I am so glad we all just started accepting Dickolas as @dicklessswonder’s name.
one of my biggest achievements tbh.
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cadriona · 1 year
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So, a funny thing happened on trigun twitter
(amazon link where its 50% off as of May 8th: https://www.amazon.com/This-How-You-Lose-Time/dp/1534430997/)
(more up to date version here because holy fuck did this escalate)
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deyathemuniz · 1 year
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duncanor · 1 year
Insane things are happening on Trigun Twitter today
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ministarfruit · 5 months
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day 3: your life is mine ♡
(femslashfeb prompt list)
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sleepyminty · 1 year
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Something incredible just happened on twt right now
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biancalattei · 1 month
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dumb dick
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animentality · 1 year
The truth. God bless bigolas dickolas and trigun.
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(things I wish would happen to me ;-;)
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blushnik · 1 year
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this one’s for the one and only Bigolas Dickolas Wolfwood
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Ladies, gentlemen and all people who watch Trigun in general. I introduce you,
The icon, THE LEGEND:
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aritimena · 1 year
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saw the dr phil trimax meme and had a vision
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lallelol · 10 months
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Get Trigunned
Also i LOVE one pixel pressureless pens, its the aggie vibes
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*Throws them*
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mythrilthread · 10 months
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I rebound This Is How You Lose the Time War because I wanted MORE COLORS.
(And also maybe the idea of using that tweet by Bigolas Dickolas as a blurb tickled me greatly. Because that whole situation was a highlight of my month.)
❤️ Did the cover with the same birds but added plot relevant double exposure effect I’ve loved since my True Detective days.
💜 Used purple fabric for the spine, painted the edges in a fun gradient, sewn the endbands;
💙 and used lovely fluid art by Marek Okon for endpapers.
Now no one in my household stands a chance of avoiding exposure to this gorgeous story ❤️💜💙
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deyathemuniz · 1 year
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I saw a Wolfwood with a tramp stamp and I raise you Wolfwood with a big dangly tacky bellybutton piercing 👌✨
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danelloevee · 1 year
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This has been very entertaining to read about
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sleepyminty · 1 year
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The duo dont know that in another universe, they have the entire internet and the market on the chokehold
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