under it.  It was worth the shot.  Opening up the door you see his handsome face, sleeping calmly.  His bed was bigger, and you didn’t want to be alone.
As you lift up the blanket, Ari sits up abruptly, eyes wide staring at you.  A hand under his pillow, and you gaze at him owlishly, “Dulce, what are you doing?”
“I was having nightmares.”
“I should have figured.  Here,” he opens the blanket, you and get a quick glance at his body.  Gulping as you try and get comfortable.  “What’s wrong?” He asks when you try to twitch around.  “Darling?”
“Can you hold me?” He hesitates, and you know why.  There will be nothing that separates him from you.  He is completely nude, but he still pulls you flush with his body, and you start relaxing.  “Thank you.  I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for.  Get some sleep.”
Sleep.  Would it ever be comfortable again?  Before it was a way to escape your life.  Now it was haunting.  And every time that you feel August you wake up to Ari’s hands. His touch is gentle, and not demanding.  It is soft and caring.  Protective.  Comfortable.
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“Ari,” you whimper, spreading your legs a bit.  It was stupid, but you think maybe if you had sex with Ari you would quit having visions of August trying to take.  It didn’t make sense, and made total sense all the same, “Ari.”
“Dulce,” Ari responds, with less enthusiasm.  Sitting up in the bed, and slinging his feet over the edge, opposite of you.  His arms go above his head as he stretches out, yawning a bit.  Standing to walk over to the closet, pulling out some clothes, and tugs them on, “You just going to stare at me, or are you going to get dressed?  You remember where your room is?”
“Yeah, but,” you try to act sexy, biting at your lip.  Already cursing yourself for trying.  Ari does smirk at you, but shakes his head.  “But…”
“Get dressed.  I want to introduce to you my favorite woman in the world.”
Woman?  Woman?  What was his deal?  You get out of the bed, and stomp back to your room.  The nightgown definitely covered enough.  But you were told to get dressed.  Get dressed.  Rolling your eyes you open the closet, and pull out the first dress you touch.  He had a closet full of clothes for you.  He slept in the bed naked with you, and he had a woman.  
His favorite woman in the world.  His dick was touching the back of your legs just now, and he had a woman.  In this house?  Or was he keeping you away from her home?  Of all the stupid things, you trusted Ari with more than just your life.  You were acting like a child.  A fool.  And one stupid enough to believe that you were a woman in his life.
“Are you decent?” Ari knocks softly on the door.
“Yes,” your answer is short, but Ari still smiles.  “Where are we?”
“Tuscan,” well, he was full of words this morning.  Get dressed.  Meet my favorite woman in the world.  Are you decent?  Tuscan.  You feel this rage of jealousy build up inside of you, and for what?  Ari didn’t promise you anything.  Nothing.
“Here she is,” he says brightly, giving a big hug to an old woman, “Dulce, this is Nonna.  Nonna, this is…”
“Dulce Newton,” her smile is so large, her eyes completely close.  Crinkles move over her skin, and you look at Ari confused.  “I was the one that gave you that nickname.  You were always so sweet.  Followed Ari around like a lost little puppy.  Sit down.  I made breakfast.  Got you some nice coffee, maybe it’ll help your throat.  I trust the closet is good for you?”
“Yes, ma’am,” Ari pulls out a chair for you to sit in before he sits down beside you, demanding that Nonna sit down as well.  “I don’t understand.”
“What is there to understand?  You are here, as am I.  I made breakfast, and coffee.  Drink.  Eat.  Later you can go out in the vineyard.  Go to the edge, look out at the ocean.  Travel down to the docks.  Stay away from too many people.  Is that all the words, figlio?  Ari has so many rules for me, and now you have them, too.”
“And you’re still alive, and living your dream on a vineyard,” he pulls his phone out of his pocket, giving it a glance over before his chair screeches on the floor.
“No!” Nonna shouts pointing at him.  “You eat.  Then leave,” you turn to look at him, fear laced in your eyes, and Ari places a calming hand on your thigh.  “No point in arguing.  Duty calls, but he will eat.”
“Dulc, I have some things I need to attend to.  I’ll only be away for a few days, and then I’ll be back, and we will discuss what is going on.  I pissed a lot of people off.”
“Language,” Nonna scolds him, taking a sip of her coffee.  “I know you are a brute, but at this table, you will be respectful.  Especially in front of Dulce.”
“Yes, ma’am,” his hand never leaves your thigh, but not much else is discussed.  There isn’t much use.  Nobody tells Ari what he is going to do.  You just do it.  You just do as you are told.  
Ari stands up abruptly, and walks over to kiss Nonna’s cheeks, before he’s back in front of you.  A soft kiss to your temple, just like the one the night before, “I will be back in a few days.  I have things I have to take care of, and I need you here, and away from everything.  Nonna knows the drill.  Trust her.  I”ll be back.  Take care.”
He places another kiss on your temple before turning to leave.  “There’s no point in worrying about this.  But you seemed a bit upset.  He called me his favorite woman again, didn't he?” You sit in silence, trying to work through your emotions.  It had been a long night.  And you have conflicting feelings.
“Hmm, how did you sleep?  Considering your bed was empty.”
“I slept with Ari.”
“Sleeping slept, or the sexy slept?”
“He wouldn’t,” it wasn’t a lack of trying on your part.  You guess that outside of the club, you are nothing to Ari.
“Good.  Judging by those bruises on your face, neck, wrists, and I’m sure other places the last thing you need is sex.  Ari’s a good man.  If you didn’t mean anything to him, you wouldn’t be here.  And he would have had sex with you.  He can have sex with whoever he wants, but the ones he holds out on mean more than just a good lay,” she reaches across the table to hold onto your hand, and then stands carrying dishes to the sink, and you catch a glimpse behind her ear.
You don’t say anything, just tuck your legs up against your chest.  Thinking.
“I don’t expect you to always talk, but you should always listen.  You had a traumatic evening I gathered.  Your brother is running your dad’s business to the ground.  I’ve heard stories.  The day Ari had someone bring in loads of clothes here for you.  No one ever comes here.  No one even knows this place exists except the people that were here, and two others.  The one that brought your clothes, well she’s the only one that visits regularly.”
You look out the kitchen window.  Sprawling vineyards cover the backyard.  This is a piece of paradise.  “Yeah, but if it’s Ari’s house, people will know.  It can’t stay hidden for long.”
“It’s mine.  Ari might have paid for it, but this is mine.  It’s too big, but that’s how he is.  He likes things to be grand, and make a statement,” she tucks a wisp of hair behid her ear, causing even more attention to that spot, and you can’t help but stare at it.  “I wasn’t so different from you.  Ari’s grandfather saved me.  I was branded like cattle.  Looks like you're branded in bruises.  Did he touch you?”
You swallow bile as tears immediately cascade down your face.  Shaking your head no.  You knew what she meant.  August didn’t get the chance.  “He was going to though?” The tears come more rapidly, and Nonna moves to sit down beside you.  Wrapping an arm around your shoulder, and pulling you into her.  “There, there.  You not only survived, but now you get to live.”
“I think he killed my friend.  She wasn’t breathing,” Rita stepped in to protect you, and received a vase of flowers to the back of her head before August head butted her.  “Ari left her.”
“Ari’s goal was to get you out of there.  You’re of no value dead.”
“I gave him just a bit of information.”
“No.  He wouldn’t have allowed you to sleep in his bed.  My boy sleeps naked.  If you were just information he would have fucked you.  He wouldn’t have come back after you gave him the information.  He’s a smart man, sweet Dulce.  He came back for you, not the information.  He left I’m sure for some unfinished business.  Maybe to check on your friend.  But there’s no point in crying over Ari’s business.  You get used to the men going away.  Coming back bearing gifts to apologize.  They live hard lives, and want something soft to come home to.  You’re safe here, but stay away from large crowds.  Don’t leave the property until your bruises are healed.  People ask too many questions, and you will lead them right to our sanctuary.”
“I didn’t want to be a part of this life,” Nonna kisses the top of your head, and stands up, heading back to the sink.  
“You being here means you’re not a part of that life.  If you were a part of it, Ari would have you on his arm.  Showing off what he has that no one else does.  He brought you here to give you a different life than the mafia games, and dealing in drugs and pussy.  And you know it’s true.  You’re not in that life.  You’re in his.  Why don’t you walk through the vines.  They’re quite calming.  Later, I can show you the wine cellar.  Ari loves his wine.  It’d be a shame to not have that pretty dress blowing in the wind.  Heaven knows how much he spent on those clothes.”
Her weathered hands start scrubbing the breakfast dishes, and you stare at her burned skin a bit longer.  She was owned, and someone had wanted everyone to know who owned her.  “I didn’t know Ari was Italian.”
“He’s not.  I am.  His grandfather and I were never married.  Never were lovers, but best friends.”
