#diet mention
marzipanandminutiae · 2 years
in view of Netflix and a few other networks apparently announcing that they are no longer requiring actors to wear corsets/stays, but framing it as the ultimate in feminist allyship against an Oppressive Historical Torture-Garment (and presumably typing their press releases one-handed, if you catch my drift), I have a few things to say:
1. I presume they will also be condemning Spanx, dieting, weight loss surgery, obsessive exercise, breast or pectoral or ab implants, Flat Tummy Tea, editing actors’ bodies in post, etc. since this is all about promoting healthy body image. ...right?
2. Okay, this one is not tongue-in-cheek: if a costume designer forces you to wear massively uncomfortable stays or corsets and tells you your discomfort is an inherent feature of that garment type, they are lying. All the articles on this cited reports from actresses saying they threw up because of Regency stays or couldn’t eat in Edwardian corsets. And while  I’m sure some of that is giving interview audiences the sensationalism they want to hear, I believe them in general. 
Someone needs to tell them that that’s not normal.
I have worn corsets and stays a lot in my life. I know people who wear them as everyday support garments. And neither I nor anyone I know has been seriously hindered in normal activities by them. There are even photos and videos of women from corset-intensive eras climbing glaciers, playing sports, having snowball fights, doing manual labor...living their lives
 Sure, there have always been and will always be people who find corsets or stays inherently uncomfortable- that’s why it’s good to have many support garment options available for people who need them. And there have always been and will always be ill-made, ill-fitting, or extreme examples of the type- I’m not  saying corsets are always The Most Comfortable Thing Ever For Everyone, because that’s not universally true of any garment.
But these production companies have been hurting actresses under the guise of “historical accuracy,” and this latest pronouncement is just another attempt to shift the blame. 
Don’t let them get away with it.
EDIT: Apparently the Official nature of the source for this announcement is in question, but the gist of the post still stands, so I’m leaving it up. Will edit further if new developments arise.
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tangledinink · 7 months
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Would you like a fresh dumpling? I promise they’re absolutely 100% safe to eat and not at all the worst thing you will ever taste in your life
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dont be fooled by their heavily manicured PR statements, most of those gifts were going in the trash, anyway... (i mean, ruin their diet plans with all those carbs and sugar? be seen in public in clothing NOT approved by their styling team? what, do they have a DEATH WISH?)
@tmntaucompetition @fireheartfan @the-golden-system @teainthesnow @coffee-is-my-friend @fanartmayhem @littlemissartemisia @merakimagic @cruilty-ink @v01ds-dragon-den @addystuffs @allyssl
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sandersstudies · 8 months
As an actor changing your body for a role feels embarrassing. You tell people you’re trying to lose/gain fat/muscle and they’re like “nooooo you’re beautiful the way you are :(“
No Jess this isn’t a toxic diet culture thing it’s that I have to go provide the body for a fictional human who doesn’t fit in mine. Think Sean Astin gaining weight to play Sam Gamgee.
I got cast in a stunt role for the spring and that stunt work will get easier for myself and my fellow actors if I drop weight by then. That’s not an insecurity that’s just a fact.
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theotherhappyplace · 1 year
If I post anything under the body positive or plus size beauty tags on Instagram it changes all of my recommended adds to ads for Ozempic and weight loss apps.
That is pretty evil.
That is pretty rancid.
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thedeafprophet · 2 months
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i was lookin up a clear liquid diet because i'll probably need to do so a bit around the surgery and this made me go... what
honey????? i guess. technically. its a liquid. but what.
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creature-wizard · 3 months
The importance of separating belief from practice from economy when criticizing spirituality
I notice that a lot of people who want to criticize harmful expressions of spirituality often conflate the beliefs and practices of those spiritualities together, rather than separating them and asking themselves which one is harmful exactly, and why.
Sometimes, both practice and belief are harmful. For example, going on a highly restrictive detox diet because it will supposedly rid your body of toxins put into regular food by an evil conspiracy. There's no evidence that detox diets actually work as claimed (and if they seem to, it may be that you actually have a food allergy or intolerance, and you feel better because you happen to be cutting out that food for awhile), and they can actually be very harmful. Meanwhile, this sort of conspiratorial worldview has roots in old antisemitic conspiracy theories used to justify violence against Jews in the past, and today, justify queerphobia and ableism by way of suggesting that an evil conspiracy is putting chemicals in our food and water that turn kids gay, transgender, or give them ADHD, autism, or whathveyou.
But other times, it's not quite so simple. For example, let's look at modes of faith healing that hold that you should eschew evidence-based medicine in favor of praying and getting right with God. Meanwhile, studies show that people who rely on faith healing don't exactly have a great recovery rate. Many children have died from treatable diseases because their parents were taught that sickness was a test of faith and God would damn them for seeking conventional medicine. (Can you even imagine how terrified of eternal damnation you'd have to be in order to watch your own child die in agony?)
If we look at most people who believe in prayer, we can see that most of them don't agree with this extreme position. Most people believe in prayer and evidence-based medicine. If anything, prayer gives many people a way to feel like they aren't just sitting around doing nothing while their loved ones are in the hospital, and that itself is arguably beneficial.
Now, if you personally have trauma connected to prayer, or just don't find any meaning or satisfaction in prayer, then it's fine if you don't want to do it. But that doesn't mean it's appropriate to tell everyone else that they shouldn't do it. When you do this, you're just using your own personal feelings as a moral compass, and as we know from observing the "thinking about gay sex grosses me out, therefore it's unnatural and against God's will" crowd, that's no way to go.
