#diluc is definitely more sociable too
ghostofreach117 · 3 months
An Important lesson from Snezhnaya
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“Only dead men waste salvageable shells. People always underpack ammunition assuming it will be in abundance at Snezhnayan markets, only to be met by gunpowder and buckshot lining the shelves. Even so, it is possible to procure live ammunition at specialty shops, though it is very exorbitant in price. Once your get into the wilderness though, it’s just you, the wind, and the mountains.
In short, reloading ammunition is a very valuable skill to have in the northern stretches of Teyvat.”
-Diluc Ragnvindr, on little known, but important survival skills.
Guess who’s normal again…!!
Idk why they’re in Snezhnaya here just roll with it.
Genshin if you let the mondstadt trio use guns pls let diluc use a (sawed off??) shotgun🙏
Kaeluc shippers are banished from my page
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tenebriism · 2 years
"bennett. hey."
kaeya's accused diluc of being sneaky on more than one occasion, and in retrospect, diluc supposes he can understand why --- though following the boy to good hunter before approaching him felt more ... organic than most other options. diluc's cheeks flush crimson for a moment, and he averts his gaze, shuffling from foot to foot almost nervously.
at long last, he speaks again --- this time fixing bennett with a look that's equal parts appreciative and ... fond, almost --- or as fond as diluc ragnvindr seems capable of looking, anyway. "a little birdie told me a certain cavalry captain isn't feeling very well, and that you kept him company for awhile. and ... that same little birdie told me it cheered him up quite a bit." diluc's expression softens, brightening into a dimpled little smile. "i just ... wanted to thank you. for ... taking care of my little brother. archons know he can be so difficult sometimes, and it's ... tough to get a smile out of him when he's sick and miserable, but i have it on very good authority that you managed. more than once, even."
it's then that he hands over the little package he's holding; inside, bennett will find several still-warm sufganiyot --- hand-made by none other than diluc himself. "for you," he says, "אַ דאַנק, my friend. please take care of yourself."
If one were to ask him why he slightly FEARS Diluc, it's certainly not because he thinks the eldest Ragnvindr to be mean, or unapproachable--- ah, well, perhaps the latter is true to a SMALL extent, but nothing drastic. Unlike Kaeya, who was very sociable, personable, and warm, Diluc could be somewhat distant and unreadable, which, to Bennett, who was still in a heavily impressionable stage of his life, was pretty awe-inspiring in its own way. Diluc gave off an air of being commendably unbothered, with a solution for everything and the strength to back it, and everyone else up, if need be.
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Now, this highly respected man was calling HIM over, and Bennett hardly knows what to do with himself. He can only gaze up at Diluc with bright, green eyes, only just remembering to clamp his jaw shut when a bug had nearly flown inside. " Oh, uh, i-it . . . it was nothin', Mr. Ragnvindr, sir ! When I heard he was sick, I had to step in . . . that's what we do 'round here ! I'd do it for you, too ! " A hand rises, palm scratching the back of his neck as he offered the redhead a toothy grin, " I jus' hope I didn't make him feel worse with all my, uh . . . w-well, let's just say I'm not the most capable of nurses, but y'know. I tried my best ! "
He suddenly realizes he might look a little scraggly after just coming back from a commission, but before he can scramble to pat away the dust and dirt from his garments, Diluc is handing something out to him. It smells . . . AMAZING, and feels warm within his palms. " These're . . . for me, sir ? Are ya sure--- I really don't need anything in return, I . . . " Oh. His entire face goes beet red, right to the tips of his ears. Praise and gifts from Diluc, AND being referred to as his ' friend ' . . . he's definitely going to tell his dads about this when he gets home.
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" Th-Thank you ! I'll be sure to enjoy these to the fullest, Mr. Ragnvindr ! "
@dilucisms ;; ♥
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orbitalmoonrat · 2 years
Do you have any headcanons about Traveler and Diluc's friendship? I like to think they would support him and his love life depending on the ship. Like Rosaluc or Thomaluc. Aether is more sociable and more open to talking, very warm. Lumine I feel would be more quieter but very protective in a passive aggressive manner. Like if anyone talked about him as if he wasn't here she'd snap or say something like; "Hey, he is RIGHT here!"
