#did you all like the pancake johnny joke
featherwhiskered · 6 months
okay so this is about my very popular post because GOOD GOD DO YALL LIKE MY JOKE???
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BYEEEE cuz i love you all for all the notes and everything BUT JESUS FUCKING CHRIST
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the-faceless-bride · 4 months
The woods, a witch, and a wolf pack. Punchline?
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Summary: (paranormal Au and takes place 1874) Kyle was out later than normal. Away from his pack wasn't a good idea he knew he shouldn't have gone out late; but Johnny had set his heart on a pie tonight, and he wanted Johnny to get his wish. Staying out looking for berries revealed itself to be an awful idea as a group of hunters we in the woods. And he... wasn't fast enough. Good thing he found a house.
Warnings: Not many. blood, inaccurate monster lore, Gaz being adorable but untrusting, 141 members being worried and upset.
This is pretty short compared to what I would normally write, but I'm trying to get in the groove. I've been writing all of my fics on my phone, I'm trying to get back into the swing of writing.
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Kyle cursed himself for being careless, not telling the others of his pack where he was going before sneaking off; he wanted to surprise Johnny, but had he known there were a group of hunters playing Van Helsing nearby he would've been more careful.
Now he was trying to limp away and hide with an arrow sticking from his side, it was much more painful than anything he'd felt before; and he had been roughed up bad before, but not like this. This was agony; a seething, burning pain. It traveled from his side through his ribs to his chest, from his stomach to his weakening knees.
Fuck. He didn't want to die here. In the woods, alone and in agony. That's when he smelled it. A welcoming smell, one that made him feel safe.
A house. A house that he'd never seen before, behind a hidden Rocky arch that was covered by a waterfall of vines and leaves. When did this get here? He always knew this hidden archway, but last he and his pack checked, it led to a dead end. Didn't it? Fuck. He can't remember, not when all he can hear is the pounding of his heart trying to escape his ribcage.
The door slightly ajar, he stumbled clumsily through the old wooden door; a cozy interior. A war fire, candles light all on the walls and interesting clocks, trinkets, and spices hung from the walls. The house was warm, very warm compared to the cold, sharp air outside; a soft velvet couch, a dark green covered in a flower pattern.
Kyle tossed himself down on it with a sigh and a groan. He wanted to pull the enflamed arrow from his side but didn't dare; not wanting to bleed out. 'Merow' Kyle jumped, a skinny black cat with the largest, brighest yellow eyes he'd ever seen sat on the arm of the sofa saring at him.
Kyle gave it an awkward wave, "hello," he said, just above a whisper. "Well, isn't this delightful. A pup bleeding all over my nice sofa." a voice jokes, Kyle whips his head to the voice with a growl, he didn't know who this was but he wasn't going to give them the idea he wouldn't harm them if they tried anything.
"Don't worry, I won't hurt you," Kyle stops his growls but still sits stiff ready for anything, "now before we start, would you like a warm drink? Coffee, tea, whiskey?" - Kyle shakes his head, "I made pancakes earlier? Fancy one? Best you'll ever taste," - he again shakes his head. "Well then, let me take a look."
Kyle slowly and hesitantly leans to you, letting you see his wound. He was confused. Most people who knew who or what he was normally would shoo him away or try to kill him.
"Don't worry, this should be a quick and easy fix."- you move to a corner, wall filled top to bottom with shelves pulling a trinket box out before taking a small flower.
"hear, eat this." - Kyle look from the flower to you then back - "I know, strange. But it will help; Wolvesbain is a pretty flower. It's probably what led you to me. The sent is pretty irresistible to pups like you," - Kyle rolled his eyes at being called a pup, but you were right; that sweet smell that lead him to this house was coming from the pretty little flower clipping that you held between your thumb and forefinger.- "wolvesbain is a helpful little flower, it can be rather helpful to you, when not mixed with poison... In fact, looking to plant this flower was the whole reason for coming here,"
Kyle hesitantly ate the flower. It wasn't as earthy and awful as he expected, though it made his mouth water, not in the good way. More of the he shoved a handful of pepper mint down his throat way.
"I'm terribly sorry for the hunters," -Kyle raise a brow at you-
"The hunters are particularly my fault. You see, when I came looking for these flowers, my reputation of a witch followed me, and they trailed behind. Wolvesbane normally only grows near the paranormal creature themselves, much like Monotropa uniflora or black roses. I needed them for my garden. However, I tried to say clear of you and your pack. Usually, the lesser the flower, the further away the pack is. However, you seemed to be nearby," - This was true, Kyle and his pack were nearby. Not very close, but close enough that he was able to run here in his time of need, not wanting to bring the hunters to his lovers - "so either you and your pack just got here, are hidden or you're a long way from home,"
Kyle sat, thinking of what this meant. You'd unintentionally brought danger to him and the ones he loved. What does this mean? Were you going to stay in these woods? If you left, would the hunters go too? Where did this house come from? You say you just got here, yet you have a garden filled with magic plants and a house that wasn't exactly small. It wasn't a small cozy cottage like his packs. It wasn't a tent you'd just set up. It looked as if it had always been here.
"Well, it should be about that time," you say as you look as an old pocket watch from your dress pocket, " I'm happy you ate that flower, I'd hate for this to have been painful for you," - Kyle tilts his head, confused - "that arrow is a hunters arrow, it's been crafted specifically to hurt you. A normal needle and thread wouldn't be able to close that wound. And this type of threat can be... painful to the paranormal creatures of the night. But with that Wolvesbane, you won't feel a thing!" You say as you stick his side with a needle.
He felt nothing.
"There. You should be good now, I'm no doctor, but I'd say I did a rather good job." You smile as you begin to clean up, putting the needle and tread away before storing the arrow away with the rest of your gunter weapons you've collected over the years. "Thank you." You jump, the first words he's said since he's been here. "Well, thank you as well," - "for what?" - "not ripping me to shreds as I walked through the door," you tease.
"Where's the mutt?"
"I'm not sure,we lost track of him"
"He probably bled out somewhere,"
"Well find him, he'd make a nice furr rug! Haha!"
They were still looking for him. While due to the flower he ate, he may not feel the pain, but that doesn't mean his body isn't affected by it. He wouldn't be able to outrun them, not a chance.
"You can stay here. You won't be able to run if they see you. Tomorrow, I'll travel halfway with you, I'll throw off your trail. Then you'll be gone before those hunters realize your long gone." As you say this, the house seems to dim. The candles along the walls begin to dim their glow.
"Come now." You say, nodding your head up the stairs. He follows right behind you, Kyle can't thank you enough. Now, the only thing he'll have to worry about is the earful he'll get from John and some whining from Johnny. He's never been so happy to hear those than right now.
"I live alone and don't get much company, so if you don't mind, you can sleep with me. I'd prefer you have something soft to rest on, especially with that bad side."
"I have no problem," he smiles at you. You certainly are strange. You climb onto your bed after taking off your over dress and shape wear sighing as you get warm under the covers. Kyle shortly following after.
He can't sleep. He's worried sick. What if his boys came out looking for him and got hurt? He hated making them worry, and he's sure they were worried sick. He felt guilty. He's pulled from his thoughts as he felt a soft touch, "they'll be ok." A soft and low whine crawls from his chest, he knows. But that fact doesn't settle his mind.
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When morning comes, Kyle finds himself wrapped around you, his face buried in your hair arms and legs tangled. You smell nice. "Good morning, Pup," -you say with a sigh as you struggle to get up sleepily putting on your dress,- "morning,"
"Fancy breakfast? Or should we hurry on our way? I'm sure your pack is worried sick," - "As much as I'd love some pancakes, I think I've caused enough trouble," - "next time then?" - Kylr smiled, "next time."
Leaving the house and back into the woods was nerve-wracking for Kyle, constantly peaking over his shoulder, worried he'd find a man with a crossbow pointed at him. But you didn't seem worried at all. You seemed to know exactly where you were going; like you'd lived in this wood your whole life.
Just as you approach the babbling brook, you stop; "This is where my path ends, Kyle." You smile up at him, "it's time for you to go." - "Well, would you maybe like to stay? It's almost time for lunch, won't you stay?"- You smile, bit before you can answer, You both hear voices that have Kyle's head whipping around to see them.
Kyle smiles excitedly, "JOHNNY!" Kyle breaks into a sprint, colliding into the smaller yet muscular Scott, a pair of footsets coming quickly behind. "What the hell were you thinking?!" - "it's good to see you too, John."
"Where have you been?"
"Why didn't you say you were leaving?"
"What happened to your side?! Your shirt is drenched in blood!"
John, Simon, and Johnny all firing questions one after the other, "it's alright, I got help." - "help? From who?" - "Well, she -" while Kyle turned around to point you out, you were gone. Where did you go? "Well, whoever she was, I'm glad she helped you." - "yeah, I'll have to introduce you..." he says, his voice trailing off as he wonders where you went, and what exactly was your name? He'd forgotten to ask... infact, you had said his name just now... when had he told you his name?...
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floralhuqzz · 4 months
Sexual tension (Johnnie Guilbert x fem reader) smut
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·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
Warning: smut, degradation, choking, petnames, virgin reader,, DONT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER 18🔞
🦇author: the edit thats in this post is not mine,, all credits to crystalcaskle on tiktok!!! :) I also apologize if theres any misspelled words english is not my first language!
I woke up around 7 am when i decided to make myself some breakfast before i start streaming,, ive started youtube 1 year ago, around that time when i met Johnnie. Ive been living with him and Jake for the past 3 months and honestly its been going pretty good.
“whatcha’ making?”
“oh god dont scare me like that!” i slightly punch him in the shoulder
“sorry sorry.. it smells really good” he puts his arm around my shoulder and i blush.. i had a crush on him since when we first met
“you want some pancakes?” i look at him
“yeah, thanks” he pats my head, making my hair look like a mess
“i hate you” i roll my eyes
“you love me” he laughs as he sits down
‘i do..” i thought to myself
i make some coffee and more pancakes as i sit down next to Johnnie.
“are you doing something after?” he asks me while he keeps eating his pancakes
“yeah..i have to stream right now,, but im free afterwards” i smile
“wanna go out?” he finally looks at me,, he looked so beautiful,, his blue beautiful eyes.. his makeup he forgot to take off before bed that somehow still looked good on him.
“yeah..i would love to” i smile a little
i stand up
“i better go now, ill see you in 2 hours johnnie” i smile as i walk to my room
1 hour later*
i started streaming and i decided to react to some videos that my followers sent me,, they were usually sending edits of me or they will even sometimes send me memes. They all kinda supposed i had a crush on Johnnie, i just didn’t want to say anything just yet. They will sometimes send me edits of Johnnie and see my face turning red.
As one of my followers sent me this edit
When i watched that edit i said something that i will be definitely regretting later
“i volunteer..*cough* i mean what?..” i laugh
“chat you are all crazy” i laughed
after another hour i decided to end the stream as i said my goodbyes
i walk to the living room as i see Johnnie sitting on the couch looking a bit serious
“you okay there?” i chuckle
“i need to talk to you”
oh no.
“yeah what is it?”
“mind explaining me this?” he shows me a clip of my reaction to that one edit on my stream
"oh um." i blush as i look away
"hm?" he stands up and walks towards me "cat got your tongue?"
i didnt say anything. i just stared at the floor
"i asked you something" he puts his hand on my chin
"it- it was just a joke, you know?" i chuckle awkwardly as i felt like i was about to pass out from embarassment
"it didnt seem like a joke to me" he stares at me
"yeah umm..." i start to walk back as he started to walk towards me, almost like trying to intimidate me
"whats wrong?" he smirks
"n-nothing" i finally bump into the wall behind me
"if you wanted to get fucked by me you couldve just said so"
"dont play dumb"
"i-im no-" he grabs my neck
"lying to me wont get you anywhere" he stares at my shirt as he starts to put his hand inside my shirt
"j-johnnie what are y-" i could literally feel my heart beat racing by the second
"dont tell me you dont want this” he now started to kiss my neck
i felt like i was literally about to pass out from how hot i was in that moment. i couldn’t believe this was actually happening,,
“come here” he picks me up in bride style and sets up on walking to his bedroom,, he opens the door and throws me to his bed as he climbs on top of me
“fuck,, i wanted this for so long..” he starts to take off my shirt,, i felt hot between my legs
he started to kiss my stomach going down my hips. he slowly took off my pants and threw them on the floor
“johnnie wait!” he stops
“whats wrong? did i go too far??” he looks at me worried
“no no…its just that…its my first time..” i blush
“oh…” he smirks “ill make you feel good alright baby?,, you just have to trust me with this okay? can you do that for me?” he caresses my thigh. i nod as he then continued what he was doing earlier. he starts to kiss my chest going down my stomach, and finally reaching down to my panties.
“can i?” he started to kiss my inner thigh
“mhm” i nod
he slowly started to take off my panties as he then began to slowly eat me out. I’ve never in my life had been touched this way by anyone,, and knowing that the first person to take away my virginity was johnnie, it relieved me. i started to whimper as he suddenly started to go faster. his tongue was reaching all the right spots.
“fuck-“ i whimper as i felt him moan, sending vibrations to my core which gave me even more pleasure. i look down as i see him staring at me as he kept eating me out “johnnie fuck i-“ i moan
“come on baby, be a good girl and cum on my face” him calling me a ‘good girl’ sent me shivers down my spine.
“oh god oh god oh god-“ i throw my head back as i came
johnnie looks at me and caresses my thighs once again.
“you did so good baby..” he gets up and starts to kiss me. I see him unbuckling his pants.
“do you want this?” he asks
“yes…yes i do” i was so turned on by now that the only thing i wanted was him..and only him
“you will have to beg for it or ill leave you like this…needy…and you dont want that right princess?” he smirks
“n-no…” fuck he knew what he was doing. He waits for me to continue
“p-please johnnie..” i whimper as he lined himself to my entrance
“you can do better than that..” he looks at me dead in the eyes
“please johnnie i want your dick inside of me..” i beg,, i felt so embarrassed but turned on at the same time
“thats a good girl” he gets inside of my without a warning as i moaned from the sudden feeling
“for how long you’ve wanted this y/n? hm? tell me.” he began to move
“for a l-long time..” i moan, it felt like i was on cloud nine
He started to thrust harder and faster,, i felt like i was about to cum.
“j-johnnie i-im~” i whimpered and he put his hand on my leg and place it on his shoulder for better access which made the feeling 100 times better
“i know baby i know…fuck y-you feel amazing” he thrusted faster, “come on princess cum with me…” he moaned as we both cummed. We started to breath heavily,, with our hair sticking to our foreheads because of the sweat,, messy hair and red face but he still looked beautiful
“youre absolutely gorgeous..” i blush at his sudden comment
“i dont know if this is the right time but…i really like you..” he confesses
“i like you too johnnie…ive liked you for a very long time..” i smile at him as he kisses my forehead and we both fall asleep in each others arms.
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Paris, France
Author’s Note: i got the foundation of this from “What’s Mine is Yours” by DoflamingosStrings on ao3 and i couldn’t help but insert my OC as i headcannon that the Fantastic Four plus my OC would have qualifications of a poly!queer platonic (questionable) relationship. A little background, my OC, Adelaide, is an unapologetically black fem who is Johnny’s agent and social media manager. She’s more comedic relief, but also takes no shit. In my headcannon, she follows the quartet into Outworld at Johnny’s request and starts off as more of a spectator (essentially doing all the recording that you see Johnny do in story mode). However, she becomes a kombatant by subduing Mileena, saving Kenshi’s sight. A little joke is that she threatens to get Johnny cancelled for colonial behavior had he not given Sento back to Kenshi. This is more so an extension of DoflamingosStrings’s work, as if the couples’ mingling has gone on for a while now. Everything else remains relatively the same.
WARNING: MDNI. This fic contains graphic descriptions of sexual activity including threesomes - M/M/F, PIV intercourse, anal sex, oral sex (fem and male receiving), dom/sub dynamics and more. Read at your own risk!
Kenshi hunched over the kitchen counter, reveling in the smell and taste of the freshly brewed coffee Adelaide had made him before she and Johnny left for a meeting about future roles. He felt a pair of arms wrap around him, breaking him out of his quiet solace.
“Finally, some peace and quiet, huh?” Kung Lao’s timbre sliced through the silence.
“If you’re anything like me, you’ll learn to miss Johnny and Adelaide’s boisterous voices. Keeps my head clear of dangerous thoughts.” Kenshi straightened his back and leaned into the younger’s touch. Kung Lao placed his chin on Kenshi’s shoulder and breathed in his scent. He had originally woken not to be comforted by Kenshi’s presence, but because Adelaide had also made breakfast. A spread of pancakes, fruit, eggs, and sausage laid covered on the dining table, tempting him with its decadent smell. Small divets signaled that Adelaide and Johnny had gotten their helping before rushing out the door to beat L.A. traffic.
In fact, Johnny had invited Raiden, who remained asleep upstairs, and Kung Lao to spend time at his “humble” abode to allow for proper rest after their endeavors tasked by Liu Kang. They eagerly agreed wanting to spend more time with the trio seeing as their origins in China would not allow for frequent visitations.
“Hmm..” Kenshi began as he felt Kung Lao’s morning erection against the small of his back. Kung Lao raised his head a bit to listen to what he had to say. “Raiden sure is missing out right now.”
Kung Lao chuckled, his breath tickling Kenshi’s ear sending chills down his tattooed arms. “Sure is. Not only would he love this scene right now, but I also might clean the assortment before he wakes up.” His arms made his way beneath Kenshi’s shirt to feel his ribbed abs. His fingernails lightly grazing across, not helping as Kenshi gasped at the feeling.
“I would bend you over right now, but I have to get some sustenance in me first. Can’t please you on an empty stomach.” Kung Loa said, quickly pulling away and grabbing a plate from the cabinet just above Kenshi’s head.
When all was said and done, Kung Lao did indulge in a hefty portion while Kenshi kept his very moderate. The latter shifting in his seat knowing his fate was set after Kung Lao was full.
Raiden awoke to the vulgar sounds that came from Johnny and Kenshi’s shared rooms. The sunlight peaked through the blinds and Kung Lao’s scent in the sheets began to dissipate. He arose to stretch his limbs, the tension nearly gone now as he got the opportunity to relax rather than continuously prove himself as Earthrealm’s champion. He opened the bedroom door which acted as a soundproof barrier, the sounds having increased tenfold. He walked down the hall, the sounds still increasing. But he passed the door to Johnny and Kenshi’s bedroom where they were evidently coming from in favor of taking the stairs to the kitchen.
‘For Raiden. :)’ - From Adelaide
The note made him smile as he picked up the still warm coffee cup on the table. He helped himself to the scraps Kung Lao had left and picked up the newspaper that had already been read by someone prior. Once he made it to the last page and filled out the remaining crossword boxes, he hadn’t noticed that the sounds had stopped. Only lifting his head due to Kung Lao’s heavy steps coming down the stairs. Kenshi followed, sex written all over his body that was now scattered with hickeys and bite marks. In addition, he had a bit of a limp to his gait.
“Have fun?” Raiden leaned back in his chair, amused at the scene that lay before him.
Kenshi raised a finger at him before collapsing face first into the couch in the living room.
“Careful or else I might begin to think that Johnny is rubbing off on you.” Raiden joked, biting his tongue from laughing at his expense.
“Actually I was rubbing off on him.” Kung Lao chuckled as he approached Raiden, leaning in to peck him on the cheek.
“Neither you nor Cage are funny.” Kenshi’s voiced, his usual stoic demeanor returning to him.
Kung Lao gathered the plates on the table and began to clean them, knowing that Adelaide would be pissed to come back to dirty dishes and also as a gesture of appreciation for her work.
Raiden also made work of cleaning off the tables and counters. He would’ve asked Kenshi to help mop, but decided against it knowing that he definitely would be of no use right now. After cleaning, he plopped himself on the couch and turned on the TV, opting for some animal documentary. A comfortable silence came over the trio before Kung Lao spoke.
“You know, sometimes I feel bad that Adelaide is left out of the fun.”
“What do you mean?” Raiden questioned as he used the small of Kenshi’s back as a headrest. His feet were propped in Kung Lao’s lap.
“Like…” Kung Lao scratched the back of his neck, not knowing how to voice what may be a controversial opinion. “Like how me, you, Kenshi and Johnny interact. I feel bad keeping her in the dark after everything she does for us. Do you think she even knows?”
Raiden pursed his lips. He definitely was attracted to Adelaide. In fact, he was the one who pointed it out to Lord Liu Kang about her potential as a kombatant. To say that her fighting style and flexibility in kombat didn’t turn him on would be a flat out lie. Did she know? She didn’t necessarily live with Johnny to be privy to such information. Sure, she had her own apartment, but often times would stay at Johnny’s due to his close proximity to work and city life. He didn’t doubt her intelligence either, surely she would have picked up some clues.
He was broken out of his train of thought as Kenshi’s chuckling caused his head to bounce some.
“What’s funny?” Kung Lao quirked an eyebrow at the unusual response.
“She definitely knows.” Kenshi spoke directly.
“About all of us or?” Lao edged on.
“She knows about everything. I vividly remember her mocking Johnny and I for weeks when she caught Raiden coming out of our room one night.”
Raiden’s face flushed immediately. How would that change the way she saw him? Would she still respect him?
“So she doesn’t mind?” Kung Lao spoke again for him.
“Mind it? She’s an active participant.”

Raiden rose so fast that he got a headache. “What?” he voiced in unison with his boyfriend.
“Sure, its a breach in her contract, but Adelaide has definitely slept with Johnny and I on multiple occasions. It’s like a little treat whenever we’re having good or bad days.” Kenshi spoke so casually about everything he made this whole interaction seem normal.
“And?” Raiden finally was able to find his voice.
“And what?” He smirked.
“Dude, you can’t drop a bomb like that and then not expect us to want more info!”
Kenshi rolled his eyes before filling them in.
“For one, the sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted. I think I could spend hours between her legs, in fact I have. And you would think her body was crafted by the Elder Gods themselves. I think Johnny has pictures and videos stored on a second phone.” Kenshi squeezed the decorative pillow as he began to daydream about the scenarios.
“What else?” Raiden looked over to Kung Lao and rolled his eyes, he playfully reached over to close his jaw.
“I verbally cannot describe to you half of the sinful things our bedroom has seen. I think that’s something you guys have to see for yourself.” Kung Lao and Raiden were hook, line, and sinker. They gave each other a knowing look, wracking their brain for a plan to get Adelaide in bed.
“I can hear you guys thinking from here. Literally just ask her. She’s a nymphomaniac so I highly doubt she would reject the proposition.” Kenshi’s boisterous laugh made the duo blush as he spoke so casually.
“Well at least tell us what her dynamic is like.” Kung Lao had a smirk of his own. In his relationship with Raiden, he hadn’t anticipated that he would be the submissive one, but Raiden knocked him down a few pegs and put his abrasive ego in check. Adelaide was 5’ 2’’ so maybe he would be able to make his comeback.
“She would put you on your ass Lao. She’s a brat for sure and she can take a punishment, but she’s mainly a dominant leaning switch. I never said I was in control when I was between her legs.” Kenshi finally sat up from his position on the couch, he could hear the sound of Adelaide’s car pulling into the driveway. The conversation was over.
The trio pretended as if the indecent discussion never happened as they heard Adelaide and Johnny’s voice get louder as they approached the house. Raiden quickly grabbed the remote and turned up the volume to cover the obvious silence. The door opened and Adelaide entered, irritation heavy in her voice, “Johnny I will rip your dick off if you ever speak without being spoken like that again.”
Kung Lao gulped, his plan of returning to dominance already looking pretty weary. “Oh come on, it wasn’t that bad.” Johnny took his sunglasses off and placed them on top of his head. Adelaide was kicking her black heels off and placed them haphazardly next to the door before removing her blazer and hanging it up in the closet down the hall. She came back and pointed at Johnny, who stood like a toddler being scolded at the door.
