#different universes but LAWD
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mxlissaliss · 9 months ago
hihi! this is one of my first times submitting an ask😓
for RoR, could you do a Honkai Impact 3rd Elysia reader? Like, loves humanity, friendly, sweet, flirty, etcetc. Also rather mysterious and keeps to herself at times! If you could include Buddha and/or Anubis it would be great! 🫶
thank youu<3
Omg hiiiii, this is the first time someone has sent me an ask so I'm feeling quite flattered, haha. I don't know much about Honkai (though I kinda wanna get into it) so I appreciate the descriptions a lot! I still looked up the character and she's so pretty lawd, I definitely had to mention her appearance 😭😭
Hope you like it, heh (I'm gonna call you “🌸~Anon” from now on, if you ever submit an ask again)
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RoR x Elysia!reader
- There were many things about you that made you stand out wherever you went: your long, silky, pink hair that never seemed to be tangled, your cape that flowed so gracefully with every step, and your light blue eyes that looked so full of life and fun.
- That, and the fact that you seemed to come from an entirely different universe, honestly.
- Aside from your physical appearance, your constant displays of love towards humanity caught the attention of the Gods around you.
- The way you were always so gentle and nice with the mortals while still being elegant and dainty made you quite the catch instantly. Even though only a few knew about your origins — mainly because of your mysterious nature —, you always presented yourself as kind and cheerful. Not to mention that you rarely ever spoke badly about anyone.
- Many like Kojiro, Adam and Jack enjoyed your company a lot. Even though they could easily defend themselves against anything, your protective nature, teamed up with your strength, wit and conveniently social nature turned you into their chosen protector.
- However, you were a being so different from them that you soon became Nikola Tesla's favorite person (subject). He could never get any kind of personal information out of you, other than the basics, but he did not mind, so long as he could get any info about the Meta-Morph Activators and surgery that you once mentioned. How interesting.
- Qin Shi Huang and Raiden loved to play-flirt with you, because you would always return the compliments despite the lightheartedness in your tone. And so on with the rest.
- Your relationship with the humans was one full of love, respect and care. You loved the mortals you now sought to care for, and it was a mutual feeling.
- Now… Judging from a fair distance your treatment toward the humans, Buddha was the first god to approach you without seemingly suspicious intentions. He shared a lot of your love regarding the mortals you had come to become friends with, which made you two quite close rather quickly.
- One thing that picked his interest was the difference between the Valkyries you knew and the ones he and the Einherjar knew. So, you guys did not have a Brunnhilde? Crazy.
- He loved to hear everything about your stories, activity that often led you to try and dodge a few personal questions in order to keep your own secrets hidden.
- You never mentioned anything too personal or close to home, and while you feared that it'd push him away, Buddha could not care less about it, so long as your true self remained this sweet, kind and cheerful girl that he adored.
- Speaking of gods, it was one night when you were making your way back home, after a particularly long day with the Einherjar, that you caught a certain pair of very intense eyes staring at you from behind a tree.
- At first, you didn’t mind much since whoever was “hiding” remained in their spot, but as soon as you started to walk away, this stranger lunged from his rabbit hole and made his way to you in a frighteningly fast manner.
- Much to your surprise, it was Anubis from the Egyptian Pantheon. You knew about him, as he was quite the character, apparently.
- Nevertheless, you did not expect this guy to be so… Sweet! He was so curious about everything concerning you. Sometimes it felt like he had way too much more energy than what you could bear, but it was easy to warm up to him.
- Similar to your relationship with Buddha, most of the private facts came from the Egyptian God of the Afterlife and Funerary Rituals himself, as you were quite reserved and chose not to open up that much. But he was just so easy to get close to, it honestly made you feel comfortable without creating any barriers or distance regarding the lack of mutual oversharing.
- Though, it was almost impossible to avoid his questions at times…
“Why are your ears so pointy?” Anubis asked with sparkling eyes, making ungodly efforts not to touch your ears as his nail tapped against the gem on your hair clip.
- You simply laughed, pointing at them before saying that it would be a story for another day. You were not going to explain the entire MANTIS ordeal just yet. Perhaps you would never mention it at all. Still, there were some loose concepts every so often that entertained him enough.
- Moth Fire? The Thirteen Flame-Chasers? He could barely connect the dots but gladly sat down for hours on end to keep asking stuff about your past. It made you happy.
- In the end, you became friends with most of the pantheons and mortals easily without revealing much about yourself. There was this unexplainable charm about you that drew them all to you like a moth to a flame, but as long as they respected you and your boundaries, you'd shower them with gentle affections and kindness, as well as protection.
- Except for those gods out there that clearly held some contempt against humanity. May those around help any deity that dared to disrespect a human in your presence.
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missmaywemeetagain · 2 years ago
So... my friends and I came across these pics from Anne Margaret 's debut night on Vegas and Elvis looks soo fine in this blue scarf. Anyway you could do a Blue Scarf story. LoL. Maybe even a whole Scarf series?
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BABY LISTEN. Just...ugh...this ERA. The '69 Scarf Era is the pinnacle of hotness. Like what was in the water that summer?? What magic did those silky scarves hold?? Because it's not normal! And this fit in particular with that mussed hair and 5 o'clock shadow and chest hair all on display? I am ON MY KNEES.
(Also, can we take a moment to recognize that he showed up to his ex's performance looking like THIS? For god's sake, man! That's almost cruel...especially if that story about him getting on his knees and professing his love for her after the show in her dressing room is true. That woman must've had balls of steel to not throw her husband to the curb.)
Blue Scarf...heeheehee...And oh, lawd, a whole Scarf series, based on the different scarves he wore? That would certainly be something! I mean, I've certainly been playing around with the Pink Scarf Universe soooooo....I guess you never know what could happen...😏 💙🧣💙
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drunkenlionwrites · 2 years ago
warning, this is pure degeneracy
BOY I WANNA BE TAGTEAMED BY OG VASH AND TRISTAMP VASH SO BAD GOOD LAWD😩😩😩😩💧💧 both their vibes are like kinda different you know? Like OG Vash felt DADDY AS HELL AND NEW VASH IS JUST SO GOLDEN RETRIEVER ENERGY You dont need to write this I just needed to scream this to the void but if you do decide to write a threesome with og vash and tristamp vash i would not be complaining👀
Omg anon, that’s such a cool idea! My pussy is appreciating it 🥵
Indeed they have such different vibes as of now. Stampede Vash is just a baby, while Trimax Vash really feels like a 150 y.o. depressed being, tired as heck of the shit that’s happening. I will store this idea at the back of my mind, cause I’m note sure I can pull it off, tbh 🫣🫣
My overthinking ass would need an explanation of how two Vashies ended in one universe before writing any smut scenes 😅
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siphersaysstuff · 1 year ago
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February's Patreon @tfwiki pic update is on 2004's ENERGON, the awkward middle child of the Unicron Trilogy. Caught in the early stage of explosive franchise growth and pulled in too many directions. But there's good stuff in there. ROADBLOCK remains a solid, fun toy, turning from robot to crane-truck to heavily-armed half of a two-robot combiner.
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The Autobots' two-bot-combiners gimmick was certainly an interesting attempt, but TOW-LINE really took the gimmick to more interesting places than most. He's his own combiner, with the lower half of his vehicle mode turning into a mobile battle-sled-thing separate from his robot mode.
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Store exclusives were rare in Armada, but by Energon, Hasbro was ready to start pumping them out again, and boy did they. CHECKPOINT, a rededo of Rodimus, came in a Kmart "SWAT" 2-pack with a similarly deco'd Prowl. Back when Kmart was still a thing.
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The Decepticons, rather than combining, got "hyper modes" and alternate vehicle modes that deployed more weapons. SIX SHOT, a redeco of Shockblast, is one of the better attempts, having a considerably-different "satellite" mode on top of his space-tank altmode.
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Oh lawd he comin. OMEGA SENTINEL, a redeco of Omega Supreme, splits into a "construction vehicle" and "cruiser", each with a "platform" mode. The two can also join to for a "Cybertronian Armored Supertrain" but that wouldn't fit in the lightbox. Plus he can merge with Optimus Prime! Okay mainly he's a suit Prime wears, but there's attachment points for all of Prime's drone-vehicles as well.
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With the franchise taking off, Hasbro looked to fill out Energon with more stuff. This Deluxe version of the Mini-Con HIGH WIRE came with a figure of human ally Kicker, rendered in the style of the then-current G.I.Joe toys. This set seemingly was not engineered by Takara, and it kinda shows.
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Speaking of... oof. This set. Not to editorialize too much, but... the MEGA-DINOBOT set of GRIMLOCK and SWOOP is... well. Bad. Originally intended for the Universe line, it got shuffled into Energon, and similarly wasn't engineered by Takara. The result is a floppy, awkward mess. One of the very, very few Transformers toys in its 40-year run I'd call "bad".
(Also... yes, I re-did the Grimlock pic. Back in October, I used archive imagery for that update because, frankly, I'd forgotten I still owned this set. Upon discovery, I decided to redo the pic so it's crisper and better positioned. Still not a good toy though.)
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Mind you... it's not like things were all roses on the other hemisphere. Takara made SL GRAND CONVOY, a smaller version of Optimus Prime without any of the good points of the larger figure. What IS that torso mode?! (This is the shinier "SL Grand Convoy & Kicker" 2-pack version. And it broke. Super-tight ankle joints made from clear-plastic? A recipe for disaster.)
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Didn't mean to end on a down note. Here, have a pic of one of the line's absolute highlights, the Omnicons and Terrorcons, and their buildable energon weapons.
Energon was kind of all over the map, trying a lot and maybe lacking a strong cohesive theme because of it. Some damn good stuff, but also some genuine misses.
If you enjoy these runs through Transformers toy history, please consider tossing a coin into my Patreon ("gregstfwikipics" at patreon dot com). More support means I can devote more time to bigger updates with more images each month. There's still loads to do!
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irken-property · 4 months ago
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@darthzadr came to an incredible revelation - King Trevor and Mr Nimbus
Same character, different universe. Checked the wikis and Nimbus isn't confirmed to be a reference to Trevor, but... good lawd, the similarities are borderline painful!
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cljordan-imperium · 1 year ago
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Some love and a calming tea.
People are really going crazy the current days. I stopped using Twitter on Friday after seeing 4 different dumpster fire of so-called discussions that all boiled down to a small loud group needs their damn pacifiers and a nap in 5 minutes.
In those moments I always remember that Albert Einstein quote about the infinity of the universe and the stupidity of humans.
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Thank you!!! I need it today. Lawd amighty I swear that some people cannot just keep their opinions to themselves. Not having one wink of sleep last night and living on coffee and Mt. Dew is not making me a friendly person today. LMAO I think I growled at a coworker.
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roseandpeaches · 13 days ago
this was a real time update of my thoughts while i was reading.
blue collar johnny? do you genuinely know how bad every johfam needs this but we didn't know we need it in the first place?
the part about mark impressed me so much. im always in awe how you get into deep into topics your characters are talking about. the amount of research you've done, the way you write them into the story to make is easy to read for us is what i appreciate the most. no matter the universe, the words sorta eases into my brain.
also, although this is a johnny fic, this absolutely amazing description for jaehyun had me floored
The man steps into the apartment, offering a smile, and the dimples in his cheeks practically blind you. There’s no way around it, this man looks like a model. He’s handsome, but there’s a slightly feminine softness to the angles of his face, a warmth in his eyes, and it’s absolutely captivating.
the part where johnny propositions how they should start things, honestly made me feel like a kid because me personally, im with y/n lol. Johnny's so mature ugh and when he jumped immediately into ufo's after, reminded me of a guy i sorta liked but we don't talk about the dead, ghosts should remain as ghosts.
everytime i read your fic, i take a break to scream, fawn or just stare into nothing to take things in. like when y/n first met johnny, and jaehyun, or when johnny sees the note and I felt like naurrrr i lost my chance with johnnnnn hahahaha.
also, thank you for reminding all of us about tax season 😮‍💨
i love how mature the entire thing is, so relaxing, so calm so safe. aaaaaaa i want thissss! the way you write johnny always differs but he's always the thoughtful and polite guy who always thinks ahead.
i can't wait to read the bonus! tan summer johnny? buff tanned summer johnny? im gonna go crazy kicking and giggling reading it.
apartment complex
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🌙 starring. Johnny Suh x afab!Reader I ft. Haechan & Jaehyun
🔮 preview. So… Johnny works on a rig for long periods of time, Jaehyun is a gym rat with dimples, and Hyuck is a… drug dealer who’s not afraid to be extremely direct and combative? And they’re all your neighbours and also into you? How did you get yourself into this mess? 
tw/cw. Unprotected sex, pent-up sexual tension, shower sex, masturbation, fingering, hand job, thigh riding, praise, dirty talk, breast worship/nipple play, big dick Johnny, pussy stretching, oral (f receiving), overstimulation, multiple reader orgasms, multiple sex positions, size kink (Johnny is big and a slight manhandler), mentions of aftercare, etc… I pet names: (hers) 304, baby, princess. 
👹 rating.18+ explicit I wc. 13.3k
🍭 aus. Love square, slice of life, neighbours to lovers, etc…
☀️ mlist + an. So when Johnny calls her the nickname ‘304,’ we’re not doing full numbers, it’s ���three-oh-four’ which I actually think is kind of cute haha 
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You feel like an absolute mess. Your hair is all over the place, you’re in a full sweats ensemble that is - true to its name - making you perspire like nothing else as you lug boxes upon boxes of your stuff into your building and up to your new apartment.
To make matters worse, you’re exhausted. Moving days have this absolutely draining effect, and you can’t wait for the day to be over. You’re not even sure if you’ll unpack anything- maybe you’ll just fish out a towel and some body wash from one of the many crates you have, shower, then collapse onto your mattress- do you even have the energy to set up your bed frame?
You’re busy trying to plan out how you’re going to even accomplish the day, when the elevator doors open, and you find yourself staring up at one of the hottest men you’ve ever seen.
“Hi,” he grins, stepping next to you in the small space. “Moving in?”
You’re so distracted by the way his biceps look in his muscle shirt that it takes you a moment to speak. “Uh, yeah.”
“I’m Johnny,” he tells you.
“y/n.” The box in your hands is beginning to slip from the sweat on your palms, and you haphazardly readjust it on your hip.
“This might be a little forward,” Johnny chuckles, “but do you need any help?”
“Uh…” You turn once again to look up at this absolute tower of a man. “I’m almost done moving everything-”
“Let me guess, boxes done, just some furniture stuff left?”
You feel your skin flush with heat. “Is it that obvious that I’m struggling right now?” An awkward laugh escapes your lips, and you’re happy to find Johnny return the sound with a soft, understanding smile.
“Usually when cute girls move somewhere, they have a boyfriend, a brother, a dad, a friend- someone to help them do the tough stuff, and since you’re alone, I’m guessing you’re troopering this whole thing out all by yourself.”
“New city,” you explain. “I don’t uh- don’t know anyone here just yet, and my family didn’t want to take time off work to help with any of this.”
“Lucky you bumped into me then,” Johnny grins. “I just finished up at the gym, but I’ve got energy to help a new neighbour.”
The elevator dings to signal you’ve made it to your floor, and Johnny follows you out.
“You’re the new tenant for 304?” he asks.
“Uh huh,” you nod, stopping in front of the unit you now call home.
“We really are neighbours,” Johnny laughs. “I’m 306.”
“Look it was nice to meet you,” you say, “but you really don’t need to help, I’m sure I can manage my bed and a few other things-”
“y/n,” Johnny interrupts you, “I promise I’m not some creep, just a good neighbour offering help. You look tired, let me help you.”
Your pride makes it difficult to accept this sort of thing, but you swallow it, offering Johnny a nod. 
And that’s how you find yourself moving your bed and the last bit of furniture into your new apartment with one of the sexiest guys you’ve ever seen. He’s quite the charmer, and he’s reassuring too- calming you down when things are a little heavy, and slowing his own pace to match your exhaustion.
In no time at all, everything is out of the moving truck, and Johnny leans in your doorway as he watches you slump into a chair. 
“Do you want help making your bedframe or anything?” he enquires.
“Honestly? I think I’m going to call it a day,” you admit. “The drive here was long, I’ve been up since five AM, didn’t sleep well last night due to nerves-”
“Sounds like you should get some rest,” Johnny nods.
“I really appreciate your help though,” you offer. “I’ll uh, have to buy you beers or something.”
Johnny only laughs. “That’s not necessary. Besides, I work on a rig, so I’m only here a week or so every month, you caught me at a good time.”
“Oh.” You can’t help the disappointment that surges through you. Of course this man was too hot to be true- of course he has a job that requires him to be away for long periods or he’d probably have an equally hot girlfriend already.
“But… let me give you my number, and if you ever need anything while I am here, you can just give me a shout.” 
The two of you exchange digits, and with one final smile, Johnny leaves you be. 
You lay on your bed for a while, trying to calm down- from the moving, or from being around a ten out of ten, you’re not sure. 
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It’s your first time doing laundry in the new building, and to your disappointment, you find the shared laundry room to have no available machines.
A sigh escapes you as you stand there momentarily, wondering if you should wait five minutes for a turn over, or just scratch this whole idea and hope there are empty machines tomorrow.
As you’re considering your options, the laundry room door opens, and a tall blonde enters.
“Hi,” he beams.
“Hello.” You watch him carefully, noticing that he heads to a machine to take out his clothes from the washer. “Uh- do you mind if I put my stuff in there once it’s empty?”
“Of course not,” he smiles. “With only six machines for the whole building, it can be a bit rough trying to nab one on busy days.”
“I’ve noticed,” you laugh. “I’m new here, my name is y/n.”
“I’m Jungwoo,” he tells you, moving his clothing into the only empty dryer. He turns on the machine and then steps back, looking over at you again. “So are you new to the building or new to the city?”
“The city,” you admit, beginning to move your stuff into the now empty washer.
“You have that look.”
“What do you mean?”
“Just- a lot of people here are boring, we’re not exactly known for fashion or anything like that-”
You look down at the Stitch onesie you’re wearing that you’d bought for Halloween a few years back but has since become a comfort outfit, then back up at the blonde.
“I just like your style!” he insists. “Not everyone can rock blue pajamas!”
You find yourself laughing at his sincerity, shaking your head as you grab your washer fluid to get the machine going.
“Anyways,” Jungwoo sighs. “Did you move here for work?”
“I actually work online,” you tell him. “I can work from anywhere, and I figured this would be a nice place to get out of the big city for a while- cheaper rent, more nature, that sort of thing.”
“Makes sense,” Jungwoo nods. “I’m a server at a bar just down the road.”
You take a moment, then laugh. “You seem like a server.”
“Because I’m so cute and social?” he grins.
“Definitely,” you nod, enjoying his energy.
