#did he rip off the mask or is he keeping it safe or is he everything that was hiding behind it
hexados-on-a-string · 1 month
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ghosts can't haunt ghosts silly, must be your mistakes then !
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konigslilcumslut · 4 months
Ghost didn’t really know what jealousy was originally.
Given his standing as Lieutenant the most you’d get out of the dry ass humour having man was orders barked out and that same cold gaze.
Safe to say he never treated you any differently from his other soldiers so there would be no risk of jealousy right?
The first time jealousy seemed to creep up on him, was when he spotted you with Gaz. At first it was just passing, not really understanding why or even how he felt the way he did.
But then it became a constant.
Any time he saw you too close to another soldier he’d grow stiff and irritable. Any time he’d catch you leaving the mess hall with a group of men he hated it.
Yet eventually you also became fed up with his behaviour…
So without thinking, not realising the consequences of your own actions (same) you burst into his private quarters, yelling “what the hell is your fucking problem?!”…unfortunately for you though…
You seemed to catch the Lieutenant at a bad time.
He’d just gotten out of the shower, in the process of pulling his mask back on but you saw a small glimpse of his face, water dripping down the chiselled lines of hard earned muscle and a towel tightly wrapped around his waist.
And when he locked eyes with you, you could’ve sworn there was something a whole lot more…feral to his cold gaze than just anger.
“The fuck did you just say to me soldier?” His rough tone would ring out, stepping closer as his gaze would remain locked with yours.
“What is your fucking problem?” You’d stand your ground, clearly a little too proud to stand down at the challenge you now faced.
There was a thick silence…heavy as the air around you both seemed to shrink until your chests heaved to get some oxygen to your brains.
It came out clear and cold. Yet so undeniably heated.
“You are my fucking problem. You’re driving me insane. I see you with another soldier and the only thing running through my fucking mind is putting them in the ground love. You have no idea what you do to me.” His tone would grow lower, stepping towards you as his chest heaved and his eyes never waver from your locked stare.
“I look at you and I want nothing more than to shove you into the nearest room, rip that damn uniform off your body and fuck your pretty cunt till you beg me to stop.” He almost snarls his own words out, as if hating the fact he was even thinking it.
“I am a soldier. I am a Lieutenant, I have a duty to uphold but god damnit if you keep looking at me like that I am going to lose my fucking mind.” He was barely inches away from you, so close you could almost taste the self restraint coming from him.
“Either walk away or get on the fucking bed love.”
To be continued….? If ya’ll want….?
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charliemwrites · 9 months
Part 7 of Charmed Slasher Simon
CW for gore and violence. No smut (yet) this part was already long enough so I’m saving it for part 8
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The carpets are drenched in blood, squish beneath Simon’s boots as he toes a lifeless arm out of the way. Headcount: 5 dead, 6 to go. And you for last.
You, wide eyed and paralyzed as you recognized the skull mask from nearly a year ago. Your manager had to drag you off. Simon’s going to cut his fingers off one by one for that.
Your coworkers are such easy prey. Hapless in the dark with a snowstorm raging outside. Huddling first for warmth and now from fear. You’re trying to gather everyone up; strength in numbers. Not a bad idea. But Simon’s faster and quieter and he’s been picking them off one by one.
The ones you’ve always liked he gives a quick death. A hot spill of blood before they even realize they’re dead. The others though - ones that have reported you to HR, badmouthed you to the boss, so much as stolen a pen. Those he’s been taking special care with, dooming them to long, slow deaths that you always stumble upon too late to do much more than cry and hold their hands.
Oh you’re so pretty like this. It really is the best of you. Too kind for your own good, all that altruism useless against a tidal wave of violence. He loves to watch you be so good.
It’s three more before he finds you again - separated from that manager. All on your own. Simon will have his guts for that as well, since he’s not using them.
He lunges at you, just slow enough that you can duck away as his knife thunks against the wall. Your eyes are so big; he can see the reflection of the mask in them.
You scramble away without looking back like the smart girl you are and Simon grins to himself as he takes his time following. There’s a yelp and then a thump, your quiet curse. Simon rounds the corner but you’re long gone - the smeared blood from you slipping though…
His cock twitches. You, covered in the blood of his victims, your own coworkers…
He rips the mask off and tucks the knife away as he hears voices up ahead. His name in a harsh whisper. He puts on the same terrified look he’s seen a million times, crouches down as he wobbles around the corner.
You choke off a sob as you stumble to him, hands reaching. He catches you fast, eyes flicking over your shoulder to find Brandon trembling behind the couch.
“Where have you been?!” you murmur, eyes flicking over his face, his body. “oh, god you’re covered in blood!”
“‘S not mine, luv.”
You sniffle, shaking hands gripping at his forearms. “I-it’s awful. I don’t know why this is happening again.”
“It’ll be alright, I’ll keep you safe from him.”
You give him a half-hearted smile. Simon mirrors it, putting on his best survivor face.
“How do you know it’s a ‘he’?” Brandon asks.
Simon levels him a flat look. “Caught a glimpse of him gutting your manager. Big fucking bloke.”
You whimper; he’s all too happy to bundle you in his arms, stain you in crimson. From the other side of the couch, Brandon is staring. Hard.
“Where have you been?”
“Hiding. Like you.”
You pull away, frown at Brandon in confusion.
“Where?” Brandon persists.
Simon narrows his eyes in warning but the wormfood doesn’t take it back.
“Wherever I can,” Simon answers. “Like you.”
“Then why are you covered in so much blood?”
You step between them, as if you could do anything if they did start fighting.
“Brandon, what are you getting at?” You ask. “You don’t seriously think…?”
“Well where the hell did all that blood come from then?!”
Simon scoffs, puts a little hysteria in it. “You think I did all this?! You think I - that I-”
Except once he starts laughing in disbelief, he can’t stop. It’s just too funny. This idiot that can’t recognize something that doesn’t belong to him has Simon clocked in less than five cumulative minutes. Meanwhile, you’ve been orbiting around him like a little moon for months and haven’t had so much as an inkling.
“I can’t,” he chuckles, shaking his head. “I can’t keep a straight face. Never was much of an actor.”
The blood is draining from your face as you stare at him, warring with denial burning in your eyes. He coos, slips the mask from his back pocket and waves it in front of your face.
“Been too long since we last did this, eh, luv? Better venue than the hospital at least.”
You whimper, too frightened to even cry properly, all that water and energy going into survival. He takes a single step forward and grins as you nearly trip over yourself getting away.
“Careful, luv. I want a proper chase from you this time.”
But first-
“If you stay right there and give her time to run, I might not flay off all your skin.”
And the fucking coward bolts. Simon tsks in disgust, pulls the mask over his face.
“Looks like you didn’t learn the lesson last time,” he muses to you. “Your friends haven’t got any better. I’ll have to find another way to make the lesson stick.”
You pivot and dart around the couch, sprinting for the same doorway Brandon went through. Simon merrily follows, hopping the couch and letting his boots land hard to warn you that he’s right behind you.
You take sharp corners and double back, thinking that his larger size will make it harder to change directions. It would be smart in any other situation, against anyone else. But this is Simon, and he’s letting you stay just out of reach. Only tugging at your clothes when it seems like you need an extra boost.
As you’re passing through a doorway, there’s an ominous creak. A huge grandfather clock that nearly slams into Simon. You don’t dare look back, taking the next corner and disappearing.
Simon looks up at the landing where the clock used to stand. Brandon is leaning over the railing, white knuckled and despairing. Simon cracks his neck, rolls his shoulders.
“Alright then.”
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I saw one singular post from you about platonic 141 and immediately followed. You do not understand how much comfort you have bestowed on me. So I'm here to make a request 🤑🤑🤑🔥🔥🔥🔥‼️‼️‼️‼️ What do you think about maybe a younger reader and they wear a mask so no one can see how young they are for security reasons. But on one mission there mask got ripped and the whole team saw they're face. Ever since that mission the team has somewhat soft on the reader. Like in sparring or smth they be a little careful or like whenever reader is off duty, they need to follow reader's every move. NEED TO. Yup that's all, I love yapping as you can see and if your not comfortable with this request pls ignore it. Byee and take care of yourself<33333🥰🥰🥰
a/n: sure! I ❤️ when people yap to me dw, I made it a bit vague so people reading can decide if reader is a minor or just a very young adult, and fully platonic ofc
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-on the mission where your mask got torn, he was doing sniper work, he had only seen your face briefly through his scope, but he could pick up how young you looked even from that little detail
-nothing much that was noticeable to the blind eye changed about his treatment in particular, but he slipped you one of his spare masks and when you made little mistakes on your reports and training, he let it slide quite a bit more then usual
-being the fatherly man he was, as soon as he noticed how young you were, he absolutely doted on you. Always made up excuses on why he was giving you extra portions of food or newer gear or whatever he wanted to give you, but everyone knew why in the end
-wanted to keep you safe deep down, but didn’t ever bring it up. Didn’t want you to know he saw, but wanted to know he was there for you.