“You joked about the co-director being on her 3rd divorce. In what world is that funny?”
“I was trying to relate!” Johnny testified.
Adelaide ran a hand through her sister locs in frustation before taking a deep breath to calm herself down. “I will deal with you later.” A threat which Raiden and Kung Lao know now is probably code for something else.
She turned to the trio and changed her entire demeanor. “I hope you guys enjoyed breakfast.”
“Delicious as always, Adelaide. Thank you. We also cleaned up. Seems like Johnny already has your plate full. Didn’t want to add to it.” Kung Lao looked at Johnny who had made his way to Kenshi for sympathy, the latter rubbing his back as he pouted.
Adelaide crossed the room and placed Kung Lao’s face in her hands. The scent of vanilla encompassed his senses completely. her hands were soft and her acrylic set well-manicured. Kung Lao felt himself burning as she placed a kiss on his forehead, running her nails through his hair which felt great on his scalp, and said, “Bless you, my sweet boy.”
She rose again before stretching, commenting about how she was going to shower and get comfortable. She also declared that she was staying at Johnny’s for the weekend as her place was staring to bore her. Kenshi looked over to Lao who was still dazed by the interaction. Even better, he could see the growing erection in his pants as he watched Adelaide leave the room, paying close attention to her curves as she walked away. Raiden bit his lip at how easily she hypnotized his man.
“Ok. What’s going on?” Johnny lifted his head from Kenshi’s chest. He could smell the remnants of sex on him, but that’s not what had him confused. “Why are you guys so nervous? Kung Lao, you’re gonna need a cold shower at the rate you’re headed.”
“They didn’t know.” Kenshi spoke matter-of-factly.
“They didn’t know? They didn’t know?!” Johnny whisper-yelled when he put two and two together. “Oh, you guys are in for it. You may have saved my ass tonight…literally.”
In another one of Johnny’s guest bedrooms that he set aside just for her, Adelaide was just finishing up her routine. She had slathered on shea oil, vanilla scented lotion, and finished up with vanilla perfume. In addition, she had just discarded her face mask in the trash and finished applying a moisturizer before reaching for her staple product: lip gloss. Just as she finished, there was a knock at her door.
“Come in.”
It was Kung Lao, who looked stressed out of his mind. Adelaide turned from her vanity to take a good look at him. She noticed his tense muscles and staunch posture.
“What’s up with you? Something stressing you?” She placed her lip gloss back on the vanity before opting to sit on the edge of the guest bed, patting a spot next to her. Kung Lao let out a gulp before approaching, trying not to be obvious about his goal. Though, Adelaide was not making it easy with the matching pajama set she chose. She had a tank top on that had cherries on them. The bottoms matched but hiked up around the bottom. Her cleavage, v-line, and undercarriage were essentially on full display. Even in her simple attire, he felt as if she was out of his league in his shorts and sleeveless top.
“Probably not as stressed as you having Johnny as a client. I just wanted to talk.” Kung Lao messed with his hair which was not in its usual ponytail. The ends tickling his shoulder. He was trying to focus on anything else but her to stop an awkward conversation about the tent in his pants. By the Elder Gods, where did his confidence go? “You know, like check up on you and make sure you were good since you already have a lot on your plate and still manage to do stuff for us too.”
“Aww,” she placed a hand on the lower part of his back and leaned in for a hug.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
In returning the hug, he breathed in deep, allowing for the scent of vanilla to fill his senses again, his eyes damn near rolling to the back of his skull.
“I appreciate your thoughtfulness Panda,” the nickname that stuck after they met. ‘Panda” as in Kung Fu Panda. This reminded everyone of just how close Adelaide actually is with Johnny, despite her professional approach with him. “I’m doing well. Johnny may piss me off sometimes, but I understand he comes from a good heart. You can tell him I’m not mad if that’s what he sent you in here for. What about you? How are you and Raiden doing?”
“That’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about.”
“Oh, no. I hope everything is ok.” She placed a hand on his arm. In this moment, Kung Lao simultaneously loved that her love language was physical touch.
“Everything’s great. It’s just that…” Kung Lao finally looked back her and his words were caught in his throat. As she was much shorter than him, she had to tilt her head to see. This caused her to peer at him through her eyelashes. He also notices just how close she was as she had leaned in to hear him better.
“Lao? Are you feeling ok? You’re running a bit hot.” She reached up to feel his forehead, but he caught her hand. That’s when he leaned in and kissed her. The first thing Kung Lao noticed was that she didn’t pull away, rather she wrapped her arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. When he pulled away, the second thing he noticed was that she was smirking.
“You’re so easy to read Panda.”
“I don’t know what you mean?”
“I would ask you if Raiden was okay with this, but…” She broke away from him to head to the door. She opened it and grabbed Raiden’s arm and pulled him inside. They were caught like deer in headlights. She brought him to sit at the edge of the bed also.
So now she stood before them, her arms crossed over her chest. “Kenshi?”
They both nodded, understanding the context through a single phrase. They watched in anticipation as she grabbed the chair that she was using for the vanity and placed it so it was facing the side of the bed. She then pointed to Raiden and then the chair. “You. Here.”
Raiden gulped as he realized that she was wasting no time. They were actually doing this. He looked to Kung Lao, a silent ‘good luck’ before making his way over to where Adelaide stood and sitting in the chair. She then walked back to Kung Lao who fiddled with the bed sheets in anticipation. She graciously placed herself between his legs, his hands coming up to roam her legs and backside. While standing, she cupped his face again before placing a swift peck to his lips. She did this a couple more times before deepening the kiss. She ran her fingers through his loose hair again which caused him to moan. She loosely gripped his hair and pulled his head back, allowing a gasp to escape.
“If you found out from Kenshi, that means you know how I play, yeah?”
Kung Lao nodded. “Tsk, tsk, tsk. I’m sure Raiden has taught you better than that?” Adelaide tilted her head.
Ok, fuck regaining dominance. Kung Lao would let this woman use him as her red carpet runway. “Yes, ma’am.” He corrected himself.
“Good boy.” She cooed before pushing him back on the bed and climbing onto his lap. Immediately, Adelaide began peppering kisses on his neck. When she found that spot that made him vocal, she attacked it relentlessly, nipping, licking, and even fully biting. Her hands had made their way under his shirt, tracing and lightly scratching down his abs, much similar to the way he had teased Kenshi earlier. Perhaps Adelaide was his karma to knock him down a couple more pegs.
Kung Lao’s breath became more ragged as he also relished in the feeling of her body atop his. Her core was pressed right up against his erection causing him to hiss whenever she moved. “Take this off,” she commanded, lifting his muscle shirt up and over his head. Once his chest was exposed, she kissed down from his neck and rubbed her hands over his nipples.
“Please ma’am,” Kung Lao accepted his withering state, having been reduced to begging already.
Adelaide chuckled which caused a lump to form in his throat, “But baby, I’ve barely even begun.” With zero hesitation, she took his left nipple into her mouth and reveled in the groans the man underneath her released. She did this until he began to squirm before relenting and showing treatment to the other. She hummed a little as she felt his hands roam her ass before firmly gripping it as if to ground himself. She relinquished him with a pop before kissing further down his abs, tracing them with her tongue. She turned to look at Raiden who had shuffled his own pajama shorts just below his hips and was rubbing himself through his boxers at the scene playing out before him. She’d allow it.
Using her acrylics, she teased by tracing his v-line, barely breaking the seal of his waistband. Her lip gloss rendered was useless as it was smeared across Kung Lao’s lips and waist.
“Please,” Lao whined this time, desperate for her to do something about his affliction.
“That’s not how you ask.” Raiden interrupted quickly. His eyes low in pleasure which presented as a glare.
“Sorry sir. Please touch me ma’am. Anything.”
“Ah, so it is true. Raiden did teach you humility.” Adelaide commented before reaching in Kung Lao’s shorts and pulling out his dick. He hissed at the feeling of the air before moaning as she wasted no time in moving her hand up and down on his already stiff member. Just as Kung Lao was getting ready to beg again, he watched as she placed a kiss to the base before licking and sucking the bottom of his shaft while she stroked the top. He threw his head back in pleasure. However, he felt a grip at the back of his head force him to keep eye contact with her. He didn’t even realize that Raiden had moved from his seated position to the bed. He now sat behind him, his back on Raiden’s thighs with a large hand around his throat.
Raiden then leaned down and began whispering in his ear.
“I thought I drilled manners into your head by now. What do you say?”
“Thank you ma’am.”
Adelaide hummed, a silent ‘you’re welcome”. She then proceeded to take his entire length in her mouth. Even with his impressive length, she pushed herself until her nose pressed against his happy trail. Kung Lao gasped and moaned. He desperately wanted to throw his head back and hide from her sultry gaze, but the pressure around his neck reminded him of the consequences of doing so.
Raiden and Adelaide looked at one another and nodded. Kung Lao in his already fucked out state was unaware of just how much noise he was making. So Raiden sat back a bit letting Lao’s head lay flat against the mattress before doing away with his own clothing. When he returned in Lao’s vision, Lao looked up only to be met with Raiden’s dick. Lao wasted no time opening his mouth and allowed Raiden to slide in until he hit the back of his throat. Raiden let out a hiss as he began to move his hips, effectively fucking his throat.
With his moans subdued, most of the noise came from the squeaking of the bed, though every now and then a soft moan from either Raiden or Lao would escape. However, Raiden noted how the frequency of Kung Lao’s moans increased. He spoke in between breaths and strokes, “He’s gonna cum.”
Adelaide pulled back, the loss of suction releasing a ‘pop’. She pulled his shorts and boxers the rest of the way off, leaving him completely bare. There was little time for Lao to make complaining noises as Raiden did not stop his thrusting. She then rose from her spot on the floor before lifting her tank top over her head. She then pushed her pajama shorts down until they pooled at the floor. Now, it was Raiden’s turn to drool at the fullness of her breasts and hips. She had to have been crafted by the Elder Gods with the way her form invited them to look upon her as if she were a work of art. Raiden gave a couple more thrusts before pulling out of Lao’s throat who gulped for air.
Lao didn’t dare move afraid that the wrong one would prohibit his orgasm for even longer. He then watched as Raiden and Adelaide switched spots. Raiden now stood in between his legs and Adelaide saddled his face looking toward Raiden. There was no talking, only anticipatory silence as Raiden lifted Lao’s legs over his shoulders, and before he could protest, Adelaide shut him up by sitting on his face. And boy was Kenshi right, she tasted divine. He began licking and suckling at her slit which made her gasp and that was all that he needed before attacking her clit and tongue fucking her hole. He drank her wetness down as if it were nectar that granted immortality. Meanwhile, Raiden used the spit that Adelaide left behind as lube before slowly pushing into Lao’s hole. Adelaide was rewarded with vibrations that had her grabbing at Raiden’s shoulders. Raiden set the rhythm, his thrusts medium paced, but brutal in their strength.
Lao could only whimper and gasp into Adelaide’s sopping cunt which in turn had her whimpering and gasping into Raiden’s mouth as they shared a kiss of their own.
“Is he making you feel good, darling?” Raiden whispered.
“Yes, sir,” she grabbed at his neck, pulling him in for another kiss. She shoved her face in his neck, leaving bites and hickeys in her wake. Raiden made sure to keep the interaction in mind to tease her about later.
“Fuck, he’s so good. Good boy, Lao.” She broke away, her moans increasing in volume which let both Lao and Raiden know that her orgasm was approaching. Lao wrapped his arms around her thighs and increased the force and speed in which he circled his tongue on her clit which elicit a squeak from her as she tried to pull away to stave off her rapidly approaching orgasm. Fuck a breath, he’d die here happy.
“No running, baby. Cum for us, yeah?” Raiden had served her the same treatment, threading his fingers through her locs and forcing her to look at him. Lao moans increased as well, letting Raiden know he was close again also. So while Raiden stopped, Kung Lao continue his attack.
“There you go…” Raiden encouraged as he watched her eyes roll back and her breath hiccup and gasp as her orgasm hit her. She shuddered and shook violently as Lao drunk her juices down. He did so until Raiden tapped his thigh to avoid sending her into overstimulation. When she lifted herself off his face, the evidence was pretty damning. From his nose down, there was a glistening wetness and he was licking his lips to commit the taste to memory.
“Don’t you think Kung Lao deserves his treat now?” Raiden looked down at the mess of a man below him, the hickeys and bite marks were beginning to show.
Still in a daze from her orgasm, she simply nodded before lifting herself above Lao’s dick, with her back against Raiden’s chest. She guided his dick until it caught on her slippery walls. There was no resistance as she sat herself fully on his dick. If it weren’t for the fact that he wanted to continue being a good boy for the both of them, he probably would’ve bussed right there. Adelaide gasped at how Lao’s dick sat perfectly against a spot that had her seeing stars. Lao let out a pornographic moan at how Adelaide’s pussy was squeezing him.
Kung Lao’s hands came to rest on her hips while Raiden released his partner’s legs in favor of running his hands up and down her body. He cupped her breasts and pinched at her nipples. He then brought his hand up to the back of her neck to push her down into Kung Lao’s chest, immediately picking up his thrusting again. In response, every thrust caused Kung Lao to haphazardly thrust up into Adelaide. Lao merely wrapped his arms around Adelaide’s body as she reduced to a babbling mess similar to him.
Adelaide wailed in pleasure as Raiden delivered a hard smack to her ass. He grabbed her hair again to lift her back to his chest. One hand wrapped around her neck while the other reached down to circle her clit. He made her bounce on Lao’s dick as the latter did his best to meet her halfway. Lao felt his orgasm fast approaching and after being denied the first two times, he begged for release.
“Please. I’ve been good. Please let me cum.”
Adelaide was a broken record at this point. “Yes. yes. yes” and “good boy” were all she could manage. Raiden also felt his orgasm approaching as his hips began to stutter some.
“Shit. Gonna cum.” Was Raiden’s only warning as he bit Adelaide’s neck to stifle his moans. It was like a chain reaction, Adelaide started as she clamped and squeezed around Kung Lao as her second orgasm hit. This caused Kung Lao to cum as Adelaide essentially milked him dry. For the same reasons, Raiden stumbled into his own orgasm. They each held on to one another as they attempted to collect their breath.
Raiden pulled away from the group first and picked up the towel Adelaide had used for her shower. He began to wipe down Kung Lao before helping Adelaide off of him and cleaning her up too. Kung Lao and Adelaide made no move to get up and in fact, when Raiden returned from throwing the towel in the hamper, he found both of them already fast asleep. He just chuckled and opened a window, allowing the smell of sex to dissipate into the cool night air before climbing in the large bed himself, snuggling up behind Adelaide who laid on Kung Lao’s chest and drifting off to sleep.
The next morning, the breakfast table was silent. There was nothing to say or rather, Kung Lao physically couldn’t speak due to a sore throat.
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kjmsupremacist · 1 year
something sweet, a peach tree (mark/jaehyun)
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Mark begins the summer after his junior year with an unpaid internship and no other plans. But when he agrees to go pick his baby niece up from her music lessons, her teacher, Jeong Jaehyun, catches his eye. Too bad he’s off limits, and not just because Mark’s niece is involved. Jaehyun is 41 to Mark’s 20.
To sate his curiosity about older men, Mark decides to look into becoming a sugar baby. He could use the money, after all. And he seems to find a willing patron right away. But for the first time in Mark’s like, he finds he might be in over his head.
Chapter 4   |  prev   next   mlist
Characters: Mark, Jaehyun, other members of nct throughout
Genre: romance, angst, smut, age gap, sugar daddy!au
Pairing: Mark/Jaehyun
Warnings: AGE GAP (older jaehyun, younger mark), discussions of somnophilia
Rating: Explicit
Length: 7.8k
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so I fucked the dilf <;<<
Mark figures he better tell Johnny sooner rather than later, because knowing him, he’d find out somehow anyway, and at least this way he won’t be mad. 
Johnny is typing almost immediately.
>>> WHAT
>>> what happened to my glucose guardian idea
dude chill <;<<
wanna grab dinner tonight? <;<<
we can go to that 24 hr diner on 3rd <;<<
>>> uh yeah bc you need to explain immediately
>>> meet you at 6?
Mark likes the message and pockets his phone, getting back to work. He has to suppress a crazy smile, but he can’t really blame himself. All of this is crazy. 
“You’re fucking crazy,” Johnny says instead of saying hello when Mark strolls up to him outside the diner later that night. 
“I know,” Mark says. “But right now I’m also starving. C’mon.”
Johnny begrudgingly follows him inside and holds his tongue until the waitress takes their order. The instant she walks away, he slaps his hands on the table. 
“Okay, what the fuck is going on?”
Mark sighs out laughter. “Oh, god, Johnny, I hardly even know.” He scrubs his face with his hands, thinking. “Okay, so I did download the app, right? And I matched with this guy. And we agreed to meet for coffee this last Saturday. Only it turns out, that guy? It was fuckin’ Jaehyun. And obviously both of us were using screen names, and with sites like that, they recommend not posting a picture for, like, privacy reasons, right? So we had to figure it out right there. It was super awkward.”
“Jesus Christ,” Johnny mutters. “Wait, how the fuck is he affording that?”
“CEO of his own company, remember?” Mark says. “Apparently pretty successful. He has this sick-ass car, it’s so sexy.”
“Yeah, I bet,” Johnny says. “Okay, so you had the worst meet-cute ever at the coffee shop. And then?”
“Well, we decided to go for it anyway, ‘cause like, at least we knew we probably weren’t gonna get murdered, right? And apparently Jaehyun… liked me, too. Before all this. So.” Mark spreads his hands. “I’m fucking the DILF.”
“I—don’t even know what to say,” Johnny says. “Congratulations?” 
“Thank you,” Mark interjects smugly. 
“Be careful?” Johnny continues. “I mean, yeah, I don’t think he’s gonna murder you, but, like, if he tries to take you hiking or something, maybe just think twice.”
“Uh,” Mark says. “We’re kinda planning on hiking next weekend.”
“Christ,” Johnny groans. “Okay, just—tell me where you’re going and keep your location on, I guess.” He looks around, then leans in. “So—how was it?”
Mark rolls his eyes back, shaking his head. “Dude,” he says, and Johnny starts laughing. “Dude, dude, it was so fucking good.”
“Seriously?” Johnny cackles. “That good? Oh my god, man, okay, I mean, good for you.”
“He was so—” Mark cuts himself off as their waitress approaches. She sets their plates down in front of them. “Thanks,” Mark manages, waiting for her to leave again. They both dissolve into muffled laughter once she disappears behind the kitchen doors. 
“Oh, fuck,” Johnny says. “Okay, yeah? He was so what?”
“Perfect,” Mark mumbles, cutting into his pancakes. “He has an incredible body. I hope I look like that when I’m forty.” He takes a bite of pancake, chewing quickly so he can keep talking. “And he has two dogs, and a pool in his backyard, and a fridge stocked with beer.”
“What kind of… payment is he giving you?” Johnny asks around a bite of omelette. 
Mark shakes his head sheepishly. “I told him not to worry about it.” Johnny’s eyes bug out of his head. “I mean, I feel weird about it, you know?” Mark defends quickly. “I know him. He teaches Lucy! I can’t accept—an allowance from him. Besides, he’s so hot that it doesn’t matter.”
“Oh, so you’ll fuck your niece’s music teacher, but you draw the line at accepting money from him?” Johnny points a hot-sauce-covered fork at Mark. “You’re being stupid.”
“He pays for all our meals together, and he said he’d buy my groceries,” Mark says. “I just can’t imagine getting a—a bank transfer from Jaehyun, that’s all.”
“Missed opportunity, ‘s’all I’m saying,” Johnny says. 
Mark just shakes his head. He thinks back to the weekend, back to fucking Jaehyun poolside just the afternoon before. He doesn’t think he’s missing out on anything.
* * *
Tuesday Mark has to stay late again, so Annie picks Lucy up instead. Mark’s torn between relief and disappointment—on the one hand, it’s probably good to give him and Jaehyun a little more time to cool off before they have to act normal together in public, but on the other, Mark misses him and wants to see him. He texts Jaehyun to let him know ahead of time; Jaehyun replies with a sad face.
But Thursday rolls around, and Mark is released from unpaid labor hell on time, so he makes his way over to the music academy. 
Mark files in with the parents, but Lucy wants to finish playing some kind of game at the piano with one of her classmates, so he hovers awkwardly by the wall as the classroom empties. Jaehyun’s been talking to the parents, but Mark feels him looking at him out of the corner of his eye, just as Mark is. Eventually, Jaehyun manages to peel himself away and strolls over to Mark.
“Hi,” Mark says quietly when Jaehyun gets close. 
“Hey,” Jaehyun replies. They both watch Lucy and her friend for a moment, silent. “How are you?” Jaehyun asks. 
“Good, I’m good,” Mark says. He kind of wants to scream, or burst out laughing. The whole thing is just ridiculous. “How are you?”
“Also good,” Jaehyun replies. Mark can hear the same barely-controlled mirth lurking beneath his voice. “Missed you Tuesday.”
“Yeah, you know, my fuckin’ boss,” Mark sighs. 
“Well, one more day,” Jaehyun says. “At least you have a fun weekend to look forward to.”
Mark looks up, finally meeting Jaehyun’s eyes. “Yes, I do,” he says softly, grinning. Jaehyun smiles back. 
“Mark-samchon, I won, I won!” Lucy comes bouncing up, tugging at Mark’s pant leg. 
“This time,” her friend says, but he’s grinning, too. 
“Congratulations,” Mark says to her. “Did you tell your friend good game?”
“Oh!” Lucy whirls, offering her tiny hand to her friend. “Good game, Teddy!” They shake clumsily, breaking out into giggles.
“Alright, let’s get home before your Eomma and Appa start to worry,” Mark says, smoothing Lucy’s hair and giving Teddy’s dad a friendly smile before turning back to Jaehyun. “Thanks, Jaehyun. See you next week! Say bye, Lucy.”
“Bye, bye, bye!” Lucy chirps, taking Mark’s hand and following him out of the classroom. When Mark passes by the window, he catches Jaehyun’s eye and sees that he’s still smiling.
Friday is excruciating, especially because Mark’s boss is the kind of guy who believes everyone should live to work, so the minutes scrape by even slower than usual. But at last Mark is free to go, right at five o’clock sharp, and he can go agonize over what to pack. 
One hour later sees Mark heading out onto the sidewalk with a small duffle bag slung over his shoulder. He slides it into the backseat of Jaehyun’s (stupid sexy) car, then plops down into the passenger seat, shutting the door behind him. 
“Hi baby,” Jaehyun says while Mark works on his seatbelt. He’s in a t-shirt and shorts, shades on and bangs swept off his forehead. Mark swallows roughly, missing the latch of the seatbelt. “How was work?”
“Awful,” Mark groans. He finally gets the seatbelt to click into place. “It’s like they wanna suck out your whole soul before you even get to try the parts of work that can actually be kinda fun or rewarding or whatever.”
Jaehyun hums sympathetically as he pulls off the curb. “Yeah, being an intern is no fun,” he agrees. “But it’s not forever.”
“I keep trying to tell myself that,” Mark mumbles.
Jaehyun takes one hand off the wheel and reaches for one of Mark’s. “Okay, no work talk. What do you want for dinner?”
“Ooh,” Mark says, taking Jaehyun’s offered hand gratefully. He hesitates, then brings it up to his lips for a swift kiss brushed across the knuckles. “Umm, I dunno, I’m kind of in the mood for shitty, greasy American food.”
“I have to agree,” Jaehyun says. He thinks for a moment, then glances at Mark out of the corner of his eye. “Ever been to Dick’s?”
