#dickolas gumshoe
jiauro · 9 months
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We are soooo back
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roboraindrop · 1 year
Ugh the sprite Dick has where he pouts and looks up..... My heart can't fucking take it!! I am going to kiss him!! I want to make him smile!!
I love him so much,,,,,,,
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crescentmoonrider · 6 years
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Ace Attorney Atla AU !!
one of the first towns Team Avatar visits is a Fire Nation colony in the Earth Kingdom. it’s not their fault, the ship was going there and they probably should’ve checked before but - yeah ok it’s kind of their fault they got there. the day they arrive is also the same day a certain General Karma arrives in town
turns out he was the one to conquer it, almost 15 years ago, and he came back for the anniversary. he is a big scary man with some big scary armed men with him, and the team agrees to not stay in here too long
except Chihiro disappears while Mayoi and Ryuuichi are pondering what animal is scary enough to be compared to the General, because that’s what she does. she disappears. they find her sitting near what seems to be ruins of... something. a destroyed house probably
as it stands, this place is the grave of the late mayor of the town, who died almost 15 years ago, during the attack from General Karma. he was crushed by his own house, but doesn’t remember it. oh yeah, Chihiro was talking to him, that’s also a thing she does
anyway, Team Avatar is planning to retreat and like, camp somewhere, but because they have no luck General Karma and the Governor of the town arrive just at that exact moment. so they hide, because they’re cowards. or well, Ryuuichi and Mayoi hide, Chihiro laughs and then follows them
the General and the Governor discuss the “festivities��� for the 15th anniversary. General Karma decides that he doesn’t like this place, that it’s an insult to him and that keeping this “monument” to a resistance hero is a terrible idea and should never have been a thing in the first place
(the Governor doesn’t remind Karma that he isn’t responsible for this, that he’s only been Governor for 2 years and that there would probably be riots if they did away with the grave, because it’s useless and Karma definitely knows this already)
so, to celebrate the 15th anniversary, in 3 days, the grave will disappear
Team Avatar is justifiably horrified, and it doesn’t get any better when the Governor leaves and General Karma monologues to the grave of his old enemy that, truly “your son is as stupid as you were”
no ominous at all
(later, they will learn that the Governor is, in fact, the son of the late mayor Mitsurugi, and that he was taken as a war trophy to the Fire Nation 15 years ago, only coming back 2 years ago as Governor personally appointed by General Karma)
(Mayoi then decides it is her duty as Avatar to fix this shitty situation and get General Karma the beating he deserves. so she tells Ryuuichi to get closer to the Governor so they can learn more)
Reiji, of the Mitsurugi household (though he doesn’t consider himself a member of this household anymore), is the current Governor. Though originally an earthbender, the events of 15 years ago have left him unable to bend, and he has tried to “fix” this by studying many different forms, both fire and earth. It didn’t work, but it made him well prepared to face (and destroy) lots of fighters. He kept his past abilities a secret to General Karma. Probably too serious. Has a serious phobia of earthquakes, and as such his stay in the Fire Nation was... pretty harsh on him. Even without accounting for General Karma or his daughter
Keisuke is a member of the town’s guard, and often doubles as personal guard for the Governor. His father is Earth and his mother is Fire. He is proud of both sides of his heritage and will often try to mix up colors when wearing casual clothes. Tends to get involved in barfights, mostly because he tries to stop them. Does his best
both end up joining Team Avatar more or less on purpose. no ok Reiji is sort of kidnapped by Team Avatar to become Mayoi’s teacher and Keisuke follows along, barely noticed by the others. he becomes part of the team long before Reiji even considers it
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jinkies-binx · 5 years
you: i love ace attorney characters phoenix wright and dick gumshoe <3
me, an intellectual:
Nicholas and Dickolas
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Dickolas Gumshoe
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quank · 7 years
small idiot baby brain: gumshoes full name is richard
huge godly mega galaxy brain: gumshoes full name is dickolas
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cinnamaca · 7 years
dickolas gumshoe
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jiauro · 1 year
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roboraindrop · 2 years
Really wanting to think about kissing fictional men rn 👀
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roboraindrop · 1 year
Screaming crying throwing up bc I love Dickolas Gumshoe so fucking much
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roboraindrop · 1 year
I am going to cry out of love for Dickolas Gumshoe on this Tuesday night,,, I'm listening to his song from the musical again and I,,, 🥺🥺🥺🥺 This man is everything to me,,,
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jiauro · 2 years
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Here come’s detective Gumshoe!
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roboraindrop · 3 years
God I just fuckin,,, I love a good,, soft, squishy man,,,
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roboraindrop · 3 years
Aaaaaaaaaa I just want to take care of Dick... I want to dote on him and help him feel better after a long day... 🥺🥺 he deserves softness and tenderness.... I love him so much....
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roboraindrop · 3 years
I love Dick soooooooooooo much 🥺🥺💕
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roboraindrop · 4 years
My phone died today :( I'm using my mom's old one until I can afford a replacement. I'm happy to have a working phone again, but all of my writing is gone... and all of my screenshots. Now I need to find a new Dick wallpaper for this phone.... hmm....
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