#did i stay up until 5 am today writing this ask.... yes....... yes i did
tizzymcwizzy · 4 months
idk if anyone has asked this before but how do you manage to make your traditional art come out w a clear and crisp quality when you upload it bc i've been trying to figure out how to improve that for my own art
i might've answered this before i don't mind repeating myself
STEP 1: make sure you have good lighting!
take your photos next to a window on a bright day, not in direct sunlight because that can cause glare or over expose the image, but next to a window where the ambient light is even across your piece
taking pics on a rainy day or after the sun sets? no problem! all you need is bright ambient lighting, like what you'd find in a well lit bathroom, light that isn't shining directly on you, but reflecting off the walls, diffused and even
when taking your picture you wanna make sure there are no shadows, be it cast shadows from your hands, or shadows on one side of the page due to focused light
here's a side by side:
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on the left side there's this gradient of value across the image because the light is just hitting the page from the top, and there's some visual striping caused by my lamp
on the right the image is evenly covered in light from a nearby window, so there is no gradient
of course the left image is exaggeratedly bad but if you photograph and edit with uneven light your end product will be passable, but not as great as it could be
here are some more examples post edit, notice the gradient across the drawing and the shadow on the bottom half
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again not TERRIBLE but not ideal
STEP 2: photograph straight on, up close and crop tastefully!
when you're taking your picture stand up if you can, and i mean it, just get right on top of the piece and make sure your camera is parallel, because taking a pic at an angle can really distort the proportions of your drawing
also make sure you're fitting as much of the drawing into your picture as possible, you don't wanna lose quality unnecessarily by photographing from a distance
and when you crop, try and get out as much unnecessary space as you can, of course give the image breathing room, don't crop down to the edges of your image, but also try and cut out your thumbs or desk if you're going for that crisp professional look
all the rules in this section can be broken if it's done intentionally!
here are some examples of off angle/weirdly cropped drawings with my desk in the background but it's on purpose:
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STEP 3: time to edit!
so this part is really going to depend on what software you personally use to edit and getting familiar with it, i use my phone's built in editor which is the google photos editor, ive used ios photo editing, ive used photoshop and procreate and most programs generally have the same couple of editing scales so im going to be general
1. turn the saturation aaallllll the way down
we don't want the yellow of the pages or the warm light of your lamp or the blue tone of the sun on our white paper, unless you're going for a black and white in sepia sort of look, then edit to your discretion, but in general for black and white i eliminate all color
2. crank the brightness and contrast (highlights/white point/exposure/brilliance) UP and turn the black point/shadows DOWN
we want to create as much visual contrast as possible and make the darks REALLY dark and the brights REALLY bright, especially if you have a drawing that has very little midrange values, this worked well for my stamps, but for a pencil drawing you want to keep those details and middle values so the settings won't be as extreme
depending on what program you use the names and effects of each setting might be a little different, so fiddle around to find out what everything does!
here's a before and after
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1. increase saturation! (and vibrance on ios) depending on your piece and your camera and the medium and the lighting your image and its colors can come out a number of different ways, but usually cameras will not capture the vibrancy of real life colors. and personally i just like boosting them anyway :) i think it looks really nice!
2. turn the brightness and white values up, but not too much, we don't want to wash out any colors but if you have a white of the page we still want that to be bright white
3. turn the black point/shadows down just a little, we don't want to completely overpower the light and color values with darks and shadows, but we still don't want it to look washed out and dull
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and lastly (for both B&W and color) fiddle with some other specialized settings! play with curves! or pop, or HDR or whatever other slider you have access to, figuring out what each does and which ones you like will help you get your final image closer to your tastes
happy editing and art making!!! i hope this was helpful :)
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mellowwillowy · 11 months
Omg i love your work😭😭 especially Yulian he's crazy but he's sooo sweet🥹 and you write him so well fr
I was wondering how'd he react if his darling decides that they wanna break up with him / get a divorce,, or they start to feel like he's hiding something from them which causes them to doubt him. But I feel like he would 100% gastlight them first.
Chances of divorce in Utopia is 0 honey :)
But let's talk about Dystopia.
Yan! Lawyer Husband - GN Spouse Reader
Yes, Yulian will corner the fuck out of you mentally as much as he hates it. He should have picked up on the signs earlier and yet he paid no mind to it until you exploded, again.
The reason was simple, you doubted him.
It all started from a suspicion of his absence, the rumors circulating around him and the voice in your head yelling you to leave him.
'That man is no good! Leave him before it's too late again!'
"Where were you dear?"
"Duty called dear. I'm sorry for leaving you alone for a long time yeah?"
"I asked everyone around and they told me that you were absent for the 5 days. Where were you if you were not in the court nor your office?"
Yulian didn't expect you to bother questioning around, mentally adding another note to bribe everyone next time.
"I was visiting another place, the client did not like leaving his curb so I had to visit him myself, I'm sorry I didn't notify you earlier dear."
Yulian's hand creeped into your cheek, caressing it gently while giving you an apologetic smile. The smile that always makes you shrug all your doubts and worries away.
But not today.
"This is not the first time this has happened, Yulian."
Yulian jolted. You were glaring at him. The face that he rarely sees from you, the face that he never expected to see from you. You.
'You know right? This man right here is nothing but a swindler!'
"Why do you always lie to me?"
'How many secrets has he hidden from you? Better yet, why is he keeping you in the dark?'
"Always, always, always lying. I had enough of you, Yulian. This is not the first I have confronted you and this is not the first out of your many lies that I haven't confronted you about."
'Stay away from him.'
"I want a divorce."
"Di... vorce?"
Yulian's face darkened. A face you had never seen before.
Yulian sat down, his eyes traveling toward anywhere but you. He took in a shaky breath before exhaling it in fury. No, it was not directed at you. It was directed at himself for being slow and dumb. A fool no less.
"I'll have Aava packed my stuffs today. I will hand you the papers for you to sign later." You paid no mind to his slumped figure, leaving him.
"No..." Yulian stopped you in your track, his hand holding your wrist tightly. "Don't leave me alone again."
"Is it not supposed to be directed at you instead?"
Yulian winced. You were right but he was right as well. What should he do? What should he do?
What he should do.
"Dear..." Yulian stood up to his feet, "don't you think you are being a bit too hasty?"
"Over something so menial," he knew he shouldn't word it like that, "I was trying my best you know? I tried my best to wrap up everything quickly but I just can't not attend to duties such as this."
He was driving you into the corner again.
"If this is the same word game you are playing with me then it's not working on me anymore."
"No, this is the truth we are talking about," Yulian's hand cupped your cheek, "I know you have it hard, but I too, am troubled from it. Do you perhaps view me as an irrespobsible man who leaves his spouse because he feels like it?"
'Run, leave him, just leave him!'
"Have you always viewed me like that dear? I can't fathom how you... thought of me like that even just for the slightest."
Was it not supposed to be the other way around?
"You, you are the one who always thinks of me like that!"
"How could you even say that?"
How could you even say that to me then?
'Stop listening to him!'
Yulian's hands clasped your ears, his face close to yours.
"How could you even think of something so shallow?"
"Have you never even considered my love to be real just even for once?"
You don't feel like thinking anymore. You don't feel like listening to them both anymore.
"Don't worry dear, I'll make sure to ease those doubts away. Just listen to me and everything will be alright."
Yes, that sounds just right. Right?
"How about you take those pills first?"
Yes, they always calm you down.
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milaisreading · 1 year
hiiii ! what about a fic where manager is a bit mean ? like she had a bad day so she’s vv blunt with her remarks but even if she’s rough with them the bois just end up simping harder ? in a “step on me pls” kinda way !
thanks drink water and eat good and stay healthy !!!!!
Author: I have a much harder time writing mean reader aus, so I hope u like it🩷 thanks for the request🩷
Warnings ⚠️: little bit of swearing and reader uses she/her. Mentions of periods. Requests are open
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to:Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
'Just two more hours and then I can go to my bedroom for a nap.' (Y/n) thought as her eye kept on twitching from time to time. Yesterday her period started, and thanks to her cramps she barely got any sleep. Ego and Anri made her wake up a little earlier to get some papers done for the JFU and to prepare the practice field for the Blue Lock team.
While she usually didn't mind that work, the cramps and lack of sleep made it hard for her to not lose it just a little bit. (Y/n) was hoping to have a calmer day than it usually was, but of course she was asking for too much. It started off really normal, Chigiri and Aryu asked (Y/n) to braid and comb their hair, which she gladly did, but then it turned into Baro screaming at them to leave her alone.
While she was used to Baro scolding them, today anyone's yelling pisses her off. With a deep breath, (Y/n) shook her head and calmly told Baro that it was fine and that she didn't mind it. Next one to piss her off was Rin, who kept on ignoring her warnings about his hand injury. The night before he had an accident and fell om his hand while practicing. His constant saying that everything was fine and not to worry about him was genuinely getting on her nerves.
'Can't he see I am scared he might injure it more?!' (Y/n) thought as she counted to 3 and nodded her head. Rin was left flabbergasted with how easily she gave up and moved on.
'I... where are my back pats?! She always gives me them before leaving!' Rin sobbed internally as the girl was talking to Kurona and Bachira over their defense.
The third and final straw which made her break loose was an incident that happened 5 minutes before practice for that day ended. (Y/n) smiled tiredly at the pile of towels she had folded and was planning on bringing to the washroom. It all went well until she heard Isagi's yelling to move away. She did that just in time for the football to fly past her and into the towels. (Y/n) felt her breath hitch up as her face turned red in anger, all the while the pile of towels kept mocking her.
"Sorry about that, (Y/n)..." Isagi said quietly, but quickly jumped away as (Y/n) sent him a deathly glare.
"Sorry? You are sorry?" (Y/n) asked as Isagi gulped. Kujigami, Chigiri and Nagi watched the scene nervously and tried to get the rest to calm down.
The boys felt shivers run down their spines as they heard (Y/n)'s yell and quickly turned to look at the scene.
"The whole morning I have to deal with your shenanigans and all I ask is for you to keep those footballs on the field, Isagi! Look what you did here!" She said while pointing at the towels.
"Not a word!" (Y/n) put her hand up as the team looked stunned.
"You move your egotistical ass over there, pick those towels up and bring them to the laundry room! I am not doing this today or putting up with anymore bullshit today!" Just as (Y/n) finished that sentence the bell rang, indicating the end of another training day.
"Did I make myself clear?!"
"To-totally clear." Isagi stuttered out and watched as (Y/n) walked off. Once she was gone and out of earshot the team let out a collective sigh of relief and looked at each other.
There was a silence among all of them as Isagi started picking up the towels, face red and heart racing.
'That was... that was so...so hot!' He gulped.
"I like this side of her." Karasu,as usual, spoke up before thinking his words through. The boy expected weirded out looks, but surprisingly only got nods of agreement.
"Y-yeah... it was kinda hot." Hiori agreed as he tried to cool himself down. Chigiri and Kunigami nodded in agreement, both faces red.
"You think she might yell at me if I take of my brace during training?" The redhead wondered.
"We should try, I can pretend that I took it somewhere and forgot where." The orange-haired boy added as his friend nodded his head in agreement. Yukimiya and Otoya were busy stopping their nose from bleeding to even say anything.
'She was so cute with that glare!'
'So hot! I hope she punches me next!'
"Haa~ it was kinda cute seeing her with an irritated look~ the blush was just a bonus." Niko added in as Kurona shyly nodded his head.
"I hope she insults me next."
"You all are so weird." Baro sweatdropped as Aryu shook his head at him.
"Let's not pretend like you didn't enjoy seeing our manager mad. I saw the blush you had while she was yelling."
"You were weirder! You started drooling, Aryu!"
"True, but I am not denying it."
"Isagi is so lucky to get yelled at by her. All I got was being yelled at by Ego-san." Gagamaru grumbled, hoping he might slip up next and get the Isagi treatment.
"Reo? Did you faint?" Nagi asked as he watched the boy sit up.
"Of course I did! Didn't you see the look she had on her face! That was so hot!" The purple-haired boy yelled as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"True... but a slap from her would feel a lot nicer. Can you pay her to slap me?" The albino wondered.
"Nagi, you are a genius! But instead of you, she will slap me!"
"I came up with it, Reo! I call dibs!"
"I am the richer one tho~"
"Damn you, insect. That should have been me. What does she see in you to yell like that?" Rin glared down at Isagi's form as the boy kept shaking in excitement.
"That's not fair! Isagi, we are best friends, I deserved the yelling too!" Bachira pouted
The next day everyone was pretty much waiting for (Y/n) to arrive so that they can provoke her into snapping again.
'Hopefully it's me this time.' They all thought.
"ISAGI!" The boy looked at the door with wide eyes as (Y/n) ran through it, holding a small strawberry cake in her hands.
"(Y-Y/n)?" He mumbled and ignored all the death stares he was receiving. The girl smiled in relief as she saw him and ran to his table.
"D-did I do something wrong again?" He asked, hoping she might yell a 'yes' or something like that, but to his disappointment she shook his head.
"No, not at all. I am here to apologize for yesterday. I shouldn't have let my anger out on you like that." (Y/n) said as she blushed in embarrassment.