“Anyways, I love making friends, and since you’re new to the city, I’m guessing you haven’t met a lot of people yet. If you want to be friends, I’d love to add you to my gossip roster.”
“Your gossip roster?”
“I’m a server, which means I love all things tea- except for when grandmas order actual tea in the middle of a rush, that’s the worst.”
“I’ll take your word on it,” you grin.
“So… friends?” Jungwoo asks.
You nod. “We can be friends.”
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It’s been three weeks since you moved into your new apartment, and in that time, you’ve gotten settled, and even visited Jungwoo at his bar. He’s an interesting friend, and he seems to know everything about everyone.
At first, you’d been worried about any ulterior motives he might have, as you’ve experienced many men try to make a move on you under the guise of just wanting to be your friend. But now, you realize Jungwoo’s intentions towards you are pure- or, as pure as they can be given how much gossip he consumes.
You get the sense that you’re not his type, and that’s a hundred percent okay with you, in fact, it’s a dynamic that makes you finally feel comfortable accepting an invitation to visit his apartment.
It seems all the attractive men in your building live on your floor, and as you enter his unit, you find yet another cute man standing in the kitchen.
“This is Mark,” Jungwoo introduces you. “Mark, this is y/n. Don’t worry, Lee, I’ve told her everything about you.”
“Oh, great,” Mark sighs.
It’s true, Jungwoo has divulged way too deep into his roommate’s history. You know that he’s a content creator and chef, he used to work in a prestigious restaurant, went on one of those reality cooking shows, managed to be the runner up for the first place prize despite his awkward nature, and has now been commissioned to write a cookbook focused solely on burgers (which Jungwoo has assured you is actually a broad topic despite what you might think).
You also know that Mark has a limited dating history, with a high school sweetheart who left him right before his stint on live tv, and a new crush on some barista that he’s too shy to even talk to despite the fact that he goes to her coffee shop every day just to order frothed milk with vanilla since caffeine doesn’t agree with him.
“So what’s on the menu tonight, chef?” Jungwoo asks, coming to stand right behind Mark in the kitchen.
From the way Mark clears his throat and steps back, it’s obvious to you that he’s not as comfortable about being close to people as Jungwoo is, and you find yourself enjoying this roommate dynamic already.
“I’m actually testing some stupid protein burger for muscle heads,” Mark admits.
“Aren’t burgers already high in protein since they’re meat?” you ask.
“Yes, and no,” Mark groans, “it depends. I want to have a few vegetarian and even vegan options in the cookbook I’m writing on burgers- and lots of people want high protein even in their plant based meals.” 
“So… what are your options for this burger you’re trying to create?” you enquire. 
“I’ve tried some black bean patties, chickpea patties, that sort of thing- but I’m considering making an entire two page fold dedicated to dredges and batters that you could use on a variety of burgers, meat or vegetarian. I got everything to make a protein powder infused batter, but I’m just now realizing that the protein powder I have on hand is chocolate flavoured, which really won’t work if I put it on anything, let alone a tofu burger.”
“Call Jae,” Jungwoo says simply. “That man has a collection of protein powder that would make a man on steroids combust.”
“Maybe I should just run to the store,” Mark sighs.
“You only need a small scoop of powder, right?” Jungwoo counters. “Why would you go buy an entire plain jug of protein powder when a protein head lives next door?”
“I’d hate to bother him,” the chef groans again, and you find yourself starting to realize the true depth of his social anxiety. 
“I’ll call Jaehyun,” Jungwoo states, pulling out his phone.
You take a seat at the island counter while Jungwoo makes a deal for some powder with this ‘Jae’ person, and you watch Mark fuss over other ingredients that he adds to a dry mixing bowl.
There’s a knock at the door, and then a man peaks his head inside of the apartment.
Your eyes lock and the wind is knocked from your lungs- is every hot man in the city living in your building?
“Jae!” Jungwoo yells, “come in!”
The man steps into the apartment, offering a smile, and the dimples in his cheeks practically blind you. There’s no way around it, this man looks like a model. He’s handsome, but there’s a slightly feminine softness to the angles of his face, a warmth in his eyes, and it’s absolutely captivating.
“Am I interrupting?” Jae asks as he approaches the kitchen, his eyes continuously meeting your own.
“Not at all, Mark’s just floundering as usual, and I’m hanging out with my new friend. y/n, this is Jaehyun, Jaehyun, this is y/n.” 
“Nice to meet you,” you smile.
“You too.” Jaehyun sets a tub of protein powder onto the kitchen counter next to Mark, then he turns his full attention to you again. “So how did you meet Jungwoo?”
“In the laundry room,” Jungwoo is quick to explain, and you don’t miss the exchange of glances between Jaehyun and your friend. “She’s new to the building.” Jungwoo practically winks at Jaehyun, and you get the suspicion that he’s trying to set you up with this model looking protein man.
“I love meeting new neighbours,” Jaehyun says smoothly. “What floor are you on?”
“This one, room 304.”
“No way.” Jaehyun’s eyes widen. “That’s right across from mine!”
“You’re 305?” you ask, heart beating faster in your chest.
“In the flesh,” Jaehyun grins.
“Can we move the talking somewhere else?” Mark asks quietly. “I’m trying to concentrate.”
The energy fizzles immediately, and Jaehyun nods. “I was actually just heading to the gym.”
“Of course you were,” Jungwoo rolls his eyes.
“But uh, I’ll see you around,” Jaehyun says, looking at you directly. “Welcome to the building.” 
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You suppose you shouldn’t be shocked when meeting cute men in your apartment building anymore, but you still find your breath leaving your body when you’re bringing groceries up from the parking garage only for a very cute man to enter the elevator.
He steps in and flashes you a smirk, then looks at the floor buttons. “You’re headed to three?” he asks.
“Uh huh.”
“Are you new?”
“Been here about a month.”
“Huh,” the man looks stumped for a moment. “I feel like I would have seen you. I’m Hyuck by the way.”
Hyuck nods. “Are you liking the building?”
“It’s nice,” you muse, too tired from your day at the grocery store to make much smalltalk. 
“You must be… unit 304? I’m a couple of doors down, near the corner. I know someone moved out, and I heard from the building manager that someone was moving in, but fuck, I can’t believe I haven’t met you yet.”
“I can be kind of reclusive,” you joke. “I mean, I work from home.”
“Ahhh, you’re one of those girls.” Hyuck grins at you knowingly and your heart leaps into your throat.
“What do you mean?”
“Nothing,” he shrugs. “Just, you know, sometimes the cutest girls are the ones that stay in their house all day.”
“Oh.” You’re really not sure how to respond to his statement, and your eyes shift down to the floor as the elevator comes to a stop.
The two of you both turn to the left, and Hyuck walks in step with you to your door, where he stops. “What’s that?”
You’re confused for a moment, too busy fumbling with your keys, but when you look up, you realize there’s a sticky note on your door. 
“Looks like you already have an admirer,” Hyuck grins. “Was nice to meet you, we should hang sometime,” he reads. “Who do you think left this?”
You’re pretty sure it was Jaehyun who left the note- after all, the only other people you know are Jungwoo and Johnny, who both have your number, and you doubt Mark Lee of all people would be this forward. 
“I uh-” you stutter a little, swallowing thickly. “I’m not sure.”
“So are you single, or…?”
“Definitely single,” you blurt out, pushing your key into the door and clicking it unlocked.
“Definitely single,” Hyuck repeats as you push into your apartment, “I’ll keep that in mind.” 
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You’re finishing up after dinner when your phone makes a beeping sound, and you quickly pick it up, surprised to see a message from Johnny.
‘Looks like you’ve got some secret admirers, 304.’
Your stomach drops, and you realize that in your haste to enter your apartment after finding Jaehyun’s note with Hyuck earlier, you hadn’t actually removed it from your door- but wait, admirers? As in… plural? 
Tripping over yourself to get to the door, you throw it open to find not one sticky note, but two.
While Jaehyun’s initial ‘Was nice to meet you, we should hang sometime’ is still there, someone has taken the liberty to put a second note on top of it, and this one reads; ‘I’m more fun, let’s have drinks.’
It’s clear who the second note is from, and you’re quick to rip both off of your door. 
Jaehyun and Hyuck are both quite forward, and your heart is racing as you go sit on your couch, feeling conflicted.
You pull out your phone again, releasing a deep sigh as you write up a text to Johnny. ‘This apartment building is so weird.’
‘Boys will be boys,’ comes his quick response. 
Taking another breath to calm yourself, you look at the texts, and that’s when you realize, ‘I didn’t know you were back from the rigs.’ 
‘Got back a couple of days ago :)’ 
Tapping your fingers against your couch, you try to figure out how you should play this.
You’re most attracted to Johnny, but now that Jaehyun and Hyuck are so clearly demonstrating their blooming affection for you - out in the open where everyone on your floor can see - you wonder if that might throw a wrench at Johnny’s own feelings for you…
Does Johnny like you?
When he’d helped you move your things, was that just him genuinely being nice? 
You feel absolutely twisted, especially since you’ve never considered yourself the type of girl to entertain a long distance relationship…
‘So… you’re in town for a few more days?’
You definitely need to sort out your priorities. 
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You’re in need of a drink as you walk into Jungwoo’s work, taking a seat at the bar and releasing a deep sigh.
“For a girl who came to happy hour, you don’t look too happy,” Jungwoo muses as he moves to stand in front of you.
“Is it that obvious?” you laugh.
“I mean… you’re the hot new girl in 304 who has two guys fighting over you in sticky notes, I’d expect you to be a little more up beat.” 
“You saw that?” you ask in shock.
“Everyone saw it. Whoever left those notes weren’t exactly subtle… who did leave those notes, by the way?”
You let out a laugh, shaking your head at your friend’s need for gossip. “You know one of them at least.”
“Jae, I’m guessing,” Jungwoo nods. “He asked me for your number but since I’m your friend I’m not just out here handing around your personal information.”
“I appreciate that.”
“And guy number two?” he enquires.
“Some dude named Hyuck.”
An interesting expression immediately appears on Jungwoo’s face. It’s something between an ‘oooooh!’ and an ‘ooop!’ and you can’t quite place the emotion.
“What?” you ask, leaning forward. “You know him?”
“Everyone knows Hyuck.”
“They do?”
“Let’s just say…” Jungwoo’s voice lowers as he leans over the bar, “he’s a provider of things that a lot of people like to get their hands on.”
“A plug, there, you tortured it out of me, Hyuck is a plug,” Jungwoo throws his hands up as if you just twisted his arm for the information, and you stare at him blankly.
“A plug,” you repeat.
“You can’t be that innocent, babes, you know what I mean.”
You sit back in your chair, thinking it through.
So… Johnny works on a rig for long periods of time, Jaehyun is a gym rat with dimples, and Hyuck is a… drug dealer who’s not afraid to be extremely direct and combative? And they’re all your neighbours and also into you? How did you get yourself into this mess? 
“Where did you even meet Hyuck?” Jungwoo asks.
“In the elevator?”
“Why did that sound like a question?” your friend laughs.
“I don’t know! God, I’m just… overwhelmed.”
“There are worse things to be overwhelmed about, I mean… tax season is coming soon, and I don’t know how much fraud I should commit with my tips.” 
You can’t help but laugh at Jungwoo, and he’s succeeded in using humour to calm you down. 
He’s grinning at you, and he taps his hand onto the bar top. “Let me make you a drink, on me, but you’ll be paying me with gossip, deal?” 
You trust Jungwoo to make you drinks by now, and he doesn’t ask what you want, he simply begins to mix a fruity concoction together. Soon, he’s setting it down in front of you and you’re taking a large gulp.
“So…” he grins. “Hyuck or Jae?”
“Are those my only options?”
Jungwoo’s eyes widen. “Spill the tea.”
“I just… I met this guy Johnny when I moved in-”
“Johnny as in super tall, blue collar, muscle man, Johnny?”
“Sounds like him,” you laugh.
“And you met him the first day you moved in?”
“He actually helped me with boxes and furniture.”
Jungwoo lets out a whistle. “Now I see why you’re overwhelmed.”
“I guess, I just don’t really know any of these guys too well. I’ve only met all of them once-”
“But you have a favourite,” Jungwoo interjects. “Johnny’s your favourite, despite his fucked up job.”
You sigh. “How could you tell?”
“I watch a lot of reality tv, in shows like Love is Blind or Singles Inferno sometimes a girl has multiple guys going for her, but the first one leaves a mark… it’s not always the case though, but it’s about that initial impact.” 
“Impact,” you repeat. “Johnny definitely made an impact… and he saw the notes from Hyuck and Jae.”
“Oooooh,” Jungwoo grins, “scandalous.” 
“But he works away for weeks at a time!”
“He’s here now,” Jungwoo points out. “So… go on a date with him, and sort out Hyuck and Jae after.”
“You think so?”
“What could be wrong about it?” Jungwoo shrugs. “Go on a date with Johnny, see how you feel- maybe he does something gross that turns you off and it makes life easier.”
“Or maybe he’s perfect and it makes things even worse,” you sigh.
“You never know until you try. Another thing from my dating shows is that no one wants to live with regrets, and I don’t think you do either.” 
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You’d taken Jungwoo’s advice, and after two drinks at the bar, you’re home, waiting for a knock that sounds on your door.
Taking a deep breath, you fix your outfit, approaching your entry way to find Johnny standing in the hall. He looks all tall and gorgeous, in a similar laid back muscle shirt and sweats combo to the one you’d first seen him in. His hair is a little messy and damp as if he’d just come out of a shower, and the smell of his piney bodywash has you going weak. 
“Hi,” he grins. 
“Hi,” you smile back. “Uh, come in.”
Johnny nods, stepping past the threshold. “Are you a shoes off in the house kind of girl?”
“Yes, please.”
You watch him kick off his runners before turning to you. “I’m a little confused.”
“You are?”
“I got your text that you wanted me to come over, and I half expected you needed help building some cabinet or something, but then I remembered you’ve been here a month already, so now I don’t really know what I’m doing here.”
“I told you I’d buy you a beer for helping me move my stuff, remember?” You let out an awkward chuckle. “I don’t have beer, but I did open a bottle of wine.”
“That works,” Johnny grins.
“Come, sit.” You move to your living area, taking a seat on the couch. Johnny joins you, and you note the way he immediately shifts his body to be facing you. He watches you pour him a glass, and you both notice your shaky hand as you pass it to him.
“How much have you been drinking, 304?”
“A bit.”
“Rough day?” he enquires with a smile.
“Just…” you let out a deep breath. “Not used to all the attention I’m getting here.”
“Yeah, your entourage.” Johnny sips his drink, still grinning as if this is the funniest thing in the world.
“Would you believe me if I told you I’m not the kind of person who loves getting a lot of attention?”
Johnny cocks his head to the side. “I think it’s hard for a girl who looks like you to avoid that sort of thing.”
God, he is into you, you can taste it- or maybe that’s the sweet notes of your wine. 
You don’t know what to say, but you feel a grin appear on your face, your eyes shifting down to your glass. “I don’t know about that.”
“Just an observation,” Johnny laughs. “So… what are you going to do about all of this?”
“I think…” you swallow thickly. “I think I’m doing something right now.”
You look up at him, smiling. “Yeah.”
Now it’s Johnny’s turn to be at a loss for words, and you get the sense that this isn’t something that happens very often to him.
“I’m sure you know what it’s like to get a lot of attention,” you offer.
Johnny shrugs. “I’m only in town a week every month, and when I’m here I spend most of my time at the gym or at home. I’ve never been a big party guy, I prefer cheap beer to bars, and I guess I’ve just accepted that a guy like me has to be single.”
“You have to be?” you enquire, cocking your head to the side in a bid to understand him better. 
“Most girls aren’t interested in starting anything with a man who works on a rig. I understand the guys who have girls before the job, and they stay after building a foundation, but it’s hard to work on the start of a relationship when you’re not around.”
“I suppose that makes sense,” you nod- in fact, it’s something you’ve considered to great length already. “If… if the right girl came along, would that be something you’re interested in exploring?”
Johnny lets out a deep breath. “That’s a good question.” 
You watch him sip his wine, giving him the space to consider it.
“I just… I wouldn’t want a girl to feel like she’s an afterthought, or a fuck buddy- and doing the work I do, I have to be focused. It’s day rate, it’s dangerous, sometimes the rigs are a couple hours away from camp, and that’s on top of a twelve hour shift-” He lets out another deep sigh. “I think it would take a very special, very loyal kind of girl to give me a chance.”
“And what would you say your type is?”
His eyes meet yours. “I love a cute girl next door.”
Your heart thumps in your chest. “Funny, I like a boy next door.”
“Then it’s a good thing we’re neighbours.”
Johnny lifts his glass and you clink yours together, giggling.
It’s crazy how things can feel so comfortable with him already- but in the background of your mind there’s a sense of dread looming, after all, he’s leaving in just two or so days.
“Can I be honest with you?” you ask.
“Of course.”
“I’m sad you’re leaving soon.”
“I’m not leaving yet,” he points out.
“You know what I mean.”
Johnny shifts, resting his arm on the back of your couch. “I have a proposition for you, 304.”
“God, stop calling me 304,” you laugh.
“It feels like we’re interested in each other, but I get the sense you’re unsure about the long distance aspect. What if we hang out tonight, tomorrow I take you on an actual date, and if things go well, we could talk about what communication would look like when I’m away.”
“You know what?” you take a deep breath. “I would like that.”
“But… I have on condition.”
“Hit me.”
Johnny is quiet for a moment. “I’m aware that, no matter how good our dates tonight and tomorrow are, me being away might be too much for you. You have two other guys who are interested and they live here, so… even though I’m a cuddly person, I think it’s better for both of us if we keep things PG before I leave, that way… I mean, if you chose one of them because distance is too much, at least things won’t be awkward for us, and we can still be friends.” 
“I think…” - as much as you hate the idea and want to climb him like a tree - “I think that might be the most mature way to handle this.” 
Johnny nods. “So… what are your thoughts on aliens?”
“UFO’s, UAP’s, USP’s-”
“What even are all of those?” you laugh.
“Unidentified flying objects, unidentified aerial phenomenon, which is pretty much another term for UFO’s, unidentified submersible phenomenon-”
You shake your head at him in affectionate shock. “Where did you learn all of this?” 
“History network,” Johnny grins. “Listen, why would I ask you surface level questions when we can dive into conspiracy theory? UFO’s are a good way to bounce into all sorts of topics, religion, politics, current and historical events-”
He’s a little odd, but you suppose you understand where he’s coming from now. You decide to give up control, and you lean into his question, loving the twists and turns that the conversation takes. You talk about everything, from the moon landing, to ancient monolithic structures and tv shows about space, a discussion about recent alien films leads to an analysis on favourite actors-
Before you even know it, hours have passed, the wine bottle is empty, and you feel as if you know him a lot better than when he’d first entered your apartment. 
