#dig deep log jungkook
johobi · 5 years
4944/12/44 - Jungkook
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Word count: 1100
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Warnings: allusions to tentacle sex
More: Dig Deep Masterlist
The night before your wedding to a man you couldn’t find any more repugnant, you seek out the mercantile aid of an unscrupulous space pirate.
Date: 4944/12/44 (AST)
UserID: armsstrong
Hey, Log. Sorry I didn’t write yesterday,  there was so much going on. I don’t know why I’m apologising because you’re just a holopad program, but here I am. 
Yesterday was weird as heck. Today was a little less weird, but only just. I don’t even really know how to start, or what to say. Namjoon always says it’s good for me to reflect, in order to understand my emotions more. But I don’t really think it has any dramatic effect. I think he’s still scared of that time I went a little funny after killing all those people. I’m fine now, I swear. Writing about it back then did help, I guess, even if it didn’t feel like it. I went back to normal, didn’t I? Well, when what happened yesterday happened, it made me feel weird again, but in a different way. So maybe going over it will help. I can’t really talk about stuff like this out loud. I’m not good with words.
A human lady came aboard. Whatever, right? I see all sorts here, not that I interact much with clients. Usually Yoongi and Jin do all that, ‘cause they’re smart and know how to get money out of people. I just fix stuff up. Or kill people, y’know. But I don’t have to do it that often anymore. Anyway, back to the lady. So she came aboard for a transaction, and before I even know what’s going on, Yoongi comes into the mess hall all hey, wanna see something insane? I mean, he didn’t say it like that, he always says things in big language, but you get the gist. I always wanna see cool things, so I said yeah. So did Hobi and Jimin, because they were there too. We go to the guest lounge and this human lady is on the table, hiking up her dress. Then she sees me and makes a noise and covers herself again; covers her face. I don’t really get why, Log, but I think it might have been out of embarrassment. As a species, Iluoli don’t really get embarrassed, so I’m just guessing from all the human drama-vids I’ve watched. She kinda changed colour in the face, too, like a lizard or something. Are humans descended from lizards? 
Anyway, sorry, I keep getting off track. Yoongi reassured her and then she kinda forgot about us being there, I guess, but I swear she kept staring at me. I stared back because, I dunno, I felt weird. In a good way. I wanted to keep looking at her. At her face, at--other places. I don’t even know what those parts of her are called. 
Yoongi is all businesslike at first, you know, typical Yoongi. He’s not a nasty guy, but I do think he needs to take lessons on being more personable from Jimin or something. Anyway, he starts examining the hole between her legs all curious, and so do we, though it’s kinda difficult from where we’re standing. He’s draped all over her, blocking more of her the more he gets into it. But from what I could see, it kinda looked like she had another mouth down there. Or something. I don’t know, I’m just guessing! 
And then he puts his raeli in her. Well, one of them at least. There didn’t look like there was much room. And - oh man. The noises the lady made, Log, it was crazy. She sounded like she was dying, but happy about it. I’ve seen so many people die, but they’ve never been that happy about it. It was weirdly, uh, I don’t know. Good. Nice. I don’t know why. I don’t think I blinked once the entire time. Yoongi became feral or something. The table he had her on kept screeching across the floor while he investigated her. She got happier and happier the deeper he went, and so did he. I’ve never heard noises like that from Yoongi before, either, not even in the heat of battle. And then there was all this white stuff. I haven’t had my first mating since maturing so I don’t know whether it’s supposed to come out in that volume, but Hoseok said it was very unusual indeed. And I trust him, ‘cause he’s the medic and knows us inside out. 
Anyway, that’s how it happened, but now for how I felt: Well, even after writing all that, I still don’t know. The ends of my raeli kinda tingled but I didn’t know what that meant. It didn’t dissipate even hours after. I felt kinda frustrated, and--and wound-up, and I felt like I needed some sort of relief. But from what? I tried to mimic what he did in my bunk, with things in my room, with my own hands, but nothing seemed to work. Thankfully the feeling went away by morning, but then another, more curious feeling emerged.
Whenever the lady looked at me today, my hearts felt funny. Beat in the wrong order, or to the wrong rhythm, or something. I immediately went to Hobi and he told me there was nothing wrong; that I’m just excited by the new arrival. Which is true, I am. I like her very much, and I want to teach her all about how to fix things, and maybe kill things. She said she’d teach me things too. And then I looked into her eyes - we were really close to each other - and my hearts went funny again and I recalled all the vids I’ve watched of humans courting each other. They do this thing with their mouths - kissing, I think they call it. I almost did it, Log. I almost touched her mouth with mine, because all those strange feelings kept mounting and then my raeli started tingling again and--I don’t know. 
But I didn’t.
I didn’t kiss her and I don’t know what to do now. I keep thinking about the deep mouth between her thighs and how much I want to try it for myself. 
I’ll order more vids about human courtship because I think maybe she’s signalling to me that she wants me to court her, and I think I want that too, but I’m not sure. It’s all so new and thrilling. Like, more thrilling than adding to my kill count. Yoongi doesn’t seem to care about her like I do, so I don’t think he’ll mind. Iluoli don’t even remember the names of their mating partners. But I remember hers. _____. Ah, it’s so pretty and delicate and fragile. Like her. I don’t know why I think she’s pretty, but I’ll figure it out. 
Log, I’ll report back with updates.
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writeformesinpie · 2 years
Late Night Assignment
CEO Jungkook x Fem!Reader 
Summary - Your boss asks you to stay late even though he knows you have a date. Things end up getting heated. 
Genre - Office AU/Smut 
Warnings - Smut, flirting, slight degradation and name calling, vaginal sex, nipple play, language, teasing, unprotected sex, cream pie, etc  
Word Count - 2.7k
Tag List - @kpoptrashlord-007 @justanotherstarlightmonger
A/N - Oops, this was meant to be posted for Jungkook’s birthday - I’m only a couple of days late
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    Desperate taps against the keyboard. Stolen glances at the computer's clock. A quick wave with a tight smile as your last coworker bids you farewell.
    You shouldn’t be here. It’s already too late. One more email and you’ll pack up.
    Nimble fingers glide across the table, one hand typing out your final salutation as the other digs into the drawer. Hooking a finger around the strap of your handbag, you press send and watch as your message disappears, on its way to another company, someone else’s problem.
    “There you are.”
    Your thumb hovers in front of the power button, your body leaning across the desk to reach it. Resisting the urge to run you instead take a deep breath of the office’s stale air. Closing your eyes tight, you compose yourself.
    “I wonder if you could help me figure out the Johnson case.”
    “The Johnson case?”
    Sitting back down you swivel in the black chair to face your boss. He’s smiling. Of course he’s smiling – he’s always smiling. His slicked back hair has loosened from the product he used this morning, his dark waves tumbling free to sweep across his face, giving him a more relaxed look.
    “Yeah, I need someone to bounce some ideas against.”
    “I can’t tonight. I told you I have a date.”
    “Oh?” There’s a flicker of amusement in his eyes before his face stills into a frown. “Was that tonight?”
    He knows it’s tonight; you told him last week and you reminded him this morning that you needed to leave on time. Why is he acting like this now when just this morning he seemed so uninterested in the whole conversation? It’s just like him to change his mind at the last minute. Something tickles at the corner of his brain about the advertisement mere hours before the company is due to arrive for the scheduled presentation leaving destruction in his wake. Every hand on deck. Or worse, when much like tonight, he decides to change something right before you’re about to log out for the weekend.
    “Well, I’m sure he won’t mind waiting.”
    “Who said it was a he?”
    Jungkook gives you a onceover before letting his eyes focus on your face, his features tight and unforgiving. “I’m sure they won’t mind waiting.”
    “Are you seriously asking this of me right now?” There’s no point in asking, he’s already turning away, beckoning you with a flick of his wrist, not bothering to turn and see if you’re following. You punch the air a few times with tight balled fists before pulling out your phone and sending a message of sincere regret. The career you fought so hard to obtain is destroying your dating life. If you don’t leave this job soon you may very well end up a spinster.
    Dragging your feet, you take your time, dawdling towards Jungkook’s office. Pushing the door all the way open you waddle over to the furthest chair with a pout on your lips, resigning to sulk until he finally lets you go home. What a waste of a Friday night.
    “You don’t have to stay if you really don’t want to.” When you shoot up and take a step towards the door, he continues, “I guess I’ll just do it myself. All alone. It’ll take twice as long but that’s fine.”
    This time you give in to your inner urges, your eyes rolling so dramatically you’re afraid they might pop out of your skull. Shuffling closer you sit in the chair in front of his desk, grabbing the file and browsing its contents.
    “What do you need? It looks like everything is in order,” you say as you turn the last few pages. It looks like it’s been read at least fifty times, the pages creased with a few coffee stains littering the crisp white paper.
    “So what’s this date of yours like?”
    “Excuse me?”
    “What does he do? How long have you been talking?”
    Your knotted brows ease as you realise what this is all about. “Are you jealous?”
    “Jealous? Of course not,” he says leaning back, arms crossed in front of his chest as he snuggles into the plush chair. “I just wanted to make sure you’re not dating some loser.”
    “Oh? You’re worried about me?” you tease, a smirk adorning your lips.
    “Worried about the company. It’s inconvenient to have to deal with the mess that comes from a bad relationship. Or worse, a good one.”
    “What mess comes from a good relationship?”
    “Marriage. Taking time off from work for the honeymoon. Then children usually follow and that’s maternity leave. You might as well just be a stay-at-home mother at that point.”
    “What?” You laugh and shake your head. Is he being serious?
    “Kids are always getting sick. They carry viruses. They’re practically a walking disease. If you’re not taking off time for them you’ll be taking time off for yourself. Years of illnesses and for what?”
    “A life changing experience filled with joy, unconditional love and new life lessons?”
    “No. After 18 years–no, let's be serious, these days it’s well into the 20’s–after all that time and effort you put into raising and loving them they just up and leave. After all that sacrifice you are simply abandoned.”
    “That’s what the spouse is for.”
    “Unless they leave, too? Probably for a newer model.”
    “A newer model? What are we, cars?” Scrunching up your face, you lean over and pat him on the shoulder. “Who hurt you?”
    He looks from you to your hand (now rubbing his shoulder) then back to your face, his fierce eyes betraying his poker face. Dropping your hand, you ease onto the edge of his desk in an awkward attempt to make yourself look relaxed. Instead your skirt ends up tangling up under your butt, the fabric pulled tight against your thighs, leaving nothing to the imagination. As you try to pull your skirt back down to an acceptable length in a nonchalant way you rock back and forth and end up knocking a stack of papers off of the desk.
    Jumping to the floor on your hands and knees, your arms flailing out in every direction, you scramble to collect the paperwork, jumbled in a puzzle of white. You have the worst luck. Jungkook clicks his teeth behind you as you mumble an apology and start the tedious process of piecing the piles back together.
    After a few moments, while wondering why Jungkook isn’t at least pretending to help, you sneak a look over your shoulder. Heat licks your cheeks and you snap your hand back around, pulling on your skirt. How could you be so stupid? The silky material of your skirt got caught up as you jumped to the floor exposing god only knows what to your boss. The way his eyes bore into yours with a distinct glimmer of lust makes you think he may have caught a glimpse of your lacy thong underneath.
    Scooping the last pile of paper together the heat of embarrassment spreads from your face to your core as you remember the look on his face. Raw. Animalistic. What is he thinking? It takes every ounce of your self respect not to turn and crawl towards him.
    The second hand ticks louder than before, bringing your attention to the large moon-shaped clock up on the wall. You’ve been here for only fifteen minutes yet it feels like an eternity.
    Standing you mutter, “Excuse me,” under your breath as you place the last stack back on the table. Refusing to look at him you instead hang your head as you continue, “Well, if that's all…”
    “You’re leaving already? But we haven’t even started.”
    “I think that’s enough humiliation for today,” you say, trudging towards the door.
    Before you can reach it however, you hear the familiar sound of paper plopping against the ground. With a snap of the neck you turn back towards Jungkook’s desk, your feet carrying you to the scene of the crime before you realise something. You were nowhere near the table when the new mishap happened and judging from Jungkook’s lazy grin as he continues to lean back in the office chair either was he.
    “Did you do that on purpose?” you ask from your half-squat position. Standing, you take a step back as he does the same, his steps quicker than your own, each stride bringing him closer until he is close enough to touch.
    “And what if I did?” His brow lifts on the last word as you back into the wall behind you. “Do you think I don’t notice your pitifully obvious attempts to catch my attention?”
    “What do you mean?” you practically scoff, turning your head to look away from him.
    “The slutty outfits.”
    “Slutty outfits! What outfits?”
    “The way you sashay around the office.”
    “We call that walking where I come from.”
    “The intoxicating perfume you adorn yourself with,” he says, his fingers twisting around your wrist to hold you in place as he leans close, his lips against your neck. “Every scent you wear is more exhilarating than the last.”
    His fingers dig into your flesh as he litters light kisses up your throat that leave a trail of fire against your skin, the rough and sweet a certain torture to your erratic heartbeat. A heartbeat that echoes under his very touch.
    This isn’t how you imagined him finally making his move. The slutty outfits, the tempting struts around the office, the scents. You had started to think he wasn’t interested. Who would’ve thought all it would take for him to notice was giving up?
    “Do you like it?”
    “Hmm?” His fingers entwine with yours above your head as he nibbles on your ear.
    “Today's perfume.”
    “I can’t get enough,” he says, a sly grin on his face as his fingers trace down the length of your arms. “You smell like spicy whipped cream. I want to take my time tasting every single inch of you but I can’t stand not having you another moment.”
    His teeth dig into your neck and you moan out from the pleasure and pain. Lifting you up he carries you over to his desk, leaning you against the edge as he shoves everything to the ground with a carnal growl. Papers flutter in the air and before you can fret about how long it’s going to take to get everything back in order your back knocks up against the cool mahogany wood beneath you.
    Agile fingers make quick work of your blouse. With a quick inhale of breath he takes a moment to drink you in as his hands explore your exposed skin. Your nipples perk up both due to his touch and the chilled breeze swirling down from the vent above Jungkook’s desk.
    “Is it always this cold here?”
    “I’ll warm you up,” he murmurs against your chest, one hand snaking under your skirt while the other cups your breast. While sucking on the supple skin, his fingers find your panties, damp and clinging to your throbbing cunt. His tongue glides across the rim of your nipple before rolling it gently between his teeth.
    Arching your back you grind your pussy against his fingers. Desperate for more you push against the constricting fabric as far as you can. He drags your lace thong down to your ankles and leaves them dangling on one foot as he turns his attention back to your core. His fingers trace messages against your clit as he continues to dine on your swollen breasts.
    “Stop teasing me, Kookie,” you moan the words, ignoring his raised brow as he kisses his way up the middle of your chest. “Just fuck me already.”
    “Patience is a virtue, beautiful.”
    “I don’t want to be virtuous,” you say, shifting back and forth under him. He pulls his fingers out from under your skirt and you let out a whine.
    “Suck,” he commands, his fingers hover in front of your mouth. Parting your lips he slips them inside. Your tongue glides against his digits a few times before you clamp down sucking on them like they’re an ice block. Almost as delicious. “Good girl.”
    Pulling them back he ignores your pout, shoving his hand back between your thighs. Biting your bottom lip you watch as he slips one of his fingers inside. Slow. Controlled. He has the power and he refuses to let it go. Not that you mind. You try to keep your eyes glued to his but by the time he slides in the third finger you’re writhing under his touch, the cool air from the vent no longer enough to keep the heat building between you at bay.
    “It’s okay, baby, you can come.”
    “No,” you sob, the pleasure continuing to build as he quickens the pace of his fingers. “No, I want you inside. I want to come with you.”
    He pulls out his fingers with a chuckle, the slick sound of your excitement quickly followed by the clinking sound of his belt buckle and the pull of his zipper. He stares down at you licking his fingers with a hum, his dick nuzzling up against your pussy before he pulls back. Before you can complain his lips are on yours, his hands in your hair pulling you closer. Bruising kisses follow tiny nips then his tongue dances along your lips before he pushes inside you, his full girth filling every inch of your cunt.
    “Oh my God,” you sputter out the words and it comes out distorted as he sucks on your bottom lip. He doesn’t give you time to adjust before he thrusts his hips against yours, his thick cock propelling deep within your tight walls.
    The musky smell of his sweat combined with the sweet aroma of his cologne fills the room as the sound of skin on skin rebounds off the walls. Sweat trickles down the back of your neck as his pace quickens. Raking your nails up the bulging muscles of his arms you toss your head back and forth unable to utter a word. Breathless.
    Savage hunger burns inside as you buck your hips up in time to meet his. Frantic desire fills you to the core, seeping out of every pore. It’s not enough. You want him to fill you more.
    “Don’t you dare stop,” you say, the words practically a growl from between clenched teeth. He smirks down at you but he doesn’t stop, instead his pace increases. He drills deep inside, each thrust eliciting a guttural moan.
    Curling toes and fingers digging into the taut flesh of his shoulders hint at your climax and somehow he hastens the velocity of his movements. You blink away tears as your body erupts into liquid fire, a demonic spark of pure ecstasy rippling waves of fire across your skin.
    You allow yourself to drown in the pleasure as your body jerks in unison with Jungkook’s soothing movements. His cock throbs and pulses inside of you, his body tensing as he cages you within. He rocks back and forth a few more times before he relaxes against you, pinning you under him. Panting you wrap your arm across his back and kiss his neck, the smell of his skin easing you back into a comfortable rhythm.
    “That was hot,” you purr against his ear, raking your fingers through his black waves. The mess on the floor catches your eyes and you make a move to get up.
    “Where do you think you’re going?” You motion towards the paperwork and office supplies scattered across the floor. “Leave it.”
    “It won’t take long to–”
    “It’ll just end up back on the floor again,” he says, his lips trailing across your neck down your throat.
    “Are you trying to fuck me until I can’t stand?”
    “I like the sound of that,” he says, a grin spreading across his face. He pushes his cock back inside with ease causing both his come and your previous arousal to drip down your cunt. “But don’t worry, I can carry you to my car when we’re done.”
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this content! If you did, please consider liking, commenting, reblogging and/or following, and check out my masterlist for similar content. Have a great day!
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angelicyoongie · 4 years
the crimson shell (II)
— pairing: jungkook x f!reader — genre: mermaid au, yandere au — w.c: 3.5k (drabble series) — warnings: mentions of death, mentions of drowning — notes: well, it wasn’t supposed to take four months to write the second part but here we are lol. still, mermaid jk works well for spoopy season too!! the next and likely last part of this drabble series will be inTEnse, so you better prepare yourself!
Part I / II / III / IIII
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— summary: you had always found comfort in being at the beach, often spending hours just watching the waves lap against the shore. but unbeknowst to you – something had been watching you back.
You wake up with a gasp, your chest burning as you begin coughing up the remaining saltwater in your lungs. You stare down through bleary eyes at the pearly white sand beneath your fingers as your whole body heaves, your limbs shaking with exhaustion. You let out a choked cry as something wet laps at your toes, sending you scrambling further up the beach to escape it. The fresh water on your skin brings back memories of the night before, of how helpless and trapped you had been underwater, and how the ocean had judged you as unworthy and left you to drown – to die.
You roll onto your back, squinting up at the blue skies as you attempt to catch your breath. There’s no sign of the storm that threw you overboard, no dark ominous clouds looming on the horizon. Only an endless blue, stretching on infinitely. You groan as you push yourself up, your muscles aching and protesting as you test them all out to make sure nothing’s too badly injured. Your arms are blooming into hues of blue and yellow from where the ship knocked you around during the storm, but for a person that was thrown off the side of a ship and almost drowned, you’re surprisingly .. fine.
Maybe you have a guardian angel out there. The thought makes you snort.
You twist around, letting your gaze sweep over your surroundings. Although you can’t say it for sure just yet, you’re fairly sure you’ve washed up on a deserted island. Judging by how vast and empty the ocean is, and how untouched the beach and the vegetation behind you looks, you don’t think there’s a high chance of running into anybody else here. But even if you aren’t alone, is that really any better? You have no guarantee that the inhabitants of the island won’t just kill you on sight.
Suppressing a shudder, you try your best to will your thoughts away from all the horrible scenarios running through your mind. You'll just have to be extra alert until you’ve made sure you’re actually alone here.
Something digs sharply into your thigh as you shift your weight. You let out a gasp as you scramble to push your hand into your pocket, your fingers closing around the shell you had tucked away before the storm started. It’s still intact. You look down at it with wide eyes as you pull it out of your trousers, the crimson hue still looking as pretty as ever as you run your fingertips over the ridges. You have no idea how it managed to stay in one piece, but then again, you’re not sure how you managed to do that either.
“We must be lucky,” You mutter. You gently tuck the shell back into your pocket, dusting off the sand that’s clinging to your clothes as you gingerly get yourself up on your feet. You bury your bare feet into the cool sand, thankful that the sun hasn’t managed to warm it up just yet. There’s no sign of your shoes on the shoreline, so you think you’ll just have to resign yourself to the fact that they’re a lost cause. They probably won’t do you much good here anyway. You furrow your brows as you see something sparkle a little further down the beach, your curiosity getting the best of you as you make your way over on shaking legs. You don’t know how long you’ll be here, so you might as well indulge your whims and keep yourself entertained.
Your eyes light up in amazement as you realize what the object is; the fine layer of sand not managing to cover the sparkle properly. It’s gold. And real gold too, judging by how heavy the coin is in your hand. It doesn’t look like it’s been here for very long, so maybe it washed up along side you? You don’t think any of the other travellers were rich enough to carry it, but it’s not like it would be wise to flaunt it around either if they did have some money.
You tug at the chain around your neck, lifting the pendant up from underneath your shirt. The village crest looks almost burnt in the low sunlight, the edges turning black from the prolonged exposure to the ocean. You frown at the simple design.
Your initials are pressed into the surface alongside the name of your town, and the outline of a fish. You’ve always had an inkling that the pendant was never made from gold, that your village head was overcharging you for something you had to have to live in your village. Turns out you were right. Seeing it side by side with the real deal leaves no doubt in your mind that he’s skimming off the top for himself. If you ever get out of here, you’re going to give the village head a piece of your mind. You swallow thickly, tucking the pendant back under your shirt.
Right. If you get out of here.
Frankly, the silence on the island is unnerving. You’re used to the hustle and bustle of a busy town, and the only sound you can make out here is the waves gently crashing against a nearby cluster of rocks. It’s too silent. You can already feel the panic festering in your stomach, the emotion only growing stronger the longer you stay still to dwell on your predicament. You clutch the coin in your hand, feeling the smooth circle dig into your flesh as you tighten your hold. You’ll get out of here. But first – you’ll have to figure out how to survive.
You throw one last look at the terribly open ocean, lips pressed into a firm line as you turn your back on what will with no doubt become a horribly familiar sight. It’s with newfound determination that you start walking towards the thick vegetation, the sand underneath your feet giving away to grass the closer you get to the tree-line. You don’t need to look back to know that the vastness of the ocean is mocking you, that it doesn’t think you'll ever survive as long as it’ll take for another ship to sail past. It’s fine, you think. You’ve always had a thing for proving others wrong.
The island is surprisingly big. Judging by how high the sun has risen in the sky, and how the trees and underbrush continue to stretch on for as far as you can see, you don’t think you’ll be able to reach the other side before nightfall rolls around. It’s hard to tell, but you think it’ll likely take you around two days worth of walking to get to the other side. You let out a tired sigh as you rest against a fallen log, your feet bright red from the continuous walking. The ground is unexpectedly soft despite the variety of plants and grass growing here, but that’s probably the least curious thing about the island. There are no animals to be found here. Not even birds. Had this island only been a stretch of sand in the ocean, you wouldn’t have questioned it, but the thing is, this island is thriving. Logically, it should be bursting with some sort of wildlife. So far you’ve walked past a plethora of bushes so heavy with berries that should be able to sustain a whole array of animals.
As if that wasn’t enough, you even managed to stumble upon a deep pool of water that appeared to be fresh. Considering the island is surrounded by the ocean, by salt, it shouldn’t be possible. But somehow, it is. And that’s not even the weirdest part. The island is littered with gems and gold. You gave up hours ago on collecting them when your pockets became too heavy. You shake your head. This whole place is just bizarre, you’ve never heard of anything like this before. Jimin’s words did tickle the back of your mind, but you quickly brushed them off. There’s no way that this is the island he found, not when you still had one more week left to sail.
You push off the log, hoping to retrace your steps back to some of the more familiar looking bushes. You don’t have the luxury of being afraid of poisonous plants, not when it’s the only thing that might sustain you while you’re stuck here. Your stomach is rumbling obnoxiously by the time you make it back to the berries, and it’s with all of your self-restraint that you manage to hold back from finishing a whole bush in one go. You need to be smart and ration it so that it can last for as long as possible. You plop the last berry into your mouth, savouring the sweet taste as you begin the trek back to the beach. Despite not running into an ounce of life beside yourself, you can’t help but be vary of the parts you have yet to explore. So for now, you decide that the beach will serve as a good place to set up camp.
By the time you make it back to the beach, the sun is barely hanging on to the horizon. You squint against the fiery red, noticing a small lump resting on top of the flat rocks on the shoreline. A pang of joy travels through your body when you realize what it is you’re looking at. It’s a fish. It’s food. The fish is completely still, so the poor thing must’ve somehow jumped out of the ocean on its own. A voice in the back of your mind reminds you that the ocean is too calm, the waves to quiet, to throw the fish up on the rocks, but it’s quickly muffled by the sheer joy you feel of having something proper to eat. Who are you to question Lady Luck’s kindness after all?
You just count yourself lucky that you at least learned how to light a fire with minimal resources when you were younger. Once the fish is roasted and resting in your filled belly, it’s time to tuck in for the night.
You lay down as close to the fire as you dare, mindful to keep enough distance that any stray sparks won’t catch on your clothes. The island has grown chilly alongside the arrival of the moon, so you’re thankful for the extra warmth the fire provides. You empty out all the little treasures you collected into a neat pile, placing the crimson shell carefully on top of it. It’s strangely comforting to look at the flames dancing across the scalloped ridges, the gems and gold glittering in the low light. You keep watching until your eyes grow too heavy, exhaustion finally pulling you under into a deep sleep.  
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It’s been three days, and the fish keeps appearing on the rocks like clockwork. You’ve taken to exploring the thick vegetation during the day, but there’s always a new fish waiting for you when you return to the beach. You would call the whole thing weird, but you’ve come to understand that most things on this island are. So, you quickly stop questioning it. But you shouldn’t have. That was your first mistake.
You shove a branch out of your way with a little more force than necessary, huffing in annoyance as you trek on deeper into the greenery. You’ve started to lose hope that you’ll ever get saved. You’ve run through every possible scenario in your head hundreds of times, but the heavy feeling in your gut tells you that it would only be foolish to hope. You’re not even sure that anybody knows that you’re missing.
“There you are,” You grumble under your breath as you finally spot the pool of fresh water, the large pond surrounded by beautiful orange flowers. You sink down to your knees in front of the body of water, eagerly scooping up the cold liquid to quench the dryness in your throat. The water is clear enough that you can make out the smooth stone lining the pond, but not enough that you can gauge just how deep it really is. The bottom is too dark, almost pitch black, and it always sends a shiver down your spine when you stare into it for too long. You’re about to take another sip when you swear you see a flash of red zoom past, your hands freezing above the water's surface. What if there’s something lurking down there?
Your eyes search frantically around the pond for another glimpse, but there’s nothing. You shake yourself out of your thoughts, scoffing at your own stupidity. It’s likely just another gemstone reflecting the light back up from the depths of the pool, nothing more and nothing less. You ignore the weak tremble in your hands as you rise back to your feet, your steps a little more hurried than usual as you begin the trek back to your beach. You must be starting to lose your mind.
When you return to the beach, there’s no fish waiting for you. You shrug it off easily, chalking it up to your luck finally running out. It was probably just a strong current that dragged some unsuspecting fish close to the island, and had enough force to throw them up on the rocks. Probably. It sounds plausible enough. With the absence of the fish, you just thank your past self for already having eaten some berries on your walk back, so that you won’t have to go to sleep hungry.
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As morning rolls around, there isn’t a fish that catches your attention, but rather something else. Resting on the rocks is a massive pearl, the sphere so large your thumb and middle finger barely manage to meet when wrapped around it. The colour is mesmerizing. You roll the pearl around in your hands, watching as the deep red colour shifts into lighter and darker hues as you move it around. Come to think of it, haven’t you seen this exact colour before? You sprint up the beach to your little pile of treasures, carefully holding up the shell next to the pearl. They’re identical.
Your brows furrow in confusion as you twist and turn them around. How can a shell you picked up in your village match a pearl found over a week’s travel away? That’s impossible. You gently place both of them down on the ground, nibbling on your bottom lip as you turn around to face the ocean. A ripple in the surface catches your attention, but it’s too far out for you to see what could’ve caused it. A fish, you decide. That’s the only thing it can be after all. You sink down into the sand, running your fingertips along the smooth surface. It’s a pretty pearl – and you decide you’re going to cherish it just as much as your shell.
That's your second mistake.  
After you pick up the pearl, the fish miraculously return. In the following days there’s an abundance of fish greeting you on the rocks, some even showing up before you wake up. You can’t remember the last time you were so well fed. Not even your life back in the village kept you this sated every day. Maybe your fleeting luck has returned. Slowly, the days begin blending together as you keep exploring, picking up little treasures along the way and adding them to your ever-growing pile at the beach. It’s not much, but it’s keeping you sane.
You poke at the blazing bonfire in front of you, making sure that the fire is burning steadily before you venture down to the shoreline. Little gems keep washing up every now and again, so you’ve made it your nightly routine to go pick up those you can find. You halt as you reach the flat rocks nestled between the beach and the ocean, another ripple in the quiet surface a little further out making you curious.
Your third mistake.
You walk carefully over to the edge of the rock, peering down into the dark water. Dusk has started to settle in, but the last rays of light clinging on to the horizon are enough for you to notice something bright underwater. It looks like it’s leaning on a ledge in the rock, the item long and pale. You can’t really make out what it is – a long shell maybe? – but since you’ve already committed to picking up everything around the island, you might as well retrieve this too.
You get down on your knees, one hand curling around the edge of the rock for support as you lower your other arm into the cool water. You frown as fingers only graze over the top, not quite managing to reach it. Your arm is already drenched, so you figure it doesn’t matter if the rest of your blouse gets a little wet too. The fire will dry it quickly enough.
You lower your body further, your face nearly flush with the ocean as the last little push finally lets your hand finally close around the item. You smile, starting to pull yourself back up when something slimy wraps around your wrist, a harsh tug forcing your upper body down under water before you can even think to catch your breath.
Your eyes open in shock as the cold water suddenly surrounds you, and you swear you heart stops as the bubbles settle enough for you to see the creature in front of you. It has a human face, a handsome face, with long dark locks framing it, but the pupils in its eyes are unnaturally wide and blood red – and you can see your own terrified expression reflected back in them. Your eyes fly over the exposed skin of the creature’s torso and arms, your still heart dropping to your stomach as you notice that its skin starts transitioning into crimson scales around its hips, and that there’s a fucking tail where its legs should be. The pressure around your wrist tightens, and you snap your attention back to the creature’s face just as it opens its jaw to let out a series of clicking noises. It barely parts its lips, but it's enough for you to see the rows of sharp pointed teeth lining the inside of its mouth, a forked tongue moving around as it speaks. It’s a man, but it’s also not– it’s .. it’s a monster.
Your heart finally jumpstarts as your lungs begin to burn from the lack of oxygen, adrenaline shooting through your veins as you begin trying to pull yourself back up to the surface. The creature’s face seems to grow confused at your sudden struggle, another series of clicking noises leaving its mouth. A webbed hand comes into your line of sight, clawed fingertips reaching out towards your face. You’re sure your face will be mauled if they come in contact with your skin, so with newfound vigour, you finally find the last push of strength you need to rip yourself away from the hold around your wrist.
At the first breath of air, you scramble away from the edge of the rock, your trembling legs stumbling and folding underneath you as you race up the beach. You collapse against the sand besides your bonfire, barely hearing your own ragged breathing over the blood pumping in your ears. Your whole body freezes up in panic as you watch the creature’s head pop up over the edge of the rock, blood red eyes finding yours immediately. The low clicks that fill the air makes the back of your neck feel tight, your skin prickling in terror at how the noises seem like a warning. You don't dare move your eyes away until the creature sinks back down into the ocean, and out of view. You don’t know how long you stay there, warm tears streaming down your cheeks as you silently stare out at the calm water. You’ll never get away if that creature is out there.