“He rescued you, and…”
“His grandfather and him are not the same person, Dulce.  You still have that crush on my boy?” You shrug your shoulders, because you weren’t quite sure what you thought of Ari.  There was a raw attraction to him, but to say that you wanted anything more than sexual comfort was silly.
“Hmm.  Enjoy the sun, Dulce.  Enjoy being able to get out and have some freedom.  I’m sure that they kept you hidden and locked up.  Controlled your outfits, your hair, makeup, even the way your body looked.  This is your life now.  Live it.”
“What you said earlier,” Nonna turns to look at you, giving you her undivided attention.  There is something that has been bothering you.  “Ari and I…we…he bought a private room to be with me.  So I am…I’m just sex for him.”
“Mmm,” she takes a deep breath as she wipes her hands on her apron.  Moving to sit at the table with you, “Isn’t that private room where you were able to give Ari some valuable information about your brother’s plans?”
“Well, yeah, but…it wasn't’ sex, but…”
“You mean, you were being a smart woman.  Getting some enjoyment, while you gave him a bit of information while the cameras were on.  They only caught you and Ari having some pleasures of the flesh.  Dulce, I meant what I said.  That was a different instance.  What happened before is not now.  You did what you had to do to get out of there.  And when I tell you that you are more than just the wet cunt in between your thighs, it’s what I meant.  I don’t — I don’t play games with you or my boy’s mafia.  I know him.  I half raised that man.  He values you far more than you’re giving yourself credit for.  So what if he tasted or felt your warmth.  Things are at play.  It’s best you keep your head down and stop worrying about what these boys are doing to keep their territories in check.  It won't’ be long.  Calvin and August will not overturn Ari’s power.  Now, go enjoy your freedom.”
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Squinting out at the horizon of the ocean, you watch as a few boats float into the dock.  You still hadn’t gathered the courage to leave the property, but there is something so serene about watching the boats.  The salty air hangs thick in the air, and the sun paints across your cheeks.  The bruises had since faded, but the pain was still there.
A few days had turned into a couple of weeks, and there was no word from Ari.  Nonna told you there wouldn’t be.  He didn’t call here.  He just appeared, and would leave again.  You bring your knees up to your chest, circling your arms around them.  This became your stance.  No one else was here to hold you, so you hold yourself.  
Things at the little countryside home were peaceful.  And most impostly free.  Free from your brother and August.  Free from being put on stage as a naked dancing bear.  Unfortunately it was also free of Ari.  He lied.  He didn’t return, and left no word for you to know if everything is okay or if he is even alive.
He didn’t get to see you in the kitchen with Nonna as she taught you to cook and bake her favorite foods.  He never saw you mess up your bed, only to sneak into his bedroom every night.  Making the bed again before Nonna woke, while you pretend that you had slept in your room.  He didn’t know that you had sprayed his cologne on his pillows and your nightgowns to help you sleep.  He definitely didn’t know that you sat at the edge of the property watching the boats and tide come in; listening to the seagulls caw, and hope that one day he would come back to you.
You were free from being property to whatever man paid enough.  But you were trapped here longing for his return.  Wondering.  Worrying.  Waiting.  And every day that passed was another day of disappointment.
Ari steps into the kitchen.  Could already smell Nonna preparing something for dinner.  He says out her name, alerting her of his arrival and hopefully you as well.  She gives him a swat to his arm glaring, “How dare you, Ari Levinson.”
“What did I do?”
“A few days.”
“It’s business, and you know it’s never a few days,” he apologizes as his eyes move to the smaller set of stairs.  Not nearly as grand as the one in the front of the house.  “Is she napping?”
“She’s where she always is, sitting and waiting on you.  A stupid man with his stupid lies.  Telling me a few days in one thing, telling a girl who trauma bonded with you is another.  Stupid man.  You’re smart enough to not sleep with the girl, and still too dumb to realize she needs her savior.  You can allow your second to deal with some things while you get her settled.”
“She told you I didn’t sleep with her?” Nonna starts cursing at him in Italian, and Ari sits at the table, letting her berate him.  “Nonna, I didn’t sleep with her because…”
“You like the girl.  That’s why you couldn’t.  You have this protective hold over her.  You want to make sweet love with her in your mind, and your body is ready to devour her.”
“You gotta stop reading those trash books.”
“You like her, and she likes you.  She did before that night, and then you stepped in and saved her.  You told me she held onto you the whole flight here, and then you think you can just leave, you stupid man.  Aye yi yi.  What am I going to do with you two?” She starts talking to herself in her mother tongue, and Ari tries to piece together what she’s saying before interrupting.
“Taylor was missing,” Nonna stops talking quickly, and slowly sits down at the table.  “We located her, and she is recovering from her injuries.  Ready to tear me a new one because she doesn’t like outsiders involved.  I couldn’t put my second in charge because I didn’t have a second.  This is bigger than expected.”
“Hmm,” is all Nonna says as she goes back to her cooking.  Ari hopes for her to respond to more, but she doesn’t.  She starts humming a song that you had been singing, ignoring Ari.
“Are you going to tell me where she is?”
“Look out the window.  Take that basket.  I was going to take her some lunch, and now you can.  Grab a bottle of wine,” Ari stands at the double doors, watching you.  You looked peaceful, but sad.  One of the many dresses that he bought you billows in the wind.  “She sits there everyday.  Looking out at the ocean, and waiting on you.  Your sister is at the restaurant.  She sounded angry.  Maybe because her wife was missing?”
“I don’t care.  Taylor has been located.  I’ll visit with Leah later,” he grabs a bottle of wine from the cabinet, and the basket of lunch.  Jauntily walking out to you.  It had been far too long.  This week was shaping up to be a bunch of women angry with him.  
“Go away,” you answer coldly.  You didn’t want to look at him.  Looking at him hurt.
“Dulce, let me explain.”
“A few days, Ari.  You were gone for nineteen days.  Maybe next time you can tell me your definition of a few days is,” he joins you on your blanket.  Leaning forward, he tries to get your attention, but instead you turn your head up and away from him.  “I wait here everyday for you to return.”
“I’m here now.”
“I won’t be stuck here and be lied to about how long you’re going to be gone.  I deserve to know where you are.  How you are, and how much longer you are going to be.  You come here with…with a picnic basket and wine, and you want me to just open up my arms and let you back in, and I…I worried about you everyday.”
“I know.  And I am sorry, I truly am,” reaching for your hand, you flinch away, and he stops.  Letting his hand rest on his own thigh.  “I ran into some problems.  My second in command was missing.  She had to be located.  She has been, she is now in charge for at least a week.”
“My sister’s wife.  Leah didn’t want to have anything to do with our world, but she fell in love with a girl that did.  I wasn’t just locating my second in command.  I was locating my sister-in-law.  She is now safe, and recovering from minor injuries, and before you ask, it had nothing to do with The Dirty Martini.  That is something entirely separate.  Jonathan got Rita out of the club, and she’s…she suffered from injuries, and is in a completely different safe house.  No one knows about this place.  And I will continue to keep it that way.  You got jealous when I mentioned my second was a she.”
You protest by shaking your head.  Laying your hand on the blanket, you are not as angry now, and long for his touch.  Even if he thinks you were jealous.  You are not.  It’s just insulting to think he was looking for a woman, while you are here.  And even thinking it makes you realize how ridiculous you’re being.  “Yeah, you were.  What is there to be jealous of?”
“You…I…Ari, this is complicated.”
“No it’s not.”
“I offered to have sex with you, and you denied me.  But at the club you…”
“I touched you, and tasted you, yes.  I played my part just like you did,” he almost gets a chance to lay his hand on top of yours, but instead you cross your arms.  “Dulce, please, stop.  What happened in that private room, with cameras you can not bring out here.”
“You know what I taste like.”
“What is your point?” You will not answer.  He is being an ass.  Two can play that game.  “That room was for you to survive.  We did what we had to do for you to exchange information.”
“You enjoyed it.”
“If I recall, as did you.”
“Ugh,” you scoff, completely turning your body to where your back is facing him.  “You paid for me before knowing who I was or what information I had to offer.  You used me.”
“We used each other.”
“You…you had your fingers inside of me.”
“And they slipped in easily, because you were soaked.”
“You’re a pig,” this shouldn’t hurt so much.  Clearly he is just a client.  You can not get attached because you are nothing more than entertainment to him.
“And you were playing the part of a paid for whore.  You’re not in there and I will not treat you as a paid companion now.  Do you understand?” You slowly and dramatically exhale, and it only irritates Ari even more, “Do you understand?  I am not paying for your time.  I don’t need you grinding on my lap, and fucking my fingers, while you whisper how your brother and August have this half baked plan to overthrow my family.  Dulce, no matter what you think, me not fucking you is being respectful.  What do you want me to do?  Lay you down flat on this blanket, and pull your dress up, railing into you?”
