#dick doesnt see jason as his brother until hes gone and that leaves him with this huge amount of regret
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shittalkerxox · 1 year ago
I feel like people dont lean into just how complicated dick and jasons relationship could and should be.
Give me these two boys who were thrown together, who didn't really fit together or get along, whose age gap was just a little too big for them to fully understand each other when they met, forced into this role of brothers even when they didnt feel that way.
Give me a young jason todd, so confused and annoyed that the guy who's supposed to be his big brother, his mentor won't even come home once a week to have dinner, who doesn't talk to him, and ignores everything he does.
Give me a hurt dick grayson, who is so angry with bruce and pissed off at the idea of being replaced that he just cant look at his new brother, even though he doesn't blame him.
Give me a dick grayson who never fully saw jason todd as his brother until it was too late.
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sturchling · 5 years ago
If your taking prompts can I get a Tim or Jason with Marinette where lila lies about dating Damon whom is 10or 11 to Lilas 17 to 18 and Marinette is grossed or and worried by her lies. she has seen how Lila treats Adrein and the only thing she knows about Damon Wayne besides his age is he was raised by his mother and grandfather whom did not allow him out much. So she thinks he might be a little like Adrein and not world wise on how people will use you. And doesnt want anything bad to happen
Here you go, hope you like it. Thank you for waiting and being patient with me. Sorry it took so long.
Marinette had met the Waynes a long time ago. Gina had been friends with Alfred for a really long time. So, Gina was at the manor fairly often. After her little fairy, Marinette was born, Gina would bring her to the manor as well to play with Bruce’s boys. Dick and Jason were like big brothers to Marinette. Tim and Marinette were the same age and were very close.
Eventually, the two started dating. The relationship became long-distance when Marinette was able to visit less and less. Tim also became quite busy over the years and wasn’t able to fly to Paris as often as he would have liked. But the young couple always made sure to talk and FaceTime as often as they could.
The whole family was fond of the Parisian girl and would often join Tim on FaceTime to speak with her. They always kept her up to date on the new family drama. Marinette also kept them informed in her life. But they didn’t tell her much about Damian when he joined the family. All she knew about him was that he was ten and had been raised by his mother and had only just met Bruce and the boys. According to the boys, Damian had been extremely sheltered for his entire life.
So, when Marinette heard Lila’s newest story the next day, she became incredibly concerned. The news had already caught wind of Bruce Wayne having a new son and was reporting on Damian Wayne all morning. But there were no details about him at all. The only thing the media knew was his name. Lila thought it would be a great story to tell the class that she had known Damian for a long time and she was dating him. She had no idea that Damian was only ten.
When Marinette heard this story, she obviously knew it was a lie but she was disgusted and worried. She knew that Lila wasn’t actually dating Damian, but that didn’t mean that Lila couldn’t cause a problem for Damian. Lila could say whatever she wanted about Damian and get away with it since there was no other information about him. She could ruin his reputation before he even gets a chance.
That night, Marinette called Tim to tell him about what Lila had said. It required some explaining, since she had kept Lila a secret from the Waynes. She wanted to fight this battle on her own. She knew the boys would have wanted to charge in and help with the Lila problem if she had told them. Now she was telling them everything. Dick, Jason, and Tim all sat quietly as Marinette told them everything and what Lila had said this morning. “I wanted to let you guys know what she said. I have a friend that was sheltered most of his life and he got into a messy situation because of how he handled this girl. I know you said Damian was sheltered too so I thought I should warn you so maybe Damian would know and would stand up to a liar instead of let her be.”
The boys just stare for a second before they all burst into laughter. Dick is the first to recover, “Marinette, Damian would never tolerate a liar. We said he was isolated, not sheltered.” Marinette paused for a moment, “What?” Jason, still wheezing, says, “That demon brat may have been isolated, but he was definitely not sheltered. I’m more concerned of what he would do if he found out about this liar, than what this liar could do to him.” Dick looks thoughtful for a moment, “Still, we should probably tell Bruce about this. Just so he knows.” The other boys nod and Dick gets up to go get Bruce.
