#die rothschilds
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watchrwpohl · 8 months ago
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rwpohl · 8 months ago
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chemie und liebe, arthur maria rabenalt 1948
minnie and moskowitz, john cassavetes 1971
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creature-wizard · 1 month ago
A brief introduction to New Age spirituality (and some of the things wrong with it)
New Age can be summed up as spiritual movement that believes our planet is on the cusp of a new cosmic cycle (hence the term New Age) where humanity enters the next phase of its evolution. Its mythology incorporates a number of fringe beliefs and conspiracy theories, including Atlantis, Lemuria, ancient astronaut theory, and numerous conspiracy theories.
It was heavily influenced by the teachings of Helena Blavatsky, one of the main founders of Theosophy. Influenced by Victorian-age misconceptions about the nature of evolution, Blavatsky taught that we would soon enter the Age of Aquarius, where we would begin to see a new "race" of people who naturally had more powerful spiritual abilities, and then:
Then, as they increase, and their numbers become with every age greater, one day they will awake to find themselves in a majority. It is the present men who will then begin to be regarded as exceptional mongrels, until these die out in their turn in civilised lands ; surviving only in small groups on islands—the mountain peaks of to-day—where they will vegetate, degenerate, and finally die out, perhaps millions of years hence, as the Aztecs have, as the Nyam-Nyam and the dwarfish Moola Koorumba of the Nilghiri Hills are dying. (The Secret Doctrine, Volume II, page 445.)
You can see the influence of eugenics here - she's basically saying that when "superior" people arrive on the scene, then it's just the natural order for the "inferior" ones to die out.
New Age is rife with ideas informed by eugenics, including the belief that you literally have to "upgrade" your DNA to spiritually grow and the belief that humans are destined to become the most powerful beings in the galaxy because we were engineered from the best DNA each alien race had to offer. There are supposedly alien beings who are incapable of genuine kindness because it's just not in their genetic code, and these beings are said to walk among us. There are allegedly alien beings and even some people who cannot connect to the divine because it's not in their DNA.
I want to emphasize here that saying some people are just genetically incapable of kindness or experiencing God is the kind of thing people do when there's a bunch of people they really, really want to die. This is the rhetoric of genocide.
In fact, the evil aliens in New Age mythology, the reptilians, are based on antisemitic conspiracy theories. Depending on who you listen to, they're said to drink human blood and eat human flesh, or just feed on their life force or mental anguish. (Blood libel.) They're claimed to be behind everything described in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. They supposedly disguise themselves as humans so they can exploit us. (Not all Jews are supposedly reptilians, and not all people accused of being reptilians are Jews, but Jews make up a disproportionate number of people claimed to be reptilians.)
David Icke, who is behind the reptilian alien conspiracy theory most people know today, wrote in his book The Biggest Secret (page 212):
The so-called Protocols of the Elders of Zion were discovered in the last century and tell in incredible detail the events and methods of manipulation we have seen manifest in the 20th century. These documents were very much the creation of the Rothschilds and the reptilian-Aryans. But they are not really the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, they are, in truth, the Protocols of SION, the Sun, and the Priory of Sion. So much disinformation and aggression has been hurled at the Protocols and anyone who has mentioned them - including me - because the Brotherhood are desperate to discredit their contents. It is far too close to home. Hitler used the Protocols in part to justify the oppression of Jews, but he was given the Protocols by a Rothschild agent of Khazar decent called Alfred Rosenberg. I don’t accept that the Protocols are ‘Jewish’ in the way people have come to understand that term. They are the work of the reptile-Aryans and made to appear ‘Jewish’ so that we lose the plot.
Icke is also invoking a discredited hypothesis that proposed Ashkenazi Jews are descended from a group of Khazars who converted to Judaism. No one takes it seriously anymore, except for some people who try and use it to claim that Ashkenazi Jews aren't actually real Jews. It's a very ridiculous conspiracy theory because even if Ashkenazi Jews were descended from Khazars, they would still be 100% real Jews. The only people who think your "real" culture or ethnicity determined solely by your genetics are eugenicists. (Go look up blood quantum and the Mischling test.)
Moreover, the "Brotherhood" Icke refers to is a variation on Alexander Hislop's conspiracy theory that the Catholic Church is secretly a Babylonian mystery cult. Hislop was a Scottish Presbyterian minister who claimed in his book The Two Babylons that Babylonians were behind every religion that wasn't good, wholesome Protestant Christianity. He asserted, for example, that "Easter" was derived from "Ishtar" on the simple basis that they sound kind of similar. He also claimed that nearly every pagan god and goddess was actually based on Semiramis, Nimrod, and their son Tammuz (who was regarded as a reincarnation of Nimrod). Hislop's assertions also rely on a literal interpretation of the stories of the Flood and the Tower of Babel. There is of course to evidence to support any of these claims. This article briefly explains just how bad Hislop's methodology is. (By the way, each and every conspiracy theory that claims a Babylonian mystery cult is behind everything is derived from Hislop's work!)
The rest of the alien mythology New Age incorporates also has racist origins. The existence of large and sophisticated stonework like the Great Pyramids challenged the belief that Europeans were inherently superior to the non-white people they considered primitive. So people began to propose that others had built these structures for them. (Ignatius L. Donnelly, for example, proposed that they'd been built by Atlanteans.)
One of the first people to propose aliens was Erich von Daniken. In his 1968 book Chariots of the Gods?, he tried to spin various Sumerian myths and Biblical stories as historical accounts of alien beings. He listed a number of sites as likely to have been built by aliens, such as various pyramids and the moai of Easter Island. Most of today's ancient astronaut conspiracy theories are influenced by this book in some way.
Now here's the thing: the main methodology of ancient astronaut theorists is to look at an ancient structure and say, "Well, I can't figure out how humans could have built it, so it must have been aliens." And then from there, twist and distort local legends and myths - if the story talks about beings from the sky, then they must have been aliens. If a divine being had any kind of vehicle or craft, then it must have been a spaceship. Etc. Cultural and historical contexts are ignored and archaeological evidence is cherry picked.
Oh, by the way, before writing this book, von Daniken spent time in prison for embezzlement, forgery, and fraud:
A court in his native Switzerland found Von Daniken guilty of embezzlement, forgery, and fraud, sentencing him to three and a half years in prison. While operating a Swiss hotel. it seems he fraudulently obtained money by misrepresenting his financial assets, this experience in deception later proving invaluable in his literary career.
In any case, Jason Colavito noticed that von Daniken's narrative looked more like HP Lovecraft than real ancient mythology. Specifically, The Call of Cthulhu proposed that ancient gods came from space:
There had been aeons when other Things ruled on the earth, and They had had great cities. Remains of Them, he said the deathless Chinamen had told him, were still to be found as Cyclopean stones on islands in the Pacific. They all died vast epochs of time before men came, but there were arts which could revive Them when the stars had come round again to the right positions in the cycle of eternity. They had, indeed, come themselves from the stars, and brought Their images with Them.
Meanwhile, The Call of Cthulhu was essentially Lovecraft's own response to Theosophy. Once you compare The Call of Cthulhu with Theosophy's teachings, it's pretty hard to miss that he was straight-up telling Theosophy where to shove it.
