#did tentacles grow in your ears too?
spearskogul · 11 months
me: look buddy you can't have the fucking prince dude but I'll hand over the rocks, how about that
Emperor: wtf why are you judging me. you're such a bitch, after everything I've done you're gonna stab me in the back?
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slvttyplum · 7 months
choso getting you different dildos and watching you use them.
he was a freak; there was no denying that. watching you play with those dildos and do freaky things to them turned him on so much that he came in his pants.
watching you suck them, taking them in deep, your tongue swirling over the length, looking directly into choso’s eyes while you do it, he loved that shit.
he would spend so much money getting you these different dildos to experiment with; it was fascinating watching you use them.
he’ll come in with a new box every week and hand it to you with a smile, and you’ll take it. looking at what he got you, it was a reoccurrence.
they weren’t just basic dildos either.
it would be alien dildos, tentacle dildos, and everything under the sun. he wanted to see how you would take them and how your body would react; that’s what he really liked.
watching you move your hand and wrist, pushing it in and out of yourself while simultaneously touching yourself and moaning like he wasn’t there.
his favorite thing is when you bounce on them. when you did that, your body gets extra sensitive because it’s directly hitting your sweet spot.
it felt so good to be hunched over with your legs quivering, trying to take in everything, and it would drive choso insane.
walking over to the bed and rubbing your sides while you still bounced up and down on it, whispering nasty things in your ear.
“mhm. just like that.” while rubbing over your chest and breast, kissing your neck while your body jerked and tried to stay on the dildo.
it was seeing you ride and use the dildo that got him worked up. he loved the fact that he couldn’t be inside you and instead had to watch you fuck yourself in front of him.
your pleasure was so stimulating to him; he could watch you all day arch your back and grab your breast while pushing a dildo inside of you, not holding back.
watching you open your thighs up more, rubbing the dildo up your slit, and teasing yourself while holding eye contact.
he wouldn’t even touch himself and would just watch you do it, even though he was growing out of his pants. he would want to save all his built-up cum for when he fucked you later but would keep cumming in his pants.
you were too much for him. the way you did things was so soft, yet the way you fucked yourself was so rough.
he loved the way your body moved and was on display for him, so he’ll do anything to have you keep showing off.
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raginglesbian2006 · 7 months
I was wondering if I could request Alastor and a hunter reader and the reader hunted deer when they were alive so meeting a deer demon would be interesting! Only if you want! Congrats on your followers- Remember to drink water and eat a snack!
Can I be ✨ anon?
of course! and thank you so much for the congratulations! Please remember to take care of yourself as well!
Time for some deer puns! >:)
Oh, Deer!
A/N: look at my baby girl :)
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Your first meeting with the famed radio demon had been... interesting, to say the least.
You had stumbled upon a swamp-like area while on your daily strolls through hell. Being a hunter when you were alive naturally kicked in your curiosity and you made the decision to wander through the place. Perhaps, you had hoped, you'd get some fresh kill.
As you made your way around the tall trees- their canopies hanging over your head- your ears picked up a sound.
"Radio static? Why is there a radio around here?" you wondered.
Your curiosity grew even further. You took another step.
And another.
And another-
Your eyes widened slightly.
"Is that...a deer...demon?"
From where you stood, you could see the demon, happily munching on raw venison. He was seated quite elegantly at a lovely little table. He took small bites with the help of his fork, the static growing with each satisfying bite.
You moved back slightly, your mind telling you to walk away when suddenly, you heard a crunch.
A lone dry twig lay smashed against the sole of your shoe.
There was an eerie silence following this. You looked back at where the demon was...but you found no one, save for the lifeless deer who lay sprawled on the table, guts out for everyone to see.
Without a warning, something grabbed you by the neck and shoved you against a tree. You let out a startled scream.
Your eyes found the demon-his form looking so much more...terrifying than what you'd seen before. His eyes were wide and his pupils resembled that of radio dials. His mouth was stretched in a frightening grin as blood poured through his sharp teeth. His antlers grew larger by the second. Tentacles arose from around him menacingly as one held you against the tree.
Sure you could die right now but all you could think of at the moment was that he looked...majestic.
"₩Ⱨ₳₮ ł₴ ₳ ₱₳₮ⱧɆ₮ł₵ ₴ł₦₦ɆⱤ Ⱡł₭Ɇ ɎØɄ ĐØł₦₲ ł₦ ₥Ɏ ₣ØⱤɆ₴₮?" His voice came out distorted. You winced as the static grew louder than ever.
"I-I s-swear, I was just passing through!" you wheezed out.
You felt the pressure around your neck increase. Tears started pooling around your eyes.
"₳₦Đ ⱧØ₩ ĐØ ł ₭₦Ø₩ ɎØɄ ₳ⱤɆ ₮Ø ฿Ɇ ₮ⱤɄ₴₮ɆĐ?"
Your free hands scrambled to reach your pocket. You pulled out your hunting license- something you had died with back when you were alive, showing it to him.
"I-I'm a hunter! I stumbled upon this f-forest and I-I wanted to s-see if I'd get some f-fresh kill!" you managed to voice out, despite your breath being restricted.
You fell to the ground suddenly, as the static around you returned to its normal range. You started breathing in short gasps, your body adjusting to the release of force from around your neck.
"Well, why did you not say so?" the demon said, jovially, "I am always delighted to meet another hunter like myself!"
You felt yourself be pulled up, your arms clutched around his claws. You managed to find your balance and stood on your shaking limbs.
The demon then grabbed your hand and shook it, fervently, "My name is Alastor. It's a pleasure meeting you,dear! Quite the pleasure!"
His eyes caught onto the reprehensive look on your face as he continued, "I do apologize for my behavior. It's just that when you're a powerful overlord like myself," he gloated, "It becomes hard differentiating friend from foe. One can never be too careful!"
You nodded hesitantly, "I do not mean to pose any harm to you, Alastor. As I said, I truly did not know this," you gestured to your surroundings, "belonged to you."
Alastor hummed in reply and then patted the top of your head, "Do not worry, my dear. We are in hell after all. Errors are a common thing."
He then looked at you with a curious eye, "You said you were a hunter. Oh, do tell me more."
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
And that was how you become acquainted with the radio demon himself. As mentioned previously, you were a hunter back when you were alive but what you loved hunting the most, was deer. In fact, it was the deer-hunting shenanigans that led to you dying in the first place.
Alastor and you bonded over your shared love for venison, albeit you liked it a bit more...cooked. On one of his many meetings with you, he showcased his wide array of guns, perfectly polished and ready to be used. Safe to say, you were starstruck.
You never questioned his deer-like features. You assumed it had something to do with his death so you never pestered him about it. You valued your afterlife a whole lot more.
(Although you did want to touch his ears so badly. They looked so incredibly fluffy.)
You remember you managed to take a glimpse of his little tail when he took off his overcoat. He found you ogling at his rear which prompted him to threaten you to keep your lips sealed. You did, of course.
And my god, did the two of you love deer puns... (Brace yourselves, folks)
"What did the deer say after he finished eating?"
You looked at Alastor, eyeing him from above your cup of coffee, "What?"
"That was deer-licious!"
You choked on your drink, as you laughed.
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
"Hey Al!" you called out to him.
Alastor turned to you, his head turning 360 without his body turning the same way, "Yes, dear?"
"What’s a buck’s least favorite sandwich bread?"
Alastor hummed, "No-eye-deer!"
You burst out laughing, "No! Let me finish my pun!" You took a deep breath to sound out your answer.
"Sour doe!"
A boisterous laugh from the radio demon ensued.
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
If you were told years ago that you would befriend a fearsome cannibalistic overlord, you would have laughed at their face.
Welp, how the turn tables.
A/N: Well this turned out a bit different from what I'd planned but I do hope you enjoy it! Also, I do apologize for not answering this request for so long T-T. I procrastinate a lot.
Also, I must say I truly resisted getting Alastor to say, "Get out of mah swamp!" XD
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December Christmas Monster Stories
Dec 20.) Octomer x Reader
Warnings: attempted murder, reader almost dying, unable to breath,tentacles, no boundaries from monster, touching (sfw) without asking, if I missed any please tell me.
Minors don't interact.
Everything felt cold as your broken body laid on the jagged rocks. 
Faint words were spoken on the cliff you had been pushed of off but the winds were too strong for your ears to hear them. 
You wondered why they did it, you knew the village didn't like you but you didn't think they disliked you enough to commit murder. 
Everything was numb as your vision blurred but you could feel the strange sensation of suckers wriggling up your broken legs. It must have been an octopus using you as leverage to climb up the rocks. At least in your dying moments you could help out at least one living creature before you go. Slipping away you didn't hear the screams from above or feel yourself be lifted up gently as if you were made from fragile clay. 
Slowly you opened your eyes as a groan left your lips. Everything hurt so badly and you could hardly move. It took some time for your eyes to adjust but when they finally did you let out a gasp seeing yourself surrounded by flowers you knew for certain didn't grow around your icey village. Trying to sit up a jolt of pain ran through your body. Your eyes widening, the pain was so intense you couldn't breath or perhaps you were in pain because you couldn't breath. Even laying back in the same position as before didn't bring your breathing back. A feeling of dread filled you as you gasped for air like a fish out of water. 
As quick as lightning tentacles were wrapped around you rubbing your chest in a strange way. It almost mimicked breathing? Whom ever the tentacles belonged to knew what they were doing as soon air was flowing back into your lungs, all be it with difficulty but you could breath at the least. The tentacles continued this movement as you flowed them wanting to know just who had been helping you.
He was large with bumpy looking copper skin. His eyes yellow and goat like with long rectangle pupil's. There were a lot more tentacles to him than just the onces assisting you to breath. You wanted to scream, you'd never seen something like him before but you couldn't. Maybe it was because he had saved you, maybe it was because you could see no hate in his eyes only worry and concern, or simply it was beacuae you didn't have enough air in your lungs to do so. Opening your mouth you went to speak but found yourself unable. Puzzled you tried again but only letting out a squeak that deeply pained your throat. 
He leaned forward shaking his head at you. “Your not healed enough.” His voice had a strange clicking to it. “It will come back once your stronger.” You weren't sure how you were still alive after a fall like that but if he was able to get you breathing by giving you what seemed to be a massage it was safe to say he probably knew lots about healing or perhaps he had magic? 
The healing process was long and painful but not as much as it would have been without him. You had to learn quickly that personal space wasn't somthing he comprehend. For the sake of getting better you put up with his constant touching of your body. His touches often grew more curious after his check ups on you. Wandering tentacles would tap your legs, the suction cups on the underside of them making little popping sounds as they suctioned and unauctioned from your soft flesh. He didn't have legs of his own so he oftern touched yours studding them. Your toes were very intresting to him. It wasn't hard for him to learn about your reaction to being tickled. You wouldn't stop squirming when he was touching the bottom of your feets. He had scolded you for movimg so much before you were ready for that. By that point you were healed enough and could explain to him what his actions had caused. This only interested him more but he touched more carefuly now trying to avoid the tickle spots… for now. 
You learned more about durning this time. While he studied you, you studied him. Looking past his frighteningly odd appearance he was kind and gentle. Despite his large size he was always careful to not crush the flowers around the little caves island. The place was strange, to you there was no exit but the giant hole in the roof of the cave as large as the island itself. There must have been some sort of secret tunel under the water as Zeke as you called him would go under and come back hours later with tentacles full of things. Most of the time it was things for you, such as fruits or clothes that were in no way your size, it was different styles every time. You were starting to wonder if he was stealing all these items.
When he would bring something for himself it was always something shiny or made an interesting sound. His favorites to bring back were little whistles and wind chimes. He would cooe every time the wind blew on the chimes making them let out their sounds. When he walked past them he always dragged a tentacle against them to make the sound himself. 
One day when after your lungs had properly healed and you could talk again Zeke wiggled his way over to you and held out a whistle with expexting eyes. “You want me to use it?” You asked, he nodded his head vigorously in response. “I see people use them. I don't know how to.” He explained to you as he settled down next to you. His tentacles of course reached out prodding against your flesh touching and holding it as he watched with his alien eyes. “They don't really sound that pretty. Flutes sound much better but alright.” It was hard to say no when he looked like a begging puppy. Bringing the cold metal to your lips then blew. 
His reaction to it to say the least was unsettling. His whole body shivered as if he was in an earthquake and he let out a high pitched shrill. Immediately you pulled the whistle back and looked at him with a shocked look only to get a confused one back. “Why stop?” Zeke questioned poking your cheek with a tentacle. “But you were… I thought…?” You stammered confused, the realization came slowly. “Were you trying to mimic the sound?” You asked more calmly. Zeke nodded his head as if it was obvious. Bringing the whistle back to your lips you blew again, more certain about it this time, much more loudly. Zeke loved it and shrilled again doing his attempt to make the sound. It was nothing like a whistle but at the same time some how seemed so fitting for a whistle. 