“I want you to want to do that.”
“Oh my god!  I do want to do that!” You glance over your shoulder looking at him.  His outburst is not at all what you had been expecting.  “The only thing I have thought about every night as I was fucking my hand was sinking into you.  But I don’t want just sex with you.  You get it now?  I brought you here to my family.  Not my mafia family, but my favorite protected people.  If you were only as good as the information you gave me, you would be in an actual safe house instead of my Nonna’s home.  I chose this place because I wanted you more than just safety.  Now, turn around, and have lunch with me, and quit practically begging me to fuck you.  It just may happen, but it’s not going to happen right now.”
You do turn around, but you still don’t look at him.  You still don’t say anything, just grab the picnic basket and pull out two plates.  Laying out some cheese, grapes, and bread while Ari fills wine glasses.  “You’re not going to talk to me, hmm?”
“I am still mad at you.”
“Be mad at me, but you could at least smile.”
“Can I sleep in the bed with you?”
“I sleep naked.”
“Then you better have the resistance of the strongest man alive because I already sleep in there every night.  That is my bed.  You can continue to sleep naked,” and you preferred that.
“I’ll be late,” it is already starting again.  You throw your head back growling, and Ari laughs a moment, “Leah is demanding an audience with me.  I have to wait until she closes the restaurant to do that.  Okay?  Just have on one of your pretty little nightgowns, and wait on me.  I’m not leaving Tuscan.  I’m just going into the city.  I’ll wear a tracking device if you want me to.”
“No.  But I want you back within an hour.  And I want you to stop lying to me.”
“Fine.  I won’t be gone longer than two hours, but it should be closer to an hour.  Leah talks, I listen.  She probably just wants to fuss at me for losing her wife.”
“Fine.  Pass the Brie, please,” Ari nods his head with a smile, but passes the Brie.  He has never been told what to do by a woman.  And here you are making demands of him, and he isn't even angry.  There is respect.  But also it turned him on that you weren’t afraid to make such demands.  He dreaded going to talk to Leah almost as much as he did talking with Taylor.  Leah was well suited for this business.  Too bad she hated everything about it.  Except her wife.
Ari didn’t care what the business was, he was going to spend time here.  Time with Nonna, his sister, but most importantly; time with you.
Ari reaches a hand out, placing it respectfully on your knee, and you actually allow him that touch.  His thumb traces over the joint as he takes a bite. The two of you go into a less intense conversation than the one prior.  Comfort.  He was like a warm hug.
Nonna looks up through her kitchen window as she finishes her task of the moment.  A smile creeps up on her face before she closes the curtains.  The two of you are going to be okay.  People never could stay mad at Ari, and you were proving to be no different. But from the looks of it, you had given him your boundaries. Just like she told you to. Ari hated to read between the lines. He always wanted to know.  And it looked like you were going to tell him exactly what you wanted.
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season​ @marveloustaylortot​ @pono-pura-vida​ @sstan-hoe​ @missusbarnes-rogers​ @peaches1958​ @seitmai​ @smile1318​ @andydrysdalerogers​ @cjand10​ @buckysteveloki-me​ @whimsyplaty92​ @elrw24​ @lovsalpkn @midnightramyeoncravings​ @angelmather1​ @slowdownbeforeyouregretit​
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albertdabuttler · 2 years
Be My Lover | K.H.
fandom: 80s
pairings: Kirk Hammett x F!Reader
WARNINGS: Smut… Drinking but not getting drunk, jealousy, nothing happens with the other guy, possessiveness, dirty talk?? public sex kinda, fingering, p in v unprotected, looooots of kissing, giggly after sex Kirk.
summary: You thought going to a club to fill a void would help, until you’re ditched and caught dancing with another man.
WC: 3.6k
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gif by me!!
A/N: who else loves be my lover by la bouche?
11:13PM, June 6th, 1996.
Clubs weren't ever really your thing.
Like who the fuck wants to go out, wait in a line for an hour and when you get in, everyone forgets about personal space and it reeks of sweat, alcohol and weed.
A friend you met recently had invited you to a club to have 'fun,' and you didn't want to let her down. 
"Hey!" She called, running up to you with open arms, giving you a kiss on the cheek.
"How are you?! Were you waiting outside for long?" She asked.
"I'm good, thanks for asking. And no, I was on the list apparently." You shrugged.
"Ugh, you're so lucky you're dating a cool rockstar who can get into whatever club he wants... I wish I had a boyfriend like that."
You laughed, "I don't even know that I'm on these lists until I actually go to the club. Sometimes it's fucking weird as hell 'cause I've never even heard of most of them." You stated.
"But what about you, Sara? How are you?"
"I'm good! Someone offered estacy but I wanted to wait for you to take it." She winked.
You chuckled, "Oh, you didn't have to do that. I wasn't really planning on doing anything crazier than getting wasted."
"That's fine." She laughed.
"Also, I am so sorry to do this... But I met a cute guy...so I'm gonna go talk to him." She whispered, "I'll catch you later though!"
"That's fine, bye!" You smiled.
There was no fucking way she just invited you to a club only to ditch you. God, what was your problem with making all these terrible friends? Maybe it was the close contact to Kirk and the rest of the band. But you felt selfish for thinking that way...
You spotted a bar near the middle of the club so you made your way to it.
"What can I get for ya?" The barista asked.
"Could I get an extra dirty martini with Tito's?" You requested as you sat on one of the stools.
"Sure thing!" He smiled, turning around to make your drink.
What an upbeat guy, you thought.
A minute passed and he handed you your drink, moving to serve any other people at the bar.
Spinning in your chair towards the dance floor, you spotted a guy staring at you.
He raised his eyebrows at you and smiled, before walking towards you. You quickly turned back around.
Please god save me.
"Hey, beautiful."
You grimaced at the corny line.
"Can I help you?" You said politely.
"What are you doing all alone in a club like this?" He looked you up and down.
"Uh, my friend invited me but she ditched me for a guy." You answered truthfully.
"That's not very nice. How about you finish your drink and come dance with me?" He smirked, sitting on the stool next to you.
You were bored out of your mind and didn't want to sit at the bar and look like a depressed, lonely loser, so you agreed.
"Sure." You forced a smile.
A couple minutes later, you had finished your drink and were on your way to the dance floor, the guy following close behind.
You liked the song that was playing, and instinctively began subtly nodding your head to the beat of the song.
Dancing wasn't really a skill you had, so you just swayed your hips in hopes that no one would notice your horrible attempt.
You looked around the room for the guy you were with when suddenly you felt hands on your waist.
Pulling away and turning around, you were looking up at him.
"I have a boyfriend. Just an FYI." You took his hands off you, awkwardly chuckling.
"So? I have a girlfriend. It's okay to have a little fun." He moved closer.
"We're not doing anything. So don't try it." You responded.
He smirked, resting his hands on your waist.
It felt odd, you really missed Kirk. You hadn't spent time with him in almost a month because of all the technical work business shit he had to deal with to release the Load album.
So you pretended it was Kirk's hands on you.
The two of you swayed to the music, his hands running up and down your sides and as pathetic as it was, you actually pictured Kirk behind you. Running his hands along your waist and hips, whispering stupid shit he thought of to make you laugh like he always did.
You opened your eyes, literally catching on fire and burning your eyes at the hottest sight in human history.
A man in an all black outfit, chain necklaces, short black, curly hair, and a lip and nose piercing greeting random people in the club.
Your movements halted at the sight of him, causing your partner to stop too.
Grinning enough to make your cheeks hurt, he finally turned his head and spotted you, his face lighting up like a kid in a candy store.
In that moment you realized how he was seeing you, his grin slowly faltered and his eyebrows knitted together.
"Oh, fuck," you mumbled to yourself as Kirk made his way to you.
"Hi," Kirk smiled as he approached the two of you.
"Can we help you?" The guy asked.
"Yes sir," He smiled, showing that adorable dimple. "What's your name?"
"My names Diego." He answered.
"And who's this lovely lady beside you...?" Kirk smiled to himself at the sight of you.
You were about to answer before Diego replied.
"She's my date." He said possessively
"She's your what?" Kirk kept smiling, cocking his head to the side with his eyebrows furrowed. You felt yourself getting nervous.
"We were just dancing." You replied for him.
"Yeah." Diego agreed.
"I'm sorry," Diego interrupted, "but who are you?"
Kirk turned to you with a look that said 'You could have done so much better.'
"I'm Kirk. Kirk Hammett." He smiled politely. You could tell he was holding back from strangling this asshole to death.
"Oh, you're that Metallica guy, right?"
Kirk pursed his lips, nodding his head in slight annoyance.
"I like your music. But if you'll excuse me, I'm going to dance with this one." Diego tried to walk away.