“Do you work tomorrow?” he asks.
You sigh, looking at the time. “At nine.”
“I should probably get out of your hair then. When are you off?”
Johnny stands up, stretching, and you can’t help the way your eyes move to the exposed strip of V-line when his shirt rises. “Guess I’ll see you tomorrow at fiveish, 304.”
You rise to your feet, pleasantly surprised when the gentle giant pulls you in for a hug. God, the feeling of his chest against your cheek- the soft cotton of his muscle shirt and the scent of his cologne- you release a deep breath, fully melting into what must be one of the best hugs of your life.
“I’ll text you,” Johnny says, and as he does so, his lips brush the crown of your head.
He’d said PG, and you suppose this is PG, but fuck, you want more.  
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Out of all the possible date venues, you hadn’t expected bowling. Johnny had told you to dress casually, he’d picked you up, and taken you down to a massive black truck- he’d driven you around town, pointing things out to you, and you’d ended up at a small, underground bowling bar.
He’s a bit of a goof ball, but you can tell he’s got experience playing this game. To compensate for your lack of skills, he does all sorts of trick shots that make him miss points, and you appreciate his effort to not decimate you. 
You drink beer and chat and play, and again, it feels so natural with him. 
When the game is over, the two of you get in the truck, and Johnny says he wants to show you something. A fifteen minute drive leads you to the edge of town, on a lookout that’s perfect now that it’s dark and the small city’s lights are sparkling.
“Do you take all your dates here?” you tease.
Johnny chuckles. “Would you believe me if I told you I haven’t been on a date in a while?”
“I guess with your job, I would,” you pause, looking over at him. “Do you want to talk about it?”
The large man releases a sigh. “I had a highschool sweetheart,” he starts. “But as time went by, she couldn’t deal with me being a blue collar man. She was very corporate, and our life styles weren’t exactly a match. When she broke up with me, I switched from construction to the rig jobs, figured it would be easier to just put my head down and work. Been doing that for about six years now.”
“So you haven’t dated since highschool?” you ask in shock.
“There’ve been a couple of things here and there. Took a few summers off, had flings, but shit always hit the fan when I went back to work.” 
“That makes sense,” you nod. 
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m a family man at heart,” he assures you. “As a supervisor, I definitely make enough money to take care of the people in my life, but it’s always been a time issue.” Johnny takes a breath, and then he meets your gaze. “What about you? Any skeletons in your closet?”
“Had a couple of failed relationships, the last one inspired me to move away from my home city and come here so I guess there’s a silver lining to it. Ended things with my ex about a year ago and nothing really felt the same after that, figured a change of scenery would do me good.”
“And has it? Done you good?”
You look over at the gorgeous man sitting next to you. “Definitely.” 
It feels like the perfect moment to kiss him, and you note the way his gaze dips to your lips, but then he pulls back, letting out a sigh. “You’re dangerous.”
“Me!?” You act scandalized.
“Yes, you, little miss 304.”
You can only laugh, doing your best to enjoy the rest of your date with him while the knowledge that he’s leaving tomorrow haunts in your periphery. 
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Johnny’s been gone for three days, and he’s been true to his word when you’d discussed communication while he’s on the rig. He’s kept contact with you, sending good morning messages for you to wake up to, and texting or calling in the late evening when he’s off work.
However, other things have progressed as well. You’d come out of your apartment this morning to find not one, but two bouquets waiting for you, and you feel as if this thing with Jaehyun and Hyuck is getting out of hand.
You find yourself at Jungwoo’s bar again, giving him the rundown on everything that has happened.
“So you’re like, set on Johnny then, huh?” your friend asks.
“I’m not sure, it’s only been three days that he’s been gone but I miss him already, and I can’t even imagine what it will be like to wait another nineteen days-”
“You always knew distance would be a struggle,” Jungwoo nods.
You groan, taking a sip of your fruity cocktail. “I just can’t believe Jaehyun and Hyuck left flowers at my door.”
“You’re going to have to do something about them.”
“Like what?”
“Reject or accept, babes,” Jungwoo says simply. 
“You’re not technically dating Johnny yet. It sounds like he understands you might go on a date or two while he’s gone, I mean, you had that whole conversation about keeping things PG so it’s not awkward if he comes back and you’ve chosen someone else- it feels like he’s giving you breathing room to explore.”
You can only sigh, resting your head in your hands.
“Do you want to explore?” Jungwoo enquires. 
“I don’t know.”
“Well, you’re going to bump into Jaehyun or Hyuck sometime, so you better figure it out fast.”
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As you’re returning from happy hour with Jungwoo, you run into your building manager. He’s a young man named Doyoung. He has a very regal look to him, and he’s as attractive as most of the men on the third floor.
He’s in the small building office, and as you walk past, he stops you.
“y/n!” he calls, waving you inside, “I’ve been meaning to talk to you!”
Your heart sinks- your payment wasn’t late, was it? Did you get a noise complaint? Your mind begins to race-
“I heard that people have been leaving notes and flowers at your door,” Doyoung tells you. “As you’re a young woman who is new to the building, I wanted to check in with you and make sure you’re not being harassed.”
Your brain short circuits- it’s one thing for Jungwoo and other people on the third floor to know about your ‘secret admirers’ but another for your building manager to be broaching the topic with you. 
“I uh,” you swallow thickly. “I’m not being harassed.”
Doyoung gives you a pointed look. “You’d tell me if you were, right?”
“Of course,” you assure him. “It’s all just playful, nothing… nefarious.”
God, you hate how proper you’re trying to sound, but how else are you supposed to explain this situation to Doyoung? 
This is so awkward, who knew moving into a new apartment would be this fucking complex? 
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You’re in the lobby checking your mailbox when the front door opens and Jaehyun walks in. His hair is windswept, and he looks like he’s getting back from the gym. He immediately flashes you that dimpled smile and your heart begins to thunder in your rib cage.
“Hey, you,” he grins. “Long time no see.”
“Yeah, I’ve uh… been busy,” you offer, quickly closing your mail box.
“Seems that way,” Jaehyun muses, and you realize he’s waiting to go to the elevator with you.
Taking a deep breath, you pull up your big girl panties, walking with him to the lift.
He hits the button, turning to you. “So-”
The elevator opens and you find Hyuck standing there, having just come up from the underground parkade, and suddenly you feel like a deer caught in headlights.
“Hiya, hot stuff,” Hyuck grins. “Going up?”
Part of you wants to turn and run away, but you’re in too deep now to go back, so you enter the elevator with the two men who’ve been fighting for space on your door, and maybe also in your heart.
“How’ve you been?” Hyuck asks.
“I’ve been good, just busy,” you mutter quickly, hitting the ‘close door’ button in the hope that it saves you even one second in this awkward elevator ride.
“You coming from the gym?” Hyuck’s line of questioning has taken a turn, and you realize he’s addressing Jaehyun next to you. 
“Yup, you?”
“Was just out,” Hyuck responds vaguely.
You get the sense that these two might know each other in passing, after all, you all live on the same floor, but at the same time, it’s somewhat clear from their muted interaction that they’re not particularly close.
It’s an awkward, silent minute in the elevator, but it’s even more awkward when you all get off on the third floor, with both men letting you exit first, only to struggle in a pissing match over who follows you.
They end up tracing your steps to your door, and when you get there, they both stop.
“Wait,” Hyuck breathes, and you watch him look from you to Jaehyun then back again. “You must be sticky note dude.”
“And you’re flowers guy,” Jaehyun sighs.
Both of them turn to you and it’s Hyuck who asks, “You’re still single right?”
It must be obvious to them both that if they’re warring at your doorstep, neither of them actually have your number just yet, and while it’s awkward to be put on the spot like this, you understand their confusion.
“Still single,” you assure them, fumbling with your keys. “I uh, actually have only lived here a month, and I’m still getting settled-” you search for the right words while trying not to drop your phone. “I appreciate the interest from you both, but this has gotten a little out of hand- Doyoung asked me about all of this yesterday-”
“Doyoung?” Hyuck scoffs. “What does he care if we leave notes and flowers at your door?”
“I guess he’s just concerned about my safety?” you offer.
While you can tell that Jaehyun understands, Hyuck still seems a little slow to the pick up, rolling his eyes. “As if we’d ever do anything bad.”
Which is funny, coming from a guy who’s supposedly a drug dealer.
“I think I just need some space,” you say finally, shocked by the conviction in your own voice as you slip your key into the lock. “To… you know, settle.”
“I’m sure we can give you some space,” Jaehyun offers, and you can tell from his tone that it’s a warning to Hyuck not to argue.
The plug sighs. “Yeah, we can give some space.”
They’re both very handsome, and upon different circumstances, one of them doing the sticky note and flowers trick might have swayed you, but the fact that it’s become something of a war between them has turned you off. The seriousness in Doyoung’s discussion with you yesterday had made you realize as much, and you’d be lying if you said your growing connection with Johnny didn’t have anything to do with it either.
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After the debacle with Jaehyun and Hyuck, you’d anxiously awaited a call with Johnny when he was done work and back at the camp. But now, as you talk to him on the phone, you hesitate about divulging in the events that took place today.
Johnny’s making an effort with you, but you can hear in his voice that he’s exhausted, and you don’t want to add pressure to his shoulders-
“Are you okay, 304?” Johnny asks.
“You’re just a bit quiet.”
“I’m thinking,” you admit with a sigh.
“Sounds intense, what’s up?”
Another deep breath escapes you. “So… remember the whole secret admirer thing?”
“Uh huh.”
“They left flowers on my doorstep a few days ago too, and Doyoung actually pulled me aside to ask me about it- he was worried I’m being harassed, and it just makes me think about, you know, being a young woman in a new city and my safety…”
You trail off and Johnny takes the opportunity to empathize, softly telling you, “Being anxious about this sort of thing is reasonable given the circumstances.” 
“It’s not that I think Jaehyun or Hyuck would ever overstep-”
“Well, they left notes, and you didn’t respond, so they left flowers, it’s not exactly a sign that they’re going to back off.”
“I guess that’s true,” you admit.
“Anyways, you were saying, about Doyoung?” 
You love how Johnny can get you back on track, and you take another deep breath to steady yourself. “I saw Jaehyun and Hyuck in the elevator today, and they both walked me to my door which was super awkward, and I guess I pretty much ended up telling them both that I needed space. Part of me wasn’t sure if I should tell you any of this, I know you’re tired after work a long day, but I guess I want to be transparent with you about everything.”
The line is quiet for a moment, and when Johnny speaks, you can tell he’s choosing his words carefully. “I appreciate you bringing it up,” he starts. “If I’m being honest, I’m a little shocked you didn’t accept either of their offers to get drinks.”
Your heart lurches in your chest. “Really?”
“Yeah, I mean, I thought I’d made it clear that I’d understand if you did-”
“Just because you’d understand it doesn’t mean I was going to do it,” you tell him.
Johnny chuckles. “I suppose that’s true. I just, I don’t know, you don’t owe me anything- and maybe you’re just not interested in either of them, but I hope you didn’t say no to them to… spare my feelings or something?”
“Well… are your feelings spared?” 
Another laugh escapes him. “I just mean to say, this wouldn’t be the first time a girl thought she could do long distance, only to get a better option in town and jump ship.”
“Maybe I’m not like the other girls you’ve dated,” you tell him.
“It’s starting to feel like you’re not.” You can hear the fondness in his voice, and it makes your heart race faster in your chest. 
“When I get one man in my head, I can’t think about another. I’m not the type to jump ship,” you explain. “You’ve given me no reason to.”
“Except the distance,” he muses.
“Even with the distance, you’ve been attentive every day, and I’ve really appreciated that. You know, some guys will live in the same city as you, take you on one date, then not talk to you for five days- you and I did two dates back to back, and we’ve been talking consistently ever since.”
“Like I said, I didn’t want you to feel like an afterthought.”
“And I don’t want you to feel like just an option.” 
The line is quiet for a moment, then Johnny laughs. “There you go, being dangerous again.”
“If being genuine is dangerous, then I’m the most dangerous woman you’ll ever meet, Johnny.”
“I work on a rig, 304, I happen to like danger.” 
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You’re drinking wine with Jungwoo in your livingroom when your phone dings, and a smile spreads across your face when you see it’s a text from Johnny.
“One second,” you tell him, putting down your wine to respond to your blue collar man.
“Johnny?” Jungwoo grins knowingly.
“Yup, he’s just telling me he’s off work, but now it’s a two hour drive back to the camp.”
“So our girls’ night is over in two hours, got it,” Jungwoo jokes, except, is it really a joke if it’s true?
You can only laugh, shaking your head and setting your phone down again.
“You like him,” Jungwoo notes. “You like him a lot.” 
“I do,” you confess.
“You told Jaehyun and Hyuck off because of him,” your friend continues.
“Uh huh.” You take a sip of your wine, trying to ignore the knowing expression on Jungwoo’s face.
“So… has it gotten sexual yet? You know, asking for snaps of your tits-”
“Jungwoo!” you squeal, nearly spilling your wine as you go to gently smack his arm.
“What!? It’s a valid question!”
“No! It’s not sexual yet! I mean… I think we both have those feelings, but right now… we’re just, getting to know each other.”
“And when he’s home?” Jungwoo cocks a brow and you giggle even more.
“When he’s home…” you lower your voice, “I’m going to climb that man like a tree.”
“I knew it!” Jungwoo cheers. “Team Johnny!”
You clink your glasses in agreement, waiting for Jungwoo to settle down a little. He’s way too invested in your love life, but you kind of adore it. 
“You know…” Jungwoo trails off, “some rig guys do mostly winters, then come back for the summer and will take a couple of months off. I remember seeing Johnny more frequently last August.”
“He mentioned that,” you admit. 
“Did he say if he plans to do that this year? It’s almost March, so that’s April, May, maybe June… three or four more stints up there until a possible summer of love?”
You laugh at his choice of words, but your heart races at the notion of getting to spend your whole summer with Johnny, of a relationship of normalcy. 
“I’ll have to talk to him about it,” you decide.
“Maybe send some sexy snaps to tempt him, or talk about it once he’s home and you’ve sucked that dick, you know, incentives.”
“You’re so bad,” you giggle.
“I’m a hit of realism, which is what you need after living a fantasy for a month with three men fighting over you.”
You let out a sigh. “I suppose you might be right about that.”
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“How was your day?” you ask, practically kicking your feet now that you get to talk to Johnny.
“Long,” he laughs. “You?”
“It was good, hung out with Jungwoo for a bit, had some wine.”
“I can hear it in your voice, 304, you always get extra cute when you’ve been drinking your wine.”
“Do I?” 
“See? I can just imagine you kicking your feet right now.”
God, he knows you so well already- but you suppose that’s what happens when you talk to someone for hours every day. 
“And now you probably stopped kicking your feet because you’re embarrassed,” he continues.
“You’re a psychic,” you declare.
“Sure I am.”
You take a breath. “There was actually something I wanted to talk to you about.”
“Let’s hear it.”
“So… you mentioned that sometimes you have the summer off, and I guess, since it’s almost March, I was just wondering if you’d be around in June or July.”
“I mean, I wasn’t necessarily planning on it, but if that’s something you wanted, I could see what I could make happen.”
You pause, considering your words carefully. “I don’t want to tell you what to do… and, I don’t want you to lose out on money for me, especially since we just started dating, if you even call this dating- but, at the same time, I think, long term, it would be easier to manage you going away for six or more months if I knew you’d be back for at least part of the summer.”
“I do call this dating,” Johnny tells you. “So I’ll see what I can do about it.”
“I also wanted to know when you’re flight back is, I was thinking I could come grab you from the airport.” 
Johnny chuckles. “I’ll send you the information, 304.” 
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You’re waiting outside your car when you see Johnny coming out of the airport, and you simply can’t help yourself anymore. You run to him, throwing yourself into his arms.
Johnny chuckles, dropping his duffle to pull you closer, even going so far as to lift you off the ground, releasing a groan as he does so.
Fuck, he feels so good, and big, and warm-
When he sets you down, you throw inhibition out the window, grabbing the back of his neck to pull his lips down to your own.
He smiles into the kiss, his palm flattening against the small of your back, his mouth moving in harmony with your own. You kiss him deeply, pouring in all the emotion of having missed him for weeks- 
It’s you who breaks the kiss, panting and looking up at him. “Let’s get you home,” you state. 
“Whatever you say, 304.”
The drive back to the apartment complex is a blur, you’re so distracted by Johnny that you’re surprised you even make it back in one piece. The elevator ride is quiet, filled with tension, and you can practically feel happiness radiating off of both of you.
“Wanna come to mine?” Johnny suggests. “I need to have a quick shower, unpack a little.”
“Okay,” you nod, excited as you follow Johnny to his place.
He lets you in first, and you eagerly eat up what’s in front of you, looking for details of the decor that might help you know this man even better.
However, you find that his apartment is sparsely decorated, with bare necessities, a minimalist look, which you suppose makes sense given the fact that he’s hardly here.
“Your place is nicer,” Johnny muses as he kicks off his shoes. 
“It’s just more furnished,” you laugh, not minding the lack of items.
“My bedroom is this way,” Johnny explains, heading into it while you follow slowly. He throws his bag on the floor next to his bed before turning to you. “I’m going to wash up a bit, then we can do whatever you want… or, I mean, you could always join me in the shower if that works better.”
He winks at you, and it’s very playful. You can only laugh, shaking your head and feeling your skin flush with heat as you look at the ground.
“I’ll be here,” you tell him, but when he disappears into the bathroom, you find your heart is still racing.
Should you go in the shower with him? 
He had offered for you to join…
Can you be a bit more patient?
No. You can’t. As you stand in his bedroom, you begin to undress, hyping yourself up for the moment that you’ve been waiting for.
After a deep breath, you knock gently on the door to his bathroom.
“Come in!” he calls over the sound of water spray, and you peek your head into the enclosed space. 
The room is full of steam, and the glassy walls of the shower are fogged up, but you can see the outline of Johnny’s body and it has you drooling.
You slip inside, closing the door behind you before making your way to the shower.
“Can I join you?” you ask, giving him one last opportunity to decide if this was a bad idea-
“Get in here.” Johnny opens the shower door, grabs your arm and tugs you inside with him. You blink against the mist, looking up at the large man who’s currently blocking the spray of water from hitting you. “Didn’t think you’d actually join,” he muses with a grin.
“Me neither,” you admit.
Johnny strokes your arm, fingers trailing up so he can cup your face. His thumb brushes by your cheekbone and you lean into his warm touch, releasing a moan. 
“Do you want to do this here, or would you rather we wait till I can get you onto my bed?” he asks.
“Here,” you tell him. “I’m tired of waiting.”
“Didn’t take you as the impatient type,” Johnny chuckles.
“I’ve been patient, for weeks,” you laugh.