It isn’t long before they both return and Bruce is filled in on the Lila situation. To say he is displeased would be an understatement. “Thank you for telling us Marinette. Do me a favor, if she says anything else about Damian or any of us, please let us know.” Marinette agrees and Bruce leaves so Marinette and Tim could continue their conversation.
For the next several weeks, Marinette kept note of everything Lila said about the Wayne family. After the popularity of her first lie about Damian, Lila just kept coming up with more lies about the Wayne family. She has now said that she is very close to the family. That she grew up with the boys and is like a daughter to Bruce. She even said that she has helped run Wayne Enterprises and clean up Gotham.
Marinette tells Bruce and the boys everything that Lila has been saying. When she asks what they’re going to do, they tell her not to worry about it and that she will see. Another week passes before Marinette finally sees what they mean.
Marinette arrives at school and her class is buzzing with excitement. She asks Adrien what is happening, and he tells her “The class was told that we are having a very special guest today. They won’t tell us who, but everyone thinks it is someone Lila knows and is excited to meet someone so important.” Marinette glances at the liar and sees everyone surrounding her and asking questions. Lila has a strained look on her face, as she evades the questions and tries not to reveal anything.
The class continues to whisper throughout the day about who it could be, until lunch. Mrs. Bustier leaves the room for a moment and then comes back with a smile on her face. “Class, our guests have arrived. Please welcome Bruce Wayne and his sons, Richard, Jason, Tim, and Damian.” Lila grows pale when she hears those names. She doesn’t have time to try and cover her tracks with the class before the door opens and the group walks in.
Bruce goes to stand front and center, with his sons surrounding him. Alya is looking at all of the sons, trying to figure out which is Damian. There are two boys that look older than them, and a young kid. Then there is a boy that looks about their age, so she figures that he must be Damian. She instantly calls out, while staring directly at Tim, “Damian! Nice to finally meet you! Lila has told us so much about you and how sweet a boyfriend you are.” Tim just stares back at Alya. Tim eventually breaks the silence saying, “I’m Tim, not Damian. He is Damian” Alya is shocked to see him pointing at the young kid. He couldn’t be older than ten, so why would Lila be dating him.
Before Alya could continue, Bruce spoke up. “Miss, I don’t know what you are talking about. Damian is only ten, and isn’t dating anyone. Who is this Lila?” Alya stands up, ready to defend her friend. “What do you mean who is Lila? She is close with all of you! You think of her like part of the family. She even helped with Wayne Enterprises! How could you not know her?!” Alya points at Lila through out the tirade, as Lila tries to hide. Bruce gets a look on his face. “Young lady, that is all a bunch of lies. I have never met this Lila person. But thank you for pointing her out. Now I know who to give this to.” Bruce walked to Lila’s desk and hands her a bunch of papers. “That is a cease and desist order. I am not suing you yet, but if you do not stop lying about my family this instant then I will have no choice.”
The class jumps to defend their friend, with Alya being the loudest. “How could you say that? Lila isn’t a liar!” This is when Damian spoke up, with venom in his voice “She is obviously lying you imbecile. I would never court a harlot like her.” Bruce turned to look at him, silencing him with a look. Bruce turns back to face the class. “The only person in this room that is dating one of my sons and is like part of the family is Marinette.”
The class is shocked and turns to face the young fashion designer. Lila is fuming. Of course, that brat knows the Waynes. Bruce turned to face Mrs. Bustier again, “Now, I am taking Marinette with me for the rest of the day to go have lunch with us. I suggest you contact Ms. Rossi’s mother and let her know about the cease and desist order and what her daughter has been doing. Have a good day.” With that, Bruce ushers everyone, including Marinette, out of the classroom.