Dick’s Drive-In is a local chain in the Seattle area, a sort of hidden gem. College students love it because it’s fast, cheap, and easy. “Oh, I could kill like three special cheeseburgers right now,” Mark agrees. “Yeah, let’s go to Dick’s.”
They order four burgers (three for Mark, like he said; one for Jaehyun), three fries, a chocolate shake (Jaehyun), and a scoop of rocky road ice cream (Mark) and continue the drive home. Mark works on his ice cream before it melts and feeds Jaehyun fries at stoplights so he doesn’t get the steering wheel oily. 
When they finally get back to Jaehyun’s, the sun is just starting to set. Mark grabs the food and carries it up the front walk while Jaehyun takes his bag for him. 
The dogs dance around Mark’s ankles as he carefully picks his way over to the kitchen and deposits their food safely onto the table in the breakfast nook. “Hi guys,” he says, bending down to give them attention once his hands are free. “I think you’re just excited because I smell like burgers, but I’ll take it.”
Jaehyun comes in and lovingly shoos the dogs out of the way. “You guys have your own food. If I give you a bite of all my meals, I’ll never eat in peace again.”
Mark’s already unwrapping his first burger, ice cream finished and container in the trash. “God, I love Dick's,” he mumbles. Jaehyun snorts. “Oh, shut up. You’re supposed to be the mature one!” 
“Sorry,” Jaehyun says, but he’s laughing. 
“Also, fuck you, it’s true. I love Dick’s, and I love dicks. That shouldn’t be a surprise,” Mark mutters. This just makes Jaehyun laugh harder. “Jesus.”
They finish dinner pretty quick. Mark balks at the way Jaehyun eats his fries—dipped in his shake, instead of with ketchup like a normal person. Jaehyun coaxes him to try it, and Mark begrudgingly admits it’s pretty good.
“Well,” Jaehyun says once they’ve cleaned up. “What now?”
Mark glances outside. It’s still a little light out, and they probably won’t get eaten alive by bugs. “Can we take a dip?” he suggests. “We’re gonna be tired tomorrow, and it’s supposed to be kinda cold Sunday.”
Jaehyun nods. “Of course. You packed swim trunks?”
“Yep!” Mark packed two pairs, just in case. 
They get changed and head out onto the patio. The sky is a beautiful red; they probably have an hour before the light dies in the horizon. Plenty of time to swim and fuck around. 
Jaehyun climbs down the ladder at the deep end; Mark just slips in over the edge. He plunges himself underwater completely, then resurfaces, combing his hair out of his eyes. As soon as he’s got his eyes open, Jaehyun splashes him right in the face. 
“Hey!” Mark splutters, blindly splashing him back. 
A heated water fight ensues, the two of them chasing each other around, fingers slipping over wrists, legs thrashing, until finally Mark gets Jaehyun pinned up against the wall, hands tight around his biceps. They quiet, catching their breath, watching each other. 
“Gonna let me go?” Jaehyun asks. He wriggles in Mark’s grip, but Mark doesn’t relent. “What do you want?”
“Oh,” Mark says nonchalantly. “I think you know what I want.”
Understanding dawns, and with it, a dark mischief. “Ah,” Jaehyun says, one corner of his mouth tugging up in a knowing smirk. “Yeah, I think I do.” Mark feels one of his arms shift under his palm, and then Jaehyun’s hand closes around Mark’s cock. 
Mark swallows a noise of surprise, instead leaning closer and kissing Jaehyun. He releases Jaehyun’s arm so he can reach between their bodies and return the favor. Jaehyun’s whole body twitches when Mark touches him, and Mark presses closer. It makes it harder for them to touch each other, but he doesn’t really care. He wants to feel Jaehyun’s body against his, his heartbeat to Mark’s heartbeat. 
Mark breaks the kiss so he can mouth over Jaehyun’s pulse point and the pretty column of his throat. Jaehyun’s already panting above him, bits of his voice bleeding into his breath. “Missed you,” Mark murmurs. “Thought about you every night, you know.” He nips at the skin over Jaehyun’s collarbone. “Never come so hard all by myself in my life, ‘m so serious.”
“You came to the thought of me?” Jaehyun asks breathlessly. 
“Yeah,” Mark says. “Why, haven’t you thought about me?”
“I have, I mean—I wanted to,” Jaehyun says. “But I couldn’t—I knew it wouldn’t feel as good. So I didn’t. I wanted you.”
“Oh,” Mark whispers. It’s actually a very sweet confession. “Well, I’m right here. How do you want me?”
Jaehyun takes a moment to contemplate it, rolling his hips up into Mark’s fist before gently pushing him away. “Get up on the edge of the pool.”
“Huh?” Mark’s taken aback, but he does as he’s told, wading around Jaehyun and pushing himself up so he’s sitting with his knees bent over the ledge. The air is still warm, so he doesn’t even feel a chill. 
Jaehyun walks up to him, spreading his legs with a firm hand on each thigh. “I wanna blow you,” he explains, like it’s obvious. “Figured this way would be the easiest on my knees.”
Mark coughs out laughter. “I mean, I’m not gonna stop you,” he says, leaning back on his hands.
Jaehyun responds by simply reaching for his waistband, tugging it down just enough to free Mark’s cock, already hard from their shenanigans in the pool. Mark scoots a little closer to the edge so it’s easier for Jaehyun to reach. Jaehyun strokes him a couple times, and then drops his jaw open and sinks down.
Mark drops his head back, moaning openmouthed and unabashed. “Oh, fuck yeah,” he mumbles. Jaehyun bobs his head once, twice, then takes him deeper, hollowing his cheeks. “Shit, Jaehyun, you’re good at this. Guess—guess you’ve had plenty of time to practice. Oh god.” 
Mark’s mouth always gets ahead of him when he’s fucking. It’s kind of something he’s just accepted. But it’s never as bad as when he’s getting sucked off. He’s not sure why—maybe it’s because all he has to do is sit there, so it’s not like he has anything to distract him. He rolls his head to the side, half resting it on his shoulder and looking down at Jaehyun, nestled between his legs. 
“Mm,” he hums, crossing his ankles behind Jaehyun’s back and bringing him closer. “You look so pretty, hyung.” Jaehyun moans around him, and the vibrations from his voice have Mark curling forward, palms lifting off the concrete. “Jesus,” he mutters, settling back but letting his head hang, chin almost touching his chest, watching Jaehyun through his eyelashes. He’s gagging softly with each stroke; not enough that Mark is worried, but enough for thick saliva to drip down the length of Mark’s cock, getting both of them wet and messy. 
Jaehyun speeds up a little, and Mark can’t help the choked out noises of pleasure that force their way up his throat. He leans forward, threading the fingers of one hand through Jaehyun’s hair. He doesn’t pull, just lets his hand move with Jaehyun’s head, eyes half-lidded as he follows Jaehyun’s mouth. His body hardly feels like his, completely at Jaehyun’s mercy. Mark doesn’t mind one bit. 
He knows no one can see them. All the properties out here are built for privacy. But still, in the gathering dark, it’s not as obvious that they’re utterly alone. Mark moans quietly, imagining how they would look to an outsider. Jaehyun, head buried in Mark’s crotch, and Mark, legs spread and arms shaking. He feels dirty in the best way, depraved and free, and he accidentally thrusts up into Jaehyun’s mouth.
“Fuck, sorry, ‘m so sorry,” he stutters when Jaehyun gags hard. “Didn’t mean to, just felt so good, I’m sorry.”
Jaehyun shakes his head slightly, humming his forgiveness. He does shift his hands to Mark’s hips and holds him down, which honestly only turns Mark on more. Mark’s hands slip down to grip the edge of the pool, knuckles white and palms scraping against the rough surface. 
He’s surprised to find that he’s already close. He wasn’t joking when he said every night, so he shouldn’t be pent up, but somehow it feels like it anyway. Maybe it’s just that Mark is kind of obsessed with Jaehyun, and being around him dials all of Mark’s senses to ten.
“Jaehyun,” he chokes out. “I’m close, I’m gonna—can I—will you—?”
Jaehyun understands. He blinks up at Mark, nodding slightly, rubbing a soft circle into Mark’s hipbone, silent permission. Mark gasps through a few more breaths before finally coming, hard, the pads of his fingers getting a little scraped up from the rough surface of the pool’s edge as he scrabbles weakly. He realizes only faintly that he’s letting out a string of incoherent noises, the rushing in his ears so loud he can’t hear anything else.
Jaehyun pulls off after Mark slumps back, spent, with a wet pop. He tucks Mark back into his shorts and reaches out to him. “Come back in, it’s getting cold.”
“What about you?” Mark asks hazily, slipping back into the pool and snaking his heavy arms around Jaehyun’s waist. 
Jaehyun doesn’t reply, just kisses him, soft and slow. Mark melts into it, letting Jaehyun guide him. “Me?” Jaehyun hums when they break apart. “Well, it’s getting dark. If we’re going to do anything, we should head back inside.”
“Sure,” Mark agrees, kissing the point of Jaehyun’s jaw and reluctantly letting him go so they can wade over to the other side and get out. “I’m getting pruney anyway.”
“Oh, very sexy,” Jaehyun says sarcastically as he walks up the steps at the shallow end, grinning over his shoulder at Mark. 
“You don’t think my wrinkly raisin toes are hot?” Mark replies, nearly toppling himself kicking one of his feet up to show, following Jaehyun out of the pool.
“Sorry, baby,” Jaehyun says, voice dripping fake sympathy. “I’m just not into feet. Catch.” He tosses Mark a towel. 
They towel off and head inside. Jaehyun lets the dogs out briefly in hopes they’ll be fine for the rest of the night, and then he and Mark make their way upstairs. Mark’s whole body feels waterlogged, some mix of the swimming and the best head he’s ever received in his life, so each step feels like trying to drag a stack of cinderblocks uphill. 
“Tired?” Jaehyun asks, waiting for him at the top of the stairs. Mark nods with a sheepish grin. “If you’re too tired, that’s okay. For me, I mean.”
Mark shakes his head vehemently. “No, I’m definitely fucking you whenever you let me, so.” 
Jaehyun laughs, pink blush blooming on his cheeks. “Okay,” he agrees.
They both begrudgingly admit they should wash the chlorine off before rolling into bed, so Mark lags behind, digging into his bag to find clean underwear and his facewash before following Jaehyun into the bathroom. 
Jaehyun’s rinsing off his toothbrush when Mark enters, bent over the sink with his drying hair falling into his eyes. Mark puts his things down on the counter and sidles up behind him, wrapping his arms around his waist, one hand sneaking up to his chest, and presses his lips to his spine. 
“Hi,” Jaehyun says softly. The only thing that betrays his surprise is the quickening of his heartbeat, just barely noticeable under Mark’s fingertips.
“Hey,” Mark says into his skin. Another kiss. “Hyung.” He peeks around Jaehyun’s shoulder to meet his eyes in the mirror.
“Thought we were showering.” Jaehyun raises his eyebrows.
“If you think about it, it makes more sense if I fuck you now,” Mark says. “Otherwise we’ll have to clean up again.”
Jaehyun’s amusement manifests in a crease between his brows and the narrowing of his eyes. “That does make sense,” he says.
Mark grins shyly. “Plus,” he adds, placing one last kiss between Jaehyun’s shoulder blades before turning to head back into the bedroom, “I want you to watch in the mirror.”
“Oh,” Jaehyun says, his voice suddenly weak. Mark hides laughter as he hurries to find the lube and a condom.
Jaehyun has stepped out of his swim trunks and kicked them aside by the time Mark returns, centering himself between the two sinks so he’ll have a flat surface to rest his head. Mark sets the condom on the counter and runs a hand down Jaehyun’s spine, watching him shiver. He pulls away to pump some lube out on his palm, spreading it briefly before he moves his hand around Jaehyun’s waist and lets it roam downwards, moving in close so Jaehyun’s trapped between him and the counter, and ghosts his palm over Jaehyun’s cock. Jaehyun’s hips twitch in response, and Mark laughs softly.
“Mark,” Jaehyun complains, quiet.
“Mm, I shouldn’t be mean, right?” Mark hums. He still doesn’t quite touch him. “Shouldn’t be mean to my lovely hyung, who just choked on my cock in the pool, who hasn’t come all week because he was waiting for me.”
“Mark.” It’s more insistent this time, and Mark relents, wrapping his hand around Jaehyun’s cock and stroking him slowly. Jaehyun blinks rapidly, taking a deep breath, his eyelashes fluttering.
“Pretty,” Mark murmurs, the word escaping before he can stop it. Jaehyun’s cheeks are rosy pink, though, so maybe it doesn’t matter. He leans back against Mark; Mark fits his other hand between them to push against his lower back instead of letting him rest his weight against Mark’s body. “Wrong way, hyung,” he says. “Bend over.”
He guides Jaehyun down. To Mark’s surprise, Jaehyun doesn’t pillow his face in his arms. Instead, he grips the edge of the counter with his hands and lays his cheek right on the bare marble, blinking up at Mark’s reflection.
“Like this?” he whispers, and Mark swallows dryly.
“Fuck, yeah, like that,” he croaks out.
Mark fingers him open, one hand on his cock and the other pushing one, two, three fingers inside, watching as Jaehyun’s face contorts with pain and then pleasure, his soft moans echoing off the tile. Mark murmurs praise, voice shaking a little in anticipation by the time they’re almost done. There’s a fog of condensation on the counter next to Jaehyun’s mouth, his breath hot and wanting.
Finally, Jaehyun’s loose enough that Mark’s impatience wins over. His fingers are messy, so he tears the condom open with his teeth, discarding the wrapper on the counter and shimmying out of his shorts, sliding them across the floor with a push from his toes so they’re out of the way. Jaehyun watches him in the mirror, blinking slowly, his eyes dark. When Mark catches him looking, he smiles.
“You just came, and you’re already so worked up again, baby,” he says softly.
“Your fault,” Mark accuses, lining himself up with Jaehyun’s entrance.
Lines appear on Jaehyun’s cheeks and next to the corners of his eyes as his smile grows. “I’m flattered, then.”
Mark presses a flat hand to Jaehyun’s lower back, holding him in place as he guides himself in. “Ah, shit.” He lets out a soft hiss of pleasure. “Always so tight, hyung, no matter how long I take to open you up. Oh, fuck yes.” He bends over Jaehyun as he bottoms out, placing reverent kisses down his spine. “So good.” He can feel the heat of his own breath against Jaehyun’s skin when he moans, can hear his heart hammering in his ears. It’s a very good thing Jaehyun already made him come tonight. Somehow, in the week since Mark last fucked Jaehyun, he’d managed to forget just how fucking good he feels, hot and tight and wet around him, better than anything else he’s ever had. 
It doesn’t take Jaehyun too long to adjust, and soon Mark is thrusting in and out at an even pace, careful not to go too hard so the edge of the counter doesn’t drive painfully into Jaehyun’s hips. There’s something about this, too—claiming another space of Jaehyun’s house. Every time Jaehyun looks in his mirror, he’ll remember tonight, remember Mark calling him hyung, bending him over the counter, and fucking him until he comes. There’s a possessive part of Mark that takes great pleasure in the thought. Mark is going to leave pieces of himself in this house, plenty for Jaehyun to remember him by when they’re apart. 
“Faster,” Jaehyun pants, meeting Mark’s eyes in the mirror. “Deeper. You know how I like it.”
Mark complies, rolling his hips in deep and then snapping them back fast. The movement punches a sweet moan out of Jaehyun, and the sound makes heat curl in Mark’s belly. “Better?” he stutters.
“Hn, a little slower, just a little,” Jaehyun replies, forcing his drooping eyelids open again so he can hold Mark’s gaze. Mark slows a little, that familiar desperation to please him, to be perfect, flooding his veins. “Yeah, right there,” Jaehyun murmurs after a moment. “Fuck, yes.”
Mark groans, low vibrations in his chest. “Good?” Jaehyun nods wordlessly. “Am I good, hyung?”
“Perfect, baby boy,” Jaehyun replies. 
Mark fucks him just like that, clenching his jaw against his rising arousal so he can focus on keeping the right rhythm. Jaehyun gasps prettily when he thrusts in and lets out the sweetest moans every time he pulls out, the head of his cock just catching on Jaehyun’s rim before he pushes back in again. 
“This is what I meant,” Mark says, words blurring in his clumsy mouth. “Don’t care what you say. You’re cute when you’re getting fucked, hyung, so beautiful, look at yourself.”
He sees Jaehyun looking, and hopes he can see what Mark sees. Dark lashes framing deep brown eyes, brows pinched; a soft pink mouth, parted to reveal perfect teeth and a cute tongue; hair slicked off his forehead from their time in the pool, brown with just a few strands of silver showing through, almost like highlights. His shoulders broad and glistening with a thin layer of sweat, his back made of ridges of muscle, narrowing into a slim waist. Like a perfectly-shaped Greek hero, half-divine.
Mark reaches down and wraps his hand around Jaehyun’s cock again. Jaehyun keens at his touch, hips spasming before settling again. Mark laughs. “Still sensitive,” he says softly. He thumbs over the slit, then strokes him in time with his thrusts, keeping his pace steady so he doesn’t overwhelm Jaehyun.
“M-mark.” Jaehyun’s hands slip and Mark can see a red imprint from the edge of the counter. “Oh, fuck, that’s so good, baby, you’re gonna make me come, please.”
“Please what?” Mark asks. “What do you want?”
“Harder,” Jaehyun demands. 
Mark moans low, pushing into him deep and rough. He’s been waiting to let go a little, and now he can, shoving Jaehyun up against the counter with every thrust. Jaehyun flings an arm out, bracing his palm against the mirror with a cry. 
“Yes, yes,” he mumbles. “Unh, baby, fuck, keep going—” His breath hitches over another moan. Mark’s vision narrows just to Jaehyun; he hardly even sees the room around them. Fatigue is setting in, but he can barely feel it, because Jaehyun feels so good around him and his voice is perfect and his pretty, pretty face is scrunched up in pleasure, and—
Mark feels hot come shoot out over his fingers. Jaehyun’s whole body shakes, and Mark forces himself to slow a little, to drag out Jaehyun’s orgasm and make it good for him. He was on the edge, but he can wait. He can do anything, he’s pretty sure, if it’s for Jaehyun.
Eventually, he stops once Jaehyun is spent, releasing him and pulling out so Jaehyun can move. It takes him a second, but Jaehyun pushes himself off the counter on slightly unsteady arms and turns to find Mark.
“Come here, baby,” he murmurs, taking Mark’s face in his hands, bringing him close, and kissing him. His chest is still heaving; Mark can feel the tremors of weak aftershocks running through his body. “Always make me feel so good.”
“Got it all over your cabinets,” Mark mumbles, looking over his shoulder to see the mess dripping down the glossy finish on the wood. Jaehyun kisses him again, laughing, but Mark’s too hard for anything to be funny, and pulls himself away. “Need t’ come, hyung, please. I’ll do anything, just touch me.” Jaehyun hums, cocking his head to the side. “I’d even lick it up, if you asked me, I’m serious.”
Jaehyun grins. “As much as I would like to see that,” he says, “I’m a little worried you’d get a splinter. I’ll take care of you, baby, c’mere.”
Mark steps closer and Jaehyun rolls the condom off his cock and then brings Mark’s soiled hand to his, swiping up his own come with a couple fingers and spreading it on Mark’s cock instead so there’s not too much friction. He ducks his head and kisses Mark again, almost lazy, his tongue running over Mark’s lower lip as he jerks Mark off, letting Mark roll his hips into his fist.
Mark comes like that, with his cock in Jaehyun’s fist and Jaehyun’s tongue in his mouth, Jaehyun’s smell smothering everything else. He moans pathetically as he feels himself finally release, covering Jaehyun’s knuckles with come, some of it dripping onto the floor.
“That’s it, baby,” Jaehyun murmurs, dipping down to nip at Mark’s jaw and neck. “Such a good boy.”
He shoos Mark into the shower once they’re sure Mark isn’t going to topple over from exhaustion, and then cleans up the cabinets and the floor before joining him. He washes some sudsy shampoo off Mark’s forehead before it can run into his eyes, watching him fondly.
“You know,” he says. “We should both go get tested so we don’t have to use the condoms anymore.” Mark blinks, struggling to register the words. “I want to feel it when you come. I like it messy. I think you do, too.”
Mark groans, leaning in to bite Jaehyun’s chest in retaliation—not too hard, but enough to make him squeak indignantly. “Hyung, if you keep talking, I’m gonna fuck you again, right now.”
“Rich coming from someone who’s about one second away from passing out,” Jaehyun replies calmly, steading Mark when he sways under the water.
Mark can’t even argue with that one, his eyes fluttering shut. “Y’got me there.”
* * *
Jaehyun somehow gets up without disturbing Mark the next morning, and comes to grab him only when the car is all packed and they’re almost ready to go. 
“I would’ve helped!” Mark protests, scrambling out of bed. 
“I don’t mind,” Jaehyun says. “You need the sleep more than I do.”
Mark gets changed and they pile into the car with the dogs. They stop at a cafe on the way out of the city, picking up breakfast to eat on the way and sandwiches to bring with them on their hike. Jaehyun throws them in with the ice packs he put in a little insulated lunch bag.
They get to the trailhead within an hour, the drive easy along the open highway. 
“Is it a hard hike?” Mark asks as he slathers sunscreen onto his arms. 
“It’s not too bad,” Jaehyun says. 
It turns out to be a little steep in places—Jaehyun ends up having to carry Bobby most of the way—but it’s a good, easy workout, and not too miserable since the trail is well-shaded. They make it to the top in about two hours, and they only pass a couple people on the way. 
There’s a small, gentle waterfall on the opposite side of the clearing that spills into a swimming hole before the river continues downward, sparkling clean and inviting in the early afternoon sun. Jaehyun releases the dogs to the water, then helps Mark unpack their lunches on a nearby rock.
“It’s beautiful,” Mark says. “I’m surprised we’re alone.”
“It’s not as well known as a lot of the other hikes around here,” Jaehyun says with a shrug. “And I guess next week is the Fourth, so maybe people are out of town.”
“Right, it’s fucking July,” Mark mumbles, shaking his head. “Fuck.”
Jaehyun laughs. “Yeah,” he says. “When does school start?”
“August twenty-eight,” Mark replies. “Which isn’t soon, but it’s also not, like, not soon.”
Jaehyun hands him his sandwich. “You have plenty of summer left,” he says gently. And then— “You’ve been seeing your friends, too, right? Not just me?”
“Yeah!” Mark confirms, taking the sandwich. “Most of them are out of town, but I’m seeing the ones that are here.” He grins at Jaehyun. “Don’t worry, I’m not that obsessed with you.”
Jaehyun rolls his eyes, but he’s smiling.
Once they’re done eating, they pack up their trash and then head to the water, shirts discarded on a log, socks stuffed into their shoes. Mark sits under the waterfall for a while, relishing in the cold, while Jaehyun plays fetch with the dogs. After a while, he ties them up away from the edge so they’re safe, putting out a bowl of water for them and feeding them treats, then wades back in. 
“Come out from there,” he calls to Mark. “You’re gonna catch a cold.”
Mark shakes his head, but he obeys, pushing away from the rocks and paddling out to the center where Jaehyun is treading water. 
“Thanks for bringing me here,” he says quietly. “It’s beautiful.”
Jaehyun reaches out for him, grabs his wrist. “Of course,” he says. “I’m sharing nice things with you. Isn’t that what a sugar daddy is supposed to do?”
"Ugh,” Mark groans, tipping his head back, face scrunched up in embarrassment. 
Jaehyun laughs brightly, pulling him close. “Look at me, baby,” he says. 
Mark looks, and Jaehyun kisses him. It’s sweet and soft, no heat behind it, no agenda. Just a kiss. Mark smiles against his lips. 