“I guess that’s true, let’s fix that.” The tall man leans down, pressing his lips to your own. You immediately wrap your arms around his strong, wet shoulders, pressing your chests together as the kiss deepens. 
You can feel your nipples hardening against him, and his hands move to grab at your hips, pulling you even tighter to his body.
Something is beginning to press against your abdomen, and you love that you’re getting him hard already, that he’s as into you as you are into him. 
His palm slips down, and he grabs a handful of your ass, squeezing deliciously. You break the kiss to throw your head back, eyes closed as you enjoy the sensation of him.
“You know the only bad thing about shower sex?” Johnny asks, lips hot against your throat now. “Water isn’t lube, so I guess you’re going to have to be a good girl for me and wait just a little longer while I get you nice and wet for me.”
“I’m already wet,” you insist.
Johnny only chuckles, squeezing your ass harder as he licks at the sweet spot on your throat. “Let me enjoy this, I’ve been thinking about it for weeks.”
“Really?” you groan. “I never would have noticed, you’re always so PG.”
“I’m not going to be PG anymore.”
“Thank god!” A shiver runs through your body at the idea of what ‘rated R Johnny’ is going to look like- and as he pushes his thigh up between your own, you’re so grateful that you no longer have to wonder, you’re about to find out exactly how dirty this blue collar man can get.
Johnny laughs again, but as he laughs, he pushes his thigh up even higher, making contact with your clit.
“Fuck, I haven’t been touched in so long,” you whimper, immediately grinding down against him.
“Well, you deserve this, you’ve been a very patient, very good girl for me.” 
“I have been,” you nod, rubbing your clit harder against his large, muscled thigh.
“Had options, but you stayed loyal, even when you didn’t have to.” Johnny’s still kissing your throat, and he nuzzles up against your ear, biting your lobe gently. “I feel like those choices have earned you many rewards.”
His words are something like praise- appreciation almost, and you’re thankful that he’s taken into account the fact that you’ve made important decisions to put this blooming relationship first, even when - as Jungwoo said - you had no actual defined loyalty keeping you tied to this tall man.
“I just like you a lot,” you moan, feeling overwhelmed with the possibilities of a relationship with this man- a man who has communicated that he’s interested in something long term, which is such a stark contrast to most of the men you deal with these days.
God, to have hope for a man again- it’s such a foreign feeling.
“I like you too, 304.”
“Johnny,” you groan, “call me something else.”
“I think 304 is cute,” he grins against your throat.
“Okay, baby, I’ll call you anything you want,” Johnny promises, adjusting his grip on you so he can trail his hand up your torso, putting a slight distance between your bodies now so he can cup your breast. His thumb rubs over your hard nipple and you whimper, grinding harder against his thigh. “You are a baby, aren’t you, pretty girl?”
“Yes,” you whimper.
“I could also see you as a bit of a princess,” he muses, pinching your nipple and making you gasp loudly. “Adorable little pretty princess baby.”
He might be overdoing it with the pet names, but you can’t even bring yourself to care- in fact, this overt cheesiness is doing something to you, making your pussy throb as you grind against his wet skin.
“That’s it,” Johnny groans, “I kind of want to watch you get off on my thigh.”
“Yeah?” You swallow thickly, reaching for his hard cock. You’re a little taken aback by how large he is, but you guess you shouldn’t be all that surprised. You’ve been shy so far, not even taking so much as a peek at what you’re going to be working with- and maybe that had been a mistake. You’d been so sure of yourself earlier when you’d told Johnny you could take him without prep, and now you’re realizing how wrong you had been.
A deep moan escapes Johnny as you begin to stroke him, and he rolls your nipple between his fingers, making you cry out- only for his hand to move away, along with his thigh.
You want to protest- only for two digits to press between your pussy lips, teasing your entrance but not pushing in- just playing, toying, moving up to your clit then back down.
“Fuck,” you whimper.
“You definitely feel wet,” Johnny muses.
“So finger fuck me?” you suggest, applying more pressure to his cock as you stroke him off.
“Hmm?” He circles your clit teasingly, being so gentle that your body is already practically begging for more.
“Please finger fuck me?” you ask, your free hand now clutching his forearm in desperation.
“Only because you asked so nicely.”
Johnny cups the back of your head, pulling your lips to his as his fingers enter your hot core for the first time.
Fuck, his fingers alone are enough to stretch you out and it feels absolutely delightful. 
He starts slow, testing the waters as his digits explore your inner walls gently, but as the kiss deepens so do his motions.
You’re absolutely lost in him, whimpering and moaning- your hips even begin to move, eagerly seeking out stimulus that he grants when his palm presses flat to your clit.
“Fuck,” you gasp, holding his strong, veiny forearm even tighter.
“Feels good?” he asks, looking down at you with lust filled eyes.
“Feels so good,” you nod, fighting the urge to just close your eyes and enjoy it, while also wanting to stare up at this gorgeous man who is watching you with clear interest.
You take a shuddery breath, trying to focus on stroking his cock, but he makes it more difficult when he crooks his fingers up, hitting that sweet spongy spot inside of you that has your legs shaking.
“Are you going to be able to stand through all of this?” Johnny chuckles. “That’s the other bad thing about shower sex, it’s a slipping risk.”
“I think I can do it,” you insist, not wanting him to stop his motions for even one moment.
“Just hold onto me tightly okay, but if you start to fall, uh… don’t pull my dick off.”
You can’t help the laugh that escapes you, and Johnny joins you with a chuckle of his own.
This feels so natural, so safe- the fact that you’re both giggling during your first sexual experience together is a great sign, and it makes you relax a little more, which only adds to the pleasure that’s starting to throb out from your core.
“You close?” Johnny asks, sensing the shift in your attention.
“Too close,” you nod, swallowing thickly in an effort to control yourself.
“Want you to cum on my fingers,” he tells you. “You can do that for me, right princess?”
“Uh huh.” Your mind is becoming clouded by lust, and it’s making it harder for you to respond to him-
His fingers are moving fast now, pistoning in and out of you with just the right amount of pressure, his palm stimulating your clit in a way that’s just enough-
You’re getting closer and closer to the edge and you don’t feel like slowing down. 
Your eyes close, your breathing becoming haggard as your muscles tighten with anticipation-
“Cum on my fingers, baby,” Johnny groans. “Wanna feel it.” 
With that, you explode, unable to contain yourself anymore as his filthy words vibrate through your entire being like a mantra. The pleasure is intense, your core clamping down on his digits, body throbbing deliciously as you give yourself over to the feeling of it.
Your legs are weak, and you grab Johnny’s forearm tighter, digging your nails against his skin.
It’s the kind of ecstasy that you never want to end, and it’s clear that Johnny’s not going to be the one to pull the rug out from under you. He keeps you steady, working you through your high until your legs are physically shaking.
Only once he’s sure you’re finished does Johnny pull his hand away.
You open your eyes to watch him slip his fingers into his mouth, groaning at the taste of you, and an echo of pleasure throbs through your pussy again.
“You’re so pretty when you cum,” Johnny tells you.
“Want you inside of me, now,” you respond.
“Hmmm… not yet.”
“You almost just fell over, I don’t think this is the safest place to do this,” Johnny laughs. “Come on, let's get out of the shower, dry off, and I’ll take you to my bed, like I’d planned.”
“Is it really that bad to fuck me here?” you whine.
“One, I don’t want you to slip, and two, I don’t want our first time to be here, you deserve a proper bed, so I can cuddle you after.” 
“You’re such a romantic,” you tease, but your heart swells at the notion of a man actually taking care of you.
“You love it,” Johnny insists.
He reaches behind himself, turning off the spray of water, then, he helps you out of the enclosed space. “Here,” Johnny passes you a towel, quickly patting himself down with his own before wrapping it around his waist, then he begins to help dry you off.
“I can do this part,” you assure him.
“I want to take care of you,” Johnny muses as his palms massage your breasts through the towel, making sure they’re extra dry.
“I think you just want to touch my tits again,” you grin.
“That too,” Johnny laughs.
“Predictable,” you toy.
“You think so?”
“Uh huh.”
In one quick motion, Johnny grabs you by the hips and lifts you onto the washroom countertop, tearing the towel away and discarding it haphazardly as he sinks to his knees.
“I think I’m going to make you cum on my tongue before I fuck you, you know, to prove how predictable I am.”
You don’t even have a moment to argue, Johnny pushes your thighs open, pulls you to the edge of the counter, and dives into your core with his tongue. 
You immediately latch onto his damp hair, throwing your head back as his mouth begins to work your pussy. You’re still sensitive from having just cum, and the sensation of his lips now wrapping around your clit has your muscles clenching with pleasure already. 
“Fuck-” you whimper, loving the way Johnny’s fingers are digging into your thighs, holding you open for a tongue that has a mind of its own.
You especially adore how messy he’s being. There are no kitten licks, no hesitancies, just a full-on lust fuelled ravaging of your core- nothing in your life has ever felt this fucking good.
You tug on Johnny’s hair roughly, but he’s unrelenting, in fact, you think he kind of likes the inkling of pain because he groans against your clit, licking at you sloppily while his nose bumps your sensitive bud over and over.
For a man who doesn’t do one night stands very often, he definitely knows his way around a pussy.
“Shit,” you moan, louder this time, your muscles tightening more and more-
You’re not used to men behaving this way with you, worshiping your body and putting your pleasure first. To have two back to back orgasms before he’s even taken anything for himself? Unheard of.
You can tell he wants you to cum, can tell that he’s eager for it, and the wet licks of his tongue against your sensitive pussy are ensuring that his preferred outcome happens sooner rather than later.
You give in to the feeling, deciding to relinquish control. If he wants to make you cum fast, then you can cum fast, and all of your attention moves to the feeling of pleasure that’s radiating out from your core.
Your abdominal muscles are tightening deliciously, and you begin to buck your hips a little, trying to ride his tongue while you hold him tight to your pussy by his hair.
Johnny groans again and the vibration of it sends a shiver of delight through your entire body.
“Fuck, I’m gonna-” You swallow thickly, brows furrowing with effort as you latch onto that feeling of euphoria, unwilling to let it drift away- “just like that, just like that-”
He sucks lewdly on your clit, flicking it with his tongue, and that’s all you need to explode, your pussy clamping down hard on nothing, squeezing and squelching sinfully. 
You’re gasping loudly, moaning like a whore as your orgasm washes over you in waves- and like your first high, Johnny is just as unrelenting with this one.
He doesn’t pull away, and with so much attention focused on your throbbing clit, it’s almost too much for you to handle.
You begin to push at Johnny’s head, but he’s like a brick wall, unmoving and diligent in his task.
“Oh my god-” your voice is raising with effort, raising with the euphoria that’s threatening to overwhelm you completely. “Johnny- too much-”
This time, he allows you to push him away, and you sink back down against the countertop, chest heaving with effort. Your legs twitch with aftershocks from your orgasm, and you can’t even bring yourself to open your eyes yet, still lost in the ecstasy he’d just provided.
“You okay, princess?” Johnny asks, and you can sense him rising to his feet, his eyes inspecting you.
“Overstimulated,” you admit, another shock washing through you and making you jolt.
“I got side tracked,” Johnny admits, and you peer out at him from under hooded lids to see him sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.
“It’s okay, it was just a lot,” you assure him, reaching out to gently stroke his forearm. 
“Come on,” Johnny coaxes, lifting you off the sink so he can carry you to his room, “let’s give you a breather.”
He lays you gently onto his mattress, moving the blankets so you can get under the warm duvet.
The sheets smell like him, a manly pine scent, and it makes you groan, burying your face against the pillows while your brain tries to reaclimatize after a mind shattering orgasm.
Johnny joins you, and you instinctively cuddle close to his chest, delighted by the way his large arms wrap around you to hold you close.
“Just give me a sec,” you whisper, but even as the words leave your lips, your hand snakes down to his cock, and you gently wrap your fingers around the thick length.
Johnny chuckles. “Part of me thought you’d be too tired to actually fuck now.”
“Never,” you tell him, although you’re so exhausted from two extreme orgasms that there’s little conviction in the tone of your voice. 
“Take your time,” Johnny assures you, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head while you languidly stroke his large cock. Unlike in the shower, however, there’s no lubrication of any kind, and soon, you tire of it.
“Okay,” you tell him, sitting up, “I can ride you.”
“Are you sure you want to be on top?” he blinks in shock. 
“Just to start, just to get used to your size,” you assure him.
“Whatever you want, princess.”
You swing your leg over Johnny’s hips, straddling him, and his hands find your waist. 
“Actually, let me grab some lube,” he says, sitting up abruptly. The muscles in his abdomen ripple under the skin, and you’re taken aback by just how beautiful this man is even as he’s reaching for his bedside table.
He pulls out a green bottle, squirting some of the gell into his palm before he grabs his cock.
You kind of love the view of his large hand on his massive cock, stroking up and down-
“Like what you see?” he laughs.
“You’re just so perfect,” you muse.
“That makes two of us I guess,” Johnny grins. “Okay, whenever you’re ready.”
He’s all lathered up now, and you grab the base of his cock, guiding yourself down on the tip. 
As you sink down even an inch, you groan at the stretch.
He’s covered in lube, and you’re definitely more than lubricated from two orgasms, but fuck- having not had sex in ages only to take the biggest cock of your life is definitely an adjustment for your tight pussy.
“Take it slow,” he assures you, tightening his grip on your hips to keep you steady as you gently sink down further on his cock.
“I’m good, you’re just so big,” you whimper.
Johnny only chuckles at your words, his eyes fixed on the meeting of your bodies.
“Not sure I can take it all like this,” you admit.
“I’ve heard that when a girl is on top, things feel deeper,” Johnny muses. “Don’t feel like you have to take it all right now, we can work up to that.”
“Okay,” you nod, “I’m going to bounce a bit.”
“Works for me, princess.”
You close your eyes, leaning over him and placing your hands firmly on his chest as an anchor as you begin to move up and down. The feeling of his massive cock against your inner walls has your body singing with pleasure already, and you begin to moan.
“Fuck,” Johnny groans, his fingers digging into your hips. “Feels good.”
“So good,” you agree with another whimper.
One of Johnny’s hands moves from your hip to your breast, and he begins to massage the sensitive flesh as you ride him gently. The sensation of him tweaking your nipple has you groaning, your pussy clenching incredibly tight around him, which makes both of you cry out desperately.
“Fuck, let me know when you want me to take over,” Johnny tells you, and you get the sense that you might be killing him a little with the slowness of your pace. His hips twitch, and you suspect that he’s doing everything in his power not to madly thrust up into you, which is something you appreciate greatly.
You ride him for a little while longer, and then you give up, legs burning with effort already. “Okay, okay, you can top now.”
You pull off of his cock, and Johnny helps you roll down onto the bed, your back hitting the mattress.
Instead of just getting on top of you, however, he stays on his side and leans over you, pressing his lips to yours while his hand continues to massage your breast.
You groan against his lips, threading your fingers through his hair desperately as his tongue invades your mouth.
He kisses you until you’re breathless, until your pussy is pulsing with desire, only then does he get between your legs, bringing the head of his cock to your awaiting hole.
“If you ever need me to slow down, or be less rough, or anything, just let me know,” he tells you, swallowing thickly as he gazes at your body.
“Just do it, Johnny,” you assure him, stroking his forearm. “Please.”
You watch his adam’s apple bob with effort again, and he slowly pushes the head of his cock into your wet hole, making you cry out. You grip his arm tighter, closing your eyes to enjoy the stretching sensation.
He sinks into you, inch by inch, gently thrusting to get you used to the intrusion.
When he’s almost fully inside of you, Johnny leans over your body, his elbows making contact with the bed on either side of your head so he can be in something of a plank position overtop of you.
You can feel his breath on your face, and you open your eyes to look up at him, your hand moving to cup his cheek while your legs wrap loosely around his waist.
“You can fuck me now,” you tease, grinning at how slow and gentle he’s been up until this point. “Please.” 
Johnny presses his lips to yours, and just like that, he begins to move.
Each thrust is unbound pleasure, his hips moving fluidly as he gradually increases his pace. His long cock hits deep spots inside of you that have you crying out, wrapping your arms tightly around his shoulders while your tongues battle for dominance in the most heated kiss of your life.
He’s moaning too, and it sounds so good- making your pussy even wetter as he decimates it perfectly.
You love the feeling of his large body pressing down against your own, his hard muscles are delightful under your touch when you skim your hand along his shoulders.
He’s steadily increasing the power behind each thrust, and now, the bed is beginning to rock with his movements, delighting you even more.
How can this man have so much raw power, but still be so gentle and careful when it matters most?
You might be a little obsessed with him, but as his massive cock hits your g-spot, you suppose it’s no wonder your feelings are growing at a rapid pace.
He has you cock drunk, in a way that you’ve never experienced in the entirety of your life, and you kind of love it.
“Shit,” Johnny cusses, breaking your kiss so he can press his mouth to your throat. “I never- never asked about protection.”
“I’m covered,” you assure him.
“Yeah,” you nod, swallowing thickly. “You can cum inside me.”
A deep groan escapes Johnny, and it vibrates through where your chests are pressed together.
“Don’t want to cum like this,” Johnny tells you, “it’s too soon.”
He pulls away, and you whimper when his cock leaves your wet hole. But then Johnny is manhandling you into doggy position, and you let out a moan of pleasure, arching your back and resting your head against the bed.
“You look good like this too,” Johnny muses as he pushes his cock back into you, his hands grabbing your hips roughly. “Always look so good.”
His praise is doing something to you, encouraging you enough to make you begin to move as well, doing your best to match his pace and push back against him with each thrust.
The sound of skin on skin fills the room, and your moans mingle in the air together.
“Fuck,” Johnny groans, railing into you even harder. “So fucking tight-”
“I’m close,” you assure him, “just let me-” you slip your hand between your thighs, fingers seeking out your sensitive clit. The moment you make contact, you feel your pussy contract around Johnny’s cock, and it makes you both moan loudly.
“Yeah, want you to cum with me,” Johnny tells you. “Want us to cum together.”
You don’t respond, too focused on your task as you begin to draw small circles around the sensitive bud.
God, nothing has ever felt this good, to be so completely full, while your clit is receiving attention at the same time-
The tension is quickly building in the pit of your stomach, and it’s clear to both of you that you’re rapidly approaching the edge-
“Here,” Johnny’s voice distracts you, and all of the sudden he’s hauling you onto your knees, pinning your back to his chest with an arm braced across your breasts, one hand cupping your boob like a seatbelt. You can feel his breath on your throat, and you quickly turn your head, seeking out his lips with your own.
His free hand pushes yours aside from your clit, applying even more pressure to your sensitive bud as he fucks into you erratically.
God, you feel him absolutely everywhere. You feel like a doll, suspended in time and space while this absolute unit of a man gives you all of the pleasure you could ever ask for, pulling at your strings like an expert.
