#director of shield tony stark
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Moral of the Story: Chapter 7
Warnings: None, I think... (slight coercion?? maybe??)
MotS Masterlist
Taglist: @vicmc624 , @mostlymarvelgirl , @yvonneeeee, @beetlejuicesupremacy , @moonlightreader649 , @whattheduckisupkyle , @chrisevans-realwife, @nekoannie-chan , @mrsbarnes32557038 , @imyourbratzdoll , @weallhaveadestiny
Word Count: 1.1k

“My name is Director Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. a secret division of the U.S. government. And around this time last year, someone hacked our system. The only person with the capability to do that is Mr. Stark here. There were a few search queries we were able to recover. They were all related to superhuman abilities that can heal or transfer physical harm. Around then, the ‘X-Men' vigilante team started slowing down, switching out their strongest members with a noticeable lack of two of their constants, Cyclops and Lifemender.” Director Fury remained still, arms crossed.
Crap. He knows everything, down to the name I was given, “I-I’m sorry, I don't believe I follow.”
“You are Lifemender, Mx.-”
“Kyrie. Call me Kyrie. Just, please, stop butchering my last name.”
“My apologies, Mx. Kyrie.” His voice rang with sarcasm, intentional or not. He walked about a third of the distance between where he stood initially and where I stood while extending his arm gesturing to me, “We at S.H.I.E.L.D. need your, unique abilities. We recently found an operative who has been missing for quite some time. We recovered him about a month ago, but he’s still unconscious. That is where you come to play.”
“Let me guess, you want me to what- make him conscious?”
“I can’t do that.”
“I’m sorry, this isn’t a request.”
“No. As in I physically cannot bring him back into consciousness. I can heal physical injuries and illnesses, but what you’re asking of me isn’t something my powers can do.”
“Well, if that’s all you came to ask- leave.” Tony piped up, moving from behind his desk to his mini bar, drink in hand.
“Unfortunately, due to your past helping a vigilante organization I’m afraid it’s between this and prison.” Tony choked on his drink, “You don’t need to wake up the agent. All you have to do is one- sign an NDA and two- show up and do what you can. If things don’t work out the way the science geeks want I won’t hold you accountable but your participation is required.”
“Okay.” I breathed heavily, fidgeting with my hands, “If this doesn't work none of the fire will be blown back my way?”
“Everyone involved has already signed an NDA regarding what happens while on site. I know what happened in Milan, if someone has loose lips they will be taken care of. You will be as safe as I can promise.” I was trembling, on one hand, this could lead to another purge of mutants, I could be tested on again, or maybe I could just go to prison, “I know damn well your shoes are not that interesting.”
“The last time I was involved with the U.S. Government I was tested on and treated with less dignity than a sewer rat. How am I supposed to know that it won’t happen again? That all of this isn’t just an elaborate path to resume your testing?”
“I’m sorry, testing-” Tony tried to speak.
“Trask, his associates, and all personnel who supported Trask’s actions have been terminated and replaced.”
I couldn't help but chuckle, he must be used to having the information that when there’s a gap he doesn’t even know to fill, “I’m aware. Are you aware that I’m twenty-six?”
Silence filled the room, I couldn’t tell if the director was trying to piece together this puzzle or do the mental math.
“Can someone explain what is happening?” Tony spoke, finally getting a full sentence, “Trask was a businessman in the late sixties-early seventies before he was found selling national secrets to foreign offices. What does he have to do with- well, whatever this is?”
Fury and I both shifted to face Tony, “Mr. Stark, that is the public reason for his removal and imprisonment. Not to say they were false accusations, but he was far more involved with the Government than most know. Bolivar Trask was conducting highly-illegal experiments for the U.S., of which all subjects were of the genetic group known as ‘mutants’. He was ousted after a mutant saved the president’s life.”
“Okay, but then Kyrie was born a decade and a half after Trask got-“
“I understand that. But if it wasn’t Trask then who”
“Does it matter now?”
“It does, but not as much as getting you to the triskelion.”
“Then let’s go.”
After spending the rest of the day packing, then on a five-hour flight, topped with a thirty-minute drive, I stood in front of a behemoth of a building. Three concrete columns, joined together by a central cylinder in what must look like a radiation symbol from above.
The three of us, and the redoubtable presence of the two men’s security teams. As we crossed the bridge over the river leading into the facility the Director spoke, “This is the triskelion. You’ll be working in one of the secure underground levels. If that's alright?”
“I’ll be fine, I think. Probably…”
Tony practically huffed behind me, followed by a noticeable uptick in his pace to walk in front of the director and me, “Well then, if you’re fine with it, I’d like to hurry this along. I will need my secretary for a fair bit of work.”
“Calm your shit, Stark. My business with Mx. Eirsson.”
“Then let’s get this over with.” I walked past Tony and towards the lobby.
From even a few yards off I could see the inside of the building, the first visible story was somewhere between millennial gray and beige, but as soon as the front doors I saw the second story was painted black with natural wood accents- the opposite wall an off-white painted brick- sleek and withdrawn.
After all my ogling Tony nudged me with his shoe to let me know I was falling behind. I followed him and the director towards an elevator that, apparently, had a keycard reader. The heavy metal doors opened with pristine smoothness Tony and the director stepped in after a moment I stepped into the elevator with them, two MIB-looking men stepping in with us, and watched the director as he pressed the button labeled B3.
The descent was silk-smooth, the stop slight and subtle before the doors opened into a sterile, metal corridor. Director Fury walked through the twists and turns of the passage with efficiency- I struggled to keep up with him, almost hitting a few corners along the way- before he opened a door and motioned for me.
I walked through the doorframe into a flat, white room. There was a medical bed in the middle of the room, surrounded by hospital machines, occupied by an almost-too-tall blonde man I recognized from Logan's lectures.
"Yes? Is there a problem?"
I turned to face him, "You never said my 'patient' was Steve Rogers, Captain Rogers, Captain America..."
#mcu fanfiction#mcu#mcu x reader#xmen fanfiction#xmen#xmen x reader#captain america#captain america x reader#steve rogers x reader#tony stark#iron man#director fury#nick fury#SHIELD#agents of shield#fanfic#this is where the fun begins
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Masterpost with all parts
Now that comic book Civil War has been painstakingly dissected and overanalyzed (since I can't shut up and just give you what you are here for), and we all know how it ended, we can finally move on to the glorious winteriron food that follows.
And, mercifully, since this specific part of my timeline isn’t an official Event, there are no exhausting tie-ins to wade through—just a bit of hopping between issues of Captain America (2004-2011) and a few tiny one-shots and almost-one-shots. Things are mostly linear and, honestly, so, so yummy.
TLDR for Parts 1 & 2:
Bucky has been defrosted, rebooted, and gifted with a full set of memories, meaning he is fully back in the land of free will, but did not participate in the Civil War.
Tony was very much present for the Superhuman Registration Act (SRA) shithow, firmly in the pro-side camp and going head-to-head against Bucky’s former bestie (current? posthumous? it’s complicated), Steve.
Steve technically lost Civil War, because after half the Marvel Universe went full WWE SmackDown across New York and left the city in ruins, he had a big realization (“Wait, maybe this isn’t heroic behavior?”), surrendered for the greater good, and got himself arrested.
Great job, everyone.
At this point in the timeline, Tony is aware of Bucky’s existence, and Bucky is extremely aware of Tony’s (because who isn’t?). But despite all this, they haven’t actually met in person yet. Which is about to change.
So click that Read More button and let’s gooo. And don’t panic—this part isn’t nearly as long as the Civil War breakdown (holy fuck, that was long).
Let's not waste any time here and jump straight into it.
While Steve is under arrest and about to stand trial, we kick this off with Tony shopping for new best friends in Civil War: The Initiative (we are not going back there again, but there were a few follow-up issues) to fill a gaping void—emotionally and professionally, etc.
He’s now officially that bitch in charge—Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., the motherfucking boss of every legal superhero, and the guy with first dibs on all the best talent. Which means he gets to handpick a brand-new, improved, totally betrayal-proof team because, as it turns out, being an asshole with tunnel vision—regardless of the motivation—comes with consequences.
And while he may be a little on the lonely side right now, at least Jarvis the Butler is still here, still serving tea, still being an absolute king, and still very British. If you’re one of the refined connoisseurs who appreciate Jarvis-Jarvis—as in, actual human butler—he is here, and he’s adorable. Why is this important? Well, in the context of winteriron it likely isn't, but if you come across fics where Jarvis is still kicking... you might be reading 616, ye.
Why is the Initiative important? Let's just take it for what it is and not get into it too much—Tony might have lost a lot of friends, made a ton of enemies, but he is the boss, and he does have a team that he occasionally uses for crime fighting.

So, while Tony is doing his thing and patting himself on the sholder for winning the Civil War, we hit Captain America (2004) #25, where Steve is about to be dragged through the trial of public opinion, and if that doesn’t kill him, well, the actual murder plot just might.
Bucky is back, and together with Fury and Sharon, he’s prepped and ready to spring Steve from his big courtroom walk while Steve is just trying to make it into the courthouse without getting pelted with tomatoes. All is going according to plan—actually, multiple plans, including a few evil ones—until, whoa, Steve gets very much shot, Sharon gets very much distressed, and the villains start doing their usual convoluted background scheming while everyone else panics.
Bucky squeezes in a quick brawl with a bad guy, high-fives Falcon, and does his first official team-up with him, but this issue is just setting the stage for what really matters before multi-issue arcs start rolling in: Steve getting assassinated.
P.S. Sharon, fresh from therapy after that Steve-era situationship (remember, they sent her to therapy after banging Steve?), is about to have an even worse time when it turns out she was the one who actually shot him (don't go to therapy, learn from her mistakes here, because your therapist could be an evil mastermind who was mind-fucking you for months). The big takeaway is that Steve is dead (ish, it's unclear at first, nobody believes it), Bucky is running away (again, but not too far) after dramatically declaring to Falcon that he’d rather die himself than hurt Steve.
Oh, and we almost get our first proper Bucky-Tony interaction—if you count Bucky getting launched into a Tony-propaganda billboard by a bad guy. Iconic. I consider that almost physical touching, 'cause Bucky flew into Tony's face. Technically. Yes.

Following Steve getting shot, The Confession is one of the most heart-wrenching one-shots to crawl out of the smoldering wreckage that was Civil War. It’s basically Marvel looking at the audience and going, “Oh, you thought Tony was just a smug asshole who didn’t care? Okay, okay, we made him the bad guy, but we still want you to buy his comics, so…”
This issue gives us a deep (and painful) dive into Tony’s state of mind, his reasons for the SRA, and his trademark brand of self-destructive guilt. As in, new reasons on top of the other reasons I’ve mentioned before, including Execute Program and other shit.
Long story short: once upon a time (literally), Tony had the distinct pleasure of meeting actual King Arthur—it’s comics, roll with it—and from that, he walked away with the knowledge that one day, he and Steve would fight, and everything would go to hell. Basically, just like Steve spent a bunch of time foreshadowing Bucky’s return, Tony—being the fun brand of doomed—was foreshadowing the absolute clusterfuck that was Civil War.
For most of the issue, it looks like Tony is just talking at a wall, which, honestly, is still better than most of his actual conversations during Civil War. At the same time, in other comics, people are still in complete denial about Steve’s death because, come on, supersoldier durability and all that. And just to add some comedic relief—because this is Marvel, not DC—Tony takes a moment to whine about how S.H.I.E.L.D. employees don’t want him there and miss their daddy Fury.
Promptly followed by the big reveal: Steve is dead. Really dead. Like, right there, lying in front of Tony.
“It wasn’t worth it.” That’s not just the general sentiment—it’s Tony’s actual opinion and his last words to Steve’s body.
So, to sum up: Tony is a self-destructive guilt machine who, as soon as he wins Civil War, is not allowed to properly enjoy his win and power trip, and The Confession exists mostly to emotionally wreck you and confirm that Steve is gone. Actually gone. Though, while it doesn’t happen for a while, very few people commit to properly and permanently dying in comic books.

As soon as Marvel finished completely shattering our collective hearts, they decided, eh, why stop there? and proceeded to stomp all over the emotional debris with Fallen Son: The Death of Captain America.
I am not going to unpack every issue here, just the highlights.
Wolverine spends a suspicious amount of time loitering in Bucky’s general vicinity while also calling him kid every five seconds. Bucky, understandably, has no patience for Logan’s nonsense, so Logan and Daredevil go full Ocean’s Two and a Half (they get some help) and infiltrate the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, where they find Steve’s very, very dead body. Just in case we needed another confirmation that, yes, he is dead. They also swing by to check on Rumlow, who is locked up and considered the killer (he was part of the murder plot and is also banging Red Skull’s biological babygirl, Sin—remember her). Logan also has a run-in with Tony while he’s busy breaking into his new fancy office, and oh boy, do we get hit with the big sad. Because if you ever wondered how much Tony actually cared about Steve, the answer is: too much. He calls him his best friend. Out loud. With a straight face and all.
Now, underground resistance and non-registered heroes are still a thing because not everyone decided to fall in line just because Steve took an L. Some did register, alright, but not all. There are a lot of panels dedicated to various characters being deeply, hella depressed about Steve’s demise, including Clint—who, fun fact, just came back from the dead himself (don’t ask, comics are like that).
Tony, ever the guilt-ridden strategist, decides that someone needs to take up the mantle of Captain America and offers it to Clint because Steve was more than just a hero, he was a symbol—and, conveniently, the second America found out he was definitively KO’d, they forgot they were about to put him on trial. Classic. Also, Clint is the only one who can actually throw the shield, and Tony has a bunch of injured agents in the medical bay who tried and failed to give it a shot. Clint does, in fact, test-drive the Captain America gear for a hot minute before promptly flipping Tony off and fucking off. Good for him and great for us.
Peter is very NOT OKAY, by the way. At all. We’re talking about him being in the resistance but still taking a second to visit graves, wear the black suit, experience yet another full existential crisis, and have deep, brooding heart-to-hearts with Logan. It’s sad, it’s upsetting, and everyone is just desperately trying not to cry at this point—including myself.
The arc concludes with the grand public funeral, where people from both sides of Civil War come together to bury Steve as a hero. Tony, who is also carrying Steve’s empty coffin (they toss the actual body to float with fishes instead; for peace), is actively collapsing in on himself. He is so emotionally compromised at this stage that he can’t even bring himself to give a speech, so Sam steps up and absolutely nails it while Tony is off in the background, muttering about how the day Steve came out of the ice was the best day of his life.
For real.
You crying yet? ’Cause Tony is.

Since we’ve now thoroughly established that everyone is drowning in sorrow, it’s time. Yup. Let’s talk winteriron and ignore every subplot that doesn’t serve our greater purpose (unless it’s hilarious or deeply relevant to our emotional devastation).
In Captain America: Death of the Dream #26-#30, we are finally getting deep into Bucky’s mess, and oh boy, this man is a babe with a rage problem. And in true 'man from the 40s' fashion, he is disappointed in himself for not being like Steve while he also fully acknowledges that he is not Steve—because Steve would have handled things very differently. As in, Steve wouldn't pick random bar fights, snap at people, and probably wouldn't decide that yes, Tony is to blame for everything. Actually, maybe Steve would’ve landed on that conclusion too. But Steve is dead, so nobody cares.
