#digital pet ct
Introducing the BEYOND DIGITAL PET/CT - SIEMENS HEALTHINEERS BIOGRAPH VISION: A groundbreaking medical imaging system setting new standards in precision oncology. Experience unparalleled speed, accuracy, and patient comfort. Explore dynamic imaging, multiparametric insights, and reduced radiation, all in one advanced solution.
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radioactiveradley · 1 year
Radley's sneaky spicy cheatsheet for imaging modalities!
Super quick zappyzap! One-to-four images per body part in the UK, unless you're doing fancy orthopaedic projections. Fast, cheap, and very good at looking at bones / basic abdominal or lung pathology / size of your heart. You hold still for like, one second. Then - ZOOP! You're done.
X-ray BUT MORE X-RATED! Much, much higher dose, because it's basically taking a ridiculous amount of x-ray images while spinning the gantry (the 'camera', so to speak) around you at very high speed, and then algorithmically compiling those images to create a 3d digital construction of your innards! Very useful for looking at internal organs, especially with contrast media that makes pathology all shiny and pretty. Sometimes slower & always more expensive than X-ray, but much faster & cheaper than MRI. Patients can't move for the duration (unless you're doing cardiac stuff that takes a picture only in the lull between heartbeats - very cool!).
CT BUT WITH MAGNETS (okay it's not really much like CT except that it creates slices of the body in all three planes). There's no ionising radiation! It produces really, really clear, gorgeous pictures that show off soft tissue beautifully! We like that!! But... it's also really slow, really expensive, and really claustrophobic. A lot of patients don't enjoy it, and who can blame 'em? Who wants to be stuck in a small tube for a half hour while it makes horrid boomy noises at you? And you're not allowed to move at all? (we don't even like you to breathe too fast or too slow!)
SOUNDWAVES GO BOUNCYBOUNCE. Though it produces a relatively unclear image that you need a lotta extra training to decipher, the tech is super cheap and available, and it's very quick to use! There's no ionising radiation involved! AND you can use it for realtime imaging - so, you can see a foetus move as it happens, rather than this movement messing up your entire image, or having to be carefully planned around!
X RAY BUT VIDEO. This is a constant (and therefore high dose) real-time 'video' taken with X-ray, which can visualise movements within the body. You can watch contrast media (shiny juice) shift around to ensure that systems are functioning correctly! You can watch surgeons push their guide wires/stents/etc. into place, to be sure they hit the right spot! Or you can inject Shiny Juice into the blood vessels and, with angiography, watch it flow around the heart/brain to find blockages!
Nuclear med
WE STICK THE RADIOACTIVE STUFF IN YOU. For instance, we give you a radioactive tracer in a solution with stuff that binds well to bony metastases.... and BOOM we can see all your bony metastases on a PET-CT/MRI because they're glowing red-hot! Or we IV a nuclear tracer into your heart and make you exercise/give you meds that raise your heart rate and BOOM we can see whether your heart has an adequate blood supply during exertion!
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bycmykae · 10 months
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🍞 Toasty Mart, a free animal + bread themed digital zine 🍞
🍞 Content Restrictions and Requirements
Rating: SFW, PG
Characters: No humans; just furry, reptilian, feathered, or aquatic friends here.
Theme: animals and bread; Weather it's animals making/eatting bread, animal bread, or sentient bread with pets More info under "Keep Reading"
Interest Check: Jan 01 - Jan 28 9 PM CT
Contributor Sign Ups: Feb 01 - Feb 20, 9PM CT
Last day In Server: March 3
Check in 1: April 1
Check In 2: May 1
Finals Due: June 1, 9PM CT
🍞What is a zine?
New to zines? Check out zinebaby.carrd.co for some general information.
🍞Who can participate?
Anyone who applies during the application period. No previous experience. Only the cover applicants need a portfolio.
🍞What types of mediums are allowed?
Anything that can be put into a PDF, which means no music or animation. (Although contributors are encouraged to turn their pieces into animations if they choose to outside of this project).
🍞Contributor Expectations:
Discord attendance: mandatory.
Check-ins: optional.
Let a mod know you need to drop: required.
Final deadline: non-negotiable.
🍞Portfolio Requirements
Only cover artists need a portfolio. For our cover we're looking for an artist with a toasty/comfy art style that will match the warm tones of the project Previous experience drawing animals/food is required.
🍞What is bread?
We will be using these wikipedia list to determine what is bread and what is fake bread:
Bread: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_breads
Buns: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_buns
Sweet Bread: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sweet_breads
Bread Rolls: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_bread_rolls
Items made with any of the approved breads is free game as well, included but not limited to:
Sandwiches: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sandwiches
Honey Toast: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honey_toast
Toast Dishes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_toast_dishes
🍞 Additional Questions? Feel free to reach out through DM or form
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sweatforged · 6 months
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silas. • bodyclaim. • headcanons. • isms. • prompts.
pedro pascal, homosexual, male + he/him, fighter «—◦—→ well met, silas rivera! the godling born child of kratos. it’s been 45 years and now they have answered the song in their veins. can he change the course of history with their loyalty, protectiveness, + strong will? or will their stubbornness, callousness, short temper hinder them? only time will tell before this godling’s name is sung into myth and legend!
full name — Silas Rivera age — forty-five (december 7th) gender — cis male, (he/ him/ his pronouns) orientation — homosexual occupation — musician, us army, mma fighter + champion, musician hero ;) deity connection — kratos  class — fighter weapon — tba clothing style / armor — jeans + flannel & layers, so many layers / tba
face claim — Pedro Pascal hair — brown / eyes — brown height — five foot & eleven inches build — kinda like a T, broad af shoulders, semi-muscled torso, slutty waist (it be thin ok), everything else is yum scars — a faint one across the bridge of his nose, cut underneath his left eye, many many small ones littered across his body tattoos — notes in the back of his neck (he was grounded forever for getting it) like so, wolf on the inside of his left arm like so, front right thigh like so piercings — ears special characteristics — generally quiet, comes off a little distracted sometimes, will snark without reason, some dare calling him grumpy sexual preference— sorry y'all, this boy's a bottom sub (he thinks he's a switch but he's really not(in bed anyway). don't tell him tho.)