It’s only when you’re sure that the creature is gone that you allow your attention to shift downwards, to the item still secured tightly in your grasp. You slowly open your hand to study it, eyes growing wide as you realize what it is.
A human jaw.
Choked sobs rip through your chest as you fling it into the bonfire, the smooth white surface even brighter in the midst of the flames. You furiously rub your hand on the fabric of your trousers, your stomach turning as the fire crackles louder around the bone. The gems, the fish, the bones, they wouldn’t have just ended up here alone. That creature must have brought it all here. It must have brought you here.
It dawns on you that you haven’t been lucky at all, no, instead you’ve only been surviving because the creature has wanted you to. Your fate is in the hands of a monster – one that seems furious that you ran away from it.
“Fuck,” you whimper pitifully, burrowing your head into your shaking hands. You have a feeling your time might be up.
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a/n: hope you enjoyed the second part to the crimson shell! i would really appreciate a comment/reblog if you did! the next chapter will be the most spicy? disturbing? whatever you want to call it hhh. (ps. i’m not doing a tag list for this mini series!) as always, see you all soon and stay safe! and in case you enjoy my stories and want to buy me a coffee, you can do so here! 💖
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1kook · 4 years
just reread late fee i miss them 🥺 what are my babies up to
Namjoon notices it first, ham and cheese sandwich halfway in his mouth when he whirls his seat around to grip your forearm. “What?” you murmur, eyes focused on the log in front of you, the same one you’ve been going over for the past half hour because one of you— you or Namjoon, probably you —had incorrectly filed one of the books at the library and you’re going on week two of it missing now. There’s a request waiting for it, some old man from the nearby retirement home who absolutely needs to read Jean-Paul Sartre’s Being and Nothingness.
It’s a huge embarrassment in yours eyes.
You’ve worked here long enough to know how the library runs, rarely ever slipping up like this. Granted, your first few weeks had been a little rocky, but now you’re a seasoned expert with all things to do with the library. How you had lost a book, a popular philosophical one at that, astounds you.
Beside you, Namjoon finishes chewing, swallows so loudly you’re surprised he doesn’t choke. “I don’t know how to tell you this, but your boyfriend’s got the book you spent all of last night looking through the stacks for.”
You whip up at the news, glaring at said boyfriend who is patiently waiting for you over at some of the library tables with, as Namjoon had said, Being and Nothingness. Nose stuffed deep in existentialist theory, dark eyes rapidly running across the pages. He’s wearing that dark long-sleeve you like, the one that always rides up when he reaches for a book on a higher shelf and gives you a glimpse of his tummy.
Your torn between wanting to kiss him senseless and knock him out.
“Excuse me,” you mutter to Namjoon, who can practically see the fire burning in your eyes as you walk around him, leave the comfort of the front desk to stomp over to Jungkook.
And the fool is deep in the novel, doesn’t even notice you, the person he’s been waiting for for over an hour now, standing before him until you rap your knuckles against the tabletop. “Oh,” he jumps, too loud but you’ve long since given up trying to quiet him. “Baby,” he beams, swiping up your hand in his. “You done?”
A tight lipped smile as you scoot into the seat beside him. Across the library, you can practically feel Namjoon’s nosy gaze on the two of you.
Jungkook is roughly halfway through the book, and doesn’t even bother marking his page as he turns to give you his full attention. “How long have you had that book?” you ask quietly, eyeing the other stack of miscellaneous novels beside him. Jungkook Classics like Captain Underpants and Dork Diaries. Recently, he’s been really into Junie B. Jones.
“This old thing?” he says, head tilted to the side cutely. It sends his newly dyed blonde hair tumbling over his eyes, pretty pink lips pulled into a smile. Yes, that old thing, you belated remember to think, entranced by how gorgeous he looks. “You let me check it out, like— two weeks ago?”
The lovesick soundtrack playing in your heart comes to an abrupt halt at that. “What?” you ask, too loud for someone who knows better. “When did I—“
Jungkook cranes his head back, meeting Namjoon’s gaze at the front desk. Your coworker flails at being caught, ducks down and pretends to actually do his job. With that taken care of, Jungkook leans in close, squeezes your hand. “That night,” he mumbles, and he’s being quiet like you always wanted but at what cost? Your legs are turned into jelly when he speaks so low. “By the encyclopedia section?”
You know the night.
A rushed fuck between the stacks. Your other coworker, a sweet girl named Seolhyun, had left you to lock up that night. And you had every intention of doing just that before Jungkook had appeared through the front doors brandishing his new golden locks. “You like it, baby?” he’d murmured, lips against your throat, warm hands cupping your breasts beneath your bra. It had all happened so quickly; he had pulled your leggings down around your knees, had bent you over, arms forcefully held behind your back as he fucked you until your legs gave out. “Fuck,” he groaned, fingers digging into your hips to hold you up. “You make the cutest little sounds.”
And that was that. How Jungkook had taken that to mean he could snatch a book amidst such a heated exchange, you’re not entirely sure.
Beside you, he’s smiling at you with the sheer power of twelve sins. Full force. “You saaaaid I could take it.”
Your face feels hot. “I did not,” you hiss, the stress of the past two weeks, avidly hunting down the damn book your fool of a boyfriend had taken, suddenly hitting you. You sigh. “In what world would I do that?”
“I asked,” he whines, dropping his head against your shoulder. “Remember? When you were on your knees, I said ‘can I take the Satre book after this?’ And you said—“
“I didn’t say anything!” you burst indignantly, face filling with embarrassment when an innocent library-goer looks your way. You lean in close, voice a hushed whisper, “I did not say that.”
“Sure,” Jungkook says, but he’s smiling and his eyes are annoyingly sparkly. He looks like an absolute dream when he gets like this, looks at you like you personally drew Captain Underpants yourself, thought of those ridiculous titles yourself. It makes your heartbeat stutter, momentarily taken aback by his handsome features and the fact he’s looking at you. “Whatever floats your boat.”
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shesawriter39049 · 4 years
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Pairing: Taehyung X Reader ( A lil Joonie at the end)
Song reference: Dua Lipa-Pretty Please
About- Tae fucks you on top of your receptionist desk before you fire her…
Or- Tae’s feeling a little needy...and somewhat low key, self continuous about you possibly hiring a new production assistant..AKA...Jungkook. It seems as though Mr. Kim takes pride in being the youngest within the office! It seems as though your baby boy just needs a little..reassurance....
Warnings: Soft dom OC, Service top Tae, Baby/baby boy/praise kink/ over-stimulation/ cum play/cum as lube(using someone elses cum as lube to be exact) Fingering, Semi public sex, unprotected sex/ dirty talk, biting/marking kink/minimal prep, oral(F receiving), Finger sucking, (Joon is mentioned a couple times during sex but not physically present) he dose however come in after it’s over and shares a kiss with Tae at the end BTW (I feel like I’m missing some...but theirs nothing like off the wall in this one)
Note- This one shot  is a part of my OT7 Poly AU called 7 deep! Part 1 will be linked below! Short version of the overall plot: Your Married to Namjoon, however you’re both in a open relationship and run a very successful Adult Entertainment company called “Onyx” with your 5 college lovers AKA BTS Minus Kookie! There is a lil backstory sprinkled in because without it the dynamic would not really make sense....
Tae is her executive assistant upon other things BTW... 
Theres a HUGE praise kink and a lot of dirty talk here...he’s her baby..point blank...
Joonie’s lost and jsut wants everybody happy
WC: 7K
Onyx Entertainment 7:09 AM
“Y/n’’ Taehyung comes over slowly, voice still full of sleep. sitting even lower, and huskier than usual..almost a whisper actually. Positioning himself right behind you, hips flush against the swell of your ass, snaking his arms, around your waist. Hands trailing slowly up your stomach, allowing his fingers to roam your body freely until one of his hands is flush around the front of your neck. Applying just enough pressure to trigger a slight chill to course up your spine, as the stark contrast from the array of metals he has dancing along his delicate fingers brushes against your skin. However, your so used to the position, especially where Taehyung is concerned it doesn’t stifle you the way it used to, somehow your still able to function….
Arching your back even deeper….however contrary to what he may want…that’s not really why your arching at the moment…..
“God,was it necessary for you to wear this dress today??!” Tae whispers, sounding almost pained at the revelation! Face nuzzled into the side of your ear, nipping at the gold hoop dangling from your lobe. “Y/nnnn” He’s needy…and whiny…very..not that your surprised though…
A low almost disinterested hum rings in the back of your throat as your fingers patter against the phone. ‘Yes baby?.”
”Stop, ignoring me” Pouts off his lips as he nips your ear even harder, a slight growl that sounds far too cute to be even remotely threatening leaving his throat!
A disgruntled...nah, an infuriated groan huffs off your chest upon seeing there’s 40,yes 40 voicemail’s.. stored on said phone. Well aware your busy, but not busy enough to have gotten 40 messages all in one night. A string of curses hush off your lips upon hearing the date and reasons behind the numerous calls that were clearly never returned.So ya know, there goes a good… shit, 10k down the drain in payroll over the past 4 in a half months she's worked here!
“Tae, add “Officially, fire Jordan’’ to my list of things to do today..please and fucking thank you…”
Slamming the headset against the desk phone hard enough to have to actually bounce off the receiver. Taehyung knows you like the back of his hand though, not even blinking as he damn near acts as if he’s spider man grabbing the phone before it completely falls off the desk. Within seconds he instantly brings his hands back to their initial position, caressing your frame against his own. Suddenly your curiosity gets the best of you so you welcome yourself to her desktop. Logging in to Outlook to check her work email. And what do you know, 120 unopened emails…. god why…WHY!?
“You have got to be fucking kidding..” Sighs off your lips in disbelief “What the actual fuck has she been doing this entire time!?” The question was rhetorical: you really didn’t wanna know, it took every ounce of self control not to search her browser….You’d probably pop a vessel if you logged on and found her history full of online shopping, Facebook, and UberEats! Body slouching into his almost as if all of the energy got sucked out of your body upon seeing the shitshow that is Jordan’s email!
“So wait, am I adding that to your schedule before or after your 7:30 AM appointment to fuck Taehyung Kim?” Brow quirked in genuine curiosity, as if he just asked you the day's weather forecast or something!.
Honestly? It took you a minute to even catch on because he said that shit with his entire chest, like, he meant that! Not even an ounce of amusement laced within his delivery….
A loud cackle ripped from your throat once you actually process what this man just said. Reclining your head against his shoulder, placing a lingering kiss along his cheek which he leaned into instantly. The grip he holds around both your waist and neck tightening once you start to rock your hips against him. Biting your lips,lashes fluttering in his direction, yanking the chain around his neck ever so slightly.
“Hmm….must have missed that when I skimmed my itinerary this morning…huh?” A sly smirk playing along your lips as you lock eyes with his.
“Mmm, minor but very important schedule alteration…weren’t you the one who taught me that you always have to be ready to adapt to any and every situation?”
A low hum rings in the back of your throat as you gently massage his freshly dyed scalp “I do recall saying something along those lines...” Ghosting your lips over the hinge of his jaw...blowing lightly.
Those electric blue locks you'd grown to love were now replaced by a color you haven't seen in lord knows when. Black, as simple as it may seem it just  compliments his caramelized complexion and dark brows perfectly. His hair is getting long all over now, and the older he gets the more comfortable he seems to be with letting his entire face be seen, hair parted messily down the middle in soft waves. It’s still kinda surreal watching him turn more, and more into a man as the years go on! Still remembering when he was walking around campus with his hella brassy box dyed blonde hair and Pacsun jeans....
Turning his head so his lips hovered over yours close enough that you could almost taste the Caramel ice capp on his tongue. Nosing along your face like a spoiled puppy silently begging for affection, chin tilted upwards just enough to let you know what he needed!
“We don’t have time baby boy you know this..” Leaning down to kiss the pout off is lips before it even appeared “You know were slammed and Yoongi has production getting in at-”
Taehyung leans in to capture your lips in another kiss, clearly less than intrigued by anything you had to say at the moment. This time a little deeper, moaning against your tongue as he breaches the seam of your lips. It’s hard and messy, Tae’s teeth accidentally clack against your own, your trying to speak but it keeps getting muffled against his lips! He’s shameless with his need, the way he’s licking his way around your mouth while he slowly grinds his hips into your ass tells you that. Nothing subtle about how hard his dick is straining against the leather of his pants…
He doesn't waste any time either,clawing his way up your thighs, hiking your dress up, around your waist, sliding his hand down to cup your pussy between his palm. Taehyung lets out a loud wanton moan, one that bounces off the brick walls around you once he feels how warm and wet you are. The blatant wet patch in the center of your panties, that his fingers are damn near stuck too!  You move your hand up to the side of his neck, taking a somewhat aggressive hold to try and get him to calm down enough for you to speak. Nails digging tiny crests into his skin, yet you don't stop because you know he fuckin loves it.
“No fuckin patience” Tugging his bottom lip between your teeth, far to fond of the man in front of you to have any bite laced within your delivery.
“You talkin about me or you?” A playful smirk plays along his tongue as you lean up to trail yours over his lips to ease the sting before sucking it into your mouth.
“What’s got you so distracted today hmm??” Head cocked to the side, feigned innocence’s playing along your tongue as you gaze back at him, taking in how blatantly fucked out he already looks.
A low whine rips from his lips as he forces himself to break apart just enough to actually speak properly! “Are you forgetting we came here together?” Brow arched knowingly, Taehyung drops his head, to lick, nip, suck, and kiss your neck, ripping a soft moan from your throat, reclining your neck to give him more room to work. Breath hot and heady against your skin as he noses up the side of your neck.   “And we have plenty of time,I already know you don’t need much right now….” Clasping his fingers around your heat even tiger “Baby, please”
Point being, Tae utilized his free access to the apartment that Namjoon and you share this morning after deciding he had no interest in driving himself to work. Which also means, he heard the two of you fucking in the shower, Joon and Hoseok had been in NY for a convention for the past week so lets just say it was long overdue. And actually…. correction, he wasn’t just chilling in your apartment, he was laying on your bed getting off to the two of you fucking in the shower. Still, this boy is insatiable and that wasn’t enough for him to be even remotely satisfied...
“Mmm…” You rock backwards, grinding against his length even harder, tilting your head back, taking the brunette’s ear between your teeth. Pulling hard enough to make him whine, body shuddering against your own, lips flush to his ear “Oh, so it’s my fault you invited yourself in and listened to us fuck in the shower?” Painting your lips down the side of his neck until you suck a mark into the juncture of his collarbone. Low enough that his shirt can cover it during business hours, though you know if he had it his way your marks would be plastered over the front column of his neck!
“My fault you’re already nice and hard and all you wanna do is fuck me until I come allll over your cock too?” His body goes completely pliant under your tongue, just like a cat being pulled by the nape of its neck. A faint whimper falls from his lips as he reaches up, hands getting tangled into your hair pressing down to keep you in place. “My fault your too horny to focus today?”
“Fuck today!” He scoffs around a moan “You’re always distracting, I always want you, god, since fuckin Econ, second period, you know this.” Damn, he’s taking this back to his freshman year of college!? “You already know what you do to me!” Mumbling against your jaw, kissing across it as best as he can at the current angle.
A pleased hymn rings in the back of your throat at the memory “My spoiled baby…” Breath fanning out warm against his skin “Always loved being marked up by me huh?” Taehyung is a resident switch, especially during his college days, yet for some reason where Yoongi and yourself are concerned this man becomes submissive as fuck. He’s always a pleaser, but it comes something serious where your concerned, his need to make you feel good almost overtaking his own need to climax!
Tilting your head to meet his hooded gaze head on “What’s got you all hard baby? Thinking about how easily you could just slide in?” Nothing accidentally about the low moan that slides off your tongue after every word. As you place your hand ontop of his. Gently rocking it back and forth against your clit “ How warm and wet I am? How messy it’ll be, feeling Joonies come dripping out of me as you fuck me?”
“Y/n! Just- fuck…”
‘Is that what you want Tae? You wanna fill me up and fuck me open with your big, thick ,cock?” Your staring him dead in the eye as these words purr off your tongue “Joonie came hard too, there's still so much leaking out right now, my panties have been saoked since I left the house..” Taehyung’s jaw tense as you slip a hand behind you, gripping his dick in your palm through his pants. He was always one to go commando so the rough texture flush against his length was really fucking him up right now. Eyes fluttering shut, “You know I’d still be nice and tight for you too..I’m always tight and warm around you aren't I baby??”
Taehyung didn't even have to open his eyes to know you had a smirk on your face, he could feel the smirk within your voice and he whined..loud. Dragging his bottom lip between his teeth before releasing another moan once you free him from your palm and start grinding your hips back against him.
You push back and he whines even louder this time, leaning down to nuzzle his face into the crook of your neck. “God, please, baby let me fuck-let your baby boy fuck you. Let me make you feel good…” You can feel his cock twitch behind you, and there's no denying it, you want it just as bad as he does.
You can tell he’s getting himself worked into a frenzy so you kiss him quite. Massaging your tongue against his cooing lightly at how quickly he just melts into you!
“Mmm, if I let you fuck me are you gonna be a god boy for me? Make me come all over your cock?” You know, you already know but you like riling him up….
“Fuck yes, I’ll fuck you so damn good…” Sinking his teeth into your pulse point, not even attempting to let up until he rips the neediest whine imaginable from your lips, knees damn near bucking in the process. Taking the skin between his teeth and sucking...hard..Tae wants to leave a mark..he appears to be feeling oddly possessive today…
“God, I can fuckin smell you now...fuck…” Taehyung’s grip on your hip tigtnes “Let me….fuck baby let me…”
“Jesus-Fu- Do you even know how good you sound when you beg?” A shaky breath signs off your lips and you can feel Tae Smiling against your skin..well aware he’s about to get what he wants.
“Yeah, I know, I know, I sound good,” Tae smirks around a moan . “I know I do, I know how much you fuckin love it too… Love seeing me all hard, and needy for you…..only you. Your the only one that gets me like this”
A fond smile plays along your lips as you stroke his nape..”My baby boy yeah?”
Taehyung just whines in response bucking his hips even harder, honestly you could tease him all day but there really isn't the time. “Yours, always yours” there’s a slight pout playing on his lips. Almost as if he’s trying to convince himself of that as well which is something you take a mental note of to bring up later!
“Yeah,” You moan, low and breath. “Yeah, come on...fuck me.”
“About damn time….” You can feel his lips curl into a smile that you can only imagine sparked something wicked! Because your baby boy is a spoiled brat at heart!
With one clean sweep he knocked every damn file off Jordan’s desk and flipped you onto your back. Hips shifting slightly so your legs are dangling off the edge, as he steps between them. Kneading your inner thighs beneath skilled nimble fingers as he loosely wraps them around his waist.
Once your situated you peer up at him, a playful smirk playing on your lips as your nails claw up his sides…. “You wanna make me feel good Tae?”
“I wanna fuckin ruin you, I always do...every time I look at you I just wanna give you every damn thing! However you want it….” Tae Moans….sliding your panties to the side a slight hiss ringing in the back of his throat as he claws up your thighs. Your still dripping, lips swollen, clit still sensitive to the touch.
You visibly shudder, gut twisting at the admission...as you take in his lust-filled hooded gaze.“Such a pretty pussy baby…” Long, delicate fingers trail up and down your clit gently. Leaning down to blow a trail up your lips just to make you squirm.
“Fuckkk” Back arching off the desk, not one to try and hide how affected you are. You know he gets off on praise. “You can, you already know you can do whatever you want to me….” You moan even louder as he works your clit a little quicker, adding more pressure.
“God, I still can’t get over the way you sound” Leaning down to kiss you, deep languid strokes of his tongue while he traces his fingers around your entrance….he knows damn well you don't need it but he can’t help himself. “I wanna put my fingers inside..feel how tight and wet you'll be around my cock…” Tae slurs around a moan as his tongue hits the roof of your mouth. Instead of responding you reach down, taking his wrist and guiding him straight in, until your both gasping against one another.
Inserting his middle and ring finger, making you pull back just enough to catch your breath, inhaling a sharp breath through your nose. He can feel Namjoon’s come just leaking out once his fingers slush through as he buries himself knuckle deep. “Fuck, Yn” Growls off his tongue, gaze instantly darkening
Nose scrunching into his face the deeper he works his digits into, your warm, tight and messy, so fucking messy! Curling his fingers upwards as if he’s trying to scoop his come forwards so he can push it all back in, “Such a messy pussy”
“Feel good baby?”You can feel him smiling into the kiss, and a deep groan rips from the back of your throat.
“You know I can handle more than that baby, come on….” Taehyung moans at the instructions pulling back to brace his forehead against yours gazing down at you through hooded lids. His arm starts to move a little harder, making you spread your legs on instinct, wrist shifting ever so slightly until your moaning louder, deeper..hips rocking up to meet his palm. Making sure it smacks against your clit head on every time he makes contact.
“Yeah, fuck. Like that, just like that”  Snaking your hands under his shirt to claw up his back, cooing at how hard he shutters at the contact “Angle u-fuck” A light giggle leaving your lips a stated smile on your face as he finds the spot before you even get it out. Twisting and angling his arm, fucking his fingers into you until he finds that ridget patch nuzzled between your heat, thighs tensing around his waist once he does and he just beams down at you…
He starts working his fingers faster, adding a third, spreading them ever so slightly as he pulls out so he can slide in with little to no resistance. Regardless of Joon fucking you this morning, you still always manage to snap right back in place. No matter how many times they’ve fucked you over the years, you always fit around Taehyung’s cock like a glove...always.
Tae is the youngest and he was also the least experienced when you all met, and by that I mean he was one of those college kids that didn't know any better, Simply because none of his prior partners ever took the time to..properly make their needs known...that is until he met you one Thursday night…
So you often found this strong sense of pride at the way he fucks you now...no instruction truly needed. He could get you off with his eyes closed at this point.  You just no he gets off on it...gets off on being your good boy, and he always is.
Your loud now, and Tae’s leaking so much precome into his pants it’s unreal. Rocking your hips even harder up and down, you can physically hear how wet you are, without a doubt leaking onto the desk! You already close, closer than you wanna be before is cocks splitting you in half.
“Fuck stop!”
The smirk that tugs along those lips was something lethal, gaze dark, a low hum ringing in the back of his throat as he raked over your form. How ragged your breath is...how hard your thighs are tensing around him…..
“Why?’ Head cocked to the side as he sticks his tongue out wetting those pouty lips of his. “Can’t handle coming 3 times today?” The arch in his brow is taunting and you can’t even lie, there's something really sexy about how confident he’s gotten over the years “ Don’t wanna come until I’m balls deep inside you” The question coming off more as a statement, gaze daring you to tell him anything different.
Your breath hitched, every vein in your body felt like it was on fire as he pulled you into a kiss. ,deep, rough and messy while you clench down around his fingers. Ripping every once of bravado he had to shreds...within seconds, once you trapped him between your heat, cock twitching on command.
“Now. Fuck me” You breath out, eyes locked with his as you slide his fingers free, lacing your tongue around the. Slow deliberate strokes, humming around the taste of both your and Namjoon’s arousal coating your tongue and Taehyung looks fucking wrecked! You allow him to slide in knuckle deep until he hits the back of your throat, and he can’t help but moan at how easily you take him.
“Come onnn Tae, fuck meee” A low whine hanging off your tongue as you guide his fingers back down your body hovering over your clit again…. “I need your cock baby”
“Fuck, yeah okay...I’ll fill you up baby” Stepping back just enough to unzip his pants and much to know ones surprise he’s rock hard, standing straight up, the tip painfully pink it almost looks as though you can physically see him throbbing. An obscene amount of Precum’s leaking down his shaft as he grazes his thumb over his slit. Hissing at the contact, Tae’s so hard it literally hurts at this point , balls tight against the base of his shaft.
Mouthwatering shamelessly at the sight as he grips his cock and smacks it along your clit a couple of times. Just to hear your juices slick all over the place, literally sounding as if he just splashed his palm in water!
He leans down and kisses your neck until you grab him by the hair to turn his cheek, to kiss him, deep and hard, making him taste Namjoon’s come on your tongue. You grind your hips forward letting his cock graze your clit until he's groaning low and desperate against your tongue. Hiking your legs up around his waist, digging his nails into the swell of your ass. Pressing your heels into the small of his back to pull his hips even closer!
“You sound so fucking good like this, so fuckin ready to fuck me huh baby?” Tae practically growls when he answers you, he technically responds “yes” first in Korean which is...rare, typically only happens when he’s overwhelmed and clearly…
“Yeah, yes, fuck I want it, need you baby please .” Grounding his hips even harder until he has your eyes rolling to the back of your head, fuck this boy is going to be the death of you. The pout on his lips is a stark contrast to how thick, and hard his cock is as it rubs against your clit…
Letting your fingers roam through his hair, landing on the back of his neck “Fuck me…”
He doesn't even bother lubing up his cock he doesn't need it , he just shifts his hips slightly to angle you upwards and slowly sinks his cock inside, breathing out deeply through flared nostrils as he does…
“Fuckkkk” Leaves both of your lips in unison once he breaches your entrance. Heat instantly pooling in the pit of your stomach as he starts to stretch you open. His eyes stay on yours the entire time, though hooded and unfocused they never waiver! Panting out hot and heavy against each others tongues, as you try to adjust to the stretch...
You can both not only hear but feel Namjoons come overflowing the deeper he gets! You can feel his arms starting to shake from how overwhelmed he is from all the pressure building around him.
Leaning up to whisper a combination of praise and absolute filth in your baby’s ear until your ripping the neediest moans and groans from his throat.
Dropping his head to leave a trail of open-mouthed kisses up the side of your neck, along his jaw, nipping at the diamond hoop in your ear.
There’s no edging his way in either,Taehyung is sliding all the way home. Not stopping until your filled to the brim. Continually whispering praise after praise into his ear which already has him throbbing on impact. Squeezing your ass even tighter, nosing up your cheek until you bring your lips flush to his, sliding in tongue first, need overtaking finesse at this point but neither of you cared!
He starts to move and you dig your nails into his ass, hard enough to make him groan even through the leather!
“Don’t, move yet….be a good boy for me, and stay still... “ He grunts and damn near has a temper tantrum but he obliged….”Stay still pretty, you can do that for me can’t you?”
Right as he's about to speak he finds himself choking around a moan as you purposely clench around him .
“Fuck, baby your pussy feels..Goddamn Yn” He almost sounds awed as if to say after all these years it’s kinda crazy that you still have this kinda affect on him! He lets out a low hum when you do it again, Taehyung is hot to the touch at this point “Fuck, tell me” his tone takes on an almost demanding tenor which only makes your toes curl against the sole of your Louboutins!
“Tell you what Tae?” Tone somewhat teasing until you take in the look of almost desperation within those big brown eyes of his, “That you're my baby? My good boy? The best boy?” Eyes fluttering shut briefly, a low hum ringing in the back of his throat “That your cook feels so fuckin good even when your not doing anything? Or how good you're being for me no matter how bad I know you wanna move.”
Fingers gently caressing the back of his neck “What do you wanna know baby?” In contrast to Tae’s your voice drops down to a whisper,nothing but fondness and affection dripping off your tongue. You can sense something’s wrong more than just him being horny. Yeah he had a praise kink but this feels different as if he NEEDS the validation outside of just sex. “Or…” reaching you to take a delicate, somewhat intimate hold on his jaw, temporarily shifting the mood. “Tell you how much I love you? Because I really fuckin do Tae…”  His breath hitches in his throat, you feel his cock twitch and his heart hammer against his chest at the admission “Soo much baby…”
“I love you” The words ramble off his tongue repeatedly almost as if he can’t stop...
Leaning down to nip at your bottom lip “Keeping my cock, nice and warm…..squeezing me soo good baby…” Leaning down to suck on the hinge of your jaw. “I just-I wanna make you come so bad, wanna fill you up with even more come until your just dripping with it. “ Tae’s voice dropped to an octave you haven't heard in lord known when, instantly reminding you that you created a fucking monster…..you know what he’s doing though. Since you won;t let him move he’s trying to get you worked up enough that you don’t have a choice.
This time when you clenched around him it was involuntary and so was the needy ass moan that ripped from your throat
His skin is flushed...eyes begging you to let him fuck you “You get me soo hard, I don't even understand how you could even expect, me to wanna go out and find someone else after I’ve been wrapped around you for so many years. Yn fuck-” Eyes rolling to the back of his head mid-sentence, the tighter you suck him in, he’s overwhelmed and just rambling at this point but you know what he’s referring too...
Meaning, even though you essentially operate as a closed triad as long as there’s open and honest lines commutation. The boys aren’t technically tied to Namjoon and yourself...yet outside of maybe a little drunken grind and make out session in the clubs...or something….at least over the past 2 years none of you have strayed...None of you have ever wanted too..more than content with what you have...
You reach up, placing your fingers in front of his mouth ‘Spit' ' He does with zero hesitation, as you bring your hand down to work your clit…The second you make contact you start pulsing around him even harder...and now Tae’s squirming on top of you. It’s becoming way too much he’s going to fuck around and come before he even gets to move
“Baby please, I can’t- I need-”
“Fuck me then!” Voice gently yet commanding
“Oh thank fuckk” Taehyung almost shouts as he thrust into you, hard and fast, almost knocking your head into the raised back of the desk! Snapping his hips forward with purpose, clearly well aware that the two of you don’t have much time.
He leans down to kiss every exposed piece of skin he can reach, your neck, shoulder, collarbone, before making his way up to your lips, sucking his tongue into your mouth. “Fuck, I can still taste you, both of you!” He kisses you through each thrust, hard, and opened mouth, panting out against your tongue, as you rake your nails down his back. Pulling out almost completely only to thrust in hard enough to have your thighs weakening. Practically dropping from his waist until he reaches under resecurring them in place.
“Yes, fuckk yess..” Each roll of his hips is sharp, precise, hitting every spot you need to have your eyes having a continuous meeting with the back of your head!
“Taeaahyung fu-” Pulling apart, drifting your eyes to where his cock is flushed, and sliding all the way out only to slam back in…Blurring the lines of where you start and he ends..."Look at how good your fucking me….always such a good boy for me yeah?”
Your winded...and your thighs are shaking, eyes heavy as all hell, but the moan that slips past his lips at the praise is more than worth it. You swear you feel his cock get even harder actually. You rock back, tensing your muscles around him, ripping a low groan of your name off his tongue before he actually responds.
“Yeah I’m good...so fuckin good for you baby!” You can feel his breath get lodged in his throat as he speaks, shifting your hips so they are raised a little higher. The moan that rips from your throat as you arch off the desk has him fucking into you even harder. Addicted to all the sinful sounds he knows he’s the only one responsible for right now...  “You take me so well, sound so fucking pretty for me…” Dragging his bottom lip along his teeth!
“Fuck me harder, I know you wanna...you know I can take it! Use me baby, fuck meeeee”
He groans, leaning down to pull you into a messy kiss as he pulls out and snaps forward making you almost scream, head pulling back in a stifled gasp as he picks up his pace, grounding his hips and steadying his rhythm. Brining your hand back down to work your clit, knowing your close, but you still need a little more.
“Fuck you look soo good getting yourself off like that….”
You let your eyes flutter open, a menacing smirk playing on your lips as you remove your hand from your clit. Sucking your fingers into your mouth as you fuck into him even harder. Lathering them with an unnecessary amount of spit, as if you weren't already dripping all over the place.
“You like watching me get myself off for you?” Bring one hand up to massage your nipples through the thin fabric of the dress while the other comes down to graze your clit. Locking your eyes with his as rub yourself, harder, faster, clearly with a purpose this time around. Eyes growing heavy as you moan out, rocking upwards to meet his thrust but never once breaking eye contact.
Tae, moans even louder at that, especially once you start fucking into him with the same amount of forces he's giving you “Yeah, baby fuck me...fuck me” Biting his lip, grunting and groaning through clenched teeth once he feels you start to tighten around his cock which has been throbbing this entire time!
Tae, braces your legs on either side of his shoulder, angling your hips even higher as they roll into you, deep and fast. The sound of skin slapping, Tae, grunting, and you moaning bouncing off every surface. Turning his head to the side to kiss at your ankles...teeth gently grazing along the strap of your heels, as he rolls his hips even deeper, head luling onto his shoulders.
You whine low and breathy as you click the backs of your heels together behind his head. Pressing the back of your thighs flush to his chest to bring him even closer. Those big, extremely sexy hands of his grip your waist, even tighter gripped your waist trying to pull you even closer. Ass flush with his hips at every stroke, the intoxicating feeling of the deep drag and stretch of his cock deep inside you had Tae’s toes curling against his Saint Laurent boots.
“God why do you look this fuckin hot!?” He actually sounds upset to be honest, and you can't help but laugh no matter how hard it is to breathe right now. Your thighs are practically vibrating on either side of his head.