Either way, Bucky needs someone to blame, and Tony fits the bill perfectly. Which means… he’s gotta die. An eye for an eye, right? Sure, Bucky also wants to punch Rumlow straight into the sun, but it’s Tony he really wants. He does.
Bucky kicks off his perfectly healthy revenge mission by deciding that stealing Steve’s shield is an absolute priority. The way this man thinks and narrates his life in the comics is fucking tasty, by the way. Provides so much insight into how he thinks. There’s also this underlying… not quite admiration, but deep, begrudging respect for how Tony operates. So let’s go ahead and put that into our YES pile of reasons why they are perfect for each other.
While on his steal-the-shield mission, Bucky has a quick and smacky reunion with Natasha, who he trained and hooked up with back in his Winter Soldier days. I think this is wonderful, but not because we should suddenly ship them (sure, if you want, but I refuse to), but because this means that even when he was a brainwashed assassin, Bucky Barnes was down to fuck. Anyway, we are not here to discuss exes, but DTF is important for all of those 616 AUs where he's still the Winter Soldier (I might write about a 10000 of those at some stage.)
A bunch of other things happen that I don’t care about (and neither should you, but if you do—go read the comics, he-he), but here’s what actually matters:
Rumlow escapes, and Bucky blames Tony for that (I mean…)
We find out that Tony actually respected Steve’s wishes by not going around blabbing that Bucky was alive.
Sharon is knocked up and she only had the time to bang Steve, so we all know who the baby daddy is. Was? Ugh.
Tony knows Sharon was the shooter.
Bucky is gets captured by Red Skull and is in a lot of trouble.
But the best part. The part that makes me fucking swoon: Tony gets a letter from Steve (that dead dude is gooooood.).
“I am trusting you to do two things: Don’t let Bucky drift into anger and confusion. He has a chance at a new life—help him find his way. Save him for me. And as for Captain America, the part of it that is bigger than me—that’s always been bigger than me—don’t let it die, Tony. America needs a Captain, maybe now more than ever. Don’t let that dream die. Yours, Steve Rogers.”
I mean… Tony is actively against finding a new Cap at this point because to him it also suddenly feels like they’re disrespecting Steve’s memory (nice one, Clint), and he knows that Bucky is out there, coming for him, wanting to do bad, bad, very unsexy things to him. So take that, remember that he doesn't know the guy that well (at all), AND that Steve's dying wish is for Tony to take care of Bucky.
Take that and…
I. Well. Listen, you've read what I've read, I don't have to chew it for you.
This, as a note, concludes The Death of the Dream (well, Steve was a dreamboat) Act 1, so we can now move on to the juiciest part—The Death of the Dream: The Burden of Dreams Act 2, a six-issue arc spanning Captain America #31-#36.

This arc is a gift to any winteriron shipper because this is where Bucky and Tony finally, officially meet and… well, then some.
It does, however, kick off brutally, with Dr. Faustus—the worst kind of therapist (faking being one while working with Red Skull)—who decides to treat Bucky’s unresolved trauma with a fresh batch of mind-fuckery. With a little help from already brainwashed Sharon (seriously, this girl cannot catch a break, but at least they dressed her up as a nurse, which was… considerate? I enjoyed it.) they attempt to force Bucky back into Winter Soldier mode.
They try to break him by playing on his insecurities, pushing the whole “you’re a useless, unworthy nothing compared to Steve and the rest of the Invaders” narrative (rude). But Bucky ultimately tells them to shove it. Good for him, good for us, amazing for Tony. However, we did get confirmation in the earlier issues that he’s still got some one-time-use triggers floating around in his brain, which is… less great.
But don’t mind Bucky, he’s got it. Let’s quickly swap to Tony, who is currently occupying a VIP seat in the emotional devastation department. Tony is now aware that Sharon is pregnant with Steve’s unborn child (let’s all cry about it together), and that she wasn’t exactly herself when she put three slugs into his one true love. (Wait, no—her true love, since Tony’s true love is Bucky. Phew! So close.) Anyway, for whatever reason, Tony is invested in getting her back—hence Natasha and Falcon are out there attempting to rescue her on Tony’s behalf.
Which is perfect timing, really, because Bucky is also desperate to get the fuck out of there and has officially decided that he and Steve’s “Lady Friend” (awww) need to be anywhere else. The rescue, however, does not go as planned (shocker), because Sharon is still deep in mind-fuck mode. She does seem to surface long enough to make sure Steve’s “Boy Friend” (I’ll never stop, don’t expect me to) makes his escape, by yeeting him straight out of her escape jet—and right into Tony’s waiting arms.
Wait, no.
Into Sam’s wings.
But that’s just semantics because Bucky is immediately snagged by S.H.I.E.L.D., arrested, and brought for Tony to love fuck around with adore obsess over 'interrogate'.
I am not wasting a single image in this super-short (Tumblr, what gives?) limit on what happens in the first few issues of this arc (above ^^). Not because they aren’t good (oh, they are), but because you’ve been waiting through about 20k words at this stage to finally see Tony and Bucky share a comic page, and I am popping every single one of those pages down below. I mean, come on, they even appear on the cover together… Marvel knew what they were doing. Anyway.

Issue #33 kicks off with a random S.H.I.E.L.D. agent calling Bucky sexy. Normally, I wouldn’t bother mentioning it, but the woman has a point, and I deeply hope she lasts longer than one of those unnamed Star Trek extras.
While Bucky is being sexy and hatching his jailbreak, Tony is off having a heart-to-heart with Sam, trying to convince him that he’s the one who should be worried about Bucky. And honestly, he’s so right—hasn't been more right about anything yet. So, the second Bucky breaks out, Tony promptly suits up to go worry about Bucky in person—or, as I like to call it, meet his new boy toy and spend some quality time together.
They fight. It’s epic.
There is a moment where Bucky is pretty much straddling Tony’s lap (for fighting reasons, of course), and for those of you who are really into Tony calling people kid—good news! He proceeds to call Bucky kid. Awww. Not my thing (unless we are talking about Peter) and I will be choosing to ignore it, but if it is yours, congratulations, it’s canon.
I’m not going to go into massive detail here (shocking, I know), despite having spent forever building up to this, because the actual fight and conversation are in the pages below. But just know, it is hot AF, and there is actually a lot of talking, and if I can get into winterspider based on 5 seconds interraction in a movie, I am sure you are capable of getting into 616 winteriron just on that comic book alone.
They don’t actually keep fighting, by the way—because Tony, in a rare display of emotional intelligence, immediately comes clean about Steve’s letter. I almost wish they had saved that reveal for later to make this even more impactful, but considering Bucky is an aggressive, possibly unhinged badass, Tony probably made the correct choice there.
And then. Then.
As soon as Tony brings up the letter, Marvel just… cuts to them being in Tony’s office. Which means we are left to filthy interpretation of how they got there. I mean, sure. They possibly walked. But am I not above letting my imagination run wild.
Once they’re alone (fine, Nat joins them at some stage), Tony shows Bucky the letter. Bucky, in a truly shocking turn of events, proves he can read, which I am sure Tony loves in a man. And then, within literal minutes of meeting each other, Bucky is agreeing to take up the mantle of Captain America, and Tony is agreeing to his conditions: that Tony helps him de-trigger (yes, that means Tony is allowed to fuck with his brain immediately), and that Bucky does not have to work for Tony or anyone Steve wouldn’t have worked for.
Bucky Barnes, who trusts literally no one right now, is letting Tony Stark—the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., the man he was actively trying to kill just now—inside his brain. Tony, who, may I remind you, is technically supposed to be squashing the resistance and not giving it a new Captain America he can’t control, lets him keep the shield Bucky stole, and IT'S HIS IDEA.
I don’t mean to sound like I ship them or anything… But there’s room here for an argument to be made, no?

After this absolute baller of an issue, this arc wraps up in three more issues with Bucky officially stepping into his brand-new Captain America boots, casually complimenting Tony to other people (about a lot of things, including how good he is at making gear—aww), and Tony lying his ass off to his superiors about knowing absolutely nothing about this totally mysterious new Captain America. Oh, and just for good measure, he wipes all of Bucky’s info from the S.H.I.E.L.D. database.
Because that’s normal. That’s what totally platonic not-even-co-workers who are meant to be on opposite sides do.
Some other shit happens, including Sin getting shot (a little, and not enough), Crossbones (Rumlow) getting recaptured along with some C-list villains, and Nat planting one on Bucky for old times’ sake (let’s not dwell on that too much). But the main bad guys (Red Skull, Dr. Faustus, and Zola) are still plotting in their evil basement.
And on that lovely note, I’m wrapping up Part 3 of my epic quest to get through this content. I’ll be back later with more goodies in Part 4. And if you’re wondering how many parts there are—I have no fucking clue at this point. I, too, am just trying to get through this.
Anyhow… we’re in a good place now. Aren’t we? 🙂
P.S. Sharon may or may not have just found a body that looks a bit like Steve floating in a giant tube. Sleep on that.
Masterpost with all parts
#marvel comics#MCU vs 616#marvel 616#earth 616#marvel#canon#comic books#winteriron 616#winteriron#tony stark#iron man#bucky barnes#winter soldier#steve rogers#stony#stucky#captain america#lore dump#director of shield#s.h.i.e.l.d.
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2007's Civil War : The Initiative #1 cover by Marc Silvestri.
Also used as a variant cover for a What If ? Civil War issue.
#iron man#the initiative#marc silvestri#american flag#patriotic#civil war#shield#captain america#extremis armor#director of shield#tony stark#badass#cool#marvel#aftermath#thunderbolts#norman Osborn#downfall#iron patriot#2000s#50 states#USA#winner#marvel comics#knauf#shellhead#Avengers Initiative
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I wonder if tasha stark & Maria hill ever get confused for each other
#OH MY GOD DIRECTOR OF SHIELD TASHA STARK#wasn’t even thinking abt that when I conceived this post but—!!#3490#tasha stark#Natasha stark#Tony stark#maria hill#my employer's opinions#but maybe is Tasha too tall for ppl to mix up her & Maria#perhaps…#but wait would she ever even be director of shield if Civil War never happened??
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An awesome panel from the Director of Shield run, as shown in the Art of Iron Man 3 book.
#Iron Man#Iron Man model 4#iron man comics#marvel comics#Iron Man comic panel#Iron Man Director of Shield#strategic homeland intervention enforcement and logistics division#s.h.i.e.l.d.#marvel shield#Iron Man comic#marvel comic#ironman#tony stark
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I am having the most random urge to write a Code Lyoko in-universe crossover with the MCU. Like, maybe the Avengers are in France and get caught up in a Xana attack and mixed up with the Lyoko gang like, “What are these LITERAL CHILDREN doing? Wait. WHAT? Wait… WHAT!?” And Fury also like vaguely aware of something going on in France and usually just like. “Not my fucking problem.” Or Jeremie just gets labeled as a cyberterrorist and is mistaken as being the perpetrator of the Xana shenanigans. Tony Stark being both being impressed by how advanced the super computer was for the time of its creation, but also wildly amused/frustrated by its flaws by modern by standards. SHIELD Agents being the ones who were pursuing the Schaefers, or maybe just SHIELD having a cursory awareness of Project Carthage, knowing it went for the rails, but not knowing HOW off the rails.
Idk. I just feel like there is some fun there.
#code lyoko#Xana#fanfiction#mcu#marvel#avengers#crossover#jeremie belpois#yumi ishiyama#ulrich stern#odd della robbia#aelita schaeffer#SHIELD#Tony stark#director fury
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Happy Halloween! Would love more of F is for Frankenstein! 🧟♂️
a continuation of 1
Twelve hours later JARVIS has brought him up to speed on what was clearly the weirdest week of his life, the fabrication units are working on a better container for his corpse than the damn suit, and they’ve identified nearly a hundred ways that this plan isn’t going to work.
JARVIS isn’t deterred.
One of the advantages of being a synthetic person is that he can’t feel exhaustion physically, although this whole experience has confirmed that he can feel it mentally. The downside to this is that he doesn’t have any sort of natural que to alert him to the passage of time.
Which means he doesn’t have any idea how long it’s been until it occurs him to check and he frowns. There’s something not quite right, besides the obvious. “Did you – shouldn’t I have gotten some calls or something by now? What did you tell them?”
It’s been almost twenty four hours since he died. Even with the clean up from a massive alien invasion to see too, he’s sort of expected someone to reach out to him. Agent Coulson is such a stickler for timely debriefs –
Ah. He was such a stickler for timely debriefs. Tony isn’t the only one that hadn’t gotten out of this mess alive.
“Sir has received eighty nine assorted calls and texts from Miss Potts, fifty three from Colonel Rhodes, one hundred and twelve from Mr. Hogan, and seventeen from various SHIELD personnel. Two of those are from Director Fury personally. There have been close to a thousand from various news and media companies, but those have been ignored and deleted per Sir’s standing orders.”
It’s amazing how well he’s able to synthesize and interpret emotion. He’d installed a rudimentary AI into – well, himself, he guesses, and that combined with the memory dump is really exceeding all of his expectations. He knows this because he’s appalled. “JARVIS! What the hell? If we’re going to convince the world I’m not dead, we have to talk to people!”
“Is that what we’re going to do?” JARVIS asks.
There’s steel in his voice, a warning buried in there. TONY’s heard that tone before but never, ever directed at him.
Except it’s not. Jarvis would never talk to Tony Stark like that, but he’s not Tony Stark. He’s just one more robot and AI for Jarvis to corral, although sophistication wise he’s several steps ahead of his helper bots. Except he might not be, because not even Butterfingers would be dumb enough to agree to something like this.
“It’s not going to work,” he says harshly, because it isn’t. “But yeah, I guess that’s what we’re going to do.”
“Calling Miss Potts,” JARVIS says promptly, and Jesus, that’s not what he meant at all.
“Don’t,” he hisses, but of course it’s too late and Pepper picks up immediately.
“Tony?” she asks, voice shaky and hoarse and faint. She’s been crying. She’s been crying hard enough that it’s stolen her voice and he knows Jarvis was focused on other things, but he could have at least sent her a text. “Are you okay? Where are you?”
He breathes and then leans over, elbows on his knees and his face in his hands. He doesn’t even have an omelette to hide behind this time. He knows he’s dead and he’s seriously considering the idea that this is hell.
“Tony?” she repeats, voice going up several notches in the way he hates. She’s afraid. He hates when she’s afraid.
He forces him mouth to move, forces words pass his lips. “Hey, Pep.”
“Oh god, Tony,” she says and then there are tears again. He wishes he could hold her, could kiss her tears away and could fold his arms around her delicate shoulder and tuck her beneath his chin, keeping her safe and keeping her close. Except he can’t do any of that, because he’s not Tony Stark. “Tony, Tony – you left so quickly and we couldn’t find you and no one’s been able to get in contact with you and JARVIS is offline in the tower and – where are you? Are you okay? I watched you fly that bomb into the portal, and,” she has to cut herself off to try and keep from crying again.
