#dilan selvi
lunarcoveinspo · 9 months
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While enjoying the festivities, you've received a candycane gram- the gram is a red & white candycane with a red bow accompanied by the Dior advent calendar. Attached to the gram is a card that reads-
To: @moonglowmagic Happy Holidays. From: M. (@cantfightmoonlight - Meena)
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lunarcovehq · 11 months
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Dilan Selvi is a pixie that currently resides in Sunny Harbor and has been a Lunar Cove resident for 5 years planning more than just parties.
DATE OF BIRTH: August 3, 1994
OCCUPATION: Event Planner
FACECLAIM: Bahar Şahin
FAE COURT POSITION: High Fae (Court Member) 
Trigger Warnings: Violence, Suicide, Gore
While Demet and Berk Selvi appeared to be the perfect new upper east side couple who had just fallen into money, in reality they had stolen their way to the top. Both being from families of skilled thieves who had worked together since they were teens. While their families had stayed behind in a life of crime they swore that they would be on the straight and narrow, with new identities and new money to at least get them started so they could live comfortably. Hoping to eventually end the cycle they’d spent their lives in, have children that were none the wiser to their past; for many years it did. 
Demet and Berk had struggled for years to have a child, when Demet fell pregnant they were both so excited until they realized just how rocky of a pregnancy that she would end up having. The likelihood of the child surviving was slim, but possible. While Demet did deliver Dilan Selvi the real Dilan would never actually make it out to adulthood. Instead the sick child was switched out by The Kaplan’s as they did the unspeakable among fae. See the Kaplan’s had been traveling outside Lunar Cove with their three daughters when hunters had tracked them down, while they had got away for a moment and managed to switch two children, their death came before they could finish switching out the oldest child Hande. While the Selvi’s were none the wiser about their original child, became grateful that their daughter had defied every odds, the story of the Kaplan’s was used as a cautionary tale among fae to keep them from leaving. 
Life for the Selvi’s had been more than the Kaplan’s could have ever hoped for when it came to their youngest daughter. She found herself being raised by loving wealthy parents who went out of their way to grant their daughters every whim and wish. She was sent to the best schools, given tutors, and appeared to be the shinning star of her parents eye. What Berk and Demet hadn’t planned for though was how expensive their lifestyle was, any money they had was being spent quicker than they could make it. For a while they tried to keep themselves afloat with loans, credit cards, second mortgages, and investments, but even that was a weary path that came crashing down hard. It was then both Berk and Demet made a pact that they would do anything it took to maintain their life for their daughter because she deserved better. 
So slowly Berk started to skim off the top of the books at work. They began to take things from their friends at all the lavish parties they attended, at first it was just a bracelet or two here and there, but the high of stealing that it gave the Selvi’s was intoxicating, it had been so easy to slip back into their old lifestyle. While they never wanted Dilan a part of it, the funny thing about kids is they tend to mirror their parents; so when Dilan brought her mom a diamond bracelet after one of the parties, they knew that they had messed up. Even if they didn’t want her apart of this she’d clearly been watching, while she may have not known why she clearly knew how. So rather than fight it the Selvi’s used their cute daughter in their crimes with them. By the age of seven she’d learned to pickpocket, by nine she’d helped steal priceless paintings out of her parents friends beach houses, by eleven her powers had kicked in. 
At first the Selvi’s weren’t sure how she had such powers or what to do with them, especially since both appeared to be human. Assuming it was maybe just luck on their side as they discovered that she could appeared invisible and that Dilan seemed to be insanely lucky at everything. So rather than have her set out, they started doing bigger crimes, hoping that one of these would eventually pay off and this life would finally end. So they got in contact with the last people they wanted to call, their families, and planned the biggest con of their life. They were going to rob the Louvre Museum and steal some of the most priceless art in the world. On the day the heist happened, things had went haywire from the start. While Berk reassured them both everything would be fine thanks to Dilan’s gifts and their families there to help, he would later find himself eating those words. 