Bringing the whistle away from your lips once more Zeke watched with a disappointed look apon his face. He never hid his emotions, not that he ever tried. Moving your lips into a pursed O shape you blew letting out a whistle. Immediately Zeke was trilling with delight. Knowing no boundaries like always he touched your face poking your lips as he stared at them in wonder. “You can make that nose?” He questioned touching and moving your lips. “Yeah.” It was muffled, it's hard to talk with someone playing with your lips. “Humans can make a lot of different sounds.” You explained grabbing his hands pulling them away from your face. Looking at him you clicked your tongue against the roof of your mouth. Zeke acted as if it was the best thing he had ever heard. He was cooing and letting out clicks of his own. Smiling you started to whistle a tune this time showing off. Zeke was of course very delighted by this listening to every sound you made. 
You kept whistling every tune you could think of for who knows how long. Once your throat and mouth started to hurt you stopped. Zeke seemed content enough with the amount of whistling you had done for him. “Such pretty sounds.” He cooed leaning in closer. “Such pretty sounds from such a pretty mate.” Your eyes widened hearing his words. Had you misheard him? Surely his term of mate wasn't what you had been thinking of. “You will be my mate.” Zeke said nuzzling his face against your neck. He did mean that kind of mate…
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midnight-talescape · 11 months
𝒱𝒾𝓁𝓁𝒶𝒾𝓃 (𝒴𝒶𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇 𝒱𝒾𝓁𝓁𝒶𝒾𝓃 𝑀𝒾𝑔𝓊𝑒𝓁 𝒪’𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒶 𝓍 𝐻𝑒𝓇𝑜 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇)
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Kinktober Day 28: Body Worship + Cockbulge
I have finally reverted back to my true form where i write a 1k oneshot then realize fuck im suppose to be writing a smut
Warning: definitely rapey, a few account of murder, etc, etc you get the point not for kid
Genre: filthy filthy smut
Word Count: 2425
Miguel snarled as he leaped towards you, teeth snapping as he attempted to rip off your arm.
“Whoa whoa, I'm not into that!” you yelled as you lunged forward, claw extended to attack him right back,
Miguel quickly ducks out of the way and hisses at you, his eyes filled with anger and hatred.
"I'll make you love it." He said before trying to attack you again,
“A bit kinky aren't we?!” You managed to yell before using a tentacle to pin him against a wall,
Miguel struggled as he cursed at you, desperately trying to get out of your grasp.
“You fucking pathetic hero! I will kill you, I will fucking kill you!”
You rolled your eyes taunting him,
"What are you gonna do? Bite me? Oh… Wait, you already tried that, didn’t work very well did it?"
Miguel's eyes glow red as he growls, his muscles and veins flex as he glares at you. Before suddenly freezing as he looked at you and said something that nearly made you choke.
"You're....kinda cute..."
Miguel looks at you again, no longer struggling to get out and chuckles clearly enjoying your reaction. He tilts his head slightly and puts one hand on his hip.
"You heard me, I said you're cute. Does it surprise you that the most notorious villain in the city has a liking for you?"
“We’re fighting! We’re fighting each other and you just said you will kill me! What is wrong with you!” You yelled, wrapping a tentacle around his mouth and stopping him from saying anything else, as your face burned with embarrassment,
You hold him in the air as you begin to walk toward the villain's confinement. Your tentacle slipping a little allows Miguel to yell at you the entire way there.
"You can't hold me forever, I'll get out, I'll get out of here.. And then..."
You hold both hands to your ears before saying,
“Nope can't hear you.”
Miguel groan a faint blush on his face,
"I hate you."
“Me fucking too,” you said before finally reaching Miguel’s cell,
As you drop him onto the floor you look down at him from the roof, kicking your leg as you do so.
Miguel grunted as he hit the floor of the cell, he laid there for a second and sighed.
"This is stupid."
“I know, so have fun and be good,” you said smiling and waving at him,
Miguel groans in annoyance at your cheerful attitude,
"I hate you..." he mutters angrily,
You grin before winking at him and saying, “I know, love you too” before disappearing from the cell leaving him alone,
Miguel stares at the spot where you once were before sitting up and rubbing his face, he groans loudly in annoyance.
"Stupid, hero.." His tone is soft as he lays back down on the floor, his face red,
"Love..?" He pauses to thinks about what you said,
He never had anyone tell him they loved him before, even if it was a joke,
He buried his face into his hands.
"Stupid…Stupid...Stupid, stupid, STUPID!" He mutters to himself, mentally chastising himself for liking you,
Miguel slowly starts to think back to your fight and he replays the moment in his head when he said,
"You're…kinda cute..."
Before looking up at the wall of the cell and starts to laugh,
"I said that? I actually said that!!!"
His chuckling grows darker as a sinister smile spreads across his face. He looks at one of his claws and grins.
"I said that because it was true, I said it because… " He stops and sits up staring at the wall before saying to himself, “…I said it because I want her..."
Leaning his head against the wall he sighs,
"What could I do about it??"
He thinks about it for a few moments then smirks.
"What am I going to do about it?"
idea popped into his head and he began to laugh maniacally,
"Why not? Why the heck not?" as the thought of making you his entered his mind.
A devilish smile spreads across his face.
Miguel sits in his cell as he waits for night to finally fall.
The moon and stars peek through the bars of his cell as the city slept.
Miguel's face filled with determination as he looked around the empty cell before pulling out a device destroying the wall and making his way to the city.
I can't wait to find her...
Miguel's eyes glow with desire as he stalks through the streets.
You yawned as you looked down into the city. Your tentacle traveled through the shadow, making sure no one was getting hurt as you sat on the ledge.
Fuck I want to sleep
Miguel stalks through the street before spotting a tentacle creeping into the shadow. You’ve just saved someone from being mugged.
As he spotted you he quickly walk toward you.
You turn around when you hear him walking toward you,
I'm too tired for this shit tonight
With a groan, you asked,
“How many of you escaped this time?”
Miguel chuckles and raises an eyebrow at you.
"Only one of us, dear hero."
He smirks and takes a step closer to you, his eyes filled with wants. He seemed to tower over you as his smirk remained on his face.
"And I'm the only one that'll be escaping tonight."
You looked at him completely dazed from tiredness and said,
“You look comfy?”
He looks at you puzzled,
"Comfy? You're telling me I look comfy?"
Without warning you wrapped several tentacles around him, before clinging onto him yourself and teleporting both of you into your room.
Miguel snapped out of his shock as he stared at you,
"Why are you taking me to your room? Do you want to sleep with me? Doesn't seem very heroic does it?” He whispers into your ear, his breath hot on your skin,
“Actually, yeah?” you said blurrily before lying on his chest,
Okay this is comfy
Wrapping your tentacles around him tightly making sure he can't escape, before falling asleep almost immediately.
Miguel's body froze as he heard your quiet breathing, your body warm and soft against him.
"You belong to me, you're mine. And nobody else's.." He whispers to you as he kisses your neck and his hand moving to your waist,
“Shut up… go sleep” you mumbled in your sleep as you felt his hand on your body,
Miguel continues to kiss your neck and nuzzle you as he holds you close
"My love… My cute little hero..."
Miguel is not having a good day, and he's furious.
He thought he was special until reality hit him like a truck.
He wasn't the only one you dragged into bed because you were tired and certainly wasn't the last, judging from the fact that every other villain is already planning on breaking out for a chance to sleep with you again.
He hadn't realized how popular his little hero was among the villains.
He punched the wall as unadulterated rage and jealousy filled him.
I want her to want me and only me…
He can feel the rage and jealousy building up inside of him, and he's ready to do anything to make you his and only his.
"I'll kill them all.. I'll make it so I'm the only one who belongs to her."
He chuckles darkly to himself,
"I'm going to be the only one that my hero wants and needs. No one is allowed to touch her but me…. No one is allowed to be with her but me… NO ONE BUT ME!”
Something was off.
Your villains seem to have gone missing.
There hasn't been an attack in weeks.
Suddenly you noticed Miguel walking towards you grinning manically and covered in blood.
"My my.. No more competition now." He lunged toward you and wrapped his arm around you tightly "I'm the winner, little hero~~"
“What?” You blinked confused but didn't push him off,
Noticing your confusion Miguel nuzzled into your neck and whispered darkly,
"Tell me, do you have a favorite hero or villain? I can get rid of them too~”
Finally realizing that Miguel was the reason behind the missing villain, you quietly ask,
“What did you do, Miguel?”
"Me?.. I just dealt with them, they're not a problem anymore…The reason why all those villains are missing? I killed them all."
He laughs maniacally as he tightened his hold on you,
"And I'm planning to kill more until I'm the only one..."
“Every hero has a weakness and I know exactly what’s your weakness, little hero, ~”
Miguel purred as he stuck both your wrists to the wall, rendering you motionless.
He had injected you with a serum of some sort, completely nullifying your power.
“Why?” You asked confused, he could just kill you so why did he do this?
Sensing your confusion Miguel leaned down and kissed your neck,
“Because I'm going to do so many worse things to you…”
Your eyes widen when Miguel kisses you aggressively, his hand roaming down your body, kneading your chest roughly as he forces your mouth open.
Groaning into the kiss his free hand slipped down your body and cupped your ass, determined to touch every single part of your body.
You tried to struggle against him but Miguel wasn't having any of it, growling he let go of your lip and bit down on your neck drawing blood,
“Be a good little hero, I don't want to hurt you any more than I have to.”
“Miguel… what the fuck…” you said as you glared at him panting,
Miguel only grins before ripping off part of your suit revealing your breast and taking your nipple into his mouth.
Your back arched and your face flushed as you felt your arousal from the way he was touching you.
“S-stop, Miguel…”
“Why would I, little hero?” Miguel mumbled as he bit down on your breast, his hand forcing your thigh open and grinding his hip against you,
Your body froze as you felt his claw ripping away the fabric near your crotch and panties.
Miguel moans into your neck, wrapping your leg around his waist and his rough fingers pushing into you roughly, causing your body to tremble.
"Fuck, your body is so responsive, just like the way I want it. You don't know what it feels like to have you writhing under my control."
You bit down on his neck aggressively as your body clenched down on his fingers, your body shaking in pain from how roughly he was thrusting inside you,
Miguel's breathing quickened as he noticed the sudden aggression you displayed. He smiled cruelly, finding it more arousing than anything. Pulling back slightly, so he could properly see the look of pain and pleasure on your face.
“You look so pretty like this, trapped under me and your body shaking in pain~” His fingers digging into you deeper as he kissed your skin, “Such a pretty body for me~”
You gritted your teeth refusing to let out any noise as he had his way with you, only your slight tremble proving how much pain you were in.
Growling Miguel kissed you and gripped your neck tightly before pulling his fingers out of you, smearing your fluid across your suit.
“If you don't want to make a noise then you don't have to, little hero…” pinching your nipple harshly and extracting a pained yelp from you he continued, "I'm going to break you, hero. Mold you into the perfect little plaything for me and for me alone.”
Pushing one of your legs into your chest, he aims his cock at your wet fold before slamming his cock into you. Your body arched upward painfully as your eyes were stained with tears from the pain.
Miguel groaned as he felt your tight walls clamping down on his cock, your tears falling from your face. His grip tightened around your neck, forcing you to stare into his eyes as he began to thrust deeper, his eyes glowing a crimson red.
"Feels so good to finally have you completely mine, little hero," Miguel growled, his voice filled with desire and lust. His claws tightened around your throat, squeezing as his thrusts became less gentle and more brutal. “Such a tight and pretty cunt just for me…”
His claws dig deeper into your skin, you scream silently and your eyes roll back in pain. Your breathing was labored as you felt tides of pleasure trying to wash away the pain.
Already you were cumming onto his finger, your body convulsing as you let out a loud whine. You didn't want to but you couldn't control your body, overridden by pleasure.
Miguel grunted when he felt your body clenched tightly around him, making it almost painful to thrust inside you.
Miguel harshly slapped your ass leaving behind a red welt as he said,
“Relax a little, little hero…”
“F-fuck y- haaaa!” You let out a gasp as you felt him pounding into you,
With a feral growl, Miguel felt his body react to your tight cunt around his cock, his claws dug deeper into your skin and he rubbed your clit harshly.
You dug your claw into your palm as you tried to hold back your cry of pain and pleasure.
Miguel's hungry gaze bore into your eyes as he watched your body convulse under him, your body shaking with overstimulation as he brought you from one climax to another.
"Tell me little hero… does the fact that I'm fucking you dumb where anyone can see you, in the city you swore to protect excite you?" he pressed a kiss on your shoulder, his voice dark and sadistic as he splayed his hand on the bulge evident on your stomach, “…after all your body is clenching around my cock so perfectly…”
You involuntarily clenched down on his cock tighter than his word and with a groan, Miguel forced his way into your womb before coating your inside with his cum.