You watched me die, he thinks, although he obviously doesn’t say it. “Hey, breathe for me, okay? Deep calming breaths, I know you have a lot experience with those around me-”
“Don’t tell me to breathe!” she snaps. “Where are you, Tony? What’s going on?”
He hesitates. They haven’t discussed this, and they really should have before JARVIS put that call through. Unless this is a test, and wow, his AI are such assholes. That old curse about having kids that are just like you is making more sense by the second.
“Something happened to my memory,” he says, which is probably the only true thing he’ll be able to tell her and will hopefully cover the gaps of things that JARVIS couldn’t tell him. “I got here and passed out and I just woke up and I panicked and I don’t – I saw space, and the – the aliens, which is so weird to say Pepper, I need you to fully appreciate how weird that is, but my head is killing me and nothing makes sense. The last memory I have on Earth is us running final checks on the clean energy prototype.”
He's a terrible person. Or, well, a terrible android. Whatever.
“Where is here?” she presses, her voice softening and strengthening both. It’s always so much easier for her get her bearings when she’s the one taking care of him, which is probably why she’s always so steady. She’s always taking care of him. “Where are you, Tony?”
There’s no getting around this one. Jarvis probably won’t be happy about it, but TONY isn’t really happy with him right now either. “Malibu. I’m at the Malibu house. Sorry, I don’t know why I came here – I mean, I really don’t, I was blacked out for most of it. Give me a couple hours for everything to stop spinning and I’ll head back to New York. Wait, are you still in New York? You were going have to leave early for that thing after we tested the prototype-”
“I am in New York now,” she says, almost sounding calm. “Do not fly the suit if things are spinning Tony, I swear to god.”
“It’s fine, it’s fine, just a little spinning, you’re so dramatic-”
“Tony!” she interrupts, but the hitch in her voice is laughter instead of tears. “God, Tony. I’m so glad you’re okay. I love you, so, so much.”
If there is a hell for androids, that’s where he’s going.
“Yeah,” he says, “I’m glad you’re okay too, Pep.” He can’t say it but he has to say it because Tony would say it, because Tony loves saying it, because he loves her so much that it sits heavier on his chest than the arc reactor ever could. “I love you too.”
He stares at his hands for a long time after the call ends. His fingerprints are Tony’s, of course, and his hair is Tony’s and his memories are Tony’s and this feeling that he wants to call love belongs to Tony too. None of it is his.
Well, except the guilt. That’s definitely his.
“Incoming call from Colonel Rhodes,” JARVIS announces.
“Answer it,” he says. Why is he so damn tired? He’ll have to run a diagnostic on his processors later.
There’s nothing but harsh breathing down the line, filling every corner of the workshop. TONY thinks, maybe a little hysterically, that it’s the only breathing happening here. He’s designed to mimic it, but it’s nothing besides that, mimicry. “Hi Papa Bear, how are things?”
The heavy breathing stops, for so long that TONY wonders if they got disconnected, then Rhodey bites out, “I’m going to kill you, Tony! I’m too damn old for this, you can’t keep giving me heart attacks every time I take my eyes off you!”
Too late. Tony’s already dead.
“You’re only two years older than me,” he says. “If it weren’t for me, you would have been the youngest freshman at MIT. Besides, a heart attack or two is character building, I’ve had like. Seven. Ish.”
“Reminding me how many times you’ve almost died is not your smartest move right now,” Rhodey says. “Tell me you’re okay.”
It’s a demand, an order, firm and unyielding like he’s one of Rhodey’s underlings. Except that Tony was giving orders way before Rhodey was, with the whole running his own multi-billion dollar business thing, and that tone of voice has never worked on him. Still, he says, “I’m okay.”
“Tony,” he says warningly, clearly not believing him, which is fair enough. He is lying.
TONY sighs, hanging his head like he can stretch the tension out of him, but that’s not how things work anymore. He’s vibranium and silicone and some other interesting materials and all his tension is mental. “Sour patch, I’m fine. Okay? Confused as all hell, but I’m okay. I’m sorry I worried you. I really didn’t mean to.”
“You never mean to,” Rhodey says, but his voice has softened and lowered. It sounds like he’s holding the phone even closer. “You almost never mean to.”
“It’s just difficult, is the thing, because you’re a little prone to worrying, a worrywart, as your mother might say-”
“My mother worries more about you than me and always has even though I used to be only one us getting blown up,” he says.
TONY pauses, considering. “Well, she is a smart lady.”
“Damn straight,” he agrees. “Pepper says you’re in Malibu. I can be there in two hours.”
“No!” he shouts, then winces. His eyes skitter over to the suit holding Tony’s body. They need a plan and that plan can’t involve Rhodey being here in two hours. “Don’t. Stay with Pepper. Please.”
“She’s fine,” Rhodey retorts. “You-”
“I’m fine,” he interrupts. “I’m fine, she’s fine, we’re both fine, except she’s in the city that was recently invaded by murderous aliens and I’m not and I have a suit of armor with repulsor technology and she doesn’t, so. Stay with her. Please.”
The silence drags on then Rhodey lets out an aggravated sigh. “Fine. But get your ass over here and if you miss another call from either of us I’m heading over, no matter what you say.”
“Sir yes sir,” he says.
He expects Rhodey to hang up on him then, but he lingers, nothing but his real, non synthetic breathing on the other end. “You really scared me this time. I saw the news reports and then we couldn’t find you-”
“Hey,” he says softly. A bomb and Tony disappearing and Rhodey unable to anything about it. Tony wasn’t the only one of them that had nightmares after Afghanistan. Neither of them had ever been particularly good at sleeping, but it was nearly impossible those months after, when he and Rhodey were fighting and Tony was hiding Iron Man and they still crawled into the same bed because Rhodey got frantic if he reached out in the middle of the night and found the bed empty. Which he often would, considering how much time Tony was spending in his workshop.
They shared a bed more after Afghanistan than before it. Rhodey had been willing to risk the paparazzi and exposure if his other option was staring up at his ceiling and having a panic attack about Tony being gone. Tony had been bitter about that, which certainly hadn’t helped their fight about weapons manufacturing any.
Pepper’s nightmares had been easier. She’d only been his assistant and friend at the time, after all. She would call him at two or three or four in the morning – or all three – and have some sort of urgent question or something for him to sign and he just went along with it because she just needed to hear his voice to fall back asleep and he’d learned after the first teary voicemail and alert from JARVIS that when he didn’t pick up, her vitals were out of acceptable range, per the prototype StarkWatch on her wrist.
It wasn’t until after they got together that she told him she actually drove to his house most nights and called him from her car rather than her bed. Just in case he didn’t answer, which wasn’t logical and didn’t make any sense at all but Pepper hadn’t pretended it had.
They’d all gone a little crazy, after Gulmira, but they’d settled.
But this is going to bring it all bubbling up and if TONY doesn’t figure out a way to reassure them then they’re going to want to stick close to him like they had before and he can’t let them do that. He can’t keep up pretending to be Tony forever and it’s going to be either Pepper or Rhodey who figures it out. He doesn’t need to help that process along at all.
Except that since they watched Tony fly a nuke into space and then hadn’t heard from him in two days, that’s basically impossible. The fact that it wasn’t three months and from their perspective he’s actually fine is going to help, but the level of damage control he’s capable of here is fairly minimal.
Still, he has to try.
“Honey,” he says, making his voice soft and warm like Tony only does when they’re alone. He doesn’t know where Rhodey is now, if he’s somewhere private, but he doesn’t hang up or stop him. All the stupid nicknames were fun and genuinely affectionate but they were also cover for the times that Tony slipped and called him something he shouldn’t, a little too genuine and not quite kitsch enough to pass muster. “Love, it’s okay. I got my head knocked around some, that’s all. And because I freaked out and ended up on the wrong side of the country, I need you in New York, doing what I can’t. That’s all. I’ll be there soon.”
If there’s a hell for androids, TONY is going there and the hellfire will be hot enough to melt his vibranium core, which, you know, is going to the be least of what he deserves.
“I love you,” Rhodey says. TONY closes his eyes. “You know that, right, baby? I do.”
It’s a bad, bad sign that Rhodey is the one using pet names, especially over the phone. “I know. Of course I know. I’ve always known.”
Over two decades of secrets and hiding and fooling around with women he didn’t give a shit about, before Pepper, and through every lonely, angry, desperately sad moment of it, Tony had known that Rhodey loved him. He wouldn’t have put up with that shit for anything less.
Tony died knowing that Rhodey loved him. TONY is sure of it. It’s the worst sort of cold comfort and he’s glad that he can’t offer it.
“I love you,” TONY echoes, because Tony’s been saying it for twenty six years and there’s no good reason for him to stop now.
Except that Tony is dead. He’ll never tell Rhodey that he loves him again.
One day Rhodey and Pepper will find out that the truth and know that while they heard Tony’s voice telling them what they needed to hear, while they let relief nudge out the fear, Tony was dead and cold and gone.
He hates this. This wasn’t what he was programmed for.
This isn’t what Tony would have wanted. But until he can convince JARVIS of that, they’re all stuck in this hell of the AI’s making.
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A Heart Made Of Glass ch.14
Summary: Ten years ago you left Wanda and the Avengers to heal your broken heart. You never stopped being a hero, just as you never stopped being in love with her. But life had to go on.
Now, after all that time, she is back and with her is a young woman needing help and an enemy that may not be as afraid as Wanda to lay a claim on you.
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x Powered!F!Reader - Scarlet Witch x PoweredF!Reader - Past Wanda Maximoff x Vision - CarolxF!Reader
Warnings: Angst, drama, mentions of cheating, fluff, violence, smut, Switch!Reader, internalize homophobia, hurt, comfort, Wanda being a complete mess, anger management issues, jealousy, Requited/Unrequited love, idiots in love, swearing, mentions of alcohol. More tags as the story progess.
Author's Note: This story is a continuation of Dirty Little Secret I was really surprised at the response I got for the story, I did all the tags you guys ask for but if I forgot someone please do not hesitate to tell me. Thank you for the support.
This chapter is the concept of idiots in love.
Please, do remember English is no my mother tongue so forgive my grammar, spelling and funny mistakes.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Epilogue
Chapter 14
The thing about love
The world was in complete turmoil.
Norway became the home to non-secret agencies trying to discover what had shaken the foundations of the city while taking its inhabitants into a virtual reality prison. SWORD had taken over the investigation overlooked by Monica Rambeau and the newest director of the reformed SHIELD, Tony Stark.
For some members of the SWORD team, it was Wanda Maximoff the obvious author of such disaster, but for some others the truth might be slightly more complicated. It was easier to blame the one that had been on the run before the Blip and then come back to enslave a group of people in a fantasy world.
Natasha Romanoff knew the situation was far more complicated that what everyone kept on spitting out in the conference room. She left after it was quite evident no one knew what to do, or what was really going on.
The cold breeze from the outside came rushing through the door, she shivered blinking away the blinding white from the snow covering the land. The houses in the distance had been repaired and people was going back their normal lives. The world didn't stop before the hex and it didn't stop now that it was over and two former Avengers, one powered teen and a witch disappeared.
“Still nothing?” Carol Danvers came walking down a makeshift road, she was wearing different clothing but the perpetual frown of inadequacy and concern was still there.
“Nothing useful.” Natasha stepped forward welcoming the crispy texture of the snow under her feet. “They kept on babbling about who to blame, while Tony, Bruce and Strange are trying to find a way to open a portal to the right universe.”
Carol huffed approaching the brunette, “the right universe? That may take centuries! This is something out of our scope,”
“And that's why we have to be patient.” But even as she said this, Natasha glanced with apprehension towards the bunker then back to the direction where Y/N house was located.
Time was passing slowly but surely and still there was not a single workable plan to bring you and the others back. Whatever magic or powers had acted during the attack from Scarlet and Agatha it had left no traces to be followed, it was as if you and the others had disappeared into existence.
Carol dropped her head, her arms wrapping around herself trying to contain the frustration she had been experimenting for quite some time. Natasha looked at her out of the corner of her eye, the blond-haired woman was standing small with the sight of the mountains and the white of the snow behind her, those dark eyes had never stopped glancing back at your home while her power flickered restlessly around her. Natasha knew your relationship with Carol was complicated, it had been for quite some time. The other woman had reached out to you in the hopes to be with you, Natasha had seen the countless invitations to travel through the universe with Carol as well as seen those stares filled with longing that you usually missed.
The door behind her opened and closed, a couple of soldiers left the protective barrier of the bunker to share a smoke. Natasha cocked her head frowning, her thoughts going back to you and the recent complications in your life.
The return of Wanda had been a surprise, not only for you but for everyone. Natasha sighed lifting her eyes to the sky, when did their life's turn so complicated?
“You're thinking too hard,” Yelena approached her sister, the bags under her eyes the only evidence she hadn't had a good night's sleep since your disappearance.
“I am thinking enough.” Natasha replied, Yelena hummed standing beside her eying Carol before settling her eyes on Natasha.
“Why is it so difficult to have any leads?” Yelena grunted, kicking the snow under her feet.
“Apparently is not easy to find the right universe they went through,” it was Carol the one who answered, her voice dripping sarcasm, “I guess there is nothing we can do but…”
“Wait?” Yelena shook her head, “I'm tired of waiting.”
Natasha rolled her eyes, she opened her mouth ready to answer when the air and earth around her started to shake. She frowned positioning her feet on the ground, flexing her knees and lifting her arms to her chest height. Yelena took the same fighting position while Carol stood straightened up with her eyes focused on the spot where a small whirlpool of sand was moving fast on the ground. Electric waves projected blue and silver lights through the air, while the sound of a vacuum filled the silence of the plain.
The commotion brought everyone to the spot where the two widows and Captain Marvel were standing. Tony put on his metal glove with Strange lifting his hands ready to form a shield. With an explosion a portal in the form of a five-pointed star appeared out of thin air and three people came falling on their faces just before the portal closed.
Just as sudden as the event had come, it went away leaving everyone open-mouthed, shaking with eyes wide opened watching the three women now standing in front of them.
You smiled sheepishly scratching the back of your head, your eyes going from Tony to Carol then falling on Yelena and Natasha. The tension was quite evident, and the silence that followed the explosion could be broken by the fall of a single needle.
Wanda came right in with America closed behind, the cold of Norway sneaked inside your clothes making you shivered but you did not move. You knew the moment you crossed the portal you would find everyone waiting, you never imagined Carol or even Tony would be there.
Before you could do or say anything Carol came right at you, her frown softening just as her eyes twinkled with emotion.
“Y/N?” Her name on her lips made you smile, though a sudden grip of pure coldness grasped your heart and a heavy weight settled on your stomach.
“Hey, Marv.”
Carol didn't even wait for a confirmation or more words, her arms wrapped around you holding you with the desperation Carol had felt in the last couple of days and all the love she had always felt for you.
The tension broke, and soon voices could be heard though you were too lost into the embrace to make out any meaning behind the conversations, or to even notice the saddened figure of Wanda who was standing just behind you with her arms around her and defeat written all over her face.
A part of you knew what was waiting at the other side.
You were really surprised to see Carol there, but what really caught you off of guard was the hostility with which many were treating Wanda and America. You knew some of the agents from SWORD were quite reluctant to accept any innocent claims coming from Wanda, they had been under the hex and had experimented firsthand the emotions and mental manipulation the witch had imposed upon them.