After they leave, the class erupts into chaos. Everyone turns to Lila, demanding answers. Lila tries to cover it up, and come up with a lie to fix everything. But it doesn’t work. Hard to explain how she isn’t actually dating Damian Wayne and how she didn’t know he was only ten. The class started looking into Lila’s stories. Not just her stories about the Waynes, but everything else. They quickly realize that Lila had been lying this whole time. Soon, Mrs. Rossi arrived and dragged her daughter to Mr. Damocles office. Lila never came back to the class; she was expelled once everything was revealed. The class apologized to Marinette for not believing her and she forgave them. Things settled down in Mrs. Bustier’s class after that and Marinette was happy. Lila was gone, she had her friends back, and Tim and her were as strong as ever. Marinette was the happiest she had been in a while, and felt ready for the next chapter of her life and whatever it may bring.
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heleizition · 5 years ago
How Alfred interact with his shifter babies? Where is Barbara in all of this? Is she a shifter or human? Also, I want to know more about Tim's parents... How was they and how Tim ended up with batfamily?
ok hold on . .. i need a second . .. im thinking about alfred holding like, baby panther dick in hi arms n smilng softly,,, jst . .. give me a moment . ..... like ... hes cooking n hyerna jason who’s starting to grow jst sits beside him n tucks his head on the counter n looks at alfred like feed me and alfred is so so fond of his grandsons yk,,, of his family,,,, cries
OK SO beside that tim shifts from cat to human the first time with alfred,,, hes a safe adult in his eyes and he trusts him and its a trust alfred hasnt and wont ever betray. cass just likes to sit on his shoulder while he has tea,,, he makes her a cup and she flies over to drink when she feels like it but mostly she’s chilling. steph usually runs around and tries to pick things up to “help” alfred and he gives her lil pets,,,, duke usually feels like in the way when hes shifted and alfred is cleaning up or working around him so he usually shift back and helps and it makes alfred smile a lot even after he tries to shoo duke away bc thats His Job yk,,, duke still helps sefooefshofse
OK UM i admit i did not think of babs bc she always slips from my mind,,,, i dont have a big connection to her character,,,, im not sure if she’s a shifter yet i gotta think but i kinda feel  ,,, fox for her,,,,, if u have other suggestions im open ? i dont know much about her character sadly,,,,
OK SO under the cut is tim’s story n how he met and ended up w the bat, big tw for animal (shifter) abuse and child abuse, starvation, abandonment, umm mutilation & description of injury
tim first turned into a cat (to his parents knowledge) when he was about 4 or 5. he’d been already introduced to the world but as he was a small child they hadn’t really been showing him around everywhere so only a handful of people knew/remembered small boy tim. janet has a particular hate toward that branch in her family that can shift so she’s really jst. hating her son having it and she immediately just. decides that she just doesnt want to see him. so jack and her just start locking him in a tiny cat cage, which prevent him from turning back into a boy, feed him catfood when they remember to feed him. at some point they get him declawed (which gives him terribly vivid nightmares of human him getting his fingers torned off of his hand) and when they leave they give him a tight collar while leaving him out of the cage which prevnts him from shifting back bc the collar would just go through tim’s throat if he shifted to human.
so tim drake ends up . not existing. everyone forgets the drakes had a son, tim very rarely gets to be in human shape (which hurts at some point), and when he does his parents usually yell at him and making him feel very unwanted, going as far as throwing things at him until he jst, shifts back and makes himself as small and forgotten as possible. he stopped going to school early, but he still taught himself to read (u gotta do smth when ur stuck as a cat for years) and went through lots of his parents books (that were on bottoms shelfs bc its hard to put the books back in the right shelves while in cat form and he gets yelled at enough as it is just for existing).
so he’s like 10, and his parents have been gone for a while . and he’s rly not doing good. he’s not rly clinging to life. he’s underfed. everything hurts. his brain isn’t really reactive anymore. and hes on the wall between the drakes and the wayne’s estate dick and jason are in the garden, playing around, and he just. falls asleep. passes out from exhaustion and his body kind of giving up on him.