Another influence on New Age mythology was Zechariah Sitchin, who also claimed that Sumerian myths actually described alien encounters. It was he who spun the yarn that they engineered humanity to mine gold for them, and he published these ideas in his 1976 book, The 12th Planet. Dr. Michael Heiser's website sitchiniswrong.com explains how Sitchin distorted myths and language to support his narrative.
To try and give you an idea of what these people are doing, I want you to imagine someone coming up and telling you that JRR Tolkien was actually an alien contactee, and that the elves in Lord of the Rings represent an alien species he actually met. Even if you knew absolutely nothing about Tolkien or Lord of the Rings, you could research who he was as a person and it wouldn't take very long to work out that it wasn't alien visitations who inspired him, and you could easily read his books and see that the narratives just don't really suggest anything about alien visitors. So it is with the ancient cultures and texts ancient astronaut proponents plunder. Once you really get in and do the research, it's obvious that these people are cherry picking what they want to hear and projecting what they want to see.
Various ancient astronaut theorists have done this with all kinds of traditions from around the world, and it's become so prevalent that numerous people just take it for granted that these stories were actually all about aliens and somebody just covered it up. If you're one of those people, I encourage you to start chasing down the sources. Start searching for - and start demanding - citations and sources. I promise you, it's all going to go back to some racist white asshat or other. If somebody cites a holy text or legend or something, read it for yourself, and I promise you it won't actually say what you've been told it says. (You'll find that somebody just saw something talking about divine beings from the sky and projected aliens onto it, or otherwise pretend it says something that's just not actually in there.)
New Age mythology also incorporates a number of benevolent alien races. Most of them aren't too remarkable; they're mostly your one-note Planet of Hats aliens, not so much offensive as they are uninspired, bland, and even a little twee. They embody a very average western person's idea of what enlightened or advanced beings would look like. In channeled messages they often dole out generic platitudes couched in New Age jargon. Their advice is probably enough to satiate the middle class white people who make up most of their audience, but it's almost useless - if not insulting - if you have any genuinely difficult problems. Through their channelers, they deliver messages of miraculous wonders and changes ahead - always just a few years around the corner. Of course these promises never manifest, and of course the channelers keep on repeating them.
To be clear, the benevolent aliens were supposed to reveal themselves to humanity dozens of times by now. We were supposed to have miraculous quantum healing technology available everywhere by now. We were supposed to have a new economic system that would end poverty by now. The history of New Age is a history of failed prophecies and broken promises.
There is one genre of "benevolent" alien we have to talk about in specific, however - specifically, the Nordic type, so named because they are supposedly tall, pale, and blond. One might also say they look
 Aryan. They pop up quite a lot. One notable alien of this type of Commander Ashtar, a high-ranking leader in the Galactic Federation of Light. Through the many people who purport to channel him, Ashtar has assured us that the evil reptilian aliens have already been defeated, and that a time of great peace and prosperity is just about to arrive.
Commander Ashtar, by the way, was first channeled by George van Tassel in the early 1950's. He published his sessions in his book, I Rode The Flying Saucer. Here are a couple of interesting quotes:
On July 18, 1952, Ashtar seemingly told us that we had to stop building hydrogen bombs or else they'd make us stop:
When they explode the hydrogen atom, they shall extinguish life on this planet. They are tinkering with a formula they do not comprehend. They are destroying a life-giving element of the Creative Intelligence. Our message to you is this: You shall advance to your government all information we have transmitted to you. You shall request that your government shall immediately contact all other earth nations regardless of political feelings 
 Your materialists will disagree with our attempt to warn mankind. Rest assured they shall cease to explore life giving atoms, or we shall eliminate all projects connected with such.
On August 22, 1952, Ashtar seemingly told Van Tassel to start preparing for disaster that never came:
You are constructed to work together without personal regard for individual property. You are instructed further to consolidate your unity to build structures possible to prepare for food storage due to rapid changes now affecting the financial, military and political conjunction. We advance you this information in the light of true love.
Obviously, nothing ever happened to justify any kind of prepping, and aliens never intervened to stop anybody from building nuclear bombs, which just goes to show that alien channelers have been setting us up for disappointment as far back as when boomers were babies.
Another aspect of the New Age movement that has to be talked about are starseeds. This is basically the idea that alien beings are incarnating into human bodies for essentially the purpose of spreading New Age beliefs to help the planet ascend to 5D. There are many issues with this whole concept. For one, there is a strong current of ableism - when you read any list of starseed traits, you'll inevitably see a list of characteristics more typically associated with ADHD, autism, and even just low-grade social trauma. Some proponents even go so far as to claim that autism and ADHD don't actually exist at all, but were made up to hide the reality of starseeds from the populace. Young children who are believed to be starseeds are expected to show advanced spiritual powers and wisdom, and I should think it's pretty obvious how placing these kinds of expectations on a young child - especially one who is probably struggling with neurodivergence-related issues already - could cause some psychological damage.
Moreover, the whole starseed myth is rooted in white colonialism; specifically, the idea that "primitive" cultures need to be taught true spirituality by more advanced or enlightened peoples. It's the whole "we need to send missionaries out to bring those poor unenlightened Natives to Christ" mentality in a new hat. The aforementioned distortions of cultural beliefs serves a purpose here, too; if they can just convince people that their own traditions are actually about aliens, then they'll have to convert. This is also out of the Christian playbook; for example, Christians would try and project Jesus into Kabbalah to convince Jews to convert. (Dr. Justin Sledge talks about this in his online lecture, The Dark Side of Perennialism.)
I don't think many New Agers (if any) are particularly conscious of the colonialism happening here. As far as they understand it, they are simply spreading the truth which will help usher in this new era of enlightenment and prosperity. But that's what makes it to insidious - this glittering truth they've actually fallen in love with is actually a pack of lies.
Also, many practices and beliefs within the New Age movement make it incredibly easy to manipulate people. Teaching people that information contrary to their own teachings is all the work of an evil conspiracy stifles critical thinking. Teaching them that they can always use their feelings and intuition to tell what's true or false makes them vulnerable to emotional manipulation.
Many New Agers also practice various techniques to try and learn about their past lives, including hypnosis and similar forms of trancework. There is no evidence that these exercises can help anyone remember really remember much of anything; in fact, people mostly seem to confabulate things based on what they expect to see and what they've been generally exposed to. A number of people "remember" encountering the reptilian aliens described by David Icke - the ones we've established are based on the conspiracy theories promoted in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and The Two Babylons, and recycle the old blood libel canard. (If you'd like some examples, you can see them over here and over here.) Interestingly, there is some research that suggests people who believe they have past life memories actually have a poor ability to recall where they learned information, which further suggests that these people are just confabulating from things they've seen or heard in this life - they just forgot where they encountered it.
Also, the pseudohistory and conspiracy theories in New Age mythology are often used to promote a lot of medical quackery. Vaccines are often claimed to be mind control technology or meant to poison us (another conspiracy theory with antisemitic roots), while treatments with little to no evidence to support their efficacy are promoted instead, such as homeopathy, colloidal silver, or whatever this week's alleged panacea is.
Now to be clear, not each and everything New Agers do is inherently bad. Many practices associated with New Age can have psychological benefits, provided they don't become spiritual bypassing. We know that meditation is good for you, and I personally find that speaking "light languages" is cathartic. There's even evidence to suggest that energy healing promotes relaxation, if nothing else. If somebody's practice is helping them in any way (even if it's just helping them relax and focus) and it's not hurting anyone else, then I think they should keep doing it. We need all the tools we can get right now.