They stay in the water for a while, floating around, staying close, exchanging chaste kisses and poking each other when they get bored. The dogs rest in the shade. Here, in the quiet tranquil of the pond, the rest of Mark’s life seems so far away. He could stay here forever, he thinks, watching Jaehyun, soothed by the cool water lapping at his skin. He wouldn’t mind. 
But soon, Jaehyun insists they get going. “I’d rather drive home before the sun starts setting,” he says, even though it’s hardly even three. But Mark doesn’t protest. Jaehyun hands him a towel he apparently packed, and they get their shoes back on, though they both decide to just leave their shirts off for the hike down. Mark trips over rocks and roots staring at Jaehyun’s back. 
The drive back is peaceful, not too many cars on the road, the evening still young. 
“So, next weekend, I was thinking—maybe I could take you out to dinner,” Jaehyun says nonchalantly. “Like, fancy dinner. There’s a place I like downtown. They can usually get me a reservation on short notice—I taught the owner’s daughter.”
Mark blinks. “Oh, sure!” he says. “I mean, I’d love that. You think it’ll be… okay?”
Jaehyun glances at him out of the corner of his eye. “Yes, I doubt we’ll see anyone we know there. And… if anyone asks, you’re a family friend. I don’t think it’ll be a problem.”
Mark nods, reassured. “Okay. But, uh—how fancy?”
“You’ll probably want a suit, and maybe some nice shoes, but you don’t have to wear a tie or anything.”
“I don’t have a suit,” Mark admits weakly. “The last time I needed one was for formals in high school. I have, like, a suit jacket I wear for interviews but I usually just pair it with khakis or something.”
But Jaehyun just smiles. “I’ll take your measurements when we get home, and pick something out for you, okay?” When Mark hesitates, he adds, “I would take you shopping, but I think that might be a little suspicious.”
“It’s not that,” Mark says, fidgeting. “You really don’t have to spend money on me. It’s okay. I’ll like you just the same if you don’t.”
Jaehyun reaches one hand over and rests it on Mark’s knee. “It’s really not a lot to me,” he says softly. “And I told you, I like it.”
Mark finds himself growing warm; he peeks up at Jaehyun, but Jaehyun’s eyes are still on the road. “Okay, if you’re sure,” he says meekly. “I mean, I really appreciate it. I’m just saying you don’t have to.”
Jaehyun runs his thumb back and forth over the top of Mark’s thigh. “I know,” he says. 
The rest of the ride is quiet, mostly meaningless small talk until they pull into Jaehyun’s driveway. They unload the car, and Mark helps put things away while Jaehyun takes care of the dogs. The sky is just turning from blue to pink when they finally settle in the kitchen for a quick dinner.
Jaehyun has some pre-made stew mixes that he heats on the stove. It’s a comforting meal, good for their tired bodies. They eat in exhausted silence and clean up together, then finally traipse upstairs.
In the shower, they take turns shampooing each other’s hair. Mark’s hands are a little clumsy, but Jaehyun doesn’t complain, even though he just gave Mark a killer scalp massage. Part of the clumsiness might be because Mark can’t stop staring at Jaehyun’s body, but—really, who can blame him? He can feel heat rising to his cheeks, desire stirring in his stomach. He hopes Jaehyun will say yes. 
Jaehyun indulges Mark in little kisses as they rinse off, only prying himself away once they’re done so he can step out of the shower and grab his towel. Mark follows closely, unsure how to voice what he wants. He’s tired; they both are, but he still wants to have Jaehyun, can’t deny the feeling in his gut.
Mark sticks close to his side while they pat in their lotion, elbow knocking against Jaehyun’s. Jaehyun glances at him in the mirror.
“You’re being quiet,” he says. “What is it?”
Mark watches his own eyes widen in surprise. “Um,” he says.
Jaehyun turns to him, taking his wrist and making Mark turn, too. “Baby,” he says softly, stepping closer. “I know we haven’t known each other that long, but do you think I can’t tell when you want something?” He brings Mark’s hand up, flips it over, and kisses his palm.
“I wanna fuck you,” Mark mumbles. “Please.”
Jaehyun releases Mark’s hand back to his side with a smile. “But I’m tired,” he says. “And so are you.” But he leans in and kisses Mark all the same, one hand cupping his jaw. Mark wants to protest, but Jaehyun kisses so nice. It’s hard for him to pull away.
“Please, hyung,” he manages eventually. “You—you won’t have to do anything. I just want to feel you around me, that’s all I need. I won’t even move, I promise.” He blinks up at Jaehyun, earnest. “I could come just from that, I could.”
A smirk twitches at the corner of Jaehyun’s lips. “I suppose,” he says. “C’mon.” He turns and heads into the bedroom, scooping up the lube from the counter where they left it the night before.
They didn’t turn on the lights when they first came in since the sky was still light, and now, the dim glow is perfect. Jaehyun crawls into bed, leaving the shades open, and Mark follows him, a sort of excited energy thrumming under his skin. 
Jaehyun holds his arms out to him, and Mark clambers into them, kissing clumsily at his neck and chest, running his fingers over his ribs, his waist. “Sorry ‘m so needy,” he says, though he has a feeling Jaehyun likes it.
He’s right. Jaehyun smooths his hair back, off his forehead. “It’s okay,” he says. “Means you want me. I think I can live with that.”
Mark grins as he shuffles backwards down the mattress so he can reach Jaehyun’s entrance, spreading his legs. “Lube?”
He opens him up nice and slow, careful not to push it. He said Jaehyun wouldn’t have to do anything; he meant it. He stretches Jaehyun one finger at a time, making sure he’s nice and loose before moving on to the next and using a little more lube than is probably strictly necessary.
“Being so gentle,” Jaehyun says.
“Only wanna make you feel good,” Mark replies, and Jaehyun gives him a fond smile.
When he’s finally ready, Mark has Jaehyun roll into his side, then slips in behind him, pulling the covers up on top of them before the A/C makes them too cold. He fumbles with the condom for a second, finally rolling it on, and presses his tip to Jaehyun’s entrance.
“Ready?” he murmurs, lips brushing Jaehyun’s skin.
“Mm-hm,” Jaehyun breathes.
Mark pushes in, and can’t quiet an almost relieved moan. It’s like his body just misses Jaehyun’s, all the time. He mouths over Jaehyun’s spine, one hand holding his hip as he sinks all the way in and bottoms out. “Mm, hyung, thank you,” he slurs, pressing wet kisses to his back and the nape of his neck.
“Feel full,” Jaehyun sighs. “Feels good.”
They settle like that, one of Mark’s arms outstretched under the pillow, the other curled around Jaehyun’s waist so he can get a hand on Jaehyun’s cock, stroking slowly, both of them quiet as they adjust to the feeling of being so connected. The sun sets, the sky now just barely orange at the horizon, the stars appearing slowly in the darkening sky. Mark kisses a constellation into Jaehyun’s back, slow and gentle. His head feels like it’s full of wet cotton, everything muted. Even though there’s no friction, the constant, hot pressure of Jaehyun around him is consuming. Besides, there’s something about this—lying here like they’re cuddling, when in reality it’s something much less innocent—that absolutely gets to Mark. 
“You feel perfect, hyung,” Mark whispers. “Is this okay?”
“Yes.” Jaehyun’s tone is almost dreamy; Mark wishes he could bottle the sound. “And it’ll still be okay if I fall asleep. Just, by the way. You don’t have to pull out or anything.”
This sends a spike of arousal through Mark, almost violent, like he’s been speared in the stomach by wanting. “Oh,” he groans, pressing his forehead against Jaehyun’s back, eyebrows scrunched. “God, hyung, that’s so hot. You’d let me use you like that?”
“Yeah,” Jaehyun says softly. “‘Cause I’m older, I get tired more easily, but if it’s just like this, I don’t mind. When you need it, you can. Just ask.”
Something about the way Jaehyun’s talking, like Mark’s too young to curb his impulses, goes straight to Mark’s dick. It doesn’t matter that it’s not true—Mark likes to think he still possesses a fraction of decorum—the image of himself being that desperate and needy, and Jaehyun offering himself as a willing solution to that need makes Mark feel hot all over. “Fuck,” he groans softly. “Whenever I need it?”
“Yeah, yes,” Jaehyun agrees. He’s clenching around Mark; Mark isn’t sure if it’s on purpose or not, but either way, it’s turning his brain fuzzy. 
“Wh-what about if I wake up first in the morning, and you’re still sleeping?” Mark ventures. He’s not sure where the idea comes from, but once he voices it, he can’t stop imagining it. 
Jaehyun makes a pretty noise in the back of his throat. “I’d love to wake up to you fucking me, baby,” he says lowly. “Like you couldn’t wait, couldn’t resist.” 
“That’s so dirty, hyung, fuck,” Mark grits out, panting. It’s a little humiliating, being so close, so strung out, from hardly anything at all. But Mark has let his imagination run away with him, and Jaehyun sounds so good, voice rough from arousal and slow from fatigue. Besides, Jaehyun’s body always feels so right around Mark’s. It shouldn’t come as a surprise how much even this affects him, he supposes. 
“Thought you said you wouldn’t move,” Jaehyun says, his tone light and teasing, and Mark realizes his hips have been twitching, short, aborted movements, accidental. 
“Can’t help it,” Mark says, hoping he sounds sorry enough that Jaehyun’ll take pity. 
It works. Jaehyun grinds his hips back against him with an indulgent hum. “No?”
“Mm, hyung, getting close,” Mark says, choosing not to answer. He speeds up his hand a little, pleased when more precome dribbles out onto his palm. “I think you are too, you’re so wet.”
Jaehyun only moans softly in response, fucking himself back on Mark’s cock and then thrusting forward into his fist. It only takes a few more stifled moments before both of them are coming, trapped against each other’s bodies, Mark buried deep inside Jaehyun, Jaehyun spilling over Mark’s fingers. 
Mark slumps against the pillow, the exertion catching up to him and leaving his whole body feeling heavy. Jaehyun’s the one that scoots himself away first, nudging Mark until he pulls out. They clean up quickly, swiping up the come on the sheets before it soaks in so they can finally go to bed.
Curled up, face to face with the comforter tucked around their shoulders, Mark fights sleep, blinking slow and tracing the lines of Jaehyun’s face in the dark with his eyes. “Did you mean it?” he asks after a few moments, a soft whisper, barely audible. “About—everything? You’re okay if I—fuck you when you’re sleeping?”
Jaehyun nods. “Is that something you want to try?”
“I—I think so,” Mark stammers. “I don’t know, I’d never really thought about it before, but now…”
Jaehyun laughs softly. “I think I’d be happy to try just about anything,” he says, “with you.”
Something warm glows in Mark’s chest, and threatens to trap his words in his throat. “Me, too,” he says. “There’s a lot of shit I’ve never even considered, but—I dunno, now I want to try everything. With you.”
Jaehyun tugs him closer, splaying a warm, comforting hand against Mark’s back. “Whatever you want, baby,” he murmurs, words blurry with sleep. “We have plenty of time.”
No, we don’t, Mark wants to say. But sleep is taking him, too, and it weighs down his tongue and washes him into the dark.
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timaeusterrored · 1 year
Prompt idea: Ker taking Vax, Venus, and Johnny to an aquarium💕
Hehehehe I’ve been thinking on this
Also AU where Venus likes Johnny bc he does not like that man
“You’ve never been to an aquarium?” Kerry asked, holding Venus in his lap on the couch. He stared, bewildered at his husband at this turn of events.
“Oh god, the fucking aquarium thing.” Johnny mumbled, rubbed his eyes.
“What’s the aquarium thing?” Vax asked, looking at the older of their Polycule in fear. Venus shared the fear, but had been to an aquarium before… granted it was old and shut down but he had been in it so it counted.
“Ker has always loved the ocean, so for his birthday, we took him to the aquarium. We went five years in a row.” Johnny explained, gesturing to Kerry with his hand, then looked up at V, his head rested in his lap.
“Hell I even took the kids, they loved it.”
“I could never really afford it so…” Vax didn’t want to make anyone feel bad, but he had just never had the time or money to go really.
“Get dressed, we’re going.” Kerry said, smiling. Venus kissed his cheek before standing up to go get dressed.
As usual, Vax and Johnny were dressed first. And somehow, before they even got outside, Vax had Johnny’s jacket around his shoulders. Johnny had pulled his hair back and holy fuck did Vax love when he did that.
Kerry was down next, wearing Vax’s clothes as his disguise. It made Vax relax more when he did that, his clothes helping Kerry blend in and hid his chrome, it made the bodyguard in him relax more.
Venus was down last, probably the most overdressed but he still looked amazing as always. He definitely took advantage of being in the city, wearing his favorite outfits he couldn’t wear in the Badlands.
Kerry had a surprising amount of knowledge about the ocean. He wasn’t joking he supposed. And V loved his voice and loved hearing him talk, so it was like a dream come true. And the aquarium was pretty awesome.
“Come here.” Kerry lead him outside, leaving Johnny and Venus indoors to keep looking around. Johnny obviously hadn’t been since he last went with Kerry, and Venus was excited to see it all for the first time.
There was an open pool of something that looked like water pancakes. Stingrays is what Kerry called them. That didn’t sound inviting but they were cute.
“Whoa what the hell?” Kerry had knelt down and stuck his hand in the water, letting the creatures bump and slide against his hand. Kerry just grinned at him.
“Come on, lemme see your hand.” Kerry said softly, keeping his voice down for safety reasons. But he was still grinning at the sight of Night City’s bad boy being scared of a sea creature.
He rolled his sleeve up and offered it to Kerry. Kerry smiled, putting Vax’s hand in the water, holding it. He whispered for V to relax, there was nothing to be afraid of.
He flinched a little when he felt hands on his shoulder at the same time something slimy and smooth brushed against his hand.
“Easy, just us.” Venus said into his ear, looking over his shoulder curiously.
Kerry smiled, Johnny sticking his flesh hand into the water as well. He gestured for Venus to come sit on his knee and follow his movements. It was good they were finally getting along.
“God these feel weird.” Vax laughed, getting more comfortable with the whole thing.
“See? Not so bad. Just don’t make any sudden movements okay? They scare easily.” Kerry said softly, still holding Vax’s hand in the water.
They picked up dinner after the fact, then went home. Venus and Johnny went and showered together while Kerry made himself and Vax a drink.
“So, thoughts?” Kerry handed him his drink and sat down on the couch, the place were they first met.
“I’ll admit, kinda bummed I missed out on that as a kid. But it as fun. Johnny and Ven had a good time too.” He smiled, resting his head on Kerry’s shoulder.
“Yeah, but you got to go. That’s all that matters.” Kerry kissed the top of his head and settled down with his drink. It was a good day, Vax wouldn’t change it for anything.
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knoxville thoughts bc self care 😋 fem!reader
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- calls you sugartits, angel face, sweet pea, babydoll, love bug, and honey in the thanks portion of 2.5 he’s ej kropp, both like to joke abt you being mrs kropp
- calling him foxy knoxy, jammies (pj -> pajamas -> jammies), honey, babe, and big daddy for the giggles
- every year for his birthday getting him “pj’s for my pj” swoon
- i love the idea of knox with like the cpa at dickhouse so it’s a lot of puppy dog eyes as he tries to convince you to expand the budget
- bit of a good cop bad cop situation at work but it’s all for his own good and safety!
- he privately loves how you’re the boss lady at work bc then he gets to do more things within his vision
- always trying to get you in a prank or two but never has you in stunts
- your reactions would be perfect for footage but he’d get all pouty “baby did you see that! he fell for it completely! i mean could that have gone any better??”
“honey that was kinda mean, kosick’s on crutches” queue pouty knox, “but you really antiqued him—i mean he’d fit right into the old folks’ home” and giggly knox returns when he sees you start to laugh
- you’re usually his accomplice for a lot of the milder pranks he has in mind on your off days—ones that are almost too mundane for footage—but he loves seeing you giggle at bam freaking at a fake snake or having one of the guys eat a mayo pudding cup
- he love love loves doing intros with you at home to an imaginary camera
“hi, im johnny knoxville, this here is my babydoll, and we’re about to make some pancakes”
- he’s such a dork but he’s your dork
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authenticmiya · 4 years
Hey, how are you ?!!
I love your imagines !!
I was wondering if you could do one with Johnny Lawrence of 84!
It's a suggestion 🥺
He had a secret crush on Tommy's best friend, Y / N, so he wanted to talk to her, but was afraid he just ended his relationship with Alli. And he knew that she didn't want a relationship now, due to the various traumas that occurred, so much so that the day comes that he decides to tell his feelings!
My Girl - Johnny Lawrence x Reader
Summary - Reader and Tommy have been best friends since they could remember. Alongside Tommy, came the Cobra Kai’s. Meaning a certain blonde hair, blue eyed karate student, had his eyes on you.
Words - 2.1k
Warnings - mentions of toxic past relationships, fluff, angst.
A/N - I’m great Thankyou, how are you? Thankyou so much for sending in your suggestion! Anyone can feel free to send in any requests!
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To everyone else, you were one of the prettiest girls in school. Curvy, honest, caring, nurturing. You weren't the typical 'popular girl' who'd turn her nose up at other groups of students, and that's why you were so loved.
You lived at home alongside your older sister. Your parents tended to business all over the country, meaning it was usually just the two of you. The two of you were very close, and supported each-other through everything, just like how you and your best friend, Tommy.
"So tell me again why you didn't want to go to the beach tonight? All of your Cobra Kai's are there." Y/S/N plopped herself next to you on the couch.
"Can't I enjoy a peaceful night in with my sister?" You smirked and she rolled her eyes.
"Okay fine, Ali's there." You groaned.
"So what? She's your best friend Y/N?"
"No she was my best friend, she's been talking shit about the Cobra's - even Tommy. I get that her and Johnny aren't together anymore, but I've gotta look out for my boys." You admitted, throwing popcorn into your mouth.
"Your boys? You mean Johnny is your boy? The guy has had the hots for you since you were ten." She stated and now it was your turn to roll your eyes.
"Then why did he date Ali?" You questioned.
"Oh baby sister, you have so much to learn. It's obvious that he wasn't going to ask you out before her. You'd just come out of a sticky relationship." You shivered at the thought of your past.
"I get you were young and in love with that jackass, but just because you were young, doesn't mean he had the right to hit you left, right and centre." Maybe she was right, you hadn't really let your guard down with anybody after that.
"Let's not bring that up please." You told her.
"The only thing stopping you two from growing old together, is the fact that Tommy is practically like your big brother. He'd flip a table." Your sister grinned. Speaking of Cobra's, you heard some motorcycles pull up outside your house.
"Snakes in three, two, one." Your sister counted down and then your door knocked.
"Your hair looks a mess." You admitted to Tommy, ruffling up his hair as he walked into your home.
"Honesty is the best policy Y/L/N." Bobby laughed.
"What the hell happened to you?" You questioned Johnny, noticing how flustered and sad he looked.
"Lover boy had his first dosage of heartbreak tonight at the beach." Bobby called out to you from the kitchen.
"Yeah nice one man, thanks!" Johnny said sarcastically, making his way through your house. You shot your sister a confused look, and she just shrugged her shoulders.
"Tommy, your ass better not be eating my leftover pizza!" Your sister shouted and that's exactly what he was doing.
"I appreciate that I'm not having to fix any of your faces tonight guys, but what exactly do you want?" You asked them, grabbing some lemonade from the fridge.
"Well sweet-heart, there's a new kid on the block, Daniel Larusso. He was flirting with Ali." Tommy stole your drink from your hand.
"And how do you feel about that?" You asked Johnny.
"She wouldn't talk to me, so I broke her radio and gave him a seek in assist the old fashioned way." Johnny admitted.
"I take it he's not as good at Karate as you then Johnny?" You joked, trying to make light of the conversation.
"The sexual tension in this room is making me gag." Your sister shoved passed you and grabbed a drink from the refrigerator.
"You're delusional." You muttered.
"I'm sure you'll be lucky with Larusso if you haven't already made a pass at Johnny." Bobby joked, but none of you laughed.
"Like hell man, watch your damn mouth." Johnny snapped.
"Dude seriously?" Tommy glared at him.
"I was joking, come on guys." Bobby tried to defend himself and you all ignored him.
"Quit being mean so Bobby, he just wanted to be apart of the comedian club." You snickered, making everybody burst into laughter.
"I take it you guys are staying the night?" Your sister asked them all.
"It's an annual thing, so if you don't mind?" Tommy smiled.
"Dude, the three of you have sleepovers everyday of the week. It's a fucking daily thing at this rate." Your sister laughed, heading up the stairs to sort the sleeping arrangements out.
Once the beds were ready to go, everyone seemed fairly tired and headed upstairs.
"Y/N wait-" Johnny stopped you from outside your room. Unbeknownst to him that his two friends, and your sister were eavesdropping.
"Can I please talk to you? I kinda need a girl's help, and well you get Tommy through a lot of shit.." He began to rant and you stopped him.
"Calm down Johnny, let's talk." You ushered him into your room, and he laid on your bed, leaning against the bed frame.
"I didn't really know how to say it front of everyone, but you know what a breakup is like. How'd you get over it?" Johnny sighed and you frowned.
"I don't think I ever really got over it because of what he did to me. I'd like to have said I turned into some badass overnight but I didn't. It takes time, and the two of you only broke up a couple of weeks ago. The whole situation is still raw and you have to allow yourself time to heal." You admitted to him.
He couldn't help but stare at you, take in all of your perfections as you we're giving him advice.
"Young love is a load of ass Y/N. She didn't even care about what I had to say tonight." Johnny frowned and it really did look like he was about to cry.
"Jokes on her Johnny, because any girl should be blessed to have you." You smiled, making his stomach erupt into a million butterflies.
"I really appreciate that." He whispered, slowly leaning in, but you leaned back.
"I'm so sorry if you thought that's where I was going with this Johnny, I don't think either of us are ready for that just yet." You coughed out, not really sure how to deal with it.
"No I'm sorry Y/N, I shouldn't have done that. Shit." Johnny was quick to scramble out of your room, and it took you a few moments to comprehend the situation.
Chasing after him and staying in your room  were your thoughts for the night. You knew he'd probably be embarrassed, so you didn't wanna push that any further. But he wanted to kiss you. Was that because he wanted to use you as a rebound? To get over his eventful evening with his ex? You had no idea. Or was it because he had now genuinely come to terms of how he really felt towards you?
“Wake your ass up!” Tommy screamed as the morning sunshine came through your curtains.
“Tommy I’m giving you five seconds to get the heck out of my room, or I’m going to smack you silly.” You yawned, suddenly realising it was your first day back for senior year.
“You weren’t saying that to Johnny when he tried to kiss you last night.” Tommy whispered, and your eyes nearly fell out of your head.
“Your secrets safe with me sleepy head, but he wouldn’t have done it if he didn’t mean it.” Tommy gave you a half-hearted smile and left you alone.
“One year to make it all work Y/N.” You muttered, throwing on some clothes to start your senior year.
“The queen has finally made her entrance.” Tommy laughed, handing you a plate of pancakes.
“You look beautiful Y/N.” Bobby smiled, making Johnny clench his jaw.
“Wow it finally looks like a cat hasn’t dragged you through a bush.” Y/S/N ruffled up your hair.
“Well now if does.” You groaned, flattening your hair back out. Time was ticking and it was soon time for school.
“Have a good day you guys!” Your sister waved you all off. It was as if the Cobra’s had it planned all along, because Tommy and Bobby were quick to drive away on their motor-cycles, leaving you and Johnny.
“Can I pitch a ride please?” You asked Johnny with hopeful eyes.
“Of course.” He smiled lightly.
“Can we please talk about last night?” You asked and his smile soon faded.
“We’ve gotta get to school.” You nodded at him, before sitting behind him. The journey to school wasn’t long at all, and it was typical for you to spend your morning alongside the Cobra Kai’s motorcycles.