“Im going to fill you up with my cum, little hero. Going to make you carry my child, mi vida…”
Your body shook and trembled as his cum filled you up, your eyes watering with tears. Miguel grin as he ripped the web off your wrist and held you tightly against his body.
Your abused and swollen cunt dripping his cum as he kissed away your tears and whispered into your ears,
“You can only be mine, little hero. No one else…”
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stories-and-chaos · 7 months
Shrike: 2582 Days of Purgatory
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[Hazbin Hotel reader insert as Alastor’s “darling life and death partner” Ace x ace relationship, both parties are moderately sex favorable.]
[Word count: 2588 Cw: mild cursing, soul deals]
Alastor traded blows and insults with Vox. The screen faced demon launched both electricity and fists at his opponent. Alastor responded with his shadows and dodging the physical blows. His jovial taunts goaded Vox into wilder attacks, fueled by decades of simmering anger.
But some of Vox’s jolts were getting through. Not only did they hurt, they left a numbing sensation whenever they hit. Alastor noticed that the bolts hitting him had another energy added to them. Something subtle, a greenish swirl that blended into the blue of Vox’s lightning. It didn’t belong to anyone he knew, but it added power and aimed the attacks straight at the Radio Demon.
In addition, some of his shadows were enhanced and directed by a reddish power. He saw curving lines and hints of music notes. Something about it tickled his memory but he had too much going on to pursue the thought. He needed to beat Vox down hard enough that the wannabe wouldn’t dare challenge him again (if he didn’t kill him) in addition to defending against this third party.
He launched a mass of tentacles at the other Overlord. They crackled with the extra energy he poured in, sending them faster than before. Just before they hit, Vox retaliated with a column of lightning. Both shows of power were enhanced by whoever was interfering.
It was almost a given that both strikes would hit, with enough force to knock both Alastor and Vox out of their full demonic forms. The television demon changed into a spark to retreat through a drone camera nearby. Alastor called up his shadows, letting them envelope him to make his own way out.
He intended to reform in either his broadcast station or the home he shared with Y/N. Except for the first time in his afterlife, someone was following his shadow. And they were close. He could only put on so much speed after that fight and every twist and turn he made was matched by his pursuer.
Angry and exhausted, he exited the shadows in an area outside of the Pentagram. He used his microphone cane to support himself, determined to appear unflappable.
The other emerged from their own shadows. A tall, statuesque woman, light gold hair flowing in an eternal breeze, dark horns arching in graceful curves over her head. Slightly behind her, revealed as her hair waved, was another woman. She was practically the double of the first, albeit without the horns and a softer, sweeter aura.
Of course, that’s why the magic interfering with his looked so familiar. “Queen Lilith.” Alastor’s voice crackled as he made the effort to remain steady. “To what do I owe the pleasure, your majesty?”
“Alastor.” Her lyrical voice dripped with amusement. “Have you met my dear sister yet? Eve, this is one of our Overlords, Alastor the Radio Demon. Alastor, this is my counterpart, Eve.”
“Ah yes, the Mother of All. A pleasure to meet you my dear, quite the pleasure.” He gave a sharp toothed smile, ignoring the lingering numbness and increasing pain. “Although I doubt you chased me down simply to introduce us, your majesty.”
She gave a refined laugh, Eve joining in. “You did say he was perceptive Lily,” she remarked, coming to stand next to the queen of Hell. Her voice had an identical cadence to Lilith’s, but an octave higher. “We have a proposal for you, Alastor.”
Then she explained what the pair wanted. The ever growing evil that hooked itself into all of humanity, the worsening exterminations and what the first two women intended to do about it. How Alastor was going to play a part. The proposal was really if he was going to be kept in the know about his role.
Cornered between the two of them and the pressure of what was coming, he agreed. Ears laid back, with a snarl in his voice he said, “It’s a deal.” Surprisingly, it wasn’t Lilith that held out her hand to close the deal for his soul.
No, it was Eve, not a demon, not quite an angel, that extended her hand. “Are you certain Eve?” Lilith asked with clear concern.
“Absolutely. You and Luci have taught me a lot; I can handle him. Not to mention you’re going to be occupied for the foreseeable future.” With a sweet smile, she held her other hand out to the demonic queen. “Some of your help would be appreciated however.” Lilith took it and they both focused on the injured Overlord.
The fight and his attempt to race away took more out of him than he realized. Vision blurring, Alastor took Eve’s hand. Instantly, vibrant green vines scrolled around them. Eve’s power? It must have been her messing with Vox’s attacks. Her smile gained an edge as she saw him put the pieces together. It was too late though, the deal was in process. Lilith’s magick, red musical bars, flowed through Eve. The notes fused into the swirling vines, giving them a ruddy hue.
Then, as he had done to so many others, the power formed into chains. Collar and shackles locked around his neck and wrists. The chains latched on, with Eve holding his new leash. She clapped her hands and the bindings became intangible. At the same time, all Alastor’s injuries were healed and his exhaustion wiped away.
“Fuck,” he muttered. Y/N is never going to forgive me for today. First he let Vox provoke a fight, battled until he was forced to retreat, then sold his soul to another. Incoming destruction of existence or not, his wife was not going to be happy with him.
“Best we get started,” Eve said as she turned, spreading her hands to open a portal. “Come along, no time to waste.” Best to put on a good act. Alastor twirled his cane and walked confidently through it.
It didn’t lead to Pentagram City. Or anywhere in the Pride Ring, much less the rest of Hell. This wasn’t Heaven or the living world either.
“Welcome to Purgatory!” the pair said in harmony. “It’s terribly boring here!” Eve added. She was correct; there was a vast spread of nothingness. No buildings or beings as far as he could see. In the distance he could see faint hazes of colors, but that could have just been his imagination.
“The benefit of course being it’s an excellent place to hide,” Lilith added. She took the lead, strolling in a seemingly random direction.
“Really?” Alastor drawled. He expected his voice to echo back, but there was nothing here to bounce sound off of. “I would have thought a realm of nothing at all would make it easier to find someone.”
Eve walked alongside him, easily keeping up. “Ah, but there is an entire realm to look through. A realm that not even the angels know about. Or if they do, they haven’t cared about it for longer than we’ve existed.”
Alastor didn’t know how long they walked for. He did start humming, if only to calm his nerves. But at some point there was a change in the landscape; a modest building about the size of his home on Earth. The faded siding and roof shingles blended into its surroundings. Even if you knew where it was, you’d have trouble noticing it.
“Oh good, I’m getting better at portalling,” Eve said as she skipped ahead to open the door.
“That was much closer than usual dear. Well done.” Alastor followed them inside. He was greeted with an abundance of greenery. Thriving plants were everywhere, their leaves and flowers almost eyeburning after the dullness outside. Was Eve recreating the Garden here?
“You should get going, Lily. You know how he gets,” Eve said wryly as she headed toward the kitchen.
With a sigh Lilith agreed. “May I borrow something a bit less regal? I doubt this will be appropriate.”
“Of course! I’ve raided your closet enough times after all. Would you like some tea, Alastor? Or coffee?”
“Tea would be appreciated, cher.” He followed her as Lilith headed upstairs to change. When Lilith returned, he and Eve were just adding sugar and cream to their first cups. Hell’s queen had exchanged the long dark gown for a lightweight sundress. It was still a deep purple color but much less sumptuous than what she’d had on. Her horns were hidden and she had on a wide brimmed sun hat and dark sunglasses. “Well?”
“You look lovely, your majesty,” Alastor said truthfully as Eve nodded. “You have to keep that one, it just suits you so well,” the other woman added.
Lilith smiled slightly before her expression turned pensive. “I suppose it’s time.” She pulled a phone out of her tote bag and handed it to Eve. “Don’t respond to any messages but forward Charlie and Lucifer’s to the new number please.” With a shaky hand, she removed her wedding ring and placed it in a cushioned box. Eve took that as well, promising to keep it safe.
Holding both the phone and ring box, Eve created another portal in her kitchen. This one had the golden light of Heaven pouring out. Lilith gave Eve a peck on the cheek and said, “Best of luck dears!” with a forced cheerfulness.
Eve settled into her chair and sipped her tea once the portal closed. “She’ll be in touch regularly but we won’t see each other for some time. And we’ve got work to do in the meantime.”
Alastor’s smile turned sardonic. “I’m at your command my dear.”
“Indeed you are.” With that she retrieved a packet of papers. Opening it, she started detailing what needed to be done in a professional manner at odds with her sweet demeanor. After hours of discussion, multiple pots of tea and dinner, she let him retire to a guest room.
‘Guest room’ was probably inaccurate now. There was no telling how long he’d be here. Alastor went through his usual nighttime routine as best he could. The repetitive actions only soothed him so much. He already missed the light banter with you. Niffty’s skittering as she finished little tasks and the soft drone from the bayou. He was a creature of habit in the end and this was so at odds to his norm.
Agitated, he sat awake on the bed. In one hand were the cufflinks you’d given him decades ago. Even clenched in his palm, they were cool to the touch. A soothing breeze that brought to mind the gusts from your wings and your voice lifted in song.
“I’m sorry my dear,” he said quietly. “I’ll be back when I can.” He pressed the hand holding the eighth note shaped cufflinks to his lips and said, “Bonne nuit, cher.”
After a couple weeks, he couldn’t take it anymore. First, this jungle needed at least a bit of taming. Second, Eve just needed some help with domestic tasks. Third, he needed some sense of normalcy. So he summoned Niffty to Purgatory.
It was difficult to call a soul across realms. He felt as tired as he had after that fight with Vox. Niffty, for her part, squealed in joy. She hugged his leg before climbing up to his shoulder. “Alastor! You look messy sir! What happened to you? And where are we? Y/N’s been so worried you know.”
“Ah Niffty, you even make Purgatory brighter.” He gave Niffty a brief overview as he brought her to Eve.
The woman did like the idea of some help around the place, but at his suggestion to send Niffty back to you was met with instant fury.
“Absolutely NOT!” Vines exploded into existence all around her, forming into his chains. A quick tug had the Radio Demon on his knees. His eyes shifted to glowing dials as his antlers grew. But he couldn’t summon his shadow to fight back. He glared up at his captor with equal fury.
Eve gave his chain another tug to haul him up, face to face. All the sweetness in her demeanor was gone. Now she had the aura of an enraged parent, dealing with a stupidly dangerous mistake from her child. “You are forbidden from sending your little maid back or trying to contact your wife in any way. If any hint gets out of where we are, everything we’re working for goes to shit. Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear?” She bit off each word of the last question with another pull on his leash.
Alastor snarled, “Crystal clear.” They stared each other down for a moment before she released him. He dropped back to the ground, gasping for breath.
“Excellent. Now get to work.” She returned to her coffee and the paperwork for their plan.
With effort, Alastor got to his feet and headed to the room that had been changed to his study. Niffty kept pace with him for once. “Sir?” she asked, the concern on her voice evident as he collapsed in the desk chair.
Alastor took a few deep breaths before replying. “Once this is all over, those bitches are going to pay.”
The following 2,500+ days were filled with the tasks Eve (and by extension Lilith) ordered. Alastor knew why they had him working, but it didn’t make him any less furious at the situation. Niffty took to snuggling up with him on occasion, the little maid being one of the few he was comfortable touching him unprompted.
He wore the music note cufflinks everyday. Not that he had any other sets at the moment, but he needed the tiny fragment of you with him. He spoke to them almost nightly as if you could hear. Eve dutifully forwarded messages to Lilith, who occasionally called for updates and to exchange news.
Then, Lilith’s daughter Charlie left a series of messages that made them shift focus. She wanted to stop the exterminations…by rehabilitating Sinners. She was converting one of the old Morningstar hotels into her facility. She had recruited an infamous porn star to be the first attempt.
She was also adrift, scared, and desperate for her parents approval. Lilith couldn’t respond nor could Eve. They couldn’t contact Lucifer about it. Alastor refused to even touch any modern technology that could put him in contact with someone in Hell. Regardless, he didn’t know Charlie or Lucifer personally.
“We’re going to have to send him,” Lilith said on speakerphone. “I know my girl, she’s going to try this with or without help.”
“And what about everything he’s doing here Lily? Are we just supposed to give up on the past seven years?” Eve asked back, clearly frustrated at this unexpected turn.
“Eve, with Charlie meddling in souls and the exterminations, it’s going to throw all our plans into disarray. Whether she succeeds or not, I think this is going to get the fight started.”
Eve sighed. “You’re probably right. Alastor, I’m sending you to Hell. You need to assist Charlie with her hotel and protect her as best you can.”
He couldn’t help lighting up at the prospect. “Gladly my dear. When do I leave?”
