#didnt work bc it was thicker. had to put the old one back in. which THAT was harrowing but mostly bc it was so. fucking. hard to do
orcelito · 4 days
Ok also so I got my eyebrow and nose piercings back in... march, I think? I was supposed to go back in to get the bars changed out some time ago but I never did. Largely bc my eyebrow piercing has Not been healing smoothly (keep accidently banging it and getting it caught on things so it doesn't wanna heal) but I think the long bar has been actively hindering my healing (making it easier to get caught on things) so I decided to change it out Myself. Bought some new smaller jewelry online and it got here today and
I'm not generally squeamish when it comes to my own body. Like pain, blood, whatever. Don't rly care.
That, though... that took some effort.
But I did it! Smaller jewelry to hopefully make healing a little smoother from here on out. I also got some new jewelry for my nose stud that'll get here tomorrow. That one at least won't be a huge deal, since the nose piercing has healed so much more smoothly, thankfully.
(Preemptive warning for Gross Details in the tags. Lol)
#speculation nation#for the eyebrow piercing it's like....#ok this is kinda gross hfkshfks but i think i. at one point when it got caught on something#i think i like. tugged the piercing. um. smaller#?#like the area of skin that the eyebrow piercing runs thru is. smaller. bc it literally tore some of the actual pierced skin.#hurt like a BITCH i'll fuckin tell you that lmfao. ive been a lot more careful since.#but thats another thing with why i wanted a smaller thing. the prior one was fucking Massive in there. way too much#but now i have smth smaller. thinner too. which i hope will help with healing.#downsizing while healing will reduce the amount of variation in jewelry i can stick in there#but tbh i think itd just be wiser to stick to small things anyways. with the thinner patch of skin there.#i dont WANT to rip my eyebrow piercing out. which that was part of what made changing it so hard hfkshfm#these new ones r like screw on ends. but the one before was a pin i had to pull out.#and Let Me Tell You. i was so fucking scared of accidentally ripping it out when trying to pull that bitch. holy shit.#i got it without ripping anything. it still hurt and it bled a good bit but i got it.#switched out the jewelry. which eugh that part was pretty rough too. like not to be gross but rootin around in ur own skin is. somethin#hfksfhksbfmd but it's done and i dont intend to change it until it's healed more. so hopefully it will be. easier then.#i actually took out my nose piercing.. yesterday? to try to switch out with a shorter back#didnt work bc it was thicker. had to put the old one back in. which THAT was harrowing but mostly bc it was so. fucking. hard to do#but the new nose jewelry i got is supposed to come with a thing that makes it easier to put the nose jewelry on#(the hard part is trying to put a flat back base in from the inside of the nose. cant see SHIT in there 😭)#man. facial piercings really arent for the squeamish. good thing im not scared of pain but it has even me like Eughhh#couldve been mitigated has i gone back to the piercer. but oh well. fuck it we ball 💪#ummm should i tag for this lol#gross/#😂
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crafiet · 5 years
Constellations Ask Game: Andromeda, Aquarius, Aries, Corvus, Draco, Gemini, Hydra, Libra, Lyra, Pyxis, Taurus, Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Canis Minor, Crux, Indus, Lupus, Puppis, and lastly Virgo
Project Asks:
Andromeda - Describe your main charactersahhh im so bad at thisary: scarred, pstd-ridden, 25 year old mage. cold, calculated, a compulsive liarcyri: my bby sunshine, naive and kind, living up to unrealistic expectations set by his fatherash: a kings daughter, confused between whats right and what she has to uphold, snarky, gaycaena: old, short and angry about it, princess, last of her house, thinks herself above all other rulers Aquarius - Who’s your least favorite character to write?ash because i havent explored her as much as the others. like i know her, but since i dont know a lot about politics or royal happenings shes hard to figure out. i have a lot of qs about her in my notebookAries - Share a line that you’re proud of!i have to open my fuckn docs grumblegrumble“Z looked extremely young for her age, as though she had spent the last decade soaking in a bath and eating fruit instead of leading her men into battle like the warmongering tyrant she was.”Corvus - Who or what is the villain of the story?there are multiple, everyone in any sort of power tbh. rebel!Draco - Who’s your favorite character to write?i have a soft spot for cyri bc his softness and kindness is so rare to find in real life and i jus wanna protect himGemini - What inspired you to write this