they hear him or see him, idk, they find him and jason shifts back, holding the small kitten in his arms and he runs inside, n they take care of him, the adress on the collar said he’s from next door,,, at this point they dont know he’s a shifter,, but when he wakes up tim’s all warm and tucked against a warm body (dick) and jason is beside them petting him gently and the second tim is awake he’s tense and trying to get away bc humans have done nothing but hurt him at this point yk,, he’s barely ever met anyone,,, he sticks to the drake’s house bc he’s terrified they’ll know if he goes somewhere else
(altho deep down he thinks they’d be happy if they came home to an empty house)
and when he wakes up. thats when dick n jay understand he’s not just a cat, he’s a shifter, n jason holds him in place to remove the collar bc he *knows* he cant possibly be able to shift to human with it,,, but even without it tim doesnt shift back, hes jst, scared cat,,,,
(”hey, it’s ok, we’re like you” jason says, in the most gentle voice dick’s ever heard him use. there is a moment of silence, where the kitten blinks, and then the familiar noise of flesh rearranging itself while jason shifts into his hyena form. he’s careful to keep his distance, laying on his stomach to make himself smaller - which helps, but not by much as he’s still huge compared to the little shifter in front of them. dick knows the lines of tension and those of exhaustion in their muscles, and remembers how they didn’t even stir when jason had carried them inside. he shifts. 
“i’m gonna get you some food, okay ?” he levels his tone with his brothers. “we should have some fruits around, upstairs. fish maybe ? if you’d like ? or something else.” he smiles that smiles only he knows how to smile. “or maybe you’d like to pick yourself ?”
the little cat manages to make themselves smaller.)
they eventually manage to feed him and hydrate him, and dick tells alfred and bruce about the little shifter while jason keeps an eye on him,,, bruce connect the drake and tim shaped dots. he remembers janet and jack rejecting a gala invitation a while back bc she had recently delivered, only he’d never seen the kid.
tim only lets jason and dick close a first, bc they’re younger, bc they’re shifters, and then alfred bc alfred always brings him food on a plate and with a fork and knife like he’s going to use them as a human. he talks to tim and pets him gently once tim allows it,,, he’s a safe adult.
bruce scares him a lot, even if he’s gentle and he’s a good dad. he’s bigger than jack has ever been, and he knows he could hurt him. he just scares him a lot. he has too much authority, too much presence.
tim shifts back into a human on is seventh day at the manor, while alfred sits with him in a little room tim had hid in. he’s a very small boy and he cries out in pain when he shifts, but alfred puts a hand on his cheek and just smiles
(”hello, my boy”)
tim is very quiet, takes a shower and shifts back before anyone else can see him,,, but slowly he lets it happen around the others. one time dick n jay wake up from a nap session to a little boy suggled between them,,, there is a lot of hurt and pain from jason bc he’s been that little boy, hurt and scared and in pain, and it brings back a lot of sad things,,,
eventually he lets himself shift into bruce’s arms on the second week and he cries a lot n bruce tells him he figured out he’s the drake’s son, and jst, h, he adopts
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knullanon · 4 years ago
Her first year out of the closet Jason's out of town during pride. He hates to do it but there's a human trafficking operation to be stopped and his dads too much of a baby in his opinion to get revenge for these people.
His love for his daughter outways his dislike for his brother, and he hesitantly texts him for the first time in months and asks him if he minds taking y/n to pride with him this year.
Of course uncle dick is thrilled.
He goes over safety precautions as she and Damian get her outfit ready, carefully painting a pair of angel wings the lesbian flag colors. A not so subtle fuck you to her parents.
Shes so excited to fully come out until the day comes.
You see this is after jason revealed he "faked his death" and she's his daughter...
And though the media is use to pansexual dick grayson they are much less nice to y/n todd.
They tear her to pieces.
When jason comes back there's tension. He doesnt quite know what happened but he knows something's up when alfred gives him a shot of alcohol and a worried look. Tim is frantically answering emails and posting on websites, anger in his eyes.
Bruce is yelling on his phone and steph and barbara are talking quietly. Their voices are too soft to understand but their laced with concern.