“Now.” She opened a portal and the red gloom of Pentagram City bathed her houseplants in its hellish glow. “And Alastor?” He paused at the portal’s entrance. She looked uncomfortable as she continued, “You’re allowed to be with your wife in Hell. But only tell her what we’ve agreed on.”
“As you wish.” With a mocking bow and a twirl of his cane, he stepped through. “Niffty, keep up dear! We’re going home.”
Taglist: @whitewolfsoldat @edgyboi10000 @ch3sire-blu3 @clearly-awkward @badatpunz @bengewatch @chewbrry
A/N: I know there’s a lot of vagueness about what Alastor has been doing but we’re entering the realm of pure speculation on my part.
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aylish91 · 11 months
Okay, so I have thought for about a day on different ideas and the (rather silly) idea my brain keeps coming back to for a request is this:
Nightmare x female chubby reader where he just carries her around like she weighs nothing.
Kinda based off a meme that I've heard a lot that goes something like, "Do I weigh anything to you?" "No. Just like holding a couple of grapes" and I think about that a lot. (I would assume that if she was feeling subconscious about her weight, that this would make her extremely happy)
Hello friend! Have a mischievous/fluffy Nootmare!
Sorry this didn't get posted sooner. Was short on time this week.
To Be Exceptional
You squeaked as skeletal hands snaked around and under you to sweep you off your feet. When your hands inevitably flung up, they too were quickly caught, held by your captor's familiar accompanying tentacles. The hum that came next vibrated your chest and tickled your ear.
“Hello, Pet. I’ve been waiting for you.”
A tug on your wrist brought you forward, helping you wrap your arms around the dark lord's neck. You clung to him with the knowledge that you were now firmly off the ground. You were quite startled by the act, not anticipating something like this so early in the morning, breath hitching from the scare. 
“Nightmare! By the Angel!”
Nightmare merely chuckled, lifting you higher to better fit within the crook of an arm as he turned. With tentacles idly slipping around and caressing your legs, you were hauled out of your room and down the grand hallway. You were baffled, naturally leaning into his large frame for support.
Your grip tightened.
“Aren’t I heavy?”
He hadn’t even paused as he walked on, confident and strong. You took a good thoughtful look at the man. It was unreal how easy he made it seem for him. You didn’t know if you believed it.
“Do I even weigh anything to you?”
This at least got a hum out of him, his gin quickly growing into a smirk when he finally glanced down. “In truth? You compare to that of a grape. Easy to move about and take. Small. Light.”
With the feeling of heat spreading across your face, you duct into him, words muffled through your smile on his shoulder. “I’m not– you and the others are just...” 
His bark of a laugh rumbled through you, easing your soul. However, Nightmare wasn’t finished. Using the tip of a tentacle, he tilted your chin back up to meet him.
“What did you expect from your King? I am, and  keep, only that which is exceptional.” His voice lowered into a pleased purr. “Now be still, Pet. There is much to be done today.”
You could still feel the teasing warmth of his breath against your lips…
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redrobin-detective · 2 years
how quickly the glamour fades
 “What do you think the Captain does in his down time?” Wally asked, squirting a large amount of cheese whiz onto a cracker and eating it. He was still getting used to being the Flash, being in the Justice League alongside his uncle’s friends. They’d helped him grow as a hero and a person over the years and now he was one of them.
“I don’t know, Cap is always working,” Hal said, taking a bit of his pizza. “The guy never quits I’m telling you. If he’s not here, he’s putting out fires in the jungle or fighting space-magic-tentacle monsters or working with an apron at the soup kitchen. I don’t think he knows the meaning of ‘down time’.”
“We all have to take a break sometimes, even gods,” Wonder Woman said with a raised eye brow. She didn’t technically chastise him but Hal’s shoulder crept up to his ears anyway. “Marvel is the personification of the Gods’ will on Earth. He may not require physical rest I’m sure he must take moments to collect himself but it is, surely, none of our business.”
“I didn’t mean any disrespect,” Wally said hastily. “I’m still new here, trying to figure everything and everyone out with these big shoes to fill.” He cleared his throat and glanced over at the door Captain Marvel had exited out of a few minutes earlier. “I don’t know Marvel well, he was just a reserve member when I first met him and now we’ve moved into big leagues pretty much at the same time. I guess I’m trying to get to know my fellow newbie, he seems like a really nice guy, someone you’d want to talk to outside of work.”
“Yeah good luck with that,” Hal snorted and preemptively winced from the force of Diana’s glare. “What? Look, I love the big cheese as much as the next guy but he’s hard to pin down! He’ll smile and chat up here at the Watchtower no prob but he won’t go out for a drink, he won’t attend any of Bruce’s fancy parties. Barry used to practically beg the guy to come over and have some of Iris’ cooking and he turned him down every time.” A brief moment of silence as Hal coped with the sudden, casual mention of his best friend. “He’s friendly but not sociable.”
“Perhaps he needs time alone, away from all this,” J’onn said, walking in to stand by Diana. Without being asked, she reached into the cabinet and pulled out his favorite cookies. It could have been telepathy or simply years of love and experience. “As you mentioned, he spends much of his time battling the evils of the world, both the grand and the mundane. He may need solitude to cope.”
“Isolation doesn’t heal anything,” Wally grumbled, playing idly with the cheese whiz can. “The Titans taught me that there’s strength in community. I won’t begrudge the man some alone time but,” he sighed and set the can down. “I don’t know, he smiles like Dick does sometimes, when he’s keeping all the hurt inside. I think he could probably use someone to talk to.”
“He’s a god or something, it’s not like we can relate to him,” Hal sighed. “I’m with ya, Kid. I’d be over the moon if Cap ever decided to hang out after the battle was done but he’s just not that kinda guy.”
“Your kindness is appreciated, Wally but Marvel is entitled to his privacy. Should he ever need that listening ear you suggested, he of course knows he can come to us.” Diana smiled. Wally smiled back but still didn’t feel completely settled. There was something about Captain Marvel that never felt right, like he was only seeing a funhouse mirror version. His smiles were too perfect, his lines so cheesy, almost practiced. In a way, he almost didn’t feel real and that the real person was hiding behind this perfect cardboard cut out they all knew.
“Yeah, okay,” he frowned before perking back up. “Did you guys catch the game last nigh-”
“Don’t get me started squirt my team looked like they were sleepwalking, not playing.”
Hundreds of thousands of miles away in Fawcett City, a boy was cold and he was hungry.
“Achoo!” Billy Batson sneezed. “Ugh either someone’s talking ‘bout me or I’m coming down something.” He sniffled, wiping his nose on his threadbare sweater sleeve. “I don’t even know which is worse.”
It had been warm on the Watchtower when Bill, well Marvel, had finally left. The halls had been crowded and there’d been plenty of food and company. It would’ve been nice to stay but that wasn’t the way things worked. Cap didn’t need food to stay full or heat to keep him warm. He enjoyed the conversation but it felt so empty with the large wall he had to keep around his other life. It was safer this way, for him and for them.
The weather was turning cold and the shelters would have stopped giving out food by this late hour. Another night spent shivering and another night without a meal.
“It’s fine, you’re fine,” Billy chattered to himself as he slowly made his way back to the abandoned apartment he’d been sleeping in. “They don’t need to know about this, won’t care about another homeless kid. You’re lucky you get to know them as Marvel, you’re lucky to have Marvel.” He squeezed his eyes shut to fight back tears. It was an honor, a blessing to have the power to help people but oh did it hurt sometimes.
He wished he had someone to talk to about this but all he had was Tawney and the empty throne of the Wizard. There was the League but he couldn’t risk it, Marvel’s good standing was the only way they let him be active without giving away any details. They wouldn’t listen to him anyway, if they knew who their powerhouse really was. The illusion was hard to keep up sometimes but it was all he had.
All the way home, he hummed a tune he’d heard Black Canary humming while doling out portions of pizza and thought of the way Wonder Women’s gentle strong arms had felt around his shoulders and the sound of Lantern’s loud laughter and imagined that he wasn’t alone.
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cosqf · 5 months
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An Alastor redesign!!
alright i have many thoughts abt this funny fella. keep reading for the design process + lots of ideas
ok so. i think he has too many "themes" going on - deer, radio, voodoo, shadow powers, tentacles, deal making, the list goes on. To have a balanced character one must make their "deal" clear and stick to only a few themes! So, based on that i chose to focus on the radio and deer aspect and then sprinkle some of the rest here and there.
To start, i wanted to make the main themes - radio and deer - crystal clear from his appearance. So i gave him some bulky headphones, similar to the ones radio hosts would use when broadcasting (and he's always broadcasting! more on that later) and painted his skin in deer-like patterns (freckles like deer spots!!! cute). i also gave him antenna/radio towers for his deer antlers.
Secondly, i got rid of his hairstyle and ears. but those are his main thing! i know but look it just doesnt fit much. Alastor is a mixed polite gentleman radio host in the 30's, and his hairstyle should if not directly reflect his past life, at the very least it should hint at it, and that bob cut is way too modern. what about the ears then? personal biased choice, really.
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i played around with multiple ideas, throwing shit at the wall and seeing what stuck. i liked the idea of his hair having some curls like an old telephone wire and tried to mix that somehow with popular hairstyles for men in the 30's. don't mind the quality of the sketches
Next, his outfit! (the picture has the outdated hairstyle, which i changed cause i thought it didn't fit his gentleman vibe, despite really liking how it looked)
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most of the changes i did were either because of personal opinion or because i had an interesting idea. i also wanted to keep the red suit going so that i did.
i gave his little mic little antlers and also a little "screen" that shows the radio waves it's recording, cause i think that's a neat look. some stripped pants cause it seems it was popular in his time, and his buttons are actually radio dials! i also kept the bowtie.
Alright, for the fun part now! when compared to Vox, who's the tv demon and quite literally a tv, Alastor sure didn't enough radio elements in his own body. so i had this idea, what if he had a radio built into his chest? instead of his voice (or whatever sounds he wants) coming out of his mouth, it would emanate from this radio, still with that old-timey effect he has. i also gave him a radio frequency dial that would change on it's own, maybe depending on his mood or when he's using his powers in a certain way, i havent fully decided yet.
Now, about his powers. most of them would work the same way, with a few tweaks. Since he's mouth-mute and is broadcasting his voice through the radio, i think it'd be cool if he made his voice echo from all nearby speakers - phones, tvs, whatever, he'd hijack them to ensure he's properly heard and grab everyone's attention, using the power his mic grants him. he could also be able to eavesdrop on audio transmitted through radio waves, so no phone calls or tv signals would be safe or private near him. when he wants to reach more people or crank up the volume his antlers would grow, extending the signal's range. with this, when he's angry or wants to look threatening, his antlers would shoot up, feeling like he's shouting at you from every direction. he'd fill the air with static, making your hair (literally) stand on end, and distort the sound around him to make sure only his voice is heard if he wants it to. these moments are when i imagine his frequency tune dial and button-dials spinning erratically on his body.
now onto his shadow and tentacle powers. i felt they didn't quite match his overall vibe BUT since they're such a core part of him i couldn't get rid of them. so i figured they could be like extra power granted to him after he struck the deal for his soul, very convenient and powerful but not entirely his own. breaking the deal would also mean losing that power which could be interesting for him considering how power-hungry he usually is and how truly desperate he would have to be to break the deal anyways. And so, since his shadow puppets (the ones he uses to fight adam and have the wall fixed) wouldn't be his this way, i changed it so they'd look like deer instead! and its part of his own power set. when the souls he owns and he "teared apart" aren't screaming on the broadcast he could summon them in and they'd help his fights out, just like normal.
heres some more sketches!
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as some final notes, after his battle with adam some fun things would happen. with his mic broke and his wound fucking up the radio he has on his chest he'd have no way to broadcast his voice out, which would mean our beloved radio host would be unable to speak until he either fixed his mic or managed to heal up completely. fun stuff :)
thank you if u read all of this or just scrolled for the pictures, im grateful anyway. i want to make it clear i didnt make this redesign to "be better" than the original but rather as a fun creative assignment i gave myself, to enhance what i like about Alastor and smooth out the hard edges. i also wanna say i took inspiration from many things in the community - other redesigns, theories, rambles, they all helped me come up with this one. shoutouts to u all too
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blinddreams24 · 4 months
A Mermay Prompt
Prev / Next
“Let go of me!!!” Water rushed through your hair and ears as he dragged you downhill, deeper into the ocean and further away from your pod.
“Hold on, hold on!” The squid tried to calm you. “I just have to get you somewhere safe first! Also! You’re not being very… appreciative! I’m saving you, y’know!”
“You’re not saving me!!! I was perfectly fine!!!” You thrashed. “Get your suckers off me!!!”