He’s groaning more deeply- and with one more rough circle of your clit, you feel yourself come undone. You gasp against his lips, core clamping down on his cock-
A strangled sound escapes Johnny, his thrusts becoming even more erratic as he cums with you, coating your throbbing insides with his cum as you both fall off the edge together.
He’s clinging to you in a way a man has never clung to you, and you’re kissing him as if he’s the air you need to breathe. In this moment, it’s only you and him and this feeling of euphoria that you never want to give up.
He fucks you through your high until you’re both a panting mess, and then, he helps you back onto the bed, taking a deep breath.
“I’m going to go get some tissues,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
You can only moan happily, inhaling the scent of pine as you cuddle against his pillow.
Johnny returns shortly, and he hands you some tissues to wipe his cum from your core.
“Should we take another shower or something?” Johnny asks, laughing a little at how messy you both are.
“Cuddles first,” you tell him.
Johnny grins, joining you on his bed, his strong arms immediately wrapping around you. “Cuddles first,” he agrees.
You both take deep breaths, and as your body begins to calm down while pressed against his, you know you made the right choice of man in this fucked up, love island-esque apartment complex that you now call home.
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☀️ mlist + an. thank you for reading! This was way longer than I intended, which is why it took a minute to be posted, but I hope it was worth the wait!
🍭 support me by. sending a tip here or here - or become a patron to access monthly bonus content and extensions for fics like this one :) find the Patreon teaser below! 
🔮 preview.  In the summer, Johnny’s not just a blue collar rig man, he’s a dude with friends, tanned skin from his obsession with the sun, and a taste for margaritas while sitting on boats between water skiing stints.
cw/ tw. Unprotected sex, use of toys, vibrator, nipple clamps, overstimulation, breast worship, use of lube, inklings of pain kink, hand job, fingering, multiple reader orgasms, etc…   I petnames. (hers) princess
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 2.8k I teaser wc. 100
🌙 starring. Johnny x afab!Reader
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People sometimes talk about a specific summer in their life being ‘the summer of dreams,’ and you never quite understood what could make one stretch of months so significant- but now, living life with Johnny by your side every day, it makes total sense.
In the few months you’ve been dating, he’s done his best to introduce you to friends, but with such a short time in town, it was always difficult to juggle friends, family, and your growing relationship.
Now that it’s summer, you get to see how Johnny is when he’s just being himself.
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☀️ to read the full fic AND 2.8k bonus NOW, subscribe to my Patreon, then click here
👹 or check out what else is on my patreon here
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general taglist
@gotshinct - @subhyuck - @fraechan - @learnthisfeeling
@runahways - @d-abin - @milkteade - @woogyuhae 
@anothershorthuman - @nihxxy - @vantxx95 - @bangshii
@poutypoutybin - @notbeforelong - @creepybakeoven
@ninetechculture - @yungiland - @suhsfam - @binchangf
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@mocha000 - @darthlunaa​ - @just-here-to-read-01​ - @shiningnono
@lovelyhan - @grilledbananas - @sourkimchi
As I was short on time this month and unable to do a teaser, here's another shout out to some of my favourite blogs who interact with my work, I love you guys endlessly
@bobathi - @amazinggraxia - @bluempire425-blog -
@twililty - @cheolaholic - @babieculture
@meowniee - @ridenotpark - @ollieollieoctopus
@axo-l0tl - @blspphr3 - @roseandpeaches
1K notes · View notes
t4kalcvr · 2 years ago
BEHIND THE PHONE — s. kita smau
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PAIRING : shinsuke kita x fem reader
SYNOPSIS : After bumping into a familiar rising social media star, the elite 4 try to confirm her true identity, also discovering in the process that a little oreo haired friend seems to have caught his first crush. This suddenly took a turn from identifying her to setting them up. Who knew that Suna was connected to her the whole time? Cause he didn’t.
GENRE : SMAU, crack ??, fluff, angsty if you squint
FEATURING : ( inarizaki ) suna + miya twins + kita, ( karasuno ) daichi !!
WARNINGS : none.
STATUS : ongoing
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PROFILES takes 3 to spill the tea ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹ ᡣ𐭩 elite 4
00 — one year anniversary moodboard
01 — Oh lawd. [ ✐ᝰ.ᐟ ]
02 — Captains talk!
03 — Karasuno Guy?
05 — Unbekiable.
06 — We will never speak of this.
07 — Who even are you?
08 — The Talk. [ ✐ᝰ.ᐟ ]
09 — I can hear the tears.
10 — Please come over.
↳ extra : luna is my 4lifer
12 — I think I just combusted.
13 — mom i want this one
↳ part 2 : filler
14 — L word
➥ 14.1 ᯓ★ one year anniversary
15 — HOMOS.
16 — a little game
17 — different priorities
18 — end of discussion [ ✐ᝰ.ᐟ ]
19 — having a problem [ ✐ᝰ.ᐟ ]
20 — arcade night [ ✐ᝰ.ᐟ ]
21 — ✐ᝰ
🏷️ :: @idkanymorebuthere @iamapotat @midnightemy35 @alienvarmint @cillshot @sukunasrealgf @lycheesuwa @mitsuyakii @kurenix @tkooooop @k0z3me @universal-s1ut @mistcloud2 @dudekiss3r @lovingjeankirstein
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copyright © t4kalcvr 2023 all rights reserved
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fightwing · 5 years ago
bruce who Lazarus pitted damian who Lazarus pitted dick who Lazarus pitted bruce who
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blueiight · 2 years ago
poor yang, in every universe his half assed thoughts accidentally come true⚰️
He had helped them win. He had provided information that changed the course of the battle, for the better. What an odd thought. Was that a betrayal? A betrayal of what?
😢😢😢😢U a servant of the pharaoh alr big bro…
“Read your script and don’t ad-lib,” Bronner said. He shook his head. “You have a unique ability to turn a moment where you come out looking competent into one where you look like a disaster. You should have just smiled and taken whatever promotion he was going to give you.”
was bronner ever into the theater and/or acting , all these times he mentions scripts… im curious. or is he just trolling.
WOLF</3 MY POOR THING…. I like the way his dilemma has been like underpinning sotp…
“How do you put up with me, Leigh?” Mittermeyer asked, almost too quiet to hear.
Yang knew the answer to that question, and it involved carefully stuffing all of his own selfish thoughts down into the deepest recesses of his heart, but he wasn’t going to say that, so he said, “Because you’re my friend,” which was also true.
Oberstein turned to look at him for the first time, his artificial eyes becoming slightly translucent when the afternoon sun shone through them at the right angle, revealing faint traces of the circuitry beneath. “You should see yourself as others see you.”
I really love every single convo yang has w oberstein so far theyre very thematically poignant wiaw oberstein rn feels like the guy u talk to ina video game just before u unlock ur next level oss idk.. (& the parallel w/ the specter of reuenthal.. “Don’t be. History will not mourn if the line ends with me.”) the idea of ‘ not being meant to be born ‘ informing both oberstein & reuenthal’s fundamental selves n how they go abt it in different ways. and how yang is both endeared to them !! when he rly shouldnt be even if they my bbgs. theyre awful orz
REUENTHAL’S BACK…(side note i gotta look but is he rly the only person who texts using fully proper grammar? it wouldnt hurt to use an emoji or a contraction, my dear oskar)
“Well, I’m glad you’ve suddenly decided to agree with me,” Yang said. “It’s easier to be obscure. It lets me be as lazy as I desire.”
“No,” Reuenthal said, finishing the last of his beer. “I say that because I feel I might get jealous, if too many people saw you for who you really are.”
I just said hes so twisted! aloud and cackled.
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Love love love loooove. kircheis & hilde. theyre actually my children i birthed them.
“Why do you go to the IOA?” Hilde asked. “You’re not like the other students. You’re not even like Oskar.”
Ur not a generic bro (other kids) or malignant homosexual entity (reuenthal).. hes just cute & gay.
“Haven’t you ever walked into a room and seen or heard someone, and thought, ‘That person is just like me,’ for some reason-- maybe you couldn’t even explain it? It is in the other that one recognizes the self. Anyway, those same things that you and I might see-- other people hate them.”
i rlyrlyrlyRLY love this. dumb fujo drafting up a wiaw queerness & seditious elements of/in empire thesis.
“Congratulations.” She raised her glass. “To joining the elite ranks of the deviants.”⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️
Wiaw yang is no longer a virgin!! first major canon divergence/jkjk
magdalena is like just let him be jealous & crazy over u!!! its fun. Gosh like live a lil ‘Hank’.. everybody needs a toxic romance in their lives.. maggie downgrading from closeted lesbian relationship to one sided crush on a straight woman… How far the mighty Have fallen💔💔💔💔ur ex gf in a cult now u chasing str8 girls n praying ur mutual beard gets in a polycule
“It’s a useful skill, even if it is womanish.”
Yang rolled his eyes. “Seriously?”
Reuenthal shrugged. “If one learns to cook, one hardly needs a wife for anything.” honestly this is kinda giving internalized misogyny
AND THEN. HE SHOWED UP IN SUCH DRAMATIC FASHION… as we expected… we talk about yang being trapped by genre/s but also reuenthal… truly a shoujo 70s psychosexual manga mc trapped in a milsf polidrama piece
“He doesn’t get along with about half the people in the world.” is the funniest way to phrase misogyny
miss bronner is back and hes trolling kircheis… the goodest boy in space…
“Oh, whenever I’m having a bad day and need to amuse myself, I read through all of Leigh’s messages.” many people do this to me too… This is a s/o to the Commodore Bronner’s of the Blueiight page💜u will never be Her. and i will never be yang.
I have to take a smoke break before i get into wittktbw….2020 blueiight speaking w/ 2023 blueiight
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and we continue forward.. another turn of history’s page or wdf the narrator be saying
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years ago
Did you watch the recent Run BTS episode? It filled me with such joy.
They're such a bunch of chaotic individuals when they're together in that environment. My brain is out of practice speed reading the multiple translations! 😆
The editors of Run BTS are *chefs kiss*. Hobi & Namjoon are their biggest victims.
And JK imitating Bam, then Jimin immediately calling him 'Bamie'. 🥰 Plus JK's, "Is he leaving? What did he say?" My delulu mind is convinced JK went to Lotte World because he thought that's where Jimin would go. 🤭
Mi love your brain
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Okay, I'm finna watch it😆
If you are free now let's have a watch party 🥳
I'll just keep updating this post with my live reaction.
HOLD. I need to twerk on the beat!
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Enough time has passed to make a baby?? Boy if you don't stop🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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This is such a weird habit to have not gonna lie. Change Jimin's position in a line up and he would almost always so naturally and so unconsciously turn to face him. That's his north star 🌟 right there. This is too much for me to handle🤧
Let me play the beast to your beauty!
Lets role play. I'll wear red you wear blue🥺
Literally one minute in and he's already feeding into Jungkook's praise Kink. SO SICKENING. For a "submissive gay looking guy" he sure knows how to TOP💀
Just one of these days Jimin will look into the camera and tell me I'm a good girl naughty kitten. Fingers crossed on the universe. It will happen. Thank you baby Jesus for an answered prayer. In Jesus' name, Mwah
Where is everyone?? OK. I'm taking a break. Brb
Sorry, I took a long bathroom break- which is a lie but imma need yall to believe it- so let's carry on.
I love how JM talks about growth and just how pragmatic and realistic he is in assuming change is erratic and inevitable. People change in the minutetest of ways every second. Yet some people in the Fandom hold them to their past selves everyday, adamant to accept they may feel different about certain "friendship" bonds they formed at the inception of their band, may have gotten used to or over their fear of intimacy and now can let themselves be vulnerable in a way that doesn't threaten their sense of self, may have recoiled a bit and found a new appreciation for their privacy and overall might know the script a little bit better now to control the narrative.
And the contrast between Jikook is marvelous. Its been so long I forgot how merely watching them on screen feels so wholesome. Look how effortlessly JM exudes such wild dark feminine enery which is usually in his resting face but can switch it up into this aegyo childlike character sprinkled with performative innocent- yet he is far from innocent. A power damsel is what he is.
Contrastinly, you have Jungkook who for all intent and purposes looks far from innocent, strong, traditionally "MASCULINE" but has such an innocent almost childlike soul. I want to hug them both.
[Aside. You guys, this is weird huh? I'm shy sharing my raw thoughts with you like this☺ This is how people start thinking I'm weird and shit but I'm just a very passionate person]
There's something really warm and humbling about Namjoon asking Jungkook for answers and telling him he is so smart.
Oops. There it is, the OT7 Jungkook praise chorus🤣🤣🤣
I swear if he doesn't have a praise Kink he's certainly being conditioned to develop one🤣🤣🤣🤣
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bengiyo · 2 years ago
Fahlanruk Ep 1 Stray Thoughts
I am now up to 14 shows this week. Pray for me. I hope friends with benefits doesn't let me down. It's one of my favorite premises.
I don't think I'm feeling the intro song.
Okay, so I was totally chill about this hookup scene until they implied that Sherbet performed felattio only to show Fahlan taking off his pants that were totally zipped up. Please don't take me out of your opening sex scene!! (Edit: they were having sex with different people and it was cross cut. I just didn't recognize it)
No shoes on the bed!!!
I hope the friend/fan group thing won't be ever present.
Ah, good. Fahlan and Sherbet both felt a connection.
I don't know who this boy is, but I am on his side for instigating a crash-into-you moment.
Yes, BL needs more Dutch-style bikes.
I feel like we used this university in Love By Chance.
I'm definitely watching too many shows. I find myself already a bit irritated with this show because I have another large cast to sort in my head, and everyone is that same kind of pretty.
Fahlan seems like he's kind of a jerk.
This show is making me think about how much time we had in the LBC era that folks make detailed shipping charts about all of MAME's characters in that set of stories.
Seems like everyone is overly involved in other people's dating lives.
Oh, I think these stairs are from 2 Moons.
Why are Fahlan and Tle together if they both secretly want to see other people?
Lawd this is messy.
Oh my, a sudden dead naming scene. Was that supposed to be comedy?
Lord everyone is so nosey?
Can Fah and Tle just end things now and save me the headache?
Why does Gear need his key right now?? Come on, y'all.
Terrible tennis. Zero effort.
How does she not know the rehearsal schedule? Isn't the first one today??
Wow, this show is...well it's a show...
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Hi, how's it hoe-in' yall? This one is for my awkward hoes.
So, I'm in my twenties and I've never been with anybody. My mom was super religious and made me so scared of sex growing up. Like, I had this fear that if I ever got married and I wasn't a virgin, people would somehow find out and I would be disgraced and punished in some way. I was very accepting of open sexuality but that was for other people, they could and should do them, but me? I had to appease the Gods. Now that don't make sense, but this social conditioning stuff never does.
One day after I turn 21, my mom suddenly goes "You should start dating. Go on different dates, get to know what you like in a man before you commit one day etc etc".
I was never allowed to date until I turned 18 and by that time I'd internalized it so much I just subconsciously kept to that rule even after I became 'old enough'. She obviously didn't want anything sexual going on but I was still SCANDALIZED!
Mother?!? Why hast thou suddenly bequeathed this world of sin onto mine own head?? My therapist also started saying stuff about me venturing out to explore my sexuality and I was like "!"
I told both of them I'd try but I had no intention of doing so. I went on for a couple of years like that. Just maintaining to my friends (and myself) that I was probably asexual so it was all cool or whatever. But at some point, earlier this year, it's like my hormones suddenly, finally kicked in (maybe it had something to do with moving away from my parents? Now that I think about it..) and I was like "hoe-ing isn't just okay for everyone else. It can be okay for ME too."
Like, we know virginity's a social construct and I truthfully wasn't invested in waiting for marriage. I was feeling very pan/bi and I DESERVED to explore that. I, personally, just needed people I felt I could trust enough to do that with. But that meant... Putting myself out there.
So one lovely February day. I took myself out on a date to try out this restaurant I came across online. In the reviews white people were complaining about the staff being rude and unprofessional and that's when I KNEW I had to go 😝. It was huge and hella empty. There were two other people there but they sat around a corner so I couldn't see or hear them from where I was. The waiter came through and after showing me my seat, we made some small talk before I ordered. He started low-key flirting with me and that's when I let myself see him in a different way. He had these beautiful coarse lashes and thick brows, nice lips and his skin was luxuriously deep. YES LAWD. So I flirted back.
I'm not gonna lie. I was subconsciously trying to sabotage that shit. He was asking me what kind of places I liked to go to (before that he'd told me that he liked partying and clubbing) so I just went on about art galleries and museums like "maybe he'll be like ughh NERD😒." but, alas, people are multifaceted and he was into it. I took this as a sign from the universe to just let go and see where things would take me.
There was a weird section of time where he just stood across the room and watched me eat because there was no-one there and nothing for him to do. I hate being watched and got very self conscious so I tried to eat ✨sexily✨. Nothing suggestive, I was just trying not look awkward lol.
After that we exchanged numbers and the flirting got more intense. I'd been managing to play it cool up until then but I became a giggly bitch near the end.
I walked out that restaurant feeling like a BOSS. I was putting myself out there like a #realhumanbeing and I was just strutting around slightly smiling mysteriously like the Mona Lisa for the rest of the day. But.. 😤
But nightfall came and suddenly I was overwhelmed with anxiety. What if he calls or messages me? What if the date goes well? What if he wants to KISS me at some point?
It seemed more scary now than anything. I was praying that he wouldn't contact me. He seemed to be having problems with his phone earlier and I was like "Lord, break that phone. Finish it off. KO that thing like Chun Li in Street Fighter. Send it to hell along with my number!"
And I got my wish. Whether it was his phone breaking or he just changed his mind, I was so relieved! I celebrated after 2 weeks had gone by and I'd heard nothing from him.
So maybe I'm not quite ready to put myself out there? Or this is an endeavor I need to commit to once and for all. I'm in this awkward space where I'm questioning my sexuality (again), but it's a question of whether I may just be asexual (with a sex drive that I want to satiate by myself) or this is from those years of intense religious conditioning making it hard to start that part of my life up.
At this point, I can't even imagine myself kissing an actual person. I get kinda queasy thinking about it. Not in a grossed out way but more like "Zoinks!! that person would have to touch me.. Intimately."
So that's that. For the awkward hoes, the scared hoes and the inexperienced hoes. This may be something I have to face off with soon but I'm just chilling at the moment. And happy to know that I can at least be a hoe in my heart for now.
"Happy to know that I can at least be a hoe in my heart" YES! Being a hoe is not an action, it's a feeling, and I fully support you on your journey to self hoe discovery. Whether you're ace or just awkward or even an awkward ace I'm glad you're able to embrace your hoeness after much repression
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xshinigamikittenx · 4 years ago
The Quiet Game
NSFW Katsuki Bakugou x Fem!Reader
You swear this class is going to kill you. With this much of a class load, there’s no time for friendships or romantic relationships, and that’s fine with you. They were just distractions anyway. It’s usually just the attendants and other students completing work studies at the library this late. This is usually perfect on most nights, but today is Friday, and you forgot he would be here...