To this day nobody knows why the camera’s malfunctioned or that the Selvi’s had brought their daughter along with them. Because the second the heist went south Demet grabbed her daughter and made her promise to run, to use her powers to get out. Promising that they’d be right behind her, but as Dilan turned invisible and made a run for it, using her powers to find every door unlocked until she was safely outside among the crowd of people watching the incident did she realize that her parents weren’t coming back. She watched them and any family she had be walked out to Interpol police cars and drive away. 
For almost a year Dilan sat invisible in the courtroom listening to her parents plead not guilty while strangers decided their fate, each day she gave her parents a sign that she was there for them. Listening to their words be used against them and being there as punishment. Punishment for what it felt like her failures. Maybe if she had figured out how to use her gifts more or not listened to her mother then maybe they all wouldn’t be broken apart. Before the verdict even came in Dilan could feel the decision in her bones, she couldn’t stick around to hear it. She felt the loss starting to take over, she spent hours walking up and down the street lifting from people left and right. Not even because she wanted certain things, she just needed to her numb the pain she feeling in the moment. To just make everything stop and her thoughts to silence. That silence never did come, the noise only got louder as they saw their parents repeatedly being plastered across the news. 
Rather than stick around any longer she used one of the fake passports her parents had given her, the money she’d managed to get from the safe before Interpol showed up to their fancy hotel, flew back to the states. Even though their apartment had been boarded up while investigators had searched it for evidence Dilan had snuck in without anyone seeing. Walking up to her old familiar bedroom, she sat for hours looking at her things that had been tossed around the room, things she had once loved, but had seemingly cost her everything. Rather than leave them behind she carefully pulled the bags that were still viable onto her bed and packed what clothes, jewelry, and things she could into her a duffle bag and suitcase. After all these things had cost her the loss of her parents so they had to mean something right? It couldn’t all be for nothing. As she wandered into her parents room and got her mothers perfume and a few scarfs. Shoving them into her suitcase as well, as she went to leave with her bags she was greeted by another girl a few years older than her. While she had expected the girl to maybe be an investigators daughter or worse a new tenet who was moving into her old bedroom, it turned out it was her sister. 
From there Dilan was explained the story of her real parents, that she wasn’t an only child, but actually had two sisters; one of which was hellbound on murdering them. While her world was once more flipped upside down by this news, she didn’t have time to process it. Instead she asked the other girl for help and they cleared out anything in the apartment of value, took off into the night before Hande could show up. Maybe it was the fact both were on their own or had finally found their actual family, or that they were being hunted down by a crazy older sister who wanted to murder them, they seemed to bond together like sisters. Looking out for one another and helping each out get by so they could thrive. Using the skills and mistakes her adoptive parents had taught her to get by. 
For the most part she used her looks to get anything she wanted or to distract whatever prey they had chosen, while her sister cleaned them out. The pair becoming an unstoppable tag team as they traveled from city to city up until they came back to the hotel room they had been crashing in one night to find it raided through. Hande had found them once more. Their past was once again catching up to them, so the pair of sisters packed up their things and found their way to Lunar Cove, the one place they knew the hunter wouldn’t be able to reach them. 
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moonglowmagic · 1 year
While Dilan loved her birthday she wasn’t exactly out here wanting to throw a big celebration for it. Mostly because she half expected that she’d end up ghosted on her birthday considering the last few months. Unfortunately Bri and Leyla hadn’t got the memo and now there was a full on house party to celebrate her going on in her house. It wasn’t that she wasn’t grateful for it, just the night was now ending very differently than she’d planned it. 
“So this party was unexpected.” Dilan admitted tp the person next to her as she reached up and readjusted the crown that had been placed on her head when she walked in. Taking another sip from her cup as she finished off her drink and she looked at the persons cup next to her. “Want another one?” She asked. “You get free drinks if you’re with me.” She teased knowing all the drinks were actually free. “Although I will say I’m partial to the Dilan drink and not just because it’s named after me.” 