project?well, i was sitting at the dining table eating back when i was 17? and i was thinking about prisoner tropes. then i thought how it would be cool to have an opening scene where the mc is released from prison. and there u go.Hydra - Tell us why you love your project.ive been working on it for 5 fucking years now if i didnt love it id be crazyLibra - Which relationship dynamic do you enjoy writing the most?ary and cyri. originally they were lovers and some of that instant close connection still lingers with them, ary is v soft with him lmao but so are the rest. those damn green eyesLyra - Give us a few songs that fit your project!unbecoming-starsetmasquerade-tokio hotelblue-troye sivanPyxis - Are there any major themes or messages you’re writing to show?i mean theres the typical writing themes, but ive never been able to write messages or morals. maybe just that ‘the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb’Taurus - Tell us why you hate your project.it just keeps evolving and has so many subtleties and nuances that i dont think im good enough to write ughUrsa Major - What scene are you looking forward to writing?some bonding moments between the crew! i dont have friends so idk how to write group friendships but im gonna try Ursa Minor - What’s the setting?high-fantasy, medieval inspired
Writer Asks:Canis Minor - Share an excerpt of old writing and new writing to see how far you’ve come!oh shit ok okokokone of the earlier drafts:They packed, for they would not return. Ary shovelled everything in messily, while Cyri took his time. They tramped down the stairs after Cyri had insisted straightening the beds to look neat. The bar was empty, as it was midmorning, only the barmaid stood wiping the bench. She glanced up once, caught Ary’s eye and looked away fearfully.Ary’s heart skipped in her chest. Had the beggars frequented The Badger’s Inn and told tales of what had transpired? Would soldiers rain down on them? Yet nothing came. Cyri opened the door and gestured for her to go first, with nothing but a pleasant expression. She nodded thanks and slipped into the bright daylight. The city had not changed.new stuff:In the centre of the city, visible from all angles Ary guessed, were three huge obsidian towers, knife points against the sky. The Queen’s towers. From what she had heard by Arch prisoners, was that she never left those towers, appearing only through a balcony for celebrations of worship. Gargoyles littered buildings, cracked and weather-beaten. As they walked, they came across numerous churches and places of worship, all depicting Queen Z in various poses suggesting dominance, power, and wealth.The fountains were iced over, overgrown vines dipping into the water and stuck there. Debris and rubbish covered the ground to the point the group had to pick their way across the street, jumping over things.ive tried so fucking hard to improve my description sobCrux - Villains or Heroes?uh both, both can be done well. i dont really have a preference anymore, especially since anti-heroes are so big rn. its more about the character than the archetypeIndus - Are there any characters or stories you miss writing? Tell us about them!lmao well my ol girl cara who was in a comic when i was 13 never stopped pestering me so i put her with some other newer extra characters from another project into a new project but idk what that is yet.Lupus - Have you abandoned other WIPs? Tell us about some and why you abandoned them?what HAVENT i abandoned holy fuck. i had several vampire things, dystopian things [i started writing regularly when those themes were popular], a lot of contemporary things??? i dont write contemporary the fuck.Puppis - Give us a piece of advice! (about anything)anything you say?????? youre always overestimating the consequences. theyre always less than u think. now go commit arsonVirgo - Describe your favorite tropes.uhhh do i have any? lol. hmm i like the found-family, ensemble cast trope. i like characters with an established reputation before the book starts. i cant think of any ahhhh
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runningwitches · 7 years
Blood is Thicker Than Water (Young Justice x Reader)
Prompt:  Can u pls do 21 where the reader is the joker's daughter or smth and hes super abusive to her and she finally escs and Batman has her join the young justice bc he knows she needs the support of other people at that hard time in her life but bc her past the team is super wary bc its around the time that kaldur thinks theres a traitor and so they want her to stay behind when they fight the injustice league but she has to go to finally let go of the fact that her father didnt love her or smth
21: “No way in hell am I going with you”
Word Count: 3281
A/N: This was a lot longer than I thought it would be, but I really like the way it turned out.