“Wow! You’re really new! You don’t even know that Killer would kill you! I mean, it’s in his name, but good for you for not judging, I guess!” He shot you a smile over his shoulder even as he swam.
“I know he can kill me!!”
“Oh…” He frowned. “You’re just dumb then.”
He shrugged. “Dream really knows how to pick ‘em. Did you know he found another useless siren before you?”
You’d had enough. Growling, you bared your teeth and bit into the tentacle that held you. The taste that hit your tongue had your face coiling in disgust. It tasted like pastels and paint. Gross.
The tentacle twitched and Ink glanced back at you again.
“What are you doing? Oh, you’re biting me. Stop that. It won’t help you.” He sounded so calm and unaffected by the bite that you faltered. Could you even get away if he wasn’t hurt by you?
Your answer came when you pulled away from the bite and a chunk of tentacle came off. You could bite through the limb.
You attacked again.
“I mean in, pal. Leave my arms alone.”
You ignored him.
“I said stop!”
You were whipped around through the water and spun. The tentacle left your waist and you steadied yourself, ready to run. Or well… swim.
Ink floated over you, his tentacles curling around and over you, caging you in as he spoke. “Do you know how long it takes to grow those back? Besides, they don’t taste good.”
Your eyes darted around, looking for an opening. He was much bigger than you and had the advantage of ten extra arms, one of which was wounded but still working. He did seem pretty oblivious though. So maybe you could outsmart him.
“Why are you doing this?” You asked.
Ink smiled and the question mark was back. “What do you mean? What am I doing?”
You stared blankly at him. Was he serious? “…You’re taking me away from my home.”
“Oh! Was that where you lived? I’m sorry! We’ll get you a new home as soon as we can! Nightmare is a bit of an urchin when it comes to territory. You won’t be able to go back until he leaves.” Ink informed you.
“I… I was living with Nightmare.”
“…Oh.” Ink backed up and displayed his tentacles. “You worked for Nightmare?”
“Well, not exactly? But we do call him Boss.”
His left eyelight changed into a target. “But you would do what he said if he asked?” The water was turbulent with how much his tentacles were moving. It made it hard to focus.
“Well, yes. He’s been very nice to me.” You gently paddled backwards with your tail. He was starting to scare you.
The question mark was back but the target stayed. “Why do all of you say that? How is Nightmare nice? Tell me. He has torn apart entire islands, sunken ships, he’s massacred pods upon pods of sirens, he attacks Dream on sight, and he has taken each of you from your homes. How is he ‘nice?’” He threw his hands in the ai- water as he spoke.
He was so absorbed in his rant that he didn’t notice you’d moved just out of reach.
“Nightmare didn’t take me from my home. Cross did.” You turned tail.
“What- Wait! Come back!” Ink startled.
You swam. You swam as fast as you could. You didn’t know where you were going but anywhere was better than with this strange squid siren that thought you were evil. He was fast too. You could feel him gaining behind you. You twisted between and around the boulders on the sea floor but, as long as you were moving, he was right behind you.
Getting a risky idea and taking a chance, you darted into the first small cave you found and froze, not letting yourself move a muscle.
The rush of water stopped outside.
“Hello? Where did you go? Human siren? I’m not gonna hurt you and I didn’t mean to scare you.” Ink called. “What do you mean ‘Cross did?’ Hello? Are you even over here?” He sighed. “You’re not here are you? Did you go this way?”
He continued to mumble and chatter further and further away until you couldn’t hear him anymore.
You didn’t move for several minutes afterwards, careful to make sure he was actually gone. When you were certain, you slowly dragged yourself further into the cramped cave and laid down.
Nightmare could find you. He would feel your fear and come find you.
One thing was for sure, you didn’t like Ink. He was big and mean and scary. Not that the boys weren’t big or scary. They just never belittled you like Ink had. You weren’t dumb. Living with the boys was the smartest and best decision you’d ever made.
Who was Ink to judge your decision after he kidnapped you?
You growled softly, aware that he could still be nearby. Now you didn’t know where you were, Killer was injured and panicking somewhere if Dream hadn’t killed him, and Dream knew Cross somehow. He said something about Cross being new to the ocean and not knowing what to do. Like you.
That made sense with Cross’s floppy dorsal fin indicating that he came from captivity. But if Dream knew him first, why was Cross with Nightmare now?
Oh my stars.
Dream was Nightmare’s brother, wasn’t he?
“Ugh!” You blew bubbles that dispersed like clouds, covering the small cave in fog. You had a god of puns to punch if you ever found one.
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savvythepirate · 1 year
My heart is yours
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Pairing: Davy Jones x reader
Warnings: None
Requested by: @royisrandom
The Request:
Hey it's been a while since I requested something and I hope you're feeling better :). Could I request a platonic comfort Davy Jones x reader where the reader is being comforted by Davy Jones. I'll leave it up to you for the details. No rush! :)
Despite Davy Jones being heartless and cruel, he had some sort of a soft spot for you and for you only.
Davy didn’t show it though, as he wanted to keep his reputation at stake of being the cruel, heartless creature to ever walk the grounds, or sail the seas. How you ended up on the Dutchman was quite a story, insane would be how others describe it once they hear it, after hearing you telling them that you are the only loving person having to end up onboard.
You had gone with Will Turner to help retrieve the key to the chest that contained the heart of Davy Jones. It all started with a game of Liar’s Dice and just like any fool would do, Will made the move to challenge a round with Davy Jones. Just like Bootstrap Bill, you instantly protested against it, but there was no way of having him reconsider what the hell it was that Will Turner had in mind.
“I challenge Davy Jones.” Will said, you and Bootstrap Bill quickly turn to face him.
“You idiot! Now why-“ You were interrupted by a thud coming from above your heads.
That causing you and everyone to look above and around themselves as Will Turner whispered in your ear the reasoning for his part in the game.
Davy Jones appears.
“I accept. The stakes?”
“My soul. An eternity of servitude.”
Your breath hitched in your throat as he says this, than you slightly nudge him.
“Will, come on! Don’t be stupid!” You say, as Bootstrap hisses out a single word.
But the game continues and you could do nothing but watch it as it was happening.
“I want this.”
Will Turner than shows Davy the picture Jack gave him of the key to the chest which again, contained Davy Jones heart.
You watch Davy’s face contorted to limited annoyance before he asked about knowing of the key. As he does so, you could feel the anxiety prick at your heart as you waited Will to give details.
“How do you know of the key?”
“That’s not part of the game is it? You can still walk away.”
Davy slowly sat down opposite of Will Turner, which showed he accepts Will’s challenge. You watch and stare as Davy pulled out the key from under his tentacles for everyone to see before putting it back under.
While the game was about ready to begin, you could see Bootstrap Bill urging to wheeze himself into the game, but you put a stop to it by suddenly beginning to join the game yourself. It wasn’t hard to tell that seemed to make Davy’s anger grow as he barks at you about it.
“What’s this?!”
“I’m in with a matching wager. I bid three twos. It’s your bid… captain.”
“Four fours.”
Laughter could be heard from the crew surrounding outside the game.
“Four fives.”
“Six threes.”
“Seven fives.”
“Eight fives.”
Davy chuckles as he said the dreaded words.
“Welcome to the crew, lad.”
“Twelve fives.” You had said too hurriedly before foolishly continuing.
“Call me a liar up the bid.”
“And be called a liar myself for any trouble?”
Davy looked at your fives before slamming down the cup saying
“Miss. (L/n) you are a liar and you will spend an eternity on this ship. Master Turner, feel free to go ashore… the very next time we make port.”
The crew began cackling with laughter as nothing is said to Bootstrap Bill.
Later on in the evening, Will returns and had the key around his neck as you continue to help him escape.
During the escape plan, Will was just as confused as anyone would be when after you announced to him you’d be staying behind. He didn’t understand why, and quite frankly, neither did you. Something was holding you back and you didn’t know what, and maybe you did but didn’t want to admit it. But it was in your heart that helped you to see the light in the truth that you were staying behind for Davy Jones.
“Are you sure, (Y/n)?” Will asks.
“Yes. Positive.”
“There’s no way I can get you to change your mind?”
Just as Will was to go on, Bootstrap Bill shows up, handing something over to Will. Getting a closer look to it, you realized it was his Knife.
“Here, take this. Get yourself on land and stay there, it was always in my blood to die at sea. It’s not a fate I ever wanted for you.” Bootstrap declared.
You watch as Bootstrap handed Will his knife, than he turns to you with a stern look on his face.
“It’s not a fate you ever had to choose for yourself, either.”
“I know.” You simply said.
You’re suddenly embraced by Will as he promises that he will come back for you, asking you to be safe in the meantime.
“I will. Now go on before someone sees.”
You take one last look as Will rows away from the Dutchman and into the dark of night.
Ever since Will Turner had been of absence, Bootstrap looked after you.
Sometimes he was a hard case, but most of the time it happened as a front for the crew and captain, Davy Jones. Bootstrap couldn’t help but take notice Davy Jones has been keeping an eye on you and couldn’t figure out why. Until you had formed a bond with Davy, Bootstrap than understood.. it all became clear to him.
Wanting to keep your safety a priority, he didn’t say anything about you taking part of Will’s escape that night and it turned to be a blessing in disguise per say, as Davy ordered for you to be moved into his own quarters which would provide you more decent shelter of the ship then what the rest were getting. Things seemed to be going in your favor, until that awful night where you had to put yourself to work in the harsh winds and rainstorm. Quite a number of times did you slip on the wet and unforgiving floorboards of the Dutchman, that almost landed you overboard into the sea. One incident did occur when as you were carrying a heavy loaded bucket of water to throw back, you slipped once again and soon found yourself dangling over the side of the ship, calling out for help.
Your cries for help over the thunderous noise of the waves crashing have luckily been heard as you felt someone’s hands lifting you, hoisting you back onboard. Of course you knew it was Bootstrap Bill and with now knowing you’re back onboard, you allow yourself to pass out from exhaustion, but not without hearing your name being called.
“(Y/n)!” Davy shouts, seeing your limp figure.
Upon seeing your limp body, Davy was assuming the worst when Bootstrap gives him hope.
“She’s not dead, captain. Just passed out from exhaustion.”
“Take her to my quarters!” Davy barked.
Although you were still in the same drenched soaked clothing you had on when Bootstrap Bill rescued you from what your mind has told you from certain death, you don’t have any recollections of feeling so cold as the ocean’s waters that fateful stormy night where a dreadful temperature nearly matching the same of the bottom of the seabed.
You had woken in the captain’s quarters, and although your savior Bootstrap Bill was there, all you wanted was Davy Jones.
Little did you know, DavyJones was just right outside when he heard the sound of you gurgling, seemingly struggling to catch some air to breathe until you could at last. A silent sigh of relief left from him as he walked over to check on your well-being.
All Davy Jones truly wanted now was to provide some sort of comfort for you, although it was now just the two of you as Bootstrap Bill left to continue work upon orders. However, you still seemed to be struggling to breathe at a proper rhythm and as you do, Davy Jones was trying to figure out a way on how to help you, any Lille bit could save your life.
Davy than rushes over to you, reaching his more human hand out towards you, which you did take without hesitation. As you do that, he begins to speak on telling you what to do, and you so, you started feeling better little by little, and even comforted.
“Just breathe… breathe and everything’s going to be okay.” He tells you.
Though you shouldn’t believe him, you do. It was different being in his presence, yet comforting as you felt safe enough to allow your hand to continue to rest in one you were currently holding.
Weirdly enough, this brought you the kind of comfort that was enough to have you lean your head back onto the soft pillow beneath you while falling back asleep in the care and comfort of Davy Jones.
The man you would soon have fallen for, as he would you.
Before your lights went out for the next little while, Davy Jones didn’t let you go without a few more words left to say before you awake once again.
“Just rest. I’m here.”
And than…
“My heart will always belong to you. My heart is yours.”
Requests: OPEN
Tags: @royisrandom @always-on-hiatus @princessofthornsandroses @justafairytailofinnocence @marsswann @friendlynova @mypookiebeardavyjones @imalittleoutthere @personlovinganime
Characters list:
• Jack Sparrow
• Davy Jones
• Hector Barbossa
• Will Turner
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slxsher · 2 years
DBD!Wesker x Survivor!Reader - Favorite Obsession~18+
Warnings: fem insert, overstimulation, semi-oral fixation, slight dub-con, soft dom Wesker, tentacle time, mildly possessive, short fic and VERY self indulgent
Minors DNI, I will get you 🔪🔪🔪
I am not the best writer, enjoy☆
It was the way your jaw clenched that spurred him on, it threatening to slack with a choked whine as the onslaught of his tentacles slaved at your core. They were merciless, finding the sweet spot of your clit as the rest coiled within your cunt, pumping hard and slow as if hoping to break you at max volume. The pleasure burned, he could see it in the way your hips convulsed, your whines turning to pleas as you swallowed another cry. A wicked grin cracked from his lips, breaking his stoic visage as your image reflected onto his lenses. What a delicious sight to see, and to think he has you completely at his mercy.