The problems lie with the conspiratorial and pseudohistorical narratives the belief system pushes, and the uncritical acceptance that mystical or spiritual experiences that seem to confirm them should be taken at face value. These things to justify the oppression of minorities and the erasure of their cultures, justify colonialist attitudes and behaviors in general, and promote dangerous medical quackery. It's these things specifically that must be challenged and fought.
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i-want-men-i-cant-have · 1 year ago
Will you do more slasher yandere? I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!! I wanna see us graduated with a house, wedding, and 7 kids. I wanna be his lil stepford wifey!!!!!!!!!! đŸ™ˆđŸ€°đŸ‘©â€đŸŒđŸ‘¶đŸ˜­
đŸ€°-anon i was so confused for a second before i reread the fic. i was staring at my screen for a solid second questioning my life. i was like, “7 kids
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yan!slasher who makes feels so young around you. he can still remember your wedding just a few years ago.
yan!slasher who will always love your oldest the most, having luckily caused the shotgun wedding. oh, he'll never forget that fear in your eyes, tears threatening to spill, proclaiming you were still a virgin. it was honestly because your period was late, and it was a joke to check.
yan!slasher who felt some remorse. he promised to wait until you were married, and he thought he had the patience- just when you look like that, was it honestly his fault? he's been waiting since high school just for this very moment. you can't exactly blame him when those hormones he's been trying to keep down just come to bite him later on.
yan!slasher who decides you both and your 7 little dwarfs should move to a gated community in the midwest, each house bearing shutters on windows and white picket fences. grass that could rival the country club a few blocks away, and those beautiful flowers you loved so much so he loved them so much.
yan!slasher who was honestly being generous. i mean, the perfect town and house for the perfect nuclear family, who wouldn't want that? sure a woman like you should never be confined to a kitchen, for crying out loud you have a degree, but think about your 7 children. they needed a mother in their life. their father is a hard worker after all he can pay the bills so the children can have a mother.
yan!slasher who worried about your loneliness. you did need some friends from moving into such a beautiful community. why not invite some women over? he made sure to buy only the best house available just for your family to be the envy of the town. the wives immediately wanting to have tea once your husband and perfect children were gone.
yan!slasher who, of course, caught wind of mrs. rothschild. how could she say such horrible things? ‘her lawn needed some mowing, and did you see her shoes? ugh, I saw that wear and tear from a mile away. she’s such a- excuse my language, whore. she just married him for his money.’ who did she think she was? she was just an unfertilized old hag wishing to relive her youth! she was jealous of you and your perfect family!
yan!slasher who almost jumps on her the moment those words spill from her sagging red-painted lips. he continued driving the golf cart on the green, trying to contain himself, the past he desperately was trying not to relapse into. but at the same time, did her family even need her? he’s heard the rumors from the drunk colleagues after work in the bar, how she practically was pouncing on her children when they came home with an a- or anything below. the complete opposite of what a woman should be! she’s the complete opposite of you!
yan!slasher who came to the conclusion mrs. rothschild's family could live without her. a pathetic old woman desperately trying to relive her youth by hating on those with lives oh so much better than hers. yes, she could die; it would be for the greater good. but at the same time, he couldn't fall into his old ways. his family needed him- you needed him. he was the sole provider for your little children, and to think like tha- ‘to think that man even has a wife like her. such a pathetic man.’
yan!slasher who is grateful he kept up with working out. beneath that knitted sweater, white button-down, and expensive pants, it was plainly obvious. of course, he made sure you would remember that whenever all the kids were asleep. you did say you wanted to try for another after all.
yan!slasher who decided that the only way to get rid of mrs. rothschild was to tell you to invite her for tea one-on-one. poisoning that vegan tea she liked oh so much and some sleeping drugs in yours. you and the children wouldn't need to know this side of him, grabbing her hair through that kentucky derby hat, ripping the expensive fabric, and gripping to her hair with his strong fingers, still rough and padded from his days in high school up until now, switching to golfing with his work buddies.
yan!slasher who left a note telling you he was going to work early from some colleagues slacking off, and mrs. rothschild left when you fell asleep. that was all a cover-up for him to leave town for a day or two. he just needed to find that deserted fishing lake his college told him about. that sewage spilling would cover up her pathetic, rotting body in no time. now you could live your happy little stepford wife life with no trouble!
yan!slasher who started slipping up more and more. sure, he wouldn't have wanted this at the beginning. this was a new place, a new year. but it was all for you! why shouldn’t he protect his wife and children? he’s already the sole provider, after all.
yan!slasher who makes sure to dispose of tell the housing committee that anyone who even looked at you the wrong way mailbox was approximately two inches farther than the housing code in section 2-a of the appropriate home guide they would give you on the first day of moving in.
yan!slasher who makes sure you don't know what happened to that woman who said such horrible atrocities about you. some such as your couch wasn’t complimenting the cheese platter you had served last week! so horrible and rude of her! how low do these people get? now, do you know her truly body and soul like him? well, no- you didn't. why should you stay up to date or even notice those beneath you and your wonderful perfect magazine family?
yan!slasher who was surprised when you did ask if she was alright but made sure you don't worry your little head off, darling wife. she was cheating on her husband with the couples' therapist anyway.
yan!slasher who noticed that man who looked at your photo in his wallet a split second longer than he should. he was slacking off at his job! fine reasons for someone to be fired as soon as snatches that position he’s been working oh so hard for! aren't you just so happy for him? don't think you should reward him? have the kids go to their friends' house for a night and let him finally spend some alone time with you, the creaking of the bed frame hitting the wall the whole night, heartbeats intertwining into one?
yan!slasher who was grateful he had chosen such a safe town to live. a gated community was supposed to protect the outside not the inside after all. no one would suspect the nice and peaceful town would be harboring a murderer.
yan!slasher who wondered what the townspeople were thinking. he almost felt giddy at it. but he can't be distracted when his main priority is and always be you.
yan!slasher who is overjoyed when the town decides to host a party to try and brighten everyone's mood. this would be another perfect opportunity to show the community how perfect his pretty little wife is! yes, he wanted to look good, only for you. you were the only one he saw, why should he care about the others? you were the main attraction. he would make sure people would know that.
yan!slasher who let you put some makeup onto him to try and spruce him up a bit. who cares if it wasn’t masculine? he would be hotter than any other man there anyway. besides, he was the only one that had a wife that loved him! how pathetic was it to hate those who have more than you?
yan!slasher who ignores the looks women give him. envy. yearning. desire. if one woman even touched him or, god forbid, a man talk to you, he would just have to rip that cute little esophagus right out of their throat in front of everyone!
yan!slasher who, of course, doesn't. why would he ever subject your eyes to even the thought of blood? but he does cling to you the whole night. you want to talk to some of the wives? oh, no, i don’t think that would be for the best. after all, your husband is right here. he’s been so busy with work, why would you ever want to leave your devoured spouse to spend time with friends?
yan!slasher who, once he hears the rumors going around that he, him, your wonderful loving husband was the one killing people, was over this little town.
yan!slasher who makes sure you didn't try any of the punch or alcohol they were serving. 
yan!slasher who makes sure that you both leave early.
yan!slasher who makes sure to tell the kids to pack up.
yan!slasher who makes sure that he already had everything you needed to leave.
yan!slasher who makes sure to grab a photobook of your family and get everyone in the car. 
yan!slasher who makes sure you don’t check the news on that small town you lived in.