Warnings: Violence, Abuse, Mental Illness
You stared at the ground, not daring to look at the people standing in front of you. Batman had his hand on your shoulder, and you prayed that he was only telling them good things. You tried tuning out the conversation, the idea of living somewhere new giving you more anxiety than you thought.
Just last year, you were living with your father at his base of operations, you hadn’t heard from your mother in six months at the time. When people looked at you they figured you were normal, or as normal as you can get in Gotham at least, but what they didn’t know is that your father was the Joker, and you mother was Harley Quinn. Your mother was able to run away from the abuse of your father, but she wasn’t able to take you along. Or she didn’t even try. You still don’t know.
Either way, one year after your mother had left, you were able to find your escape, right before one of your father’s terror attempts. He kept most of his plans from you, but he allowed you the knowledge of the date and the location, hoping that you would join him on his journey. This was the first time that you were left by yourself, without any of his goons watching you, without your mother insisting you stay. And, this time you had more resources. You had some money and a backpack that you filled with necessities. Things like a change of clothes and the only stuffed animal you ever owned.
The stuffed animal that you held close to your chest as you cried yourself to sleep after your father’s worst nights. If he was successful it meant he killed people, and if he was unsuccessful it meant he came back to take his anger out on you or your mother. Sometimes both.
Standing here with that very backpack in front of these people that Batman told you would be your friends, you thought back to your first night of freedom, six months ago. That was the first time you met Batman too. Or at least truly met him. That was the night that the Joker attempted to bomb a diner. Your favorite diner. You didn’t know if he knew it was your favorite, but after you escaped the base, you ran there. You couldn’t let your father see you, but you knew you had to stop it. You knew you had to get Batman’s attention, so you did it the only way you knew how.
Putting yourself in the line of danger wasn’t something a normal person would do in an attempt to stop even more danger. Most people would call the police, but you couldn’t interact with the Gotham police force. They had a target on your head to match your father’s. So you threw yourself into the middle of a bar fight. More like an escalated bar fight. It started in the bar, but once the patrons were thrown out, it continued in the alley next to it. So you stood there, a 14 year old girl, next to this bar fight and you waited. Eventually Batman came. He arrested the people who took part in the fight, and then he turned to you.
“Are you oka- I know you from somewhere,” Batman had said, beginning to ask of your well being before recognizing your face. “Tonight at 11:00 my father plans to bomb the diner on the corner of 10th and B. I don’t know the details, but he’s expecting me to show up to help him. Obviously, I’m not willing to help, but if you could stop him that would be preferable. At least make sure no civilians get hurt,” you told him flat out. There was no use lying to Batman anyways, because the chances that he was going to arrest you as well were almost 100%.
“Ah, that’s why you seemed so familiar. You’re the Joker’s daughter. Why are you telling me this anyways, is it a trap?”
“I hate my father, please do not associate me with him. I’m telling you because I don’t want innocent people hurt. I’m telling you because if you stop his plans, I won’t be there for him to take his anger out on anymore. If you don’t believe me, that’s fine, but the blood of innocent people won’t be on my hands anymore, it’ll be on yours.” You knew you had a way with words, that you could convince him to go. And in convincing him, you were saving lives, but you were also escaping. Escaping from the life that you hated so much. Escaping after 14 years of hell.
“What’s your name?”
“I don’t like going by my real name, but when mother allowed me to go to school, they enrolled me as (Y/N),” you told him truthfully. “(Y/N) (Y/L/N). That is my preferred name.”