You had been cornered, restricted thoughtfully by Uroboros to The Mastermind's amusement.
You were his last survivor.
A toy in the palm of his hands.
He could have unleashed his Momento Mori.
Infact, you Wished he did with the current situation at hand, as you were unable to grow accustomed to these new sensations. Or...So you forced yourself to think.
You felt cold leather gently grab you by the jaw, his fingers applying light pressure as he forced your eyes to look his way. You were burning up, drool threatening to spill as another tentacle teased your nerves senselessly. 'what a pitiful little thing' he thought, as if evaluating your reaction with slight disappointment.
"And here I thought you'd offer more of a fight, dear." His tone was clearly mocking you, his gaze still fixed at your pathetic state with amusement creeping underneath his façade. The slick tendrils were crawling everywhere now, a tickling, yet grimey sensation lingering as they inched every surface of your hot skin. You felt sick. You felt conflicted. You writhed, pursing your lips in protest as they blindly tried to find their way into your mouth.
A small click of Albert's tongue sounded, disappointed at this action.
"It's a bit late for that... I'm afraid you've already lost this battle, sweetheart. So, open up." He patronized.
You shook your head. Your mind hasn't broken yet, you've still got some fight left in you. That is, until you felt the onslaught suddenly retract from your core.
...Relief? Disappointment...? This definitely caught you off guard.
Your breath suddenly hitched, feeling a large tentacle force itself inside of you-- A window of opportunity for his thumb to catch your lower lip mid-yelp. He pryed it down, depressing your tongue as Uroboros emerged from his wrist to fill your mouth eagerly. You gagged as it wriggled up and down your throat, your breaths heavy in panic.
God, you were so easy to toy with. It was charming in a way, perhaps a silent reason he became so fixated with you these past few trials.
Your chest swelled, nearly suffocating before he decided to pull his hand away, allowing you to breath again. Your head hung low, shivering from the searing pleasure that was borderline painful at this rate. How you so badly wanted to come undone, yet embarrassment of caving in kept you alert and unable to. You grit your teeth, forcing down another moan as you felt your clit throb and burn from too much attention, your core stretched to its limits once again. You wanted to--No.. Needed to come so badly. He could see it in you already, as you were his favorite book to read.
"No need to delay the inevitable, dearheart.."
His fingers swiftly removed the shades from his eyes, tossing them aside as hot vermillion bore down into you with such a smug tone. How you melted under that gaze... Maybe you were insane. His presence lingered near your ear, cooing softly as you continued to ride out his abuse.
"Come for me.." It was more of an order, something that made your face burn hot with shame, the tension in your groin building, and building, and building, but...Nothing. You tried to hide your tears, but his hand found your face again. You audibly whimpered, barely squeaking out "I can't" as you were forced to look into his wicked gaze. He tasted your words, soon tasting your skin as he hungrily kissed down your neck. He could feel you tighten around his tentacles, such a delicious feeling as they pulsated fervently, prodding mercilessly into your gspot.
"You will." He crooned, before his teeth sank hotly into your flesh, gripping you close as Uroboros relentlessly made its home in your womb. You cried. You couldn't take it anymore. You felt yourself burst, body seizing up as white hot relief hit you like a tidal wave.
You came hard, coating his appendages with your gloss as your body quivered from such an intense release. The Mastermind was positively chuffed by such a visceral reaction, his fingers brushing your hair from your eyes, that stupid grin never leaving his face. 
"Such a good girl.." He sang, taking in your weakened, yet euphoric state. "That wasn't so hard, now was it?" You felt so heavy, gravity weighing down on you as he propped you up against his chest, gently stroking the back of your head rather possessively. You stared off into the distance as he continued to coo you, feeling yourself start to drift off into a deep sleep.
You were his favorite little toy in this realm.
His favorite Obsession.
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I’m only 18 and I’d love to be fucked dumb by tentacles, to be filled with some purplish cum in every hole possible in my body.
Clit? No problem, let me have those alien babies that will proudly pleasure their human mother later with the wiggling of their tentacles inside my womb.
Maybe my ass and throat? Lovely primal idea, especially when the eggs could be safe inside my stomach’s toxins, making be feel so full that I don’t need to eat for weeks.
Piss hole? I don’t mind, it won’t impregnate me that way — hopefully.
I won’t count my nose and ears into that - to be honest - would be simply too disgusting.
But, just imagine;
At least five tentacles, if not ten, springing from the shower drain when you’re on your knees — masturbating yourself to heaven as your parents are partying outside the house. Twirling around your legs, arms, and latching on them to the point of making purple marks on your skin. As if it marked its territory, owning you so any monster in this world would know that you’re belonging to the famous tentacle monster, as an cute little host for its eggs to lay and adorably grow inside your womb, for them to be later hatched and used as living masturbators.
Then, turning off the water that sprinkles down at you and the eldritch animal, shoving you out from underneath the shower cube and pushing your face down to the floor. Your ass all plump presenting proudly up to the slimy and aching tentacles, before it could’ve push harshly pump itself inside and slurp out your earlier spilled orgasms that left it’s trails inside you. Fucking you raw and making you choke on another tentacles that was supposed to make you go quiet once you both heard your parents coming back from the night party.
Those wet sounds filling the small and private bathroom. Cunt being so filled, as another tentacle swirls into your ass, immediately filling you up from behind with it’s sweet cum, hoping that’s the right hole which will let it breed you and lay its children. But no, it wasn’t the one. So the tentacles gave another try.
Letting their purplish cum spill into your mouth, gagging you cutely and making you swallow forcefully their insides — still, no luck. Ah, so the last two holes had left.
There’s no time, parents are going upstairs, asking if you’re alright since the noises from upon aren’t letting them sleep peacefully. The monster shoves its tentacle out of your mouth so you could answer with a quick and almost moaned “I’M FINE”, before it could release into your piss hole, deliciously making you drip with its seed. But it still wasn’t it.
Last hole, only hope for the wild animal to breed you and pass it’s genetics further. It was only a minute before it pushed its tentacles through your clit, cervix, and straight into your womb — your brain now dumb on it’s tentacles dripping and drilling into you. Tongue lolling out and salivating the floor, rolling your eyes into your skull, begging the monster with small breaths to breed you. And it finally did. One, two, three — it’s all done. You’re full of it’s eggs that will soon grow in matter of days, ready to hatch and please you once more after giving birth to them.
Sliding out of your every little aching hole and sliding back into the shower drain, made you only whimper for more. Feeling ten times heavier and more plump, sitting up in the floor that was now covered in the purple cum, your saliva and release —creating a beautiful painting of history.
Minutes after, sitting up and with each move making the cum drip out of your holes, you rubbed your lower belly — already feeling the little babies grow so fast…
Maybe it wasn’t as bad as you thought… parenthood… but instead of normal human babies… thousands of tentacles.
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cosmiccandydreamer · 4 months
Violent delights chapter 4!
✨ fixed the broken link so I had to re-up load✨
Do not move,” he says as you lay down against the soft pillows. “You trust me, yes?” He asked; you felt his long red claws make their way up your pants and begin to peel them off your body. Holy shit, I'm dreaming. Holy shit, you thought your blood felt electric you envisioned this moment so many times over and over, but for it to be happening, it felt unreal. Time felt too slow and sped up all at once. You felt a claw dig into the soft, meaty flesh of your inner thigh. “I asked you a question..” you looked down towards him now. His eyes targeted you, his breathing shallow, like a hungry animal about to strike his prey. Which you were; you were his prey, his prize. “Yes, yes, of course,” you answered with a shaky breath. “I'm excited to explore this with you, Alastor.”
He chuckled, his claws softly stroking your legs. “Excited isn't grandiose of a word to describe how I am feeling, my sugarpie; I worry about hurting you, as I mentioned before.” “No! No, don't worry,” you replied quicker than you intended, attempting to sit up. “don't worry about hurting me; I want you to hurt me,” he lifted an eyebrow. “ I want everything, every feeling.” that confirmation clicked something in his brain, and a shadow crossed over his face. “I will try not to lose complete control; I can't kill you.” A sinister smile crept along his face. “Lay back down, and don't get up again,” you obeyed, staring at the ceiling, trying to lower your heart rate. That's when you felt it.
His long, wet, thick tongue crawls up your leg ever so slowly with just the right amount of pressure. He hummed as he did this, like he was tasting the most delicious popsicle. Switching between legs, he licked until he stopped right before your panties. You gripped the blankets below you, your mouth felt parched, and you shuddered from the anticipation. Which didn't go unnoticed; he was taking notes of it all: every breath, every twitch, every eye flutter. He would study you, learn your body, and play it like the most skilled musician. Sex in itself was not something he was ever really interested in, but you learning, seeing as how he could create those different sounds, those different reactions. They stirred something in him.
His body wanted it, craved it. His soul craved it, and he understood now how this could drive souls crazy and why they would kill over it. He stretched his flexible neck upward to the elastic of the panties, lightly pressing his teeth into it. He pulls them down and quickly yanks them away from your body. You feel yourself stop breathing for a second. You want to sit up and see him, watch his moves, and begin to stir and sit up. “I said don't move,” he says, almost yelling at you. Before you can react, his black tentacles shoot from behind his back, wrapping your legs, arms, and waist. This should have scared you, but it did the opposite; it was exciting, as was the feeling of the surprisingly smooth and almost soft restraints. You arched your back, letting out a small moan. “Oh, you liked this too?” He thought, “Oh, this will be fun”.
He turned his attention back to your body, nuzzling his nose along your bikini line, when he got a devilish idea. He began licking all around your bikini line and abdominal area, purposely avoiding your vagina, the area he knew that you were waiting for. You twitched against his tentacles, curling your toes and lightly twisting your arms. “Al,” you whispered. A muffled “shhh” was hard from somewhere between your thighs. You knew this man liked to torture his victims, but this was too much.
As he nuzzled into your leg, he began growing his antlers slowly; when they reached the length he desired, he turned his head so the tips of them began lightly pressing onto your clit. A small gasp escaped you, music to his ears, and he felt his blood rush at your reaction. He turned his head, causing more pressure onto your clit, moving in circles now. “I thought you said,” you breathed out slowly, “you never made love in hell before as a…. As a demon”. “Indeed I haven't,” he answered in between small kisses and sucks to your leg, still moving his head against your clit ever so antagonizingly slow.
“ I tried to partake in sexual acts as I said when I was alive for appearance sake, but I have never made love before, and I have never partaken in the pleasure of the flesh in this way here in hell, at least ones that don't end up with them screaming, but I will make you scream another way” he lifted his antlers off your clit now hovering above your entrance “you will scream for me.” He turned his head again, this time slowly and gently pushing the tip of his antler into your vagina as he moved his head back and forth in and out.
You gripped the tentacles now back, arching once again. This was completely different than anything you've ever felt so intimate but so filthy and wrong, you wanted more. “Stick them in further, all, please.” He happily obliged, pushing them farther into you now his face rested on your vagina. “Such a beautiful sight. Is this meal for me?” “Yes, only for you, always for you” “hHmmm right answer, my good girl,” he stuck out his long tongue, licking from the base of your vagina close to the opening of your anus up to the top stopping at your clit before wiggling it pressing down and around. You still felt his antlers inside; they almost hurt. He had elongated them further, threatening to rip your entrance open, but you didn't care; you wiggled your hips slowly, feeling them slightly rubbing the inside of your walls, causing pressure and pulling. The pain only brought more pleasure.
Alastor was inside you; it was just a small part of him, but he was. His hands grabbed your waist right before where his tentacles were still holding you in place, the ones on your legs pulling them apart as far as they would go, allowing him more access. Even if it went no further, you would be happy. His touch felt warm and soft, inviting a stark contrast to the actions he was currently participating in.