When damian stares at him and quietly says
"Good luck Jason."
He knows something's gone terribly wrong. Demon spawn never addressed him by his first name.
Ignoring Bruce's request, with his hand over the phone, to talk to him before talking to y/n he storms of to find his daughter. Certain that dick let some homophobe hurt her. Why else would he be hiding.
He starts practically running down the hall past Duke who was carefully carrying a full cup of cold hot chocolate in his hands, the anger and sadness apparent on his face. Still worried about his baby being hurt.
The thought leaves his head when he sees dick trying to reason with a locked door, sobbing coming from behind it. If y/n was hurt that door wouldn't still be standing.
Cass is standing beside him and she beckons jason over.
Cass wouldn't be standing with dick if he was in the wrong, He mused to himself as he walked towards the door, trying to calm his nerves.
Dick offered to let jason talk to her. Offered to leave and jay almost takes it but he needs to know what happened.
He began to pick the lock as dick explained
"I still dont believe it... this looks" he looks away "just like my first pride. I thought we moved on from this."
And of course jason remembered dicks first pride. That he came home in tears. The awful articles that followed it.
He opened the door and carefully approached his daughter, still sobbing the angel wings that dick sent him a picture of, that y/n planned so carefully and adored so much, were battered and ruined in the corner and jay briefly wondered if someone else trashed them or if her self hatred was stronger then he thought.
He pulled her to himself, saying nothing. There was nothing he could say.
There was no way no one was going to pay for this one.
-sabrina who has nothing better to do but write oneshots in anon
bitch i-
why must you do this sabrina. u’ve hurt me too much. 
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heleizition · 4 years ago
I am just now finding out about your chosen one au and must know more
ok so i decided to copy paste everything i wrote to my friends when talking about it so its gonna be long Oups ... but it's the most complete ill ever be about it !
so this is set in a universe where gods, old and new are very present and usually they have humans serving them, regularly called chosen ones, every century or so. it's considered an honor and every sanctuary and gods have different missions for their chosen ones and it can go from taking care of the temple every week while being allowed to have their own life to go on a mission to erradicate evil. humans usually know that they are destined to be taken in by gods because of marks on their body, specific to the god(s) they'll serve. the mark starts to glow and guide them to where their god is waiting for them once the god decides they want them.
the story is set on an island stuck between two different temples. on the island stands gotham which is a strangely sunny city,  and then you have the deep sea in the bay, and the deep forest north of gotham. if gotham is mysteriously devoid of bad things, its because it's been giving every century a child to the old gods temple in the deep forest. and time is coming, soon, another one will go.
so here you have the wayne family, they mostly have the same backgrounds ? kind of ? cass's parents were mercenaries that went into the deep forest, where no one (haha) in gotham dares going due to fear of breaking the old gods protections, never came back, and left cass on her own in town. bruce adopted her. dick's parents were travelers on a ship that sailed not far from the island and while they did not survive, the gods in the deep see allowed dick to stay alive until he reached the coast. immm not quite sure of what happened to jason's parents yet but uh he's here and alive woo
damian is a bit of a mystery to most people. he was delivered to bruce's doorstep when he was only a few days old. what they dont know is that nine months earlier bruce went into the deep forest himself. 
so added to that is timothy drake. young boy of the drake family, the two parents who dont seem to care for him much. the boy is quiet but full of smiles and affection to give and when jason and cass drag him to the wayne estate after a day out, bruce opens his arms to him. he's a regular at the wayne house and a few days after he turns 11, he stops showing up. bruce's kids cant find him. the drakes dont seem disturbed by their missing son. and bruce knows the drakes by now, know they wouldnt give their affection to someone they knew would disappear, and bruce realises tim is gone, to the old gods in the deep forest. 
so tim, 11, wakes up sweating and his room lit up with a green light that he's never seen before but in dreams and he knows that it's time. he knows that this strange mark spreading across his back, shaped like a dragon, is glowing green. he's being called.