AAHHHHH I love the idea of Traveler and Diluc being besties!!!!
I think it's really funny and cute how we all headcanoned Aether to be the kinder, more bubbly sunshine sibling and Lumine being the more gentle, more quiet moon sibling :)
They'd definitely be super supportive of Diluc's love life! Maybe even help wingman it! Deliver wingman messages from Kaeya too!
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cinnamonest · 4 years
Back on that simp train for virgin/inexperienced Genshin boys. Pls my heart can't handle it, I'm in too deep. The way each of them would react to being inside of you, trying hard to last bc he's determined to make you cum even though his so close to cumming and all he did was get his cock inside you. Pls I need more virgin/inexperienced content even crumbs are enough, other anons who love inexperienced boys I'd love to hear what you have to say too!
Me, logging onto my tumblr dot com on a daily basis prepared to make every boy I love into several different variations of "virgin but also very forceful with the sex drive of a teen boy"
They're all nasty lil virgins anon. Every single one. It’s either mental blocks, lack of opportunity, or generally shooting themselves in the foot via their density.
Here we go... virgin boi HCs. Fem reader here since it’s kinda just the direction I ended up taking it, and the lack of anatomical knowledge makes the poor boys even more humiliated for being virgins >:)
For Diluc it's kinda all of the above. He's not... The most sociable person, and his generally stoic cold demeanor tends to drive people off a bit. And living a ways out by himself kills a lot of opportunities.
He has no self awareness of his size and he will inevitably hurt you, unintentionally. The sensation is just so good he can't help but thrust hard and fast, it's so good he feels like he's breaking your insides... And so do you. Like ow. You can whimper and whine but he's a million miles away, just mentally clouded and completely lost in the sensation of how tight it feels.
He's lost enough that he doesn't really even think to do anything other than fuck - his hands just grip your hips and pull you in, especially if you're struggling, he doesn't think to do anything else with his hands or mouth even if it would help you quite a bit and potentially make him slow the fuck down but he doesn't even want to slow down. It's so good.
He'll cum fast. It's kind of embarrassing, he's not even expecting it, it just kind of hits him like a train and he stops and shivers and just fills you up. Absolutely will not think to pull out. Whoops.
Razor has had zero opportunities. Like, his human contact mostly consists of knights. Fem traveler is probably one of the only adult human females he's ever seen.
Oh, and it's gonna be a wild ride, as a result. Again, does this boy even know what pussy looks like? Probably not. So he's gotta learn everything from you and only you. Shameless pervert just pulls apart your legs and likes to look you up and down and just become familiar with the way everything looks. He has no nervousness or hesitancy really, it's more like boundless overexcitement.
Lil virgin cums super fast, but has no refractory period and ungodly stamina. So what ends up happening is you just get bred over and over again, not even pulling out at any point, just fucking you, holding still for maybe a few moments, then immediately going back to pounding again. There so much cum in you that eventually it just sloshes everywhere, everytime he thrusts into you there's so much cum that it's getting pushed out around his dick because there's just not enough space inside you.
Kaeya's embarrassed by it. He'll never tell you. His general playfulness and charm have earned him rumors of being a very... Accomplished man, and he's very cocky about it to most people even though it's untrue. He actively tries to maintain that perception. He's #3, definitely has a mental block of nerves and fears going on.
At the same time it's not very hard to tell bc of how nervous he can get. You can feel the shaking of his hands the whole time, and you can hear/feel his pulse just skyrocketing the whole time. His voice kinda cracks and wobbles a bit and he's trying REALLY hard for you to not notice.
Thankfully he's still a horny lil fucker and jerks off so frequently that he will at least maintain the illusion of endurance. Still not very long at all - maybe 3-5 minutes, but that's better than SOMEONE to be mentioned below. It's just that !!!! It's so??? Warm and wet and tight??? And holy shit does that feel so much better than his hand.