So how about beliefs and practices used to extort people? For example, energy healing services often come with steep price tags. But let's be real, so does evidence-based medicine in places like the US. This clearly does not mean people should just stop seeking evidence-based medicine. It does means that we drastically need to change the system, so healthcare is more accessible. Additionally, if there's one thing I've learned from researching alternative medicine, it's that practitioners are more likely to actually offer something for patients' complains, rather than telling them that it's all in their heads or that they need to lose weight. This doesn't mean that an exploitative alternative industry should be allowed to exist, of course. But it does mean that we need to understand how prejudice among doctors fuels it. Moreover, I think we can agree that someone who watches energy healing videos on free YouTube after they've done all they can from an evidence-based medicine standpoint, or offers free energy healing sessions to friends who are in the same boat, are not in the same category as scam victims and scammers.
So yeah, when you're out there criticizing harmful forms of spirituality and religion, remember to separate practice from belief from economy and examine each one separately and in terms of how they connect to each other and to larger issues, rather than putting it all on blast together.
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amethystsoda · 9 months
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One of the strengths of Skip and Loafer so far is the author's ability to introduce characters with classic manga stereotypes, then give them backstories and rounded out personalities that actually make you care about them.
Learning more about Egashira's past helps us empathize with her--where she first seemed like a rival to Mitsumi, she now is more of a person, a friend, and someone who struggles just like the others in her own way.
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cutecipher · 1 month
Telling the fat trans girl with an eating disorder that she (me) doesn't understand fatphobia really gets me. Go tell 12 year old me that I don't get it while I'm puking into the sink and begging Gd for a tapeworm while my parents work on the next crash diet to put me on
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rapidhighway · 6 months
I'm often bothered by the way people ignore eating as stress response over not eating. I know BED is pretty much ignored among eating disorders bc anorexia sounds so much scarier but if instead of starving you regulate emotions by eating it's not good either. In my experience this behavior also makes you feel miserable, and not even in a body-hating way
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lesbianrobin · 1 year
conversation around dieting and weight is so crazy sometimes you'll be in a space where everyone is like well obviously fat people are evil and should get skinny or die. and then you'll be in another space where everyone is like um anyone who's trying to lose weight is just caving to societal pressure and it's fucked up and if you're fat or out of shape then that's just who you are intrinsically and you should accept it and never ever try to change it. and it's like damn can y'all mind your own BUSINESS
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hello person i am trapped in the car with. maybe don't randomly talk about your diet/weight loss thing. keep that to yourself. thanks.
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a-polite-melody · 8 months
Me (5 months ago): *weighs x amount*
Me (5 months ago): *gets back a blood test with high A1C in the high range of “pre-diabetes” almost in range of diabetes*
Me (5 months ago): *changes diet to one made in collaboration with a nutritionist, eating mayyyybe slightly less calories, but the focus was less on that than learning about glycemic index and including more veggies*
Me (over the course of 5 months): *increases physical activity from 10ish minutes a day to working up to walking around 10km a day*
Me (now): *has A1C levels down at the low end of “pre-diabetes” and not considered a current risk for diabetes diagnosis*
Me (now): *sill weighs exactly x*
Many people would like you to think this couldn’t possibly happen. If you eat healthier and exercise more, you obviously have to lose weight. This is not true. This is why we focus on being healthy regardless of size when making changes to our lives (not that there’s morality in being healthy or that you must be healthy; just that that is the driving force behind changes, not to change size/weight).
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aroaceconfessions · 1 year
Vent about viewing myself as ugly
(I know I'm asexual for sure)
Am I aro, or is the idea of someone being genuinely in love with me (not some stupid ass obsession) too hard to believe? Am I aro, or am I so ugly that no one would ever see me as a romantic partner? Am I aro, or am I so jealous of my friends with their literal harems or whatever it's called meanwhile I've never even held hands romantically. Am I aro, or does it just "make sense you arnt into anyone "? Am I aro, or am I just repulsive?
I've done everything in my power to be beautiful. I've done it all. Diet, exercise, bad diets, make-up, shareware. Everything yet still no complements from people unless I ask how I look. Like I know I'm hideous, but you can at least lie. At this point I'd take a lie.
Submitted April 24, 2023
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intruderzim · 1 year
diet culture is such utter horseshit. why on earth should pasta not be consumed and enjoyed. (aside from allergens and true intolerances) why deprive yourself of one of the most human ways to connect with the world around you: enjoying food. and emphasis on ENJOYING, not just eating sawdust protein bars to keep your stupid flesh body alive so you can put more sawdust in it. humans have cultivated and created and experimented with all kinds of foods and ingredients over centuries and you’re gonna sit there and tell me to avoid pasta cuz it has Carbs in it?? do you fucking know anything? about anything? that carbs are your bodies’ preferred source of energy?? that there’s no such thing as a Bad macronutrient?? that the demonization of carbohydrates is fucking ridiculous, and how insane it is that these people tell you to avoid rice and anything with dough and bread and like 90% of every cultures food on earth?? makes you think huh! fuck you diet culture fuck you diet industries fuck you fuck you fuck you. this food was not made to hurt me, it wasn’t made to hurt anyone. this is meant to be shared and enjoyed and loved. i don’t think anyone meant any harm for inventing bread and it doesn’t make you a criminal to enjoy a slice.
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gutsygremlin · 1 year
Y’all don’t understand I have such a fascination with enormous men. Miguel being 6’9 with that muscle mass??? How much does he weigh???? Wtf does he eat? He’s literally built like a fucking Ox I need him so bad
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transkholins · 4 days
watching people on the internet be wrong about skin conditions & the treatment thereof is always aggravating. but doubly so with conditions that i actually have. you cannot diet your way out of dermatitis
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