You knew at that moment you would do whatever he wanted and allow whatever he wanted. Deal or no deal, you were his. “I feel you are soaking my antlers, darling; you like this, don't you, this pain, this helplessness.” He watched you now, eyes wide, teeth-baring. “Yes,” you closed your eyes, your mouth slightly open. “Yes, I do; I'm at your mercy, Alastor,” you moaned his name, biting your lower lip. You felt his hands tighten on your waist. “so he liked praise? Shouldn't be surprised this man runs off his ego being fed”. “You're my god, Alastor, my love, I belong to you” his ears twitched, and he looked up from his licking and prodding of your clit to listen. He suddenly pulled back his head, removing his antlers from inside you, his tentacles wrapping around your torso, pushing you up to look at him. He looked deranged, dangerous, and gorgeous; you saw him clearly; his composer and mask were slipping, and you were excited. “You mean this, yes?” He asked, his eye bearing into your face; he attempted to keep a smug, confident expression, but you saw it in his eyes: he was scared, scared if this went further with bodies and words he would not turn back he would not love another he would not allow himself this sacrifice of vulnerability. Unable to free yourself, you let yourself relax and be held up completely by the tentacles. “Yes,” you smile, “I want to trust only you, give myself to only you. Let me love you, Alastor. I want to feel you inside me, my body, my bones, my blood it's all for you it always has been”. He reached out a hand to lightly touch your face; you hummed and leaned into it. “I thought you said you did not want to be controlled.” a claw began to stroke your cheek lightly. “here I do, with you" you replied he wasn't looking at you, no. He was looking through you behind you as if he couldn't believe this was real. This was happening. “Use me,” his eyes snapped to you, now claws now gripping your face. “say that again,” you smiled. “use me for whatever you desire. My body is yours; make me yours”. You pushed out your chest once again, arching your back. “Please” This pouting, whining, pathetic sound pushed him over the edge; his tentacles spun you around, pressing you onto the bed, another pulling your ass up into the air. Freeing your hands, Use you; you said, oh, he was going to use you; every hole now was his, every sound was his breath, and he wanted to see the limits of your body and mind.
He was going to take his time. He was going to enjoy this. He wanted to explore every inch of your inside and out. You felt his large hands grab both sides of your asshole and pull them apart roughly, his tongue once again licking the entire slit of your vagina before roughly shoving it inside the flexible and long nature that allowed it to curve into every corner. You were moaning and trashing as he traveled up to your ass. He began to kick your asshole, the tip of his tongue swirling and prodding. “This is the greatest moment of my life,” you moan. He then flips you over, drinking in the ecstasy of your face; it fuels him. “Look at me,” he growls, his mouth parted, and drool begins falling down his chin. He's panting like a dog in heat.
You half hear him, and your ears are ringing from the sensation of his touch. He wraps his hand around your throat, claws digging in deep, close to breaking the skin. You giggle, smiling up at him, clearly aroused by the pressure. “I could,” he leans closer to you now, his nose brushing against yours, “snap your neck as quick as a snap of my finger if I wanted to.” he pulls back to look at you. You're looking into his eyes with lust-blown pupils; he's never seen you this way so euphoric. “Mmmmmm,” he grumbles, turning his head to the side. “oh my my my, you love this, don't you? This excites you.” you nod as much as you can. “Yes,” you squeeze out “god yes, oh my Alastor, please, I want, I need I.. I,” he chuckled,” I think I know what you want and what you need; he pulls you closer now, roughly sticking his fingers down your throat. “I believe you'd let me do whatever I want wouldn't you” you can't speak with his fingers down your throat. Still, you try and nod again sucking on his claws. He closes his eyes and sucks in air hissing “I will devour you every inch by inch” he opens his eyes now they are no longer the bright red they are darker maroon he pulls his fingers roughly out of your mouth before pushing them into you, he pulls you closer to his chest as he leans down to your ear. “you were made for me I believe” pulling out his fingers he sniffs them before sticking them back in your mouth. You like the taste of you off his claws, your eyes rolling back. He groans, tossing you on the bed. “you were made for me, too.” you respond. He looms over you but doesn't speak, just narrows his eyes all over your body, both his hands on the side of your head, his claws slowly growing. “you were made for me, Alastor. No one can satisfy my hunger like you” he spreads your legs now his tentacles have reappeared, his tongue is out he's drooling.
One of his tentacles begins to pump on his manhood; he's staring at you, head still turnt, panting over and over. He growls. Your hands find your breasts, and you squeeze them this site, causing his breathing to speed up. “Give me all of you,” you say. You move one of his claws around your lips; he's watching you silently, eyes following every moment. You lightly bite down on the claw with a small smile. You look down to see his member. Finally, you start to suck the claw while staring at it lightly; it's long and thick and reddish, veins prodding from it. “you see how I crave you,” he says, his voice barely audible over the deep static. “please Alastor” you wine “please give it to me” he pulls his hand away from your mouth and grips the blanket once again. His tentacle pumps a few more times before it places his cock at the entrance of you; he grips the blankets underneath his hands and begins to push into you slowly.
Fireworks are exploding in your Brain; there's no explanation for the sensation you feel. You felt him stretching every inch; his penis was warm, so warm, so soft. His eyes close, he curves his back inwards and pushes the rest into you. He doesn't move right away; his back is still curved, his eyes are closed, and his teeth are clenched. You loudly gasp, squeezing your eyes shut as the water from the feeling. There is no space left within you without him; you can feel him in your stomach and feel like you are on a rope linking you both somewhere between this world and the next.
This must be what heaven is supposed to feel like, you think. Alastor begins to pump lightly, his hips rocking with small, deep movements. His tail starts to wag, emitting a soft pap-pap pap sound. You open your eyes and look at him, concern crossing your face. He looks as if he's in pain, his back still curved, his eyes shut. “Al?” You begin to ask. Your moan cuts you off as he rocks his hips again, now still excruciatingly slow but deeper every rock. He pushes and waits a few seconds before rolling it back out.
He's still gripping the blanket as his claws grow and dig into the mattress. Before you can speak, he jerks his head up, and his eyes spring open, black as the night sky. His antlers shoot out quickly, growing with every second his neck stretches, and green light behind to glow from him. His demon form was beautiful, maybe not to anyone but you, but you found it breathtaking and completely arousing. He's not looking at you. He's staring upward, breathing heavily. “Beautiful,” you whispered. His head snaps back to look at you. He feels your vagina clench around him. “You do not fear me? Even now?” “No!” You shake your head. “no!” His tentacles whip back and forth wildly behind him; you reach for one, kissing the tip and rubbing it against your cheek. “you're breathtaking” he crans his now enlonged neck closer to your face. “I struggle…. With my composure, for you see.” his long tongue licks your neck towards your face, and you moan at the feeling parting your mouth slightly. Despite him saying he was losing control, he seemed more calculated and sinister than ever.
He pushes his long tongue into your mouth now as you gasp in surprise. He pulls back from you before pushing in hard and deep. He repeats it repeatedly, gripping your face so you don't pull away. He feels how wet you are, juices squirting and running down his abdomen. His tongue continues to explore your mouth as you use yours to meet his, running It over his large one, the hand that is still holding your neck pressing tighter one claw right above your jugular vein. He pulls out his tongue, “I want to taste more of you; I remember you told me once your neck was sensitive.” you understand what he means, and you nod, pressing the claw into your neck with your hand. “drink from me, Alastor.” With a quick and powerful swipe, he cuts a clean deep line on the side of your neck It only hurts for a moment. The pleasure overtook any discomfort, his other hand gripping your hair, now pushing you towards him. He has you locked one hand on your neck. One hand in your hair. He presses onto your bleeding wound sucking and licking.
He's growling and grunting. He starts to pump into you feverishly. He feels you clench around him and your moans filling the air. It's the most beautiful symphony. This is the most intense pleasure he's ever experienced. Your walls feel like home, soft and inviting, and his whole body is on fire. Every inch of his penis is tingling. He finally pulls back and smiles, blood over his teeth and gums. You're a bit lightheaded from the blood loss, but the feeling of pleasure has overtaken you. He takes the hand that was on your neck and brings it to his face, smearing the blood all over his chin and neck. “our bodies,” he's smearing the blood farther now down his chest. “come and go but this blood is forever.” It's the single most erotic moment of your life; he truly looks like a god. “Please let me taste you too, please,” you beg, batting your eyelashes and looking up at him. He looks down at you now, chest heaving from his short, shallow breaths. “You wish to taste me?” He's taken aback at the boldness of your statement. He freezes. This would be the most intimate thing he'd ever done, but the idea of you drinking his blood aroused him deep In his core. He lifts his wrist to your mouth, slicing the skin quickly before pushing it. You grip his wrist sucking and licking the open wound. His blood is salty and metallic but also bittersweet, musty, and Smokey.
You close your eyes and moan, sucking harder now on his wrist, lapping up all the blood you can. He moans he feels his penis twitch from the feeling. He begins to pump into you again. One hand bracing the bed and one on your mouth as you suck harder and harder on his wrist. The smell of his blood. Your blood, the juices from both your sexes, it's intoxicating. “Yes, yes, drunk from me.” he begins to feel dizzy and sluggish. He pulls his wrist away and kisses you hungrily on the mouth again as he pumps into you harder and faster. You reach to find his antlers holding onto them at the base. You feel the slippery remnants of your juices on them still. It makes you clench. The depravity was too much. It was disgusting, filthy, and wrong, and you wanted more. You never wanted it to stop. He then violently shoves his claws into the walls in front of him, causing large holes, but he doesn't stop he holds onto the walls, pumping into you faster and harder; you wrap your legs around him and lift your arms with your hands fisted, hoping he understood, he did his tentacles shoot up locking them in place, two more slink up and squeezing your breasts. Another crawling up between your butt cheeks and slowly pushing their way inside. You gasp and squeak. A silent scream forms in your throat. A wide grin stretches across his face. “I told you I would make …. You scream” he then shoves the tentacle deep into your ass, pushing you over the edge. You moan and scream, throwing your head back, tears bursting from your eyes. His smile has now curved upward so large it dares to rip his face. He's pumping harder now, faster. He's grunting and hissing. Pieces of the wall fall around you, but neither care; he's pumping his tentacle in and out of your ass roughly and quickly.y “You're gonna make me…. Make me cum” you managed to somehow get out between the screens and moans and gasps. “Do it,” he says, struggling to talk. “do it for me. I command it soaks my skin with your juices, my love.” “oOh I love you, Alastor. Oh God, I love you,” you chant over and over. Your ears begin ringing as you feel your body begin to shake, and your orgasm rips through you. You're panting heavily. You can't catch your breath. 1. 2. 3. It all squeezes out of you while squirting your water everywhere. You're shaking his grip on you tighter. “that's it, sweetheart, let it go. Let me take care of you.”
He's close behind you, struggling to keep pace. “Cum in me, Alastor, please” he looks down at you meeting your eyes. “I want to feel your hot sticky cum coat my walls; please fill me up,” he growls louder now, pumping so hard you're bouncing up and down the bed; your vagina is on fire, feeling like it's about to be ripped in half, but you love it you want it. With a loud grunt and moan, the most amazing sound you've ever heard, his ears flatten down on his head, and he pulls his claws down the wall, leaning behind deep gashes. You feel his cum filling you up; you feel it is leaking out around his throbbing member still inside you. He's still holding onto the wall, breathing heavily, his size starting to decrease, horns, neck claws. “I want to taste it,” you tell him attempting to stick a finger in the pool of cum that has formed under your pussy. He grabs your hand, stopping you before quickly pulling out and centering himself between your legs. “Let me feed you,” he says; you're confused only for a second before you gasp, throwing your head back as he laps up the cum from you both into his mouth. The overestimation is too much. You're overwhelmed by pleasure. You're seeing stars. “Alastor I.” before you can finish that sentence, he's lips are on your tongue, pushing past your teeth to widen your mouth. He pulls back and takes two fingers to squeeze your mouth into an O shape before spitting the cum from you and him into your mouth. You're shocked but not disgusted. He smiles, his face smeared with dried blood and both of your juices. “Taste us, my darling,” he says, licking the dripping off your lips as you swallow.
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rainbowolfe · 1 year
Kallamar Dialogue Analysis
I might be crazy, but I think there's another character at play hiding in plain sight.
Sorry for the lack of screenshots, I'd have to start a new save to get most of them, but this document contains all the dialogue from the base game (and then some) with the text effects preserved. Maybe I'll add pictures in at a later date. Anyways,
While the same probably can't be said for other Bishops, Kallamar is very particular when he speaks about Narinder and the Red Crown. The Red Crown is it/its, Narinder is he/him. And he clearly talks about them as separate beings.
"Shamura, the Red Crown grows stronger by the day. Already it has succeeded where he has failed before. Leshy has been slain!" "He has sent many vessels like you. One after the other, they all fall." "And he sends you back from death stronger each time." "Kill Shamura, but do not send me to my death. Do not send me to him!"
Two of these he/hims are not like the others.
And the reason this even catches my attention is because of Him. As in, His Infernal Majesty (HIM) from Powerpuff Girls. A plain old 'him' could be referring to anyone, but Him meant specifically that character.
Kallamar has lots of other dialogue speaking about Narinder, and he doesn't use that emphasis. In fact, the only time Narinder receives an emphasized 'him' is from Leshy, but it's red.
"You may think yourself righteous in your service to HIM."
So. There's another him causing problems for the Bishops that isn't Narinder. Need more proof?
The thing is, Narinder never tried to kill Leshy, so he couldn't have failed at it. He wounded him and Kallamar, but those weren't lethal strikes. Those two don't see what he did as an attempt on their lives either.