-certainly was less caring then the others, but just more caring when it came to you, more so then he was for everyone which was saying something. Hid it better then price though
-did some more data hunting through your files and made sure everything was in order for you to not be in trouble if you were caught, with the help of laswell of course. You were his teammate in the end, and he didn’t want you to get into trouble over something as simple as age even though you we’re definitely young to be in the taskforce
-became a lot more brotherly around you, more teasing and headlocks in the softest most friendly way. It’s just how he always has been, but to the max
-had played a little less jokes on you, and more with you helping him instead since it felt more fair and less like targeting, since he knew it was no longer a perfectly even game of teasing
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imagines--galore · 1 year
||A Nonverbal Confession||
Summary: Your boyfriend assumes you are fast asleep as he slides into bed next to you. He ends up confessing what he thinks is a secret. Little does he know, you’re awake, and more then aware of what he just said. Or didn’t say.
Pairing: TASM! Peter Parker x Reader
Rating || Genres || Warnings: K+ Romance. None I guess.
A/N: Well you guys voted and this is what I wrote! Hope you enjoy it!
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You had promised to wait up for him. It was something you always did before he went out on patrol. It was more for your peace of mind. You honestly couldn’t sleep unless you knew he was back, sleeping beside you, safe and sound. That night though, he had run a little late, and you had greeted him bleary eyed and a sleepy smile on your lips. Peter had told you to go to sleep on numerous occasions, to which you had refused.
You knew of his identity as Spiderman before you had started to date. It was a complete accident. You had been preparing to go to sleep in the apartment right next to Peter’s when he had accidentally stumbled into your place and yanked his mask off. And since he was a little banged up from a recent run-in with law-breakers, you had decided to help him as much as you could to clean up. And even helped him get clothes from his apartment so he wouldn’t have to wander the halls in his ripped up spider-suit.
That was a long time ago, and you were now living with him. The ritual of your staying awake till he came back started very early on, and you had carried it into your dating life as well.
“Running a little late there Parker, I was starting to get worried.” You stated with a huge yawn, slowly walking past him. As you went, you reached up to playfully pet his cheek. Peter gave you a pout, having been hoping for a kiss. “Well keeping New York safe is never an easy job.” He stated, following after you, dropping the mask, which he had removed as soon as he stepped into the apartment. “I suppose so.” You mused, dropping onto your shared bed and snuggling into the softness of the mattress and many many pillows you kept on your side. Peter made to lie down next to you, but you held him back by holding out your leg and playfully pressing your foot against his stomach.
“No way am I letting you get into this bed with the entire city on you Spider-boy.” You stated firmly. “I changed the sheets yesterday.” Peter grumbled under his breath, playfully grabbing your ankle and giving it a tug. You shrieked as you nearly slipped from the bed, throwing your boyfriend a glare as he quickly disappeared into the adjoining bathroom. He only just managed to close the door to avoid getting a magazine thrown in his face by his sleep-deprived girlfriend.
“Bully!” He heard you through the door. Chuckling softly to himself, Peter quickly stepped out of his suit and into the shower. He made quick work of washing himself, wanting to get into bed. It hadn’t been a tough patrol, but he was tired, and he had to get to work in the morning. But mostly, he wanted to catch a few snuggles with you before you fell asleep. And once you were asleep, even the devil couldn’t wake you. Well he could, but he would wish he hadn’t. You were very particular when it came to your beauty sleep.
Pulling on a pair of pajama bottoms, after quickly drying his body, Peter stepped out of the bathroom. Only to freeze at the threshold because of the sight that greeted him.
You were asleep, that much was clear to see from the steady rise and fall of your chest. What he hadn’t expected was for you to be snuggled against his pillow, nose almost buried in the fabric. As if you had fallen asleep while.....a sweet blush stole across his cheeks. Well he shouldn’t complain. He was always burying his nose in your neck and inhaling your scent. What was to stop you from doing the same.
Despite his protest of you always staying awake when he went on patrol, Peter couldn’t help but adore you for it. It just warmed his heart, to know that you cared about him so much, that you worried about him and his safety. Sighing to himself, Peter climbed into bed just behind you. It wasn’t his normal sleeping place, but once the scent of your shampoo slowly registered in his mind, he wasn’t about to complain.
Your shirt, or rather his shirt, had ridden up while you had been adjusting to find a comfortable position. His warm gaze drifted from the back of your head to the exposed skin. Slowly, he reached out, splaying his hand across the soft skin of your back. His hand was warm, so you barely even felt anything as you continued to slumber. First his fingers began to stroke along your skin, but when you gave a little shiver and seemed to curl into yourself, he opted to trace non-nonsensical patterns against your skin.
Slowly the patterns began to take shape in the form of words. He traced your name, over and over, before moving to tracing whatever pet-name he had called you since you had begun dating. Since you remained asleep, and he ran out of nicknames, he started to spell words he associated with you. Any positive adjective that rose within his mind, he traced every single one.
And once he finally ran out of those, and his brain began to drift off into slumber-land, Peter Parker poured his very heart and soul into tracing those three words into your skin, hoping those words would be somehow branded into your heart and mind. That you would know just how much he adored you.
What he didn’t know, was that you had only dozed off, and when you felt his hand against your back, you had stilled, wanting to see what he would do. It had taken a little while, but you had managed to comprehend what he was tracing against your skin. A sleepy smile pulled at your lips as he continued his little game, your heart swelling with more and more adoration for your boyfriend. It was when he traced those three words into your skin that your eyes snapped open and you went completely still. He didn’t notice, having pulled back to get to sleep himself. But you wouldn’t let him sleep without saying what you knew he deserved to hear. 
Seemingly satisfied, Peter gave a small sigh, reluctantly pulling his hand away from your skin, and pulling the blankets up to cover you. He shifted into a more comfortable position, but his movements seemed to have stirred you awake. You shifted, slowly turning over. Despite your eyes being closed, your body seemed to gravitate towards him. Peter gladly helped you adjust against his chest, wrapping an arm around your middle as you finally settled against him.
“I love you too, Peter.”
He had been about to fall asleep, his eyes had closed almost completely when he felt you speak those words to him, your breath warm against his bare chest. Peter made a move as if he were about to speak, but a quick press of warm lips against his skin had him stilling. “Go to sleep Spider-boy, we’ll talk in the morning.” If it were possible, you snuggled deeper against him, slowly drifting back asleep.
Peter gave a soft laugh, his lips dropping a sweet kiss to the top of your head before his eyes closed, and he fell asleep as well.
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1-ker0sene-1 · 7 months
i’m the era of disabled!reader, would you write something for reader who has epilepsy? 🥺 can’t find any fics in my chosen fandom with epileptic reader (or oc) and it makes me sad 🥺
{I hope you don't mind me pairing with Simon on this one ♥️ I hope you enjoy! And please if I get anything wrong lemme know! I'm more than willing to come back and edit!}
CW: improper seizure safety (not by you or Simon), epilepsy seizure description
In full honesty, Simon didn't know if he could do it in the beginning of your relationship. He didn't think he could handle your seizures.. Of course now- having been properly educated about it. He would absolutely scold himself for thinking that, you just need a little bit of help sometimes. You aren't a damn charity case and he hates when people treat you like it. You deserve to be comfortable and safe, not pitied and prodded at. Not only is he your partner and best friend, Simon has become your biggest advocate. Of support for your condition, but also your independence.
One of the first things you both sat down and talked about when getting serious, was seizure safety. Simon needed to know how to help, at least as much as he possibly could without hurting you. He also learned throughout this, that not all seizures are the same. Sometimes you're just.. Absent, with a flutter of your eyes or a quiet mumble as your gaze flickers to nowhere. You just seem lost for a couple minutes. Other times it's the seizures everyone thinks of, where you stiffen, twitch and seize, sometimes even falling to the floor. How can he help? He's a little stressed when learning that there's not much he can do but carefully maneuver you into a recovery position, put something under your head, and just be there for you.
Simon won't ever forget your scariest seizure, you two were just shopping. Simple. He left your side for forty-eight seconds. Exactly forty-eight, he remembers. He just went to grab something you forgot in a different aisle. Picking up a box of chicken stock for dinner, he hears the slam of your body hitting the floor. He remembers the feeling of his stomach twisting into knots, dropping the container and making a run back to your aisle when he hears someone call out.
It's not you calling, you're far into the seizing, a citizen found you before Simon did. Now it's not the bastards fault, this stranger didn't know how to help you, so in the panic the man was holding your shoulders down trying to still you. Simons hackles raise, words ripped from the masked mans throat instantly.
"Off her- NOW."
Simon didn't think, he just moved, his big meaty hand grabbed the man by the back of the neck and threw him away from you. He's honestly been nicer to enemy soldiers. He didn't even spare the stranger another glance, falling hard to his knees next to you.
" 'm right here baby.. Right here.."
He rips the balaclava off his head, definitely taking a tuff of hair from his scalp. Not that he would notice right now. Simon carefully lifted your head just to slip it under, the softer fabric better than the hard floor. Stroking your hair away from your face, he doesn't hold you down- but his hands are close to you, resting featherlight on your cheek.