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─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Poppy stood outside of the bar while she had a duplicate or two working inside to help out the clients. Ever since July when Kyle had killed her things had felt different, it wasn’t just because her immortality was gone or because Alyssa had died or the fact her grimoire was gone. Everything felt different, she still had yet to process what had happened to her. Instead she’d just thrown herself into work and the coven. Doing her best to make sure they still stood by her and understood that nothing had changed, despite how much it actually had. 
Rubbing the back of her neck when she sensed another person in the alley next to the bar with her. It caused her to be on high alert, everything did anymore. While she was normally more friendly she couldn’t keep faking it today. “What do you want?” Poppy asked when she realized who it was. Letting her guard drop some as she pulled out a cigarette and lit it up. “The cheery happy version of Poppy is inside.” She informed them, knowing that her duplicates were good at masking how she really felt and hiding it. Inhaling the smoke before she blew it out and looked over at the other person. “I’m fine you know.” She promised even though she was far from fine. “You don’t have to check in on me.” 
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─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Safiye had been a nervous wreck and barely sleeping since the Ren Faire between checking in on her sister and her friends. Raking a hand through her hair as she stood in line at The Daily Drip, she was due for another cup of coffee to help her stay awake. Taking a step forward in line when her phone beeped, she pulled it out of her back pocket dropping her money in the process on the ground.
It wasn't until she got up to the cashier and ordered that she took out her headphones. Ordering quickly and she reached in her back pocket to find the money gone. Frantically checking her other pockets for money but there was none. "Just-" Signaling to the cashier to give her a moment. Turning to the person behind with a plea. "Can you just cove me for once? I promise I'll pay you back, just I need this coffee."
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kenxmatsui · 4 months
for: Dilan & Leyla ( @moonglowmagic & @cantfightmoonlight ) location: ken and leyla's house
When Leyla's discharge was approved, Ken could not have been more thankful. Her room, though private, had been a revolving door of people and nurses, and him, who had not left the place for too long, grew tense and stiff, patience hanging on a gossamer thin thread ready to snap at the slightest of breezes. But then came a different headache when it was time to leave, one he had unfortunately created for himself, a required thing but still.
This is for Leyla, he repeated but the slowness of the ordeal was not a pleasant thing. "Is she packing her entire closet?" he muttered to Leyla, honking the horn a couple times, impatience crawling, "I got rid of the doll, by the way, I know you never liked it, but Dilan doesn't need to know that." He smiled a little at that, "But if I'm too hard on her when she's around, tell me, we know how I can get." Dilan was no stranger nor did he didn't think her as such, but he had been alone for most of life, only changed when Leyla came into his world, into his house, their house now, to share that comfort he had build wouldn't be an easy transition he was sure, but Dilan was her sister, family, and for that he had to try.
Despite bracing for this, when it came down to the day, the hour, the damn minute, he looked at Leyla once more, eyes practically pleading for a different scenario. One preferably not involving anyone but logic overruled it before she could answer. Instead, he put his arms under her lifting her effortlessly so she didn't have to walk, and gestured for Dilan to get the door. Shoes were removed on entry as they made their way in and placed Leyla on the couch, kneeling beside her, "Settle here for now," he said softly, pressing a kiss into her hands, "I'll get yours and Dilan's stuff from the car and then we can head to bed, okay?" Getting up slowly he turned to face Dilan, "Rules," he stated, features morphing back to his standard stern look, "You cannot bring anyone over, I do not care who they are. Second, do not scream, I don't want to kick you out, but so help me if you sound a decibel over the normal. Third, goes without saying but do not touch my stuff. Got it?" That wasn't asking for much. "Also, stay out of my kitchen, it's off-limits for Leyla, same applies to you. You can -" Words cut before he could get them out on where she'd be staying...empty rooms threatening to bring memories he didn't have the focus for, "You can pick one of the rooms upstairs." It was reserved for family afterall, his, hers didn't matter much now. "Oh, if you find a haunted doll up there, adhere to rule three," he added, heading out the door with a private smile to Leyla.