alignment — chaotic good positive traits — protective, caring, strong-willed, loyal negative traits — short-tempered, stubborn, callous, grumpy hobbies — training, music, kendo/kenjutsu, cooking, enjoying the quiet
mental — ptsd physical — when he was younger, he got his shoulder dislocated and his older half-sister thought she could pop it back in. she didn’t and broke his shoulder. he couldn't work for months, nor could he use the bow for even longer, now he can’t lift his right arm as high as the left one still, but only few know phobias — claustrophobia, pisantrophia eyesight — 20/20 although avrae tends to disagree dominant hand — left hand drug use — nop alcohol use — no !! diet — healthy, balanced. always makes his own food so he knows what's in it.
birthplace — new haven, CT parents — Marin Rivera (mother), Sarah Rivera (step-mother) & Haruhito Shindo (step-father) & Kratos (biological parent). siblings — older sister, Luisa Rivera (she be mortal) pets — floof, stray cat coming by the gym, died in a car crash right outside education — high school drop-out notable skills — krav maga, can wear cowboy hats with anything, can sing, has a mean left hook
Marin Rivera had everything in life one could wish for. She was born the youngest daughter of a wealthy family, her father dealing with property and her mother a former goddess of ballet. Money - for her, would never be an issue, but money wasn't what Marin craved more than anything in the world. It also wasn't top class education or how many horses she could own, no. What she truly desired was love. Only she wasn't meant to ever find it.
She fell for a man she couldn't have, a man who knew of her desperation and the many digits on her bank account and he saw his chance. His marriage would be a secret for at least two years of their relationship, his wife hidden away downtown, sated and distracted with money he got from naive Marin who saw the world through rose-tinted glasses.
Up until the day she wound up pregnant with a child. Before she could explain, he packed his bags and ran. It wasn't his! But she found out about his wife the day before and believe it or not - heartbreak and alcohol was never a good combination. A beautiful - if rough around the edges stranger approached her and she gave herself to him willingly, if only to forget about the pain for a night.
Silverspoon or not, Marin had only recently turned nineteen, had barely seen the world or found her way in it - too busy chasing a man who clearly was poison for her. So when she came back home, bags packed and head hung low, she was ... well, not quite welcome and yet her parents were grateful she gave them the option to hide her away. If she wanted a chance at a proper husband, she couldn't bring a little boy or girl into this life. No way.
When Silas was born, Marin .. still hoped. She hoped to raise him as her own, given she had lost everything to protect the little boy she held in her arms, but it wasn't going to be her son for long. She was sent abroad to study only a few days later and Silas was raised the youngest Rivera offspring. A miracle, given the age of his "mother". With Marin's bad decisions running in his blood, Silas was watched quite closely. A strong, strict hand would surely do the trick, right?
It didn't.
At first it did, indeed. He grew up with everything onee could possibly want. He pointed at a horse, they got him a horse. He pointed at a man on TV playing the guitar... they got him lessons. It wasn't like Silas missed anything... nothing materialistic anyway. He was signed up for language courses before he could walk and for the longest time .. he did well. When it was still all games and fun. Children's brains are spectacular, aren't they? But the older he grew, the worse it got. Diagnosed with ADHD at the age of six, one would think his parents went easier on him. They did not. Don't let the child get bored, they said. And they didn't.
His father brought in even more for him to learn. Inspired by his own heritage, he felt it useful that Silas was taught in the art of archery, japanese sword fighting and the like. Due to an infinite lack of talent when it came to tea and calligraphy, he was spared in that regard at least. All that set aside, both parents had been raised with a very clear set of rules themselves. Anything less than perfect is a failed opportunity to prove your worth.
All that pressure did not bring forth the expected rewards, in fact - they witnessed the opposite, both in school and at home. He failed time and time again. Far from a social butterfly, Silas ... struggled in school and found himself more enemies than friends, in a way - without trying. Too rich, too spoiled, too slow, too stupid. Silas was a many things, clearly. And at home, he would be ridiculed and lectured on his shortcomings.
They were lucky Silas lasted as many years as he did before he snapped, because no child could thrive under that amount of pressure. When he did snap, he was in school. P.E. was his least favorite time of the day despite him being fitter than every single kid in school simply because there wasn't a single day he didn't break anything. He tried not to. It just .. happened. And then one of the other boys laughed... it wasn't even that he was embarrassed.. it just.. he was tired of it all. He was tired of not belonging, he was tired of scrutinizing eyes on him twenty-four-seven, he was tired of working as hard as he could and still failing.
That kid never laughed at Silas again. In fact, nobody did. Not after the boy spent a month at the hospital, mostly unconscious. The outrage at home... unbearable. But for the first time in his life... he felt content. It lasted a few mere minutes, but he remembered. Sure, music got him to almost that feeling, it did, but it wasn't exactly the same. He'd ... felt peace. And so he chased it. Plenty of kids at school to experiment with. Many of them eager to fight him. Rich kid schools, worse than public in that regard. Most kids were trapped in their family's shadow and knew they needed to perform or else..
And oh, he found that feeling again. And again. Every time his fist connected with a body, every time his knuckles found bone to crack, he felt alive. School was far from happy, but a generous donation had the majority of teachers look away. Or maybe they just didn't care.
Highschool went the exact same way, only Silas was slowly growing into himself. Taller, still incredibly thin, which was the reason he was underestimated regularly, only to then surprise everybody. Silas was convinced people were either born smart or strong; he was definitely the latter, so school was .. a necessity he barely managed, only he never meant to go much further than graduation.
At 19, Silas found out a twisted version of the truth. Marin .. was dead. To him, she was a sister he never met, the one his parents always spoke about, but a guest at the funeral mentioned something he couldn't forget and when he brought it up with his parents, they told him Marin didn't want a child and they never knew the father.
That explained so much. Not even his parents wanted him. His life ... a lie. All of it. That night, Silas grabbed his guitar, packed a bag and ran. Nobody would see him for a long time, but his issues never subsided. Even the US army struggled to contain him, because just like before .. he found plenty of potential victims among those who didn't know to keep their opinions to themselves when he was around. Though he got lucky and found a sponsor among the corporals, one who seemed to be ready to help. Come what may.
Anger management therapy in combination with meditation and straining daily workout sessions seemed to do the trick for a while. Order and guidance instead of pressure seemed .. to work and while beating up punching bags wasn't quite the same thrill, it .. was okay. He even found time for music again.
And then it wasn't okay and he .. had to leave. Again. But this time he wasn't alone. Corporal went with him (and brought his daughter). They built a life for themselves in New Haven, Silas was working as a cleaner at the local gym and Corporal got into the mayor's office, sure to work his way up the ranks quickly. A few months later, first relapse. It should've cost him his job, but .. it didn't. Instead it granted him a new opportunity. Even though it would ultimately cost him his family.
