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wisdomfish · 2 years ago
Let’s God to San Francisco
In 1989, I walked into the world famous Castro District of San Francisco as a disaffected young man of almost nineteen years of age. I had grown up bullied and lonely, and I was looking to finally belong. Almost since I was a child nearing adolescence, the other boys at school instinctively rejected me. While they made the decisive testosterone fueled jump to more masculine pursuits, such as aggressive schoolyard play and sports, I was timid and unsure. While their voices deepened and sounded increasingly confident, mine remained high-pitched but strangely muted. While they grew taller and filled-out, I just became thinner and ganglier.
The pre-macho boys were typically the best at playing kick-ball and inevitably turn out to be recess and PE team captains. Focusing on my embarrassing apparent lack of skill, they were always quick to ridicule and loudly point out my utter worthlessness. No one ever wanted me on their team. After even the smaller girls got picked, I was always the default last man standing.
There were a few other unathletic boys in my class, either overweight or exceedingly short, who also got similarly passed-over. But they could turn rejection into an advantage through comical self-deprecation or by poking fun at me or someone else. I couldn’t do that. I tended to take everything to heart. I froze at the merest slight. The often cruel unthinking banter of boys seemed deliberately vicious. Yet, the more they rejected and taunted me, the more I wanted to belong. My childhood fantasies began to center around a benevolent superhero who would adopt me as his sidekick. In the afternoon, I would rush home to see after-school reruns of “Batman” and imagine myself as Burt Ward. To this day, it’s highly significant that homoerotic fantasies about Batman and Robin are pervasive in gay male culture.
When I arrived in San Francisco, I was still tall, thin, and uncoordinated, but I quickly discovered that men wanted to be with me. Here, a boyish stick frame was a distinct advantage. That first night, as I crept into my first gay bar, I was the same insecure and desperately shy kid. I didn’t know what to do. My only experience with the world of male-on-male sexuality was through watching gay porn.
And, in those images, I was fascinated.
There was a fundamental order and a ritual to everything portrayed: old with young, big over small, the experienced and the naive. The mature and supremely masculine always ushered into manhood the fresh-faced and less physically impressive youthful rookies.
From porn, I sort of knew what to expect; I had seen such ominous similarly titled films like: Daddy Dearest, Hurts So Good, and Try to Take It. I imagined my transition to masculinity as an initiation rite. And at the near height of the AIDS crisis, like male youths in tribal cultures, who had to endure some sort of physical torment or trial in order to join the community of men, I was willing to suffer anything in the process; even to die.
As an inexperienced eighteen year old, I found the aspirations of gay men to be strikingly similar. For an encounter that did not at least include the possibility of anal intercourse seemed incidental and quick. Anal sex lent male homosexuality a certain amount of intimacy. The possibility of that fusion was unbelievably alluring. But I was petrified by the ever-present likelihood of AIDS, thus I refused to risk my life even though I knew I would remain incomplete until I found the courage to submit.
A frustrated boyfriend accepted a sort of second-best when I agreed to a form of frontage through which he would thrust his penis between my closed legs. It was an elaborate form of mutual masturbation.
Years later, I would tragically discover that the longed for insertive form of this action was similarly shallow.
I had walked into San Francisco, but I had to be carried out. The man who picked me up that dark day was unlike anyone I had ever met. He took my lifeless body back home – to my parent’s house.
There, I woke up in my old bedroom, surrounded by a few incidental memories from childhood. The same bed I once delighted in my first wet dream, I now soiled with blood.
The following months were dominated by a series of appointments with various physicians, specialists, and surgeons. The embarrassment and pain that I long evaded was unavoidable. Before surgery, I was required to almost mockingly relive every cleansing routine I endlessly practiced.
During the procedure, a section of my rectum was removed due to the existence of severe internal scarring. Like an imprisoned victim of the Marques de Sade, my sphincter had been sewn shut with thick cording. The doctor and nurse gave me a long list of stool softeners and laxatives to take with copious quantities of water in order to make it possible that I could have a bowel movement through an inconceivably narrow orifice. The precautions didn’t work, and I busted the stitches.