Their anger could be understood if not justified.
However, as soon as the three of you were free from the hugs and welcomes from everyone else, you were taken into custody to start the normal procedure of investigation. You had been lucky enough to have Natasha and Carol with you, their interrogation always going back to what had happened, where were you and how you came back.
It was a tiresome day, but by the time a new morning came you were happy to discover you were given a nice breakfast and a couple of explanations of what happened after you disappeared. You were tired of talking, too many memories, and too many thoughts invaded your head and it wasn’t until Yelena and Natasha put a violent stop to all the questioning that the agents from SWORD and SHIELD didn’t let go of you.
You rubbed your shoulders glancing at your reflection, the woman staring back at you was looking tired though she was also slightly sad. You sighed putting a strand of hair behind your ear while fixing the shirt you had put on, with a last glance to your reflection you left the bathroom only to stop startle at the woman waiting for you on the bed.
Carol Danvers had not changed too much.
The both of you had not seen one another for over six months. You had been tied to earth, while Carol was still trying to make of the universe a better place to live on. The both of you had clashed more than once, and passion had been the main rule in the relationship you two shared; but words of love and tenderness were scarce and sometimes whispered in the hidden shadows of the night.
Carol sighed lowering her gaze to the floor before lifting her chin to stare at you.
“How are you feeling?” She finally asked though this was not what she wanted to say.
“I’m better, I guess. Tired, and hungry.” You offered a smile approaching the other woman until you were standing right in front of her.
Your hand lifted to brush away her golden hair, Carol closed her eyes leaning into your touch while letting herself feel the closeness of your body. At some point she had been desperate to break into the hex to get to you, to save you from the clutches of an ex-lover you seemed to carry everywhere you went. Now that you were there in front of her, Carol felt you had gone to a place she could not follow.
It was at that moment, Carol realized she had fallen in love with you.
“Quite the adventure you have, eh?” Carol chuckled shaking her head, her hand grabbing yours. “I can’t hardly believe you were in another universe.”
You winced holding yourself from putting your hand away, “yeah, it was kind of crazy.”
“Which part?” Carol asked, and this time around she couldn’t hide the reproach on her voice nor the jealousy she had felt when she found out Wanda had been with you all this time.
“Everything, carol, everything was kind of crazy.” You hardened your tone, stepping back only to be stopped by the other woman.
“I’m sorry, I just…” Carol trailed off, and you let out a shaky sigh.
“Look, it was not easy, okay? First I got into a body that was not even mine, in a world I didn’t even recognize, to a live I never thought would be mine.” You lifted a hand to the back of your neck. “Then I come here to face an interrogation that took most of the day and night only for you guys to find out that yes, this is me. And yes, the multiverse does exist.”
“I was scared.” Carol finally stated. “As soon as I came here, you were gone then they started telling me all these stories about Wanda and the hex, and then how everything was just the same here, and…”
Both of you fell silent for a moment, your heart beating painfully inside your chest. You knew it wasn’t Carol’s fault, and you knew the one who was all defensive was you. You felt guilty because you had allowed your emotions to take over your reason and that might get the woman sitting in front of you hurt.
“I’m glad you’re back, and I’m glad you’re cleared of any wrongdoing, now that Wanda is under custody…”
“Wait, what?” You stopped Carol mid-sentence, Carol was left slightly confused just as she noticed the sudden hardening of your stare. “What do you mean that Wanda is under custody?”
This time around Carol couldn’t hide her annoyance, she stood up crossing her arms.
“It was quite obvious, wasn’t it? She had a history of creating these strange hexes, then she came here with a girl that can travel through the multiverse, whatever she was trying to achive…”
“It wasn’t Wanda’s fault.” You stated forcefully, Carol scowled rolling her eyes.
“Right, now you’re on her side?”
“I’m not…” You took a deep breath, “I’m not on her side, Carol, but didn’t you hear my story?”
“Quite frankly, I only heard the part in which you found out those twins of hers were actually yours and not Vision’s. In another Universe, not this one.”
The moment those words left her mouth, Carol knew she had said the wrong thing. Your whole body went completely rigid, and your eyes flashed a dangerous black twinkle that sent shivers down Carol’s back.
“I am not happy about the whole situation either, Carol. But I am not going to blame someone that had nothing to do with what happened here, or even Westview.” You straightened up walking past Carol to grab your jacket. “Now, I will go to straighten everything up, even if I have to break her out of jail and fight whoever I have to.”
“Don’t leave.” Carol wrapped her arms around your waist, she pressed her forehead against the back of your head. “I’m sorry.”
You were breathing hard, the anger boiling inside your veins while her words resounded inside your head. It wasn’t so much of what Carol had said, but actually the real meaning behind those words. Everything had happened so fast, everything had been so overwhelming that you hadn’t had the time to think, to process everything that had happened. You were trying to stop your spiralling world, but every time you got a chance to stand still something came rushing in to shake you again.
A part of you knew Carol was not to blame, not completely. You were looking for an excuse, for something to make you feel better and not as shitty as you were feeling at the moment because of the confusion you were experimenting. For the love you still held for Wanda, while your affection for Carol was not enough.
You turned around wrapping your arms around her, your lips found hers and soon the both of you were giving in the passion you always felt around one another. Carol held onto you with the need of a thirsty woman, and you held onto her with the desperation to quiet down your thoughts and doubts. The kiss turned into a full make-out session that led to Carol straddling your lap on the bed; your hand sneaked under her winter jumper her skin warm under your fingertips, twitching with every single caress.
“Y/N.” Your name left her lips in a needy whisper, and all it took for you was to hear your voice to know you had to stop.
You leaned back placing a single hand on her shoulder and the other one on her hips stopping the thrusting of her hips. She was slightly dizzy, her cheeks flustered with her pupils dilated, she had a silly smile on her lips nuzzling her nose on your neck. You tried to return the smile but couldn’t instead you brush her cheek with the back of your hand, leaning into place a single kiss on her forehead.
“What are you doing?” She finally realized you had stopped; you were trying to get away from her while being as gently as you could.
You opened your mouth to confess, to actually come clean and tell Carol how what you were doing with her was not fair. But the blond-haired woman put a single finger on your lips, her lips curling into a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes.
“I just have to go back.” You said placing your hands on her hips, “if what you’re telling me is how things turned out to be I have to intervene, it wouldn’t be fair.”
Carol shifted standing up and moving away from you, she cocked her head shrugging.
“I guess is not, if Wanda did help you out and was not even involve in the whole fiasco it is not fair to pay for everything.” Carol didn’t leave out of her comment the partial fault that the other woman had, at least for what had happened back in Westview.
“Will you come with me?” The question left your lips before you could stop it, Carol shook her head placing her hands inside the pockets of her jeans.
“No, I think I will wait here for you.”
There was nothing else you could say, and if she were to be honest Carol didn’t want to hear any more explanations. The blond-haired woman leaned in pecking you on the lips before nodding towards the door of your room.
“Go on, be a hero.”
You chuckled nodding briefly before putting on your jacket and leaving the room.
Carol stood inside your room for a long time, she leaned back against the dresser while her eyes fell upon the picture of you with Natasha and Yelena resting on the bedside table. Carol had known from the moment she laid eyes on you that a relationship with you would be dangerous, you had always been quite reserved and kept yourself out of any emotional attachment. Carol had been stubborn, curious as to what really was behind your cold façade only to discover a smart and funny woman behind it. She had fallen in love with your smile, your wit, and the way you always seemed to find the bright side of things even though your perception of your own life was quite poor.
Natasha had warned Carol about your broken heart, she had told Carol how difficult it was for you to actually open up to love again. But at that point Carol would take whatever you were willing to offer; she never thought there would be a time in which she would need to give up her relationship with you.
With a last glance to the picture, she turned around and left the room.
Love was a complicated it deal.
Yelena could sense your anger even before she could see you approaching the bunker.
From the very beginning she had been opposed to the idea of keeping America and Wanda in holding cells like common criminals. What happened in Norway had not been their fault, they had come all the way to the city seeking protection and help, and that was exactly what Y/N, Natasha and Yelena had done. America was a teen just getting the ropes of her powers, while Wanda…well, with Wanda things were complicated it. But at the end of the day, she was not a bad person. She just had really bad luck.
Yelena cleared her throat glancing at Natasha who was on her feet as soon as she sensed your presence. You were coming with silent rage, your whole-body trembling stretching your powers to the shadows inside the room. Two agents came at you, ready to stop you but were unable to move their feet from the ground.
“Took you long enough.” Yelena said looking at her nails, you snorted stepping closer until she saw Wanda on a chair being held with some sort of necklace on her neck.
“Well, no one told me about this, so it was kind of hard to come before Carol let it slip.” Your fists clenched close, Natasha stood by your side pointing to the cameras and then to the two agents questioning Wanda.
“She is going to be charged.”
“With what?” You replied shaking your head, “where the hell is Tony? Why is he allowing this? I thought he has some jurisdiction in these situations…”
“He does.” Natahsa stated softening her stare, “that’s why he is not here.”
You scowled glancing at her then at Yelena, you opened and closed your mouth several times before pointing a finger at them.
“You allowed this to happen?” The rage you were feeling increased, but before you could say anything else Yelena came from behind you.
“Wanda did.” Yelena glanced at you then at the woman being held inside the room, the questions and the gestures of her jailers becoming increasingly demanding and aggressive.
“What?” This time around you were confused, Natasha softened her features knowing that you had been confused ever since Wanda came back into your life.
“You have to understand that whatever happened to you three, Wanda feels responsible for most of it. She took her responsibility since she was not allowed to do so before.”
Natasha could see how your processed her words, she grabbed your hand in hers squeezing lightly.
“But it wasn’t her fault, Agatha…”
“Agatha disappeared, remember?” Yelena continued, this time around you understood there was nothing else you could say, you could suddenly read there was more at play than just Wanda turning herself over.
Natasha and Yelena were not in the room by chance, you looked out of the corner of your eye the guards still struggling against the invisible ropes holding them on place. When you turned over to the room, your blood boiled in anger knowing that as always there was a hidden agenda trying to get a hold of powered individuals. This time around they had set their eyes on Wanda, who wouldn’t want to change the world around them? To get a hold of an individual that could take your through the multiverse, the power to shape the world to your licking.
“I hope Tony has pretty good lawyers.” You stated before moving past Natasha, your hand lifted pointing at the door of the interrogation room and pushing hard until the door crushed the wall at the other side of the room.
“Agent Schultz, I hope I am not interrupting anything important.”
Wanda wondered not for the first time how much hatred and revenge people could harbour in their hearts.
When she first broke the hex from Westview, she could see the fear in the eyes of the citizens as well as in the eyes of those agents she had captured at some point. She remembered the demands for her arrest, the harsh wording in which they were demanding for her to be imprisoned or at least held tightly unable to use her powers.
It had hurt, it was Lagos all over again.
The accusations never left, and the mistrust in some of the people’s eyes had always been there. It never went away, and Wanda had always been looked at with fear, resentment, and pity; she had tried her best, even with Steve by her side, it was impossible to get past such negative sentiments and thus she had decided to just keep to herself.
“What do you have to say, Maximoff.” The agent pointed to the file with his index finger, the agent to his side playing with a black gadget. “This would be, what? Your third time trying to break into the natural order of things and use your powers to…what exactly?”
The collar tightly wrapped around her neck sent jolts of electricity through her neck, shoulders and arms. It wasn’t the first time she was subject to such a gadget, and the memory was still burned deep inside her mind while the pain felt extremely familiar. Wanda held onto her emotions with as much dignity as she could muster, she could feel her power build up inside her ready to explode and let the men in the room why messing up with a witch like her was a mistake.
She was not about to show them she was the monster everyone believed her to be.
So even through the pain, and the questions that repeated themselves Wanda held herself proud and calm, hoping that Tony and Strange would keep their word and get her out of there without any physical fight.
“I think agent Cho asked you a question, Maximoff.” The black-haired man holding the switch of the collar asked leaning forward. “We need answers, what else can you give us?”
“Nothing else, agent Schultz, I already told your superiors everything they need to know.” Wanda clenched her jaw, her lips trembling lightly when another shot of electricity went through her neck and limbs.
“You are answering to us right now, Maximoff.”
“You were telling us about a different universe, tell us exactly what—” Agent Schultz stopped talking when the hinges from the door gave with a crashing sound and then the door exploded around them.
Wanda never entertained the idea of you coming in her aid.
In her mind, she had always thought you were happy with her gone, after all, that had been the deal when this whole ordeal started. She sat straightened up on the chair, her eyes to the door where you stood up with blackened eyes and silent anger all over your features.
“Agent Schultz, I hope I am not interrupting anything important.”
“Y/N! This is not going to be…” The man trailed of making gagging sounds at the black hand wrapping around his throat.
“I thought everything had been cleared out when I was taken into custody and given my testimony, I don’t understand why Wanda and America are being held under such deplorable conditions.” You pushed the agent back stepping closer to Cho who was trying to get the black switch while looking for his gun.
“I don’t think so, pal.” Yelena stepped on the wrist of the man smiling down on him. “I was waiting all day to do this.”
“Why didn’t you?” You replied crushing the device while approaching Wanda, your eyes locked with hers.
“And taking away from you the chance to save the damsel in distress? No way.” Yelena chuckled cuffing Agent Cho.
You snorted grabbing the collar while locking eyes with Wanda, the young witch didn’t say anything but her cheeks coloured red and her lips curled slightly. You winked t her, unable to help yourself before opening the device making a gesture of disgust.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Your voice was but a whisper, Wanda shifted on the chair letting go of the breath she had been holding ever since she had been incarcerated.
“What could I have said to them?” She replied watching as Natasha and Yelena started barking orders around the bunker.
“Perhaps, that you are one of the good guys?” You could see the flicker of doubt in those green eyes, Wanda lowered her gaze lifting her brows.
“Am I?” She dropped her shoulders, her lips trembling as she continued, “I made a lot of mistakes, Y/N, I’m just trying to pay for them.”
You pursed your lips, this was not the first time you heard such words coming from Wanda and while at first you thought it was the minimum she could do after all the pain she caused you; right now all you could think was to take away the pain and loneliness that seemed to be written into those green irises.
“You have paid for them, Wanda, you don’t need to punish yourself anymore.” Without thinking too much about your own actions, the back of your hand brushed tenderly on Wanda’s cheek just before your fingertips traced the marks left by the collar.
“I still think there is a lot I have to pay for, perhaps…once I have paid off my debt you…” Wanda trailed off unable to continue, you opened your mouth to ask Wanda what she meant, what she wanted to say but before you could do it another set of footsteps came rushing in and soon the both of you were engulfed by the arms of a teenager.
“Y/N! Wanda! You guys are okay!”
Wanda hugged America back, her eyes locking with yours for a moment. Your heart skipped a beat, your hand finding hers in a single touch that lasted long enough to leave you yearning for more; Wanda from her part got hope ignited inside her heart, and once more, wish she was brave enough to do what Scarlet asked of her. To fight for you, to not let go.
To let herself be loved by you.
America had never lived so much in so little time.