"She's my girlfriend, dumbass. Why do you think I came over here?" Kirk got impatient.
Diego was about to respond before Kirk grabbed your wrist, "Now if you'll excuse us though," he said, leaving Diego there astounded.
"Where are we going...?" You questioned.
He turned and gave you a dirty look, "You, shut up."
"What the fuck did I do?" You scoffed.
Kirk didn't reply and you took that as a sign to actually shut up. This wasn't like him at all, you had no idea what came over him or why he seemed so pissed off.
Finally you found yourself being led into a hallway, and you saw the bathrooms at the end.
He pulled you through the door, leaning against it and crossing his arms. The bathroom was big and fancy, just like the club. Black walls, the stalls were fully enclosed, the sinks had golden faucets and there was even a little counter where one could touch up their makeup. You leaned on it.
Thankfully you were the only two in there.
"What were you doing with that guy?"
"Dancing." You replied, annoyed.
"Why not?"
"Because, you've got a boyfriend," he gestured to himself, scoffing.
"Oh my god, Kirk. What's going on with you? We danced for like five seconds before I saw you. What's the big deal?"
"The big deal is that you didn't turn him down. And he's a piece of shit." He replied.
"Okay? I was bored. My friend ditched me." You said.
You clenched your teeth, "You can't really tell me who I can or can't dance with, because you fuck groupies.” You poked him in the chest, “Highly doubt you'd turn down a chance to have sex." You seethed, thinking you hit him where it hurt.
He chuckled, "I do turn down groupies. For you. Because I actually love you and care about you."
You stood there frozen in place before coming up with a response.
"Listen to me. I missed you Kirk, I really did. And you haven't called at all, so I was...starting to get lonely. I came to hang out with my friend to feel better but she just took off, and then this guy came up to me, so I couldn't just turn him down." You explained.
"I haven't seen you in two weeks, and haven't been with you in over a month. But look, and I know it sounds pathetic... When I was dancing with him," you lowered your voice, "I was pretending like it was you." You said, looking to the floor embarrassed.
You saw his feet step directly in front of you. Looking up, he hid a smile. "You were pretending it was me?" He said with a kiddish giggle.
"Shut up."
"No, you shut up..." He said, his smile fading as he looked at your lips.
Feeling hot, you couldn't help but blush as he was moving closer. Every time he was about to kiss you felt like the first time. Like he'd never done it before. Like each time he kissed you, you would forget what it felt like.
"I'm gonna kiss you," he warned, just then giving you a soft peck on the lips.
Once he pulled away, he took a step back and looked you up and down.
"You look really pretty, " he said, his eyes lingering over your breasts for a little too long.
You just wore a short simple dress. Nothing special, it just showed some cleavage.
"Sorry I didn't call... I was really fuckin' busy with the album. You know how it is... But I really missed you." He whispered, his face inches from yours as he had you trapped, his hands resting on the counter by your sides.
Something poked your tummy, both of you looking down.
"And so did he," he chuckled, looking back up to you as he pressed his lips onto yours for the second time.
This kiss got hotter a little quicker, his hands moved to the back of your thighs to pick you up and set you on the counter.
One of his hands rode up your thigh, under your dress and you felt him tug on your panties. He stopped the kiss for a second in order to focus on taking them off.
"Kirk, wait,"
He stopped and stepped back, "Are you sure we're not gonna get caught?" you said, pulling your panties all the way off because he left them in an uncomfortable position.
Kirk took that as a queue that he could continue. "Who cares? I want us to get caught. I want that guy to know who fucks you the way you like it." He kissed you once more, pushing his tongue into your mouth and drowning out any other words you tried to speak.
His hand moved back up your thigh, quickly finding your cunt and he used his thumb to rub circles over your clit.
You let out a gasp and rested your forehead on his shoulder, your hands gripping the fabric on either one.
As he massaged your sensitive bud, his other hand came up to start unbuttoning his own shirt.
"I made you this wet didn't I? Was it me or the other guy?" He huffed.
All you could do was whimper in response. He was right, only he could make you feel so good you lose a grip from reality.
"Hey, answer." He pulled his hand away, the other softly grabbing your jaw to look at him.
"Me, right? Only I can do this to you." He smirked, pressing a kiss onto your cheek like he didn't just say the most disgusting thing ever.
"Yes, Kirk," you sighed, "you made me like this."
Kirk smiled softly, just then slowly pushing two of his fingers into you at once. You closed your eyes, feeling Kirk watching your expressions.
"Feel good?" He asked, picking up his pace and resting his other hand on your lower back.
"Fuck yeah," you replied, tightening your grip on his shoulders. His fingers curled up into just the right spot, causing you to reach up and place kisses all over his neck. You stained his skin with prints of your lipstick, occasionally leaving bite marks here and there.
You heard him chuckle to himself. He knew your body so well, he knew exactly what reactions you'd have to certain things. Hell, if he was being honest, he was only using his hands just for you to kiss all over his neck, later letting everyone in the club know that he was yours.
"God, Kirk... Feels so good," you whined, resting your forehead on his bare chest. He smelled good too, he was probably wearing an expensive cologne and it just made you wetter.
"Fuck, I wanna eat you out so bad..." He whispered above your head, making you shiver.
"When we get home." He finished, pumping his fingers in you at a quick pace, enough to get you there.
"Kirk, I'm almost—"
You couldn't even finish your sentence before he pulled his fingers out.
Groaning in disappointment, you looked up at him to question why.
"Why the fuck did you do that?" You looked at him with attitude.
His face moved closer to yours, "'Cause you danced with another guy." He smiled, slowly sucking your juices off his fingers, one at a time.
"Not a reason to be a dick." You crossed your arms, looking away to avoid getting flustered.
"Yeah but definitely a reason to give you dick," he joked, beginning to unbuckle his belt.
You immediately looked down, almost reaching to help him but stopping yourself to avoid looking desperate.
"Tell me I'm the only one you want, the only one who can make you cum so good you forget about anyone else." He spoke desperately, pulling his pants and boxers down just low enough to free himself.
You didn't reply, only taking in his erection. His cock was gorgeous, it had a slight curve upwards that helped him hit your sweet spot.
"Did you hear what I said?" He said a little louder.
"Yes. Yeah Kirk," you quickly met his eyes.
They were dark with lust. "...only you can make me feel good... You're the best I ever had." You reassured him with a smile.
He sighed contently, spitting on his hand and then jerking himself before pulling you off the counter. The movement was sudden, so you held onto his chest to bring yourself back to balance. You stared at his body, the black shirt still on him although it was unbuttoned so you got that sliver of skin in the middle, revealing a light definition of his pectoral and abdominal muscles.
"Turn around," he whispered, not even giving you any time, he grabbed you by the hips and turned you around, bending you over the counter.
Kirk rarely gave it to you from behind because he said it wasn't intimate enough, but when he did, it was always an amazing orgasm for the both of you.
He took a second to tease you, dragging his tip up and down your slit while smirking at you through the mirror, you looked at him unamused.
Noticing this had no effect, slowly he started pushing into you, closing his eyes and shivering at the feeling. There were faint cheers audible outside the bathroom, making you both laugh at the timing.
The DJ seemed to have turned the volume up and you listened as the club mix of Be my lover by La Bouche was playing.
"Fuck, I love this song." You let out a breath as Kirk finally bottomed out.
"Not as much as you love me though, right?" He stayed still for a moment, leaning over you and pressing his torso against your back, his chin resting on your shoulder.
"We look so good like this," he smiled, "I love you."
"I love you too...Now can you actually fuck me please?" you begged, "I haven't had anything inside me since last time we had sex and I just need it right now."
"That's an interesting way to tell me you missed me." He chuckled leaning back up.
"Not even a toy or something...?"
"Shut up." You said, getting agitated before he pulled almost all the way out and harshly pushed himself back in.
He repeated this motion, gradually getting faster as he stared at you through the mirror.
Your breathing quickened, letting out low groans. Kirk kind of lifted one of your legs in a way, giving himself space to draw circles on your clit with his other hand.
A significantly loud moan erupted from your throat, most likely audible for anyone outside the bathroom door.
You clenched around him, making him let out a grunt, "Fuck, I missed you so much," he whined, closing his eyes as his jaw fell open, his eyebrows knitting together.
His thrusts got harder, repeatedly hitting that good spot in you.
Watching him through the mirror, you saw his eyes roll back as his face contorted into different expressions of pleasure, his shirt slipping off one of his shoulders, revealing his bicep.
You whimpered, "Kirk, I'm gonna cum," you breathed heavily.
"Please hold it for a bit, baby," He replied smiling softly at you through the mirror. But you couldn't. With a few more thrusts, your vision got almost blurry as you closed your eyes, letting go of the knot in your stomach.
"I'm sorry," you apologized.
"It's okay, now I know you really missed me if I made you cum that fast." He smirked cheekily.