To stop the bleeding, I stuck a hand towel down my shorts and went to the emergency room. With my back to the waiting room wall, amongst the coughing children and light-headed elderly patients, the blood began to seep through my pants.
For what seemed like hours, I laid on the hard hospital gurney. I rang for the nurse, but the place was a flurry of activity; next to me, separated by a thin privacy screen, were a pair of teenagers: one suffering from an overdose of prescription pills and the other with a severe pelvic infection due to an untreated STD. This was purgatory. I had to use the toilet, so I shuffled across the freshly waxed floors towards the restroom. On the way back to my bed, I left a trail of little red dots behind me. This wasn’t an intermediate state between heaven and earth – it was hell. I had died and been sent to suffer an eternity as a character in a perverse fairy-tale – the boy with a broken bottom. To the great consternation of the attending doctor and nurses, I checked myself out of the hospital and went home.
For the next few days, I ate nothing but a grainy powdered fiber substance mixed with water and prune juice. I stood in the shower and defecated on my feet. I couldn’t sit, nor strain. More than once, I didn’t quite make it to the bathroom from my bed.
Only a few feet from the toilet, I slipped and fell on the tile floor made slippery by the mess.
Slowly, my body healed. However, I kept soiling myself. Another surgery would follow; then another. Years later, I remain semi-incontinent.
Despite the inconvenience, occasional pain, and embarrassment, I consider myself blessed because I escaped homosexuality relatively unscathed when compared to many of my friends. Some of the scars will remain as long as I am alive, but I can live with them.
In a sense, they are a constant reminder of who I was and what God saved me from!
Others bear the marks on an indelible scale where the HIV virus hides in every part of their body. But as the years pass by, my health problems are compounded; I feel old.
The few friends that survived our previous existence are all similarly plagued. We accompany each other to doctor visits and continually send get well cards and have healing prayers said for one another. Our quest for love came to an end in unrealized dreams, damaged bodies, and the graves of the dead. In our overwhelming desire to understand the world and ourselves, we were willing to go against Nature and God Himself.
We disregarded the fundamentals of physiology and for that violation, we paid dearly on an unbelievably devastating collective and individual basis. In the process, we threw our bodies and the surrounding culture into chaos; in a feeble attempt to right ourselves, we demanded that society recognize our rebellion. But a law instituted by men hasn’t changed our physical structure.
[Sciambra, Joseph. josephsciambra.com]
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phoenix-arts7 · 1 year ago
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Oh my god my spirit animal
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whispytears · 1 year ago
Self-identity with an Eating Disorder (2/7)
❓Question in Theme:
What does it actually mean to have an eating disorder? How does this change you?
✅Potential Answers to Ponder:
Being different
Needing to focus on what I eat more than the average person
Having a part of my life control my decisions sometimes/most times
Changes me by what outfits I want to wear
Changes me by how I socialize
Changes me by how I conduct day to day activities.
🌸What are some other statements that resonate with you?
