#diffxrentwxrlds (sonic)
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"Don't mention it. I got a good sense when someone new is in town so I'd figure it'd be a good idea to give you a heads up." Poppy wasn't one to poke her nose in someone else's business, though this part of town had some 'interesting' people.
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"I can always show you around if you'd like. I know this place like the back of my hands." The possum had a good memory so knew where everything was from the tour she got.
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atangledfate · 2 years
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“ Uh huh, For me or for you? hehe but thanks i appreciate the support good to know you got my back even on something this trivial“ 
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the-canon-nebula · 1 year
@diffxrentwxrlds​ from X
Well, that decided things very quickly.
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Metal would walk straight up to Sonic without even blinking, and just deck his ass for even thinking of trying to flirt with him. He is a monogamous robo-hog, thank you.
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Since that was decided, Metal turned to Surge and moved to drag his metal thumb alongside his throat. Seems it’s his way of saying she was going down... for good.
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ironbonds · 1 year
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❰❰ MEDIC ❱❱ ~Whisper to Sonic || Self-Indulgent Meme || @diffxrentwxrlds
Honestly the fight really hadn't been that bad, it had been more of him not paying attention to where he was going when he really should have just watched his surroundings. But as usual, adrenaline and danger were like a drug to the hedgehog. Lots of his friends understood, but that didn't mean that he wasn't constantly admonished for the number of injuries that he managed to pick up while fighting.
Whisper was no different, but seemed to understand the inevitability that were wounds and scrapes, given her admittedly poorly understood background. Especially as she sat with him and bandaged scrapes that he absolutely could have just let heal on their own.
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" Thank ya, Whisper! Ya didn't have ta do that for me, but I appreciate it! How ya doing with them wisps? "
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baymaxmuses · 1 year
@diffxrentwxrlds (Sonic)
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"You sure you aren't self-projecting there, fuzzball? Like I said, all I think when I see you is how much I'd like to punch you in the face."
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historias-multorum · 2 years
@diffxrentwxrlds continuing from this.
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Now normally, that would have been enough for Sonic to just leave. But this was entirely different. “No can do Shadow. You’re gonna be stuck with me until we figure out what’s been buggin you.”
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timewontwait · 1 year
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@diffxrentwxrlds​ has liked for a started (x)
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Sonic went out on his normal everyday jog. Nyooming around Mobius as per usual. From zone to Zone. After an hour or jogging, he decided to rest under a tree for a bit, enjoying the weather, the nice breeze and the nice warmth of the sun...
Well, the sun part didn’t last long since someone was blocking the view-- a black/green Tenrec. For Sonic he would know her, but for ‘Sonic’ she seemed like a total stranger to him. So with that, Sonic looks at the Tenrec for a second before speaking up.
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“...Y’hello? Can I do somethin’ for ya?“
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sleazely · 1 year
"Outch" ~Sonic
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    "Yikes, sorry Sonic! I thought you were my Boss!"
    Another concerning sentence out of this man.
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opalscave-moved · 2 years
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@diffxrentwxrlds​​ - 💋 ~Shadow and Sonic
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“ Heya Shads! “ 
Leaning against a nearby wall, Sonic put on the most stupid ass expression he could muster.
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“ You and I are like nachos with jalapeños. I'm super cheesy, you're super hot, and we belong together ♥ “
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atangledfate · 2 years
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:” Huh? Its What? Oh...uh huh... “
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“ ... I totally knew that!...”
She didn’t know that
“ .... gee look at the time! i gotta ... rearrange my sock drawer! “
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"Must be a lot of work to be angry, like, twenty-four seven." ~Sonic and Surge.
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"Must be a lotta work, being a carefree idiot twenty-four seven." She retorts. She's not happy to see him, but she ain't gonna let his taunting get to her. Also, why the hell was he here anyway?
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baymaxmuses · 1 year
@diffxrentwxrlds (Sonic), cont.
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Knuckles was taken aback by the rather profound response that came from the other, having expected a witty remark, perhaps. He'd known Sonic for a while, but even still... he was capable of more than the echidna guardian gave him credit for, both physically, and emotionally. Trying to come up with a response was hard, but he didn't want Sonic's brief moment of sentimentality to go to waste.
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"Well, you know, regardless of what I say to myself when it comes to you saving the day... I guess teamwork is what makes the dream work, in a sense. That's how the saying goes, right?"
He patted Sonic's shoulder in mutual respect. Despite everything they'd been through, if it wasn't for him, Knuckles would've been dragging himself through the mud for being fooled by Eggman... and he'd either sent himself on an ill-fated mission to get back the emeralds alone... or he'd be guarding an empty vigil, heartbroken over his failure in being more vigilant.
In short, the hedgehog brought both wit, and energy. Things that this guardian needed in spades.
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historias-multorum · 1 year
"Wanna kno' why I'm stronger than you? Because I don't pull my punches like no pussy." ~Scourge to Sonic
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"Shhhhhh! Scourge listen!"
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"That is the sound of me not giving a single fuck about you bro."
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“Wait you rather kiss who than Jet?“
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vel0city · 1 year
[ 📲 sms: ]  i'm into curves, and my favorite is your smile. ~Sonic
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⏩ PFFFT that's LAAAAAME I swear u get cornier EVERY DAY dude!!! i got no curves to speak of so it's GOTTA be my smile
⏩ let's grab a soda 2gether tho
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