#did in like 20 mins while i waited for my code to run
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kokoasci · 11 months ago
mushi in ur style would blow my mind
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you know what. just for you rocketlauncher3000 i hope you enjoy 🫶
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bukunmiakintola20 · 3 years ago
ー(  ̄▽ )_皿Pub Night 🍻 (D)(G)
Hey cuties~
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On Tuesday my med class organized a pub night, and it was awesome ヽ(•̀ω•́ )ゝ✧ My roommate and I arrived around 10 minutes late, not because we intended to or anything but the pub was so difficult to find. Even when we got there, not many people had arrived yet so we sat at a table and waited. Most people didn’t get there until around 40-60 mins after the initial time agreed upon. Honestly, I wanted to arrive later too, but my roommate wanted to get there on time so that’s what we did¯_(ツ)_/¯
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I won’t lie, I was pretty f’n bored initially 눈_눈 since there was no one to talk to or the convo was just sorta stale for the first hour or so. I ordered a beer and finished it within like a hour which got me slightly buzzed but the convo was awkward and stale which weirdly sobered me back up almost completely. After that I wanted to go to the bathroom and I met a bunch of girls in there lmao 😂 . I then was going back to my table when more girls from a different table started talking to me lol. And then I went with those girls back to the bathroom and met even more people. On my way back I saw my roomie talking with a group of people so I went to talk to them and while we were standing about, the staff came around and told us that we had to go sit at a table. I then went back to the table I was originally at and we all sat there for a bit until the staff kicked us out 👀 Which was not surprising because I heard glasses breaking like every minute.
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As we left the pub, this weird dude came up to me and was like “Can I touch your hair.” I paused and looked at my roommate like wtf am I supposed to say to that. I answered kinda without really thinking “Yes” and then he touched my hair ☠️ That has to be a hate crime. At the bus stop a girl walked by me and I thought it was one of the girls that I had met at the pub but it wasn’t ☠️ ☠️Probably why she said hi as if she didn’t know who I was. Funny thing is that about 20 mins later, that girl and a couple more people from that pub came to that stop lol. I think I got back at 11ish? But I didn’t take photos of my hair and makeup so I spent like 30mins doing that. The next day I woke up late for my 8 am lecture and had to run to the building to get there in time. Anyways, you’re probably curious what I wore right? Alright, I geuss I could show you ¬‿¬
Pub Night Code
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Full Make + Accessories
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I was pretty content content with my makeup and outfit today(~‾⌣‾)~ If you couldn’t tell, I went with and old school gyaru vibe for my outfit and kuro gyaru type makeup which together would give a 90s gal cool vibe. Which I totally nailed. I’m still improving on doing this sort of makeup but it srsly looks good here.
Anyways that’s it for this post. I might do a life update about how I missed the med walk that was organized for today (no code, or make pics sry) if I feel motivated later. I’ll probably do a study stream later on YT as well, so if you gotta study too, we can do it together. Omg, like study buddies ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ That’s all for now.
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livingouttheworsttimeline · 4 years ago
Why am I so tired all the time?
4:30 am: youngest child wakes up after wetting the bed. change child, change bedsheets, replace drinks, turn night time music back on, convince youngest child that it is in fact still night time. Climb back into bed a 4:55.
5:00 am: eldest child comes to tell me that youngest child wants to play. I am aware, because I have heard her loudly declaring such since I left their room. Tell oldest child to go back to bed. Pray that, somehow, for the very first time, they will put themselves back to sleep. 
5:05 am: give up on hopeless prayers. Get up and take both children to the living room. Change the youngest into underwear. Log into tablets and override the “do not turn on until 6 am” setting. Wait for coffee to finish brewing.
5:23 am: extract self from underneath 2 children and a dog to pour first cup of coffee. It’s half caff, because spouse has a heart condition. Remind self that I can have several cups with impunity.
5:45 am: Eldest child is unhappy with the pre-made breakfast provided for him the night before. When asked what he would like to eat, he responds, “bacon, chinese food, or pizza.” Explain, again, that we need a variety of foods for our bodies to grow strong. Spend 15 minutes convincing him to eat $5 worth of blackberries as a compromise.
6:12 am: Finish 2nd cup of coffee, realize that eldest child’s night time pull up is overflowing with poop. Usher him to the bathroom for a bath. Feel humbled when I realize that I spent 10 years in grad school, and yet I am still reduced to wiping shit off another person. Calmly remind eldest child that he is capable of using the potty, and that I have confidence in him. 
6:30 am: Spouse awakes, complains that he slept poorly. Roll eyes and go back to drinking 3rd cup of coffee, in between being elbowed in the stomach and explaining that no, I do not know how to work the video game you just downloaded 15 seconds ago. Remind self that I am their physical and mental safe place, which is worth the literal bruises and mental stress. 
6:45 am: extract self from pile of children and dog by physically lifting each dependent off my lap. Verify that spouse is up for supervision duties, collect running clothes, and start treadmill.
6:47 am: stop treadmill because youngest child has entered the room and decided that I will not run today because it’s not fair. Remind self that arguing fairness with a 3 year old is the definition of futility. Gently remind her that I love her, she is a big girl, and she can play independently while I run. 
6:49 am: start treadmill again. Nagging calf pain seems to be back. Scale back workout, remind self that value of the run is not the distance. Do extra core workout to compensate.
7:30 am: shower. Mediate 2 sibling fights from shower. Fortunately, children are camped out in the bathroom with me, so I don’t have to leave a trail of water through the house to interact.
7:35 am: Marvel at the thought that spouse takes a 45 min shower. EVERY DAY. Note gratitude that I am working from home, and no longer have to style hair and makeup. 
7:36 am: Refill kid drink cups for the 3rd time today. Spend 30 minutes convincing, cajoling, and bribing kids to put on clean underwear. We no longer try for clothes. 
8:06 am: turn on work computer. Respond to a weekend full of emails. Handle 5 pressing tasks for side hustle, reasoning that if I get them out of the way, I can push the rest of that to do list to after working hours.
8:45 am: Answer persistent pounding on locked office door. refill drinks and provide snack. Reassure youngest child that mommy is still here, but she needs to work. 
9:03 am: debate whether going to the bathroom is worth leaving the office and the begging that ensues. Make wrong choice either way. 
9:15 am: morning meetings get shuffled later, because childless coworkers “are running late this morning.” Marvel at the concept of 9:15 am being early.
9:30 am: solid wall of meetings until noon. Update team on status at end of last week, despite not remembering what you just ate for breakfast. Realize that you haven’t eaten breakfast. Run training and introduction for new team member. You are the only woman on the team,  so you get do the training because “you’re so good at explaining things.” 
12:00 pm: Call youngest child’s preschool, make sure you can bring by her supplies and still adhere to Covid protocols. Preschool is also side hustle, so cram a parent and employee meeting into a single hour. Explain that new registration system will, in fact, be more efficient than old paper system. Remind preschool staff that we committed to going paperless. Make small talk with preschool teachers until the hour is up. Hop in the car and speed home.
1:00 pm: children adhere to my side the second I walk in the door. Spouse is in the shower. Children have eaten approximately 3 bites of their pb&j sandwiches, and demand different lunch. Remember that you have not eaten lunch yet. Refill drinks for 4th time, provide reasonable lunch alternatives. 
1:25 pm: Remember that you scheduled a meeting for 1:30, and. you need to be present. Calculate that extraction from children is not possible in 5 minutes, and take meeting with youngest child on lap. Despite having weaned 1.5 years ago, youngest child decides that you’re still nursing, and pulls down top on video call. Spend most of call switching on and off mute. Catch every 3rd word. 
1:45 pm: apologize to team, promise to reschedule a follow up with more focus. Hang up, extract youngest child’s arm from shirt. Refill drinks for the 5th time. Bribe children to get in bed for a nap with the promise of a visit to nana and pop this afternoon. 
1:48 pm: children’s beds have been stripped, due to accidents last night, but spouse “doesn’t know where the clean sheets are”, and so hasn’t remade beds. Children petition to nap on the floor. Explain floor is not comfortable. Find clean sheets, make 2 beds, take everyone to the potty, tuck both children in. 
2:20 pm: Realize that you have 40 minutes of actual work time left today, outside of meetings. Try to prioritize, with the knowledge that whatever you get done will not be enough. Deny request for drink refill.
3:00 pm: kick off afternoon meeting block. Try frantically to make the 40 minutes that you did get to work sound like a whole lot more. Wake children up during bathroom break so that they’ll be able to sleep tonight. Refill drinks for 5th time. 
3:45 pm: Curse the fact that youngest child has inherited your distaste for waking up. Gently coax her awake in between meetings.
4:00 pm: Wrap up last task from meetings, make list of all new tasks. Realize that today you have checked off one task, and received 7 new ones. Promise self that you’ll get your work laptop back out after the kids are in bed. Ignore the sense of despair that threatens to overtake you.
4:20 pm: Bribe children into putting on clothes with promise of fruit snacks at grandparent’s house. Feel mildly guilty as you put on your second round of workout gear. Load children in double jogging stroller, jog to grandparent’s house. 
5:00 pm: collect children to head home for dinner. 
5:10 pm: threaten no more fruit snacks if children don’t put on their shoes. Grandparents go get them more fruit snacks. 
5:23 pm: explain that the sun is going down in 24 minutes, and that we have to leave now to get home before it gets dark. Remember that time is immaterial. Wish for that blissful sense of ignorance.
5:37 pm: push 100 lbs of toddler and stroller up giant, hilly driveway. Spouse greets us with “what’s for dinner?” Politely remind him that he promised to plan and make dinner while we were gone. Grit teeth at his “I didn’t know what to make” response. Quickly run through available, easy, acceptable options and make dinner.
6:15 pm: serve dinner. Eat own dinner in 2.5 minutes, then spend rest of meal refilling drinks and plates, heating up or cooling down, and cajoling children to eat anything at all.
6:45 pm: Announce that tonight we don’t need to take a bath. Youngest child immediately melts down, because she wanted to take a bath. Eldest child melts down because, even thought he didn’t want to take a bath, he wanted to taunt his sister while she was in the bath. 
6:53 pm: Loose temper for 1st time today, scream that children need to brush their teeth. Step away to calm down. Spouse gets upset because “You can’t handle the children without yelling.” Bite tongue all the way through to avoid snarky reply.
7:10 pm: read 2 story books. Read one more. Explain again, that mommy cannot read anymore, and daddy will come read for a little while. Extract self from pile of children, and tuck both in. Hugs, kisses, and fist bumps. Twice. Then once more, after you’ve left the room.
7:15 pm: contemplate second shower. Decide that you didn’t really get that sweaty on the walk, and it’s not like you’re going out. Collapse on sofa with phone and mindless tv.
7:25 pm: spouse comes into the living room after harrowing duty of reading for 10 minutes. Hand over the remote, pull out side hustle lap top and finalize tasks for the day.
8:30 pm: remember that you promised to do main job work. Bring out that laptop to run some code while you continue side hustle work.
9:15 pm: Finish side hustle work, give up on main job work for the evening. Mentally apologize to team for not making more progress, promise to self that you’ll be more focused tomorrow.
9:30 pm: tell spouse that you need to go to bed. Endure his eye roll and disappointed face. Apologize for needing to go to sleep so early, and reassure him that you’re doing the best you can.
10:15 pm: eldest child has night terror. Comfort eldest child until he’s calm. Comfort youngest child, who is upset at brother’s screams. Realize that spouse is still watching tv in the living room while you comfort children. 
11:00 pm: listen to youngest child cry for 10 minutes until spouse begrudgingly tends to her. Remind self that it is not solely my job to comfort our children. Try to go back to sleep. 
3 am: eldest child wakes up with question about mushrooms that is vitally important. Answer to best of middle-of-the-night ability, acknowledge that you appreciate his curiosity, but that there are times when questions are not appropriate. Get him back to sleep.
4:30 am: youngest child wakes up.
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idkwhatimdoinghere89 · 5 years ago
Snow Day
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Elliot Alderson x Female reader 2,125 words Warnings: Marijuana use, Alcohol use, Mostly fluff, mild to moderate suggestive sexual situations. ***** Sunday, December 1 My phone buzzed.
"Im on my way"
Elliot lived about 10 mins from my apartment, so it normally wasnt a bad walk except tonight the snow was expected to total about 14" within the city. Snow wasnt my cup of tea but its one of those few things that made Elliot happy. Like a school boy who just learned he didnt have to go to school and would run outside to build a snowman or flop down and make snow angels and just rejoice in the cold flurries that floated around him, the flakes softly landing on the tip of his nose and quickly melting away.
"Okay, see you soon" I quickly typed before setting my phone down on the kitchen counter
I had just gotten home from work and all I could think about was cracking open a bottle of red and snuggling with my boyfriend on the couch under a big fluffy blanket, watching old movies as the snow came down, tommorow being a guaranteed snow day for us and all.
I changed into a warm, ribbed henley shirt and bulky grey sweatpants that im pretty sure belonged to Elliot that I had aquired.
'So much better' I thought to myself. I opened the linen closet in the hallway to retreive the blanket and tossed it into the dryer on high just to fluff and warm it up a little. I went to the bathroom to quickly brush my teeth and check my hair and face. A few minutes later I came out and grabbed a bottle of red from the wine rack on the counter when my phone buzzed.
"Hey, Im here." I grew slightly confused.
"Okay, come on up!" I responded.
"Will you come down and take a walk with me?"
My heart skipped a beat. Elliot was in a rough patch with his mental state, I knew this weather made him happy.. so I obliged. I loved him more than myself so, naturally, I would do anything to make him happy. Just to keep him like this. This was my Elliot.
"Sure just give me a minute, Ill be right down."
I ran to my room and grabbed a pair of jeans and a bulky hoodie and threw them on. I got to the front door and slipped on my boots as I grabbed my beanie and slipped my coat over the hoodie. I despised the cold and snow, but like I said before.. anything for him. I grabbed my keys and headed out to the elevator.
I walked out of the small lobby and saw Elliot standing right on the sidewalk near the edge of the street, hoodie off, face torwards the sky. It was unusual, normally he tries to blend into the concrete or the side of the buildings in this city but tonight his demeanor was so childlike, it made my heart melt. I opened the door and was met with a blast of arctic air that immediatley sent chills thru me. I shivered as I approached him. He turned just as I got to him.