“leaving? no, baby. just take a nap and when you wake up you’ll have a whole new life. i’ll protect you.”
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shosty-we-understand · 10 months ago
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While you may recognize famed Russian composer Dmitri Shostakovich (right), it's less likely that you know the man on the left.
In 1937, Shostakovich took up a position teaching composition at the Leningrad Conservatory. Come 1939, one of his students was a young man by the name of Veniamin Fleishman (left). While studying under Shostakovich, Fleishman began working on a one-act opera called Rothschild's Violin, based on the story of the same name by Anton Chekov. However the Nazi invasion of the USSR in 1941 forced Fleishman to put his composition aside and he enlisted in the Red Army within the first days of the war. He would never finish his beloved Rothschild's Violin, as he was sent to the front and killed on September 14th 1941.
During his time at the Conservatory, Fleishman proved himself to be a promising young composer, and Shostakovich would soon look back and scold himself for not taking Fleishman's incomplete manuscript out of Leningrad with him when he fled. Luckily, he still had connections in the besieged Leningrad, and soon had the manuscript sent to his residence in Moscow. Shostakovich, in memory of Fleishman, completed the manuscript in 1944.
While he seldom used it for personal gain, Shostakovich made use of his influence and public stature to make sure that Fleishman's opera was recognized. Dmitri Shostakovich's insistence that the opera be published and performed made sure that Veniamin Fleishman's memory would not die along with him.
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thebrickinbrick · 9 months ago
Night Begins to Descend Upon Grantaire, Part 4
“Matelote is homely!" he cried: "Matelote is of a dream of ugliness! Matelote is a chiméra. This is the secret of her birth: a Gothic Pygmalion, who was making gargoyles for cathedrals fell in love with one of them, the most horrible, one fine morning. He besought Love to give it life, and this produced Matelote. Look at her, citizens! She has chromate-oflead-colored hair, like Titian's mistress, and she is a good girl. I guarantee that she will fight well. Every good girl contains a hero. As for Mother Hucheloup, she's an old warrior. Look at her moustaches! She inherited them from her husband. Α hussar indeed! She will fight too. These two alone will strike terror to the heart of the banlieue. Comrades, we shall overthrow the government as true as there are fifteen intermediary acids between margaric acid and formic acid; however, that is a matter of perfect indifference to me. Gentlemen, my father always detested me because I could not understand mathematics. I understand only love and liberty. Grantaire, the good fellow. Having never had any money, I never acquired the habit of it, and the result is that I have never lacked it; but, if I had been rich, there would have been no more poor people! You would have seen! Oh, if the kind hearts only had fat purses, how much better things would go! I picture myself Jesus Christ with Rothschild's fortune! How much good he would do!
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Matelote, embrace me! You are voluptuous and timid ! You have cheeks which invite the kiss of a sister, and lips which claim the kiss of a lover."
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“Hold your tongue, you cask!" said Courfeyrac.
Grantaire retorted: “I am the capitoul' and the master of the floral games!”
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Enjolras, who was standing on the crest of the barricade, gun in hand, raised his beautiful, austere face. Enjolras, as the reader knows, had something of the Spartan and of the Puritan in his composition. He would have perished at Thermopyla with Leonidas, and burned at Drogheda with Cromwell.
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“Grantaire," he shouted, "go get rid of the fumes of your wine somewhere else than here. This is the place for enthusiasm, not for drunkenness. Don't disgrace the barricade!"
This angry speech produced a singular effect on Grantaire. One would have said that he had had a glass of cold water flung in his face. He seemed to be rendered suddenly sober.
He sat down, put his elbows on a table near the window, looked at Enjolras with indescribable gentleness, and said to him :
"Let me sleep here."
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"Go and sleep somewhere else," cried Enjolras.
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But Grantaire, still keeping his tender and troubled eyes fixed on him, replied: "Let me sleep here, until I die."
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Enjolras regarded him with disdainful eyes: "Grantaire, you are incapable of believing, of thinking, of willing, of living, and of dying."
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Grantaire replied in a grave tone: "You will see.”
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He stammered a few more unintelligible words, then his head fell heavily on the table, and, as is the usual effect of the second period of inebriety, into which Enjolras had roughly and abruptly thrust him, an instant later he had fallen asleep.
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quaxorascal · 5 months ago
Rules: Make a poll of your favourite female characters (no limits - as many or as little as you want) and see which your followers like the most!
Got tagged by @grapecaseschoices, thank you dear! 💕
*I don’t expect many people will vote for Mirah, but if the idea of a historical queer romcom novel in the style of “My Fair Lady meets John Tucker Must Die” sounds interesting, I cannot recommend The Extraordinary Untrue Life of Mirah the Rothschild highly enough đŸ„°
Let me know in the tags who you voted for! I’ll go ahead and tag @patchodraws, @simothys, @dumpstermaster, @risualto, @thuranni, @sleepysak, and anybody else who wants to participate
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mariacallous · 5 months ago
Politicians and right-wing influencers have spread conspiracy theories online suggesting that Hurricane Milton has been geoengineered by nefarious forces, with the end goal of preventing Republicans from voting in the presidential election.
“Milton looks like another man-made storm, and it looks like Trump voters are victims. Is this really what’s happening?” wrote one user on X. “Biden and Harris are messing with the weather! Hurricane Milton was sent to Florida just like the other hurricane to wipe Florida out!! They know those are mostly Trump supporters who live in that state, so 85% of them won’t be able to vote next month,” wrote another.
“They want to kill Trump supporters and interfere with the election,” another user declared.
The “weather weapon” theory and others began proliferating when Hurricane Helene made landfall nearly two weeks ago, leaving at least 230 dead. And now, some of these wild narratives are not only reverberating on fringe corners of the internet but also are being spread by major accounts—chief among them, GOP congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia.
Greene, after spending years trying to distance herself from her infamous 2018 remarks on social media blaming wildfires on “Jewish Space Lasers,” is now using this climate emergency to double down on weather conspiracies and lasers.
While Greene stopped short of blaming Jews for the hurricanes, she has promoted conspiracies that have a history of being steeped in antisemitism. “Yes they can control the weather,” Greene wrote on X on October 3 about the hurricanes, without specifying who “they” are. “It’s ridiculous for anyone to lie and say it can’t be done.”
The conspiracy theory that Jews, specifically the Rothschild family, can manipulate world events, including climate and weather events, to their favor, is rooted in centuries of antisemitic scapegoating. The weather conspiracies in particular ramped up significantly after 2011, when a member of the Rothschild family acquired a controlling stake in Weather Central, a company that provides weather data to media companies.
Greene later surfaced a nine-year-old CBS News clip featuring futurist and physicist Michio Kaku discussing experimental lab research into weather modification using lasers. “Lasers,” Greene wrote. “CBS, 9 years ago, talked about lasers controlling the weather.” Right-wing blog The Gateway Pundit, which is known for trafficking in conspiracy theories, gave Greene a major boost on Tuesday with the headline “Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Weather Manipulation Claims Backed by Science—Must Read Deep Dive into History of Weather Manipulation—Shocking Facts Revealed!”
