#different trickster gabriel
ameopteryx · 1 month
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in a whimsical mood, have this
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Supernatural Masterlist 2
Dean Winchester & Little Sister!Reader:
Too Much
My Hero
Hold Me
My Job
Strong Enough
Here For (big sister version)
Here For (little sister version)
Not You
Let You Down
Cuddle Buddy
Dean’s Girl
Target Practice
Sam Winchester & little sister!reader
Winchester Brothers & little sister!reader
Reunion part 2
Apple Pie
You’ll Never Guess
Queen of Hell
It’s Me
Save Me, Brother
Steak and Pie
Man’s Best Friend
My Turn
Sick Day
Cuddle Day
The Loudest Silence
In Remembrance
Room for Two
A Broken Outing
Be Here
Hide and Seek
Seat Belts Save Lives
Back Off
Heat of the Moment
No Big Deal
Party Time
Bring Me to Life
Something to Hold Onto (Sam & big sister, Dean & little sister)
Search and Rescue
Furry Friend
Stupid Reasons
Love Language
The Family Business
All the Difference
John Winchester & daughter!reader
Rage Monster
One Big Family
To Save a Life
Long Day
Team Free Will 2.0 & Winchester!reader
One Big Family
Hold My Hand
Team Free Will & Winchester!reader
Best Friends
The Good In You
Prom Night
Big Family
Fight Club, Part 2
Bed time
Like Father, Like Daughter
Just Keep Breathing
Just Keep Breathing, part 2
Angelic Interference
Castiel & Winchester!reader (platonic)
Guardian Angel
Let It Out
Take Care
Dean Winchester & Daughter!reader
Quality Time
Daddy’s Girl
Forgive and Forget
What Matters Most
Sam Winchester & Daughter!reader
Just Like You
A Father’s Love?
Dean Winchester x reader
Opposites React (rugby player au)
Sam Winchester x reader
Home Sweet Home
Gabriel & Winchester!reader (platonic)
Trickster’s Pet, part 2
Rowena Macleod & Winchester!reader (platonic)
Auntie Row
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supernaturalscribe67 · 5 months
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Words: 7,528
POV: 3rd Person
Pairing: Gabriel x Male!Winchester!Reader
Warning(s): Fluff, Slight Angst (if you squint), Language, Brotherly Drama/Teasing, Sexual Innuendos
Summary: (Y/N) Winchester never thought he would have to play a prominent role in the fight between Michael and Lucifer, but when Gabriel's attempt at convincing Sam and Dean to accept their destiny fails, (Y/N) is left pondering the situation at hand. What happens when Gabriel reveals the truth behind his disappearance from Heaven and his own role in the fight?
Heavily Inspired by S5.8 "Changing Channels"
Hey!! I was hoping you would be able to do this request.
It could feature hurt/comfort, angst, and fluff :)
Gabriel x Winchester!Reader
He could be trans or cis, up to you.
There was a younger Winchester brother, and with 3 full blooded Winchesters meant of course, a 3rd vessel. Gabriel's vessle. You both aren't keen on the idea of possession and end up falling for each other? Destiny had brought them together for battle but their hearts yearned for something else.
(something along those lines atleast)
A/N: I've sat here for the last ten minutes staring at the Summary because my brain is non-existent right now. Anyway, I really hope you enjoy this! Sorry it's so late! I also hope you don't mind that I changed the 'younger' Winchester to a middle Winchester~ I enjoyed writing something cute and fluffy after that heavy story I posted! Feedback is appreciated!
~ Much Love!
“Son of a bitch.” 
“It’s him. It’s Doctor Sexy.” 
“I’ve got genital herpes.”
(Y/N) blamed himself for this. Why he thought any hunt he and his brothers did would be normal was beyond him. When was anything the Winchesters did ever normal?
He could count on one hand the number of times he’d encountered tricksters, none of them pleasant. Still, something about this trickster was different. Slight abnormalities in the realm of possibilities, Sam, Dean, and Castiel all agreed, Castiel seeming to know more than them, but unable to voice his thoughts before being whisked away by said ‘trickster’. From there, the Winchester brothers were tossed from TV show to TV show, enduring humiliation and awkward conversation. It wasn’t until Sam was transformed into the Impala that it clicked. 
It wasn’t a trickster. It was an angel. 
That was how they ended up in an abandoned warehouse, the angel stood in the center of a ring of Holy Fire. (Y/N) tried to hide the exhaustion on his face that resulted from their hectic escapades. What he would kill to go back to their motel, crawl under the scratchy covers, and go to sleep. 
“Where’s you get the Holy Oil?” The angel asked, a small smirk playing on the corner of his lips. 
“Well, I guess you could say we pulled it out of Sam’s ass,” Dean replied, straight-faced. 
Sam clenched his jaw and sent a death glare towards him. (Y/N) snickered, earning him the same glare. He pressed his lips together, mumbled a faint ‘sorry’ under his breath, and turned his attention back towards the wannabe trickster. 
The smirk he had vanished. “Where’d I screw up?” He asked. 
“You didn’t,” Sam shook his head. “Nobody gets a jump on Cas like you did.” 
“It was the way you talked about Armageddon,” Dean explained. 
“Meaning?” The angel furrowed his brows. 
“Well, call it personal experience, but nobody gets that angry unless they’re talking about their own family.” 
The angel looked away and lowered his head, a silent confirmation of their suspicions. 
“So, which one are you?” Sam cocked his head to the side. “Grumpy, Sneezy, or Douchey?” 
(Y/N) bit the inside of his cheeks, lowering his head to hide the small smile that appeared. Despite the gravity of the situation, he had to admit that Sam’s question was a little funny. He blamed it on him being tired. He was quick to erase the expression off his face before lifting his head. The angel’s gaze shifted over to Sam, and he hesitated for a moment.
“Gabriel, okay? They call me Gabriel.” 
“The archangel?” Sam asked. 
“Okay, Gabriel. How does an archangel become a trickster?” Dean questioned. 
Gabriel shifted. “I consider it my own, private Witness Protection. I skipped out of Heaven, got a face transplant, and carved out my own little corner of the world. Until you three screwed it up,” his tone was full of irritation. 
(Y/N), Sam, and Dean shared a glance, almost as if communicating telepathically with one another - something they had become accustomed to growing up. While they knew significant details about the conflict between the archangels Michael and Lucifer, it seemed, to them, that the situation ran a lot deeper than it originally appeared. 
“So, boys, now what?” Gabriel’s voice broke them out of their trance. “Are we just going to stare at each other for the rest of eternity?” 
Dean licked his lips. ‘Well, first of all, you’re going to bring Cas back from wherever you stashed him.” 
“Oh, am I?”
“Yeah, or we’re going to dunk you in some Holy Oil and deep-fry ourselves an archangel.” 
Gabriel clenched his jaw, looking over at Sam, then at (Y/N). All of them shared the same serious expression. Poking his tongue into his cheek, he raised a hand and snapped his fingers. Shuffling could be heard behind the trio as they turned their heads to see a disheveled Castiel. His hair was more ruffled than usual, and a small cut ran across the bridge of his nose. Blood was splattered on the collar of his trenchcoat. He stumbled slightly. 
“Cas, you okay?” (Y/N) asked. 
“I’m fine,” Castiel replied, his icy gaze locked on Gabriel. “Hello, Gabriel.” 
Gabriel lowered his hand, crossed his arms over his chest, and smiled tightly. “Hey, bro. How’s the search for Daddy going? Let me guess. Awful,” Gabriel’s tone was harsh. 
The tension was so thick, you could cut it with a knife. It was obvious that there was more going on in Heaven than the Winchesters were led to believe. Multiple sides mean multiple stories. Who knows what really happened? 
“Alright, let’s get out of here. Sam, (Y/N)?” Dean slowly started to step towards the exit. 
Sam was the first to move, while (Y/N) seemed hesitant. In the end, he, too, turned his back on Gabriel and made his way towards his brothers. Castiel soon followed. 
“No,” Gabriel muttered. “Okay…hey, guys, so…” he stumbled over his words. “So what, huh? You’re just, you’re just gonna leave me here forever?” 
When the group reached the door, they all turned back to him. 
“No,” Dean began. “We’re not, because we don’t screw with people the way you do. And, for the record, this isn’t about some prize fight between your brothers or some destiny that can’t be stopped. This is about you being too afraid to stand up to your family.” 
Gabriel opened his mouth, as if to object, but stopped himself. He lowered his head in shame, turning his back to them. Wordlessly, Dean looked back, spotting a fire alarm on the wall. He easily broke the glass surrounding the alarm and pulled the handle. A shrill, faded sound echoed within the broken building. As Gabriel looked up, the aged sprinkler system burst open, showering him with cold water. Gabriel gazed at them, his face filled with defeat. 
“Don’t say I’ve never done anything for you,” Dean called out over the sound of the alarm. 
With that, Sam, Dean, and Castiel turned their backs one last time on Gabriel, walking out of the building. (Y/N), however, stayed put, his eyes locked onto Gabriel’s. He studied the look of hurt on his face, and (Y/N) couldn’t help but feel a slight pang of guilt. A part of him wanted to say something, to turn around and provide him with some type of comfort. They didn’t know what Gabriel was going through, nor what had caused him to leave Heaven in the first place. Perhaps, all he needed was someone to be there. To allow him to be heard. (Y/N) could relate to that feeling. Alas, as the ring of Holy Fire began to dissipate, over the blaring sound of the alarm, he could hear the faint shout of his older brother calling out his name. (Y/N) looked at the warehouse door, the breeze from the early morning shifting his wetting hair, then back to Gabriel. For a moment, he cast an apologetic look his way before he, swiftly, left the building. 
A couple of weeks after the incident with Gabriel, (Y/N) couldn’t seem to keep his thoughts at bay. Although his brothers had all since left the interaction behind them, refocusing their attention on their odd hunting jobs, (Y/N) couldn’t shake the reminder of the expression on Gabriel’s face. He had taken the time to carefully consider what Gabriel had been going through, or what he had been through before he had left Heaven. Sure, he wasn’t aware of the extent of it all, but he could sure sympathize with how it felt to be stuck between his brothers during their spats. Sam and Dean never threatened the sanctity of Heaven over their problems, but still. 
(Y/N) had taken many walks since then, because sleep had been so easily unobtainable. On nights when Sam and Dean slept soundly on their motel room beds - or couch, depending on who lost in the coin toss - (Y/N) would slink out of the room into the night. Alternatively, in the morning, if sleep didn’t come after the first walk, he would go on another, ultimately stopping for breakfast on his way back to the motel to appease his brothers. 
Sam and Dean were none the wiser. 
On those walks, his mind would always shift to Gabriel and the predicament he was in. In a way, he disagreed with what Dean had said to Gabriel. But, with everything that was said by Gabriel, himself, he partially agreed with it as well. Why was Gabriel so adamant about Sam and Dean allowing Lucifer and Michael to take possession of them for a fight that he wasn’t even willing to fight himself? He felt so in the dark about the whole debacle. Although he wasn’t directly involved in it, he was still interested to know what the fate of his brothers could be. It was thoughts and questions like those that kept his mind racing in the early hours of the morning, making him unable to get an adequate amount of sleep. 
That night was no different. The three of them had traveled to a town along the East Coast, following the clues of a possible Wendigo. The case had just started, and the interviews and clues left much to be desired. They weren’t even close to pinpointing the approximate area in the nearby woodland where it could reside. Sam and Dean were running thin, and (Y/N) was no help. Not with the way his mind had been racing lately. It wasn’t like he could help it, though. He tried, he did, and a part of him couldn’t see how Sam and Dean were able to concentrate whilst everything was going on in Heaven. He had always envied them for their sense of focus, something he lacked greatly at times. When he started the walks, clearing his mind was his initial goal, but going out on his own, in the dead of night, only seemed to make his thoughts louder. 