Kirk stopped his movements on your clit to avoid overstimulating you, his thrusts continuing at the same hard and fast pace.
"I'm almost there," He sighed, biting his lip and letting out soft moans.
He tried going faster, making you clench around him at the sensitive feeling. The liquids from your orgasm helped lubricate his movements a lot better, but his thrusts started slowing down, getting sloppier.
"Fuck..." He whispered, "I'm gonna cum," he said, just then his hips stuttered, his eyes shutting tightly as he tensed up, his seed painting all over your insides. He kept thrusting a little more just to ride out his high. The both of you let out hard breaths as he pulled out, smiling contently at you through the mirror, caressing your hips.
You got up and he giggled, helping you clean up and handing you your panties as he pulled up his boxers and then his trousers.
You started making your way to the door before he grabbed your hand, spinning you around and pressing a soft kiss onto your lips.
"I love you." He smiled.
Smiling back, "I love you too," you responded.
"I'm sorry this was all I could give you, I just really missed the feeling of you, and I couldn't wait... But I promise when we get home, I'll treat you better." He winked.
"Kirk, it's okay." You chuckled, buttoning up his shirt, making his collar look neat. "It's not like you just treated me badly."
"Sorry," He said, watching your face as you focused on his shirt.
"What'd I ever do to deserve you..." He looked at you sadly.
"Shut up, cheeseball." You looked away as you grabbed his hand and lead him to the door, making a joke to avoid having this conversation now.
Right as you opened the door, someone walked in, looking between the both of you awkwardly, staring at the mess of lipstick all over Kirk's mouth and neck.
The woman gulped, blinking and quickly walking past you into the bathroom, Kirk just chuckled.
"You sure you don't wanna clean that up?"
"It's okay, babe, I don't care if they know what happened. At least this way they know I'm all yours," he looked down at you with those adorable eyes.
"Ugh, I hate it when you do that." You joked, looking away to hide the blood rush in your face.
You made it to the main room, walking past people to the exit.
You came across Sara, "Hey guys!" She smiled at the sight of you, "I didn't know you were back, Kirk." She greeted him with a handshake.
"Wait..." She squinted, seeing the mess of lipstick all over him, it was kind of hard to notice in the low light of the room.
"Were you the ones having a quickie in the bathroom?"
You both blushed, looking at each other awkwardly.
"Me and some other girls needed to use it but we heard some... Noises...so we didn't go in."
"Oh god." You pinched the bridge of your nose, embarrassed.
Kirk laughed at your reaction, "Yeah, sorry about that." He chuckled.
"Okay, we're going home now." You said, hugging Sara. Kirk waved and took your hand, following you to the door.
Of course though, the night wouldn't be over without you running by Diego.
You simply ignored him, but Kirk gave him a stare without your knowledge, trying to make the kiss marks on his neck as noticeable as possible for Diego to know only Kirk knew how to fuck you good.
Finally you exited, taking a breath of the fresh air as Kirk pressed a kiss onto your cheek.
"Ready to go home?" He smiled.
thank you for reading!!!
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effervescentdragon · 11 months
trick or treat 🎃👻
thank youuuuu! here is an excerpt from the sewis spy au for you ela 🥰😘💞
"Hello. I think your martini needs a refill," someone said from his left, in accented English. Lewis' hackles rose immediately, but he acted unaffected as he turned to look at the newcomer.
The first thing he noticed were the stranger's eyes. They were blue, too blue, and too clear. He was smiling at Lewis, and he looked young, deceptively so. His smile was wide, and had too many teeth, but it wasn't threatening. His dirty blond hair was curled, and it looked soft.
Lewis blinked.
"Excuse me?" He said suavely, smiling his distracted smile.
The man chuckled.
"Oh, you're excused." His eyes twinkled. "I think you should either get a refill, or, even better, finish your drink and then maybe go somewhere else."
'Achilles, stand by. Play along. We don't know who he is, but we're checking.'
Lewis couldn't reply, so he obeyed and played along, even though every nerve in his body was on alert.
"Why would I do that? I like the atmosphere here," he said with his flirtiest smile.
The man blinked, his eyes darting to Lewis' lips in a blink-and-you'll-miss-it second. His smile didn't falter.
"That may be so, although I wouldn't agree. The music is atrocious," he said, and Lewis placed his accent as German. "But, and I say this with all the respect due, you would be better being anywhere else tonight."
That sounded - ominous.
"Oh? And why is that?" Lewis asked, and even though his tone was unchanged and he never looked away from the stranger, his whole body was already coiled for a fight.
The stranger tapped his fingers on the bar, looking at Lewis and biting his lip. That damn smile was still on his face, but there was something in his eyes, something that Lewis couldn't read, and yet, whatever it was, it felt honest.
The stranger leaned closer to him, and Lewis could smell the fresh pine scent of him. Up close, his eyes were even bluer, and as tempestuous as the ocean.
"Because," he said in an almost-whisper, and Lewis could feel the echo of his breath on his own lips. "You are out of your depth here. This is a trap, Achilles."
Lewis' mouth went dry. He couldn't help the widening of his eyes, nor the pounding of adrenaline that coursed through his body in an instant.
'Fuck!' Bono shouted through the comms, his voice frazzled. 'Get out, Achilles, get out! Whoever he is, he's right - our data shows three vehicles filled with Bull mercenaries just arriving at the club's back entrance!'
Lewis knew he should start running immediately, but he couldn't look away from the stranger's eyes.
"Who are you?" He whispered, feeling like an amateur the instant the words left his lips. The stranger's gaze softened imperceptibly for a second. He licked his lips, and Lewis couldn't help but look. They were pink, and full, and the moisture on them shone brightly in the club lights.
"Someone who doesn't want you to die."
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perfectly-intoxicated · 6 months
Hannah has control over every aspect of her life. The people she kills, the ones she fucks, how she looks, the amount she chooses to drink – no matter what kind of spiral she sends herself into next, it's always her choice, because everyone hates the feeling of being powerless.
That's why she hates Vincent Ansaldo. No matter what, it's always what he wants. She just happened to be exactly that.
"Mein diamant, what a surprise. What are you doing here?" Sturdy arms snake around her waist from behind, a sharply-accented voice dripping with his shit-eating grin cutting through the blaring music from how close he's made himself. "Did you not get enough of me yesterday?"
I got plenty of you yesterday. The words are right on the tip of her tongue, as cut-edged as a blade. She’s still got that bruise on her hip, the bastard, yet she swallows the spew of insults down. The grip on her gin martini tightens, her white knuckles concealed by the dim room.
"I'm not here for long." Hannah's voice is hard to make out through the blaring sound of the room, but she still is seemingly unamused. She can see his reflection displaying itself in and out of her glass thanks to the flashing lights above them. From an outsider's perspective, any woman would deem herself lucky of his attention.
Sandy blonde hair that reaches his shoulders just enough brush against her cheek, and she doesn’t need to look to know a pair of dark jade greens are staring down at her with unwavering attention. Charming, deadly, and smart, Vincent came from a long, powerful line of questionable family affairs and affluent descendants who took what they wanted, when they wanted.
She knew he frequented here. It was one his clubs, why wouldn’t he? She had just hoped to be able to get the information she needed and buzz off before he could spot her.
Obviously, hope was fucking useless.
“And why not?” His hand raises up to brush away her hair in favor of revealing her neck, and he leans down to press his lips to her pulse. It always stuttered when he was near, but not for the reason he believed. “Running off the moment you can before stopping by to greet me. I’m hurt."
“You’ll live.” Hannah brings the drink up to her lips for a short sip, and she tries not to think about how the arms around her tighten when she glances around for the target she'd been following. Alex Aguilar, a woman who thought it was a good idea to bring kids into her dirty work.
Now those kinds of people were the scum under her heel. At least she’d be able to take her sweet time with her once the right moment came around.
"Vince, I'm trying to work, so can you just–"
"Who are you tailing after?"
The voice next to her ear lowers, and it's not the kind of tone he uses when he's planning on dragging her off to fuck her. Someone is getting in the way of him spending time with her, and even though he's trying his damn best to make his question sound as nonchalant as possible, she's known him long enough to know when he's getting irritated.
The burn of alcohol when she swallows barely affects her.
Hannah takes a deep breath, forces herself to glance up at him with an easy smile. Just like he liked to see her. You’re prettier when you smile. She still remembers tears being wiped from her face with a deceptively gentle hand and his blurry frame hovering over her. “No one important. None of them are.”
That seems to please him, because he’s grinning down at her like a predator who’s decided to have mercy instead of one that’s about to attack. “That’s right, pretty girl.” Vincent sighs deeply, smile faltering but not disappearing just yet as he tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. “I trust you’ll come back to me later then?”
When does she not? When could she not?
