#dimitrie gusti
everyday1photo · 2 years
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Dimitrie Gusti Museum
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arterrorist · 10 months
Infrared photos taken at the Muzeul Național al Satului „Dimitrie Gusti” in Bucharest, Romania. Its a beautiful muzeum. I think these IR photos capture some of the fairytale/magical atmosphere of the place.
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blodbranddod · 3 months
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''Don't stop me now, I'm having such a good time''
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rudyroth79 · 2 years
Știri: Ziua Satului Românesc (25 septembrie 2022, București)
Știri: Ziua Satului Românesc (25 septembrie 2022, București)
Muzeul Național al Satului „Dimitrie Gusti” vă invită duminică, 25 septembrie 2022, să sărbătorim împreună Ziua Satului Românesc. „Satul românesc este cheia înțelegerii noastre ca români în marele cor al națiunilor europene, este locul în care trecutul se întâlnește cu prezentul pentru a pregăti viitorul. Satul vorbește despre istoria profundă a țării. El nu vorbește prin evenimente glorioase, nu…
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mioritic · 5 months
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Iosif Berman (Romanian/Jewish, 1892–1941)
Boy embraces a girl, Drăguș, Țara Făgărașului, 1929
Muzeul Național al Satului "Dimitrie Gusti" / Europeana
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zvetenze · 1 year
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Gospodăria Chereluş Crişana, Arad County
Chereluş, Romania
This homestead was constructed in the 18th century in the village of Chereluş located in Arad county of the Crişana region of western Romania. The building was dismantled and moved to the Muzeul Naţional al Satului 'Dimitrie Gusti' (National Village Museum 'Dimitrie Gusti') in Bucharest. Two principal rooms of the house face the porch. The house has a stone foundation with compacted and sealed earth floors. The walls are constructed of wooden planks covered with a plaster coating. The roof is framed with wood rafters and covered with thatched reed. (photo 2000)
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bestravelvideo · 4 months
Get ready to explore one of Bucharest’s Romania's most beloved attractions! The National Village Museum "Dimitrie Gusti" is not just a park; it's an open-air ethnological museum with ancient buildings that will transport you through the ages. From the 17th to the early 20th century, this unique and captivating place offers a fascinating glimpse into Romanian village life. Join us as we uncover its location, access, operating hours, ticket prices, and, most importantly, the treasures waiting to be discovered inside!
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adateur · 2 years
@valheri said: [ SAVE ] 😆😆 she will probably punch him but let's go w/ this.
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the hunter hasn't spoken a single word for two days now, only grunting and growling his displeasure whenever his companion does something he doesn't like --- mainly, what the virus doesn't like putting up with. she's a meal, prey, something he's supposed to be using for a means of survival and yet here they are, ROAMING THE STREETS of the french quarter without a care in the world. he hasn't had the chance to explain much about the rules and territory claims the infected set up to keep from crossing boundaries, but she doesn't seem like the type to even give much of a fuck about it anyway when she's strapped down with weapons and have great wits. they've been doing well considering the lack of communication until today -- a day that comes to catch unprepared and unsuspecting beings off guard with torrential downpours and hurricanes. a TROPICAL STORM wasn’t as damaging, but it was enough to cause massive flooding and horrible visibility.
an hour passes, bringing with it the humid and gusty breeze that smells achingly familiar. dimitri lets out a low rumble from deep within his chest, gaze wandering from the rooftops to the thickening clouds. usually, he would wait until the first raindrop fell against his cheek before BOTHERING to find shelter --- but with the company of the human woman and all her fancy little gadgets, there's a lot more reason to be on edge. dimitri wishes the virus would allow him a brief moment of his humanity to BLEED THROUGH long enough for him to express this worry of his. instead, he finds himself bristling at the distinct sound of thunder in the distance.
it's almost as if she's QUESTIONING what is causing his shifty behavior, especially since he's still much of a threat as any other special infected. but the hunter doesn't keep her in suspension for long --- the first raindrop smacks the windshield of a nearby car and he's sweeping the woman up in his arms and leaping several feet onto the ruined balcony above them. it's not his FINEST moments as he teeters dangerously close to the open edge, but the virus won't allow for miscalculated steps. not even when valheri decides to swing a quick right hook and connects it with his jaw. he winces at the contact, a growl surfacing ONLY FOR A MOMENT before his expression morphs into amusement. one may call it smug. grip goes slack as he feigns dropping her ass before scooping her back into the safety of his arms. as another swing is being CONJURED UP , the onslaught of raindrops begin to splatter down from the heavens and the first streak of lightning stretches across the sky. YOUR GADGETS ARE SAFE. a gesture towards one of her weapons with his head and a content rumble vibrates within his chest. would she understand? maybe not. but he can't deny that in this moment, he feels at ease with her in his arms. is she going to kick his ass once the storm ends? oh yeah.
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bliju · 10 months
Sunday, 27.8. 2023
BUKUREŠŤ duben 2023
Letenky jsme kupovali už v listopadu, ale to hlavně důvodu, že termínově to vycházelo přesně na Velikonoce a cenově byly taky výhodný a to za cca 2000,-.
