#dinluke poem
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iamscoby · 3 months ago
What is a Jedi
who fights like an angel and a demon had a baby
who begs to borrow your helmet again when he craves for a break from the noise of the Force
who writhes in pleasure when you caress a spot of thin air a couple of feet above his right shoulder
What is a Jedi
You’ll never know and deep down your beskar-covered heart doesn’t care
This one and more Dinluke poems:
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apricusapollo · 1 year ago
din "do the girls back home touch you like I do?" djarin & luke "I'm gay" skywalker
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purrvaire · 2 years ago
Most/Least Tag Game
thanks to my beloved @lowkeyanakin <333
Rules: give us the links to your wonderful works with the Most hits/Most kudos/Most comments/Most bookmarks/Most words/Fewest words.
Most hits/Most kudos/ Most comments/ Most bookmarks
starting off strong with my dearest Dinluke!! I wrote this as soon as s2 dropped (while writing my dissertation.... wild times)! im always surprised by the response it got ngl it's just christmas fluff, teacher! luke, dad! din and me being the most cheesy lesbian on this app <3
Most words
i might be giving hints that I love writing kid fic uhm ANYWAY at the peak of my vianton obsession, I wondered what would happen if the three dumb idiots had aquired a baby.... comedy ensues!!! ngl I had the BEST of times writing it, I've never been as happy as I was plotting every scene of this story <3 not a coincidence that it's the longest story I posted dkjdksjd
Least Kudos/Least Hits
this was a little lokius I wrote, based on a lovely poem (I linked it in the story!!) I wrote it over months on the notes app, basically each verse/couple of verses is a scene in alternate universe. It was fun bc it gave me the chance to explore basically a dozen au but still it was rather short, discontinuous in style and in a too large fandom lmao
Fewest words/ Least Subscriptions/ Least Bookmarks/ Least Comments
at last MY BABY TINY LITTLE STORY it was the second fic I've posted on ao3 😭 it's a little over 1k words, I was still unsure about writing stories in english, aw the memories dkjdkdjdk it's just crowley complaining to freddie mercury about their love life and I know it's not much, being tiny and poorly written, but I kinda like it anyway??? I mean, it was really written just for funsies, no expectations whatsoever, about a character and a person who means the world to me idk <3
no pressure tag @gothicwoes @soloorganaas @complementaryhalves
(also feel free to do it anyway if you come across my post, let's share stories <3)
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mirendils · 2 years ago
top five things you've written :)
omg hiii im just getting to this because. i really havent written all that much or at least published it but
everything else. this is my yet to be published fic and. ah. it just means so much to me. that i wrote that much, that i stuck with it, that i (have almost) completed something so big and important to me. i dont even care if its good anymore i'm so proud of it
my lightsaber color analysis is so fun to me!! i really enjoy writing about it and working on it. someday i'll put it together in some way
i've written some poems i really love <3
the three- one of my dinluke one-shots! i wrote that while on vacation lmao
honestlyyy the hyvili snippets i've sent you wahh i really loved writing for ac i'd never really done it before then!!
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iamscoby · 3 years ago
I can't get enough of this post. Now I wrote a poem about it :)
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Clan of 4 + Yoga poses
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positivityjediprince · 3 years ago
Din and Luke write eachother terrible, sappy poems. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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veradragonjedi · 3 years ago
@dankfarrikfool ‘s art
Is not good for my heart
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starkskypines · 2 years ago
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waking up warm: 2.9k; t; Luke has a panic attack but Din finds him
quiet roar of the ocean: 2.6k; g; Din spends a lot of time thinking about what love means and finding acceptance in loving his family
weathered love: 6.3k; t; miscommunication and making up
don’t carry it alone: 12k; t; strangers to friends to lovers speedrun
sunrise at the altar of a dead god: 10k; t; Cody finds himself adrift after going AWOL from the Empire. He ends up on Tatooine
i’ll build a glass home from the sandy ruins: 5.8k; g; super angsty post-rots au where Satine lives on Tatooine with Obi-Wan
could’ve given you something, you my everything: 4.2k; g; Obi-Wan sings
and i was catching my breath: 12k; t; tangled au 
hold on hope: wip; m; Anakin falls, but his family isn't quite ready to let him go; Ahsoka and Padmé find him fighting Obi-Wan on Mustafar.
hear me when i speak (words of trust so unworthy): 2.2k; g; Obi-Wan is injured and says things to Anakin he doesn’t mean
a disconnect like a livewire: 5k; g; Obi-Wan is injured in battle and Anakin deals with the guilt. Then Obi-Wan wakes up and deals with Anakin.