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figula · 1 year ago
slightly whiny post 3 days out from The Wedding
am having serious trouble switching off from work mode + it's driving ben a bit nuts (me 2 sweetus x), i think once we get to the airbnb tomorrow ill find it easier
wedding dress tailoring fits perf now, forgot to say - i just. ok dont yell at me bc I Know. i just feel like i didnt lose enough weight :( i LOVE the dress so much but im just worried everyone will think i look so ugly bc im not sure i match the dress in terms of beauty. this is really depressing me bc i spent the last year or so restricting food quite heavily + i feel like... i didnt do enough lol... ate too much + should have just let the ED take me lmao :( i did lose so much weight but it just isnt enough to satisfy me i dont think, also now i have actual loose skin on my arms which is kind of driving me insane + i keep finding myself like pinching off the loose skin + wondering how much damage it would do to just like actually cut it off with some kind of large scissors (there's actually fingerprint bruises on my left upper arm bc of how often i subconsciously do this)
cat lesbian is visiting tink this afternoon :)
i was so exhausted + drained yesterday that i managed to sleep 12h last night which actually has done me good i think
i forgot to take my fluoxetine for a few days + im not sure this fucking about with brain meds has done me any good either
in unadulteratedly positive news: i henna-ed my hair yesterday and i rly like it thank god
oohhhhh ill be fine it's just stressful innit. this time next week ill be back at home living my normal life lol. im sure it will be lovely once im there just lord above the stress is a lot
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superprodusenrumputodot · 2 years ago
KLIK https://wa.me/6281290703354, Peluang Usaha Masa Kini, Peluang Usaha Masa Depan, Peluang Usaha Masa Kini Dengan Modal Kecil, Peluang Bisnis Masa Depan, Peluang Bisnis Masa Kini
Bibit Rumput Odot
Kebutuhan per Meter Persegi Rata2 10-20 batang
Silahkan segera diorder !!!
🚚🎁 Kirim dari Blitar, Nganjuk, Sidoarjo
Pusat Bibit Rumput Odot Indonesia Jl. Citarum, No 82 Kota Nganjuk, Jawa Timur 081290703354
bibitrumputodot, #bibitrumputodotsuper, #pakanternak, #pakanternakmurah, #pakanternaksapi, #pakanternakberkualitas, #pakanternakaman, #pakanternakhalal, #pakanternakjatim, #pakanternakjawa
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fagcrush · 1 year ago
Maybe the fact that I'm feeling so bad has less to do with COVID and more to do w the fact that all I've eaten the past 2 day is snacks
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pacakkucingmalang45 · 2 years ago
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vivaciouscynner · 2 years ago
Funny story: I think this is called nested dreaming and I learned somewhere that this is mostly caused by anxiety and "mixed dreaming". Mixed in that it's a period of lucid dreaming and like REM etc. {side note: you can totally tell I'm an expert on this}
Anyway, I can absolutely confirm this happens with increased anxiety as during the years of school bullying I would have what seemed like "infinite wake ups" only to yet still be dreaming.
I remember the jolt I felt. I never sat up in the dream either. I remember looking down to my bedspread - the dark evergreen color but I slowly realized I wasn't in my room as the walls were like a dark plain gray. My room had super ugly yellow plaid wallpaper. Moving on. After the realization I would jolt again only to repeat basically the exact same steps. Look at my blanket, then the walls, and finally the realization I was still dreaming.
Then at some point my alarm went off to wake up for school. I remember waking up crying. I was exhausted and miserable.
These types of dreams happen far far less now, but occasionally, if something triggers my anxiety before bed, guess who's waking up again?
It me.
turns out that having a nightmare then dreaming that you wake up and start processing the nightmare just to get jumpscared by the realization that you are still in the nightmare actually happens irl and is not in fact a thing tv made up. zero swag, would not reccomend
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schizotypaldisciple · 1 month ago
The WWWWW&H? of Schizotypal Personality Diorder -or- S✝PD
What is S✝PD?
S✝PD is a classified schizophrenia-spectrum disorder, as well as a classified personality disorder.
The 2025 ICD-10-CM describes Schizotypal Personality Disorder as:
Diagnostic Code F21:
"A disorder characterized by eccentric behaviour and anomalies of thinking and affect which resemble those seen in schizophrenia, though no definite and characteristic schizophrenic anomalies occur at any stage. The symptoms may include a cold or inappropriate affect; anhedonia; odd or eccentric behaviour; a tendency to social withdrawal; paranoid or bizarre ideas not amounting to true delusions; obsessive ruminations; thought disorder and perceptual disturbances; occasional transient quasi-psychotic episodes with intense illusions, auditory or other hallucinations, and delusion-like ideas, usually occurring without external provocation. There is no definite onset and evolution and course are usually those of a personality disorder."
