#bri rivas
lunarcoveinspo · 9 months
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While enjoying the festivities, you've received a candycane gram- the gram is a red and white classic candycane. Attached to the gram is a card that reads-
To: @cantfightmoonlight (Bri) Thank you for everything. The Playhouse much owes its upcoming return to you. From: @rohanxpersaudx
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kenxmatsui · 2 months
for: @cantfightmoonlight - Bri time & location: shipfaced opening
With Leyla momentarily stepping away from him, Ken moved to take a seat the bar till her return holding the egg in his hand and giving a disgruntled look to anyone that dared to look his way. A drink in hand, he sipped on it slowly as he talked with Song, eventually waving him off when the other had to leave their conversation to tend to other people. Despite the crowd of people Ken's lack of interaction with them formed a bubble of silence around him, easing his mood into something bearable. He, however, was not expecting Bri to enter his field of vision popping that bubble. "Leyla should be back soon," he said, "Come back later."
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jonahxrivas · 3 months
for: Bri & Rohan time & location: a week before the wedding, the old house
Pacing was a nervous habit Jonah had since forever that only worsened with age and more since being in this town. Nail biting though, that one seemed to be new. But he couldn't quite help it, thoughts spun wildly out of control and had been that way since his mothers coming to this town had solidified in his head. The fear, the worry, it all made for sleepless nights and playing out every worst detail of every horrible scenario on a loop. He couldn't help it, he was scared. It was like finding out about magic all over again, the rate at which his heart began to beat he wouldn't be surprised if it beat out of his chest. "Th--they're on the wa-way, right?" he stammer too was in full swing as he desperately tried to get words out. "D-Does the limo servic-ce have a tracker system or some-so-something?" He didn't trust strangers much but the dangers were to high to let Rohan go alone. There wasn't much trust for anything anymore. The couch held him in place for a good minute before he was up again as a fresh layer of worry clung to every pore. "They'll make it, right? I'm s-s-sorry." He buried his face in his hands to muffle out the sound of more apologies.
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lunarcovehq · 8 months
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Ooh baby, don't you know I suffer? Ooh baby, can you hear me moan? You caught me under false pretenses, How long before you let me go?
With their eyes jet black, the inflicted had no problem terrorizing their fellow neighbors and ransacking their beloved town. Ralph Middlemas fed from Jonah Rivas until Jonah passed out and needed to be rushed to the hospital. Poppy Reed took her frustrations out on the couples in town, flinging a number of residences around like a rag doll. Meena Raja ended up in Poppy's cross fire and hurt Poppy in return. Meena also broke and entered at a number of places. Amrita Singh was caught on camera enlisting Mason Mahir's help to break into Town Hall to steal the previous Council Meeting's transcript that detailed out the findings from delving into the Resurrected's memories. While, Mason cursed Fae Queen, Aiyla Baysal, with the Seven Deadly Sins curse, trading their own charity to increase Aiyla's greed. Julian Chandler got in a fight with his not-girlfriend Briar Reed. Meanwhile, Briar nearly slaughtered a deer to perform hematomancy, only to end up receiving a number of blood bags that had been taken from one Brielle Rivas. While Bri took out her frustrations on Dilan Selvi, stabbing the pixie back for having stabbed her. Ronnie Bishop nearly killed a man from feeding too much, but thankful fed them her blood before they breathed their last breath. Sébastien De Fortier pulled a knife on Ken Matsui. Arlo Ladrón, Remmington McAllister and Rae Elle Park all got siphon happy. Only for Jasmine St. Claire and Linden Reed to team up to try to hunt down and kill their father.
But, while the chaos of the night was in full swing, Silas Chamberlain had his own slew of plans up his sleeve. While most likely viewed his dark magic spell to be an attack on the town, Silas had performed the spell out of the kindness of his heart. He wanted to show the witches and vampires how great dark magic could be if they only threw away their inhibitions and allowed themselves to reach their full potential. He wanted to show them that he was on their side. So, while the inflicted were having their fun, Silas gave a select few of the Lunar Covians another gift.