“I don’t want things to be awkward Johnny, you’re one of my best friends. I’ve got a lot of issues, despite how happy I come across. Maybe one day we can make a thing of us?” You suggested and he had nothing to say.
And so that’s how was it was like, for a very long few weeks after that. Johnny hadn’t said a lot to you, and it slowly made you realise, that you didn’t know what you had, until it started to go away.
“Johnny still not talking to you?” Tommy asked, as the two of you walked together in front of the Cobra Kai’s. You turned around, but Johnny avoided eye contact before turning around the corner to his class.
“He’s insanely in love with you Y/N, I guess he’s just scared.” In love? Come again?
“In love with me, why would you say that?” You asked.
“Trust me, I know.” The two of you continued walking towards your classroom, when you were stopped by a certain Daniel Larusso.
As Johnny was walking to class, he couldn’t help let the overwhelming sense of guilt override him.
“What’s going on with you and Y/N dude?” Bobby asked one of his best friends.
“I don’t know myself man.” Johnny responded.
“You two are so damn love blind.” Bobby groaned in annoyance that his two friends still hadn’t made moves on each-other.
“I can’t push the boundaries again, it’s obvious she’s afraid to be with someone new, and I don’t want to upset her.” Johnny admitted.
“That’s the thing though Johnny, you’re not someone new. Everyone knows about what happened with her ex, and you can be the one to make her trust again.” Bobby’s words were so convincing.
“I’ve gotta go and get my girl.” Johnny shoved his books into Bobby’s hands and rushed back to the other hallway you were in with Tommy. But Bobby didn’t stop there, of course he was going to watch the scene unfold.
“What the hell do you want Larusso?” Tommy stood protectively in front of you.
“You need to sort your boyfriend out Y/N, his attitude is kind of stinky.” Daniel teased.
“He’s not my boyfriend.” You muttered.
“I think he’s about to be.” Tommy noticed Johnny heading over to the two of you.
“Get the hell away from my girl, punk.” Johnny shoved Daniel out of the way, and you bit the inside of your cheek anxiously - not wanting your first day back to end up in a fight.
“Why does everyone think I’m you girlfriend?” You asked Johnny.
“Because I’ve waited so damn long to be able to call you mine Y/N, and I don’t want him taking you away from me, like he did with everything else.” Johnny admitted his feelings, regardless of everybody around him.
“Johnny what are you talking about?” You asked him.
“I’m not him Y/N. I will never be him. I think, I think I love you.” Johnny stepped forward and this time, you allowed him to kiss you. You felt yourself melting on the inside. Cheers and claps echoed through the school hallway as the bell rang.
“What do you say Y/N, will you please be my girlfriend?” He asked, lacing his hands with yours.
“Of course.” You blushed, wrapping your arms around him, and he felt the instant sigh of relief.
“You’re cute when you’re jealous.” You whispered.
“I was so not jealous, I was about to beat Larusso’s ass.” Johnny told you seriously.
“I think you’re forgetting about what Tommy might do to you.” You chuckled, looking over at your best friend and his attempt to look angry.
“It’s not half of the things that I’m going to do to you.” Johnny smirked. You could finally be free of your past, you finally had your man, and boy was he worth the wait.
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doeilovr · 3 years
Request: Hi can I request a 127 reaction to the first “i love you” exchange <3 thank you
JOHNNY: ✧* ・゜
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Johnny would be the one to say “I love you” first. He would have spontaneously decided to do so, his heart beating fast in his chest. He would say it nonchalantly, while you two were making pancakes in the morning. You would look at him, his focus on cutting bananas and you would nudge his shoulder and whisper “love you too.” Johnny and you would exchange a smile, looking into each other’s eyes for a long time, just feeling the love, the genuine love and almost burning the pancakes in the process.
TAEIL: ・゚✧.
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You would be doing the most mundane thing, like sitting next to him on the sofa as you two watched a movie and suddenly your attention would wander to Taeil. And the way he sat there, holding you, his laughter echoing through the living room, as he was focused on the movie. And it would so easily fall from your lips, “I love you”, and Taeil would turn his head and blink at you. A flustered smile slowly forming on his face, when he would say it back without hesitation. And only after that you went back to watching the movie, Taeil now being the one unable to focus, his mind racing, his heart fluttering and the smile on his lips not yet fading.
YUTA: ・゚* 。.
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“I love you, Yuta”, you would confess, falling into your boyfriends arms, when you were hanging out in his room one day. Yuta would hug you back tightly, suddenly feeling a bit overwhelmed, “love you too. So, so much”, he would whisper against your ear. And when you parted again, he would give you a kiss, before you went back to listening to music together. Yuta would take it cool, he would feel his eyes sting a little, because in his opinion Love was just something so beautiful and he felt lucky to share it with you
TAEYONG: ✧ .・゚゚・
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Taetong Taeyong would almost get startled when he heard you say you love him, when all he did was tie your shoes, while you were out in the park. He would get up, eyes suddenly shaking and his heart racing. “I love you”, he would say back, almost choking on the words. He would quickly grab your hand, pulling you towards him, to hug you, so you wouldn’t see how flustered he was.
JAEHYUN: ・゚ ✧。*
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you both just woke up, lying close together under the blankets in bed, when those three words, “I love you”, so easily fell from both of your lips in unison. You would smile at each other, realizing you had said it at the same time and then you would lean over and peck Jaehyun on the lips. His ears would be as red as ever, indicating how flustered he was, but he was quick to pull you in his arms to prevent you from noticing anything.
DOYOUNG: ・✧ 。*
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you were sitting on the bed, watching Netflix on his Notebook, when you would confess your love to him. And then you would turn your head, studying your boyfriend’s expression and he would shrug, saying “I love you too, now focus on the Drama.” And you would, a big smile on your face, while Doyoung would place a kiss on your head, before he also smiled so widely, his cheeks started hurting.
JUNGWOO: ・゚✧*・゚
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Jungwoo and you were driving back home in a taxi one night, when he would lean over and tap your shoulder. “I love you”, he would whisper with a cheeky grin and you would only chuckle. He would repeat himself, his smile still wide and you would shush him, thinking it was maybe a joke. “I’m serious”, Jungwoo would whine, furrowing his brows and then you would finally look at him and say it back, heart hammering in your chest, just like Jungwoo’s. He would continue to smile to himself, both of you going back to staring out of the window.
MARK: *✧:・゚゚
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Mark and you were sitting on the floor in your room, both of you laughing about a random funny story he told. And somehow seeing each other laugh like this those three little words would come out naturally. And Mark’s “I love you” would follow immediately. Both of you would be startled and Mark would almost panick. He would be like “okay” and then he’d get flustered and his cheekbones would start hurting for all the smiling. And you would look at him and just feel very lucky to have him in your life.
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You would be sitting cuddled up on the sofa, watching a movie when you would look up at him and say “I love you” and Haechan would snort and be like “I know”. And you would smack him a little and make him laugh and he would coo at you. “My baby, I love you more”, he would whisper, peppering you with the sweetest kisses.
a/n: thanks anon for the cute request! This was so much fun to write and I thank you for your patience. I know it took a bit long :) enjoy it though!!
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heartofsnark · 3 years
Honey, I Laugh When It Sinks In. (Johnny/Fem!V) NSFW
Note: So, ya girl’s having whore hours. And I wrote Johnny getting his butthole reamed by my fem!V’s strap. 
Warnings: peggings, assplay, sex toys, oral sex, cum fixation, dumb jokes
Summary:  Johnny's got his body back, that's nice. Both him and V are super alive, doing great things. Those great things do mostly involved fucking each other and denying the fact they love each other; because they're dumbasses. But more importantly, now that Johnny can interact with real life object, V has a chance to fuck him with a strap-on. And doesn't that just sound like a fun time.
The fact that Johnny to some degree likes his ass played with is a secret to absolutely no one. But especially not to V, she’s not sure the two could have secrets from each other after their time being brain roommates. Dreams of his memories haunted her for months and the guy did a lot of fucking. It wasn’t uncommon to fall asleep and find herself in Johnny’s skin being reamed by Rogue’s strap-on or getting fucked after letting Kerry top for a change.  
There’s not a lot of mystery left between V and Johnny, to say the least.
But, for some reason, Johnny’s ass has remained uncharted territory for the merc. Well, maybe not for no reason at all. Most of their sex life has been while he’s a digital ghost rattling around in her skull and unable to interact with real life objects. And she never quite had the courage to see if that limitation included strap-ons and butt plugs, though she has a sneaking suspicion it probably did, she doubts Arasaka included a butthole exploit in their tech.
However, the two are no longer dependent on Arasaka’s ass related limits. He’s real, now, out of her skull and back in the flesh. His original flesh even, after they found it in the depths of Arasaka’s bullshit amongst the other bodies the corp had gotten their hands on over the years.
It was a whole thing; but he’s here now and they’re fucking again. Because that’s apparently just what they do. Probably because she’s hopelessly… infatuated with him and knows casual sex is probably all she’ll ever get. Because he clearly still loves Rogue and could never want her beyond sex-
V promptly smacks herself in the head, groaning as her thoughts begin to spiral. She twists in her bed, crushing a pillow to her chest. Trying to hype herself up into asking for a chance to peg Johnny turned into wallowing about her stupid fucking feelings. Because every thought about him turns into wallowing about her stupid fucking feelings.
She hears the shower turn off, having nagged Johnny into taking one as soon as they got home. Which means it’s almost time to ask and she wonders why this is making butterflies swim in her stomach, why she’s so nervous? The merc is no stranger to pegging or taking control in the bedroom.
Maybe because she does lean towards the submissive side of things and Johnny leans towards the dominant, the rockerboy having taken charge in most of their bedroom interactions. Maybe because it’s Johnny and the idea that he may not feel comfortable doing this with her, the idea that there’s a part of him he’d give others but not her, makes a pit form in her gut.
She drops the pillow and lightly smacks herself in the head again; for fucks sake she’s asking to peg the man, not asking for his hand in marriage. Not that she would ever ask for that… That would be weird. Her face is bright red at that thought, feeling like a school girl fantasizing about being Mrs. Silverhand someday. Mrs. Linder?
Both of those sound awful, actually.
There’s the padding of footsteps across her apartment as Johnny leaves the bathroom. The merc moving to sit at the edge of the bed as he comes walking closer. Her favorite geriatric rockerboy, condolences to Kerry, is absolutely shameless and as much as she chides him, she certainly doesn’t mind the show.
Johnny is completely naked, save for a towel casually on his shoulders as he ruffles it through his overgrown dark hair. Damn near every inch of skin and chrome on display to the merc. Her mouth dries as she watches a bead of water run down his stomach, past the inked skin of his ribs. V’s eyes then shift to get a look at his ass, her fixation of the night. He’s on the flatter side, to say the least, broad shoulders and narrow trim hips. But it belongs to him and thats all that matters, pancake ass or otherwise.
“You’re tracking water everywhere,” she scolds him, comfortably using her voice around him. Maybe due to left over remnants of his own brain in hers or just because it’s Johnny.
“Eh,  Nibbles will clean it up.”
“What part of  ‘don’t let him drink shower water’ do you not understand?”
“The part where you tell me what to do.”
“You’re lucky you’re cute, you know that?”
“Am I?”
He’s suddenly in her face, hands pressed to the mattress on each side of her hips, as he leans into her space. A smirk on his lips, damp hair falling into his eyes, and forehead nearly knocking into her own. She can feel the heat coming off his body, the droplets of water rolling off his skin and onto hers. And before another word can be said they’re kissing, drawn to each other in a way neither can explain, coming together like this as natural as breathing.
It feels like a tingle of electricity under her skin wherever her touches, every cell in her body begging for his tongue. The pure relief of feeling his tongue push into her mouth, to feel the scratch of his beard on her skin. It feels right, every time, as if this is just how they’re meant to be. Like a part of her soul is finally slotting back into place.
She wraps her arms around his neck, tangling her fingers in his wet hair as he kisses her, deep and heavy. The taste of cigarette smoke and mint gum still clinging to his tongue, the latter meant to help suppress the cravings for the former. Different from how his kisses tasted as an engram, but still so distinctly him.
V breaks the lip locks when his hands start to push under her shirt, a soft whimper on her lips, as badly as she wants him anyway she can get him, she can’t lose her nerve in asking for what she wants most tonight. His mouth is on her neck in a second, licking and biting at her pulse point, beard scratching the tender skin as she gasps.
“Johnny, I.. fuck,” she whines as he bites at the skin, “can, uh, fuck, can I… peg you?”
His mouth stops moving on her neck and that pit in her gut comes back, terrified she ruined something. Wanting to tell him to forget it, pretend she never asked, as he pulls away from her pulse point and she misses his touch, only a second apart and she’s starved for his affection. But then he pulls away enough for her to see his face, the grin on his lips, and it's a rush of relief.
“That what got you acting like a basket case all day?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Fuckin’ knew something was up; acted like you were a second away from humping my leg all day, then send me off to shower all by myself.”
“I wasn’t that bad.”
“You seriously spent all day thinking about fuckin’ my ass, didn’t you?”
“Not all day.”
“Jesus christ,” he lets out something between a laugh and a breath, she can’t help but giggle too, “well, then, show me what you got, princess.”
And she surges forward, clumsily wrenching  her fingers into his hair as she kisses him, teeth nearly clacking together in her messy excitement. Deep but quick, not wanting to spend much longer in this awkward position, she pulls away with a bite to his lower lip.
“Lay down on the bed, for me?” She asks softly when she breaks away, looking up at him with big eyes and a bat of her eyelashes. And she can see for a moment, the mischievous light in his eyes, the impulse to refuse, to be a brat. But he rolls his eyes and does what she asks, behaving for now.
“You’re lucky you’re cute, you know that?” he mimics her words from earlier as plops back with his hair against the pillows and she giggles, scrambling to straddle him. To have him naked beneath her.
And what a sight that makes. Johnny is unfairly gorgeous, something she’s thought for far longer than she’d care to admit. Long dark hair wetting her pillows, deep brown eyes looking up at her with lust, the messy scruff of his beard, the scar over his lip, and the burn scars that trace up the side of his neck.  Beyond the visual, as she settles over him, she can feel his hard cock smearing precum across her skin. Good to know he’s excited.
His hands squeeze her hips, the warmth of flesh and the chill of silver sending sparks up her spine. He squeezes tightly and the hint of a smirk that teases at his lips tells her he’s about to say something stupid.
“Hate to break your heart, V, but, this isn’t exactly what pegging means.”
“I’m not about to just ram a strap-on up your ass dry, Johnny, it’s a process.”
“Oh, I get prep work, damn, didn’t know I was that special.”
“Kiss me before I kill you,” she taunts, leaning over him to capture his lips. She pushes her tongue deep into his mouth, devours that distinct taste of him, getting another fill of it before she forces herself away.
It’s her turn now to latch onto Johnny’s neck, finding a spot to leave a mark not unlike the one he no doubt left her. The taste of his skin beneath her tongue, the heavy sigh of pleasure from his mouth as she sucks, bites and licks. Only when she’s certain, she’s marred his skin, does she pull away with a wet sound. Bruised skin looking back at her. She smiles at her bit of handiwork but can’t admire it for long, wanting to taste him again just as soon as she’s stopped.
V peppers kisses, licks, and bites across his skin. From his shoulder to his jaw, leaving faint little bruises wherever her teeth get involved. He groans and sighs under the touch, just soaking it in, as starved for it as she is. V can feel his cock stiff and leaking against her thigh as she nips his jawline, kisses down and across his throat, to run her tongue along the other side of his neck now. His hands grope and squeeze at her ass as she works him over, feeling the roughness of his scarred skin under her tongue. She gives the same treatment, sucking and biting every inch of flesh she can.
“Fuck,” he curses, rocking his head back further into the pillows, instinctively trying to give her more access.
V shifts her lower body, giving herself room to reach between them and touch him. She wants to make him cum before she even gets the strap in, maybe more than once, overwhelm him with pleasure and get him relaxed before she slides inside fully. The merc wraps her hand around him, feeling the heat and weight of his cock, wet with water and precum. He groans at the touch, a rumble she can feel in his throat as she kisses it.
“Might need an anatomy lesson, sweetheart, that’s not quite my ass,” he taunts, earning him a harsh bite to his neck and a tighter grip on his dick.
“Can you be patient for a fuckin’ minute? I’ll get there when I get there.”
“And will that be some time this year or next? Oh fuck, fuck,” he chokes on his words as she begins stroking him in earnest, using his precum to keep him slick as she works.
The merc has plenty of lube in the little drawer area under her bed, along with all her toys, but for now she wants to stick to the basics. It's just the first round for him and barely a precursor of what's to come. She bites and sucks his neck as she strokes him, first slow and languidly, just feeling every inch of him. Feeling the way he twitches in her hand, the way each stroke brings more precum, how he groans a little louder each time she gets to the head of his cock, flushed red and more sensitive than the rest of him.
Then she starts to get quicker, shorter, almost rougher strokes of her hand, working harder and faster to feel him cum beneath her. His breathing getting quicker, more curses beneath his breath, rumbles of them in his throat. He’s getting close, fingers sinking into her hip tighter and tighter, the other gripping the sheets as she builds his pleasure as high as she can with just her hand.
Johnny’s body draws tight, a flush across his skin, as he twitches once more in her hand and cums. White shooting quickly across his stomach and chest, cum sticking to his skin and her’s. It’s nothing compared to how much he’s left inside her before, no floodgates broke open, just enough to make a mess. She shamelessly licks and sucks off what he left on her hand, hearing him groan at the sight, the bitter salty taste of it heavy on her tongue. And she knows it should be gross to her, the taste of it, but she loves it.
Once her hand is licked clean, she moves over him to lave her tongue over his chest, catching the cum that landed over his skin. A rumble of a chuckle in his chest as she works her way down; lapping sweat, water, and cum off of him.
“Swear,  could bust into a cup and you’d down it like water, wouldn’t ya?”
“Fuck off,” she curses against his skin, already having licked the cum off of his rib tattoo, already chasing down drop of it that’s dripped down his stomach.
“Such a little cum whore.” He lazily rubs his hand through her hair, taunting her as she licks his stomach and hips clean of any cum, her face feeling like it’s on fire.
She pulls away from his skin, once she’s convinced she’s gotten most of the cum off his skin and the head of his cock starts to bump her chin.
“Spread,” she demands, trying to maintain some mask of domme-ness as she taps his thigh. Johnny bends his knee, spreading his legs slightly and hands grabbing at the pillow over his head; a painfully beautiful sight to the merc.
“Fuckin’ finally, about time,” he responds, because he’s still an asshole.
“Again, not going in dry, you’re not getting the strap quite yet.”
She pinches his thigh and he just grins, finding her annoyance just oh so entertaining. V takes a moment to peel off her shirt, feeling a bit of relief from the fever on her skin, open air hitting her sweaty flesh. And she can feel his eyes on her when she does so, brown eyes staring at her small breasts, following her pierced stiff nipples. As much as he’s bitched about her being a member of the itty bitty titty committee, he seems to always gawk at them when he has a chance.  She likes to think that… means something , but it probably just means he’s a slut.
V considers taking off her panties too, slick and sweat making them stick to her neglected cunt, but that would require far too much maneuvering to make it worth the effort. Especially when tonight isn’t about that. She’s able to balance on her knees to lean over the edge of the bed, rolling out the underneath compartment to get what she needs. And she can feel that stare now hoving on her bent over ass, not that he can even get a decent look at it from where he’s laying. But that won’t stop him from ogling apparently.
“So, when do I get to fuck your ass?” He asks as she’s grabbing lube and a butt plug from her sex toy stash.
“You’ve played with my ass before,” she says, kind of surprised, memories of his fingers and tongue in that specific hole.
“Haven’t fucked it yet, which just seems like a crime, quite frankly.”
“Oh no,” she rolls her eyes, “not a crime, we’ve never done one of those before.”
“Would you let me fuck your ass?”
In a heartbeat, she thinks immediately and is so happy he no longer lives in her skull.
“Hmm, maybe, but it's your ass on the chopping block tonight, I’m ‘fraid.”
“Yours is so much nicer though.”
“Yeah… that’s not saying much, gonna be like fucking a hole in a wooden plank.”
“Or you could just give me a titty fuck, oh wait.”
She grabs the strap-on she intends to use, a big cyan blue one that she’s been waiting entirely too long to try out. And she shakes it in front of him.
“I’m either gonna fuck you or beat you to death with it, I swear to god, Johnny.”
He grins and laughs, she’s laughing too. Unable to help it, their back and forth always bringing a lightness to her chest. It just feels like them, as they should be. Two dumbasses making fun of each other.
V has what she needs except for one other thing, she stretches to reach the night stand and grab her phone, having to lean over Johnny to do so. And she can feel Johnny looking at her funny, brows furrowed for a moment, as he watches her pull up the app she needs.
“Are you checking your fuckin’ email, what is this?”
She laughs, unable to resist a chance to tease;  “Oh yeah, just checking my texts, me and River are supposed to do something after this.”
“Haha, that’s so funny,” he says dryly, a bite to his words, as he suddenly grabs her hair and looks into her eyes, “mention the pig’s name in bed again and I’ll fuck you in front of him.”
His tone is on the harsh side, but his pull in her hair is barely rough enough to feel it. The threat and movement only serving to make her face scarlet and her cunt slicker. Johnny has always had some… jealous, possessive tendencies, especially in the bedroom when she pushes him just a bit. And she knew exactly what she was doing by mentioning River’s name specifically, the former cop always an oddly shaped sore spot for Johnny.
She kisses him, soft and quick, before pulling away. His grip not even hard enough to control her movements.
“It's an app that vibrates the butt plug, Johnny,” she explains, smiling as she quells his worries, though something in her still has to wonder why he has them.
And its faint, but she can see a hint of red come across his cheeks, pink behind the scruff on his cheeks.
“Oh, well, carry on then,” he says, letting go of her hair and running his hand down her back.
“All my attention is on you, promise.”
“Fuckin’ better be,” he grumbles under his breath as he falls back against the pillow, she doesn’t see embarassed Johnny often, his lack of shame truly astounding. But, when she can manage to get him flushed, it's adorable.
“You’re such a gonk.”
“Shouldn’t there be a way to sync it with your neuroware or something, I don’t fuckin’ know.”
“I’m not installing buttplug tech in my brain, Johnny, that’s a malware nightmare waiting to happen.”
“Didn’t have to mention that asshole.”
“Stop pouting, only asshole I’m worried about right now is yours,” she jokes, getting back to where she can comfortable play with him, starting to cover her fingers in a healthy dose of lube.
“Ugh,” he groans, “that was so stupid, its a miracle I’m still hard.”
“Being a slut isn’t a miracle, Johnny.”
“Is the way I do it- fuck,”  he gasps and curses as she slides a lubed up finger inside of him, “you could fuckin’ warn a guy.”
“You said you wanted me to hurry up, you don’t get to bitch about it now.”
He lets out a quiet groan as she works one finger inside of him, feeling the heat of him around the digit. V has small fingers, one of many drawbacks to her petite stature. One finger doesn’t even stretch him, more so just getting lube into him, so everything that comes next has an easier time sliding in. She leaves him empty for just a moment as she coats a second finger in lube and begins to work both digits inside of him.
Tighter with a second finger added, stretching him a bit more as she shifts and scissors them inside of him. He groans a bit at the added pleasure, but his sounds are still soft, her fingers not thick or long enough to give him exactly what he needs. More lube and she adds a third finger, which makes him curses, cock twitching as she does her best to prepare him.
With her other hand she starts to stroke his dick, earning a deep throaty sound, the combined pleasure making him nosier. V works faster, wanting to wring more of those sounds from him, As she works her fingers inside of him quicker, fucking them into him as deeply and fast as she can, a soft squelching noise starts to ring out combining with the wet slide of her hand on his cock.  His hips squirm and writhe, bringing himself down further on her fingers, just to thrust up into her hand.