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Thank you SO MUCH to TrashyBee on Twitter for bringing Katsuki to life here. Good lawd 😩
A/N: Whew. Yet another one shot that ran away with me. lmaoooo. Couldn't really help it though, I mean...sheeeeesh. But child, anywaaays...this was fun. :) I'm also hoping you've been to a library and seen what the private study rooms look like, because it's kindof important here 😅 but if not here's an idea. Hope your future library thoughts are full of smut productivity!
9.5k words
CW/TW: semi-public sex, oral sex, clothed sex, vaginal sex, biting, swallowing, light degradation, gagging, fingering, hair pulling, deep thrusts, praise
You swear this class is going to kill you. Why the fuck did you choose to take on so many credits this year? Take more classes at once so you can finish early. The goal from the beginning was to get through university as quickly as possible so you could start making the money you knew would help keep you far away from home. Wealth is not something that runs in your family. Everything you get, you work for, and your degree will be no different. You keep your head down, focusing on one goal, to make enough money to support yourself and live the way you want. With this much of a class load, there’s no time for friendships or romantic relationships, and that’s fine with you. They were just distractions anyway.
Your roommates, however, don’t have that same logic. Some nights when you’re up studying, you can hear them, and whoever they brought back to the dorm moaning, the bed sometimes rhythmically bumping into the paper-thin walls. “Just like that...yes-yes-mmmmore. Ffuck! ” It’s...distracting, to say the least, and frustrating because your body’s reaction constantly betrays your mind's focus. Your thighs clenching together, your pulse quickening; no way in hell you can study in your room, especially not at night.
You shake the thoughts out of your head, looking up at the massive main library, your feet unconsciously moving forward. This is your sanctuary, the place you feel you can be most at peace, and finally give way to the maintained focus you knew you needed. The warm glow of the lights through the windows always makes you feel calm. The cold air whips into you as you push open the door and take in the endless rows and layers of books keeping you company. There’s hardly ever anyone here at this time, a discovery you made one night when you found yourself packing your books in frustration to escape the sounds coming from the next room in the middle of the night.
It’s usually just the attendants and other students completing work studies at the library this semester. This is usually perfect on most nights, but today is Friday, and you forgot he would be here. Your eyes land on his back, surveying him at a distance. The fact that he works here doesn’t quite compute with you. He’s built like he should be throwing a ball somewhere, all broad shoulders and toned arms. The sleeves of his olive green sweater are rolled up, emphasizing the lines and ridges of his toned muscles. It’s borderline irritating how good he looks, entirely focused on a mundane task. His blonde hair is somehow perfectly dishevelled, the lean form of his body bent over the desk, filling out some kind of paperwork while you walk in his direction. Usually, you would try to avoid him; talking to people, in general, is not a specialty of yours, let alone talking to someone who seems to have a short fuse.
You wait for a few seconds, thinking he’s got to know you’re there. He had to have heard the door open, right? But he hasn’t turned around yet, and thinking about actually opening your mouth to speak to him felt like the air was getting sucked out of the building. You were already introverted with high anxiety, and you did not need to feel uncomfortable right now, especially under the looming stress of this project which was due in two days. So you waited, hoping the subtle noises you were making, readjusting your bag, and taking a deep breath, would possibly get his attention. Fuck, this is taking too long; I’ve got to say something. “Um...hey.” Jesus Christ, really couldn’t think of anything better to say? You practically sneer at yourself at how lame you sound, but this certainly got his attention. He turned half of his body towards you, one of his scarlet eyes glaring at you over his shoulder. His face was rather expressionless, betraying the scorching feeling his eyes deliver, making you suddenly self-conscious of what you looked like standing in front of him. You didn’t think about what you were wearing when you left your dorm, throwing on a go-to pair of leggings and the first hoodie you saw before storming out of the overly cramped room, leaving the heavy breaths and moans of your neighbour behind you.
“Oi, you need something? Speak up.” Your face immediately flushed. The heat rising up your neck and blooming across your face, triggering your palms to start sweating. You didn’t think you were unnecessarily quiet; it’s a fucking library. You knew he was an asshole, but what the fuck did you do to him? Before you think about it anymore, you shift your thoughts towards how to respond to him, coming up blank. You grip your bag tighter, your mind racking itself, but the anxiety has already caught hold of you, and it’s as if you're stranded on an island with no help in sight. So you resort to your usual defensive mechanism; you bite back.
“So, what...? You want me to scream to get your attention?” He turns his body toward you, putting the full picture of himself on display. You’ve never been this close to him, actively avoiding him after hearing him ream other students out for being too loud or misplacing books. You didn’t realize how intimidating his stature was until now, being less than six feet away from him.
He wasn’t excessively tall, but his posture would convince you otherwise. Even as he leaned back against the length of the desk behind him, he was still probably a handful of inches taller than you. He lifts his glasses to rest on the top of his almost unruly blonde hair as he speaks, “Can’t say why I would find screaming necessary in a library, but if you need something, you should say it clearly so I can help you and not have to spend five minutes of my time explaining common courtesy to someone who knows better.”
Your annoyance is suddenly replaced with rage at his words. What the fuck? Is he trying to put this on me? Doesn’t he fucking work here? Isn’t it his job to pay attention if someone needs help? You’re even more pissed because you wouldn’t have to deal with this shit if you could study in your room. The constant reminder of your roommate getting railed while you were trying to work made that impossible, so here you are. It’s not like you wanted to ask him for help, but you need access to a private study room, and you have to request it from the attendant. Except for tonight, when you’re pent up and stressed, you have to deal with him. “I wouldn’t have to speak up if you were doing your job, asshole.” Fuck. He’s distracting me. I don’t have time for this. You watch his face as one of his eyebrows lift while he places his large hands on the ledge of the desk behind him, baring the outline of his toned chest stretching the fabric of his sweater. “Now, I know you’re not that much of a dumbass. What do you think I was doing before you walked in here and started wasting my time?” Your eyes widen, inadvertently travelling the length of his body, from the smug ass expression resting on his face to his rippling arms, tense as his hands grip the dark wooden desk. For some reason, this annoyed you even more; why did he have to be insulting and infuriatingly attractive?
His lips curl into a smirk, revelling in the glare you’re aiming at him. Dumbass? Is this asshole for real? At this point, he’s pissed you off past the point of giving a fuck. You would’ve walked away by now if you didn’t actually need his help. But if he wants to play this game, fine. A smug smile spreads across your face as you speak, “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I was speaking to someone who was unable to multitask. Your life must be so hard, huh?” He drops his head, laughing as he pushes himself off the desk, taking a step toward you. Your hands grip your bag tighter as he comes closer, lifting his head so his ruby-coloured eyes meet yours. “That’s pretty fucking hilarious coming from someone who’s at the library in the middle of the night on a fuckin’ Friday.” He straightens up, shoving his hands in his pockets as he continues, “Seems more like your life is hard, and you’re just pissed off about it.” His gaze is piercing, attempting to slice through your facade of confidence, but you’re currently too livid to give a shit. You’re done talking to him, you just need to get into the study room and away from this asshole.
“No,” you seethe, “I’m pissed off because I can’t work in my room, I have shit to do, and this conversation is a waste of time.” You lift your head higher, meeting his gaze as he smirks down at you. “Oh, seems like I’m not the only one who can’t multitask then, huh?” He chuckles, watching you as you fold your arms and turn your head, breaking eye contact with him. “I just need one of the study rooms opened.”
“Oh, so you do need something,” he says, his voice dropping as he leans forward, bringing his face into your line of sight, his sharp features coming into focus. “You said it yourself, you wasted my time, so I think you can ask a little nicer than that.” You don’t think you’ve ever wanted to punch someone more than how much you want to punch his perfectly fucking chiselled jaw in that moment. Regardless of how much his face appeals to your more violent tendencies, you realize you don’t have an option. All of this bullshit will have been for nothing if you’re unable to get into that fucking room. Your jaw clenches, your teeth sinking into the inside of your cheek as your eyes bore into him. You make a point not to break eye contact when you speak through the smile you’ve painted on, “Oh, where are my manners...would you...please...open a study room so that I can get away from you?” You smile wider, contrasting the cold glare you shoot at him as he grins, watching your edges fray. He slides one of his hands out of his pocket, assessing you while he tosses the keys up in his hand, the dull metallic sound of their impact in the palm of his hand, peaking your annoyance further. “Well hell,” he says, “it’s about damn time.”
You roll your eyes as he catches the keys a final time, smirking at you before he turns to exit the enclosed space of the front desk. You readjust your bag and look up to follow him, balking at seeing him walk in front of you. He takes a few steps ahead of you, his coffee colored pants clinging to the muscles of his legs as he heads towards the back of the library where the study rooms are located. Fuck, his ass looks good. You’re grateful when you take a glance around you, suddenly conscious of what your borderline heated exchange probably looked like to anyone who could’ve seen it. Not to mention the fact that it probably definitely looked like you were staring at his ass just now. You refocus, remembering that you’re supposed to be following him. You train your eyes on the back of his neck, trying to keep yourself from fixating on his perfectly sculpted form; when you see him turn his head, eyeing you. His gaze travels up and down, then up to meet your eyes before he speaks, “For someone who claims to dislike wasted time, you sure are slow.”
Fuck. Did he catch me looking at him? Your chest tightens at the thought. Just hurry the fuck up and get to the room so you can do what you came here for. You signal your legs to pick up the pace until you’re almost in stride with him and looking straight ahead. You know where the study rooms are; you just need him to open it for you, but why does it feel like it’s taking forever to get there? Your body grows warmer, anxiety still pumping through you from your previous conversation. Now being alone in this giant space in silence is adding emphasis to the fact that you’re practically alone. You try to distract yourself, feigning interest in the books that line the shelves as you walk past them. We’ve got to be close now; just focus on the room. You look ahead, expecting to see the study rooms’ glass windows but instead are met with more shelves of books. What the fuck? Did they move them? How long have we been walking? You glance over at him, accidentally making eye contact because he was already looking at you.
Without thinking, you look away, and then you hear him speak, “Ya know, no ones usually here at this time on a Friday. Don’t you have better shit to do?” Seriously? If he’s going to be a dick, why is he even wasting his breath talking to me?
“Yeah, well, maybe I don’t,” you bite back, too tangled up in your own thoughts to decipher anything less aggressive, “and I don’t want to be here just as much as you don’t want me to be here.”
He continues walking, and you push ahead of him, attempting to put some distance between you. You don’t need him to lead you to the room; the library is only so big. Getting there on your own and waiting for him to open it would be better than dealing with this bullshit. You see him looking over at you in your peripheral vision as you pass him, and he laughs. “You don’t wanna be here, but all of a sudden, you’re in a hurry. A little conflicting, don’t you think?”
You roll your eyes. Fuck off. Is what you would’ve said if you wanted to continue this conversation. He would definitely have something to say to that. “Are you forgetting that I’ve got what you want?” You stop dead in your tracks and spin on your heels to face him, “Excuse me?” He doesn’t even flinch at your raised tone, you could practically hear your own voice echoing around you as he walks up to you, stopping inches away. He’s so close you can smell him, a warm scent of amber and oak catching you off guard as you hold your ground. His lips lilt into a mocking half-smile as he moves his hand towards you to dangle the keys directly in front of your face. “What? You want to get into the room, don’t you?” Your focus shifts from the keys to his crimson eyes, blurring everything else around you as your body reacts to the heat radiating off of his skin. He feels...warm. I wonder - Your gaze drops to his lips, maddeningly curled into a taunting smirk. “Well, now I’m wondering what you thought I was talking about.”
He pulls the keys into the palm of his hand with a metallic snap, the sound almost making you jump as your eyes widen. You find yourself holding your breath as the tightening in your chest climbs up to your throat. Say something. Fucking anything. Your face must tell him everything he needs to know, because he doesn’t wait for a response. “How’s this, I’ll let you off the hook if you tell me why you’re here, dealing with my bullshit, when you could be studying in your dorm.”
This is none of his fucking business, but it’s easier to answer than the previous question, so fuck it. “I can’t focus there.” He raises an eyebrow at you, clearly not satisfied with your answer. You roll your eyes and sigh, “It’s just...noisy. I can’t think straight.”
He laughs at your response, “Yeah I can see that you're easily distracted.” You feel his eyes hovering over your body before meeting your gaze and shifting his weight to start walking again. You take a deep breath, silently relieved that whatever the fuck that was is over. “There’s this invention,” he says as he walks ahead of you “called headphones, ever thought of using those?” You shoot daggers into the back of his head as he turns the corner and you see the study rooms up ahead. Thank fucking god. He sifts through the keys as he walks, locating the one he needed to open the door. His hands move to slide the key into the lock, “Tch. Unless you’ve got roommates that are loud when they fuck. Headphones might not help much.” You know this is a joke but the heat spreading through your face, and the way your body tenses up catches his attention. “Did I strike a nerve,” he asks, smirking at you as his hand grips the door handle.
“Just open the door.” He raises an eyebrow and you release an exasperated sigh, “Please.”
He swings the door open, holding it open as he waits for you to walk through. Finally. I can get this asshole out of my face and work. You walk towards the door, and you notice he isn’t moving. I can hold the door on my own. Why is he still standing there? As you move you eye the entrance to the room, realizing you’re going to need to get insanely close to him to get through the doorway. Fuck it. Just slip by him and move on. “Listen, I don’t bite,” he says, noticing your moment of hesitation with a sly smile. You roll your eyes, making a point to look him in the eyes as you attempt to get by him. His piercing gaze slices through you, stoking the flames within your core you’ve been harnessing all night; fuck, maybe all semester. You fail to keep the flush from blooming across your face, turning your head away from him as you attempt to brush past him. You can feel him watching you, it feels like heat is emanating from his skin, pulling you closer as you hear a low voice directly in your ear, “Unless you want me to.”
What? It was a split second that you were close enough to hear him. Your breath catches as you finally make it past him, his words echoing in your head. Did he just-? You turn around to face him, “What did you just s-“ but he was already leaving, walking back towards the front of the library, probably to finish working on whatever the hell had him so focused when you arrived earlier.
You turn away, your back towards the floor to ceiling window of the small room as your mind reels from the last thing he said to you. I swear I heard him correctly. But why would he say that? Am I fucking crazy? You mindlessly unpack what you need out of your bag and sit at the desk, trying and failing miserably for almost an hour to focus on your work. You find yourself repeatedly scanning the same page because you can’t stop yourself from looking over your shoulder to see if he’s nearby. You nibble at the tip of your pen, looking at the book in front of you and unable to comprehend a single thing. Your oral fixation is running rampant and your thoughts are nowhere near where they should be when the image of his lips slip into your head. What do they taste like? Your body reacts to the thought, squeezing your thighs together as your core tightens imagining his hands gripping your skin, his teeth sinking into you. Fuck. Fuck!
You turn your head again, wondering if there was any way he would be looking in your direction; his thoughts riddled with the same infuriatingly erotic images on a loop in your head. Then, you see him. His back towards you as he holds a stack of books in one arm to place on the shelves. Your eyes travel down the length of his body, the lines of muscle subtly evident through his clothes. You watch him as he reaches up to a particularly high shelf, and his sweater lifts just enough to see the definition of his lower back. Heat is building inside you, the stirring in your core causing your walls to clench, thinking about raking your nails across his back. Ffuuck...NO. Get your fucking shit together. Why would he want to fuck someone who has nothing better to do than study on a Friday night? Fucking focus. You try to gather your thoughts, but must’ve mistakenly zoned out while you were looking at him, because as soon as your eyes refocus you see his head turned in your direction, one cinder red eye smoldering into you.
Fuck! Your body stiffens, unsure what else to do besides just go back to pretending you were working on this project. That’s basically what you’ve been doing since you sat down anyways. And for what? Just for you to embarrass and distract yourself just enough for this entire ordeal to be a colossal waste of time.You start to gather your things, applying more force than necessary to shove everything back into your bag. Fuck this. I haven’t gotten anything done and it’s been two fucking hours. I should’ve just stayed in my room, used my vibrator and moved on. At least I would’ve been able to think straight.
“You must do that often, huh?”
Your eyes widen and you immediately turn your body towards the source of the voice coming from the doorway. Your eyes land on his waist, then to the large hands in his pockets as he seems to take up all the remaining space in the room. You catch a glimpse of the student ID on the lanyard threaded through his belt loop. Katsuki Bakugo. You didn’t even bother to check the picture before you looked up, eyes connecting with the same asshole smirk you’ve been replaying in your head since you sat down. I didn’t say all of that shit out loud did I?
“What are you talking about,” you snap. You really don’t feel like playing this game with him. You already made up your mind that you were leaving, there was no way in hell you were going to stick around to get made fun of. “How long have you been standing there?”
“Ha. That’s a good question,” he takes a step, crossing the length of the room to lean against the desk inches away from you. “I have a better question though. How long have you been watching me instead of working?”
It feels like your brain short circuits. Did he catch me looking for him earlier? Fuck!
“I-” it suddenly dawns on you that the only way he would’ve seen that is if he was looking at you. You just didn’t see him.
You smile up at him, crossing your arms as you lean back in your chair. “The only way you could even think that, is if you were watching me. So you tell me, Katsuki, how long was it?”
He grins as he places his hands on the edge of the desk on either side of him and leans down towards you, his face inches away from yours. His eyes hold your gaze, his crimson eyes blazing like an unhinged wildfire as he speaks, “See, it’s my job to watch you. I work here, dumbass,” he says, his eyes dropping down to your chest as you cross your arms even tighter. God, I’m such an idiot. Of course he’s watching me because he has to. What the fuck was I thinking? Further embarrassment creeps across your face at the thought of even considering that he wanted you. Then, he leans in closer, the sound of his voice a warm whisper against your ear as he speaks, “What’s your excuse?”
You almost stop breathing. Your thoughts frantically trying to come up with something; anything that wasn’t the truth. You come up blank, your expression must’ve given him the answer he was looking for, because he laughs. He laughs in your face, and as much as you want to be completely pissed off, you’re distracted by the glint of the piercing poised in the center of his tongue. Fuck.
Subduing his laughter he sits up just enough to look down at you, raising an eyebrow as he smirks, “You’d like to think that, wouldn’t you? That I was watching you because I wanted to?” You glare at him, the all consuming mixture of rage and embarrassment spreading through you as your face flushes. Your nails are digging into your arms so hard that you can feel it through your sweatshirt. You can’t think of a single thing to say, but your mouth moves without thinking.
