#diddy diss
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virovizion · 1 year ago
Watch "Troy Ave - Puff Hit Pac (Lyric Video)" on YouTube
#troyave #puffhitpac #Gigps #puffydiss #badboy #rap #nyrap #virovizion #diddy #puffdaddy #2pac #Tupac #biggie
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crocsandbitches · 10 months ago
Now that Drake’s been obliterated, I’m starting a petition for it to be P. Diddy next.
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rubylioness · 9 months ago
Was thinking about how a certain part of ‘Not Like Us’ (“Hey, Drake—they’re not slow”), but honestly low-key the whole song reminded me of Hamilton, and I tried to see if someone else felt this and someone on Twitter tweeted a while back that it sounded like Cabinet Battle.
And then I listened to Washington On Your Side and now I’m thinkin’ if how:
The other guys=Kendrick, Metro (and Future?), and Kanye.
And Lucien Grainge obviously would be the “Washington” on Drake’s side.
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beausling · 5 months ago
as someone who was raised on rap (primarily eminem n tupac) and supernatural.. i have Way too many hc’s floating through my brain rn
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kcyars99 · 5 months ago
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Yes MAM!!!
My favorite genre is people calling out pedophiles , rapists, abusers , creeps and lowlife sociopaths
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hiphopdomains · 7 months ago
NotLikeUs.hiphop Is Available! Get Dat!
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For More Details Visit: NotLikeUs.hiphop
@hiphop @kendricklamarx @kendricklamarfan @pglang @loudmuzikgroup @diddy @xxlmag-blog-blog @hiphopdx-blog @drizzyfuckingdrake @badboy-entlatino-blog
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gurutrends · 4 months ago
Diddy’s Son Hits Back At Meek Mill Over 'No Diddy Gang' Diss
Diddy‘s son Justin Combs isn’t too happy about Meek Mill suddenly distancing himself from the Bad Boy boss. Despite being friends and collaborators with the embattled mogul for many years, Meek seemingly denounced Diddy in a video that went viral earlier this week. While being filmed by a fan in New York City, the Philadelphia rapper said to the camera: “No Diddy gang. Meek Milly in real life.…
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gerryland · 4 months ago
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But it's cool 'cause I'm ridin' on my own path
Stayed out the way of the game and I chose that While they climb the Hollywood Mountain with a broke back Sellin' ass while they sellin' souls, sellin' both that And I could've been G-Eazy, could've signed a big deal Took those very same meetings but I got a weird feelin' Lookin' at it now, that shit gives me the chills 'Cause to be G-Eazy would suck, dawg, for real He on so many drugs, he got me lookin' sober Now wipe that damn make-up off, you fuckin' poser That Satan worshippin' Illuminati shit is over And so is your career, dawg, let me give you closure Throw this motherfucker in a halfway house Before he spits another trash ass bar, just get him out G, you makin' white boys look bad right now And as a white boy, you don't get no pass right now
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phannaj4 · 5 months ago
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jasonlf8044 · 5 months ago
#Diddy #FYP
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bricedavismedia · 10 months ago
Gucci Mane - Take Dat, No Diddy (Diddy DISS)
Gucci Mane woke up to violence and chose to take aim at Diddy on "Take Dat", using metaphors related to Diddy's career through out the track. 50 Cent showed Gucci Mane support on Instagram by reposting this record. Diddy has yet to be charged on allegations of trafficking.
YouTube: www.Youtube.com/BriceDavis Website: www.TheBriceDavis.com
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chrriblossom · 5 months ago
Galeraaa do céu, eu acabei de entender mais sobre a morte do michael jackson e vou explicar aqui!!
Quando o mj morreu, a filha dele disse que ele estava muito paranoico dizendo que iriam matar ele e etc, e o filho dele disse no julgamento do médico do mj que ele vivia brigando com a sony no telefone e q toda vez q ele desligava, ele chorava e dizia q iriam matar ele. Fora q o mj tinha supostas anotações falando q a sony queria matar ele pq ele conseguiu os direitos dele d volta etc etc!!
Na época que o mj morreu, ele estava treinando para iniciar a turne dele. Até ai ok, mas a sony contratou uma NOVA equipe de segurança pra ele, e o novo chefe dessa equipe era um homem chamado Faheem Muhammed, e este mano tava na casa do michael no dia que ele morreu, e como chefe de segurança era obrigação dele chamar a emergência. E hoje a gente sabe q o fdp só ligou pro hospital UMA HORA DEPOIS Q O MJ FOI ENCONTRADO INCONSCIENTE (???)