"You're safe doll.. I'm right here.. it'll pass."
He murmurs to you, unsure if you're hearing, but either way he keeps talking you through. Now, his arms gently hook under your leg, being as gentle as he can- his hands position you to your recovery position and on your side. Fishing out his phone quickly, he's already got the timer going. Less than five minutes. Please be less than five minutes.
"I have you sweetheart.."
Simon is right by you, watching your every movement closely. He's shoved away any items, just you and him on the floor.
"Should we call an ambulance?"
A stranger asks, Simon shakes his head. Never taking his eyes off you. You just had to go through it. If it's not a long one you should recover alright.
"I have her. Just stay back and move on-"
He snaps, he's stressed, he knows they're just concerned but he doesn't want anyone fucking with you right now. Simons eyes light up as the seizing calms, under two minutes, you're coming back to him. He finally lets out the massive breath he's been holding in. His thumb caresses your cheek.
"You're alright.. there you are.. you're okay."
Simon curls himself closer to you, stroking your cheek as your eyes slowly start adjusting back. You're foggy, confused, he's holding you a little closer and whispering softly.
"it's Simon, love.. Your Simons right here. You're right here.. we're in the store baby."
Now that you were coming back from it, Simon slips himself behind you as he moves you to lay against his chest. It's a while before you're able to be moved, waiting until you're fully alert again, he's taking it slow carrying you back to the car and getting you home. The rest of the week is spent easing you through the recovery. Low lights, he knows your head is aching. Lots. Absolutely lots of sweet talking. His strong girl.. he calls you. Making sure you take your meds on time and get plenty of rest.
"I'm sorry Si.. I didn't mean to scare you.."
You mumble, in bed together. Simon is sat up against the headboard, holding you close on his lap. His hand strokes locks of your hair, shaking his head sternly.
"Don't be apologizin' for anything. Didn't do a damn thing wrong-"
His hand slips to hold your chin, making you lock eyes with him.
"Hear me? Nothin'. I got you.. I'll always have my girl."
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suashii · 10 months
꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ 𝒮𝒜𝐹𝐸𝒯𝒴 𝒩𝐸𝒯
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info ⭑ suna rintaro x reader. 1.3k wc. sfw ノ fluff ノ spider-man!suna 
note ⭑ i cannot stop thinking about spider!suna !! possibly expect a few more drabbles in this au :3 
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you’re toeing the line between wakefulness and slumber; about to slip into dreamland but lucid enough to hear the tick… tick… tick… of the alarm clock situated on your beside table. the rhythmic sound begins to grow distant the deeper into the sleep you fall.
and before you actually drift off, you’re jolted awake by a noisy bang! at your window. the sound rips a startled scream from your throat as you scramble to sit up. the comforter bunched up in your fists is held up to your face to shield you from whatever just slammed into your window. you peer over the top of your flimsy safeguard, hoping that the source of the jarring noise is long gone.
unfortunately for you, it isn’t. although, there’s no reason for you to be so nervous anymore.
you recognize the glimpse of black and white haphazardly swinging at the corner of your window. rubbing your tired eyes with a sigh, you toss your blanket aside and leave the warm comfort of your bed to approach the glass. 
you’re met with a groan of pain and some muffled swears when you reach your destination. your lips wobble, threatening to break out into a grin upon hearing the familiar voice.
the clicks of your window unlocking sound throughout the quiet of your room before you lift up the pane. a chilly draft enters the space and goosebumps raise on your arms almost immediately. you ignore the unpleasant sensation in favor of greeting your clumsy, untimely visitor. “did you seriously just swing straight into my window?”
regaining his balance, suna perches himself on the concrete lip of your window. with one hand by his feet to keep steady, he uses the other to snatch the black mask off his head. strands of dark hair stick up in different directions and it takes a moment for his grayish-yellow eyes to adjust to his normal vision outside the mask. when it finally does, he’s met your face, the corner of your lips twitching with a smile. somehow it makes him feel less embarrassed—but only a little. “i meant to land on the ledge but i came in too fast.”
“if you’re all this city has to rely on as a hero, we’re doomed.” you only mean it as a joke, you know that and so does suna, but he still feigns hurt at your comment, poking out his lip in a pout. he’s mastered the kicked puppy expression but you only offer him a sickeningly sweet smile in response. you jerk your thumb behind you as you take a few steps back to allow him some space. “come in, you’re making my room cold.”
he does as you say, climbing into your window much more gracefully than he had arrived. he closes it behind him as you scurry back to the warmth of your bed. you’re busy getting comfortable under your blanket when suna plops down beside you. you’d chastise him for lying on your bedding in his suit that’s been who knows where, but there’s something more pressing at the forefront of your mind.  “what brings you here so late? you’re not hurt or anything, are you?”
“would you kiss it better if i was?” he asks, his eyes flitting over to meet yours. his tone is entirely serious but it’s accompanied by a grin that tells you he’s trying to get a reaction out of you.
you’re tempted to shut him down, just so he isn’t allowed the satisfaction he’s so desperately seeking, but the more you consider his question, the more you think about his circumstances.
this role of superhero, protector, defender, was thrust on him without his say—against his will. the once normal college student who played volleyball and video games in his free time now risks his life every day so the people around him stay safe. he downplays the danger he faces and you try not to show that you worry for him but you do.
you don’t know what you’d do with yourself if he ended up hurt.
so, even if he came to you with some minor injury like a bruised cheek or a split lip or a sprained ankle, you’d do anything in your power to make him feel better—even if that remedy was a kiss.
rolling onto your side so you’re facing him, you prop your chin in the palm of your hand. suna’s gaze is still glued to you and you challenge it with a stare of your own. “you know what? i would.”
the curl of the corners of his lips falls upon hearing your unforeseen reply. a weird feeling overcomes him, too. he can feel his heart rate pick up and can hear the ba-bump, ba-bump, ba-bump of the organ in his ears. the closest he’s felt to this sensation before is when he’s soaring through the air evading villains and crooks. but those are real threats and you’re the farthest thing from it. you’re his safety net, there to catch him whenever he feels himself falling.
why is he falling now?
he blinks and clears his throat. “what?”
“i said i would kiss it better if you were hurt.” you proudly tell him, sporting the smile of someone who beat the master at their own game. it isn’t often you render suna speechless and a sense of satisfaction washes over you knowing that you were able to do so by simply saying something you meant.
it’s difficult to see him in the dark of your room but you do pick up on the way his fingers nervously tap at his stomach and how he’s mindlessly chewing on the inside of his cheek. he isn’t looking at you anymore, either. you wonder what’s going on in his head, what thoughts are swimming in his skull. outside of his joking, he tends to keep a lot to himself.
you suspect he’s doing that much now. between his uncharacteristic silence and the fact that he never told you why he dropped in, you think it might be something he isn’t quite ready to share yet. it’s not something you’ll ever hold against him and if you’re the comfort he seeks after a long day, you don’t want to ruin that by pushing him. so, instead of waiting for suna to speak up, you ask, “wanna stay the night?”
he turns his head to face you. “can i?”
“mhm,” you hum, nodding your head. “you left a bag here last time, there might be something you can wear to sleep in it.”
you point to the bag propped up in the corner of your room. his gaze follows your finger and lands on the drawstring pouch he’s been looking for since last week. he internally chuckles at himself—he should have known he could find it here, where else would it be?
suna pulls himself up from his reclined position to make his way across the room. though, partway through the process, a sharp pain shoots up his side. his hand shoots out to hold his aching ribs as he bites back a groan of complaint.
you quickly sit up with him. there’s concern painted all over your face. “what’s wrong?”
“nothing, it’s where i—” he stops in the middle of his explanation, remembering the humiliation that blanketed him earlier.
“hit the window?” you finish his sentence with a quiet laugh that you fail to hold back.
he nods in confirmation, dragging the palms of his hands over his face in a show of bashfulness. it’s cute and so unlike suna. you can’t help but want to tease him just a little more.
“aw, don’t be embarrassed. want me to kiss it better?”
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hiya, it's manon! thank you for giving this a read! if you enjoyed, please consider reblogging and/or leaving a comment! much love from me to you ❤︎
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chaosandmarigolds · 4 months
(Fem!reader, weapon’s dealer daughter, and yeah this is also just sadness. Sorry y’all)
He didn’t account for the emotional factors of living a lie, sure he had thought of them, but very briefly at that- barely a second thought, more of a passing notion rather than a pure line. At least it had be a passing mist, then as the days grew into nights and the nights began to liner into mornings, he found himself to be thinking of it every waking moment. Every time he looked over to you his mind flashed with how heartbroken you would be, he dreaded the very moment he was now living in.
“It’s two in the morning,” You mumble, hand finding the switch on the wall to turn the light on, hair messily in its braid and eyes riddled with sleep. After all, you had just thought your boyfriend of close to six months just woke up (not uncommon) so you chose to join him. Yet when you turn on the light you find him, in what seemed to be full gear, minus a mask that he held in his hand and in the other he held a few folders. So, unsure of what to do you laugh eyes going between the folders and his eyes, “Goodness, it’s June, I don’t think it’s the right time for…um...for costumes.”