"It's alright, I didn't mind."
Yukimiya, Hiori and Kurona facepalmed at his straightforward answer as Rin chuckled.
'Maybe she will think he is weird and not talk to him again.'
"Please don't say that, you have all the right to be mad at me. You are too kind, Isagi." (Y/n) smiled at the boy, causing him to cough nervously.
"Here! I made you this, it's not much but I hope it makes up for the trouble I did! Ego-san is fine with you eating this today." (Y/n) said as she handed the boy the small cake. This caused the tension in the room to rise as they looked at Isagi. He? Receiving a cake? Made by their lovely, kind manager?!
'That should have been me!' Reo thought as Niko pouted.
'I want a cake from (Y/n), too.'
'Why him?! I am the genius here!' Nagi was getting pretty much heated up by this point as Baro scoffed.
'That donkey really getting more attention than me? This won't fly by!'
Kunigami, Bachira and Chigiri tried to stay as calm as possible as they were right in front of her, but all three were pretty much ready to kick Isagi.
"Y-you really shouldn't have! I wasn't upset yesterday." Isagi said with a red face as (Y/n) squealed on the inside.
'He is so adorable and understanding! We as a society don't deserve him!' Internally (Y/n) shed a tear and kissed the boy on the cheek.
"Ah?!" He yelled in shock.
"We really don't deserve you, Isagi! Anyways, I will leave you to your breakfast." (Y/n) smiled at the boy one last time and ran out the dining room. The room was eerily quiet as they all looked at Isagi in shock and anger.
"Isagi, what the fuck?!" Hiori yelled.
"Yeah man, not cool! That was supposed to be my kiss!" Aryu yelled.
"Damn you, blue-eyed freak! What's so great about you?!" Rin yelled, watching in anger as Isagi happily ate his cake.
"That was upposed to be me, damn it..." Reo cried as Nagi laid his head on the table, trying to forget that awful scene.
"My day is ruined."
"So is my appetite." Niko and Gagamaru grumbled
"I wonder what's it like getting a cake from (Y/n)." Kurona raised an eyebrow.
"Forget that! Imagine a kiss! A KISS!" Karasu and Otoya yelled, both evidently jealous of all the attention Isagi was getting.
"I am the king here... why is a peasant getting all that attention."
"It's not fair..."
Meanwhile Isagi was happily munching on the cake as his three friends watched him with forced smiles.
'Why him?'
'I have much more kissable cheeks.'
"You know... (Y/n)'s lips are very soft." Isagi blurted out and touched the spot where (Y/n) had kissed him.
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wonder-mei · 4 months
Not mine to have (Honkai : Star Rail’s Boothill)
Reminder : I do not write accurately to the lore of the world I am writing. I write whenever there’s an idea
P.S: This is kinda rush and clunky but hey this is my comeback!
The moon is brighter than the nights before. The moonlit the people of sleepless city but that does not bother the lovely loving small family living in a small apartment.
“Hey, why are you still awake?” Boothill eyes her sitting in a chair beside the window under the moonlight he drops his heavy on the floor and walks to sit in front of her “Something happened?”
She smiles looking down at him. His metallic hands lay on her lap. “Nothing is wrong. The moon is so bright today” She returns her gaze to the moon but Boothill keeps his eyes on her
“Yes it is”
She looks at Boothill who still stares at her. She chuckles and runs her thumbs on his knuckles. Everyone says his hands are cold but to her, they are warm like how humans should be. An insecurity of his ever since he came back to her life after years disappearing without a goodbye but she makes sure he is more human than anyone she ever met.
Her eyes shift back into his eyes showing adoration and love. She bites her lips from trembling, she looks away once again feeling the guilt she always feels “Why are you not mad at me?”
That question again. She always asks this for hundreds and thousands of times but Boothill will always smiles at her “Not a single thing in this world can make me hate you”
And the answer always makes her tears up. Boothill holds her face, his thumbs wipes the tears and caresses her cheeks. His eyes softened as more tears kept flowing “You should be with someone better. Should have left right after you know the truth”
Boothill doesn’t say anything. He smiles watching her cry again for something that has been resolved for years but he knows the guilt in her still stays in her “You asked me to wait but i didn’t”
“But you actually did” 
Few days before his disappearance, Boothill went to her home late at midnight telling her the stories he encountered that day; chasing people and being chased. He laughs at the danger he consistently got into. Then out of nowhere, before he jumped out the window he asked “Wait for me,okay?”
She didn’t know what he meant at that moment. She thought he was talking about not to sleep before his casual visits every night. She eventually knows the meaning of it. He left. 
Since that day, from day and night she always listens to the radio and watches the news to find any information about him. Just a glimpse of him is enough to aid her sorrowness but he is difficult to catch or take a photo of. She tried to forget him after a year of his disappearance. She tries the hardest she can but her heart craves for his presence. 
After 5 years, he finally came back. She ignored him at first but his attempt to pledge for forgiveness makes her heart ache. Even though she forgave him, she kept something from him. Boothill didn’t force to tell the truth instantly. He remained calm and waited for her to tell when she wanted to. One day, the truth was revealed. The reason why she persisted with him coming to her new home. She has a daughter. 
His life went downhill right after the words coming out from her mouth ‘She’s my daughter’. Once again, he disappeared but it didn’t take him long finding his way back to her. He was being selfish. He had abandoned her in a time where she needed him and yet she forgave him. That was just how pure and loving she was towards him.
“I may not be her biological father. But Sunny certainly came from my heart”
Sunny is his most precious treasure in this whole universe, no one can deny his love towards that toddler is pure. He went miles away just to get the finest clothing for her and the mother. He works from dusk until midnight just for them. Boothill comforts her, forgetting how tiring the day was towards him. She sleeps before him. He stays awake making sure those two are safe and comfy inside their house. 
The next day and the day after that, she did not ask the question but soon,will when she feels sad which Boothill will answer it nevertheless. 
“Papa look. Birdie” Sunny happily points at the birds flying above them
“Yes,Sunny. Birds” Boothill repeats her words holding her tight in his embrace and his other hand squeezes the mother’s hand not letting go in this crowded place. The city is having a small festival. Stalls are everywhere promoting their businesses and small fairs in the middle of the city. 
The small family have their fun together in the festival. Playing the fairs and buying any foods that peak their interest but something is bothering Boothill. He has been feeling someone is watching them. He doesn’t mention this to her, not wanting to end their fun.
Boothill and her sit on a bench near the playground where Sunny happily plays with random kids around her age. She leans on him. She can feel his tenseness “What’s wrong?”
His eyes wanders everywhere looking for something “I feel like we are being followed”
“What?” She straightens her back and looks around too “Who?”
Unexpectedly, Boothill stands up turning around ready to punch someone that was approaching them “Woah woah. Calm down. I’m not here to cause any trouble”. That voice is too familiar to her. The man she was with for a night at her sorrowness after a year Boothill disappeared which resulted in the birth of Sunny.
“You… what are you doing here?”
Gallagher puts his hands in his pockets. He looked at Boothill then at her “My bar opened a stall for this small festival”. His eyes shift to the playground. He immediately recognize which is his
“Don’t even think about it” Boothill blocks his view and hides her behind him 
Gallagher sighs “Look. I’m not here to take her away nor-” he looks Boothill straight in his eyes “-taking them away from you,Galaxy Ranger”
“Then what?” The gruff tone of Boothill worries her. She holds his hand calling his name softly
Gallagher takes a glance at their intertwined hands and looks away “Children aren't my thing. I’m not mad at you for keeping this from me. But you know, you gotta see them some time right?” he continues, “Trust me. I am not taking her away” 
There is no denying Gallagher has rights to see his own child. He was not a bad man. They conceive just from one night and that night was the first and last they see each other. “How can we trust you?”
The bartender takes out a small pouch from his back pocket and toss it to Boothill “Take that as the delayed child support”.The pouch is heavy with coins
“You really shouldn’t have done this,Gallagher… It’s also my fault for not telling you” she takes the pouch to give him back but he raise his hand stopping her to do so
“Please take it” he looks at Sunny chasing some other kids “She's a very healthy kid. 4 right?”. He eyes her for confirmation. He’s right. 
“She won’t be looking like that if it was me. She has one good hella of a dad,ya know?” As Gallagher watches Sunny running around, there’s a hint of regret. He knew being a father does not fit him but seeing his daughter now; healthy and happy makes him smile “Can i meet her?”
Boothill and her look at each other. They can’t keep Sunny away from him “Of course. Sunny loves to meet new people” she replied
Gallagher smiles “Sunny…” he then starts walking towards Sunny still running around the playground. Gallagher catches her in time when she trips “You gotta be careful,sports” He chuckles as he balances Sunny on her foot. Gallagher can see his features in her face that makes his heart warm.
“And what’s your name?”
“Sunny is a cute name” 
The child smiles wider “Your name?”
“It’s Gallagher”
Sunny tries to pronounce his name back but fails. He just laughs “It’s okay kid” He pats her hair smiling widely 
“You friend with mama and papa?”
Gallagher suddenly stops patting. The word ‘papa’ is not directly to him and never will be “Yes. Your mama and….papa are my friends”
Sunny just giggles,being a child herself she is still gullible and naive. “Let’s go back to your parents,ay? You must be tired”
Sunny nods and raises her arms up. Gallagher stops in his tracks seeing Sunny wants to be carried. He gently leans down and carries her in his arms. She is so small and skin soft like milk. He walks back to where Boothill and her have been eyeing them both from afar. Gallagher cherishes these small moments he has with the daughter who never knew he is her biological father. 
“Here you go” Gallagher hands Sunny to her. His eyes never left Sunny. The regret of not witnessing her as a baby until she is at the state of this makes him want to go back in time. However, he can’t separate this family apart. They are already one. He has no heart to do so.
“Say goodbye to uncle”
Sunny did what her mother asked. She waves at Gallagher before leaving for their sweet comfort home. Now, Gallagher once again alone in this universe. Even the aeons gave him the faith of having a child and a family. At the end, they are not his to have. 
Headcanon: Gallagher would sings I bet on losing dogs by Mitski every night after meeting Sunny
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adrienneleclerc · 7 months
Pairing: Walter Marshall x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Walter begs Y/N for forgiveness after something that will test their relationship happens
Warnings: CHEATING, angst, spelling and grammar mistakes
A/N: based on April Jai’s unreleased song “Grovel”, I have no idea when it will be released but I can't wait for the song. This also doesn't follow Night Hunter/NOMIS canon, Walter is 40, Y/N is 32
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Walter Marshall thought that after his divorce with Angie, he was not going to find someone else. He believed he came with a lot of baggage because he is a homicide detective, that was until he met Y/N, a nurse.
Y/N was the one that treated Walter's bullet wound when he was on the Simon case and when he sees her in a bar a month later, they hit it off and went on 5 dates before Walter decided to ask her to be his girlfriend.
5 years later, they are still together and Y/N has moved into Walter's house and they are so happy and in love.
Until tonight.
It all started 3 days ago, it was 4 in the afternoon and Y/N was getting out of the hospital. Her car was in the shop and Walter said that he would gladly drop her off and pick her up. 10 minutes later, Walter picked her up.
"Hello, darling, how was your shift today?" Walter asked, pulling out of the hospital parking lot.
"It was good, a little tiring, but nothing a cuban coffee can't fix. How was your day, Oso?" Y/N asked.
"Stressful as fuck." Walter muttered.
"You're still on that case?" Y/N asked.
"Yes. We have no leads, it is like this guy is always three steps ahead and its pissing me the fuck off." Walter huffed out. Y/N took his hand in hers and rubbed her thumb over his hand in an attept to soothe him.
"You'll get this guy, i'm sure of it." Y/N said.
When they got home, Y/N saw the folders, clue board, everything that Walter had in his office at the police department was in his living room.
"You're working from home?" Y/N asked.
"I figured it would be better to focus all my attention on this case so I brought some of the files home, i hope that's okay." Walter said, sitting down at the table to look over things he might have missed with this case.
“Yeah it’s fine, Oso, that’s your job. Just don’t work too hard, okay? Sleep is not for the weak.” Y/N says.
“I know, love, I won’t turn into a zombie.” Walter said and they kissed.
Which brings us to tonight, Y/N took an Uber home because Walter’s phone was turned off. When Y/N entered the house, she found Walter drinking coffee in the living room, the same way she left him this morning and the day before.
“How was your day, Walter?” Y/N asked. Walter ignored her, writing notes on the case. “Well, my day was good, I worked with some of the pediatric patients, el día fue súper leve.”
“Y/N, I’m trying to work here.” Walter said.
“I see that, but you haven’t moved from this spot. Have you eaten? La estufa sigue igual de limpio, have you been living off coffee?” Y/N asked. Walter stayed silent. “Okay, fine, did you buy what I asked you to get?”
“You said I haven’t moved from this spot so clearly I haven’t gotten what you asked for.” Walter snapped, looking up from the table.
“No me hables así, eh, ni siquiera mi papá le habla así a mi mamá, Don’t try me, Walter.” Y/N said as she walked to the kitchen.
