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viejospellejos · 2 months ago
Momento en el que le tiran un palo a Pedro Sánchez en su visita a Paiporta, Valencia.
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carabanchelnet · 10 months ago
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migueamstel · 1 month ago
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famouslysleepy · 10 months ago
Sally dismissive attitude toward Eddie drives me bananas
because while the other neighbors costume were all very cute and fun Sally and Eddie BOTH put in the most effort for their respective costumes as Pedrolino and Frankenstein’s Monster
Sally is NOT subtle when she gets disappointed about the other neighbors not understanding her references to classic art and yet, Eddie —who apparently reads classic literature in his down time??— continues to only be acknowledged as the Mailman by her luminous eyes
girlie is turning down a possible friendship with the only other puppet in this neighborhood with similar knowledge and interest in the theater arts, and if I truly didn’t imagine hearing about that one tidbit about Eddie and drag queens, then Sally is possibly ignoring a fellow lover of the thespian arts!!
like girl what are you doing?? you could have a friend that actually knows what your talking about AND would be a perfect roadie!! Sally my sweet, stop dismissing the local mailman for five minutes i beg youuu
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taldigi · 2 months ago
Like IMO, as it's put into the game, the accomplice ending is kind of goofy in how out of character it is. Like not that Adachi is written out of character or whatever but like... What a massively out of character, heel turn sort of decision in n Yu's part. Other media I believe manages to make it work? Like I believe the animation does a good job of framing it as a protective thing.
But like *as it is* in the game like.... Especially compared to the Persona 5 bad ends. Like... I can *see* those happening. I don't think those are outside of Ren's character to choose Maruki's reality over his own truth in order to ensure his friend's happiness above all else or even opt to accept the deal in order to stay with his friends as the PTs forever.
Heck, even the bad ending of Three has a perfectly reasonable blanket of "Even though my friends don't agree I'm doing this for them and their happiness" and it's bittersweet in that way.
But the accomplice ending like straight up puts people in danger right? It betrays pretty much the entire investigation team as well as the entire town. And retroactively we know that he's a threat but in the moment, based on their confidence when confronting him, the IT don't know that. That doesn't... feel like Yu at all. Even anime Yu who almost threw Namatame into the TV. Him trying one last time to reason with Adachi? sure. Going in solo about it despite that being a huge violation of his own rules? Sure. But throwing *everything* away? Including Nanako's memory? And for what? Idk man. I guess if you have the brain rot for it you can twist it into something bittersweet but personally I just think it's really silly.
Anyway my whole point that I'm getting at is that I feel that the neutral ending where they don't guess the killer and end up killing Namatame is the most genuinely upsetting and much more emotionally investing one. Especially with the context of how not discovering the reason behind it all will eventually consume the town. Like yeah sure. The accomplice ending is objectively worse right? But like I said, it's just so out there knowing what I know about the characters that it's a little hard to take seriously.
The characters give in to fear and despair, there will still be a murder on the loose and they don't even know it, nanako is dead, All that's left is guilt and fog and what-ifs and they're forced to take comfort in the fact that they must have done the right thing- because I don't think a single one of them could live with the truth that they did not.
They don't even get the luxury of knowing that soon the whole town will be consumed by fog, that every last person is going to be torn apart by shadows or turn into a shadow.. and the underlying horror that Yu is none the wiser and thinks he's just been forgotten once again once he's moved away... especially if you follow the belief that this is like.... The only time he's ever let himself love a place or people. That's so sad dude. It's melancholy and awful.
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arianod · 2 months ago
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Valencia today
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ultimateaclrecovery · 2 years ago
Got my official offer letter, and it’s a lower salary than I’d thought/hoped. It’s still a 10%, but considering it’s going from a level 3 to 4 and the company only had five levels I was expecting more. Especially because the list midpoint of the salary range would be a 23% raise. What they offered was just over the first quartile of the range. I am skirting the bottom of the years of experience (it’s 7-9 and I officially hit 7 mid July) but I have a masters and so much experience on the spacecraft. I’ve reached out to the hr person who sent the letter seeing about negotiating. I called and left a voicemail and then sent an email six hours later when I hadn’t heard back. HR replied saying they would be back in touch. I asked for the midpoint of the salary range so I’m hoping they come up a little.
I will take the role regardless and I’m still excited about it and it’s still a good raise but my balloon deflated a bit. But only a bit. And I’m proud of myself for trying to negotiate
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antoniopuerta-fan-club · 5 months ago
Acuerdo cerrado entre Sevilla y Sttugart por Loic Badé
Nos. Vamos. A. SEGUNDA
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protoslacker · 1 month ago
I recently deleted my Twitter--X-- account. I startedn in 2007. I visited frequently but didn't post much. After Twitter was sold, I visted much less frequently, and felt it's dimise as a loss.
I am glad Bluesky has gained so much taction recently and that many people that I followed before are posting there now. I noticed a post from someone I want to follow give a number of reasons they're blocking people. One of the reasons was having no posts. I wasn't sure I had any.
I saw an activity:
Choose 20 books that have stayed with you or influenced you. One book per day for 20 days, in no particular order. No explanations, no reviews, just covers.
I quickly wrote down a list of 20 books, and fiqured I could do it. I posted my first cover today. I hadn't factored-in providing alt text for the images. It took a bit of effort to describe Be Here Now. When I just looked up that link, it occurred to me that publishers probably had alt text for book covers. But I didn't see any there.