The town was small, and barely had much of a park, just some cheap playground equipment that looked as if it needed to be updated and a small trail. (Y/N) was thankful for the benches that were laid along the path. Despite the park’s size, it had a beautiful view; a full panoramic of the deep, dark ocean past craggy cliffs, cut off by a steel fence. The ocean was loud and, despite the distance from the land to the sea, mist sprayed (Y/N)’s face faintly, painting his features with minuscule water droplets. He had worn a jacket that night. Even though it was surprisingly hot during the day, as soon as the sun dropped, the temperatures did as well. 
(Y/N) had been sat on the bench for close to an hour. If he had to guess, it was nearly midnight. Not once had he been able to keep Gabriel out of his mind. Gabriel, the fight, Sam, and Dean, all took turns at the forefront of his brain, but Gabriel won most of the time. He always drifted to the sad, kicked puppy-dog look he had before he left. He couldn’t imagine what Gabriel had to go through. (Y/N) thought Sam and Dean were impossible to be with all the time, but he couldn’t fathom being near Michael and Lucifer as much as Gabriel must have. He must have been quite burnt out. 
“Do you mind if I sit here?” A voice jerked (Y/N) from his train of thought. 
(Y/N) jumped, eyes wide as he looked towards the direction of the voice. Stood, about a foot away from the bench, was Gabriel. His expression was soft, his brown hair partially damp, the locks illuminated slightly by the nearby street lamp. Once his heart rate began to return to normal, (Y/N) nodded and gestured towards the empty seat next to him. 
“Sure,” he mumbled. 
With a short nod, Gabriel shuffled over and sat down, leaning against the back of the bench. His legs were slightly spread and his hands were clasped together in his lap. For a moment, the two of them sat in silence, listening to the sound of the crashing waves from below. Even though Gabriel had done so much to the Winchesters as a part of his trickster ‘Witness Protection’, (Y/N) didn’t feel any resentment towards him, nor did he feel agitation, even with his proximity. A part of him thought he should be, that was how Dean would react, at least. Shouldn’t he be at least a little bit pissed? Perhaps it was the weeks of thinking, working the idea into his head that he and Gabriel could, potentially, have more in common than he originally thought. It could be that he was more forgiving than his brother. In the end, (Y/N) chalked it up to him being a great judge of character. 
“How did you find me?” (Y/N) broke the silence. 
“What?” Gabriel asked. 
“How did you find me? These symbols, or whatever, Cas put on my ribs were supposed to stop angels from being able to find me. Or did he just tattoo my ribs for nothing?” 
Gabriel let out a faint chuckle and shook his head. “I admit, you were hard to find. All I did, though, was follow the sound of your prayers. They were quieter than most, but they were still noticeable.” 
(Y/N) looked over at Gabriel, confused. “Prayers? I didn’t pray to you.” 
“I guess not technically. I know that wasn’t your intention half the time, but, every time you thought of me, asked those questions, made those statements, it was as if you did.” 
(Y/N) pursed his lips and gave a faint nod. “I see…”
They were, once again, engulfed in silence as they stared out onto the water. No one said anything. Surprisingly, it was peaceful.
“I guess I should be asking why you found me. Why are you here, Gabriel?” (Y/N) asked. 
Gabriel hesitated for a moment, fumbling with his fingers. “Look, I’m not good at this sort of thing, but…” he trailed. “I thought I should come here and apologize. For everything.” 
(Y/N) looked over at Gabriel as he placed his hands into his jacket pockets and leaned back against the bench. “Shouldn’t you be apologizing to Sam and Dean, too?” 
Gabriel snorted. “Are you kidding? Those two would probably stab me before I even had the chance to say anything.” 
(Y/N) smirked. “I guess you’re right. The fact that you were practically hounding them to accept being Michael and Lucifer’s vessels doesn’t help your case either.” 
“Yeah, I realized that I probably went about it the wrong way.” 
“Okay, I definitely went about it the wrong way.” 
“That’s putting it lightly.” (Y/N) mumbled. “Why the fight, Gabriel? I mean, why now?” 
Gabriel shrugged his shoulders. “Michael and Luci have been going at it for centuries. Even before this fight, they were at each other’s throats half the time.” he began to rub his fingers together. “But, this fight…it wasn’t originally supposed to only be those two.” 
(Y/N) furrowed his brows. “What do you mean?” 
“Well,” Gabriel stuttered before he stood up. Slowly, he began to pace back and forth in front of (Y/N), looking between the ground and his hands. “You know what it’s like, right? Your brothers are arguing about the dumbest things and they’ve been going at it for a while, getting a little carried away, so you have to step in and, um,” 
“Be the mediator?” 
“Yeah! You have to try and calm them down so they don’t kill each other?” 
“Well, yeah, I’ve had to do that plenty of times with Sam and Dean.” 
“Right. Back then, I had to do the same thing with Michael and Luci. Sometimes it worked, and other times, not so much. With this fight, that’s what I was supposed to do.” 
“Wait, this fight that they want to use Sam and Dean for? How’re you supposed to mediate that?” 
“I was just supposed to make sure they didn’t actually kill each other. Try to get them to talk it out. I’ve always been good at that, so it would only make sense that I would take a crack at it this go around. However, since they would be at their full power in their vessels, the last thing that needed to happen was for them to turn on me, kill me, and then each other. So, to make sure I had enough power, I, also, have to have a vessel.” 
Gabriel stopped pacing in front of him and finally faced him, his hands together in front of him. (Y/N) stared at him intently, eyes narrowed in concentration. It was as if Gabriel could see the gears working in his mind. If Michael needed a vessel, which was Dean, and Lucifer needed a vessel, which was Sam, then, that meant…
(Y/N)’s eyes widened. “Am I your vessel?” He breathed. 
“Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!” Gabriel smirked, although it wasn’t as confident as the one he had when he was covered by his trickster persona. 
(Y/N)’s mouth sat agape. He was gobsmacked. His lips moved up and down as he tried to form words, but his mind nor mouth would work. It all made sense, though. Why would Sam and Dean be the only vessels? Why had he never considered that he, too, was destined to be one? It was clear as glass, yet, the thought never crossed his mind. 
“You know, when you think about it, it kind of makes sense that you’re my vessel. I mean, you’re the mediator, I’m the mediator. You’re the middle child, I’m practically the middle child. There are, actually, a lot of similarities between you and me. So, it was a great pick,” Gabriel rambled, placing his hands on his hips.
(Y/N) help his hand up. “Gabriel, just…stop.” 
Gabriel looked down and cleared his throat. “Sorry,” he pursed his lips. 
(Y/N) sat there and attempted to wrap his head around the whole situation. His thoughts were foggy and the front of his head was starting to pound. He reached his hands up and began to massage his temples. 
“So, what you’re saying,” (Y/N) let out a breathy chuckle. “Is that you, the archangel Gabriel, are supposed to use me as a mediator for your two power-hungry brothers who, may I remind you, are also archangels?” 
Slowly, Gabriel nodded. “Basically.” 
“And you think this is a good idea?” 
“Absolutely not.” 
Gabriel sighed. “Look,” He returned to his spot on the bench next to (Y/N), his body now facing him. “The times when my mediation did work was when they had their smaller fights. Little bickers here and there. When Michael and Luci are really, really mad at each other, nothing can get between them. So, most likely, what would happen is I would need to get involved in the fight to stop them.” 
“Oh, God,” (Y/N) grumbled and placed his face into his hands.
“But, believe me, that is the last thing I want to do. I mean, Michael and Luci, they’re both strong on their own, but, if they were to team up against me for trying to stop them, even with you as my vessel, I don’t stand a chance. It would be two against one.” 
(Y/N) just nodded, running his hands down his face, his gaze returning to the cool, pounding waves. A chill ran down his spine. He hadn’t realized how cold he had gotten, what with the mix of wind and misty air.
“Why are you telling me this now?” He asked quietly. “Why wasn’t I told any of this before?” 
“Well, when I went off the grid, everyone just assumed that it was my way of backing out of the fight. In a way, I guess they were right.” 
“And back at the warehouse? Why didn’t you tell me then?”
“Because I still had no intention of joining the fight. However, after what Dean had said to me…” Gabriel shook his head. “I realized that he was right. I am a coward. I tried to push your brothers into accepting their roles as vessels because I want this fight to be done and over with. I just wish the fight didn’t have to happen. I figured it would be wrong if I didn’t tell you now. You deserve to know.” 
“Well, I appreciate that. And, for the record, I don’t want this fight to happen either. The last thing I want is my brothers to get involved in something that has nothing to do with them.”
“The fight’s gonna happen one way or another, and I thought getting your brothers to go along would be the best way to go about it. Once I listened to your prayers, though, I realized how it would affect you. I know you wouldn’t want to lose either one of your brothers, even though they can be assholes sometimes.” 
(Y/N) snorted. “Like you’re one to talk.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Well, unlike your brothers, mine can be caring and nice when they want to be.” 
“Believe it or not, Michael and Luci both have the capability of being nice! I witnessed it firsthand.” 
“It’s not! Granted, they were a whole lot nicer when they were fledglings, kind of got a little rocky as they got older, but they could still be nice!” 
“Wait, wait, wait, fledglings?” 
“What’re fledglings?” 
“Newborn angels.”
“So…baby angels?” 
“In a sense,” Gabriel shrugged. A mischievous smirk then appeared at the corner of his lips. “Do you want to hear some embarrassing stories about when Michael and Luci were younger?” 
“Of course I do,” (Y/N) sat back, turning his body to face Gabriel as well. 
“Okay, but, in return, you have to tell me some embarrassing stories about your brothers.”
(Y/N) bit his lip as he contemplated the offer. Finally, he smirked. “Deal.” 
For the next while, Gabriel and (Y/N) went back and forth, sharing their embarrassing stories from their abnormal families. They joked, laughed, and, overall, had a good time. Not only did it lighten the mood from the bombshell Gabriel had dropped, but it allowed them to grasp a basic understanding of their past and present lives. 
There were a few things (Y/N) learned throughout their conversation. One; Gabriel and his brothers shared some scary similarities with the Winchesters in regards to mannerisms and attitudes. Two; Gabriel could talk for a millenia if he was given the opportunity. And three; (Y/N) felt oddly calm around Gabriel. It hadn’t even struck him how easily Gabriel was able to shift the conversation as smoothly as he did. (Y/N) wasn’t too sure how he could feel that way around him. As they sat there and talked, after everything that was said, and after everything that happened with the warehouse incident - he’ll never forget the nutcracker - he couldn’t help but feel a strong sense of comfort around him. There was something about Gabriel that filled (Y/N) with a sense of peace and belonging, and he couldn’t quite put his finger on it as to why that was. 
It wasn’t like he was complaining, though. 
They talked until the moon sat near the far end of the sky. Unbeknownst to them, the two had begun to scoot closer to one another as the conversation continued, getting to the point where their knees and shoulders were touching. It wasn’t uncomfortable or awkward. Neither of them pulled away out of instinct. It felt right. It felt natural. 
Gabriel droned on and on about, yet, another story when Lucifer was a young angel. He seemed to have more stories about him than he did of Michael. (Y/N) was quite the opposite. He had more stories about Dean than he did with Sam. Both of them laughed as Gabriel tried his best to continue. 
“So - so Dad got angry because Lucifer kept letting the bugs out of their sanctuary, and -” Gabriel looked over at (Y/N), and his smile vanished. 
(Y/N) glanced up at him, noticing the change of demeanor instantly. His smile, too, disappeared. “Is something wrong?” 