“Fucking me open with your cock…like it was made for me...made to make me come-” Stopping mid-sentence not by choice just because fuck you couldn't breathe he was deep at this angle “Fuck and your gonna make me come too, keep fucking me Tae- just….fuck!”
“I was baby,fucking you just how you taught me…” He whimpers and moans even louder eyes fighting to stay open and maintain eye contact. Something about the way he said that “The way you taught me...” Was exactly what you needed to let go!
“Taeeee” you whine “I’m going to fuckin come harder.. Fuck please!!” Throwing your head back against the desk, knocking against what feels like a stapler but you can’t be bothered to care by how good he feels right now. Your gasping, breathless, and more importantly now your the one that sounds needy and there's nothing sexier than that to Taehyung.
Leaning up to grip him by the back of his neck and he leans into it. Basically folding you in half, he can feel how hard your starting to squeeze him, and he damn near chokes on his own words. “Yeah, yeah, just like that , come for me, come for your baby...”  
He gasping and whimpering right over you, jaw slack but not fully able to really kiss you back right now, so you decided to toy his bottom lip around your tongue. “Harder,harder” You instruct low and breathy tight into his mouth. “Fuckkk”
You clench your muscles around him as hard as you can, moaning loud and unfiltered until your coming, hard. Your spazzing and coming all over his cock and it’s actually almost pailful at this point.
“Yes, fuck baby ..your so good, soo perfect... ” You can feel that he needed this ,not just physically, just everything, about him in this moment screams how bad he needs this! There's no way he's coming no matter how close until you do, until you milk him through it!
You swear for a minute your heads spinning, fuzzy and lightheaded, ears burning as he rips you apart nerve by nerve...like he said...Just how you taught him! It takes a minute a good minute for you to pull you shit together and fuck if it dosent do wonders for you baby’s ego!
You whimper directly against his lips, gaze heavy, still completely fucked out “Such a good boy, you’re doing so good, come for me baby…” His thrust are becoming sporadic and out of rhythm because you don't stop stroking your clit, so your still spazzing around him, your still coming! You've always been one for over stimulation, I mean fuck you have 6 lovers for fucks sake how could you not. Your coming, moaning,painting and it’s ripping Tae’s orgasm straight from his body whether he was ready for it or not!
Taehyung cries and you can feel is cock twitch one more time before hes coming, snapping his hps forward, and stalling in place as you clench down around him! moaning louder and louder, “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
Tae collapses forward once he’s finished, so spent and you pull him closer, encouraging him to rest on top of you no matter how heavy he truly is.
“So good,” you whisper “Always such a good boy for me…”  He leans down, completely blissed eyes heavy, and kisses you slow...intimate...hands gently stoking up and down your thighs as the two of you breathe as one… realizing this isn't really the time or place for this but you need amount to fully come down!! “I love you…” Slurs off your tone completely spent, and you feel him smile against your lips.
“ I Love you” A moan starts on his tongue and ends on the top of yours as he slides out, you can feel the come leaking onto the desk. Before you can even process what’s happening you see Tae drop down to his knees...bracing your thighs on either side of his head. Scooping up as much of the overflow as he can pushing, his fingers in knuckle deep curling upwards in the process...Thighs threatening to clench around his head in over secretive as a low whine hisses from your lips!
“Oh my god” Fingers seamlessly found there place in his soft, slight damp locks, tugging on his scalp relentlessly as you rolled your hips into his tongue. Though you really should be running away from the sensation but fuck, you can;t help it! Low breathy whines and moans fell from your lips the harder he sucked your clit between his lips, moaning out as all of your arousal's coat his tongue. Your clit is still rock hard and your literally a second away from coming all over again...that is,,until he slides in 3 fingers deep and apparently where Taehyung is concerned you don’t even have a refraction time because...
“Tae-baby- fuckkkk”  Back coming to a complete arch as you came with a silent cry, you were panting so hard you almost felt like you were about to pass out. Taehyung’s tongue was still relentless, causing you to jerk and twitch away from him, trying to edge your way up the bed but it was no use..you were already crowning the headboard.
“Please, fuck - I can’t , I can’t …” Thankfully it seems as though he agreed, maybe it’s because your thighs wouldn’t stop spazzing and you soiled the spot right beneath your ass you were so wet! Kissing, licking, sucking a path from your clit, up your stomach, sliding your dress back into place, before his face was finally flush to yours. Sliding his tongue into your mouth without warning, kissing you deep and messy,letting you taste a combination of Tae, Joon and yourself thoroughly as you licked the excess coming from the corners of his lips causing you both to moan. Hands soothing up your trembling thighs trying to sooth you but it was no use..you were a mess!
Taehyung could feel them vibrating against his palm. Smiling smugly against your lips, clearly pleased with the sudden state your in . Locking your thighs around his waist, bracing his hands beneath for support because he can feel how pliant your entire body is beneath him.
“Wrap your arms around my neck” Whispered against your lips as he kissed you again while shifting off the desk, gripping your bag, and leading the two of you down the hall into your office. Voice sitting even husker now than it did initially....eyes still comptely blown out
Laying you gently on the leather chaise against the wall and you can’t help but smile up at him with nothing but fondness. Remembering those days when your baby boy was still lost in that fuck boy phase and thought after care was not kicking his partner out after! Now you watch as he slowly spreads your thighs apart. Cleaning you gently with a couple baby wipes kissing every inch of skin he touches in the process before doing the same to himself.Tucking his spent cock back into his leather pants with a slight hiss due to oversensitiveness…
“Thank you baby…” Taking his hand in your kissing along his knuckles “Fuck Tae, you were in a mood this morning...holyshit” An exhausted chuckle leaves your lips as you settle into the cushions, your thighs were literally still humming.
“Aye gotta make a lasting impression before you go meet my replacement right??” He tried to laugh it off, but not only did his “smile” not even remotely reach his eyes...you could hear light tremor laced within his delivery that he tried to mask by said laugh!
Brows scrunching to the middle of your face immediately because...WHAT!?
“Speaking of, you and Yoongi have that 2:30 interview with Jungkook. So you might wanna dip out and shower first, you just might still end up feeling kinda sticky, between me and Joonie there’s just..fuck..”
To be honest, everything kinda melted into a blur and it almost seemed as though you really weren’t listening because all you kept thinking about is him saying you were going to meet his “Replacement…”
“I mean even with a pantyl-”
“What?!” You honestly did not mean for your response to come out as snappy as it did but again… WHAT!?
“I said you might wanna-“
“That’s, what this was about?!” Brows furrowed in the center of your face in confusion more than anything because what the fuck Tae! “First off, he was your idea, but if he makes you uncomfortable for any reason we don’t have to interview him! You have to work with him too baby, I don't want-” You know your deliveries off so you find yourself reaching up to gently caress his jaw, which is a stark contrast to your tone at the moment!
“No, no” Flagging his hand in the air dismissively “ I want you to, he seems  like a good kid and like he knows his shit Yoongi needs..no he deserves that..he already does so much!” Nervously raking his hands down the nonexistent wrinkles on his black silk dress shirt. “I don’t know baby, ignore me I’m just being stupid …”
He gets up with a box of Clorox whips and sprays heading back to the lobby so you opt to follow, no matter how much your thighs are literally screaming at you the entire time! Well aware that the desk without a doubt needs to be toughly whipped down with the next half hour before production starts trickling in! Kicking up the air as well to get the humidity out of the atmosphere, thankfully space had an open enough floor plan that, the typical sex smell That may clog up a bedroom wasn’t as potent…
Without even sparing you a second glance he starts spraying down the desk, whipping the surface diligently, actually somewhat aggressively which let you know he felt a way about this. Nobody's jaw just twitches while they clean..he was annoyed…
“Ugh no.” Reaching out to grasp his wrist halting his movements, and now it was clear he was adverting your gaze, eyes locking on a fucking paperclip to his right… “ I will not ignore you and your feelings are valid, always, even if I don’t quite understand them.” Exchanging his wrist for his jaw, gripping it firm enough to firm him to make eye contact and there's nothing subtle about how glazed over they were…
“Baby…” Cooed off your lips as you stoked his face you watched his nose twitch as he tried desperately not to cry, so you leaned down... Placing a lingering yet innocent kiss along his lips. No ulterior motive just hoping it gave him some sort of comfort…. Feeling the way he just melted into you...yet the tension stayed evident within his body…”Talk to me Tae..please..:”
He didn’t pull away fully, resting his forehead flush to yours “I don’t know... I just-”
The two of you pull apart the minute you hear the faint ding of the elevator, eyes instantly scanning the camera to see it’s nobody but Joon. Starbucks, and Mcdonalds in hand, clumsily trying to type in the code so Taehyung decides to be the one to break apart and help him out. More so because he just really didn’t want to get into this right now….never has he been so thankful that Namjoon’s early! 
Heading for the door to help your husband lord knows how clumsy he is the last thing we need is coffee all over your freshly polished floors. Looking fine as ever....sometimes you really don’t understand how the fuck you go so damn lucky! Wind swept freshly dyed ice blonde locks, all black slacks and fitted blazer... 
He smiles down at Tae, who tilts his chin upward, silently asking, and Namjoon already knows...placing a kiss along his lips that started out innocent... Until he caught a taste of something lingering on Taehyung’s tongue, which rips a deep groan from the back of his throat. The second his tongue breaches the seam of his lips, his entire body freezes, feeling the almost violent manner in which the younger was shaking against his frame had Namjoon pulling back instantly...Searching your eyes for some sort of clarity as to why Tae looks like he’s about to cry. Or why he holding onto his blazer for dear life....
‘Baby??” Namjoon’s tone is tentative, scared...uneasy.and honestly, you aren't sure which one of you he’s addressing so you speak up.
“It seems as though Tae is feeling a type of way about us possibly hiring Jeon…” You're cautious of your tone, keeping it light, concerned but not accusatory because you really don’t know what’s going on honestly! Watching your husband’s brows furrow having no idea who the hell you’re referring to.. And it rips a snort from your lips and a wet chuckle form Tae’s as he gently whips his eyes...trying to catch the stray tears that have betrayed him and slipped out…
“The kid who just graduated from USC...the production major Yoongi and Yn are interviewing today...and it’s not that I feel a type of way I just..”
“Tae, your crying…” He almost sounds heartbroken even repeating the words and your stomach drops as you take in the two men you love to death. At a loss as to what has Taehyung so uneasy that he’s crying. And why it hindsight it seems now, felt the need to fuck you before your interview so you wouldn’t’ “Forget” him. How the fuck could you ever forget him!? He’s never been one to be insecure...ever!
“You don’t just cry for shits and giggles...baby....” Tae turns his head but the light catches the glaze in his eyes, and how hard his jaw twitches int he process..
“Aye” Namjoon’s tone just says “Look at me” not even leaving it up for debate and he dose...regardless of how bad he wan’t to doesn't even think about it. 
“ Just because you’re not listed under CEO dose not mean your opinions and concerns as far as who we bring into this company aren’t valid. You know this…before we had this big fancy building and all these employees it was just the 7 of us...don’t think we’d ever forget that” 
Eyes flickering around the room slightly, upon seeing the mess onto of the desk and he kinda puts two and two together… “What were you doin before I came in??” Voice low, tentative...comforting…bringing his gaze down to the cleaning supplies in hand.
“Ugh, cleaning the desk…” His voice breaks at the end, and he won’t even look at the two of you….”
“Kay, how about I finish cleaning the desk, and you go talk to Joon, and I’ll be in there in like 5 ...Okay?” Swaying over in his direction, taking the box of wipes, and spray from his hand before placing a kiss to the side of his head. Pulling back to do the same to your husband…whose eyes are desperately looking to yours for some form of directions that you, unfortunately, can’t give right now!
Taehyung just nodds, snuffling a couple more times as he fiddles nervously with the collection of rings dancing along his fingers. Many of which are gifts from his 6 favorite people at this point…..
Namjoon walks over and places the bags and tray of drinks on the glass table in the center of the room..wiggling his fingers in the younger’s direction.
“Come talk to me Tae, Tae..” 
That’s all she wrote for now, I feel like there's a lot of DOM Tae FF’s which I love, however when I look past “V” and meet the two in the middle I don’t get straight dom vibes..lol sorry not sorry..but either way it’s all for fun and I hope you all enjoyed. Part 1 is attached, it's Joon X OC with Tae coming in at the end…NOTE this is not only a Tae centered AU....
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uhgoodmoni · 4 years
Nothing that Lasts Forever
A BTS Horror Fanfiction
Ao3 link - Wattpad link - Soundtrack
Trailer - ch1 - ch2 - ch3 - ch4 - ch5 - ch6 - ch7 - ch8 - ch9
Warnings: Major Character Death, Blood, Demons, Fighting, Verbal and Physical Abuse, Mention of marijuana, Death, Cursing, Fire, Unintentional Self-harm, Gore. Yoongi’s injury
Chapter 4: People
Yoongi’s POV
I blink, staring up at the dark ceiling. Did someone call my name? With a deep sigh, I reach for my phone. 3:33 am. 85% charge. It’s still chilly despite having the blankets tucked in all around me. 
“YOONGI.” My body jolts up in a sitting position. My heart beats faster, breaths longer. It came from down the hall. The voice was Hobi’s. He wasn’t calling for me. He was screaming. I slide myself from under the covers, my bare feet sinking to the floor. My eyes twitch at the cold, I reach for some socks in my bag, quickly sliding them over my feet. 
I stand, holding myself up with my bed trying to adjust to the darkness. As I near the door I flip my switch but the light doesn’t come on. Still holding my phone, I turn on the flashlight. The living room’s yellow light shines into the end of the hall. I glance at Jungkook’s room. Door open. Hoseok’s room. Door open. What is going on? 
I hop quickly to Koo’s room, peering in. “Jungkook?” The bed is a mess, but no one is in it. I look back down the hall. Sliding quickly over to the next room. The silence is thick only my own heartbeat permeates it. I peer past the door. The bed is still neat, no one in it. My head pops back into the hallways. There’s another door. One that wasn’t there before. 
My feet are stuck in place. The frame of the door leads to darkness. No actual door between the house and whatever was there. What do I even do? Okay. I call for Hobi.
“Hoseok?” I speak out to the house. My voice makes the air shutter, that being the only noise. 
“Yoongi!” His voice is softer this time, coming from the… hole in the wall.
I try and breathe evenly, taking one step towards the door. Though it doesn’t make any sense, I’m not going to try and make sense of it. I reach the door. A step. Wooden and rotten, the same color as the wood on the back of the cabin. I swallow, the light from the living room only illuminating three steps down. I can’t tell how far down it goes. It’s just black. 
“Hoseok?” I mumble, my arms rigid at my side. The wall of black starts at the fourth. The cold of the floor seeps through the thin fabric of my socks. It shutters through my feet and my legs. Dread gropes at my body. My breaths getting faster. 
“Yoongi?” Hoseok's voice cries from further down in the dark. “Please help me.” his voice is soft. He sounds like he’s been crying. 
I stare downwards. Hobi’s down there. In the dark. I’ve never been scared of the dark. Not until this moment. Not a sliver of light reaches past the third step. It’s just. Nothing. There’s nothing there. 
Just take a step. For Hobi. I look back in the hallway, checking my back. I take one step, the wood aching underneath my foot. It’s much colder one step down already. The wood is stiff as though it hasn’t been stepped on in years. Cold, untouched by warm air. 
My flashlight. I raise my phone, shining down a few steps. Cobwebs cling to the wall and the steps as they go further. A breeze from an unknown source chills the air as I take another step. The air smells of damp soil, and rot. I breathe slowly through my mouth, taking one step at a time. 
“Hobi?” I whisper. He might not have even heard it. How far down is he? Why is he here? Slowly I raise the flashlight trying to get the room, as I step further down. A glimmer. There. I focus the flashlight at the bottom of the stairs. One pair of eyes.
“Yoongi?” He’s laying on the floor, leaning on the bottom stairs. His skin is pale in the dark green. Blue tinted against the stone next to him. The foundation of the very cabin around us. His face is distorted. 
“Shit.” I rush down the rest of the stairs, finding his side. The light shines onto his face. He’s scratched his cheek, and has dirt smudged over his forehead. Clean marks come from his eyes, he has been crying. “Hobi what the fuck?” He coughs, grabbing my leg as I lean down next to him. “Jungkook.” I shake my head. 
“I… I don’t know where he is.” I mutter, wrapping my arms around him. I try to help him sit up but he yelps, digging his nails into my knee. I stop, holding him in place. 
He groans, “It’s my ankle.” He sniffles and I hover my phone over it. It is incredibly swollen, and red. “He pushed me down the stairs.” He frowns, more tears coming down his eyes. “He wasn’t being himself.” He sighs, adjusting himself into a seated position next to me. 
“What happened?” I swallow, looking around us, the room’s outline coming into view. The walls were of a grey stone, sloppily painted white. There didn’t seem to be any furniture. Some broken wood pallets strewn in the corner. 
He shakes his head. “I woke up and he was just standing there.” Clearing his throat, he leans on me. “He walked out of the room so I went after. I couldn’t find him but I saw that there was a way down the stairs. I was about to turn and get you but he shoved me down here.” 
I stare back up the stairs, the light from the living room staring back. “Where did he go after that?”  I mumble. “We should get out of here,” I add, gripping Hobi’s underarms, and attempting to lift him. He holds his breath as we stand together, his hand clutches my waist for stability.  
Lifting his right leg behind him we take on the daunting stairs. Each step laborious as I pull him along with me. Falling down the stairs… he’s likely in pain all over his body now. We pull through the door, shuffling to the couch. 
“What the fuck is happening?” Hobi cries as he settles on the couch. I stay silent. There’s nothing to say. “What do we do?” He says much quieter as I sit next to him. I look around the room. Jungkook. Where would he have gone? 
“I don’t know.” I shut my eyes. We can’t stay here, that's obvious. Hobi wouldn’t be much use searching for Jungkook. But we can’t leave him. “Let's get the car ready.” Hoseok nods slowly, mulling it over. 
“Koo..” I pat his leg and assure him that I would look for him, but right now we needed to get our shit in the car and be ready to drive away. So we did. We slid our shoes on, Hobi layering on extra socks on his right foot. He then gathered our necessary kitchen supplies, leaving behind our rubbish and things we don’t care about. I dragged out their suitcases, stuffing the things scattered in the rooms. Hobi stuck as close as possible with his limp, following me a few hobbles so we could see each other at all times. He was more spooked than I that's for certain. But Jungkook hadn’t shoved me down a flight of stairs. 
“My phone?” He asks, nodding to his room. I shake my head. I emptied everything. He shrugged, deciding to give it up as he helps take a smaller bag outside while I haul two of the suitcases. Using his keys he unlocks the door, us fumbling through the dark to get to it. I shove the bags in not caring for organization. I rush in and out taking the last of the necessities and tossing them in the back.
Hobi leans against the back door, arms crossed, defending him from the chill air. I stare at him for a minute. A sniffle escapes his nose. He shuts his eyes, pursing his lips in an attempt to stay collected. 
 “Get in the car.” He looks up after my order. I put his keys in his hand. “Get in the car. Lock the door. And don't open it for anyone.” I clench my teeth thinking about my next words, “Not even Jungkook unless he’s with me.” I maintain eye contact while he takes in the information. He squeezes his hands. Open them. Squeezes them. 
“Okay.” He whispers into the wind, opening the passenger, and collapsing into the seat. The door shuts. The lock clicks. And his face looks at me sorrowfully. I breathe. It’ll be fine. I’ll find Jungkook and whatever just happened will be left behind us. 
I break my eyes from his. Turning around to face the cabin, I try to collect myself. Jungkook. Why would he push Hobi? The moon lights the walls, a blue-grey. Where would he have gone? There was no sign of him in the house. 
“Jungkook!” I went to the right side of the house. The forest was even darker than earlier. Not even the moon shines through the trees. I’d rather not get myself lost. I shout for him again, walking to the opposite side. The wind picks up, blowing frozen air through my clothes. The soles of my shoes sink into the mulch. “Jungkook!” No sign of him. not that Hoseok knew where he went.
I run my hands down my jacket. Glance back at the car, too dark to see inside. Okay. I step back to the cabin door, sighing as I open it. As much as I hate to go in alone, it would be pointless to make Hobi tag along. The air from inside is still much warmer than it is outside. Even with the lights on and the friendly interior it’s not such an inviting vacation home anymore. Not when the open door to the abyss is swallowing the room in front of me. 
“Jungkook?” My voice radiates through the house. I shudder, at the silence. I reach for the logs at the door, propping it open. No chance I’m getting stuck in here. Need an easy way out. I take a step forward. Who am I kidding? 
I’m only up against Jungkook. 
Whatever happened, we can fix this. Another step, the wood shifting beneath my feet. Again I can feel my heart. Leaping, stretching. Trying to escape. I clench my fist. I know. I know. My brain and my heart are telling me to turn around. I can wait in the car for Jungkook. But if he’s injured? What caused him to lash out? Sleepwalking? All of this seems so strange. Why would he run? I roll my jaw. I don't understand. My whole body clenches. My lungs are struggling to open, breaths becoming small and fast. 
“Jungko…” My breath nags at my throat, it's stuck, but only because the energy in the room has shifted. The air is stagnant, warmer than before and there’s no smell. Despite the furniture and decorations, it’s empty. I am standing in an empty room. If I just reached out to touch the coffee table, it would faze right through. My shoes are glued to the floor, my legs rigid, torso stiff, arms stuck. I try to moisten my mouth with saliva, swirling my tongue in my mouth. What’s happening? The lids of my eyes pull outwards around the cornea. It’s straining, drying, but I can’t bring myself to blink. Why? My heart is the only part of my body that isn’t stuck in place. Booming in my ears, and hammering against my sternum. Hitting the nail each time. Shifting my eyes to the right, I catch a glimpse of the mirror. My reflection. 
Is his heart racing too? 
I make eye contact with myself. My chest rises. Falls. In the glass, I blink. In the glass. My eyes still dry.
I watch him turn his head. 
Blink again.
Curl his mouth into a smile.
I swallow, blinking over and over, licking my lips. All the feeling in my body returns to me, and my eyes finally meet Jungkooks. His jaw is clenched, staring down with intent. His right sleeve is ripped, a scuff mark on his neck. He’s only in socks, already coated in dirt. 
“Jungkook?” I heave out the words with a breath. I shake myself, turning to the mirror where my regular reflection has returned. Holy shit. Back to Jungkook. “What’s going on here?”
His back stiffens out, “What’s something only you would know about me?” 
I stretch my neck. What? “Out of everything that you’ve put us through? What kinda game are you..”
“Answer my fucking question.” I shift back. He’s never raised his voice to me, Never. I lick my lips, okay I’ll answer the question. Jungkook’s stance doesn’t change. He’s holding himself as though ready to book it or tackle me to the ground. I’m not sure which I’d prefer. 
“I…” He’s not giving me time to think. Something only he and I know?
He loosens his jaw, “The lyrics of your song that made me cry.” I blink. What? “That night, after Jin hyung was talking about enlistment.” He swallows, glancing to the floor. I nod. Jin was trying to get us to talk about the upcoming years. Jungkook wasn’t having it. At the same time, I was working on my second mixtape. Jungkook came to me… 
“There is nothing that lasts forever in this world” 
“Everything is just happening passing by” He lets out with a sigh, taking steps towards me. I stay rigid as he presses himself into me. “Thank god.” His body trembles against mine, and I finally relax against him, folding my arms around his back. I don’t understand why he would ask that but I don’t care. 
“We need to go,” I say, squeezing his shoulder. “Hoseok is in the car.” His chin nods into my neck, and slowly he pulls himself off of me. He looks me in the eye. Glancing over to the mirror. 
“Okay.” He says, shifting back to me before we head out the door. Our feet hit the mulch, Jungkook should have grabbed his shoes, but I hadn’t seen them. I stop. Jungkook walks a few steps ahead of me, looking back at me as I stand. My teeth tear into my bottom lip, drawing blood. Fuck. My breaths speed up again. Rising. Falling. No. No. My fingers strain themselves as I clench to my pants. No. No. 
“What?” Jungkook mutters looking back to where I was staring. 
No. No. The upper light of the car illuminates the seats, switched on to: door open. Fuck. Fuck. My lip throbs, as I stare out in front of me. The light falls out into the gravel, coming in through the open passenger door. The yellow shines, dancing over the curves of the leather seat. Empty.
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bang-to-the-tan · 4 years
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Vessel Euphoria Chapter 8
► SciFi!AU
Warnings: Major Character Death, Mind Control, Upsetting Themes Throughout, Alien Parasitism
↳ Summary: 6 months ago, the crew of the space vessel “Euphoria”—destined for a scientific study on a distant planet—dropped out of all communication. You and your fellow crewmates are inbound to reestablish communication with home base, but things are not as they seem and the fate of the mission is placed in grave danger.
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Years of training. Months of preparation. 
Months of flying through the endless void of space in a tin can, towards people you revered as idols. Hoping to help them. All for nothing. All wasted. 
You’re sitting on the floor, staring at the panels on the far side, watching your thoughts swim desperate circles around your own head, trying to pull back into your body, but everything is static, disconnected, you can’t move so much as the tips of your fingers. Dimly, you’re aware that your breath is short, harsh. 
It’s all over now. 
At least two of them are dead. Dead? Tears bubble in your eyes, memories of the men on the tapes. Smiling, excited Taehyung. Confident, methodical Seokjin. Gone. Why? How?
And what about Namjoon? 
“You have to take me back.” Jungkook’s voice comes through the intercom, crackled and static, and it brings with it a wash of anger in you. 
You don’t answer, jerking suddenly to the side, blinking at the water in your vision that blurs the world, cascades down your cheeks, forces you to sniffle like a child. Your fingers fumble for the button on the quarantine room, scrabbling at it. Why won’t it go down?? This is the last thing you need. You don’t need this. Your world is teetering on the edge of breaking and he’s only going to complicate things if you keep listening to his madness. 
“There isn’t time,” he insists, frustrated, choked. 
“I have to shut you up,” you snap. “And then we’re going to wait for Hoseok.”
“We can’t wait. We can’t. Fever. You said fever.”
“Shut up.” Your fingers slip, scraping fruitlessly against the button, and a growl looses itself from your lips that sounds almost feral. “Just shut up, Jungkook!” 
“You. Jimin. Hoseok. Teams of four. The fourth has a fever.” He’s chattering, breathless. “The fever. The flowers. We can’t wait. It isn’t safe.” 
No matter how you pick at it, coax it, the button won’t yield, stuck down permanently. Logically, you know that’s not entirely unexpected. The Epiphany is an older model of space-faring vessel, frankensteined with scraps of decommissioned tech. Sometimes she develops quirks. But illogically, it’s another nail in your coffin and you can’t bear it. You can’t do it. You won’t. Furious, you rear back and hammer your fist against it, wincing at the pain, but go to stand anyway on shaking legs.
If you can’t fix the button, you’ll leave the room.
You’ll go look after Yoongi. Make sure he’s okay. Wait for Hoseok. Everything will be fine. Eventually.
“What are you going to do when it starts talking like him?” Jungkook shouts suddenly. Ice reaches down your spine, coiling in your legs, freezing you to a standstill. 
You shouldn’t stay here. You need to leave. But your head cranes, looking to the stranger in the cell. He looks how you feel. Eyes red rimmed and teary, hair in disarray, hands against the one-sided glass like it’s the only thing keeping him upright. 
“Because it will. It will, and you’ll miss him. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. But we have to go. Before it’s too late.” 
You watch him, realization dawning in the pit of your stomach, making you feel vile.
‘It’s my fault.’
 “...Kim Taehyung and Kim Seokjin.” you croak finally. “You knew they were dead.” 
He stares into nothing, face falling as if you’d stabbed him before he nods slow. “...Yes.” 
“You apologized to him. Taehyung. You said you ‘didn’t have a choice’.” You take a long breath that does nothing to calm the battering of your heart against your ribs. “What choice?” 
He doesn’t reply. 
You aren’t afraid of hearing the answer. You’re afraid that you already know it. 
“What. Choice.” You repeat. 
“You don’t understand,” Jungkook whispers. He rests his head against the glass and you can still see the droplets falling behind the dark curtain of hair obscuring his face. “We have to go back. Namjoon—”
“Did you hurt him?”
“No! No. No, I would never, I would never. I would never.” He sobs. 
“Did you hurt your crewmates, Jungkook? Did they get ‘infected’?”
“I—” his voice cracks. 
“Namjoon recalled the logs for months. Why would he do that?” You’re stepping forward now, anger, anger coursing through you, fire in place of blood in your veins. “If for months everyone onboard the Vessel Euphoria was still alive and making logs?” You pause. “Unless someone was sick. Someone he cared about. Someone, convinced that something was replacing his crew members.” 
A fresh wave of tears threatens to drown you, rising into your throat. 
“What did you do, Jungkook?” 
He shakes his head, his entire body shivering. Slowly, he starts to drift downwards, and you can hear the muffled, crackling sounds as he cries in earnest through the speaker. 
“Please. Please,” he sobs. “We have to go back.” 
“We’ll go back. We’ll go when Hoseok and Jimin come back. And then we’ll go home. And from there...” It’s a struggle to clear your throat, your words sticking to the roof of your mouth. “From there, central will figure out what’s best for you.”  
You turn on your heel with an artificial sense of finality, striding towards the hall even as every step feels like you’re sinking into sand. Try not to speculate. Try not to speculate. You’re doing your best. You’re trying. It’s hard to pretend you don’t hear Jungkook crying and pleading at your back, or that you don’t feel your heart break a little with every inch of distance you put between the two of you. 
The hallway leads you to the med bay before you’re even really aware of the direction you’re going. When the doors slide open, you’re relieved beyond any speakable measure that Yoongi is still where you left him, sleeping peacefully on the cot. 
In desperate need of something to do, some way of calming the twitching in your fingers, the caged energy thrumming behind your eyes, you start meandering about the room quietly, picking up the mess he’d made on his exit. Occasionally, you throw glances at the mechanic, almost afraid that he’s going to rise up like something out of a horror film and start spouting gibberish like Jungkook. 
Instead, he just sleeps. He looks so peaceful. 
Gone is the guy who rigged your alarm clock to go off at 2 am as retribution for you putting salt in his coffee. The thought occurs to you and a wry smile tugs at your lips at the memory. In the end you had to completely dismantle it. He’d fixed it so it wouldn’t turn off and instead kept blaring, waking the entire crew. Oh, he was so smug when you confronted him with a jumbled heap of wires and plastic that had once been your alarm. You almost fed it to him. Looking back, you have to stifle a giggle. Hoseok almost had both of your asses, threatened to throw you in quarantine until you’d ‘developed more professional attitudes’.
...Yoongi would know what to think. If he were in your position. 
Level-headed, pragmatic Yoongi. He said from the start that things were fishy about the Euphoria mission...You wish he was awake. Just one good conversation would be enough to ease your mind, at this point. One short chat, with an awake, self-aware, grumbly Yoongi Min.
 ‘What are you going to do when it starts talking like him?’
A frown slowly replaces the smile on your face as you stare, Jungkook’s words rising to the foreground of your thoughts completely unbidden. 
As if deep in a trance, your hand reaches out. You brush a few strands of hair back from Yoongi’s face, tracing his relaxed brow, feeling for the skin, resting your hand on his forehead. A beat passes. Two. 
He’s warm under your palm, but the fever has cooled significantly. By the time he wakes up, it might have gone entirely. Your whole body sags with relief at the very thought. 
He’s okay. 
He’ll be okay.
‘It will. It will, and you’ll miss him.’
You won’t miss shit. He isn’t going anywhere. 
You finish tidying, making sure to keep as quiet as possible, and slip back out of the ward. For a moment, you hesitate in the hallway, glancing briefly at the quarantine room. 
No, that won’t do. 
You walk past it.
Rummaging through the kitchen, you consider digging into a few snacks, but your mind inevitably drifts back to Seokjin and Taehyung and suddenly you’ve lost your appetite. You do some of the washing up, putting away clean dishes and making sure everything is set right. For a short while, you go to your room and try to nap, but your mind whirls so brightly, so worriedly, you can’t manage to eke out any peace from it. 
Time passes as a sludge. A haze. It doesn’t march, it oozes. You try not to watch the clock, but it’s impossible, as you sit and count down the minutes before your crew returns.
An hour. 
Two. You’re impatient, waiting, ears peeled for the automated message from the doors. The crackle of radio. Nothing.
With every minute over the two hour mark, your anxiety mounts until you’re having trouble catching your breath, chest tight and palms sweaty. 
Why aren’t they back?
They should be back. 
If they were within range of either of the towers, they would have radioed in. 