"But when dear brother Narinder struck us in his fury, my eyes were torn from the socket." "[...] my handsome ear, unfairly taken by Narinder."
So, who tried and failed to slay Leshy? A previous vessel maybe? It may have been a previous member of the Old Faith. Or maybe even the proper Red Crown bearer before Narinder. Whoever it is, Kallamar doesn't want to have to face him in death. But the thing is.
Narinder is in the Realm Beyond. The Bishops get sent to Purgatory. The Bishops most likely never crossed his path. The only reason Lamb ends up on Narinder's doorstep is because they were sacrificed on a pentagram. He may be chained away, but that symbol is still connected to him as much as it's connected to the Bishops. Not to mention, Narinder is clearly still very attached to Shamura, as mad as he is at them. He wouldn't watch them die, but he'd torture them in Purgatory?
By the way, someone is definitely actively torturing the Bishops in Purgatory. Purgatory is a place where souls go to be punished so they can (potentially) be released into the next life, which is what's happening every time Lamb 'kills' someone in there. But there's a stark contrast between how the Bishops look and how everyone else looks. Even though their mini-bosses and Witnesses look more monstrous, none of them are sustaining injuries.
Perhaps the reason the other realms are being affected isn't just because the Bishops are in Purgatory, but because they're in Purgatory with someone who's absolutely pissed with them.
Shamura knows the Bishops are bound for Purgatory. More on that in a different post. Kallamar most likely knows too, hence his fear of dying. These two are the most "aware" when they're in their Purged state, and Kallamar may even be more aware than Shamura. Everyone seems to be fighting an illusion of Lamb while the actual culprit beats their ass and tears them apart. Except Kallamar. Kallamar has to be able to see the true attacker (at least sometimes) because he's gained items from the new environment: the tooth of a beast, and a tentacle impaled on a stick.
"Free me! Let me out!" "Stay back! Stay away! Mercy, Red Crown, mercy..."
In the first quote, Kallamar knows that either Narinder or Lamb is listening at that moment. And he demands their help. When Lamb does finally come to help him, he says the second quote. Which wouldn't make any sense, right? He requests their presence and then tells them to stay away.
Unless, of course, he's not begging Narinder or Lamb for mercy. He's begging a past Red Crown user, whose name he doesn't know, but whose face he does.
Or, OR. The Red Crown itself.
Though this is a Kallamar dialogue analysis, this quote from Shamura is relevant:
"I envy you not. While you may yet kill me, still I would not trade places."
What is so bad about the role Lamb plays in all of this? There are three paths for Lamb: 1) They die, 2) They die and are tortured until Narinder gets it out of his system, 3) They ascend as the new God of Death. The first two apply to Shamura as-is. So there has to be some type of baggage associated with the Red Crown or being the God of Death that Shamura would rather die than deal with.
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marshmallowsqoosh · 1 year
[Sleep Token (Band) | Half Blind (WIP)]
I started this a while ago to deal with some life things but... I’m not entirely sure I’m gonna finish it? Anyways, here’s a 2k porn with plot/feels set up that I may or may not finish but I desperately wanted to say thank you to the Sleep Token fandom for being so lovely I’m just a really slow writer and life keeps Life’ing [sob]
Fandom: Sleep Token Title: Half Blind Rating: will eventually be Mature; this is mostly just 16+ CW: Concert shenanigans that lead to sex back at the hotel Lesser Warnings: Altered Physical State (Sleep gives His vessels gifts that cause mutations that they can mostly usually hide; II has multiple limbs and chelicerea (do not google that if you have arachnophobia, it’s a spider’s jaw),  Sleep is chill/supportive, Sleep is an eldritch horror that exists in an alternate plane of existence and manifests as tentacles to His vessels, Vessel is Sleep’s host, Not Beta’d, Incomplete
Summary: This is 2000% just my excuse to write III being a little bit of a brat and Vessel being exasperated with him. (aka my bestest enabler sent me a video of Granite live and III yelling Give it to me! right before the breakdown and it did things to me)
extras. Status: incomplete word count. ~1997
Give it to me!
One of the simplest collection of words. They stick to Vessel for the rest of the performance—well after they've closed out and returned to the hotel. He genuinely wants nothing more than to drag III back to their room—suddenly understands why they doubled up instead of all four of them just sharing a room—but II stops him, making sleepy, half-hearted grabby hands at his back.
"Ves… sleepy kiss." II's barely standing. IV catches him by putting a hand on his shoulder when he sways and Vessel just sighs. It… was a more intense worship than usual. The crowds are growing, the stage is growing but it's still suffocating and hot in the flashing lights and too many bodies in a room.
He doesn't get a chance to confirm he hears the request, though; instead he's fighting down a pleased shudder and moan when III presses up to his back, dragging a hand up from the dip in his back to his shoulders with one hand, while his other arm hangs over Vessel's shoulder, mostly harmless.
Mostly, only because he's using it as an excuse to press his hand flat to Vessel's chest, fingers curling a little and tapping against the exposed flesh.
"Think we all earned sleepy kisses, yeah, Ves?"
He's grateful Sleep manifesting is enough to cover the small moan in his throat; the rift forming on his back always feels weird enough without III being flush against him… and then he just feels weirdly cold when the bassist backs up just enough that two of Sleep's appendages can wriggle out of their plane of existence, eagerly moving around Vessel so He can tap the tip of one tentacle, gently, to II's forehead before trailing down the the side of his face and resting on his cheek. The other one presents to IV, waiting for permission—permission eagerly granted, by IV extending the hand not keeping II steady on his feet—and coiling around the extended arm until the tip can press gently to IV's cheek in the same manner.
You all did so marvelous tonight.
Sleep's voice is always… stronger after performances. It makes Vessel's ears ring and his head pounds a little, like he's knocked back too many shots at once, and he squeezes his eyes shut against the sensation. He feels III's hands resting on his hips, thumbs tracing gentle patterns into his back to distract him without getting closer and trapping Sleep.
My apologies, Vessel. You all must be very tired; please, rest, my devoted. Rest and let your bodies and mind heal in the afterglow of worship.
It's only when he feels a gentle tap of one of Sleep's tentacles against his back that he even realises a third one had been coiled around III the entire time. II nearly falls forward, trying to follow as the tentacle withdraws and IV's turned his hand upright so that the one around his arm drags across his palm in the process of returning to Vessel. They both look pleased and more tired than they did a moment ago.
That extends to you and III, as well, Vessel. I know you wish to lavish your praise unto III, but do not neglect yourself. I would greatly prefer both of you in good health, come morning.
Not for the first time, Vessel finds himself grateful for his mask and keeping his hood drawn up, as he feels a flustered heat spread up from his neck to the tips of his ears and try to move across his cheeks. He manages to catch III by the wrist before he gets too far away, hastily clearing his throat and hoping he doesn't sound like he's in too much of a hurry.
"Sleep extends His wishes for rest once more. We'll see you both in the morning. A word, first, if you don't mind, III."
He can tell the bassist is grinning at his back and can see him waving at the other two as he's pulled along. He doesn't bother looking back to see if II and IV go to their room or even really try to remember how close the rooms are. He knows their room and simply pulls III along until the door clicks shut and locked behind them.
IV blinks, slowly, and lets his attention stray down to II after a long moment of simply standing in the hallway. II sways a little on his feet, clearly already asleep and starting to lose the ability to hide his Gifts from Sleep as he yawns, wide, behind his mask and the chelicerae try to stretch out and puncture through his mask. His robe flutters a little to accommodate the manifestation of more of his arms and that's what finally gets IV to pick him up so they can relocate before they get found out.
"Ves knows we know they're fuckin', right?" Maybe he's just missed something about the pair, but it's always odd that they try to cover up what they're doing when… he's pretty sure everyone knows.
"Let him have this, IV." II slumps over his shoulder, two arms over each shoulder and a third set, along with his legs, curled around the guitarist's torso like he's trying to become a koala. He still sounds pleased and mostly asleep. "It makes Ves feel better and honestly… I think III gets off on it."
That… does actually make sense. It would definitely explain some of his behaviour on stage—not Sugar. They all talked about that before it was officially implemented; but, the… relatively new desire to engage the crowd with what should be innocent enough rallying of the audience. Except everyone else on stage knows he's doing his absolute damnedest to get a rise out of Vessel—between trying to get him to laugh and keep him from being too anxious on stage, III's also taken to being a borderline menace, sometimes.
But, that's quickly the last thing on IV's mind, as he gently kicks the door to his and II's room shut and he realises whoever goes through the process of booking them rooms made a very pointed effort to put a few rooms between them and shuffled Vessel and III off to a corner where they hopefully won't disturb anyone. ... A gratitude sadly short-lived as his entire focus is soon on trying to figure out how he gets out of the trap of II having fallen asleep with a death grip around him and resigning himself, fairly quick, to the fact this is just going to be how he ends up sleeping tonight and trying to find a comfortable way to lie down.
III laughs when Vessel pushes the door shut behind them and barely waits long enough for the man to ensure the door is locked before III pushes him against the door, hands on either side of his neck and fingers tapping a gentle rhythm against his jaw beneath the edge of his mask.
"A word, huh?" He feels a shudder go up his spine when Vessel's fingers slip under the bottom of his mask, pulling the fabric to pull III's face close enough that they're barely centimeters apart. A brush of lips against his just ends in a whine building in his throat as the mask stops him from seeking out more.
"Patience." Vessel's voice is low. Even pushed against the door, he doesn't buckle under the whining and friction as III tries to get his way by pressing as close as he possibly can. He pulls at III's mask again, gentlylifting it off his head and making sure it's folded into his pocket before he runs his hands back through III's hair, mindful of his rings, even as he knots his fingers in the ends. "You've been… so patient already. Just a bit longer."
III's head tilts a little to follow the hands in his hair—a gentle pull, a pleasant sensation—and swallows, hard, when it exposes his throat. Vessel's mask is cold against flushed skin and he makes a pitched keening noise when he feels teeth graze the hollow of his neck and up over his Adam's apple.
"On the bed." Vessel releases him and makes a gesture back towards the bed. It takes III a few seconds to get his bearings, to actually process the order. Vessel waits, patiently, even when III swears he hears the man stifling a laugh as the bassist nearly trips over himself in his attempt to turn and navigate the room. He starts to turn again, so he can sit, and ends up freezing when Vessel's suddenly at his back, breath warm on his neck and eliciting another shudder of anticipation. "Lie on your front for me."
He doesn't… really have a reason to argue. A selfish one, perhaps; but, not… really. He might be able to turn over later, so for now he simply obeys and carefully toes his shoes off without untying them—nudging them under the bed in the process—and crawls onto the bed, trying to center himself, and pulls a pillow under his chest as he lies down. Low enough he can kick his feet, a little, off the end of the bed. His attention perks a little bit when he sees Vessel set his mask on the room's desk and his robe is laid across its chair. The gentle clink of all of his necklaces being taken off and set on the desk, as well, is almost enough to lull III to sleep. Always something soothing watching Vessel shed his clothes, like peeling away the layers he used to hide himself from people, even when it was something as simple as his boots or jewelry.
Almost enough. He's alert again, the second Vessel crawls onto the bed over him, leaning down to kiss his shoulders and neck. III manages to reach back, fingers curling into Vessel's hair to hold him in place, a quiet moan escaping as he resists the urge to arch up into the singer's body.
"Ffffuck… c'mon, Ves. Said yourself I been patient, yeah? C'mon… give it to me." The words come out in a purr, still hopeful he'll get his way.
"You have been remarkably patient." Vessel's hand slips around III's neck, fingers curling gently to pull his head up and back, thumb pushing at his jaw, just enough to turn his head for a kiss without their masks in the way. A gentle kiss… that ends in Vessel biting at his lower lip—still gentle, but enough to jump all of III's senses—his voice lower than before. "And an absolute menace."
Okay, III might have been a little provocative on stage. On purpose. More than usual. Even during Sugar he may have dragged Vessel's hips against his a bit harder than they normally were, desperate for even a little bit of attention that he hasn't been able to get the past few nights.
Vessel releases him and pries, carefully, at III's hand so he releases Vessel, too, and pushes his hand flat to the bed. Both of Vessel's cover III's and he carefully rearranges himself so he's sitting across the small of III's back, pushing him into the mattress and pinning him there, in the process. III whines, desperately, and just does his best not to squirm and draw this out more than he knows it's going to be. A difficult enough task with how much he wants Vessel on a normal day… a few days of nothing but the touches on stage and just being able to feel Vessel's arousal through his jeans, just above III's waistband…
He manages to twist his fingers with Vessel's, the way his hands are covered, and tries to breathe a little slower, a little deeper, to keep from begging. He might be regretting letting his feet dangle, now that he can't get purchase to try wriggling himself free—well. He could. But it'd be easier if he were on the bed proper.
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