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*turns your blorbo lizards into dragons* fuck you @mod-jazzy for making me work on this instead of anything more important.
-dragon serafina is much much bigger than the harem, like the size of the dragon in dragonshy, while the rest are more "normal" dragon size.
-griffon sialia has horseworld dwarfisim, so he can still be small
-probably would be phosphine's adoptive brother in this AU. picturing an ugly duckling situation where his egg ends up in a dragon nest and nobody ever realizes he's not theirs.
-arsine has difficulty flying because of his lack of a tail, though his tiny wings don't help matters.
-they could probably all keep their names the same. wanna come up with a griffon name for sialia, but couldn't think of anything cool.
also bonus ringo. he doesn't have a name either
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ask-serafinas-harem · 9 months
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"everyone looks so much more formal than us... was there supposed to be a dress code?"
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"forget that, i wanna see if there's any strong pokemon here! this looks like the perfect place for a SUPER BEACHYARD BRAWL!!"
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"i'm more interested in whatever those magi things are. a new species? or a class of legendary pokemon?
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"well OBVIOUSLY, it's this world's version of santa claus!"
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"wh- no! why would it..... NO."
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"yuh-huh, you give them food and they give you presents! that's what santa does."
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(the harem+ringo have arrived at the event!!)
added ask hints for ringo
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ask-serafinas-harem · 9 months
( @breed-station ) Indigo looks into the rounds. "Well, im in no way a prude but a harem?? How does it work?? I mean, isnt it so much work tend to all your subjects? And more so, Serafina, if i may, how did you meet them all then?"
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"it's really not so much work as you might assume. think of us more like... a combee colony. we each do our own part to keep things running. it's not like i do everything."
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"most of my work comes from managing the personal side of things.."
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"we went to find our own nest! picked up a couple on the way, and when we found a new home, the rest came along after. who knows, someone else might come along someday too!"
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serafina- fair. i guess. so.... ok, sure.
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species- salandit/baxcalibur
item-defense scarf
moveset- smog, sweet scent, endure, endeavor
nature- calm
ability: corrosion
a hard-faced items expert, he was serafina's first follower, back from her original nest. (they're the same age tho dw) him being the most experienced salandit in the group lends him a strategic role, to help consult battle plans and assist with diplomacy.
tag- #dichlorosalandit
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cast post:
pages will be updated as more info is added. (curious abt somethin? ask about it! it's an ask blog!!)
serafina -available
arsine -available
azidoa -available
dichloro -available
kindle -available
phosphine -available
sialia -available
sirius -available
tellurium -available
style clarification
minor characters
ringo -unavailable
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