"Hey" he smiled, that warm, happy, content smile that damn near took my breath away.
"What are ya doin out here? Having fun?" I teased with a smile as I leaned in to give him just a quick kiss, PDA not being his favorite thing.
As our lips pressed, he lingered a little bit longer by putting both his hands on my head, cradling my jaw lightly. We kissed lightly for another few seconds before he pulled back, my jaw still cradled, and he smiled once again. I could feel the pure bliss radiating off of him.
This is my Elliot.
He softly grabs my hand as he smiles down at me. And off we go.
We chatted about our weekend, I hadnt seen him in a couple days so I was really looking forward to seeing him tonight and just relaxing together. The snowfall was that very quiet, relaxing, almost eerie snowfall. It was bizzare for the city to be this quiet. Him and I just strolled hand in hand for a few blocks, taking our time, chatting and what not. That was when a gust blew by, stinging my skin. I flinch and squeeze my eyes shut in response.
"Jesus it got 20 degrees colder!" I laughed while in pain
"Aw, come on, lets head back." he said.
By the time we got back to the entrance to the apartment complex it really did feel like it dropped a substantial amount in temperature. We finally got to the front door to my apartment as I entered the code to unlock the door. I audibly shook the cold air from my body and dramatically shivered as we stood by the entryway, flopping our boots off. I headed to the thermostat to up the temperature.
"You are such a baby" Elliot teased me.
"Im sorry, you know I love being warm!" I immediatley responded.
I walked over to the fireplace in the living room, turning it on. It was a fake but it certainly was nice ambiance.
Elliot shrugged off his hoodie and hung it by my coat near the front door. He then promtly took his seat at his spot on the couch. Giving a light stretch, he extended his arms and folded them behind his head, leaning back, just staring blankly at the dark tv. I yanked the hoodie off the threw it over a barstool next to the counter.
"Hmm." I said loud enough to grab his attention.
He looks over at me, snapping out of whatever day dream he was in with the powered down tv.
"Whats wrong?" he asked curiously.
"I know how we can get a little warmer.." I said with a grin.
"Oh yeah? Hows that?" he asked with a slightly devilish grin.
I smiled and headed down the hallway torwards the bathroom. Pulling the shower curtain out of the way I began to run hot water in the tub. I grabbed some lavender bath melts from a glass jar on a shelf, plopping them into the steaming water. I grabbed a lighter from a drawer and lit some candles, illuminating the bathroom.
Before I knew it the tub was nearly full. I turned it off and dimmed the lights and I headed out to the living room where Elliot had seemingly resumed his daydreaming until he heard me and glanced over at me with a content smile on his face, fully knowing my intentions. I said nothing but extended out my hand to him. He softly grabbed it and followed me to the bathroom.
"Go ahead, Ill grab some towels." I said.
He obliged and pulled his shirt off, followed by his pants, and boxer breifs, tossing them in a pile. I grabbed them and threw them in the washer, starting a small express load immediatley. I came back into the bathroom a minute later where he was fully submerged with just his little head poking out from the bubbles.
"Youre too good to me." he said with the same smile that melted me.
"Well its pointless to get clean then put on dirty clothes again, babe." I lightly teased.
"Oh wait!" I said while running to my room. I returned a few seconds later with a freshly packed bowl I had prepped that morning, anticipating Elliots arrival. He hummed in approval at the sight of me holding the bowl. I handed it to him as he reached up, shaking any excess water from his hands. Taking a huge hit, slowly blowing the smoke outward. Setting the bowl on a nearby shelf.
His eyes began to scan my body. Clearly it was my turn to hop in.
I smiled lightly and pulled my shirt from my body, tossing it to the floor. I unhooked my bra and slowly slid it off, exposing my chest. I made eye contact with him as my hands went to my button on my jeans, I tilted my head down a little and my long, dark, tousled hair flopped delicatley just past my cheek, past my collarbone landing on my breast in the worlds most perfect timing. I smiled to him an innocent little grin as I pulled my jeans down along with my underwear. Standing fully and dragging my jeans with my foot to its designated pile. His eyes blinked softly, matching his sweet smile. He never once stared at any particular part of my body, just my face.
"Youre so beautiful." he nearly whispered. I shyly smiled back and slowly eased into the hot water.
A little time goes by as we laugh and joke around, taking turns taking a few hits off the bowl, talking to eachother about absolutley whatever as we faced eachother from opposite ends of the tub. My foot in his hand, as he rubbed it lightly.
"Thank you" he said after a solid minute of blissful silence.
"For what?" I asked curiously.
"For taking a walk with me. I know you dont exactly love the snow." he said.
"I dont mind as long as im with you, El." I said flashing a content smile. "..thanks for warming up with me." I continued.
He responded with another smile. A few minutes later, we decided pruning wasnt a cute look. We both got out and wrapped up immediatley in a couple huge fluffy towels.
"Im gonna throw your stuff in the dryer, in my top drawer theres a pair of breifs you left here a few weeks ago..." He nodded and went to my room.
I dried off completley before wrapping the towel around my body and walked over to switch his clothes. I threw the fluffy blanket on the couch, it was still nice and warm from being in the dryer. He emerged a minute later wearing nothing but a pair of black boxer breifs. I tried but failed miserably to hide my eyes as they scanned his toned chest and stomach. He practically frolicked by me and laid down on the couch, exhaling lightly as his body plopped down.
'Im gonna cuddle that so good tonight.' I thought to myself.
I went to my room and put on what I originally had on before I met him earlier in the tundra that was outside. Along with some thick fuzzy socks.
I came out and stopped to grab a couple glasses from the cabinet, using a corkscrew to open the bottle of wine I had selected earlier.
"You want some, baby?" I glanced over to him as he was staring out the huge window, watching the snow fall. TV still off. He looked so peaceful.
"Sure." he said, barely audible.
I smiled to myself and poured.
I set both glasses down on the coffee table and headed over to the window to get a glance outside. A very noticable amount of snow had fallen since we came up. I was snapped out of my observation when I heard his voice crack ever so subtly.. "come here.."
I looked over to him and was met with bright blue/green eyes. The flicker from the fireplace cast a beautiful reflection. I got lost in them as they were the most blissful Ive ever seen him look. I slowly walked to the couch and laid next to him and snuggled in, pulling the blanket over us. I positioned myself half on top, half off of him inward torwards the back of the couch with my hand resting on his bare chest, and my head nuzzled just under his shoulder. We decided on an old black and white movie.
About half way thru my eyes became heavy from the marijuana/red wine haze when I suddenly felt the heat that was his hand running up and down my back, under my shirt. As he ran his hand back down, it hugged my torso, running along my hip bone.
"Mmm.." I exhaled with a closed mouth. I nudged my head into him, lightly kissing the skin around his pec. I could tell he was awake by his breathing. His right hand gently covered mine that was resting on his chest, squeezing it lightly. I looked up to him to be met with half hooded eyes, as If he was already watching me. I reached over and pressed my lips against his. Reminicent of our kiss earlier, just.. way heavier. Way deeper. It was certainly getting warmer. His hand began to trail up my back once more, only on the downward stroke he reached in a little further. My hand now matching his movements as I softly stroked down his chest, then his stomach...
Our breathing slowed down, but I certainly began to wake up.
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sherlolly-siya · 5 years ago
Magnum P.I. S02xE18-20 spoilers and tidbits
I thought i’ll give a prologue first 😅 Remember i pet project where i was trying to decipher the episode names? yea i didn’t get very far on that.. but i have come to a conclusion, that each title is a convention for what the clients in that episode, and/or our P.I. is going through. Eg. S02xE16 : Farewell To Love
Episode starts with Gladys and Bert who had given up on love but eventually found it in one another. The fact that Gladys narrated this part makes it poetic in a sense that she was the one who had to say bid farewell to Bert.Then TC and Teresa, they found the one that they always loved. The one who made them happier, but TC had to let her go go, he bid farewell to his love, instead of ruining 3 lives.In the beginning of the episode, we see magnum all in for online dating, but after what happened with Dylan, we see him coming to an abrupt conclusion that online dating is just isn’t the thing for him, also adding to the fact, the girl who met through an app (Abby) had just recently broken off with him. So magnum kind of bid a metaphorical farewell to finding love online.
Spoilers for S02x18, S02x19 and S02x20 under the cut if you wish to continue. Warning: My rant got hella long, longer than i planned and there are lots of pics and links below. Thanks @maggiesoa​ and @lizzysfavs​ for providing some food for my thoughts  😊
So.. lets begin with S02x18 : A world of trouble I’m just grouping together the pics that I’ve found so far which seem to be related to episode 18: Perdy and Bobby discussed about having a scene together ignore jay’s comment here, I’m all for #TeamJin and I will riot if they ever kill him. I believe the episode starts with Jin, showing up at Robin’s nest, where he ends up in a situation where he has to change in magnum’s clothes (note the t-shirt magnum is ironing... (Edit: DIDN'T HAPPEN!!?? I MEAN!! This could have been cute.. didn't have to be a total BTS for once!!) Where we get this scene, All i can guess right now is that is a tab in Jin’s had, and he’s being a fair judge for miggy while they prepare for their visa interview, or he could be here with today’s case
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Which takes us to to the primary promo for 2x18, where they solve the case at hand. Now my guess is that the case doesnt take up entire 47 minutes, because this promo also exists. What this secondary promo also shows is them at a office(?) guessing visa or may be its a school where the current client works? where magnum/higgy blurts out that they’re marrying and some lady says that they don’t look like a couple. We also see Katsumoto warning Higgy about the consequences of marrying their business partner. (Edit: this did happen and fueled Higgy’s resolve to back out.. nothing wrong there..but as Jin said.. may it be with Magnum or TC, u’re still breaking the law Mrs. I can figure out how pretending with TC is going to get good results? if anything.. it only comes out of nowhere) I’m sensing a connection here again with the title of the episode: A world of trouble:  - The current client, the case was definitely given to them by some one else because they approach the lady coz Higgy says “You’re in trouble, we just want to help you.”, which means she might have refused help at one point. - Literally 2 people in a 2 min worth promo have commented on their wedding, does this not sound like trouble to you?
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When magnum is possibly heading out to go to La Mariana, (Edit: DING! DING! DING! This was indeed before the bar scene.. which kinda broke my heart.. but we’ll talk about that in detail later) she tells him that she’s reconsidered her decision that she will be marrying TC instead (which is weird, but for the sake of it, OK). Which also implies that she’s going to have a heart to heart with TC how she had one with Rick before in 2x13. (Edit: Umm.. i would have liked to hear the entire convo here.. but i guess its going to come back a flashback some day?) Magnum than heads to the bar, with Jin where he meets up with his friends and we get this, going by past experiences, this is going to be the last scene where he’s with his friends. Now what leaves me confused is this guy below, the one that magnum rescued and now has a food truck (Rem S1x01, they got him all the way from there now). He’s not listed for 2x18, but the actors caption says 2x18? So is he like the caterer for the wedding? (i thought kamekona was doing that?) or he’s there for entirely other reason?
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Now this all leads up to S02x19 :  May The Best One Win Again the title is the synopsis here,
Magnum and Higgins are each hired by a different spouse who are in the middle of a contentious divorce to dig up dirt on the other, and Thomas and Higgins soon find themselves competing over resources. 
But i don’t think them competing again each other is the only thing here, remember this gem from TV guide magazine? - Jay mentions there being an odd jealousy there, and there is something percolating between the duo which magnum doesn’t want to address just yet. I think the competition is not just between Magnum and Higgy, for magnum it is also between him and TC. May be he’ll be still trying to show her that he is the one she should be marrying, even if that’s fake.  - And for the implied element we also have this garage fight, where they’re up against “just one guy, but a very big guy”. This again i don’t think takes forever to solve since, there’s an upcoming wedding everyone has to attend, we’ve all seen the famous pics, but this:
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Him again!! And looks like he is in fact catering the event. Now since S02x19 and S02x20 are to be merged into one mega episode, lets slip into: S02x20 :  A Leopard on the Prowl 
Magnum and Higgins help Rick when his father figure, Icepick , just out of prison and battling terminal cancer, gets double crossed on one last score. Also, Magnum makes one last bold move to help Higgins stay in the country.
This is the rick centric episode the viewers were promised, Adding pics of Zac coz he looks great here:
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But do you see anything missing here? My sleep deprived brain does. Icepick seems to be have fallen pray to something on the run, nothing pre-planned, the guy has terminal cancer, he’s dying any day now, why would someone spend any time to plan something against him? (He’s probably going to die in this epi..he only had few months.. the article says “reluctantly try to help him” seriously guys why do you have to be reluctant? And below pic is probably of the same related fight scene Jay talked about in the TV guide snippet:
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And if the video Jay uploaded is even close to the actual scene, it could be because the guy hit Rick/Higgy and Magnum picked up another fight with him.. or that’s just for insta.. I’ll leave it open. There’s a fight scene with TC as well i suppose. Now what does the title have to do with the episode? Here’s my theory: - Remember Dr. Kim i already mentioned twice above. He’s gotta be here for more than just “catering the wedding”, magnum said he was a code breaker, he was mentioned in one of Robin’s books, he instantly identified the co-ordinates which Nuzzo left for Magnum, (which is duh!  u’re telling me that magnum was a navy SEAL and can read waves but cant piece together actual co-ordinates?!!). Magnum was kidnapped by Ivan’s people coz he needed something from him which was in the books, later Ivan had magnum delivered to himself on a secret mission of retrieving Hayek, who was a weapons dealer but he got away with drones instead.. I think this is all related somehow, there has to be something in this episode that points to this.. I thought may be its in Robin’s books.. but they have never mentioned the same book twice.. I’m still looking for answers though.. But going ahead, see this ,
“ Magnum makes one last bold move to help Higgins stay in the country.” “You see Higgins in a unexpected position, which magnum is very uncomfortable with and where he is not sure about his place”
Soo.. the wedding didn’t happen? So that’s not helping her stay in the country? 