The 2022 DSM-V-TR describes Schizotypal Personality Disorder as a Cluster A ("unusual & eccentric") personality disorder, and states:
Diagnostic Code 301.22:
"(S✝PD..) is characterized by a pervasive pattern of social and interpersonal deficits, marked by extreme discomfort with close relationships, cognitive and/or perceptual distortions, and eccentric behaviors; often including odd beliefs, magical thinking, and unusual perceptual experiences, all beginning by early adulthood."
Personality disorders are a specific class of mental health conditions - characterized by long-lasting maladaptive patterns of behavior, thinking, and internal experience, which are present across many contexts, and which deviate from what is usually deemed acceptable by the individual's culture.
According to the DSM-V-TR, to receive a Diagnosis of S✝PD, patients must present with:
A persistent pattern of intense discomfort with, and decreased capacity for, close relationships.
Cognitive or perceptual distortions and eccentricities of behavior.
This pattern is shown by the presence of ≥ 5 of the following:
Ideas of reference (notions that everyday occurrences have special meaning or significance personally intended for or directed to themselves) but not necessarily delusions of reference (which are similar but held with greater conviction).
Odd beliefs and/or magical thinking (ex: believing in clairvoyance, telepathy, or a sixth sense; being preoccupied with paranormal phenomena).
Unusual perceptional experiences (ex: hearing a voice whispering their name).
Odd thought and speech (ex: that is vague, metaphorical, excessively elaborate, or stereotyped).
Suspicions or paranoid thoughts.
Incongruous and/or limited affect.
Odd, eccentric, or peculiar behavior and/or appearance.
Lack of close friends or confidants, except for 1st-degree relations.
Excessive social anxiety that does not lessen with familiarity, and is related primarily to paranoid fears.
(Also, to recieve a Dx, these symptoms are required to have begun by early adulthood.)
Who experiences S✝PD?
The lifetime prevalence of S✝PD in the United States (US) has recently been estimated to be just under 4%, with slightly higher rates among men (4.2%) than women (3.7%)
Likelihood of S✝PD is greater among black woman, among those with a low income, and among those who have experienced separation, divorce, or have been widowed.
The odds of being Dx with S✝PD are lowest in Asian men.
After adjusting for sociodemographic parameters and comorbidities, S✝PD remained significantly associated with:
Bipolar I & II Disorders
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Additionally, even after adjusting for sociodemographic parameters and Axis I and II comorbidities:
Patients with S✝PD had significantly greater disability than those without S✝PD.
Patients with S✝PD have been shown to be less likely to live independently or have obtained a Bachelor's degree, than even patients with Avoidant Personality Disorder (AvPD), as well as healthy control participants. (both patients with S✝PD and AvPD earn a lower hourly wage compared to healthy control participants, however)
S✝PD patients demonstrated lower functional capacity than patients with AvPD, as well as healthy control participants.
Similar to the role of cognitive dysfunction (working memory, processing speed, executive function) as a major determinant of functional outcomes in schizophrenia, functional capacity in patients with S✝PD is shown to be significantly correlated to a composite measure of cognitive function.
Cognitive function among S✝PD patients is shown to be poorer than among healthy control participants, and even patients with AvPD.
While a diagnosis of S✝PD is associated with less likelihood of employment than in patients without, this difference is found to be primarily determined by cognitive impairment.
Even after adjusting for cognitive function, however, a diagnosis of S✝PD was associated with employment at jobs involving less social contact.
Identifying S✝PD and associated traits in the clinical setting can be challenging, as manifestations overlap with many other more well-known psychiatric conditions, or may simply be qualified in colloquial terms (ex: "loner") without further diagnostic attribution.
Common complaints of patients with S✝PD or schizotypal traits are related to attentional/cognitive difficulties, social anxiety, difficulty “connecting” to others, and longstanding interpersonal complications related to suspiciousness/paranoia.