Vincent walks away with a kiss to her cheek and a slap to her ass once he's had enough of her. The sound of his chuckle as he further distances himself makes her want to turn back around and smash her glass over his head, strangle him, lodge the pieces of glass into his throat and force everyone to watch his blood splatter and spill over the floors. That would be nice. That would be perfect actually. At that moment, she wouldn't care if it eventually got her killed.
He's a prick. He gets on her nerves. But all she had to do was do what he wants, and he'd eventually get tired of her. Not much she can do now except suck it up.
Hannah shuts her eyes. Takes a deep breath.
You're fine.
She downs the rest of her drink and goes back to her hunt. Maybe that would bring back the spring in her step and the bloodlust she needs.
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bookishwum · 2 years
Shepherd opened his mouth, but closed it again. Then he did something I’d never seen before. He smiled. Shepherd Calloway actually smiled.
— Faking Ms. Right, Claire Kingsley
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2. Soloist/ The River
"You really think we're going to be able to see them through all this?"
"Shut up and sip your whiskey."
The night club was full of smoke and bodies. About a dozen small tables crowded the main floor; cabaret-style, they faced a main stage, only two or three chairs to a table so each seat had a clear view of the performance. Nearly every patron was smoking; the nightclub boasted its own brand of cigar, and it was popular. 
They'd secured a table near the edge of the crowd; despite the cloud of smoke impairing visibility, they were able to split their sightlines between both the audience and the bar near the back. Faye lifted her martini daintily to her lips, eyeing their fellow audience members. "How's the alley looking, Jet?" she murmured.
"As clean and crisp as a rusted sewage drain," he grumbled back through her earpiece. "Next time a bounty head frequents a nightclub like this, I call dibs on staking out the inside."
"I thought you liked playing back up," Spike whispered, hiding a grin behind his whiskey glass.
"I don't like playing back up, I like going into situations with thoughtful preparation. It's you two knuckleheads who always run in, guns blazing, and I have to play backup by process of elimination."
"That's your fault for not having enough initiative," Faye replied calmly. "Next time you find a bounty listing, you can decide who goes where. This was my lead and I'm calling the shots. now quit whining."
Onstage, some preparation appeared to be taking place. A standup mic, the vintage kind with a cord and everything, was placed center stage by a tech hand. A young woman, looking to be about Faye's age, stood to the side with an acoustic guitar. 
Spike stretched his legs under the table. "I'd only go on a date with Jet if he wears that number you had for that one masquerade."
Faye's eyes twinkled with mischief. "The one with the ruffles?"
"Wait, what?"
"Yeah, that's the one."
"That one's so last season, no way. Besides, Jet would stretch it out and ruin it."
"I don't know, Faye, I think the neckline would really accentuate his broad shoulders in a nice way."
"Hmm, you may have a point there."
"Now hold on just a second---"
The nightclub lights began to dim. Spike put a finger to his earpiece. "Sorry Jet, the show's starting, can't hear you."
He muted his own mic, while simultaneously turning Jet's angry sounds of protest down to a low murmur. Faye gestured up at the woman onstage, tuning her guitar. "Don't worry, the kidnappers reportedly arrive around the second act; this is just an opener, we've got time."
Spike leaned his arm on their little table, resting his chin in his palm and shooting her a smug grin. "Oh, I'm aware. I wanted to have a little privacy for a moment."
"Oh?" Faye asked, catching a waiter's eye and drawing him to their table. "Whatever for?"
"Why did you stick Jet in the alley?"
She paused a moment, graciously nodding at the waiter replacing her martini before shooting Spike a quizzical look. "The back door to the stage is in that alley, and we're covering the front door. What kind of dumb question is that?"
"I read the bounty listing, Faye. The full one, not just the summary you rushed on Jet and I."
Recognition dawned in widened eyes. Faye found a sudden heightened interest in their tablecloth, her fake oblivious pout giving her away. "What about it?"
Spike leaned in closer, chasing her eyes. "These guys are clumsy and predictable; you could catch them both in your sleep if you wanted to. Why bother splitting the bounty three ways when you could have kept it all to yourself?"
Faye huffed irritably. "I didn't feel like putting in the effort. Why bother risking getting my hands dirty when I can have you two do the work for me?"
She turned back, flicking Spike's nose irritably. "We're already here, so we might as well go through with it. Besides, I haven't had a chance to wear this new dress yet, what do you think?"
"You used a bounty as an excuse to wear a new dress out?"
"Not entirely, but it was a good reason to. You didn't answer my question, by the way."
"And you didn't answer mine. I'll bet Jet wouldn't appreciate his current position if he knew how much those earrings cost."
Faye's mouth twitched. She lay her hand lightly over Spike's wrist, digging her nails pointedly into his skin. "Well, this was my intel, and I can do with my bounty budget what I please. At least I have some sense of propriety, unlike some people."
Spike winced. He placed his free hand over Faye's, attempting to pry it up. "What are you talking about?"
"Your suit."
"My suit? What's wrong with my suit? I went out and got a new one, just like you demanded!"
"You can't just buy a suit and not iron it, you idiot. I didn't even know a suit could be that wrinkled."
"Oh, now my tie's the problem?"
They paused their hushed debate as another waiter passed by. He gestured at Spike's glass; Spike nodded and smiled amicably, rubbing his thumb over the back of Faye's hand still digging holes into his wrist. Once the waiter was gone, Faye retrieved her hand and glared at him. "You have the social decorum of a mountain goat."
"Better than a cat that should be declawed," Spike grumbled back, rubbing at his wrist.
"I thought you hated cats?"
"I do."
"Could have fooled me; you seemed very interested in mine last night."
Faye grinned, victory dancing in her eyes. Spike's tongue stuck in his cheek; he was fighting valiantly against a smile crossing his own face and losing. Accepting defeat, he rolled his eyes and leaned forward, kissing Faye on the cheek. "You win, Valentine."
He sat back in his chair, allowing himself a mini-victory as Faye blushed furiously and attempted to hide behind her martini. "You look beautiful," he said quietly, just loud enough for her to hear.
She kept her eyes fixed on the musician onstage, feigning indifference. "There, was that so hard?"
"Did you just want an excuse to go out on a date?"
"With you? Please."
Spike leaned in and kissed her again. "Why not? I can be charming."
Faye gritted her teeth, her blush deepening. "I'd rather go on a date with Ein."
"So you don't like it when I kiss you?"
"Not in public like a teenager, now stop it. You're disturbing the other patrons."
Spike rolled his eyes, glancing around at the other tables. There were indeed a couple tables glancing at them, though most seemed to be the women out of envy more than annoyance. He waved lightly at them, grinning as their snooping neighbors turned quickly back to the woman onstage. She was starting a second song, and Spike resigned himself to listen for a little while.
The song washed over the club, mixing with the smoke and high-end perfumes enveloping the audience. It seemed to be an old song, Faye's type of old.
You had a choice I couldn't make
And this is the last turn that you take
On a lonely, lonely, lonely road
The soloist played it slow, a lilting melancholy heavy in her voice. The audience sat captivated, and despite himself, Spike felt himself drawn in as well.
Give me your hand, here is my heart
Where does it end? When do we start?
On a lonely, lonely, lonely road
Faye's hand found his on their table, and she laced their fingers together. No fear of claws now, she'd been drawn in as well.
If I follow you to the river
Send my blues out to the sea
Will you stay with me forever?
Will you chase me in my dreams?
Spike's hand clenched reflexively, but Faye kept her grip soft.
If I throw it all in the river
And let the rhythm take the lead
Will it stay with you whenever
That you lean on me?
Ooh, I know, I know
Ooh, I know
The soloist's playing grew in intensity, her eyes closed tight as she sang her chorus again. The lyrics drew something from deep inside the audience, especially the pair of bounty hunters sheltered in the corner. Faye rested her head on Spike's shoulder, the weight grounding him back as the tune threatened to pull him away.
As the soloist's performance drew to a close, the door near the back of the club cracked open. Faye lifted her head and glanced back, nudging Spike with her shoulder. He barely turned his head; two men had just slipped in, creeping in to take a seat just two tables across from them.
"Just like the intel said," Faye whispered.
Spike nodded wordlessly. Faye laid her hand against his arm. "You alright?"
He nodded again, sneaking one last kiss before downing the rest of his whiskey. "It's showtime."
In the river, your reflection
Is a promise you couldn't keep
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know
I lost you here
Fictional and loving it.
"The most dangerous thing one can possess is the genius of Einstein, Shakespeare, Tolkein, Ben Franklin, and C.S. Lewis, and the imagination and creativity of a five-year-old."