“Fuck,” he’s reaching up and gripping the pillows again, expression tight as she toys with him, “fuck, fuck, V!”
His cock twitches in her hand she moves to wrap her lips around the head of it, swirling her tongue over his heated skin just as he cums, something between a curse and a growl as he paints the inside of her mouth white. That same salty bitter taste coating her tongue, more of it this time, that she swallows down without shame. She pulls her mouth off of him with a wet pop, her fingers leaving him with another squelching sound.
“Needed it straight from the tap this time?” He tries to sass her, but his voice is a breathy rasp.
“Gon-gonna make you cum one more time before I use the strap, alright?”
Something between a whine and groan leaves his lips, but he spreads his thighs a little wider, pushes his head a bit further back against the pillows. She rolls her eyes, just thankful his stamina is good enough to withstand all the overstimulation. V covers the butt plug in lube, a black silicone one with a flared base, tech inside to make it vibrate. Once it’s covered, slick as it can be, she gently pushes Johnny’s thigh a little big further out and slides it inside, Johnny cussing at the wider stretch of the toy compared to her fingers. There’s not much resistance to the stretch of it inside of him, every fiber of her dying to tease him for being a slut. But she stays nice, instead grabbing her phone with the app open.
Johnny honestly, probably doesn’t need as much prep work as she’s doing, Though, she is mostly doing it because watching him cum his brains out is a fun time. But he clearly is ready for the main attraction of the evening, her strap. So, she won’t drag this one out too long, she decides looking over the vibration settings and hitting the highest.
“Jesus fuck!” He yells out, not expecting the intense vibrations of the plug. His hips grinding and thrusting, squirming from the pleasure of it buzzing against his prostate. The whirr of the toy audible even through his groans and moans.
And she can feel her mouth watering at the sight of him trying not to whimper against the buzz of the toy, hips moving on instinct as it works it’s magic, hard flushed cock twitching with pleasure. V grabs his narrow hips and pins them down against the bed, feeling him squirm under her touch. And she takes his cock back into her mouth, but this time she doesn’t hesitate to swallow him down as deeply as she can, feeling the slide of it on her tongue, the head pressing into her throat.
“God damn it,” he curses and both his hands grab at the back of her head, pressing her down further, “you need more fuckin’ cum?”
She gags a little as he starts fucking her face, no longer able to keep his hips pinned, as he keeps her head in place. V relaxes her throat as best she can, just letting him use it as a fleshlight while the plug vibrates inside of him.  His pace is brutal, trying to match the intensity of the vibration as he fucks her throat.
“Such a fuckin’ whore for my cum, two loads not enough, huh, princess? Needed to feel me cum down your fuckin’ throat too?”
She’s unable to respond, too busy being choked on Johnny’s cock, mouth a drooling mess as he fucks her face. But each word, little comment and taunt makes her clit throb, makes her that much wetter. And the thought of reaching down and fingering herself is so tempting, but Johnny isn’t going to last long. Between her throat around his cock and the toy in his ass, if she bothers to touch herself, she’ll only work herself up more.
Sure enough, just a few more messy thrusts, then his cock is throbbing against her tongue and he’s cumming down her throat just like he promised. That familiar taste coating her mouth as she swallows every last drop, even when she catches herself nearly coughing on it.
He pulls his hands from her hair, still whining as the toy vibrates, V having to take a minute to come up for air and catch her breath. Once the lightheaded feeling passes away she grabs her phone and turns off the vibrating, Johnny’s body relaxing as he gets a break from stimulation, though not for long. She gives him a moment to adjust before softly pulling the plug out of him, earning a sound suspiciously close to a whimper. V puts the plug aside and grabs the strap, Johnny catching his breath, still hard and leaking by some miracle,  as she secures it over her underwear.
A bright vivid blue strap, thick and long. She slathers it in lube, no such thing as too wet, as she empties the rest of the tube over the toy. The blue silicone shining with the slick gel. Johnny watches her as she lubes it up, she can nearly feel the impatience radiating off of him.
“Any position you prefer for this?” She asks, wanting to make sure he’s as comfortable as possible. Johnny responds by rolling over onto his knees, ass up in the air with his face in the pillow.
“Should be easier like this,” he murmurs into the pillow and then chooses to wiggle his ass at her, like the weirdo he is.
“Don’t exactly have much worth shaking, Johnny,” she taunts, giving him a small sharp smack to the ass.
“Hey, you’re the one who wanted to fuck it so bad.”
She rolls her eyes and prepares to finally peg Johnny. She’s on her knees behind him and would like to line up her toy with his asshole, but… there seems to be a newly discovered logistical issue. She tries to raise herself up higher, but her hips can’t quite align with his ass. She’s well aware that Johnny is over a foot taller than her, but it only becomes a problem at the weirdest of times. She kind of assumed since he can fuck her from behind, she’d have no trouble returning the favor, but… alas.
“Can you get your butt any lower?”
“Are you kidding me?”
“No… “
“This is what I get for fuckin’ a hobbit, I swear.”
“Just lower your ass, please.”
Johnny does his best to bring his ass down as low as he can and with a little finagling and the knowledge that she’ll probably have awful leg cramps for it, she’s able to get the head of the strap aligned with his hole.
She grips his hips and brings him back onto it as she slowly slides it inside as deeply as she can. A long low groan leaves Johnny’s throat, something that sounds like the word ‘finally’ With a bit of effort, she’s able to start slowly thrusting into him, watching it slide in and out of him. Hearing each grunt and curse as she fills him, the squelching of the strap sliding inside his slick hole. Slow direct long pushes into him, her thigh muscles already burning from the effort.
V runs her hand down the expanse of his back, the freckled skin of his shoulders, and she wants to kiss it. To kiss his  back and shoulders while she fucks him. And when she does her best to lay further over his back, she can barely kiss his shoulders with entirely too much effort, she must look ridiculous. This is ridiculous, she finds herself giggling, stomach hurting as she laughs.
“Are you- are you laughing?” Johnny asks, voice incredulous and she feels bad to beg him for a chance to do this, but in this position it’s just not working well.
“I’m sorry, I just, I feel like a Chihuahua trying to hump a Doberman, Johnny.” She says through laughter as she pulls the strap-on out of him. And he’s laughing too, chuckling as he rolls back over, staring at her.
And she’s sure she looks ridiculous, red faced and giggling with a blue lubed strap-on around her hips. She buries her face in her hands, unable to stop laughing at how fucking ridiculous it is, she’s too short to peg that way. Then his hands are wrapping around her wrists and he’s pulling them down, back in her space. And there’s a soft smile on his lips, that forms soft wrinkles around his eyes, a gentleness in his gaze. He’s so pretty and she can’t even fuck him right, the world is cruel. Johnny kisses her through her laugher, a soft press of their lips, before he pulls away. He lays back against the pillows, like he was before the not so bright idea of trying doggy style.
“Here,” he spreads his legs, smile still on his lips, “let’s try it like this.”
“Thank you,” she says through a giggle, moving to try this again.
It’s much easier with him laying down on his back, able to raise his hips easily to meet the strap-on. And she can look at his face now, which she definitely considers a plus. She can stay in a comfortable kneeling position as she lines it up perfectly and sinks into him again. His teeth sink into his bottom lip, head shifting back as she fills him again. Comfortably so this time and able to see his cock leaking precum onto his stomach as she fucks him.
Her nails dig into his hips as she begins thrusting into him, listening to the wet sound of it pushing inside of him. She keeps her motions slow and smooth, not wanting to fuck him senseless quite yet, watching for ever sharp intake of air from him. Staring at the flush across his skin, the sheen of sweat across his flesh. The groans, the sighs, and curses he lets out with every thrust of the toy into him.
“Faster, V, fuck, I ain’t gonna break.”
“Know what I’m doing,” she says,  just barely speeds up, wanting to tease him, to drag it out.
“That remains to be seen, fuck, c’mon, harder,” he tries to demand, writing his hips to meet each thrust of the strap, trying to change the pace.
“Nothing wrong with me taking my time, patience won’t kill you,” she teases, getting just a little harsher with the thrusts, just enough to hear the slap of her thighs hitting his, the soft pap of skin hitting skin. And he groans, eyes closed for a minute before opening again, a look in them that she’s seen too many times before.
“Nah, fuck this,” he says, then she’s being pushed back, metal and flesh hand shoving her against the bed as the world shifts around her.
“Hey!” She yells out as she’s suddenly on her back, looking up at Johnny who’s now straddling her hips. But she doesn’t have it in her to be mad, not when he’s naked on top of her, with hair falling into his eyes.
The shift in position made the strap-on slide out of him again, but Johnny wastes no time, bringing his ass down onto it, filling himself with the dildo. And she realizes he’s going to ride it cowgirl… cowboy style. He leans puts his hands back on the bed behind him, for leverage as he begins to do just that, bouncing on the silicone cock, hard and fast.
“Won’t fuck me right, gotta do it my goddamn self.”
“Swear to fuck,” she squeezes his hips, watching the way his cock bounces as he fucks himself on her strap, “next time I’m tying you down and gagging you.”
“Look forward to it,” he says, a wicked grin telling her how powerful her threat really is.
Johnny sets a brutal pace, as he’s one to do, his weight coming down on his hips heavy and powerful with every bounce. He barely pulls himself off of it with every movement, lifting himself just an inch off the slick toy before he’s bringing his weight back down. Its desperate, frenetic movements, just fucking himself on the toy. Each movement brings the slap of flesh clapping together, the squelch of the toy pushing into him, and the soft grind of the strap’s harness into her clit through her underwear. Not enough to get her off, but enough to make her whine.
And she tries to meet his pace, to thrust up into him, but Johnny doesn’t give her a chance, every time his weight comes down on her, it pins her hips in place, leaves her to lay there and let him have his fun. Just to watch as he rides it, as it slides in and out of him, barely out as he’s just desperate to grind the toy into the deepest parts of him. Let her mouth water as she watches his flushed red cock drip with precum and bounce along with his body.
“Fuck, you look so good like this, Johnny,” she tells him, just staring and Johnny groans, grinding himself down onto the dildo.
“Yeah,” his voice is breathy, panting through the words, “like watching me ride your cock?”
“Mmhmm, so fuckin’ beautiful…”
Her words trail off vaguely, squeezing his hips, just staring at him. Sweaty tanned skin, the ink that marks his ribs and arm, the rough flesh of his scars, freckles she could map out with her tongue if he let her. Broad shoulders, muscled bicep on one side and solid chrome on the other. Long dark hair with those deep brown eyes. The thick trail of hair that goes down his stomach. The trim narrow hips grinding him down onto the blue toy, his thick cock that really does deserve all the hype he gives it.
“Christ V,” he curses, voice rough and she can see the flush across his cheeks again, “stop fuckin’ looking at me like that.”
“Like what?” She asks, watching him rub a hand over his face, why is he embarrassed? Does he not expect her to look at him when he’s fucking himself on her silicone dick?
“Like, like, fuck!”
V gasps as his body goes tight, cock twitching as cum splashes across chest and chin, hot on her skin. A stray drop hitting her lip, only there for a moment before she licks it off, Johnny goes slack on top of her. Body relaxed and loose as his orgasms works its way through him, cock throbbing as a few more dribbles of cum drip onto her stomach. After a moment, Johnny curses again, blinking as he comes back to earth. Another moment and he starts to pull himself off of the strap.
“Can’t say that went exactly how I planned, but-eep!”
V squeals as he starts ripping off the strap-on harness, throwing it aside without any care before he’s yanking her underwear off, air hitting her slick cunt. He throws her panties across the apartment without another thought.
“Johnny, what are you do- oh fuck!”
Before she can finish the sentence he’s between her thighs, legs thrown over his shoulder as he buries his tongue inside of her. She grabs onto his hair on instinct as he begins to lick up every drop of slick inside of her, painfully wet after all she’d done to him with no relief for herself. Johnny eats pussy like a man starved, making groans and grunts of pleasure against her core as laps at her insides. Like he could really lick away every drop of slick, even as each swipe of his tongue makes her whine and as she just gets wetter.
Then his mouth is at her swollen clit and she’s seeing stars as focuses in on the most sensitive part of her. Never knowing when he’s going to lick patterns against the bundle of nerves or suck on it, his actions are quick and unpredictable, but everything makes her cry out. Her hips squirm and grind against his face, hands unintentionally pushing her into her center at the same time. Johnny’s arms wrap around hips and pin them to the mattress.
“Fuck, I-I’m close, Johnny, I-”
A harsh suck on her clit, the scratch of his beard against her core, and she’s gone. Toes curling and fingers tight in his hair, a keening moan on her tongue as the world goes blank. Pleasure hitting its peak and overcoming every cell in her body, a mess of her wet coating Johnny’s tongue and chin, that he licks up without hesitation.
After another moment he comes up for air, leaving her boneless and panting as she tries to get her bearings back. She didn’t expect for Johnny to touch her like the, meaning for the night to be completely about the pegging, but she really should have known. V’s sure the rockerboy would take it as personal offense if she didn’t cum at least once during sex with him.
The merc is pulled up to the pillows and against Johnny’s chest, the two settling in as they catch their breath. She’s sure the apartment is a wreck right now, things thrown haphazardly, there’s lube in her bedsheets, but can’t find the energy to truly care. V buries her head into his chest, listening to his heartbeat, smelling the musk of his skin, at peace just laying here against him.
“Can’t sleep with your hearing aids in, you know that, V,” Johnny says, skimming his fingers over the shell of her ears, just barely touching the little devices.
“I can sometimes…” She whines, wanting to fully hear his heartbeat and snoring while she sleeps. .
“And you’ll wake up with your ears rubbed raw.”
She glares up at him, pouting as he takes her hearing aids out for her, putting them on the side table. He looks back down at her, then brings his hands as high as he can so she can see them.
“Good night, princess,” he signs and she can’t be upset anymore, the sight of his admittedly sloppy sign language always making her heart melt. A flush of red crawling up her cheeks as she nuzzles her face into his chest, unable to hear his heartbeat, but still feeling the rise and fall of his chest with every breath. Mururing a good night against his skin as she drifts off.
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samissosexyyy · 3 years
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Tumblr thought it would be hilarious to delete all my work and not let me answer requests :').
And thank you-I woke up and was talking to my friend in the morning and my brain just: jojo villain yandere dads. Mudad mudad mudad mudad anger.
Anyways, here they are- Do these even count as headcanons???? I dunno-
Dio, Part 1
Vampire form of course.
First thing first, We all know he'd be a great dad. Protective already, But make him a yandere platonic father? Oh boy, Trust me, You'd be spoiled and treated like royalty.
Now, I'm gonna say in this scenario you were on of his victims child. I'll say you'll be around 5 to eight.
Somehow you managed to catch his eye, Is it because your parent was just as bad as his? You reminded him of his mother? Or maybe you resemble him, and have three moles on your ear. Or, perhaps, A younger joestar? Either way, You somehow had him feeling like a father, and, according to one of my friends, Araki had said DIO would treat his children like they were royalty, And they would be so spoiled.
So, Mudad would end up taking you in, kidnapping, whichever honestly. He'd be holding you like a loving pet owner would, if you got scared, he'd probably be confused. Honestly he'd have you turned into a vampire quickly, as he knew he wouldn't be able to have children as a Vampire.
Truthfully, I think you'd end up never noticing how he'd occasionally pull you closer, or how he'd glare at anyone your age or older going near you. Or how he'd give you some strict rules, Like no dating anyone. E v e r. And why would you ever want to hurt your papa like that?! You wouldn't want to do that, right?! Of course you wouldn't! Dio knew you'd never betray him like that!!
Truth be told, he'd guilt you if you tried to go against his words. But punishments? No no, He'd never actually purposefully hurt you, Unlike his love interest, he'd NEVER want to cause you pain ever. He'd hate himself and wouldn't forgive himself for years. Centuries. Infact, he'd beg for your forgiveness.
The Pillarmen
And satannnaaaaa
First of all, You aren't a pillarchild. You'd most likely be some kind of god, vampire, or a young hamon learner. Or even related to the Joestars or Ceasar.
So, Let's say you're immortal who can walk in the sun. We all know you'd be the joestar side, Right? So, That means you'd end up hating or feeling pity for the pillarmen. First, You'd probably end up trying to make Santana hally when he awakens. Unlike with Joseph, He'd probably know not to attempt to attack you. Let's say you have symbols like Dio Over heaven, We all know how that would work.
You'd end up as a being worshipped by them, probably kidnapped after they destroy the Joestars.
Let's say they defeated Joseph and the others, and you were still a deity, You'd most likely be weaker then them in this scenario. They'd probably treat you like a kitten at first, like a baby before they all felt a connection. As if you were a child of their own, so they'd give you rules. And we all know how rules go with yanderes.
Let's say uh- you fell for a mortal.
"No. No."
[Crush name has fallen from a high place.]
or something like that :')
Honestly, You'd have bird dad, and a bunch of other dads. Santana would honestly be like the cool big brother honestly. You'd probably want horns too so-
They would totally buy you halloween horns to put on your head so you'd be happy baby
Now, Hamon user? They'd probably find you like a cute animal at first, probably going easy on you like it was a game of tag. Soon, they'd realize how weak and fragile you are, After all, You are just starting hamon. They'd probably kidnap you to spite Joseph and his side at first, before... Well, You didn't expect to become a vampire and treated like royalty when all you've been treated like is uh... Considering Lisalisa is your coach, I'd say you'd be happy if it was someone else doing this for you.
Josephs sibling? WOAH Joseph, When did you get a cute sibling? Pfft, Not your sibling anymore, They just adopted your ex sibling nerd.
But, All jokes aside, They'd probably be surprised that you were more mature then your brother, and...you sorta resemble a certain Coach... Oh, Humans all look the same, haha.
They'd probably kidnap you infront of Joseph just to make him feel guilt and rage, After all, Why not get their prized treasure and make Joseph angry? They'd give you more rules, until Joseph was gone, of course.
And, sadly, Not even you crying would stop them from making you into a vampire infront of your big brother, breaking both of your hearts.
Don't worry you got ice cream later smh.
Ceasars sibling? Mini pancake? Haha, They'd kidnap you as soon as they felt parent like tendencies. No denying them, infact, they'd make sure you saw ceasar get defeated by the ro ck. But don't worry! You have new parents and a brother-! Haha, Poor you.
Part 3 DIO AKA mudad!
Honest to god you'd probably have to be a stand user with a weak or strong stand, or, you were one of his kids he had with a lucky woman who survived and got a naked polaroid of him as a 'wow you lived! Congrats, now go have my kid lmao' gift. Or, Maybe you were a normal kid who was kind to him, even if he,,,,  did some questionable murder infront of you. And maybe you were a young
Now, Let's say you were a strong stand user. He'd end up wanting to use a flesh bud until he realized... He never had a kid, that he knows of, and decided to raise you! At first he'd be upset you had a strong stand like your mudad, but realized you could protect yourself from those dreadful joestars! Congrats, You became a Brando! :) How unlucky, Considering this DIO would probably force vampire masks onto you, or even using fleshbuds as a threat. Either way, You'll always be papas baby!
Yoshikage kira.
Like I said in my first post of this, He'd want to have a nice average life. You having a stand wouldn't be a problem, Since he'd probably convince you Josuke and the others are awful and rude.
Josukes sibling? Well, He'd end up telling you he can help your brother with his murder issue if you come with him. You don't exactly have a choice since Killer queen would easily overpower you if you had disagreed. You'd end up being a normal and peaceful child before long, Infact, He'd have to pretend he had adopted you behind his 'wifes' back.
Hayotos friend he never talks about? Congrats, You are now stuck with a crazy and loving father! And a mother, I suppose. And you get your best friend as a brother! You'd never be able to leave, how sad. But, You'd have your new mom and your dad to talk to-! And killer queen cuddle time.
Now, Let's say you were his own kid. Wowzers! You think its normal for your father to bring women hands home, after all, You are pretty young and your father told you most adults do this. Ah. How enjoyable.
Oh dear. You poor child.
Either you were related to trish, and he somehow felt like you wouldn't be a problem before they felt more of a father love towards you, Most likely somehow getting rif of the traitors and your big sister.
"Where's big sister?"
"Don't worry about her, She's spending time with your mother."
Smh quit LIEING you jERK!
But seriously, Doppio would be like the fun mom asking you if you'd like bake cupcakes in his spare time! Read you bed time stories and whatnot! Diavolo would be awkward and "wanna play baseball or whatever kids like to do these days?" Awkward dad alert.
"My kid is fine!"
The kid they kidnapped/raised:
Casually trying to beat another kid with a baseball.❤💚💛
Honestly they'd insult everyone elses kids while here their kid is, casually scared of baseball.
Papa priest! We all know he'd adopt you! I head canon him as gay, considering DIO and him were totally a thing.
So, He'd probably have you study Lord DIO bibles, and casually have you hate Jolyne. Probably even give you a stand, And even show you that DIO is the best! Worship! Protect yourself and all that!
Jotaro would probably scare you,  so I can see you holding onto Pucci while Jotaro appears anytime, so pucci would infact love it when you snuggle onto him lime a cute kitten. Hell, you even Sneeze like a kitten!
Honestly You'd be kept under watch 24/7, but you'd think it was normal, after all, Your father would mever do something so awful like Those Joestars claim...right?
Oh wow- dino dad :)
Let's say you were a big fan of his, Then, Well,You wouldn't mind having him as a dad, Now would you? He is your idol, Right? Yeah. Yeah!
He'd probably carry you around upside down, Hot pants just questioning his sanity as he drops you a million times. Hot pants would probably end up carrying you most of the time.
Mama hot pants and father Diego. Y es.
And, Let's say you were traveling with Johnny. Congrats. You've put yourself in a even worse situation considering Diego would become worried and paranoid over those two idiots hurting you! And he hates the idea of his baby boy/girl/child being hurt by barbarians!!!
Even though he'd probably hurt you on accident if I'm gonna be honest.
Kidnapping isn't a very easy job, so of course he had to knock you out! What was he supposed to do?! Ask you to come stay with him forever?! No! Maybe! HuawhuKaia-
Honestly not too many rules, just don't leave his side ever! Except when going to the bathroom. You'll be tied to his horse. No whining >:(.
Funny Valentine
Honestly what did you think he was going to do? Pick some random child? No no, He'd choose the PERFECT child! You were so lucky! Wow! The daughter of the mos powerful man ever! Lucky you, Right?
No. You don't get alone time unless it's you sleeping or bathing. You wear what he wants, and no.
Dating not allowed. Bad. No no no no no.
"No. No dating. Your lips will fall off."
"but mommys lips didn't-"
"Your face will melt off."
Basically you'd be bossed around and treated like royalty, as long as you listen to you dad!