It didn’t bother me much before.. but think about this, what if since the wedding plan backfired, she has to go back to London until her visa is renewed/reapplied for : an unexpected position since she has found something in Hawaii she doesn’t want to loose. Which leaves magnum as the in-charge of Robin’s nest and Zeus and Apollo and part of the deal [I can almost see my HC at the horizon]. An uncomfortable position where he has to manage the estate and the hounds of hell without his “professional better half”. I think there is a beach good-bye scene on this day, may be an actual hug between miggy? Supporting evidence as follows:
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Now the last attempt Magnum makes, does he offer her a job? Does he confess? But that wouldn’t automatically land her in an unexpected situation , that would be magnum putting her in that situation while being full aware of his position. I bet lenkov has got pretty good plan for this to play out. Now this doesn’t back up my crack where Higgins leaves, because
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This story was posted along with the one where magnum is boating.. so they’re probably from the same episode.. where the last ditch effort has paid off but Magnum and Higgins roles have now been shifted a little and lenkov’s quote makes sense “Nothing really changes”.. has anyone ne noticed that there are no Juliet pics from 2x20 yet? 
I cant wait to see that though.. and for a 100% i know there is a season 3, its a gut feeling i have. Thank you for stopping by.. sorry it was too long  😘
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xxairo-dev · 4 years ago
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So I started making a 2D pixel art game. Welcome to my new Dev blog!
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No official name, but the unofficial name is Bowfish.
(TLDR and Dev log with pretty gifs at bottom)
Hello internet, friends, and 2020 -- those of you that have been following me all this time know that I’ve been doing art for a loooong time. Even before I got into digital art in 2010, I’ve been drawing with paper and pencil for as long as I can remember and probably started playing video games right at the same time. For reference, my earliest memories of video games consist of Lemmings 3D on PS1, followed shortly by Rayman and Spyro the Dragon. 
I’m still a big Spyro fan, also pretty sure this is how I became obsessed with dragons in general. 
Science based dragon MMO girl, wherever you are -- I feel you, I am you.
Basically, I’ve been playing video games all my life (to the detriment of my parents) and I owe it to gaming for igniting my early artistic ambitions. In fact, I remember learning how to draw by copying the character art of Neopets and Sonic Advance before one day stumbling upon one of my dad’s Game Informer magazines and being blown away by the art that I saw in there (particularly the WoW art). I’m pretty sure that was when I was first introduced to Big Boy™ game art and instantly thought, “Whoa, I want to be able to draw like that”.
Later, when I got my first drawing tablet and started making digital art, it became “I want to draw for a video game”.
Even later, when I learned that being a video game artist was not a very realistic career path and opted to pursue a bachelors degree in biology instead of art, it became “I want to draw for a video game... on the side”.
Even later-er, when I got my degree in 2017 and started working full-time and realized that work saps you of all energy and motivation to work on projects at home, it became “I want to draw for a video game... some day”. 
Well, today here we are in 2020 amid the COVID-19 pandemic. In March, I got furloughed from my biology job due to the quarantine. I spent four months passing time, thinking that I’d go back to work soon. But by the end of July, I was at wit’s end of what to do with myself after getting burnt out on a number of hobbies, games, shows, books, etc. without spiraling into some very expensive hobbies (hello aquariums) with the money I wasn’t making. I badly needed to find something productive to do that I thought would also benefit me in the long run i.e. post-quarantine, and unfortunately I couldn’t work on wet lab techniques at home.
“Learn to code” is what my parents have said to me about a thousand times for the past 5 years. “Learn to code” is what I did try for about two weeks with Code Academy a few years ago before realizing that none of what I was learning was going to stick because I wasn’t programming in any part of my daily life. As a biologist, in evolution we like to call this “if you don’t use it, you lose it”. 
I know all too well about how coding is one of the best skills you can learn. However, I also know myself all too well to know that learning code for the sake of learning code wasn’t going to work for me. I wanted to wait to learn when the right situation presented itself, ideally when I would have an opportunity to use it almost every day at like a job or something.
Well, one of my good fellow artist (and biology) friends had recently taken the plunge into creating his first video game Meganura earlier in the year. I was (and still am) seriously -- and I cannot emphasize this enough -- impressed by his progress, dedication, and ability to learn coding for this game. Or more frankly, I was seriously impressed by his dedication and progress in to learning how to code for this game.
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Meganura in all it’s crispy pixel-y goodness. Man, my friends are talented.
I dwelled on this for a while. 
I always considered making a game to be out-of-reach because I absolutely could not muster up the motivation to learn a single drop of code without being paid to do so after 1) being beaten over the head by “learn how to code” for so long and 2) having already tried and given up in the past. 
But as it got harder to sleep well, eat well, and feel happy during the quarantine, I feel like I hit a rock bottom where I felt like if I didn’t make a big effort to find a new purpose, then I was probably going to become depressed. To preface this, I have experienced depression before, and ever since I got out it has been my goal in life to never experience it again. 
The only way I was going to survive this quarantine was to give myself a new “job”.
I already had a creative mind and the skills to create art and animations for a game. I already had a lifetime of game playing experience that had formed a detailed list of specific mechanics and visual details that I knew I wanted or didn’t want in a game. I already had an analytical and detail-oriented mind (thanks biology... or thanks videogames?) that liked to plan and build things. 
All it would take is just a little bit of code...
If you’ve read this far, thanks for listening and I hope some of you hear yourselves in my story.
I am just a daytime biologist and hobby digital artist with zero coding experience.
I’m extremely proud to say that since 07/29/20, I have been successfully developing and coding my own 2D pixel art video game in Unity and am in full swing!
This is the start of my dev blog, where I’ll be logging my progress and thoughts throughout this journey for like-minded and aspiring individuals. 
My Goals:
- To create everything from scratch -- art, scripts, etc.
- To create a game about bow hunting with intuitive drag/release controls
- To create a game that has cooking and campfires
- To create a game with pretty water graphics
- To create a game that has sushi and cats
- To have a playable demo by mid 2021 (my guess for the end of quarantine)
How I’ve been learning C#:
I have been following along with YouTube tutorials to create a base script and then looking up things in Unity’s scripting documentation to expand and modify my code to achieve exactly what I want. I’ve been learning C# and how to read documentation through almost entirely pattern recognition (e.g. mimicking and experimenting with code I’ve copied from tutorials and recognizing keywords in documentation) and turning to Google or my Tech Career Peers™ for help when I get stuck or to clarify things.
The key thing is that even after copying some code, I read the documentation and figure out how every line of code in my script works before moving on.
This is because after spending a few days of looking up YouTube tutorials, I realized there were no tutorials for the exact bow controls that I wanted. Instead, I ended up watching multiple tutorials and learned how all of their scripts worked before combining and modifying pieces together. Then, I started relying entirely on documentation to write lines of code. 
I don’t know how many original lines of code I’ve written so far, but there are so many now and I am so proud of all of them.
So anyway, here’s what’s happened over the past 2-3 weeks.
Dev Log:
- Came up with an idea for a game
- Installed Unity and started watching Unity tutorial videos
- Created water shader via shader graph (no coding required!)
- Created a basic background, player sprite, bow sprite, and arrow sprite in Photoshop
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- First time coding in C#
- Struggle to code in Notepad++, switched to Visual Studio Code
- Created physics based slingshot controls for the bow and arrow with a line renderer bowstring
- Colliders!
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- Unable to find a way to pull arrow back horizontally (-X) regardless of mouse Y movement (OnMouseDown)
- Decided that slingshot controls are for slingshots, not bows and arrows
- Scrapped physics based slingshot controls due to overcomplication (rip)
- Created new projectile based controls that still include drag/shoot physics
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- Limited rotation of the bow while aiming to max 45° and min -45°
- Developed distaste for vector algebra
- Made it so that if you don’t drag far enough, you won’t release an arrow
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- Created a trajectory line coming off the bow
- Made arrows fade away after colliding
- Created git repository to keep all project files backed up on github (Don’t wait to do this! Should’ve been done on day 1)
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- Added physics and collider to player
- Allow you to face and move left/right with the A and D keys + updated bow controls to match
- Created left/right movement while aiming + updated bow controls to match
- Created mouse drag line for development use
- Created waterline
- Made it so the bow resets to it’s default position if you haven’t used the bow for over 2 seconds
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- Updated Player sprite in Photoshop
- Obtained Asesprite
- Created walk animation
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- Created  bow walk, bow equip, and bow unequip animations
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Next Log
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purplefirekitty1 · 5 years ago
A Game of Love and Unexpected Turns
It was an average night in the Sanders house hold Patton having a conversation with deceit and Remy with Logan overseeing the conversation, while Virgil snuggled up to Roman wanting to sleep on him before Roman smiles and announce to the outher's that he would like to play a game of truth or dare. To why do you want to play Truth or Dare all of a suddenly Virgil asked, looking up at Roman questionly. I just thought it would be fun also I don't know that much about Remy and I would like to fix that. Ok kiddo but why truth or dare and not something like 20 questions Patton asked knowing there was a deeper reason as to why truth or dare specifically. I just thought it would be more fun for everyone else to play Truth or Dare Roman said quickly as if he had prepared a response before hand.ok then I have no objection as long as we try to remain a tad bit kosher Logan said knowing that if he didn't we would have someone playing 7 minutes in heaven though they probably change that to be 30 I can speak for myself when I say I'm going to keep it as kosher as possible, teach Roman said confidently. I'm down to play Remy said a small jet loving smile plastered on his face. Deceit was the next to respond saying that he would be down to play but wanted to get sum hot cocoa mixed with coffee first. What an odd combination of drinks deceit thought if you don't mind I would love a cup of Coco as well Logan said as he turned to face the snake like side. No problem Logan, anyone else want anything deceit called from the kitchen. After about 20 minutes everyone had there drinks most had hot Coco except for Virgil,Deceit and Remy, Remy decided that he was going to get coffee while Virgil got a cup of tea with Passionflower, chamomile, lavender and catnip in it which he said helped him relax so no one minded the catnip. So who wants to start Roman asked eagerly. “I will,”Logan said to Roman's shock; he normally never goes first when they play truth or dare. ok that's new Roman said. I wanted to be a tad bit adventures so deceit truth or dare Logan said slyly. Truth I guess deceit said not knowing what to expect from the logical side. Ok then you've chosen wisely your truth is to tell us your sexuality Logan said with a smirk and turns to face Patton how was smiling his bright smile that makes Logan's heart melt. Ok that's not that bad I'm gay deceit states looking at Remy to see his reaction and to decets delight he was smiling. Ok my turn to ask humm how about Patton the cunning side smiled at his thought.I guess I'll pick dare the fatherly side said shaking a bit though not enough for anyone else to note. "Good choice my friend,I dare you to sing a Demi Lovato song to the group." The side of duality said eyes sparkling with happiness Can I sing this as a duet Patton said laced with fear. "You can, there's no problem" deceit said. Ok thanks Logan baby would you sing with me Patton said directing his attention to Logan. I will gladly sing with you me amor what song Logan said to Patton making microphones color coded for the two of them. I was thinking of the song Heart attack. Patton pulled out his phone and started the backing track. The boys Harmonized perfectly as if they had done this before. They hit the chorus when Patton got startled by two pairs of eyes staring at him from the hall and they weren't ones he recognized. Patton stood still trembling at what he sall.”Pops are you alright you trembling”. Roman says concerned , laced in his voice. Patton could bring himself to speak so he just pointed to the hall. Logan looks down the hall to see the eyes and he happens to recognize one of them. “Amy is that you,” Logan says, kinda shocked. “ Yes Logan it's me, it's been awhile since I saw you. You need to come visit more often,” Amy said coming into the room with a girl that looked like a demon. She had purple horns and splotches of purple all over her body. “Um do you two know each other?”Roman said looking at the two girls “Yes actually Logan and I met when he came to the psyche to see  the balance of  Thomas’s soul, im Amy by the way i'm Thomas’s femininity and this lovely lady is Lucia Thomas’s lust and i'm sorry if we scared you.” Amy said with an apologetic look on her face. “ It's no problem, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Patton. Would you like to join are game of truth or dare.” patton said excitedly. “I'm down, how about you Lucia? “ Amy said looking at Lucia ``I'm down to play but can I fix a cup of tea.” “ That's no problem, what kind of tea do you want? Virgil got up to go fix it.`` '' A Chamomile tea please and thank you.” Lucia smiled, she had finally found more people that accepted her and how she looked. “ Lucia her you go i'm virgil by the way” sh said handing her the cup of tea and smiling at her “ thank you virgil”  she smiled “ so it was patton's turn to ask in correct right” roman said “ Yep kido and i'm going to ask Lucia, truth or dare.” “Truth i suppose” Lucia said looking at Pattion “ ok where did you get the purple splotches that liter your body and by the way i think they're cute like decets snake scales.”patton states trying not to be rude or insensitive “ I was born with these splotches i think there meant to represent how lust can scare a person though i do areg with you they make me look bad ass” lucia looks down at her arm and smiles remembering her purpose and all that she is ment to do “wow that's deep.” virgil said “ ok let's move on deceit was it truth or dare” Lucia said look at defeat “ truth i guess” he turned to face Lucia roman got up and walked over to Lucia and whispered “ ask him who he has a crush on” “ ok decit how do you have a crush on'' Lucia ask with an innocent smile plastered on her face” i change my mind i pick dare” decit says he face a bright face “Ok i dare you to tell us how your crush is or you can kiss him if you want.” Lucia says her smile changing from innocent to a conniving smerck” ugg fin i will tell you i like remy there roman truth or dare.” deceit says very read and very defeatedly. Remmy looks at deceit with a look that says meet min in my room when this is over.“ I will pick dare.” roman says “ I dare you to play seven minutes in heaven with Virgil.” deceit says as he condjers up a closet for them to use “ ok roman grabs virgil and enters the closet. As shone as the door closed Roma grabbed Virgil and kissed him passionately causing Virgil to moan in pleasure. Roman bit Virgil's liyp asking for entrance which Virgil gladly gave him access as Roman explored Virgil's mouth they heard the door open slightly and Roman saw Lucia peeping into the closet Roman pulled away and exited with a rosie red blush dusting his face. "Did you too have fun." Lucia says  with a big smile on her face " we did and truth or dare Amy" Roman said a blush forming on his face." Dare" Amy said confidently "ok I dare you to sing something for us" Roman said snuggling up to vigil on the couch " that's nothing" she starts to sing "Call me the end of your world,Call me your genocide,Cause I’m a venomous girl,Just like a spider bite,I’m a relentless machine with no,emergency brake,To stop me,I’ll start by crawling inside,Like a parasite,You’ll feel your heart skip a beat,Just a couple times,You’ll think that you’ve found the one but,it’s your mind coming undone,Ripping slowly,Although I’m beautiful,Like a perfect dream,Inside my soul,There is a murder scene,I’m a creature who’s up to no good I’ll love you like, love you like a vampire would,I’ve been fang-using,Heart-bruising,It feels so good,To love you like, love you like a vampire would,I’ve been pray before, now I’m predator and I’m cold inside,Like a vampire,He was an animal with such a mad disease,They said to stay away, but damn he wanted me,And that was the day that my blood became infected,And I learnt it was kill or be killed again,Although I’m beautiful,Like a perfect dream,Inside my soul,There is a murder scene,I’m a creature who’s up to no good I’ll love you like, love you like a vampire would,I’ve been fang-using,Heart-bruising,It feels so good,To love you like, love you like a vampire would,I’ve been pray before, now I’m predator and I’m cold inside,Like a freezer door was left wide open Frostbite crept into my veins Crippled by a life so tragic can never love again Run away ‘cause I’m contagious You know that I can’t control this Instinct to feed,The hunter in me,I’m a creature who’s up to no good I’ll love you like, love you like a vampire would,,I’ve been ,fang-using,Heart-bruising,It feels so good To love you like, love you like a vampire would,I’ve been pray before, now I’m predator and I’m cold inside Like a vampire" she stops and everyone starts to clap "that's guys Remy truth or dare" Amy says with a small smile on her face "dare" Remy says sleepily "I dare you to kiss deceit" "ok" remy walks over a kisses Deiceit both bays are a blushing mess. "Lucia truth or dare" rem says trying to avoid deceit's gase  "dare"Lucia says"How about you sing something for us." Remy said hoping that it will help defuse the tension in the room "ok" Lucia says and starts to sing "I love you all but sometimes,You boys are way too much,Been gone too long and this place,Could use a female touch,Oh you've been waiting for me,Oh gosh you make me blush,Let the show begin,1 2 3 and 4,I got the taste for stardom and a set of horns,And then a 5 6 7 8,Give me the beat a mic and then get off the stage,And I will take it from here,So don't you have any fear,Your glowing darling angel star has,appeared,Yeah I'm the hand to your glove,Headlining act to your love,The little gift the devil sent from above,The show,Goes all night,Halo,Shines so bright,I'm your starlet,Brought to life,And summoned from the page,I crave,The limelight,Give me,The spotlight,'Cause you know,That they're all here to see,The angel of the stage,The angel of the stage,The angel of the stage." There you go, truth or dare Logan." Dare I guess" Logan says looking at Lucia then at Patton "I dare you to kiss Patton" Lucia says smiling "ok"Logan says and mumbles "for you pat" Logan walks up to Patton and french kisses him, her pulled away and says " how did you like that" "I greatly enjoyed it lo" Patton said to Logan a light blush appearing on his face. "Well as fun as this is me and Lucia need to head back to are Posts and y'all probably should get back to your jobs" Amy said grabbing Lucia and heading out. "See you two later, I will be taking Logan and heading to my room." Patton says "I think I will be doing the same" both Roman and deceit says looking at Virgil and Remy respectively.