The silence was suffocating.
The folders held all of your father’s contacts, and you knew this, after all, he had trusted Simon to keep them safe while he was aware of work. It made sense, your father was a weapons dealer with a longer rap sheet than any convict, and Simon had worked his way into your father and his business. he was strong, he was kind and he treated you with love and respect, he was a trustworthy man…or…you had thought. In that moment you slowly put the pieces together.
“Can…” Your words die on your tongue and you take a shaky step forward, reaching for it, “Can I have that, please? Please?”
As you move forward he moves back, moving the folder behind his back, his expression unreadable. He hadn’t thought of his own emotions getting caught into this, he accounted for the millionth of a chance he wouldn’t want to leave, that he would want to leave you unscathed, loved, and coated in the warmth of his love. He hadn’t thought tears would worm their way into his eyes as he spoke, “Let me go.”
To his words, you take a shuttered breath and look up to meet his gaze, voice shaky, “Then give it back, th-those are important.”
“I can’t do that.”
”I’ll call Ivon.”
A short pause, squeezing his mask a bit tighter as if it would hide the blood with the black, “He can’t help.”
A short sob rips through your throat and you shake your head, “What is this?”
He couldn’t come with an answer.
“You came for the files,” You were whispering, as if to just allow yourself time to wake up, to fully process the events before you, “Were you just going to leave? In the middle of the night and I don’t even get a GOODBYE? You were going to leave the past six months for nothing? Was-was I-Was I just… No-” You sniffle up the emotions and hold your hand out, as if waiting for him to take it but your eyes go to the folder, “Give it to me, I’ll forget about it-we-we can go back to normal.”
“Please, let’s go back to normal, Simon.” You said again, “Tell me you love me again, I don’t care if it is real or not I just want you to love me, because I love you. Tell me…” As your voice falters he looks away, taking slow steps to the door, and with a crushing wave, your tears begin to fall down your face.
“It was never real. Never meant a word did you?”
He did mean it.
“None of it, huh? You must’ve been so annoyed when I would tell you I loved you.”
He treasured those words more than his own life.
“You didn’t mean it and I fell for it. Oh god…I fell for it….I loved you.” Your words then become a hiss, “I LOVED YOU.”
A million things he wanted to say, a million times he had almost backed out of the mission and prayed he could vanish off the face of the earth. A million times he wished he could hold you once more. A million words but only two could be choked out, “I’m sorry.”
You take a heaving breath, shuttering for air and you tilt your head, “For what?”
“Breaking you.”
You stare at him for a long moment, tears riddling your eyes and you breathe slowly, “You don’t get that honor.”
Apparently, it was a good thing you never told him about the secret alarm you had embedded in your bracelet.
(That's all!! Thanks for any and all comments and feedback you may wanna leave! <33)
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Zombie!ghost but it’s roommate!simon time
So after he finds you and you get over the shock that he’s not trying to kill you (you don’t think you’ll get over him being a zombie unfortunately) you immediately take him somewhere safe and start cleaning him up.
It’s a long process. You try you hardest to ignore the fact that he’s a corpse now as you wash off the grime and blood from his discolored flesh, and focus on making him “feel better”. You throw away his old clothes in favor of new ones that you found and wash his hair the best of your ability.
He for some reason refuses to let you get rid of the ripped up Ghost mask and any attempt to talk to him is…well rough considering his jaw is broken and he’s a zombie.
“You’re scary enough without it.” You tried to joke but it falls flat as he stares at you unamused with those cloudy eyes.
You can’t look him in the eye anymore.
So you let him have the mask after tidying it up the best you could and you put it back on him with his help.
“Your jaw…” You frown and he gives you a groan, probably an attempt to say something but you don’t know what it is.
You’re no surgeon and you’re not sure how to fix it so you the best you can by putting a mask over the lower half of his face as well to at least keep it from falling off.
By the time your done, you’ve nearly covered him up all you could so he wouldn’t look suspicious and so no one tries to kill him. Underneath the clothes and masks, he’s nowhere near human looking but he looks a lot better than he did when he found you.
“We should find the others.” You tell him, knowing that Price and the others should be near the military base where you’re hold up, and he nods with a grunt.
He’s still conscious and it’s strange to you. You’ve come across zombies who tried to kill you and yet he’s practically the same man you fell in love with.
You wonder if that means maybe there’s a cure. Maybe if you’re persistent enough you can find something to help him to bring him back along with everyone else who’s been inflicted.
You just hope that Price and the others won’t hurt him when you show up for his help.
Simon grabs you and you jump, still a little cautious of him. However, he just gives you a low groan and presses his forehead against yours, trying to look deep into your eyes like he used to.
You can’t help but tear up as you hold onto him.
You pray to anyone listening that there’s a cure
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deviantdaffodil · 1 year
In Heat
Miguel O’hara x Reader smut
IM ALIVE !!!! WAHHH i need miguel o’hara more than ANYTHING !!!!!!!!
contains: biting, breeding, office sex, clawing, a bit of blood, choking, praise, dom miguel, sub reader, fem reader, size difference, heat, in heat, whatever you call it, dubious consent/very very very slight non con if you squint, primal/prey if you close your eyes, slight anal play if you squint
You decided you wanted to go up and visit Miguel. He had been busy since he was struggling so hard to find Miles Morales, so you wanted to go and try to cheer him up. You were a spider-person yourself and though your canon event went nothing like Miguel’s, you still felt so bad for him and took it upon yourself to be a sort of.. support system for him.
You enter the elevator of the HQ and make your way up to the top floor. Felt fitting for Miguel to have his office be the highest up.
Upon reaching the top, you step off the elevator and enter his office. “Miguel?” you call out into the darkness. You thought it was so strange how.. spooky his office felt. You became a little nervous, unable to locate Miguel. A tingle shot throughout your body and you quickly whip your body around. Standing behind you, Miguel towered over you. You jumped slightly, clenching your hand around your heart. You slip your mask off your face and look up at Miguel. “You scared me,” you said nervously with a slight chuckle.
Miguel slid his mask off as well and looked into your eyes. He was panting and sweating and you could feel the heat radiating off of him. “You shouldn’t really be here.”
You pout. He always liked your company. What’s gotten into him? Well.. you two weren’t exactly dating per se, so it’s possible he just didn’t want to be around you at the moment.. This thought hurt your feelings a little. “Is everything alright? Did I do something?” Your voice is so innocent and Miguel shudders; unbeknownst to you, pleasure and lust are clouding his mind and all he can think about is locking the door and taking you right then and there. He’s been anxious and hesitant to start a new relationship, but something about you made him go wild. He needed you, bad.
“You just- you wouldn’t get it,” he said, exasperated. “I just. I can’t be around you, it’s not safe - you’re not safe.”
You tilt your head. Again, your innocence and ignorance about the situation makes his cock throb. “Why not?”
An animalistic growl erupted in his throat. he just could not take it anymore. The shock of the noise made you back up a good bit. This only made him smirk; he enjoyed the hunt. He lunged at you on all fours; you yelp unable to get away fast enough and he quickly rips your suit across the front, nicking your flesh in the process. He latches his teeth onto your throat and bites down with a force that leaves you temporarily breathless. Heat immediately floods into your body and travels between your legs.
“M-Miguel!” Your voice cracked as you shouted, trying to get him off of you by hitting him with your fist. You did not want someone to see the two of you right now. Miguel kissed and licked at the wounds he made on your flesh. It felt like electricity was flowing through you and you moaned slightly. You carefully hold up your arm and fire a web at the door, in hopes it keeps people out. “Miguel!” your voice is now more stern.
He looks up at you, his eyes seem to glow red as your blood drips from his lip. “I need you,” he pleaded. “I need to fill you up, please..” He brushed his fingers against your clothed pussy as he pleaded with you. You instinctively grind your body against his fingers and bite your lip. It was your turn to pounce, capturing his lips in a kiss, tasting your blood on them. This was all he needed for confirmation; his claws came out and he started ripping off your suit and his own. Once he freed his cock, he held his hand up to your face. “Spit. Now,” he growled at you. You did as he asked and spit in his hand. He rubbed some of your saliva onto his cock and then some was used to lube his fingers for your pussy.
“I need you to be good and wet for my cock, okay,” he started to babble, “I don’t want to hurt you,” he cooed as he rubbed his finger around your pussy, careful to avoid your clit or your dripping hole. You were whining and whimpering while he played with your pussy and leaned in for a kiss, gently biting your lip. You were instinctively bucking your hips against his hand, praying you would get the friction you wanted so badly.
“Miguel please,” you pleaded as you run your hand down his chest to his v-line. Another growl rummbled in his throat. He picked you up and threw you over his shoulder, giving your ass a good smack or two, earning a delicious whimper from you. He took you to his desk and ran his hand across the desk, knocking everything off of it. He laid you down on your stomach on the desk and spread your legs with his knee.