You’ve started pacing around your small room, checking your comm. The seconds can be marked by the thud of your heart in your chest until finally you can’t stand it anymore and you start towards the communications room. Again, you have to pass by quarantine. Again you hesitate. But your feet are moving without you, propelling you forwards with haste fuelled by concern. 
You swing your body into the worn, ripped captain’s chair, brushing over the buttons and switches with all the deft awareness of someone who’s been through the lifetime of training you have. The system takes a moment to itself to boot properly, but displays its startup checks in due time. Everything’s green. Everything’s go. You take a deep breath and press the button to transmit to nearby towers, making sure to amplify the signal enough to reach just that little bit past their respective ranges. It’s not very far, but considering their two hours are up, either they’re close to the Epiphany’s range, they haven’t left Euphoria’s or they’ve taken a detour in the opposite direction on top of a barren planet—unlikely, considering that neither of your crewmates are stupid. 
“This is Communications from the stationed Vessel Epiphany, requesting contact with Officer Jung Hoseok and Specialist Park Jimin. Please confirm copy,” you intone. 
There’s a silence broken only by the painful thudding of your own heart in your ears. 
Again, you press the button. 
“Repeat, Officer Jung and Specialist Park, confirm copy.” 
You want desperately to throw yourself backwards and shriek, scream into the void. Dig your fingers through your hair until you pull it out by the roots, kick out with your legs and wreck the hulking pile of garbage in front of you.
“Godammit, guys, pick up your fucking comms.” You’re spitting down the line before you can stop yourself, your hand shaky where you hold the microphone steady. 
Still you receive no answer. 
You’re biting back tears for what feels like the millionth time in the past few hours. Jimin and Hoseok out of line and out of time. Yoongi in a coma. A boy locked in quarantine that may or may not have committed some act of violence against his crew members. And you. Just you. Your body leans forward, leaning your forehead against the desk, being sure to avoid the important switches.
“Please pick up.” You murmur, even knowing it won’t transmit without your finger on the button. “Please pick up.” 
You don’t know how long you sit there waiting. Your breath eventually evens itself out and you slip into this state of suspension, poised to answer at the slightest hint of a reply. But still nothing happens.
You lift your head, blearily watching the lights wink.
What could have happened to delay them? Where could they have gone? You have two options. You wait here, for any sign, any communication. And in the meantime, they could be hurt. Stranded, somehow. A malfunction with the buggy. A wire tripped with their communicators. The flowers, perhaps reclaiming a pivotal turn in the road somewhere, leading them off-course. It isn't like either of them to just...not check in. Especially not after their discovery. Hoseok’s announcement. The failure of the mission. 
The thought of staying here for much longer, doing nothing, is enough to make your skin crawl.
So the second option, then.
You shove yourself off the console, standing, stretching, casting one last grim look at the system before you shut it back down and leave the room, heading determinedly towards quarantine. 
Jungkook’s fallen to his knees at the window, head against the glass, arms by his sides. He looks like he’s fallen asleep, but the staccato of his breaths tells you otherwise. 
The buggy won’t have enough fuel for multiple trips. You’ll have one shot out there, to reach primary and look for Jimin and Hoseok, refuel there, and come back. And you’ll need Jungkook, if you’re going to get the fuel you need to go home. 
“You said you know where the fuel cells are kept,” you begin. “Were you telling the truth?”
He shifts, barely, leaning his cheek towards you. His breath fogs the glass when he murmurs a quiet reply. “Yes.” 
“If I take you there, we can grab a replacement cell.” 
He perks up at that, turning to stare again at where he approximates you might be, struggling to unsteady feet.
“And open the tower,” he adds. 
Your mouth purses into a firm line. “The tower,” you echo.
“The tower.” he repeats, emphatic. 
There’s a moment of silence. “What’s in the tower, Jungkook?” 
He doesn’t answer. 
You don’t like that. You don’t like that at all. If you’re going to make the only trip to primary, you have to knock out as many objectives as possible. Search for Hoseok and Jimin on the way there and back, recover the fuel tank, and complete your original mission. Find out what happened to the communication of the Euphoria. Logistically, you need to get inside of that tower. 
But why is he so keen on it? 
“...I’ll tell you what. Give me the code.” He’s already shaking his head. “And we’ll both go to the primary base.” 
“No,” he mutters. “No, you’ll leave me here.” 
He’s right. You watch him grimly through the glass. 
“You’re going to have to answer for what happened on Euphoria, Jungkook. You know that. You can’t outrun it. Please don’t make this difficult.” 
“What happened,” he enunciates clear, slow, suddenly drawn bitterly through a snarl, “was not. My. Fault.” 
“Then tell me what it was.” 
His nostrils flare. His eyes water, brows drawing close over his forehead. Again, he shakes his head. 
“I can leave you here anyway,” you press. “I can just leave you here and go myself, go looking myself.” 
“You’re wasting time. Time for all of us. I have to go back. I ha—have to fix it.” 
“Fix what?” 
“...The tower.”  
He’s lying. He’s lying through his teeth. You can see it in the way his eyes flit away from yours, staring holes into the panelling to his right. But he’s being purposefully obtuse. And unfortunately, he’s right. Every minute you sit here and argue with him is another minute you lose to uncertainty. To inaction. 
“I need your word that you aren’t going to attack me. I’m going to keep sedatives with me, and if you so much as blink in a way I don’t like I’m knocking you out and we’re coming right back here.” 
“I swear I won’t attack you,” he breathes, eyes wide. 
“Swear on your life.”
He hesitates, a sigh leaving his chapped lips. “I swear.” 
“...Okay. Alright. I’m going to get supplies first. I’ll be back in a minute.” 
What are you doing? What are you doing?
You’ve lost your mind is what you’ve done. What you’re doing. But it’s already been an hour since Jimin and Hoseok should have been back, and your stomach is doing somersaults just thinking of what might be keeping them. Your body is already in motion, desperate to reassign some of that anxious energy to movement, grabbing the sedatives and stowing them away in the pocket of your jumpsuit. It’s never been a habit of yours, praying, but you send out a quick one that you won’t have to use them. You’re packing a spare charger for your comms, making sure the spare suit is good enough for Jungkook to wear, ignoring the apprehension trying to cloud your vision.
Your heart rises into your throat when you step to the hangar, for a brief moment thinking that maybe you missed their arrival. Maybe the buggy is already there. Maybe you’ll see it speeding over the horizon just as you go down there and you’ll be able to call this whole madness off. But no. The space where the first one was is empty, and through the thick glass on the outside of the hangar you can only see the persistent waving of thousands upon thousands of bright red flowers. It’s only about noon—the suns are high in the sky, bathing the landscape in bright yellows and a warm blush. You can’t even see where the flowers had been burned away anymore. 
Checking the fuel tank confirms your suspicions. You won’t be making more than one trip in this thing. That’s fine. That’s fine. For better or worse, you can manage it. For your crew. 
Lastly, you go back to the sick bay. 
Thankfully, Yoongi is still sleeping, and continues to slumber as you skirt around him and pick up a paper and a pencil. You scribble out a quick note, keeping one eye peeled for any sign that he’s being disturbed. 
Gonna go get the fuel cells & teammates. 
Door locked to keep you from sleepwalking again. Code is the date of our 1st mission.
See you soon. :) 
When you’ve finished, you reach out on a whim and circle a comforting hand around his upper arm. 
“Be right back, Min,” you whisper. “I’m gonna go grab those other two idiots and then...then we’ll head home. Alright?” 
You tuck the paper gingerly underneath one of his hands. 
“Read the note before you start wandering off again, you weirdo,” You add with a faint scoff. 
You stand, heading to the outside of the doors. One last look at the mechanic as he rests, before you’re keying into the panel on the side. Should be simple enough. If he’s still feverish when he gets up, he probably won’t be cognizant enough to both read the note and remember the date. There’s also a chance he’ll wake up, forget it, be pissed, and then try to contact you to whine about trapping him unfairly in the med bay, but you’ll take that any day. 
You head to quarantine. Jungkook is more alert than you’ve ever seen him, attention captured easily by the sound of the doors sliding open, eyes scanning his side of the mirror. 
“Okay. All set.” you tell him, moving to the door button. “I’m going to open the door now. You’ll follow me down to the hangar. We’ll get in the buggy and make the trip up to the primary base, keeping an eye out for my crew. We’ll grab replacement cells and bring them back.” You pause.
“I swear to god, if there’s any funny business, I won’t hesitate, Jeon. You don’t know me but I know you. I’ve seen your logs, I’ve studied your file.” 
It’s a bluff. Even Jimin could barely keep a handle on him. You aren’t sure you have the guts to back up any threat you make, much less the musculature. But it’s a necessary bluff. 
“No funny business,” he mumbles, casting his gaze at the door expectantly. “I swear.” 
The keypad chimes as you press the buttons, the door jolting once before finally sliding to the side, and for a minute, you’re afraid he’s going to leap out at you, hands raised, eyes wild. Instead, he steps out gingerly, with all the uncertainty of a newborn deer, clutching at the frame for support. 
It occurs to you, as he stands before you, making eye contact once and nodding, firm, that it really is just the two of you right now. If anything were to happen…
You banish the thought. It’s all going to go according to plan. As you half-turn to start leading him down the hall, your hand brushes past the sedatives in your pocket, and you feel determination rise in you. Determination to make this work. It’s all gonna be okay, dammit, and it’ll be okay because you make it so. 
“There’s enough to get us out to secondary. We can refuel there, head back, look for them on the way.” You begin to explain as the two of you walk to the hangar. You pause, turning to look at Jungkook. “You’re sure you know where the spare fuel tanks are kept. You can get us to them and out. Quickly.”
He nods, shrugging to the side, watching the far doorway. “Yes.” 
The two of you get suited up in silence. For a moment, you consider offering to help him get it on, but though his eyes glass over with the aftershocks of some memory, he still slips into it with the ease you’d expect. He doesn’t offer any comment but another short nod when you ask if he’s good. You both clamber into the buggy. You press the buttons for the opening sequence to activate, listening to the hiss of air as the doors behind you seal shut. 
Garage 1 opening, the overhead voice drones. 
You tighten your grip on the steering wheel, looking to Jungkook for a brief moment. He’s sinking into his seat, eyes wide, fixated on the dashboard. His whole body is curling in on itself, his expression deeply, deeply uncomfortable. 
“Alright?” you ask. 
He shuts his eyes tightly, bowing his head until the bottom of his helmet rests on his chest, bouncing once in an approximation of a nod. You’ll take it. The engine kicks into gear when you rev it and you start your descent down the ramp, into the field of gently waving flowers, aiming for the metal waypoint on the horizon that points towards primary. 
Your companion doesn’t speak again, only inhaling sharply every so often when the vehicle hits a bump and jostles the two of you. 
You don’t either. 
You’re too deep in thought. 
The locked communications tower. 
Hoseok and Jimin found Taehyung and Seokjin. Not Namjoon.
...What if Namjoon is alive? After all, Jungkook managed to survive this whole time. 
The cynic in you doesn’t want to hope. You set your jaw and continue on, grimly aware of one fact. 
If Namjoon is alive—and God, you hope he is—then you have to assume the worst. You have to assume the worst about the person in the seat next to you. 
You keep an anxious eye on the scenery, scanning for any sign of Jimin and Hoseok and praying that you’ll find it.
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jamkookies · 5 years
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Description :  A trip to Malta for the shooting of Bon Voyage seems peaceful enough until the moment things take an unexpected turn...
Word count : 2k
“No you don’t.”
“You felt the need to say that because I’ve been taking care of you, that’s all.”
He gives you an incredulous look, mouth opening and closing like a fish.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means that you feel bad for me and you said that so I could feel better,” you say.
He grips you by the the straps of your tank top and pulls you to him.
“Do you really think I would do that? Take pity on you? Is that what you’re saying?!” he growls into your face.
You’re taken aback by his sudden outburst. He looks angry, but his fingers are gentle and the proximity of his face to yours is anything but hostile.
His eyes keep staring at your lips.
“I’ve felt like this for five god damn years, but you’re just too stupid to notice anything.”
Jungkook’s breath tickles your face as he struggles to get the words out of him.
“I love everything about you - the way you look, the way you act, the way you you scrunch your nose when you’re reading, the way you tend to put other people’s needs before your own..”
His expression softens a little and his hands abandon your shirt to cradle your face.
“I love you, Y/N and nothing can change that.”
Your vision turns blurry because of the tears threatening to spill.
Your lips quiver and you’re just about to say something back, when a rustle of leaves makes you both freeze.
At the edge of the hollow, a man’s feet appear.
You and Jungkook flatten against the wall, him protectively shoving you against his back, even with his injury.
The man’s feet are illuminated by the moonlight, roaming around the entrance of the hollow, but making no attempt to get in.
He hadn’t seen you.
You hold your breath, terrified to let out even the slightest sound.
The wet leaves under his feet crunch every time he makes a step and it feels like a clock ticking closer and closer to your doom.
Another pair of feet join him.
“Did you find anything?”
“No. But they can’t have gone far. Not with that injured leg of his.”
“If Jungkookie dies, I will kill you.”
The man chuckles.
“You’re in no condition to threaten anyone. I could shoot you in the head right here and no one would ever know.”
“But you won’t,” the girl says.“ You need me to get your money.”
“For now.”
“For now,” she echoes.
They both pivot and walk away in opposite directions.
You can hear the steps getting further and further, till the sound gets lost in the breeze.
The rain had stopped for some time, you notice.
“That was close,” Jungkook whispers.
You wanna say something.
You wanna scream to the world that you love him so much to the point where it hurts.
But you don’t.
The words get clogged up in your throat.
So you just put your arms around his torso and give him a back-hug.
Leaning your head onto his back, you can feel the vibrations reverberating through his whole body when he speaks in a low voice.
“Aren’t you gonna say anything?”
You just squeeze him tighter.
“That’s more than enough, then.” he says.
He puts his hands on top of yours and starts making circles with his thumbs.
You just stay like that, in silence, enjoying the company of each other’s arms.
* * *
He’d fallen asleep.
The exhaustion must have finally gotten to him, you think to yourself, as you feel his weight on your front body.
He hadn’t removed your hands from his torso, hadn’t even moved an inch, but just let himself relax till the tiredness had eventually knocked him out.
You scoot back and let his head drop onto your lap.
His longish hair falls into his eyes and you move them out of the way.
You trace his face with your fingers, lingering on every edge.
He was beautiful.
His eyes shoot open.
“Like what you see?” he says.
You huff a laugh and your shoulders shake with the action.
“I do, actually.” you answer.
He grins immediately.
“What exactly do you like the most about me?”
You are about to give him a sassy comeback, but you give up halfway.
He looks a little taken aback, but continues nonetheless.
“What about physical features?”
“I like your scar.” you say and your fingers immediately find the flaw on his left cheekbone.
That small imperfection was what made him perfect.
“Wait, you actually like that?”
You nod vigorously.
“What else do you like?”
He was really enjoying this.
“You have a nice… umm..physique.”
His eyes narrow at your words.
“Be more specific.”
“Oh for heaven’s sake, you have nice thighs, god damn it! There, I said it!” You shout in a whisper.
His smile goes on full-bloom.
“No funny comments, no snarky comebacks… Wow, there really is something going on here.”
“You look pleased as hell.”
“I like to be appreciated.”
“You literally have millions of fans doing that every single day.”
“But I wanted to hear it from you, though.”
You look at him pointedly for a while, then release a deep sigh.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’ll stop.” he says quickly and lowers your hands to his lips to kiss them.
Oh goodness.
He was just making it worse.
Goosebumps flare all over your body and it’s the best you can do not to shiver.
“I should check your wound.” you say with a forced air of nonchalance.
“Jumping right into the good stuff, aren’t we?”
You tug at a string of his jet-black hair.
“Ow, ow.. sorry, sorry.” he whines.
Your hands reach for his thigh, untying the strip of cloth with delicate hands.
This is not good.
It had started to get swollen, its corners red and puffy. If you didn’t clean it fast, the infection would spread even more.
“I’m gonna go get some water.” you say, already rising to your feet.
“With those guys wandering around the forest? Absolutely not.”
“Your wound is infected. I have to clean it.”
“It’s too dangerous.”
“You’re gonna lose your leg.”
“Better than losing you.”
Your words falter in between your lips.
He grips your calf and looks at you behind his see-through bangs, doe eyes begging.
You had to go. You couldn’t just leave him in this condition.
“Please.” he adds.
You release a long sigh and get down to your knees, his eyes never leaving yours.
“We should get some sleep.” you whisper. “ We’re leaving at dawn.”
He offers you a bunny smile and envelopes you into his arms. You put your hair on his chest and just lay down together, savoring the warmth of each other’s presence.
* * *
Eight minutes.
You had been counting non-stop, waiting for the sound of his steady breathing, the signal for you to do what you had to do.
You had to make sure he was really asleep before you left.
He was never gonna forgive you for it.
You knew that very well and you still proceeded to detach his hands from your arms, being extremely careful not to wake him up.
Thank God for his habit of sleeping like a log.
Soundlessly rising to your feet, you tip-toe your way out of the hollow. The ground is wet, the constant dripping of the water from the branches soaking it thoroughly.
First, you had to find something to fill up the water.
You scan the trees and bushes, looking for any decent-looking leaves.
A few feet from you a shrub is in full bloom, its green, wide leaves hanging around it like a crown.
You pluck off a couple, careful not to rip them apart.
Wrapping them into a half sphere, you put them under a dripping branch and wait for it to fill up.
This was gonna take a while.
And the constant thoughts about having to let Jungkook on his own, unprotected, didn’t make it any easier for you.
You prayed for him to be safe, prayed they wouldn’t find him.
Drip drip drip.
The anxiety threatened to swallow you whole, all kinds of thoughts jumbled into your head in a disarray.
You look at your improvised bowl and notice that it’s filled to the brim.You bend down to pick it up but the eyes staring at you in the reflection of the water make your breath hitch in your throat.
Then, something hard smashes into your skull, rendering you unconscious.
* * *
You open your eyes to semi darkness, dawn ready to spill its light on the top of the trees.
Your head pounds harder than the last time you got drunk with the boys.
The things you would give to go back in time…
There’s none of that now.
Nothing except for the feeling of exhaustion weighing down your lids, your body an utter wreck.
There’s a wetness at the back of your head. The feeling of something trickling down.
You know it’s blood.
The terrible ache on your head was proof enough.
You look down at your body and almost scream at the sight.
They’ve tied you up against a tree, the rope digging into your wrists.
“Finally up, I see.” you hear a voice nearby.
You turn your head from side to side, trying to locate its source.
The man is sitting on the ground, grinning at you like a psychopath.
“You know, she told me to kill you.” he continues. “Get rid of you as fast as possible. But I didn’t. I figured out I could easily sell you to the highest bidder with just a phone call. That Jungkook guy isn’t the only famous one here.”
You give him a look of disgust.
He keeps talking, unbothered by your indifferent behavior and gets in front of your face.
“So what I’m gonna do now is go get the car by the side of the road and then we’ll go on a little trip, right sunshine?”
You spit into his face.
He flinches, hands reaching to wipe it off.
Then he slaps you so hard across the cheek, you see stars.
It stings like hell but you refuse to let out a sound, letting the anger build up inside of you instead.
He stands on his feet then storms off.
You’d never wanted to kill someone so badly. However the feeling of enragement gets replaced by raw panic.
What had happened to Jungkook?
Was he alright?
You hoped he was still asleep, safe from the clutches of these maniacs.
“You called?” a voice is heard behind your back.
Two hands reach for the knot, trying to undo it.
Then Jungkook appears in front of you, sweat clinging to his forehead and a limp on his leg.
But he was okay.
He was safe.
You jump into his arms, squeezing him as hard as you can.
He does the same, pain and exhaustion all but forgotten.
“I’m so sorry.” you say, voice muffled by his chest. " I didn’t want to leave you alone but I had to.“
"It’s alright.” he whispers. “I’m fine.”
You breathe him in, letting his scent calm your nerves for just a second.
“We still have to go. He will be back soon.”
You nod and grab his hand.
Ignoring the throbbing pain on your head, you sling his arm across your shoulder, letting yourself bear his weight.
“I’m alright, don’t worry.” he says and retreats his arm back.
You both sprint into a run and you know the pain on his thigh is killing him, but there’s nothing you can do.
There’s no plan.
You just run for your lives.
“Faster!” he gasps when he hears steps behind you.
It’s the girl.
She has a gun in her hands.
You speed off, dragging Jungkook with you.
This was not gonna end well.
You had been caught up in between two fires. It was just a matter of time before you both got captured again.
The trees start to get rarer and rarer until a flowing creek appears in front of you.
It does not have a smooth flow.
The stream rushes fast and the rocks create whorls at every corner.
You don’t stop.
It is now or never.
“Jungkook, I -
A shot rings in your ears and a terrible pain blooms on your shoulder.
The words don’t make it out of your lips.
He doesn’t let go of your hand and you fall into the water, dragging him with you
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jinlover19 · 6 years
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Dog Days
chapter index [ #1 An Encounter]
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Rating: 17+
Genre/Warnings: ANGST, abusive relations, attempted suicide, mentions of self-harm, negative thoughts, severe weather, excessive use of the word stray
Words: 2.9k+
Once you’ve decided to end it all, you meet an unlikely savior.
A flash of lightning tears its way across the sky; roaring and rumbling thunder follows its other half. The wind whips through the empty streets of New York City as if searching for new prey. The dark clouds weep, sending down sheets upon sheets as if it was the Amazon and impairing the vision of all who dare to step outside. Not many people would dare to go out when the local weatherman issued an emergency flash flood warning anyway. Yet here you sat in the alleyway; rain seeping into your clothing as the 60 mile-per-hour winds find your hiding place and bite at your arms and legs. With an unchanging expression, you look up to the dark clouded sky. A lost, soulless gaze. You’re so far gone in your irreparable despair that the freezing rain, sharp winds, and deafening thunder are nothing to your numb senses. With how you overthink and overanalyze all the thoughts running through your head, your brain has no room to register the information that your nerves are trying to send it. All the negative thoughts and voices in your head swirl and morph into a vortex of anguish and misery, haunting you with their disdain.
“You worthless piece of shit.”
“You’ll never amount to anything.”
“Why are you even alive?”
“Just die already!”
“You’re such a waste of space.”
“You’re so smart, why do you act so fucking stupid?!”
A scream claws its way out of your throat and echoes throughout the barren streets for a moment before being drowned out by another clash of thunder and the downpour you’re in. You try to drown out the voices’ mockery, but they keep getting louder and louder. You clasp your hands over your ears and pull your knees up into your chest, attempting to create a defense against the jeering, but it does nothing to stop them.
You are suddenly thrown off balance from your quick actions and tip over, landing on your side onto the slowly flooding asphalt. The tears you have been holding back for hours quietly creep past your lashes. They trail down your face and over the bridge of your nose before intermingling with the steadily growing pond you’ve found yourself in. The pouring rain masks your tear-streaked face and dead eyes from potential onlookers that would be mad enough to to be outside in such severe weather this late at night. The vortex spirals faster as the winds around you increase and abruptly you’re able to identify familiar voices.
Your snooty, middle-aged mother, “You’ve been slacking off! I don’t care if you’re depressed. I don’t care if you’re not mentally stable. You are getting this done now! You can deal with your problems later.”
Your smartass older brother, “You’re so ugly and unresponsive! It’s no wonder why you don’t have a boyfriend!”
Your old-fashioned boss, “You have absolutely NOTHING to be depressed about.”
And lastly the voice of your self-righteous father, “I wish your mother and I never decided to keep you. You’re a spoiled, selfish, ungrateful brat.”
You feel the corners of your mouth quiver as they lift into a sad, broken smile. “They’re right, ya know,” you murmur to yourself as you let your tears flow freely. “They’re all right… Ha… no one truly loves me. No one would care if I just randomly disappeared. They would all be better off if I was gone.” You feel the weight of your knife and smartphone increase in the back pocket of your jeans.
When you ran out of the apartment earlier after getting yelled at for the thousandth time, you had enough sense to take your phone and swiss army knife with you. You keep them with you when in public at all times in case of an emergency. —Your parents are quite popular and wealthy; it would be “such a shame” if one of their “precious” children got kidnapped. So while your siblings got discreet bodyguards to look after and protect them, you got self-defense and martial arts lessons— The knife usually made you feel safe, but right now it’s burning a hole into your jeans.
You feel your right arm stretch back and your fingers grasp the smooth metal handle of your multi-use tool out of their own accord. “They won’t miss me. They didn’t even come looking for me despite all that happened tonight. It’s the best for everyone.” You mindlessly repeat to yourself as you roll up the sleeve on your left arm. —It’s littered with scars and blisters; old and recent ones— Twisting your arm over you see the pure, unblemished area on the underside of your wrist. You feel your body tremble as you release a hollow laugh. “I would say that it’s been fun… but it hasn’t.” With those words, you flip your knife open. Placing the cool, sharp blade against your most fragile spot. You glance down and you can see your reflection in the weapon as well as the rising waters. You close your eyes, at peace with your decision. Just as you begin to move the knife across your veins, you hear an abrupt noise.
I heard her before I saw her.
Which wasn’t a problem for my superior canine hearing. I could hear a pin drop up to 60 feet away.
I was rummaging through the dumpster behind Rusty’s Bar trying to find my dinner. If I’m lucky I can snag some leftover pizza or some day-old bread. Most of the restaurant owners down here know me as one of the many strays of downtown NYC. Sometimes if they had a good day, they’ll leave some food for me at the back door of their buildings, and I won’t have to dig through the trash for it. Usually, it’s the places I hit up more often that leave me food. Those being Rusty’s Bar, Jessie’s Diner, and the run-down, high-quality local butcher shop run by Bart. Bart is a great guy, but he doesn’t tend to get a lot of business so I don’t usually get food from him a lot. Rusty and Jessie are much more reliable as food sources. I was lucky to even have reliable food sources. Most of the other animals would kill to be able to have a decent meal about once or twice a week.
It’s a dog-eat-dog world out here on the streets, only the tough and adaptable ones have been able to survive. I’ve met some fearsome animals in my lifetime, but none as fierce as the ones in New York. A cat will fight a dog to the death for a scrap of meat and vice versa. They have an established hierarchy based upon strength; the strong rule, the weak serve. Yet these guys seem to have adopted me as one of their own. One of the few strong strays that are able to rule the streets.
I’m not just any normal stray though. I’m a dog shifter. I have a dog form and a hybrid-like form that I can switch between interchangeably. Animal shifters aren’t rare per se, but we are uncommon. Most of us don’t even hang out around humans. Most of us prefer to live in communities that are isolated from humanity, but some shifters choose to live with a human as an equal or even a pet.
I don’t see how any shifter would ever want to be a human’s pet.
After scouring through the trash for a few minutes longer, I found the treasure of a lifetime. Three-meat pizza that a customer didn’t finish. I had just grabbed a few slices to munch on when I heard a blood-curdling scream. “What was that?” I muttered with my mouth half filled with soggy pizza. ‘That sounded like a girl… Why is she out during such crappy weather? Is she okay?’ I finished wolfing down my dinner and decided to go check it out. It sounded like she was a few blocks away from me, so I shifted into my dog form and sprinted off to see what was wrong.
About a minute later, maybe two, I arrived at the place where the scream had come from. I heard a girl’s voice, broken, empty, and without hope. It sounded like she was talking to herself.
“It’s the best for everyone.” I heard the voice say as I turned the corner.
There I saw a girl, laying on her side in the slowly flooding alleyway. A defeated look on her face and her left arm stretched out slightly in front of her body. She was holding something metal in her right hand. As she placed it against her wrist; a flash of silver glinting off of thin, sharp metal grabbed my attention. ‘IS THAT A KNIFE???’
“I would say it’s been fun… but it hasn’t.” She was about to slash her wrist open with the knife.
‘I have to stop her!’ For some reason, I was determined to not let this girl die. ‘But if I bark, or try to say something it could scare her and her hand could slip and she could cut herself by accident… What should I do? ...Maybe this will be less startling..!’ I raced over to a nearby garbage can and kicked it over with my back paws; a skill I developed in order to survive out here on the streets.
The sound of something metallic hitting a wall makes you jolt and survey your surroundings. The blade of your knife runs across your wrist leaving a small cut, yet not deep enough to draw blood. “Who’s there?!” You call out in panic. Frantically whipping your head from side to side, you finally spot the source of your chaos; you feel your eyes widen in utter disbelief at the sight.
A vast shadow stands next to a garbage can that is rolling back and forth slightly. A flash of lightning lights up the area briefly and you see that the silhouette belongs to a large dog; although you can’t make out what breed it is or what the dog even looks like due to the pouring rain and the dark clouds blotting up the sky. The dog pads its way over to you. Its paws splashing and sending waves through the thoroughly flooded passageway.
“A dog…” You mutter under your breath as said canine approaches. It lays down perpendicular to you, facing you head on, and rests its head on top of its wet, dirty paws. “Hey there, doggo.” You say to the water-logged animal. It releases a soft puff in greeting. A few minutes pass with the two of you quietly laying in the steadily rising water; the only sounds being your conjoined breathing, the rainforest-esque downpour, and the occasional booms and cracks of thunder and lightning. You still had the knife within your grasp, wanting to wait until the dog had left before offing yourself. However, it’s been over five minutes and that thing has yet to move. Its deep, dark brown eyes burning holes into yours; the only action that dog has done is blink. Wanting to get the creature to move along so you can get back to what you were doing, you attempt to persuade it to leave. “Hey, doggo. You’re gonna get sick if you stay out in this weather…” The rising water suddenly catches your attention as you’re forced to close your eye close to the ground to avoid getting water in it. “Might even drown.”
The canine makes a face, and you can almost imagine what it’d be saying if it could talk; “Bitch, I know exactly what the fuck you’re trying to do. Don’t try that shit with me.”
A sigh slithers out of your throat. “I’m sure you have better things to do than watch me lay here, doggo. Your owner’s probably worried sick about you… running off during the middle of a storm.”
The dog moves its head to the side, showing the side of its neck to you. You can’t see that well, but you can make out that the dog is not wearing a collar.
You furrow your brow at this installment. “No owner, huh… A stray then… Shouldn’t be surprised at that… we got a lotta stray dogs here.” The minutes drag on as the two of you listen to the sounds of the rain and wind. After a while, you start to lose your mind over the fact that this stubborn dog will not leave you alone. “WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!” You cry out after what feels like an eternity.
The dog lifts its head from its paws and looks at you sadly, water dripping from the underside of its muzzle. It brings its head over to the hand that is grasping your knife like a lifeline and nuzzles against your hand briefly, but gently. It brings its head back to face you and looks you dead in the eyes. A wave of realization crashes over you.
“...you want me to live… don’t you…” It’s more of a statement than a question.
Once again, the canine releases a soft puff of affirmation. Sighing through your nose, you flick the blade back into its handle; you shake your head as a soft smile graces your lips for the first time in a while. “You’re a weird dog, ya know,” you mumble as you stuff the swiss army knife into your back pocket once more. When the knife is completely put away, the dog jumps up and kisses the mark it left on your wrist. Chuckling, you reach your other hand over and scratch the top of the dog’s head fondly. “Such a weird dog.”
After a while, you sit up; it finally registers with you that your entire left side is soaked. To be fair, your right side is not fairing any better due to the rain. Your canine friend follows suit, sitting right next to you. “You can go, y’know. I’m not gonna do it.” The dog rises once more and looks at you. It dawns upon you that this stubborn dog is not going to leave unless you leave first. You purse your lips, stifling a grunt as you struggle to get on your feet. The dog wags its tail and barks happily once you’re standing. You look up to see that the rain is starting to let up, even though the alley is filled with water about ankle high; then you start marching towards the mouth of the alleyway. The splashing and sloshing of the water behind you tells you that the dog is following you.
The street lights blind you as you exit the hidden passageway. The canine shakes some of the access water droplets off of its coat and walks over to a nearby lamppost, lifting its leg to relieve itself. ‘Oh… so it’s a boy.’ You think to yourself, uncomfortably waiting for him to finish. Once he does, he turns to you with expectant eyes telling you to lead the way. “Okay, okay…” you release a small laugh. “I guess you’re walking me home then?”
“RRUFF!!” he replies loudly.
Shaking your head in amusement, you turn in the direction of your home. “Alright then, buddy. C’mon. This way.” As you start walking, he bounds next to you and matches your pace; you can see him a lot better now thanks to the streetlights. He’s a very solid dog. Probably some kind of pit bull or a mastiff. His tail is stubby, and his ears are a bit on the shorter side. His coat seems short from what you can see, but you can’t tell if it’s an illusion caused by the water rolling off of his back or not. His coat looks like a marbled pattern of dark brown, light brown, and black. It’s gorgeous; you’ve never seen a dog with fur like this before.