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fosterthoughts · 6 years ago
So, I don’t fly all that often but I’ve had uncharacteristically good luck the times I have. Today was a different. I wrote down the timeline for your entertainment.
9:30 am Family leaves home for the airport. Flight is scheduled to leave at noon.
9:45 I get a text that my flight is delayed one hour. No big deal, but in talking about it David and I miss an exit and end up stuck on a toll road. Extra 15 minutes to get back to the airport.
10:10 arrive at O’Hare, go to check a bag and Pip’s car seat. The kiosk freezes and requires two airline employees to get it working and our bags checked. We move to security. All of Chicago is in line in front of us. Pip starts asking to get out his new coloring book. No.
11:05 Made it through security and to our gate. We both need to find a bathroom but it turns out all the women’s rooms in the terminal are closed for construction. Eventually we found one close to security but the line was out the door and down the hall. We waited.
11:40 Back to our gate. Pip gets out the coloring book and iPad.
11:45 I get a text that our flight is cancelled; airline offers us new tickets but not until tomorrow. We get in line for to rebook. There are 50-60 people in front of us.
12:20 I call the airline since the line hasn’t moved. On hold for 10 min.
12:30 I got connected to a person on the phone. They are able to reschedule us for a 2 pm flight with another airline to another location an hour from our actual destination, but tell us to stay in line so that we can make sure our luggage will come too. I scribbled the flight number and confirmation code on an old crumpled receipt I got out of my purse, and checked us in on my phone.
1:10 There are still ~25 ppl ahead of us and I’m getting nervous about making it to our new flight. So I called the airline again to see if there was anything to be done over the phone. On hold for 15 min.
1:30 Talked to a person. They told me I didn’t need to stand in line, that it would be done automatically and they wouldn’t be able to help at the desk anyway.
1:32 Pip and I make our way through ppl and out of line (knocking down line divider posts in two separate occasions). Person on the phone could tell us the terminal, but not the gate of our new flight. Pip and I started to run in the direction of the farthest terminal. At ORD. (Not a small airport.) There was plenty of signage getting us to the terminal *except* at each intersection. So, our pattern was dead run, stop to ask, dead run, stop to ask, etc. My Fitbit says we ran for 15 minutes. Now seems like a good time to point out that Pip has been a *champ* for this entire time. He could barely keep up but still didn’t whine. He just said “I... don’t....think.... I... can.... go... much... further...” a few times. Finally we made it to the correct terminal and checked the screen to find our gate. It was the farthest away. So we ran. (Did I mention that I was pulling Pip’s rolling carryon that flips if you go too fast but it also doesn’t have a sturdy handle to just carry it?)
1:50 Still running, we arrive at the gate. Sweat is pouring down my face. Pip looks like he ran through a rainstorm. It’s completely empty except the employee at the desk. She says “Oh are you Susannah and Pip?”
“Yes, yes that’s us.”
I try to pull up the boarding passes on the phone. The app freezes, and then the whole phone shut down. The airline employee says “oh you can just get it off your email.” She would be right if it was working. Full system reboot. After a few moments she said, “I can pull it up right here,” and printed out our boarding passes.
“Do you know your seat numbers?”
“No.” It turns out we are not seated together.
Weirdly she didn’t ask for the ID I was trying to dig out of my purse (maybe she was going off Pip’s (actual) name I wrote in sharpie on his backpack?
Anyway; we got on. We got a lot of dirty looks as we stumbled on the plane. I couldn’t care less.
One man grudgingly agreed to trade seats so that we could Pip and I could together. We basically dove in the seats and got situated while they gave the safety speech. I’m still out of breath.
2:15 And, just like that, we are on the plane and about to take off.
I’m just now realizing we didn’t have lunch.
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maliciousdraggy · 5 years ago
[SERIOUS] how did you feel after failed suicide attempt
Hear me out, I know this might sound like a troll post but please let me get my story out and I hope to get feedback from this.
I just got out of the VA hospital for a 5 day stay in the mental health ward. They were really good people and I can not say enough praise about them but I have to lead everyone up to the point on which they were able to help me.
Before the cause of my stay in the hospital I honestly thought that people who self harmed was just people looking for attention or that maybe had some kind of fetish. I do my best not to judge people based on just one insight I have of the person but to be honest I've only knew a few in my life, a total of two to be honest and from knowing them in the aspects that they showed to the world I deemed them "attention whores" and never thought about it much ever since.
Last week I tried to take my life. The reasons honestly doesn't matter it could be ptsd, general life related or just simple lack of sleep.
I had my plan together, wife was at work, only mother-in-law was home and upstairs, I placed my dogs in my room and I was going to go into the back yard with a glock 38 .45 acp. I called 911 and informed them that they would have a body to pick up at this address and where it would be located. The Operator tried the normal stuff such as think of your family and friends and how much you would be hurting them with some other stuff but I was half way listening to be honest because my goal was to bed dead and the cops take my body before my wife and step kids got home.
so I laid down in the backyard next to the pool and fire pit I had put in years back, my left arm laid in dog shit and I just groaned to my self "this isn't what I want to leave behind". I wiped off the dog shit the best I could so at least it wouldn't be obvious to the first person that found my body that I willingly/mistakenly laid it in. I hear rambles on my smart phone not sure what she was saying but I'm guessing she was going through a checklist and then I brought the pistol up to my head.
I took a big deep breath and well you know the outcome I couldn't pull the trigger. I a man that has spent literally years in Iraq being shot and bombed against could not pull the fucking trigger....
The amount I hatred I felt for myself and for life as a whole will never be done in that moment. "You had 1 fucking job and you couldn't do it" "you pile of shit, gutless little faggot that always cried out for a way out but when it came you didn't have the balls". Words honestly can not do justice to the emotions I felt at the time. I already give the 911 operator my info so I knew I only had limited time to finish what I started.
I did not have a back up plan when I started this because I honestly thought I could take the shot. my mind jumped to slitting my wrist in all the Hollywood cliches movies I've seen in the past. I ran into my kitchen. my heart is pounding because I know I'm on a timer, the cops are coming and I need to be dead before they get here but I need to die outside. I grabbed a hand full of knifes that was in the butcher block thingie not sure what its called but it held 8 of them and came out with 3. I started cutting my left wrist with the biggest which I thought would be the sharpest and it just tore the skin. "shit its dull" then I grabbed the next one and rub my thumb across its blade in a right to left motion. It was also dull as well as the third.
So here I am dog shit on 1/2 of my left arm a pistol with 1 round in it in front of me and 3 different kinds of knifes around me while cops are coming...
yea fuck that, I knew I had a sharp or at least what I thought was sharp leatherman type knife I had from a while back in my den. I ran in, grabbed it and went back to the spot I picked to die *not sure why I picked this spot it just seemed like a nice place to die but I digress*. I started slicing at my left wrist, the first time I have ever cut my self on purpose in my life and the knife was not as sharp as I thought it was so I kept slicing and it would dig in then jump to another spot repeatedly but at least it was sharper than knifes in the kitchen. The 911 operator is still on my smart phone and I cant hear a word she is saying but I do remember saying "there we go" when I first start seeing beads then what I thought was an artery of blood sprint forth my arm *14 1/2 inches according to the nice people at the va and just kept repeatedly slicing.
Now during this time I thought I was done for so I was just going for style points and just to be sure. So I kept slicing and wincing at the pain when the knife jumped to another spot over and over again but with all the blood it was really hard to see what was being done and I just kept repeating the motion over and over again until I heard someone from my back right say my name and to drop the weapon. I do remember telling the officer that I'm not done yet. He yells at me again to drop the weapon and at this point I figure that I would listen to him because I'm already dead right? I've got my left arm covered with blood that has been stabbed and torn and sliced over 20 times no way I'm making my way out of this. I throw the knife down a good 5 feet from me and place my hand above my head as I was instructed I remember blood hitting my bald spot as I did this and was like "yea, going to die in peace on a stretcher somewhere and not on grass with dog shit on it". The Officer ask if I have any other weapons, I tell him I have a pistol with 1 round on it in front me. he ask that I stand up and by no means lean towards the pistol *I have nothing but respect for cops I know they are like people and some fuck up and there are good and bad ones but I'm not the type of shitlord that tries to make things hard for them* so I do what I'm told. The officer comes in front of me with a tact vest of some sort mostlikey running interceptor body armor *that shit is a joke* and an ar15 type rifle not sure if it was a sigg but he had his kit fully ready.
The officer reaches for the pistol thats around 2 foot in front of where I was squatting on the deck. he takes the pistol and throws it to the side. He had sunglasses on but if I was him I sure as hell wouldnt of taken an eye off of me. he ask if I had anymore weapon I tell him no. He then tells me to stand up and turn my back towards him which I do. He then ask me to lift up my shirt which I'm guessing is to make sure I didn't have any hidden weapons on me and at this point another officer appears in front of me. I dont know when he got there or how but I didn't notice until it already happened.
The 2nd officer checked my waistband again for something that might be hidden and tells me to keep my arms up. at this point my left arm is covered in blood and its just dripping all over the stone decking. I'm waiting for the whole pass out and never wake up thingie to happen but since you've read this far you know that didn't happen. After both officers checked me they called in emts which got to work on my arm and in my mine I thought "haha faggots ya too late, too slow on the draw /muahahhaha I win".
The EMTs starts cleaning off the blood and for the first time I can honestly see the real damage I did and let me be everything but misunderstood here "I was fucking ferrous". My entire arm that was covered in blood and I thought I was done for was just a shit load of nicks and scratches. 20 or 30 times I carved with the knife it was just jumping from 1 point to another very few places did it have what I would even call a decent cut.
So after the EMTs clear me the 2nd officer is talking with me and me being the big bitch I am had been crying the entire time in hopes that the cutting would put and end of my life/suffering. The 2nd officer tried doing the whole "what about you friends and family" speech bullshit which before then I thought was just a trope so I told him I'm a selfish asshole and I just want this one thing.
we go back and forth not sure for how long, maybe 15 mins *I'm not the best judge of time* before I'm handcuffed and put in back of a squad car then moved to another one because its 1 guys launch break *this is true a fuck and in the moment I'm like yea ok let the guy get some food because everyone hates working on there lunch break* so I'm moved into the other car and we make the way to the largest VA hospital in my area. The reason we are going to the VA is because they have seen me before on thoughts of suicide but this was the first time I've taken action. *if your asking why a guy who had seen the doc about suicide stuff still have a weapon, its simple really. I locked it in a quick release safe that only my wife has/had the code to. it took me 5 mins with a flat head screw driver to open it so keep that in mind if you have a quick release safe because of kids* I get to the hospital which took around an hour and the entire time cop number two was talking to me. IMO he is a good guy, not he's a cop so he's a good guy but he honestly seemed to care about what was going on.