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rivetgoth · 3 months
It feels kinda crazy to already be nostalgic for such a recent period of my life but god this song came out in late 2022 (I was at the release show at a venue that doesn’t exist anymore, it was probably one of the last concerts put on there) and in the first half of 2023 I heard it at the club probably at least weekly because at the time there was this tiny local goth night happening at this small bar downtown and one of the DJs there was friends with Madeline. Sometimes she’d play it twice in one night lol. This night was so small that like a good 75% of the time the only people who went were me, Angel, Jason, and the people running the damn event, so we got to know all of them. We’d get other people out as often as possible and any time someone else did show up we were pretty much guaranteed to become friends lmao. It was cute though, they played a lot of local music and the bar itself was a cocktail bar so there were some cute drinks. The bartenders were kinda terrible though LOL they would constantly get people’s drinks completely wrong, like tequila instead of whiskey or vodka sours instead of dirty shirleys, or one time Jason ordered a beer and they were out of whatever he ordered so they just silently handed him something else 😭 That year it rained for months straight so I just remember week after week going downtown parking in the same spot walking a couple of blocks in the rain and hearing this song in this tiny empty bar with a kinda bad espresso martini. The club shut down (unsurprising) about halfway into the year and I did not miss a single night, literally from the conception to the closure I was there every Tuesday.
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p1325 · 8 months
I really had to upload this one. By the way, I hope you enjoy it
Here's the list of the remixes I used: Beyoncé - Work It Out (Maurice's Nu Soul Mix) Beyoncé - Crazy In Love (Jones & Cabrera Vibelicious 12'' Club Mix) Beyoncé - Baby Boy (Junior Vasquez Club Anthem Mix) Beyoncé - Naughty Girl (Unknown House Remix) Beyoncé, Slim Thug, Bun B - Check On It (Maurice Nu Soul Club Mix) Beyoncé, Jay-Z - Deja Vu (Freemasons Club Mix) Beyoncé - Ring The Alarm (Freemasons Club Mix) Beyoncé - Irreplaceable (Ralphi & Craig Club Vocal Mix) Beyoncé - Listen  (Maurice Joshua Unreleased Club Mix) Beyoncé, Shakira - Beautiful Liar (Freemasons Vox Club Mix) Beyoncé - Greenlight (Freemasons Club Mix) Beyoncé, Justin Timberlake - Until The End of Time (Mike Rizzo Club Mix) Beyoncé - If I Were A Boy (DJ Escape And Dom Castello Club Mix) Beyoncé - Single Ladies (Maurice Nu Soul Club Mix) Beyoncé - Diva (Karmatronic Club Mix) Beyoncé - Halo (Dave Aude Club Mix) Beyoncé - Sweet Dreams (Maurice Nu Soul Club Mix) Beyoncé - Run the World (Girls) [Jochen Simms Club Remix] Beyoncé - Best Thing I Never Had (DJ Escape & Tony Coluccio Club Mix) Beyoncé - Love On Top (DJ Escape & Tony Coluccio Club Mix) Beyoncé - Countdown (DJ Escape & Tony Coluccio Club Mix) Beyoncé - Drunk In Love (Tiesto Club Mix) Beyoncé - Partition (Tom Stephan Club Mix) Beyoncé - 7/11 (Dirty Pop Club Mix)  Beyoncé - Pretty Hurts (Country Club Martini Crew Club Mix) Beyoncé - Grown Woman (Ralphi Rosario Club Mix) Beyoncé - Flawless (Country Club Martini Crew Club Mix) Beyoncé - Formation (Barry Harris Club Mix) Beyoncé - Hold Up (MAGIXX Club Mix) Beyoncé - Spirit (VMC Club Mix) Beyoncé - Black Parade (Aleko's Vocal Club Mix) Beyoncé - Be Alive (Rody Gonzalez Club Mix) Beyoncé - Break My Soul (Honey Dijon Club Mix) Beyoncé - Cuff It (Rubber Disco Remix) Beyoncé, Kendrick Lamar - America Has A Problem (Tommy Donelli Remix) Beyoncé - My House (Too Many IDs Remix)  
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marquez-junky8920 · 2 years
Those Fabio pictures are driving me insane. The leather jacket. Oof. Please write something inspired by them, maybe wherw you meet him in a club or something.
Author's Note: I had such terrible writer's block with this one. RIP 🥲🥲🥲
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'Haley are you ready? We're gonna be late!' You shouted up to your friend who was finishing up her makeup.
'Yes!' She sang back. 'Beauty takes time.'
'It needs to hurry because Hannah is waiting for us outside.'
'I'm here, I'm here!' She laughed, hopping as she put on her other heel and straightened out her dress.
'You look amazing!' She said to you, checking out your rose colored dress that was v-cut in the front to reveal just the right amount of cleavage. You wore your curled hair up in a low up-do with some curly pieces framing your face. Since your neck was showcased, you decided to wear a silver diamond choker necklace and a deep red lipstick. Of course, the outfit wouldn't be complete without your black, gold studded stilettos that were surprisingly comfortable.
With both of you finally ready to go, you walked out the door together and got into the limo Hannah. It was your birthday, so they surprised you with reservations to the most exclusive club in Andorra. You had asked how they managed to get these reservations, but they insisted that you didn't need to worry about that and to just have a good time.
'Hey birthday girl! You look sexy as fuck!' Hannah said, handing you a glass of champagne before the car started moving. The drive was filled with laughter and talks with your favorite people, so it seemed to pass by in a flash. Once arrived at the club, you all filed into the building and ordered some drinks to get the night started. As you were waiting for the drinks to arrive, you scanned your eyes over the entire club to just assess the vibe of the crowd. Your eyes fell on a man with dirty blonde hair, sharp features, and he wore a leather jacket that had no business being that attractive. You briefly locked eyes with him and he smiled at you as he took a sip of his drink. You willed yourself not to blush and smiled a bit before turning away as the drinks arrived. You settled on your favorite, a lemon drop martini that was absolutely to die for.
Conversation between your friends was flowing and you were talking to Haley when she kept looking over your shoulder.
'Are you even listening to me?' You waved your hand in front of her face.
'Yeah sorry, but I could barely hear your over the "come fuck me eyes" that blondie is giving you over there.' She nodded her head over to where the man was still standing at the bar. You laughed and turned around to see him staring at you. Absolutely shameless and confident in his stance. Something about it was alluring and attractive.
'You should go talk to him. He's been staring at you for like 5 minutes.' Haley said.
'Should I really? That wouldn't be weird?'
'Of course not! I'm sure he wouldn't find it weird. He should feel lucky if you go talk to him. Any guy should.' She raised her eyebrows at you as she took a sip of her drink. You weighed your options and came to the conclusion of "fuck it. What's the worst that could happen?"
Making sure your boobs were pushed and squished the right way, you asked Haley if your lipstick looked okay.
'DSL on point.' She said.
'What the fuck is DSL?'
'Dick sucking lip. Now go!' She said, turning you around and pushing you to walk to him as you laughed at her. You strutted your hips out as you walked but not enough to make it painfully obvious. The man had turned around back to the bar but peeked over his shoulder just as you were walking over to him.
'Hi there.' You said with a smile on your red lips.
'Hello.' He smirked, tilting his head at you and taking another sip of his drink. Something about his energy was incredibly sexy to you.
'I love your jacket. Where did you get it?' You asked, discreetly running your hand down his sleeve. You didn't miss the way his eyes clocked your hand touching him.
'I'm not sure honestly. My friend Tom got it for me for my birthday one year.'
'He has good taste.' You smirked and took a sip of your martini.
'Red is your color. Where did you get that dress?'
'Ahh, you see... You'd think it looks expensive but let me let you in on a little secret. Amazon is a very powerful tool.' You giggled, watching as dimples showed onto his cheeks when he laughed. You looked around for a brief moment for your friend group and found Haley watching you intently. You and her had a code in clubs like this that if one was talking to a man, there was a signal for help and a signal if it was going amazing. A scratch on the arm was a signal for help and a flip of the hair was a good signal. You flipped the curly piece of your hair that was hanging in your face and she gave you a thumbs up.
'What's your name?' The man asked.
'Y/N. Yours?'
'Fabio. It's nice to meet you beautiful.' He said suavely, gauging your reaction to see if you were comfortable with that. He wasn't disappointed at the blush that crawled up your neck to your cheeks.
'Do you have a girlfriend, Mr. Fabio?' You asked, scooting a bit closer to him as a loud song came on. Instead of a response, he stood straight from leaning on the bar. You didn't realize how much taller he would be than you. He leaned in to whisper in your ear, his hot breath making goosebumps run along your skin.
'I don't have a girlfriend. But I'd like to change that if you're single.' He stepped back away and put his hands in his jacket pockets. You downed the rest of your drink, making sure to show off the choker necklace you wore. You put your glass down on the bar and grabbed his hand out of one of his pockets.