Eventually, the two of you arrive at the door of a luxurious apartment building. “We’re here, buddy,” you announce reluctantly. “You can’t go in with me though. No big dogs allowed. Sorry, buddy.” Reaching out, you pet the patches of fur behind his ears; he leans into your touch. “My room is on this side of the building, so you can wait here if you want. I’ll wave out the window so you know I got home safely. Okay?” He lowers his ears and lets out a small whine, but stays put. Your lips curl into a small smile and you rub his head gently. “Good boy.”
You turn away from him and look towards the looming entrance. You feel your anxiety bubbling up; you don’t have your key, so you’re gonna have to call up. With every step you take, you can feel your dread for what awaits you on the other side of the door increase. Swallowing the knot that is forming at the back of your throat, you scrape together what little courage you have left, and press forward. You raise your trembling hand to the intercom and somehow manage to buzz your apartment.
“Yeah? Who’s there?” A gruff, curt voice replies. You thank the Lord that it was your brother who answered.
“H-Hey, bro! It’s me. Can you let me in? I went… for a walk, and it looks like I forgot my keys.” Your voice is shakier than your hand is.
“Ugh. Oh my god. Seriously, Y/n?” He scoffs. You can practically hear him rolling his eyes. “What kind of fucking idiot goes out on a damn walk during the worst storm of the century?”
You don’t even attempt to answer; whenever he asks you something like this, there’s a ninety-nine percent chance it’s rhetorical.
“Whatever. C’mon up, brat,” he spits from the speaker. A buzzer sounds and the door unlocks. Mentally preparing yourself for what waits for you on the other side, you stretch your hand towards the handle and open the door.
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iamtaekooked · 7 years
Vanilla Rules ||Ch 8 || Pjm
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Genre: Badboy! au, enemies to lovers! au, college! au
Word count: 9.0 k 
During the camping retreat, in a screaming match with Jimin you divulge your true feelings towards him. It ends up with him realizing his mistakes but its not enough for you to forgive him. On the other hand truth’s about two friendships are revealed. While you and Hoseok grow a bit closer it becomes a source of frustration for Jimin who cant figure why it bothers him so much.
A/N: I AM SO SORRY FOR POSTING THIS CHAPTER 2 MONTHS LATER. I made it long as a compensation for posting late. Fair warning though, updates are probably going to take long so I am so grateful that you guys were so patient with this. eNJOY :)
Ch1 || Ch2 || Ch3 || Ch4 || Ch5 || Ch6 || Ch7 || Ch 8|| Ch 9 || Ch 10 || Ch 11
Soon enough a crowd of people gathered around you and the situation turned from annoying to embarrassing. Whispers and words reached your ear and with each passing second your face started to heat up. Jimin and Hoseok seemed not to have any intention of letting go of you. You felt like a toy that two children were fighting over. It reminded you of all the movies you watched and all the stories you had read and it didn’t feel as great as they depicted it. If anything it was all way too glamourized.
“Let go of me” you stared between the two men, your tone clearly indicating your annoyance with the situation. But the two men were too busy glaring at each other to pay attention to your words. Your wrists were beginning to hurt, and you could feel the friction of their hands against your skin. You tried yanking your hands out but each of them responded by tightening their grasp on your wrist.
“I asked where the hell do you think you are taking her” Hoseok hissed and Jimin yanked you by your arm and pulled you beside him.
“Mind your business” Jimin stepped towards Hoseok and the older boy responded by closing the gap between the two of them with one long step.
“Stop making a scene” you muttered under your breath as once again you stepped in between the two men and pushed them apart.
Jimin looked down at you and for a moment his expression softened but the stoic look was back on his face as he gave one parting look towards Hoseok and walked off. Hoseok’s eyes remained glued to Jimin’s distant figure with a look of absolute hatred. But a small hiss from you brought his attention back to you.
Your wrists were completely red and if they had held on any longer you were sure there would have been lacerations.
“I am sorry” you heard Hoseok but kept mum.
The crowd around you started to deplete as everyone started to make their way to the bus for one of the teachers was frantically yelling at everyone to come back.
“Here I thought you were mature. You could have let it go Hoseok” you shook your head in disappointment and began to make your way back without waiting for his response. He called out behind you but you were not in the mood to make conversation.
When you entered the bus, you found yourself to be the subject of stares and comments. Some people didn’t have the decency to keep their thoughts to themselves.
“She’s got the two of them fighting over her. What a bitch” you heard someone say but instead of responding like you usually would have, you simply took a seat next to Taehyung. Finding yourself out of energy, and out of words you decided the best course of action was to avoid everyone. You didn’t want to answer Taehyung’s questions. You didn’t want to think about Hoseok. You didn’t want to look at Jimin, much less think about him. So in order to avoid dealing with the mess of your feelings, you figured sleep was the best option.
“Y/n what hap-” you heard Taehyung and dismissed him by putting a finger on your lips, hoping he would get the hint. Thankfully he did as he nodded and lent you his shoulder. Placing your head against his arm you drifted off to sleep, while Taehyung plugged his earphones in your ears with your favourite song playing.
Sometimes he could be a really good friend. Only sometimes.
Arriving at the campsite you almost knocked yourself out of breath because it was the most beautiful sight you had ever seen. The camp ground overlooked a lake, which was surrounded by mountains. You could see fog covering the top of the mountains and the sun reflecting off the surface of the water. A little cove was visible just at the opposite end of the small lake. The pathway leading out to the entrance was filled with rows of flowers on either side. The campsite itself was surrounded by growth of shrubs and bushes but it wasn’t unkempt.
Looking around you saw the dishwashing station, made out of cement. It was covered by a beautiful roof, decorated with hanging lights that were currently turned off. Some tents had already been set up in a circular setting, while in the midst was a campfire circumference by tiny wooden logs.
“Pretty isn’t it?” Taehyung said from beside you with the camera in his hands, as he took some shots and extended the screen for you to see the pictures. You smiled and nodded at him enthusiastically.
“Whosever idea it was to come here, I could give them a hug right now” you pulled your coat tighter around yourself.
Taehyung opened his arms, smiling at you silly. You looked up at him in confusion and then it hit you.
“It was your idea?” He nodded
“How did you even know of this place?”
“Jimin and I used to come here all the time when during the first year of college. It was our safe haven and we would spend nights out here without anyone knowing”
“What happened between you two?”
“Didnt I tell you?” He chuckled but seeing as you shook your head he figured he hadn’t.
He took in a deep breath before turning towards you and taking a picture.
“Hey!” You covered your face with your hands as the camera flash kept on going off.
“Pretty” he lowered the camera from his face.
“So what happened?”
“Lets just say he had to deal with stuff. Thats why him and I used to spend our weekends here most of the times. Sometimes we’d even skip classes and come out here” Taehyung iterated with a solemn expression on his face. You could tell he missed it because of how he sounded bittersweet.
You suddenly came to the realization that despite knowing the guy all this time you never really knew anything about him. At this point you weren’t sure how to feel about him or about your perception of him.
“Sucks” you responded. Taehyung looked at you in disbelief. “What? Thats all I can say” you shrugged, feeling a little disappointed.
“Alright everyone gather round” you heard the professor yell.
“Huh. Did you say something?” Taehyung asked bringing the camera up to his face and taking pictures again.
“Nothing. Lets go” you locked your arm with his and made your way towards Yoongi.
“Since most of us here don’t know each other, we are going to randomly assign you guys. Guys will room with guys and girls with girls” Yoongi pulled out his pen and started calling out names from the list he had made.
One by one people were paired off with each other and assigned a tent. You watched in anticipation as some pairs went off to put up their tents while others were assigned duties.
Only a few people were left now. Your heart sank as you realized Jimin and Hoseok could possibly end up sharing a tent. You hoped and prayed that wouldn’t be the case and you were happy when Jimin was paired up with Jungkook. The two boys high-fived as they went off to their tent.
“Hoseok and Taehyung” Yoongi announced and both boys shook hands as they went off too.
Only you were left and seeing as everyone else was paired off, only you and one other girl was left. It was the same girl who had threatened you about Jimin.
“Finally Maya and y/n. Tent 30 ” Yoongi smiled at the both of you as he too left you alone to take care of his own business.
The girl named Maya and you stared at each other. Neither of you taking the initiative to go to your tent. Both of you glared at each other and after what seemed like an eternity you decided it would be best to set up your tent. You were sure she wouldn’t help and right you were because as soon as you arrived at your spot she took out her chair and busied herself in reading a magazine. You scoffed behind her back as you gathered all the equipment to set up your tent.
“Not gonna help me?” You turned towards her but she didn’t reply. Instead she packed all her belongings in a bag and proceeded towards her group of friends who were huddled at the washing station, seemingly gossiping about you. You shook your head at their immaturity  but you didn’t expect anything else from them.
“I’ll help” you heard a voice from your left and turning around you were faced with Hoseok who picked up a tent pole and began digging it into the ground.
You smiled weakly because you still weren’t in the mood to talk to him and unconsciously you rubbed your wrist and were reminded of how Jimin and him had acted. It really didn’t feel great and for a brief moment you wondered if something was wrong with you because you were sure other girls would have killed for that kind of thing to happen to them. But all you could remember was feeling extremely embarrassed and angry.
“I am sorry about earlier. I know I shouldn’t have acted that way but Jimin was being an ass”
“And that matters to you why?” You turned towards curiously, waiting for his response.
“I don’t like it when someone messes with my friends” he glanced at you, a smirk dancing at the corner of his lips.
“Friend? I don’t think I ever agreed to be your friend” you tried to hold back a smile of your own.
“Thats because I never asked. But I am asking now”
“I’ll have to think about it” he laughed.
“You have until 9 pm tonight” he pointed to his watch. “If I don’t have an answer by then I am going to assume its yes”
“I’ll let you know. Thank you for helping me”
Jimin watched the two of you from a distance. He could feel the anger rising in him but he knew he couldn’t say anything. But for some reason it irked him to watch you and Hoseok together and he hated himself for it. His hold on the glass in his hand tightened and eventually it broke in his hand and the sound of the glass shattering grabbed everyone’s attention around him. His hand began to bleed, as small shards of glass were stuck in the palm of his hand.
“Hyung” Jungkook raced up to Jimin, abandoning his grilling duty.
“Get me a towel and something sharp” he ordered the kids around him all of whom scrambled around to find the items he requested.
“Hyung. Come to your senses. What the hell are you doing?”
“Huh?” Jimin finally looked away from you and Hoseok and realized the glass broke to bits in his hands.
“Ah shit. That hurts” jimin hissed finally realizing that it was hurting.
“Wait” Jungkook instructed him as someone handed him a plucker and he quickly took out the small bits of glass in the palm of his hand. He quickly wrapped the towel on his hand as and out pressure on it. Keeping his hand placed on the towel Jungkook took him to the dish washing station where he unwrapped the towel and let cold water run on his hand. Jimin hissed as the cold water burned on his wounds after having the water run on his for about 10 minutes the bleeding had stopped.
“Jungkook ah, I cant feel my hand” Jimin slightly made a fist.
“Relax hyung. You will be fine. Yoongi hyung can you get me the first aid kit” Jungkook instructed Yoongi and he quickly returned with a small red kit.
Jungkook took out a bandage and some gauze pads. He two cause pads on Jimin’s palm and covered his wounds. Then he wrapped the gauze around his hand, securing it with a pin at the end.
Jimin smiled as he watched Jungkook and instantly felt a sense of fondness for the younger boy.
“Aww our jungkookie is all grown up” he ruffled Jungkook’s hair with his free hand and instantly the younger boy shot him a glare. Jimin chuckled in response.
“Thank you Jungkookie” Jimin teased him again and Jungkook slapped him on the arm.
“Yah! I am older than you. Have some respect”
“I am taller than you” Jungkook tried to hide his smile.
“I am letting you go because you helped me”
Jungkook laughed at his hyung’s attempt to hide his anger.
“But hyung how did you injure yourself?”
Being asked the question reminded Jimin of you and Hoseok and he turned back around to find both of you still setting up the tent while laughing. Jungkook followed Jimin’s line of sight and understood the whole situation.
Jimin turned back around with a smile on his face. “Nothing” he said and Jungkook nodded in understanding. He didn’t want to press Jimin for answers because he knew the older boy would never reveal to him his feelings.
“Lets go” he put an arm around Jimin’s shoulder and took him back towards the tent, busying him by showing him the cool video game he downloaded on his phone.
The first activity of the day was paintball. While everyone else cheered in enthusiasm you sulked because you didn’t have a good aim. It would be embarrassing to say the least because it would give everyone else one other thing to talk about. Jimin and Hoseok both watched as you sighed heavily puffing out your cheeks.
As teams were divided you found yourself on Jimin’s side and instantly regretted coming to the camp in the first place. You glared at Taehyung as he stood across from you on the other side in Hoseok’s team. His forehead creased in confusion as he couldn’t figure out why he was being glared at.  
“What” he mouthed and you responded by dragging the thumb across your neck.
This might be the closest you would come to killing Kim Taehyung because if it wasn’t for him you wouldn’t even be in the situation. Not just him but Yoongi too. They’d better watch out because you were definitely not going to be forgiving to them for landing you in such a shitty situation.
“Gather round guys” you heard Jimin say but you would be damned if you you listened to him. So instead of listening to him you walked off into the clearing and among the large trees.
“Y/n” you heard him call out and your blood boiled at his audacity to still be able to say your name, and to expect you to listen after all he had done. You flipped him off without even turning around and he closed his eyes in anger, biting his lip to stop himself from saying something he shouldnt. The people huddled around him stared in shock, while some tried to hide their laughs behind their hands.
As you were walking on the path you were suddenly scared by Taehyung who jumped out from behind one of the trees.
“Shit you scared me” you jumped back placing your hand on your chest to calm yourself down.
“Why arent you with your team?”
“I dont like my team. I am a one woman army so you better watch out Kim Taehyung because you are my main target”
Taehyung gasped as he feigned shock at your words.
“Why me?” He placed a hand on his heart as he looked at you with a hurt expression on his face.
“Dramaqueen” you scoffed.
“I prefer King but okay since queens are pretty. Is it because of Jimin?” His tone turned serious at the end as he looked at you for an answer.
“Yeah. I don’t know why I am in his team. I don’t even know why I am here” you sighed once again feeling the annoyance rise in you.
Before Taehyung could respond you heard a paintball gun go off in the near distance and you took the chance and ran away from him. You didn’t realize Jimin was in front of you and you ran straight into him. He steadied you by grabbing your shoulder and upon looking up you found him holding onto you. So immediately you pushed him away and stormed off. You heard his steps behind you and picked up your pace.
“Y/n wait” he yanked you by your arm and held on tight. You tried to fight him but his grip was too strong.
“What do you want Jimin. I told you I don’t want to talk to you” your voice was surprisingly calm.
“Just hear me out” he pleaded
“Hear you out? Why should I. You ruined it for yourself” you tried to wiggle your arm out but it only made him tighten his grip even more.
“I didn’t do it piss you off or to mock you. I did it-”
“Stop it. I dont give a crap why you did it so stop trying to explain yourself. I am not interested in it. I mean it Park Jimin” with all the strength you have you pull back from his grip. But before you can even take two steps forward he was there blocking your way. He was absolutely determined to get you to listen to him. However if he thought he could, he was wrong.
“Move” you felt the anger in your voice.
He still didnt move and just watched you feeling his patience running on the lower side. When you tried to side step him he blocked you.
“Just please move” your words left as a whisper and it sounded more like pleading than a request.
“Not until you hear me out”
“I dont want to hear you out Jimin. You couldn’t possibly provide any justification that could make me forgive you. Nothing!” you paused as you felt the anger rising to your chest. You could feel the tears pooling in your eyes. You didn’t want to cry in front of him but you were so angry that you couldn’t help it.
“You know what. You listen to me Park Jimin. I don’t like you. I hate you. I really hate you. I despise you so much Jimin, you have no idea. You have put me through hell. You made my life miserable to the point that I dreaded facing you. And all for what? Nothing. Nada. Its all because you are too fucking screwed up in your head and lead such a shitty life that you take it out on others. You are a bully Jimin. A fucking bully with no respect for anyone!” you stopped once more because your voice began to tremble and you needed to compose yourself.
“You intentionally started a rumour about us, because you enjoyed it. Because you fucking got off on the fact that it scared me. Do you see how messed up that is? I mean you are so caught up in your actions, you don’t even realize what you are doing is wrong. You cant even admit you are wrong. You cant even say sorry Jimin. So what the fuck do you think gives you the right to say this to me. How do you even dare? Next time, don’t come in front of me. I don’t wanna see you. If you want me to write it for you, I will. Stay the fuck away from me. We are done”
You didn’t wait around for him to respond. Sparing him a one last glare you walked off further into the woods to gather your thoughts. It felt good to let it out. He needed to know where he stood in your life and just how much he messed everything up for you. You had been holding it in for far too long and having said it lifted off a weight from your chest.
Jimin was too shocked to say anything. He didn’t know it would hurt that much. He didn’t know that hearing you say how much you hated him would sting so much. His hands balled into fists at his side. He knew he was wrong and he wanted to apologize but he was gone off too far to admit it to himself. He knew he deserved every word but he couldn’t figure out why it hurt him so much.
Hoseok approached him with his hands stuffed into his jean pockets.
“What did you think was going to happen Jimin?”
Jimin’s lips pursed in a thin line as he exhaled heavily through his nose.
“Leave before I punch you” he seethed through clenched teeth and Hoseok chuckled.
“Try. Try it and lets see how that goes for you. You think she is going to like you if you punch me. She is going to hate you even more”
There was truth to Hoseok’s words and that was part of the reason why Jimin stopped himself from doing anything.
“What the fuck are you doing with her?” Jimin glared at Hoseok, his grip tightening on the paintball in his hand.
“Why do you care?” Hoseok smirked and Jimin dropped his gun and grabbed Hoseok’s collar.
Hoseok started laughing and Jimin’s grip tightened on his shirt. Jimin was absolutely furious and his blood was boiling. He really wanted to punch Hoseok but he knew word would get out and it would only piss you off.
“Don’t you fucking dare hurt her. I am going to kill you” both men glared at each other.
“Why? Do you like her? Are you dating her? Is she your girlfriend?”
“You bastard” Jimin’s hand came up in the air in a fist. He was ready to punch Hoseok but at the end moment he stopped himself, thinking about you.
“Let me make something clear to you. I like y/n” Hoseok grabbed Jimin by the collar this time. “Back the fuck off because she hates you. After all that you have done to her, if you think she will like you. If you even have that hope then you are stupid Park Ji Min”
“What the hell?” You began running towards Jimin and Hoseok as soon as you saw they were on the verge of fighting.
“What the fuck is wrong with you two?” You looked between the two of them. Both of them turned to look at you and let go of each others collars with a shove.
“Why the hell are you acting this way?”
“Its nothing. Lets go” Hoseok grabbed you by your wrist and dragged you away behind him, leaving Jimin alone with his thoughts.
By night fall word had gotten out that Hoseok and Jimin fought with each other. Someone ended up taking a picture of the two of them glaring at each other and holding each other’s collars. Your first thought was Taehyung since he had a camera but after going through his camera you didn’t find said picture. It must have been someone else. The picture had circulated around and was the talk of the night.
When you got your hands on it, your spine chilled to the core because you had never seen Jimin looking so angry. You had seen him angry but this was a whole new level of pissed off. He looked like he could actually kill.
You sighed throwing the picture into the campfire and watching it burn. You were lost in your thoughts and failed to notice three boys standing on the other side of the campfire.
“Yoongi. Taehyung. Jungkook” you smiled at them.
“Y/N” they said in unison. For a few minutes all of you stood watching the fire burn and relished in its warmth in the cold of the night. None of you said a word and it felt good to stand in silence together and share the moment in peace. Sometimes silence was all you needed.
“So did you burn the picture then?” You heard Yoongi ask and nodded.
“Good. It was beginning to become a pain in the butt” Taehyung chimed in and all of you laughed.
“You saw them didn’t you?” Jungkook was the next to speak.
“Yeah. I don’t know why they hate each other. I didn’t think they knew each other but seems like they do” you shrugged.
“They used to” Jungkook took a seat on one of the small benches, and yoongi along with Taehyung followed his lead. Suddenly curious as to what the story was you walked over to their side and sat on the bench next to them. With all eyes and ears focused on Jungkook he began to speak.
“They used to be best friends in middle school. Inseparable. But then Hoseok hyung found out that Jimin hyung’s dad was responsible for his dad’s company going bankrupt and they stopped talking. Then they started getting into fights with each other and it escalated. Come high school they were sworn enemies and its carried on until now”
After hearing it you, Taehyung, and yoongi were silent and contemplating.
“But then how come in the three years at college they never fought. I have never even seen them talk” Yoongi questioned and you nodded because you had the same curiosity.
“Thats because Jimin and Hoseok hyung made a pact before entering college that they wouldn’t get in each other’s way. And they didnt. They busied themselves in sports and classes, hanging out with different people. They even ensured not to take the same classes. Besides college is a bigger place than high school” Jungkook explained and it began to make sense.
“Then how come they are fighting now?” Yoongi questioned.
Jungkook briefly glanced at you and you immediately looked away feeling embarrassed.
“Don’t know” the younger boy replied and got up from his seat. “Anyway I am gonna doze off. I’ll see you guys tomorrow” he waved like a child before running off to his tent.
“Even I didn’t know this” Taehyung replied.
“Me neither” Yoongi said.
“Yeah me three” you chuckled and all three of you broke out into laughter.
You were the only one left outside since you were sitting around the fire that was still burning. You needed time to think about everything that had happened since this camping trip. Besides the weather was nice and you liked the refreshing atmosphere of the campsite.
“Why are you still up?” Your head snapped in the direction of the unknown voice and soon enough Hoseok came into sight.
“I could ask the same” you chuckled as he took a seat next to you.
“I saw you sitting here and thought I’d give you company”
“Why thank you”
“Its 10 pm now” Hoseok looked at you with raised eyebrows.
“Oh” you remembered he had asked you to give him an answer by 9 pm. But you had been too busy to actually think about it. Not that it needed thinking because you did consider him a friend.
“What will I get if I say yes?” You turned towards him with a hopeful expression
“What do you want?” He questioned in return, feeling mildly curious as to what you would ask.
“Umm…. Invite me to one of your soccer games. Free of charge”
He thought for a moment before breaking out into laughter. “Okay fine. Deal” he extended a hand and you took it.
“Yes. We can be friends” you smiled and he reciprocated.
“Can I ask you something Hoseok?”
He nodded.
“Why did you and Jimin fight with each other today?”
Hoseok looked slightly alarmed at suddenly being asked the question but he quickly composed himself with the clearing of his throat.
“Do you want the honest answer or a sugar coated version?”
“What would the the sugar coated version be?”
“I would tell you that we fought because we don’t like each other and he gets on my nerves as I do on his. But I am sure by now you know why that is “ he cocked an eyebrow at you.
“You heard us earlier?”
“Yeah. But I am glad you know because atleast I don’t have to tell you myself”
A stretched of silence fell between you two.
“Whats the honest answer?”
“I am not sure how you will feel about it though” he turned to you and looked at you for confirmation. When you nodded he began explaining.
“I heard your talk with him and I went up to him and he said he would punch me. I asked him what he thought was going to happen if you listened to him. Then one thing led to another and I told him I like you” he paused and studied your face. Your jaw dropped as you looked at him in shock and he took the opportunity to close your mouth boy placing his hand under you chin.
“Relax. I am not asking you for an answer. But its true. I do like you. Anyway, I told him to back off and stop being annoying and then you know the rest” as he finished your face was flushed and the only point you could remember out of all of it was him saying he liked you. You weren’t sure how to feel when moments ago you agreed to being friends.
You were shocked at how cool and collected Hoseok was while you looked like you were going to throw up. But you were feeling even worse on the inside.
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost” Hoseok chuckled as he poked your cheek.
“Huh? Oh uh— umm- sorry” your heart hammered in your chest as heat rose to your cheeks.
“Are you gonna go in? I am sleepy” Hoseok yawned and stretched his arms in front of him.
“Go on. I am going to stay out for a few more. Its nice outside” you smiled and he nodded.
“Okay. See you tomorrow morning” you smiled and nodded. He jogged towards his tent and as you watched him walk away his words replayed in your head
I told him I like you
You shook your head. Your crush on Hoseok made your heart race like crazy because of his words. Maybe it was because it was probably the first time in your life a guy had gotten this close to you and was sincere it made your heart flutter.
“Get your head straight y/n” you lightly slapped yourself on the cheeks, feeling thankful for the cold touch of your hands against the warm cheeks.
You relished in the warmth of the fire as the cold breeze caressed your body. It was a nice contrast. But then you remembered Jimin and the cold and empty feeling was back. You suddenly wanted to cry out from frustration. You hated it when moments such as this occurred because all the mixed feelings came back. But mostly anger. Although you had said divulged your feelings towards him, there was much more you wanted to say to him. All you really wanted was for him to admit it to himself that he was wrong. Until he would say those words himself you weren’t ready to listen to him. But you weren’t sure if you could forgive him, even if you listened to his side of the story. After how he treated you, you weren’t sure you had it in you to forgive him.
You shook your head in an effort to shake away your thoughts of Jimin but it seemed as if the universe didn’t want you to forget about him. Because as soon as you looked up, there he was. For a moment the two of just stared at each other and the tension between you two radiated into the atmosphere. You could feel it suffocating you. You couldn’t figure out why he insisted on being annoying but you were absolute in your resolve of not speaking to him.
You stood up with the intent to walk away when his voice interrupted you.
“I was wrong” he mumbled and instantly you snapped your head in his direction.
“You were more than wrong Jimin. And not just that one time. But I am glad you realized it” you gave him a parting glance before turning your back again.
“I know I am wrong. I know I am gone too far off and I know you probably wont be able to forgive me” he stared at his shoes, head hung low because he couldn’t say the words looking at you. It was too hard and embarrassing.
“You’re right. I wont be able to forgive you. So whats your point?” You turned back around  to face him and folded your arms across your chest.
“Help me” he whispered.
For a second you thought your hearing was going bad because there was no way he was asking for help.
“Help you? What for?” You narrow your eyes at him in confusion.
“I want to end it too now. But like I said I am off the rails” he chuckled bittersweetly. “I cant do it alone” he looked up at you, a look of pleading evident in his eyes.
You stare at him trying to figure out if its just another ploy. But you decide that even if it isn’t you aren’t going to give in just because he sees the error of his ways.
“Tell me one thing. Why the sudden change?” You sounded more sarcastic than you wanted to but it was fair enough.
“I guess it was when you said you hated me. I don’t know why y/n but it hurt. I know you wont believe me, but it actually hurt” he shoved his hands in his jacket pocket, slightly swinging on his toes.
“I don’t believe that. Gee I wonder why” you stared at him, a look pure dislike evident on your face.
“No one’s ever said that to me you know? I know people don’t like me much, but you were the first person to ever say it. Trying to run away from becoming like my dad, I actually turned into him…” he trailed off. “Anyway, forget it. I don’t know why I said any of it. Lets just go our separate ways. I wont bother you anymore. And once again I am sorry for everything” he nodded at the ground before giving you a finger salute and walking off.
Once again he got the last word. You stood rooted to your spot in disbelief. But this time he wouldn’t get the last word.
“What makes you think you can just walk away after putting me through all of that?” You called out behind him and he stopped in his tracks. You moved a few steps in his direction, while still maintaining distance.
“So what do you want? Do you want me to continue my old ways?” He didn’t turn back around but you could tell by his voice he was feeling annoyed for it piqued at the end.
“I don’t know what I want. But what I do is know that you cant just walk away like that. Don’t brush it off. A sorry doesn’t cut it. Not even close Park Jimin” your fists clenched beside you, knuckles turning white.
“I’ll ask again what do you want” this time he turned around to face you, his voice sounding dejected. It was more like a defeated beseech, which angered you even more because it made him seem like the victim and you the perpetrator.
Your nostrils flared as anger burned through you once more while memories of him making fun of you, bullying you resurfaced in your head.
“Why are you even doing this? What do you hope to accomplish. What huh?” You stepped towards him. “What? You want to seem like the victim now. Is that it?” You glared at him, trying your hardest not to slap him.
Jimin sighed, biting his lip. He didn’t know what he wanted.
“So what do you want me to do. You don’t want me to walk away. Yet you cant tell me what it is you would like me to do” he took a step closer to you as well and in doing so closing the gap between the two of you.
“I want you to pay for all the shit you’ve pulled. I want you to apologize not just to me, but to each and every person for what you’ve done” you stared at him intently, not backing down from your stance. Suddenly feeling empowered, you kept maintaining the eye contact. It was because you knew you were right.
“Fine. I’ll apologize. Is that it?” he stepped back, still holding eye contact with you.
“No. Thats not all. Thats just the start Jimin. I want you to mean every single word. And I want you to do it tomorrow morning in front of everyone during breakfast”
The next morning the camp ground was bustling with all the people but you were having a hard time concentrating on anything because of your conversation with Jimin last night. Taehyung was beside you and he walk talking about something, but you had no idea what. Everyone seemed to be having a good time with their friends except for you and a certain boy named Park Jimin, who was staring at you from across your tent.
As you looked at him the conversation from last night repeated in your head.
“Fine I’ll do it” Jimin had said and was about to turn away when your voice interrupted him again.
“What the hell is all this Jimin. I don’t get it. How did we ever get to this point?”
Its not because you were feeling bad for him because he deserved to apologize. That was the least he could do. But suddenly you felt like your roles were reversed and you knew that was far from the truth because what you were doing was nothing close to what he did. Yet you couldn’t help but feel that way. Maybe because you weren’t sure how things would end or maybe because you were way too nice. But that wasn’t going to stop you from making him correct all his wrongs.
“I don’t know. But I’ll do it. I’ll make it right” he had whispered softly, avoiding your gaze.
Something about him struck you as different in that moment. He looked so defeated and you had never seen Park Jimin like that. No matter how many times you had confronted him, you had never ever seen him look so guilty. In a way it made you feel happy since he seemed to see the error of his ways.
So as you watched him from your spot, you could tell he was going to do it, seeing as he was walking towards the centre of the ground towards you. He kept his eyes on you as he walked towards you and it made your heart jump a little.
“Gather up everyone” he yelled as he stepped up on one of the tiny wooden benches around the campfire. People seemed to stop what they were doing as they all turned towards him, and some made their way towards the pile of logs. As you examined your surroundings you saw people whispering curiously, with amused looks on their faces, trying to figure out what was going to happen. You watched him with anxiousness wondering just what the hell he was going to say, You half regretted suggesting it in the first place because he could totally swing the other way and not apologize.
“I know you guys are wondering what I am doing up here. I am here because I need to apologize” and as the words left his mouth the crowd broke out into shocked whispers as they all looked at him like he had lost his mind.
“Settle down” he raised his hands and tried to get everyone to quieten.
“Shut up!” Jungkook’s voice carried through the air and everyone immediately quietened down.
Just then your phone buzzed in your pocket. Pulling it out of your pocket you saw a text from Hoseok. Swiping across the screen you opened the text.
Hoseok // 9:00 am
What is he doing?
You// 10:00 am
Hoseok // 10:01 am
You// 10:01 am
Wait and watch
You turned off the screen and put your phone back in your pocket.
“I have many people to apologize to. I know I am not exactly the best of people and I realize I have been an ass more than 99% of the times to some of you” he glanced down at you and you immediately looked away. “I am sorry for being a bully towards you guys” and you watched as some people’s jaws dropped and some had a hard time closing their mouths. It was comical and you were almost going to laugh but who wouldn’t be surprised.
“The first person I want to apologize to is Taehyung. We used to be good friends as some of you know but then I started being an ass to him. I am sorry for pushing you away. I shouldn’t have let go of you. I am really sorry for that. I regret it so much that I don’t even have the words to express it. You were always there by my side and instead of being thankful for it, I pushed you away and acted wrongly towards you. It wasn’t your fault that it happened. I guess I blamed you because I was jealous and I realize that was the stupid thing to do. I am really sorry. I really am and if I could take it back Tae I would. I am so sorry” Jimin looked forlorn as his eyes diverted to the ground. He took a deep breath before continuing again.
You looked over at Taehyung who seemed so shocked, his cheeks were flaming red. He looked completely confused at the sudden change of events. You covered his hand on his lap with your own and gave him a smile, a reassuring squeeze to hand and a nod.
“The second person is Maya” he stopped as he turned towards her before continuing. She looked shocked just like Taehyung.
“I’ve used you more times than I count and I am not even sure how to apologize to you for doing such a thing. Instead of being your friend and protecting you, I hurt you in more ways than one. The truth is that day in the bathroom, I used you to get someone’s attention” you can hear gasps from some people, and see the confused looks on their faces.