He leaned over you, his toned chest pressed against your back. “I’m going to fill your pussy with my cum and put a baby in you, you slut,” he growled into your ear. Just his voice made your pussy tremple. He slapped his massive cock against your ass and began fucking your plump ass cheeks, using his own spit as lube. He grabbed both ass cheeks and squished them together on his cock as he thrusted. Once he was satisfied, he spit on his cock again and rubbed the tip of his cock around your hole to tease you. You let out a cry when he accidentally brushed it up against your clit and that was what sent him over the edge. Immediately, he stuffed his cock into you. Tears formed in your eyes and you cried out as loud as you could, babbling about how full his big cock made you feel.
He grabbed your hips then dug his claws into them, pounding away at your pussy. He continued squeezing and smacking your ass as he abused your womb. You were crying out for more and more as he bottomed out his cock in you.
“M-Miguel! Oh god don’t stop! I don’t want this to stop! Oh god you fill me up so good! Your cock is so big and so good!” you moaned, completely cock drunk. Miguel leaned forward, still abusing your pussy. He wrapped his hand around your throat and allowed his claws to dig into your flesh.
“You gonna let me cum inside? Gonna let me put a baby in you? Gonna let me knock you up? Huh? Huh?” He pleaded and mumbled into your ear. You nod rapidly in response, mind too numb to find the words. “Such a good girl,” he pulls away from your ear, slowing his pace earing a whine from you, “Such a good slut.” He spreads your ass cheeks again and using the pad of his thumb, starts applying pressure to your asshole. You whimper out of pleasure and can’t help but buck your hips back into him to make him fuck you again. He gently slides his thumb into you with the help of some of his spit and fuck it in and out of your hole. Once he’s satisfied, he picks the pace back up with his hips, wet slapping sounds echoing throughout the room. You’re a moaning mess right now, your legs feel weak and you can feel yourself getting close to an orgasm.
“Cum inside me Miguel,” you cry out, “I want t-to have your babies please!” He’s thrusting at a rate your mind cant keep up with, he’s huffing and grunting and digging his claws into your flesh. every thrust felt like heaven and you could feel a knot forming in your stomach. “Oh god! Right there Miguel! Just like that! Don’t stop!” You start to babble about how much you want his cum in you and how much you love him and need him for the rest of your lives which sends the two of you over the edge. Your walls clench with an orgasm and Miguel’s throbbing cock fills you with a huge load of cum.
The two of you sit there, regaining your composure. Miguel doesn’t pull his cock out of you, wanting to keep his cum in you.
“Did you mean that..?” He asks breathlessly.
“H-Huh?” then it hit you - you definitely told him you loved him. Your cheeks began to burn from embarrassment. “Y-Yes,” you admitted, completely ashamed that you lost control of yourself that badly.
Miguel huffed, amused. “Good.” He pulled himself out of you and you sat up and turned to face him. “I love you too.”
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writerblue275 · 8 months
Heartsteel Ranking: “Scary boyfriend privilege”
(AKA how intimidating they are to people who don’t know them.)
Inspiration: I’ll be honest this is a bit of a random ranking but I thought it would be fun to do and it was!
Champions: Heartsteel
Genre: Ranking
Type: Fluff? This is meant in a funny way.
Tw: Small mention of alcohol (drink responsibly y’all), and swearing (because I do, in fact, have the mouth of a damn sailor.)
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List goes least intimidating to most intimidating.
Ezreal (One of these days I will do a ranking that doesn’t put him at the bottom! I swear it’s not intentional! 😂)
Let’s be honest no one is shocked he’s here, right? Where else was Ez going to go on this list?? This isn’t a bad thing though! He just gives off such golden retriever energy and it’s amazing and I love him. I want to be at least best friends with HS Ezreal.
Despite the usual happy golden retriever energy, he’s definitely not afraid to tell people off/protect you though. (I feel like he secretly has quite a temper. He’s a Sagittarius after all [love my fellow 🔥 signs WOOT WOOT]. Usually he’s very good about keeping it under control…but if someone [besides you, he absolutely adores you] pushes him too far [ex: by making you uncomfortable]…just see what happens.)
You absolutely have scary boyfriend privilege with Aphelios, but I just can’t rank him higher than any of the other members below. He definitely has that “brooding silent type” down pat, and when he’s wearing his mask, that’s doubled. That air of mystery, baby, he’s got that in SPADES.
We also know he’s tall. Like not Sett, K’Sante, or Yone tall, but he’s got some height on him (unconfirmed 6’). Physically, he’s definitely more intimidating than Ez. Like imagine Phel silently staring daggers at someone. Lmao I’d hate to be whoever pissed him off.
Most of this comes from his height (unconfirmed 6’4”) and the fact he’s one of the gym bros. Like general vibe/personality-wise, I think Phel could be more-intimidating than K’Sante (or even Sett), but have you seen how just MASSIVE K’Sante is? HE CAN CANONICALLY BENCH SETT. Like 😮😮😮
Not to mention I feel like he’d always stick close to you in public, so no one would even dream of trying to do anything to you. (Unless they’re a whole dumbass.) K’Sante genuinely gives me very kind vibes, but he definitely protects those he loves very fiercely.
Sett is (unconfirmed) 6’7” (at least confirmed the tallest in the group), and JACKED AS HELL. Not to mention “allergic” to sleeves so those arms are out most of the time lmao. Only a fucking moron (or someone who is incredibly drunk) would look at Settrigh and go “oh yeah I am absolutely going to mess with this guy.” RIP that idiot.
He also doesn’t fuck around about the safety of the people he loves. Sett genuinely seems like the sweetest guy (I love this giant, ripped, sewing himbo so fucking much oh my fucking god) but he can/will be intentionally intimidating if it’s necessary to keep you or Ma safe (the two most important figures in his life 🥺). Will walk you home/keep you close to him in crowded situations. He always wants you to feel safe when you’re with him (you absolutely do like how could you not?).
So this is based on both appearance and reputation. Obviously Kayn has quite the reputation from his last band (as well as being kicked out of it.) Appearance-wise, he’s not super tall, but he’s tall enough. Not to mention the piercings, tattoos, the fact he’s also in excellent shape (I mean we all saw those abs 😏), has vibrant dyed hair, a very bright red eye, and he is a total metal head. He can also, um, travel through WALLS. (Small detail lol.)
DO I EVEN HAVE TO MENTION RHAAST (even as his stage alter ego)???? Kayn can be pretty impulsive and sometimes acts first, thinks later. (He’s currently working on that with Yone, it’s fine.) Someone would be a damn fool to fuck with him or you. He just gives me very loyal guard dog vibes. (I mean he did wear the damn leash in the mv so….😝)
There is no one (let me repeat: NO ONE) I’d want to fuck with less than Yone. This man has quintessential resting bitch face (RBF), is like 6’ 2-3” (unconfirmed), in very good shaped (based on the lovely titty window of his outfit. Thank you, Riot designers) and is able to (mostly) wrangle the rest of the group. Also (hella obvious but) HE’S AN INTROVERT (INFJ specifically). People are NOT his thing (fucking MOOD).
Yone is the one who gives the most similar vibes to the TikToks I’ve seen that show cosplayers at Cons with their scarier-dressed friends/partners following behind them keeping them safe. (For Yone, it’s the RBF/air of mystery that really sets the tone.) He gives me such mature gentleman vibes as well. He’s always going to walk you home especially at night, or he’ll stay by your side in a crowd and you are just going to feel really safe with him. Top-tier scary boyfriend privilege right there.
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Ok so the least and most intimidating were extremely obvious to me. It was everyone else in between that made things difficult. This was really fun to write though, even if the concept is a bit silly! 😂
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emperorpalpatittay · 1 year
The Break In
Simon “ghost” Riley x wife!reader
As voted on
Angsty, some swearing
Simon remembered the first time he’d taken his mask off at the door tempted to leave it in the car. Shut the ghost completely out of his home life. You’d never seen him with the mask. He’d always been your Simon. You knew about ghost of course but had never seen him.
He wanted to leave the damned mask in his car. To not let ghosts tainting presence near you. His beautiful, sweet wife. Then he thought who would stop an intruder, who would keep you safe. Simon couldn’t. Ghost could. Ghost could and would kill anyone who broke into your home without a second thought. Neck snapping, sinew tearing, bullet ripping pain is what ghost was for. Simon was simply yours to love to dote as he did you.
He hoped he was being silly in letting ghost into his home. Just a stupid mask sitting by the back door. It comforted him in an odd way. The mask was almost like a guard dog. An entity and omen to ward off harm, at least in his mind. For four years. The mask by the back door had sat serving as nothing but a symbol of safety.
You were walking hand in hand back to your flat. Simon shortening his strides so you could keep up.
“Do you think they’ll make a sequel?”
“Ah fuckin hope not, film was complete rubbish.”, you chuckled at his straightforwardness. Never one to mince his words which was something you adored about him.
“I didn’t think it was that bad. Maybe just a bit hard going at times.”, he squeezed your hand and smiled at you. Responding like this was something he often times did.
You came up through the alley to the back door of your flat. It was the entrance you most often used due to it being where the garage was. As you got closer you noticed the back door swinging in the breeze. Wide open.