Attempts to politicize Hurricane Milton—which is expected to be a deadly event when it makes landfall Wednesday—are serving as a distraction from dire warnings by local officials. “I can say this without any dramatization whatsoever,” Tampa mayor Jane Castor said on CNN Monday night. “If you choose to stay in those evacuation areas, you are going to die.”
On Monday, amid desperate evacuation warnings, Greene unleashed a hot new take. “Climate change is the new Covid,” she wrote. “Ask your government if the weather is manipulated or controlled. Did you ever give permission to them to do it? Are you paying for it? Of course you are.”
Other recent conspiracy theories that have dominated social media have been directed toward the Federal Emergency Management Agency, a long-standing target of anti-government narratives. Some have falsely claimed that the agency was intentionally withholding relief to punish Trump-supporting enclaves or that the organization had spent all its money on the border and foreign wars.
Those conspiracy theories, parroted by Donald Trump and other high-profile Republicans, have muddied the zone and hampered relief efforts. “The GREAT people of North Carolina are being stood up by Harris and Biden, who are giving almost all of the FEMA money to Illegal Migrants,” Trump wrote in one of many posts shared to Truth Social.
Over the weekend, the White House put out a memo titled “Fighting Hurricane Helene Falsehoods With Facts,” debunking some dominant narratives about FEMA’s relief efforts—stating that, for example, no money had been diverted from disaster response needs toward the border.
“Disinformation of this kind can discourage people from seeking critical assistance when they need it most,” the memo said. "It is paramount that every leader, whatever their political beliefs, stops spreading this poison."
This hasn’t stopped other accounts online from weighing in. Private equity manager Grant Cardone, who holds a yellow-ticked “verified organization” account on X, claimed that he’d never seen a hurricane follow a path like the one Milton was on. (Readers added context, noting that while it’s an uncommon track, it has been seen at least six times in the Gulf of Mexico since 1851). “Do you think Gov’t is using technology to manipulate weather patterns & storms?” Cardone asked in a post that’s been viewed over 5 million times.
“Cloud seeding or manipulating the weather is real,” wrote a user on X in a post that’s been viewed 180,000 times. “Kills Americans, catastrophic events JUST BEFORE AN ELECTION. Voting becomes impossible for many. October surprise??”
Experts tell WIRED that there is absolutely no truth to any of these claims that the hurricanes could be engineered by scientists.
Joshua Horton, a senior program fellow studying solar geoengineering at Harvard University, says he has worked in the field of geoengineering for 15 years and had never once encountered lasers being used. Horton noted that in the 1960s, there were attempts to use weather modification to steer hurricanes away from coasts. In perhaps 30 years, he says, solar engineering research may have advanced to the point where scientists could know how to reduce the severity of hurricanes. One theory that’s being explored is whether shooting seaspray into low-lying marine clouds to make them more reflective over areas in the ocean where it gets very hot could potentially reduce the severity of hurricanes. But at this stage, that’s still “totally speculative,” says Horton.
“Scientists cannot control the weather in the ways that MTG is claiming,” says Leah Aronowsky, an assistant professor of climate at Columbia University’s Climate School.
Aronowsky says that the field of geoengineering, which involves intervening in Earth’s atmosphere, oceans, and soils to mitigate the effects of climate change, is controversial and worthy of some “real conversations.” But it’s also a field frequently targeted by conspiracy theorists, who envision nefarious actors using emerging complex technology for political means.
Many online conspiracy theorists have zeroed in on the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, known as HAARP, which researches the ionosphere, as the brains behind Hurricanes Helene and Milton. Google Trends shows a sharp uptick in searches for HAARP over the past two weeks.
“Why are record-breaking hurricanes happening back-to-back,” asked one X user in a post that garnered 53,000 views. “Why do they target the regions that resisted lockdowns and vaccines? And why are they mysteriously forming deep within the Caribbean? Shall we talk about HAARP?”
"Do these clouds look natural to you?” reads a post from Alux Jownes Team, a cryptocurrency token based on a Solana blockchain that holds a yellow-ticked “verified organization” account on X. The post garnered nearly 790,000 views.
“Hurricane Milton Harris is what geo engineering looks like,” it continued. “Look up HAARP 
 They’re using fucking weather weapons on us."
HAARP was initially jointly funded by the US military and the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Since 2015, it’s been run and funded solely by the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
HAARP did not respond to WIRED’s request for comment, but as an FAQ section on its site indicates, it has faced similar conspiracy theories in the past. (Earlier this year, Trump ally Laura Loomer suggested that then-Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley and her deep state allies had deployed HAARP to disturb the Iowa caucus.) Among the frequently asked questions are, “Can HAARP exert mind control over people?” (answer: no) and “Can HAARP control or manipulate the weather?” (also no).
“This is all really dangerous, that this is all swirling around at the same time,” says Aronowsky, who is concerned about the effect of further undermining public trust in science, particularly at a moment of national emergency. “It really serves as a dangerous diversionary tactic and starts to make the conversation about political blame rather than the humanitarian crisis that the US is currently facing.”
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transparentgentlemenmarker · 9 months ago
The Romanovs' had one of the most fair and people friendly monetary systems and the country was flourishing.
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The Rothschilds and their evil banking cartel could not let that stand as other nations wanted to adopt the same monetary policies and the Rothschilds would have lost control of Europe, so the Romanovs' had to die along with 66 million Christians. The true holocaust happened to Christians by jews, not the other way around.
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Les Romanov possĂ©daient l'un des systĂšmes monĂ©taires les plus Ă©quitables et les plus respectueux des citoyens et le pays Ă©tait florissant. Les Rothschild et leur cartel bancaire ne pouvaient pas laisser cela se produire, car d’autres pays voulaient adopter les mĂȘmes politiques monĂ©taires et les Rothschild auraient perdu le contrĂŽle de l’Europe, de sorte que les Romanov ont dĂ» mourir avec 66 millions de chrĂ©tiens. Le vĂ©ritable holocauste est arrivĂ© aux chrĂ©tiens par les juifs, et non l'inverse.
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companionwolf · 10 months ago
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Dice sets for my group TTRPG PCs !
Left column: Lindorm Lost Control (Rian), Lindorm Halloween Pumpkin (Ace Kaino), NormalHumanDesigns skin of the dragon in green (Noxrious 'Longfang' Kava), NormalHumanDesigns enby (Heart 'Jay' Kittiphan), Die Hard Dice Summer Court (Aven Foster)
Right column: Lindorm Orion Nebula (Chi), Official Tomb of Annihilation set (Cayde Montajay), Chessex Nebula red and white (Benjamin 'Doc' Rothschild), NormalHumanDesigns skin of the dragon in rainbow (Ari 'Jacob' Katz), Die Hard Dice Golden Faith (Cricket Moss)
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roseate-felidae · 6 months ago
"Cats eat their dead owners"...
Maybe, but your dog is statistically more likely than your cat!
Just watched Beetlejuice Beetlejuice in cinemas (loved it btw) and saw a joke on "Cats eat their owners" in there. In the after life waiting room, a lady was eaten by her cats with said cats still chowing down.
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Aforementioned cat lady that is eaten by cats in the film Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (Beetlejuice 2).