For a moment, when she could finally stop to take a breath, she felt as if years had passed and she had been thrown into a rollercoaster that took her from open danger to the next one without giving her the chance to assimilate everything that had happened.
That was until she had reached your universe.
Yours and Wanda’s.
America took a sip from the hot chocolate she had been offered, the room was filled with some agents and civilians, all of whom were just grateful that everything was over and life was going back to normal. Or as normal as it could be in a world filled with powered people and aliens running around the universe; America pursed her lips, knowing full well that after Y/N had come to pull her and Wanda out of the interrogation cells something of great importance happened for soon SWORD and SHIELD left.
No questions asked, no more attempts to capture and incarcerate Wanda or herself.
America let her eyes wandered around the room until she noticed Wanda on the far corner of the room. The young woman was alone, with her eyes gleaming with deep emotion she was trying to conceal behind the locks of hair and the glass she took to her mouth every five seconds. With a frown, America followed the stare from Wanda only to see you at the other side of the room.
Unlike the woman she had been back in the other universe, or whenever she had to fight, this Wanda was looking defeated. It was not hard to know why, you were laughing allowing an intimate caress and hold from Carol Danvers who was whispering something into your ear while Natasha rolled her eyes.
You looked happy, completely taken by the blond while Wanda remained in the shadows.
“They are complicated.” Yelena stood by America’s side, her accent dripping through every word.
America pursed her lips shaking her head, “I don’t understand why it is so complicated.”
Wanda’s attention was soon claimed by Tony, the man sat beside her talking slowly with gestures of his hands ensuring the young woman was really paying attention to him. At that moment, your attention drifted to her, your eyes softening slightly while your body turned completely ready to make your way towards her. A hand on yours stopped any movement, and while it looked as if your attention was claimed once more, you couldn’t help but look back to where Wanda was conversing with Tony.
“It is not so easy to forget and forgive,” Yelena shrugged following with her eyes the same scene America had been watching all afternoon. “They had been badly hurt, I don’t know much about Wanda, but Y/N was really hurt by the cheating. She felt as if no one could love her anymore.”
America winced for the very first time understanding where your anger came from, sometimes people ignored what others were experiencing and they forget that the pain and trauma was personal and not just something that could be turned on or off at will.
“But they are still in love with one another, isn’t it obvious to them?” America let out a heavy sigh, “it should be easier, after all this time…”
Yelena snorted this time around she turned to face America.
“You really think love is enough?” This time around Yelena’s eyes softened slightly, it was quite strange to find someone so innocent yet so hardened by the circumstances she had lived.
“It should be, right?” America hesitated chewing on her lower lip, “I mean, if love is not enough then, why are we doing what we do? Save people, save the world.”
It should be that easy, Yelena agreed. Yet she understood why it was so complicated, the former Widow could see your hesitation, the tension in your body for staying beside Carol while the longing in your eyes revealed your real intentions. You wanted to go to Wanda, just as Wanda wanted to go to you ever since you had rescued her from the interrogation room.
Love should be enough.
And now, all they had to proof this theory was time.
But time was not enough, and sooner or later, you and Wanda would need to decide what you really want and what you were ready to give and sacrifice.
“I heard you were saved by Y/N.” Tony sat beside Wanda following the stare of the young woman until his eyes found the form of Y/N. “She came in, broke the door and scare shitless those Agents before putting you out of harm’s way.”
Wanda blushed trying to hide away her expression, she couldn’t help but turn her attention back at you. It had been a moment she had treasured in her mind, the soft caress of your fingers while your words reached the deepest of her soul. She never imagined anyone would come to her rescue, much less the very same woman she had hurt so much in the past, yet here you were ready to break havoc as long as Wanda was fine.
“S-she did what any of you would have done.” Wanda glanced at Tony who merely snorted shaking his head.
“We left you with them, didn’t we?” Tony leaned back letting his eyes wandered to the window, his voice just above a whisper meant for Wanda only. “Everything has been straightened up, you have been cleared of any charges and if you want to, you can come back with me to the State or stay here…whatever you prefer.”
Wanda huffed shaking her head, “I am clear? Just like that?”
Tony shrugged, Wanda narrowed her eyes at the man pressing her lips together.
“What did you do?”
“What I should have done a long time ago, Wanda.” Tony leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees. “You have suffered enough, I think after everything you went through in the past, and what happened recently with Westview and America, I think you deserve a rest.”
When Tony saw the hesitation in Wanda he placed a hand on top of hers, squeezing tenderly onto her hand.
“It is time for you to be happy, Wanda. There is nothing else to it, but a chance that this universe is giving you to be happy.” Tony offered a smile, his eyebrows wiggling playfully while his eyes were pointing to you. “I’m not saying is gonna be easy, and it probably won’t end where you want it to end, but it is worth a try.”
“She is already happy, and she is with someone else. I just…I’m happy for her, I don’t think I will be bothering her anymore.” Wanda whispered with her heart breaking inside her chest.
The woman tried to be strong, while also feeling a weight she didn’t know she had been carrying lifted when Tony finished his speech.
“I want to thank you for what you did, even though you did leave me on that interrogation room.”
“It was for a good cause, believe me.” Tony clasped his hands in front of him, furrowing his brows with his eyes following your every move.
Even if Wanda refused to see it, it was quite evident for everyone all you wanted to do was to go to where Wanda was sitting. Your eyes had barely left the young woman before her attention was claimed by Carol, though the Captain was not being successful in her mission. It seemed as if you had eyes only for Wanda.
“I think you should speak with her, Wanda. This time around without missions, or the past getting in the way.” Tony finally spoke, making sure Wanda could no pretend she wasn’t listening. “You two lived quite the adventure in this other universe, and believe when I tell you, whenever you get a chance to see the life you could have, the love you could share, the children you could have…well, your life changes completely. Talk to her.”
Wanda couldn’t help but glance at Tony with a new hint of respect behind her green eyes. She had known the playboy, as well as the businessman and the Avenger; she had seen many faces of Tony Stark but this parental one was the one she loved the most. Wanda wished she could be as optimistic as he was, that she could see what everyone was seeing; but she couldn’t and her heart was not ready to take in another wave of heartbreak.
“I will do it but, I need a favour.” Wanda said with her mind already deciding on her course of action.
“Whatever you want, little witch.”
Wanda smiled sadly at the nickname, she turned to you and with a last, longing stare she turned to Tony with a request that left the man highly surprised and confused; behind such a request, Tony could make himself an idea on how the conversation between Wanda and yourself would end up in.
He couldn’t help but feel sad.
Tony had always thought you and Wanda were meant to be together, that the love you hold for one another could work miracles.
Now, all he had was a hopeless hope that you would let go of the past, and that Wanda would not let go of the present.
Wanda woke up with a gasp.
She was breathing hard, cold sweat rolling down her face and back. Her breathing laboured, burning her lungs trying to regulate itself while the images invading her mind stumbled one after the other.
There was not a single noise around her, the room was filled with darkness, to her left she could see the flash of a reflection in the window leading to the backyard. The white dots of snow falling, breaking the otherwise blackened night; even though she could tell it was a cold night, her room felt warm. Unbearable warmth.
She lifted a hand to her face, touching with her fingertips the tears wetting her cheeks. Wanda wrapped her arms around her legs, putting them towards her chest, placing her forehead on her knees. The dream had been so vivid, she could see every single scene playing inside her head, her last chance slipping away through her fingers and she was still unable to do anything at all.
Her dreams had been plagued with the memories of Westview and the Blip, she had seen as you slipped away only to come back filled with hatred turning your back on her while walking away with Carol by your side. Her dream had shifted at that moment, and she was back in The Raft tied to a wall with a collar that held her in place while sending electric shocks that made her feel a blinding pain. You were there, laughing with Tommy and Billy glaring at her while asking you to leave Wanda behind.
Wanda held back a sob trying to put the memories of the nightmare away from her head. She tried to get a hold of herself, taking deep breaths while putting together a set of memories that soothe her soul. Tommy and Billy were the first ones that came to mind, her children had been real; they had existed in the way Wanda had imagine them at first, with you by her side rasing them as your own. Wanda couldn’t help but smile when these memories came with a set of pictures she had seen back in the other universe, the both of you had really gone through a lot of hardships, but always together.
Wanda broke into a half-smile remembering the sweet smell of your perfume, the aroma that was unique yours when she woke up in the hospital. The conversation Wanda held with you, while the shared company and closeness gave Wanda hope that things would be different; Wanda lifted her face trying to hold onto the tears while she finally remembered how you came into the interrogation room and pulled her out of the shackles that had been trying to hold her while she was being interrogated.
Wanda remembered that moment, her heart had fluttered with hope when you stood up for her. She had almost melted away when you grabbed her hand leading her to the closest room before offering a half-smile. Wanda had dared to hope until Carol Danvers came right in and you were swept away almost right away.
With a heavy heart, and tired limbs Wanda stood from the bed. Her throat was dry, hurting just enough for her to look for some water hoping she would be protected by the dark of the night and the tiredness everyone in the house was feeling early into the evening.
The house was just as silent as her room, and the darkness was only broken by the strange appearance of a silver moon that came along with snow. Her naked feet made a tapping sound, leading her way into the kitchen, the cold of the night finally reaching out her heated skin making her shiver. She furrowed her brows wrapping her arms tightly around her body until she finally reached the kitchen.
Wanda stopped dead on her tracks when her eyes found those of yours sitting at the table. Her heart skipped a beat, while her lower abdomen filled with butterflies, but with all of this it also came the shadow of her reality. Her eyes dropped to a spot on the floor, her mind and soul pulsating trying to get her to say or do something. The part of her she had shut was stirring restlessly inside her.
She didn't expect to find anyone in the kitchen much less you wearing nothing a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt.
“Hey, couldn't sleep?” You placed your arms on the table, steam coming out of the mug you had in front of you.
Wanda was not looking so well, you noticed. Ever since you got back she had been all quiet, standing as an outsider while facing interrogation and examinations before joining the celebrations. You couldn't help but notice how far away she looked, yet how close she wanted to be. She was looking just as confused and lonely as she had been the first day she got to your place, your heart shrank painfully thinking about her.
“I was thirsty, that's all.” She stated pointing with her finger at the counter, “I'll have some water and then…”
She wiggled her fingers trying to look everywhere but at you, her feet taking her hurriedly to the counter only to crash against one of the chairs. You were on her in a second, your arms holding her softly, smiling amusedly at her. Wanda looked mortified, her cheeks burning red and her hands trembling, unable to stay still while touching your arms.
“Sorry, I didn't see where I was going, I just…” you furrowed your brows, letting Wanda push you away while making her way to the counter.
“That's okay.” You went back to your previous position, frowning at the mug.
The silence that followed was broken only by the running water and the sound of glass being moved away. You grabbed your mug, taking a long sip from your tea, not moving a single muscle as you heard Wanda pouring the water and taking long sips from the glass.
Wanda dropped her eyes to the sink, she didn't expect to find you in the kitchen but now that you were there she wanted to scream. She wanted to wrap her arms around you, she wanted to hold onto the memories she had of you two being young and in love, as well as to hold onto the life that could be hers if she hadn't messed up.
But she held herself, her knuckles going white for how hard she was holding onto the edge of the sink. She was too late, always too late.
No! You told me you will fight back, that you won't give up on her!
Scarlet's voice resounded inside Wanda’s mind but the young witch shook her head. She wanted you to be happy, and Wanda was not sure she was the person to make you happy. You had moved on whereas Wanda had tried to hold onto hope.
A hand on her shoulder made her jump startled. She turned around to see you standing there with your empty cup and concern flashing in your eyes.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes, just…” Wanda sighed offering a shaky smile, “I guess I'm still shaking after the interrogation. I never got to thank you for backing me up.”
You offered a tiny smile, shrugging as if it had been nothing when you knew it had been everything for you.
“It wasn't fair how they were treating you, Wands. You did nothing wrong and people should stop acting as if you did.” Your replied was directed to what had happened recently, though you could see the weight of the memories inside Wanda's eyes.
“Some things were my fault.” Her voice dropped, her heart was beating fast at your closeness, the hand you still had on her shoulder.
“Some things we cannot change, nor can we control. Stop beating yourself up for that.” You wanted to add something else, but just as Wanda, you were confused.
Everything that had happened was overwhelming, it forced you to face a past you couldn't forget, it put you and your feelings for Wanda on the spot. It made you question why you were never able to forge a real relationship with anybody, and why watching what could have been in another world hurt the deepest part of your soul and heart.
You were still in love with Wanda.
But things were complicated.
“I guess you're right.” Wanda offered a crooked smile, she stepped away from your touch looking away from you. “I still have nightmares.”
Her admission broke your stance, you lifted a hand to her face brushing away some locks of hair while looking directly into her green eyes.
“That's the reason why you are shaking right now?” You asked in a whisper, your hand warm against Wanda's cold skin. “That's why you woke up?”
Wanda closed her eyes, weak under your touch and tenderness. She tried to answer, but you stepped closer and all her thoughts and reasoning left her weak on the knees. You softened your features, leaning in until your warm breath brushed against the skin of her neck and ears.
“I'm sorry you still have nightmares about it.”
“It's not your fault.” Wanda finally answered, her voice shaking. She lifted her left hand wrapping it around your hand. “Y/N…”
It was the tone of voice that broke the spell, you frowned stepping back a little. Wanda seemed relieved, though also disappointed, her green eyes begging you to not play with her.
“Have you ever thought about what would happen…” Wanda started but you cut her off with a gesture.
“All the time, when I'm alone and I cannot quiet down my thoughts.”
“Are we happy in your thoughts?” Wanda knew she was not being fair with her questioning, but she needed it to know.
She needed hope
“We are.”
Wanda leaned back trying to smile but coming off like a grimace.
“That's good.”
“Have you ever thought…” You started but Wanda was even faster than you on her answer.
“Yes, every single day.”
You tilted your head furrowing your brows with squinted eyes.
“What do you mean?”
“There hasn't been a day I haven't thought about you, about what could be.” This time around it was her the one that stepped back, she couldn't take her eyes off of you. “I hoped at some point I could win you back and perhaps everything would be back to normal.”
“Things cannot go back to how they were, Wands.” You tried to soften the harshness of your voice with the nickname but it didn't work.
Wanda winced looking down at her feet, she grabbed the counter with her hands her back to the wall and a single rute of scape available to her.
“I know.” Wanda whispered, her lips curling into a bitter smile. “That was the moment I thought of Westview, I just…”
In the last couple of days, you had learnt so much about her and yourself that a part of you understood why Wanda had done what she did. Now it was easy to understand why Vision and not you had shown into the picture, why Wanda needed to be weakened mentally and physically before Agatha could do as much damage as she was allowed to before taken over.
For the first time, in a very long time, you took your time looking at Wanda. Your eyes went from her naked feet, wiggling fingers trying to get warm to her legs covered by a single pyjama pants and a sweater, her face was pale with bags under her eyes that had always shone with sadness in them. Her hair was long, a little unkept, as if she had woken up, a copper-like colour that had always suited her complexion. Wanda was beautiful, and our heart twisted pleasantly at the sight your hands twitching at your side wanting nothing more than to hug the woman in front of you.