I am not well-read, but it is fun to think about books. So you may enjoy thinking up a list of twenty books significant to you.
It''s worth checking out Haymarket Books right now! All titles are 40% until Jan .3 and they have 10 books to download for free.
If I can keep myself together, I want to be much more conscientious about my consumption of media. I want to support better media. Reading and buying books is a part of that.
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viejospellejos · 8 months ago
Pedro Sánchez el martes llegando a la Moncloa después de tirarse el farol de que iba a dimitir:
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carabanchelnet · 2 months ago
GRANDEE PALOMERA @estherpalomera, más claro imposible! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Video publicado por Miren Gurutxe 🌹🌹🌹🇵🇸 🇱🇧 @Gurutxe1
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primepaginequotidiani · 2 months ago
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PRIMA PAGINA El Pais di Oggi sabato, 26 ottobre 2024
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armatofu · 6 days ago
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prapaiwife · 6 months ago
He done broke the dish he's out 😂😂 and that's how it ends well i enjoyed it just as much as episode 1!! Next ep wan is telling JJ he likes chef! But chef is also gonna try to go easier on wan 👀and JJ and methas will be meeting more often to JJ's dimise lol.
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abr · 6 months ago
Considerazioni sul voto inglese:
Spoiler tronca fake argument number one: di Brexit NESSUNO ha parlato in campagna elettorale, silenti soprattutto i Laburisti. O meglio, ne parlan tantissimo, ora, solo opinionisti europitechi che non parlano inglese (fantastico ieri Sebastiano Barisoni di R24 con l'acquolina in bocca, chiede alla SUA inviata di narrargli della "Brexit argomento chiave" e lei gli risponde: NO).
Sunak, il Primo Ministro Conservatore subentrato post tragedia Cameron (ricordiamo il PM Tory che promosse il referendum PERDENTE CONTRO LA BREXIT e si dimise per quello), in totale continuità col predecessore salvo dettagli, ha perso sonoramente.
Nei mesi scorsi era tollerato se non esaltato dal mainstream media nostrano per le sue posizioni sull'Ucraina, per come pendeva dalle labbra di Gretina etc.etc. Un modello da seguire indicato per la destra italiana, additavano. Perché la destra che piace alla sinistra è quella che gli somiglia, e perde.
Veniamo al Labour, i vincitori: reduci dal percorso inverso a quello che piace alla sinistra di cui sopra, una Lunga Marcia decennale di de-Corbynizzazione. Tradotto in italiano, vince una sinistra benecomunista zero, a-ideologica, moderata, un centro sinistra dalle zero fughe in avanti (Brexit già detto, ma anche sghiscia coi Propal, sul sociale e altro). Un commentatore ha usato l'analogia gattopardesca: conservatori che fanno i sociali, labour che converge su posizioni moderate, tutto cambi affinché nulla cambi. Là è ancora attrazione verso il centro. In Italì i più Salis non a caso stan muti, salvo i più fessi: anche una Schlein ci azzecca un bel DeLuca con 'sto Labour qui.
In UK la sinistra vincente è il centrosinistra: torna un approccio Tony Blair, quello con cui collabora RENZI - evocare Renzi ai sinistri locali è sempre bellissimo: afferrano, escono per un attimo dalle narrative ipocrite e reagiscono come Skar quando le iene dicono "Mufasa" ne Il Re Leone.
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arcobalengo · 2 years ago
💬 Ne abbiamo ripetutamente parlato e presentato fatti durante i briefing: l'Ucraina si sta rapidamente trasformando in uno degli hub mondiali della trapiantologia "nera". Molti fatti sono stati trattati nel film "Tanks for a Kidney". Esso fornisce ulteriori prove del fatto che il regime di Kiev sta espiantando i suoi combattenti feriti per ottenere i loro organi.
❗️ Il business prospera grazie alle elevate perdite dell'AFU in prima linea. Dopo le opportune procedure chirurgiche, i corpi vengono bruciati e i parenti vengono informati che il militare è scomparso. Queste terribili manipolazioni sono impossibili senza il permesso del regime di Kiev.
Nel Paese si è fatto molto per semplificare il più possibile l'"attività" dei trapiantatori. La procedura di prelievo di organi da persone decedute che non hanno dato il consenso a vita a donare i propri organi dopo la morte è stata notevolmente semplificata.
Non solo le cliniche pubbliche ma anche quelle private hanno ottenuto il diritto di eseguire trapianti. Riuscite a immaginare cosa sia oggi una clinica privata in Ucraina?
I principali beneficiari dei programmi di trapianto in nero in Ucraina sono i Paesi occidentali. Lo stesso scenario è stato elaborato in Jugoslavia. Tutti gli organi prelevati da coloro che sono morti sono andati a soddisfare i bisogni e le esigenze degli occidentali.
Il regime di Kiev è pronto a pagare gli aiuti militari che riceve con qualsiasi cosa, ora anche con gli organi umani dei propri cittadini. Un giorno l'Ucraina capirà a cosa servivano davvero i suoi "amici" americani ed europei.
☝️ Il Paese è stato letteralmente messo sotto i ferri. Mi viene in mente la storia del Tribunale penale internazionale per l'ex Jugoslavia (TPI). Anche allora molte cose furono trascurate e non viste, ma poi, quando il procuratore dell'ICTY Carla Del Ponte si dimise, scrisse un libro di memorie che descriveva questa parte più orribile e disse che nessuno era stato punito per questi crimini orribili e da incubo.
- Maria Zakharova
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