#diona katzlein
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merry-fagoland · 7 months ago
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i keep forgetting to post but happy livestream day i guess
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gonerboy · 6 months ago
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"Can we keep her, Lyney?"
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iwasthewind · 1 year ago
Venti and Diona's interaction in the alchemy event is so special to me... because Diona is someone who really hasn't had any reliable parental figures in her life at all. Her father is a drunkard who barely has any time for her. She got her vision because she walked into the pouring rain as a child, all alone, terrified, to look for her drunk father in a forest full of animals and monsters and bring him home. Her father takes better care of Razor than her. She was so lonely she talked to a spring in the hopes that the rumours were true and there really was a fairy inside, listening. And then the voices that used to answer stopped, too. Leaving her with nothing but a curse- any drink she mixed would be divine. She's only twelve at most and she works in a bar. Her employer exploits her skills for profit. There's advertisements around Mondstadt advertising Diona's drinks specifically. Everyone loves them. Diona hates them. Everyone tells her how lovely her drinks are. Diona herself, despite despising alcohol, is proud of her skills. That's so fucked up. That's all so fucked up.
There's so many jokes about "haha child wants to destroy the wine industry but works in a bar" and while I can see why people find it funny they're honestly...so tasteless. Diona is a child who villainizes alcohol because she can't bear the thought of her father being at fault for his actions because she loves him so much. That he could drink less and he could spend more time with her and he could help her with her emotions but never does. That he could spend time with her and immerse himself in her interests but he never does. That he's willing to do all this for other people instead, but not her. That he chooses to do these things for other people, but he almost never chooses to do them for her.
But Venti does. Venti chooses to do all these things with Diona. He calls all residents of Mond his children and that's Diona too. He takes the time to search Dragonspine for an ingredient she might like, he chats with her and accompanies her to the location of the alchemy event, he presumably spends hours with her as she searches for ingredients and mixes her drink, keeping her company and making sure she's safe.
He doesn't have to do this. He doesn't have to patiently endear himself to her because he knows she hates people who drink, he doesn't have to bother going all the way to Dragonspine to find her something unique because he knows she's proud of her creations, he doesn't have to spend hours in the company of a lonely child who he has nothing in common with-but he does.
So many people would think he's doing it for the drink, but they all lack reading comprehension skills because I said so. Diona wants to create a drink which keeps people sober. Venti isn't going to get drunk and he's not doing it for the drink. It isn't pity either, it's affection- he loves his child and he wants to spend time with her and make sure she's safe. That's all. They're so special to me <3
Oh and another thing that I forgot to add- the Spring Fairy Diona talked to, Callirhoe, only found the spring in Springvale thanks to "a gentle breeze guiding her." The person who listened to the cries and rants of a lonely child was also coincidentally someone guided there by Venti. Still girlie why that specific blessing 😔
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pbart86 · 8 months ago
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Feline Canine confrontation
(Comic by me)
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eepilycorrectgenshin · 2 months ago
Diona: when you have beef with an inanimate object, you'll always win
Diluc: yeah?
Diona: you'll always win.
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dragaliareferencearchive · 5 months ago
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Starlight Reverie - Genshin Impact (1/4)
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illusionarypolaris · 1 year ago
me when my favorite feline creature/ underappreciated child laborer
(also a tiny simplified redesign at the end for an au of sorts)
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sunny-fox · 2 years ago
SAGAU (Cult AU) animal-hybrid characters resting with God! reader
Reader's pronouns: they/them
Warnings: cult behaviour
Notes: Sucrose - fox, Gorou - Akita Inu, Yanfei - deer
You lay down on top of Ganyu's back, curled up on your side comfortably. The half-adeptus was currently in her Qilin form, lying on her stomach in the highlands of Jueyun Karst, her fluffy blue fur a perfect bed for you to lie down on. Ganyu lay still, nodding off in the warm afternoon sun.
Diona, in her tiny calico kitten form, pawed at your hair, playing with the strands till twin-tailed Kirara laid a paw on the kitten's back, telling her to lie down and sleep. They leaned against the top of your head, with Diona snuggling against Kirara.
Two small, large-eared foxes lay not far from your face. Miko nuzzled against your hand till you ran your fingers through her pink fur briefly. Tighnari yawned, stretching contentedly before curling up once more, pawing at your fingers.
A little green fox snuggled against your abdomen, enjoying the sound of your peaceful breathing as you basked in the sunlight. You patted Sucrose on the head, grinning when you felt her ears flick in response.
Gorou lay down with his back against yours, falling asleep soon after - he was tired out from completing all his duties quickly so he could spend more time with you. Yanfei rested her snout on your shoulder, blinking her sleepy eyes as she watched Sara perch on your knee, fluffing out her black feathers and tucking her beak underneath a wing to keep the sun out of her eyes.
Before long, everyone had fallen asleep, soft snores mixed with even breathing as they drifted off to dreamland. A certain brown-and-gold dragon watched from the top of the mountain, making a mental note to join nap times like these in the future.
"Sweet dreams, Your Grace," he said.
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thekaiqueen · 1 year ago
Diona: We need to get through this locked door. Diluc, give me your credit card.
Diluc: Here.
Diona, pocketing it: Thanks. Klee, bomb the door.