“Simon, did we forget to close the door. I could have sworn I locked it.”, your expression was puzzled. Simons immediately jumped to worried. He walked up to the open door and saw scratches all over the door frame. A piece of wood broken off behind it. Indicating it’d been broken into.
It was like something had taken over his body. All of the sudden his back was perfectly straight. Eyes alert. His stance was tense but athletic, ready for a fight. His eyes. His eyes had lost their warmth instantaneously. They were now cold and calculating.
You tried reaching for his arm. “Sim-
“Stay. Here.”, he interrupted. In a gruff and authoritative voice.
He walked through the door and grabbed his skull mask off of the side table. Without looking back he put it on a ventured further into the house.
He could hear footsteps from upstairs. From at least three sets of feet. He took the knife that he always carried strapped to him out and carefully creeped his way upstairs through a path of destruction where they had torn apart the house in search of valuables.
The floor boards quietly creaked under his weight, but the intruders remained unaware until it was too late. He came into the door way and there they were.
Three men all dressed in black covered in his wife’s jewelry and his watch. One of them dangling a pair of his wife’s panties in front of the other laughing as he sniffed at them. The pictures from their honeymoon broken on the floor. Broken glass littering the hardwood flooring. The room was absolutely ransacked.
It made him see red. These people came into your home. Tore apart your things. What if you had been home? What if he had been away? What would they have done to you? He watched them sniff your things laughing at the delicate lace.
Anger and hate seeped into his veins like venom. How could you hate three people you had never set eyes on before this much. His hate was deadly.
He leaped from the door armed with a knife and righteous hate.
His kills were done with perfect precision. No blood splatter on the warm white walls or ceiling. Just three pools on the floor. Where two men lay still and glossy eyed, while a third lay gasping for breaths that he know he won’t be taking for long.
“You thought you could break into my house. Why?”
“We didn’t know, we didn’t know! I’m sorry please I’- AHH UGH. Please! Please! I’m sorry!”
Then, silence.
“Simon! Si! Darling!”, you stopped in the doorway and let out the beginning of a scream before muffling it with your hand.
There he was. The Ghost. Eyes cold behind the mask. Drenched in blood. The flooring you and Simon had worked so hard to put in ruined. Three bodies lay crumpled on the floor. Fear written forever on their faces. As much as you feared the ghost he was still your Simon and you needed to make sure he was fine.
“S-Simon? Are you okay?”, you tried taking a step towards him only to have him out his hand up.
“Stay there, lovie. I’m covered in blood. I don’t want to get any on you.”
His breathing became erratic and you watched him fall to the ground. You rushed forward to him and got on your knees to be on his level.
“Simon. Oh my god. Are you okay? Are you hurt? My love talk to me please.”
“I’m so sorry, dove. I never wanted you to see this.”
He dropped his head into his hands.
“Oh darling. Look at me.”, he picked his head up and looked at you. Taking his face in your hands you placed a gentle kiss upon the hard plastic of the skull before taking it off and placing a kiss on his forehead.
“I love you, Simon. With or without the mask. You are my husband. Nothing will change that.”
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badgyalshii · 6 months
word count: 1.7?
Paul atreides x Reader (Always safe for POC + PLUS SIZE) Paul POV!!!
warnings: signs of depression? were happy in there tho, proof read? yeah something like that (god i am not good at these😭) y/n is not in this chapter but ofc shes mentioned entirely throughout the text.
A/N: AHHHHHH THE FINAL CHAPTER BEFORE THE FINALE, IM EXCITED TO POSTTTT, i hope you guys enjoyed and i love the feedback i recieved! i love you all, have a good day/night, whenever you get this! (Also, considering that this is from pauls POV i thought that i might add an extra title)
Hey! Have you read the first chapters? You didnt? What! Read it here!! I . II . III . IV.
Hmm? You said you like shii’z writing?! Omg me too! Check out her masterlist!
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He let out a heavy breath before he ripped his mask off of his face. He wasn't supposed to be out alone considering he was the new crowned emperor. But he was, and he was searching for you and he wasn't gonna give up until he did. He wore heavy clothing to try and hide his identity from others, and a bag that slung around his shoulder consisting of his journal, water, and other things he might need. He settles for the night in a rock. A rock with a beautiful view. He has been on the road for so long, he's forgotten how long, he didn't really care to remember either, considering it would help motivate to find you. He walks around the rock, searching for anything to give him clues of you or if you might've been here.
As he looked around, It was clear that someone had been there before. He looked at the bad attempt of making a bed, but he didn't touch it. His eyes slightly closed from trying to study the bed, there were still prints of a body, maybe two, on the bed. He hunches over. There was a piece of hair, as disgusting as it sounds…he picked it up. It was the same as yours, he took a rather long pause before thinking, maybe he should smell the bed? No, what if he smells something he doesn't like. He shook his head before looking at the single strand of hair that was in his hand. He sat down on the bed, setting the hair gently aside before taking off his glove and putting the strand back in his palm. Everybody's hair could be similar, he thought. He let out a sigh before looking ahead of him. He didn't know what time it was, but all he knew was that he was tired and heart broken. He didn't miss his home, not at all, not with you not there.
He put his glove and his mask back on before placing the hair into his bag. Out of everything that was going on, at least the view was beautiful. He stood and walked to the view of the rock, carelessly taking footsteps before he sighed and dropped down, his legs open and his elbows on his knees as he took in the view. He let in a deep breath. ¨tired. I am tired¨ he let out in a whisper. He fought his sleep often because he knew it would make him less confident and he would grow to slack, but sometimes he just couldn't take it anymore. The yawns leaving his lips, difficulty holding onto the hooks that latched onto the sandworm, but he thought he could finally settle here for a while, as a reward for finding a piece of hair that have a 5 percent chance of being yours.
As he watched the view, he thought of you. He didn't cry as much anymore. When he cried, he cried alone in private. And during that time, he cried until he couldn't anymore. Every time he saw Irulan it made him sick to his stomach. As much as he wanted to blame her, he couldn't. His heart was too good and he knew better than to let a weak desperate moment turn into anger. ¨why did i offer?¨ he would think over and over, countless times, wondering how could he be so careless. But he wasn't, he didn't want to marry her for the reason of love, just wanted to keep her safe as a promise to the retired and overthrown emperor. Thinking about it made him question his character, who has he grown to be? hed remembered what you said, he always thought of the smart and wise things you had to say.
¨its okay to feel how you feel, paul¨ you looked at him with a pity smile on your face while your hand was on his cheek. He had another nightmare. He didn't want it to be true. ¨this is gonna make me go crazy, y/n¨ paul whispered back, leaning into y/ns touch. ¨don't let it fool you, don't let it phase you, don't let it change you¨ you replied. At times, all paul wanted to do was give up. He didnt wanna be the chosen one. It was all too much. He could stay here forever, with you. For all eternity if he could.
Paul sighs and looks to the side. Remembering what you said, he wished things weren't so quiet.he laughed to himself, all the dreams he had of the future, but none of you. He sat alone, all alone, not one book, not one sound, just him, by himself. He felt empty, he wants you, he needs you, he needed someone to make him feel complete again, but days spread thick and long, bored, fighting himself back and forth between hope for finding you and wondering if you had just moved on. He wished he had a dream of you, of your blue eyes glistening in the sun, of your laugh, He wished it was so vivid that he touched you, that he could control his dream and talk to you, make love to you, but he had nothing, nothing at all. Nothing to remember you by, just a stupid suspicious piece of hair, tears brimmed his eyes, he needs you. There was no one he could pray to if he was the chosen one. No matter how hard he fought, how he tried to distract himself from work, it all lead up to one person, not one other thought, never out of sight out of mind, he knew what he wanted and he fell so deep he felt like he just couldn't grasp it anymore, how was he supposed to live his life without you. Your soft gentle hands grazing his face and answering the stupid and goofy questions he asked. There was no one else and he knew that now, didn't even find anyone else attractive. Lonesome nights, he didn't want to be on his own, ever again. Once he found you he vowed to never let you go, no matter how loud your voice is, no matter if you kicked him down, your in his heart and he just cannot let go, but how long could he search? Huh? How long would it be until he found you? When will he hear your voice again? When will he kiss you again? He didn't even say I love you before you walked off, for all he knew, that was his last goodbye.
On the first day, he acted as if nothing happened, but then he realized you weren't there, he couldn't pick at your dinner plate, he could hear your laughs, he couldn't feel your pity hits after he whispers a dirty joke. He had no one to talk to, no one to ask him if he was okay. Was he...okay? Had he known he was okay? Or has he grown so long to the point where he wasnt and he just didn't know it. He wished he said more, begged you to stay, cried about it, weeped about it, there was so much he could've done and he didn't, he only said a short explanation of how he was waiting for you and now he's on the run, on the search. He was so tired, so tired of looking at the same spice on the ground, carving on the rock of the walls. He wanted to be next to you, holding your head in his shoulder, hear your soft snores as you slept like there wasn't a care in the world. He'd never expect this, a life without you. He sighed and shook the thought out of his head, noticing he was in too deep and he wiped the tears that slowly dropped from his face, letting out a sniffle as he looked ahead. He didn't want to be too deep, of course he missed you, but he wanted to find you with a clear conscience, a healthy mind. He needed something to keep him going. His eyebrows furrowed as he looked to the ground. He placed a palm down and leaned closer to the floor. What is this? This imprint on the floor? Looks familiar.
