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puromafragrance · 4 years ago
Benefits Of Essential Oils Diffusion
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Hey readers! Welcome back. Today I have come up with article that depicts about benefits of diffusing essential oil. But before commencement of benefits we should be well aware with diffusion and its process in terms of essential oil. So I want to ask you all something, do you recognize this term diffusion? I know many of you said yes because it is a term deep studied in various subjects. And yes friend’s phenomenon of diffusion is very beneficial in utilizing benefits of Essential oils.
I will try my best to cover all important segments regarding this article. It is significant to have information regarding diffusion and its application in vast field of essential oil and aromatherapy. Without taking much of time, I will quickly move forward. Come along with me to discover this interesting article.
Introducing diffusion and Essential oil:
I know many of you know what diffusion is. Diffusion is not a new word that we came across. Concept of diffusion has been basic part of physics, chemistry, biology and many other fields. But to my other readers let’s quickly read about diffusion in simpler terms.
It is simply the movement of substance from the area of high concentration to the area of low concentration. It takes place in liquids and gases because the mobility of particles occurs quickly. Let me explain this with a very simple example: we all use room freshener right? Ever noticed that freshener sprayed on one corner radiates its fragrance in all parts of the room. This is just because of diffusion which helps to diffuse fragrance. Now we have to link it with essential oils but before that let us know little about essential oils.
Essential oils are plant extracts and are retrieved from different plant parts like stem, leaves, bud, fruit peel, and seed using methods of distillation or mechanical methods like cold-pressing. The oil is also known as essential as it retains the plant’s fragrance and flavor. The specialty of the oils lies in their volatile nature because of which they quickly spread their fragrance.
Popular use of essential oil comes from the ancient belief. In ancient times, people used it for religious purpose and for embalming because of the fragrance it holds. Essential oils are extensively used in the field of aromatherapy which harness compounds present in oil for therapeutic benefits. Aromatherapy widely makes use of diffusers to spread the fragrance and bring mental clarity.
In our context diffusion is a process where volatile molecules of essential oils combine with surrounding air molecules. Needless to mention essential oils are liquids so diffusion is very likely possible and safe.
Now let us have look on types of diffusers which help in the process of diffusion.
Different types of Essential oil diffusers:
Essential oil diffusers serve the purpose of spreading aroma of essential oil throughout your home or workplace. There are many varieties of essential oil diffusers and these are safe alternative to synthetic air fresheners and scented candles. The use of diffusers brings peace and imparts many other benefits which we will discuss in coming section.
Types of essential oil diffusers are as follows:
1.Nebulizing diffuser: Nebulizing diffuser also known as cold air is an efficient method of essential oil diffusion. The diffuser works on the principle of Bernoulli theorem which is part of fluid dynamics. These diffusers work without the need for heat and water. Thus they quickly disperse molecules without chemical alterations. They are best used for internal support such as pain issues or skin irritation.
2. Ultrasonic diffuser: This is one common type of aromatherapy diffuser that requires water for dispersion. This way concentration of oil gets balanced in potency and aroma. They work wonderful for dry air and act as humidifiers. These diffusers use sonic waves to create fragile mist containing droplets of water and oil. They are generally used for uplifting mood and enhancing emotional support.
3. Electric diffusers: These diffusers use electricity to heat essential oil or power fans to increase the evaporation and dispersion of oil. They range from discrete pocket-sized to batter powered personal diffusers.
4. Evaporative diffusers: These types of diffusers use absorbent materials like pads for essential oil distribution. They simply release essential oil into the atmosphere through evaporation.  Some diffusers are also powdered by a fan which allows oil to evaporate more quickly throughout the area.
There are also some traditional diffuser appliances like oil lamps, candle diffusers and aroma heaters. It should be kept in mind that diffusers works best in well ventilated area and diffuse oils over short period of time like 15-20minutes. Think like when you give your nose a break, you actually give your body break to absorb and work. This will reduce olfactive fatigue.