Also won't pull out, but he does it intentionally. He's lost in what I call virgin boy instant love syndrome - they get in some pussy and think they've met the love of their life. You're laying there kinda disappointed it was so fast and he's zoned out because he's already going over baby names in his head and planning the next 50 years of life together.
For all his playboy act, he's literally the most laughably pathetic one about it all. He's the most nervous and head over heels and it's as hilarious as it is cute. He gets super embarrassed if you mock him over it, too.
Childe would also 100% be an embarrassed one, it's not quite as bad, he doesn't intentionally try to project the opposite image like Kaeya does but he would be pretty embarrassed for people to learn he's a complete kissless virgin. He's also mentally blocked.
However, he's actually a little better at settling his nerves and is less hesitant, but it's very awkward and rough. His teeth clack against yours when he kisses you, all his touches and grabs are a bit rougher than he realizes.
However, he jerks off a lot too, but he's still a very sensitive boy physically and he will cum in literally 45 seconds if not less. He has to stop for a moment once he's inside because he's literally ready to cum the moment he puts his dick in. It's terribly embarrassing and he'll get very flustered and laugh it off, but he gets hard again pretty quickly, and will last longer with each round.
He tries to do what he knows is good, it's just so rough, he rubs your clit like he's trying to dig with his fingers and he sucks your nipples so hard it's like a suction vacuum. But in the end, you'll still cum, which is a bit problematic because now he thinks the way he was doing it was right and will continue to be unintentionally rough in the future.
If you mock his nervousness he just gets pouty or fakes trying to laugh it off. Jokes on you, it doesn't bother him at all (yes it absolutely does). He's a little bit on the emotionally sensitive side, actually.
Albedo just... Hasn't had the opportunity you know? He's too busy, too asocial, too isolated, and, ah, too nervous, but he'd leave that last one out of the list of excuses. Thankfully, unlike some people, he has the prerequisite knowledge. Knows where all the parts are, has the knowledge that you can't just shove it in, has a general idea of what you're supposed to do to make it so that you can shove it in. Which should be expected knowledge of just about anyone, but unfortunately, given the rest of our lineup of men, "knows you can't just shove it in immediately" is an advantage here. He doesn't even know how to begin going about such a proposition... yes he has the anatomic knowledge and all, but in all honestly he's actually very romantically awkward. He knows what's normal for... courtship...? But can't bring himself to be an initiator or do any of the "normal" things because it's just embarrassing. He's very likely to experiment (get it) around with what he can get away with while you're sleeping, touching and feeling and jerking off over your sleeping body, but eventually it's just not enough. He's very sensitive to the subject actually. Won't outright exaggerate/lie like Kaeya or Childe would, but would simply avoid the topic, if the topic of past partners is brought up, he finds a way to dodge the question and shift topics immediately. He thinks it's kinda pathetic and is worried you'd think so too. He likes to present himself as a person who's... capable, has experience in many things, and this would be counterproductive to that. The whole first time he's very quiet, barely says a word, but you can see the way his eyes are way wider than they normally would be. Thankfully he has very steady hands and doesn't shiver/tremble much at all. Of course he had an idea of what it would feel like, but... fuck, it's better than expected -- or rather, worse, since it makes it hard not to cum. He didn't realize you were able to really feel the warmth of it. Has to stop for a moment after putting it in so he doesn't literally cum on the spot, but doesn't end up lasting very long anyway. He does end up losing composure a bit, moving a lot faster than intended, unable to bring himself to slow down even though he knows he should. He's also way too embarrassed to even really look you in the eye, and keeps his face buried into the crook of your neck the whole time so you can't see his face. ----
I feel like it's a given that our young man trio of Bennett, Xingqiu and Chongyun would be virgin bois.