He was battle-trained, had spent the majority of his life training so becoming an MMA fighter sure.. sounded like a great opportunity even though he was too old to properly get into it, they said. Silas didn't care. One, because he knew he could and two, because he didn't care about prizes, the knowledge that he could thrive in doing the one thing he was truly good at.. that was all he needed.
When he won his first title only a few years later, nobody could believe it, really. And then he held it. Year after year. The Lion - as they called him, stood strong. Silas was growing older and he was getting closer and closer to that age, at which point he was considered too old to contest, even though he felt fine and stronger than ever, the constant training sure wearing down his body's reserves, but ... his will remained unbroken and his performance unbeaten. Rules and regulations were merciless. He held several titles until he retired and returned to the gym in teeny tiny little New Haven, which felt ...lacking after he'd seen the world, so he once again packed his bags, grabbed his guitar and moved to Los Angeles.
Part of him regretted the choice he made. Fame for family. But at the end of the day he knew it'd been for the best. They were better off without him, surely. Being single wasn't so bad either. Being somewhat famous ... surely helped potential hookups look past his lack of social ... affinity. It also helped pushing his career as a musician up to the point of semi-regular income with little gigs and a few released albums. Life was .. going.
That was until he found out the truth.
The actual truth.
Obvious choice, wasn't it? He had nothing to lose.
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uevolveradiology · 15 hours
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Uevolve Radiology: Advancing Oncology with Precision and Care Cancer diagnosis and treatment are at the forefront of medical challenges today. The ability to detect, stage, and plan therapies for cancer patients requires not just medical expertise but also cutting-edge imaging technology. Oncology radiology is integral to modern cancer care, and Uevolve Radiology is leading the way in bringing innovation to this field.
As the battle against cancer continues, radiologists and oncologists need advanced tools to deliver timely and accurate diagnoses. Uevolve is bridging this gap, providing sophisticated solutions to meet the growing demand for precision in cancer care.
The Role of Radiology in Oncology
Radiology plays a crucial role in cancer care, primarily in two areas:
Cancer Detection and Staging
Radiation Therapy Planning
1. Cancer Detection and Staging
One of the most critical steps in cancer treatment is early detection. The sooner cancer is detected, the better the chances for successful treatment. However, not all cancers present obvious symptoms, which is where radiology comes in. Imaging techniques such as MRI, CT scans, PET scans, and mammography allow physicians to identify tumors early, providing a clearer picture of the disease's extent.
Uevolve Radiology brings high-quality imaging that allows for precise cancer detection, even at early stages. With accurate staging—determining how far the cancer has spread—physicians can devise targeted treatment plans. The integration of digital imaging helps healthcare providers not only identify cancer but also assess its progression with enhanced accuracy, enabling timely interventions.
2. Radiation Therapy Planning
Once cancer is detected, many patients undergo radiation therapy, a treatment that uses high-energy radiation to kill cancer cells. To deliver this therapy effectively, oncologists must plan with precision to ensure radiation targets the cancerous cells while minimizing exposure to healthy tissue.
Uevolve’s advanced imaging technology aids in radiation therapy planning, providing detailed views that help oncologists determine the exact location, size, and shape of tumors. By offering precise visual data, Uevolve ensures that radiation treatments are safer and more effective, reducing side effects and improving patient outcomes.
How Uevolve is Transforming Oncology Radiology
Uevolve Radiology is setting new standards in oncology by offering features that ensure seamless and precise imaging processes. Here’s how Uevolve is making an impact:
Enhanced Imaging Quality: Uevolve’s state-of-the-art imaging systems provide high-definition scans, which enable oncologists to view even the smallest tumors with clarity. This improved visibility aids in accurate detection, staging, and therapy planning.
Digital Workflow: With Uevolve, healthcare providers can access, analyze, and share images remotely. This allows for collaboration between specialists, leading to more informed treatment decisions. Oncologists can work together across locations to assess complex cases, bringing expert insights to patient care.
Faster Turnaround: Time is of the essence in cancer treatment. Uevolve speeds up the diagnostic process by offering fast and efficient reporting, allowing oncologists to act quickly and decisively.
Precision Therapy Planning: Uevolve’s imaging systems are essential for planning radiation therapy treatments, offering the precise data needed to tailor therapy to each patient’s unique cancer profile. This leads to more effective treatments with fewer complications.
Empowering Oncologists, Improving Patient Outcomes
The combination of precise imaging and faster diagnostics is key to improving cancer care. Uevolve Radiology’s platform is designed to empower oncologists with the tools they need to deliver optimal patient care. By integrating advanced technology into oncology workflows, Uevolve is helping to improve patient outcomes, reduce treatment times, and provide personalized care for every patient.
The Future of Oncology Radiology with Uevolve
As cancer treatment continues to evolve, so too must the technologies that support it. Uevolve Radiology is committed to staying at the cutting edge of oncology care, ensuring that radiologists and oncologists have the tools they need to fight cancer effectively. With a focus on accuracy, speed, and collaboration, Uevolve is poised to revolutionize the way cancer care is delivered.
Whether it’s early detection, precise staging, or meticulous radiation therapy planning, Uevolve Radiology is helping to push the boundaries of what’s possible in oncology.
Cancer is a complex and multifaceted disease, but with the right tools and technology, the path to better outcomes becomes clearer. Uevolve Radiology is not only advancing how radiologists and oncologists approach cancer diagnosis and treatment, but it’s also creating a future where cancer care is more accessible, accurate, and personalized.
For healthcare providers, partnering with Uevolve means staying ahead in the fight against cancer, armed with advanced imaging technology that empowers both doctors and patients alike.
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mayevanessa · 13 days
For our second week on CTS, we talked about identity.
"If identity is defined as your total character, and this total character is informed by your daily thoughts and actions, what is your overall ‘theory’?" When that question was asked us, it made me think for a while. Besides our thoughts and actions, our environment influences who we are and the people around us.
"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation." - Oscar Wilde
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How our environment influences who we are!
Identity as a graphic designer: To me, as a designer, it is essential to have your own identity, something that makes you different from others - something special, so people can recognize your work without needing to know who made it. An example, I'm a big fan of Salvador Dali's paintings, and his style is so unique I can recognize his paintings before checking if it is his.