“I shouldn’t have done that. I am so so so sorry Maya. I am so sorry to have taken advantage of you and treated you inhumanely. If you give me the chance I promise I am going to be a good friend to you”
“One last person that deserves this apology is y/n” he stepped down from the stool and kneeled in front of you.
Suddenly colour rose to your cheeks from embarrassment.
“Sorry isn’t enough. I know its not. I know I have been a jerk to you and I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness. In fact I would understand if you could never forgive me. I wouldn’t forgive myself either if I was you. But the truth is I would like to change now because I have turned into the person I was running away from. Yesterday when you said you hated me, it was like I was looking at myself through someone else’s eyes and I realized just how much of an asshole I have been to you. You’re right I didn’t have a reason to be that mean to you, to hurt you. I guess you were the easiest person to take it out on. I guess it was because you were the only person still standing in front of me even after all I put you through” he paused and looked up at you. You could see his eyes were glossy.
“I- I wont say sorry. I wont ask for your forgiveness because I don’t have the right to. But I hope you know that I mean it. If it wasn’t for you I don’t think I would have ever been able to see how— how- wrong I was. So thank you for that. Thank you for being honest with me yesterday. Thanks for saying all that. You’re right. You’ve always been in the right” he stood up and turned his back, to face everyone else.
“If I’ve hurt someone else, I am sorry. I really am I hope you guys know that” with a heavy sigh accompanying his words he walked off, while everyone looked after him in shock.
“Ji-” you stopped in your tracks when you saw Hoseok approaching you.
“How did that happen?”
“I dont know. Just did”
“Was it you?”
You used your lips and nodded.
“He seemed sincere” Hoseok turned back around and looked the same way Jimin had left.
“He did. I just hope he meant it and it wasn’t an act”
“So how do you feel?” Hoseok looked at you intently.
“Better. I don’t really know to be honest. But it feels a little bit like closure I guess”
Hoseok nodded as he sat down next to you.
“So what now?” He turned towards you, placing his chin in his hand, and his elbow on his knee as he leaned in.
“I don’t know” you replied fidgeting with your hands in your lap.
“Hoseok!” You both heard someone shout and turning back around it was one of his teammates ushering him over for a game of soccer.
“Wanna watch? Its free”
“I meant an actual game Hoseok. Not this. Thanks for the offer but I am good. I think I am going to stay here for a while”
“Yeah. Sure. Take your time and don’t think about it too much. Give me a call if anything happens” he smiled at you before making his way towards his friends.
For the next three hours you spend time looking around for Jimin since he seemed to have disappeared off the face of the earth. No one had seen him since his morning apology.
“Did he take a bus back or something?” Yoongi pondered as you, Jungkook, Taehyung and Hoseok all stood in a circle trying to figure out where he went.
“No that cant be because the only bus here comes at 9:00 am and he was here at that time” Hoseok replied.
The shallow feeling in your stomach kept growing each minute that passed. You wondered and worried where he could have gone to. You hoped he hadn’t done anything stupid because he had to apologized. You realized it was a hard thing for him to do and you sincerely wished he was okay. Because if he wasn’t you wouldn’t be able to forgive yourself.
“Well lets go look around once more” Jungkook suggested and jogged off shouting Jimin’s name, hoping he would come back.
Everyone went their separate ways, while you decided to check back near the cove. He could have gone there. You weren’t even sure anyone know about the title cove at the right end of the lake.
“Jimin!” You yelled while looking around.
You reached the cove and saw a shadow against the opening.
“Jimin is that you?” You cautiously approached with slow steps.
“I am not going to do it. I am not going to law school dad so stop forcing it on me. Thats that. I am hanging up” you heard his voice.
You jumped back as something came rolling towards your feet. Bending down you released your breath as you saw it was his phone. Picking it up you proceeded in his direction.
“Jimin” you said as you still took cautious steps.
“WHAT!” He yelled and you jumped back in fear.
“We’ve been looking for you” you stepped in further and came face to face with him. He looked like he had cried since you could see a single tear track on his cheek.
“Here” you extended the hand with his phone in it and he snatched it from you before putting it in his jacket pocket.
“What are you doing here?” You questioned as you sat next to him on the sand, leaning your head against the rock.
He remained silent instead of answering. You examined his profile and saw the frown pulled between his eyebrows. He was kicking sand with his feet, causing it to dust in the air. Once he got bored with that he turned his away from you and looked out to the lake while fidgeting with his phone in his hands. When you realized he wasn’t going to say anything you dusted off your pants and stood up.
“I am going. I’ll let everyone know you are here”
“Cant you stay just for five minutes?” He asked still looking out to the lake
You contemplated for a moment as you took in his form. You had never seen him look so lonely before. There was something else in his expression too but you couldn’t point it out. Without saying a word you sat down next to him on the same spot. A stretch of silence fell between you two as you both admired the scenic sight in front of you. Soon enough your eyelids began to feel heavy as the soft breeze soothed you and the warmth from the sun was enough to make you feel sleepy.
Your head fell on Jimin’s shoulder, who looked down at you. He didn’t move a muscle and let you rest there.
“I am sorry y/n for always troubling you. I know it all seems so sudden but I have realized my mistakes. Took me long enough but if I hadn’t heard those words from you, then it wouldn’t have been possible”
His body froze as you adjusted your head against his shoulder in your sleep. He looked down at you, waved his hand in front of your face and when he was sure you were still asleep he released the breath he had been holding.
“If you aren’t asleep and are listening to me. Don’t get close with Hoseok. I don’t like the guy”
He looked down at you again and a smile quivered at the corner of his lips.
“What makes you think you can tell me that?” You mumbled in your sleep.
“You weren’t sleeping?” He questioned
When you didn’t reply he let out another breath. You leaned your head further onto his shoulder and he licked his lips in nervousness. He breathed a deep breath but realized that if exhaled it could wake you up, so with a pained expression he tried to hold it in failed after 5 seconds.
“If you tell anyone about this I am going to kill you” you warned Jimin before leaving the cove.
“And come like 15 minutes after me, otherwise everyone will think we were together or something” you turned back around to let him know.
“Just everyone or Hoseok?” He shoved his hands into his pockets as he narrowed his eyes at you.
“Why do you care?” You narrowed your eyes at him in turn.
“I told you I don’t like the guy” he said as he began to walk behind you, while still maintaining distance.
“That doesn’t have anything to do with me” you called out without turning around and continuing with your pace.
“Sure it doesn’t” he mutters and even at some distance you made out his words which made you stop in your tracks.
“What do you mean by that?” You turned around and crossed your arms over your chest.
“Nothing. Keep walking” he stopped at some distance and when you resumed your walk again he did too. Behind you he shook his head and kicked his feet underneath him because of feelings of frustration that built up in him every time he thought of you and Hoseok.
On the other hand, everyone at the campsite was looking for you and Jimin.
“It wasn’t enough that one went missing. Now we have two” Yoongi sighed as he put his hat on to shield himself from the sun.
“I’ll all y/n” Hoseok pulled out his phone as he dialled your number.
Down by the cove your phones began ringing. You pulled it out and saw Hoseok’s number flashing.
“Oh Hoseok!” You put the phone to your ear but before you had the chance of saying hello it was  snatched from your hand by Jimin.
“Hey!” You yelled as you tried to wrest it from Jimin’s grasp but he held it up in the air. You tried jumping up but to no avail.
“What?” Jimin spoke into the phone and on the other end Hoseok’s face contorted in confusion.
“Why are you picking up her phone?” He asked rolling his eyes
“Why are you calling her?” Jimin questioned smartly.
“Are you with her?” Hoseok’s grasp on his phone tightened
“Yeah and why do you care?”
“Let me talk to her” Hoseok gritted his teeth.
“Sorry she’s not here. Try again later” Jimin smirked and hung up. Then he threw your phone across the lake.
“What the fuck Jimin. What did you do that for?!” You ran towards the lake, but Jimin caught you.
“Don’t be dumb. I’ll buy you a new one” he wrapped his arm across your shoulders from the back to stop you from jumping into the lake for your phone.
“We aren’t close enough for that” you wrestled against his hold but he was far too strong.
“I know why which is why I’ll buy you an old one” he chuckled and it angered you further.
“What the hell is wrong with you? Why do you get so idiotic when it comes to Hoseok?”
“Thank you for bringing that up. Now apply that question to yourself and give me an answer” you elbowed him in the stomach and freed yourself from his grasp. He winced in pain for about two seconds before straightening his back.
“Ughhhh I hate you Park Jimin.You are the world’s stupidest guy. Congratulations” you brought his hand towards you and sarcastically shook it before storming off.
“Thanks for the compliment y/n” he yelled behind you and chuckled as he watched you storm back to the campsite.
Please let me know what your thought on this chapter. Feedback and comments are more than welcome. As always thank you so much for taking the time to read this!
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johobi · 5 years
4944/12/43 - Seokjin
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Word count: 800
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Warnings: allusions to tentacle sex
More: Dig Deep Masterlist
The night before your wedding to a man you couldn’t find any more repugnant, you seek out the mercantile aid of an unscrupulous space pirate.
Date: 4944/12/43 (AST)
UserID: king.seokjin
Log, you find me today in a state of utter disbelief. Find me questioning my sanity, and that of my brothers. Because I have encouraged something untenable, despite knowing all that I do. 
This evening, Yoongi petitioned me for the girl’s carriage. All I needed say was no. And yet I spoke the opposite. Yes, it was with reluctance, but the manner in which I acquiesced does not matter. It should simply have been no. 
I’ll start from the beginning.
Today a human came aboard. Hardly an unusual occurrence, if you’re to recall my previous entries, Log. We invite many - human and otherwise - to the Crinnick for negotiation. Just because I despise the four-limbed patza, doesn’t mean I won’t bleed them for every credit they are worth.
But today was different. 
The girl did not come aboard to conduct business in the manner we usually engage their accursed kind. In fact, it was like no other transaction I have ever witnessed. Well, I did not witness the act in question, but several of my brothers were unfortunate enough to observe. I have no doubt it will prove impossible for Hoseok, Jimin and Jungkook to scrub the ghastly images from their minds. The description alone disturbs me to sickness. 
And now he will not have her disembark. Would not OK flight until myself and Namjoon capitulated. Unfortunately, the Captain is soft and overly fond of the fragile meatsacks and their quaint ways. He agreed immediately. How quick he is to forget what they’ve done to me. To all of us.
But especially to me.
Log, Yoongi is cold. He is quiet and sharp and the very embodiment of ice. He cares for none but his brothers - and only then when he’s inebriated. He has shown more attachment to this girl after excavating her than he has any hard-won trinket. What manner of being has possessed him? What dreadful, mind-flaying parasite inhabited the depths of that girl’s nether regions? Whatever it may be, he is now its host. It’s possible he is incubating some genocidal hybrid species. I might suggest a quarantine to Hoseok.
Then why did you say yes?, Log, you ask? 
It is simple.
It is because Yoongi smiled. I have not once seen that expression upon him, unless pinned there by arrogance, cruelty, or on the odd occasion Taehyung puts on his puppet show. This was a smile something foreign. Sincere, if Yoongi ever practiced sincerity. There came no barbed quip with it. Just a plea for her to stay. He stared into me with dilated, unfocused eyes. Were I not a man of science I would accuse her of enthrallment. However, Hoseok is staunch in his belief that the human has awakened in Yoongi some long-latent, reproductive urge that simply cannot be sated by our female counterparts. Evolution missed a step. He says he’s heard tell of other Iluoli engaging in this crude form of copulation with other species, when the circumstances - and anatomy - are right. 
I cannot understand it myself. This sudden, carnal urge Yoongi says he must contend with now. Log, I do not overstate it when I say he looked positively crazed when making attempts to describe it! Atop that, he was exhausted, too. It cannot be good for him. For any of us.
And yet I’m enabling it further, because he asked earnestly, and with a smile. 
Smite me. 
However: I have only said yes for now. I am not so foolish as to agree to this in any permanent capacity. Because I know in my hearts that this will not last. Whatever feverish infatuation this is of his, it will unravel. They are no match. She will vex him with her irksome human needs and he will never understand the ridiculous intricacies of human courtship. It is guaranteed to fail. I can sleep peacefully in this knowledge. 
If it doesn’t prove short-lived, he may have endangered all of us. 
I may have endangered all of us.
Because I, and only I, am privy to her true identity. 
And all because he smiled, Log. 
I’ve become soft, like Namjoon. Tell no-one.
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baepsaetan · 6 years
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Summary: Hoseok is a film student looking for muse, and Yoongi is a tattoo artist looking for money. When they meet, the two find that they could give each other far more than creativity and cash, but soulmate isn’t spelled p.e.r.f.e.c.t, and Yoongi’s tattoos cover up more than just his skin.
Chapters: pt.1, pt.2, pt.3, pt.4, pt.5, pt.6, pt.7, pt.8, pt.9, pt.10, pt.11 -> read on Ao3
Genre: Soulmate! AU, Angst
Warnings: Swearing, mildly suggestive content, implied alcoholism, implied past abuse, seriously a lot of angst, eventual smut, main character death.
Length: 10.2k
A/N: A slightly fluffier chapter to soften the blow of pt. 6. <3 This is where the “eventual smut” tag starts being prodded to life, as a heads up to anyone who’s reading. As always, hope you enjoy! 
The dark presses heavily against his eyes, and though the moon is bright enough to give some hazy guidance, it also throws the woods crowding the path into deeper shadows. Hoseok knows it’s stupid to thoroughly expect to suddenly run into a bear or an ax murderer, but that doesn’t stop his heart from leaping nervously in his chest with every step. A good part of him wants to turn on his heel and just book it back to the cabin, and stay in there until the sun rises, but his friends would rag him for the rest of eternity and besides, who the hell is afraid of the dark? At his age?
Teeth clenched, his hand tightening around the bag of marshmallows he’d retrieved from the cabin, (carelessly forgotten by someone he won’t mention – Yoongi), Hoseok inches forward. Somewhere ahead is the clearing – strains of lowkey pop music come from that direction – a clearing which contains a blessed fire and even more blessed friends. Hopefully. Hopefully they’re over there somewhere, and not lurking in the trees, ready to try to scare the shit out of him. You’d think that after five nights of camping, they would have gotten tired of leaping out of shadows and bushes – you’d think that Hoseok would have stopped falling for it – but neither is the case. He still sees Taehyung’s shape in every log, and Jungkook in every–
A loud crack snaps behind him, and Hoseok whirls, a shriek not – quite – breaking from his lips. Swallowing it – and his heart, too, given that it catapulted into his throat – the film major stops dead, peering into the black that consumes the path behind him. He should have brought the flashlight like Yoongi said, and ignored Jimin calling him a chicken. God, it’s either a bird or a squirrel or one of the idiots he’s invited to his family’s cabin, but what if it’s not? What if he dies because he thinks it’s not a big deal? What if he–
Something seizes his hand, and this time Hoseok does scream, a sharp spike of sound that cuts off half a heartbeat later when he realizes he recognizes the grip. He doesn’t need Yoongi’s voice to confirm it, though the man speaks anyways. “Relax,” he says, a pretty constant refrain where Hoseok is concerned. “It’s just me.”
“I knew that,” he replies quickly, and Yoongi’s low laugh eases the scared pit in his stomach. His heart has already settled down, an immediate reaction to the man’s presence that always happens and has taken some getting used to. It’s stupid to be relieved to have the tattooist next to him, but the fact is that Yoongi doesn’t make him feel stupid about it, and that makes all the difference in the world.
“Sure you did,” is his companion’s easy response, and they start walking together, hand in hand. Hoseok can’t help but steal glances at the other’s striking face, the moonlight washing away the drawn lines so often embedded around his mouth and under his tired eyes. It’s a pretty look, though not as pretty as when Yoongi is napping on his couch, sunlight spilling across his serene expression. Hoseok quickly jerks his eyes away when another ominous crack sounds to the side, thoughts derailed by the noise. Yoongi squeezes his hand, and this time he’s not afraid.
They halt. “You guys can haul your asses back to the fire,” Yoongi calls flatly. “This was only funny the first time.”
There’s a pause, like the woods are seriously considering his words, before a rebellious voice somewhere in the darkness replies, “The second time was funny.”
Taehyung follows Jungkook’s disagreement with sunny cheekiness, emerging onto the path ahead of them. “The third time was pretty funny, too, hyung. I thought Hobi hyung was gonna have a heart attack.”
“Was that before or after you fell off the roof and nearly broke your fool neck?” Yoongi asks dryly.
“Both!” Taehyung replies cheerfully, and some rustling announces Jungkook stepping out of the shrubs and joining them. Hoseok thinks Tae should probably feel a bit worse about prancing around on a cabin roof with the sole intention of scaring him, especially when it had resulted in Taehyung falling off and causing a panic among all of them, but the other guy is irrepressible. As he puts it, his head had stopped bleeding after only a few hours. What an idiot, is Hoseok’s fond summation, because Taehyung wouldn’t purposefully hurt a fly, let alone any of their feelings.
He is kind of getting tired of the attempts at freaking him out, though. He wishes Yoongi would say something harsher as they begin to walk – when he draws a line, the younger guys tend to respect it – but the tattooist is silent. In fact, when Hoseok looks over the other is staring at him pointedly, and he knows deep in his gut what those lightly narrowed eyes mean. It’s like a prod towards the edge of a cliff, only Yoongi keeps reassuring him that if he jumps he won’t fall.
Is this worth digging in his heels, though? Being labelled a killjoy? He’s not a person with a hard stop; leave that to other people like his father, with the ultimatums and last straws. Yoongi’s pointed out (repeatedly) that there’s a difference between being a downer and standing up for yourself, and that his friends are hardly likely to dislike him for saying no, but it’s a difficult line for Hoseok to see and an even harder one to walk.
Except his newly named boyfriend is still staring at him, so much expectant silence in his eyes that Hoseok is surprised no one else can hear it. He sighs to himself. Fingers tightening spasmodically around Yoongi’s – his expression doesn’t change – Hoseok begins tentatively, “Yo, guys…” The younger boys glance back curiously, and though their faces are shadowed, there’s no sign of tension or judgement in the motion. “There’s only a day left of camping and, like… I’m kind of not finding this funny any more.”
“Oh, really?” Taehyung asks, and it’s such a bewildered, innocent question that Yoongi snorts.
It makes Hoseok feel better though, and he nods cautiously. “Yeah… It’s not a big deal or anything but, like, maybe just for tonight…”
Jungkook is quick to reply, as brazen in his apology as he is in his teasing. “Damn, sorry. We really thought you were having fun, hyung! We’ll lay off, sure.” Beside him, Taehyung hums in agreement, and, just like that…
The problem is solved. He blinks rapidly, hand relaxing in Yoongi’s grip, and though he really can’t see well enough to be sure, Hoseok still knows the other man is smirking in that smug way he has. The marshmallow bag clutched to his chest in dumbfounded silence, he doesn’t even care about that. If it feels a little stupid to be so relieved, it doesn’t look like either of the younger guys notice, and Yoongi’s not going to bother him about it. Not much, anyways. Hoseok can only kick himself for not speaking up sooner, though he’s so relieved it’s a half-hearted affair.  
They break into the clearing shortly after, a small, imperfect circle with a scattering of lawn chairs surrounding a crackling fire set into a shallow pit. He sees that – against all advice – Namjoon’s put about five more logs into the flames, and they’re alternating between suffocating in some places and roaring to unholy heights in others. The fact that most of them (with the exception of Kookie) have never been camping before was an excuse for inexperience at the start of the trip, but it hardly flies now. If Hoseok didn’t know better, he’d have suspected that Namjoon was secretly planning on burning the camp site to the ground, and everyone else along with it.
That’s clearly not the case, but this trip has been something of a revelation of Namjoon’s clumsier side. There’s ample evidence for it; there aren’t enough chairs in the circle around the fire, given that the bookstore owner broke his the first day. It worked out – as Hoseok settles into his seat, Yoongi sits in his lap, and has since the incident – but it’s still a little shocking. The broken tent pole had been funny, though the ax head embedding itself in the ground an inch from Jimin’s foot instead of into the log a good half a meter away had been a clear sign that Namjoon was a minor apocalypse waiting to happen.
He’s been regulated to non-dangerous tasks since then, but Namjoon’s adamant about helping with the fire.
It’s a little awkward to poke and prod the logs his earnest, possibly pyromaniac assistant added into a respectable shape (what with Yoongi in his lap and all) but Hoseok manages it and finds that Jin has snagged the bag of marshmallows. The eldest of them is already spearing the white balls onto sticks they’d foraged for that purpose – Hoseok’s offer of metal sticks had been indignantly rejected as not being rustic enough – and he passes them around as soon as the fire is back under control. Jungkook and Taehyung bicker, as per the norm, fighting for the best spot and slashing each others’ rods out of the way, but everyone else is content to lean forward, the warmth of the flames licking hands and faces, and let their marshmallows roast in whatever patch of heat that’s available.
For his part, Yoongi sets his first one on fire, ignores their amused consternation and lets the marshmallow burn into a blackened mess that takes a long time to crumple off his stick.
When Hoseok murmurs a question in his ear, under the rest of the conversation that’s long ago moved on, the tattoo artist replies lightly, “Figuring out how to fuck it up, so I don’t later.” Hoseok wraps his free arm around Yoongi, pulls him closer, and the other man leans back against his chest with no complaint.
He’s glad Yoongi agreed to come. It’s often a struggle to get him out of the studio, and even if Namjoon says he’s gotten better since Hoseok entered the picture, that doesn’t exactly mean the tattooist has turned into a social butterfly. His recent illness – some kind of violent stomach flu – obviously hasn’t helped, but Yoongi seems to be getting over it, and he’s actually been very engaged in this particular outing. It was his idea, after all, to bring tents instead of sleeping in the cabin, and putting those up (including Namjoon snapping one of the poles) had been one of the early highlights of the trip.
It’s good for Yoongi to be here, Hoseok muses, and not just for Hoseok’s sake, either. As the blonde man recites a word-perfect rendition of Tony Montana’s speech from Scarface – much to the delight of everyone, especially Jungkook, who’s giggling hysterically – Hoseok stares into the flames and lets himself be lulled by the sound of his boyfriend’s comically slurred voice. He laughs at the appropriate moments (“Me, I always tell the truth. Even when I lie.”) but he’s thinking about the way the heat is sinking into his skin, especially the skin around his collarbone.
You can’t memorize a bonded tattoo – not when it changes daily – but Hoseok’s still got a pretty good picture of it in his head. It’s never stopped growing – the fringe of flowers now trails up his throat and stretches three quarters of the way across his chest – but it doesn’t look… healthy, either. The petals droop tiredly and the colour is leaching from them, slowly but surely. Unless it’s changed for the better since he was able to look at it, before they left. It probably hasn’t.
He’s caught between a strange – albeit familiar – mix of concern; guilt that he’s not concerned enough, and guilt that he’s concerned at all. He has a boyfriend. He should be focused on and grateful for that – and he is. Sometimes Hoseok’s just afraid he’s doing Yoongi a disservice by thinking about his bonded at all. The thought – a thought that comes to his mind with frequent, uncomfortable regularity – makes him tighten his grip, and without breaking off his speech, Yoongi snuggles back, rests more firmly in Hoseok’s lap.
As always, his heavy presence soothes the unease, and Hoseok relaxes a little, eases himself off the anxious trail of thought. It’s becoming easier and easier to do that, these days – sometimes even without Yoongi’s help – and it also makes it easier to stop desperately throwing himself into crazy antics for the sake of laughter and nothing else at all. Which isn’t to say he doesn’t like fooling around anymore; it’s just that now he’s doing it for himself, and not just for others. That’s a much nicer thought, and Hoseok smiles a little to himself, taking his (only slightly burnt) marshmallow from the fire and pulling it, gooey and still-hot, from his stick. It tastes almost as sweet as being with his friends – and the bitter taste of charcoal barely registers amidst that.
Taehyung apparently likes golden brown marshmallows, but he doesn’t have the patience or the luck to manage them; he sets his fifth or sixth on fire, just like the previous ones, and blows frantically as the rest of them laugh. It looks like he’s going to give up, except then Yoongi hands over his own stick, which he’s been patiently holding at the edge of the fire for the last few minutes. The marshmallow on it is about as perfect as it gets, a hairsbreadth from falling off, and Taehyung exclaims in confused but delighted thanks, a swirl of, “Are you sure?” and, “Wow, thanks!” and “You did this for me?”
Yoongi shrugs, easily riding the excited wave until he can get a word in. “I felt bad,” he eventually says. “It was too pitiful; you wasted so many good marshmallows.” He’s cheerfully unrepentant of his own waste, and equally cheerfully ignores Taehyung and Jin calling him out on it.
It makes Hoseok grin, so affectionate that he presses his face to Yoongi’s neck, just for a moment, just to release the bursting warmth. The tattooist turns in his lap, runs his hand through Hoseok’s hair, and kisses him, a slow press that doesn’t summon fire – not like that disorienting first time – but puts something soft and secure in the pit of Hoseok’s stomach. The displays hadn’t embarrassed him back when they first – officially – started dating, and Yoongi has been surprisingly willing to be demonstrative in public, so long as he isn’t taken by surprise. He says that if it bothers anyone, they can go to hell and send a postcard. It certainly doesn’t embarrass either of them now, not when it’s just their friends who can see. (Not even when Namjoon calls, “Get a room!” with tongue-in-cheek mockery.)
The group’s conversation is a bundle of good-natured teasing, fond memories and idle speculations about the present and future. It’s slow, only spiking occasionally as someone (usually Jin) is baited into an explosion of comic disagreement, and even that quickly subsides. Over their heads, the moon is a bleak source of light, but the fire serves to warm more than just their bodies; it lightens the atmosphere, too, settling a cheerful and intimate blanket over the group of seven. The crackle of the flames fills their scattered silences, the phone music turned off awhile ago, and if Hoseok closes his eyes, the fire remains as a vivid imprint on his eyelids, the voices and low pop of the flames mingling together.
Time passes luxuriously, and no one looks at their phones to check the hour, but it must be getting late. Just as Hoseok feels his eyes beginning to close with greater frequency, his forehead occasionally nodding to rest against Yoongi’s warm back, a long, mournful sound – far away and immediate, all at once – pulls him abruptly wide awake. The howl is taken up by a chorus of forlorn voices, and it sends rapid chills skittering down his back, worse than when he was walking through the dark. They shut up Jin mid-sentence, and after a pause, Jungkook laughs, a hum that dies quickly.
“There’re wolves around here?” Namjoon asks, and to his credit he manages to sound more interested than afraid.
“Yeah,” Hoseok replies, and after his initial reaction he actually feels fond. It reminds him of another time, another place, with other people that he loved unreservedly when he was younger. “They’re not as close as they sound,” he adds, recalling his sister’s reassurances when his father had tried to convince him the wolves were lurking just outside the circle of light, so many years ago. “Their howls can travel a really long distance.”
Jimin’s voice is soft with wonder. “They sound so… free. But sad, too, y’know? I wonder why they –”
Another stirring call ripples out, somewhere in the night, a mounting crescendo of heartrending grief and fierce exultation that cascades into a sorrow so deep it fills the lungs of all the listeners, making it just a little harder to breathe. It’s immediately answered by a different voice, and then another, falling and climbing over each other in a harmony that catches at Hoseok’s breath and shoves it back down his throat, all the way to his heart. The strains of melodic wildness carry on, and the boys sit in rapt silence. Yoongi’s fingers rub in quick, concentrated circles against Hoseok’s thighs, and Hoseok has a feeling that he’s listening in a way that’s different from all of their hushed admiration, though he couldn’t have said why.
The tumult falls off, and the crackling of the fire lingers uneasily in the space left behind, like it’s aware of how severely lacking it is compared to the beautiful noise. Just as Hoseok stirs, about to break the silence he can’t stand, abruptly the man in his lap cups his hands around his mouth, throws back his head – and howls.
It’s not perfect, a bit too high, a bit too hoarse to join the previous chorus of unearthly voices, but it sure as hell scares the shit out of everyone nonetheless. Hoseok jerks, nearly takes them both out as he rocks the chair – cutting off Yoongi’s hair-raising cry – and Jimin, just next to them, literally does fall out of his seat. (Backwards, thankfully, and not towards the fire.) The rest of them are in a similarly startled state.
“Dude!” Jungkook grumbles, caught between reproach and admiration, and Jimin echoes the sentiment as he clambers to his feet.
Jin is sharper, his strained voice coming from across the flames, body hidden in the darkness. “Yah, are you trying to give us heart attacks?”
Yoongi laughs, as wild as the sound he’d made, and he might have replied except the wolves take up their howling again, and it’s hard to tell if it’s a response or merely a continuation. One thing’s for sure; the untamed calls die more quickly this time, and what remains is expectant, tinged with something sharp and poignant, as if every tree is straining to hear the next note. Once again, the resulting quiet aches to be broken, and Hoseok’s pretty sure everyone’s leaned forward, waiting for Yoongi to snap the tension. He doesn’t though, sits still in Hoseok’s lap, and the void of noise presses heavy against them all, a suffocating weight.
Which is about when Hoseok realizes that Yoongi is playing them, his shoulders shaking with unvoiced laughter, and his lips curl in a smile. Quite before he knows exactly what he’s doing, Hoseok tilts his head back, looking up at the black canvas sky painted with streaks of silver and pinholes of white, and the moon really is beautiful, and it’s not so hard to let the edgy feeling in his chest rip out as another howl. Without the benefit of his hands, it carries less than Yoongi’s, but he’s got the enthusiasm for it and the sound is still loud, and Yoongi is laughing and everyone else is joining in, with calls that rise and peak and break apart into baying and barking and even some little yelps, too.
The wolves respond, and it’s a back and forth exchange for a time, no one knowing if they’re the ones eliciting the pagan answers, and not caring, either. Hoseok howls until his lungs give out and his throat is raw with the sound of it, and in between laughing and gasping and reveling in just how special it is to be doing this with these people around this dying fire, he almost misses the absence of the wolves, gone silent for who-knows how long. The otherworldly dearth can’t be filled with human screeches, but it can be filled – and is, filled until it’s overflowing – with human connections and Jin’s puns and Jimin’s giggles, Taehyung’s ingenuous comments, Jungkook’s goofy jokes and Namjoon’s thoughtful remarks.
Most of all, it’s filled by the man in his lap, who set this whole thing off and rode the wave of hilarity for a time until slipping away from the center, easily and naturally regulating himself to the background as an appreciative witness. Even as the conversation lapses, flickering lower just like the flames at their feet, Hoseok can’t help but be aware of just how much he loves Yoongi, how much Yoongi fits in as a part of his life, as a part of all of them. For all his protestations, the artist belongs here, and it makes Hoseok grin into the gathering silence.          
It’d be utterly peaceful... if Yoongi didn’t keep shifting, which he’s been doing since he started howling. The first night – the first hour or so, when Yoongi had done it – Hoseok had just assumed the other man was restless, but there’s something very... deliberate... about the way the artist moves, sometimes, in little bundles of twisting motion. He’s been doing it, off and on, every time they end their day around the fire. And he’d been awfully quick to volunteer to sit in Hoseok’s lap in the first place. It’s not that it’s painful, exactly, but having his boyfriend grinding against his dick does a really good job of putting certain thoughts in his head. Certain expectations which have yet to be met. When he shifts again, Hoseok’s arm tightens around Yoongi’s middle in response. He could have been imagining the tattooist’s quiet chuckle, barely a breath, except he isn’t.
Namjoon spares him from having to throw in the towel, so to speak. “I’m tired,” he announces, clambering to his feet, and Jin is quick to get up too. No need to guess what’s going on there, though it makes Hoseok just a little envious. “You have a time you want us to clear out of here, Hoseok?” Namjoon adds, distracting him.
“Oh – nah,” is his reply. “I’m thinking of leaving around eleven, since it’s such a long drive, but if Yoongi and Jimin wanna hang out for longer…” He glances inquiringly at the two, but they both shake their head. “Either way, I don’t care if you guys wanna stay for longer, as long as you lock up after.”
“I think we’ll probably leave at the same time. Be easier if we’re not driving at night, anyways.”
Jin and Namjoon leave down a separate path that leads to another, larger clearing, where they’d pitched the tents. The younger guys don’t seem inclined to go to bed – Taehyung gets up and throws a few more logs on the fire – and while the event with the wolves has certainly pried him from the jaws of fatigue, Hoseok doesn’t feel like remaining here, either. It’s a little much to be asked to sit still, with Yoongi doing what he’s doing.
“I think we’ll head out, too,” he says after only a little while, and pretends his voice isn’t strained at all.