  The only one that's not honest about it is Xingqiu, he's got a little bit of pride that prevents him from admitting it, but he also doesn't outright lie. He just says nothing, and if asked will find a way to dodge the question, much like Albedo. Or, alternatively, he justifies his virginity with something to do with his status, hierarchy, etc, tries to trivialize it. Well, of course he hasn't slept with anyone, he's got too much to do! Always out saving and helping people! Or scholarly pursuits... or... well, only unintelligent, uncultured people with no substance to their lives waste their time on hedonistic pleasures when they could be doing something constructive and worthwhile. He's above that. Fucking wildly all the time, especially with tons of different people, is generally looked down upon by people within his economic class, and he's likely had that sense of morality instilled in him by his parents and other influences.
Of course, he gets pretty much all of his ideas of what it's like from books. This is... not good. Especially seeing as they're usually fantasies that even the authors would never condone in real life, so they're often very forceful to say the least, particularly those written by women. He goes out of his way to procure said female-authored books, thinking they'll give him better insight for when the time comes. Again... not good, since they're just fictional fantasies. 
Also, you can't really get a super accurate idea of anatomy through just written words, so while he knows what the parts are called, he's not exactly sure about the... placement. Definitely a... for lack of better description, type of boy to rub your entire pussy because that's what he thinks a clitoris is. Thankfully he has picked up some vaguely useful, good information, such as being slow about it, neck kisses, be sure to suck the tiddy, etc, so it's not all awful.
However, poor thing is sensitive to criticism, can't take it. If you criticize anything he does, even sweetly, he gets pouty and won't fuck you for a while.
Also he gets rock hard at the slightest of stimulation. Just the slightest of skin showing. That thing girls do where you kinda shift your weight to one leg, letting your hip poke out so that you can carry a box or something on it? Hard. Reaching up and kinda leaning your head backwards to tie your hair up? Hard. Exposed shoulder? Sometimes even when he's not there with you, just by association when you cross his mind. Poor thing. It's actually rather inconvenient.
---- Poor Benny boy would be so honest. Such a breath of fresh air. And he's the classic nervous virgin, such an angel, nervous and trembly, frequently giving that nervous awkward laugh. He's so sweet about it though, tries his best to take the lead, but doesn't do a very good job of it. Honestly he probably takes a while to even take the opportunity because he's incredibly dense and doesn't pick up on even the most obvious of hints. If it's consensual, you'll have to eventually just tell him straight up you wanna fuck. And when you do so, the poor thing just freezes up at first. The words have to register with his brain and process. Just looking at you with wide eyes, blinking, not saying anything, until he snaps out of it and gets all red in the face, awkwardly laughing and heavily swallowing, shaking hands. Absolutely the "fuck what do I do now" type. He's hard, you're naked, this should be easy but... what if he messes up somehow? Hurts you? His goal is of course to force you to love him, and hurting you would be counterproductive to that goal. If at any point you make a noise that could be even remotely interpreted as pain, flinch in any way, he just kinda freezes up and stops and sputters something along the lines of asking what's wrong... although it isn't enough to make him pull out because holy fuck it's so good. Thankfully is very receptive to criticism and doesn't get offended very easily. Always trying to improve. The poor thing will take advice from anyone, probably sheepishly asks his dads, and finds ways to bring it up in conversation with other guy friends. Unfortunately for him, said "friends" consists of 1) people who don't like him and give him bad advice on purpose, 2) Traveler Aether, who just kinda mentally bluescreens because he's not well-versed himself, and 3) Razor, who misinterprets what he's asking for, so his best advice is "bite her neck, can't struggle that way." Needless to say none of these really help. ---- Chongyun is similar, he'll be honest, but he's a lot more quiet. He knows if he starts talking he'll turn into a stuttering mess, so he just clamps his mouth shut, but is still very trembly. And poor thing is so straight-faced too, he takes the matter very seriously! Much like his job, he sees it as a very important responsibility. Of course he has to give it his all and do his best! It's actually really cute. He doesn't stop at every single movement/sound you make like Bennett, but if you kinda hiss in pain or flinch, poor baby freezes up and retracts his hands at lightning speed and just has this wide-eyed startled look, still saying nothing but clearly a bit panicked in expression. Similarly, you have to reassure him it's fine before he starts up again. At first it's very slow and cautious, thankfully he's