darkgunslinger · 11 months
Saving Zim Part 1 - 4 has finally landed
Saving Zim is going on a trial run to see how many copies sell. It is currently available to buy on Etsy but I only have a small amount right now (3 copies) ebay, I am selling some BETA copies which have more spelling errors/slight mistakes - but the story is the same.
Sadly the shipping rate to the USA is high - inflation and shipping costs are insane, and it's the same for me when I try to order anything overseas.
Thank you for everyone's support. It's been too long to get this in the pipeline. But hey. It's done. It's finally a thing. I'm going to have some whiskey now.
Many thanks to TheCau and Skeleion for helping my dreams come true. Full disclaimer and credit inside the book.
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(from the 16th of November, each purchase comes with its own little heart stone).
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rissynicole · 5 years
Friendship Anniversary
Today marks exactly two years since I joined the Invader Zim fandom and met my dear writer friend, Dib07, known here as @darkgunslinger. This year, I wanted to celebrate by drawing a little something from the latest chapter of her lovely fanfic, Saving Zim Epilogue:
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This scene is from Chapter 7, in which Zim enjoys a bit of respite by going out into the garden and checking in on his two caterpillars, Big Boy and Hidey. I loved the quaintness of this scene, and how beautifully it was incorporated in. Dib07 is a truly talented writer, and her work is simply inspiring.
To Dib07, thank you for being such a wonderful friend. Whether it involved writing or my personal life, you’ve been there to see me through the rough times and celebrate the good ones alongside me. 
Invader Zim has served as a gateway to a creative side to me that I never knew prior. Without it, I likely wouldn’t have returned to the world of hobby writing. It also brought me some amazing friends, including you. Here’s to more years down the road. 
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gaymaramada · 5 years
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‘“You old bastard. You old bastard.” Dib kept saying, holding his nemesis tightly with all of his strength. Zim felt the wetness of his own tears stain the young man’s clothing. “I knew you wouldn’t give up the good fight. I knew it.” Then, as if a switch had been flicked deep inside; releasing all his rage and pain, Dib burst into tears.’ - Saving Zim, Chapter 39: My Weaker Half, by @darkgunslinger
Holy FUCK, this story was incredible! The writing was beautiful, the plot had me hooked, the tension had me at the edge of my seat! If you’re a fan of ZADF (Zim and Dib Friendship), than I HIGHLY recommend this fic! It’s very angsty though, so prepare for potential tears! Again, wonderful work!
(Click image for better quality)
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the-cosmic-blogger · 5 years
NEW INVADER ZIM STORY FROM ME! taken from Zim'sMostLoyalServant's idea pit of Anti-Gaz prompts! huzzah! as I said in the A/N, the ideas were actually in my head since I read the prompt several months ago, but I finally regained the inspiration to write it. In turn, I've regained inspiration to continue and finish Proper Care! you can thank a new friend on Discord for that. :3 I just need to reread it. But for now, I'll focus on Gaz and keep testing the waters.
People who'd want to see this: @darkgunslinger @apocalypticwaffles
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invader-vel · 6 years
New chapter!
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weevmo · 7 years
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Yellow, red, purple! I actually got commissioned by DarkGunSlinger (AKA Dib07) to do 3 different Invader Zim pictures!! How cool is that?? I had a blast with all three of these, thank you so much for this opportunity!
I sincerely hope you enjoy them and have a wonderful rest of your day. <:D
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moopledoodles · 7 years
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@weevmo this is your fault for making me fall in love with that fanfic
(Which everyone should go read)
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okkennymay · 3 years
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Commission for Dib07! based from their aMAZING crossover fic Aviator , the mash up is Invader Zim and Redout, a videogame! and my goodness who knew the two were a match made in heaven!!~
I hope I got the sheer intensity of racing at a bajillion miles an hour in the cramped and suffocating cockpit of the Sulha Efreet juuuust right~
You can see the [cough] quite numerous pre-commission sketches I did for this one over on my patreon 9v9 What can I say? I was having a lot of fun, and I found the fic itself greatly inspiring, twas hard not to go a little over board UvU*
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xmimi89er · 3 years
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Finally something cute and not scary!! Have this little Zim zam, i drew him almost a month ago-!
it’s based on a story on FanFiction.Net by Dib07. I also discovered that they have a tumblr!!
story name: The Discount Smeet
By: Dib07
i highly recommend it!! It’s so so good! :D
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darkgunslinger · 11 months
I am terrible at art, so I have got nothing to go with this, but please give it a read if you have time. I noticed I haven't posted anything in a while, so here's a little something!
Oh and Happy Halloween!
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flipqingoutfan · 4 years
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Attempted something a little more realistic when painting a scene from @darkgunslinger‘s Saving Zim Epilogue chapter 8. For those who haven’t read it, I’ll just say that Dib is asking Tak’s ship for something at the end of the chapter. Kudos to those who can read the Irken letters reflected in his glasses and figure out what it says. XD
Sorry it took about 3 weeks from when I messaged you @darkgunslinger. I don’t know how many times I had to redraw his nose and mouth *falls over dead*. I’m still not completely happy with it but I figured his teeth would be a little screwed up as an adult from all the fights he and Zim had as kids anyway. I also added a little scar over his eyebrow for the same reason and tried to make the skin under his neck a little reddish from the plasma burns he’s endured. I hope you like it!
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melodyofthevoid · 3 years
Do you have any slow burn recs?