As he kept his eye on him, Gabriel reached up and gently brushed his thumb against (Y/N)’s bottom lip. (Y/N) felt his cheeks heat up and his brows furrow in confusion. 
“Your lips are blue,” Gabriel stated. He glanced up at the sky and his brows shot up. “I am so sorry. I didn’t realize we had been out here so long.” Gabriel sat up. 
“How long how we been out here?” (Y/N) dug into his pocket and pulled out his phone. 
3:27 AM
“Oh shit,” he mumbled as he quickly stood up. 
His legs and ass were completely numb, causing him to sway at the rapid movement. Gabriel was by his side in an instant, hands on his shoulders to steady him. They had been out together for, close to, four hours. No wonder (Y/N)’s lips were blue. He shivered, teeth chattering lightly. Once (Y/N) was able to stand on his own, Gabriel took off his jacket and draped it over (Y/N)’s shoulders. (Y/N) shook his head. 
“Oh, no, Gabriel, it’s okay. I just need to get back to the motel.” He stuttered tiredly. 
“I’m the reason you were out here for so long. Consider it a, um, token of my appreciation for talking to me,” Gabriel smiled sweetly.
(Y/N) returned the smile. “Well, thank you for keeping me company.” 
“Let me take you back to the motel.” 
“No. If Sam and Dean see you, they’ll kill you and then me.”
“Then I won’t let them see me.”
Without another word, Gabriel reached up and pressed his index and middle fingers against (Y/N)’s forehead. (Y/N) inhaled shakily and closed his eyes. One second, he was standing in the park, then, the next, he and Gabriel were standing in front of the Winchester’s motel room. He breathed a sigh of relief once he saw the faded numbers etched onto the door. 
“Thank you,” he smiled and retrieved the key from his pocket. 
“Anytime. And, uh, if you ever feel the need to talk again under better weather conditions, feel free to pray. When the prayers are sent directly to me, it’s a lot easier for me to hear.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” 
“Now go warm up.”
(Y/N) flashed Gabriel one last smile as he turned the key to the room and opened the door. Gabriel vanished. 
Moonlight pooled in through the cracked door as (Y/N) crept into the room. He felt the warmth flood his face and hands as he entered. Despite the heavy jacket he had gone out with, having spent hours in the windy, misty park, he was bound to get cold eventually. He didn’t think he would get that cold, though.
As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he could see Sam sleeping soundly on his stomach, face nuzzled against the cheap pillow, and Dean sprawled out on the couch, legs and arms spread in uncomfortable positions that he would undoubtedly complain about the next day, mouth slightly open, and drool coating his chin and pillow. (Y/N) was thankful for his stealth ability.
Slowly, he made his way over to the unoccupied bed and crawled underneath the covers. Not bothering to change his clothes or take off his shoes, he nestled into the thick - yet somehow extremely thin - comforter. His eyes closed as soon as his head hit the pillow.
That was the best night’s sleep he had gotten in ages. 
Well, it would have been, had he not been awoken by a flying pillow to the face.
(Y/N) groaned as he opened his eyes ever so slightly. The sunlight beamed in through the window, caressing his skin, and he hated it. He glanced tiredly in the direction that the pillow came from and found Dean with an amused grin spread across his lips.
“Mornin’ sunshine,” Dean greeted.
“Fuck off,” (Y/N) grunted as he grabbed the pillow and chucked it lazily back at him. He missed terribly. 
“Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed,” Sam teased as he sat a cup of steaming coffee on the nightstand next to (Y/N).
“Thanks,” he mumbled and sat up. “And I just got a pillow thrown at my face, am I supposed to jump for joy and sing Kumbaya?” 
“Are you sure it’s the pillow and has nothing to do with you getting back so late?” Dean quirked a brow.
(Y/N) went to reach for the coffee cup, but stopped himself. He glanced at Dean, brows furrowed and eyes narrowed. “How do you know about that?” 
“Well, one, you’re wearing the exact same thing you were wearing yesterday, plus you wore your shoes to bed. Two, I heard you getting back last night,”
“Bullshit. You were passed out.”
“Do you realize how loud you stumbled in? I’m surprised Sammy didn’t wake up because of it. My third point, though,” Dean pointed down to his brother’s chest. “That’s not your jacket. So…did you get lucky?” 
(Y/N) looked down at himself and his brows raised. He was still wearing Gabriel’s jacket. He had been so tired and cold last night that he had completely forgotten to take it off or even give it back. He reached up and played with the collar gently. He had to remember to thank Gabriel for giving it to him.
Oh, wait, prayers! Thank you for the jacket, Gabriel!
“Well?” Dean pressed.
“Huh?” (Y/N) looked over at him. 
“Did you get lucky?” 
(Y/N) snorted. “If I got lucky, do you think I would be here right now?”
“Not unless it was bad.”
“Would that mean I still got ‘lucky’ if it was bad? What kind of luck is that?” 
“You’re dodging the question.”
(Y/N) rolled his eyes. “No, Dean, I didn’t get lucky.”
“Then who’d you meet?” Sam asked.
“Why does it matter?” (Y/N) questioned.
“Because you’re smiling,” Dean pointed out, taking a sip of his coffee. “And you don’t smile like that normally. It’s kind of freaky.”
“Oh, fuck off, Dean,”
(Y/N) hadn’t even realized he had been smiling, but he could hear it in his voice. Dean was right, it had been ages since he had smiled like that. His cheeks were starting to hurt. He reached over, took a sip of his coffee, then put it down. He stood up from his spot on the bed and stretched his aching muscles.
“So,” Dean pursed his lips. “Who was it?”
“You’re not gonna let this go, are you, Dean?”
“Nope,” Dean popped.
(Y/N) shook his head. “It was just this guy that I met at the bar. He bought me a drink, we sat and talked and, when the bar closed, we went to the nearest park and continued our talk.”
Dean’s smirk faltered and was replaced with a frown. “That’s it? You just…talked?” 
“Yeah,” (Y/N) shrugged.
“You’re more boring than Sam,”
“Hey!” Sam exclaimed.
“What do you want me to say, Dean? ‘I found this guy at the bar, we went to the park, I gave him head, he gave me a twenty, said ‘no homo’, and walked away’?” (Y/N) asked. 
“Well, that would have been a hell of a lot more entertaining than ‘we just talked’.”
(Y/N) waved him off. “Whatever,” he mumbled, then kicked his shoes off.
Sam took a sip of his coffee and cleared his throat. “I wouldn’t get too comfortable. We’re gonna go look for that Wendigo.”
“I’m taking a shower before we go, so…” (Y/N) stuck his tongue out at Sam.
Sam smirked and shook his head as (Y/N) gathered some of his clothes from his duffel bag. Without another word, he vanished into the bathroom.
(Y/N) was sick for a week after that. As it turns out, cold air and wet hair don’t necessarily mix well. At first, he tried to push through it, but fatigue and a sore throat caught up to him and left him on research duty for the duration of the Wendigo hunt. During that time, whenever Sam and Dean were out looking for clues, leaving him alone in the stuffy motel room, he would pray to Gabriel. Gabriel would be quick to respond.
The two would sit and talk for hours, idle chit-chat here and there, and would always seem to dance around the topic of the fight one way or another. Those talks continued well after (Y/N) felt better and the Wendigo hunt concluded. (Y/N) resumed his nightly walks, and Gabriel would accompany him. In the mornings, when Sam and Dean would occasionally catch onto (Y/N)’s disappearing acts, he would play it off as a spontaneous trip to the local bar scene, fabricating stories about meeting a dreamy man he would talk to or go back to his place. It wasn’t a complete lie, so he didn’t feel as bad when he told them. 
As the months went on, (Y/N) could feel himself growing fonder of Gabriel. It was a strong feeling. Is that what love felt like? He could only assume. Yet, the feeling was more than that. He felt connected to him in a much stronger sense of the word. A spiritual sense, perhaps? He couldn’t quite pinpoint the cause of those feelings, but the last thing he was going to do was fight himself on them, despite how obvious it was that his brothers would disapprove of his relationship with Gabriel. That’s what secrets were for. He had gone long enough without telling them, what’s a couple more months or years?
Whenever they were together, (Y/N) felt whole, as if a lost piece of a puzzle he didn’t even know he had found its way to him. When he was with his brothers, or by himself, he found his mind constantly shifting to thoughts of Gabriel. Of what they would talk about, of Gabriel’s smile, of the way his stomach would turn whenever they stood or sat close to one another. He would crave his presence, desperate to hear the sound of his voice. It was killing him, slowly, from the inside out, and he knew if he didn’t say anything soon, he would combust. He had to tell Gabriel his feelings.
One thing he loved about small towns was the lack of artificial lights. Sure, there were dull street lamps scattered around that looked as if they needed to be changed years ago, but the absence of skyscrapers and people, overall, meant not much was needed to illuminate the roads. Locals knew them like the back of their hand anyway. With the minimal light, almost anywhere in town, you could see the stars that decorated the night sky. If you wanted, you could pick out each constellation. Orion’s Belt and the Big Dipper were rather prominent that night.
There were several smaller parks in town, but the biggest sat in the middle of downtown. It wasn’t used as a children’s area as much as a casual gathering ground. (Y/N) could imagine dogs in the grass and elderly couples walking arm-in-arm during the daylight hours. By night, it was abandoned, the distant sound of country music playing from the only local bar. It was the perfect place for him and Gabriel to meet.
They sat on a bench in the middle of the park, heads tilted back as they stared at the stars. Their sides and legs were pressed together, and, for the first time in a while, they said nothing. Normally, their meetings were filled with lively conversation from the moment they saw each other to the moment they parted. (Y/N) had to wonder if Gabriel could tell that he wanted to have a serious discussion. Perhaps he had a lot on his mind. Or, perhaps, Gabriel was too busy reading (Y/N)’s to say anything. Regardless, they had been sat there for close to half an hour without as much as a single word to each other. (Y/N) knew just sitting there wasn’t going to do any good. He had to bite the bullet and say something. 
“Gabriel?” He started, his voice coming out small and quiet.
Gabriel hummed. “Yes?”
“Can I ask you something?”
“Of course,”
(Y/N) hesitated. “Well, first of all, I just wanted to say that I like spending time with you.” He began to fiddle with his fingers. “And I don’t want what I’m about to ask to make our meetings stop.”
“Honestly, I think, at this point, the only thing that you can ask to make our meetings stop is ‘Hey, can our meetings stop?’.”
(Y/N) chuckled lightly. “Gabe, I’m being serious.”
“So am I,” he smirked.
“Well, um…” he paused. “Do you ever feel like we’re connected in other ways?”
Gabriel furrowed his brows. He turned his body to face (Y/N), rested his elbow on the back of the bench, and placed his cheek into his hand. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t know, to be honest. I mean, it feels like…more.”
Gabriel studied (Y/N)’s face, noticing his lack of eye contact. He stayed quiet for a moment, and (Y/N) could feel the anxiety building inside of him. He knew he did a piss poor job at explaining what he meant, but it was the best he could come up with. Slowly, Gabriel smirked.
“You have a crush on me, don’t you?” He teased.
(Y/N)’s eyes widened and the heat rose to his cheeks. He glanced over at Gabriel, then back down at his lap. 
“I, well…I’m not…I- that’s not the point, okay!?” (Y/N) shook his head. “The point is that it doesn’t feel like just a crush to me. It feels like an even deeper connection than that. Like something about our souls and- nevermind, this just sounds stupid,” his shoulders deflated in defeat.
Gabriel waved his hands and shook his head. “Hey, hey, it’s not stupid, alright? I get what you’re saying. You feel as if we’re connected by something other than you just being my vessel.”