Starting with his own daughter, Poppy Reed, Silas created another blood oath that used a desire fulfillment spell to undo the resurrected bond. After the resurrected were brought back from their dead, their lives were tied to the witch who resurrected them with the witch's magic being what kept them alive. Only, this meant that the necromancer who raised the dead held a great deal of power over the resurrecteds. The Catalyst could release their hold on the resurrecteds at any point, ending their lives instantaneously, and, as for his power hungry kid, better known as the Supreme, Poppy would never be able to gain immortality while her life was still tied to Jasmine. So, he figured he'd do them all a favor and break the bonds.
Breaking a resurrected bond is not an easy task and not one that can easily be replicated. It's a complex spell that requires the magic of an entire coven backing you, but when performed correctly, the results would be rather, his in own opinion, impressive. When Silas broke Poppy's resurrected bond, both Poppy and Jasmine St. Claire, the witch who brought her back from the dead, underwent a severe amount of pain as their life forces were yanked unwilling from each other. Similarly, when it came time for Brielle Rivas and Kui James, they both underwent an intense pain that likely affected the Catalyst as much as it did themselves. But, after the bonds were broken, the real fun began. A Resurrected needs magic from an outside source in order to sustain themselves and without the necromancer's magic keeping them alive, they'd have to find it elsewhere. The price the resurrecteds have to now pay for their bonds being broken is as follows-
In the case of Poppy Reed- luckily being the supreme of a coven and part of a coven means that all of the witches magic is already linked. So, while Poppy remains in the coven, her fellow coven member's magic will keep her alive and she'll be able to draw from the magic of coven to perform spells. But, if Poppy was to ever leave the coven, she would need to perform dark magic, constantly drawing magic from an external force, in order to keep herself alive.
In the case of Brielle Rivas- being a vampire means that as long as she regularly siphons magic, she will be able to stay alive.
In the case of Kui James- While most pixies can manipulate and read the emotions of others, only Kui James will need to take them. The consequence of breaking Kui's resurrected bond is that Kui James will now need to regularly steal emotions from others. When Kui takes an emotion from another, the other will no longer feel the emotion they were feeling at that present moment, while Kui will in turn take on the emotion that they were feeling. I.e. If someone was feeling angry and Kui stole that emotion from them, Kui would suddenly become filled with rage, while the person they stole the emotion from will feel a sense of calm or emptiness for a period of time before something makes them feel a sense of happiness, anger etc. again.
Only the resurrecteds who were present at this event had their resurrected bond's broken. Any future resurrecteds will still have their lives tied to the witches who brought them back. For the resurrecteds whose bonds have been broken, their lives are no longer tied to the witches who brought them back and, in turn, they won't be able to sustain their injuries as they would have before. They can get hurt and they can die from injury just as they can die if they don't draw magic from an external source. That all being said, the rest of the traits of being a resurrected still apply to them. They are infertile, they are still unable to be turned into any other species or regenerate and they will still see the dead/anyone in the astral plane at all times.
After breaking the bonds, Silas was more than ready to pack up his things and leave town. He even had a helpful tip he was planning on sharing with everyone in terms of the Catalyst's identity, but before he could leave an uplifting message to the residents, Nico Castillo averted his plans. The alpha cut him off at the town border on his way out and, rather than let Silas leave peacefully, he fought the dark coven leader. Silas left Nico there for dead while Nico managed to get a bite in and, for those of you who know what a bite from an Alpha means, Silas' dark coven is no more. Rae Elle would have felt it from across town. Her coven magic being torn from her against her wishes or control. But, those who didn't feel it would soon learn of what had gone down, for the note Silas was going to leave was replaced by a foreboding message written across the town bulletin using some of Alpha's own blood-
The Catalyst walks among you, but if you think they are the worst of your problems now, think again.
Above is a recap of what has gone down IC since the spell took affect and with this plot drop, the event is now technically over. That being said, we are well aware that majority of the threads having to do with all of the above are still being written or even just beginning, so please take the next few weeks to write and react to everything that has happened above.
You can continue your event threads for as long as you would like. There is no cut off date for them. We'd just ask that if you are going to write an open starter that it is taking place on New Year's Day rather than on New Year's Eve.
This post also means that we will be accepting new characters starting tomorrow! And will return to our regularly scheduled programming in terms of acceptance.
We will also be restarting the starter rule tomorrow with acceptance and the new characters coming in. But, the starter rule will remain in affect tonight in case you want to give any of the event starters some more love and please feel free to still respond to event starters if you would like to after tomorrow. We just ask that no new event starters are created.
Last, but not least, we hope you had fun!