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"If it’s something you saw on your acid trip last night, it’s Dali."
Class activity: Individually, create a digital collage of at least 5 words and 5 images in one slide that describes your self-image - How you see yourself
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This was my collage!
To be honest this was a fun class! We got to know a little bit more of everybody - nationality, religion, interests... To me, my identity is a combination of many things - friends, family, food, pets, movies, music...
“Unit 1: The Search for Identity.” MISS WRIGHT ENGLISH 9, misswrighteng9.weebly.com/unit-1-the-search-for-identity.html.
“Oscar Wilde Quote.” A-Z Quotes, www.azquotes.com/quote/314530?ref=identity.
Davidmorris. “Salvador Dalí’s The Persistence of Memory - The Hour Glass Official.” The Hour Glass Official, 18 Mar. 2020, www.thehourglass.com/cultural-perspectives/salvador-dali.
Justina. “How To Recognise Famous Painters According To The Internet.” Bored Panda, 16 Sept. 2016, www.boredpanda.com/how-to-recognize-painters-by-their-work.
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trendtrackershq · 2 months
Dominance of North America in the Medical Imaging Services Market: Trends, Insights, and Future Prospects
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The Medical Imaging Services Market in North America stands at the forefront of global advancements, driven by robust healthcare infrastructure, technological innovation, and strategic investments. This article delves into the factors underpinning North America's dominance in the medical imaging services sector, examining current trends, key players, and future growth opportunities.
Download FREE Sample: https://www.nextmsc.com/medical-imaging-services-market/request-sample
Introduction: North America's Leading Role in Medical Imaging Services
North America, comprising the United States and Canada, commands a significant share of the global medical imaging services market. The region's healthcare landscape is characterized by advanced diagnostic capabilities, widespread adoption of medical imaging technologies, and a strong regulatory framework that promotes innovation and quality in healthcare delivery.
Key Factors Driving Market Dominance
Advanced Healthcare Infrastructure: North America boasts a highly developed healthcare infrastructure with a dense network of hospitals, diagnostic centers, and outpatient facilities. This infrastructure supports the deployment and utilization of state-of-the-art medical imaging equipment, including MRI scanners, CT scanners, ultrasound systems, and PET-CT machines.
Technological Advancements in Imaging Devices: The region leads in technological innovation, continuously upgrading imaging modalities to enhance diagnostic accuracy and patient care. Advanced imaging technologies such as digital mammography, 3D/4D ultrasound, spectral CT, and functional MRI are widely adopted in clinical practice, facilitating precise diagnosis, treatment planning, and therapeutic monitoring.
Strong Research and Development (R&D) Initiatives: North America invests significantly in R&D within the healthcare sector, driving continuous innovation in medical imaging technologies. Research institutions, academic centers, and private enterprises collaborate to develop cutting-edge imaging techniques, AI-powered diagnostics, and software solutions that improve imaging workflow efficiency and clinical outcomes.
High Healthcare Expenditure and Insurance Coverage: The region's high healthcare expenditure per capita and comprehensive insurance coverage contribute to robust demand for medical imaging services. Patients have access to a wide range of imaging modalities and procedures, supported by reimbursement policies that incentivize healthcare providers to invest in advanced imaging capabilities.
Strategic Partnerships and Mergers: Major healthcare providers and imaging equipment manufacturers in North America engage in strategic partnerships, mergers, and acquisitions to expand their service offerings and geographical reach. These collaborations foster innovation, economies of scale, and operational efficiencies in delivering diagnostic imaging services across diverse healthcare settings.
Regulatory Standards and Quality Assurance: Stringent regulatory standards set by agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States ensure the safety, efficacy, and quality of medical imaging devices and services. Compliance with regulatory requirements reinforces trust among healthcare professionals and patients, driving adoption of advanced imaging technologies.
Focus on Value-based Healthcare and Patient Outcomes: There is a growing emphasis on value-based healthcare delivery models that prioritize patient outcomes, cost-effectiveness, and quality of care. Medical imaging plays a pivotal role in early disease detection, treatment optimization, and monitoring disease progression, aligning with value-based care principles that emphasize preventive measures and personalized treatment approaches.
Current Trends in North America's Medical Imaging Services Market
Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning: AI-powered imaging software is transforming radiology practice by enhancing diagnostic accuracy, automating image interpretation, and predicting patient outcomes. AI algorithms analyze vast amounts of imaging data to detect anomalies, quantify disease markers, and support clinical decision-making, thereby improving workflow efficiency and reducing diagnostic errors.
Expansion of Telemedicine and Remote Imaging Services: The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of telemedicine and remote imaging services in North America. Tele-radiology platforms enable radiologists to interpret images remotely, collaborate with healthcare teams, and provide timely diagnostic reports to healthcare facilities and patients in diverse geographical locations. Telemedicine solutions enhance access to specialized imaging expertise and streamline patient care delivery.
Shift Towards Value-based Imaging Contracts: Healthcare providers are increasingly adopting value-based imaging contracts that align reimbursement with patient outcomes and quality metrics. Value-based agreements incentivize healthcare organizations and imaging providers to optimize resource utilization, improve diagnostic accuracy, and deliver cost-effective imaging services that enhance patient satisfaction and clinical outcomes.
Emergence of Hybrid Imaging Technologies: Hybrid imaging modalities such as PET-CT, PET-MRI, and SPECT-CT combine anatomical and functional imaging for comprehensive disease assessment. These technologies facilitate precise localization of tumors, accurate staging of cancer, and evaluation of treatment response, driving demand for integrated imaging solutions in oncology, neurology, and cardiology.
Focus on Radiation Dose Reduction and Safety: Continuous advancements in imaging equipment design and software algorithms prioritize patient safety by minimizing radiation exposure during diagnostic procedures. Low-dose imaging techniques, iterative reconstruction algorithms, and dose monitoring technologies ensure optimal image quality while adhering to ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) principles for radiation protection.
Inquire before buying: https://www.nextmsc.com/medical-imaging-services-market/inquire-before-buying
Regional Insights and Market Dynamics
United States: As the largest market within North America, the United States dominates the medical imaging services sector with its extensive healthcare infrastructure, technological innovation, and high healthcare expenditure. The country's competitive landscape includes leading imaging service providers, academic medical centers, and research-driven hospitals that drive market growth through innovation and quality improvement initiatives.