“Ugh, even Angie wasn’t such a bitch.” Walter muttered and Y/N stopped to turn around.
“You know what, you’re stressed, you haven’t eaten, you’re probably sleep deprived, let me just cook and we can talk after you take a nap, okay.” Y/N said but Walter then slammed his hands on the table.
“I am not a child, Y/N, you don’t have to smother me, and you are most certainly not my wife so stop acting like it.” Walter raised his voice and Y/N widened her eyes.
“I May not be your wife but I am your girlfriend, and I deserve to be respected, Walter.” Y/N said.
“I am not going to sit here and be nagged by you, I’m going out.” Walter huffed.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Y/N shouted.
“Out! Are you having trouble hearing me more than usual?” Walter asked as he left the house, closing the door behind him.
“Ugh, me encabrona!” Y/N shouted. This was their first big fight. Y/N calmed down a little and she wanted to cry because she just drove her boyfriend out of his house.
Walter sat in his truck to calm down a little. “FUCK!” Walter shouted, hitting his steering wheel. He drove somewhere he thought he would stop visiting after Faye went away to college; Angie’s house.
Walter rang her doorbell and Angie opened the door in Jeans and a sweater.
“Walter? What are you doing here? Faye doesn’t come back until spring break.” Angie said.
“I know, I came to talk to you.” Walter said.
“You should have called, this isn’t a good time.” Angie said.
“I think I messed things up with Y/N.” Walter said. Angie sighed and moved out of the way so Walter can come in. Angie walked to the couch and patted on the empty space next to her.
“Tell me everything. Y/N seems very sweet, kinda young, but she’s a good person, what the hell did you do?” Angie asked him
“I’ve been too focused on this case that i forgot to pick her up from her job since they are working on her car, I yelled at her, basically called her a bitch, and disrespected her. She just wanted to to take care of me, to stop me from getting burnout, and I yelled at her and disrespected her. Saying that she should stop acting like she’s my wife.” Walter said. His eyes were tearing up.
“Wow, that’s a lot to unpack.” Angie said.
“Why did we get a divorce, Angie?” Walter asked.
Why are you asking me that?” Angie asked.
“Was it me? Was I the problem?” Walter asked. Angie looked at him, saw that Walter looked practically broken.
“Listen, Walter, we got married in our early 20s. We were young, we weren’t going to last anyway. You tried your hardest to make me happy, and i was happy with you for a while. You are a great father to Faye, you put your all in our relationship, but you are also a workaholic.” Angie said softly. “It’s not a bad thing, you’re a cop, someone has to get the bad guys, right? I couldn’t handle that because I’m not used to it. But Y/N is a nurse, right? A nurse and a cop, what could be better than that? She knows the heavy workload you have because she has the same.”
“So what you’re saying it that I pushed away the one person who could possibly understand me.” Walter said.
“Sorta. You shouldn’t have yelled at her, she was just trying to get you to relax and eat, God knows how much I tried to get you to eat back when you were still on the SWAT Team.” Angie said.
“My job is stressful, Angie, you know that.” Walter said.
“And so does she. I’m sure you’ll make it right.” Angie said. Then Walter’s stomach growled and bleh of them laughed.
“Yeah, Y/N wasn’t lying when she said I was living off coffee, do you have anything to eat?” Walter asked.
“I Can order us takeout. You want Chinese, Italian, or Latin food?” Angie asked, holding out the menus she keeps in a kitchen drawer.
“Latin food.” Walter said, already missing Y/N’s cooking.
“You got it, detective.” Angie said.
While Y/N was drinking wine, eating ice cream, and watching movies that make her cry (for me it’s how to train your dragon, Beethoven, elemental, I’m a sensitive and emotion person, okay), Walter was getting nostalgic with Angie, eating and drinking.
"Remember that time you stayed up with me for a case when I just started working as a homicide detective?" Walter asked, eating a piece of chicken with his rice.
"Oh my god, yes, I was so tired, I think I crashed around 4am, I was exhausted at work." Angie said.
"I told you that you didn't have to stay up, but you were so stubborn and made us coffee after you put Faye to bed." Walter said.
"I had to support my husband." Angie said, taking a sip of wine.
More time went on, they finished the bottle of wine, and one thing led to another, Walter kissed Angie.
Y/N saw that the time was 10pm and Walter still hasn't come home yet. She got off the couch and unlocked her phone to call Walter, it went to voicemail after a few rings.
"Hey Oso, please come back home. We both have said some things, you mostly, but I really want to talk about this, I'm sorry if I nag you, that is not my intention, I just love you so much and I want you to take care of yourself, bye." Y/N left the voicemail and went to the bedroom she shared with Walter and Walter and Angie were too busy undressing each other on their way to her bedroom to notice his phone vibrating on the kitchen counter.
Walter lied awake in bed, with Angie by his side, Angie was asleep, both were naked.
"What have I done?" Walter wondered out loud in a whisper. He tried to sleep but every time he closed his eyes, he just sees what happened with Angie.
It was 8 in the morning and Y/N did not have to go in for work. She went downstairs and Walter still wasn't back home. Meanwhile Walter was putting his clothes back on.
"This never should have happened." Walter stated, zipping up his pants.
"You think I'm thrilled we slept together? I'm married! I'm just happy he has a business trip in Boston." Angie said, putting on her bathrobe.
"Where is my phone?" Walter asked, looking throgh her bedroom.
"It's probably downstairs on the kitchen counter. Have a safe trip home, make up with Y/N, I'll see you when Faye comes back." Angie said. Walter went downstairs and turned on his phone. He saw a voicemail from Y/N. He played the voicemail and his eyes strated tearing up.
"I am such a wanker." Walter muttered. He walked out of the house and got into his truck to go back home. He saw Y/N’s car in the driveway. He spent a few mintues in his truck crying, thinking about how he should tell Y/N. Its worse if she finds out later so it is better to be truthful now. He got out of the car, walked into the house and saw Y/N making pancakes.
"Oso, you're back!" Y/N exclaimed, leaving the mixing bowl on the counter and walked over to him, pulling him into a hug. "Listen, I promise not to 'nag' you as much if you promise to take care of yourself. I am not trying to smother you, I just don't want you to burn yourself out, okay?" Y/N pulled away from the hug and saw that Walter's eyes were red. "Hey, whats wrong?" Y/N asked, she was about to wipe his tears when Walter took her hands in his and pushed them away.
"We need to talk." Walter said.
"Okay, can it wait?" Y/N asked.
"No, it can't." Walter said. Y/N looked at him, his face was serious. She nodded and took off her apron, followed Walter into the living room and sat on the couch. Walter had her hands in his. "Something happened when i left. But I'm letting you know now that it meant nothing and that I completely regret it."
"Walter, you're scaring me, what did you do?" Y/N asked, her voice breaking as her eyes became glassy.
"I drove to Angie's house. I need clarity, I just fought with you and I know i messed up really bad but I didn't know if it would have been the end. I asked Angie why we got divorced, I asked if it was the problem with our argument." Walter said, carefully looking at Y/N's reactions to his words. "She came to the conclusion that you and I are perfect for each other and that I should be more open to accepting your help, that I was pushing you away. We were reliving our good moments, we were eating drinking, and then we..." Walter was cut off by Y/N putting her hand up.
"You slept with your ex wife?" Y/N asked.
"Yes.” Walter admitted.
“You slept with your ex-wife after she told you that you and I were practically perfect for each other?” Y/N asked again.
“Yes.” Walter whispered. Y/N nodded and took her hands out of Walter’s, she walked to the kitchen and Walter trailed behind her. He observed how she picked up the mixing bowl and continued to mix the batter before turning on the stove and pouring the mix with a ladle onto the pan. “Say something, anything.” Walter said. Y/N remained silent until she finished making pancakes and the mixing bowl was empty.
“You wanna know what I did when you left me on our home? I cried because I had no idea where you were going. I was drinking wine and purposely watching movies that I know will make me cry because you were gone for hours and did send me a text to let me know you were alright. We never had a fight like this, Walter, Never, in our 5 years of dating. And the first thing you do is go to your ex-wife’s house? After you told me that Angie wasn’t as much as a bitch as I was? Do you see how messed up that is?” Y/N asked Walter with tears in her eyes.
“It didn’t mean anything, Y/N, I swear.” Walter said.
“Oh please Walter, you guys were married for what, 9 years? You loved each other, Walter. Maybe you still love each other, I don’t know. What I do know is that feelings were involved, Walter. It’s is different than sleeping with a random woman, which I would still be angry about by the way. You cheating on me with Angie is much worse than a random hookup.” Y/N explained, trying to hold on her tears.
“It was a mistake, Y/N, we were drunk.” Walter said.
“Oh, you were drunk, I guess that makes it better, then.” Y/N commented sarcastically. Me vale madre if you were drunk or not, we were still together.” Y/N said.
“I can make it better, please. I’m sorry I hurt you, I shouldn’t have left you, it was bad judgment on my part.” Walter said, he was going to wrap his arm around her when Y/N moved away.
“Now is not the time Walter.” Y/N said.
“What happened to Oso?” Walter asked.
“You lost that nickname the minute you slept with Angie. The worst part about ALL OF THIS is that you needed her to tell you that we were perfect for each other. You needed confirmation from another person, you couldn’t just take my word for it. You didn’t want me to smother you? Well congratulations, Walter, I won’t be here to smother you anymore.” Y/N said, walking upstairs, Walter following suit. He saw her pull out a suitcase, she was packing.
“No, please don’t leave me, we have to talk about this, please.” Walter said. Y/N looked up to see Walter’s eyes, his once bright blue eyes were now dull.
“Fine, you want to talk, let’s talk. How was your night with Angie?” Y/N asked.
“I don’t understand.” Walter said.
“Then let me help you understand. While I was home watching movies, you were fücking Angie in her house, how was she in bed? Is that clear enough?” Y/N asked kinda aggressively.
“I can’t answer that.” Walter stated.
“You’re the one who wanted to talk.” Y/N reminded him.
“It was different, you and I have always made love, Y/N. Angie was nothing compared to what we have.” Walter said. Y/N got closer to Walter.
“Had, Walter.” Y/N said, she finished packing her suitcase with her clothes, towels, and toiletries. She got the suitcase and started walking downstair, opening the front door, Walter trailed behind her. “You finally did it, Walter, you pushed me away, I hope you’re happy.” Y/N gave Walter his key back.
“What can I do to fix this? Fix us?” Walter asked.
“I just need time. I can’t sleep in the same bed with you or stay in the same house with you knowing that if we have another fight, you’d go to Angie, that you slept with Angie. The day I moved in, you promised me that you’d never hurt me and I believed you, guess we were both wrong.” Y/N said. She left and closed the door. Walter immediately broke down crying on the floor, he messed up big time.
Y/N entered her car and called one of her friends from the hospital.
“Hey Y/N, what’s up, how’s your weekend?” Her friend asked.
“Hey Blair, um, I was wondering if I can stay at your house for a few days or a few weeks.” Y/N said.
“Yeah, babe, stay with me as long as you need, okay? You sound like you’ve been through it. Go over to my house, I’ll call Seth and let him know, okay. Love you, bye." Blair hung up and Y/N but Blair's address on her phone and drove to her house. She saw Blair's husband, Seth, outside the house with the door open, along with two kids playing in the front yard with a cavalier king charles spaniel. Y/N parked her car in the driveway and got out.
"Y/N, its so nice to meet you, you need any help with your bag?" Seth asked.
"No, its fine, I got it." Y/N said. "How old are they?" Y/N asked Seth, entering the house.
"7 and 4. The dog is 2. We don't have the guest room set up so you will have to sleep on the couch tonight, is that alright?" Seth asked.
"Of course, I’m intruding. I will help with dinner and cleaning.” Y/N said.
“Sounds like a deal.” Seth said
Walter has been throwing himself into work since she left 4 days ago. Whenever there was an interrogation and the suspect would get testy, Walter took out all his anger on them. However, Commissioner Harper has had enough of Walter’s anger issues.
“Marshall, you can’t keep hulking out on the suspects/perps, we’ll get nowhere. Go home, you’re not coming back until you fix whatever problem you have going on.” Harper said. Walter huffed and walked out.
When he made it home and saw the picture of him and Y/N together, he decided it was time to get her back. He got in his truck, bought her favorite flowers, and went to the hospital she worked at. He got out of the truck and entered the hospital lobby.
“Hi, I’m Walter Marshall, I’m here to see Y/N L/N, she’s a nurse.” Walter said.
“Do you know what floor she’s working on?” The receptionist asked.
“Can’t you check?” Walter asked.
“She’s assigned to me 9th floor, here’s your visitor pass.” The receptionist said and Walter thanked her. He saw that a lot of people were waiting for the elevator so he decided to take the stairs. Luckily for him, this was light work compared to his SWAT training. He stopped at the 9th floor and walked to the nurse station.
“Hello, can I…oh it’s you.”
“Nice to see you too, Blair. Do you know where Y/N is?” Walter asked, lowkey out of breath,
“Why would I tell you? She’s devastated over his things ended.” Blair said.
“That’s why I’m here, to make things right. Where is she?” Walter asked again.