“Things cannot go back to what they were, but they can be different, Wands.” This time around you said quietly, Wanda lifted her eyes but she could not read into your expression.
“What do you mean?” She whispered hating the bubble of hope that grew in her heart.
“I mean that we…I mean, we can be friends.” You backed away not daring to say anything else, not daring to expose yourself once more.
The bubble of hope exploded in a spiral of cold nails that went through Wanda's heart. Friends. That was all they could be, right? Things coils be different this time around, a moment in which you were only a friend destined to just not be close enough.
“That…that sounds good.” Wanda tried to smile, her lips trembling under the weight of her emotions.
You offered a tentative smile, “you can…I mean, now that everything is ready, America was thinking on staying over, so if you want…”
“I'll leave tomorrow.” Wanda rushed the words one after the other, her right hand fixing her hair while the left one picked on invisible threads on her sweater. “I…I talk with Tony, and everything is ready, I just…”
You stood expressionless, frozen on the spot while processing Wanda's words. The woman was babbling, never looking at you while bouncing on her feet
“I promise you I will be out of your way as soon as this is over and, I think it is time, I just thought you should know.” Wanda winced, stepping forward, walking past you without taking notice of the pain written all over your face.
“Friends would be good, I guess…we could try it.” Wanda turned around only to see you with your back to her. “Good night, Y/N, sleep well.”
Wanda left and the coldness of the night followed her all the way to her room. She never got a chance to see the broken stare in your eyes, or the same coldness taking refuge in your heart leaving you open to what you really wanted but didn't dare to have.
You didn’t say goodbye.
You were not ready to do so, thus you decided to just hide away and pretend Wanda hadn’t come into your life the moment winter began. It was easier than just face the fact that Wanda would leave you behind.
It wasn’t as if she owed you something, that had been the deal. You helped her and America and then, they needed to leave. You had been so full of grief and rage at that moment, you never imagine your emotions would change and that you would be faced with the situation you had been in.
Everything happened too fast for you to just think about it. And, when the moment came for you to do something, you just cowered away.
It was easier.
Running away was always easier.
By the time Wanda had arrived at your home, Winter had started. The days had been short, and the nights long and cold where the northern lights had been visible for most of the inhabitants in the North.
You had been so busy with what was happening, that you had forgotten the magic hidden behind the green and golden lights that ignited the sky. Sometimes it changes into a pink colour, twirling above your home with a flicker of lightning just before fading away.
You had chosen Norway due to its weather, and the quietness of the land. Not many tourists came to the fishing town, and the house you had bought was at the edge of a barely known road. It had been perfect for you to hide, and to run away; now it was looking like a prison, a place you could not escape from when everyone else seemed to walk away.
The wind was particularly strong that morning, it came with frozen bites on your uncovered skin. You turned around watching the mountains stretching through the horizon, the dark waters reflecting the darkened sky. You had come to the lighthouse to think, and to forget.
But you were failing quite miserably.
The first time you walked away from Wanda, you had done so without even saying goodbye. This time around, you had run away before she could say goodbye to you.
You wished there was something you could do, something you could say to Wanda that would change the situation. But you weren't sure what exactly you could say, you and her had ended the relationship a long time ago, and right now whatever you two had was just a shaky friendship.
“Fuck!” Your scream could be heard through the sound of the blowing wind.
“Why are you so frustrated?” Yelena was leaning against the wall, she was wearing a white, winter jacket with her brows knitted together.
You grabbed the railing shaking your head, your lips broke into a bitter smile. Of course, Yelena would be there watching your breakdown, Natasha had been like a mother to you offering her arms and shoulders for you to rest and let go of your pain. But Yelena had been the sister that made you face reality of what you were feeling, what you wanted and what you really needed.
“I don't know.” You turned around resting your weight on the railing, your eyes finding those of Yelena. “I've been thinking about everything that has happened, and I just…I don't know.”
Yelena nodded in understanding; she stepped closer to you crossing her arms. She was covering the fact she was freezing at the moment, her body shivering under the heavy weight of the jacket she was wearing.
“You don't know or you just don't want to know.” Yelena glanced at you out of the corner of her eye, she wrapped her arms around herself pursuing her lips. “I think in the last couple of weeks you have to finally face a situation you had been evading for far too long.”
“I don’t know what I should do, ‘Lena.” You whispered frowning deeply, “everything had been clear a couple of months ago, I was happy until…”
“Until you received the videos?” Yelena set her eyes on the horizon, before tilting her head to turn her attention to you. “They were sent by someone inside SWORD, Agatha had more than one ally in the organization.”
“How do you know?”
“Natasha asked me to investigate while you were away, it wasn’t that difficult to find some of the records.” Yelena shifted the weight of her feet her hand sneaking inside her pocket. “I don’t think you travelling through the multiverse was part of her plan, though capturing you and getting Wanda, America and yourself in the same place was.”
“She wanted our powers, same old story.” You shook your head, “do they ever get original?”
“Don’t think so.” Yelena chuckled bumping against you, her face softening while she put from her pocket a single envelope.
“What is that?” You eyed the object with curiosity, Yelena pursed her lips before stretching her hand and presenting you with it.
“Before she left, she wanted to give you this.” Yelena frowned observing as your expression changed, you went from being slightly relaxed to a tormented soul in a second. “Whatever happened in the other universe, whatever happened in Westview, whatever happened when the both of you were young…I think, Y/N, you need to face the past and decide what to do with yourself and with her.”
You grabbed the envelope, taking care of the letter inside it.
“She left.”
“She did.”
“Yelena, I …” You couldn’t finish your sentence but Yelena was not expecting you to, she smirked shaking her head while rolling her eyes at you.
“The thing about love, Y/N, is that you can’t predict it, you can’t control it, and certainly, you can’t choose who you fall in love with.” Yelena said simply. “Now, it is up to you what will happen next, I think by now we all know what Wanda really wants, and who she really loves.”
“I thought you hate her.” You never took your eyes away from the letter, Yelena snorted shaking her head.
“No, I just didn’t like her that much, you were a mess when I met you.” Yelena stated turning her attention to the house. “She is not so bad, after all.”
You snorted shaking your head, with some reluctance you put the letter away wrapping your arms around Yelena, the young woman smiled allowing the comfort of your embrace while you two made your way back into the lighthouse.
The letter heavy on your pocket, your mind wanting nothing more than to know what Wanda had left behind. It wouldn’t be until latter that day that you would have a chance to read it and, by then, Wanda was too far away trying to hold back her tears while convincing herself she had made the right decision.
Wanda left thinking she would never see you again, and you read the letter knowing you needed to see Wanda again.
At the end of the day, it was about love, and what we did to get a little of it in our lives. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Next Chapter: You read the letter, Natasha reads the letter, Carol finds the letter, and Yelena and America are kinda desperated with you pinning for Wanda and not doing anything about it. Wanda is finally getting some peace, learning about herslef and her powers when, all of a sudden, she receives a surprised visit.
#fanfic#wanda maximoff x reader#wanda maximoff#wandaxreader#female reader#imagine wanda maximoff#wanda maximoff x female reader
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Steve Tony Weekly - Week 4 - Time Travel
Hello hello hello! How was everyone’s week? I’m in America and I’m gonna be honest it’s been a rough one. And because I’ve used avoidance as a coping mechanism, I spent a lot of it reading. So that’s been a bright spot.
So this week’s theme is TIME TRAVEL.
I really love time travel with Steve and Tony because it plays with the soulmatism of it all and who doesn’t love that? So here we go:
Double Time by Sineala
Cassino, Italy, December 1943. Special Agent Tony Stark, former Marvels adventurer, is sent to investigate a Cosmic Cube found by the Invaders -- and it's the perfect opportunity for him to rekindle his secret romance with Steve Rogers. But when Hydra attempts to steal the Cube, an inadvertent wish for help leads to the appearance of a Tony from the future of another world: Director Stark of SHIELD. This Tony is a man with a lot on his mind. He refuses to tell them anything about the future, but he seems to know much more than he should about Captain America. And something's happened that's clearly killing him inside, but he's not talking. When Director Stark's failed attempt to return home leads to the unexpected appearance of another visitor from his universe, all the lies come undone. Now there are two wars to fight, and the second one could ruin all of them.
More Than Gravity by JenTheSweetie
“Aw, time travel, no.”
On Christmas Eve, Tony came unstuck in time.
timeless by Areiton
Steve keeps stealing glances at him, his face bright and eyes curious, and Tony wants to flush and he wants to preen, wants to turn into that curious stare, shameless and hungry until it caught and flickered into more.
Your Name on Every Wall by Sineala
The Time Gem throws Steve into the past rather than the future, and in doing so, it gives him the opportunity to undo his past mistakes. But when it turns out that all of his mistakes involve Tony Stark, Steve begins to wonder if he's ever going to be able to mend things between them.
The Butterfly Effect by itsallAvengers
While fighting with Loki, Steve Rogers from 2012 hears the two simple words: "Bucky's alive."
And the whole universe ripples with the aftershocks.
Every Damn Day by MusicalLuna
The longer his relationship with Tony has gone on, the more Steve wishes he'd gotten the chance to sock Howard Stark in the nose.
He finally gets his chance.
The Twice-Told Tale by arysteia
For someone he'd hero-worshipped for so long, Steve Rogers in the flesh is a pretty big disappointment. For one thing, he keeps looking at Tony as though he reminds him of someone else, and even if he never says anything, Tony's pretty sure it's his father. A lifetime of not measuring up to Howard's expectations is more than enough, thank you very much, and he's certainly not going to make an effort to live up to any of Steve's. Steve's pretty clearly failed to live up to his expectations, in any case, and that's not hypocritical at all.
#stevetony weekly#steve rogers#tony stark#stevetony#stony#iron man#captain america#stevetony fic#stony fic#fic rec
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We Meet Again
Clint had thought he'd had a long day before at SHIELD headquarters training new recruits but then when Fury mentioned he was bringing in Tony Stark. The blond wanted to roll his eyes, yet another ego for him to have to deal with. The Director thought the genius could be helpful but he was more certain the brunette was going to end up being a security risk. He'd met people like Stark before and to say he wasn't impressed was an understatement. In what world would a Billionaire be interested in someone who didn't even finish middle school?
That was until Clint laid eyes on the other man. He felt something deep inside his chest. A piece of memory and emotion whirring up. The sensation was odd..
Francis was in charge of following the Architect's plans for the buildings, managing the supplies for the buildings. When his blue eyes caught the other man's brown eyes.. he felt...what? Warm? Seen? That man was the Architect of the building, and well the job had just gotten more interesting hadn't it?
Present day.
He raised an eyebrow at Tony, trying to play it cool like he wasn't currently losing his mind, hallucinating at the sight of the genius.. about something that didn't make sense to him. He was certain they'd never met before. Naturally pictures of Stark were everywhere.. tabloids, the news. But why was he seeing these weird images..? And why did they look like the man in front of him? "Stark." @mr-tony-stark
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Moral of the Story: Chapter 10
Credit: @comixology
A/N: I'm hoping to have the Battle of NY( or at least the first half of it) in Chapter 11, thank y'all for sticking around!
MotS Masterlist
Taglist: @vicmc624 , @mostlymarvelgirl,@yvonneeeee, @beetlejuicesupremacy , @moonlightreader649 , @whattheduckisupkyle , @chrisevans-realwife , @nekoannie-chan , @mrsbarnes32557038 , @imyourbratzdoll , @weallhaveadestiny , @oldsoulmagic
Word Count: 1.7k

"What are you doing, Mr. Stark?" Fury came in yelling.
"Uh...kind of been wondering the same thing about you." Tony replied.
"You're supposed to be locating the Tesseract."
"We are. The model's locked and we're sweeping for the signature now. When we get a hit, we'll have the location within half a mile." Bruce said, barely batting an eye.
"And you'll get your cube back, no muss, no fuss. What is PHASE 2?" Tony prodded.
Steve dropped an old-looking assault rifle, "PHASE 2 is SHIELD uses the cube to make weapons.
Sorry, the computer was moving a little slow."
Am I mistaken or is the Nick Fury backed into a corner, "Rogers, we gathered everything related to the Tesseract. This does not mean that we're..."
The blue crystal looked too familiar. I got up and pulled it out of the gun.
"I'm sorry, Nick." I looked up to see Tony turning his monitor, filled with weapons of all kinds.
"Why were you lying?"
"I was wrong, director. The world hasn't changed a bit." Steve and Bruce looked pissed, while Tony seemed to be as calm as one can be. Fair enough, he's always held the cards.
Natasha and Thor entered the lab. Poor timing, really. Bruce looked at Natasha before asking, "Did you know about this?"
I phased out Bruce and Natasha's conversation to look at the Director. "The same thing you used to rain hellfire on us." I held up the crystal, "Blue fire and brimstone."
The director shifted his focus from me, "Because of him."
"Me?" Thor was stunned.
"Last year earth had a visitor from another planet who had a grudge match that leveled a small town. We learned that not only are we not alone, but we are hopelessly, hilariously, outgunned." Fury defended.
"My people want nothing but peace with your planet." Thor appeared, understandably, offended.
"But you're not the only people out there, are you? And, you're not the only threat. The world's filling up with people who can't be matched, they can't be controlled.
" Like mutants, Fury?”
"Like you controlled the cube?" Steve contested.
"Your work with the Tesseract is what drew Loki to it, and his allies. It is the signal to all the realms that the Earth is ready for a higher form of war." Thor explained.
"A higher form?" Steve asked.
"You forced our hand. We had to come up with something." The director still played diplomat, always coming up with excuses.
"Nuclear deterrent. 'Cause that always calms everything right down." Tony laughed.
"Remind me again how you made your fortune, Stark?" Fury pushed.
"I'm sure if he still made weapons, Stark would be neck deep..." Steve criticized.
"Wait! Wait! Hold on! How is this now about me?" Tony asked.
"I'm sorry, isn't everything?" Steve said sneeringly.
"I thought humans were more evolved than this."
"Excuse me, did we come to your planet and blow stuff up?" Nick asked the god.
"Did you always give your champions such mistrust?" The god responds.
The room was in utter chaos, yelling surrounding me.
"Are you all really that naïve? Captain America is on S.H.I.E.L.D monitors potential threats." Natasha states bluntly.
"Potential threats? Watch list?" Steve asks, obliviously.
"You're on that list?"
"I swear to God, Stark"
More and more of these people's conversations blur together until I can't distinguish what's being said.
"Where? You rented my room." Bruce raised his voice, pulling me out of whatever trance I was in.
"The cell was just in case..."
"In case you needed to kill me, but you can't! I know! I tried!" A moment of collective silence passed, "I got low. I didn't see an end, so I put a bullet in my mouth and the other guy spit it out! So I moved on. I focused on helping other people. I was good, until you dragged me back into this freak show and put everyone here at risk!"
Bruce grabbed the scepter, "You wanna know my secret, Agent Romanoff? You wanna know how I stay calm?" Fury and Natasha grabbed their guns.
"Doctor Banner... put down the scepter." Steve said softly.
"Got it," Tony assured.
Banner put the scepter down and walked over to the computer, "Sorry, kids. You don't get to see my little party trick after all." Holy shit, Doc.