he moves by himself, not thinking, opens the door to his room and the one that leads outside and it's so fitting when he notices that his parents arent even home, that he'd leave without them caring. soon he's reaching the deep forest and for the first time in his life, when looking at the dark depth, he's not scared, and he walks on. 
tim walks and walks and there are eyes looking at him bu the soft green glow reassures him, and he knows where he should walk, and soon he's reaching a temple, strong stone and green plants and a setting sun carved on its floor, and there is a man - a god ? - walking out. and his eyes are glowing green like the mark he knows is glowing in his back, but it feels wrong, and when tim looks around again everything looks so much hostile, 
tim made researches on the deep forest temple, since he knew it was gonna be his future, and he knew that temple was supposed to host old gods who were dying, so why does it feel so wrong ?
tim approaches, despite himself, and waits for the man - god??? - to say anything. there is a hand, wrinkly and uncomfortable and cold, on his cheek, and tim looks up, and he's shivering when the god - he knows hes a god. he knows he is now. - speaks up.
"i am ra's al ghul. you were given to me to serve me. you will obey me in any way i see fit, and you are to never return to your human town." 
tim did make researches before he was taken. he knew that usually the child taken by the deep forest gods could travel to town without punishment. he knew that, with pattern, they were taken early, before they turned fifteen. he knew that he would most likely be lucky, have a mostly free life. he didnt know that a new god in quest of power had taken over, chained some of the old gods inhabiting the temple, killed others, simply for power and magic. he didnt know that he would be chained to a scary and cold temple, with a terrifying and powerful god that could turn him to dust on a whim. 
so thats basically,,, the intro ? the first part ?
so a few months after tim disappeared, it was jasons turn. 
jason, much like tim, had marks on his wrists and arms, long lines following his limbs. they're signs of being of the all caste temple, chosen one for those gods. for the ones in the deep sea. now these humans linked to temple in the sea are a bit different than the kind that tim was supposed to be. the all castes purpose is protection, and while there always is a human chosen for them, they're not always called for their purpose, in fact, no all caste chosen one had been guided to the temple in the deep see in generations.
however, one day, jason woke up, glowing white lines on his arms, told dick that he had to go to the sea, and disappeared for months.
jason doesn't remember going into the sea when he wakes up in the temple, doesnt know how he survived the journey there, but he's there, by the will of the gods, and he's informed of his purpose.
something hover over the island. something bad. it's already there, its root in the islands ground, and it must be killed. that will be jason's purpose. he doesnt know where. he doesnt know when. he knows it will happen.
so they train him. they give him the weapons and magic he will need to defeat the enemy. they want to protect the island and its inhabitant.
several months later, jason leaves again, with new knowledge and strength, and washes up on the beach, and dick finds him, unconscious. he brings him back to the wayne estate, where he tells his tale of sea gods and protection and prophecy where he is the hero.
years pass. its been about nine years since tim disappeared, since jason went to the sea temple for the first time. damian is 16 and damian wants answers from his father. he knows he's from the deep forest. he knows his mother is there. he wants to meet her, he wants to know her. but bruce never talks about her, never says anything about their meeting, like he was commanded not to, and damian decides to go against all beliefs he has grown with and he prepares. he will get in the forest. he will find his mother.
except jason know his little brother and he knows and sees him planning and on the night he leaves, jason is here, not stopping him, but ready to follow him into the forest. he has a feeling. something is there for him too .
so they travel in the forest, they're not really sure how to find damian's mother with how little bruce ever said about her, and they find creatures along the way, some of them recognize damian as one of their kin, which is how they realise damian's mother is either part god or part spirit, and jason as a god's messenger. they do not guide them, but they do not attack them. 
until they walk into a territory they feel they shouldnt have walked into
a small being with wings and claws attacks, telling them to not trespass, it's smaller than jason had been at 14, but it's furious and cold and it strikes right. and when jason finally looks up he's terrified to see that he recognizes the child in front of him. and its wrong, because tim should have been nineteen by now, but he doesnt look older than 15. 
finally the fight draws to a close when jason calls out for tim, a name he musnt have heard a lot, or not recently, not with care and not without an order behind it. tim stops. tim looks. he recognizes the boys in front of them, even if its been nearly ten years. after all they were two of the last humans he ever saw.