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moonglowmagic · 1 year
Where: Anywhere
With: @cantfightmoonlight (Brielle Rivas)
"This is stupid." Dilan told Bri as she stood there in the costume of Queen Elizabeth wearing that horrible red wig. "I mean this shade of red isn't even in my color season." She huffed, lifting up her wrist as she waved to a guest that was coming by. "I mean I didn't even do anything so why the fuck am I being punished for this?" She asked aimlessly, before Bri or anyone could answer the guest came up to her for a picture. "Ello Dear," She greeted with a perfect British accent as they snapped a picture with her, she gave a cheesy smile. Turning back to Bri once they moved on and the smile dropped. "This is hell."
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cantfightmoonlight · 1 year
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Bri is in her signature colors, pink and lavender pastels. One of her corset looks contains the writing of one of Shakespeare's sonnets, while her aerial outfits showcase lace and ribbons.
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oraculoediciones · 2 months
Cada 23 de julio, en la República Argentina, se celebra EL DÍA DEL NIÑO GÓTICO. La fecha conmemora la partida física del maestro Alberto Castillo (23/07/2002), líder del tango gótico por excelencia. En la edición de 204 la celebración se llevó a cabo en el barrio porteño de Congreso, en busca de los misterios góticos que yacen en este histórico lugar. Paté Crudo se movilizó por bares y calles aledañas, desparramando oscuridad y tripas de muñecos. Se rindió adoración al dios ABRAXAS y a su buzón-templo-pequeño. También se comió, se bebió, se discutió la condición infantil que yace en las pupilas de la realidad argentina. Las empanadas fueron el corolario de la celebración. Por eso, un año más, una vez más, repetimos, con ahínco: ¡Feliz día del niño gótico!
REALIZACIÓN Diego Arandojo
CÁMARA AUXILIAR Manuel Rivas Pintos Juan Manuel Menéndez
PROTAGONISTAS Paté Crudo (Marcela Nigro, Manuel Rivas Pintos y Juan Manuel Menéndez) Dearand Gente y kouzos
"Les murs couleur bris de glace", "La crêpe du chien", "J'entends battre le soir", "Ils apparaissaient la nuit", "Gants blancs sur les yeux", "Factures impayées", "Augustine", "2666", "2667", "2669", "2670", "2671" by PAS DANS LE CUL AUJOURD'HUI (Free Music Archive)
Copyright 2024 LAFARIUM www.lafarium.com
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cecevandoren · 2 months
Who. Cecile Van Doren & Brielle Rivas @cantfightmoonlight Where. W.H. Equestrian Center When. Monday, July 15th. During the Horseback Riding Event.
When the list of field day events were posted, Cece was rather confident she would not be able to help her team out with much. In fact, the only thing she knew she would be helpful in was Horseback Riding. Her parents had allowed her to take classes when she was younger, before she got sick, and after she got better and her body was able to handle it, she got back on her horse. Literally. She had always thought the animals were so majestic and strong but also so cute, it always surprised her when people did not feel the same way. So, watching the fear enter Bri's body when she got on the horse threw Cece for a loop.
The second she was able to, Cece found her way off her horse and made her way over to the girl. "Hey. Are you okay?" She asked, partially tempted to reach out and try to comfort her. But Cece wasn't sure if that'd make it worse, she was clearly shaken.
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foulplayhq · 4 years
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Under the cut, you’ll find a list of the accepted applicants. Thank you all so much for applying and we look forward to getting things started. Please send in your account within 24 hours and if you need an extension, we ask that you let us know ahead of time! If you did not get your first or second choice, we encourage you to apply again for one of the remaining open characters.
Congratulations Izzy! You got the role of Vanessa Montgomery!
Congratulations Varian! You got the role of Tristan Milligan!
Congratulations Aubrey! You got the role of Lola Pacini!
Congratulations Kimberly! We have picked your OC, Lia Rosenburg!
Congratulations Alyssa! You got the role of Arlene Takahashi!
Congratulations Court! You got the role of Becky Baker!
Congratulations Kaleigh! You got the role of Zoe Rivas!
Congratulations Rory! You got the role of Grace Cardinal!
Congratulations Chels! You got the role of Jenna Middleton!
Congratulations Alex! You got the role of Frankie Hollingsworth!
Congratulations Aubrey! You got the role of Imogen Moreno!