I'm in the va hospital, cop number 2 talks to another cop there and says I'm non combative would he like for me to stay in restrains or not. cop number 3 says nah take'm off. so there I am, pissed at the entire world and myself most of all in a lil room with glass doors with a small Hispanic nurse next to me and the 3rd officer keeping and eye on me in the distance.
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wardfmaily1962 · 6 years ago
Saving Grace Part 1
**** Please take it easy on me -- this is my very fist story that I ever wrote and I hope you enjoy it****
Word Count 2,791
You woke up screaming in the middle of the night soaking in sweat and crying. Its been 5 years --- 5 years since the accident and to this day – it felt like it is just happened. You glanced at the clock by the night stand
“3:15am, great, I guess I’m up now” with a long and exasperated sigh, you remove the cover from your body and sat at the edge of the bed. You cover your face with your hand, and out of the nowhere, tears start streaming down your face.
“Why did you have to leave? Why? “your voice was breaking as flashback of the happiest day of your life, turn into a nightmare
 ***** December 3rd, 2015 *****
“Dad, where are we going?” you sounded like a school girl with a giddy sound of your voice as you look at your loving husband. He was wearing a dark washed up jeans, white long sleeve shirt, boots and sunglasses. His muscles were rippling through his shirt that you could just eat him up.
“Its wouldn’t be a surprise if I tell you now would It” – he said with laughter in his voice. Trenton knows exactly what you like. You have now been together for 11 years and married for 5. You have a beautiful son and far as you are concern, you are living the fairy tale dream.
“Fine!” as you cross your arm and tried to pout but miserably failed.
He tilts his head back a bit as he laughed because of your expression. His laughter filled the car and you couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate your birthday than with the man of your dreams.
20 minutes has passed, and you pulled up on a gated community. You recognize this gate – it was awarded as one of the most exclusive, and secluded area in your city. Heck only millionaires lives here.
“Ummmmm – what are we doing here babe?” with a puzzled look on your face as you tried to figure out what your husband is up to
“You’ll see” as he gives you a side way smirk and winked
You rolled your eyes and said “Whatever” under your breath
He rang the metal box outside the gates and a man appeared on the screen
“Good afternoon sir – its good to see you again, and I see you brought the missus this time?”
“See you again? You’ve been here before”  you looked at your husband with arms across your chest and this time, you are not laughing
The seriousness of your voice made Trenton smile even bigger. He grabbed your hand and pulled it close to his lips and kissed it, while whispering --- “Happy Birthday Beautiful”
In an instance – the metal gate open and you drove in
On the left side – you see a long drive way, and at the end of it a beautiful white brick house, the grass had just turned brown due to the season, but that only enhanced the beauty of it. Incredible custom home with every possible amenity and convenience. Charm, elegance and splendor are just some of the many adjectives to describe this beautifully built home
You look at your husband in disbelief “Trenton --- whhaa???” you couldn’t even finish your words, when the car stopped. You are now in front of the most striking house you have ever seen in your life.
“Dad, what’s going on?” you looked at him with curiosity in your eyes
“This is my birthday gift to you” he said with love and tenderness in his voice “I told you I will give you the world, I would like to start with this”
You were shock and dumbfounded, that you didn’t even realize that you already stepped out of the car, and heading straight to the door
“You mean it, you really mean it??”
“I mean it my love, Happy Birthday Y/N, I love you”
  ****Present Day***
**Phone ringing***
You snapped back to reality and looked down at your phone, you saw the face of your lovely son Alex, and answered it. “Good Morning my boy, how are you?”
“Good morning mama, you are coming home? today right?” as a big loud yawn filled the conversation
You chuckled a little bit and finally answered “Yes son, mama’s coming home today, but it will probably be this evening. Mama’s plane does not leave here until 3 in the afternoon”
“Ok, I miss you and I love you”
“I love and miss you too sweetheart”
“Talk to you later” and the line went dead
You looked at the clock one more time, and it’s now 5am. You got up and went to your closet, pulled out a bag and grabbed your running shoes, yoga pants, and sports bra.
You scrambled to put it on, so you can get your morning run in for the day
Running helps you relax, helps you forget
As sweat beads down your face, Trenton’s favorite song came on your headset
Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen
As the melody from the piano start to play – you slowed down and started walking. You listen to each word and savored the moment.
 ****6 years ago, ***/
Bohemian Rhapsody played in your apartment
You and Trenton are still living in your 2-bed room apartment
You rolled out of bed and slowly make your way to the kitchen, and you saw your sexy man bopping his head up and down and singing along to the lyrics of the song
He quickly turned and had a startled look on his face when he saw you “You caught me in my most vulnerable state” he tried to pout but without missing a beat you lunged at him laughing
“I like you like this – carefree”
 ***Present Time***
As the music died down, you jumped off the tread mill and start heading back to your room
In the Elevator, a man was eyeing you, as he extends his hand
“Hi, I’m Edward”
But before he could say anything else, the elevator stopped at your floor and you  hurriedly stepped off it.
Ever since Trenton passed, you have lost interest in romance
You chose to focus all your time and energy on your company and your son.
While thoughts filled your head, you didn’t realize how fast you we’re walking till you bumped into what feels like a wall. You start falling backwards, you closed your eyes and braced yourself for impact, but it never came.
Instead, you felt a strong arm, wrapped around your waist as a deep voice spoke
“Are you alright miss?”,
You thought to yourself, “That’s a Dorset Accent, you don’t hear those everyday”
You opened your eyes, and as the fluorescent light is blinding you – you were able to see those light green eyes.
You had to do a double take because you did not know if you were dreaming or not, so this time, you cupped the persons face and leaned it closer to you
“Yup, those are gorgeous”
You didn’t realize that you uttered those words till the person that was holding you, quirk up a smile.
You finally realized that, “that person” is still holding you.
You quickly got up on your feet and scrambled to get your things.
You finally looked up and for the first time in a while, your heart skipped a beat.
Right in front of you is a blonde hair man, with striking green eyes
He’s probably stands around 5’10 or 5”11
Broad shoulders, clean cut hair and shaved face
He is wearing a white fitted t-shirt, dark jeans, which accentuate all his assets … I mean all of his ASSets .
There seem like a class ring on his left index finger and a swiss watch on his right wrist.
He smells of Armani Code and after shave
All you can think of was “A real life Adonis”
Once again, he spoke, “Miss are you alright?”
You quickly answered, “Yes, I’m fine, So sorry about that, I’m not usually this clumsy”
He responds, “It’s no problem, really” – He offered you a warm and sweet smile.
You both stood there for a good second, you were so immersed in his eyes that you had to break eye contact, or your chest would burst.
“Thank you and so sorry again” you quickly turned your heel and head off on a different direction
“What’s your name?” He uttered
“Ummmmm… Y/N, name is Y/N” you didn’t wait for his to answer as you hurriedly drew your key card and enter your room.
Your leaned against the door, trying to calm yourself, as you can feel your heart in your throat
“Calm down L/N, it’s just man! Get a grip for Christ sake”
You continue your pepped talk until you were able to quiet yourself down. You looked at your watch and its almost noon.
“Time to leave this joint”
****30 minutes later****
You are now in your black denim, white sweater, a grey coat and grey sneakers.
You did a quick blow dry of your black hair and it turned out better than you hoped it did.
You put on a light foundation and some mascara and looked at yourself in the mirror.
You have always been self-conscious, but all that changed since you met Trenton
***16 years ago, at a bar in Wichita, KS***
“Hey beautiful”
You heard a voice, but did not respond, thinking that, that person is talking to someone else. You continue to sip your margarita while you wait for your best fiend to come back from the bathroom
Someone taps you on your shoulder and you whipped your head around to find, this man hovering over you and said “I said, Hey beautiful”
“Oh, I am so sorry” you replied, “I didn’t know you were talking to me”
“Who else would I be talking to?”
As your eyes scan the placed you notice multiple stunning ladies parading around in their short skirts and min dresses
“Well, somebody else but me” you gave him a half way smile
“You’re the only beautiful girl I see around here” and he took you hand and place it on his lips as he gently kissed it
“Y/N” you quickly uttered
“Trenton, it’s very nice to meet you”
 ****Present day***
You smiled as the memory of your past flash
“Oh baby – how you changed me” you looked at your self again at the mirror and give it a big smile and a nodding approval
“Let’s do this”
You grabbed your Louis Vuitton pursed and your Montblac luggage.
You ended up having to buy a bigger luggage since you have multiple present for your son and family.
You ordered an UBER X to take you to the airport
You did not want the Hotel shuttle to take you since its always crowded and noisy
All you want is peace and quiet on your way home.
The elevator ding ***DING*** (“First Floor” – the voice intercom announced)
You made your way to the lobby, handed the card to the receptionist and bid them goodbye
On your way out the door, you notice a lady with her stuff all over the floor. You looked at your watch and you still have 2 hours before your flight
You stopped next to her, quickly gone on your knees and helped her
“Here” as you handed her a book and a journal
“Thank you so much” in an English accent “I don’t know what has gotten into me this morning, I just can’t seem to catch a break” she said nervously
“Don’t worry about it, I feel the same way too today, maybe it’s a full moon or something “trying to lighten the mood
“It probably is” she looked up smiling
You know you recognized her, but cannot pint point how
After all her bags are picked up, you stood up and reached out your hand
“Here, let me help you up”
She grabbed it and you helped steady her
“Thank you again” she said as she tries to remove the dust from her jeans
“Its not big deal at all” you said with a big smile
“I’m Lucy by the way, Lucy Boynton”
“Y/N, L/N, it’s a pleasure to meet you”
“Pleasures all mine” she replied
“I know this might sound weird, but you look so familiar, however, I cannot figure out how”
You quickly blushed and shake your head “Oh gosh – I am so sorry for being so direct, I don’t mean to offend you”
She offered a smile and said “Oh don’t worry about it, this means that my “disguise” as she airs quotes, “is working”
“Disguise? Are you in trouble” as you teased her.
“Not really” as she laughed
“Have you seen the movie Bohemian Rhapsody?” she asked
“Yes, I have, I love Queen” you said excitedly
And before she could even reply, you quickly recognized her
“Mary?” as you gasp “As in Freddie Mercury’s Mary?” you tried to find your words without sounding like a blabbering idiot
“I mean you are the actress that portrayed Mary”
She was looking at you with glint of happiness and amusement in her eyes
“Yes ma’am”
You squealed a little, loud enough for her to hear but not the entire hotel
This time, Lucy cannot help but laugh out loud
“You know, the boys usually get that reaction instead of me”
“You did such a phenomenal job, don’t get me wrong, Rami and the rest of the cast was amazing, but the way you portrayed Mary, was just extraordinary”
“Why thank you” she said “It’s refreshing to see someone with great appreciation of the movie”
“You bet, Trenton and I love Queen” – as you said your late husbands name - -you stopped and had to held back a tear as your throat swells with emotion
Lucy noticed it and ask
“Are you alright?” with worry in her eyes
“Yes, I’m sorry, my late husband and I are big Queens fan. We always say that when money is no longer tight, we will visit Freddie’s tributary statue in Montreux” with a glint of sadness in your eyes but it quickly disappears.
“I am sure Trenton would have been ecstatic to have met you” you said with a big smile.  
Lucy did not say a word but offered a comforting squeeze on your shoulder.
As you both are heading outside, your UBER finally arrived.
You turned around to Lucy and asked “where are you headed, you can use my uber when I’m done”
“I am actually heading to the airport”
“So am I” you replied, “You can ride with me if you would like, unless you already have other arrangements”
“That would be wonderful, thank you again, you sure are a life saver today” she said as she hoists her luggage in the trunk of the car.
“Any time”
45 minutes has passed, and you and Lucy are now chatting as if you have been friends for ages.
You talked about music, your likes, dislikes, where you live, current relationships, past relationships and so many more.
 Lucy told you that she has 3 siblings, she’s from Europe, loves pizza and Chinese food, and currently dating his co-star Rami Malik.
You then told her about your family, and how you were from the Philippines, but moved to Wichita, KS, you also told her about Trenton and the accident, as well as your son, Alex.
“I would love to meet your son one day, he is the cutest kid I have ever seen” Lucy said with excitement
“I am sure am one lucky mom, couldn’t ask for a better one” you replied with adoration in your eyes as you looked at the picture on your phone.
The car came to a complete stop and you are now at JFK international airport
“Thank you so much sir” as you slid out of the car
You and Lucy head inside and got your luggage checked in
As you both start putting your shoes back on after getting scanned and search, Lucy asked
“So, what’s your flight number?”
“Ummmmm, Flight 12256, How about you?
“Let me check, oh my gosh, it’s the same” she said with enthusiasm.
“What’s your seat number?”
And you replied “26A, you?”
“26B” we are practically neighbors now, and you both started laughing
“I can’t wait to introduce you to the rest of the gang”
You halted “The rest of the gang?” you ask her with your left eye brow up and your hand on your waist
She smiled warmly and teasingly at the same time “You will love them, I promise”
Lucy grabbed your hand and practically dragged you to meet the rest of the crew
You were thinking to yourself, “Oh boy, what have I gotten myself into”
***Thank you so much again for reading -- how do you like it so far? Suggestions and comments are greatly appreciated :) ****
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sevenpabosandabunchoffans · 7 years ago
Criminal Minds {Jung Hoseok}
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After Namjoon realizes he doesn’t exactly like working as a detective at the local police department, he leaves, determined to finish a case by himself. After months of nothing, a new development comes to light, motivating him to enlist the help of someone else. The two of them build a team from the ground up that’s independent from any government or police force, solving cases purely for the benefit of helping others and doing what’s right. One day, a newcomer enters their lives, begging them to let him join, too.
:: characters: namjoon, yoongi, hoseok
:: genre: angst, thriller, Criminal Minds!au
:: warnings: graphic descriptions, blood
:: word count: 1600
Min Yoongi
With the decision to work together, Namjoon and Yoongi immediately searched for a building to house their business. They managed to find an old assessment center, complete with a lobby and reception desk, two meeting rooms, and a handful of offices, for a fairly cheap price, quickly deciding to make that their home. They spent the next month furnishing the area, wanting to be able to get to work as quickly as possible. They had been putting the finishing touches to their individual offices when they were finally contacted with a case.
Yoongi was arranging his desk when Namjoon entered the office. “We got a case.”