He looked over it, careful not to move or make any sudden movements. ¨y/n?¨ he muttered. Any normal person would've thought paul as crazy, looking like he's searching for spice on the floor, and then wanting to jump and cheer, because, well, because what?
The necklace
The necklace Paul got for her. It was there! Clear as day. What a time to cheer! He couldn't fight off the smile on his lips. She's alive! She's alive! What a joy, out for two years! Been all around Arrakis, and at such a time he was going to give up, go home, force himself to get comfortable with his new situation, you were out there. Shall he go home? To tell stilgar and have a celebration? Sweet red wine sounded like heaven. He wiped his eyes as finally, finally tears came down. Tears of joy, he waited for this moment, oh so long! He was so happy he could take the dirt and put it in his bag also.
He laughed, he found it funny how he grew so tired of being next to his queen that he went and found you himself after he told you to come back. He grew impatient. He took out his journal and wrote, writing his life away as he thought of you, as the warmness of love and hope crowded his vision and spreaded throughout his body. This is all he wanted, to find you. And he was so close, so, so close.
He hadn't felt like this in a long time. He got up and collected the dirt from the necklace in his hand and watched it fall from his gloves. Looking around and seeing the footsteps, all yours he believed! He looked before following the footsteps, he followed them foot by foot until he was in the sand again. He hunched over, trying to search for the footsteps as they were getting lost from the wind of the sand until he couldn't anymore. He stood and pulled out his compass for the direction that you went. When it pointed he saw and lifted his head in the direction you went. This was it, this was the final piece, this was the end.
You were home.
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bwskj · 8 days
tags: angst, death (proceed with caution), leon re4/older, leon and reader are married, sfw
- leon is yours and you are leon’s -
⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘ die with a smile ⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘
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leon keeps a picture of you in his wallet, folded thrice. he always brings it with him on his missions. it always stays in his wallet but is occasionally pulled out on stormy cold nights when his empty shell of a body is desperately searching for solace. he likes to gently swipe his thumb over the cracking ink of your smiling face.
he loves your smile. well, he loves everything about you. there’s not a part of his heart that doesn’t beat nor a part of his lungs that doesn’t breathe for you.
and you make him smile too. he does, on those lonely nights and, even now, as he lays stiffly on the coarse ground, dusty fingers clutching onto the dainty slip of paper. he had unfolded it once right at the top, just enough for him to see your pretty face. he had dug it out of his back pocket despite the excruciating pain from broken bones and bubbles of blood. the pain crawling all over his ins and outsides is nothing compared to knowing he can never see you again… to the thought of you at home, unknowingly sleeping.
the moon peeks from behind the dark clouds of the night sky but leon doesn’t take his eyes off you. you are his moon, and perhaps now more than ever as the miles of distance between the both of you materialize in his mind. the picture of you in his wallet always kept you close to him—wherever he went. now, it reminds him of how far you truly are.
leon gasps through the pain as his first real cry rises up his throat. his brain, aware that he is dying, has ordered parts of him to go numb. but his heart still played a rhythm, trying to pump what’s left of the blood in his body and screaming for him to hold on for the bare reason that he cannot leave you alone…
in this cold, cruel, world. he can’t dare to leave you alone.
they say that when you’re dying, your life flashes before your eyes. leon can attest to that. all he can see in the foreground of your photo are flashes of you.
you with those bright loving eyes. you, pouring your love into a meal in the kitchen. you, laughing while sitting at the computer, leg comfortably put up, as you excitedly give him a list of the silliest boy names the interest suggested. you. you. you. all he can think about is you.
leon coughs, and he swears he feels a light sprinkle of blood touch his face. his arm holding you (the photo) is starting to feel heavy but he fights against the weight. his blood is draining. there’s not much time left.
leon continues to think. as it’s pretty much all he can do.
he thinks about how you always reminded him to come home safe—even though you know he always takes his life seriously. he promised you that, no matter what, he’d get back on his feet. he always did and everyone believed it was simply because he’s so skilled and so capable. but truthfully, you were the reason. you flashed in and out the back of his mind and, whenever he got knocked down, you would urge him to get right back up. leon made sure he listened.
but not this time. no matter how much willpower he musters, or how much your voice pleads in his mind, he can no longer move his legs, and his torso feels absolutely ripped apart. he feels helpless. and for the first time, he wants to call out for help. he wants to voice out the words asking if you can wrap your arms around him again, to caress and lull him to sleep with your fingers full of love. he never asks for it outright; you just always do it because you know he needs it. you pull him into an embrace and he doesn’t resist, only mumbling strings of complaint while he nuzzles against your palm.
his fingertips are growing numb and a tear slips out, wetting leon’s temple.
he remembers when he’d allow himself to cry in your arms, the crushing weight of putting on a confident mask being addressed by your loving touch. he’d bury his face in the crook of your neck in embarrassment, and you’d say nothing, simply caressing his back as his body quivers.
it surprised you one day when in the middle of one of these sessions, his voice came muffled on your chest, “baby, i’m scared.”
you embraced him even tighter as his broken tone caused your heart to quicken, alarmed. “what are you scared of?” you asked warily. but of course, you had an inkling of what it could be.
leon’s arms that were looped around your waist scooped you even closer to him. “they still haven’t found a cure to all of this… it just—it just keeps getting worse,” he hiccuped, ”what if the world never goes back to normal…”
you laid a hand on his head, gently petting down. “you’re so strong, leon,” you said, and leon’s chest instantly flushed with warmth. “all of you at your work are so brave and intelligent. i doubt you won’t find a solution soon…”
leon sighed at your comforting words. you played at a lock of his darkening blonde hair, tucking it behind his ear.
“and… you know” you added, “if the world is truly ending, then so be it. i’m happy just to have you to spend the rest of my days with.”
leon pulled his face out to look at you, cheeks moist with timid tears. you wanted to giggle at his reddening cheeks and nose but he stared into your eyes with so much loving that you found yourself caught in a trance.
his hand reached to cup your cheek. he stiffly nodded, as if trying to convince himself to believe in your words. then bringing your faces close to stick your foreheads together, he mustered up the courage to softly say, “if the world was ending, i’d want to be next to you. I’ll… I’ll always be next to you.”
a muscle in leon’s body twitches as the rest of his energy drains away. more tears have spilled out but he can barely sense it slide down his skin. he can’t feel the texture of paper anymore either, but his intent to hold on to your photo must’ve been strong enough to glue his fingers onto it.
his heart slows, and the marathon speed of the flashbacks in his mind do too. your name and your smile are the two things he can keep thinking about before his system finally fully shuts down.
his arm drops to the ground. his dull blue eyes flutter shut. he lets out a final exhale of life before his body falls still.
the last thing he had seen was the full white moon in the sky, a poor substitute of his beautiful and special rock waiting for him at home… all the way on the other side.
a/n: smth diff for today :D i loved writing this one (i don’t just write smut okay!) i hope u enjoyed bcz im biting my palms rocking back and forth over this. anw thanks for visiting my page love yall~ <3
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emo-batboy · 2 years
I’m 1000% certain there’s a file of test videos (for research purposes ofc) of Battinson trying all of his fancy gadgets. These include but are not limited to:
Flying right into walls with his grappling hook
Jumping and falling like dead weight in his gliding suit prototypes
Just staring at himself in the mirror with his new contact lens and muttering, “I swear I can still see it”
Bruce watching over Alfred’s shoulder and scribbling frantically as Alfred tests out the bullet-proofness of the suit and cape
Crashing the Batmobile with his various turbo engine prototypes
Tossing differently-shaped batarangs at a target to see how it affects their trajectory
(Getting yelled at by Alfred because he decided to put the target right next to the elevator and almost killed him)
Submerged in a big tub of water for ten minutes to see if the rebreathing apparatus he made works then realizing he forgot to bring down towels then looking like a drowned rat as he waits for Alfred to come down
Raising his eyebrows several times under the cowl before deciding that he needs to make it bigger because it’s still obviously him
Injecting himself with different doses of his adrenaline shot (Alfred rips him a new one for trying it without supervision)
A random video of Bruce spinning in his chair and mumbling along to Mitski while he thinks of his latest case (how did that get in there)
Eating shit every time he makes another attempt at handheld rocket boosters
Eating shit every time he makes another attempt at rocket boots
Cutting off power to the entire building after using an early model of his EMP gun
Pouring over footage on the bat computer, grease paint and all, while a little baby bat just nestles in his hair (how did that get in there)
Smacking himself in the face with a nunchuck while trying out a new technique (he was incredibly sleep-deprived, like 62-hours-without-sleep-deprived, Alfred confiscates the nunchucks)
Coughing up a lung while testing out his new smoke pellets and immediately regretting it because this is literally a sub-level basement, what was he thinking
Dick complaining about how annoying and heavy his first Robin suit is “How can I do cool flips off a building if I can’t even touch my toes?” “You are not flipping off of buildings.”