Superficially healthier S✝PD patients may present with characteristic anxieties or ‘neurotic conflicts’ that are, in a more latent manner, determined or exacerbated by underlying magical ideation, odd beliefs, or overvalued ideas.
S✝PD patients are not uncommonly first diagnosed with ADHD (inattentive type); Social Anxiety Disorder; Autism-Spectrum Diorder; Dysthymia.
Additionally, the role of an underlying odd/magical belief as an aggravating factor of a concurrent symptom disorder (ex: Anorexia, OCD..) may be overlooked, as well as what appears to be anxiety-related complaints or other symptom-related disorder complaints, may be overlooked.
Many of the cognitive/perceptual disturbances that schizotypal patients can bring to a clinician's attention can be quite dramatic or alarming, and even though these phenomena are not associated with a patient that has a fair degree of intact reality testing, these patients may nevertheless receive a diagnosis of a formal psychotic illness.
Clinically significant schizotypy can exacerbate the treatment of other clinical syndromes that may be the primary area of focus.
When & Where was S✝PD first recognized/recorded as a disorder?
"Schizotypy" wasn't officially recognized until the latter half of the 20th century, however it's associated symptomology was first observed in the early 1900's, where common behavioural characteristics in relatives of schizophrenics were observed.
S✝PD is a recent psychiatric nosological concept developed by Spitzer at the end of the 1970s, based on the analysis of the characteristics of relatives of schizophrenic subjects included in the adoption studies carried out in the same decade (by Kety, Wender and Rosenthal). However, this entity is based on older observations at the beginning of the past century.
The status of S✝PD within our current nosography remains dubious, sometimes classified among personality disorders, sometimes in the schizophrenia spectrum disorders.
It is interesting to present the origins of this concept that stem from two complementary approaches: a family approach, and a clinical approach of sporadic cases; then to redefine the framework within, which the diagnostic approach was based, and its continuity, up until our current classifications.
Basically, the historical origins cannot summarize S✝PD, and it is apparently important to more precisely redefine the multidimensional characteristics of this disorder.
Why & How do humans develop S✝PD?
Etiology: the cause, set of causes, or manner of causation of a disease or condition.
Etiology of S✝PD is thought to be primarily biological, because it shares many of the brain-based abnormalities which are characteristic of schizophrenia. However, studies have provided evidence that S✝PD is determined by both familial-genetic and unique environmental factors.
The COMT Val158Met polymorphism is one of the best studied candidate schizotypy genes.
S✝PD is more common among 1st-degree relatives of people who experience schizophrenia or another primary-psychotic disorder.
Unique environmental factors (i.e., those not shared among all siblings) are strongly suggested to be involved in the development of S✝PD, schizotypy, and specific schizotypal dimensions.
Similar to findings in schizophrenia, prenatal insults, such as influenza exposure during the 6th month of gestation (specifically, week 23) have been associated with higher scores of schizotypal traits in an adult male population.
A number of forms of psychological trauma and chronic stress have been associated with S✝PD. The effect of trauma on the development of schizotypal symptoms, however, appears to be dependent on genetic background.
I will continue to update this post with relevant information as it is made known to me. I welcome submissions, suggestions, and information from both personal and professional sources.
(Sources: google.com - https://icd.who.int/browse10/2016/en#F21 - https://www.merckmanuals.com/professional/psychiatric-disorders/personality-disorders/schizotypal-personality-disorder-stpd - https://www.icd10data.com/ICD10CM/Codes/F01-F99/F20-F29/F21-/F21#:~:text=F21%20is%20a%20billable%2Fspecific,ICD%2D10%20F21%20may%20differ. - https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC4182925/ - https://www.researchgate.net/publication/5337114_The_schizotypal_personality_disorder_Historical_origins_and_current_status)
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rubahlicik · 5 months ago
Alhamdulillah 5⭐ pertama
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Review memuaskan, packaging terus diupgrade biar makin aman. Sekarang Appa pangsit bisa diorder via tokped
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monochromedaddy · 1 year ago
Hulaaa! My 19 days merch sekarang sudah bisa diorder via tokped lho~
Yuk adopt para cogan² ini di : tokopedia.link/5GUKmaINMGb
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lesvegas · 7 months ago
i. overthinking this but
in ur airport/ikea poll its syas more than six hours of sleep per 24 run, as does it magically stop narcolepsy/other heavy sleep diorders then?