Congratulations Rory! You got the role of Bianca DeSousa!
Congratulations Shane! You got the role of Jake Martin!
Congratulations Spirit! You got the role of Campbell Saunders!
Congratulations Kimberly! You got the role of Mike Dallas!
Congratulations Paige! You got the role of Zig Novak!
Congratulations Maia! You got the role of Fiona Coyne!
Congratulations Alyssa! We have picked your OC, Elliot Turner!
Congratulations Alex! You got the role of Jonah Haak!
Congratulations Maia! You got the role of Clare Edwards!
Congratulations Bri! You got the role of Eli Goldsworthy!
Congratulations Naomi! You got the role of KC Guthrie!
Congratulations Cristina! You got the role of Katie Matlin!
Congratulations Izzy! We have picked your OC, Michaela Dallas!
Congratulations Lindsey! You got the role of Declan Coyne!
Congratulations Chels! We have picked your OC, Nicholas De Los Santos!
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sarkarimirror · 5 years
Connectivity between India, Bangladesh is game changer, says India's High Commissioner Riva Ganguly Das
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Connectivity between India and Bangladesh is a game changer and it is a win win situation for both the countries. Speaking at the Global Dhaka Dialogue on the second day of the event on Tuesday India's High Commissioner to Bangladesh Riva Ganguly Das said that 80 percent of the 8 billion dollar Line of Credit given by India to Bangladesh is earmarked for connectivity linkedin projects. She said that projects in road, railways, inland waterways and ports between the two countries create a win win situation for both the countries. She also talked about the digital connectivity as an exciting area for connectivity in the future. On the issue of the Indo Pacific region Riva Ganguly Das said that India believes in an inclusive Indo-Pacific which is safe, secure and stable She said India believes in freedom of navigation and respect for sovereignty of al in the region. Former Information & Broadcasting Minister Manish Tewari said that the 21st century is the Asian Century and South Asia is its economic driver. State Minister for Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh Md. Shahriar Alam said Bangladesh believes the Indo-Pacific strategy and Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) are not conflicting but complementary to each. Prof. Min Wang Lin of Fudan University said that for China the focus is on Asia especially East Asian countries. Challenging the concept of the Indo-Pacific he said it is an artificial concept with no firm basis in geography. The Dhaka Global Dialogue will conclude on Wednesday. Read the full article
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ayoeseksina-blog · 7 years
Gangguan Jaringan Hari Kedua, Nasabah Menumpuk di Kantor Cabang Utama BRI A Riva
Ayoe Seksina Gangguan Jaringan Hari Kedua, Nasabah Menumpuk di Kantor Cabang Utama BRI A Riva Artikel Baru Nih Artikel Tentang Gangguan Jaringan Hari Kedua, Nasabah Menumpuk di Kantor Cabang Utama BRI A Riva Pencarian Artikel Tentang Berita Gangguan Jaringan Hari Kedua, Nasabah Menumpuk di Kantor Cabang Utama BRI A Riva Silahkan Cari Dalam Database Kami, Pada Kolom Pencarian Tersedia. Jika Tidak Menemukan Apa Yang Anda Cari, Kemungkinan Artikel Sudah Tidak Dalam Database Kami. Judul Informasi Artikel : Gangguan Jaringan Hari Kedua, Nasabah Menumpuk di Kantor Cabang Utama BRI A Riva Layanan Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) di sejumlah kantor masih mengalami gangguan. Nasabah dibuat kelimpungan, http://www.unikbaca.com
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lunarcoveinspo · 9 months
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While enjoying the festivities, you've received a candycane gram- the gram is a pink and white candy cane with a hot pink glitter bow. Attached to the gram is a card that reads-
To: @cantfightmoonlight (Bri) I knew if I didn't get you one you'd have my head. <3 From: @moonglowmagic (Dilan)
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kenxmatsui · 4 months
for: bri @cantfightmoonlight location: rose tinted
Seated in the plush seats of Rose Tinted, Ken waited for his tea to arrive before they could start this process. Their was a headache waiting in the crevices of his mind, he could feel it since the location was decided, and that was only the start of it. He stayed quiet on the matter of course, it was their day, he could adjust, but things went downhill on his talk with Jonah. Bored look met excitable energy and shot down all nonsense blabber to find the point. Simple, they settled on, that he could do. But he had a request that Ken had no choice but to take into consideration. The aroma of peppermint and lavender already began to work it's magic and he hoped it would continue.