(Y/N) nodded and let out a shaky breath. “Yeah, exactly.”
“I feel it, too.”
“You do?”
“I mean, yeah,” Gabriel folded his hands in his lap. “I felt that when we first saw each other, even before the warehouse. Then, everything with your brothers happened, and we met again, and, still,  I felt that connection.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I thought I was looking too hard into it. I started thinking that, maybe, the connection was all in my head. That it was, truly, just our connection by you being my vessel. When Dean said what he did about me being too afraid to face my family, I thought no one would understand my point of view on the fight. What I’ve had to go through being related to Michael and Lucifer. Then, you started to pray to me, and I knew that you understood me. That’s what made me come find you in the first place. Once we were alone, I felt this sense of…peace. I hate to admit it, but I feel like I can barely go a single day without wanting to see you. Without needing to see you. I knew it was more at that point.”
(Y/N)’s eyes were on Gabriel as he listened intently to what he was saying. He shook his head. “I feel the same way. It’s almost as if, I don’t know, I can’t breathe when you’re not around.”
“Well, please don’t stop on my account.”
“Stop it, we’re having a serious moment,” (Y/N) slapped his arm.
“Sorry, sorry,” Gabriel smirked. “I mean, as cliche as it sounds, it feels, almost as if we were meant for each other, right? Like we were meant to be together? Almost as if it was more than you being my vessel that bought us together.”
Gabriel reached over and grabbed (Y/N)’s hand, rubbing the side of it gently with his thumb. (Y/N) looked into Gabriel’s eyes, and he felt his heart soar. He reached up and caressed his cheek before they both leaned in, their lips fitting together perfectly in a sweet, loving kiss. Their eyes closed, and they both melted into a deep, sensual embrace. Almost immediately, all of the stress and worry seemingly melted away, replaced with a sense of belonging. A sense of closeness.
When they pulled back, they looked into each other’s eyes once more. A small smile creased the corner of (Y/N)’s lips.
“You’re right, it is pretty cheesy.” He whispered, his thumb tracing circles around Gabriel’s cheekbone.
Gabriel cocked a brow. “I thought we were having a serious conversation. Why do you get to make quips?”
“It’s kind of hard not to when I’m around you.” (Y/N) pressed his forehead against Gabriel’s.
Gabriel chuckled. “I guess I’m rubbing off on you, aren’t I?” He moved his hands to (Y/N)’s hips.
“I don’t see that as a bad thing.”
They sat together and enjoyed the peaceful quiet of their embrace. (Y/N) never felt more relaxed in his entire life, and he wanted to savor every moment he had with Gabriel.
Then, his mind started to drift. Drift to the fight, the battle between Michael and Lucifer, and to Sam and Dean. Gabriel had done such a good job at keeping him distracted from all the chaos that surrounded him that he hadn’t even had a chance to consider what could happen with the fight now that he and Gabriel were involved. Neither of them wanted to participate in the fight, but what would happen if they didn’t? Who would win? Would he lose one, or possibly both, of his brothers? If they did get involved in the fight, was there a possibility that he and Gabriel would lose each other? Did they even stand a chance to win against Michael and Lucifer if things were to turn ugly? Was there a chance that he could lose Gabriel even without being in the fight itself?
Gabriel reached a hand up and ran his fingers through (Y/N)’s hair soothingly. He pressed a small kiss to the corner of his lips. “Your thoughts are being really loud, Sugarplum.” He whispered. 
(Y/N) broke from his trance and shook his head lightly. “I’m sorry, it’s just…with the fight,” (Y/N) looked away briefly. “I don’t want to lose Sam and Dean, but now that I have you, I don’t want to lose you either.”
Gabriel gave him a sympathetic look as he pulled him close. “I know. This whole thing is one giant mess. I wish none of it had to happen. But I’m going to be with you every step of the way, I promise.”
(Y/N) shook his head. “You can’t promise me that. Knock on wood.”
“What?” Gabriel chuckled.
“I don’t want you to have just jinxed yourself, now knock on wood.”
Gabriel smirked as he rasped his knuckles against the wooden bench three times. “Better?”
“A little,” (Y/N) mumbled and nuzzled his cheek against Gabriel’s shoulder. “I don’t think I’ll feel better until this fight is over.”
Gabriel wrapped his arms tightly around him. “How about this? I promise to do everything in my power to keep you distracted. That way, you’re not too stressed out.”
(Y/N) pursed his lips in thought. “Not too distracted, though. I had practically forgotten about the fight until now, and I still need to stay on my toes.”
“How about I distract you just enough to keep your mind off of it?”
“That sounds perfect.”
“Well then, Sugarplum, how do you propose I keep you distracted?”
“You can start by kissing me again,”
“Oh, I can do more than kissing,” Gabriel mused in a suggestive tone and wiggled his brows.
(Y/N) slapped his chest. “Perv,” he grumbled. “Let’s just start with kissing.”
“Taking it slow, I like your style,” Gabriel nuzzled his nose against (Y/N)’s.
(Y/N) smiled widely. “Then shut up and kiss me already.”
Without another word, Gabriel leaned down, capturing (Y/N)’s lips in a deep kiss. Just like that, all of his problems dissipated, and it felt as if he was floating. The park didn’t exist anymore, nor the stumbling locals who left the bar periodically. There were no stars, no more beautiful night sky. The only two things that existed were Gabriel and (Y/N). They were complete. They were strong. They were one. It felt as if nothing in Heaven, Hell, or in between could tear them apart. 
And everything was as it should be.
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inhumanhacker · 5 months
Gabriel was starting to question his choice to play Loki in this new Universe. Of course the chains they had on him couldn't actually hold the trickster but he was playing along for the time being since he didn't want to reveal who he really was. He had even changed his face to match the Loki of this universe having seen him on TV, but he hadn't quite understood the differences in attitude and ability between the two universe and as a consequence a few of the people who captured him were already suspecting he wasn't the real Loki... or at least 'their' Loki
"So where are we going?" He asks
Skye was more than a little unsure of Loki. From all the things she had been told about him from his attitude and disregard of humans, even if she wasn't exactly human herself, he so far hadn't matched up. Or he was playing coy waiting for his moment. She wasn't sure yet.
"The fridge. We're putting you in holding until your Brother comes to get you." She had to admit she was excited to see Thor and being made one of Loki's guards was one way to meet him.
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sardonic-the-writer · 28 days
rant about Gabriel to me I need to understand him
im going to format this like you've never seen the show, just in case you haven't, so if you have just bare with me
gabriel is a bit of an enigma. for the first two and a half episodes he shows up in, he's not even known as gabriel. he's on screen as 'the trickster' and is masquerading as one. (tricksters in spn canon are powerful demigod creatures of myth that can alter reality how they want, normally using their powers to play deadly pranks on malicious humans in ironic ways. i.e mauling someone who tests products on animals via a sewer alligator)
the reason he's doing this as a self proclaimed "witness protection" method is because he's in hiding, pretending to be a trickster to hide from his family; which is heaven since he's the archangel gabriel. surprise surprise. this is revealed in the episode 'changing channels', (season four) which is i believe the best ranked episode on the entire show by the audience and one of my favorites. 'mystery spot' (season three) is another one he stars in (as rhe trickster, not gabriel. we still dont know that), and i think it's the second highest ranked. and 'tall tales' (season two) is the first one he shows up in which is also very highly ranked.
gabriel has a habit of faking his death a lot to escape responsibility, which he does in the episode 'hammer of the gods' (season five [?] i think) after being "stabbed" by lucifer so he doesn't have to really stick around and watch his family (lucifer and michael) fight. but we don't know that it was a fake out for nearly eight seasons. (there is an instance where he shows up again in season nine but that was a fake out and not the real him). in 'hammer of the gods' we also find out that gabriel really had gone all in with his so called witness protection while pretending to be a trickster; so much so that most of the mythological world/pretty much anyone but cas sam and dean knows him as the actual god of tricksters, loki, and not by his true name. later on when he comes back in season thirteen we find out that's because the real loki offered to share the same face with gabriel back when he first came to earth wayyyyyyy long ago to help him out. and when we meet loki later when gabriels trying to kill him for selling him off to one of the princes of hell asmodeus (i'll get into that) it's basically just the actor richard speight jr playing two roles at once. if that makes any sense. one of my favorite episodes, although i think that's just because i hadn't really seen gabriel in months and was over excited. i'll have to see if the hype holds up on my rewatch
but okay, for some backstory on the whole being sold thing, after gabriel faked his death in 'hammer of the gods', he ran off to some island to get in contact with loki and his kids (think fenrir. spn uses real mythological names and bloodlines as side plots sometimes) to go dark again. loki pretends to entertain the idea and let's gabriel play poker with hookers for a few days (gabe has also stared in a porno before and enjoys eating candy even though angels never get hungry. he's fun that way) before betraying him and basically selling him off as a slave to a prince of hell, who locks him away for hundered (thousands maybe?) of years, constantly draining his archangel grace just enough to not leave gabe powerless, but also enough to torture him horribly. it's awful, and all explained in the episode 'unfinished buisness' (season thirteen) which is all about him enacting revenge on loki and the tricksters kids. but the takeaway is that the first time we see gabe after season five, he's a completely different person. almost like a scared animal. if the animal has had its mouth sewn shut by a demon, that is.
anyways, sam and dean and cas help revert him back to his usual self, and he runs away from his problems for a few episodes, before finally confronting them and dying for real this time at the hands of an alertnate world version of his brother michael a few episodes later. the later seasons writing was so fucked up in my opinion, and the way gabriel died was done so wrong, but i think that's because im biased. frowns
my explination of him does no justice. he's a smug, silly, tricky, multi layered, funny son of a bitch that has fuck ass smile where his eyes crinkled at the corner and i. oughhh. i love him. urgh. yeah
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radarscookies · 5 months
haii !! this is gonna be something fun i did cause i was bored but since mcsm is combat and story based.. i felt like i needed to assign characters with d&d classes yipee!! (now this is my opinion and im totally up for editing it if someone has a good idea for a class for a character but i will NOT argue with you guys over this) okay anyway lets go
this goes for after season 2 btw !! order of the stone: ivor- alchemist artificer/ great old one warlock (the witherstorm) / samurai fighter soren- college of creation bard / wizard of conjuration ellegaard- battlesmith artificer magnus- scout rouge / artillerist artificer gabriel- banneret fighter / oath of glory paladin new order / jesses gang: jesse: banneret fighter / oath of devotion paladin / aberrant mind sorcerer (from romeo) jesse could honestly be so many things petra: champion fighter olivia: battlesmith artificer axel: scout rouge / artillerist artificer lukas: college of creation bard / drakewarden ranger radar: path of the totem warrior (bear) barbarian blaze rods: aiden: mastermind rouge / oathbreaker paladin (he just gives those vibes it fits his story too) gill: path of berserker barbarian maya: college of glamour bard / arcane trickster rouge other: cassie rose: wizard of necromancy / assassin rouge / ghostslayer bloodhunter (my girl had time to study) isa: kensei monk milo: swashbuckler rouge harper: battlesmith artificer / forge domain cleric hadrian: way of long death monk / samurai fighter mevia: way of long death monk / scout rouge stella: college of eloquence bard / fiend warlock (from romeo) jack: echo knight fighter / barbarian path of the storm herald nurm: circle of stars druid vos: school of war magic wizard binta: peace domain cleric / circle of spores druid if you are wondering where the admins are well its kinda hard to put them into a class considering their different powers they'd probably fit a god npc more but i can try if someone requests it, that being said i will do more characters if people ask for them!!