“Well, (Y/N) (Y/L/N), thank you for the tip,” he said, before heading off in the direction of the diner. The bomb never went off.
After that encounter, you knew that Batman was looking for you. He claimed he wanted to help you, but you could only believe that he was planning to imprison you alongside your father. Once you finally met him though, you found out that you were wrong. He did want to help you. He wanted to be able to put your training from your parents to good use, and you did too. So one week after your second meeting with Batman, you found yourself standing in front of a group of young heroes. Batman told you that they were going to be there for you, and that they would help you. And you were to help them. He wasn’t hiding your past from anyone, and if you were honest, you didn’t want him to. These people had the right to know that you were raised by a crazy clown and if they didn’t trust you because of it, well, that would be fine, it’s not like you wanted to work with the team anyways. You finally brought yourself back to the conversation Batman was having with the team.
“(Y/N) is as much a part of the team as the rest of you, and I expect her to be treated as such,” he told them, with a pointed look to each of them.
The one with the “S” on his shirt stepped forward angrily. “So you just expect us to trust the daughter of a super villain? You’re insane.”
Though most of the eyes in the room were trained on Superboy, you noticed two pairs travel to the girl called Artemis, who looked down, almost ashamed. She was clearly hiding something from the team. You looked to the boy, your eyes sad. You knew you would never be trusted here, but you wished that you could. You looked back to Batman and simply said, “I told you they wouldn’t want me here,” your voice unwavering.
He rested his hand on your shoulder again before speaking, “And I told you they wouldn’t have a choice. Superboy, you are not to speak of (Y/N) like that again. She is part of your team now. I understand that you may not trust her, but I do. In the time that I have been in contact with her, she has been a wonderful help to me and to my work, and now she is going to be of help to your team. I apologize if you don’t like it, but you don’t have a say.” The entirety of the team aside from Robin looked at him in shock. He had never spoken so fondly of anyone, not even Robin, but then again, the team wasn’t questioning Robin’s credibility or trustworthiness.
After staring Superboy down, he left through the zeta tube behind him. Robin, the only one that you had met prior to this encounter stepped forward to offer you a tour around the mountain, and to show you your room, but was interrupted.
“When was the last time you saw him?” one of the boys asked. Aqualad. You tilted your head in confusion, unsure as to who they were referring to. “Your father.”
“I haven’t seen the Joker in over 6 months,” you answered honestly, making sure to emphasize the fact that you did not perceive him as your father.
“And when was the last time you spoke to him?” Superboy asked accusingly.
“It’s been over 6 months,” you simply responded.
“What about your mother?” Artemis asked. Though she didn’t sound accusing, she sounded concerned.
“I believe it’s been about a year and a half.”
“Your mom left you with your crazy father? Why would she do that?” was the next question, which came from Kid Flash.
“My mother wasn’t exactly sane either,” you responded, getting a simple ‘oh’ of realization from the redhead. Robin sent him a glare before finally offering the tour.
Now, you stood in the main room of the cave, watching Kaldur and Robin spar. It had been a month since you joined the team, and yet the only two on the team that seemed to trust you were Artemis and Robin. Perhaps it was because you helped them when the cave was taken over, or maybe it was because the three of you were the only ones on the team who were aware of Artemis’s true family. Whatever it was, the rest of the team wasn’t having it. They wouldn’t practice with you, they wouldn’t speak to you. It was as if you didn’t exist in their eyes, their mistrust often clouding their better judgment.
As you stood there listening to Wally complain about Captain Marvel’s food consumption the computer spoke up, “Recognized, Batman 02.”
“Computer, national news,” Batman commanded.
As the screen pulled up the news and you saw the giant plants attacking the city, you couldn’t help but mutter under your breath, “Pamela.” Robin recognized the name and placed his hand on the small of your back in an attempt to comfort you, confirming your suspicions with a small nod.
“Should we get out there?” he asked.