well-versed in self restraint so he can keep himself from just rutting in with reckless abandon. However, this is all only true up to a point... of course, it's inevitable that the excitement will become too much for the poor thing and he overheats, so to speak. It's very much the opposite then, he goes from completely silent to rambling on and on about how good it feels and how much he loves you and waited such a long time for this, to the point he's speaking so fast it slurs together and you can barely understand him, and definitely breaks loose from that slowness thing and his body just kinda moves on its own, much harder and faster than his more rational self would allow. At the same time, if his manic brain starts thinking about all the times you subtly turned him down and how he worked so hard for your attention, he might even get a bit mad, clenching his teeth and hissing about how you were so mean to do that to him, and might actually get rather rough without meaning to.   ---- Despite being otherwise pretty humble, Kazuha is actually another one to pretend he knows what he's doing. Just softly smiles and "let me take care of you" and proceeds to absolutely prove he has no idea what he's supposed to do and is kinda hoping for the best. It can't be too hard, right? The unfortunate thing is he equates everything to his own parts and kinda projects that -- it doesn't matter which part of his dick you touch, it all feels good, just some better than others, so he thinks your parts work the same way. Similarly to Xingqiu, will just kinda rub the whole thing thinking that's the correct part to be rubbed. Thankfully, he will actually take things slowly, although this is largely due to nervousness and thinking he can compensate for lack of skill this way. However, he's actually rather composed and can do a good job at feigning confidence and security even though internally he's just gone completely blank with nervousness. He's also smart enough to plan ahead and makes sure to jerk off several times before, to make himself last longer. The other boys could take some example from him honestly. He's very careful to think everything out. Due to the general raunchiness of sailors, he's picked up a thing or two from listening to them talk, and he mentally takes note of things they say. These are often... rather rough, but he figures that must mean that's what women like, right? He can accept that, he's versatile and can be gentle but doesn't mind getting rough if needed. He's rather observant and can figure out what works and what doesn't based on your reactions. Nonetheless, while he's better than a lot of boys listed here, he's still often clueless in regards to anatomical parts and other ways to give pleasure than what he already knows. Unfortunately he's far too embarrassed by the subject to ever ask anyone for help. ---- Look, just -- look me in the eye. Look at me directly and tell me you don't think Scara exudes sexually repressed virgin energy. Our boy desperately needs some pussy asap. Literally probably a good portion of him being a melodramatic brat comes from the sexual frustration and mental complex/insecurity over being a virgin alone. But importantly, he's very specifically the type to act above that, like he doesn't need it. Which he tells himself as well. It's a waste of time. Humans are so hedonistic, obsessed with their physical pleasures like the animals they are. The complex is what makes him act so conceited, it's kinda compensating more than anything. He doesn't need or want any of that. Sure, his body may have... physical reactions to visual stimuli, and he might picture that in his head while jerking off several times a day, but that doesn't mean anything. He wouldn't even take the opportunity if he had one... which he totally has plenty of opportunities, how could he not, but turns them... all down... right, he can... recall several times he had the opportunity... like that time a prostitute came up to him on the street and he declined it, because he's too good for that and has no need for such things, and not because he just immediately blanked mentally and ended up backing out. That counts as an opportunity. There's been plenty, he just can't think of any off the top of his head because there's so many that they all blur together, that's all. And once he finally, finally does take the only opportunity he's ever had, and it's not even consensual on darling's part, sigh,  he just acts apathetic. He's not gonna take the time to do anything to you other than fuck you, because he doesn't care. Not... not because he doesn't know how to. And only cums quickly because he has no need to drag it out, not because it happened accidentally way too soon. If you actually have the audacity to tell him how painfully obvious it is, he can't keep up the apathetic act. Ideally he could, just pretend not to care, which he later gets mad at himself for not doing, but it strikes a nerve at the time and he pretty much tells on himself by getting twitchy, giving you a death glare and saying something -- he's just still in control enough to not outright say to be quiet, he can't give you that satisfaction, but just says something to the effect of don't you have more useful things to do than try and get a reaction out of him?