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nicocastillo · 8 months
closed starter for @moonglowmagic (dilan)
He caught the scent of blood first—an unusual, slightly less metallic smell that he identified as fae. A moment later he spotted the crumpled form on the ground, and dropped down beside the pixie, his med bag landing next to him with a thump. "Dilan? It's Nico, I'm here to help. Can you hear me? Can you open your eyes for me?" he asked, gently. Thankfully he picked up a heartbeat, but it was faint. He began scanning for her injuries, starting at her neck. If she'd been fed on... that was another problem, for later. Right now he just had to get a sense what had happened to her, and whether she could be moved. Staying out in the street felt increasingly exposed, with more inflicted still running around.
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jonahxrivas · 11 months
for: dilan @moonglowmagic
While Jonah did eventually relax and enjoy the Mystery Dinner Party that his cousin threw, it still held many unexpected twists and turns that he did not see coming. The biggest one being how wet he'd end up getting. Remarkable, really. A shudder shook through him and there was nothing else to blame but his still damn clothes. It was rather funny to that this began to bother him, for someone that spent much of their time in water why did he have a feeling this would make him sick. Picking up his discarded lab coat of the ground he somewhat forcefully shook it to rid of excess water only to realise after the action someone stood nearby. "Oh shoot, sorry Dilan, didn't see you," he aplogised immediately, "Hope I didn't get water on you?"
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kourtwrites · 1 year
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BAHAR ŞAHIN on instagram
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leilabarak · 6 months
closed starter for @dilanxbarak at the starview drive-in spring event
Though Leila knew absolutely nothing about the movie that was playing for the drive-in, that hadn't stopped her from putting all of her effort into turning the back of one of her trucks into a cozy playground to bring Selvi and Dilan for it. The whole bed of the truck was baby proofed and cushioned, giving them plenty of space to hang out while the movie played. "She's getting too big," Leila sighed out with a wide smile as they watched Selvi starting to move around in the space, the movie starting up in the background. "When does she like...you know, slow down and stop growing?"
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dylan-westwick · 6 months
character: Dilan Barak @dilanxbarak
location: Kayak Race; Spring Extravaganza
Finding the perfect spot to lay the blanket under a nice and shady tree, she rocked the twin carrier as there was a nice little breeze from the lake. Sitting next to her was Dilan and Selvi who was much bigger than the last time she'd seen the sweet girl. Looking out, watching the people moving quickly through the lake, she unstrapped the babies, they could do some tummy time while they were here. "Okay I don't think I can handle just how close to one Selvi already is." Dylan admitted as she placed the babies on the blanket area that was easiest to make sure she could pick them up and pulled out two rattles. "I mean the twins are going to be four months next week and I think I might actually tell them to please stop growing."
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aliciamillergarcia · 7 months
Characters: Alicia Miller-Garcia & Dilan Barak (@dilanxbarak) Location: The Teachers' Lounge Closed Starter
With Selvi now a little bit beyond the newborn phase, Alicia figured it was easier to get her mother out of the house. Which was exactly how she dragged Dilan out for lunch, with their daughters in tow. Hazel was busy scribbling, her latest hobby since she discovered how to grasp a crayon, and Alicia was occupying herself with little Selvi. "You are an absolute cutie," she told the little girl who she was holding in her arms, who was smiling widely in return. "I can't believe she's growing up so fast. Wasn't she born yesterday?"
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jacobklee · 8 months
— SETTING: dilan's house ; sunday, mid-afternoon — AVAILABILITY: closed starter for DILAN BARAK | ( @dilanxbarak )
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After having lunch with his mother and sisters, as he often did on Sundays, Hoon packed the containers mrs. Harper Lee had prepared for Dilan, fed Selvi another bottle since it was close to her eating time and she was starting to get fussy. Before leaving, he changed her diapers and, once he'd secured Selvi's car seat in the back, he drove to his ex's place to both say goodbye to his daughter and to give Dilan the food his mother had prepared.