Now when we know the process of diffusion in essential oil and types of diffusers, it is time to move to our next segment which talks about the need for diffusing essential oil. And I will be waiting to hear from you in the comment section why you prefer diffusing essential oils, do comment.
Is Diffusing Essential oils Really Important?
Before you ask yourself this question, let me answer beforehand. Yes diffusing essential oil is really important and secure too. I would like to bring forth the importance of diffusing essential oils. It is actually fun and easy activity to carry forward with add on benefits. Diffusion of essential oil helps to create a preferred ambience and balances mood changes. The very leading reason for diffusing essential oils is to fill the room or area with the astonishing natural fragrance of essential oils. I am sure you prefer diffusing essential oil for this reason only.
Diffusion takes into consideration the power of scent which is by far the safest means of using essential oils. Sense of smell is one of the most powerful senses, though it varies from individual to individual. You have probably noticed that you step in a place and quickly get connected with the aroma of the place. That’s how essential oils make difference. By dispersing essential oil into the air we breathe, one can control the feeling of our environment and surprisingly our emotions too. Inhalation of essential oil works both emotionally and therapeutically.
After knowing the need for diffusion, let us quickly read the various benefits of diffusing essential oil.
Benefits of Diffusing Essential oils:
One benefit that outshines others is the aroma of the essential oil. It connects with your body in a beautiful way. But I must say there are numerous other benefits too which are mentioned below:
Purify air: Diffusion of essential oils helps to purify the air in home. As the diffusion release natural compounds in the air unlike air fresheners that overload it with unhealthy chemicals.
Brings emotional stability: As the diffusion of oil is linked with emotional stability they bring the feel of happiness and increase flow of positive energy.
Reduce stress: Studies confirmed that diffusion of oils help to reduce stress and help relief anxiety.
Overcome insomnia: The fragrance of essential oil creates atmosphere full of serenity which improves sleep pattern and help to overcome insomnia.
Control eating pattern: Oil diffusers stimulate senses in a way that works to curb appetite.
Eases pain: Diffusing essential oils can also be an effective way to lessen pain.
These all benefits are interconnected and are extremely useful. Diffusion of essential oil is widely used for Aromatherapy massage and it brings out physical, emotional as well as physiological benefits. For instance: diffusion of essential oil helps to overcome varying sleep patterns which means it showcases energetic you in next morning. Similarly other benefits are interlinked also.
Ending note:
Essential oil diffusion with help of diffusers is secure and helpful approach towards mental and physical health. Inhalation of oil is all together a safe way to go for. At your best, follow all the precautions to avoid any allergic reactions. Diffusion methods puts multitude of benefits in front which are worth a try.
I hope the article was insightful to you. Feel free to comment and share your views.
Thank you.
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biophytopharm · 6 years ago
A Beginner's Guide to Essential Oils
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A Beginner's Guide to Essential Oils
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A Beginner's Guide to Essential Oils You’ve probably heard about essential oils (or seen friends post about them on social media) and wondered what all the hype is about. Are they just today’s “snake oils” that take your money and end up doing nothing? Absolutely not. Let’s quickly explore what essential oils are and how to use them, then I’ll give you a list of some to start with and what they do.
What Are Essential Oils?
Essential oils are made from the roots, flowers, stems, seeds, leaves, and/or bark of various plants. Usually, the liquid is distilled via water or steam, and the end product is highly concentrated (so just one or two drops go a long way). Basically, essential oils are meant to provide the therapeutic benefits of the plants they are derived from. And a lot of them smell pretty amazing too, making them a popular choice for aromatherapists.
How Do I Use Essential Oils?
There are several ways to use them and not all oil will be most effective in the same way. Some can be mixed with lotion and directly applied to the skin, some have great benefits when a few drops are added to a bath, and others should be used with a diffuser to be spread via steam or heat and inhaled by the user. Before using any essential oil, research the best method of delivery (and correct dosage amounts), because some oil can cause irritation if used improperly.