Honestly I don't know if this is headcanons, if if it isn't feel free to scream at me in the comments-
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nct-lian · 4 years
nct 127’s relation to lian
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taeil used to wake her up for school when she was still a teenager :((
such a soft but overlooked duo
will appreciate each other forever and ever
lian teaches him roasts in english that he can say to johnny
remain each other’s hype man and woman
taeil was the first to suggest he and the other nct members react to the trailers of her dramas on video so they can boost them in popularity
promotes the HELL out of lian’s solo career over twitter
lian loves coming up behind him and just giving him hugs because he’s soft (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
they watch movies together a lot! but taeil has to come down to the fifth floor because lian hates it up on the tenth one
he was once able to grab her hand in an airport and they held hands the entire time :(( a few pictures went a little viral
they share hoodies NSHDHSHCJA
lian keeps bugging him to get an instagram
taeil will ALWAYS take her side in silly arguments she and the other members have sometimes
he makes fun of her height because she’s shorter than him-
he also used to help her with her homework :(
cried when lian went on her first date
“my child is growing up (´∩`。)”
had to do a background check on the guy before he even allowed him to come in contact with her again, though
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johnny is her dad, period
no questions asked he is her father
will give her piggyback rides all the time
he was once woken up by her jumping on his bed and asking if they could go shopping
at 6:00 am
he actually got up, got ready and took her shopping but since it was so early, the stores were all closed
he took her out for japanese fluffy pancakes, though!
whenever lian is sick, johnny makes her his mom’s homemade chicken noodle soup recipe :((
speaking of johnny’s mom, she loves lian to death and always asks johnny if he’s taking good care of her
if they’re not being asked any questions or having to translate anything during interviews, they always whisper jokes in each other’s ears to try and make the other one laugh
because of how lian dies during the trailer of her new drama, johnny cried in front of twenty-two other men while they reacted to it
he was NOT embarrassed
“how are you guys not crying? this is so sad. what a cruel world we live in ໒( ˵ •̀ □ •́ ˵ )७”
kept screaming at lian’s “dream of you” performance video
he once effortlessly picked up lian and moved her somewhere else because she wasn’t standing where she was supposed to be
everyone says that their ship name is something a white, suburban mom would be named. now nctzens pronounce joann like “joanne” ・x・
it was said on the zach sang show that johnny used to measure her height every month to see if she grows or not, and that’s the only reason why he has her height memorized
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has lost lian in so many airports it’s not even funny
“hyung, what happened to lian?” “oh, you have GOT to be kidding me-“
whenever he doesn’t see her he goes into panic mode and starts asking if anyone has seen his little sister
“about this tall with really shiny hair? her cheekbones are insane, i swear. OH OH OH SHE WAS WEARING JOHNNY’S HOODIE- you don’t know what johnny’s hoodie looks like.. okay, well thank you for your help.”
one of the first members that she was comfortable with
lian said that he was her role model :’(
as the leader, he’s always taking care of her and will not sleep until he knows for sure she’s eaten
because of how lian never participated in any of nct’s first bit of promotions due to being too uncomfortable around them, she was allowed to skip out on the viewings of their relay video letters
but she was still required to make one for somebody and that somebody was taeyong ˵ ຈ ︿ ຈ ˵
she said that she was glad he was her leader and that she hoped to become closer one day
he cried
declares that he will take care of lian till the day he dies
taeyong had yelled at lian’s former manager until he voluntarily quit working for her- he had found out that lian was being overworked to the point where she collapsed during their dance practice and he wasn’t okay with it
always cheering her on backstage when she performs solo
he always tries to include her in guiding the members for their dances because he knows how happy it makes her
instead of having her carry her glasses around with her, he does it instead :D
“nana, do you have to wear your glasses now?”
taeyong tucks her into bed every night he can ᕕ( ཀ ʖ̯ ཀ)ᕗ
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totally doesn’t have feeling for her, yeah
yuta is obsessed and when i tell you he’s obsessed, he’s obsessed
did i mention obsessed?
he’s jealous of everyone :(
yun stans insist that the only reason yuta is so touchy with winwin and mark is because he’s trying to cover up his feelings for lian
bye if that’s true-
hyuck wanted to give her a hug (a rare occurrence) and yuta straight up just said,
“mine. go away”
i have proof guys :// johnny recorded it and literally posted it on instagram
lian died internally when yuta cut his long hair because she couldn’t put it into ponytails anymore :((
but his hair is growing back now so she’s able to do it again :)
yuta teaches her japanese every tuesday and thursday!
we don’t bring this up because it’s pretty embarrassing but,, when nct 127 were backstage before performing kick it, yuta asked doyoung (who was in a direction where he could get a clear view of lian’s face) if lian was staring at him
how do we know this, you may ask?
it was caught on camera and everyone made fun of him for a solid week straight
he’s caught staring at her from afar way too often for comfort
lian says that he’s very pretty
much like the other memebers that have instagram, he makes story countdowns that he posts about a week before lian plans to release her solo music
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another member of the lian protection squad
doyoung was the first to start calling her cupcake
it all started when doyoung was sick and lian made him cupcakes to make him feel better
will slap anyone who makes a flirty remark towards lian
was embarrassed for yuta when he asked if she was staring at him
said “no” and walked away
lian is the only one who ever shows him any mercy :’)
they have very similar taste in decor so they often go shopping together for things to put around the dorm
doyoung said that he spends the most time in lian’s room because it smells like vanilla all the time
he spoils her SO MUCH
like so much
half the plushies she owns at the moment were gifts from doyoung
has a tendency to watch over her and make sure she’s content at all times
“cupcake, are you hungry? i can make you some food if you’d like” “oppa, it’s 3:00am-“ “and?”
they take such pretty instagram pictures :((
at one point in time, doyoung was jealous of his older brother because lian used to crush on him a tiny bit :0
not because doyoung likes her or anything, she just couldn’t stop talking about how nice he looked in revolutionary love
disapproves of the staff giving lian such short clothing sometimes
“um, excuse me, she can’t wear that. are you crazy? go get her a new outfit, please”
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not many people bring this up because we know it’s honestly a sensitive topic :|
but he lowkey has deep feelings for her (he makes it so obvious sometimes it’s kinda disappointing to see how oblivious lian really is to it)
jaeli + yun love triangle anyways
jokes aside, though, jaehyun loves lian so so much
once cried to johnny about how he doesn’t know what to do and that he didn’t want to make anything awkward by confessing to her
makes sure to be near her as often as possible
once scared away a whole kim taehyung from talking to her during isac ╰[ ⁰﹏⁰ ]╯ (let’s pretend bts were there for 2019 pls)
“jungkook, keep your friend away, please :D”
didn’t work, though, because they ended up having a conversation later in the day either way
*in the 97’ liner groupchat* “HYUNG IM SORRY HE RAN AWAY I DIDNT KNOW WHAT TO DOl
it was uncalled for but what can you do amirite ┐(´~`)┌
lian pokes his dimples a lot and squishes his cheeks
just randomly hugs him but he’s not complaining
johnny isn’t picking sides but he became team jaeli after jaehyun broke into tears in front of him for the first time since they were trainees about how much he loves lian
sad,, i know
lian judges jaehyun for not sleeping with sheets
continues to believe he is not a human being, but a robot created in a lab
jaehyun smiles at her for no reason
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an instant bond formed between them when they first met!
jungwoo learned a lot about her and has developed so many ways to deal with her anxiety :(
gave the staff a guide on how to keep her calm when he went on hiatus because he couldn’t be there with her
buys her colouring books because he knows that they calm her down well!
liwoo went viral and become a popular ship when lian accidentally changed the nct 127 instagram profile picture to a jungwoo icon
she got scolded but it was iconic orange haired jungwoo with a chain-
an untouchable duo when they do double aegyo
nctzens think jungwoo is her favourite member
maybe because lian said he was
“ “who’s your favourite member?” hmm i’ll have to say woo-oppa!”
*cue jungwoo laughing at yuta’s face because he was that shocked*
they share secrets with each other so now they probably know the other like the palm of their hand
even though he’s off his hiatus, he still has to guide the staff members through lian’s little moments because sm staff suck at their job sometimes
they’re the two members who go grocery shopping together
more like jungwoo dragging lian to the grocery store with him but okay
jungwoo loves kissing her cheeks (〃▽〃)
their vocals mixed together are confirmed to be noises from heaven
lian misses his blonde bowl cut :/
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leader of lian’s natural length hair committee
like when i tell you mark hates her extensions-
mark was the first friend lian was able to make in nct!
they bonded over canada and it was very rare to see them speaking in korean
mark goes into straight panic when he’s with her sometimes
has to remind himself they’re like siblings
lian ans mark covered “your eyes” by hoody and jay park during a vlive!
it was adorable :((
lian had him saved in her phone as “android user” but now she doesn’t know what to change it to
they had a fight in 2019
mark let’s her call him the weirdest freaking nicknames ヽ ( ꒪д꒪ )ノ
mars bar, markie, mork, marko
he says it’s because czennies consider her to be addicting and since marijuana is addicting as well he thought it’d be a good fit
someone on twitter absolutely ENDED HIM though and wouldn’t stop making fun of him (;⌣̀_⌣́)
they can read each other’s mind just by looking at each other
“dude i hate this shit why does she keep asking us who we wanna collab with?” *cue lian laughing hysterically*
“what’s so funny (゜-゜)” — interviewer
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haechan makes fun of her kissing scenes in dramas
calls her short all the time
“lian give me a high five- oh haha nevermind it’s too bad you’re so short”
they’ve actually been so close to fighting each other and i’m not even joking
they’re the two members who fight the most out of all of them
but despite this, they love each other very much
hyuck says he’s the only one who’s allowed to make her mad
and if anyone else makes her mad he’d kill them
limark 2019 fight flashbacks where haechan kept threatening mark
there are actually moments when they’re clingy with each other-
haechan loves her hugs :((
like ??????? one minute they’re at each other’s throats and the next, they’re all lovey dovey hugging each other make it make sense ?????
lian could be speaking english and he’d say, “korean, please. i can’t understand canadian”
“shut up <3”
hello haechan cried and wouldn’t let go of her during her and mark’s graduation ceremony in 2018
she makes fun of him for it but never takes it too far
he goes to her for dance advice
during their nct 2018 weekly idol appearance when they were doing the random kpop dance thing, they beat everyone أ‿أ
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chibsytelford · 4 years
His Shirt
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@irenne-stans requested // A coco Cruz x reader  The reader is friends w/ Letty and spends the night at cocos/Letty’s house and when the reader asks for something to sleep in Letty just gives the reader one of cocos shirts/flannels and in the morning coco wakes up to the reader cooking breakfast (you can decide how he reacts) then Letty asks if she can take you to the clubhouse so she can introduce you to chucky and the mc love the reader and they tell coco like if he doesn’t ask her out they will ✨
Authors note - This could potentially be a mini series or maybe just another part. Lemme know what you all think! Thanks for requesting @irenne-stans !
Taglist - @everyhowlmarksthedead @rebel-without-cause-x @starrynite7114 @elcococruz @blessedboo @angelreyesgirl @talicat713 @minnicelli @jadesamhart @fangirlingaesthetics @sheeshgivemeabreak @sadeyesgf @thisishowdynastiesareborn @destynelseclipsa @itsamedeemoney @thewarriorprincessxo @lady-pswrld @scuzmunkie @trulysuccubus @angelxshiba @gemini0410 @i-love-scott-mccall
"Letty, can I borrow some pajamas please? I forgot mines" you asked your bestfriend. You were having a sleep at over at her fathers house as that's where she was living. It wasn't the first time you stayed there so her dad was used to having you around. But usually you remembered to bring pajamas.
You met Leticia only a few months ago now but you instantly clicked. She saved you from some girls who were being nasty to you for no reason.
At first you were embarrassed because you were a few years older than her and you felt like you should have been able to handle the girls on your own, but you were glad that Letty was there to help you because she was a good friend to have on your side. Plus if you never met Leticia you would never have met Johnny Coco Cruz. Her dad.
The first time you laid eyes on him you felt all sorts of things. Your stomach flipped about 50 times and the butterflies inside it were doing circuits. His smirk. His hair. His eyes. His personality. Everything about him was a catch. It was just a shame he would never look twice at his daughter's bestfriend. Or would he?
Letty left the room and you heard her rummaging around for a few seconds before she came back with a black and white checkered shirt and threw it to you with a smirk.
"I don't have spare pajamas, so there's one of my dad's shirts, I'm sure he won't mind" she waggled her eyebrows at you suggestively.
She knew about your crush on Coco. You expected her to flip her shit but infact she told you that you would be perfect together, and that she knew you would make Coco happy. That's one of the many reasons you loved Letty, she was understanding.
"I can't wear that you fool, he wears this shirt practically all the time" you slyly sniffed it and realized it still smelt of his aftershave and cigarettes - a smell you had grown accustomed too and were very fond of.
"Then you sleep naked" she shrugged. You watched her as she opened her drawer and she pulled out 3 different pairs of pajamas and turned to you. "Now what pair should I wear?"
"I thought you had no spare pajamas? You literally just told me that a few seconds ago" you couldn't help but laugh. Trust Letty to lie so you have to wear Coco's shirt.
"I do, but not a pair you can have, now what pair?" You pointed to the middle set of pajamas and Letty put them on. It was pretty late at night so you guys decided to put a film on and soon you were both asleep.
You didn't hear any noise from anywhere else in the house when you woke up so you assumed that nobody was home except you and Letitia. Coco usually arrived home in the early hours of the morning and you usually heard his bike, but you didn't last night.
You looked over at Letty who was still sleeping and decided to cook you both breakfast. She loved pancakes and you loved pancakes so you grabbed the ingredients from the cupboard and started making them. Just as you were plating them up you heard a door shut and you assumed it was Letty coming to eat.
"I made you pancakes Leticia, not that you deserve them after last night" you joked.
"What happened last night mami?" You could recognize Coco's voice anywhere. "And is that my shirt?"
You looked down and suddenly remembered you had his shirt on with only underwear on underneath. Luckily the shirt was too big for you so it covered everything up. You silently cursed yourself for wearing it in the first place, but then again it was better you had a shirt on than absolutely nothing. Or was it?
You cleared your throat and turned around. "Um sorry. I forgot my pajamas and Letty refused to give me hers, so she gave me your shirt instead" you awkwardly scratched your head and prayed the ground would swallow you up.
You had spoken to Coco before but usually you were wearing alot more clothes than this, and usually they were your own clothes.
"It looks better on you than it does me, trust me" he smirked at you which caused your face to turn red and burn up. "Are they for me?" He motioned to the plate of pancakes that were behind you and now starting to go cold.
"Help yourself" you told him as you moved away from them to make room for him.
"Morning guys" Letty said as she casually strolled in, shooting you a quick wink before helping herself to the pancakes aswell.
"Leticia" Coco greeted her with a warm smile. "Why has Y/N never made us pancakes before? They're fucking insane" Coco said with his mouth full.
"Very attractive" you rolled your eyes at both of them. "I'm off to get dressed" and you left the 2 of them to it.
Letty came in a few minutes later just as you finished getting dressed. You had folded Coco's shirt up and left it lying on her bed. "I wanna introduce you to Chucky and the rest of the men finally" Letty told you as she herself got dressed too.
"What are we waiting for then? I can't wait to meet Chucky!" Letty had told you all about the weird and wonderful man that was Chucky. She warned you he was a bit eccentric but very harmless and Letty really got on with him and you knew you would too.
"It's a shame Coco couldn't take you on his bike" Letty commented as you were both standing in the kitchen putting your shoes on. Coco was standing drinking a coffee and of course he heard her comment. "But then I would have to walk by myself" you knew what game she was playing and she just wanted you or Coco to bite at her comment. "Dad why don't you call EZ? Get him to come round and pick me up on his bike and you take Y/N"
"We can just wal-" you started to speak but Coco interrupted you.
"Fine, but no funny business with boy scout Leticia" he warned her.
5 minutes later and you heard the familiar rumble of a motorcycle and you were introduced to EZ Reyes, the youngest Reyes brother. Damn, was every person in Santo Padre attractive?
Coco handed you a helmet and instructed you to hang on to him. You wrapped your arms around his waist and he followed EZ and Letty to the clubhouse.
You noticed there were lots of bikes and lots of tattooed men smoking and drinking when Coco parked the bike up. Letty had briefly told you what the Mayans did but you didn't know everything about them.
As you climbed off the bike you instantly missed the warmth of Coco and you let out a small sigh which Coco must've heard as he turned to you and smirked, holding his hand out for you to give the helmet back to him.
Letty took your arm in hers and headed to the office. "Chucky!!!" She shouted and a shortish man with funny hands came to greet her at the door. "I missed you Chuck" she said. "This is Y/N, I've told you about her".
"Ah yes, the famous Y/N" he held his hand out for you and you shook it giving him a smile.
"It's nice to meet you Chucky".
Letty continued speaking to him for a short while before practically dragging you into the clubhouse to meet the other men. Your entrance had caught the attention of them all and they all turned to look at you both.
"Everyone" Letty said "this is Y/N, Y/N this is everyone".
One by one the men came over and introduced themselves to you by giving you a small hug or a handshake.
"I'm Angel, the better looking Reyes" one of the men smirked at you. "You single?" He asked.
"Ignore him mami" Coco interjected and pulled Angel away from you. Was he jealous?
"Bro, I'm just saying, you better snap her up before I do" Angel said to Coco.
"Yeah man, trust me, I'm working on it" Coco replied as he lit up a cigarette and watched you talking with Letty and Bishop.
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cyberp-ssy2077 · 4 years
Cyberparents 2077: A Day in the Life // Part One: Morning (Johnny Silverhand x Female!V)
A/N: Currently three parts to this story are planned: Morning, Afternoon, and Evening. This was inspired by my friend saying that Johnny and my V looked like "those punk parents," and I couldn't resist writing this fluffy/domestic/modern AU as a result. I'm so sorry, LMAO~
Link to AO3!
Plenty of normal people with normal lives wake up to an alarm. If you’re old fashioned, or if maybe you’ve just held onto one you really like, you use an actual alarm clock. Most people nowadays just set an alarm on their phone. V’s wakeup call this morning came in the form of a wild, merciless monster in the shape of her adorable 6-year-old daughter. Thus, V’s alarm clock was high-pitched giggles and tiny pokes to her face that roused her into consciousness, as she slowly became aware of her surroundings.
“Five more minutes,” V mumbled into her pillow, not willing to open her eyes quite yet. Opening her eyes was a sign of weakness and would ensure her defeat, she knew from experience.
“Mommy, you told me to wake you up when I finished my show,” a voice lisped, with an impatient edge to it. In her mind’s eye, V could picture little hands on little hips, head cocked to the side. Her daughter had such an attitude, but with her parentage, it was little wonder where she got it from.
Conceding defeat, V sighed dramatically and prepared to sit up, but was stopped by the vice-like grip of a well-toned arm snaked around her waist. Ah yes, the drama king himself, V thought wryly. Said arm, belonging to said drama king, pulled her back into a warm body that curled itself around hers.
“Why don’t you go wait for us in the kitchen, princess?” a voice rumbled from behind V. Eyes now open, V watched as their little girl tossed her thick black hair over her shoulder, rolled her eyes, and stomped out of the room with a huff.
“You know, I blame you for that,” V teased, twisting around in her husband’s grasp. “You spoil her too much.”
Johnny was staring up at the ceiling, silently but emphatically mouthing what seemed like every last curse word he knew. Needless to say, it took a moment. V giggled at his antics, a common enough occurrence once they decided they had to institute a moratorium on cursing while in the same building as their impressionable, headstrong, and precocious offspring.
Undeterred and amused, V kept going, poking at Johnny’s stomach and sides. “Hey, she was your idea, remember? Come on V, think about it, let me put a baby in you-”
V’s teasing cut off into uncontrollable giggles and shrieks as Johnny overpowered her, pinning her wrists on either side of her head and burying his face in her neck. His facial hair scraped satisfyingly over her skin as he teased her, wedging one of his legs between hers.
“Keep talking like that and I’ll put another one in you right now,” Johnny growled flirtatiously, all parts of his anatomy significantly more awake than they were a few moments ago. V laughed, but knew he was only half-joking. For all of their teasing, they adored their child and wanted another.
“Not so fast mister, we already have one irate little beast downstairs in the kitchen waiting to be fed, in case you’ve forgotten,” V stated matter-of-factly, sliding out from under her husband’s embrace.
“V! Babe, come on, just a quickie,” Johnny whined, giving her his best puppy dog eyes as he half-heartedly tried to drag her back to bed. V kissed the hand that was still holding onto her wrist and broke contact, laughing as she walked out the door.
“Later, Johnny! Take a shower,” V said mockingly. She could hear a thud and some grumbling as she made her way down the stairs. Shaking her head in amusement, V rounded the corner into the kitchen where she was met by a full stack of ingredients arranged neatly on the counter. The curator of the collection stood to the side, arms crossed.
“You were taking too long and I want pancakes, so I helped you,” she declared imperiously.
“Oh, I see,” V responded with mock seriousness. “I’ll have to consider this deal… Can you ask me nicely for pancakes?”
V was rewarded with a toothy grin and the cutest “please” she’s ever heard, and her daughter was rewarded with pancakes. While V was firing up the coffee maker, the third member of their household tramped noisily downstairs.
“Do I smell pancakes?” Johnny asked as he entered the room, immediately making a beeline for the counter next to V. For her part, V held her ground with a smirk, blocking Johnny’s access with her body.
“I don’t know, what’s the magic word?” V asked smugly, not able to resist teasing her husband at any opportunity.
Johnny scowled. “Oh, come on, really?”
“Daddy, it’s ‘please,’” their daughter stage-whispered through a mouthful of pancakes. Johnny smiled at his daughter and winked, not able to resist her charm.
“Thanks, princess. Please may I have some pancakes, my darling wife?” V gave Johnny a toothy grin, knowing that if their daughter weren't present, "my darling wife" would've been substituted for something much different.
“Hmmm, well since you asked nicely, I guess you can,” V said coyly, sliding out of the way and grabbing plates for the two of them. “Sam, are you almost done?”
The controversy over the naming of Samantha Keiko Silverhand was, even six years later, absolutely legendary. Johnny had been fighting tooth and nail to get Samurai into their child’s name somehow and V was dead set against it, not wanting their child to live with the ghost of her father’s past in her face for the rest of her life. They compromised, and Johnny got to include “Sam” in their child’s name, while V got to pick the middle name and the godparents; not that Johnny had any objections to either. Yes, it was completely fair.
“Yep, I’m done now,” Sam answered cheerfully, hopping down from her chair and bringing her plate to the sink.
“Make sure you go get dressed, mkay? I’ll come up in a little bit to make sure we have everything you need for today.”
“Okay!” Little footsteps pattered up the stairs, and V and Johnny were alone.
They consumed their breakfast in relative silence, each adult mulling over their checklist of responsibilities for the day, occasionally conferring with one another to coordinate details.
“If you drop off Sam with Misty, you can pick up Jackie at the same time and head to Relics from there,” V proposed. Despite its name, the little dive bar Johnny had built up was nothing fancy; and that was how he liked it. Reminded him of his roots, something like that. The thing that set it apart was how much Johnny had invested in it as a performance venue, his standards nothing less than kick-ass. It definitely paid off, and the bar was bringing in a tidy sum to support the family of three.
“Jackie can drive himself, doubt he’d want to ride with me now that he’s got that bike,” Johnny shook his head. “‘Sides, I think I wanna take my bike too. How long do you have before Wilson is expecting you?”
V glanced at the clock on the stove. “I have a couple hours. I can take Sam with me when I run to the grocery store and drop her off on my way back, and still be on time.”
“Guy’s a hack, I don’t know why you still bother giving him a hand,” Johnny commented irritably, rolling his eyes. Johnny’s opinion of Wilson was not a new topic of conversation.
“You sure don’t mind when I bring home an extra paycheck, and unlimited access to the range,” V replied cheekily. “You know I prefer the work I can do at there to anything else I could be doing, ‘specially now that Sam’s going to school.” V loved Relics, but it was Johnny’s passion project, not hers.
“It’s the weekend,” Johnny needled. “You’re still sticking around after dinner tonight, right?”
V rolled her eyes, “Of course, you know I wouldn’t miss it.”
“That’s what I like to hear,” Johnny smiled crookedly. “So, recap, you drop off Sammie at Misty’s, Misty’ll make sure that the girls get to the dojo, and then to Relics at around 5. You have your thing at Wilson’s until about 6, at which point you’ll meet up with us at Relics and we’ll head to dinner. Then Misty’ll take the kiddos back to her place for a sleepover, and we can enjoy some ‘adult time.’ Did I get all that right?”
“Sounds solid to me,” V replied, smiling back at him and clinking her coffee cup against his.