He wasn't expecting to be this cold out, but of course, Colorado would always keep him on his toes when it came to the weather, right?
Once Dilan opened the door, Kyung Hoon smiled at her. "Hi, eomma." Hoon greeted with a quick kiss on her cheek and then lifted both the carrier and the bag with containers his mom had sent. "I come with gifts. Did you miss us?" As he stepped in, he left his shoes by the door and placed Selvi's carrier on the couch before undoing his coat. "It's colder than usual today. I don't know what's going on up there. Mom sent you some food. She said she's been promising you some casserole?"
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lunarcoveinspo · 9 months
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While enjoying the festivities, you've received a candycane gram- the gram is a blue and white candy cane with blue glittery bow and a fairy charm in the center. Attached to the gram is a card that reads-
To: @cantfightmoonlight (Leyla) Forever & Always. I love you to the moon and back. Thank you for finding me all those years ago. From: @moonglowmagic (Dilan)
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lunarcovehq · 1 month
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Devrim Selvi is a human that currently resides in Echo Acres and has been a Lunar Cove resident for 2 years, where he has fillings too.
DATE OF BIRTH: May 5, 1992
OCCUPATION: Dentist at Bright Bite
Trigger Warnings: Arrest, Missing Person, Adoption, Rockslide, Death, TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) 
In 1992, on May 5th, in Ankara, Turkey, Bulut and Hadiye Selvi welcomed their first and only child. Although they would try for more in the years after, Devrim Selvi wouldn’t have any siblings. Painfully shy as a young boy, the Selvis worried for their son. When Devrim was three years old his parents moved to New York City. Bulut’s brother Berk had a young daughter about Devrim’s age, and the Selvi family agreed it would be good to raise their children together.
In the states, Bulut continued to work as a dentist while Hadiye taught at a public school. Devrim remained shy, but it became less of an issue with his little cousin, Dilan, around. She did a lot of the talking on his behalf. While the children were different, they got along well because of it. Living different lifestyles, unaware of how the other Selvi’s afforded their luxurious means, Devrim and Dilan attended different schools in the city. Once in highschool, Devrim was selected to attend Bronx Science; a stem school for mathematics and science.  It was there he thrived, truly coming out of his shell for the first time. When his aunt and uncle were arrested and Dilan disappeared, Devrim’s social progress took a hit. His parents searched for her for years, hoping to adopt and care for their teenage niece, but without success. 
While living in a major metropolitan area, Devrim’s parents liked to take their family vacations in nature. It’s what fostered Devrim’s love for science and nature at a young age. The Selvi family spent a few weeks every summer camping in the mountains or on a lake, even after Devrim graduated from high school. At nineteen years old, on the family’s annual camping expedition, Devrim and his father were caught in a rockslide. Bulut did not survive, and Devrim was lucky to be alive.
Following the accident, Devrim was diagnosed with a TBI and had to overcome many physical and mental challenges on his healing journey. He was forced to drop out of school to focus on his recovery. Devrim underwent extensive physical therapy after his accident. During which time he realized he wanted to work in the medical field. After he was on the mend, his mother left the United States to return to their home of Ankara, Turkey to live with her sisters. 
In spite of his struggles, Devrim eventually continued to pursue an education and earned his bachelors in biology before attending dental school. An endeavor he decided upon to honor his late father’s memory. After dental school, he began a residency in oral surgery out in California. His mother was proud. She told him his father would have been, too. All Devrim could do was believe her, because his father was gone and couldn't tell his son he was himself. There would be no Selvi and Son dental office, and he’d always carry the responsibility for that. 
During the second year of his residency the private investigator he’d personally hired to search for Dilan after his parents stopped found her. Ironically, she was living not far from where they grew up in some part of Rhode Island he’d never heard of. A single letter, addressed to one Dilan Selvi of Lunar Cove, Rhode Island, would change Devrim’s life forever.