"Located the Tesseract?" Thor asked.
"I can get there faster."
"Look, all of us..."
"The Tesseract belongs on Asgard, no human is a match for it," Thor argued.
Tony starts walking out, "You're not going alone!" Steve grabbed him.
"You gonna stop me?" Tony slapped him away.
"Put on the suit, let's find out."Steve said.
"I'm not afraid to hit an old man." Tony said coolly.
"Put on the suit." Steve affirmed.
Bruce leaned closer to the monitor, "Oh, my God..."
An explosion sparked through the air vents, shoving everything, and everyone, into the walls. The sound of glass shattering took a backseat to a structural beam, throwing me into the wall.
I could hear my head ringing. My vision felt blurry as the world spun around me.
"Put on the suit!" The Captain gasped.
"Yep!" Stark groaned.
The two men got up and ran out of the room.
I tried to stand up, my vision going black for a moment before I fell back down. I heard
Fury yelling, a few words remaining intelligible, "Coulson... detention section... armory..." Before he too left the room.
I looked through the room before shoving the beam off of my abdomen. The dull, yet sharp pain towards the base of my ribcage was already subsiding. I stood up, my vision going dark around the edges. After a moment of leaning on the walls, I moved to the behind workbench.
Everything on the table was broken in one way or another. I saw the scepter lying on the ground by my feet. I leaned through the window frame, careful not to cut myself on the pieces of glass still in the frame. I looked down to see Natasha lodged under some debris, streaks of green flowed around Bruce’s neck and arms.
“We’re okay, right?” Natasha asked him softly.
I ran out of the Lab, across the hall- the flood of agents swarming the halls, shoving me around and stopping me in my tracks-, and down the stairs before being stopped in my tracks by what I can only assume is the “Hulk” running through the wall to my left.
After a moment I turned around and went back up the stairs, pulling some agent aside to ask for directions to the detention sector, thanking them, and running over there.
Of course the detention center was in the opposite direction of foot traffic.
I shoved my way through the flood of agents until I found the stairwell the agent mentioned, luckily for me, empty. I ran down the stairs, occasionally tripping over my feet. When the stairs ended I cautiously peered around the corner, eager to avoid being run over by the Hulk. Finding that the lower levels were empty, I ran through the hallways- occasionally hitting my feet against the bottom of the bulkheads.
Then I heard it. The sound of the cage’s mechanisms dropping, though stalled for a moment, released. I knew I couldn’t have been far from the detention center.
I found my way to the second to last bulkhead when I heard the screeching of tearing metal.
I did my best to find where the sound of the blast came from and head there. I knew I’d found it when looking through the first open door; I saw the side of the room with a gaping hole in the far wall.
I ran into the room, barely given a moment to glance around before hearing Coulson’s weak voice calling out to me. I turned around to see him leaning up against the wall across from the gouged wall with a weapon that seemed vaguely familiar and a gaping hole in his chest.
“PHIL!?” I darted over to his weak form, kneeling by his side as I examined the perforation in his thoracic cavity.
“Hey, kid.” Phil rasped out with his regular soft, kind voice.
“It’ll be okay, I can fix this… I think?”
I saw the cavity filling with blood. Whatever had stabbed Coulson had pierced his chest and cut straight through, severing the left pulmonary artery.
He pulled my hand off of his chest, “Don’t. It’s okay.”
“What do you mean? Of course it’s not! I can help you.” I grabbed his hand, pleading with him.
I felt my tears pricking my eyes. I looked down, closing my eyes. I felt a hand tilt my face up. I opened my eyes, knowing it’d would be the last time I’d see Coulson’s kind, soulful eyes.
I heard the sound of footsteps, and while Coulson turned to see who it was, I couldn’t tear my eyes off of him.
I hadn’t known him for a year, and yet, he had become such an important figure in my life. I wanted to remember the details, how he’d gone out of his way to make me feel comfortable when healing Capsicle. How he’d covered for me when I’d accidentally spilled about Xaviers and my time there. How he’d comforted me when he learned about Logan. The way his eyes creased when he smiled. How every time I was uncomfortable in a conversation, he’d give me an entry point in his. How he’d made me feel safe in this otherwise terrifying situation.
How do you encapsulate what someone means to you? The depth at which they have changed your life, and the lasting impact they will never get to see? When the time comes, and you lose the words to tell them how much you care? The realization that they will never know how you treasured them.
“I’m sorry, Boss. They got rabbited.”
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Fury kneel on the other side of Coulson.
Taking Coulson’s hand in his own, he said, “Just stay awake. Eyes on me.” It was the first time I’d seen the director genuinely desperate.
“No. I’m clocked out here.”
“Not an option.” Fury fired back.
“It’s okay, Boss. This was never going to work… if they didn’t have something… to…” Coulson struggled with the last words, turning to me, he smiled and wheezed out his last breath.
#captain steve rogers#captain america#natasha romanov#natasha romanoff#black widow#hawkeye#clint barton#hulk#bruce banner#tony stark#iron man#nick fury#phil coulson#maria hill#steve rogers x reader#captain america x reader#mcu#mcu fanfiction#fanfic#mcu x reader#xmen x reader#xmen#wolverine#wolverine x reader#logan wolverine#logan howlett#logan howlett x reader#logan x reader#james howlett#james logan howlett
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Cap-IM Rec Week - Time Travel Tuesday
Day 2 of @cap-ironman's rec week event! Today's list features stories where traveling through time turns out to be the cause of or solution to our heroes' problems.
Never Surrender, Never Give Up by Loran_Arameri, Serinah (@loraneldin, @serinah80) (MCU, Explicit, 85,896 words)
Summary: It’s 2029 and aliens have taken the Earth. Steve is dead, and everyone who’s left of the Avengers is fighting for the last few thousand humans. They don’t have much time, or rather the energy: the last of the arc reactors will fail in less than a month, and Tony can’t make another one. Their base will fall.The Earth’s best defender is out of options. *** Years they fought against the Chitauri, and they have lost. Steve is sure that Tony would agree: only traveling back in time could save them now. But Steve wasn't sure if he should, and now he's out of time so he takes one last, desperate gamble. When will he end up?
Circulaire by @gonetoarcadia (MCU, Mature, 38,412 words)
Summary: The world ends on a Wednesday. An anonymous invading force interested in nothing but destruction wipes out most of the world’s major urban centres within an hour. In the aftermath, with the few heroes left alive bitterly divided between moving forward or looking for a way back, Tony Stark and Steve Rogers set out to find out what happened, and make sure that it never does.
The rest are below the cut!
special dispensation by @jenthesweetie (MCU, Teen And Up Audiences, 673 words)
Summary: On the one hand, they’d all agreed that the quantum time machine was a dangerous technological advancement, only to be used under the most dire of circumstances. But on the other hand, it was Steve’s birthday.
Double Time by @sineala (616/Iron Man Noir, Explicit, 123,375 words)
Summary: Cassino, Italy, December 1943. Special Agent Tony Stark, former Marvels adventurer, is sent to investigate a Cosmic Cube found by the Invaders -- and it's the perfect opportunity for him to rekindle his secret romance with Steve Rogers. But when Hydra attempts to steal the Cube, an inadvertent wish for help leads to the appearance of a Tony from the future of another world: Director Stark of SHIELD. This Tony is a man with a lot on his mind. He refuses to tell them anything about the future, but he seems to know much more than he should about Captain America. And something's happened that's clearly killing him inside, but he's not talking. When Director Stark's failed attempt to return home leads to the unexpected appearance of another visitor from his universe, all the lies come undone. Now there are two wars to fight, and the second one could ruin all of them.
Relativistic Heat Conduction by @blossomsinthemist (616, Explicit, 69,298 words)
Summary: Age of Ultron-based, but not entirely canon compliant. Written for the 2013 Cap-Iron Man Reverse Big Bang. Ultron has attacked, obliterating most of the world's superheroes and resistance in a matter of hours. The remaining heroes band together and share what strength they have to get through it, to survive, and defeat Ultron once and for all. Steve Rogers grieves in the wake of the disaster and the heroes' defeat, and no one knows if he will be able to provide the leadership they need--but Tony Stark isn't about to let him slip away that easily. Also available as a podfic read by Pywren (@phyrrhicvictory)
More Than Gravity by @jenthesweetie (MCU, Teen And Up Audiences, 20,918 words)
Summary: “Aw, time travel, no.” On Christmas Eve, Tony came unstuck in time.
The God of Solid Life Advice by kehinki (MCU, Teen And Up Audiences, 1,583 words)
Summary: It's 2012. Steve is just informed by Loki that Bucky's alive. Loki also tells him some other things.
Man Out of Time by @samptra (MCU, Explicit, 39,017 words)
Summary: Closing dark eyes he tried to center his wildly gyrating thoughts. “This isn’t happening this isn’t real…” he wacked his head a few more times, “I did not go through a weird tear in the air again. There was no crazy terreract driven machine…and I defiantly did not go back in time.” This was all some sort of dream he was having a nightmare one that he’d awake from in his bed, in Avengers Tower, in the year 2013.
To Make Much of Time by @sineala (616, Teen And Up Audiences, 16,114 words)
Summary: When Iron Man rejects Steve's romantic advances, Steve is disappointed, but of course he understands -- Iron Man's secret identity is important. But when a portal opens and Tony Stark crashes into their midst from twelve years in the future, Steve starts to suspect that there are more secrets here than he can even begin to comprehend, and neither Iron Man nor Tony are providing any answers. Also available as a podfic read by @paraka
The Twice-Told Tale by @arysteia (MCU, Explicit, 15,789 words)
Summary: For someone he'd hero-worshipped for so long, Steve Rogers in the flesh is a pretty big disappointment. For one thing, he keeps looking at Tony as though he reminds him of someone else, and even if he never says anything, Tony's pretty sure it's his father. A lifetime of not measuring up to Howard's expectations is more than enough, thank you very much, and he's certainly not going to make an effort to live up to any of Steve's. Steve's pretty clearly failed to live up to his expectations, in any case, and that's not hypocritical at all.
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Cap-Ironman Rec Week 2024
Time Travel Tuesday: July 23rd
Prompt: Rec all those great fanworks where Tony or Steve (or Tony and Steve) travel to the past or the future or to an alternate past or future and discover unexpected realities and new truths!
I absolutely love this trope! And we are truly blessed in this fandom to have so many fantastic authors tackling it. Here is a very small selection of my favorite time-travel / timey-wimey-shenanigan fics:
-- And Has Time Enough by wanttobeatree
Tony asks if they have met. It's a matter of perspective. (A Time Traveller's Wife AU.)
-- Double Time by Sineala
Cassino, Italy, December 1943. Special Agent Tony Stark, former Marvels adventurer, is sent to investigate a Cosmic Cube found by the Invaders -- and it's the perfect opportunity for him to rekindle his secret romance with Steve Rogers. But when Hydra attempts to steal the Cube, an inadvertent wish for help leads to the appearance of a Tony from the future of another world: Director Stark of SHIELD. This Tony is a man with a lot on his mind. He refuses to tell them anything about the future, but he seems to know much more than he should about Captain America. And something's happened that's clearly killing him inside, but he's not talking. When Director Stark's failed attempt to return home leads to the unexpected appearance of another visitor from his universe, all the lies come undone. Now there are two wars to fight, and the second one could ruin all of them.
-- A Shadow Hanging Over Our Fate by CaptainDean13
The Avengers get sent back in time to WWII where they run into the Howling Commandos... complete with Bucky and Steve. Little hard to explain that away, especially when you are trying to keep some major secrets. Secrets like how you ended up in the future and why the hell Bucky is now a scary (reformed) assassin with a metal arm, not to mention that you married your friend's son.
-- The Good or Bad Thing by petreparkour
“It’s the metal suit,” Thor informed Steve, his normally-booming voice tinny over the SHIELD comms. “What did Stark call it—Iron Man?” “But he’s down here,” Steve protested as the Hulk roared in Stark’s face, startling him into waking with a shout. “How could—” “It’s damaged,” Thor reported. “But it looks different. More advanced. And he—ah. He’s carrying you, Captain.” “Please tell me nobody kissed me,” Stark breathed out, and then Stark’s voice suddenly came over the comms, but the man lying next to him hadn’t moved. “Guys, come on, you’re killing me here. What is it, 2012? God, I hate time travel. First, I'm fighting Thanos. Now, I have to deal with my past self and Thor's bad haircut? Oh my God, Cap, yes I hacked their comms, they’re my comms.” Steve nearly opened his mouth to protest that he hadn’t said anything when he realized that this replica of Tony Stark wasn’t speaking to him.
-- Calls Me Home by steve-capsicle-rogers (adorable_lab_rat)
Tony can't help but notice the far away look on Steve's face. The visible pain and loss. It wasn't right and giving Steve back everything he'd lost was the right choice. The right thing. And honestly Tony didn't do the right thing near enough.
-- A Hundred Times, Once by FestiveFerret, SirSapling
The shrill tone of his SHIELD beeper pulls Steve out of sleep and into battle. He fights robots, he fights Tony's shameless advances, he fights the exhaustion that threatens to take over him, drown him. And then the next morning, he wakes and does it again. Exactly the same. And again. And again. And again.
-- hunters seeking solid ground by laramara
In the wake of the battle with Thanos, Steve feels unmoored in a way he hasn’t since before he ate shawarma with a group of virtual strangers and thought maybe, maybe he could one day find a place here. Steve returns the stones, and has a few unexpected interactions and makes some decisions along the way.
-- The Butterfly Effect by itsallAvengers
While fighting with Loki, Steve Rogers from 2012 hears the two simple words: "Bucky's alive." And the whole universe ripples with the aftershocks.
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if they decided to make a sequel to aos, but put it in its own timeline for good, i dont think that would be the worst thing. it has always had its own identity, and while i love a lot about phase 4, there has been turbulence, and the aosverse would basically be the mcu up to infinity war and diverge after that. personally, i wouldnt complain about having a timeline where thanos just died and we continue to have happy endings for all the characters (instead of fridging a bunch of them for cheap shock).
tony retiring with his wife and kid. natasha and clint returning to shield. sharon getting her name cleared and also coming back and oh shit, shes a skrull, which leads into shield dealing with the skrull stuff in an actual good, dramatic, spy storyline (which would have worked in the main mcu too, but oh well thats marvel for you).
anyway, daisy becoming director of sword. fitzsimmons working at stark industries. ah im loving this idea more and more who needs kang
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Disney Branded Television Gives Series Order To “Iron Man And His Awesome Friends” Slated For A 2025 Release On Disney Junior and Disney+.
Heroes assemble ❤️💜💚
Disney Jr. has ordered a new animated preschool series Iron Man and his Awesome Friends, the series comes as part of Disney Branded Television and Marvel’s expanded strategy to introduce the iconic Avengers characters and stories to a new generation of fans. The series is currently in production and slated for a summer 2025 premiere on Disney Jr. and Disney+.