“She’s getting a translator from the supply closet.” Blair answered, pointing towards the door and Walter thanked her. He opened the door and saw Y/N in her light blue scrubs, her hair (down, braided, in a ponytail, up to you!), he closed the door and Y/N turned around.
“Walter, what are you doing here?” Y/N asked. Walter saw that Y/N had dark circles under her eyes, Y/N noticed the same thing about Walter. His hair was messier than usual.
“I came to win you back.” Walter says, handing Y/N the flowers.
“Flowers? You think you can fix everything with flowers?” Y/N said.
“No, but I think this might fix everything.” Walter said.
You better learn to grovel Get down on your knees Begging for forgiveness like "please, oh baby, please" I want all the tears streaming down your pretty face Telling me I'm someone that you can't replace I want you to grovel, grovel
Walter got down on his knees in front of Y/N, looking up at her like he was worshiping a goddess, on his mind he was.
“Please forgive, Y/N, you mean the whole world to me, these last few days have been utter torture, my house doesn’t feel like a home anymore, you brought light to my life, I am nothing without you.” Walter starts tearing up, voice breaking. “Please, baby, please forgive me, I made a terrible mistake, I admit that, you are someone that I can’t replace, no one, and I mean no one could replace you. You are so special to me, I am so lucky to have you, and I will worship the ground you walk on if you let me, please. I don’t know what I’ll do without you in my life.” When Walter was finished with his little speech, both of them were crying.
“Of course I forgive you, Oso. Now get up, the floor is filthy.” Y/N said, helping Walter up. Walter laughed lightly, getting up, and pulling Y/N into a kiss. She pulled away. “So I don’t have to worry about Angie?”
“Of course not, my love, I am in love with you, I dreamt about you since you left, I missed you. I will worship you everyday until I die, no one compares to you, I swear.” Walter said, kissing her once more.
“Thank you for the flowers. And thank you for coming all the way here to apologize, must’ve been hard with Blair being in the front today.” Y/N said, smelling the flowers.
“No it was not. Quick question, not that I’m ungrateful or anything, thank you for forgiving me, I don’t know what I would’ve done if you didn’t, but why did you?” Walter asked. Y/N pretended to think.
“Have I ever told you that I love when a man grovels and begs?” Y/N playfully asked and Walter laughed wholeheartedly.
“Good to know for the future. I’ll see you at home.” Walter kissed her goodbye, both of them walking out of the supply closet.
“See you at home.” Y/N said, still holding the flowers.
Walter walked back to his truck and got in. Smiling to himself, she’s coming back home, back to me
The End
Hope y’all liked it, was it too long? Was it good? I don’t know how to write couple fights, clearly. This took forever to write
Taglist: @warriormirkwood
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lassiekitsune · 1 year
Peter Parker x Reader "Under the starry sky"
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GIF isn't mine
Description: You need help with your math test and you ask your best friend for help. But Peter needs to tell you something important, after which your relationship will never be the same.
Warnings: fluff, a little agnst.
Y/N - Your name
(H/C) - Hair color
"- On Monday, I'll be waiting for you all to write a very important math test. You all will have enough time to prepare" - your teacher said then the school bell rang. Mathematics wasn't your favourite school subject, but your family demanded perfect grades from you. "It's just not realistic" you thought. The problem was that you missed the last topic due to illness and no one could help you... Almost no one. A few minutes later you spotted your best friend Peter Parker with Ned in the school hallway. Peter was known at school as one of the smartest students in the school, who knew the entire school curriculum at "A+". It was because of his knowledge that Peter was often mocked by his classmate Eugene Thompson ("Flash"), but you didn't care about him. You and Parker have been friends for many years, and it was he who you decided to ask for help with math.
"- Hello, Peter! Hello, Ned!" - you smiled.
"- Hey Y/N! We haven't seen each other for a long time" - Peter smiled at you as well, and so did Ned - "Did you want to ask something?"
"- Um, yeah, but..." - You looked at Ned. Peter's friend taking your hint and leaving the two of you alone. You sighed and continued - "So, I think I need your help" - Peter adjusted his backpack and looked at you curiously
"- Did something happen to you?"
"- No, I'm fine, don't worry" - knowing Peter's caring side, you rushed to comfort him - "Do you know that I have been absent from school for several weeks?" - Parker nodded - "And I missed the last subject in mathematics, and on Monday I have a test for which I am not ready at all... This is exactly what I need your help with"
"- Wait, do you want me to explain the topic to you?" - Peter's eyes lit up with joy
"- I do not insist, if you are busy…"
"- No!" - your friend interrupted you - I'm completely free today! If it's convenient for you, you can come over to my house today around 6:00 p.m., okay?"
"- Okay, sorry, I must go. Goodbye"
"- See you later, Y/N" - if you had turned back at that moment, you would have noticed how Peter guided you with his gaze.
~5:58 p.m.~
You are standing in front of the door of the Parker house. Peter told you a LOT about his Aunt May, and he was sure that you would become friends. You took a deep breath and tapped ligtly. Contrary to your expectations, a woman opened the door and smiled at you.
"- Hello! Are you Aunt May?"
"- Hello, yes, it's me. And you are Y/N? Peter said you would come today".
"- Yep, I'm Y/N. Can I come in?"
"- Of course, but Peter isn't at home now"
"- Oh, then I think I should go. Peter will call me when he gets back"
"- No, no! You can stay here, I don't care. After all," - May gave you a strange look - "I wanted to get to know you better"
~8:30 p.m.~
You were sitting next to Aunt May who offered you tea and you were talking to each other. Peter was still not at home.
"- Aunt May?"
"- Please call me just May"
"- Okay, May, where do you think Peter could be at this late hour?"
"- Honestly, I don't know" - May sipped her tea from her cup - "This is not the first time he has come home late. I tried to talk to him about it but he doesn't tell me anything" - May sighed. The conversation continued untill your mother called you and reminded you that it was time for you to go home.
"- Don't worry, Y/N, I will have a SERIOUS talk with Peter tonight" - May said with a special emphasis on the world "serious".
"- No, you don't have to" - you didn't want your best friend to get in trouble. When you got home, you changed and went to your room. You can't to sleep, probably you were worried about Peter. You've had a crush on Peter for a long time, but you've always had to hide those feelings from him. Of course, you, like many girls, dreamed that one day he would confess his love to you. So, after spending several hours in bed, you went out to the balcony to look at the stars. The night wind blew your (H/C) as you gazed up at the twinkling stars, and you closed your eyes to hear the sounds of night nature. Silence. Peace. Stop, something is wrong. You opened your eyes and heard footsteps on the roof. "- Are they thieves?" you thought and hid behind old boxes. A footsteps got closer and you tried to sit as quietly as possible. One moment, and familiar shadow is standing on your balcony. You did not think that HE would appear here, but you believe your eyes, before you stood the famous Spider-Man. Judging by his rapid breathing, he had just been running away from someone. You could endlessly watch this Superhero until he would have disappeared in his direction if not for his spider-sense. Spider-Man turned to face you
"- Y/N? What are you doing here?" - said a familiar voice
"- How do you know my name?" - You were in shock, but managed to find the strength to come out of your hiding place.
"- It's not important now, we have to get out of here" - Spider-Man held out his arms to you - "Don't be afraid of me, I won't hurt you. But now you are in danger if you do not go with me"
"- But, I..." - your voice was interrupted by the roar of some black scary creature that was slowly approaching you.
"- We must go RIGHT NOW!" - Spider-Man said as he grabbed you with one hand and held you close while the other released a web that gave you the opportunity to escape from this creature.
"- Thank you for saving me, but who was that?" - you asked fearfully
"- Venom and you're welcome"
"- What did he want?" - you asked, Spider-Man didn't turned to you
"- I'm sorry, it's my fault. You shouldn't have seen it..."
"- What? It's not your fault!" - you moved closer to him. You wanted to continue but the words got stuck somewhere in your throat. You realized where you could hear this voice, without thinking long, you defiantly pulled off his mask.
"- Hey! What are you doing?" - Spider-Man was outraged and tried to take his mask from you
"- Peter? Is that you?" - you asked in surprise. Parker looked at you and turned away sharply.
"- No! Don't look at me!" - Peter tried to hide his face with his hands -"I'm not Peter!
"- You are Spider-Man! I can't believe it"
"- Don't talk so loud" - Peter came closer - "Someone might hear it"
"- Hey, don't worry, I promise no one will find out about your secret"
"- T-thank you..." - Parker whispered "- Why are you awake at such a late hour?"
"- I couldn't sleep because I was worried about you. You promised to come, but you didn't"
"- Oh, I'm so sorry about it"
"- Don't worry, I had a great time with your Aunt May, I think she liked me"
"- That's good" - Peter smiled. There was an awkward pause between you as you just stared down. Parker was the first to break the silence between you
"- Y/N can I tell you s-something?"
"- Sure" - after your words, Peter nervously took your hand and looked into your eyes
"- Y/N, I know now is not the right time, but we have been friends for a long time and I... I... No! I can't to say that!" - Peter turned around
"- Peter" - you came closer to him and touched his shoulder with your hand -"You know you can tell me everything and I'll keep it in secret if you ask me. We are best friends, do you remember?"
"- That's what I tried to say, Y/N!" - Peter turned to you sharply -"I don't want to be your friend anymore!" - You felt your heart break into a million pieces.
"- Well, if that's what you really want..." - you could barely hold back your tears - "I won't bother you anymore..."
"- No, no, no, wait, that's not what I meant!" - Peter sighed and whispered - "Oh, my God, Peter, why are you so stupid?" - You didn't understand anything. Peter, as if thinking something, took your hand againe
"- Peter, what are you do..." - you were interrupted by an unexpected kiss on the lips. Peter kissed you and it was completely real! Realizing what he was doing, Parker pulled away from you.
"- No, what have I done? Y/N, I'm sorry, I didn't ask you before..." - you kissed him again to shut him up. This moment could last forever if you didn't need oxygen, you pulled away from each other, gasping for air
"- Wow! I did not expect this" - Peter smiled nervous and looked at you -"But, now I'm sure, I love you, Y/N and... Would you like to be my girlfriend?"
"- Yes..."- you answered, Peter smiled and kissed you again.
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hydrangeyes · 11 months
Valentines day scenarios
So if you don't know, Yes this already existed, my old account was deleted (accident but I can tell I won't be getting it back), and am reposting my old x male reader works!
I don't know if I saved all of them but here is one that was saved to my AO3 account.
Edit Nov.8.2023: I forgot just how much I was into Bnha/Mha, Like going through google docs I had 130 + fic ideas listed out (Like HUH???)
(You both stayed in bed and then later Aizawa surprised you with cooking dinner AND washing the dishes. You absolutely dick him down afterwards)
Okay pretend covid didn’t happen-
“Hiza guess what I have~”
“2 tickets to [insert shared fav band], they’re playing tonight!~”
“Y/N!! So did I!!!”
The both of you hunt for a double date (only to kinda ditch them later) and are absolutely loud gremlins during the whole road trip and show.
(Rough outdoor sex abit away from the crowds??? Thrusts matching the beat and you both laugh about that later)
“I’m pampering you today.”
“W-wha? Y/n shouldn’t it be-”
“No. Shut up. First order is cuddles and massaging your wings.”
“O-oh okay 😳”
(Your spoiling him rotten. If he has to work, watch you call them up and say get bent before hanging up. Today you have the excuse to finally wreck hawks with absolute care and fluff)
“Ah~ this onsen is the best~”
“It issss~ we can order whatever after even.”
“Really!? 🥺”
“Mhm, I um, asked them to make something special just for you 👉👈”
(Idk why writing him is so hard)
“Today’s Valentines day right?”
“Uh huh, yeah it is.”
“And your working.”
“Um I didn’t think you cared for holidays to be honest…”
“Any day that you can fully give all your attention to me is one we are celebrating.”
“Heh okay- Woah!”
“I’m not getting off your lap until you call your shitty boss and tell him you’re off today- no. The rest of the week”
(I love the thought that tomura demands your attention/is bratty once he knows without a doubt you’re actually dating.)
“Oh come on dabi!”
“No. Nope. Fuck that.”
“Atleast accept the chocolate I made?”
“….you..made me chocolate?”
“Of course! I was thinking of buying you alot of presents and flowers but I think you’d like me making you something more”
“….hand them over.”
Gang orca:
It’s just horny all day sorry. Telling me if he was off this day and maybe doesn’t have work the next he wouldn’t spend it absolutely wrecking y/n? Like in a sexy way or non sexy? Pls.
Out of any character besides the obvious ones I feel like he’s eating any type of treat that he can off of you. Round 5? Break time, cuddle bath bubbles, champagne or wine, oil massages at home horny “I love you and miss you and need you” sex. The day ends with you both exhausted because fuck all else you wrecked him too.
I’m a simp. I’m sorry I love him so much. Anyway
“Babe, babe wake up.”
“You have the hardest morning wood right now and I want to lick chocolate off if it.”