Let nám teda pak trochu posunuli, takže jsme na místo doletěli až v 1 v noci, ale vzhledem k místním cenám jsme dojeli na hotel za pár korun Boltem. Hotel jsme měli Hotel Duke Armeneasca - Ex Tempo a byli jsme fakt rádi, že jsme sehnali hotel, který není úplně v centru u jejich "dálnic", který jsou tam skoro všude. Tohle byla poklidná čtvrť, ale zároveň jsme to měli do centra a na metro kousek.
První den jsme jen chodili po městě a obdivovali všechny ty kdysi krásný budovy, který teď vypadaly dost sešle, šílený 4proudový silnice, který vedou městem a další bizarnosti. Na oběd jsem šli ochutnat tradiční jídlo do La Mama Ateneu. Jeden z našich cílů byl parlament, kde jsme si domluvili prohlídku na druhý den. Pak jsme šli prakticky přes celý město do skanzenu Dimitrie Gusti. Tam by se teda dalo strávit mnohem víc času, ale bohužel hodně budov bylo nepřístupných. Večer jsme pak hledali kam na drink a u hotelu narazili na BEAT bar umanist, který nám hrozně připomínal Klubovnu.
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Ráno jsme šli do restaurace Vatra, kde jsme si ke snídani chtěli dát tradiční Papanasi. Místo to bylo super, hezká zahrádka a krásný skoro letní počasí - jen obsluha byla extrémně pomalá :D Po snídani jsme vyrazili na zamluvenou prohlídku Parlamentu a to bylo teda něco - ty prostory jsou naprosto ohromující a paní průvodkyně k tomu měla i hodně zajímavý výklad. Takže rozhodně doporučujeme! Po prohlídce jsme si šli na večeři koupit Jerrys pizzu :D A jelikož se nám den před tím moc líbilo v Beat baru, tak jsme do něj zavítali znovu. Tentokrát jsme si i drze přinesli vlastní čipsy, protože tam neměli nic k jídlu a první večer tam všichni chálili nějaký svoje věci :D Jako doma :D Misho se tam seznámil s nějakými místními, takže padlo pár tequil a hodně rad, co bysme ještě měli navštívit.
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Další den ráno jsme celkem překvapivě docela žili :D Sbalili si věci a vydali se na snídani. Na doporučení našeho novýho kámoše jsme se vydali na tržnici Obor. Stejně jsme se chtěli podívat na sídliště :D Tady můžeme konstatovat, že sídliště je tu v lepším stavu než centrum města. Na tržnici nám kámoš doporučil, že si máme dát miči - což je něco jako karbanátek - a to přímo v Terase Obor. A poradil nám dobře, moc nám to chutnalo a ještě to byl zážitek. A jelikož už jsem zas měla celý sedřený nohy z chození, tak už jsme jen seděli na sluníčku v sídlištní hospodě a popíjeli extrémně levný víno a to až do doby, než byl čas se sbalit a jet na letiště.
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afkology · 1 year
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cydrone-studios · 1 year
Noi evenimente la Muzeul Național de Artă al României – 6 - 15 mai 2023 - Deschiderea expoziției „Nicolae Grigorescu – Pictor al ethosului românesc”, Luni 15 mai 2023 între orele 11.00 și 19.00
Noi evenimente la Muzeul Național de Artă al României – 6 – 15 mai 2023 – Deschiderea expoziției „Nicolae Grigorescu – Pictor al ethosului românesc”, Luni 15 mai 2023 între orele 11.00 și 19.00   Cu prilejul Zilei Naționale a pictorului Nicolae Grigorescu, Muzeul Național de Artă al României, în parteneriat cu Muzeul Național al Satului „Dimitrie Gusti”, deschide o amplă expoziție dedicată…
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everyday1photo · 2 years
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Romanian country architecture
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Music and Images of Deep Relaxation - Palm Sunday - Village Museum 
Deep relaxation music and images of Palm Sunday - The National Museum of the Village "Dimitrie Gusti" - Bucharest - Romania. A glimpse at the flower festival fair.
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loccokiddo · 1 year
Două ștampile
Mentalitate, un fost cuvânt interzis pe atunci când studiam schimbarea, acum AI-ul ar vrea să ne controleze la toți starea, Mă ia întristarea când văd unde s-a ajuns, toți roboți în aceeași uniformizare anostă și tâmpită, parcă stăm pe sită cu visarea, Cu ceva vreme în urmă, era o onoare să reprezint locul pentru care a murit Dimitrie Gusti, acum toți pustii pudic gustă doar ChatGPT, Mi se pare…
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bataila · 1 year
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în Muzeul National al Satului "Dimitrie Gusti" https://www.instagram.com/p/CoziUVaI6oZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mioritic · 4 months
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Iosif Berman (Romanian/Jewish, 1892–1941)
Vornicei at a wedding in Drăguș, Brașov County, 1929
Muzeul Național al Satului "Dimitrie Gusti" / Europeana
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