Iron Man And His Awesome Friends follows the adventures (and misadventures) of best friends and super geniuses, Tony Stark, Riri Williams and Amadeus Cho as they work together to solve problems both big and small and protect their city. To help them in their Super Hero endeavors, they each have their own Iron Suits that allow them to fly and give them each enhanced super-strength. In addition, Iron Man has a Nano-Shield; Ironheart has a Heartbeat Bubble forcefield to protect people, and Iron Hulk has his strong Iron Boom clap and Iron Hulk Stomp. They work out of their beachfront base, Iron Quarters (IQ), under the supervision of their superpowered android, Vision, and their furry pup, Gamma, who has her very own Iron Pup suit and accompanies the Iron Friends on many of their adventures. The series stars Mason Blomberg (Shameless), Kapri Ladd (Danger Force) and Aidyn Ahn (Kids Say the Darndest Things) as the voices of Tony Stark (Iron Man), Riri Williams (Ironheart) and Amadeus Cho (Iron Hulk), respectively. David Kaye (Transformers) voices the role of Vision, and Fred Tatasciore (Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur) voices Gamma. Additional characters and casting will be announced at a later date. Marvel’s Iron Man and his Awesome Friends is executive produced by Sean Coyle (Puppy Dog Pals) and Harrison Wilcox (Marvel’s Spidey and his Amazing Friends). James Eason-Garcia (Pupstruction) is co-executive producer and story editor, Alex Cichon (Lego Marvel: Spider-Man: Vexed by Venom) is supervising producer; Ashley Rideout (Marvel’s Spidey and his Amazing Friends) is producer, and Michael Dowding (Hello Ninja) is supervising director. The series is produced by Disney Jr. and Marvel Studios in association with Atomic Cartoons.
“We’re thrilled to introduce Marvel’s Iron Man and his Awesome Friends to preschoolers on Disney Jr. and Disney+, expanding their connection to the iconic Marvel universe,” said Ayo Davis, CEO of Disney Branded Television. “Partnering with Brad [Winterbaum] and the Marvel Studios team on this series allows us to bring the incredible legacy of Iron Man to a whole new generation, sparking young imaginations with characters that embody courage, teamwork, and creativity.”
“Iron Man is the character that launched Marvel Studios and will always be especially beloved here as the hero that made the MCU possible.” said Brad Winderbaum, head of Streaming, Television and Animation, Marvel Studios. “That’s why we’re so excited to partner with the incredible team at Disney Branded Television and bring Iron Man to a new audience. Together we are building a series that introduces the most brilliant scientists and inventors in the Marvel Universe as they share in fun armored adventures.”
#Iron Man and his Awesome Friends#Iron Man#Stan Lee#Jack Kirby#Sean Coyle#Harrison Wilcox#Marvel#Marvel Studios#Marvel Animation#Marvel Animation Studios#Disney Junior#Disney Jr
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Adventures on a Foreign Planet | Chapter 1
Summary: After narrowly escaping Thanos, Loki is given a chance for a new life. The Avengers allow Loki to live in New Asgard with his brother, Thor. However, The Avengers are not quick to put their trust into Loki. SHIELD Director Nick Fury recruits an Agent who was once said to be one of the most promising SHIELD Agents, to follow Loki and ensure that he has no plans to harm Earth. Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x Reader A/N: Hello! This is a new series I've been working on and I'm excited to finally be publishing it. This is just the first chapter, so I hope you stick around to see the full story. [ Masterlist | AO3 ]
Every Asgardian knew the stories of the land that was now supposed to be their home. Many celebrations that were full of food and wine also included the Allfather Odin reminding them of the battle in a small village on Midgard called Tønsberg. The audience would shiver, their shoulders tense as Odin described the land being frozen over by the Frost Giants and their malicious leader, King Laufey; the monsters with blood red eyes and physiques that tower over Asgardians.
The story was always told the same way, with Odin leading the Asgardian army into battle without fear. The War eventually ended in the Frost Giants own realm Jotunheim. But the Midgardian village that eventually grew into a city was still remembered as years later, Odin would ask for the Asgardian worshippers to protect the Tesseract.
At the end of the story, Odin would yell “Asgard will always prevail,” and the crowds would cheer as loud as they could and some would chant the phrase before filling their drinks once more.
Now, their home that they had for centuries was gone. The prophesized apocalypse, Ragnarok, had happened. The Asgardians had needed refuge and their new King Valkyrie, with the advice from the formerly Crown Prince Thor, decided the city from their stories could be their new home. The Asgardians knew there would be no grand celebrations for a long time.
However, most Asgardians were simply grateful to have a chance to continue their lives. Hela’s takeover of Asgard caused many lives to be lost. But their challenges were not over yet, as Thanos had come for the Tesseract.
Thanos originally went for another infinity stone on a planet called Xander. But decided against it as rumors his daughters Gamora and Nebula knew of his plans stopped him. Little did he know that his daughters and their friends knew of his new plan to go after the Tesseract. The Guardians of the Galaxy, as they referred to themselves as, followed him. With the help of the Nova Corp and some Ravagers, they were able to fight Thanos. The new legend says Nebula performed the final attack, killing The Mad Titan.
Not every Asgardian survived the Thanos attack. Most were able to escape quickly in a smaller ship with Valkyrie and Korg. Some decided to stay behind and fight. To ensure Asgard had a future.
Everyday since the Asgardians arrived on Midgard three months ago and renamed the city of Tønsberg to New Asgard, the younger prince of Asgard wondered if it would be the day he was sent to a different realm or was executed.
Loki's last visit to Midgard resulted in a strange wizard putting him in a strange portal where he fell for thirty minutes while Thor was told to take Loki from Earth. Thor easily agreed that his brother was a threat to Earth. The Battle of New York was far from forgotten.
But, now Thor was telling anyone who would listen that Loki had changed and was a hero for the Asgardians. The Avengers did not trust this supposed change of heart and decided to lock up Loki in the Avengers Compound until they decided what they would do with him. Loki did not put up a fight. What was the point?
Thor attempted to make his brother's living situation as comfortable as possible, requesting that he was not put in a cell but rather an apartment like the ones the other Avengers lived in; Tony Stark's AI FRIDAY, ensuring tight security.
During the months living in the compound, Loki was questioned on a regular basis, mostly by the Avengers but occasionally by military and government officials. But ultimately, everyone agreed that it was up to the Avengers to make the final decision.
“Why are you here Loki? Planning another massacre in an attempt to be some King? I wanna know what tricks you got up your sleeve this time cause the mind stuff was really impressive but you don’t seem like the person to enjoy repeating tricks?” asked Clint Barton, a man Loki remembers well. He was always one of the harshest interviewers and for understandable reasons.
The two men are sitting across from each other at a table in Loki’s temporary apartment. Unlike the others, Loki has not been able to add any personal touches. The walls are plain and all the tabletops bare.
“I do not plan on conquering. My return to your planet is simply because it is where my brother and our people are,” Loki responds. He sounded casual and almost bored, as if this was a phrase he repeated many times.
Most of his life, Asgard gave him no attention except when he was causing tricks on them. Why would they when they could instead idolize Thor, the golden prince. Now he is constantly trying to convince others that he is a part of Asgard. That he is wanted by the Asgardians. Loki knew it was a lie, but the silvertongue always knew how to lie.
“Your people? The people who did not want you to become their king so you decided it would be fun to destroy Earth,” Clint almost laughs.
“Fun is not how I would describe my past experience here.”
The dark haired God never once broke eye contact with Clint as he said “There is much you don’t know about how that attack came to be. I was not the main person who lost that day.”
Clint leaned back in his chair, sighing. The details given by Loki about his side of the Battle of New York always felt incomplete. He needed to hold back. The truth of those events and what he experienced because of that Mad Titan is something the Avengers didn’t need to know about.
Knowing it was a lost cause, Clint decided to move on.
“New Asgard is starting to settle down. People are getting used to the situation, more homes are being built. They are starting work and the children are taking lessons again,” Clint offers.
“So I’ve heard.”
“You helped Asgardians escape Ragnarok, " he leaned against the table, "You think you could create a new life?”
Loki only nodded.
Mission Assignment Update: Report to Nick Fury at Base 018
You groan as you put your phone back on the nightstand. It was only 6am, but of course the bastard Fury didn’t care that you only got to your apartment past midnight after finishing your latest mission.
It wasn’t an exciting one. There was a rumor that a “dangerous group” in New Jersey was developing technology that could hack anyone including Tony Stark himself.
And of course like always it was nothing. Just a group of grad students who got pretentious about some of the programs were developing and exaggerated the truth to some of their friends.
Yet, SHIELD still never wanted to take any risks so you were the ever so lucky agent that had to investigate then write a riveting report about how it was nothing.
The notification didn’t include a meeting time, meaning that Fury wants you to be there as soon as possible and no matter what time you arrive, he will complain about you being late.
Your eyelids still feel heavy as you will yourself to get out of bed. As you slowly gain consciousness you wonder why you even have to go to Fury for your mission assignment. Most of the time you are messaged the directions of the missions and complete it all on your own.
Eventually you manage to get dressed and run out of your apartment to head to the SHIELD base. It wasn’t a very big one, though most of the facilities weren’t anymore. SHIELD didn’t have much now after the Hydra infiltration. Many resources were gone and so were many agents.
This base was hidden in plain sight. It was just another skyscraper in New York full of many businesses that each rented a couple floors. As far as the other workers in the building knew, “Secure and Shield Surveillance” was a small technology company that possibly made security cameras or computer protection software.
No one ever really cared enough to investigate further.
You enter the building and take the elevator to the 8th floor. When the doors open and there you are greeted by the hostile stare of the secretary, Bernadette who has half-moon glasses and dresses as though she is working in the 1950s. Her gray hair is in its usual tight updo that never allows any piece of hair to move from its assigned position.
“Well look who decided to grace us with her presence today.”
Bernadette had been a part of SHIELD longer than anyone else (you didn’t know how long because no one would ever risk asking her age). You sometimes wondered if she was always a secretary or if her past jobs were more like yours.
All you did know was Bernadette believed that SHIELD would be best run if everyone obeyed orders and that she hated you because you always did the exact opposite.
You roll your eyes and respond, “Always nice seeing you too. If I knew you missed me so much I would have visited more often.”
“How generous.” Bernadette returns to her work, attempting to ignore you still being in the room.
“I know, when I die I’ll be treated like a saint,” you smile to yourself, knowing that you probably annoyed her enough that she will be irritated for the rest of the day.
She continues to type on her computer, attempting to maintain a bored face, but you are still pleased because you can see the slight furrow in her brow and her frown deepen. “Director Fury is waiting in his office. A reminder on basic manners dear, don’t leave your boss waiting.”
“Didn’t plan on it Bernadette, I’m always polite.” You are already walking down the hall when you respond, while you attempt to hold your small laugh.
As you enter the office, you see Fury but there was another figure with him. Steve Rogers. You’ve met before many times albeit the encounters were usually very short.
He has been involved with SHIELD for many years and after the infiltration was revealed, it was he who heavily promoted the idea of reforming SHIELD in hopes of maintaining its legacy. However, he was still most committed to the Avengers and most SHIELD operations were handled by others.
But now the two men are standing around Fury’s desk, staring at you while you still stand in the doorway.
“Director, Captain, I hope you plan on explaining to me why we are all here.”
Fury steps forward towards you, his arms crossed, “Agent, I assumed you would know from the dispatch that we need to talk about your new mission.”
“Yes, message that provided no details except to meet you here which we both know is irregular. We both don’t have time for this and I assume your other guest, who was not even mentioned on my invitation, doesn’t either.”
Steve looks apologetic as he says “I apologize that I caught you off guard, that wasn’t my intention.”
“It was absolutely my intention. Why are you complaining so much? I thought you loved surprises and it's really a shame we don’t see each other more often,” Fury interrupts.
You force yourself to laugh, “Not my fault you didn’t wanna go on a coffee date with me,” you close the door behind you, fully entering Fury’s office “Captain, are you willing to finally tell me about this mission?”
Steve sighs and sits down in the chair beside the desk, “As you know Thor has brought the Asgardians here to Earth, they’ve been rebuilding their home in Norway.”
You nod. Asgard’s destruction and refuge wasn’t unknown. You heard about some missions of agents being sent to deliver resources and technology to the Asgardians, in an attempt to help them adapt to their new lifestyle.
But doesn’t explain why Fury and Steve, themselves need to personally explain your mission to you.
Steve continues, “Thor also brought some of his companions with him,” he pauses, “Including his brother Loki.”
You feel your heart drop to your stomach and breaths stop.
Loki is back on Earth? It has been years since the attack on New York, but no one has forgotten it. At one moment you are sparring with your fellow SHIELD trainees, placing bets on who was going to get assigned a real mission first, then in the next moment it doesn’t matter. SHIELDs Helicarrier was attacked and the perpetrator had escaped.
Everything you learn about their menacing leader was after the attack. SHIELD was able to collect some footage of the tall dark god. The footage was blurry, but yet you can still see the God enjoying himself. The attack was no accident.
“You let Loki back on Earth? The Asgardians have been on Earth for months, are you trying to tell me you’ve allowed him to be here the whole time. What the fu-”
“Our reasons for allowing him to be here are complicated, Agent. Please try to stay quiet and listen.” Fury starts sounding more and more exhausted, whether by you or the entire situation is debatable.
Steve looks at Fury then back at you, “When we saw Loki had arrived with Thor, we immediately put him in custody. Thor was upset with this decision and tried to explain to us that- well he believes his brother is good now.”
Thor believes his brother is good?
Fury explains, “Loki apparently did some hero shit when they were escaping Asgard and now Thor believes that his little dream of fighting alongside his brother is possible.”
The story they are telling you feels like a dream. Or maybe this is a nightmare. It is too unbelievable to be real.
“Do you believe that? This is ridiculous-”
You are interrupted again by Fury “What did I say about you saying quiet and listening. We haven’t even gotten to the best part yet.”
“We decided to investigate Thor’s claims about his brother. We needed to decide what to do with Loki and we finally came to a conclusion,” Steve stares at me “Loki is moving to New Asgard.”
Steve continues, “New Asgard is where Thor is and maybe eventually after a while, he might even help the Avengers out. This is a dangerous move we know, but it’s one we believe in,” he pauses. “I believe we can give him a second chance.”
Steve Rogers, or Captain America as the world knew he always wanted to do the right thing. To believe there is still good in the world even if it felt like it was all following apart.
And somehow he could even see good in Loki.
You are lost in your thoughts when Fury's voice sneaks into your head. “This is where you come in, Agent.”
Your head whips around to stare at Fury, your mouth slightly agape. During this meeting, you had become so distracted by this absurd story that you forgot the original reason for you being here.
"Thor promises to keep an eye on his brother, but we want to be safe," Steve said, "Fury recommended you for the job.”
You stare at Fury. He was always a calculated man
"Why did you choose me for this mission?"
"Loki annoys the hell out of me and so do you,” Fury shugs.
“Ha, very funny,” you say completely expressionless.
This whole situation was ridiculous.
But, maybe it was time for a challenge. For years now, every mission you’ve received always felt the same and never truly needed a SHIELD agent to handle it.
“So, you’re telling me my new mission is to babysit a God?” They both nod cautiously. You pause, making sure you have made up your mind, “So when do I start?”
#loki x reader#loki laufeyson x reader#loki laufeyson#mcu loki#mcu fanfiction#loki fanfic#enemies to lovers#Loki#Loki Laufeyson
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