Brain starting to crash so this is all I got for now lol
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renee-writer · 1 year
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Letters Chapter 5
She carries them into the great room where she has a folding table and chairs set up. Sitting in one, she lays the letters out. Opening one, she sees it is addressed to,
“Our coming bairn,
My darling, this is yer da. I dinna ken whether ye be a lass or a lad. It matters not. Yer mama assumes I wish for a lad. I dinna think she believes me when I say it doesn’t matter. Truly whatever God gifts us with is fine with me.
I cannae wait to see ye. To see yer mama in ye. She is beautiful. I ken ye will be as well. I cannae wait to take ye riding. A horse man, or lass, ye shall be.
Yer mama believes it will be anytime, yer coming. She is sae brave. Yer da has delivered many a horse and coo. To see a woman be delivered of a child, weel, yer da is glad that I dinna have to witness such. “
The next on the pile is wrinkled when she removes it. From long dried tears, she sees as she reads the opening line.
“Ye were delivered still, my daughter. Yer Auntie Jenny named ye Faith. Beautiful, as I expected ye to be, fair of skin with my red hair and yer mama ‘s curls. Yer mama…”  There is a break here where a swatch of ink takes the center of the page, “yer mama wished for Julia, after her own mama. We thought it better to wait until a living child. Nae it matters.” Another break. She reads his breaking and shattered heart in the pauses, “They couldn’t stop the bleeding. They tried. Jenny was near covered with it when she came to tell me. I was holding ye, saying goodbye. She took ye and I rushed in, just in time.  She slipped away as I held her hand, begging her to stay.
Ye are both with the angels now. I am alone.”
Claire laid the missive aside, reaching for the tissues. She wept for this heartbroken man. This Jamie who feels as near as his writing. After a few minutes, she picks up another one. It is next in the chronological order he wrote them.
“My dearest Claire,
We laid ye to rest today. Faith lays cradled in your arms. I dinna ken how to go on from here. The life we planned is under the dirt and I only go on out of habit. How am I to keep moving forward without ye? How could death part us sae soon?
I railed against the Almighty. How can His will be thus? I shall find ye again. If it takes all of eternity, I shall find ye! I must.”
“What type of love is this?” she asks the room.
Shaking, she slides the next one out.
“My dearest Claire,
Hope! I have hope. How ye could have kept such a thing from me, I cannae fathom. Going through yer things, I found the letter ye penned to me. I understand so much more now. How ye ken’ d what ye did. I would have believed ye. There was always a trust between us. All ye had to do is tell me. Ah, ye have, in ye own way.
As ye made it here once, I ken ye can again. I shall be waiting. As always, yer faithful husband.”
“What the hell?” Claire mumbles to herself. Inside the envelope, that the last letter had been in, there is another.  Opening it, she sees, to her shock, her own handwriting. It is recognizable even with the different writing instruments used. Heart pounding, she reads it.
“My dearest Jamie,
I have a confession. I am not who I seem to be. Yes, I am your wife and shall always be. But, I am more. I am a time traveler. I was born in the year 1915. While in Scotland on holiday, I explored a strange set of standing stones. A touch of the largest transferred me to your time. I woke up disoriented in a time different from my own. Then Murtagh found me. My clothing, that you thought a shift, was actually a dress from my time.
I should have told you straight away but, I never expected to fall so deeply in love with you. I pray soon I get the courage to share this with you. You deserve the truth.
Your love,
She sits holding the letter as the clock chimes the hour. It brings her back to herself.  Shaking her head in a futile effort to clear it, she struggles to make sense of it all.
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
for the fic writer asks!!
5, 9, 13, 15, 29?
hi hi aayo!!
[questions were here]
5. So, a while back, I was spitballing with my friends about Pokemon Black/White & the sequel, because I love those games, those are my childhood Pokemon games, and the story is so close to brilliant I can taste it. It would just need a little touching up, I swear, adjust a motivation here, add some more scenes there... But see the thing is, doing that would take. A While. and I just don't think I have the patience to do a full rewrite of a Pokemon game from 2010 so it'll probably remain an idea.
9. Yes! I do! I try to do a few hundred words a day, every day. Depending on how bad my depression is, I can be pretty consistent about it and get a lot done. And I did manage to do a little today for that nsfw lucifer/raphael fic I'm working on! Let's see here. Ahem. "Waiting, a front of perfect obedience betrayed by how hard he’s clenching his hands together behind his back to keep from touching himself." :) I am. doing things. to luci.
13. It depends on the fic. Some of them, I want to say Last Call and could have been anyone, anyone are good examples, start writing themselves in my head with absolutely no warning, and I have to jump to the nearest thing to jot down the sentences before they disappear forever. Others, like Honey, Don't Feed It, have literally been turned over in my brain for more than a year, twisted and changed until I've gotten a fic I actually like out of it.
15. Sometimes it's a song title, sometimes it's a line from the fic, sometimes it's 'it is 4am when im posting it and ive already typed up the fucking tags and the summary and i am so so tired whats the closest noun i can think of' and then i slap it on there and call it a day.
29. asjklajdksld my first thought was 'oh you know what fine i'll post what i had of that samifer fic before it gets deleted but uh It Is Literally Entirely Porn. so lets. lets go with something a little more PG, yeah? Not exactly polite of me to throw smut at you without asking.
So instead, have this bit from the original draft of my next Sarah/Lucifer/Nick fic that got cut because I switched the pov character from Sarah to Nick for. Reasons.
Sarah has had a lot more time to paint in the last few months. Enough that muscle memory she thought lost has slowly reappeared, making her hand steadier. Her art hasn’t become more neat as a result, but it has grown purpose in its mess. Her mother always wished she’d take after her grandmother and paint lush green forests and pretty meadows, but Sarah’s brushes led her down a different path. Intricate strokes litter the paper, testing to see how close she can bring the painting to the being curled around her spine before it devolves into a jumbled mess. Lucifer is not an easy muse. Sarah hasn’t managed to paint a piece that does her justice yet.
This one is barely recognizable as anything, more abstract than Sarah’s committed to in a long time. A lot of her paintings of Lucifer start somewhere she understands, with Nick’s face or her own, fragmented to better show the angel that lives inside them, openings in the skin like bloodless wounds through which eyes and feathers and teeth peek through. Someone else might find them terrifying. Nick thinks her paintings of Lucifer are beautiful. Lucifer, of course, is flattered and amused. She watches Sarah paint, enthralled the same way Nick mentioned her being the day he built Teddy’s crib. She hasn’t asked for a turn at the brushes yet, but Sarah hopes she does one day, if only so they can see what she’s capable of creating.
Sarah stretches. There’s no satisfying pop to her spine as she uncurls from her art, but in exchange, there’s also no lingering soreness from staying in one position for too long. Lucifer’s grace pulses, buried somewhere deep, utterly content. Sarah shuts her eyes as though she could listen to her.
Instead, Sarah hears a cry from the other room. She lets her head tilt towards the clock on the wall. It’s been a while since she put Teddy down for a nap. Lucifer is on alert the moment the sound hits Sarah’s ears. She’s still not used to the simple fact that sometimes, babies cry, and it doesn’t mean the world is about to end. Impossible to fathom wings flex under Sarah’s skin. Sarah suppresses a chuckle into a small smile and sets her paintbrush down. It rolls to join its brethren of various sizes, the only commonality between them all the teethmarks at the tip where Sarah chewed when she got frustrated or distracted. Lucifer’s wings flap, a wave of power rolling through Sarah’s body that’s asking one question, whether they can fly to the nursery rather than take the minute long walk there. Sarah lets her consent echo back through Lucifer, bracing herself.
Flight is a cacophony. Flight is like learning what it is to be a photon and forgetting again as her body hits the ground, human toes curling against the fuzz of the nursery carpet. Lucifer recovers like they’ve taken a brisk walk up the stairs. Sarah needs a minute more, as though she’s been thrown under the waves at the beach and needs to figure out which direction is up in order to stand. In his crib, Teddy turns his head to look at them, brown eyes seeking his mother, and when he knows she’s there to hear him, he scrunches up his face and starts crying again.
It’s Lucifer that takes them the first few steps to the crib, but Sarah who reaches down and picks Teddy up.
“Hey, hey, fussy,” she says softly to him, “shh, we’re here now.” Teddy cries out one more time, like he’s making sure she’s not going to put him down and leave once he’s quiet. Sarah rocks him.
“We’re here,” comes another voice from her mouth, still hesitant but less than it has been in a few months. Lucifer raises Sarah’s hand to pet a line down Teddy’s forehead. There’s no more than the ambient hum of her grace beneath Sarah’s skin, but between being held by his mother and watched over by his guardian devil, (Sarah’s mouth curls at the thought, and she can’t tell if it’s her or Lucifer reacting.) he quiets. He keeps frowning, scrunched up eyes and a wrinkled forehead. “Hello, Theodore,” Lucifer says, and it’s at Sarah’s prodding that she finally says, “Teddy.”
He’s a baby, Sarah teases, no need to be so formal.
Names mean something, comes the quick counter.
And this one means you love him. Lucifer hums, finger still drifting in absent circles over Teddy’s face. Teddy latches onto it when it’s near his mouth, and Lucifer freezes. Sarah laughs, and with control of her body falling back to her, it comes out without a care in the world. Teddy makes a frustrated noise when she pulls her finger away.
“That’s better than you needing a diaper change,” Sarah tells him. Teddy babbles at her, sounds that are beginning to have more distinct shapes but mean nothing at all. She’s going to have to put him back down to undo her button-up, or would have to, only Lucifer proves for the hundredth time how much easier parenting is with divine power backing them up. Sarah shifts Teddy around in her arms, enduring the tiny beat of an impatient hand against her chest, until she has him comfortably settled to feed.
He seems so small in her arms. He’s growing fast and will continue to for years and years, a prospect both terrifying and exciting.
It’s a short enough walk to her and Nick’s bedroom from the nursery, and she’s careful not to jostle Teddy while he nurses. There, she can settle down comfortably against the pillows, the blankets tucking themselves up around her legs despite her not reaching for them. It doesn’t do much against the ever-present chill, but Sarah doesn’t want that to go away. Besides, they bundle Teddy up warmly enough.
She does wonder sometimes what it’ll be like as he gets older. If his first words will be ‘dada’ or ‘mama’ or something else entirely, a string of syllables that seem like gibberish to her and Nick but mimic the language that Lucifer sometimes speaks to him off-handedly, the one that makes Sarah’s ears feel like they might pop from pressure if she listens for too long, the one that Teddy reacts to with kicking feet and responsive babbling. If one day Sarah will get teachers telling her about Teddy’s imaginary angelic friend who raised him, both those impressed that he could come up with something so elaborate and those worried that the angel in question is Lucifer herself. Maybe the funniest thing Sarah can imagine is if Nick ever takes little Teddy to church and what kind of menace they might unleash with a child who loves the devil like a mother. That, if it ever happens, is a long ways off, and until then, Lucifer is still the secret held between the three of them.
“You think he’ll still like me,” Lucifer says, dipping her hand into the stream of Sarah’s thoughts, welcomed but nibbled at by the fish that think she really should have asked permission first. Maybe a little hypocritical when Sarah has already let her in, “when he grows up.”
There is, always, this expectation of rejection that lingers in Lucifer’s words. A surprise when she finds connection instead that breaks Sarah’s heart.
“You look after him. You sing to him. You feed him.” Sarah looks down at Teddy, who takes his fill and rests his tiny fist against her skin. This caretaking is a communal effort, after all. “Of course he’ll love you.”
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shadfanfic · 2 years
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Hello everyone! So this is a new fic I started writing i hope u guys like it! Please don’t forget to comment and tell me ur thoughts! :) 🤍
warning: angst, abuse, killing, bucky is brainwashed in this chapter, my English might be bad so yeah :)
enjoyyy! Luv u 💋
A lesson
5 am Sunday “the first day”
Sighing and getting up at your mom shaking you 
“Go make your brother a warm tea and  some sandwiches now!, we are going out early today”Your mom talked so fast while walking around to get your brother stuff
“Sure, hold on i need the rest room” You talked sleepily until a hand landed on your cheek harshly 
“I said.. go make him what he wants NOW!”Your mom start yelling and you just stepped back nodding 
“Okay okay..”You took a deep shaky breath and start  walking to the kitchen with teary eyes 
After you finished everything your mom asked you to do, your were sitting in the living focused with the news trying your hardest to stop thinking about the way your being treated
“The rumours, is about a company who have a cure for cancer but they just decided to not share?”The male reported start to talk to his female partner who start nodding 
“Sadly, yes! But is there anyway we well find the cure anytime soon?”The female start asking the other reporter who was in another country 
“Well, the strongest hacker in the world might”The third reporter said and they all start giggling 
“Cure for cancer ?”You whispered to yourself 100% not taking it as a joke
After 4 hours straight you found this website, really really old website but it’s active.. 