That phrase is usually used by cat haters to justify their belief that cats are "inferior" pets to dogs or "evil". The idea that they are so unloyal as to see you as food, instead of family, given the first opportunity.
This phrase has some truth in it. Not the idea of cats not loving owners. But that most species of carnivore (and some documentation of a bird and a hamster) have the potential to eat/chew their deceased owners in desperation or confusion. This is not cat exclusive.
But statistics on real life cases of cadavers found chewed on by their pets actually show dogs do this far more often than cats. It's suspected not to be due to starvation either (some having access to their regular food) but stress at the owners passing in both animals.
Here is one article on this topic:
Sadly this is a premium link.
I used 12ft.IO to see it for free.
Mine had a text overlay mistake that I fixed by copy and pasting the text into a word processor.
Some interesting quotes from the article:
Joseph Prahlow, a medical examiner in Michigan, sees evidence of pet predation during an autopsy “at least a couple times a year,” he said, and usually dogs—not cats—are the culprits.
- Joseph Prahlow, medical examiner, quoted in the National Geographic, "Would your dog eat you if you died? Get the facts." Article By Erika Engelhaupt
When it does happen, cats generally don’t cause as much damage as dogs do. They tend to go for the face, especially soft parts such as the nose and lips, says forensic anthropologist Carolyn Rando of University College London.
“It doesn’t surprise me, as a cat owner,” she says. “If you’re sleeping, they tend to swat your face to wake you up.” So a cat might start out trying to “wake up” a dead owner, and then begin to bite when that doesn’t work.
Instead, most documented scavenging of human remains involves dogs.
- from the National Geographic, "Would your dog eat you if you died? Get the facts." Article By Erika Engelhaupt
One possible explanation for such behavior is that a pet will try to help an unconscious owner first by licking or nudging,” Rothschild writes in his report, “but when this fails to produce any results, the behavior of the animal can become more frantic and in a state of panic, can lead to biting.”
From biting, it’s an easy jump to eating, Rando says. “So it’s not necessarily that the dog wants to eat, but eating gets stimulated when they taste blood.”
- Markus Rothschild, forensic examiner, and answered by forensic anthropologist Carolyn Rando of University College London. Both quoted in the National Geographic, "Would your dog eat you if you died? Get the facts." Article By Erika Engelhaupt
Overall, the film gag was just that, a gag. But many people do believe cats would eat them when they die. And using that as a "gotcha" "Cats are inferior to dogs" against cat lovers.
Cats aren't for everybody, but treating them like their some unfeeling psychos who don't care about their owners is unreasonable. They are animals incapable of morality for a start and have been documented to actually care about their owners many times. My cat Zoe, is purring in my lap for her petting as I type this.
You never really hear someone say it about dogs (despite the higher likelihood). So why mention cats?
Ironically, it's almost always pure dog who act like cats are "evil" or "inferior". Many cat owners don't think to that degree of negatively about dogs (if at all).
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Bonus shitty picture of Zoe in my lap as I type this on my phone.
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king-midas-fortnite · 7 months ago
Journal Entry: 02
Relevant Reblog Threads: https://www.tumblr.com/kado-fortnite/757815879423639552/an-invitation-to-watch-bloodsport-from-a-king-it?source=share AND https://www.tumblr.com/king-midas-fortnite/758022626128035840/it-was-a-nice-night-decent-company-for-certain?source=share
I mentioned in my last entry that I was thinking of ways to make things even with Kado for stopping me from doing something I'd regret in hurting Valeria, without making it known I felt the need to in the first place. 
Well, fortunate for me, he posted about being bored the other night while I had been enjoying an older bottle from my cellar. In a move I don't think I'd have chosen entirely sober, I invited him to the Nitrodome for entertainment he might find more suitable than reality TV. 
Surprisingly, and unlike many decisions made under the influence, I don't regret it. 
I had a fine time. I hesitate to say "good". It was Kado after all. But at the very least, he can make decent conversation when we aren't at each other's throats. Not to mention, Valeria puts on a good show when she's under the dome. 
I'd brought a bottle of Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac. 1986, hardly the most vintage in my collection, but one I was looking forward to trying regardless, and met him outside. 
As I said in my invite to him, the plan was to climb the overhanging rafters for a better and more private view. I don't care for sitting amongst crowds. Especially not the kind who go to Nitrodome events. Anyway, the speed at which he climbed those rafters while I carefully made my way up was impressive if not entirely irritating. We were supposed to be discreet, and there he went swinging from pole to pole like some chimpanzee. 
At one point he'd asked if I needed a "hand." I could have killed him then. Feigned reaching for his hand and let the Touch do the rest, but oh well. Chances chances. 
Then he asked if I wanted to hang on his back while he went. The offer seemed genuine, but I will die before I risk anyone seeing me in some Vampire Romance Movie situation with Him. No, I could make it.
I did take some satisfaction in that when I finally did get to the top, he was hung upside down, looking a little...disheveled, from all his showing off. I asked if he was ready to take a bat nap. He didn't appreciate the joke, said he'd simply been having fun watching me. 
The show had begun after that. I realized I had forgot glasses once the bottle was opened, so we simply passed it back and forth. 
I've already mentioned Velaria putting on a good show, but I will reiterate, it was quite fun to watch. 
Between rounds of whatever the goal is down there (I don't pay much attention to rules, just the violence and expensive destruction), we chatted. Found common ground on some things; wine, art, theater. Found differing opinions on others; music, film, food.
One part I can not seem to let go of (and what I am having to have my third drink to even write down), was when he asked to see my hand. My fake one, that is. The one made to replace the one he stole. 
I didn't think he'd try anything at a place so public, so I held it out to him. He held it for a while, turning it over in his hands, tracing fingers over every weld and joint. It felt more intimate than I'd care to think about. 
He said it was beautiful. I thanked him, but couldn't help myself from asking if he was planning on taking that one too. 
He then got this smirk on his face and said, "I'd rather take the man attached to it." 
I'd snatched my hand back then, and decided I hadn't had nearly enough to drink for that sort of comment. I can only hope I didn't appear as surprised by it as I felt, but the Touch betrayed me as it often does and the damn bottle had changed to gold while I drank more from it. 
He'd laughed at me, of course. What I'm struggling with now is how I didn't hate the sound. I'm blaming it on the wine drank at the time and now. Moving on.
By the time we were heading back down, I was thoroughly drunk. He kept offering me help, staying irritatingly close as I went. I was in the middle of telling him I didn't need a "hand", and insulting him when I did lose my footing. 
He shouldn't have risked the exposure, but Kado had let his wings snap out for enough speed to catch me by the arm. For a man who's supposed to be keeping a secret, this was an extremely reckless action. I let him know as much after I regained my balance (queue the most sarcastic "you're welcome" I have ever heard). I have no idea if anyone saw, I suppose time will tell. 
We made it back down without further incident and accompanied each other further until our paths home split ways. Before we parted, I said something I wish I hadn't. Again, decisions made under the influence that I'd think better of otherwise. I thanked him. I thanked him for stopping me with Val, divulged to him how tired I am of hurting the people I care about... Stupid thing to do. I don't relish the idea of him knowing anything genuine about me, but I can't very well go back in time to correct that mistake. It was his time machine that blew up, after all. 
If anyone ever reads these, I think I'd kill them. Reminder: these are not "public" to other Tumblrverse characters. Okay to reblog, but please do not roleplay on journal entries!