Testing over 200 prototypes of flexible bulletproof fabric for the new Robin suit. (Dick spends this time practicing flips off of high places. Just for fun.)
Breaking his new night vision lens by turning off the lights, realizing he forgot to turn the lens on first, and immediately walking into a chair
Trying out an audio frequency jammer, but when he turns it on, all of the bats in the cave swarm him and he freaks the fuck out (Dick starts calling it the Bat Beacon, Bruce refuses to acknowledge its existence)
Pouring over footage on the bat computer, grease paint and all, while Dick cuddles himself into the back of Bruce’s sweatshirt, fast asleep (how did that get in there)
Doing donuts with the Batmobile using its new remote controller while Dick cheers him on from a safe distance
Landing on his ass after shooting his net launcher without planting his feet first
Dick doing various flips and other skills in his new Robin suit while Bruce takes notes
Testing different skin-safe adhesives for Dick’s domino mask
Slipping on ice after using their new freeze grenades
Adding a parental lock onto the computer because Dick keeps playing Roblox on it when Bruce is gone
Installing a new entrance to the bat cave because Jason said he totally missed the opportunity to have a secret entrance behind a bookcase and now they’re all in agreement because it is much cooler than a boring service elevator
Cutting through random materials with their new set his collapsible knives and swords, including his table which he did not mean to break
Dick and Jason screaming bloody murder when they walk in on him testing a cloaking device prototype and appearing out of literally nowhere
Jason messing with the taser Bruce gave him and immediately getting it confiscated
Pacing in circles to perfect the tracking devices he installed in Dick and Jason’s utility belts
Pouring over footage on the bat computer, grease paint and all, while Jason is in his lap, rambling about what he did in school today (how did that get in there)
Bruce, Dick, and Jason in a puppy pile on Bruce’s office chair, despite there being two perfectly functional chairs right beside that one. They’re all fast asleep
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hobie-enthusiast · 1 year
— hobie brown x gn!reader
— angst, hurt/comfort, injury and some blood
— hobie pushed them away to keep them safe, but found he had nowhere else to go when he was down and hurt
— yes absolutely hurt/comfort coming right up! keep requests coming in wonderful people (directly reuploaded from my old acc @/hobieenthusiast)
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There was a brief silence before those words were muttered. Hobie could only stare down as you stared at him, a hurt and confused expression on your face. 5 words. That’s all it took for this reaction.
“We gotta break things off.”
“No Hobie I-” Your words fall short as you sigh shakily, tears pricking the corners of your eyes. “What’s this about?”
Hobie tried to keep his normal demeanor. “Nothin’ ‘bout it. You ain’t safe with me.”
You scoff. “I’m not safe with Spider-man? Hobie, I’m practically the safest I’ll ever be!”
“No, you ain’t.” He responded sharply, finally looking up and facing you. The sight of how defeated you looked only tore him up further. “You’re a target. Canon events, villains. ‘M practically destructive.”
You slowly walk up to him, placing a gentle hand on his cheek. In turn he grabs that hand, relishing in how your skin feels on his own one last time.
Of course he didn’t want to do this. You were the greatest thing to ever possibly happen to him. Your ideals were something you were always fighting for, you always knew what to say to help him, and you had the biggest heart imaginable.
That’s why he couldn’t bear to see you get hurt.
“Is this.. truly what you want?”
Hobie looks into your eyes, wanting so badly to say no. But he couldn’t. He couldn’t do that to you.
He knew how much you worried. You worried when he came back with injuries. When he was sent on missions that lasted for days on end. These worries were always voiced, and while Hobie felt guilty, he had to keep doing it. And it wasn’t like you didn’t understand, you just had that feeling.
He wanted to put you at ease.
“We both know the answer to that, now don’t we?” He responded, taking your hand and kissing the back of it gently. “Goodbye, [Name].”
He walked away from where you stood to the front door. With a sigh he opened it, walking out without a single glance back. He knew he would have ran back if he did look at you again.
On either side of the door, both of you let out a single tear. For you, it turned into many. Hobie didn’t let his turn into anything more.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Hobie finally found an ally to stop and rest in. His breathing was heavy as he ripped his mask off his head, looking down at the damage done to his body. Blood was seeping through his side, right onto the floor.
Great. Absolutely great.
He was doing too much. Ever since the night he last saw you, he took on more than he could handle. Something to numb the buzzing of his mind.
He can’t go back to you. Not when you’ve been so safe in the last week because he wasn’t there to put you at risk.
But he was too hurt to not do anything. He wasn’t about to go to a hospital. Too many questions and he’d only be supporting big corporations stealing money.
You were always more caring than any hospital..
Hobie sits there a while, debating his options. Bleed out and suffer, or do what he swore he wouldn’t. The choice was obvious.
He missed you so much. He could never deny that. They way you were so gentle when with him. Hobie needed security in his life of reckless fight. And you were just that.
Carefully, Hobie stood, putting his mask back on before swinging from the ally, towards your apartment. His side hurt so badly, and thankfully you weren’t far from him. His mind was buzzing the entire time; happy to see you but scared for what was to come.
He made it to the fire escape, landing on your level. He stood as well as possible and knocked on your window.
You glance up from your notebook, taking off your headphones as you glance at the window. There’s only one person who would knock on your window at 11 pm.
Hobie Brown.
You stand from your bed, heading to the window. You open it up and immediately see the way blood was seeping into his clothes, staining them in the process. You face goes from shocked to saddened as you sigh.
“Oh Hobes, get in here. Sit down, please.” You say as you help him inside.
Once he’s inside he immediately pulls off his mask, taking a deep breath. He was okay now. He was going to get taken care of. Like he needed.
You quickly grabbed some towels and bandages along with your med-kit, specifically bought for him, and directed him to sit on your bed. He pulled his shirt off as he sat on one of your towels.
“This one’s bad..” You muttered as you sat across from him, taking a damp towel and wiping some blood up. “Hobes, what happened?”
He looks up, only to scoff. “What can I say. S’me villains kicked my ass. ‘s normal stuff.”
“No, this isn’t Hobie. You look like you were thrown like a rag doll.”
You pour some antiseptic on another clean towel, wiping the wound. Hobie was used to the stinging sensation by now, but this did feel like more than before.
Before long, you finish, reaching for bandages. “Is.. this because of..”
“No.” He says quickly, but then shakes his head and sighs. “Even I don’t believe myself when I say that.”
You give a sympathetic look as you wrap the bandages around his torso, making it tight but not too tight. “It’s killing you, isn’t it?” You asked quietly.
Hobie gives no answer as he watches your gentle hands work. He didn’t deserve this. He broke your heart to keep you safe and now here you were, still with him. Helping keep him alive.
You stand back up, grabbing the supplies to put them away. Over in your closet, you grab some of the clothes of his you could never toss out, bringing them to him.
“Stay here tonight.”
“‘s not that easy.”
You shake your head. “Hobie.”
He glances up as you set the clothes down, taking his face in your hands. Your thumb swipes gently on his cheeks in a comforting motion. He missed this.. god he craved this. His eyes close as he lets out a sigh.
“I’m here to stay.” You start, sitting in front of him. “I know you never wanted to leave like that. That’s just not you. You wanted to protect me, and I appreciate you for that.” You continue, staring straight into the Spider-man’s eyes. “But I can protect myself and you. You have to trust me on that.”
Hobie sighs yet again, taking your hands in his own calloused ones. “‘s not that I don’t trust ya. I don’t trust others, the world. ‘m just tryin to keep ya safe and at ease.” He explains, his thumbs rubbing circles on your knuckles.
“Then let me stay by your side.”
There was a long while where the two of you just sat there. You were soaking in the moment. The realness of him here with you. He was making a mental choice. On what he can do to keep you safe.
Hobie shook his head, letting out his signature smile. “You’re a stubborn one, ya know t’at?”
You laugh and smile softly. “What can I say? I know what I want.”
He leans forward, gently capturing your lips in his own. He missed this. Hobie Brown missed everything about you, his love. Sure what he did was stupid, but you could never blame him for wanting what’s best for you.
“I love you, ya know that?” He whispers against your lips, hands never releasing yours.
You smile, pecking his once more. “Of course I do. I love you more, Spider-punk.”
“Hey, aye.” He speaks with a small chuckle. “I hate that name, ya know. ‘obie is perfectly fine.”
“I have to keep my teasing material. That name is never leaving my vocabulary.” You respond, standing and throwing another towel to him. “Now go change. I’m tired.”
Hobie chuckled and stood, bowing mockingly. “Of course, your highness.”
As Hobie left to the bathroom to change, he couldn’t help but sigh in relief. He’s happy, truly. He has a safe place to turn to whenever he needs. He has someone he does his duties for, to protect the world and brighten it up. You’re all the motivation he ever needs. Of course he has the desire to completely antagonize fascists, but you were more worth it.
And as he settled in that night with you beside him, his worries could melt away. He had you again. And this time, he swore not to go anywhere to himself.
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