The older male looked up, somewhat surprised. “Really?”
Namjoon nodded, holding up some papers that had been faxed over. “We’re going to Gwangju.”
They agreed for Yoongi to drive the three hours while Namjoon briefed him on the case. “A family was murdered on their farm about 45 minutes outside of Gwangju.” Namjoon flipped through the papers to find the victims. “42-year-old Kim Jihoon, his 38-year-old wife, Min Jihye, their 20-year-old daughter, Kim Jieun, Jieun’s 2-year-old son, Minjoon, and a family friend who was visiting, Jung Hyunjung.”
“Do they know the cause of death?” Yoongi inquired.
Namjoon nodded, pulling out the picture of found murder weapon. “Blunt force trauma to the head. They found a bloody hammer in the kitchen. The blood matched the victims, sadly there were no prints.”
Yoongi sighed. “Why can’t there ever be a case where we automatically know who the bad guy is?”
Namjoon looked at his partner and chuckled. “What would be the fun in that?”
After meeting with the detective in charge of the case, they made their way to the farm. “So, you said nothing had been stolen?” Yoongi clarified, looking around the first of the crime scenes, the married couple’s bedroom.
Detective Chae Hyungwon nodded. “We found money hidden all over the place, and it doesn’t seem that any jewelry or other valuables were taken.”
Namjoon looked at the blood stain on the bed. “Judging from that, and the fact that they were struck on the front of the head rather than the back, this was a personal kill.” Namjoon made eye contact with Yoongi and immediately knew that they were thinking the same thing. “They knew their killer.” He turned to Hyungwon as Yoongi left the room. “We’re gonna need a list of everyone that had any connections to the family.”
Hyungwon nodded. “I’ll have some of my people get right on that.”
“Joon~” Namjoon followed Yoongi’s voice, finding him in Jieun’s bedroom. Yoongi turned around holding up a laptop that someone had very obviously tried to get into from the “this device has been locked for the next 24 hours” message and countdown on the screen. “What would they have been trying to find?”
“I guess we’ll find out.”
After Hyungwon requested the officer with the most computer skills to meet them at the farm, they huddled around the kitchen table as Jung Yunho managed to bypass the lockdown and password screen of the laptop. “What exactly are we looking for?” Yunho asked, clicking on a few files.
“Anything that could be of interest to our killer.” Yoongi answered. After a few minutes of searching, the screen began to glitch. Yunho lifted his hands up, waiting for the device to calm down, only to see the mouse seemingly moving by itself and random files being pulled up at lightning speed. “What the fuck is going on?”
“Someone’s hacking it.” Yunho replied, placing his hands back on the keyboard and tapping at the keyboard.
“Can you find who it is?” Namjoon asked, watching as a “files downloading” bar appeared on the screen.
“Already on it.” Yunho muttered, pulling up a code system to try to trace the hacker. As quickly as the files had appeared on screen, they disappeared, seemingly leaving no trace that anyone had been in the system. Just as the duo were about to sigh in defeat, Yunho turned to them and said, “I got them.”
The door opened to reveal a middle-aged woman. “Hi, ma’am,” Namjoon greeted as he and Yoongi held up their badges. “Is your son home?”
The woman, very obviously confused, pointed behind her into the house. “He’s downstairs in his room, but what do you need with my Hoseokie?”
“We just need to ask him a few questions, ma’am.” Yoongi replied, smiling at her as she let them into the house. She pointed them towards the staircase leading to the basement, where Hoseok had moved into when he’d graduated college and moved back in with his parents. As they descended into the room, they could hear Coldplay blasting through some speakers, eventually seeing a guy around their age surrounded by a few computer screens. The bottom stair creaked under Namjoon’s weight, alerting Hoseok to their presence. He spun around and, as soon as his gaze landed on them, his eyes widened as he jumped out of his chair, looking ready to flee the country. “Hey, why do you look like you’re about to run?” Yoongi asked, hand ready to pull out his gun should it resort to that.
“What would you do if two random men entered your room?”
Namjoon held his hands out to show that they weren’t going to hurt him. “We just need you to come with us, so we can ask you a few questions.” Hoseok visibly swallowed before nodding in agreement.
“I honestly have no idea why I’m here.” Hoseok said for the dozenth time as Yoongi stared him down from across the table in the interrogation room.
“Let me show you.” Yoongi finally spoke up, opening the file and laying a few pictures of the victims in front of him.
Hoseok’s eyes widened and his skin lost its color at the gruesome images. “A-are these those people from the news this morning?”
Yoongi nodded and lay a few more pictures on the table, this time of evidence, finally placing a picture of Jieun’s laptop directly in front of Hoseok. “And you know what this is?” Hoseok shook his head no, looking at Yoongi in confusion. “This is the computer of Kim Jieun, one of the victims. And funny story, we were looking at the laptop, trying to see if we could find anything that could point towards the person we’re looking for when someone seemingly hacked into the device and downloaded nearly everything.” Hoseok gulped, trying to avoid eye contact with Yoongi. “And you know who that hacker was?”
“I swear I had no idea it was related to this!” Hoseok confessed, slightly surprising Yoongi at how quickly he gave in. “Some guy e-mailed me this morning, saying that his computer had crashed, and he needed to recover his files, and that he would pay me a million won to do it for him.”
“Is this something you do often?”
Hoseok shrugged. “Usually I just retrieve test answers and stuff for high school kids, sometimes changing their grades in the system. Occasionally I get stuff like this, though, but never for this kind of pay out, which is why I accepted so quickly.”
“Can you tell us who paid you to hack into the system?”
“He didn’t tell me his name.” Hoseok rested his elbows on the table in front of him. “He just gave me the network info, so I could get into the computer, then a deposit was made into my account after I sent him the files.”
“Did you happen to look at the files?” Hoseok shook his head again. “Would you be able to do us a favor then?”
A few minutes later, they were back in Hoseok’s room and he was logging into his online bank account. “What do I need to do?”
Namjoon pointed to the most recent transaction, a deposit of one million won. “Can you trace the source of this deposit?”
Hoseok scoffed. “And here I thought you were going to ask me something difficult.” He pulled up a window on a different computer screen and typed at lightning speed for a few minutes until an account number appeared. “Do you want me to find who this account belongs to?”
“You can do that?” Namjoon sounded somewhat impressed as Hoseok began typing again. A name and some information popped up. “Park Hyunwoo.” Namjoon read off. “I’ll call Hyungwon and tell him to go look for this guy.”
As Namjoon walked away to make the call, Yoongi clasped his hand on Hoseok’s shoulder. “You really enjoy doing this, don’t you?” Hoseok shrugged with a light nod. “Would you like to have a job that involves this? You would get less pay, but it would be legal, and extinguish any chances of you getting arrested.”
Hoseok bit his lip, contemplating the offer. “Let me get back to you on that.”
Eventually, Park Hyunwoo was taken into custody, confessing to the murders, “I was convinced she was cheating on me, so I tried to get into her laptop to find proof. She caught me, and I freaked out. I didn’t mean to hurt her or her family.” Yoongi and Namjoon went back to Seoul and finished setting up their offices.
About a week after the case was closed, they were enjoying some beers together back in Namjoon’s office when the bell they’d placed on the receptionist desk out front dinged. They went to see who would be coming this late at night, shock washing over them as they saw Hoseok standing at the desk. “Is that job offer still up for grabs?”
Jeon Jungkook
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jae-bummer · 7 years ago
My Idol 2: Part Twenty One
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My Idol From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
My Idol is a South Korean competitive reality dating game show. It currently airs on Wednesday nights on Jae-bummer’s blog. First broadcast in 2016, the show offers the opportunity for a lucky fan to go on seven blind dates with seven idols. The idol plans the date with the show throwing in specific missions to complete during the day. At the end of the initial dates, the show opens up an audience vote to decide what three idols will move on to the second date.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 -
Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 - Part 17 -
Part 18 - Part 19 - Part 20 - Part 21 - Part 22
After trailing a few quiet kisses along Johnny’s cheekbones, you cheerfully wished him good night. After you locked yourself safely behind the door that evening, your heart soared. He was kind, considerate, and not at all willing to push unwarranted affection on you...
Even though it probably wasn’t as unwaranted as you would admit. 
You were sick of complication. You had kissed Wonho, Yoongi, and Mark at this point, and only one of them was actually left in the running. The mere thought of it riddled your mind with guilt. You didn’t want anyone’s heart to break unnecessarily, including your own, so keeping the men that circulated you at arms length seemed to be the right coarse of action. 
After your honesty hour with Yoongi, you realized it was okay to be distant sometimes. It was okay to embrace your feeling in the moment, no matter how confused you were. You were confused when you had kissed Wonho, but you had wanted it. You wanted his lips against yours so desperately, but as soon as he pulled away, instant regret sailed through your conscience. How would that act of intimacy effect him if he wasn’t in the finale? How would it effect you? But most importantly, how would it effect the men who you were also dating and had to watch your kiss with Wonho on the small screen? 
It was okay to be confused with what happened. It was okay to muddy the lines between love, lust, and adoration. You were figuring things out and that meant along the way, it was also okay that you hadn’t kissed Johnny. He knew you cherished him. A kiss didn’t have to tell him that. The fact that he chose not to press his mouth against yours spoke volumes to you.
More so than any kiss could. 
You hadn’t given Wonho that chance, allowing for your attraction to cloud your mind, but you wish you would have. 
Either way, you were in heaps of trouble with both boys...because at this point, you could easily see yourself falling in love with either. And you hand’t even complicated things with Yongguk yet. 
You grabbed the bouquet of flowers you had abandoned on the entryway table and scooted down the hall. You didn’t have much time to freshen up, due to scheduling constraints causing your next date to begin directly after the one you had with Johnny. You supposed that was what happened when a fourth man was thrown in to cause a dramatic twist of events. 
Grumbling to yourself, you knew you had dismissed Jay before he had even appeared. Admittedly, it wasn’t the most levelheaded way to go about serial dating,but you had to draw the line somewhere. After watching the first season, you were certain that Jay considered his appearance in the second round of dates to be beneficial to his competition standing. He had gone through the motions before, learned the My Idol system, and had even almost won. 
The only hitch to his plan would be that he hadn’t learned you. 
You were the unknown in the equation.
You weren’t sure why he had been brought back. Whether to ruin your season out of spite or because he truly did want a second chance at love seemed to consume you. How were you supposed to have fun with someone who was either out to destroy your experience or had so passionately loved someone else in your position? It was an awkward situation you were not looking forward to facing.
But there was already a fifty percent chance that said awkward situation was already standing on your doorstep. 
You were busy filling the vase in your kitchen when a loud knock echoed across your apartment. Heaving a sigh, you slid the flowers into the glass decanter and fluffed them out a bit. 
The knocking continued a bit more fervently as you adjusted the bouquet on your counter and slid down the hallway. Opening the door, you heaved a deep sigh before shaking your head. 
“Don’t you have an actual home? Like one you pay to live in?” you grumbled, scooting to the side as Yoongi shouldered his way through the entryway. 
“Yes, but I can get free food here,” he grinned, hardly pausing as he popped off his shoes and continued down the hallway. 
“No, the food is not free,” you croaked. “I pay for the food, Yoongi.” 
“Which means, I do not,” he continued, glancing over his shoulder. “Meaning it is free...to me.” 
“You know, I have a date showing up at any minute,” you grumbled, crossing your arms. 
“Am I going to get a speech about how I shouldn’t be here?” he asked, lifting his brows. “Because I haven’t gotten one in a few days and frankly, I’m having withdrawals.” 
“You’re going to become more familiar with my closet than I am if you keep showing up on filming days,” you muttered. 
“Maybe I can organize it for you,” he chuckled. “Instead of just sitting on the giant mound of clothes you have thrown in the middle.” 
“Those are clean clothes,” you pouted. “Or at least they were before you wallowed in them.” 
“Because I’m obviously a contamination risk to your pile of jeans,” he mumbled, rolling his eyes. “If anything, you shouldn’t wash them. You should treasure them. For MIn Yoongi has bestowed his valuable touch onto them.” 
“Alright Midas,” you sighed, shaking your head. “If you think you’re doing me such a favor, why don’t you go ahead and assume your hiding spot. Like I said, my date is going to start-”
“Look, I’m here for you,” he nodded. “Being a friend, support and stuff, and maybe if you wanted to kiss a little bit-” 
Just as the words began to leave his mouth, a buzz signaled at the talk box near your door. You furrowed your brows as you glanced to it. Normally it would only signal food delivery or unknown guests. By now, the My Idol crew had learned to navigate around it and simply punched in a code to get into your building. You looked over to Yoongi, who simply shrugged. Cautiously, you pressed the button, and leaned forward to speak. 
“Uh, yeah?” 
“Can you let me in?” a muffled voice asked. 
You shot another look at Yoongi who had paused on his journey to the kitchen. 
“I’m sorry, but who is this?” you countered. 
“Your date,” the voice chuckled. Your face contorted as you stared at the box. The tone was relatively deep, but was it really deep enough to be Yongguk? You titled your head to the side as you pondered. 
“How do I know you aren’t some psychopath, My Idol super fan shown up to kill me?” you asked, warranting an encouraging nod from Yoongi. Without moving a muscle, he had somehow managed to find a bag of chips and had begun shoving them into his mouth. 
“Look, Sweaty and Armpit ain’t getting out of the vehicle and refused to give me the code,” the man sighed. 
Definitely not Yongguk. 
“We have a pretty rocky history and I would really just appreciate it if you-” 
“I’m on my way down,” you muttered, shaking your head. 
He didn’t need to know your code. 
After instructing Yoongi not to eat the entirety of your pantry and to keep the television volume relatively low while he watched dramas, you scootered toward the elevator. Heaving a sigh, you slammed at the button that would bring you to the lobby and waited in anticipation for the doors to creak open. 
Glancing past the service desk and to the glass doors that served as an entrance to the building, you saw Jay Park. 
A very perturbed, wet Jay Park. 
“Oh no,” you hissed, pushing off on your scooter with immense speed. Jay ran his tongue over his teeth, his jaw beginning to tighten as you approached. 
