#the scene with gir had me crying man
moopledoodles · 7 years
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@weevmo this is your fault for making me fall in love with that fanfic
(Which everyone should go read)
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What Could Have Been
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Derek Morgan x Penelope Garica 
Warnings: mentions of getting shot, church and Morgan’s favourite line “son of a bitch” 
Category: Angst, so much fricking angst. Fluff at the end.
Word Count: 3.7k 
Author’s Note: For the purpose of this, Derek never married savannah but still left the BAU after the kidnapping and garvez didn’t happen :) also I used the scenes from the episodes below, most of them are quoted but not exactly word for word. (shout out to haley and to whoever she got this gif from <3) 
Song: The Night We Met
Italics are flashbacks. 
FB 1= 8x09 “Magnificent Light”
FB 2= 3x09 “Penelope”
FB 3= 3x09 “Penelope”, 4x01 ‘”Mayhem” & 5x21 “Exit Wounds” 
I am not the only traveler
Who has not repaid his debt
I've been searching for a trail to follow again
Take me back to the night we met
The clock just struck 12, everyone had arrived back at the BAU after a case in Delaware. The team sat in the bullpen, their heads perked up when the elevator dinged and the doors opened. 
He stepped off the elevator with a smile on his face, the glass doors ruined his image of a surprise but what the hell, he missed them too much to even care. Derek pulled the door open, the familiar smell of coffee and paper files filled his nose. 
“Derek ?” Spencer stood up from his chair. 
“Pretty boy” Derek smiled making his way over to give him a hug. Spencer smiled as his face was pulled into Derek’s shoulder. 
Derek turned to Emily next, “princess” he grinned, “hey you” she hugged him. 
JJ was next, her arms wrapped around his neck as she stood on her tiptoes to give him a proper hug. 
He went on to hug Tara and Rossi, and greeted Luke and Matt as they made their way into the BAU. 
Derek chatted with the team, they told him about the kidnapping case they had just worked but he couldn't seem to focus on their conversations as his mind kept wandering back to her. 
Where is she? 
One by one, the office cleared out. Matt and JJ being the firsts as they wanted to get home to their kids, Luke was next one and on his way to pick up Roxy. Tara and Rossi left shortly after the first 3, leaving Derek, Emily and Spencer sitting in the bullpen, just like old times. 
“Okay, I've been here for..” Derek glances at the clock, “27 minutes and I’ve yet to see my baby girl. Did she leave early?” Derek asked them, Emily and Spencer glanced at each other before turning back to Derek. 
“Derek, she-” Emily started but Derek cut her off. “I think I'll go surprise her” He headed out of the bullpen before either of them could say anything to him. 
“Did she really not tell him ?” Spencer looks at her,
“She didn’t want him to come and beg her to stay” Emily says quietly. Spencer gets up and walks out to find Derek, he sees Derek just as he opens the second door to her office.
“Baby gir-” Derek stops in his tracks. The office only had the lights on but all the monitors were off and all her stuff was gone. The chair was pushed in, there was dust starting to settle on the desk and monitors. 
Where is she? Where’s all her stuff ? God, did something happen to her? I should have never left. 
Spencer’s voice broke through Derek’s thoughts. “She left” Spencer whispered, leaning against the door frame. Derek didn't say anything, he stood there quietly, in the middle of her office, an empty office, trying to make sense of what was happening. 
“When ?” Derek’s fingers dragged across the desk where her key board should be. 
“February” Spencer told him. 
“She didn’t tell me” Derek mumbled. 
Derek didn't know how to feel. 
His heart pounding in his chest. 
“Can I have a minute alone ?” Derek glances at Spencer before turning back to the turned off monitor. 
“Of course. Emily and I will be in the bullpen if you need us” Spencer pulled the door shut as he left Derek in the office. 
And then I can tell myself
What the hell I'm supposed to do
And then I can tell myself
Not to ride along with you
There’s no way she left. This had to be some practical joke. Maybe Penelope hacked the flight records, saw he was coming to Virginia and wanted to mess with him. 
Derek pulled the chair out and sat down. His heart sunk in his chest, his hand ran across the desk again, his fingers making marks in the dust. He couldn’t wrap his mind around the fact that she had left. 
Sure, he knew she would have eventually moved on, she’s talented and smart and beautiful. 
My god, how she was beautiful. 
But never did he ever think the day would come where she would actually leave the BAU. 
This was her home, they were her family. 
Derek had never seen the office this empty. There were always trinkets, sparkly fluffy pens and mugs, so many mugs, more than you could count. 
The room felt heavy though it was empty. 
His hand reached into the desk drawer to his left, it was empty. Not like he was expecting anything to be there but he thought it wouldn’t hurt to check. Derek leaned back in the chair as his foot tapped against the desk, something rattled.
His eyes flickered down to the other drawer as his foot tapped the desk again. Derek pulled the drawer open, there was some paper in it. He picked them up and flipped through them, it was mostly computer manuals and old case files. Under all of that, there was a picture frame. 