E o faheem nessa época tinha seus 21 anos e tbm tinha ACABADO d se formar em administração, n é suspeito ele ser escalado pra ser o chefe d segurança do MJ? (A sony disse que contrataram o Faheem pq ele tinha experiência na Síria?? Sla)
É ai que entra o diddy, sabem oq aconteceu com o faheem dps? ELE FOI PROMOVIDO a chefe d segurança do DIDDY. E sabem quem era amiguinho do diddy, e até vendeu uma casa pra ele? TOMMY MOTTOLA!!! O CEO DA SONY GNT
Por isso q a mariah carey chorou p krl dps disso, pq ela era esposa do tommy mottola e provavelmente ela já sabia muito antes da gnt como o mj morreu de verdade (por isso dizem que a música she knows foi feita pra ela!)
E se eu não me engano o Kanye West tbm falou que o mj foi assassinado, enfim glr o negócio é pânico e não da pra moscar🤞🏻 jaja a máfia do jayzinho vem aqui na minha casa e me mata por eu estar postando essas informações no tumblr viu? Se eu morrer vcs já sabem quem foi KKKKKKKKKK
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itsstillsweetiebythealtar · 10 months ago
All I’m gonna say is… cackles aside, all of these rappers are gross for weaponizing the abuse of women and girls to take each other down while pretending to give two fucks about violence against women.
Cause we all know they don’t care. As deeply ingrained as violence against women, especially Black women is within rap, and the way that we are gaslit whenever we try to have a serious discussion about it….all of this is performative.
Once the dust settles the same ones using the trauma and abuse of women to diss Canadian Bacon will be the same ones blasting Kodak music, making excuses for Tory, slick supporting R. Kelly, defending Diddy, still praising Biggie, etc.
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dumbnotstupidfuck · 10 months ago
I’m ngl I’m pretty sure the fbi already has a case against drake and other ppl in the industry caught wind of it. it would make the whole ‘everyone’s dissing drake rn’ make a lot of sense
‘the embassy getting raided too, it’s only a matter of time’ is very direct and specific, and following it up with ‘they looking at you too if you’re standing by him, keep the family away’ is pretty damning too. I mean, the man directly told mega famous athletes to stay away from drake.
he also says on not like us ‘did Cole foul, don’t know why you’re still pretending’ and drake took j.cole on his recent tour, maybe already knowing that he was fucked
if kendrick isn’t exaggerating about having 10 tracks ready for drake right away, then my guess is that this has been planned for a bit
obviously we don’t know, but looking at kendricks track record, he’s being extremely direct and blunt about a topic that is normally very sensitive and a massive stain on both his own and drakes careers. and I don’t believe for a second that this all happened because drake lied about his partner sleeping with his bodyguard on push ups.
that man has been off the grid for SO long, hes said doesn’t like being famous, I have a hard time believing he would be this angry at notorious liar Drake lying about his family when he’s someone who spends a lot of time at home
not to mention drake has been saying he’s gonna go on a break soon, and we all know how diddy handled the news of him getting raided
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kcyars99 · 5 months ago
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“Dear Janice sit down, what I'm about to say is heavy, now listen
*clears throat * Mm-mm, your son’s a sick man with sick thoughts, I think niggas like him should die
Him and Weinstein should get fucked up in a cell for the rest their life
He hates Black women, hypersexualizes 'em with kinks of a nympho fetish
Grew facial hair because he understood bein' a beard just fit him better
He got sex offenders on ho-VO (or in this case bad boy)that he keep on a monthly allowance
A child should never be compromised and he keepin' his child around them
And we gotta raise our daughters knowin' there's predators like him lurkin'
Fuck a rap battle(or a lengthy jail sentence) , he should die so all of these women can live with a purpose
I been in this industry twelve years, I'ma tell y'all one lil' secret
It's some weird shit goin' on and some of these artists be here to police it
They be streamlinin' victims all inside of they home and callin' 'em tender
Then leak videos of themselves to further push their agendas
To any woman that be playin' his music, know that you're playin' your sister
Or better, you're sellin' your niece to the weirdos, not the good ones
Katt Williams said, "Get you the truth," so I'ma get mines
The Embassy 'bout to get raided too, it's only a matter of time
Ayy, LeBron, keep the family away, hey, Curry, keep the family away
To anybody that embody the love for their kids, keep the family away
They lookin' at you too if you standin' by him, keep the family away
I'm lookin' to shoot through any pervert that lives, keep the family safe”
I know this is a brutal Drake diss but they both have been accused of being groomers and abusers and associated themselves with groomers and abusers
Lock both of them up for the children and women’s sake (and the men too)
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hiphopdomains · 8 months ago
Own The Asset: NotLikeUs.hiphop and be a Part of History! 
We’ve just published: Be Part of the Buzz with NotLikeUs.hiphop —   https://link.medium.com/gvsXgUeWeLb 
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Go get that NotLikeUs.hiphop before someone else does!
@kendricklamarx @kendricklamarfan @pglang @diddy @loudmuzikgroup  
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