“I’m so so sorry,” you whispered, yanking open the door as he stepped inside. “I didn’t know it was raining and you didn’t say anything so-”
“I hadn’t gotten that part out yet,” he muttered, shaking his hair as if he were a wet dog. “I was too busy getting past the part where I didn’t have the damn code...
...oh and that I wasn’t a psychopath determined to kill you.” 
He lowered his gaze as he surveyed you, keeping his face cocked to the side as he continued to shake off various damp body parts. 
“Damn mommy, I didn’t know someone could make a scooter look so hot,” he grinned, his eyes wicked. 
You tried not to melt in your spot and succumb to the preprepared lines you were sure he had crafted on the drive over. You had had multiple discussions with yourself after the first voting special. You would not let your sensitivities grow weak in his hands. 
You opened your mouth, only to close it again. Unsure of how to respond to his advances, you chose to ignore them completely. 
“So, I hope the weather doesn’t ruin our plans?” you asked, adjusting your focus from him and to the rain pouring outside. 
“Only if you’re made of sugar,” he grinned. “Which if you told me you were-”
“Why don’t we get going then,” you nodded. “Wouldn’t want to keep...what did you call them earlier?” 
“Sweaty and Armpit,” Jay grinned. “But of course I’d never say it to them. Too scared they would eat me.” 
“Mmm,” you hummed, looking him over. “I don’t think you’d be very appetizing.” 
Jay’s eyes grew wide as you scooted past. You attempted to keep a grin from finding it’s way onto your face, but had difficulty with the battle. 
“Damn,” Jay clucked, trailing behind you. “Little savage ass.” 
The wind and rain gently rocked the My Idol SUV as you sped down the streets of Seoul. Glancing out the window, you attempted to keep your focus on the scenery whizzing by, but kept finding your eyes lingering toward your date for the evening. It was difficult not to look at him, considering a) he constantly had his eyes bored into you, and b) he was an otherworldly handsome. You didn’t want to admit it, but it was almost as if he glowed in person. He was so eerily good looking that you felt it was a disservice to yourself and the audience of My Idol not to look at him. 
“Like what you see?” he whispered after a moment, his eyes finally catching yours surveying him. You immediately looked away and attempted to swallow. 
It wouldn’t have been so difficult if your mouth wasn’t so dry. 
“It’s okay,” you hummed, shooting him with a bored expression. 
He smirked to himself as he nodded. “I’ll take it.” 
“Can I ask where we’re going?” you asked, looking toward him again. You felt as if with every glance you stole, you would have to pay for it in some way. Whether it was a cocky expression or a slick comment, your attention wouldn’t go unnoticed.  
“Sure,” he nodded, keeping his face serene as he waited. 
“Okay...” you trailed. “Where...where are we going then?” 
“You’ll see,” he grinned, choosing to focus his attention on something outside of the window. 
“But...but you said -” you began, furrowing your brows. 
“I said you could ask,” he nodded. “Never said I would answer.”
The camera man you had assigned the nickname of Sweaty rolled his eyes while Armpit snorted. 
Okay, so maybe giving in to Jay’s nicknames wasn’t exactly the kindest thing to do. 
But damn, were they accurate. 
“Trying to be mysterious?” you asked. “Better be a good reveal then.” 
Jay’s cheeks turned pink as he looked back to you and nodded silently. Taken off guard for a moment, you watched him, unsure how to take in the small differences of the Jay you were meeting and the Jay you had seen on Season One. While he still had an unlimited amount of lines, he was much calmer than you anticipated, a bit more reserved. 
Careful, even. 
“It’s not THAT extravagant,” he muttered, avoiding eye contact. 
“THE Jay Park didn’t plan something extravagant?” you chuckled. “I refuse to believe it.” 
“Believe it or not,” he sighed, glaring at you for a moment. “I don’t have to be flashy to impress a girl.”
“Could have fooled me,” you hummed. “I watched last season, I-”
“Don’t get it twisted,” he hurried, shaking his head. “The Jay Park you saw after editing is not and will never be the Jay Park you are with today, got it?” 
“Right,” you nodded, surprised by his defensiveness. “Right, I get it.” 
“Contrary to popular belief, I’m not this asshole everybody makes me out to be,” he muttered. He looked moodily from you and back to the window. 
Armpit snorted again, causing Jay’s ears to turn a dark shade of red. 
“I’m a chill dude,” he said quietly. “And I would appreciate it if you could at least give me a chance before condemning me.” 
You felt your neck grow hot with embaressment as you avoided his eye contact. He knew exactly what you had been thinking as soon as you had stepped foot in that lobby. Before you had entered the lobby even. He knew he was at a disadvantage and was realizing that you weren’t necessarily going to be the easiest to convince. 
“Sorry,” you said quietly, finally chancing a look at him. 
“Don’t be sorry, sweetness,” he sighed. “Just give me a shot.” 
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roccoroks · 7 years ago
VOLUME 6 DAG FILES GATHER ROUND FUCKERS.....ITS THAT TIME AGIAN! ITS STORY TIME WITH ROCCO!!!! its been a long fucking week, elevator took a shit, roof blew off and the Indians are back from cherrokee and all of this in one 18 hour period, not to mention i have a desk clerk that thinks he is supreme overlord over the internet systems and security systems and he is not. thats my job. i am to supreme pizza as he is to cheese pizza but he has yet to figure this out. anywho (count down to when someone photoshops dicks into that gif) to day started out harmless enough, bird chirping and shit, sun was out, it was like 80 degrees but that was the highlight of my day. see i was being called in because we could no longer remote view our security systems because Lord WiFi fucked up the routers again. 10:30 am i arrive at the motel..... IN MAH NEW TRUCK MIGHT I ADD! *phone rings* me: hello (bleeeeep) how my i help.... dag: YES I WOULD LIKE TO BOOK ONE OF THOSE ROOOMS, THEY GOT DAT JACUZZZZZZZZI IN EM me: (MOTHER OF FUCK COULD YOU TALK ANY LOUDER!!) YES MAM, WE HAVE THOSE (MEETING HER VOLUME EQUALLY AS LOUD) dag: HOW MUCH IT BE FO 1 NIGHT? me: just one second.....( rack rate of 59.95, 10 dollar fee for destroying my hearing in everyway possible and the 5.00 i hate you fee) mam? dag: WHAT? me: huh? oh it will be 89.95 (i rounded up) dag: last time we stayed there... me: (oh for fuck sake, here we go) dag: it was 29.45 and tax me: was not, it has never been that rate.....ever dag: it was to me: was not, i know for a fact it wasnt, our minimum rate is 49.95 not 29 (oh shit im being a asshole and jill said i wasnt allow to be a dick anymore) you may have us mistaken with another motel mam dag: i dont like your tone me: (i dont like you) im sorry mam but the truth is that our rate is 89.95, now if you stay 3 nights i can give you 10.00 off dag: (yells to here husband) HEY! RICKYBOBBYJIMBOB BASS HE SAYS HE WILL GIVE IT TO US FOR 10.00 OFF IF WE BOOK 3 NIGHTS OR MORE dags husband: SHEEEEEIT THATS ALMOST 40.00 OFF *heard in the background* me: O.o (you no math what good) dag: OH YEAH WE TAKE THAT, THATS A GOOD DEAL 10 OFF A NIGHT! me:  (i seem to have made the screaming mongoose happy) ok i just need some info from you and we can get your reservation in place, when are you coming? ( i swear if you say as we speak and start moaning that the last person did, i will commit suicide) dag: uuhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... me: ( WAS THAT A FUCKING MOAN) mama? dag: HOLD ON, IMA THINGKIN (say it just as i spelled it) me: ........ *begins making the universal jack off sign* dag: oh! WE IS COMING TODDAY ME:  (REALLY.....HOW CAN YOU BE THIS STUPID AND NOT KNOW WHEN YOU ARE EVEN COMING IN.....WHEN ITS TODAY!!!) *A SHORT SERIES OF QUESTIONS LATER* me: ok i need your zip code please dag: ******* (its cherrokees zip code) me: (fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.... you people always cause problems) ok mam i have your reservation right here and i will see you soon! *dag hangs up with out further conflict* -12:4.....something pm IDK- -there is a nasty storm moving is and the wind is cutting about 60 mph in straight lines and shit getting crazy up in hurr- *struggling with printer, trying to refill the paper tray* me: *grabs multiple sheets of paper* yes, take my load of white paper *wont fit, grabbed to much paper* me: how about now *still no beuno* *removes more paper* me: now? *begins shoving paper into tray at maximum force* *still to much!* me: I WILL DESTROY YOU HP LASERJET P1101W! *phone rings* me: *throws paper in fit of rage, paper now covers 95% of the desk* .... O.e FML!! hello how may i help you? Jill: rocco? me:.....what jill: the cameras still dont work, i cant see shit on my phone me:......no shit? that might be because i have yet to get to that problem.... jill: dont be a ass just fix it me: why does this need to be delt with right this moment, im in the fight of my life with this stupid printer.... jill: i need to be able to watch everyone work... me: ......pervert.. jill: blow it out you ass me: you would like that wouldnt you...*heres her hang up the phone*...PERVERT! *TURNS AROUND TO SEE A LARGE LADY STANDING IN MY LOBBY* ME: hello what can i do for you? Dag: yeah hunneh wez gotza reservation widjall (good luck reading that shit) me: oh ok, whats the first name .....*notices she has what looks like a cross tattoo on her right shoulder*....thats a interesting tattoo you got there dag: oh this old ting? hunneh thats from a long time ago... me: oh is it tribal? (she indian so must bee) dag: sweety child no thats a pork chop... me:..........(BWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAH WTAF!) *snicker* uh...how come *pfssssss* i mean to stay *choking back tears* what pork chop dags husband: *from the couch in the lobby* BECAUSE SHES A FAT ASS! me: e.o.....(ho god ho god ho god! i cant do it! i just cant do it) falls in the floor laughing my ass off dag: mothafuck i told you not to speak! bitch you want to eat tonight dont you! me: (oh shit!) snaps to attention dags husband: pfssss wtf ever you know who wears the britches in this relationship! me: (shut up dude, this bitch has the size and capacity of a small bread truck, you may never be heard from again) here are your keys enjoy your stay (please dont eat me) *dag leaves, phone rings* me: hello how may i help you? jill: rocco me: now what jill: moms dog is sick me: i dont care jill: oh and bobby is sick, you have to cover third shift tonight, we have 3 late reservations coming in and you need to take care of it *loud noise heard in parking lot* me: OH SHIT NIGGA! THE ROOF JUST BLEW THE FUCK OFF AND LANDED ON A CAR! JILL: WHAT?! *hangs up phone and runs outside* me: *see that part of the roof has blown off and landed on one of the maids cars* OH THANK GOD, its just marys car thats distroyed. mary: OH YEAH BECAUSE THATS SOOOOO MUCH BETTER! me: meh.....*goes back inside while mary rages out* -12 am now...things are quiet.... to quiet... me: *le derpin on the omputer* *loud thud heard from outside* me: maybe its just thunder and it will go away. *more more disturbing louder noises heard from out side* me: please be thunder! please? please?? *yet another loud noise followed by muffled cussing and a loud clang!* me:.....my suspicions are now aroused..... *phone rings* me: front desk customer: yes we are in 304 and there are some people fighting on the balcony. me: yes sir i will get right on that! - it was that this time all hell broke loose- me: *looks out in the parking lot to see not one not two but all, yes all of my patio furniture from third floor laying in the parking lot and just then i see a tv fall to the ground* HOLY FUCK! *runs out the door* *screaming that i could hear running up the steps to 3rd floor* "your a piece of shit! i cant brelieve you would smoke my last cigarette you boofalo fuckin squirrel shit eating ass clown" me: holy shit! porkchop is fucking pissed! *arrives out of breath to 3rd floor* HEY HEY HEY! YOU TWO NEED TO KNOCK IT THE FUCK.... *pork chop throws a ash tray at me, just as it passes me i hear it break the sound barrier* me: SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT! *DUCKS* WTF! LOOK YOU BEST STOP OR IM GOING TO CALL THE COPS! *porkchop is now ignoring me and is attempting to throw her husband off the 3rd floor railing, yes they are hammered drunk* dag: "ima kill you, you sorry fucker! how dare you smoke my last cig!" me: *calls the cops" 911: 911 whats your emergency? me: yes my name is -------- and im at the --------- and there are two indians beating the shit out of each other on my patio 911: sir? me: SEND THE COPS! THE FAT ONE IS TRYING TO EAT THE LITTLE ONE! 911: ok sir units are dispatched and on the way me: *hags up phone and hides in ice room* -about 29 seconds later, two squads show up- me: oh thank god! -by this point the husband was locked in the bathroom narrowly avoiding being eaten, and porkchop was dragging out all the furniture on to the patio saying all the while " your ass can live outside just like that chicken of yours!" me: wtf does that even mean! - cops arrive on the balcony to find me hiding in the ice room and porkchop the great white grizzly bear destroying the room- cops- mam, your under arrest for destruction of property and DIP (drunk in pubic) dag: *grabs a remote off the table and squares up to fight.....i shit you not...* cops: *circling the enraged wildebeest, one goes in for the kill and nails a lucky blow to the back of her knee and she drops like a 900 pound bag of booze, shit and regret* your going to jail! me: oh snap! 20 mins later after filling out a report cops: ok have a nice night. me: wa....wait, whos going to help me clean..... cops: no me... *leaves* so there i sat, parking lot covered in furniture, 3rd floor could legally be turned into fema for government aid and 302 completely destroyed. me: *looks around......locks the doors and goes home*
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boymeetsweevil · 8 years ago
Sleepovers with sleepy BTS
Kim Seokjin (Jin)
Really affectionate when he’s sleepy despite the fact that he’s probably pretty tame with PDA
He rests his head on the wall while you fumble with the keys to your apartment, but then he steps behind you to back-hug you and hurry you up
Continues to walk around the apartment glued to your back and occasionally rubbing his hands unconsciously across your stomach, while you turn your lights off and close windows etc.
Surprisingly, Jin sleeps in his undies year round on his days off, unless its crazy cold. But that only happened once during a winter when your heater was broken and he got so fidgety wearing the flannel that you just wrapped him in a second sheet as a compromise.