“No,” Batman responded, “The League will soon have the situation under control, that’s not why I’m here. According to your intel, Sportsmaster supplied Cadmus Blockbuster Formula to Kobra.”
“Who combined it with Bane’s venom to create Kobra Venom,” Wally continued.
“Which The Brain used to create his animal army.”
“And upgrade Wolf.”
“The Brain also used inhibitor collars, like the ones at Belle Reve Penitentiary.”
“Batman, is it possible that plant thing is on Kobra Venom too?”
“I had Green Lantern run a spot analysis, the vine cellulose does contain trace amounts of a Kobra Venom variant,” Batman confirmed.
“These cannot be coincidences,” Kaldur stated.
You continued, “Unrelated criminals are cooperating with one another worldwide.” As you spoke, Robin removed his hand from your back and began to type.
“Exactly,” Batman confirmed, yet again. “It’s now clear our enemies have formed some kind of, secret society of super villains. The attack on Metropolis is only the beginning.”
“You got that right,” Robin said, pulling up more images on the computer. “Plant creatures have sprouted in Gotham City, Paris, Star City, Taipei-” and then the computers cut off.
Wally got upset before Robin told him that whoever it was was taking over all of the satellites, and the team waited to see what was to happen on the screen.
The Joker’s face appeared on the screen and you began to feel nauseous. You felt the team’s eyes on the back of your head, and Robin returned his hand to your back, in another attempt to comfort you. You watched the screen with wide eyes, knowing that the majority of your team was questioning your allegiances. You shuddered when you heard your father’s high pitched laugh. Robin once again let go of you and began typing again, this time to obtain the identities of the villains that appeared on-screen. “Count Vertigo, The Joker, Poison Ivy, Ultra Humanite, Atomic Skull, Black Adam, Wotan, seven heavy hitters. Probably behind everything and everyone we’ve faced.”
As they began to discuss the secret society, you began to think of way that the ‘Injustice League’ could be stopped. When Batman said he had a different job for your team you were unsure of whether you should be excited that he trusted you or wary due to the people you’d be facing. As Robin pulled up a holomap and Zatara placed the location of the villains, your mind began to reel.
“Coordinates locked in,” Robin confirmed, “The Louisiana Bayou.”
“And what will she do?” Kaldur asked. You knew the question was coming the second you saw the Joker’s face on the screen, yet you cringed at the sound of it anyways.
“Come with us, obviously,” Robin informed the leader, “She’s just as much a part of this team as you are.” You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding and looked at Robin.
“She’s too close to this case!” Superboy shouted, causing you to flinch. The first fourteen years of your life trained you that when yelling started, violence followed, so the feeling of Robin’s hand returning to the small of your back became a comfort, reminding you where you were and that you were safe, especially in this situation.
“Hardly!” Artemis yelled right back, “Just because you don’t trust her doesn’t make her any less a part of this team. Her knowledge of the Joker is precisely what we need to slip past his defenses unnoticed.”
Wally looked at Artemis and then at you and Robin before sighing, “They’re right. We need her.” You gave him a small smile to show your thanks before Kaldur and Superboy conceded, heading to change and to the bioship.
M’gann began to talk about feeling sick, and then the bioship lost control and landed in the murky waters of the bayou. As water flooded the ship, you began to panic. You never were the strongest swimmer. When Robin looked at you, he noticed your panic as well, and made sure you got out safely, pulling you with him as he swam to the surface. When you all reached the top, you were caught by Count Vertigo. He used his powers to subdue the team, and Superboy had a run-in with Black Adam. Kaldur commanded Robin and Miss Martian to disappear, in order to fulfil the mission.
I’m going with them, you thought to the rest of the team, before disappearing into the shadows with Robin, They don’t even know I’m part of the team yet.
You ran alongside Robin towards the building. M’gann told us that she lost contact with the rest of the team, but Robin made sure she knew we had to finish the job first.