It was a simple black picture frame, which was a bit plain for Penelope’s taste but the photo brought a smile to his face. It was a picture from the night of the police gala, they were already running late but she insisted that they take a picture before heading inside. 
“Derek! Don’t be difficult, we’re already late. It doesn't make a difference” she tried to reason with him. “Baby girl, they're waiting on me” Derek looked at her, already on his way to the door. Derek was stubborn but if he had a soft spot, and one she knew he had for sure, it was her. 
“Derek Morgan if you don't get your butt over here right now, so help me god because I will leave you here all by yourself” she mustered up the most stern look she could manage and looked at him. Derek chuckled and shook his head, jogging back down the stairs to his beloved Penelope. 
He’d go to the ends of the earth and back for this woman. 
“Excuse me!” Penelope turned to the man at the valet, “could you take a picture for us?” she fished the camera out of her wristlet, Derek smiled at her. 
“Mama, why don't you use your phone? you’re always carrying around this camera” 
“I like my camera, it holds pictures from forever ago. When we were all young and happy” she wrapped her arm around his waist, Derek put his arm around her shoulder and her other hand came up to reach his, their fingers interlocking. 
“Are we not happy now?” he looked down at her. 
Even with heels on, Derek still towered over Penelope. She looked up at her chocolate thunder and smiled, 
“I'm always happy when I'm with you.” 
The two of them stood there, smiling at each other, they had forgotten all about the picture until the camera flashed. The man from the valet spoke up “would you like one more? maybe looking at the camera this time ?” They turned towards the camera with the brightest smiles on their face. 
Derek’s finger ran across the glass of the frame. She didn’t use the picture of them looking at the camera, but the one of them looking at each other. Her words flooding his mind once again, 
“I’m always happy when I'm with you.”
I had all and then most of you
Some and now none of you
Take me back to the night we met
I don't know what I'm supposed to do
Haunted by the ghost of you
Oh, take me back to the night we met
Derek was tempted to call her, to ask her why she hadn’t told him that she was leaving the BAU. He would have come and helped her pack, made sure she had a proper goodbye, most importantly, he would have gotten to tell her what he had come back to tell her. 
He had missed a call from her last month and he didn't return her call simply because he had forgotten. 
To say he felt guilty, was an understatement. 
What if she had been calling to tell him that she was leaving ? Or if something had happened to her? or JJ or Emily or Spencer ? Or even Rossi (because, let’s be real, he’s old) 
The thought of Penelope calling Derek to tell him Rossi busted a hip running after an unsub bought a smile back to his face. His mind wandered back to all the times he had called her and they spent hours talking and laughing and telling each other how much they loved one another. 
Those were just words, it didn't truly mean anything unless he showed her that it did. The feeling of his heart sinking in his chest returned, he thought back to ten years ago, he had missed a call from Spencer. 
The cold air hit his face as he stepped out of the church, Derek took his phone out of his pocket. 
Missed Call from Pretty Boy (2) 
The missed call notifications flashed across the screen in bold letters. Derek assumed that Penelope had Spencer call to find out why he hadn't returned to the BAU with everyone else so he called Spencer back.  
“Hey, sorry I missed your call” Derek said to Spencer as he hopped in the SUV. 
“Derek where the hell are you ?” Spencer sounded upset, Derek chuckled. 
“Woah, calm down pretty boy. What’s wrong?” 
“Garcia’s been shot” Spencer cut straight to the point. 
Derek’s heart dropped and a flood of questions left his mouth. “What ? Where is she? Is she okay ? Where's Hotch ? Did he find the person ? How did this even happen?” 
“Morgan, we’re at the hospital. Penelope’s in surgery and Hotch is here. He’s got other officers at her apartment, he wanted everyone here when she got ou- oh wait, Hotch and Rossi are on their way to her apartment now” 
“Her apartment ? she got shot at home ?” 
“Derek.. please just come to the hospital.” 
Derek hung up on Spencer, all the emotions hitting him at once. He could feel the tears in his eyes but he didn't have time to cry. His only focus was getting to the hospital right now. 
The only thing that came to mind was lights. 
Derek did just that, he turned on the lights and sped down the road to the hospital. His thoughts took over. 
How did this happen? and the one night he just happened to be in church, Penelope got shot. 
His Penelope got shot. 
Derek didn’t believe in miracles but he hoped they were real that night. He glanced up at the sky as he sped down the road. 
“Tonight out of all nights huh? That’s messed up but let her pull through.. please. I can’t lose her” Derek said out loud. He wasn't sure if he was admitting it to himself or if he was talking to someone else, someone out there that could help Penelope but he said it anyways. 
It was true, he couldn’t lose her, he’d feel like lost himself if he did. 
When he arrived at the hospital, he found Spencer sitting with Emily and JJ. Hotch and Rossi stood by the doors. “Where are you still here ? I thought you were at the apartment” Derek walked over to them, Hotch turned his attention to Derek. 