“oh wow since 1989 and still working, last thing updated was a day ago”You talked to urself and your smile dropped when u found it all in russian you took a deep breath and tried to translate it  and you did amazing with that 
Few minutes passed and you were ready to print everything but you just stood in shock when your laptop immediately shut off from some reason, you tried to turn it back on..  but nothing worked, you sigh and face palmed yourself
You pick up the papers ignoring it and giving up 
Sitting under the table covering your ears while sobbing trying your hardest to stay quiet, they found you.. your mom and your twin brother were still out -..
there’s someone who broke in, his big, black mask, and angry.. really really angry 
You look up with fear in your teary eyes so scaredto move he was holding your favourite and only friend your pet
“T-take anything just please leave the cat alone”You start begging with shaky voice but he only grabbed your 5 years old cat hard and  with his metal arm threw it into the wall harshly killing him, he grabbed you by your neck silently and force you to stand up while you were just shivering scared 
“Try to run and i well kill you just like that cat understood? ”He talked and start tying your wrists together and you just started to cry silently not moving an inch he stand up after tying you up, he taped your mouth and cover your eyes with a blindfold 
He pick you up and start walking -..
after an hour the car stopped and you gluped and your heartbeat start raising again, his loud footsteps stopped and you heard a car door opening 
“we are home”
He whispered and put white cloth on your nose and you immediately passed out 
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belovedarkness · 6 months
I made this playlist last January 2023. After years of finally deciding to move forward from my broken relationship with Ken, I’ve started praying and hoping for a life partner. Someone I can share my love for Jesus and my random stories with. Last 14th of February 2023, I wrote down a list of my negotiables and non-negotiables. I am really excited to share the love I have inside me and have been earnestly praying for that someone I can have a godly, stable and healhy relationship with. I am healed and ready. In March 2023, when we had our Mt. Pulag hike, I felt the same. Then April 2023 where I celebrated my 25th birthday in El Nido came, my frontal lobe shifted and I realized that I really want to be someone’s wife. I am not for games. I am for marriage. During those months Bryan has been really trying to show his interest in me but I was refusing because I want him to be healed first and to be sure as well. There are other guys showing interests but did not match my list, Bryan didn’t either. But he is my dearest friend. Bryan surprised me on my birthday last year with a cake and I knew that time, I am swayed and slowly removing all my guards down. I knew it but didn’t speak much about it. We started talking in July 2023. I was reading The Alchemist that time. The story Santiago and Fatima inspired me so much, of how Fatima waited for Santiago until he got his dream even if Santiago will choose her she pushed him to do what he wants to do. Isn’t that so selfless and hopeful? If that’s not love, I don’t know what that is called. I’ve been constantly exchanging good morning texts with Bryan during that time. Again, slowly letting my guards down. I was also in a state of isolation and reading Songs of Solomon. My relationship with Jesus became deeper and personal. I am filled with so much love. August came, Bryan asked me if we could start dating. I did not answer right away. I prayed and asked for Godly advice and consents. I gave myself 2 weeks but a part of me knew that I will say yes to it. So there, the courtship started. Bryan’s work is demanding, he is an accountant. I understand his field and the way he didn’t have that much time to talk to me every single day. I did not demand. I waited. After all, he’s the man. He is designed to take the lead in our relationship. So I let him be. Bryan came here in PH for a 5 days vacay. He invited me to his friends’ out of town in Rizal last October 2023 and that’s when everything has been slowly breaking. All of my expectations with my relationship with Bryan has shown me reality. People aren’t perfect. They make mistakes. And I forgive him. I was hurt but I forgive. Then this year, February 2024. I visited Bryan in AU to see the life he had there. If I really wanted to understand why he wants to settle down in that place I should see it myself that’s why I decided to. Even if I don’t know what to expect. I took the risk. AU Trip was amazing but its a bit sad if you’re not with your loved ones. A lot of things happened there and Bryan showed me different kind of love. A love that comes out of friendship. He made the same mistake, I forgave him, again. When we were there we were just so happy. Contented. Not thinking about anything. I didn’t know I could ever love someone again, and this time at my best state. I was able to show Bryan my best self that I wasn’t able to give Ken. But life happens, after I came back here in PH, we then had a hard time again navigating through our LDR set up. Its so hard to miss someone you couldn’t see or touch or just be there. We both tried our best. We had a hard time compromising and communicating our needs. Our level of emotional maturity is different and pride is greater on the other side. Honestly, I don’t know why I’m writing this down today. I just know that after almost 8 months of my courtship with Bryan, I had the best time and wouldn’t even regret anything that happened or how much love I gave him and I want it to stay that way. If we won’t be able to work this out, I won’t force it. I am letting God in control for the both of us.
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fated2loveu · 8 months
Be Nosy
1: The last person you kissed screams they love you, you say…
I…. You love me?
I love you.
2: Did you get to sleep in today?
3: You never know what you got until you lose it?
That tracks.
Is there an actual question here?
4: Do you have siblings?
Yes Daichi
Yes Kiyo and Nobu.
5: How many kids do you want?
I have all the children I could love. I don’t think I’ll have more unless the gods allow.
None yet!
6: Who was the last person you held hands with?
7: Did you stand on your tippy-toes for your last kiss?
Haha no
8: Do you think if you died, the last person you kissed would care?
It’s seems to be the only thing they care about…
Most definitely
9: Last person to talk on the phone?
Um…. Me?
Again I don’t think this is a question….
10: Did anyone watch you the last time you kissed someone?
I’d hope not
11: When’s your birthday?
September 29th
October 3rd
12: Remember the first time you kissed the last person you kissed?
I do, like it was yesterday
13: What kind of phone do you have?
14: Are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants, or pajama pants?
15: Are you a different person now than you were 5 years ago?
Most definitely
I don’t thinks so but I don’t feel I’ve changed all too much.
16: What were you doing at 4 am?
Um….working out~
17: Would you rather write a paper or give a speech?
18: Are you lying to yourself about something?
19: Last night you felt…?
20: What’s something you cannot wait for?
21: Ever told your parents you were going somewhere but when somewhere different?
No, never.
I didn’t know my parents but you need to learn how to ask actual questions….
22: How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
4…. I was a little restless
23: Are you a morning or night person?
Morning definitely
24: What did you get your last bruise from?
Walking into the table
25: Do you reply to all of your texts?
Not always
26: Your phone is ringing. It’s the person you fell hardest for. What do you do?
Answer it
27: Did your last kiss take place in/on a bed?
28: Anyone you would like to get things straight with?
Yes……. Greatly
Nope I’m good
29: How many months until your birthday?
30: Favorite thing to eat with peanut butter?
31: Did you like this past summer?
It was nice
32: What were you doing before you got on the computer?
33: Your ex is sitting next to you, with their new partner. What do you do?
Uh, be happy for them
34: What is the last thing you said out loud?
I love you guys
I love you
35: Your mood summed into one work?
Grilled Cheese
Work? You mean word…. Good my mood is good
36: Are you doing anything else besides taking this survey?
Just getting annoyed at your terrible “questions”
37: What are your initials?
38: Are you a happy person?
Not always
39: Do you still talk to the person you liked 4 months ago?
40: Where do you want to live when your older?
By the sea
In the mountains
41: Have you had your birthday this year?
Bro find more questions you’ve asked about my birthday 3 times….. but no
42: What did you do yesterday?
Spoiled a girl
43: What will you be doing tomorrow?
Not sure yet
44: How late did you stay up last night?
45: Is there anyone you would do anything for?
My children and their father
My family
46: Is it hard to make you laugh?
47: Do you believe ex’s can be just friends?
Why couldn’t they?
48: Do you think any of your exes will eventually want to be with you again?
Rationally no…. But I could see it…
Well I don’t have an ex and I don’t plan to
49: How many people have you had feelings for in the year of 2012?
There may have been someone but I don’t remember
The fuck? That was over a decade ago. None
50: Do you wish your ex was dead?
Don’t have an ex
51: Have you ever dyed your hair?
Yes blonde
Oh yeah many colors~
52: Would ever take back someone that cheated?
Yes. After we’ve talked of course but not blindly.
I agree with Kiyo
53: Was New Year’s Even enjoyable?
It was good.
I don’t know, was it even?
54: Bet you’re missing someone right now?
Of course, always
Hmm no not really
55: How would your parents react if you got a tattoo?
They’re dead
No clue
56: Sleep on your back or stomach?
Stomach mostly
57: If you could move away, no questions asked, where would it be ?
Tropical island
Somewhere in the mountains
58: What would you change about your life right now?
My love life…
59: Has anything upset you in the past week?
Of course it has
60: Are you on the phone?
61: Today, would you rather go forward a week or back?
62: Would you take $40,000 or a brand new car?
The cash
63: Have you ever talked to someone when they were high?
Not that I recall
64: Ever cried while you were on the phone with someone?
65: Have you ever copied someone elses homework?
Oh yeah
66: Are you the type of person who liks to be out or at home?
Out on the town!
67: Do you automatically check your phone when you wake up?
N-….. yes
68: Have you ever stayed up all night on the phone?
69: Could you use some sleep right now?
70: Are you going to have a baby by the time you’re 18?
I’m 40 and I have 5 kids already
I’m 30
71: Does it bother you when someone hides things from you?
Yes but I can understand why they would
Depends on their reasoning
72: What’s your favorite color?
73: Have you ever slept in the same room with someone you liked?
Uh…. Yes
The fu k kind of questions is that? Of course!
74: Have you ever been looking for something and it was already in your hand?
75: Do you get annoyed easily?
Oh yeah
76: If someone liked you, would you want them to tell you?
Sure if they like
77: Do you have a person of the opposite sex that you can tell everything to?
78: Does anyone call you babe?
Not anymore
79: How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
80: What do you prefer, relationship or one night stand?
Currently nothing
81: What color hoodie did you wear last?
82: Is there someone who meant alot to you at one point, and isn’t around anymore?
Yes, but they are around
Nope I have my lover~
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httpiastri · 1 year
Hiii Love!
Gosh, I haven't been here in a while! I hope your doing good!
I actually managed to watch the race last Sunday, which is the first race I have watched since the summer break. That's so crazy 🙈 but I am just trying to get the most of the nice weather before it just starts to rain all the time here.
I am so so happy about choosing to do the year abroad, and even though sometimes there are harder days (like when my au pair kids do the opposite of what I tell them to do) and it gets frustrating, I love this work and the country and the kids of course! One of them was all cuddly today and didn't wanna stop hugging me 🥰
But the race was so good! Even though I am very... unsure what to think about Carlos as a person, I love love love Carlando and the teamwork at the end of the race was everything!! Gosh, I was so nervous!
I was planning on watching the race on Sunday as well, because it's early in the morning before I could go out, but now it turns out I am going out the night before and won't be home till 3 am 🙈 I really don't think I'm gonna be able to keep my eyes open to watch or even get up. How did I do this back home??
I don't know if I missed anything because I haven't read all of the asks, but did you come to a decision about your University? Just if you wanna talk about it :)
Also, I read that you were struggling a bit about a writer's block and I just wanna say that just starting is the most important thing, even if it might be absolute bullshit! You can always improve it later! Hope it resolves itself soon and you have more time to write as well!!
hello love! i’ve missed you!! i’ve been doing good, how about you? <33
aw im glad you got to watch the race, it was a good one!! not just the boring old “max verstappen wins by 64 seconds” race 🤭 i’ve been kinda unsure about my feelings about carlos recently too but i can’t say no to carlando, such an iconic and lovely pairing 🥰 just wish it had been swapped around so lando had the win!
but yes you’re right for enjoying the weather and spending time with the kids! i’m really glad you feel like going away to be an au pair is the right thing 🥺 since i work with kids too (they’re probably a bit older than yours, though?…) i really get you, it can be annoying at times but it’s also so much fun. and a cuddly child 🥺😭 that’s so sweet awwww i’m so happy for you about this whole thing 🫶
oh god if you’re up that late then it indeed would be hard to stay awake 😩 good thing you can always watch it later! and i hope you have a great night out 😁😁 idk how i’m gonna survive it either, i really wanna catch up on some sleep this weekend… why couldn’t this weekend be a later race 😔😔
about uni, i ended up not going and instead i’m taking a course in journalism at another university! it’s only once a week though, so i’ve been working these last few weeks. first time i’ve ever worked an actual 9-5 job for more than like two days 😵 i’ve done so many other types of work but this is new territory. it’s quite alright so far! the only problem being that i never fall asleep until 1am at the earliest, so i never get a lot of sleep :/ well well!
you’re very right, always when i get a block i just sit down and force myself to write either way. i have barely had any time at all to write these last few weeks tho so i haven’t gotten around to doing it. i did manage to sit down last night though and had a good writing moment! but it was at 2am so my work today is going to suffer from it 🥲 thank you love!
i hope you have a great weekend sweetheart 🥰🥰
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josiehook200 · 2 years
Nuptials Of Blood, Chapter 43
"Or should I say Dracula?" I was right, she's not a stupid woman. 
"How do you know?" Walt asks while he's pretty much talking into his legs since he's still stuck. 
"I had a feeling when I looked at his chart and there wasn't much in there, but it was confirmed once I saw the ring that said 'I am Dracula' in old Welsh, and 'Mark of Dracula' in old Latin." That's what two of his rings say? Did not know that. 
"Ah. Can someone help me stand up? I'm getting tired of looking at my knees." I try to get Walt back up but, fail. He is heavier than I am. I'm closer to 150 pounds! Weight more than Sienna but, still lighter than Walt. Didn't think he would weight this much for someone who's over 500 years old!