as someone who cant get under like 12 hours Without passing out I wanna know if the tules are like, rules i have to make myself follow, or if there will be some magic helping me since i usually cant force myself away due to The Sleep Power
It this is ridiculous ignore it Im just curious whats youd think as the maker
thanks tho, poll idea is fun :)
Good question, honestly the whole point behind that rule/condition is that you're spending at least the majority of your time lost and looking for an exit, so I'd say 6 hours is enough to keep you going regardless of sleep disorders because uhhm ✨️evil magic✨️ or something yeah <3
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serenaew · 2 years ago
Serena's Masterlist: Severitus
Last updated 28/12/2023
This includes works that are not explicitly Severitus, but Harry & Snape gen.
Interview on the Fanfic Maverick Podcast, 2nd half
Forget Me Not Universe (WIP):
Ouroboros in Tribute (T, complete)
it is time (for it to be time) (M, WIP: 1/5)
Unforgiven, unforgotten (T, complete, only available on P&S for the time being )
Christmas in Limbo Universe:
Christmas in Limbo (M, WIP: 3/7)
As they meet (T, complete)
Pomelo universe:
A small step for a boy (G, complete)
Portrait of a Swan (T, complete, only available on P&S)
Withered Flowers (T, complete)
The Curse of Halloween (T, complete)
Podfic and filk:
[Fic & Podfic] Surrender (M, complete)
[Fic & Podfic] Reconditioning (T, complete)
[Podfic] Quidditch and Quietude (G, complete)
[Podfic] Stolen Years Lost (G, complete)
[Podfic] Cinnamon Rolls (G, complete)
Loose poetry:
Late Reflections (T, complete)
Expand for more details on individual elements.
Forget Me Not Universe:
In which Severus Snape finds out that Harry Potter, presumed dead, has been his son all along.
Inspired by lesyeuxverts' like poppy and memory.
Ouroboros in Tribute (T, complete)
Summary: Blood, I have learnt, is thicker than water. - The life of a fallen Prince, as remembered by the father he had never known. Additional Tags/Warnings: Poetry, Sonnets, Podfic, Severus Snape is Harry Potter's biological father, Grief/Mourning, Emotional Hurt No Comfort, Implied Character Death
it is time (for it to be time) (M, WIP: 1/5)
Summary: Severus Snape never expected to survive the war. But here he is, one year after the Dark Lord's final defeat - one year after Harry Potter's disappearance, presumed death. As the boy's Last Will and Testament is released, Severus finds himself facing the gravity of his actions, in the form of the secrets hidden inside a cherry-wood box, and scribbled across a leatherbound journal. Additional Tags/Warnings: Emotional Hurt no Comfort, Canon divergence, implied MCD, ritual magic, non-linear narrative, five stages of grief
Unforgiven, unforgotten (T, complete, only available on P&S)
Summary: He does not expect to be forgiven; he vows to never forget. Additional Tags/Warnings: Implied Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Emotional Hurt No Comfort
Christmas in Limbo Universe:
To put it in the words of my beta: What if Nagini, not Harry, got all the plot armour when she captured Harry in Godric's Hollow?