Canada: Canada's medical imaging services market benefits from universal healthcare coverage, government investments in healthcare infrastructure, and a growing emphasis on digital health technologies. Imaging centers across Canada offer comprehensive diagnostic imaging services, including MRI, CT, ultrasound, and nuclear medicine, to meet the diagnostic needs of its population.
Challenges and Future Outlook
Despite its leadership position, the North American medical imaging services market faces challenges such as healthcare cost containment pressures, regulatory complexities, and workforce shortages in specialized imaging disciplines. Future growth opportunities lie in harnessing digital transformation, expanding telemedicine capabilities, advancing AI-driven diagnostics, and enhancing patient-centric imaging solutions that improve healthcare delivery and clinical outcomes.
North America's dominance in the medical imaging services market reflects its commitment to technological innovation, quality healthcare delivery, and patient-centered care. By leveraging advanced imaging technologies, fostering strategic partnerships, and embracing value-based healthcare models, stakeholders in the region are poised to drive transformative advancements in diagnostic imaging, improve healthcare accessibility, and enhance patient outcomes on a global scale. As the healthcare landscape evolves, continued investment in research, innovation, and regulatory compliance will be essential in sustaining North America's leadership in medical imaging services and shaping the future of healthcare diagnostics worldwide.
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creativeera · 2 months
The Prevalent and Painful Issue of Companion Animal Arthritis
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What is Arthritis? Arthritis refers to inflammation and degeneration of the joints. It occurs when the protective cartilage that cushions the ends of bones wears down over time. This allows bone to rub against bone, causing pain, swelling and stiffness in the joints. Arthritis is actually an umbrella term that describes more than 100 different conditions affecting the joints. The most common types seen in dogs and cats include osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Risk Factors and Causes Certain factors make companion animals more susceptible to developing arthritis. Breed and size play a role, as larger breed dogs and cats are at higher risk due to extra weight on their joints. Obesity can worsen arthritis by adding extra pounds of stress. Previous joint injuries, especially torn ligaments or fractures, disrupt normal joint mechanics and accelerate cartilage damage. Age is a major factor, as pets tend to develop arthritis as they get older due to years of wear and tear. Genetics also contribute, as some purebred dogs are prone to certain joint disorders. Signs and Symptoms of Companion Animal Arthritis The clinical signs of arthritis are similar across species. Affected pets may limp or hesitate to jump, run, climb stairs or get up after lying down. They may express discomfort when certain joints are touched, moved or positioned a certain way. Stiffness after rest periods is common, gradually improving as joints are worked. Pets may hold up or favor an injured limb. Physical exam often reveals joint swelling, warmth, crepitus (crackling sounds) and limited mobility. Pain typically worsens with activity and improves with rest. Diagnosis and Testing Vets diagnose Companion Animal Arthritis based on signalment (breed, age, history), physical exam findings and ruling out other possible causes through diagnostic tests if needed. X-rays can detect bone changes like bone spurs, narrowed joint spaces, cracks and deformities. Advanced imaging like CT or MRI may provide clearer pictures of soft tissues like cartilage. Joint fluids are analyzed for inflammation signs. Blood tests are usually normal with arthritis but can help diagnose underlying diseases in some cases. Elimination diets may identify dietary arthritis triggers for some pets. Treatment Options There is no cure for arthritis, but various treatments can relieve pain and improve mobility. Weight control through diet and exercise is crucial for obese pets. Physical rehabilitation therapies like massage, controlled exercise, range-of-motion exercises, hydrotherapy and acupuncture may help. Prescription anti-inflammatory medications are mainstays, including NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), steroids, disease-modifying drugs for certain types of autoimmune arthritis. Joint supplements containing glucosamine, chondroitin and other compounds have benefits for some pets. Severely arthritic joints may need surgical interventions like arthroscopies to clean out joints, remove bone spurs and torn cartilage or ligaments, or total joint replacements in some cases. Assistive devices like harnesses, ramps, supportive beds can aid mobility in advanced cases.
Get more insights on Companion Animal Arthritis
Alice Mutum is a seasoned senior content editor at Coherent Market Insights, leveraging extensive expertise gained from her previous role as a content writer. With seven years in content development, Alice masterfully employs SEO best practices and cutting-edge digital marketing strategies to craft high-ranking, impactful content. As an editor, she meticulously ensures flawless grammar and punctuation, precise data accuracy, and perfect alignment with audience needs in every research report. Alice's dedication to excellence and her strategic approach to content make her an invaluable asset in the world of market insights.
(LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/alice-mutum-3b247b137 )
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poonamcmi · 2 months
Neurodiagnostics Market Estimated to Witness High Growth Owing to Growing Geriatric Population
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​The neurodiagnostics market plays a crucial role in neurological disease diagnosis and treatment monitoring. Neurological disorders such as epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, and other neurological conditions are becoming increasingly prevalent. Neurodiagnostics help detect neurological abnormalities through neurological imaging such as MRI, EEG, and diagnostic tests. The growing geriatric population is more susceptible to neurodegenerative diseases, driving the need for neurodiagnostics.
The Global Neurodiagnostics Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 8.66 Bn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 8.1% over the forecast period 2024 To 2031.
Key Takeaways Key players operating in the neurodiagnostics are Koninklijke Philips N.V, Siemens Healthcare GmbH, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation, Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc., Advanced Brain Monitoring, Inc., Nihon Kohden Corporation, Mitsar Co. LTD., EMS Biomedical, Mennen Medical, Natus Medical Incorporated, Medicaid Systems, Fujirebio, FONAR Corp, ANT Neuro, NEUROLITE AG, and Atlantic Health System.
The Neurodiagnostics Market Trends  include increasing investments in R&D for biomarker-based disease diagnosis and neuroimaging. The global expansion of key players through mergers and acquisitions will further aid market growth.
The growing geriatric population is more susceptible to neurodegenerative diseases, driving the need for neurodiagnostics. Furthermore, increasing investments in R&D by key players for developing advanced diagnostic systems will boost the neurodiagnostics market over the forecast period.
Market drivers The growing geriatric population is the major driver propelling the Neurodiagnostics Market Size And Trends As per the United Nations, people aged over 60 years are projected to outnumber children under 10 years by 2050. Elderly people are more vulnerable to neurological disorders like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. This will augment the demand for neurodiagnostics for early disease diagnosis and treatment monitoring. Increasing awareness about brain health and availability of reimbursement policies for neurodiagnostic tests will also boost market revenues significantly over the forecast period.