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meganlpie · 11 months
I Can Still Sense Him
Based on this request: Hey, if requests are still open I was going to ask for a Supernatural request where the reader (fem) is Gabriel’s human mate. When he dies shes devastated and everyone says she’s delusional because she can still…sense him. But then he really is alive and decides he can’t take hiding anymore and just comes back out into the open To be with her
Here you are, lovely! As always, I do not own ANY SPN characters. They belong to the writers/creators of the show.
Warnings: Destined mates, angst(mentions of death), fluff, and it's a little short.
Pairings: Gabriel x fem!reader, The Winchesters.
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Most people would hate someone that caused the "death" of a person they cared for multiple times. But when you officially met Gabriel, you didn't see the same Trickster that the Winchesters saw. You saw someone broken and lonely. Someone a lot like you. You also immediately saw that he was not a typical Trickster. You'd seen his wings. A sign of an angel's destined mate.
          So of course, you'd pleaded with the Winchesters to let him go. They had trusted your judgment and did as you asked. After that, Gabriel made a habit of popping in to see you every now and again. You certainly didn't mind. Even if you hadn't known you were destined mates, the connection between you two was undeniable. You spent as much time as you could with him.
           He made you laugh, no matter the situation, and after a while, you could not deny that you fell in love with him. You got butterflies whenever he turned those honey-colored eyes on you. Or when he smiled at you. You wanted to be with him as often as possible. But, before you could admit to the mischievous angel that you loved him, he was gone. Taken from you.
          After the Winchesters and Castiel told you about Gabriel's death, you were devastated to say the least. You completely shut down. Hardly ate or slept, refused to hunt. You became a shell of yourself for what seemed like a long time. But just when you were at your lowest, you started to feel…something. You couldn't describe it, but it almost felt like Gabriel was still with you in some way. There were times you felt so at ease, like you could feel him hugging you close or hear him whispering in your ear. It brought you peace whenever you were alone.
          When the Winchesters questioned why you suddenly started acting like yourself again, you couldn't really explain it. You knew they'd jump to the different, albeit possible, conclusion that you were being haunted by something else. Or they'd think you were crazy. But the two men were very persistent and didn't trust sudden changes in the people they cared about or hunted with. So you had to try and explain.
           "I-I don't know how to explain it, guys. I just…started feeling better. Like Gabriel's still with me. Like he's here and helping me." As you suspected, the two exchanged a look like they didn't believe you.
          "Gabriel's gone, Y/N," Sam said softly, earning an eye roll from you. "I know that, Sam! Can't you let me have just a little sense of peace for once?! I lost the love of my life, something I thought you of all people would understand!" You didn't wait for him to reply before you got up and stomped out of the room. Was it a low blow? Yes. But you felt Sam had it coming in that moment.
          For weeks after that, you didn't speak to Sam at all and talked to Dean only when you had to. He had not said anything to you about your feelings, but you knew he thought you were insane as well. Even Cas thought there was something wrong with you. Still, you held onto that feeling, that sense, that Gabriel was somehow still with you. Even if it was only in spirit. Then, it happened.
          You were in Vegas (go figure) with the boys on a hunt. The hunt lead you to a hotel room. Dean wanted to go crashing into the room like an 80s TV cop, but you rolled your eyes and knocked on the door. The door opened and you swore your heart stopped.
          "Hey, Sweetcheeks. Miss me?"
          "G-Gabriel?" you squeaked out as tears formed in your eyes and you lowered your weapon. He smiled at you. Turning to Dean beside you, you asked, "Am I dreaming? Am I dead?" Dean simply shook his head, unable to form words. You wasted no time in launching yourself into the archangel's arms. Gabriel let out a huff followed by a light laugh.
          "I missed you too, Lollipop." You gripped onto the back of his shirt as he held you. "I knew I felt you." He laughed again. "Sorry I disappeared on you. I had to make dear Luci think I was gone. My…buddy Loki's been letting me hide out as him for a while, but I couldn't take it anymore. I needed to see you again," his whispered to you. "I'm just gonna…" Dean stated, trailing off before turning to leave you and Gabriel alone.          
Gabriel lead you fully into the room and shut the door. "The guys thought I was crazy," you stated and Gabriel shook his head. "I wanted to make sure you knew I'd never leave you if I didn't have to." You gripped onto him again. Truthfully, you were terrified to let go. "It's alright," Gabriel whispered, "I'm sticking around for a while. I'm not leaving my mate alone again." And when his lips met yours for the first time in so long, you knew he was telling the truth.
(a/n: I hope you like it! Also, how do we feel about Gabriel calling the reader "Lollipop"? I thought it was a cute nickname, but if you hate it, I won't use it in future Gabriel fics.)
Forever Tags: @fizzyxcustard @brewsthespirit-blog @sirkekselord @aikibriarrose @lady-of-lies @motleymoose @esoltis280 @stories-by-shanna-p @dark-angel-is-back @supernatural4life2022
SPN Tags: @jotink78
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spnfanficpond · 3 months
Weekly Pond Newsletter
It's Father's Day in the US, so reblog or reply with links to your favorite fics that feature either Bobby or John!
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Old Business:
Angel Fish Awards for June - We're doing things a little differently this month to clear out the prize pool and make room for new prizes!! Your chances of winning a prize are exponentially increased! Click here to read all about how it works!
Fishing For Treasures - This weekend is FFT weekend, and we're celebrating fics with POC and/or LGBTQ characters! Scroll through the blog for some awesome stories!
Last week's #TweetFicTues prompts -
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New Business:
Manta Ray chat - Admi MJ will be in the Discord server at 11am EDT today hanging out to chat with you! Be there for some fun!!
Competitive Writing Sprints - Manta Ray Arthur will be hosting a session of Competitive Writing Sprints on Wednesday and next Sunday at 2pm EDT. Add words to your WIP and win fabulous prizes!! Details for those who are new will be posted in a day or so!
SPN Rewatch: FanFic Edition - Our next chat will be on Saturday at 5pm EDT, and we will discuss 2.13 Houses of the Holy and 2.14 Born Under a Bad Sign! If you're unfamiliar with what kinds of things we discuss during these chats, check out the Archive for links to notes from our previous chats!
In the Music Room - Richard Speight Jr (aka Gabriel/The Trickster) and Billy Moran (lead guitar for Louden Swain, the band fronted by Chuck himself, Rob Benedict) will be doing an online concert together on Friday at 4:45pm EDT on lounges.tv! Click here for more information and to buy a ticket!
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(Divider by @glygriffe!)
That's all for this week! To see all Pond events, and also other SPN-related things like conventions and online concerts, check out our Google calendar! Click here for a static view in Eastern US/Canada time (desktop only, no mobile app access, sadly), and click here to add our calendar to your own Google calendar! We try to keep it as up-to-date as possible. If there's something you want to see on the calendar that's not there (maybe a convention we missed, cast birthdays, or something similar), send us an ASK and let us know!
Hope you have a great week! - From your Admins and Manta Rays, @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @thoughtslikeaminefield, and @heavenssexiestangel!
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thereallucifer666 · 2 years
"Hey Bro" Gabriel says leaning against the bar as he watches this universe Lucifer carefully. He was hoping this version of his brother wasn't a total dick, but after 10 universes he wasn't going to hold his breath.
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Looking up from his whiskey tumbler, Lucifer regarded the other man slowly, eyes narrowing slightly in focus. The casual greeting could've been just that, a form of familiarity that most humans use nowadays. Yet for some reason, Lucifer didn't think that was why this man had said it. He had said it for an entirely different purpose. "Right, which one are you? I mean, it's been a while since I was in the Silver City, but I think I would remember one of my brothers having such a snark-filled face."
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A Shy Archangel
Who knew you had the power to turn the archangel Gabriel into a shy little school boy; who also happens to have a huge crush on you. 
Gabriel falling deep into cupid’s pit with a sweet and high class female reader
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You were an angel of a girl. Beautiful, kind, and elegant. So much so, it was one big mystery as to why you were with the Winchesters. The whole reason of you being with them was because your mother’s dying wish to John Winchester, their father, was to protect you. So, you stayed with the hunter family, but you didn’t take part in any hunting. You were a more research and lore kind of girl.
So, for all those years, you were the one who stayed back and held the knowledge.
Meeting Castiel and Crowley were alright. Despite the sass and confusion that they can have, they sound quite reverent. Especially Castiel, as most angels usually contain a sort of humble elegance when they spoke. All but one angel that you’ve met.
An archangel to be precise. Gabriel.
He was unlike any angel that you've met or read about. Gabriel was mischievous, a loudmouth, and was nearly as bad as Dean when it came to jumping in bed with any woman who wanted sex.
You look like a church girl. Is what Sam always said to you. He was kind of right. You tried not to swear, you didn’t drink no matter how many times Dean pushed you, and you were still a virgin. This is why Gabriel found himself so in love with you. 
Actual love. Not just for a night. 
You were so different, so sweet, and so thoughtful, even of him. There were times that you called him to the bunker just to share a cookie because you know how much he loves sweets. And each time, he curses his family, because he finds himself unable to meet your eye. Gabriel couldn’t find any words to say, which was very unlike him, and he got all these butterflies in his stomach.
He was so...shy around you. The trickster in him just vanished and he acted so opposite of himself. Dean teased him and Sam felt sorry for him.
“Hey Y/N...you want a drink?” Gabriel gets so scatter-brained when it comes to thinking about you. So much so that he forgot your distaste for alcohol when he went to grab some for everyone. 
You looked up from your book to see him holding a bottle towards you, hand shaking slightly. When you looked up at his face, Gabriel quickly turned his head away from you so he didn’t have to look into your e/c eyes, causing a bit of his brown hair to fall over his face.
“Thank you, Gabriel, but I’m okay. Not my kind of drink.” You said with a sweet smile even though he wasn’t even looking at you. Dean snickered in the background while Sam slapped his shoulder. The archangel mentally cursed his idiocy as he offered you a slight smile, pulling his hand away. 
“S-sorry...I...” However, Gabriel didn’t even finish that stuttering sentence as he just nodded to himself and went back to the kitchen. Dean was appalled.
“What about our drinks?” He asked in irritation as Sam hit him again. Meanwhile, a frown came to your face as you watched Gabriel sulk off. 
“Was it something I said?” You asked the boys in front of you at the table. They looked at each other before Dean started to snicker a bit, causing you to look at him. He started shaking his head as he laughed to himself. The man couldn’t help it. This whole situation was hilarious to him. 
“You did nothing wrong, Y/N. Gabriel just has a little crush on you.” He said with a smirk which caused Sam to nudge him sharply.
“Dean.” Sam whispered with a “what the hell” look on his face. Dean just gave him that look straight back.
“What? If I don’t say something, nobody will. Besides, as entertaining as this is, I’m tired of watching an archangel act like fifteen-year-old who has no experience with women.” Dean said and you both looked at him, wondering why that was his comparison. The older Winchester looked around before meeting Sam’s eyes.
“Like how you were.” He said to his brother and Sam sighed, giving him a slight glare as that was not something that needed to be said. Meanwhile, you were just sitting there and taking in Dean’s words. Gabriel likes you? That would make his behavior make sense, but still.
“He...likes me?” You asked them, a slight blush coming to your face. 
“Madly.” “Oh so much.” Sam and Dean said at the same time. You smiled to yourself. Truthfully, it was hard not to like Gabriel. Even after all he’s done to you guys, his playful and energetic nature was something you found endearing. However, it seemed to be put on halt when you were around, causing the eccentric man to take it down several notches in hopes to appease you.
It was very cute.
“Alright, I’m back.” Gabriel soon reappeared with drinks for everyone. He handed Sam and Dean their portion before claiming one for himself. Hesitantly, but also seemingly excited, he took a seat next to you. It took him a few seconds, but he gained enough courage to snap his fingers and have a glass of apple juice.