Rarely a conversationalist, when Devrim reunited with Dilan he had a million questions. Her answers only sparked even more. It was a struggle for his rational mind to understand that the supernatural existed. Vampires, Werewolves, Witches, and Fae. His cousin was a subtype of the latter. A pixie, a changeling, swapped with the human Dilan Selvi at birth. It never, not once, changed how Devrim saw Dilan. They were family, whether by blood or not. A certainty that made it easier, with time, to accept that everything he knew about the natural world had changed.
After completing his residency, Devrim decided to move to Lunar Cove, Rhode Island. While he had no memory of the magical, fantastical, supernatural he’d experienced within the town’s borders, Devrim knew all he needed to know about his new home. Dilan Selvi lived there. His cousin who spoke for him when he’d yet to find his voice, who he had searched for for years, finally found. She was his family, and there was nothing more important to Devrim than that.
Devrim was offered a job at a dentist office in town, as well as PRN work at the local hospital. In time, he adapted to the unique needs of his supernatural patients. Acclimated but still amazed by the magic of Lunar Cove's townspeople. Devrim’s fascination led him to begin his own research about the biology of the supernatural. His work consumes most of his time. What he doesn’t spend working or with family, Devrim spends in his cabin, deep within Echo Acres.  A hike from town, but he prefers the solitude. Despite his accident, the avid outdoorsmen never lost his love for nature and finds the woods particularly peaceful. The morning of each full moon he puts out blankets and coffee for the wolves that call it home, too. 
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moonglowmagic · 2 months
Where: Shipfaced (around 3 am) Who: @cantfightmoonlight (Song) + @xthetoddinatorx
Dilan had a smirk on her face as she walked into the empty bar with a cake in her hands. “Hello,” Dilan sang out happily. Walking behind the bar to where Song was, she put the cake on the bar top. “Guess what day it is?” She giggled with drunken laughter. She may have had a little too much liquid courage flowing through her veins when she came up with this plan, but she still thought was holding out on this present working for her. “It’s my birthday!” She informed him as she twirled her belt around. Putting her hand on his shoulders as she pushed him back against the bar. Pulling at the belt of her coat and when it didn’t open she sighed. “Hold on give me a second.” She informed him as she held up a finger and began to work on the belt until she eventually got it undone. Shaking off the coat to revel a tiny white silk nightgown. “Guess I should happy birthday to you.” She giggled once more and wrapped her arms around his neck. “So last year… we could rewrite history?”
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kenxmatsui · 2 years
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Incorrect Quotes » Ken & Dilan ( @moonglowmagic )
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📜𝙰𝚜𝚕𝚒𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝙵𝚊𝚑𝚛𝚒-𝙱𝚊𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚢 & 𝙳𝚒𝚕𝚊𝚗 𝙱𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚔
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If anyone knew about the recent teething struggles Asli and Eli were going through with Rhia, it was Dilan and Jacob. She knew that poor Selvi had two come through and her heart ached for the little girl. It was one of the moments that hurt the most in parenting. You wish desperately that you could take all the pain for yourself so that your baby would be okay, only you can't. The best you can do is treatments that could soothe the baby as much as possible for awhile. The Egyptologist certainly didn't miss the days in which she went through this with Alex, and she couldn't wait for this to be past them, for everyone's sake. At least they had the Saints & Sinners event for a night to take a much needed breather. Spotting her friend, she'd been quick to grab some drinks before heading her way. "Valentine's Day-inspired champagne cocktail, my dear?" She held it out to her with a bright smile. "They have such a variety and all perfectly themed, we absolutely deserve to have as much as possible. To the teething phase of parenthood!"
𝚌𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚛: 𝚜𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚜 & 𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚟𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚎'𝚜 𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝟸𝚔𝟸𝟺 𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝚜𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚜, 𝚍𝚘𝚠𝚗𝚝𝚘𝚠𝚗 ; 𝚏𝚎𝚋𝚛𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝟷𝟽𝚝𝚑, 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟺 || @dilanxbarak
𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚟𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝙿𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝚁𝙿'𝚜 𝚅𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚎'𝚜 𝙳𝚊𝚢 𝚃𝚊𝚜𝚔 𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚝: 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚊𝚐𝚗𝚎
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