Essential Oils to Start With
Let’s get you started with a few easy ones. I’ll give you a quick overview of what they’re good for and how to use them. Lavender: One of the most popular essential oils, lavender smells amazing, has been reported to ward off headaches and has antibacterial properties that can fight germs. Mix it with lotions/bath products, or diffuse it to relax and center yourself. Peppermint: This invigorating scent is able to boost your energy levels and help soothe headaches, indigestion, and other bodily aches and pains. Try massaging several drops on your abdomen and wrists to soothe nausea, apply a drop under your nose to boost energy, or use it on your temples/forehead/nape of your neck to relieve headaches. Lemon Balm: The herb famous for relieving stress and depression can do the same things in essential oil form. It’s best used with a diffuser – don’t apply it to the skin undiluted, because the concentration can be quite strong. It’s also labeled by its Latin name, Melissa. Orange/Lemon: Both of these are great to use in cleaning products for your home. You can also combine a few drops with bath products to keep yourself ultra-clean and smelling great. Eucalyptus: Got a cold? Relieve congestion by creating a “steam bath” with a bowl of warm water and a towel over your head. Eucalyptus oil can also relieve arthritis and other body pains when added to a warm bath. Try out a few of the above, then decide for yourself whether essential oils are worth the hype. However, note that you need to buy them from reputable sources/companies, as not everyone sells the pure stuff. Avoid any that are advertised as “fragrance/perfume oils” and do your research before buying. Are you already using essential oils? What’s your favorite and when do you use it? amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "gardensnurs0b-20"; amzn_assoc_search_bar_position = "bottom"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "search"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Shop Related Products"; amzn_assoc_default_search_phrase = "essential oil"; amzn_assoc_default_category = "Beauty"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "c3be52d1991620937c77fdec3f76ee57"; amzn_assoc_default_browse_node = "3760911"; Follow us: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); For more Information watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hC6ohWlXrgU   Read the full article
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health4uandpets · 7 years ago
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missvickilu · 7 years ago
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Day 12 Self Care Challenge - 📺💻🎥📡 Watch Netflix and do nothing! 📺 💻 🎥 📡 #selfcarechallenge #selfcare #challenge #day12 #self #care #selfcaresunday #sunday #watchnetflixanddonothing #watchnetflix #netflix #donothing #stresslesssunday #stressless #diffusingessentialoils #diffusingoils #couchday #sundayfunday #fundaysunday #youareloved #YouAreLovedCoaching
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diffuserworld-blog · 7 years ago
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Mosquitos, flies, gnats, ticks, and many others, HATE essential oils. This diffuser blend is perfect for an easy, inexpensive, homemade, chemical free, bug repellent. The strong scent of essential oils will repel bugs away as well as give you added aromatic benefits. You get three 15 ml bottles of 100% pure essential oil (lemon, eucalyptus, and peppermint). http://store.diffuserworld.com/VIAJE-Essential-Oil-15-ml-Bug-Off-Three-Pack-_p_384.html #aromatherapy #essentialoilforbugs #essentialoil #lemonessentialoil #eucalyptusessentialoil #peppermintessentialoil #diffusingessentialoils #essentialoildiffuser
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health4uandpets · 7 years ago
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health4uandpets · 7 years ago
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health4uandpets · 8 years ago
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health4uandpets · 8 years ago
Grab your wholesale membership and Young Living Premium Starter Kit at www.EssentialOils4Sale.com and diffuse these recipes when it arrives!
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health4uandpets · 8 years ago
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I am curious. What is your favorite essential oil and why? Do you prefer to diffuse it or mix it with a carrier oil? Right now I am diffusing tea tree because I am sick and a calming blend for bedtime! #diffusingessentialoils #essentialoils #naturallifestyle #organiclifestyle #ilovethesmellofteatreeoilforsomecrazyreason #justmademyfacialcremewithoils #usesafely (at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
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health4uandpets · 7 years ago
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health4uandpets · 8 years ago
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health4uandpets · 8 years ago
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health4uandpets · 9 years ago
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diffuserworld-blog · 9 years ago
New Aroma-Ace Bundle from Diffuser World....excellent value! http://bit.ly/ACE-BUNDLE
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