Thankfully for everyone around him, he actually tones down slightly when getting consistent sex on a daily basis because he's no longer so frustrated, and thus no longer as snappy as he was prior. Just ever so little, but still a change. ---- Ah. Xiao. The final boss virgin you have to fuck after fucking all other virgins. In all seriousness he's got the same very limited human interactions like Razor except he's not frequently watching animals go at it either. Verr and Ganyu are like his sole sources of interactions with anything female and that's not doing him any favors. Thankfully he *has* witnessed the occasional couple going at it in the inn and peeked in through the windows a bit out of curiosity, or seen some animals in the wild mating. Nonetheless, prior sex knowledge consists of pp --> hole. And then you move back and forth until you're done. That's it. Thankfully he's not very insecure about it, because he's a bit too disconnected from human society and social norms to know that being a virgin is something men are shamed for, so he doesn't have a problem admitting it when asked -- rather than being embarrassed, he's more kinda confused as to why that matters, it's all the same, right? Cums very quickly, but honestly, similarly to the virgin thing, isn't very embarrassed because he's not socially knowledgeable enough to know that that's considered not good. Not that it matters given the lack of refractory, so it just goes on and on over and over without any awareness that that might just rub your insides raw and sore. The first few months are really bad, he has to learn patience and to fight the instinct to shove it in dry as soon as he gets to you... provided he's actually willing to, rather than just getting frustrated at you for trying to wiggle away. Listen. Life is hard when you've gone 2000 years and never even touched a female. World cold and hard, darling pussy soft and warm. Have some empathy for him, will you? Kissless virgin too, of course. It's very awkward as well. Like he's trying to suck your face off. I've mentioned this before, but because of his pessimistic tendencies, he tends to assume you're lying about things, he stays on-guard and constantly maintains the idea that you're trying to trick him, so he doesn't believe a lot of things you say. It's... infuriating honestly. You're not really sore. How would it hurt? Was your body not made for this purpose, designed for this task? Why should he believe it "hurts" you just because this is the tenth time in a twenty four hour period you've done it with no preparation beforehand? Hmph. The worst part is that this does not really get better with time, since you're still the only source of knowledge he has. He does listen to you when you're basically giving him the most basic sex education (since that's definitely something you'll end up doing if for no other reason than potentially helping your poor battered body), he's curious enough to learn about parts and what makes you have those nice reactions where you make noises he likes for reasons he doesn't understand. But any talk of needing to prepare beforehand goes in one ear and out the other. You get wet after a few minutes of thrusting anyway.
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crownandwriter · 3 years
Hello! May I please request a matchup for Genshin Impact? Thank you so very much for considering my request, as well as any time and effort you may spend on it.
I’m an INFJ-T, 5'4, demisexual girl. When I first meet people, I’m very withdrawn, and tend to be shy. I’m not the type of person that would start a conversation, even when we’re considered friends. (But I will if it’s someone truly close to me.) However, this is not true for work related things, if it’s work, I’m very serious and have no problem talking. Although, if I’m trying to make some sort of decision (even minor ones) or am trying to figure something out, then I’ll have an extremely bad stutter and will have great difficulty forming sentences. 
Among my peers, I’m known for being very polite and having a rather proper way of speech. But also for speaking very softly, so people sometimes can’t hear me. Oftentimes, I don’t actually speak, and when possible, I tend to nod or use other gestures. Unless one of my hyperfixations is mentioned, because then, I’ll be talking a mile a minute. It doesn’t really matter who I’m talking to, I’ll light up like a light bulb and become VERY expressive. Whenever I smile, my face flushes uncontrollably. (But I don’t become SUPER red.) 