Your eyes connect, and you spit out exactly what your mind is silently screaming, “Fuck off.” You make sure you don’t look away, pointedly challenging him to say anything remotely clever in response. The grin spreading across his face is the first sign that you’ve lost that challenge.
“Pretty nasty mouth for someone who’s in the library more often than her own room.”
You flare up, everything you’ve been holding in boiling over as you bite back at him, “You don’t know shit about me,” your voice is tight, and growing louder as you let the words spill out of your mouth, “I’m here all the fucking time because I can’t deal with the fact that I have to watch everyone around me have a life while I bury myself in school. I don’t have friends or shit else to do because I don’t have fucking time. I just want to get through this hell so I can finally just do what I want! So could you, please, get the fuck out of my face so I can go.”
“The door’s right there, you could’ve left a long time ago, but here we are,” he says, his smirk dripping with sarcasm.
I’m so fucking done with this shit. You move to get up, grabbing your bag off of the desk as you turn towards the door. Your hand is reaching for the doorknob when you hear his voice again.
“Did you not hear me?”
“Loud and fucking clear. I’m leaving aren’t I?”
“For someone who’s so fucking smart you really are a dumbass,” he says, standing as he takes a step towards you.
Why haven’t you left yet? Why haven’t you opened the door and - It hits you. You replay his words in your mind, picking up on something you were too pissed off to realize until this moment.
You turn around to face him, and you’re eye level with his shoulders, inches away from you. The warm amber scent of him enveloping you as your gaze travels up his neck to the angle of his jaw, finally making eye contact as you speak, “How would you know I’m here more often than my own room?”
“Tch. Like I said before, I work here,” he says, before moving closer, the heat of his breath brushing against your face as he continues, “but I’ll admit getting to see you makes my job less shitty.”
Your chest tightens, the fluttering in your core enough to make your pulse quicken as your lips part slightly.
He’s watching your face, smirking as your body tenses up when he closes the space between you. “But if you really want to leave...” he whispers against your skin, careful not to touch you as you look up at him with pleading eyes. He brings his lips a breadth away from yours, dropping his gaze to your mouth. “I’m going to fuck you on the desk.” he says, his hands still in his pockets as his words melt into you, “If you don’t want me to, tell me right fucking now.”
He’s so close to you, all you had to do was tilt your head up just a little more and your lips would touch. The thought invaded your mind, your breath catching in your throat as your body reacted to his words, tightening your core to the point of aching. You lift your eyes to meet the heat of gaze as you speak, “Do it, then-“
“Fucking finally,” he growls, his voice raspy and low as he makes contact, his lips moving against yours as the palms of his hands travel up to your face. They slide into your hair at the nape of your neck, collecting it in his fist, while the other hand grips your hips. He pulls you into him, moving you against the wall adjacent to the door. Your back meets the wall, the impact strong enough to make sound and your mind is blank. The feeling of his hands, his lips, his body pressed against yours, overwhelming your senses as you grasp onto the fabric of his sweater. His kiss is hungry and breathless, low groans vibrating against your lips as his pierced tongue slips between them, tasting the heat of your wet mouth.
You whimper into him, your body on fire from the inside out as the thin thread of self control you have left is priming to snap. His lips curl up into a smirk at the sounds lilting out of you and a growl ripples through him as he bites your bottom lip hard enough for you to open your eyes. He releases you, his breaths heavy as he presses his forehead against yours. His scarlet irises bore into you as he speaks, “We’re going to have to do something about all that fucking noise you’re making,” he smirks, his eyes traveling from your swollen lips to your legs, taking note of how tightly you’re clenching your thighs together. “You’re a mess already aren’t you?” His breathy laugh brushes against your face as he pulls away hooking his index fingers into the waistband of your leggings and tugging just enough for them to snap back once he releases.
A soft gasp escapes your lips at the impact against your sensitive skin, the heat pooling between your thighs as your insides clench. Your body is screaming, begging for him to touch you and your mouth moves on its own. “Please,” you whisper up at him, your hands finding the hem of his sweater as you spread your fingers against his skin, feeling every ridge of hardened muscle beneath it.
He drops his gaze down to your hands as your fingertips explore the surface of his skin. A low rumble vibrates through his chest, as his eyes sear into you, “Don’t forget, you fucking asked for this.” His hands move, pulling your sweatshirt over your head and dropping it onto the floor before he leans into you, pushing his leg between your thighs while he holds both your wrists in one hand above your head against the wall. His other hand grips your hip, his fingertips digging into your skin as his lips meets your neck.
You start to move against him, trying to get a taste of the friction your body is aching for while he teases your neck with open mouth kisses. His breath is hot against your skin, teeth sinking into you, as low groans escape his lips. He feels so fucking good and you haven’t been fucked in so long you might cum before he even gets to feel how wet you are. His lips move up to your ear, his voice low as his breath caresses your skin, “You’re riding my thigh like it’s something else, baby girl.” The hand gripping your hip slides under your shirt as he speaks, palming your breast while he kisses the space behind your ear. His teeth graze against your skin as a rippling growl erupts from him, pulling a whimper from your lips while your pussy grinds against his thigh.
You can feel the length of his hardening cock against your leg as you press yourself against him. He pinches your nipple, igniting every nerve in your body as he grins against your skin, feeling your body bend for him. A gasping moan escapes your lips, the sound filling the space around you as your head drops back against the wall. He pulls his head back just enough to watch your reaction; your eyes squeezed shut as your whines spill from your open mouth. “I can feel your pussy clenching for me, y/n,” he says, his lips trailing down your exposed neck as his hand moves to your other hardened nipple. The pressure he applies is sharp and delicious causing every muscle in your body to tighten, your panting breaths mingling with his hums of satisfaction as he feels you on the edge of unraveling at his touch.
“Fuck...ha...hahh...Katsuki...” You’re on your tiptoes relishing in the feeling of his teasing fingers as your insides coil imagining the feeling of him stretching you out. He grinds against you, his arousal pressing against your leg as your nails dig into the palms of your hands. “Mmm, You’re so fucking sexy, so desperate for this fucking cock aren’t you?”
Your lips are moving before you think, your mind consumed with the heat swelling inside you, “Yes...yes...please.” You lean forward in an attempt to meet his lips but he pulls away, releasing your hands as he moves to grip your hips. You let out a small yelp when he picks you up under your ass, and turns to put you on top of the desk. His hands slide down to the crook of your legs as he stands between them, eyeing you beneath his lashes when he speaks, “Pull them down.” You lean back, searching his face as you try to collect your thoughts. You must’ve taken longer than he wanted because he leans in, placing his hand on the wall behind you as his crimson eyes burn into yours, “You’re taking your sweet fucking time, and you’re already soaked down here?”
His fingers move to your warm center, feeling your arousal soaking through your leggings as he presses circles against your aching clit. Your legs involuntarily squeeze around his hips as his hand drops from the wall to grip a fistful of your hair, pulling your head back to make you look at his face as his voice drops, “Spread...your fucking...legs.” Your pulse quickens, your blood heating up as he slows the pace of the pressure he’s circling around your clit and you whimper up at him, giving into the ripples of pleasure coursing through your body.
You want more, you lean back on your hands, hips moving to the rhythm his fingers play against your drenched core as your pleading eyes meet his gaze. You’re in a fucking library, in a room with a huge ass window. But the thought of someone seeing you makes your pulse speed up, sending a heightened thrum of pleasure streaming through you, “Hnnngh...ffuckk…” your hips move faster, cloying for more pressure, more friction, more feeling. Katsuki notices your body’s reaction, tightening his hold on your hair, causing your eyes to squeeze shut from the slight prickle of pain. “You wanna cum so fucking bad don’t you? That pussy of yours is begging for this fucking cock.” All you can do is pant in response, your eyes opening to see his face, smirking down at you as his fingers push harder, “Show me, show me how much you want it so I can see that dripping pussy.”
A breathy moan slips out of your throat as you sit up to push the fabric of your leggings down to your ankles. Katsuki releases his hold on your hair, watching your every movement as his gaze drops down to the essence glistening against your swollen lips. You hear his sharp intake of breath, the air hissing between his teeth as his eyes hungrily take you in before he meets your gaze again. His hooded eyes are a shadowed crimson, the heat rising up to your cheeks as you squirm beneath him.
One of his hands moves to grip the top of your thigh, the pads of his fingers digging into your skin as he slips two fingers from his other hand into his mouth. Your pussy tightens, watching him give his fingers a gentle suck as his gaze locks onto yours. The image is lethal, your breath catching at the sight of his wet fingers sliding past his lips and dropping to your aching pussy to tease your entrance. “Fuck, you’re so fucking wet baby,” he hisses between his teeth, as he pinches your clit, the pressure enough to pull a gasping moan from your throat.
Your eyes flutter closed as you stifle a moan and lean your head back against the wall. His fingers maddeningly toy with you as you hear him unbuckle his belt. Sheer curiosity makes your eyelids hover open as you look down, taking in the size of him, his hand wrapping around his thick shaft and gliding over the prominent veins to his cherried swollen tip, dripping pre. You want to taste him so badly, your mouth begins to water and all you can think about is feeling his throbbing cock inside you. You don’t give a fuck if it barely fits. Your pussy clenches at the thought, wordlessly begging to be stuffed to the brim.
A low growl ripples through his chest, “I don’t even have to look at your face to know your pussy’s begging for this cock.” He thumbs the throbbing head of his dick, swirling the pre around his tip while his eyes bore into you. You couldn’t look away from his gaze if you wanted to, even as his fingers leave your aching core to pull you down with a rough tug at the crook of your legs, forcing your ass to the edge of the desk. He leans over your body, bringing his face inches away from yours, sliding a pre soaked thumb into your awaiting mouth flattening your tongue against his calloused finger. You wrap your lips around it, gently sucking and swirling your tongue, tasting his arousal for the first time.
A low moan rises from your throat, vibrating around him as you watch his eyes darken. He presses down against your tongue, forcing your mouth open as he growls, “Mmm you’re a naughty little slut aren't you...” His words send your insides fluttering, your hands balling into fists as your muscles tighten, your walls clamping around nothing but air as you pout. You don’t give a fuck anymore. Someone could stand directly in front of that massive fucking window and record the whole fucking thing. It doesn’t matter. You want him, right fucking now. You roll your hips, grinding your wet pussy against his hard cock. His dick twitches in response grinding through your slit and hitting your clit sending a simpering moan spilling from your open mouth.
You feel him press harder against your tongue and his voice drops, “Such a fucking tease,” he slides his length through your swollen lips, his heat seeping into you as he whispers, “You want this fucking cock? Let’s see how quiet you can be and maybe, I’ll let you cum.” He releases your tongue, slipping his hand under your shirt to swirl his slick fingers around your nipple. You bite your lip, attempting to silence the whimpers rising from your throat as your back arches at his touch, your hands craving to touch him. You reach up, sliding your hands under the fabric of his sweater as you drag your nails down his back. A guttural growl emanates from his chest as he ruts against you, every ridge of his thick cock sliding into your clit.
You can feel yourself melting beneath his hands, his fingers tugging at your nipples as his body moves down leaving soft bites and licks in his wake. The heat of his breath and the cool kiss of the metal stud in his tongue meets your dripping center and it’s enough to send goosebumps flooding across your skin. In one swift motion he’s on his knees between your legs, the back of your thighs resting on his shoulders and his hands gripping you to pull your plush wet lips closer to his smirking mouth. Fuck, fuck, fuck, I’m not going to be able to- “Shhhh,” you watch his lips as he smiles, looking directly at you. You swallow the moan threatening to escape your lips but your shallow breaths are giving you away, he fucking knows I won’t be able to take this...
Then, he’s inhaling you, his tongue slipping into your clenching pussy, licking from your entrance to your clit while he looks directly into your eyes as he pulls away, “Fuck. You taste so fucking good.” His voice is heated and low, the evidence of your arousal glistening on his lips as he speaks. The image sends your insides fluttering, your muscles tensing down to your toes as your legs attempt to constrict around him. You’re squirming already but he’s got you pinned, wide open and spread out, at the mercy of his vicious fucking mouth.
He doesn’t give you a chance to catch your breath before he’s latching onto you, his hot wet tongue delving into your silky walls as his piercing vibrates against you with even the slightest groan. You gasp for air, eyes squeezed shut, fingers intertwined in his hair you grind into him, completely blissed out and swimming in the waves of pleasure ebbing through you with every flick and suck. You’re a fucking mess, trying to maintain some modicum of control as he mercilessly swirls his tongue around your pulsing clit. His teeth nestle around it, gently rolling your bundle of nerves between them as he flicks his piercing against you, pulling a low groan from the depths of your core.
He growls, licking your pussy from your clenching entrance to your base of your clit before he looks up at you, “How am I gonna fuck you if you can’t keep quiet with just my fucking tongue, hmm?” The loss of pressure makes you whine, you’re so fucking close. He smirks at you, one of his hands releases your thigh, dropping down to push two of his thick fingers into your warm weeping center. His eyes follow his movements, watching as you take him in, curling his fingers to brush against your most sensitive spot as he slides in and out of you. It’s too much, but you choke down the sobbing whimper cloying in your throat. Your legs shake, breasts heaving as your panting breaths quicken with every thrust of his fingers. You’re biting your lip so hard to keep quiet you might draw blood, but you lean back, putting your weight on your hands to lift your hips and roll into him, letting his long fingers push deeper inside you.
You clamp down around him, your body begging for more; more feeling, more friction, more pressure, you want every little piece of it. You’re at the edge of your control, your mouth falling open in a silent moan as your eyes flutter closed and your head falls back. You can feel him watching you, humming his approval as his other hand releases your leg, “Mmmm, such a good fucking girl with this greedy fucking pussy. You wanna cum for me don’t you...?”
“Yes-yess, pleeease...haah-fuck, FUCK.”
He breathes a soft laugh over your sopping pussy before he devours your soft lips hungrily, lapping up your slit as the rhythm of his fingers speed up.
“Hnnngh...hah-haah, please-fuck, fuck, fuck!”
He’s drowning you, your senses overflowing with the feeling of heat through your body, pushing you to the brink of release. Your pussy clenches around him, his tongue sending sparks through every nerve, punishing you with his thrumming piercing as he moves to sit up on his knees, pushing further into you. He knows you’re close; his hand slides up your body, his nails dragging across your skin until he reaches your lips, sliding two of his fingers into your panting mouth.
He moans into you, making his piercing vibrate faster. Your mouth waters as you wrap your tongue around his fingers, nibbling and sucking on them. You’re a mess, unable to conjure anything except slurred muffled groans around his thick fingers. His lips pull away just enough for you to feel him growl at you.
“Cum for me, right fucking now.”
Fuck...fuckfuckfuck! Your body reacts to his words, wrapping both hands around his arm, digging your nails into his skin as your climax crashes into you. You’re struggling for air but you don’t need it, the blinding light behind your eyelids rippling with the waves of pleasure imploding from your core. He doesn’t stop, his fingers milking your insides, extending your orgasm for everything you’ve got until he slips them out of you, only to delve into your tightening entrance with his tongue, lapping up every drop of your cum.
“So fucking sweet,” he breathes, slipping his fingers out of your mouth, using both of his hands to push the back of your thighs up, inhaling everything you have left as the last tremors spiral out of your body. Eyes closed, floating in the afterglow of your release, you feel him pull your legs back down as he stands in one swift motion. He grips the top of your thighs, roughly tugging you down until your throbbing core kisses the ridges of his dick. Your eyes snap open. Fuck, he’s fucking huge.
Your expression must’ve voiced your thoughts because he expels are a breathy laugh, “You feel that don’t you, how fucking hard I am from tasting your perfect fucking pussy.” His cock twitches against you and your hips roll into him as you moan, gripping the edge of the desk with both hands as you look up at him. Your legs wrap around his waist, tightening from the flush of heat emanating from your core. You want him inside you, to feel the mind numbing combination of pleasure and pain as he stretches you out.
Your voice is a whimper, “Katsuki….please.” You continue to grind against him, your arousal and his dripping pre making you slick and hot. A guttural growl rips through his chest as he leans over you, the palm of his hand slamming on the wall as he brings his lips to your ear. Your body stills, your breaths coming in shallow pants as his muscle toned body presses against you, “Please, what? Tell me what you want, y/n.”
His tongue flicks at your neck, making your words come out in gasps, “Fuck...fuck me...please, please…” Your hands glide beneath the fabric of his sweater, splaying out to pull him closer into you while your nails dig into him. Your back bows off the surface of the desk, tightening your legs around him trying to gain more friction to appease your swollen clit.
“Be a good girl,” he breathes into your ear, “ and control that pretty mouth of yours or I’ll have to do it for you.”
You bite your lip, your need for him coiling inside you as you feel him push himself up far enough for you to feel him hovering over you. Your eyes meet and his hand moves to position himself into you. The head of his cock presses against your soaking entrance, slowly slipping into you as you fight the low moan rising from your throat. He hisses between his teeth as he watches you, “Fuck, you’re so fucking tight.” Both of his hands press into the desk, his arms caging you in, as he looks between your bodies, watching himself ease into you inch by inch. He’s already stretching you out, your velvet walls clenching around him as his wet cock slides inside of your clenching pussy. The muscles in his arms tighten, his body tensing as he begins to move his hips, pushing further into you.
“You’re clamping down on me and I’m not even all the way in yet,” he smirks at you, watching your face flush as your pulse quickens. Fuck...he’s going to fucking break me. But you’re too far gone, you want him, and your body speaks for you, lifting your hips as your nails claw into his back. A growl rips through his chest as his head dips, bringing his forehead to yours, “You want it? Okay then…”
Before you’re able to take another breath, he snaps his hips, pulling a yelp from your mouth when he bottoms out inside you. “Fffuck, you feel so fucking good.” You’re whining, struggling to accommodate his size but relishing in the mind numbing feeling of fullness your pussy was already becoming addicted to. “Not so cocky once that pretty little cunt is fucking full, huh?”
The only response you can offer is a whimper as he starts to move. He rotates his hips, grinding deeper into you, the tip of his cock brushing against your cervix. You turn your head, your eyes squeezing shut as you try to stifle the sounds rising from your throat. Your open mouth meets his arm and your teeth sink into him as he pulls out just enough to slam back into you hitting your limit. It takes everything in you not to cry out, but the pain is dulled by the overwhelming feeling of pleasure each deep powerful thrust rains down on you.
“Haah-hah, fuck baby, you’re taking me so well.” His movements find a rhythm, rolling his hips again and again filling you to the brim with every snap. The curve of his cock pushes his tip against your most sensitive spot, stirring your insides, making your body temperature rise with every panting breath. The feeling is intoxicating, drunk on the way your bodies move together, every nerve firing, desperate to drink him in more. You roll your hips, taking the full impact of every merciless thrust, your breath hitching as you choke back a sob. Your nails drag across the span of his back as you hear him hiss through his teeth. His muscles tense, back arching as a growl vibrates through his body. “Ah- FUCK. Ooooh, you want it don’t you. Yeah? You want it?”