Sleeps on his tummy most of those nights, so you get access to the broad expanse of his back. His skin is usually a little pinker and warmer from the shower he took earlier and he smells like whatever Lush product you currently have in your bathroom. He smells like the color pink and that’s such a fitting thought that you just have to press kiss to the back of his neck.
On the late nights when he comes back to your place late after quickly showering at the dorms he collapses on the bed face first and starts snoring 
Usually you’re also tired, so you’re tempted to leave him like that but you know it can’t be comfortable wearing the thick pullover and sweats he has on. So you wake him up to tell him you’re gonna help him and he awkwardly  sticks his legs out which isn’t helpful Jinnie, but okay
In the mornings he always makes the same joke about "Jagiyah! Someone stole my clothes *windshield wiper laugh*”
Min Yoongi (Suga):
You two have your schedules/calendar apps synched
Leaves a paper bag filled with bath bombs and specific data written in chicken scratch. Your roommate is too scared of Yoongi to open the bag and always wonders if that date is the date you die
Yoongi has a key to let himself in and run the bath if your calendar says you’ll be home after him
You sometimes come into your bathroom and find him with the tub filled to the brim, steam billowing around him, with a towel on his face and taking a nap. You yell at him about water safety while you take your work clothes off and he just beckons you blindly from under the towel to come in already
AFTER THE BATH: He always wants you to get in bed first so he can flop on top of you
Uses your chest for his pillow, wedges his icy hands under you and up the back of your sleep shirt. Sometimes he composes pieces using your spine as the piano keys and you squirm because “Yoongi, that tickles”.
Wants you to tell him about your day. You always think he’s isn’t listening/fallen asleep but if you stop talking he’ll slightly move his head and slow blink up at you like a cat and give you an inquisitive look
Won’t ever ask (because he’s stubborn) but will give a low groan if you play in his hair and give your rib cage a firm squeeze as a silent ‘don’t stop’
Will snore if you scratch at the base of his neck and deny it the next morning
Jung Hoseok (JHope)
Showers at the dorm after dance practice but comes straight over to your place. He always leaves your pillows smelling really good because his shampoo is so fancyyyy
You’ll be in bed with a book or laptop or something and you’ll hear the door open and he’ll trudge over like a zombie, but he’ll have this pleased sleepy look when he sees you fold back the covers on his side
But LOL his side is your side, meaning he rolls over to lightly hook one arm around your torso and rest his head on your shoulder. He’s touchy-feely so he’d probably run his hand up and down your sides until you put a bookmark in your book or logged out of Netflix.
Will probably try to watch what you’re watching or read over your shoulder, but he gets too drowsy and goes back to just petting your sides and humming a little.
Hobi would probably whine a little until you got the hint to rub his back
Will try valiantly to stay awake so he spend as long as he can talking about how much he missed you and how the next day he has off he’s taking you to Gwangju with him to eat some food with his parents and play with Mickey
Falls asleep mid sentence. Snuffles in your ear when he’s dreaming
Installed a tiny, nondescript night light in your bedroom because
1) he’s a before-bed-water-drinker and he keeps banging his precious dancer’s toes on your furniture in the dark on the way to the bathroom
2) Probably low key scared of the dark
Kim Namjoon (Rap Monster)
Comes over for naps at random times. But mainly late nights after practice because your place is close to his favorite chicken spot and he gets late night munchies real bad
Is quite the night owl so he will want to stay awake and talk even after the chicken is gone.
Lays his head in your lap when you sit on the couch. His legs probably hang off the side.
You take off his beanie and brush your fingers through his hat-hair while he tells you about this novel he’s been trying to finish when he has free time
He yawns a lot but that doesn’t do much to interrupt his critical analysis of like the use of different fish to code for repressed sexual desires or something...
Falls asleep as soon as he isn’t talking, which is whenever he asks you what you think of the book or movie he was just waxing poetic about
At like 2:35am you poke gently at the spot where one of his dimples is to wake him up and he makes a REALLY CUTE noise and his hands fly to the waistband of your pants while he tries to bury his face in your stomach
Its really hard maneuvering his beanpole self over to your bedroom, but he moves himself onto the bed face first and that’s that.
Probably sleeps on top of the covers unless you paw at him to move so you can wrap him up.
Joon is a wild sleeper so you have to sling an arm across his chest or shoulders so that he doesn’t smack you in the middle of the night. He tries to gather you to him in the middle of the night but ends up smashing your face into his armpit. He feels bad about it when he wakes up...sometimes
Park Jimin
Is still kind of shy about making a big deal over the fact that he’s sleeping over at your place, so you drive up to the building and text him to come down
He’s really cute in that he packs an overnight bag and really excitedly jumps in the car
He smells like soap from his shower and you always laugh at his post-shower hair because its so unlike his normal perfect prince hair
Does the most graceful spin onto the middle of your bed you’ve ever seen and you wonder how he does that after 11 hours of dance practice
You stand by the side of the bed to look down at him. His cheeks are naturally rosy, but he flushes when he knows you're openly staring at him
He reaches up to take your hand and he smiles and asks if you’ll come to bed in a low tone and then its your turn to get embarrassed because he KNOWS what he’s doing
You snuggle up to his side and he puts his chin on top of your head and you hitch a thigh over one of his own and he sighs like he’s so satisfied to be there. Because he is
Park Jimin is a really beautiful sleeper. He doesn’t move much and he doesn’t snore and his face doesn’t slowly turn to mush like most people. Sometimes you wake up in the middle of the night and catch yourself staring at his pretty profile
Always wakes up with both hands clutching your butt and never has an excuse or an explanation just slowly removes them while you grin cheekily at him
Kim Taehyung (V)
Turns into a little crab cake
Like he gets really monosyllabic after practice and wordlessly holds your hand on the elevator ride up to your apartment
You let him have the shower first because he’s quick and you like to wind down with a review of what you did today and what needs to be done tomorrow. 
He taps you on the shoulder when he’s done and sits in bed like an old man while he waits for you to finish. When you get back he’s in the same exact position you left him in but his eyes are blinking even slower than before
Tae gets really deep and cryptic before sleep so when you go to his side to turn off the lamp, he pulls you over so you’re sitting on his lap and he just holds you for a while
He breathes in and out really slowly and you feel it where he’s resting his face on your collarbone. It feels like the moment is gossamer thin and you almost hesitantly bring your hands up to smooth his hair
He gives you a kiss in the hollow of your throat and you carefully swing yourself over to your side of the bed. He gives you a long look and reaches for your hand again and that’s how you fall asleep
When you wake up the first thing you see is his nose mole and he’s grinning at you from his spot straddling your waist. He gives you a big square grin. “Yah, lets make pancakes in special shapes for Jin Hyung. He’s coming over in 20. I texted him from your phone” he says before sprinting to the kitchen and you’re not even sentient yet like -.-
Jeon Jungkook
Is singing when you open the door to your apartment. Continues to sing as he takes off his Timbs and is still singing when you come into the bathroom to brush your teeth. 
Is really playful but can hardly keep his eyes open. So he’ll play with the hem of your long sleep shirt with his eyes closed while you wash your face and moonwalk sluggishly around you while you go to the kitchen to get two glasses of water. 
You try your hardest not to laugh at him because it just gets worse from there, but you do laugh when you close the fridge and he strike a “seductive pose” with too much booty pop. 
You sit in bed for a while and scroll through your phone but you can feel him making fugly faces at you. You make the mistake of turning to look at him and regret it when you’re still clutching at your sides, wheezing 5 minutes later.
He has a little drawer for himself filled with things he’s left from previous sleepovers and from one awkward night where he had come over with a small box of overnight stuff and mumbled that he thought it “Just makes more sense if I keep this stuff over here...since I’m here all the time anyway”. You had smiled up at him and asked him to pick a drawer to clean out and he was silent but you caught him flash a bunny teeth smile to himself. 
Now, though, he’s completely shameless about changing into his pajamas and doing weird wiggly dance moves while you record him on your phone. The dancing stops only when your friend Facetimes you and you try to get him in the frame. He hides behind you, mouth pressed gently near your shoulder blade until your quick chat ends and he stays there when you finally start to fall asleep.
He spoons like a champ with one arm crooked to pad your head and the other thrown over your torso to keep you close at all times. You always end up switching positions by the morning and he’s too stubborn to ask if he can be the little spoon more often. But he loves when you wake him up by tracing your fingers up and down the parts of his spine that you can reach.
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fuck-customers · 8 years ago
Hell on 6/30/17
Some bitch is complaining (to management or corporate idk yet) about me and my csm (R). Her complaint about me is that she was in line too long (she was in line for 30+ mins) because I was "talking and not ringing stuff up". Yes I was talking, but it was the "how are you did you find everything" while I was ringing and an occasional nonwork related/non work mandated topic while cards/checks went through. If management tries to coach me or pull me in the office, I'll flat out tell them 1. I did not wait on that lady. I called R over and had him take over for me (I'll get to why later) 2. I said two things to her total. 1st, when I turned my light out cuz it was almost time for me to leave I told her "you're still ok to stay" and second when I signed off and let R take over I said "I'm gonna leave you with him" *retail smile TM* apparently that last was rude though...second I'll tell them pull footage and my reciepts, pretty much EVERY person ahead of her ran at least one WIC check, most ran more than one, and some other bitch (who was fucking NICE compared to this twatwaffle and her husband) ran 6 to 8 WIC checks. The people in front of her, while they didn't have WIC did have 5 seperate orders, which combined put over $800 in $20s in my drawer. So that's where the wait came from, not me being slow. Also the check reader was acting up every other check too so technical difficulties. But the order right before her asked how much we make starting out ($9/hr then up to 10 once the theoretical/online training is done) and this bitch scoffs and her husband fucking says that "they make too much. They should make $6 since they're so slow and don't know what they're doing" so I spammed the code to get a csm over right before I finished their order. And I looked at R when he walked up and said "you need to get me off here NOW like before the next customer now" but I said it in a whisper so I KNOW this bitch didn't hear it. So I finished the order I was on and he took over for me as soon as I was done with them. I still don't know what her complaint about him will be (probably that he told her I'm SUPPOSED to ask people how they are and if they found everything ok) but after I clocked out (like 5mins later) I went up and found R and apologized for leaving him with that bitch and her husband. Now for the lady that seemed nice by comparison, she had what had to be her entire months WIC checks (why use em on the last day of the month, instead of throughout, idk) but I didn't notice the grain on the first check (my bad but easy fix. Csm (F) said ring the bread and cash it out then reprint and leave a note for cash office so I did) then her fruit/veggie checks kept going over the total allowed and once we add a partial amount (with customer paying the difference) our system doesn't allow another item to be scanned so she didn't get the second bunch of bananas because "I've held up the next lady enough" this one is also the one that had 3 checks that wouldn't go through until we ran them manually. And she complained that we couldn't just ring all the items then run the WIC checks like the do that (Really Large Patriotic Bird) but between you and me, their location in my town will lose its WIC license the first time a WIC secret shopper goes through because they break the rules constantly. So she's going there for WIC from now on (yay!!) But karma's a bitch too cuz she forgot her peppers. Oh yea, I'm not even a cashier, I'm a Sales floor associate. I spent a total 3 minutes in my own department all day today because I spent the first half in shoes, helping them put out freight because they got their back to school mod already all at once. I took my hour lunch then went to help sporting goods cuz they had a long line (hunting licenses, only one machine, takes 5 to 10 mins to make a license and he was on hold with pa game commission trying to resolve issues) then I had to cover his lunch and didn't get to leave the counter. Then I wound up on hold with the game commission. Then I was mixing paint in hardware after SG guy came back. Then my last break. Then I was on register the rest of the night and the stuff above happened. On a worse for coworkers/good for me note, starting on 7/17 we will no longer be price matching (idk if it's company, tramlaW backwards btw, wide or just a test in my store or permanent in my store) that's the part that's worse for my coworkers. The good part for me is I go on vacation on the 18th so I'll be on vacation the entire first week we no longer price match.
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celenatriestowriteagain · 5 years ago
The Weekend That Was (Nov 22-24)
Friday, Nov 22
After work, K and I planned to go to Artbox in Kranji, but we ended up eating at Jollibee in Jurong lol. The queue and the wait for the food was so long that we managed to play Call of Duty while waiting. But it was worth it!
After dinner, we walked around Westgate with the intention of looking at phones for Rondell, but I ended up buying online at Razer anyway. Then I also ended up shopping at TEMT. Finally, K and I shared a houjicha latte at starbucks before heading home.
I tried working on bootcamp stuff at home but found that I can't... so I just went to sleep.
Saturday, Nov 23
Woke up earlyish today. Went to shower, had some leftover jollibee spaghetti, then K and I went out to Telok Ayer for my bootcamp.
I arrived in good time but one of the coaches who were going to run a workshop was late. So 🤷🏻‍♀️ He was supposed to walk us through Sequelize and Express but I didn't learn very much.
After the workshop, I worked on some backend stuff for the donor's donation history. I feel like I learned more then lol. I finished my stuff pretty early so I left 20 mins before time to meet my colleague so we can go to my other colleague's Christmas party.
There were so many kids in the party omg. After all that I went to Plaza Sing to meet with K again. He went for badminton in the afternoon. I had dinner at the food court (indonesian bbq chicken). We went shopping for gifts for my flatmates. Then we went home!
When I got home, I tried coding some more but my brain cannot handle anymore.
Sunday, Nov 24
I woke up a bit early so I did the laundry. Then I wrapped some gifts and tried coding again. K ordered mcdonald's breakfast. I cannot crack the code still so I just spent the entire day playing Doraemon Story of Seasons. I almost fell asleep in that long ass game introduction, man.
But I played and played and now I'm almost at the end of Spring. At around dinnertime, K and I finally went to Artbox. It was bigger than the previous one in Singapore, and the actual one in Bangkok. There were also a lot more people than I expected (considering that we got there at around 9pm).
I got a cheeseburger made with impossible meat. It was nice. K got misua from a Taiwanese stall. Then we got hotstar-style chicken. We also got a really sweet matcha shake. Then we queued for one hour for bread. I don't know what Singapore has done to us. The bread was good but not worth waiting an hour for. I should've known.
But it was a nice night! It felt to step out of the house and actually do something. This is my 3rd to the last weekend in Singapore! I actually feel like I'm gonna miss it for the month that I'll be away.
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