Someone snorts – he thinks it’s Jungkook – but that’s the only pushback he gets, and Yoongi doesn’t complain about Hoseok speaking for him (though he does complain about it on occasion, which is just blatant grumbling for the sake of grumbling). They untangle from each other and get to their feet, and Yoongi sternly reminds them to put out the fire before going to bed, raising a chorus of indignant protests. He needn’t have bothered. At the very least, Hoseok trusts Jimin not to forgetfully start a forest fire and kill all of them in the process.
As they step away from the clearing, their flashlight guiding the way in the near-darkness, Jimin’s voice floats teasingly after them. “Don’t stay up too late. We’ve got an early start tomorrow.” Yoongi barks a laugh, but for his part, Hoseok can’t help but feel embarrassed at just what his best friend is probably imagining – especially given that it isn’t true.  
It may be the beginning of March, and the days warmer because of it, but the nights are still quite cold. Away from the fire, once he’s kicked off his shoes and stepped into their tent Hoseok is reluctant to pull off the thick hoodie swathing his body, and Yoongi is in a similar state.
“Wah, it’s too cold!” Hoseok complains, and Yoongi agrees.
“Let’s just keep the hoodies on,” he suggests, moving to hook up the flashlight on a line he’s cleverly strung across the top of the tent. In the dangling light, Hoseok plucks at the smoke-saturated fabric of his sweater more than a trifle doubtfully.
“They’re dirty, though,” the student objects, and Yoongi’s low laugh makes him flush. “Yah, seriously, I’ve worn this every night at the fire; I don’t wanna sleep in it too!” he protests, maybe a little too fervently.
Yoongi hums, a carelessly discarded note. “Suit yourself,” he says, and clicks the light off. Hoseok can hear him shoving his phone into his bag and then a rustling announces the other man getting into the blankets. The first day they’d had two separate sleeping bags, but that hadn’t been warm enough – or close enough, if he’s being very honest – so they’d unzipped the bags and used them as padding, stealing a few more blankets from the cabin and lying under them together. Hoseok hesitates, but he really doesn’t want to wear the hoodie; he feels dirty enough as is. It’s actually got little to do with self consciousness – they’ve slept together (in the most literal sense only) plenty of times before – but he’s not keen on smelling like garbage while being next to Yoongi, either.
Pulling it over his head, he’s instantly too cold, teeth jarring together as his bare arms are exposed. His self-pitying yelp provokes another chuckle from Yoongi, before his boyfriend says, “Aw, come on. Get under the blankets before you freeze.”
Only too happy to comply, Hoseok also pitches his phone to the side before snuggling under the blankets that Yoongi helpfully holds open, making a happy sound to get into the warmth. As expected, it’s a whole lot more comfortable, and his boyfriend’s body heat is already sinking into the layers. Wriggling around in excited satisfaction, luxuriating in the way the cold is being driven from his limbs, Hoseok ignores Yoongi’s complaints as he buries further into the blankets. His heart is tripping in his chest, the usual reaction to their sleeping arrangements… although maybe a little exacerbated by what Yoongi had been doing earlier.
Before he can think on that too intensely, the other man shifts, is abruptly leaving the pile of blankets and drawing a confused exclamation from Hoseok. There are more rummaging sounds, and suddenly the flashlight over their heads is back on. As abruptly as he left, Yoongi is back again, sliding up against Hoseok, closer than before, so that if his heart was going fast previously, it starts to sprint now. Even days of sweat and smoke haven’t managed to totally wipe out the other man’s scent, and the wash of citrus and pine crowds his senses with sharp clarity.
“I forgot,” says the suspiciously oblivious Yoongi. “You promised to show me some of the footage you got from this week.” And Hoseok finds his camera being shoved into his hands.
He almost groans. “Now, really?” he asks pitifully, and the light dances across Yoongi’s face, highlighting his grin.
“What, were you planning on sleeping?” the artist asks, and Hoseok can only shake his head.
“I mean no, but, well, it’s our last night, and I thought…” His boyfriend’s face doesn’t indicate any abrupt comprehension, and the other man can only scrabble weakly to find what he means to say. After all that Yoongi’s done, after the hand holding and the cuddling and the making out – and there has been plenty of all three – he doesn’t know why Yoongi hasn’t made a move to take it further. And he doesn’t know how to say that he wants to take it further, when all of his subtler hints have been ignored. And he doesn’t know if he should want to take it further, or talk about it at all, with how Yoongi has been. And he doesn’t know –
“Let’s look at this, first,” his companion suggests archly, and Hoseok can’t understand how they’re on such a different page that Yoongi isn’t picking up what he’s putting down. That hurts, more than a little, the pleasant, tingling joy of before deserting him, and he nods his head because there’s nothing else to say. He’d thought that Yoongi’s teasing at the campfire had meant something, indicated a similar interest, but –
He flips open the screen – this is one of his more expensive cameras, and the resolution is high, clear – and is shortly accessing the folder titled “Woods Wandering.” There are a bunch of videos of varying lengths, and Hoseok chooses one at random, still put out and not paying much attention, berating himself for getting his hopes up only to let them crash down so hard. He can only be tensely aware of the body next to him, of what it’s doing to his own body, and hope that Yoongi doesn’t comment on it… or that he does.  
The sound of Jungkook’s giggling laughter fills their small tent, and he realizes which one he’s picked, from their second day. In the video, the camera pans up a tree, to reveal the youngest of them about a third of a way up the towering pine. He pauses in his climb, still laughing, to lean out and wave down at the camera. Someone (it’s Hoseok) makes a nervous sound off screen, but Jungkook seems to be having the time of his life. He pretends to pick up invisible bugs from the bark and eat them, scratching under his arms like a monkey.
“What an idiot,” is Yoongi’s fond observation, present-tense, and Hobi shifts in muted agreement, unable to laugh like his boyfriend is doing.
For the next few minutes, Jungkook scales the tree like he was born to do it, edged on by various catcalls and suggestions. He gets as close to the top as he should – and keeps going, as the shouts from below quickly turn far more concerned than amused. “Stupid,” Yoongi mumbles, and almost perfectly in step with that judgement, in the video a branch under Kookie’s foot breaks, and it’s too high for the snap to be heard but the camera captures the moment perfectly. He skids down several feet, branches bowing under his weight, until one catches without breaking. For a heart-stopping moment he teeters, off balance and unable to grab anything – Hoseok is shrieking, the camera tilting precariously, Namjoon and Yoongi both yelling something about getting under him – and then Jungkook snatches at another branch and steadies himself. And just like that, disaster is averted and the video ends with Hoseok’s nerveless fingers dropping the camera.
“He really likes to push it, doesn’t he?” For all that Yoongi leans back, seemingly still amused, a small amount of tension has entered his voice, and Hoseok has to agree with that. Jungkook hurtles himself around like he’s invincible, and for all that he is super athletic... one of these days there might not be a branch to stop his fall.
In a couple of weeks or months it’s going to be a funny video – Hoseok knows it’s one of the more interesting parts about videos, how they can change based on time and nothing else – but it’s too close now, and, frankly, his mood’s too low. Instead of replying to Yoongi, he just chooses another entry, and the other man once again leans closer to see, the coarse fabric of his sweater brushing roughly against Hoseok’s bare arms and making his stomach tighten.
The next few entries are a whirlwind of laughter and sunlight, streaming across wild antics and dirt-stained smiles. Taehyung and Namjoon fly kites, fending off the other boys as they tug playfully at the lines. Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin toss a frisbee around – a video which abruptly ends when an enthusiastic throw by Tae sends the disk whizzing into the camera holder’s shin. Namjoon and Yoongi kick back on lawn chairs, sipping beer in the sun and almost napping, while nearby the trio of younger boys chop up wood. Fast-forward, and Jin is found inside the cabin, taking advantage of the stove and other modern appliances to cook their supper. He shakes a knife threateningly, and the camera retreats.
Throughout it all, as they view the clips, Yoongi makes occasional comments and snorts with amusement, but Hoseok can’t reciprocate beyond a low hum or a brief smile. It’s funny and horrible all at once – he used to be able to lie to everyone (including himself), to mask his sadness if nothing else, but now there are seven people he can’t seem to hide his emotions from, and Yoongi is the worst of them all. He’s the worst because, not only can Hoseok not repress his hurt feelings around him, Yoongi has a way of making him feel like he shouldn’t. Like he deserves to be upset sometimes, which sounds stupid and harmful and is against everything he’s ever learned, but that sure as hell doesn’t stop his boyfriend’s lessons from hammering on the door. So, the dissatisfaction, the uncertainty, it simmers uneasily in his stomach and makes his lips pull down, and he makes no attempt, conscious or otherwise, to pull them back up.
God, does he really care about this that much? Is he really so hurt by the thought that Yoongi apparently doesn’t want to sleep with him? Isn’t that super shallow? But it’s not the prospect of his boyfriend’s disinterest that’s bothering him – at least, not the most. It’s that Yoongi seems so keen on avoiding the subject.
The next entry they view – it’s probably his favourite – challenges but doesn’t quite dispel the unhappy thoughts. Jimin rides on Jin’s broad shoulders, hands clasped around his forehead and partially over his eyes, ignoring the older man’s protestations about not being able to see as they stagger along the edge of a deep running creek that traces through the campground. They end up falling into the water while Hoseok nearly chokes on his laughter as he films. Shortly everyone is in the creek as well, splashing and shoving each other around – everyone but Hoseok, that is, filming diligently off to the side. Until Yoongi says something to Jin, gestures at the screen, and suddenly the florist is rushing out of the water and there’s a brief scuffle, the view tilting crazily as it’s jerked back and forth, until the victorious camera holder prances back several feet and reveals Hoseok scowling on screen, bereft of his shield.
“Go have fun, Hobi-yah,” Jin calls. “I’m not going to drop this, and you need some footage of yourself, too.” Then and now, Hoseok doubts the veracity of that statement, but nonetheless, in the film, he turns away, goes reluctantly to the edge of the water and takes off his shoes. Taehyung tries to splash him, Namjoon attempts to coax him in, and even Yoongi makes an effort to get him to join the fun, but it’s not until Jungkook abruptly surges up and latches onto Hoseok that he’s finally dragged in. Cue a lot of shrieking and swearing (the water was really cold) but he can’t stay mad at a well-meaning friend for long, and quickly they’re back to having fun.
They even have a three-way chicken fight, Tae on Jungkook’s shoulders, Jimin on Namjoon, Yoongi on Hoseok. Doubtless certain other people might disagree, but personally Hoseok is pretty sure they were the winning team overall; at the very least, the video ends with Jimin already fallen, and Yoongi clinging to Tae as they topple each other (and their partners) into the water with a loud splash. Yoongi is laughing even as he falls, his soaking shirt clinging to his body, and he looks so happy, so alive, it makes Hoseok’s heart ache with something like fear embracing fondness.
When he looks up from the camera screen, he realizes the artist is staring, a little crease between his brow, and Hobi shifts, embarrassed by how intently Yoongi is watching him and acutely aware that he’s being a letdown in the cheer department.
Eventually, abruptly, his boyfriend speaks. “You’re pissed about something.” It could have been an accusation, but Yoongi’s voice is softly perplexed, and Hoseok only feels a little prickling of defensiveness – and, maybe, the slightest tremor of gratitude that Yoongi had noticed. Maybe.
Which doesn’t really make it much easier to reply. Fingers twisting around each other as he sets the camera down, he looks away. “No, I – What makes you say that?”
The sound that issues from the other man isn’t quite a laugh. “It might’ve been the fact that I’ve talked more than you in the last half hour. Or maybe that you haven’t laughed once. Or maybe –” His hand reaches up, hesitates. Sometimes, in their private moments, the tattooist does that. It’s like he’s afraid to touch, afraid of what the contact will do. Eventually though, Yoongi's hand cups Hoseok’s cheek, and his thumb skims along the turned down lines of Hoseok’s lips, generating a pleasant tingle.
“Or maybe your mouth always does that, when you’re mad,” Yoongi finishes quietly. “So, don’t bother bullshitting me. What’s up?”
He honestly can’t tell if his boyfriend is lying about his ignorance or not; those cool, faultless eyes don’t give anything away. Still, if he had to trust his gut – which he does with Yoongi, almost always – he thinks that the male opposite him is being largely sincere, and that brings about a crest of frustration, amusement and relief. Regardless of the difficulties, he’d rather deal with oblivious Yoongi than lying Yoongi.
It’s hard to say where that thought comes from – it’s not like his boyfriend is a pathological liar – but it’s true; Yoongi lying makes him more uncomfortable than almost anything else. But Yoongi isn’t lying right now. He makes himself relax, wrestles with the anxiety by the simple expedient of reaching up and gently clasping the other man’s hand, still lingering against his cheek. “It’s just – it’s...” He pauses, but the patient expression doesn’t waver from Yoongi’s face. Tearing his eyes away, he focuses his gaze on Yoongi’s long fingers, moving his touch carefully along the delicate bones, the pronounced knuckles, his fixation an unconscious attempt to trace the lines of his own thoughts. Under his light contact, the artist’s fingers curl a little, the only sign of his impatience, and after awhile, Hoseok manages to get his mind in order.
“This feels nice,” he says nervously, more a confession than a comment. In case Yoongi doesn’t understand what he means, Hoseok brings their entwined hands up higher, his eyes still avoiding his boyfriend. “I... like this. A lot. And I just – I dunno, it’s like I should know, but do you like it too?”
There’s no instant understanding from Yoongi, but he replies too quickly to be doubted, even if his voice is gruff. “I like it, yeah. Of course I do.”
A light sigh flutters from his lips, a mix of pleasure and anxiety. “I – then I want to know if you – if –” Action is so much easier than thinking about it, of trying to explain the muddle in his head, so Hoseok doesn’t let himself hesitate, just throws caution to the night. He abruptly leans forward, his free hand grasping the back of the small man’s neck, and kisses him. Under his lips, Yoongi stiffens for less than a heartbeat, but the surprise is quickly replaced by something warmer, something warm enough to keep out the cold. His mouth softens even as his body does, and before too long his tongue is parting Hoseok’s lips, taking it a step further. The student could – almost – relish the hot feeling of the kiss, of inhaling Yoongi’s breath, but he wants to explain himself.
He pulls back, and in another time, in another place, would have laughed at the other’s disgruntled expression. “That,” Hoseok says, higher pitched and louder than before, unable to stifle the feeling in his chest. “"Did you like that?"” He almost needn’t have asked – there’s so much about his understanding of Yoongi that’s unspoken, below the surface of any kind of words – except that he does need to ask, sometimes, and the normally implicit understanding almost makes him ashamed of his ignorance.
Now Yoongi’s reply is slower, more thoughtful. “I... yeah. Yeah, I liked it. What’s – you’re not just asking to be a little shit, right?”
As always, the words are harsher than the intention behind them, and Hoseok lets himself grin, just a little. “No, not this time,” he agrees. “I’m – I had to be sure.”
“You doubted it?”
It’s Hoseok’s turn to pause, though after a moment he shakes his head. “No, I – I guess not. It’s just, I – I just wanna know what we’re doing, Yoongi.”
The artist makes as though to turn away, but Hoseok still has a firm grip on his hand and doesn’t allow the motion. When that escape fails, Yoongi tries another route. “Camping,” he says archly, almost like he really is that dense. “We’re camping.”
Frankly, by now Hoseok is a pro at bumbling through his partner’s attempts at diversion whenever they talk about something more personal, though he’d also thought – hoped? prayed? – that they were getting beyond that. His smile turns a bit sad, but Hoseok doesn't let it drop when he replies. “Haha. Okay, beyond camping.” Seeing Yoongi’s lips move, he interrupts, “Beyond sitting in this tent. And yeah -– beyond holding hands.” Man, sometimes he isn’t the one who’s the little shit in this relationship. “I mean us, Yoongi. What’re we doing?”
Maybe it’s the poor lighting (it isn’t), but the other man seems pale all of a sudden. Well. Paler than usual. His unclaimed hand rises to rub against his neck, and it’s his turn to look elsewhere. Roughly, more roughly than before, he shoots back his own question. “Where’s this coming from?”
“From last night, when you kissed me before you went to sleep,” Hoseok replies immediately. “From three weeks ago, when we were making out at Jin’s and he dumped that water on us. From tonight, when you – when you were sitting on my lap. From right now.” He speaks passionately, and it’s such a relief to let the words spill from his chest, to know that, regardless of what he says, Yoongi might turn away but he won’t leave. Not like months ago.
And indeed, the tattooist makes no move to get up. He doesn’t even try to turn away again. His shoulders are shaking, just a little, but Hoseok doesn’t know if that’s from the cold (it isn’t) or something else. “I’m just – I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he admits, and then he looks up, meets Hoseok’s eyes, and there’s something pleading in his expression, boarding on the edge of panic.
For once, Hoseok thinks he can actually be the leader, the one to help his boyfriend out of this pit. “I’m not – seriously, seriously, Yoongi – I’m not gonna be mad about it either way, but... I – I really want to be with you, Yoongi. With with you. And I just, I have to know... what that means. Mostly you seem like you’re down for – for the physical stuff,” and his surge of confidence can’t stop his flush at that, “but then – but then we never do more. And it’s – it’s totally okay if you don’t want to, seriously, I –” He stops, but it’s more or less true. He won’t understand – not based on the histories they’ve both shared of the people they’ve enjoyed being with – but he’ll accept it. He’s beginning to think he’ll accept pretty much anything, if it means being the best boyfriend he can be for Yoongi. He just wants to know.
The other man’s shoulders are shaking harder, and for a moment he gets a horrible, plummeting feeling in his stomach as he thinks he might actually have made his partner cry. Until – until abruptly, just as abruptly as earlier tonight, he realizes Yoongi is laughing. It’s not a particularly light laugh, more a callback to months ago, when everything was a sardonic joke, but at least it’s not tears.
“Jesus Christ,” Yoongi breathes through his laughter, his free hand running through his hair. “What a fucking soap opera this is. I thought you were talking about – ah, fuck –” He breaks off, chuckling, and it only gets louder when he sees the look on Hoseok’s face. “Did you seriously just use ‘physical stuff’ to describe fucking around?”
“Well how else would you describe –” the student begins indignantly, only to realize it’s already been answered. Obviously that does nothing to help Yoongi get a hold of himself, and Hoseok is left swamped in a mire of annoyance and relief. This is – not how he pictured this conversation going, though it’s already a better path than the only serious argument they’ve had. Although he kinda wishes this was a serious... something. He’s been stressing out about it for weeks, and there’s Yoongi, laughing so hard he looks like he’s going to be sick!
Maybe he picks some of that irritation up, because eventually his boyfriend sobers, wiping at his eyes where tears – literal tears – have gathered. “Sorry,” is his not particularly repentant apology. “It’s just – shit, it’s too fucking funny. I –” For a second it looks like Yoongi is going to be overwhelmed again, but he smothers the hilarity with a deep breath. “Look, I just – I didn’t want to go too fast. You’re – okay, to be totally blunt, you’re so hot I couldn’t keep my hands off, but I didn’t want to shove you into it. I was...” He stops, searching for the right word, his lips curled irreverently. “...Waiting. Yeah. Waiting. That’s a first for me, but...”
As the full weight of the misunderstanding crashes down on Hoseok, his mouth falls open, and he lets go of Yoongi’s hand, sprawls back to prop himself up on his elbows. “I hate myself,” the wiry man moans, letting his head fall back to stare at the ceiling. “Do you have any idea – it’s been so long – I could have said something. I thought you didn’t want to do – I should have asked. God, I suck.”
“Like you’re being paid to do it, hopefully.”
Whipping his head around, Hoseok glares at Yoongi’s impudent expression, the mischievous twist of his mouth not – quite – enough to burn away the outrage... even if his groin does give a throb at the thought of a different kind of sucking. “It’s not funny!” he protests hotly, and the tattooist schools his face into innocence.
“Nah, of course it isn’t.”
“It isn’t,” he mumbles, running his hand through his hair. “I can’t believe… ‘Like you’re being paid to do it?’ Seriously?” Hoseok asks abruptly. “That’s what you come up with?”
Yoongi shrugs with studied casualness. “I can make a lot of things come up, Hobi,” he says, his pure expression fracturing into another sharp grin when Hoseok laughs – a little apprehensively – at the wordplay. The other man stretches out, picks up the camera again. “Anyways, let’s keep looking at this. It’ll be more fun without that stupid look on your face.”
“Stupid!” Hoseok begins indignantly, but Yoongi sails breezily by.
“How about you show me what you’ve got for your film thing?”  
He’s brought to even greater levels of outrage. “Hell no! I’ve told you that’s not happening until it’s finished!” It’s getting close – only a month or so more of editing left, with almost no filming in between – but he doesn’t show anyone his unfinished stuff, with the exception of his profs.
Not even his boyfriend. That’s been like the tenth time Yoongi’s asked, and while Hoseok is just teasing in his exasperation, the artist is usually quicker to let things go. He must really want to see himself in a documentary, though Hobi knows with no small amount of amusement that Yoongi won’t admit that. He’s equally aware that the other man is trying to rush them by the “moment” – as Yoongi would call it, probably with a scowl – but with the air cleared, Hoseok is happy to move on, if only to ease his boyfriend’s discomfort.
Although he kind of wants to do something other than watching the rest of the videos from this week.
And judging from where Yoongi’s hands start wandering as they settle closer together in the blankets, Hoseok isn’t the only who’s one more than a little distracted.
It’s not until weeks later that Hoseok first wonders what Yoongi had been so afraid of discussing in the first place.    
A blur of boring scenery and not much else, the fields on either side bleed by them, Hoseok’s (fucking beautiful) car eating the miles under its tires like it’s starving. Jimin somehow managed to bully the both of them into submitting to his choice of music, and a melodic classic (apparently it’s a classic; Yoongi’s never heard it before) is an admittedly chill background sound as they drive. Not that he’s telling the angelic-looking devil seated contently next to him that. Under his hands, the warm leather of the steering wheel hasn’t exhausted his steady grip, though he’s been driving for close to five hours now. He was supposed to have relinquished his position as chauffer about two hours ago, but…
His eyes flick to the rear-view mirror, checking on the man passed out cold in the back. They’d stayed up late last night, late even by Yoongi’s standards, but Hoseok had been up the earliest of them. He’d cleaned, put most of the camping shit away in the cars or the cabin, and by the time Yoongi himself had emerged from their tent, groaning and squinting in the too bright light of late morning, everyone else but Jungkook was up and had already eaten, curtesy of Jin and Hoseok. Shortly after, they’d packed the tents (threatening to leave Kookie for the wolves if he didn’t wake up and get out) and headed their separate ways with the usual chaos of taunts and well wishes for the drive ahead. For the first couple of hours, the trio in the car had kept up a lively conversation, but eventually the relentless road ground their chatter down. The wiry man in the back, after nodding off and then startling himself awake several times (and no, Yoongi hadn’t been stupidly smiling at that) eventually succumbed to the sleep he hadn’t had.  
Hoseok’s cheek is pressed against the window, red hair falling messily across his forehead, and with his mouth fallen open like that, he looks like an idiot. A really… fucking cute idiot. Shaking his head, Yoongi forces his eyes back to the empty road, unaware of the way his lips remain curled upwards even after his gaze leaves his soulmate. And unaware of Jimin, leaning against the door on the passenger side and very much awake.
The small man speaks after only a short time, his eyes on Yoongi’s face. “I’ve been meaning to ask,” he begins casually, “what’d you end up getting Hoseok hyung?”
Yoongi shrugs, not particularly invested in the vague question. “Get him? You mean like when we went through the McDonald’s drive thru?”
Jimin’s eyes go so wide, and with such mute surprise, that Yoongi scoffs and rolls his eyes. Jesus Christ, what a drama queen. He should have gone into acting instead of –
“Hyung told you about his birthday, didn’t he?”
The car swerves over the middle line, though given the fact that there isn’t a fucking soul this side of hell except for them, it doesn’t really matter. Yoongi yanks the wheel, too hard, and almost overcompensates over the shoulder before managing to straighten out again. His eyes dart back to the mirror, but Hoseok hasn’t budged from his stupidly uncomfortable slump against the window. For a second, angry words stir to life in his throat, but Yoongi savagely bites them back, his teeth clenching over the sharp syllables.
Really? he asks himself. You’re gonna bitch him out over this?
Jimin is way too fucking observant, and the tattooist shifts in his seat, slender fingers drumming the wheel, uncomfortably aware of the other watching him. If it’d been Hoseok, the questions would have poured out, but Jimin is silent and it’s hard to fight that invitation. Too hard.
“I didn’t know,” Yoongi eventually admits, furious at the way the confession creases at the end. Like it actually hurts to say it. Like he actually cares. Still… why the hell wouldn’t Hobi have told him something like that? And when was his birthday, anyways? And why the fuck hadn’t it occurred to Yoongi to ask? Wasn’t that… some kind of dating thing?
Stretching his legs out, Jimin keeps his voice low. “I told him to tell you. He hates celebrating his birthday, but still… he should have said something.”
“Why wouldn’t he have?” Yoongi demands, struggling to keep his voice as quiet as his front seat companion.
“Why?” Jimin laughs, a little chastising. “You know he can’t stand people buying him stuff, and that’s kinda birthdays in a nutshell. Plus, I mean, with you especially, he –” Halting himself, the small man glances at Yoongi sidelong.
Yoongi scowls. “With me especially, what?” His mind flies to his financial situation. He’s got enough money, barely, for everything he needs, and Hoseok still pays for their “sessions” a few times a week, but he’s not some pathetic charity case. He could have afforded to buy something for his boyfriend. Skipped a few meals (and he throws half of them up, anyways, so why not?) and got enough cash to get – what? What could he even have gotten Hoseok that the student couldn’t get himself?
Nothing. The answer is nothing.
Jimin hasn’t replied, and Yoongi swears under his breath, his empty stomach twisting. It was a good thing he’d turned down the cold bacon and toast Jin had saved for him or he might have been pulling over by now. No fucking wonder Hobi didn’t say anything, he thinks to himself, his hands white knuckled around the steering wheel. He didn’t want some stupid shitty gift he’d just throw out later. That’s wrong, he knows it is, but the fact is insubstantial in the face of his sudden, helpless anger.
There’s nothing to vent it on – he can’t beat up his body any more than the cancer already has, after all – but – but – God damn, he would have liked to have celebrated with Hoseok. Just hung out and like… done something sappy. Watched a movie and cuddled or whatever the fuck. Couldn’t Hoseok have just – told him?
“Don’t be too mad,” Jimin advises gently. “It’s not your fault, you know.”
He’d liked to have snapped that he did know, except that he’s not at all convinced of the fact, and he’s more than a little perturbed that his friend is assuming he’s not really pissed off at Hoseok, but at himself. And he’s even more pissed off that Jimin’s right. Fuck, fuck, he should have asked Hobi when his birthday was.  
“When was it?” he asks abruptly. “His birthday?”
“It was February. The 18th.”
“Did you get him something?” Yoongi’s caught between hoping Hobi at least got something, and a curiously sick feeling at the thought of Jimin giving him a gift. A sick feeling that has nothing to do with his current sickness.
“Me? Nah. We worked it out years ago – he gets a birthday favour that he can claim whenever, whatever, and I have to do it, no arguing or anything. That’s my gift. He hasn’t asked me yet, though.” Yoongi honestly can’t say if that’s worse or not, but he swallows hard and tells himself to get over it – even as a niggling voice wonders why he and Hoseok couldn’t have had something like that.
It doesn’t whisper for long. When his gaze goes back to the mirror, to Hoseok slouched against the window, he knows why. As someone who’s only just getting over apologizing for existing, the lean man isn’t going to make something like his birthday into an issue. It was Yoongi who needed to insist on Hobi taking up space – Jimin probably had to do the same thing to reach that birthday agreement.
Some of his tension escapes in a rattling inhale as Yoongi sucks on his spit, and he rubs at his neck. “I’m gonna have to get him something, or do something, or…” He trails off. It’s not that he’s normally bad at this shit – actually, sometimes he’s pretty good – but the artist just… he doesn’t know what he could do that would be good enough for Hoseok. He doesn’t know what would be anywhere near a good enough apology for what’s going to happen in the future.
“You know,” Jimin says, glancing over his shoulder to check that Hobi is still asleep, “there’s some kind of film festival in like three weeks. That’s nearing the end of the semester, so he’ll be flipping his shit and trying to concentrate on projects and whatever. I probably couldn’t convince him to go, but you might be able to.”
“Yeah? What’s it called?”
“The Spring Day film festival,” is Jimin’s prompt reply. Yoongi hesitates – he almost doesn’t want to know how much tickets would cost – but the other man continues. “A senior I’m working with has tickets she got for free – her brother works for the company that’s hosting it or something? – and she said I could have them if I wanted. I mean, I’m not interested in going, so if you wanted to…”
There’s a weirdly nonchalant tone to Jimin’s voice, and it occurs to Yoongi that he’s trying very, very hard to make this seem like not a big deal. That might have made him glower, except he’s trying too hard to hold back his grin to do anything of the sort. Man, if someone had told him a year ago that he’d be meeting a bunch of people who were genuinely cool – and, more shocking, liked him enough to try to help him out – he’d have thought the person was high.
“That might be cool,” he says, and Jimin giggles, and he thinks, Shit, I’m gonna miss this guy.
Those thoughts come, sometimes, and Yoongi does his best to ignore them. Besides, once he’s dead he guesses he’s not gonna be missing anyone. That’s kind of depressing – litres of alcohol kind of depressing – so he shies away from it, forcing his mind to lighter topics. Like his and Hoseok’s talk last night. For a hot second he’d thought they were gonna be talking about – about a heavier topic – but then Hobi was going off about screwing around, and it had been such a relief to focus on that instead. He’d barely lied with that, either, and it’s always nice when he doesn’t have to lie to his soulmate.
He had been waiting – true. He hadn’t wanted to keep his hands off – also true (very, very true). The only lie was omission – the only reason he hadn’t asked Hoseok to sleep with him before was because he wanted to make sure the bond didn’t overwhelm either of them. The teasing, the constant contact, sitting in Hobi’s lap… it’s the only way Yoongi knows how to desensitize the other man to the connection without being painfully obvious. (Plus, it’s fun. Like, really, really fun.) Yoongi had been planning on bringing it up soon anyways – it’d been a pleasant surprise to have Hobi get impatient enough to break through his usual limitations and ask. At least it meant that, if nothing else, he’s enjoying the physical of their relationship.
And he’ll be liking it even more soon, Yoongi thinks to himself, lips curling into a half-smile, and doesn’t think about how much he wants to enjoy more than that, for months and years more. No point in wishing for time he doesn’t have.
Besides, when Hoseok jerks himself awake an hour or so later and groggily asks if it’s his turn to drive yet, it almost feels like any time spent with the other man is enough.          
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magicalfantaesies · 7 years
Dangerously in Love // Bts/Got7 ff {Ch.2 pt2}
Chiminey: ^i can vouch for the idiot
Wasabiii: well thanks. let’s just find Mark hyung so we can go home guys.
*Wasabiii has logged out*
*Flashback ended*
When Jungkook opened the door to his and BamBam’s room, one thing he did not expect was to find BamBam sitting up in the corner of the wall, on his bed, wrapped in a blanket. His head slumped wierdly into his neck, phone sitting at his side. He looked oddly cute wrapped like a little sushi roll. He chuckled about to fix the boy’s position, until he noticed them. DVDs of all the Haikyuu marathons stacked neatly against a huge bag of store bought white cheddar popcorn and two cokes.
“I’ll be home around 2:30”.
A blush crept along his face. BamBam had waited for him to come home.
Contrary to what the boy believed, Jungkook was well aware of BamBam’s crush on him. He had been for years. He just chose to act oblivious. Crawling across the bed to him, Jungkook noticed that he was shivering under the blanket. He removed the blanket from BamBam who gave a soft whine. Jungkook took off his shirt and slipped under the comforter, bringing BamBam down with him. As he held the boy close to his bare chest, he stopped shivering, instinctively buring his face deeper into the crook of Jungkook’s neck.
There were moments when Jungkook would be sweet, like this, his heart prevailing over his mind. Times when he forgot exactly how much love hurt and wanted to be with BamBam as much as he wanted to be with him. But most of the time, he didn’t give himself the luxury of entertaining thoughts like that. Because he knew he couldn’t love ever again. Kissing the top of the brunette’s head apologetically, he began to fall asleep.
His last thought being, ‘what should I say when he wakes up and sees this?’.
*30 minutes before Jungkook got home*
The alarm blared into the silence of the room. I struggled to turn it off with Namjoon spooning me but I managed. “Joonie, get up. I have to cook breakfast,”. Namjoon groaned but didn’t move. “What time is it?”. “6:00. The same time I get up every morning,” I said rolling my eyes. He pulled me closer to him. “15 more minutes,” he demanded. I smacked his bare chest. “No” I said, prying myself from his arms and walking to the bathroom.