A voice from behind you spoke up, “Well, hello,” and then the three of you were wrapped with giant plants as well. The other two began to struggle, but you knew Pamela too well. You simply held still and stared her down. “Hey Aunt Pam!” you exclaimed, causing shock to appear in not only her’s but also Ultra Humanite’s eyes. In her shocked state, she dropped the three of you and you commanded them to run over your brain link. Humanite followed Miss Martian while Poison Ivy turned away from you to watch Robin run away.
“Sorry Boy Wonder, I’m putting an end to your little reconnaissance mission.”
You quickly climbed a tree, and followed in Robin’s direction, hoping the three of you would meet up eventually. He stopped, and you landed on the ground directly beside him when you heard M’gann’s voice in your head again. Robin, she’s made contact. Of course she still decided to ignore your existence, but at least she kept you on the link this time.
Artemis? Robin asked.
No, you thought, and Miss M confirmed soon after, the bioship flying overhead and stopping the villains that held the rest of your team.
As the battle raged on below, you, Robin, and Miss M made your way to the top of the building, and you helped him place explosives around the entirety of the plant sticking out of the roof. After the plants exploded, the Joker and Atomic Skull came out of the building.
You followed Robin down the building, and fought by his side the whole time. When the Joker came out of the forest to see not only the Boy Wonder, but also his daughter, he acted unfazed though the surprise was clear in his eyes. You knew he thought you planned to help him, so when he began to charge at Robin with his knives and you jumped between them his eyes went wide and he stopped.
“My little Jester, how wonderful it is to see you again,” he said before letting out a crazed laugh. “What’s the matter? Didn’t you miss your daddy?”
“You. Are. Not. My. Father,” you told him through grit teeth.
“Oh, c’mon my child. Come fight alongside me, and then we can head home. I know how much you probably miss home.”
“No way in hell am I going with you.”
“But my little Jester…” He continued to ramble which kept him distracted. Rob, I’ve got this covered. Go help the rest of the team.
(Y/N), I’m not going to leave you with him in that state. The argument got cut off before you could really discuss because the Justice League began to descend from the sky.
As the majority of the Injustice League began to surrender, the Joker started to ramble again. Before you knew it he was waggling his fingers and spores on the plants began to burst.
“Joker Venom spores! Don’t breathe,” you commanded, flipping over your father’s head, landing, and swiftly kicking him in the side of the head, causing him to fall unconscious. “And yeah, I learned that from mom,” you mentioned to his unconscious body.
Before the venom could spread, Dr. Fate began to pull it out of the air. The Justice League began to arrest the villains as the team waited and hoped that Dr. Fate would free Kaldur. Finally, Kaldur was free, and the team began to celebrate, but you stayed seated on the ground beneath you. The team still did not trust you, and that was fine, in the end, you did as Batman said you would. You helped them.
Robin came and sat down next to you, placing an arm around your shoulder this time. You leaned into him as he spoke. “Thank you, (Y/N). We wouldn’t have been able to do it today without you.”
Next Artemis came over and thanked you, along with Wally and M’gann. Finally, Kaldur and Conner came up.
“I believe I owe you an apology,” Kaldur stated.
“We both do,” Conner continued. “We’re sorry we let your family make us think you were going to betray us. I mean, the whole blood is thicker than water thing kinda freaked us out a bit I guess.”
You looked at him quizzically for a moment. “But, blood is thicker than water…” you stated. The whole team turned to you wide eyed. “No, no, I mean the full quote. ‘The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb’? The blood shed in battle bonds soldiers as friends more than genetics ever will?”
“Huh,” Rob began, “I guess I’ve had the saying wrong my whole life.”
“It appears we all did,” Kaldur added as the team laughed, and for once you felt welcome. For once you felt at home.
A/N: Okay I just wanted to put another author’s note because I like to think that in season 2 when Kaldur says ‘blood is thicker than seawater’ he means it the proper way, and Nightwing knows this but everyone else is just thinking of it the backwards way. In reality Kaldur is telling them of his true allegiance but nobody realizes. Idk just a little hc I had and I thought I’d share. 
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