"Right," he said finally taking in Bri's presence into account, "Should be obvious why you're here, so I'll get to it." Pulling out his file, he placed it on the table, "Colour schemes, flowers, decor are sorted. Rohan and I are still deciding on guests. I trust you can handle getting your cousin and Nico properly clothed?" Ken's only real expectation for that side of the family was to show up, and he voiced it not seeing a reason to have that confined to his thoughts, "And have your cousin show up too, that'd be the bare minimum of my expectation."
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jonahxrivas · 4 months
for: bri ( @cantfightmoonlight ) location: beach
With the season and weather shifting into warmer temperatures, the need and want to be outside grew by the day. Sinking his feet into the sand, toes digging the coolness under the hot surface was a blessing but barefoot on the sand would forever provide a joy unlike any other. There was no real reason for him to be here, but he never needed a reason to visit the ocean and it's shore. However, there was a reason he asked for Bri's company. By no means had his head halted in thoughts or wanting a break form itself, but amidst all his thinking there arose an important thing that he kept getting pulled back to and he knew there shouldn't be further deal on the matter, not when a wedding needed to be planned. But one step at a time. "We can go back to the house if you want?" Breathing in a lungful of ocean air, feeling the sun soak in, his shoulders dropped any lingering tension. "But I do have something to ask, well... many things but I won't bombard you with everything all at once."
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lunarcovehq · 9 months
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For the 'Twas the Night Before New Years plot drop, you are able to post open starters and create closed starters with whoever you'd like. But, in promotion of branching out and developing next connections with other characters, we, your admins, challenge you to write a thread with your pairing below. We have grouped characters together who we've noticed don't interact as much as maybe some other characters do, in the hope of creating new connections and inspiring muse. There is no deadline for creating the below pairing threads and the below pairing threads aren't mandatory (in case your partner goes on hiatus or is unavailable during the span of the event etc.), but we hope the pairings will inspire you.
Poppy Reed & Eren Öztürk
Amrita Singh, Nico Castillo & Leyla Selvi
Mason Mahir & Selin Yildiz
Rae Elle Park, Noelia Delaney-Yassin & Dilan Selvi
Briar Reed, Austin Lishan & Safiye Yildiz
Jasmine St. Claire & Ben Anak Bandi
Linden Reed, Billie Fitz & Elif Karadas
Meena Raja & J.C. Carvalho
Arlo Ladrón, Efe Umukoro & Bexley Beck
Remmy McAllister, Artie Salazar & Rohan Persaud
Julian Chandler, Ken Matsui & Rangi Hira
Ronnie Bishop & Culver Blythe
Ralph Middlemas, Aiyla Baysal & Jonah Rivas
Bri Rivas, Anna Hyde & Kitty Hensley
Sébastien De Fortier, Suresh Sahni & Aaliyah Rose
Silas Chamberlain & Kui James
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bedlamfoundry · 5 years
Oliver Heldens & Sidney Samson - Riverside 2099 (Official Music Video)