I turned on the shower to let it get hot, but before I could get in, Namjoon burst in the door causing me to jump. “What are you-” . My words died in my throat as he backed me into the wall. Namjoon smirked at me. “Kitten you didn’t kiss Daddy goodmorning,”.
I could feel my face heat up. I was about to throw out some smart mouthed commet, but I knew what he would do if I did. So I shyly pecked his lips and said, “Goodmorning Daddy”. He answered by bringing me into a deeper kiss. I was hard and breathless when he finished. Namjoon felt my boner against him and laughed. He pressed his thigh against it and rubbed, creating friction. I moaned his name, grinding my hips in a steady rhythm. Lifting my shirt, he sucked, lightly bit, then pinched each of my nipples.
“How about a couple rounds before breakfast?”
Mark’s eyes slowly opened as he awoke from his sleep. Sunlight washes through the crack in the light blocking curtains, illuminating the room softly. He looked up at his boyfriend, who had him trapped closely against him chest. Not that Mark minded. He inhaled Jackson’s scent and sighed in content. Jackson smelled like soap and well … heaven. It was the way Mark imagined a cloud would smell if he could pluck one from the sky and smell it. It was a beautiful scent, one Mark would always recognize as “home”.
Over the years he and Jackson have dated, he can’t count how many times Jackson has made him fall in love with him. Despite his playful nature, he was so gentle and kind when it came to Mark. Not to mention extremely patient. No matter how much Jackson assured him that he would always love him, he felt as if it was only a matter of time before he left for someone younger. More beautiful. More mentally stable. Yet and still, Jackson proved over and over that in his mind, no one could compare to Mark.
Mark buried his face into Jackson’s chest, mumbling “I love you,”. “I love you too,”. He jumped at Jackson’s voice, not aware that he was awake. He looked up at him, face flushed with embarrassment. Jackson took a thumb and brushed it over Mark’s jawline with a smirk. “Are you feeling emotional this morning? I never wake up to such beautiful words,”.
Mark shoved him a little harder than intended. “Shut up!” he said trying to free himself from Jackson. Jackson pulled his hyung back down, and immediately moved to top him. Mark’s heart skipped at beat as Jackson slowly leaned down and kissed his lips. “Aren’t you going to greet me properly,” he whispered, his voice becoming deep and sexy. Mark’s blush deepened before he gave a soft, “Goodmorning,”.
Taehyung pushes his lover deeper into the mattress while he snaps his hips. Hoseok’s moan catches in his throat as Taehyung’s hand tightens around his neck. “Shh, baby. You don’t want to wake everyone up with those sexy little moans,”. Every thrust hit that bundle of nerves that had Hoseok arching his back and begging. He would never get tired of the way his boyfriend’s dick filled him completely.
Taehyung marveled at how wet and tight Hoseok was, watching the way he shuddered with every thrust. Looking at the clock he noticed it was 7:15. Almost time for breakfast. “Well damn, our time’s being cut. Let’s wrap it up babe,”. By the way he was shaking and moaning uncontrollably, he knew Hoseok was close. Going even faster and deeper into Hoseok, maintaining his grip on his neck, he gave his boyfriend a seductive look. “Cum for me baby,”.
It’s so warm.
BamBam snuggled closer into the warm body that held him, letting out a sigh of contentment. Maybe it was just him but his dream felt so real right now. He could feel Jungkook’s breath on the top of his head and could even feel his boner digging into his thigh. BamBam internally screamed at that. Would this be one of those lewd dreams he had been having recently? Funny thing is though, right after that thought, he heard someone that sounded like Jimin hyung yelling to them to wake up for breakfast.
Wait, Jimin hyung?
BamBam eyes flew open and he was met with a golden, muscular chest. Screaming he pushed Jungkook harder than intended, causing him to fall on the floor and wake with a dazed look. Jimin had heard the scream and thrown open the door, thinking something was wrong. But as soon as he saw BamBam pressed against the wall, clutching the covers and Jungkook on the floor, half naked with a boner, clutching his head, he just slowly closed the door. What the hell happened?
Breakfast was lively and the table buzzed with several casual conversations, everyone laughing. So when Jackson turned mischievously towards Namjoon, who was on the other side of him, and casually said, “So, it’s true that you have a Daddy kink,”, everyone was choking except for Yoongi who was cackling, of course.
Jin’s face turned a shade of red they had never seen on a person but Namjoon just calmly continued eating his waffle. “Yeap,”. Jinyoung who seemed to snap out of his stupor, hissed, “JACKSON!” through his teeth. “What? They were so loud I couldn’t help but hear,”. Yoongi added indifferently, “I took the opportunity and recorded you both to use as blackmail. So keep that in mind,”.
Jin gasped, “MIN YOONGI!”. Yoongi just shrugged and stuffed another sausage link into his mouth. Jin turned to Namjoon and glared at him. “I blame you for this,”. He scoffed, “Me?! You wanted it just as much as I did!”. Jin’s cheeks were a fiery scarlet “N-No I didn’t! I was attacked!” he squeaked. Namjoon grinned cockily at Jin, “Are you embarrassed baby? Just be honest”. Jin swatted him and Namjoon took the opportunity to tease him, liking the way his cheeks turned scarlett. “Princess, don’t make Daddy punish you later,”.
Jungkook scrunched his face in horror, feeling sick from just imagining it. “I’m not eating~” he whined getting up from the table. “I’m not eating,”. Hoseok spit his orange juice all over Taehyung who immediately started complaining about how expensive his shirt was. Yoongi wore an unamused expression, mumbling, “That’s fucking disgusting”, while the rest of the table either cringed or was splitting their sides. “God, you really don’t have any shame do you!” Jin yelled at Namjoon before stomping away from the table.
BamBam sighed for the sixth time as he curled up in the chair watching Taehyung and Yugeom throw Youngjae in the pool. Jimin sat beside him, glancing at the boy with worry. He was obviously distraught about this morning with Jungkook. “Bam, are you okay?”. When the young boy didn’t respond, he asked another question. “It’s about Jungkook isn’t it? Tell me what happened,”. Another sigh left the boy’s lips and he looked at Jimin then down.
“It’s just…I like him so much, he just doesn’t see it. He’s a player and I know he doesn’t want anything serious but I can’t let go. And when he does things like that, simply out of kindness not because he likes me, I just..it hurts you know?”. Jimin gently stroked the younger boy’s hair. “Listen Bam. Since our groups have known each other, I’ve watched you struggle with your feelings for Jungkook. You should think about moving on.. or at least confessing to him,”. Giving his head one last stroke, Jimin went over to join the other guys, leaving BamBam to his thoughts.
Shortly after Jimin left him, he went inside. Sitting on the edge of the pool near the rest of the boys, Jimin sighed and said, “Think he’ll be okay?”. Yugeom looked up holding Taehyung’s head under the water. “Honestly, no. He seems like he’s reaching a breaking point-”. He paused, noticing Taehyung was thrashing under the water. Yugeom let him up. Coughing and gasping for air, Taehyung yelled, “ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?!!”. Yugeom just laughed , causing him and Taehyung to start arguing.
Youngjae came and sat near Jimin. “Hyung, please keep Jungkook away from BamBam. He’s not strong enough to keep doing this, no matter how much he pretends. I really don’t want to see my friend hurt,”. And with that Youngjae stood and went inside, Jimin assumed, to talk to BamBam.
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jjkookie07 · 7 years
Always and Forever- Chapter 8
Jungkook x Reader ( Mayze) warlock x vampire AU
genre: Angst x Fluff x Smut
Chapter 7 Chapter 9
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January 6th 2018 
There are some things in life that shouldn't be given so much importance, if they don't change what is essential. He was her essential and that was never going to change. That's why she found herself sitting on the table next to him while he was trying to kill that bitch of a witch. His eyes were red and there was no strength left in his hands and body.
"Maybe you should sleep for a while" She broke the silence and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Maybe you should shut up!" He yelled and pushed away her hand.
How rude she thought. Her forehead started to crease as she bit her lower lip and stood up from the table disappearing out the door.
"Fuck!" Jungkook muttered to himself and closed his eyes guild taking over. He was just stressed and worried.
As she was walking back home through the dense forest a blue light followed her. It was so bright and she kept thinking that she should not look into it but there was something about it that pulled her into doing so. The whole Earth shook , the signs on the walls and the snake's mouth was starting to bleed. From miles away Jungkook could feel it too, something was wrong and Mayze was who knows where. He ran his fingers through his hair pulling it from anger. "Fuck!" He keeps muttering as he walked towards Mayze. The light was too strong for him to see something. His boot stepped into something hard and sharp. He looked down and saw the bracelet that he gave Mayze to protect her from dark magic.
"No, No, No" Jungkook started running through the forest as the light was getting dimmer.
Mayze was curled up on the ground with her eyes tightly closed. Jungkook squatted down next to her and moved the hair out of her face. "Jungkook" She whispered slowly opening her eyes.
"I told you not to take it off! Mayze! You didn't listen, you never listen. You ran away and made me worried sick!" Jungkook kept rambling as he pulled her up on his knees. "I had it on but after the light it started to burn off my wrist." She looked up at him with tired eyes and placed a hand on his cheek. "I love you! You stupid jackass" She smiled brightly at his shocked face. He did not expect her to confess her love for him now. He knew it already but it was the first time she spelled it out loud. He quickly recovered and leaned closer to her. His soft lips pressed against hers slowly parting them to be able to explore her sweet mouth. He was melting every time her tongue stroke his lower lip. His eyes opened as she eagerly sank her teeth into his bottom lip and pulled it slowly towards her.
"You turn me on" He growled and hid his face against her neck, his forehead resting on her shoulder.  Jungkook's hands wrapped around her back and under her knees, slowly standing up form the wet moss. His steps were steady and fast wanting to bring her home where he knew she would be safe.
The way back home felt like an eternity with her kissing his neck. As soon as they got home he gently placed her on the bed, pushing her shoulders to lay down.
He held her waist bringing Mayze closer to his body. Jungkook’s lips slowly moved from her jaw  towards her slender neck, placing butterflies kisses and softly sucking the skin. He was breathing hard as his once confident aura was replaced by an anxious one. His hands were working on opening her dress as Mayze slowly  slid one hand between them touching his growing erection with the tip of her fingers, a light grown coming out from his mouth. He pulled away from her neck and pushed the dress off her shoulders and then her stood up at the end of the bed to undress himself. Now only in her panties Mayze was enjoying seen him reveal his toned body before her hungry eyes.
Jungkook then parted her legs , gently laying in between them kissing  his way from her round breasts, to her flat stomach and finally to her private parts. He kissed her covered womanhood and slowly showing his teeth he bit the hem of her black lacy thong , sliding them down her  tights and throwing them across the room from where he was going to pick them up and keep them as a reminder of their first night together.
His fingers were gliding between her wet folds and his face was inches away from her vagina . Jungkook started licking it up and down sucking her skin and moving his tongue around her entrance .His arms were holding her legs preventing her from suffocating him, Mayze opened her mouth and let out a light moan. His tongue pushed inside her vagina vigorously making her scream in pure pleasure. She never experienced anything closer to this pure bliss. Soon she couldn’t hold it back anymore and started moaning louder and louder while playing with her own breast. He took off his boxers and wanted to place himself between her legs but she stopped him wanting to rearward him with her mouth as well. She propped herself on one elbow placing her free hand on his chest and pushing him up. The action confused Jungkook that was looking at her with a <What I did wrong expression>. She bit her lower lip and smiled at him whispering “ Your turn now”. Before he could comprehend the words that left her mouth her was pushed on the bed and she was sitting on her kneed in between his thighs.
Mayze slowly poked his erection with her index finger.”Damn! Don’t tease” he cursed while trying to control his breathing by clenching his teeth. She then suddenly took his erection in her mouth sucking its head first, slowly, then licking his member from the balls towards  the head, coating it with her saliva. Jungkook’s patience was holding on a thin thread and she was not going to give him what he wanted anytime soon so he grabbed her head and forced her to take it in her mouth, almost choking her in the process. Understanding the message he was sending Mayze started rubbing it with her hand in circular motion while pumping her head up and down, sucking as much as her mouth could take.”Oh, Jesus woman!” He said before letting a groan escape from his slightly parted lips.
He switched positions and placed himself at her entrance making and animalistic sound.”Are you growling?” Mayze quietly asked him .“You are making me go crazy” he answered while closing his eyes and laying his chest on hers .Their tummies were touching until he propped himself on his elbows. Mayze started kissing his neck, Her arms hugging his back, pulling him closer, she wanted to feel him as much as he wanted to feel her. Jungkook slowly shoved his member inside her allowing her to get used to it. Even if she was not a virgin he was not going to be brutal, yet. Feeling her  walls stretch she closed her eyes tightly and dig her nails on his board shoulders “Ugghh, Jungkook!” Mayze moaned close to his ear.”I will go slow” he whispered trying to calm her down. Soon he was fully inside ,his  eyes locked with hers, showed Mayze a comfort smile while starting to thrust in and out slowly.
His face came closer and their lips touched, she opened her mouth and let him explore it. The kiss was like a drug because the bliss of his thrusts going faster and more forceful was more accentuated. She moaned into the kiss ,he placed his forehead on hers ,looking down at their fusion. Jungkook groaned again, biting his lower lip then suddenly he pulled out of surprising Mayze , that stood up supporting herself on one elbow and started wiping the sweat formed on his forehead.
He laid on his back, breathing hard and she moved  on top of him placing his member in front of her wet, needy vagina. She slowly lowered herself allowing his member to fill every inch of her. All of sudden getting an accomplishment sentiment and giving him a passionate kiss before starting to ride his thighs . Mayze moved her head and hid her face in the crotch of his neck , pumping her hips up and down with all her power.
“Oh my God” he mumbled suddenly hugged her back and started pushing his pelvis upwards, thrusting deeper and with an incredible speed. She opened her mouth ,the moans transforming in whimpers. “Kookie, Baby!” She screamed his name in deep pleasure feeling each muscle tease as she I couldn’t hold it back anymore “I am going to cum” Mayze said while biting her lower lip and curling her feet. He kissed her neck and kept thrusting inside of her as fast as before. She could feel his member trembling inside, he was close too. She pushed her hips to meet his thrusts desiring to give him the best orgasm of his life. He groaned and relaxed his body as soon as he spread his cum. She collapsed on top of him, placing her head on his chest, playing with my fingers across his chocolate abs. The pleasure was still present in each cell of his body and he tightened his hold around her back. After few minutes his member went soft inside of her and Mayze slowly raised herself and looked down at his sleeping state. “ And I thought we would have heart to heart conversation after this.” She murmured amused that she was already asleep. Deep down she was happy that he was getting some rest in the end this is why they got here, not that she minded.
January 8th 2018
"Sometimes it takes a heartbreak to shake us awake and help us see we are worth so much more than we're settling for." Hoseok said out loud enough for Momo to hear him. He knew she was watching. "I shouldn't have left  Hobi" She confessed stepping closer to him. "I was young and scared but I don't regret it. I'd rather fight again for you than have nothing to fight for because they would have killed you and you know it too. " He opened his mouth to talk but she stopped him."Don't even dare to say that you would rather be death than to feel the heartbreak. Because I would have killed myself. You still got over me because now you are suffering for her. Or maybe you are not suffering for her at all, maybe now that I came you don't want to easy her burden knowing that you too log for someone else." Hoseok was lost, no words would come out. He looked at her and cupped her wet cheeks. She was crying and it was breaking his heart to see her like this. "I left but no other man ever touched me. You moved on and you were fine. You didn't even came back to search for me" She was choking in tears and all he could do was to hug her so he wrapped his arms around her smaller frame and pressed her head against his chest so tight he was afraid he might break. But she already was broken.
 " I will wait. I'll wait till you'll want me back. All those years I was thinking only about you." She said still crying. "Now I can protect you too, I am no longer a scared puppy. I'm ready to do whatever it takes to make you happy. " He smiled. Back in the past where they were younger he always protected her. She was weak back then and she hated her curse. She hated to be a wolf because she felt lonely without her kind and the main reasons for her loneliness were her vampire brother, who was a total anti social and grumpy person and him, Hoseok, her lover who was also a vampire. Deep in his heart he knew he can't blame her for living. He thought of searching her but he quickly abandoned the idea because what was the point; she was the one who left it was clear that she wasn't coming back. He kept her in his arms for a few good minutes still she stopped crying then he cupped her face and place a kiss on her nose.
  January 9th 2018
"Here's something else to think about: calling when you say you're going to is the very first brick in the house you are building of love and trust. If he can't lay this one stupid brick down, you ain't never gonna have a house baby, and it's cold outside."Mayze said drinking some tea. "So did he call yet?" Momo raised her head and bit her lower lip. "Maybe he was busy" She tried to excuse him. "Rule number 2 of relationship: Never ever excuse him.It will give you a false image." She smiles and poured some more tea in the wolf's cup."Hey, he's awesome. A little unstable, but awesome. We got along great." Momo took a sip of the tea.  "Speaking of the vampire. He is here."Mayze stood up and disappeared into the shop. Hoseok stopped seeing Momo alone at the table and walked to greet her. "Are you here alone?" He then looked down and saw two cups of tea "Oh are you having a date? Sorry I interrupted." He turned to leave but Momo stood up and grabbed his hand. "She left. It was a friend. You can sit. I will order you some coffee. Americano."She talked almost like a robot making Hoseok smile. "Why are you so nervous?" He asked and sat down on the chair. He knew exactly who was here with her. "You didn't call at all" She whispered playing with her finger around ger cup. "I wanted to but I needed time to sort my feelings “He smiles and took a sip from Mayze's cup. "And how do you feel?" she asked. "About what?"He asked back looking amused. "About us “She continued making his heart soften."I love you “He confessed making her raise her head and bit her lower lip. She was so beautiful and there was no way he was blowing this chance
Mayze was watching from the shop when someone suddenly pulled her hips against his and in a flash he was pinned against the wall with his coffee in his hand. "Jungkook! You scared me!" She spoke and dropped her forehead on his shoulder. "Who did you think would do that to you?"He spoke as he wiggled his eyebrows."Shhh" She placed a hand over his mouth. "Momo is outside with Hoseok." She said and Jungkook pushed her hand away "Were you spying on them?" He asked raising his eyebrow. "Nooo! I mean yes. But..I..She needs to do it. She has to kiss him" Jungkook smiled widely at her cute flushed state.  The next moment Hoseok was behind her with Momo trailing behind. The wolf grabbed the male vampire's hand and bit down her lip. Feeling his presence Mayze turned around and as elegant as ever took a step behind Jungkook who was trying to surpass a laugh. "We can have a double date" Hosok exclaimed earning a confused look from the girls.
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johobi · 4 years
This shipping game seems so fun oml 🤣 I'll give it a go! So I'm very much an ambivert - in every essence of the word. I love my alone time, but get really loud and funny around friends etc. I can be clumsy, but tend to get anxious over little things and become meticulous with art and writing. I overthink (analyse everything) with ease, oops. Appearance wise, pretty boring I must say...Caucasian, brown eyes and long brown hair with soft blonde highlights. Good luck, O heavenly matchmaker Jo!
More for the shipping game: I stand around 5"4, and my specialities lie in learning and speaking languages. It was my favourite subject at school, and my friends always came to me for their English or Language related questions. Personality wise, I find it easy to get super invested into things. Whether it be whatever I’m trying to do at that moment, or something consumable such as kpop or anime lol! (my parents tend to jokingly label me as someone with OCD).
I tend to get easily emotional and wear my heart on my sleeve. Others describe me as funny and quirky, since I try my best to make whoever I’m with feel at ease (I hate awkward encounters, my anxiety hates it more). Romantically, I prefer the thought of building a relationship based heavily on trust and comfort, rather than a ‘love at first sight’ kind of thing. Familiarity and open honesty is key; being able to tell someone EVERYTHING, and this includes those of platonic nature too. Have fun!
As the roster dwindles, matching has become challenging. I very nearly paired you with someone else, but after a little consideration I think you’d make a good match for this guy. I ship you with…
Dig Deep - Yoongi
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Profile: stoic, mostly expressionless, will smirk on occasion if you entertain him but will deny it ever happened, brusque, ruthless at times, extremely pragmatic and detests spontaneity and yet enjoys the company of people that are??, a hard egg to crack, doesn’t understand or care for affection (yet), his Love Language is Acts of Service, hawk-eyed, never angry but always vexed, unrepentant sex addict, considers you akin to his property, doesn’t know any better, requires limitless patience tbh, your reward for perseverence is gradual glimpses of warmth and consideration, and tentacles, duh, would definitely get upset if you were injured and blame himself.
Hobbies/interests: New entry: sex, being right, saving money, shiny things, learning languages, peace and quiet, keeping a log (a journal, not a length of unprocessed wood, though knowing him he would have a log for a pet)
Star sign: Cleonide
Why you’re a match: You like your alone time? No-one likes being alone more than Yoongi. You could spend time alone together (separately). LOL. I laugh but it’s genuinely something he would dig now and then. But if you get lonely and long for his company, go and see him. He might grumble at first but I guarantee he’d be just as glad to see you. He’ll never make it known, but he genuinely likes being with people, whether it be sitting quietly in the background while his brothers make conversation, or sitting quietly in the background while you audibly fuss with your hair for an hour. As long as he can sit quietly in the background and side-eye your antics, he’ll enjoy it.
And despite his likely protestations, Yoongi will enjoy your loud and funny side, too. He needs a foil like you or he’ll lose his humanity altogether. Your bubbly company keeps him present; stops him from spiraling into negativity and pessimism. Yoongi has a lot of things on his mind, all the time. Sometimes the pressure of it devours him. The more time he spends with you, the more the burden will lift. A moment, a minute, an hour of your vexingly enjoyable company would be a balm for his cynical soul.
Your habit of wearing your heart on your sleeve is, again, completely at odds with Yoongi. He’s rather clinical. But in his case, opposites attract. If someone like Yoongi were to be with Yoongi, neither would thrive. It’s a necessity for Yoongi to be matched with someone with the emotional intelligence for two.
Though there’ll be mishaps and setbacks aplenty, Yoongi will eventually learn to contribute to your partnership - and want to. He’s never wanted anything in his life beyond riches, so that’s significant. At times he’ll find himself frightened by his emerging vulnerability and retreat, but persevere and he will come back a little sweeter each time. 
Yoongi’s no stranger to honesty or open communication, so you’ll be well-catered to there. He might be a little too honest sometimes, but you can live happily in the knowledge that Yoongi isn’t the type for deception. 
As for interests, you align well. Outside of work, which takes up a lot of his time, his biggest pursuit is language-learning. There are thousands of known languages in the surrounding galaxies and he is set on mastering them all. As he acquires knowledge, he programs the ship’s translator to help the less linguistically-gifted crew members. It’s a surefire way to bond with him, though it may feel like you’re talking at a brick wall sometimes. Show your dedication and he’ll begin to reciprocate out of respect. 
I hardly need mention how rockin’ your bedroom life will be but I should probably warn you that this guy is particularly virile and has a zero-second refractory period. Luckily, Yoongi isn’t one to sulk or nag (unlike Jungkook) so tell him you need a break and he will oblige. He might even bring you a soothing gel. You’ll, er, need it.
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I’m no longer accepting submissions for the shipping game - I’m posting matches for those that submitted before the deadline. Thank you for your understanding!
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jamkookies · 5 years
° Bon Voyage °
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• Part VIII •
"No you don't."
"You felt the need to say that because I've been taking care of you, that's all."
He gives you an incredulous look, mouth opening and closing like a fish.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means that you feel bad for me and you said that so I could feel better," you say.
He grips you by the the straps of your tank top and pulls you to him.
"Do you really think I would do that? Take pity on you? Is that what you're saying?!" he growls into your face.
You're taken aback by his sudden outburst. He looks angry, but his fingers are gentle and the proximity of his face to yours is anything but hostile.
His eyes keep staring at your lips.
"I've felt like this for five god damn years, but you're just too stupid to notice anything."
Jungkook's breath tickles your face as he struggles to get the words out of him.
"I love everything about you - the way you look, the way you act, the way you you scrunch your nose when you're reading, the way you tend to put other people's needs before your own.."
His expression softens a little and his hands abandon your shirt to cradle your face.
"I love you, Y/N and nothing can change that."
Your vision turns blurry because of the tears threatening to spill.
Your lips quiver and you're just about to say something back, when a rustle of leaves makes you both freeze.
At the edge of the hollow, a man's feet appear.
You and Jungkook flatten against the wall, him protectively shoving you against his back, even with his injury.
The man's feet are illuminated by the moonlight, roaming around the entrance of the hollow, but making no attempt to get in.
He hadn't seen you.
You hold your breath, terrified to let out even the slightest sound.
The wet leaves under his feet crunch every time he makes a step and it feels like a clock ticking closer and closer to your doom.
Another pair of feet join him.
"Did you find anything?"
"No. But they can't have gone far. Not with that injured leg of his."
"If Jungkookie dies, I will kill you."
The man chuckles.
"You're in no condition to threaten anyone. I could shoot you in the head right here and no one would ever know."
"But you won't," the girl says." You need me to get your money."
"For now."
"For now," she echoes.
They both pivot and walk away in opposite directions.
You can hear the steps getting further and further, till the sound gets lost in the breeze.
The rain had stopped for some time, you notice.
"That was close," Jungkook whispers.
You wanna say something.
You wanna scream to the world that you love him so much to the point where it hurts.
But you don't.
The words get clogged up in your throat.
So you just put your arms around his torso and give him a back-hug.
Leaning your head onto his back, you can feel the vibrations reverberating through his whole body when he speaks in a low voice.
"Aren't you gonna say anything?"
You just squeeze him tighter.
"That's more than enough, then." he says.
He puts his hands on top of yours and starts making circles with his thumbs.
You just stay like that, in silence, enjoying the company of each other's arms.
* * *
He'd fallen asleep.
The exhaustion must have finally gotten to him, you think to yourself, as you feel his weight on your front body.
He hadn't removed your hands from his torso, hadn't even moved an inch, but just let himself relax till the tiredness had eventually knocked him out.
You scoot back and let his head drop onto your lap.
His longish hair falls into his eyes and you move them out of the way.
You trace his face with your fingers, lingering on every edge.
He was beautiful.
His eyes shoot open.
"Like what you see?" he says.
You huff a laugh and your shoulders shake with the action.
"I do, actually." you answer.
He grins immediately.
"What exactly do you like the most about me?"
You are about to give him a sassy comeback, but you give up halfway.
He looks a little taken aback, but continues nonetheless.
"What about physical features?"
"I like your scar." you say and your fingers immediately find the flaw on his left cheekbone.
That small imperfection was what made him perfect.
"Wait, you actually like that?"
You nod vigorously.
"What else do you like?"
He was really enjoying this.
"You have a nice... umm..physique."
His eyes narrow at your words.
"Be more specific."
"Oh for heaven's sake, you have nice thighs, god damn it! There, I said it!" You shout in a whisper.
His smile goes on full-bloom.
"No funny comments, no snarky comebacks... Wow, there really is something going on here."
"You look pleased as hell."
"I like to be appreciated."
"You literally have millions of fans doing that every single day."
"But I wanted to hear it from you, though."
You look at him pointedly for a while, then release a deep sigh.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'll stop." he says quickly and lowers your hands to his lips to kiss them.
Oh goodness.
He was just making it worse.
Goosebumps flare all over your body and it's the best you can do not to shiver.
"I should check your wound." you say with a forced air of nonchalance.
"Jumping right into the good stuff, aren't we?"
You tug at a string of his jet-black hair.
"Ow, ow.. sorry, sorry." he whines.
Your hands reach for his thigh, untying the strip of cloth with delicate hands.
This is not good.
It had started to get swollen, its corners red and puffy. If you didn't clean it fast, the infection would spread even more.
"I'm gonna go get some water." you say, already rising to your feet.
"With those guys wandering around the forest? Absolutely not."
"Your wound is infected. I have to clean it."
"It's too dangerous."
"You're gonna lose your leg."
"Better than losing you."
Your words falter in between your lips.
He grips your calf and looks at you behind his see-through bangs, doe eyes begging.
You had to go. You couldn't just leave him in this condition.
"Please." he adds.
You release a long sigh and get down to your knees, his eyes never leaving yours.
"We should get some sleep." you whisper. " We're leaving at dawn."
He offers you a bunny smile and envelopes you into his arms. You put your hair on his chest and just lay down together, savoring the warmth of each other's presence.
* * *
Eight minutes.
You had been counting non-stop, waiting for the sound of his steady breathing, the signal for you to do what you had to do.
You had to make sure he was really asleep before you left.
He was never gonna forgive you for it.
You knew that very well and you still proceeded to detach his hands from your arms, being extremely careful not to wake him up.
Thank God for his habit of sleeping like a log.
Soundlessly rising to your feet, you tip-toe your way out of the hollow. The ground is wet, the constant dripping of the water from the branches soaking it thoroughly.
First, you had to find something to fill up the water.
You scan the trees and bushes, looking for any decent-looking leaves.
A few feet from you a shrub is in full bloom, its green, wide leaves hanging around it like a crown.
You pluck off a couple, careful not to rip them apart.
Wrapping them into a half sphere, you put them under a dripping branch and wait for it to fill up.
This was gonna take a while.
And the constant thoughts about having to let Jungkook on his own, unprotected, didn't make it any easier for you.
You prayed for him to be safe, prayed they wouldn't find him.
Drip drip drip.
The anxiety threatened to swallow you whole, all kinds of thoughts jumbled into your head in a disarray.
You look at your improvised bowl and notice that it's filled to the brim.You bend down to pick it up but the eyes staring at you in the reflection of the water make your breath hitch in your throat.
Then, something hard smashes into your skull, rendering you unconscious.
* * *
You open your eyes to semi darkness, dawn ready to spill its light on the top of the trees.
Your head pounds harder than the last time you got drunk with the boys.
The things you would give to go back in time...
There's none of that now.
Nothing except for the feeling of exhaustion weighing down your lids, your body an utter wreck.
There's a wetness at the back of your head. The feeling of something trickling down.
You know it's blood.
The terrible ache on your head was proof enough.
You look down at your body and almost scream at the sight.
They've tied you up against a tree, the rope digging into your wrists.
"Finally up, I see." you hear a voice nearby.
You turn your head from side to side, trying to locate its source.
The man is sitting on the ground, grinning at you like a psychopath.
"You know, she told me to kill you." he continues. "Get rid of you as fast as possible. But I didn't. I figured out I could easily sell you to the highest bidder with just a phone call. That Jungkook guy isn't the only famous one here."
You give him a look of disgust.
He keeps talking, unbothered by your indifferent behavior and gets in front of your face.
"So what I'm gonna do now is go get the car by the side of the road and then we'll go on a little trip, right sunshine?"
You spit into his face.
He flinches, hands reaching to wipe it off.
Then he slaps you so hard across the cheek, you see stars.
It stings like hell but you refuse to let out a sound, letting the anger build up inside of you instead.
He stands on his feet then storms off.
You'd never wanted to kill someone so badly. However the feeling of enragement gets replaced by raw panic.
What had happened to Jungkook?
Was he alright?
You hoped he was still asleep, safe from the clutches of these maniacs.
"You called?" a voice is heard behind your back.
Two hands reach for the knot, trying to undo it.
Then Jungkook appears in front of you, sweat clinging to his forehead and a limp on his leg.
But he was okay.
He was safe.
You jump into his arms, squeezing him as hard as you can.
He does the same, pain and exhaustion all but forgotten.
"I'm so sorry." you say, voice muffled by his chest. " I didn't want to leave you alone but I had to."
"It's alright." he whispers. "I'm fine."
You breathe him in, letting his scent calm your nerves for just a second.
"We still have to go. He will be back soon."
You nod and grab his hand.
Ignoring the throbbing pain on your head, you sling his arm across your shoulder, letting yourself bear his weight.
"I'm alright, don't worry." he says and retreats his arm back.
You both sprint into a run and you know the pain on his thigh is killing him, but there's nothing you can do.
There's no plan.
You just run for your lives.
"Faster!" he gasps when he hears steps behind you.
It's the girl.
She has a gun in her hands.
You speed off, dragging Jungkook with you.
This was not gonna end well.
You had been caught up in between two fires. It was just a matter of time before you both got captured again.
The trees start to get rarer and rarer until a flowing creek appears in front of you.
It does not have a smooth flow.
The stream rushes fast and the rocks create whorls at every corner.
You don't stop.
It is now or never.
"Jungkook, I -
A shot rings in your ears and a terrible pain blooms on your shoulder.
The words don't make it out of your lips.
He doesn't let go of your hand and you fall into the water, dragging him with you.
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