"you cant be here. you cant be here if he knows he will kill you and i cant let you die. please you need to go"
im not quite sur how they get tim to follow, or if they get in ra's territory, but they camp in a safe zone with tim, and tim tells them his story
[torture mention, non consensual body modification]
after ra's took him, he tortured him, he experimented on him. after all he was his first ever human tribute, to obey and be controlled at will, a toy for an immortal, and after many games of the new god, he settled on making tim a sentinel for his property, one that will age slowly and wont feel pain, a puppet with no strings but one that is scared of ra's power, enough that it will obey. jason and damian are Angry. something at the back of jason's head tells him that this ra's might have something to do with his own prophecy. 
so after that its more blurry but tim reacts strangely to damian, he's a bit scared of him and he figures out it's bc of his heritage, that he has links to ra's, and he leads them to talia who's half god half spirit and hidden deeper and deeper in the forest, away from her father, and it makes tim leave the territory he's supposed to guard, disobey ras, which makes ra's angy bc tim never disobey, not since the first few times when he was 12/13 and thought he would still get out,,,
so there is a bit of a final showdown w tim talia jason and damian facing ra's, ra's using his hold on tim to hurt him, and talia torn between her father and her son + tim who she's seen grow up from far away and who she feels she should have protected from ra's,, jason eventually has a one on one with ra's and the prophecy does happen and he kills ra's and angry old gods who were chained in the temple wake up and banish ra's soul from this realm.
they heal tim from whatever ra's did to him, with the promise that he will travel to care for the god's temple again, as his duty was supposed to be 
they all get back to gotham, tim still looks 15 but will grow to his real age within a few months, he has many scars and the mark on his back changed for a setting sun like what was carved on the temple's entrance, damian has his Mom, and jason is free from his all caste duty.
the end woooo this is over 2k long rip !! feel free to ask if u got more questions :0 !!
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rubydubydoo122 · 1 year ago
Hmm, even when you’re trying to say it’s complicated, you’re still low key simplifying it, op. And like, that just shows how complicated Jason and Dicks dynamic is.
Most of what you said was towards the beginning, when Jason was freshly Robin, but Dick never held it against Jason, he held it against Bruce. And yeah, there’s still going to be a bit of resentment there, but after Dick gave Jason the green light to be Robin, I wouldn’t say they were brothers exactly, but Dick did put in some effort to get to know Jason despite still feuding with Bruce. Dick and Jason’s dynamic was probably more like that younger cousin that you see every once in a while.
They weren’t close, but they didn’t hate each other.
The complexity of their relationship comes after Jason comes back. It’s Dicks guilt of not being there for Jason. It’s Jason’s jealousy when he sees that Dick is an active brother towards Tim, and not someone who just visits. It’s the ‘I wasn’t good enough for him’ complex that both of them have when it comes to their past relationships that clouds them from moving forwards as adults. Dicks ‘he hates me for not being there for him, and now it’s too late’ and Jason’s ‘it wasn’t just a Dick thing, he just hated me’
I feel like people dont lean into just how complicated dick and jasons relationship could and should be.
Give me these two boys who were thrown together, who didn't really fit together or get along, whose age gap was just a little too big for them to fully understand each other when they met, forced into this role of brothers even when they didnt feel that way.
Give me a young jason todd, so confused and annoyed that the guy who's supposed to be his big brother, his mentor won't even come home once a week to have dinner, who doesn't talk to him, and ignores everything he does.
Give me a hurt dick grayson, who is so angry with bruce and pissed off at the idea of being replaced that he just cant look at his new brother, even though he doesn't blame him.
Give me a dick grayson who never fully saw jason todd as his brother until it was too late.
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