“Something special for the lady.” He said with a shy smile, and you beamed. Dean then cleared his throat before standing up, forcefully grabbing Sam’s arm to make him stand up as well.
“Well, as adorable as this has been, we are going to leave the two of you be, so our feathery friend here can get something off his chest.” Dean said in what sounded like a friendly manner. However, anyone would know that he was just getting under the other man’s skin. After all the shit Gabriel put him through, this was just desserts.
“Dean.” The archangel said in a warning tone.
“C’mon Sammy, we have things to do.” Dean pulled his brother along back towards his room. Sam looked back at Gabriel, who gave him a look that said “please don’t leave me”. However, the younger Winchester gave him an apologetic look before disappearing, leaving the two of you alone.
Glancing over at him, you saw that Gabriel was staring at his lap, which his hands were folded on. He was wringing his fingers together and tapping his foot every now and then. His wispy brown hair fell over his face, barely concealing his very red cheeks.
“Gabriel...I already know how you feel.” You decided to just rip the band aid off for him because you felt pretty bad about what Dean did. It wasn’t his place to jump in and say anything for Gabriel, even if the archangel struggled to do so himself. You saw him peek out at you from behind his hair.
“Dean told me.” You confessed and you saw a flicker of anger in those honey brown eyes.
You guys sat in silence for a bit before Gabriel sighed. Seeing as his feelings for you were out in the open, he had no reason to hide anymore. Still, that didn’t stop a swarm of butterflies from attacking his stomach when he looked at you. You were looking at him for an explanation.
“I guess...I was just intimidated by you. You’re a different kind of woman than I’m used to. I felt...I felt that I needed to earn you. That you weren’t just a ‘one night stand’ type of gal.” He said with a bit of laughter, looking back at his hands. You smiled sympathetically, feeling a bit flustered that he viewed you so highly. Scooting your chair closer, you placed a hand on his shoulder and rubbed it slightly.
“Intimidated by me? I should be intimidated by you, Mr. Trickster.” You said teasingly and Gabriel just tilted his head back down, hair falling back over his face, but there was a smile. 
“Why do you have this effect on me...?” He whispered with a grin, a blush on his face. You giggled a bit as Gabriel soon joined in as well. You moved closer till your sides touched and his body went still.
“Don’t worry Gabriel. You don’t have to be shy anymore because...I like you as well.” You told him before using your hand to grab his face and pull it towards you to place a kiss on his cheek. 
Your own heart swelled when you saw the little boy smile that crept on his face, and he looked around in bliss.
“Now, go teach the blabbermouth a lesson.” You said to him, patting his shoulder with a smile. Gabriel’s confidence soon returned after he realized that he won the heart of his lady. He looked at you and booped you lovingly on the nose before standing up.
“Oh Dean...” Gabriel called out, his fingers ready to snap and send the older Winchester onto another hellscape. You giggled and opened your book again, listening out for the chaos to come.
Meanwhile, Sam has never run so fast in his life.
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skyhawkstragedy · 2 months
BB26 Houseguests and how I think they would play Dead By Daylight
I haven’t done this in a while
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Angela: Will actually harass the killer at some point. If she dies you can expect her in the chat calling killer a bitch. Ellen Ripley main.
Brooklyn: idk why this woman gives me Wire Tap energy. Like no matter who she chooses that is always in the loadout. Will probably use as many pallets as she can in a chase.
Cam: A very by-the-book survivor. Plays Dwight with Prove Thyself, maybe adept if he’s feeling frisky. Does gens, unhooks maybe one or two times, then dips. Very standard gameplay.
Cedric: Gets on a SWF and does what he’s told. Hey go do a gen. Hey go save this person. Gives perpetual newbie energy. Gravitates towards Leon, Jake and Renato.
Chelsie: The one telling Cedric what to do. Above average at the game but thinks she’s better than she is. Elodie main.
Joseph: A deceptive player. Likes to play games with the killer but is very likely to fail at them. Ash main.
Kenney: You just know he only picked Leon because he’s a cop. Gag. Leon is one of the only cops I trust. Definitely one to police other players. Will play Wesker as killer.
Kimo: Observes through vibes and is the most likely to get jumpscared. Gives big Aestri main energy. He probably just likes the music.
Leah: Also plays on vibes, but is better than most people expect. Most likely to get caught bc she clipped a corner. Easy Kate or Rebecca main.
Lisa: Will pick the cosmetic with the brightest colors and whine when she gets tunneled. Pretty much a Yui or Yunjin main for this reason 🤷‍♂️
Matt: Chris Redfield player. Another standard survivor, but will most likely stick with another person. Definitely feuding with someone in the endgame chat (very likely Angela).
Makensy: She gives off the vibes that she’s really good at this game. I feel a competitive spirit in her. Probably the best at looping. Feng or Jill main.
Quinn: You just know he’s gonna pick someone like Quentin or Adam just to be different. Very knowledgeable at the game and the most likely to have a loadout that matches the meta.
Rubina: Very clueless at the game but also the most likely to stay and heal you after unhooking. Altruistic to a fault. Claud or Gabriel main.
T’kor: Picked Lara Croft just because she’s British. Best at navigating the map and gathering information on where the killer has been. Also the most likely to fail skill checks.
Tucker: Switches between survivor and killer often but he’s CRACKEDT at both. Best at looping and can lure killer away from someone else with ease. Vittorio main who’s also skilled at Pyramid Head and Trickster. Also the person most likely to avoid a 3 gen situation. He likes puzzles, baby.
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veeva-i0i · 11 months
Good News everyone! I actually started on that Sam and Gabriel Soulmate fic that has been living in my mind rent-free. It will at least include the following (which I am totally NOT normal about);
Sam dating Jess, truly and deeply loving her despite them not being soulmates. He carries an immense guilt about her death, knowing that it was his fault that someone else would never get to meet and love their soulmate;
Sam knowing that somewhere out there, he does have a soulmate. People without soulmates don't have any dreams. His soulmate never showing up, meant that somehow they were hiding. And really, the older Sam got the more he started to understand why. He wouldn't want to be his own soulmate either.
Their shared dreamscape consisting of different rooms, for years it was only Sam's rooms that were visible to him (including a fast forest, an English literature classroom (later turned into a college classroom), and a library). The dreamscape changes once he meets the cute janitor while on a case, new rooms seemingly appearing out of nowhere. It lights a spark of hope in Sam, but it doesn't quite connect all the dots in his mind.
Mystery spot puts some more dominoes in place, it gives some more hints as to why Sam feels these tugs of attraction and want towards the trickster, despite the whole 'killing your brother over and over again', though the push to tumble those dominoes doesn't come quite yet.
After Mystery spot, the fic will follow a different timeline, one where they discover who Gabe is quicker. Dean will absolutely tear Gabriel a new one for keeping his brother in the dark about their soulmate bond.
Gabriel leaving behind one of his wing-feathers after that confrontation, a small bit of grace clinging onto it that put Sam at ease.
Sam getting said feather tattooed on his forearm (because I go absolutely FERAL for tattooed Sam) the first time Gabriel fakes his death to save the brothers. He stops showing up in their shared dreams and the feather loses its grace. Sam can only assume the worst.
Let's be real, Gabriel is still alive. The man is just doing what he's best at; running away from his problems. He's terrified of the idea of having a soulmate, of them being a hunter. Angels mate for life and he wasn't ready for the commitment, so he ran instead.
And there's just so much more going around in my brain for this fic. I just can't be normal about THEM.
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kurtisthesnivy · 10 months
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So about six years ago, I created a homebrew system for a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon tabletop game. It didn't quite pan out, so I migrated to a heavily homebrewed version of DnD 5e (also designed by yours truly.) Until about 4 months ago, I was running two different campaigns as well as a handful of smaller adventures. I can't take full credit, my boyfriend has been a massive help with running games and coming up with homebrew. Over the last half decade, I've kept a record of all of the characters that have played in our games. And as a celebration of finishing such a long journey, here's all 72 characters that have been played in PMDnD. 
Also, I recorded the timelapse of the whole process: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0b3rYlGvFU
All characters in rough order of being drawn 
Xaio, Oshawott Rogue (old system) 
Byron, Nidoran Mercenary (old system) 
Qyzen, Litten Fighter (old system) 
Tobu, Oricorio Black Mage (old system) 
Argaveus, Scyther Zealot Barbarian/Blood Hunter 
Tovu, Togedemaru Grave Domain Cleric 
Issac, Riolu Gunslinger Fighter 
Lest, Arcanine Pyromancer Sorcerer 
Dolon, Sylveon Life Domain Cleric
Blaze, Charizard College of Swords Bard 
Skye, Zoroark School of Illusion Wizard 
Ludwig, Dartrix Oath of Redemption Paladin 
Noelani, Floatzel Life Domain Cleric 
Roger, Monferno School of War Magic Wizard
Joshua, Hakamo-o Gunslinger Fighter 
James, Toxicroak Arcane Trickster Rogue 
Micheal, Pachirisu Ancestral Guardian Barbarian 
Koishi, Oricorio Dancer Bard 
Clay, Lycanroc Battlemaster Fighter 
Grace, Comfey Totem Master Fighter 
Gabriel, Auroros Hexblade Warlock 
Elena, Floatzel Horizon Walker Ranger 
Allen, Scizor Way of the Kensai Monk
Haku, Zoroark Assassin Rogue 
Alex, Weavile Thief Rogue
Stella, Chesnaught Fortune Teller Astrologian 
Iona, Cinccino College of Valor Bard/Trained PKMN 
Akira, Kekleon Alchemist Artificer 
Shift, Eevee Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer 
Justin, Sceptile Oath of Ancients Paladin 
Arin, Roserade Pact of the Deep Warlock 
Zhang, Smeargle Eldritch Knight Fighter 
Firokhan, Houndoom Way of the Kensai Monk 
Camilla, Gardevoir Divine Soul Sorcerer 
Hyargrum, Alolan Marowack School of Necromancy Wizard 
Lilliana, Audino Spiritmaster White Mage 
Koko, Thwacky Dawnbringer Warlock 
Aiden, Lopunny Path of Wild Magic Barbarian 
Dex, Sableye Echo Knight Fighter 
Jae, Banette Order of Scribes Wizard 
Minet, Cinccino Way of the Kensei Monk 
Ergin, Houndoom Arcane Trickster Rogue 
Audra, Manectric Circle of Wildfire Shaman 
Tristan, Goodra Cavalier Fighter 
Kasi, Frogedier Way of the Dragon Monk 
Mobius, Decidueye Gloomstalker Ranger 
Rook, Krokorok Inquisitive Rogue 
Jack, Decidueye Drakewarden Ranger 
Guinness, Haxorus Path of the Totem Barbarian 
Kadmos, Sceptile Way of the Kensai Monk 
Pluto, Delibird Oath of the Ancients Paladin 
Meryl, Golurk School of Abjuration Wizard 
Penicillin, Meganium Life Domain Cleric
Cleo, Ampharos Celestial Warlock
Quin, Quilava Drakewarden Ranger
Rheda, Hisuian Sneasel School of Illusion Wizard
Rian, Zangoose Path of the Beast Barbarian 
Lucas, Delphox Knowledge Domain Cleric/School of Divination Wizard 
Rubix, Typhlosion Arcane Archer Fighter/Soulfuse 
Henry, Kecleon Storm Sorcerer
Floss, Delibird Spiritmaster White Mage 
Cassandra, Absol Celestial Warlock/Soulfuse 
Calvin, Archeops Oath of the Crown Paladin 
Ballard, Azumaril College of Whispers Bard/Hexblade Warlock 
Adachi, Toxicroak Way of the Open Palm Monk/Barbairan 
Zeish, Lucario Swashbuckler Rogue/Celestial Warlock 
Sol, Charizard Gunslinger Fighter/Artificer 
Thalnor, Charizard Oath of the Ancients Paladin 
Ariana, Nidoqueen College of Swords Bard/Fighter 
Clade, Absol Hexblade Warlock/Soulfuse 
Jace, Luxray Battlesmith Artificer
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bitkahuna · 11 months
WIP Fanfictions:
Masterlist of the seven fanfictions I’m currently writing. Will be updated as progress is made!!