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darkmaga-returns · 1 month ago
Today’s book is:
Prolonging the Agony: How The Anglo-American Establishment Deliberately Extended WWI by Three-and-a-Half Years by Jim Macgregor
The fact that governments lie is generally accepted today, but World War I was the first global conflict in which millions of young men were sacrificed for hidden causes.
They did not die to save civilization; they were killed for profit and in the hopes of establishing a one-world government. By 1917, America had been thrust into the war by a President who promised to stay out of the conflict. But the real power behind the war consisted of the bankers, the financiers, and the politicians, referred to, in this book, as The Secret Elite.
Scouring government papers on both sides of the Atlantic, memoirs that avoided the censor’s pen, speeches made in Congress and Parliament, major newspapers of the time, and other sources, Prolonging the Agony maintains that the war was deliberately and unnecessarily prolonged and that the gross lies ingrained in modern “histories” still circulate because governments refuse citizens the truth.
Featured in this book are shocking accounts of the alleged Belgian “outrages,” the sinking of the Lusitania, the manipulation of votes for Herbert Hoover, Lord Kitchener’s death, and American and British zionists in cahoots with Rothschild's manipulated Balfour Declaration. The proof is here in a fully documented exposé—a real history of the world at war.
You can buy the book here (Amazon link).
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dr-spencer-reids-queen · 1 year ago
Masterpiece: Final Part
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.5k
Summary: While giving a lecture with Spencer and Rossi, a man approaches you with information regarding five missing people. Can you save them in time?
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated
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"Y/N, I need you to do something for me," Rossi says.
"You said he feels intimidated by women. He didn't want to look at you. I want you to come in when he least expects it to throw him off his game."
"You got it," you nod.
You, Rossi, and Spencer get up to head to the interrogation room, and Rossi looks at Spencer in confusion.
"What's our strategy going to be in there with the interrogation?"
"You're not gonna be in the room."
"What? Why?"
"That's what he wants. He wants to play with you. We have to knock him off his game. That's all we have right now."
Rossi walks into the room without your boyfriend, but he doesn't leave. You two watch from the window, and Paul looks around when he doesn't see Spencer in there.
"Where's Dr. Reid?"
"You have something more important going on than me?"
"My dry cleaning is more important than you."
"That's very hostile."
"I think you're just a big-mouth wannabe who doesn't have the guts to do anything at all about this."
"Well, then I guess I'm free to go. I didn't spend the last five years of my life working on a masterpiece just to fold to a bad bluff, especially to someone who doesn't even have a hand to play."
Paul grabs his jacket and opens the door to leave, and you take this moment to walk into the room. As soon as he sees you, he lowers his head and becomes super shy. He didn't act this way when he first met you because Spencer was also there. Now that it's a more intimate setting, he has nothing to do but be a coward in front of you.
"Agent Y/N, you remember Professor Rothschild, right?"
"May I?" you ask and take his jacket from him.
He walks to the wall and cowers next to it without so much as a look in your direction.
"A God like you doesn't have a problem with women, does he?" Rossi asks.
"Do I make you nervous?" you ask him.
"It's okay, Agent. I think we have everything we need to know. This is not a man who can confront a woman on an equal footing. He sneaks up on them and gets them from behind. The original seven victims, oh, they were alone when they came up missing. They had a routine, and he watched them. Hiding in the weeds like a snake... Like a coward."
You set his jacket down over the chair before leaving the room. As soon as you leave, Paul recovers and goes back to being mysterious and calm.
"That was a waste of precious time."
"Oh, it's all part of the game now, isn't it?"
"You think you know what game you're playing, David? You aren't even able to grasp what questions to ask."
"Such as?"
"How about asking what the rules are."
Paul takes off his watch and sets it on the table so Rossi can see what time it is.
"Two o'clock... and then there were four. I told you that in less than ten hours, another five people would be dead. I never said they would die at the same time. I wonder which one it was--the woman or one of those precious babies." Rossi is seething at this point, but he is doing a good job at hiding it from Paul. "You have to know the rules to play the game, David. Every two hours, one of them will die. In the end, they will all be gone."
"Is there something else I need to know?"
"Only that I'm rooting for you... David."
Rossi gets up and leaves the room, but he doesn't look your way. You and Spencer follow him out of the room only to run into Penelope who is panicking.
"What's wrong?"
"It's them. They're on my screen." Everyone follows her to her office, and when she sees the computer, she frowns in confusion. "Wait, that's not right. There were four children when I went to get you."
"What's that on their faces?" Emily asks.
All three children and Kaylee are wearing some kind of mask to protect themselves from whatever gasses are pumping inside the room they're in.
"They look like gas masks."
"Why would you fill a place with gas and then provide gas masks?"
"Maybe the gas serves another purpose. Look how evenly they're spaced out, and the hoses are stretched as far as they can go without coming off. The masks are to keep them in specific positions."
"He said one of them is already dead," Spencer says.
"One of the five, and now there are only three children left. Who sent you this?" you ask Pen.
"An anonymous site emailed to me."
"He said one will die every two hours, not all five in ten. When he said ten hours, I just assumed--"
"It's a chess game, he's two moves ahead," Spencer cuts Rossi off.
"Let's not get diverted. How are we doing with the seven missing women?"
"So far, I've got thirty-nine missing brunettes in central Virginia," Penelope says, pulling up the pictures of all the women missing.
"Kaylee is about thirty, so look at the women who are at that age. Narcissists tend to be extremely preferential."
Penelope types in the parameters, which narrows down the list.
"He said he's been working on this for five years, so check within the last five years."
"Seventeen," Penelope says after typing some more.
"Alright, if he thinks he's going to jail for even one of the original seven homicides, maybe he'll tell us where the rest of them are and give himself some deal room. How long do we have until the next one?"
"One hour and forty-eight minutes."
"Dave, can I speak to you for a second? The rest of you, see if you can figure out who might have been the original seven."
Hotch and Rossi go off to the side while the rest of you go to the briefing room with printouts of the women on Penelope's list. Each woman has their own file with everything regarding their disappearance. You can eliminate some of them based on the circumstances of their disappearances, so you know they won't be Paul's victims.
The ones you have suspicions about, Penelope writes on the whiteboard, and before you know it, you have five names already on there. Hotch walks into the room without Rossi, and you know he is with Paul.
"How are we doing?"
"We already have five women we believe are his victims," Emily says.
"I might have another," you state and hold up the file in your hands. "Her name was Margaret Peters. She disappeared in 2006 on her way to work. She was last seen at a coffee shop she went to every morning."
"That's number six," Spencer says as Penelope writes her name down. "We need one more."
The screen JJ usually uses to showcase new cases to the team has the live footage of Kaylee and the three children. You look up to see Kaylee trying to talk to the child furthest from the camera. She gestures for the little boy to run to her, and he takes a deep breath before doing so. She gives him her mask, and she checks on the other children before swaying over to the mask the child left behind.
"She put herself closest to the end, farthest from the camera. Why?"
"Maybe she knows something we don't like she doesn't have a lot of time. Let's continue," Hotch sighs.
"I have Lindsey Connor. She was last seen when she stepped out to have a cigarette while having a blown tire fixed."
"That doesn't sound routine. I don't think she was one of them," you shake your head.