PEST Analysis Political: Regulations related to medical devices and neurological disorder treatments have an impact. Reimbursement policies by governments and insurance agencies also affect market growth. Economic: The growing insurance coverage levels and disposable incomes have boosted healthcare spending including on neurodiagnostics. Higher investments in clinical trials and R&D remain crucial. Social: Rising prevalence of neurological disorders like Alzheimers, Parkinsons, epilepsy, and stroke is a key driver. Growing awareness encourages early diagnosis through imaging techniques. Technological: Advancements in imaging modalities like MRI, CT, PET, EEG, and newer technologies like digital EEG and MEG expands diagnosis capabilities. Portable and wearable devices improve accessibility.
Geographical Regions with High Market Concentration North America accounts for the largest share in the neurodiagnostics market in terms of value, owing to the presence of major players, high healthcare expenditure, and rising neurological disorders. The United States holds a significant share in the regional market.
Fastest Growing Regional Market The Asia Pacific region is expected to witness the highest growth in the neurodiagnostics market during the forecast period. This is attributed to factors such as growing healthcare expenditure, increasing healthcare infrastructure development, and rising geriatric population in the region suffering from neurological conditions. Rapidly developing countries like China and India with huge patient pools offer high growth potential. Get More Insights On, Neurodiagnostics Market About Author: Money Singh is a seasoned content writer with over four years of experience in the market research sector. Her expertise spans various industries, including food and beverages, biotechnology, chemical and materials, defense and aerospace, consumer goods, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/money-singh-590844163)
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The Future of Urology: Innovations and Advances in Treatment
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Urology, a field dedicated to addressing disorders of the urinary tract and the male reproductive system, has witnessed remarkable advancements in recent years. These innovations promise to revolutionize patient care, offering less invasive procedures, quicker recovery times, and more effective treatments. In this blog post, we explore some of the most exciting developments shaping the future of urology, with a spotlight on the best urology hospital in Jaipur.
Robotic Surgery: Precision and Accuracy
One of the most significant advancements in urology is the adoption of robotic surgery. Robotic-assisted procedures, such as the da Vinci Surgical System, allow for unparalleled precision and control. Surgeons can perform complex surgeries through tiny incisions, reducing the risk of complications and shortening recovery times. This technology is especially beneficial for procedures like prostatectomies, kidney surgeries, and bladder cancer treatments.
Minimally Invasive Techniques
Minimally invasive techniques have become the cornerstone of modern urology. These procedures, which include laparoscopic and endoscopic surgeries, minimize patient trauma and expedite recovery. For example, laparoscopic nephrectomy (kidney removal) involves small incisions and the use of a camera to guide the surgery, offering a less painful alternative to traditional open surgery.
Advances in Imaging and Diagnostics
The future of urology is also being shaped by breakthroughs in imaging and diagnostics. High-resolution ultrasound, MRI, and CT scans provide detailed images of the urinary tract, aiding in the early detection and precise diagnosis of urological conditions. Additionally, molecular imaging techniques, such as PET scans, are proving invaluable in identifying cancerous tissues and planning targeted treatments.
Personalized Medicine
Personalized medicine, tailored to the genetic makeup of individual patients, is becoming a reality in urology. By analyzing a patient's genetic profile, doctors can predict the likelihood of developing certain urological conditions and customize treatment plans accordingly. This approach is particularly promising in the management of prostate cancer, where genetic testing can guide decisions on surveillance, treatment, and medication.
Innovations in Prostate Cancer Treatment
Prostate cancer remains one of the most common cancers among men. Recent advancements have introduced new treatments that offer hope for improved outcomes. Focal therapy, for instance, targets only the cancerous part of the prostate, preserving healthy tissue and reducing side effects. Immunotherapy, which harnesses the body's immune system to fight cancer, is also showing promise in treating advanced prostate cancer.
Telemedicine and Digital Health
The integration of telemedicine and digital health into urology is transforming patient care. Telehealth platforms enable remote consultations, allowing patients to receive expert advice without the need to travel. This is particularly beneficial for follow-up appointments and managing chronic conditions. Additionally, wearable devices and mobile apps are empowering patients to monitor their health, track symptoms, and communicate with their healthcare providers in real-time.
Spotlight on Jaipur: The Best Urology Hospital
When it comes to receiving cutting-edge urological care, the best urology hospital in Jaipur stands out as a leader in the field. With a team of highly skilled urologists, state-of-the-art facilities, and a commitment to patient-centric care, this hospital is at the forefront of adopting and implementing the latest advancements in urology. Whether it's robotic surgery, advanced imaging, or personalized treatment plans, patients can expect world-class care and the most innovative treatments available.
The future of urology is bright, with continuous innovations and advances transforming the way urological conditions are diagnosed and treated. From robotic surgery and minimally invasive techniques to personalized medicine and digital health, these developments promise better
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yasmedseo · 2 months
Imaging & Radiology
By focusing on patient needs, our clinic’s approach to imaging and radiology care is multifaceted, prioritizing patient safety, while providing the highest levels of diagnostic accuracy, and efficiency. We tailor the imaging services to provide personalized services and communicate clearly to the patients what they must expect during the imaging process, and how they should be prepared before, during, and after the procedure. We use state-of-the-art technology and high-resolution images to deliver precision diagnosis and use a combination of MRI, CT, ultrasound, digital X-rays, and PET scans, all continuously upgraded to the latest standards. We are also proud to inform you that as part of our imaging and radiology in Qatar services, we provide specialized imaging studies, namely, cardiac imaging, vascular imaging, interventional radiology, and so on.
Read more:https://yasmed.qa/services/imaging-radiology/
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Introducing the BEYOND DIGITAL PET/CT - SIEMENS HEALTHINEERS BIOGRAPH VISION: A groundbreaking medical imaging system setting new standards in precision oncology. Experience unparalleled speed, accuracy, and patient comfort. Explore dynamic imaging, multiparametric insights, and reduced radiation, all in one advanced solution.
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Experience advanced cancer treatments at Andromeda Cancer Hospital with Dr. Babita Bansal Singh. Our state-of-the-art Radiation Oncology Department utilizes IMRT, IGRT, and TrueBeam STX machines for precise tumor targeting, respiratory gating, 6D couch, and DIBH for effective lung, liver, and breast cancer treatment. Enhanced patient outcomes with PET-CT based radiation planning and digital mammography. Contact us today!