Part Two
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honeypwark · 4 years
[ Strawberries ]
  ↳ Fake Love era
       ↳ Yeosu and Johnny spend the morning together. Hoseok and Jungkook come to visit unexpectedly. Yeosu fails to get them to leave.
Note: Uuuuh content warning? Ages 14+?? Idk, there’s some “if it was on TV it’d be censored with a blanket and convenient camera angles” smutty stuff, so nothing in detail. But still: read with care, children.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Yeosu runs her fingers delicately over Johnny’s back, up to his shoulders and down his arm before retracing her path. She admires how her fingertips leave goosebumps on his skin, minuscule shadows cast over the expanse of his back by the morning sun that shines through the windows. She smooths her palm over his shoulder blades then rests her hand on his shoulder and runs her thumb over his skin. Johnny lifts his head and rests his chin on her chest, looking up at her.
“You know, I love you, right?” he asks, breaking the silence.
“Of course I do,” Yeosu assures him softly. “I love you, too.”
Johnny clutches his heart dramatically as she speaks.
“First thing in the morning and you’re already giving me heart palpitations,” he says.
Yeosu giggles.
He finds her hand under the blanket and brings it to his lips, kissing her knuckles then her fingers and her fingertips. She intertwines their fingers and tugs at his hand, pressing the back of his hand to her own mouth.
“I’m sorry, ma’am, but that’s illegal,” he tells her.
“Is it?”
“You can’t just steal my heart like that.”
“But I assume I already took it from you a while ago.”
Johnny pushes himself up, “You’d assume correctly, then.”
He leans down and connects their lips. She cups his face, too absorbed in the kiss to notice one of his hands traveling south. She jumps when she feels it.
“Excuse you.”
“My apologies, ma’am,” he says, “May I?”
“Hm, let me think about it,” she muses.
She plays with the hair at the name of his neck, humming as she looks off to the side for a moment. She looks back up at him.
“Has the lady made a decision?” Johnny asks.
“The lady has decided to accept your request.”
“I’d hoped she might.”
Yeosu laughs again, cut off as Johnny kisses her again. He swallows her moan and adjusts himself to be better positioned over her.
Five minutes and a position change later, Yeosu holds onto Johnny’s shoulders as he moves above her.
“Good?” he asks breathlessly.
“No,” she moans, “Absolutely terrible.”
“Yeah, I hate it, too.”
They laugh, nothing serious about their intimacy at the moment. Johnny kisses her then trails his lips to her neck.
“When’s your next schedule?” he asks.
“Want to know if I can give you a hickey or not.”
“We’ve got- oh my god.”
Johnny laughs into her neck as she’s cut off when he changes the angle of his hips.
She smacks his shoulder, “Shut up.”
“But we’ve got- ah- Run BTS filming in two days so- Jesus- I’d say no.”
“Fine,” Johnny sighs.
He keeps his head nestled in the crook of her neck, one of his hands gripping her waist. She holds tightly onto him, gripping his arm and tugging at his hair.
“You want to know something?” she asks breathlessly.
“I know you lied to me.”
Johnny halts and he pushes himself up to look at Yeosu, “What?”
“About your girlfriends.”
“I didn’t- huh?”
“You told me you only ever dated girls in America.”
“What are you-... Katie.”
“Katie,” Yeosu repeats his member’s name.
“Okay, in my defense, we literally never talk about it because it was so awkward.  I forgot; that’s the only reason I didn’t tell you.  And we only dated for two weeks, like, five years ago.”
“I suppose I’ll let it slide.”
“I can make it up to you,” Johnny says.
“How are you going to do that?”
Yeosu’s hand flies to Johnny’s arm as he starts moving again.
“Okay, yeah, I’ll let it slide.”
Johnny laughs a low chuckle and continues his movements.  Then he stops.
“How did you find out about me and Katie?”
Yeosu blinks up at him, “Ten and I meet for lunch on Sundays when we’re both free.”
“Why was I not aware of this?”
Yeosu shrugs, “It never came up.  He tells me all of your dirty little secrets.”
“And yet you still love me?”
“It’s the hair.”
Johnny laughs, “I’m going to have to have a talk with Ten about that.”
“About your hair?”
“You know what I meant.”
Johnny begins moving again and the two get lost in each other.  Johnny kisses Yeosu’s neck, sucking lightly but not leaving marks despite how badly he wants to.  For several minutes, they go on like that.  Until their intimate moment it abruptly interrupted.
Johnny and Yeosu go completely still.
“Hobi hyung and I came to visit and brought strawberries from the farmer’s market!” Jungkook calls to her.
Yeosu shoves Johnny off of her and scrambles to stand, “Hang on, I just finished blow drying my hair; give me a second to get dressed!”
“I thought you were going to talk to them about showing up randomly!” Johnny whisper-shouts at her.
“Well, I haven’t yet!”
“You might want to consider it!”
“Wow, really?!”
Yeosu runs to her closet and throws on underwear and jeans. She positive her bra is twisted but doesn’t bother fixing it before grabbing a random shirt to throw on over it all. She nearly makes her scalp bleed with how fast she brushes her hair. She exits her closet to find Johnny standing in the middle of her room in nothing but his boxers.
She gestures at him with emphasis.
He gestures back with his hands helplessly.
She pinches the bridge of her nose then pointedly whispers, “Do not leave this room until I get rid of them. If they come in, hide in the closet.”
“You’re a grown woman living on your own and you’re resorting to hiding your boyfriend in the closet?”
“We’re talking about this later.”
“Looking forward for it.”
Yeosu fixes her shirt then leaves the room, shutting the door behind her.
“Hi, noona!” Jungkook greets her happily, bounding over to hug her hello.
She catches his hug with ease, “Hey, Kookie.”
She’s suddenly acutely aware of how shaky her legs still are as she walks with Jungkook to the kitchen where Hoseok stands. There’s a carton of ripe strawberries on the kitchen table.
“Thanks so much for the strawberries, but you should have texted me. I’m heading out to grab brunch with a friend soon; could have saved you the trip.”
“We don’t mind,” Hoseok says.
I do, Yeosu thinks.
“I’m going to have to sit you all down to talk about showing up randomly,” Yeosu scolds them, forcing a joking tone when she wants to be serious.
“Can we still hang out here even if you’re heading out? I wanted to watch Iron Man and you’ve got it on DVD,” Jungkook says.
“You’re still on your Iron Man shtick?” Yeosu teases him.
“Only because it’s a great movie series and he’s an awesome character.”
“Wouldn’t you two prefer to watch the movie back at the dorm? I’ll let you borrow the movie.”
“No, it’s okay.”
“This way we don’t have to worry about giving it back to you,” Hoseok adds.
“Yeah, I guess, haha.”
Yeosu watches helplessly as her members walk over to her living room and begin searching through the bottom of her entertainment center for Iron Man. Normally, this would be totally fine. She honestly doesn’t care if her members come and make themselves at home in her apartment. Wherein the problem lies, because she can’t kick them out without seeming completely out of character and raising suspicion.
Yeosu goes to wash the strawberries at the kitchen sink, her back to the two boys as she tries to think of a way to get them to leave.  With the lie she’s weaved, she’ll have to leave her apartment soon and leave Johnny, who is still hidden in her room, alone.
“Hang on, hyung,” Jungkook speaks up, “I just got a text from Jaehyun asking to hang out.”
“Are you flaking on me?”
“Aaaaand... send. Yes, I am.”
Yeosu turns around to see Jungkook pocketing his phone while Hoseok stares at him in betrayal.
“You can’t leave me; you drove us here,” Hoseok says.
“Jungkook can drop you back off at the dorm,” Yeosu seizes the opportunity presented. “You can still borrow the movie and watch it there.”
“And you’re going out...” Hoseok sighs, “Guess I have no choice unless I want to be stranded and abandoned. No one in this group loves me.”
Yeosu can feel the weight lifting off her shoulders as Jungkook and Hoseok walk over to the entryway to put their shoes back on.
“Of course, we love you, Hobi,” Yeosu assures him.
“I’m beginning to doubt it.”
“Well, this is why you shouldn’t show up unannounced,” Yeosu chides lightly.
“Are you serious about that?” Hoseok asks.
“I love you all and you can come over whenever, just text beforehand.”
“Alright, we will.”
“Thank you.”
Hoseok hugs Yeosu goodbye, “Bye, noona.”
Jungkook hugs her as well, “Bye.”
“Bye, boys.”
She sees them out, waving at them as they walk down the hall. She shuts the door softly and leans forward against it, resting her forehead on the wood with a loud sigh of relief.
“You’re welcome.”
Yeosu turns to look over her shoulder. Johnny, still clad in only his boxers, stands beside the kitchen table.
“Did you text Jaehyun?”
“Yep. I knew the second I heard Jungkook’s voice that you wouldn’t be able to kick out your baby when it came down to it. I have to do the dishes for him for a month now.”
“What, does he secretly hate Jungkook and you had to bribe him to hang out with him?”
“No, Jae’s just a brat.”
Yeosu snickers at that, “Well, now we can have strawberries with breakfast. What are you in the mood for? I was thinking pancakes.”
“Hey, hey, hey.”
Johnny catches her wrist as she walks toward the kitchen. He tugs her toward him and spins her around so her back is pressed to his chest. He wraps his arms around her.
“What?” she asks, voice light.
“I believe we were in the middle of something,” Johnny says in her ear, “Before your members so rudely interrupted.”
“Were we? I don’t quite remember...”
Johnny hums humorlessly. He reaches in front of her and unbuttons her jeans. He turns her around in his arms and kneels down, tugging her jeans the rest of the way down her legs until she can step out of them. He stands back up, cupping her face delicately as he looks down at her.
“Allow me to enlighten you.”
He leans the rest of the way down and connects their lips. He bends down further, finding the backs of her thighs to lift her up. She wraps her legs around his waist and he holds her up easily. She wraps her arms around his shoulders, smiling into the kiss as he carries her back to their bedroom.
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latetaektalk · 4 years
the one that got away | lmk
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“you were the one that got away.”
genre: friends to lovers!au, fluff, angst
pairing: mark x reader
word count: 3.298
warnings: none
playlist: lonely shade of blue - nick leng, cruel world - faye
a/n: just something i wrote and wanted to get out there without overthinking it too much.
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Mark didn’t know immediately, didn’t look into your eyes and knew that he was in love with you. It was by no means love at first sight. Instead falling for you, falling in love with you was a gradual and slow process, a process he didn’t know was happening until it was too late.
Being with you had been so easy and natural to Mark that it took Johnny asking him if he felt something more for you for him to realise that he, in fact, did feel a little (a lot) more for you. When he finally noticed his feelings for you, it had been far too late. 
There was no falling out of love with you anymore.
In hindsight, Mark could actually pinpoint the events that had him falling for you, but at the time he really hadn’t noticed at all. A part of him did feel incredibly stupid because, God, he should have noticed, should have known a long time ago.
Mark was certain that the seed of love had planted itself into his chest when he had first noticed how you would genuinely laugh at his stupidly bad jokes like they were the funniest thing you had ever heard. And there was no doubt in his mind that when you had only smiled at him when he got scared watching ‘The Shining’ and allowed him to hide behind your arm without a single word that the seed had begun sprouting. The seedling had started to grow after you had accidentally headbutted him when you were trying to learn how to skateboard. He had been holding your hands to keep you up and instead of being embarrassed after headbutting him, you had just laughed until tears brimmed your eyes. And the flower had started blooming in his chest when you had knocked on his door right at midnight on his birthday with a cake in your hands and a big smile on your lips, the candlelight pouring down your features like a golden and warm lake.
And it was even more impressive that the flower had survived in his chest, survived months and almost even a year ever since Mark first discovered it. It was a big surprise because even though Mark had been trying his hardest to keep it alive, he didn’t really have a green thumb or any real knowledge about caring for plants.
It should have died and withered a long time ago in his chest, but it hadn’t and instead only grown bigger and more beautiful every day, every day he spent with you.
And Mark knew he had to tell you about his feelings.
He knew that he had to, not even in the hopes that you would reciprocate them, but because you deserved the truth, deserved to know, deserved to know just how amazing you made him feel by simply being yourself, deserved to know that there was somebody out there that loved you for you.
But it wasn’t that easy, wasn’t as easy as Mark would like it to be, wasn’t as easy as TV and film made it look. And it wasn’t that he hadn’t tried at all, he had. 
Mark had walked up to you with the plan to tell you all, to wear his heart on his sleeve and spill the beans. He wanted you to know just how you made him feel, wanted you to know the amount of love sitting deep in his chest for you, but every time he tried, every time he opened his mouth to finally profess his love for you, Mark would get all tongue-tied. The words would fall short and his throat would constrict into a painful and suffocating lump.
It wasn’t fair.
It wasn’t fair because, God, Mark wanted to tell you so badly. He wanted to tell you so much that he had made it his New Year’s resolution, his one and only New Year’s resolution, to tell you how he felt by the end of January, but just like with any other New Year’s resolution, he gave up on it after barely a week.
And now, you two had graduated.
“We’ve finally done it, huh? Finally graduated,” you said and kicked a tiny stone back and forth. Mark glanced at you and a smile tugged on the corners of his lips as he watched you wrinkle your forehead.
“Crazy,” he exhaled and picked on his pants while sweat collected on the back of his neck and his heart continued racing in his chest like it was about to explode.
Mark couldn’t quite believe it, couldn’t believe that high school was finally over. The past four years were a rollercoaster and even though there were times where he just wanted to get off and run away, he did enjoy the ride.
And you were a big reason why. Mark couldn’t imagine a day he hadn’t spent interacting with you in some form, couldn’t imagine a day you and he didn’t end up laughing until tears brimmed your eyes, couldn’t imagine a day you didn’t brighten, sweeten up.
So, it was odd and weird and incredibly difficult for Mark to sit here with you on this bench and stare at the empty campus weeks after both of you had received your high school diploma without feeling gloomy, sad and incredibly regretful.
Mark looked at the cracks in the pavement of the campus and remembered how you had tripped once and ruined your knee on it, looked at the gate he would always stand at and wait for you to finish up class, looked at the piece of lawn that had eroded off because he and you would sit underneath the big eucalyptus tree whenever the sun would burn a little too bright, looked at the bench you two were sitting on right now because that was your bench, looked at the faded ‘Mark’s and Y/N’s bench’ you had written on with sharpie when you two were just juniors. 
“I think I might miss this,” you mumbled quietly and shook your head at yourself rather than anything else. “I can’t believe that it’s time for college already.”
“Yeah, I know,” Mark hummed in agreement and puckered his forehead at the thought of not sitting in class with all of his friends in the dimly lit and cold classrooms. His heart was still racing, quickening as he thought about your words.
Mark was going to miss it, miss being able to look over his shoulder and lock eyes with Johnny or Renjun or (more importantly) with you, miss bullshitting his way through a presentation he and you had haphazardly finished during your lunch break because both of you had spent yesterday watching every horror film you could get your hands on, miss meeting up with his friends and you to go study, but end up talking the hours away until the librarian would inevitably throw you all out for being a little too loud, miss skipping classes on the most beautiful days with you to go find the best pancake or waffle or ice cream place or whatever your new obsession was.
But he was going to miss-
“I’m gonna miss you.”
-you the most.
Mark couldn’t bring himself to look at you, couldn’t turn his head and look you into your eyes when you spoke up again. There was a painful knot sitting deep in his throat and he had trouble breathing. His fingers were itching for you, itching to hold your hands, but all he could do was press them against his thighs to stop them from trembling too much. 
Your words hurt and hit him, cut into him like a knife. They were like daggers pushing through his heart and leaving gaping holes behind. They deepened the feeling of sorrow and regret in him and for once, Mark wished he could turn back time, wished he could have just a little more time, a little more time and courage so he could tell you, confess earlier.
“I’m going to miss you, too,” Mark finally whispered, words slipping past his lips quietly and you looked at him. “It’s not that bad, right? I mean, sure, we won’t see each other or hang out every day like we have for the past years, but it’s just half an hour. It- It’s really not that bad. We’ll survive, right? Just because we’re going to different colleges, it doesn’t mean we have to stop being friends, right?”
You didn’t say anything, but Mark was too nervous and worked up to actually notice your silence and lack of response. If he had, he would have known, known that something was wrong, but he didn’t. 
Your feet pressed into the ground and even though he wanted to, Mark couldn’t bring himself to look at you. And in those few seconds of silence, it felt like his heart in his chest was going to burst through his rib cage and walk away from him because he knew you were waiting for him to look at you.
When Mark finally somehow willed himself to turn his head to you, finally somehow willed himself to look you in the eyes, finally somehow willed himself to face you, he knew that this, this, was truly his last chance right now.
And even though Mark had attempted so many times to tell you how he feels about you, this time he could actually feel the courage built up inside him, could feel the words start to dance on his tongue, could feel the lump in his throat finally unfurl.
Maybe it was because you looked so beautiful with the way the sunlight poured down your features and the way your lips were all glossy from your lip balm or maybe it was because you both had finally graduated. Whatever it was, Mark knew that this time he was going to tell you, tell you how he feels about you.
“I have to-”
You looked at him with your mouth agape and if Mark hadn’t been so busy with looking around before finally finding what he had searched for, he would have seen that something swimming in your eyes, would have seen the way you looked at him, would have seen the way the corners of your lips were turned downwards.
Mark bent down and picked the closest and incidentally the most beautiful little daisy he could find before handing it to you. You took it, looking at it before looking back up at Mark and it was then when he let it out.
“I love you.”
The three small words sat between Mark and you, filled up the air, hit your ears in a soft whisper. Your eyes softened at them, softened in a way he had never seen before. And it was in the way the corners of your lips curled up that had Mark’s heart cracking and breaking.
“Mark,” you whispered softly before looking back at the daisy in your hand and placing it gently next to you on the bench.
You put your hand on his, squeezing as you shook your head at him and Mark knew, knew he had messed up, knew he should have stayed silent. His heart had just been begging him, begging him to admit the truth to him and he couldn’t not listen to it, just had to say it.
“I really wish you had told me sooner,” you whispered and leaned into Mark, head hitting his shoulder. You stayed there for a while, stayed with your forehead pressed against his shoulder and Mark felt the courage wash away, felt the words dry on his tongue and turn it itchy, felt the lump grow back, bigger than ever.
“God, I wish you had told me so much sooner,” you choked and lifted your head, gaze meeting Mark’s in an instant. And aside from the tears, he saw something else in your eyes. 
“Oh my God,” Mark whispered before leaning back to look at you better. It was then while he was looking into your eyes that he remembered, remembered so clearly that it was almost unfair that he only remembered now, now that he had finally told you how he truly felt about you. “You’re moving.”
You screwed your eyes shut and it was the confirmation Mark needed to know that he was right. He couldn’t even scoff or express his disappointment in any way because after all, he had been the one that had waited so long to finally tell you, because after all, he was to blame.
Mark remembered how you had mentioned it before, remembered how you had mentioned that you were contemplating applying to this prestigious university across the country, but at the time, you had been unsure, unsure because it meant you would have to change your whole life, would have to leave your family and friends behind, would have to move away. And Mark also remembered that he had been the one that encouraged you to apply, encouraged you to give it a try and not worry about anything else.
His gaze shifted away from you and instead he stared at the campus in front of him, stared at the campus both of you had called yours for the past four years.
“How long have you-”
Mark couldn’t bring himself to finish the question, words sitting heavy on his chest and he really thought he might suffocate.
“I got the letter a few weeks ago,” you said quietly and Mark snapped his head at you, but instead of looking back at him, you stared at your hands and pressed your heels into the ground like you wanted to dig a hole for yourself.
“I couldn’t tell you, not you,” you shook your head and Mark knew from the trembling of your voice that you were on the verge of tears, “I- I wanted to. I knew I had to, but I- I just couldn’t.”
Mark wanted to reach over and cup your face when he watched you swipe the tears away, fingers dragging on your cheeks too harshly. He wanted to tell you not to pull on your skin so much, wanted to show you how to do it properly, but his hands were glued to his side. His mind was still processing everything that had just happened.
“Is that why you wanted to meet up here?” Mark asked and your eyes locked with his for just a second before you looked away and stared at your hands again. Mark’s gaze stayed on you and you didn’t have to confirm it for him to know. After four years, you were an open book to him.
“You mean so much to me,” you started to curl up into a ball, “I couldn’t bring myself to tell you, couldn’t ruin the rest of our time together.”
“When are you going?”
Mark watched you screw your eyes shut, watched you press your lips together in an attempt to swallow the words, but you couldn’t, couldn’t because you knew he deserved to know. So you turned your head to him and met his gaze even though it hurt you, even though your heart cracked just like his when you did.
Tears, hot and painful, spilled from your eyes and down your cheeks. A sob banged on the walls of your throat and you could feel yourself breaking and hurting more and more.
Your fingers curled around Mark’s and your knuckles turned white around his hand. All he could do was turn his palm and wrap his fingers around yours, squeezing back in an effort to make this easier because he hated to see you like this.
Mark wanted to tell you that it was fine, tell you that you shouldn’t cry, but he couldn’t, couldn’t because he didn’t want to let you go, wanted you here. 
“I’m so sorry.”
You sniffed and sobbed your way through the words.
“Do you love me?”
Mark still wanted to know, still wanted to know if he and you could have been something, still wanted to know that if things had turned out differently, if he and you would be in each other’s arms right now and giggling instead of crying.
“I love you.”
Never did Mark imagine that hearing you tell him that you loved him would hurt so much, imagine that hearing you tell him that you loved him would break his heart into literal pieces, imagine that hearing you tell him that you loved him would tear him apart and leave him empty and gutted.
“You do?” Mark whispered, voice breaking as he watched you crumble apart in front of him. You forced yourself to look into his eyes and when you did, you saw the pain in them, sparkling in the sunlight.
“So much.”
The corner’s of Mark’s lips turned up into the most beautiful smile he could muster up right now.
“I do, too,” he murmured and before a new wave of tears could hit you and stream down your face, Mark leaned forward and captured your lips. 
They were soft, soft like clouds, soft like he had imagined how they would be every time he watched you put on lip balm, but they weren’t sweet like he thought they would be. Instead, Mark tasted the tears on your lips, tasted the salt, tasted the pain rippling through you.
Your hands found Mark’s neck and you instinctively pulled him closer, closer because that was all you wanted right now. And maybe you were just tasting your own tears or maybe you were tasting Mark’s tears that he hid from you by pressing his lips against yours, but you could taste the salt on the tip of your tongue.
With one hand, Mark cupped your cheek, thumb brushing over your skin lightly to wipe away the tears that continued to run down your face and with the other hand, Mark held you close to him, grabbing onto your waist to pull you closer.
This was definitely not how either of you imagined your first kiss with each other was going to be like, but there was no changing of it, no undoing the circumstances. You were going to go, were going to move away, had to move away and you two just had to accept that.
And when Mark and you finally pulled away, you looked deep into each other’s eyes, looked at each other like you were each other’s worlds and maybe you had been for the past four years, but now it was ending, coming to a beautiful albeit bittersweet end.
Mark reached over and took the daisy again before gently tucking your hair away. With delicate fingers, he put the daisy behind your ear. He and you locked eyes and there was this satisfied smile pulling on the corners of Mark’s lips.
“I’m so happy for you,” Mark lied through his teeth and even though he could see that you knew, you let the corners of your lips curl up into a smile, tears brimming your eyes again. 
“Thank you.”
You skimmed the daisy with your fingertips before lacing your fingers with his and holding onto Mark’s hands like your life depended on it. And a part of you, a part of you really did feel like it did, did feel like if you let go, your world would crumble apart and you knew Mark felt it too by the way he was squeezing and holding your hand.
And in that moment of silence, in that moment of silence where you both just stared at each other, you knew, thought the same thing, had the same words dancing on the tip of your tongues.
You were the one that got away.
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