"Let me." I pull away and let Dr. Hook do it. 
"Alright. Take a deep breath and 3...2...1!" Dr. Hook crack Walt's back enough for him to stand up. 
"Ah...That actually doesn't hurt that bad." I'm still in awe in how a woman who might be only taller than me by a few inches was able to get Walt to stand back up. 
"How did you do that?"
"Habit of doing that to my husband, James. Who is more junk than human." Wait, James? Is her husband....
"Uh, Doctor. Can I ask you a question?"
"Of course."
"Are you married to Captain Hook?" 
"Yes." That explains the last name.
"How much of your husband is still human?"
"About 2%. Only his brain, his nose, I believe two of his fingers, and the reason why we have four children." Alright then...
"Alright, Mr. Deville. You can get dressed. A nurse will be coming back in here to give you your needed vaccinations." Walt's eyes slightly widen. Does he have a fear of needles? Dr. Hook walks out of the room after she says that sentence. 
"Walt, are you afraid of needles?"
"Then why did your eyes widen a little when the doctor mentioned about vaccinations?" 
"I just don't know what to expect." 
"You'll just be getting a bunch of needles into your arm."
"Oh." I turn around and grab his clothes. I turn around and he's already nude. Well, he wasted no time getting that gown off. 
"Here." I toss him his underwear and he put those on. At least, he'll be covered if the nurse comes in here before Walt has all of his clothes back on. I toss him his pants and belt. I toss him his shirt after he puts his pants back on. After Walt puts his pants back on, I grab his shoes and socks. I had them to him and he sits back down onto the exam table. Walt puts his socks back on first and then his shoes. The nurse comes back in just right after Walt puts his shoes back on. Wow, that's a lot of needles. 
"Alright Mr. Deville, do you want the shots in your left or right arm?" Walt looks to me. 
"Your arm will be sore as hell tomorrow. I suggest don't have it done in the arm to write with."
"Ah. Left." The nurse gets the first needle ready. I unbutton enough of Walt's shirt that his arm is visible enough for the shots. The nurse lifts up the first needle and Walt’s hand goes straight to my chest. 
“Do you have a homing beacon in my chest?” Looks like I’ll be getting a mammogram the hard way. The nurse pierces through Walt’s skin with the first needle and his grip just got tighter on my chest. Not as tight as I thought he was going to go but, still tight. 1 needle down, 5 more to go. The process continues with the rest of the needles until the nurse finishes with the last needle. 
“Alright, we’re done. Have a nice day.” The nurse leaves and Walt buttons his shirt back up. I turn around to grab my stuff. After I grab my stuff, all of a sudden I feel arms wrap around me, a body pressed up against me, and a head in the crook of my neck. 
“I’m sorry that I was being an ass.”  I reach up my hand to stroke his hair. 
“It’s okay.” We stay like that for a few minutes before Walt gets the clue to let go. We walk out of the room and to the front. I grab the papers regarding to the vaccinations he got today. After I get the papers, we head out of the doctor’s office and head to the car. Once we get to the car, we get in and I start the car up. I ask Walt something as we buckle up. 
“Is there anything you want to do while we’re here?” 
“Nothing I can think of.” 
“Do you just want to go home?” 
“Alright then.” I pull out of the spot and take off. Today was a very interesting day. 
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adrienneleclerc · 7 months
Grovel (alt. Ending)
Pairing: Walter Marshall x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Walter begs for forgiveness after he did something that would put his relationship to the test
Warning: CHEATING, spelling and grammar errors, NO HAPPY ENDING, angsty
A/N: For those who believed Y/N forgave Walter too easily, here’s an alternate ending so if you want to read it all over again or just skip to the end, you’re more than welcome to @leyannrae @idontknowwhatnametochoosee
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Walter Marshall thought that after his divorce with Angie, he was not going to find someone else. He believed he came with a lot of baggage because he is a homicide detective, that was until he met Y/N, a nurse.
Y/N was the one that treated Walter's bullet wound when he was on the Simon case and when he sees her in a bar a month later, they hit it off and went on 5 dates before Walter decided to ask her to be his girlfriend.
5 years later, they are still together and Y/N has moved into Walter's house and they are so happy and in love.
Until tonight
It all started 3 days ago, it was 4 in the afternoon and Y/N was getting out of the hospital. Her car was in the shop and Walter said that he would gladly drop her off and pick her up. 10 minutes later, Walter picked her up.
"Hello, darling, how was your shift today?" Walter asked, pulling out of the hospital parking lot.
"It was good, a little tiring, but nothing a cuban coffee can't fix. How was your day, Oso?" Y/N asked.
"Stressful as fuck." Walter muttered.
"You're still on that case?" Y/N asked.
"Yes. We have no leads, it is like this guy is always three steps ahead and its pissing me the fuck off." Walter huffed out. Y/N took his hand in hers and rubbed her thumb over his hand in an attept to soothe him.
"You'll get this guy, i'm sure of it." Y/N said.
When they got home, Y/N saw the folders, clue board, everything that Walter had in his office at the police department was in his living room.
"You're working from home?" Y/N asked.
"I figured it would be better to focus all my attention on this case so I brought some of the files home, i hope that's okay." Walter said, sitting down at the table to look over things he might have missed with this case.
“Yeah it’s fine, Oso, that’s your job. Just don’t work too hard, okay? Sleep is not for the weak.” Y/N says.
“I know, love, I won’t turn into a zombie.” Walter said and they kissed.
Which brings us to tonight, Y/N took an Uber home because Walter’s phone was turned off. When Y/N entered the house, she found Walter drinking coffee in the living room, the same way she left him this morning and the day before.
“How was your day, Walter?” Y/N asked. Walter ignored her, writing notes on the case. “Well, my day was good, I worked with some of the pediatric patients, el día fue súper leve.”
“Y/N, I’m trying to work here.” Walter said.
“I see that, but you haven’t moved from this spot. Have you eaten? La estufa sigue igual de limpio, have you been living off coffee?” Y/N asked. Walter stayed silent. “Okay, fine, did you buy what I asked you to get?”
“You said I haven’t moved from this spot so clearly I haven’t gotten what you asked for.” Walter snapped, looking up from the table.
“No me hables así, eh, ni siquiera mi papá le habla así a mi mamá, Don’t try me, Walter.” Y/N said as she walked to the kitchen.
“Ugh, even Angie wasn’t such a bitch.” Walter muttered and Y/N stopped to turn around.
“You know what, you’re stressed, you haven’t eaten, you’re probably sleep deprived, let me just cook and we can talk after you take a nap, okay.” Y/N said but Walter then slammed his hands on the table.
“I am not a child, Y/N, you don’t have to smother me, and you are most certainly not my wife so stop acting like it.” Walter raised his voice and Y/N widened her eyes.
“I May not be your wife but I am your girlfriend, and I deserve to be respected, Walter.” Y/N said.
“I am not going to sit here and be nagged by you, I’m going out.” Walter huffed.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Y/N shouted.
“Out! Are you having trouble hearing me more than usual?” Walter asked as he left the house, closing the door behind him.
“Ugh, me encabrona!” Y/N shouted. This was their first big fight. Y/N calmed down a little and she wanted to cry because she just drove her boyfriend out of his house.
Walter sat in his truck to calm down a little. “FUCK!” Walter shouted, hitting his steering wheel. He drove somewhere he thought he would stop visiting after Faye went away to college; Angie’s house.
Walter rang her doorbell and Angie opened the door in Jeans and a sweater.
“Walter? What are you doing here? Faye doesn’t come back until spring break.” Angie said.
“I know, I came to talk to you.” Walter said.
“You should have called, this isn’t a good time.” Angie said.
“I think I messed things up with Y/N.” Walter said. Angie sighed and moved out of the way so Walter can come in. Angie walked to the couch and patted on the empty space next to her.
“Tell me everything. Y/N seems very sweet, kinda young, but she’s a good person, what the hell did you do?” Angie asked him
“I’ve been too focused on this case that i forgot to pick her up from her job since they are working on her car, I yelled at her, basically called her a bitch, and disrespected her. She just wanted to to take care of me, to stop me from getting burnout, and I yelled at her and disrespected her. Saying that she should stop acting like she’s my wife.” Walter said. His eyes were tearing up.
“Wow, that’s a lot to unpack.” Angie said.
“Why did we get a divorce, Angie?” Walter asked.
“Why are you asking me that?” Angie asked.
“Was it me? Was I the problem?” Walter asked. Angie looked at him, saw that Walter looked practically broken.
“Listen, Walter, we got married in our early 20s. We were young, we weren’t going to last anyway. You tried your hardest to make me happy, and i was happy with you for a while. You are a great father to Faye, you put your all in our relationship, but you are also a workaholic.” Angie said softly. “It’s not a bad thing, you’re a cop, someone has to get the bad guys, right? I couldn’t handle that because I’m not used to it. But Y/N is a nurse, right? A nurse and a cop, what could be better than that? She knows the heavy workload you have because she has the same.”
“So what you’re saying it that I pushed away the one person who could possibly understand me.” Walter said.
“Sorta. You shouldn’t have yelled at her, she was just trying to get you to relax and eat, God knows how much I tried to get you to eat back when you were still on the SWAT Team.” Angie said.
“My job is stressful, Angie, you know that.” Walter said.
“And so does she. I’m sure you’ll make it right.” Angie said. Then Walter’s stomach growled and bleh of them laughed.
“Yeah, Y/N wasn’t lying when she said I was living off coffee, do you have anything to eat?” Walter asked.
“I Can order us takeout. You want Chinese, Italian, or Latin food?” Angie asked, holding out the menus she keeps in a kitchen drawer.
“Latin food.” Walter said, already missing Y/N’s cooking.
“You got it, detective.” Angie said.
While Y/N was drinking wine, eating ice cream, and watching movies that make her cry (for me it’s how to train your dragon, Beethoven, elemental, I’m a sensitive and emotion person, okay), Walter was getting nostalgic with Angie, eating and drinking.
"Remember that time you stayed up with me for a case when I just started working as a homicide detective?" Walter asked, eating a piece of chicken with his rice.
"Oh my god, yes, I was so tired, I think I crashed around 4am, I was exhausted at work." Angie said.
"I told you that you didn't have to stay up, but you were so stubborn and made us coffee after you put Faye to bed." Walter said.
"I had to support my husband." Angie said, taking a sip of wine.
More time went on, they finished the bottle of wine, and one thing led to another, Walter kissed Angie.
Y/N saw that the time was 10pm and Walter still hasn't come home yet. She got off the couch and unlocked her phone to call Walter, it went to voicemail after a few rings.
"Hey Oso, please come back home. We both have said some things, you mostly, but I really want to talk about this, I'm sorry if I nag you, that is not my intention, I just love you so much and I want you to take care of yourself, bye." Y/N left the voicemail and went to the bedroom she shared with Walter and Walter and Angie were too busy undressing each other on their way to her bedroom to notice his phone vibrating on the kitchen counter.
Walter lied awake in bed, with Angie by his side, Angie was asleep, both were naked.
“What have I done?" Walter wondered out loud in a whisper. He tried to sleep but every time he closed his eyes, he just sees what happened with Angie.
It was 8 in the morning and Y/N did not have to go in for work. She went downstairs and Walter still wasn't back home. Meanwhile Walter was putting his clothes back on.
"This never should have happened." Walter stated, zipping up his pants.
"You think I'm thrilled we slept together? I'm married! I'm just happy he has a business trip in Boston." Angie said, putting on her bathrobe.
"Where is my phone?" Walter asked, looking throgh her bedroom.
"It's probably downstairs on the kitchen counter. Have a safe trip home, make up with Y/N, I'll see you when Faye comes back." Angie said. Walter went downstairs and turned on his phone. He saw a voicemail from Y/N. He played the voicemail and his eyes strated tearing up.
“I am such a wanker." Walter muttered. He walked out of the house and got into his truck to go back home. He saw Y/N’s car in the driveway. He spent a few mintues in his truck crying, thinking about how he should tell Y/N. Its worse if she finds out later so it is better to be truthful now. He got out of the car, walked into the house and saw Y/N making pancakes.
"Oso, you're back!" Y/N exclaimed, leaving the mixing bowl on the counter and walked over to him, pulling him into a hug. "Listen, I promise not to 'nag' you as much if you promise to take care of yourself. I am not trying to smother you, I just don't want you to burn yourself out, okay?" Y/N pulled away from the hug and saw that Walter's eyes were red. "Hey, whats wrong?" Y/N asked, she was about to wipe his tears when Walter took her hands in his and pushed them away.
“We need to talk." Walter said.
“Okay, can it wait?" Y/N asked.
“No, it can't." Walter said. Y/N looked at him, his face was serious. She nodded and took off her apron, followed Walter into the living room and sat on the couch. Walter had her hands in his. "Something happened when i left. But I'm letting you know now that it meant nothing and that I completely regret it."
“Walter, you're scaring me, what did you do?" Y/N asked, her voice breaking as her eyes became glassy.