Hoooookay. This one is going to be a bit trickier since a lot of slow burn fics... well. They burn too slow and fizzle out. But I will comb the archives for you dear anon.
"Saving Zim" by Dib07, a mainstay of the Fanfiction.com days, the author is uploading on AO3 so give that some love. A rough fic with some talk art death but a very good read.
"Curious Dib" by @curiousdibandbeyond. A slowburn to end all slowburns, a great look into a slowly changing and evolving friendship between Dib and Zim that starts by Dib pestering Zim for details about his species and grows from there. Excellent stuff.
"IF YOU SHOULD BEG" by hamletmustdie (yes the title is in all caps I am nothing if not consistent). A ship fic but one where it explores just how dangerous Zim's little bubble of ignorance and Dib's lack of direction outside of Zim can be. Note there is some gore and body horror involved so reader beware.
"Forced Perspective" by @0palite (also should've been on my genfic list). Zim fucks up his PAK and now Dib has to learn... *shivers* empathy. Good mutual understandings buried under threats. Minor warning for gore, but it's also got good art so. High rec.
"Time and Space" by @andyyoureastarr, very good slow burn on the zadr especially given the unstable ground the two are on initially. Some added Membrane feels for good measure. High recommend.
"Math Cadets" by theatrephantom. "What if Dib was respected by his peers but only conditionally and Zim was mildly competent" the fic. Has a sequel, which is shaping up to be just as good.
"Operation Universe" by GlovedOne is a long form SU crossover if that's your thing. Good prose and in a fun log style.
"Nullified" by @treel is a fucking excellent longer read, where the slow burn comes from "how long will it take for Dib to see the red flags". The answer will in no way shape or form surprise you. Still, good shit.
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rissynicole · 6 years
Hey guys, check out the next part of Saving Zim and show @darkgunslinger some love!
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artistictiliqua · 5 years
You got any Zim fics?
I do have a few I really enjoy!!
A Truce, Of Sorts - WowzaPigs (ZADF, 1.1k words)
Saving Zim - dib07 (ZADF, ZADE, 269k words)
A Parade of Indignities - RissyNicole (ZADF, ZADE, 126k words)
Cryptids, Emotions, and the Possible End of the World - bamsara (QPP ZADR, series)
I haven’t delved much into the fic world in IZ but if yall have some good fics you recommend, send em to me! <3
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hecallsmehischild · 4 years
Recent Media Consumed
Onward. Beautiful, funny, memorable. If the D&D world evolved and adopted technology and looked back on what its history was, that’s the setting and trajectory of the movie. On top of that concept, it’s a really tender journey of two brothers. Well written, directed, animated, scored–pretty much every level of this was a treat. Definitely watch.
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood. This is one of those movies where I just say, “It was hard and beautiful and good. Go see it.”
You Suck At Cooking by… You Suck At Cooking’s youtube channel creator who remains determinedly unnamed, including in the copyright page which lists the copyright as belonging to, and I quote, “Wangjanglers Unlimited Ltd.” This is the one and only recipe book that I have read from cover to cover. It is a ridiculous romp and full of really delicious looking recipes. It also has a few pages where the author absolutely does not give a flying fig. Most notably displayed on the “calamari,” “diet ice pops,” and “notfogato” recipe pages. Every time the author mentions putting oil in a pan it starts with “heat oil over medium heat until it shimmers like” and is followed by a unique and ridiculous metaphor that is different every time, such as “a freshly waxed Rolls-Royce under a moonlit disco ball.” This recipe book is amazing and the guy’s Youtube channel is just as good. Check both out.
Tales of Earthsea by Ursula Le Guin. This is one of those you-overlooked-a-living-classic-fantasy-writer reads. She has a style somewhere between Tolkien and modern fantasy, where there’s a rich historical type narrative interlaced with compelling zoomed-in closeups of character interactions. Tales of Earthsea is an omnibus that contains all the stories she wrote set in the world of Earthsea, and each one had an afterword that discusses the particular struggles she had with each book. These I found to be as valuable as the stories themselves. Reading how a fellow fantasy writer flails to find their craft always gives me hope. I’ll be looking into more of her books in the future.
Untitled Goose Game. This game is pure delight. It’s a little stressful sometimes, trying to figure out how to get the to-do items to-done items, but overall this is just a delight. And if you want you can just spend time wrecking stuff and swimming around, honking and flapping. Simple, soothing visuals, soothing music. And the punch line? Oh yes, this game has a punch line of sorts, and by the time we got to it, I had forgotten about the setup so I laughed really hard when we got to the end. Absolutely marvelous.
What Remains of Edith Finch. Had this game on the list forever, finally played through it. The way it tells story through visuals and clues left everywhere, the way it builds suspense, the way it immerses you in the tale of each member of the Finch Family is incredible. Pretty short, but an intense and often disturbing story with a strangely triumphant declaration by the end.
The Earlstone Mansion by Dib07. Invader Zim oneshot. Lovely set up, a haunted mansion with a backstory and setting to make your skin crawl. Author is very good at making you uneasy from start to finish, at the same time it’s something that someone who’s afraid of horror, like me, can still read through without fleeing.
Chomp by @velociraptoraddict. Invader Zim chapter fic. This story is ongoing at the time of this writing. The author has set up an interesting (parasitic? symbiotic?) relationship with a new alien species, exploring the lore of this species and outlining lore concepts from the Irken race as well. I’m looking forward to see where the author will take this story.
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invader-vel · 6 years
I started re-reading this today.
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