it’s a winterful life: 1.5k; g; the 212th discover snow
you might think i’m bulletproof but i’m not: prompt fill; g; anakin and ahsoka feels 
i think i’ve seen this film before and i didn’t like the ending: prompt fill; g; cody thinking about the war
you broke another mirror and you’re turning into something you’re not: prompt fill; g; post-deception arc Padmé and Obi-Wan feels
mace windu trains anakin au: 3.4k; g; how Mace Windu taking a young Anakin Skywalker as his padawan saves the galaxy. 
the sauce that binds us: 5.7k; g; a crack fic based off the New Girl episode “Spiderhunt” feat. the usual tcw suspects + Quinlan Vos & Yoda
the price that paid left a mark that stains: 66k; t; Shadow Warrior au where Padmé refuses to trade Grievous for Anakin
Do You Remember?: a canon-compliant, post rots, poem from Padmé’s pov
Kenobi Show
a stone and a message: 2k; g; Quinlan Vos holds onto Obi-Wan’s river stone post-order 66
what once was lost (now is found): 4.9k; g; five times someone gives Obi-Wan a gift and one time he gives someone else a gift
shining just for you: 6k; t; wip; Senator Riyo Chuchi’s diplomatic ship goes down because of a Separatist attack. Riyo and Commander Fox are the only survivors
there were sirens in the beat of your heart: 2k; t; instances of Bly and Aayla feeling each other’s pulse throughout the war; mcd
the weight of knowing: 6.9k; g; Luke tells Rex that Anakin became Vader and Rex deals with the fallout of that knowledge
Sequel Trilogy
survivor’s path: 3.9k; g; Ahsoka is sent to rescue Poe but ends up finding Kix too
Din Djarin x Reader
lonely desert figure: 2.2k; g; Reader is a former Child of the Watch who left and now they’re a hunter working for Boba Fett (so this means reader has ARMOR), and they’re already fast friends with Fennec. Fett invites Reader to join the Daimyo, and Mando and Reader have a conversation about family. 
Cody x Reader
Little Corner of the Galaxy: 1.4k; g; Cody misses your dinner date…again. 
Captain Rex x Reader
you look at me and it’s like you hit me with lighting: prompt fill; g; literally just domestic fluff 
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mimisempai · 3 years ago
💖 Valentine's Prompts 💖
The month of Valentine's Day is just another excuse to give some love to my OTPs.
Enjoy !
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SamBucky - Love letters
Lokius - Birds
SamBucky - Snowfall
Benstos - Dinner date
Lokius - Mirror
Benstos - Sky
SamBucky - Chocolates
Lokius - Poem
Benstos - Rainbow
Lokius - Cards
DinLuke - Dream
SamBucky - Ring
DinLuke - Mountain
Lokius - Kiss / SamBucky - Kiss / DinLuke - Kiss
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iamscoby · 3 years ago
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Text version under the cut
Text version under the cut
I hate the way you talk to me And the way you cut your hair I hate your outdated beliefs about attachments I hate your expensive Chanel boots And the way that you read minds I hate you so much it makes me sick It keeps me constantly tired I hate it when you're not around And the fact that you didn't call But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you Not even close Not even a little bit Not even at all
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iamscoby · 3 years ago
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Celebrating 1500 Dinluke fics by publishing another chapter to No half of you and of course by reading Oystering's excellent poem 1500 Ways to Say “I love you”
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iamscoby · 3 years ago
I went to brain surgery to remove my chip But the surgeon asked: Why are there a Mandalorian and a Jedi constantly kissing in your head? I blinked my most innocent blinks and said: I don’t know what you’re talking about
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iamscoby · 3 years ago
I know it’s fiction But the way your hands and foreheads find their way together And how you can’t keep your mouths off each other’s necks It hits me like a very real plasma bolt Is this therapy?
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iamscoby · 3 years ago
Shopping list
Good morning I’m taking cybernetics oil for my finger joints A yellow kyber crystal for my padawan A coffee My uncle’s advice on how to make aeroponic ebla sprout on a deserted planet And then 76 kg of canned husband material Thank you
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iamscoby · 3 years ago
For Jon and Dave
A family-friendly dose of competence kink A fleeting touch of gloved fingers when passing a green child from one lap to another Blue eyes flustered by a flash of an ankle or a tattooed forearm Can we have that much in season 3?
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iamscoby · 3 years ago
Reason to live
Give me a reason to live Give me flutes Give me the waves of Ahch-To to drown in Give me gays on a spaceship Walking straight into my heart in four minutes of shared screen time My first movie crush to my current movie crush
Is this it? Did he just take the kid and leave? I wiped away tears You opened AO3 and showed me no This is where stories never end
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