Once I know people well, I’m actually extremely affectionate. I love hugging, handholding, and physical affection in general. Whenever I see someone I care about, I always give them a hug. Also, I love writing letters and poetry, and writing in general. But for people I love, I keep a notebook that I write letters and poetry for them every night. Once it’s full, I’ll give it to them. I’m really a romantic at heart. Also, I give out words of affirmation on a practically daily basis, and make a point of saying good morning and good night every day. I can be a bit of a mom friend, but often, I am the child. I’ll be pretty chaotic and although, I won’t become reckless. Amidst my chaos, which usually includes pranks, insane ideas and a ton of energy, I’ll still be very cautious and thoughtful. 
My interests are generally towards creative things, I love writing. There’s something amazing about how people can elicit emotions from others using words. My writing is often rather depressing though, but I can do well with other tones as well. I also enjoy drawing, I always feel a swell of emotion and pride once I’ve created something I’m happy with. Though I often scrap drawings that I’m not so happy with. I also play violin and dizi, and carry a deep affection for music. It’s something that makes me truly happy. Cooking and baking are also things I love, simply because I love other people’s expressions when they try what I make. I also love to dance, and exercise a lot. Still, I overuse my body often, and so cannot use my left wrist and have many other less impactful overuse (and other) injuries. Also, I have loose joints, so my bones often pop out of their sockets at random times. 
I’m pretty uncomfortable with being flirted with, and want the person I love to be my close friend before my lover. The thing I find most important in a relationship is companionship and trust. I hate being controlled and don’t do well with pressure. I want to be free, but I’m also very loyal, I won’t ever betray the people I love. They are what is most important to me, romantic or platonic.
That’s all that I have to share at the moment, I hope that this is the type of information you’re looking for, thank you so much in advance and have a lovely day!
Hiya! Sorry this took a while--thank you for submitting!!
I Ship you with Venti!
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- You want a friend before a romance, and that’s definitely Venti’s style! He loves people inherently, however due to his past is a little slow to get to know anyone on a deeper level. A relationship with him starts as a slow-blossoming friendship and only eventually changes when one day he wakes up and realizes you’re precious in a way he’s never experienced before. That said, I think it could go either way in terms or whether or not there’s an actual confession. Venti strikes me as the type to think love is love, and he doesn’t need a title to start treating you accordingly. If he thinks you reciprocate, there’s a pretty good chance he’ll just start kissing your hand in greeting to test the waters.
- He’s the cheesiest of romantics! Flirting is very much within his repertoire, but usually it takes the form of the same good-natured teasing he gives all his friends. (Sprinkled with more inside jokes.) He may seem a little laid-back in his responses to romance--but he definitely went a little misty-eyed the first time you handed him an entire book of letters and poetic musings. (You can expect to be hearing a lot more new music from his lyre in the following weeks because he’s got a lot of catching up to do.)
- He’s a physical love bug too, and will gladly cling to you like ivy if you let him. He might even wrangle a piggyback or two out of you, if you’re playful or too weak-of-will to resist his puppy face. I’m sure you can guess, even if only by the tone I set there, that Venti’s happy to throw in on some small-scale chaos with you. He’s more of a verbal-shenanigans type of person, but if you wanna go prank Diluc and maybe run off with some wine he’s not gonna say No.
- Your desire for freedom obviously works out very well here. While Venti’s own emotional communication is a little lacking, he’s always very open about supporting you and your decisions. Even in a relationship, he’s the type to disappear for days or even weeks at a time to do his own thing, so he’d be a hypocrite if he tried to hold you down in any way. ...That said, he’s very much a conversation-initiator and will gladly talk your ear off whenever you’re feeling quietly sociable. You can expect him to seek you out just as often as he disappears.
- And on those days when you’ve really overdone it and are just too sore or tired to leave bed...Venti takes full advantage to be lazy. But it’s a fair trade, right? He gets to lounge about all day--munching apples, napping, strumming songs--and you get his wonderful company. UuU
Runner Up: Jean
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