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yumenosakiacademy · 1 year ago
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4.5 || Blades Weaving Betwixt Brocade
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snekjoy · 1 year ago
More genshin takes. Today's subject is Diona, who is actually mischaracterised so badly it makes me mad.
Fandom take: brat who hates diluc and complains all the time and hates alcohol (I have seen actual tiktoks complaining about her for these reasons)
Diona's mother is not mentioned. She seems to be looked after only by her father, or was looked after by him. Diona loves her father more than anything, and the first time she saw him drunk, her entire world was shattered. She decided that this couldn't be his fault, he was her dad. He was her hero. Clearly, it was the fault of the wine.
Draff is not a responsible parent-
[friendship lv. 4 story: ...young Diona found that her father would wind up particularly drunk... dead to the world before he could even finish her bedtime story]
-and Diona doesn't want to accept that it's his fault, so she hates alcohol and wants to take down the wine industry. The way she wants to achieve this is through mixing drinks so disgusting, nobody who visits the Cat's Tail will ever want to drink again.
Unfortunately, she was blessed on her seventh birthday by the spring fairy, a spirit living in the water at Springvale. She used to go and speak to the water when Draff was drunk, and the fairy listened and chose to bless her.
[friendship lv. 6 story: "I will bless you, daughter of hunters, for your days ahead, and as a farewell. May your cup always run over with the sweet wine of celebration. May it always be refreshing as springs of ever-melting snow."]
Diona doesn't remember this, since she was so young, and believes it to be a dream. She can't make bad drinks, no matter the ingredients or techniques used. It's impossible.
She doesn't know this, so she got a job at the Cat's Tail to try and achieve her goals. This is AWFUL. Margaret, the owner, said: [lv. 3 story] "What choice did I have? She's just too cute."
The creeps at the Cat's Tail are fucking disgusting.
[Lv. 4 story: "...until one day, when a particularly plastered fellow tugged her tail out of curiosity... only to find it unexpectedly warm and soft. That day, Diona turned the tavern upside-down."
Voiceline - About Barbara: "How come all of my fans are drunk middle-aged men, while Barbara's are all young people...?"
More about Diona, II: "You wouldn't ask me to meow like a cat, like those boozehounds at the tavern do, would you? I wouldn't do it, no way! I'm not some little house pet that just shakes my ears real cute and stretches my back!"]
Not to mention that mf from her hangout quest. They're fucking disgusting, and she shouldn't even have a job at her age.
So Diona has a neglectful, drunkard father, is constantly surrounded by creeps, is being essentially exploited by Margaret for her ears and tail, and the only friend she ever had apart from the traveller was a fairy she believes is a dream.
That's why she's so angry all of the time.
Now, why does she dislike Diluc?
Diluc doesn't drink-
[Least favourite food voiceline: I don't like alcohol. It's just... I don't like how it feels in my mouth..."]
-so people often use this as an excuse to get mad that Diona blames him for her dad's drunkenness, but they forget that she doesn't know this. Diona doesn't know that Diluc doesn't like alcohol, she sees him as the leader of the Mondstadt wine industry (since he is.)
[Diona's voiceline- About Diluc: "Diluc! I can't stand him! If there was no Diluc, there would be no Mondstadt wine industry; and if there was no Mondstadt wine industry, Daddy wouldn't drink; and if Daddy didn't drink... he would keep me company."]
She doesn't want the blame to be on her father; she idolises him. She instead wants to blame something she can work against, and in her eyes that is the Mondstadt wine industry. As the figurehead of the industry, of course Diluc is going to be a target of hatred. She's a kid. She doesn't understand that Diluc has no control over it. All she knows is that her dad drinks, and she hates it, and Diluc sells wine.
Diona is incredibly hurt, especially for such a young child. That's not even getting started on how she got her vision (she had to save Draff from a storm, since the Knights couldn't get to him through the rain. Her determination to save him gave her her vision. She's a healer because he was incredibly hurt, and she made a cocktail for him to ease the pain.)
She desperately wants connection, considering how she warms up to the traveller through her friendship levels. She's hurt and sad and lost, and the only way she really knows how to express that is through anger. She's violent (she bit Elzer when he tried to hire her to Dawn Winery) because she HAS NO OTHER OPTIONS.
The fandom hating on her because she dislikes their ~anime husbando~ is annoying as hell and I'm sick of it, because none of them understand WHY. She doesn't hate Diluc personally. She hates the wine industry. She hates that she's alone. She's fucking tragic, but so awfully overlooked it pains me.
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merry-fagoland · 2 years ago
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adventuresinteyvat · 7 months ago
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As of 7/29/2024, we are looking for:
✦ Andrius ✦ Barbara ✦ Bennett ✦ Diona ✦ Fischl ✦ Jean ✦ Lisa ✦ Noelle ✦ Venti
We also accept other Mondstadt NPCs not listed. If you’re interested in a SFW 18+ Genshin Impact Discord RP, check out our pinned post for more information!
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zephyrinx · 2 years ago
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april 28 - 2023
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pbart86 · 4 months ago
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The legendary weapons (Comic by me)
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eepilycorrectgenshin · 3 months ago
Diona: i'm up to nefarious behavior
Chongyun: and what behavior is that
Diona: nefarious
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