"What about Lisa McDaniel? She went missing in Saluda, North Carolina in early 2008 while on her daily jog." That sounds like one of his victims, so Penelope writes her name on the board. "That's seven, and including Kaylee, that makes eight." Penelope puts their pictures on the big screen while still keeping the live footage up. "They're all incredibly beautiful."
"Almost unnaturally," Spencer comments.
"What are the chances that three out of our seven victims are from the same town?" Penelope asks.
"That's not a coincidence. He chose it that way."
Spencer gets a picture from Derek who is at Kaylee's house with Jordan. He took a picture of one of the bedrooms where a bunch of kids' toys are arranged in a weird way. They are in a circle with a line of them going down the middle.
"Morgan just sent this to me from the Robinson house."
Spencer looks at the picture and then at the board with all the names on it. He has such a smart brain that he sees with more than just his eyes. You're not sure what is going on inside his head, but he grabs the marker and makes a circle over the names, and draws a line down the middle of it.
"1-1-2-3-5," he mutters.
"Does that mean something?" you ask.
"I know where to find them."
Without another word, he rushes out of the room. He knows where to find them, and the pendant around Paul's neck is going to help him find them. As soon as he gets the pendant, he walks back to the briefing room with it in his hands.
"Garcia, can you put the map of Virginia up on screen? It's an irrational number known as 'Phi'. It's based on the ratio of line segments to each other and of the whole. It's called the golden ratio," Spencer explains. "It's a ratio found all through life. In fact, many people that we find conventionally attractive are proportioned based on that ratio. He made a reference to Leonardo da Vinci, remember this? Da Vinci used it in a lot of his paintings. As a matter of fact, the last supper--"
"Reid, Reid, how do we find them?" Hotch cuts him off before he goes on a tangent.
"Right. The whole concept is represented by this pendant, including the logarithmic spiral created by using a Fibonacci sequence. Follow me on this. You can manipulate this image, right?"
"Tell me what you need," Penelope says.
"Pull up all the towns that the missings are from." She does what he asks. "Wonderful. We had one in Richmond, one in Dinwiddie, two in Gloucester Point, three in Saluda, and finally five in Loretto this morning. 1-1-2-3-5 is a Fibonacci series. Each number is added to the number before it. Now geometrically, it can be expressed as a spiral. It's called a logarithmic spiral. Can you put the spiral up on the map?" Again, Penelope does so. "Thanks. Okay, now flip it 180 degrees." The image flips like he wants. "Now make it bigger. ... Bigger ... just a little bit bigger. The pendant is like a key." He puts the pendant on the screen, and Penelope marks the middle of it. "Chester, Virginia."
"You're sure?" Rossi asks.
"With his level of obsession with these numbers, the ratio will have permeated his entire life. If we took a city map of Chester, the location where Kaylee and her children are being held, it would follow one of these points on that map as well. The ratio works with any scale at all."
The spiral connects all of the cities to be a perfect spiral, so you know they are in Chester, Virginia.
"That's my boyfriend," you say proudly.
"Morgan and Todd are closer. Call them and tell them to get to Chester. I'm gonna get a chopper ready. Reid and Y/N, get a city map and you're with me."
"There's still something bugging me about this still," Rossi sighs.
While Rossi tries to figure that out, you, Hotch, and Spencer head out to the helicopter to get to Chester faster. Derek and Jordan are already on their way over to the house, and they get there as soon as you land.
You take out your gun and rush over to the house, but before you can get too close to it, you stop and put your hands out to stop everyone else from going further.
"What's going on?" Hotch asks.
"This place is a trap." Angry red energy is floating around the property, but it slithers around the back of the property into a patch of trees. You see yourself walking through the front door, and a cloud of acid gets blown into your face. "The acid tanks are in the back. If we go through the front door, we'll die."
"How do we get inside?" Derek asks.
"We disengage the acid tanks. Once we do that, we can enter through the front."
"That's my girlfriend," Spencer smiles proudly.
You lead the group to the acid tanks, and Derek and Hotch turn them off to prevent everyone from dying a horrible death. They take off the hoses to take that extra step, and now the house is clear to go inside.
"Thank you for saving our lives," Derek says as he passes by you.
"Don't mention it."
Your group heads inside to see pictures of the Mona Lisa and the spiral everywhere. In the back of the room is a concrete door with a camera outside of it, and you know Kaylee and the kids are inside. Paul really wanted to make this as easy as possible because there is a key already in the lock.
With the acid tanks out of the way, Kaylee and all four kids are saved. The one you thought had disappeared was only separated by a concrete door. Ambulances are called to the house to take care of Kaylee and the kids as well as the kids' parents.
"Thank you," Spencer says to you. You and Spencer are off to the side while Hotch is on the phone with Rossi. "For saving our lives."
"You'd do it for me," you smile up at him. "How are you doing with your parents?"
"Much better. What about yours?"
"My dad still has some issues with you, but I believe he'll come around. He just needs to get to know you, that's all. He's being more stubborn than usual, and he's not going to like you for a while, but he will eventually."
"Listen, I had my suspicions about Paul and this case, and I followed my gut just like you did with the acid tanks. My gut is saying something isn't right with your parent's business. If you don't mind, could I look into it?"
You're not sure why, but this really pisses you off.
"Spencer, nothing is going on with them. They're my parents! I stood by your side with your dad, why won't you do the same with me? You accused him of murdering that child, but he didn't do it. You thought he did it, but he was innocent. Why are you picking on my dad? Is it because he doesn't like you? He doesn't like anyone!"
"Y/N, I understand your anger, but I really do think something is wrong here. This is different from my dad's situation."
"Spencer, please let it go! There is nothing going on with my mom and dad. They are normal parents who are very protective over me. Nothing is wrong, and don't you think I'd know about it with my abilities?"
"Your judgment can be clouded due to your relationship with them."
"Seriously, just drop it. I'm not going to give you permission to look into their foster business, and I'm done repeating myself."
You walk off to calm down, and Spencer watches you with concerned eyes. Whenever he has this feeling, he's usually right, and for some reason, he can't shake this off.
"Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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nowoyas · 2 months ago
Casually let slip that i was jewish at work and my coworkers IMMEDIATELY jumped to "Oh so you secretly rule the world lol you must be a rothschild" can I fucking die actually
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dravenscroft · 3 months ago
There will be updates to my son's progress, but now he's doing so well, we'll be back to our usually scheduled Terror posting and me annoying you by trying to promote my book.
And if you fancy supporting my writing, a large chunk of any money I make in my career as an author will be going directly to my little boy, of course. So please share and promote stuff about This Savage Kingdom so a publisher will snap it up when my agent shops it to them!
Or if you fancy trying out my self-published work (under the pen name Vivien Hart), I also have a queer, Jewish historical romcom called 'The Extraordinary Untrue Life of Mirah de Rothschild' - it's John Tucker Must Die meets My Fair Lady! Wealthy society lady Eloise wants to get her cad of a brother disinherited before their ailing father dies, so she hires Mirah, a poor Jewish actress from Limehouse to pose as a distant Rothschild cousin in an attempt to seduce said brother into a scandalous fake marriage and ruin his reputation. The only thing Eloise has to do to pull off her masterful scheme is NOT fall in love with the woman she hired. Easy, right?
Available here:
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