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healthcarehubhh · 2 months
Global Medical Imaging Devices Market will grow at highest pace owing to increasing incidence of chronic diseases
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Medical imaging devices such as X-ray devices, computed tomography (CT) scanners, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines, ultrasounds, and nuclear imaging devices play a vital role in the diagnosis and treatment of various medical conditions. Medical imaging helps doctors examine the internal organs, tissues, bones, and other structures inside the human body. Some key advantages of medical imaging devices include their non-invasive nature, ability to detect abnormalities that may not be visible externally, and capacity to aid in interventional procedures. The growing global burden of chronic diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, neurological disorders, and more recently COVID-19, has propelled the demand for advanced medical imaging modalities for precise diagnosis and treatment monitoring purposes. The Global Medical Imaging Devices Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 40.33 Bn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 6.2% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030. Key Takeaways Key players operating in the Global Medical Imaging Devices are Hitachi, Ltd., and Hologic Inc., Butterfly Inc., Analogic, and so on. Key players are investing in research and development activities to launch innovative imaging technologies. For instance, in 2023 Hitachi, Ltd. launched AI-assisted digital X-ray device that helps radiologists enhance diagnostic accuracy. The demand for medical imaging devices is growing significantly owing to increasing prevalence of chronic and lifestyle diseases, rising geriatric population, and rapidly evolving diagnostic imaging technologies. According to WHO, chronic diseases accounted for 71% of global deaths in 2019. The increasing disease burden is necessitating frequent medical scans which is propelling the demand for imaging equipment. Technological advancements are also fueling the market growth. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are enabling advanced applications of medical imaging like computer-assisted diagnosis and interventional guidance. Development of hybrid imaging systems integrating PET/CT and SPECT/CT with MRI is improving disease detection capabilities. Miniaturization of imaging devices is making point-of-care imaging possible. Market Trends 1. Multimodality imaging systems: hybrid imaging technologies integrating PET/CT, SPECT/CT, PET/MRI are gaining traction as they enable visualization of anatomical and physiological/molecular information simultaneously, enhancing diagnostic accuracy. 2. Personalized medical imaging: leveraging big data, AI and advanced analytics, providers are developing patient-specific imaging protocols and therapeutic strategies for better outcomes. Market Opportunities 1. Emerging economies in Asia Pacific and Middle East offer lucrative growth opportunities attributed to improving healthcare infrastructure, rapid economic development and growing medical tourism. 2. Point-of-care and portable imaging devices suitable for home healthcare, ambulatory care settings are opening new avenues backed by trend of decentralizing diagnostic care.
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wwewewwsd · 2 months
Exploring Veterinary Science Course: Paths, Opportunities and Specializations
Veterinary Science is based on the intersection of compassion, science and an unwavering commitment to care for animals. It is a multidisciplinary discipline dedicated to the health and welfare of animals, covering everything from preventive medicine to advanced medicine. The foundation of Veterinary Science emphasizes compassion, empathy and a deep understanding of animals and their behavior.
Veterinarians play an important role in diagnosing and treating diseases, performing surgeries and developing preventive measures to preserve the longevity and health of patients. In addition to medical practice, veterinary science continues in research, public health, wildlife conservation and many other areas, making it a powerful and versatile work with deadlines for people who care about animals and their health. Graduates of veterinarian course emerge as well-rounded professionals prepared to make a meaningful impact on the health and welfare of animals.
The Veterinary Science course is a rigorous and comprehensive program designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary for a career as a veterinarian. Throughout the course, emphasis is placed not only on medical knowledge but also on ethical considerations, communication skills and compassion for both animals and their human caregivers.
Advancement in Veterinary Science
The increasing understanding of animal health and welfare, multidisciplinary collaboration and technology advancements have contributed to the considerable advancements in veterinary research in recent years. One significant development is in diagnostic imaging, where innovations like digital radiography, ultrasound, CT scans and MRI have transformed the ability to visualize internal structures and identify illnesses in animals more precisely and thoroughly. Furthermore, advances in genomics and genetics have provided insights into hereditary disorders and allowed for the development of targeted treatments and genetic testing for animals and pets. Furthermore, animals having surgery have better results and shorter recovery periods because of minimally invasive surgical methods like arthroscopy and laparoscopy. Additionally, telemedicine has become a useful resource for online consultations, enabling veterinarians to provide expert advice and care to animals in underserved areas or during emergencies. The veterinarian course has made significant progress in recent years, including the use of new technology and new teaching methods.
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Veterinary Courses After 12th
Career opportunities in veterinary science are diverse and plentiful, offering a range of paths for individuals passionate about animal health and welfare. Individuals who wish to pursue a career in veterinary courses after 12th have many options to continue their education. Here are some veterinary science courses in which student can go further to make a successful career:
Bachelor of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry (B.V.Sc. & AH): It is a 5-year undergraduate program in which theoretical knowledge about veterinary science and animal husbandry is given. Graduates are entitled to practice veterinary medicine after completing their education.
Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (B.Sc.): Some universities offer a 3-year undergraduate program in veterinary science that provides foundational knowledge in animal biology, anatomy, physiology and health management.
Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) in Dairy Technology: Dairy Technology programs focus on the production, processing and management of dairy products. This program equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary to work in various aspects of the dairy industry, including dairy farming, milk processing, quality assurance and product development.
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Animal Science or Animal Husbandry: These programs typically cover topics related to animal biology, nutrition, breeding and management.
Diploma in Veterinary Science and Animal Health Technology: Some technical institutes offer diploma programs in veterinary science and animal health technology, which provide hands-on training in animal care, health management and veterinary assistance.
It’s important for aspiring veterinarians to research and choose veterinary courses after 12th that aligns with their career goals and interests.
Requirement for Veterinary Courses After 12th
After completing 12th, you need to meet various requirements to study veterinary science. Here are the details for animal doctor course:
The candidate must have completed 10+2 with strong foundation in science subjects, particularly Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
The candidate must have scored minimum marks of 50% in these subjects.
Many veterinary colleges conduct entrance exams to evaluate the abilities and knowledge of prospective students.
Some Veterinary colleges prefer applicants who have experience through internships, volunteer work or work experience in the animal-related field.