Christmas in Limbo (M, WIP: 3/7)
Summary: Christmas Eve 1997. All is not well. Harry Potter's successful capture by Nagini in Godric's Hollow prompts some divine intervention and leads to astonishing revelations. Additional Tags/Warnings: Canonical Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Torture, Temporary Character Death, Implied Dissociation, Canon Divergence - Book 7, Afterlife - sort of, Time Travel, Angst, Eventual Happy Ending, Lily meddles from beyond, Alternate Universe - A Christmas Carol Fusion
As they meet (T, complete)
Summary: Companion poem for Christmas in Limbo. Additional Tags/Warnings: Poetry
Pomelo universe:
A Severitus six-shot where pomelos make regular appearances.
A small step for a boy (G, complete)
Summary: After having been rescued from the Dursleys, Harry continues to struggle with eating; and Severus struggles with watching Harry struggle - until a pomelo comes along. Additional Tags/Warnings: Kidfic, domestic fluff with a sprinkle of angst, eating diorder, pomelo, hopeful ending
Portrait of a Swan (T, complete, only available on P&S)
Summary: Harry talks to Snape's Portrait after the events in Ugly Duckling. Additional Tags/Warnings: Referenced Character Death, Hurt/Comfort, Pre-epilogue, bittersweet inspired by Morgana's Ugly Duckling.
Withered Flowers (T, complete)
Summary: The meaning of flowers, past, present and future. In remembrance of Severus and Lily. Additional Tags/Warnings: Referenced Character Death, Classical Music, Songfic, Making Peace With Canon, Afterlife
The Curse of Halloween (T, complete)
Summary: Every Halloween was cursed with new nightmares. This year was no different. Additional Tags / Warnings: Halloween, Masquerade, bad memories, panic attack, hopeful ending
Podfic and filk:
[Fic & Podfic] Surrender (M, Severus & Harry, complete)
Summary: Harry ends his life within the Veil after losing Sirius, and Severus spends every day visiting, wondering if he should follow. Additional Tags/Warnings: Suicidal Idealation, Depression, Referenced Character Death, Bible Quotes
[Fic & Podfic] Reconditioning (T, pre-Severitus, complete)
Summary: Harry has gained an unexpected interest in potions, but that does not stop him from blowing cauldrons. To counter that, Harry throws himself headfirst in studying the theory. Ironically, he just keeps getting worse, and Harry can't figure out why. Umbridge is another obstacle, as is Professor Snape. Or is he? Additional Tags/Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, Potions, Occlumency, Angst, Pre-Severitus
[Podfic] Quidditch and Quietude (G, complete)
Summary: Harry is looking for some peace and quiet after a rough quidditch match. He knows just where to go. Assume established severitus. 6th year-ish. Podfic of Quidditch and Quietude by Ttime42. Additional Tags/Warnings: Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Family Feels, Autumn
[Podfic] Stolen Years Lost (G, complete)
Summary: What could he say? Severus was gone, and now Harry would never see the light at the end of those tunnels again. Podfic of Stolen Years Lost by BinteMuhammad. Additional Tags/Warnings: Major Character Death, Post-Canon, Auror Harry Potter, Hurt/Comfort, Grief/Mourning
[Podfic] Cinnamon Rolls (G, complete)
Summary: Eileen takes Sev and Harry shopping at the market. Podfic of Cinnamon Rolls by WiCeBa. Additional Tags / Warnings: Family Dynamics, Referenced Child Abuse, Mostly fluff, some difficult memories
Loose poetry:
Late Reflections (T, complete)
Summary: All was said and done. Reflecting on what was, and what could have been. Additional Tags/Warnings: Poetry, Hurt no Comfort, Religious imagery and Symbolism
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superprodusenrumputodot · 2 years ago
#peternakankambing #peternakankambingetawa #peternakankambingperah #peternakankambingindonesia #peternakankambingaqiqah #peternakankambingbanjarnegara #peternakankambingbatu #peternakankambingbekasi #peternakankambingbulungan #peternakankambingcibubur
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niadotcom · 2 years ago
i don't even know how or when bpd was ever used to refer to bipolar diorder nor does any mental disorder go away if you 'start living again' easily
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pacakkucingmalang45 · 2 years ago
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