'I am single and you are very, very attractive. I'd be open to it.' You said as you led him to the dance floor. A song came on that was conveniently great to dance on a man to, so you held onto the lapels of his jacket and started mouthing the words as you danced. His eyes were intently watching you as you kneeled in front of him and drug your hands down his front then back up again. You turned around and grabbed his hands to put them on your hips as you slyly ground your ass against his crotch. You found it interesting that this entire time, his hands never touched you. Sexy and respectful...
'It's okay to touch me. I won't be offended.' You said in his ear and you didn't regret telling him that as one of his hands came down to grip your ass and pull you closer to him. He smirked when he caught you off guard.
'You wanna come spend the night with me? My place isn't far from here.' He said into your ear, his other hand coming to rest at your lower back.
'How do I know you won't murder me? Or drug me? Or kidnap me?'
'You watch too many crime documentaries, don't you?' He laughed as you nodded.
'I promise nothing like that will happen. You are free to leave whenever you want. I'll even drive you back home if you want.'
'I came here with my friends for my birthday. I have to go tell them I'm going home with a stranger. Care to come introduce yourself?'
'It's my pleasure. Also, happy birthday.' He said, pressing his lips to your neck before letting you lead the way to your friends.
'Hey, we're gonna get out of here. I'll see y'all tomorrow, okay?' You said, walking up to the table and grabbing your purse. Haley and Hannah turned around and dropped their jaws instantly.
'That... You're...' Hannah stuttered.
'Speak Hannah.'
'That's Fabio Quartararo. As in MotoGP world champion Fabio Quartararo.'
'Hmm... Yeah I guess I never noticed. Now I'm gonna try not to freak out because he wants to take me back to his place for the night. Fabio, this is Hannah and Haley.'
'Hi! How are you girls?' He asked, politely accepting their moves to hug him.
'I'm great. I'm sorry, did you just say that he wants to take you back to his apartment for the night?' Haley quipped, her eyes the size of planets as she looked at you.
'Yeah. I wanted you guys to see him first though so that if I'm murdered tonight, you know who did it.' You chuckled, still in kind of a shock that you had a MotoGP world champion standing in front of you. Believe it or not, you weren't as shocked as you thought you'd be. He was so incredibly humble and soft spoken that he didn't make it feel like you were talking to a champion. He made it feel like you were just talking to a respectful man.
'I promise I won't do anything. I just want to get to know her better.' He said, looking to you and smiling before looking back to Hannah and Haley.
'Hmm... Okay. Be safe with her. Never underestimate the power of a panicked woman looking for her best friend when she's out with a guy. We become the FBI instantly.' Hannah pointed lightly at him.
'Use protection kids. Have fun!' Haley laughed, hugging you and Fabio before he took your hand and led you out of the club. Your ears readjusted to the quiet, cold night in Andorra after Fabio opened the door for you. He noticed pretty quickly how cold it was and how much skin you were showing.
'Do you want my jacket? You look freezing.'
'Yes please.' You whined, watching a smile paint his face as he took off his jacket and put it on your shoulders. You hummed in content. 'This is so warm...'
'I know. That's why I wear it during the winter time.' He chuckled, reaching to hold your hand and lace your fingers together. A comfortable silence fell over you both as you walked back to his house.
He wasn't joking when he said his house wasn't far from the club. About one block later, you were standing at his front door while he unlocked it. Once inside, you took note of how clean everything was, but also how cozy the place felt. He had a Christmas tree up in the corner of his living room and massive floor to ceiling windows that overlooked the city which gave a beautiful view of the snow flurry that had just begun to fall. You took off your heels, curling your toes that were thanking you for removing the shoes. They were comfortable to an extent...
'So this is my house. The living room is here, obviously. Kitchen is in here, so if you're hungry, I can make you something really quick if you'd like.' You giggled at the kindness in his offer.
'No thank you. I had dinner before me and my friends left my house.' He nodded and continued through his tour.
'This is the spare bedroom I have. Oh and I have to show you my favorite room in this house. Ready?' He asked giddily.
'I'm ready.' You laughed. He opened the door to a beautiful dark room that had 2 lounge chairs and a pillowy couch in the middle of it. To the right, there was an electric fireplace that served as the heat in the room because the two walls that you were staring at in front of you were nothing but glass. Glass that overlooked the city, had a perfect view of the stars, and was wonderfully lit by the moon as the snow fell harder.
'Oh... Fabio this is beautiful.' You whispered in awe, looking up at the stars and walking further into the room.
'Isn't it? This is my favorite room to come to when I need time to myself. It gives me a chance to just decompress and think through my thoughts.'
'I can see why. This is very tranquil. And serene.' You walked closer to one of the glass walls to look at all of the twinkling lights of the city as snow slowly began to coat trees, cars, and homes with its white glow. Fabio walked up next to you and did the same before he spoke again.
'Did you really not know who I was?' He asked. But his voice didn't sound shocked that you didn't know who he was. It sounded relieved.
'If I'm honest, I thought you looked really familiar but I didn't put it together until Hannah and Haley said something.' He looked at the floor and smiled.
'They're good friends. They care about you.'
'I know... We've all been through so much together. Once you go through what we've been through, that's a bond that can't be broken.' You felt a small lump in your throat as you talked to him about your best friends.
'That's very true. It's hard to find a connection like that with friends anymore.' He said before turning to you.
'I'm sorry but I just don't understand how you're not treating me differently now that you know who I am.' You turned to him and shrugged your shoulders.
'I was a bit shocked at first. But you're still human like the rest of us. You still have bills to pay and you still have the same responsibilities as we all do. The only thing that's different is that you have a world champion title.'
'I try not to let that define me. Some people treat me way differently now that I do have that title and it's still so weird to me. I'm just a normal guy.'
'You do a very good job of not letting that title or attention define you. You are very humble and kind. Had I not known what MotoGP was, I'd have never put it together that you were famous.'
'Seriously?' He asked, eyebrows raised.
'Seriously. One thing you will come to understand about me is that I have no reason to lie to anyone. I'm the most honest person there is. Sometimes to my own detriment. But it's better to be honest than to blow smoke up somebody's ass and pay for it later.' He chuckled at your response.
'I like that about you. That's a respectable trait that not many people are strong enough to handle.'
'And you think you're strong enough to handle it?' You smirked, tilting your head down slightly and giving him a challenging look. He pursed his lips and looked back out of the glass window, a small smirk painted on his lips. Damn his perfect side profile...
'You'd be surprised what I can handle.'
'I think I'd like to dig into that.' You hinted, turning to walk out of the room to go to his bedroom that he just showed you only minutes ago. You slung his jacket off your shoulders and put it over one shoulder, looking back at him and winking. He wasted no time in walking behind you to the bedroom, eyes blowing wide with lust. There had been sexual tension all night between you two, so why not act on it?
Once you were in the bedroom, you turned around only for his hands to quickly find your waist and bring you into a kiss. Jesus... This man was an amazing kisser. His tongue immediately found it's way into your mouth and claimed you without room for question. His hands stayed on your waist for a moment before he moved one up to rest at the side of your neck. He pulled away for a breath and you took that opportunity to take his shirt off, an action with which you were not disappointed with the results.
'Let's just complete this look here.' You said, grabbing his jacket you'd thrown on the bed and tossing it to him. He put it on and left the front unzipped and an immediate gush happened between your legs. You walked up to him and grabbed the lapels of the jacket to lead him to the edge of his bed. You sat him down and stood between his knees before moving to straddle his lap. He held back a groan as you sat on his hardening cock and rolled your hips slightly.
'Mm... Someone's excited already.' You lilted, your lips ghosting his as he smiled.
'If you had my eyes, you'd see why. You are so damn beautiful.' He whispered, hands slowly sliding down to grip your ass and spank you. He was pleasantly surprised when you let out a small, satisfied squeal.
'Let's have some fun, shall we?' He smirked, rolling you over with a hand on the zipper or your dress. This night was about to become very interesting...
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gothwives · 2 years
closed: @persephonyed​ who: buffy bloom, she/her, 26, exotic dancer/adult film star
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one thing buffy could always count on whenever some stupidly rich bastard invited her to attend this sort of hoity-toity high society functions was an open bar. it made perfect sense, considering these people were all so insufferable, it’d take at least a few shots of hard liquor or several glasses of overpriced champagne to tolerate being around each other. running into anyone she knew in her real life was out of the question, so she had no problem drinking a few too many cocktails just to make it through the night. imagine her surprise when she looked to her left halfway through an extra dirty martini, and happen to lock eyes with a man she’d just met at work less than a week ago. it wasn’t the most common for her to recognize customers outside of the club, but this particular patron was one she could never forget. her first time getting fucked in the back of a bmw was an experience that’d stick with her until she was old and grey, all memories fading except the image of his face while in the throes of passion. he clearly recognized her as well, given the way his features lit up when their eyes met. “i’m sorry... do i know you?” question was posed through gritted teeth, silently pleading him not to make a scene.
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