As played by Oliver Heldens at his Ultra Miami mainstage performance, here's his take on Sidney Samson's classic tune 'Riverside'. Oliver Heldens & Sidney Samson - Riverside 2099 is OUT NOW on HELDEEP RECORDS! Like this track? Download on Beatport or add it to your favourite Spotify/Apple Music playlist by clicking HERE: https://heldeep.release.link/riverside-2099!YT Make sure to subscribe to Spinnin' Records: http://bit.do/spinnintv ..and turn on notifications to stay updated with all new uploads!🔔 Join our Spinnin' Records Top 100 Playlist ► https://spinninrecords.lnk.to/top100!YT Video by Mike Meijer https://www.mikehundred.com Follow Oliver Heldens: http://facebook.com/OliverHeldens https://www.instagram.com/oliverheldens http://twitter.com/OliverHeldens http://soundcloud.com/oliverheldens Follow Sidney Samson https://www.facebook.com/sidneysamson https://www.instagram.com/sidneysamson https://soundcloud.com/sidneysamson Thanks to: 2pull, Aaron Tatham, Alejandro Espino, Alfredo Apodaca, Amber Morrison, Amy Conte, andrew de jesus, Angel zuñiga, Anna Piskořová, Arina Bertényi, Aristex12, Ashley Diaz, Benjamin Redden, BoomBoxxLA, Brandon Gresham (@toxic_affinity), Brayan Rivas, Bree Sandoval, Bri Centeno, Bruno Attilio Vignolo Rivas, Carlos Duran, Carloss Duettas, Cesar Chavez, Christine lee, Christine lee, Cindy Zumba, Cinnamon Frias, Cyril Wyss, Daniel Ivaskiv, David Rodríguez Suárez, Dominique Harris, Dorien de Wilde, Doris Hernandez Ramirez, Drew Port, Eimy A., Elena Cruz (@ecruz_n), Ellen Marley Yates, Emily Edwards, Emma Stoof, Erik Moller, Eva Franklin, Ezra Boyce, Fabian Figueroa Vilchis, Farbridges, Felipe Sc, Felipe Sc, Franta Hocke, Geoobox, Gilberto Moya, Giorgia Comin, Grzegorz Kaim, Guillem Elias Rodríguez de Medina, Hugo, Isaac Heredia, Isaac Heredia, Isaac Vel?zquez Gallardo, Jackal Desolata, jalen reilly, Jasmine Brown, Jasmine Oliver, Jason Davila, jasondavila777, Jessica Garcia - Jessariz, jessicamaj10, Jetzali93, Joanna Huang, Jose Fabio Rojas Zuñiga, juan silva monsalves, julz.p, Jump_n_Pump Lu, Kaitlyn Yamamoto, Kevin Shelton, Krystel Vada, Kull 52, Laura Acuña, Laurie White, Leilani Valenzuela, Lilia Anaya, lismar sanchez, Livelikebaylie BMX, Lupita Escalona Moguel, Maarten Verbruggen, Maibella, maike.fleddermann, manusolef, Mar Hgt, Marina Rof, Marina Rof, Marissa Raye, Marta Bonventre, Martin Troncoso, Max Power, Mckenzie L., Mitchelle Borgeaud, Natasja Houben, nathan hill, Nelson Febles, Nicole, Nil Papell, Nils Paardekooper, NoboruTKICC, Noémie N, Oriol Gonzàlez Romero, Pedro Alexis Cañas Vieyra, Pitr133, Rafaela Calvao, Raul 0007, RecklessRookies, Regina Williams, Rhys Gallacher, Rich C, Ruben Teran, rubezshapes, rui alves, Sabrina Mella, samuel_campozano, Scammell Music Records, Sebastian parra, Sid, Sierra Cifuentes, Simon Wimmer, Steffen Wengert, sudolskabarbora, Taylor Radesh, Tianna Villegas, toxic_affinity, Ulises Sosa, veronika skya, veronika skya, Victor Leira Mateos, Victor Tacher, Vivien Ruthardt, VJ CG, Xavi, Xavii Shapes, Xexu.Dancer. --- The Spinnin’ Records YouTube channel is the home for all music videos of the world’s leading dance record label! We feature the latest music videos by Spinnin’ artists like Oliver Heldens, Sam Feldt, KSHMR, Ummet Ozcan, Blasterjaxx, Merk & Kremont, Timmy Trumpet, Tujamo, Alok, Curbi, Mike Williams, Lucas & Steve, Throttle and many, many more! Expect daily uploads of official music videos, lyric videos and official audio across genres like dance, house, electro house, future house, deep house, big room and trap. Follow Spinnin’ Records: https://open.spotify.com/user/spinninrecordsofficial https://soundcloud.com/spinninrecords https://facebook.com/SpinninRecords https://instagram.com/spinninrecords https://twitter.com/SpinninRecords https://spinninrecords.com #OliverHeldens #SidneySamson #Spinnin #SpinninRecords #HeldeepRecords #BeFree #BeBeautiful #BeYOU #BeLOVE #BedlamFoundry #IAmBedlam #EDM #Spinnin #Spinnin'Records #SpinninRecords #SpinninTV #spinning #spinninofficial #oliverheldens #sidneysamson #oliverheldens& sidney samson #riverside2099 #officialmusicvideo #electro #house #electrohouse #oliverheldensriverside 2099 #oliverheldenssidney samson riverside 2099 #sidneysamsonriverside #sidneysamsonriverside 2099 #riverside2099official video #spinninhouse #housespinnin #spinninelectrohouse
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