“I drove to Angie's house. I needed clarity, I just fought with you and I know i messed up really bad but I didn't know if it would have been the end. I asked Angie why we got divorced, I asked if it was the problem with our argument." Walter said, carefully looking at Y/N's reactions to his words. "She came to the conclusion that you and I are perfect for each other and that I should be more open to accepting your help, that I was pushing you away. We were reliving our good moments, we were eating drinking, and then we..." Walter was cut off by Y/N putting her hand up.
“You slept with your ex wife?" Y/N asked.
"Yes.” Walter admitted.
“You slept with your ex-wife after she told you that you and I were practically perfect for each other?” Y/N asked again.
“Yes.” Walter whispered. Y/N nodded and took her hands out of Walter’s, she walked to the kitchen and Walter trailed behind her. He observed how she picked up the mixing bowl and continued to mix the batter before turning on the stove and pouring the mix with a ladle onto the pan. “Say something, anything.” Walter said. Y/N remained silent until she finished making pancakes and the mixing bowl was empty.
“You wanna know what I did when you left me in our home? I cried because I had no idea where you were going. I was drinking wine and purposely watching movies that I know will make me cry because you were gone for hours and didn’t send me a text to let me know you were alright. We never had a fight like this, Walter, Never, in our 5 years of dating. And the first thing you do is go to your ex-wife’s house? After you told me that Angie wasn’t as much as a bitch as I was? Do you see how messed up that is?” Y/N asked Walter with tears in her eyes.
“It didn’t mean anything, Y/N, I swear.” Walter said.
“Oh please Walter, you guys were married for what, 9 years? You loved each other, Walter. Maybe you still love each other, I don’t know. What I do know is that feelings were involved, Walter. It’s is different than sleeping with a random woman, which I would still be angry about by the way. You cheating on me with Angie is much worse than a random hookup.” Y/N explained, trying to hold on her tears.
“It was a mistake, Y/N, we were drunk.” Walter said.
“Oh, you were drunk, I guess that makes it better, then.” Y/N commented sarcastically. “Me vale madre if you were drunk or not, we were still together.” Y/N said.
“I can make it better, please. I’m sorry I hurt you, I shouldn’t have left you, it was bad judgment on my part.” Walter said, he was going to wrap his arm around her when Y/N moved away.
“Now is not the time Walter.” Y/N said.
“What happened to Oso?” Walter asked.
“You lost that nickname the minute you slept with Angie. The worst part about ALL OF THIS is that you needed her to tell you that we were perfect for each other. You needed confirmation from another person, you couldn’t just take my word for it. You didn’t want me to smother you? Well congratulations, Walter, I won’t be here to smother you anymore.” Y/N said, walking upstairs, Walter following suit. He saw her pull out a suitcase, she was packing.
“No, please don’t leave me, we have to talk about this, please.” Walter said. Y/N looked up to see Walter’s eyes, his once bright blue eyes were now dull.
“Fine, you want to talk, let’s talk. How was your night with Angie?” Y/N asked.
“I don’t understand.” Walter said
“Then let me help you understand. While I was home watching movies, you were fücking Angie in her house, how was she in bed? Is that clear enough?” Y/N asked kinda aggressively.
“I can’t answer that.” Walter stated.
“You’re the one who wanted to talk.” Y/N reminded him.
“It was different, you and I have always made love, Y/N. Angie was nothing compared to what we have.” Walter said. Y/N got closer to Walter.
“Had, Walter.” Y/N said, she finished packing her suitcase with her clothes, towels, and toiletries. She got the suitcase and started walking downstair, opening the front door, Walter trailed behind her. “You finally did it, Walter, you pushed me away, I hope you’re happy.” Y/N gave Walter his key back.
“What can I do to fix this? Fix us?” Walter asked.
“I just need time. I can’t sleep in the same bed with you or stay in the same house with you knowing that if we have another fight, you’d go to Angie, that you slept with Angie. The day I moved in, you promised me that you’d never hurt me and I believed you, guess we were both wrong.” Y/N said. She left and closed the door. Walter immediately broke down crying on the floor, he messed up big time.
Y/N entered her car and called one of her friends from the hospital.
“Hey Y/N, what’s up, how’s your weekend?” Her friend asked.
“Hey Blair, um, I was wondering if I can stay at your house for a few days or a few weeks.” Y/N said.
“Yeah, babe, stay with me as long as you need, okay? You sound like you’ve been through it. Go over to my house, I’ll call Seth and let him know, okay. Love you, bye." Blair hung up and Y/N but Blair's address on her phone and drove to her house. She saw Blair's husband, Seth, outside the house with the door open, along with two kids playing in the front yard with a cavalier king charles spaniel. Y/N parked her car in the driveway and got out.
"Y/N, its so nice to meet you, you need any help with your bag?" Seth asked.
"No, its fine, I got it." Y/N said. "How old are they?" Y/N asked Seth, entering the house.
"7 and 4. The dog is 2. We don't have the guest room set up so you will have to sleep on the couch tonight, is that alright?" Seth asked.
"Of course, I’m intruding. I will help with dinner and cleaning.” Y/N said.
“Sounds like a deal.” Seth said
Walter has been throwing himself into work since she left 4 days ago. Whenever there was an interrogation and the suspect would get testy, Walter took out all his anger on them. However, Commissioner Harper has had enough of Walter’s anger issues.
“Marshall, you can’t keep hulking out on the suspects/perps, we’ll get nowhere. Go home, you’re not coming back until you fix whatever problem you have going on.” Harper said. Walter huffed and walked out.
When he made it home and saw the picture of him and Y/N together, he decided it was time to get her back. He got in his truck, bought her favorite flowers, and went to the hospital she worked at. He got out of the truck and entered the hospital lobby.
“Hi, I’m Walter Marshall, I’m here to see Y/N L/N, she’s a nurse.” Walter said.
“Do you know what floor she’s working on?” The receptionist asked.
“Can’t you check?” Walter asked.
“She’s assigned to me 9th floor, here’s your visitor pass.” The receptionist said and Walter thanked her. He saw that a lot of people were waiting for the elevator so he decided to take the stairs. Luckily for him, this was light work compared to his SWAT training. He stopped at the 9th floor and walked to the nurse station.
“Hello, can I…oh it’s you.”
“Nice to see you too, Blair. Do you know where Y/N is?” Walter asked, lowkey out of breath,
“Why would I tell you? She’s devastated over his things ended.” Blair said.
“That’s why I’m here, to make things right. Where is she?” Walter asked again.
“She’s getting a translator from the supply closet.” Blair answered, pointing towards the door and Walter thanked her. He opened the door and saw Y/N in her light blue scrubs, her hair (down, braided, in a ponytail, up to you!), he closed the door and Y/N turned around.
“Walter, what are you doing here?” Y/N asked. Walter saw that Y/N had dark circles under her eyes, Y/N noticed the same thing about Walter. His hair was messier than usual.
“I came to win you back.” Walter says, handing Y/N the flowers.
“Flowers? You think you can fix everything with flowers?” Y/N said.
“No, but I think this might fix everything.” Walter said.
Walter got down on his knees in front of Y/N, looking up at her like he was worshiping a goddess, on his mind he was.
“Please forgive me, Y/N, you mean the whole world to me, these last few days have been utter torture, my house doesn’t feel like a home anymore, you brought light to my life, I am nothing without you.” Walter starts tearing up, voice breaking. “Please, baby, please forgive me, I made a terrible mistake, I admit that, you are someone that I can’t replace, no one, and I mean no one could replace you. You are so special to me, I am so lucky to have you, and I will worship the ground you walk on if you let me, please. I don’t know what I’ll do without you in my life.” When Walter was finished with his little speech, both of them were crying.
“Walter, get off the floor.” Y/N said softly. Walter got off his knees, dusting his pants off. “This can’t be easily fixed with flowers or a speech.’ Y/N said, handing Walter the flowers back.
“Then tell me how I can fix this, please. I don’t want to lose you, you want to throw away our entire relationship over one fight?” Walter asked.
“But that’s the thing, Walter, it is not just one fight. This isn’t the first time you take your anger out on me when you’re stressed because of work. And I’m positive that if we stay together, it won’t be the last. I can’t keep forgiving you if in a month or even a year you’ll do it again. You sleeping with Angie is the last straw.” Y/N said.
“You can’t possibly mean that.” Walter said.
“You are not ready for stable relationship. You clearly can’t communicate with me, I try to be patient with you, wait until you are ready to open up but..”
“I hate talking, you know that, but it doesn’t mean I don’t want to talk to you. I love talking to you, about our days, about our dreams, talking to you is the best part of my day.” Walter tried to hold Y/N’s hands but she pulled away.
“That’s not the same, Walter. The point is that maybe we can get past this after some time, after some self reflection, but for right now, I need to get back to work so if you’ll excuse me.” Y/N said, pulling the translator with her, leaving Walter heartbroken in the supply closet. Blair enters the closer.
“It’s time for you to leave, Marshall. If you don’t, I’ll bring in security.” Blair said.
“I’m going. Tell Y/N I still love her.” Walter said.
“I’m not telling her shit, goodbye.” Blair said, practically pushing Walter out of the supply closet. Walter got out of the hospital and he got into his truck.
“Can’t believe she’s not coming home.” Walter said, leaning his head against the wheel.
Y/N and Blair were in the break room, Y/N crying softly.
“I know it was hard but its for the best. I would never forgive cheating, and you shouldn’t either.” Blair said.
“I know but we were together for 5 years, I moved in with him.” Y/N said,
“I’ll help you find an apartment near my house, pack, I’ll help you move on. Now actually eat your lunch, that’s why we’re in the break room.” Blair said.
Walter got home, left his keys on the table, and started looking around, memories of his relationship with Y/N came flooding into his mind. Their first kiss, when they danced in the living room, redecorated the bedroom, they baked alfajores, all their happy moments. Walter sat on the couch and cried, knowing he would never be as happy and he was with her.
Taglist: @warriormirkwood
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amaliaayuningts · 2 years
2022 Year-End Reflection: Why Start Bicara Udara & Why More Parents Should Join the Conversation on the Issue
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Hello, my name is Amalia. People used to know me as a political activist who fought for independent candidates in the 2017 Jakarta gubernatorial election. Today, I am a mom with two sons aged 3 & 5. In November 2019, when my second child was born, I realized that my two children would grow up in the most polluted area in Indonesia. In mid-July 2019, when I was in my second trimester of pregnancy, Jakarta was named the city with the worst air pollution in the world based on the AirVisual air quality monitoring app. The air quality value (AQI) had even touched a score of 240 which is included in the red color category, aka very unhealthy. At this stage, people should be encouraged to reduce outdoor activities or use masks when traveling. Such news every year never bothered me until I realized that the air my children freely breathe every day is not safe. From then on I was determined to learn and find out about air pollution issues. Yes, my parenthood instinct made me more aware of the risks.
Yes, my parenthood instinct made me more aware of the risks.
When I was a kid, I lived in a village in Jogja close to rice fields. Playing outside and breathing in the fresh air seemed to be the norm. Twenty years later, I didn't think that such memories would be a luxury for my children who live in the city. It feels like the right to clean air is still considered unfamiliar compared to other basic human rights. Clean air is very important for humans. Humans cannot live without air. If we hold our breath for 2 minutes, we will immediately feel dizzy. If we hold our breath for 5 minutes, we will faint and it is dangerous for our vital organs such as the liver, kidneys, and brain. Even Dr. Agus from the Indonesian Lung Doctors Association (PDPI) emphasized that the human lungs actually only work for clean air. If left untouched, this air pollution problem will threaten the lives and development of our children.
Less than a year after my second child was born, the Covid-19 pandemic locked us all into staying at home. I didn't even send my first child to playgroup because there was no face-to-face learning. This condition is not easy for all parents. And again the problem is the virus in the air we breathe. These problems in the air make me want to do something. Because air pollution and covid-19 are not problems that I can solve alone and I believe protection against both needs to be voiced and fought for.
I read many journals and articles about air pollution that I found online and asked many friends who I considered to have expertise on air pollution issues in Indonesia. The more I read, the more difficult it was to understand the problem on my own because it is not only about science, health, and environment, but also about economics, public policy, and politics. To complicate matters further, the effects of air pollution are slow and often invisible. It's no wonder it's not a priority issue because many people don't know the dangers that lie ahead. Luckily, I met other mothers who were furious about this problem and did not want to remain silent. We then established Bicara Udara, a community of learning citizens and became active citizens to encourage and oversee the improvement of air quality in Jabodetabek.
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The more I read, the more difficult it was to understand the problem on my own because it is not only about science, health, and environment, but also about economics, public policy, and politics.
Almost 3 years old, the air pollution problem in Jabodetabek is still like a puzzle that we have not finished solving. We still see the air pollution problem in our days. Although we have met our path with NGOs, think tanks, academics, and the government pushing for improvements, we still need more parents to find out about this problem and do something about it. As Mother's Day approaches, I wanted to write down my concerns and share them so that I can meet more parents who want to participate in the Bicara Udara community.
These past few months I have had the opportunity to continue my studies at the University of Glasgow, the clean air that I feel every day here should also be felt by residents in Jabodetabek. As much love as we pour into our children, as much pain as we endure for them, it is only natural that we should leave a good quality of life for them.
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