To see my published fanfictions, go here to my AO3
Green fics are being actively worked on while orange fics are touched less consistently. Blue are actively being published and are a priority.
1) Thorin Oakenshield x Bilbo Baggins - Lord of the Rings & The Hobbit - Cultural differences being abound as an innocent Hobbit is corrupted by our favorite dwarven king. (NSFW, gay, corruption kink)
2) Harry Potter x Draco Malfoy - Harry Potter book and movie franchises - An entire fucking rewrite of the book series where Harry is far more proactive and more of a BAMF in trying to not only thwart, but also go on the offense in the war between good and evil, as well as his life after. (NSFW, gay, portrayals of addiction, graphic violence, death and murder (but it’s only the bad guys cause I’m only capable of writing happy endings))
3) Julian Bashir x Elim Garak - Star Trek: Deep Space 9 - post-Dominion war ... it's incredibly fucking complicated. Nearly a decade ago, Julian Bashir, along with 12 other augmented children were rescued from a secret base on an asteroid, rehabilitated, and given the chance at real lives. When Dr. Zimmerman boards the DS9 having already realized Julian is an augment, Starfleet creates the lie that it was done by his parents in order to save face for the fact that they knew Julian was an augment before he ever even enrolled at the academy. But when the truth begins to come out, Garak is quite fascinated by just how good a liar Julian actually is.
4) Reader x Dr. T’Ana - Star Trek: Lower Decks - A dying cryo-ship is stumbled upon by the USS: Cerritos with only a single human aboard. Dr. T’Ana finds herself suspicious of the woman born four hundred years ago as her crumbling relationship with Shaxs leads her to a queer crisis.
5) Reader x Cicero - Elder Scrolls X: Skyrim - After the final battle against Alduin, something went wrong. Very wrong. The Dragonborn should not have been able to absorb Alduin’s soul. Yet, she did. What happens when the souls of a Dragonborn and a demigod combine?
6) Reader x Asterion - Baldur’s Gate III - The Nautiloid slipped from world to world, dimension to dimension, and universe to universe with all the ease of a cockroach squirming under a door. Until, shortly before the events leading to its crash, it crashed through the realm of the goddess of dreams, accidentally taking the goddess and resetting her to a weakened mortal form.
7) Sam x Gabriel - Supernatural - After Jack resets the world, all seems normal. Dangers are still abound, but not nearly as serious as they once were. A powerful mage trying to find eternal youth has popped up on the Winchester’s radar, but after investigating and finding the perp, Sam is hit with the interrupted magic ritual and is reverted back to who he was in his college days. Unfortunately for him, a certain trickster archangel was also resurrected by Jack. Even more unfortunate, Sam was quite the asshole in college. Just the kind that Gabriel had always taken a particular joy in humbling.
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Thinking about the way that Gabriel took Loki's identity as a cover and then lived as him for possibly millions of years. About how there were probably times where he forgot who he ever used to be. His former identity stopped mattering entirely. Thinking about the way he constantly used doubles of himself to avoid conflict, the way he's probably so used to seeing other "fake" versions of himself that walk and talk and act exactly like him. Thinking about Gabriel seeing the "real" Loki finally after years. Him seeing another--autonomous--version of himself, walking and talking, who's exactly like him. How would that have even felt? They had been different people at one point. Maybe they were still different in metaphysical ways, in memories and motivations. But at this point is there even a "real" and "fake" Trickster? Would it feel even substantially different from looking at one of his own doubles or looking at himself in the mirror? And then that same other version of himself turns on him.
This is also interesting to think about in terms of the failed redemption arc. Because who are the writers redeeming? The archangel Gabriel? Or a Trickster? In what ways would redemption entail Gabriel to go back to his "former identity" insofar as he even has an identity to go back to?
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 months
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𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐫 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐬
↳ summary: gabriel is dead set on killing loki, but ezra finds the trickster first. persuasive is one word to describe him. deadly is another.
↳ warnings: fighting and violence
↳ notes: based on the season thirteen episode 'unfinished buisness' with my character ezra. all you should know before reading is that he was extremely pissed at gabriel for running off after finishing with asmodeus. click here for an extensive look at who ezra is! enjoy
↳ song: mad iq's—i don't know how but they found me
sona masterlist | commissions | carrd
The hotel floorboards creaked underneath Ezra's feet as he padded down the hallways.
He knew that they had come to the the right place— that Loki was here. It hadn't been hard to narrow that down once Gabriel had opened the elevator doors and started what had practically been a shootout straight from a movie; complete with the flickering lights and all. Unless the hotel owners here took the safety of their guests very seriously, there was no other explanation for why the upper floor had been crawling with armed gunmen. Not that any of the owners could probably afford gunman anyway. All the buildings Dean had passed in Baby on the way here had been sagging with old age, and the one Ezra was currently prowling around in was no different.
It was too cold, too ugly, and too quiet for a place that was supposed to be housing the trickster of all tricksters, but he figured that's what Loki would want his pursuers to think. So he pushed on.
Ezra paused as he turned another corner, realizing he had gone in a loop. Four left turns in a row. That means he should be back where he started, only that wasn't the case. Instead of the rusty elevator that he, Sam, Dean and Gabriel had made their grand entrance and then consequently split up from, there was a nice set of pearly white doors staring him down. A part of Ezra felt calm at the sight. Like he should be opening them and stepping into whatever lay behind without a second thought. Trust me, the white wood whispered. I'm your friend.
The other part of him turned around to catch Loki's hand before he could stab him in the back.
"Whoops. You caught me."
Ezra's eyes widened a fraction of an inch at the carbon copy of Gabriel that stared back at him. Gabriel had said that he'd taken on Loki's face when he'd gone into hiding from heaven, but Ezra didn't expect him to have meant that literally.
"I have to hand it to you kid. You're smarter than you look."
Ezra's gaze snapped down to Loki's wrist as he felt it begin to dematerialize in his grip. Wisps of thin smoke danced in front of his eyes, and suddenly the god wasn't there anymore.
"So you are the infamous Azrael Basil." Ezra turned his gun in the direction Loki's voice was coming from now, and it ended up somewhere over his right shoulder before he could fully turn around. Loki's smug smile was waiting for him in the meantime, mouth enclosed around a sweet treat that Ezra had seen in Gabriel's own grasp many a times.
"Heard a lot about you." Loki finished, bringing the sucker away from his mouth with a loud pop, maintaining eye contact with Ezra as he did so. The lewdness of the action made Ezra's rough expression dip into uncertain waters for a moment before snapping back to its original state.
"Hope I'm living up to the legend." He managed to keep his voice devoid of emotions. The barrel of his gun was set dead center at Loki's forehead, but he didn't pull the trigger. Not yet.
"Well that's for me to decide, and for you to find out, isn't it?" Loki spread his arms with a fancy flourish, a crooked smile making itself at home on his face. Twirling the sucker stick in between his fingers, he plucked a black case out of thin air and opened it, placing the candy alongside its brothers in one quick move.
"Is that a lollipop holster?" Ezra opened his mouth before he could think to stop, and regretted asking the moment Loki's eyes swept over him in a playful manner.
"Aren't you the perceptive one?" He grinned, scratching absentmindedly at the stubble on his chin. "Want a taste?" He shook the case in Ezra's direction with a quirk of his eyebrow.
"No thanks." The gun in his hands was gripped tighter. "I don't exactly have stupid written on my forehead."
Loki didn't answer. His grin just got bigger.
"I'm going to ignore your silence and hope that I don't have anything written on my face now."
"Boo. You're no fun." He sighed. With a snap, the case was sent away, and Ezra's muscles pulled tight at the sound.
"Relax for a moment, would ya? I'm not going to kill you just yet. I've been dying to meet you." Loki rolled his eyes to an invisible audience as if to say 'can you believe this guy,' before unbuttoning the coat on his suit. The flaps fell away to reveal a pinstriped shirt underneath that went wonderfully with the hat placed carefully on a pile of golden curls, and Ezra took a split second to look down at his own outfit with a frown. Clearly he had gone into this mission a bit underdressed, if the various holes peppered in his shirt said anything.
"Oh don't feel bad." Loki waved his hand as if he could read Ezra's mind. "I could snap you up some new digs in no time flat if you'd like."
"No thanks." Ezra resisted the urge to clear his throat, clearly thrown off by the offer. "They'd just get bloody."
"You sure?" Loki raised an eyebrow yet again. He didn’t seem very phased by the not so hidden threat.
"I could get you whatever you'd like, and I'm not just talking about clothes. A smart guy like you should be able to pick up on the offer I'm laying down here."
"You're going to make me do all the work for you, aren't you?" Loki groaned with a comical touch to it. "Let me break it down. Me: an age old god. Father of deception. The trickster of all tricksters. Okay, got it?" He sent a look in Ezra's direction, clapping his hands happily without waiting for an answer. "And you: an extremely killable human with a bit of a habit of ending the world. Not exactly the fairest of fights now is it?"
"Something tells me you're not looking to make this fight fair." Ezra hummed. Loki grinned in response.
"You're only partially right. Look, I’m thinking we can help each other out.” Loki’s complacent grin rivaled that of even the best salesman in the world.
“Word on the street is you’re looking for a gateway into another reality. Now, you could go about it the hard way like I know you have been, or—” He held up a single finger, pausing, “—or you could let me help you. All I ask in return is for you to betray those thankless idiots you call friends when it’s all over. Maybe even kill one of them. A simple trade, no? And you won't even have to sell your soul.”
“Oh no, I’ll just throw away a decade of comradery for some has-been with an ego. Easy peasy right?”
“No need for name calling. Here I thought we were being civil” Loki’s expressions darkened like the sky before a storm. It took him a second to get it back to a look of charm and eager promises. “Come on kiddo. You can’t tell me you’ve never thought of leaving those suckers behind. Odin knows that they’d trade you for the chance to find their mommy in a heart beat.”
Ezra felt his grip falter.
“You know I’m right.” Loki beamed. “What do you say? Let’s make a deal.”
The seconds stretched on as Ezra’s eyes searched his face. Looking for something to cling onto. A lie, a truth, anything at all.
He dug his feet into the carpeted floor heartily.
"Interesting offer, but I think I'm going to have to decline." He sent a falsely saccharine smile Loki's way and cocked his gun with a firm click. "I don't make deals with douche wads."
"Well if that's how you're going to be.." Loki let his sentence trail off with a sigh, taking off his hat and placing it down on the hallway stand next to him haphazardly. It was a calm and collected movement, and Ezra felt the tension roll off of it in waves. “Can’t say I didn’t try!”
Without so much as a warning, Loki’s hand shot out, and Ezra felt himself being thrown backwards as his gun went flying.
One of the hallways' rotted walls splintered under the weight of his back as he made sudden contact with it, his elbows and the heels of his feet knocking against its surface painfully. They yelped at the feeling, and it was louder than they'd like to admit.
He had enough of his bearings together as he scrambled up, using the wall behind him as a crutch all the while, to realize that Loki didn't even have to touch him to hurt him. A part of his brain yelled that hurting Loki wouldn't be as easy as he thought either. That was all but confirmed as he went to take a swing at the god, just for his fist to be caught in an iron grip.