List of Veterinary Diploma Courses After 12th
1.Diploma in Animal Healthcare worker
2. Diploma in Dairy Technology
3. Diploma in Livestock Development
4. Diploma in Veterinary Science Course
5. Diploma in Animal Husbandry
6. Diploma in Animal Husbandry and Dairying
7. Post Graduate Diploma in Veterinary Medicine
Veterinary Courses Details
Veterinary courses are designed to provide students with the knowledge, skills and practical experience necessary for career in Veterinary medicine. Veterinary doctor course duration typically varies by country. Here are some key details about veterinary courses:
Particulars Veterinarian courses details
Veterinary Course Level – UG, PG, Diploma, PhD
Veterinary Courses & Fees -UG- INR 2,00,000 PG- INR 4,50,000
Veterinary Doctor Course duration -1–5 years
Veterinary Course Eligibility Criteria –UG- 10+2 with 55% (PCB) PG- BVSc or any relevant UG Course
Veterinary Course Entrance Type –UG- NEET PG- ICAR AIEEA
Veterinary Course Top Recruiters -The Indian Veterinary Research Institute, PETA India, Terzetto Pharma Metrics, Amul Dairy, etc.
Veterinary Courses and Fees
The fees for veterinary courses can vary depending on the institution, the type of course (undergraduate or postgraduate) and whether the student is admitted through government quota or management quota. Here is the overview:
Bachelor of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry: The duration of the undergraduate program is generally 5 years. Government colleges have generally lower fees than private colleges. The annual cost of government colleges in India is can range from Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 50,000. Private colleges may have higher fees ranges from Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 3 lakhs per year or more.
Master of Veterinary Science: The duration of this course usually takes 2 years. In government colleges, annual fees may range from Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 50,000, while in private colleges the fees ranges from Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 2 lakhs per year or more.
Scope of Veterinary Courses
For those who are interested in working with animals and advancing the health and wellbeing of animals, veterinary programs provide a wide range of options. Veterinary course duration can vary depending on the level of education and the program. Key elements of the range of animal doctor course include the following:
Clinical Practice: A large number of veterinarians work in clinical practice, where they treat a variety of animals, including pets (dogs, cats, birds, etc.), livestock (cattle, lambs, pigs, etc.) and exotics (reptiles, birds of prey, etc.), with medical treatment and surgery.
Specialization: Veterinarians can specialize in a wide range of fields because there are many possibilities available in veterinary care. Surgery, dentistry, dermatology, oncology, cardiology, ophthalmology and more are among the specialties.
Public health and epidemiology: Veterinarians are essential to public health because they try to stop the spread of illnesses known as zoonotic diseases, which can affect both humans and animals.
Animal Welfare and Conservation: Veterinarians support the humane treatment and care of animals in a variety of contexts, such as wildlife rehabilitation facilities, shelters and rescue groups.
Industry and Corporate Roles: Veterinarians are employed in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical sectors, where they create and test medications, vaccines and animal medical devices.
Veterinary Courses After 12th Without NEET
There are many options to study veterinary courses after 12th without NEET. These include a bachelor’s degree or certificate in veterinary course, animal science or other fields. Other option is to enroll in a master’s degree or certificate in veterinary course (animal doctor course) offered by various institutions. There are also several veterinary diploma courses after 12th in which students can pursue their career. Additionally, some institutions may offer bachelor’s degree in fields like animal science or biology, which can serve as a foundation for further specialization in veterinary care through additional training or certification programs. If you want to study veterinary science courses without passing the NEET exam, you still have some options in which you can move forward. Here are few courses:
Diploma in Veterinary Animal Husbandry and Technology: After the 12th grade, students can enroll in this 3-year diploma program, which does not require passing of NEET exam. After graduating, you can pursue employment as a livestock assistant or veterinary assistant.
B.Sc. in Animal Husbandry: The Bachelor of Science in Animal Husbandry is a 3–4 years undergraduate program focusing on animal husbandry and livestock management. This course covers all aspects of animal care, reproduction, nutrition, health and management.
Bachelor of Veterinary Science: The Bachelor of Veterinary Science is an undergraduate degree program designed to prepare students for a career in veterinary science. This comprehensive program usually takes 5–6 years and covers a variety of disciplines, including animal anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, pathology, microbiology, surgery medicine and animal science.
Bachelor of Veterinary Science in Animal Nutrition: The Bachelor of Veterinary Science in Animal Nutrition is a 3-year undergraduate degree program specializing in nutrition and its application to animal health and welfare. Graduates of this program can work as nutritionist, consultants, researchers or veterinarians specializing in nutritional management.
Diploma in Livestock Development: The Diploma in Livestock Development is a vocational program focusing on education and skills development for individuals who wish to pursue a career in the livestock industry. This certification generally covers all aspects of animal management, including agriculture, medicine, breeding, nutrition and farm management.
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In summary, veterinary science offers many opportunities for those who care about animal health and welfare. Whether in medicine, research, public health or education, this field is constantly evolving and offering professionals new ways to be productive. Student can also opt for veterinary courses after 12th without NEET. There is also some veterinary diploma courses after 12th in which students can pursue further education or enter the workforce in roles related do their specialization. With advances in technology and understanding of the importance of animal care, the future of veterinary medicine is promising and offers exciting opportunities for those who wish to complete this path in this field.
1.What are the requirements for admission to veterinary medicine program?
The requirements for admission to veterinary medicine program is the candidate must have completed 10+2 with strong foundation in science subjects, particularly Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
2. What do veterinary science courses cover?
Veterinary science courses cover a wide range of topics including anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, pathology, microbiology, nutrition, surgery and clinical skills.
3. What are the career prospects after completing a veterinary science program?
After completing veterinary science program, student can pursue careers as veterinarians in private practice, research scientists, educators, public health officials or in government agencies and industry.
4. What is the duration of veterinary course?
The veterinary course duration varies depending on the country and level of education. Typically undergraduate programs last for 5–6 years.
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innonurse · 2 months
UK faces £5.4 billion MedTech trade deficit in 2023
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- By InnoNurse Staff -
In 2023, the UK had a trade deficit of £5.4 billion in MedTech products, with exports valued at £10.1 billion and imports at £15.5 billion.
The Association of British HealthTech (ABHI) is advocating for a 'HealthTech export campaign' to boost UK exports. Despite a slight increase in exports, the UK ranked eleventh among comparator countries, while the US, China, and Germany led the market. UK imports rose significantly from 2013 to 2020 but have decreased since.
ABHI's manifesto suggests focusing on accessible markets to enhance exports. Health secretary Wes Streeting aims to make the UK a "powerhouse" in MedTech by leveraging the country's life sciences and MedTech ecosystem. The UK also has the lowest number of MRI, CT, and PET scanners per million population among comparator countries.
Read more at Digital Health
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