“Katsuki, please, I want- I want more.” You’re a sputtering mess, your walls fluttering around his hard cock as he pushes off the desk, gripping your thighs in both of his massive hands. He pulls you further down bringing your ass off the edge of the desk. Your body is completely at his mercy as he pushes deeper into you, his fingertips digging into your skin as his pace speeds up. You don’t have time to adjust to his movements, he drives into you, snapping his hips, impaling you over and over.
“Ahh-ah-fffucckk,” you moan, failing miserably at staying quiet, it’s fucking impossible. It feels too good, you’re too full, overflowing with the sensations pulsing through your body. You grab onto the edge of the desk, fingers gripping the wood as his heavy sack smacks against your ass. “Mmmm,” he growls, What? Can't fucking take it? Fuck- cant control that slutty fucking mouth can you? Pussy drooling all over my fucking cock.” He lifts your shirt with one hand pulling it up to your open mouth and you immediately bite down, the fabric doing everything it can to muffle your stuttering moans.
“That’s right. Such a good fucking girl,” his fingers trail down your body, groping your breasts, pinching your nipples as every ridge of his cock fills all the space you have inside you. “Fuck- your so fucking sexy baby- you wanna cum don’t you...keep biting down on that fucking shirt.” You’re so close, so fucking close, the coil in your core threatening to snap. He feels you clamp down on him, moving one hand to press down on your stomach and the other to your throbbing clit.
The pressure pushes your spot against his dick, his punishing thrusts slamming into it every time as he rubs maddening circles around your clit. “Hnnnnf-hnnnngh!” Your shirt muffles your sobs as you squeeze your eyes closed, the tears prickling at the corners as your back arches, your head thrown back as far as it can go. “Fuck yes- cum on this cock baby...cum for me.”
His words are your undoing, any ounce of control you have left exploding into the myriad of colors flashing behind your eyes. The thin thread at the base of your spine snaps, catapulting you into the stratosphere, overheating and gasping for air. The feeling saturates you, expelling any and every thought your mind could attempt to conjure. You squeeze your legs around him, every muscle in your body tightening as your pussy clamps down on his throbbing dick.
“Fuck- FUCK-mmmm, get ready to swallow every drop of this fucking cum baby.” His voice washes over you, the waves of your orgasm still rippling through your body as you feel him slide out of you. He hooks a finger in the neckline of your shirt, pulling you to sit up as he steps back between your legs. Your eyes land on his straining cock, slick from your arousal and the dripping pre his hand is fisting up and down his shaft. “Open...your fucking…mouth.”
You want to taste him, your mouth waters watching his cock twitch in his hands. Your body is so fucking spent, your legs would give out if you tried getting on your knees. You push your ass back, hinging at the hips and leaning forward, looking up at him through your lashes as you hold your tongue out of your open mouth for him. “Ughggh, fuck,” he groans, watching you as the heat from your breath caresses his dick.
His hand moves faster, his breath catching as his muscles tense. “Fuck-FUCK- you’re so fucking sexy baby, you’re gonna take all this fucking cum aren’t you...yeah? Show me...wrap those lips around my dick baby.” Your insides flutter as you swirl your tongue around the swollen pink head of his cock, tasting the mixture of his pre and your arousal. You inhale the intoxicating scent of him before hollowing your cheeks and taking in as much of him as you can. “Hah-haah, just like that baby-FUCK.” He moves his hand from the base of his dick to the back of your head, your eyes widening as he starts to thrust into your mouth.
His other hand rests under your throat, holding you still while he face fucks you. A low moan rises in your throat, vibrating around his cock as his uneven breaths melt into groans and hisses. “So fucking perfect,” he’s panting, his voice raspy and rumbling, “Taste your slutty fucking pussy on my cock baby?- haah-hah- all this cum I’m gonna shoot down your throat’s cus’ve you.” He’s thrusting harder, his pace speeding up as he stretches you out, hitting the back of your throat. You gag around him, your saliva dripping from the corners of your mouth as tears begin to fall, “Choke on that cock baby, that’s right- take - all of it- fuck, Fuck-FUCK!”
The hand on the back of your head fists your hair as he throws his head back, all of his muscles tensing up as he bucks into your mouth spraying hot thick ropes of cum down your throat. You swallow every drop of him, his chest heaving with his heavy breaths as he slides his dick out of your mouth and pulls your hair, making you sit up. His lips crash into yours, his tongue lapping into your mouth, tasting the remains of your combined arousal. He releases the grip on your hair, bringing his hand down to your cheek. His touch is surprisingly gentle as he pulls you in further, sighing into you before he pulls away.
You look up, your gaze meeting the smirk on his face before noticing the smug fucking look in his eyes. You roll your eyes, curling your lips into a grin, “What’s that look for?”
“You had a hard time staying quiet in public,” he says, smiling mischievously at you. “I’m wondering what you’d sound like if I fucked you somewhere else.”
Your eyes narrow. How is he still such a sexy fucking asshole. “I wouldn’t mind testing that theory,” you say, smirking as you lean in, looking up at him, legs dangling off the desk.
"Tch," Katsuki eyes you, his scarlet eyes scanning your body as he steps out from between your legs, pulling his pants up and buckling his belt. He looks over at you, "Then, I don’t know what you’re still sitting there for. I’ve gotta clean up the mess you made.”
You grin at him, the irony of him fucking you until your neighbors can hear you screaming almost makes you laugh, pushing the thought of your class project completely out of your mind.
Tags: @sweet-darling91 @aztecbrujeria @tarot-milktea I love you guys 💜 If anyone else wants to be tagged lmk :)
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humankoalaa · 4 years ago
- timeout. y’all mean to tell me.. even in dreams my grandfather is STILL getting his ass whooped?! childish.
- no he didn’t just bite into his twin. tell me tobias don’t resemble that turkey leg. his beard the skin, his head the meat, and his neck the leg.
- “you the one with the Phd... you tell me” 🤣🤣 respect your elders granddaddy.
- i think the dream mean he aggravating. put the fuckin suit on and go pawpaw.
- lawd everytime jeff says “my best friend” i be in tears like my grandmother once that green light hit the floor. RIP UNC.
- not the self loathing again 😒 shondra... play nina simone.. isn’t it a pity 🙂
- grandma... WHY?! WHHHHYYYY?!
- “hypocrisy looks good on you” 😩 grandpa... please.
- this mans called the lady a weekend warrior but he’s a whole metahuman in the therapist office crying bout a dream 🤣 she got to be a weekend warrior hell. all you do is cry and bullshit. and yalll daughters reckless, petty, and messy okay? don’t even get me started. my mother and my auntie a whole different type of liability 😭
- karen.... shut up. don’t come for my auntie unless she send for you. .your hair don’t make sense and that lipstick can’t be lighter than the red that is the color of your dress. bitch.
- “there’s no such damn thing as superHERO insurance” 🗣 BIIIIIIITCH 🤣🤣🤣🤣💀
- *lethal lightning* KAREN... P L E A S E ! 🤣🤣
- “becky from the block” 😭 auntie jenniferr... settle down.
- anissa and jenn banter 10/10 HIGHLY RECOMMEND 🤣🤣🤦🏾‍♀️
- it’s the “says the woman who leaves giant cracks in the streets just by landing dramatically .. you can just walk anissa” for me 🤣 see?! i told y’all my auntie was messy.
- lynn in the background just completely done with both her children and their shit 🤣🤣
- this show is so unapologetically black i love it. please tell me y’all saw anissa actually im gonna say nafessa scratching that scalp with a whole attitude 🤣🤣
- “bye lethal lightning” 💀 see i told y’all my mother was petty.
- “now put my show back on” 🤣🤣🤦🏾‍♀️ mawmaw... where are your manners?!
*that whole scene was actually really cute tho*
- ion know about this lady that uncle gambi sweet on. somebody using somebody... most likely gambi 🤣 but ion truss her and unc have his reasons to do the things he does. periodt. i can’t ship this. issa whole canoe in 7 foot seas.
- “mr. pierce .. who do you think i am... black lightning?” ... Jeff looking at him liike... “first of all... you would’ve had to lose that fight to be black lightning... so no”
- NOT MY MOTHER GIVING MY COMATOSED MOTHER SLASH PET SLASH ... whatever the old man is A SPONGE BATH 😭 IMMA DROWN IN MY TEARS 😭 nah fuck all at. just give me a suitcase for my tears.
- no woman ive ever dated has had conversations with me like the one anissa is having with a comatosed grace. embarrassing.
- “babe” *says some more shit* “babe” *says some more shit* “babe” *says some more shit* gimme a fucking bucket. IMMA MESS 😭😭 shondra.. play brandy... have you ever.
- “i did it without violence” ... anissa.. we not doin that. we aren’t lying to people in comas 😂🤦🏾‍♀️
- “damn babe ...you’re a lil ashy today” ANISSA. PLEASE! 🤣🤣🤣🤣💀 SHE IS 🤏🏾 CLOSE.. to getting fucking mauled by my pet leopard.
*okay but nafessa williams is beautiful*
- first of all you not gon tell that lady she ashy then say send me a sign you still in there cause a future and all that other shit 😂 apologize.
- TIMEOUT. GRACE. no she didn’t.. even in a coma, grace is dramatic. how you gon flatline after my mother said she loves you?! that’s not what she meant when she said give her a sign 😩 oh my goodness. 🤣🤣🤦🏾‍♀️ STOP THE MADNESS! PLEASE!
- it’s anissa going “hmm?” for me, after asking a comatosed grace a question. im going to hell i know.
- WHERE IS NOAH AND THE ARC 😭😭😭😭 *lion king rafiki voice* “SHES ALIIIIIIIIVE” ... shondra... play whitney houston.. one of those days”
-first word and question post coma.. “anissa?” my shirt is soaked. im gonna have a water bed by the end of this scene. JUST don’t even look at me. brb flooding the world with my tears after i finish my ovaltine.
- anissa talking about “how are you” 😂🤦🏾‍♀️ grace looking at her like “... uhhh.. i don’t see a fucking feeding tube.. im starving“
- TC looking handsome! done upgraded from them fits he was wearing from 1800 BC. i love him and jenns friendship so much.
- well when you put it like that mawmaw 🥺 shondra... play bruno mars.. just the way you are.. nah fuck that play uhh... aretha franklin.. respect” 😌
- we literally don’t care about this fighting shit 😒
- WAIT A MINUTE! i know that’s not william from girlfriends looking like whatever he got going on uhh everywhere 😩
- “you’re my electric queen” 🤣 same terry. same.
- no he didn’t 🤣🤣 tawm bout a kiss 😂
- man i just KNEW gambi ass was gon steal one of those guns 🤣🤦🏾‍♀️
- wow ...they actually let jeff win a fight? after he got his ass whooped of course. childish.
- oooooo LYNN!!!! look at my grandmother. michelle obama energy. yes lawdt. beautiful!
- OH ... no.
- shondra.. . play.. uhh... dammit.... kehlani... nights like this”
- no this man didn’t 😩 my grandmother slayed to the gods only to be tricked by a turkey leg lookin mans? complete madness.
“even a broke clock tells the truth twice a day” 🤣🤣🤦🏾‍♀️
- aww lawd.. shondra .. uhh im manifesting my grandmother not falling for mr. whales bullshit so uhm ..play.... christina aguilera .. fighter”
- writers... y’all really want me to believe Jeff thinks lynn just casually bought him flowers and put a note in it to meet her for dinner? ok.
- shondra ... nevermind.
- “you look like trash” 🤣
- hmm... that was weird... the whole thing with jenns arm like disappearing.. last time that happened was when she was struggling in those alternate universe to not become the worst version of herself... hm.
- jenn.... 🤦🏾‍♀️
- grace looking at dr. morgan like... *let me find out you tried to ask my soon to be wife in about 15 seconds out for drinks.. and don’t look at me”
- “i paid him 20 dollaz” 🤣🤣🤦🏾‍♀️ i love my aggravating mother.
- “baby.. you are the love of my life .. will you be my wife too” 😭😭 a poet. william shakespeare could never .
- G R A C E ... lets play a game.. it’s called ...sAy I lOvE yOu BaCk!
- “yes... i do” .. close enough. next week we try again ❤️
- first of all y’all gon’ have to fight me because i am here for the fastest wlw marriage in the history of television. it’s the last season and long overdue for anissa and grace just being happy. dragging stuff out and angst like we’ve had enough and that was barely. so im excited to see where they go from here.
-oooo lawd jeff done seen tobias and lynn dining together 😩 shondra... play... luther vandross.. are you there.. with another guy 👀
goodnight. this episode was everything. so messy 🤣🤦🏾‍♀️
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simpingforthisonedeer · 4 years ago
who are your top ten black clover characters and ships? talk about them! -tat!
Tat? I just woke up and I don’t know who you are so please forgive me tat if I already know you but if I actually don’t, then nice to meetcha! Thank you for this interesting ask! I didn’t know people were interested in my thoughts or what I had to say sakjdhksj
I don’t have too many ships because Black Clover is mainly action so it is focused on that. I don’t ship any of the underage characters because they are all children who are busy saving the world and the adult characters such as the Captains(except Yami and Charlotte) and the Wizard King are all too busy with work and saving their kingdom and the world. They have no time for romance as of now. But, BC is going to be as long or even longer than One Piece according to Tabata so there is hope for everyone ;)
I’ve ordered this list from the bottom to the top so I hope you don’t mind 👹
10. William Vangeance
Look, if I was in the BC universe, what he did would be unforgivable to me. Instead of not enabling his most dearest friend to commit genocide, he leaves it up to him and the person he respects the most to fight to the death so he wouldn’t have to decide. Like who in their right minds would stand aside if their closest friend wanted to commit genocide for something that happened 500 years ago?
I was initially really upset with William but after a while, I started liking his character. Usually when people are like “I like this so-and-so character because they are flawed,” I would be like please🙄 but William is the first character I have ever truly liked for being flawed. Like this man loved Patri so much that he was willing to let people die. Not that it’s a good thing but you get what I mean. But at the same time, just as much he loved, he knew it was wrong so it was an impossible choice for him and I absolutely love that about him. But keep in mind, if he was an actual person I knew, my opinion would be waaaaaay different.
9. Zara Ideale
This man is badass as all hell like cmon. First commoner to become a magic knight??? That’s freaking amazing😎😎😎 and the way he kept a smile on his face despite everyone underestimating him and beating him down? Very respectable😎 The way he was an amazing, single father and a role model to Zora? That’s hot 😎 And the way he inspired my man Julius? Freaking iconic😎
8. Mereoleona Vermillion
She is simply a hot woman with a rough side, an OP character and an amazing leader. What more can I say 🙈🙈🙈
7. Finral Roulacase
I love his character because he is trying so hard to get better for Finnese’s sake. I mean he isn’t doing too good of a job but he is first gaining confidence in himself and I could clearly see a realistic difference in him. I personally don’t ship him with Finesse unless I see them bond more tbh but this is going to be a looooong story so there may be space for development there.
6. Grey x Gauche
Look, I don’t like Gauche because of his sister complex. It’s played off as a joke way too many times and I find it icky but the teased ship between him and Grey seems realistic and nice to me. Like he could help Grey build up her confidence and Grey could teach him what it is to love another person. Ships that build each other up make me go uwu asjkdhakjsd
5. Klaus Lunettes
I absolutely adore Klaus because this man is the prime example of hope for the next generation. He is a noble who was initially derisive of Asta and Yuno because they were peasants but now he actually loves and respects them. This is how the next generation should be. Nobles shouldn’t only learn to tolerate commoners and peasants but actually respect and even love them as well.
I especially like for his Klaus’s love and concern for Asta and find it incredibly wholesome and endearing. He is an amazing friend and actually voices his concerns if any of them are about to do something stupid unlike someone askjdaks
4. Charlotte Roselei
Charlotte is a badass woman and with the way she is written, just because she is in love, didn’t mean that she was any less than her position as Magic Knight Captain. What I mean is that she wasn’t reduced to a woman in love with Yami and actually has her moments where she gets to shine and im not going to spoil anything but she’s doing amazing in the manga and I’m cheering for her 😎
3. Fuegoleon Vermillion
Ok, I know I don’t talk about him as much but I really love his character because he inspires other people like Asta and Noelle and is a great magic knight captain. His character and the way he holds himself also reminds me of Erwin from AoT asdhakdkfsjk. Him and his fire magic and salamander are badass as hell and he also makes for an amazing leader. I genuinely like seeing him being all authoritative and it’s a nice contrast from Julius’ passive attitude. If Julius wasn’t Wizard King, it would be him.
2. Yami Sukehiro
Who in their right minds don’t like Yami Sukehiro? Like he is such a freaking dad to the rest of the squad and he has such amazing fight scenes and his spell, “Dimension Slash?” Freaking amazing like when he got trapped in the Dream World, I knew he was going to use that spell and it was so freaking cool. Not only that, he pushes everyone around him to be better and to surpass their limits. I like his constant presence and he makes for some really funny moments with his dry humor XD
1. Julius Novachrono
Ok, so besides the fact that this man is HOT AS FUCK He’s also very sweet and when he nerds about magic it’s the most adorable thing in the world. In the beginning, I thought he may be a villain because he was too good to be true. But that was up until when he obliterated the Midnight Sun at their hideout I just went🥵🥵🥵 look I thought he was a passive character BUT GAH DAYUM the way he looked at patri like boi whatchu doin🤨 he was so bored during that fight like LAWD HAVE MERCY
I’m so sorry anon but you should’ve expected this from my hoe ass
I also love OP characters and I also happened to like time a lot. Like I am a massive Doctor Who fan and I’m a whole physics nerd and I’ve always been fascinated by Time, Gravity and Space among other things so of course I love Julius🥰🥰
I like how there are small details for his time spells like the fact that his Chronostasis spell only brings time to a near stop because completely stopping time would stop the movement of particles and instantly freeze and kill the person. AJSDJLKASJD I’ll stop nerding now(never👹)
Oh god, when I get to True Time Magic in my fic😩 light, time and gravity in the backdrop of magic got me shaking
He’s very charming and has good morals which is a big point in his favor but he’s also such a dad?? He takes Yami and William and basically raises them in their crucial years(teenage is pretty crucial right? I think so🤔) I don’t have daddy issues but GAH DAYUM HE FINE
I know he’s a kid and all that now but knowing Tabata, it’s because if he actually died, things would all go to shit real fast and I believe he would age up in some way or maybe actually grow up gradually and not die again(fingers crossed TvT) and actually contribute to the plot more😩 give me the grown up Julius, Tabata 👹👹👹
I mean if Tabata made the right decisions with his story, he would show Julius become less and less of a centrist in the name of character development and let him lose👀👀
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