Loki wiggled his eyebrows, and Ezra swallowed.
This time, there was nowhere behind Ezra for his body to go flying, so he just hit the wall with a loud noise before sliding down the length of it again.
"You know, I see a lot of myself in you." Loki tapped his chin as he looked down at a dazed Ezra. He watched as they shakily reached for their gun that they had dropped, but kicked it away at the last moment with an 'ah-ah-ah' noise. Wagging his finger at them in a no no motion wasn't necessary, but Loki took joy in the disgust Ezra displayed at the childish chiding.
"Like I said, I see myself when I look at you." Loki gripped Ezra by his jaw, squishing his cheeks together as he brought the man to standing height; and then some. Ezra made a noise that could have been identical to a garbage disposal in any other situation and clawed at Loki's hands. His fingernails left soft pink trails in their wake, and it only took him a second to figure out that whatever he was doing wasn't working.
"Ambitious, dashing good looks, young—" Loki cut himself off with a wistful sigh. "Okay maybe I'm stretching the young thing, but you have to admit, I don't look a day over ten thousand!"
Ezra opened his mouth for a slow moment like he was about to say something. Loki raised an eyebrow and leaned in slightly, possibly in an attempt to hear whatever garbled nonsense the hunter would try to get out, before his teeth grit together in a cry of pain.
Ezra dropped from Loki's hold and took little time in scrambling away. His gun had since returned to his hand at that point, thanks to some sneaky shimmying, and he silently thanked Sam for having the hindsight to load the weapon with, well, the ammo that he did. Whatever those bullets were made of, they worked. At least well enough to distract a god.
Looking down, Loki saw the smoking hole in one of his shoes, and smelled his own blood in the air. His nostrils flared in poorly concealed anger as he barked out a harsh laugh, recovering quickly while flicking his arms out to tighten the fabric of his sleeves around them.
"Oh now you've done it." Loki chuckled. There was no humor behind the sound this time.
If you asked him later, Ezra would tell you that he blacked out a little at that point. That the next few minutes were filled with the blur of thrown punches and heavily drawn blood. But he'd be lying.
Ezra counted every blow sent his way, and every swing he took of his own. For each punch he sent in Loki's direction, twice as many were sent back. Each strategic kick was met with five more at full force, beating him down until eventually Ezra got sloppy. Sloppy enough for Loki to twist behind him, arm situating itself around his neck like a boa constrictor and forcing him to his knees. Ezra knelt on the carpet, trapped in a headlock and struggling for air as Loki laughed.
"I know all about you, Azrael." Loki's breath was hot and heavy along the side of Ezra's face as he gripped his neck, squeezing harder with each passing sentence. "How do you think I knew just what to offer you back there, hm? Your pal, Gabriel? Before I sent him away to Asmodeus? He was reallll chatty about you and your pals. You three must have made some sort of an impression on him." His knuckles tightened in their grip, spreading a ghoulish white quality across the stretched expanse of skin over them.
Ezra choked some more.
"He talked a lot about some of your deepest darkest secrets. Poor guy does feel bad for what he did to you, you know. But he'd never admit it. Has to keep things professional and all that. I'm sure you understand." Loki flashed an award winning grin. He could have been accepting an award on some stage at that moment, not choking the life out of someone.
Ezra did, in fact, understand. That urge to have people fill in the gaps for you, because once you said what you were really thinking, it became true, and not some urge you shoved down. He really did understand that. Or he might have, if it wasn't for the crushing pressure around his windpipe.
It took him a moment to be able to focus on anything other than the lack of air getting through to his brain, and once he did, he realized it was because Loki had taken a step back. Cold fingers were still wrapped around his throat hard enough to keep him on his knees, but at least Ezra didn't feel like he was being suffocated anymore.
"You talk too much." He wheezed. It was a barely audible sound, but he could practically feel the way Loki's face soured.
"I know how left behind you feel, Ezra. How left behind you are. I know that you'd do anything to have the connection that Dean and Sam do with somebody. That's why you give so many people second chances, isn't it? Crowley, Castiel, Rowena, and now even our own little Gabriel. When will you learn, Ezra. You’re damaged goods. Not even second rate. Try third. It's just sad at this point."
To punctuate his sentence, Loki sent a punch straight at Ezra's nose. His head snapped back with a sickening crack, hitting the stained wallpaper behind him with too much force to be okay. Something wet and bitter tasting filled the cavern of his mouth slowly, and Ezra knew without having to feel around that he'd bit off a chunk of his tongue. That was going to be a bitch to heal later; if there even was a later.
"I mean, really, what did you think you were going to do to me, hm?" Loki made a sucking noise with his teeth and rolled his eyes. "You're supposed to be the one with common sense! Sure, the four of you knuckle draggers come in here, kill my sons and then me, blah blah blah. But coming after me all by yourself? Rookie mistake, killer.”
It was tough for Ezra to pull it together enough to lift his head up. His movements felt sluggish— like he was surrounded in a thick layer of molasses. But he managed, situating his head upright enough to get a good look at Loki’s face.
“I really must have done a number on you if you’re smiling at a time like this.” Loki mirrored Ezra’s toothy grin with a condescending air, albeit his a little less bloody than the other man’s.
“Nope.” Ezra laughed with a high pitch to it, some blood spraying out of his mouth in a fine mist at the action. “Just happy to have a front row seat.”
Loki barely had enough time to realize what Ezra meant before Gabriel was on him, pulling the trickster away from Ezra and throwing him across the small room. Sam and Dean poured into the hallway soon after, the former wasting no time in crouching down to drape Ezra’s arm around his shoulders and then away from the fight while Dean shuffled alongside them with a limp of his own.
Sam asked them a question, and then asked it again in a louder tone when Ezra didn’t respond. He was too busy watching the fight between Loki and Gabriel as they circled each other. The energy radiating off of them reminded Ezra of an alley cat fight, only if the alley cats were two superpowered beings that shared the same face. But like before with Loki, it was his words that really caught Ezra’s attention more than anything. Specifically the way they were directed as Gabriel with such deadly force and accuracy.
“Poor Gabriel. With his dead beat Daddy and his mean older brothers.”
A kick was sent to Gabriel's ribs. He was sprawled on the floor now, caught off guard at some point in the stand off. Sam and Dean only watched. They knew better than to get involved in this fight.. They all knew that Gabriel had come here to kill Loki on his own, even if that meant he got hurt in the process. Or worse.
“Who will help me! Who will save me!” Loki mocked Gabriel cruelly.
Another kick.
“I did.” Loki’s voice contained nothing but pure rage as he pulled a similar move on Gabriel like the one he had done with Ezra earlier. The archangel’s toes skimmed the ground as he was hoisted in the air by his coat lapels, nose brushing against Loki’s similarly shaped one.
“But you couldn't keep one single promise. And then you had the audacity to ask me to help you? Again?” They tumbled backward in a streak of furious red and black.
Ezra found he could no longer see either Gabriel or Loki over Sam’s height, so he shifted in his grip to catch sight of the two of them again, stopping only when Sam squeezed him around the middle. A sign to hold still.
“You think I deserve to die for your spinelessness?” They heard Loki all but spit. His face was red, and his finely combed hair was now frizzed up like a madman’s, no doubt having been mussed up in one of the two fights he had picked this evening. “That my sons deserve to die?”
Gabriel was shoved into another wall yet again.
“Of course.” Loki licked his lips, lowering his voice to a timbre that only Gabriel could hear. “Of course you would need someone to swoop in and save your pitiful ass.”
“Shut up.” Gabriel managed to get those two words unlodged from his throat, only to have Loki toss him away once again. Ezra had a fleeting thought that he could have been the god of throwing people across the room in another life, but his attempt at humor was lost even on himself.
The two grappled for one more moment until eventually, when the dust settled, it was Gabriel that had the upper hand this time. His left palm was digging into Loki’s chest, keeping him in place as the wooden sword he’d brought to the battle lay digging into Loki’s front. A promise of what was to come.
“Face it old friend.” Even with the threat of death looming over him, Loki couldn’t shut up. Fueled by an anger like no other, he continued. “You’re a joke. You’re a failure. You live for pleasure, and you stand for nothing.” Loki’s eyes flickered over to Ezra and the Winchester’s at that. “And in the end? That's exactly what you’ll die for.”
Nobody said anything as Gabriel stared into eyes that were an exact replica of his own, right down to the rage and fear that threatened to boil over at all times.
“You first.” Gabriel whispered.
Loki’s body slid off of the end of the katana as Gabriel pulled it back. It slumped to the floor in a lifeless heap; an uneventful end to a very rough fight.
The archangel didn’t turn to look over at the audience he’d collected for a long while, and when he did, it was only to nod. A sign that it was over. Loki was really dead, and that he had completed what he’d set out to do.
“Come on, we should go.” Dean’s voice was gruff with the command, but nobody moved. It was like they were all under some sort of spell, watching Gabriel with bated breath as his eyes flickered to Ezra’s.
“Loki. He offered you everything you’re fighting for. All you had to do was betray me.” Gabriel hesitated with his words for a moment. He licked his lips almost nervously. “Why didn’t you?”
Ezra saw Sam and Dean look at him from the corner of his eye in a confused motion. He inhaled sharply. Ezra wasn’t all that surprised that Gabriel had overheard what he and Loki had been talking about— in fact he would go out of his way to say that Gabriel had heard the whole damn thing —but knowing and actually talking about what had been said was a whole other thing.
They winced as they pulled themself up to their full height, making a noise of pain in the process they hoped was quiet enough to pass as a weird sigh. Judging on the concerned face Dean pulled, it didn't.
“Not that I owe it to you to explain myself, but—” He cut Gabriel off from whatever he was about to say with a stern look, “—you of all people should understand. Family sucks, right? You said it yourself. I lost mine a long time ago, so I got my friends instead.” He stopped to look at Sam, who was still letting Ezra hang off of him. Somewhere else in the hallway he knew Dean was listening too, and spoke a little louder so he could be able to hear.
“Even if they’re stupid sometimes, or a lot of the time, they’re all I know. Betraying them would be like betraying the only people around that still have my back. And like I told that little shit Loki earlier, I don’t exactly have stupid written on my face.”
A pregnant pause filled the room following his words. Ezra watched as an array of emotions flickered across everyone faces; from pride and relief on Sam’s face, to a steely but quiet respect on Gabriel’s. Ezra was sure he was displaying some of his own in the moment, and took a shaky breath.
There was another moment of comfortable silence before Dean broke it.
“Hey, Ez? Listen, about the whole stupid not being written on your face thing—”
Ezra jerked his arm away from Sam as his hand flew up to touch his forehead. Pulling it back, he found black ink staining the tips of his fingertips, and let out a strangled noise of anger.
“Oh come on!”
Gabriel’s face broke out into a smile as Dean laughed heartily. With red ears, Ezra threw his hands up. The pain in his body was too busy being masked with embarrassment for him to care.
“Was anybody going to tell me that, or were you all just going to let me walk out into the street looking like this!?”
“Well, I mean, your hair covers most of it—”
“Gabriel, don’t finish that sentence.” Sam closed his eyes and laughed like he couldn’t believe the conversation he was having. “We’ll get you cleaned up back in the car Ezra. For now let’s get out of here before police respond to a call about gunshots.”
With a reluctant grumble, Ezra pulled the front of his beanie down further, bringing it to the top of his eyebrows and hoping that did enough to cover the black writing.
“I really hope that asshole didn’t make it permanent.”
“Oh, you have to let me get a picture if that’s true.”
“So help me god, I will kill you Dean—”
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