“They don't want us working the case” 
“What ? That’s bullshit. Some son of a bitch shot her and we can’t even work the case? You can’t tell me that you’re actually listening to that shit” Derek practically shouted at Hotch. 
“I’m trying to figure something out Morgan. I understand you're upset, we all are.” Hotch told him. 
When the night was full of terrors
And your eyes were filled with tears
When you had not touched me yet
Oh, take me back to the night we met
Derek almost told Penelope that he loved her. He tells her all the time to be truthful, but like he thought, it didn’t mean anything unless he showed her that it did. He first told her the night she was released from the hospital. 
The two of them stood in her apartment after he brought her home. She was a bit on edge, even if she didn’t say it, he could see it. 
She had assured him it was okay for him to leave but he refused to leave her side until he knew she’d be safe and the son of a bitch that did that to her was either dead or in jail. 
Her back was turned to him, he called for her. 
“Hey, I love you, you know that right ?” he asked her, she smiled at him. 
“I love you too.” 
The second time was during a case in New York. Derek didn’t say he loved her out right but he assumed it was implied. 
“Why is it always you ? Why do you always do this?” she asked him, Derek navigated the ambulance through the traffic. 
“Garica, talk to me. Where do I turn?” he ignored her question. 
“Left, turn left. 30 seconds, get the hell out.” 
“Garcia there’s something I want you to know” 
“You can tell me afterwards, just get the hell out of there” 
“No, hold on let me just tell you” 
“Morgan” she warned him, the woman beside her counting down from ten. 
“Do you know what you are Garica ?” 
The line went silent for a second and the server connected. 
“Derek ?” Penelope called out to him, her voice ringing in his ear. The sound of something exploding was the only thing coming through the line.
“Garcia.. I'll tell you what you are to me” Derek’s voice came through. A wave of relief flooded her body but she couldn't help but roll her eyes. 
Was this man serious ? Here she was thinking something had happened to him and he’s fine. 
“You’re my god given solace” 
Penelope sighed, she loved him and it was clear he loved her too but she was mad at him so that would have to wait until another time. 
The third time was when he came the closest to really telling her the truth. They were in Alaska and the case was taking a toll on her. 
Her red hair caught his eye as he walked down the pathway. He walked up to her, his heart pounding in his chest. Derek wondered if she felt the same way he did. 
“I’m proud of you Penelope.” That was one of the rare days that he called her something other than a nickname or Garcia. His hand rested on her shoulder as she talked, admitting to him that she was scared, she didn't want to lose who she was because she had changed for the job.
“It's who you are baby girl, you see the beauty in everyone and everything no matter where you go. That part is never going to change and I won’t let you forget that.” 
“I don’t need you to protect me” 
“Tough, I think I'll stay on the job a little while longer” 
“Yeah ?” she smiled at him, he smiled back as a hum left his mouth. 
“How much longer ?” Penelope questions him, “every day of my life” 
The two of them were now leaning towards each other. She playfully punched his chest as she leaned forwards and his arm wrapped around her shoulder. 
“I kinda love you Derek Morgan” 
“I kinda love you Penelope Garcia”
Derek couldn't tell her now, she's probably in a relationship and happy. He wouldn't ruin her happiness because he finally figured out his feelings, he couldn't do that to her. 
It didn't lessen the pain nor the heartbreak he felt. 
I had all and then most of you
Some and now none of you
Take me back to the night we met
I don't know what I'm supposed to do
Haunted by the ghost of you
Take me back to the night we met
Emily sat in the bullpen with Spencer. It had been close to two hours since Spencer left Derek in Penelope’s old office. “I’m calling her” Emily states as she pulls out her phone. 
“Reid, shut up. I know you can see it too.” 
Everyone could see it, even Matt and Luke who were the last two to join the BAU. 
Derek Morgan was in love with Penelope Garica. 
He was in love with her right now and he always had been. 
Spencer listened as Emily told Penelope what was happening. A ‘see you soon’ left Emily’s lips before she hung up. Spencer looked over at her from his chair, Emily just nodded. 
Derek mentally groaned as someone knocked on the door, “I'm fine, Reid” Derek called out with his back still turned to the door, assuming it was Spencer. 
“I’m offended that you would mistake my beautiful body for boy wonder. Not that anything's wrong with him but- oh you get what I mean” a feminine voice spoke to him. 
Derek turned the chair around to see the one and only Penelope Garcia standing in the doorway with a smile on her face. She looked just as beautiful as she did the day he met her. 
Her white dress with the baby blue pattern on it, her sparkly blue heels and of course, matching jewellery. 
She looked like an angel on earth to him. 
“Hey handsome, miss me?” she asked, Derek got up and pulled her into a bone-crushing hug which made her laugh. “I’ll take that as a yes” she mumbled with her face buried in his chest.
“You have no idea” Derek replied, kissing the top of her head. 
She stepped back from him, their arms still wrapped around each other. 
“what are you doing here?” she looked up at him. 
“I came to see you, how’d you know I was here?” 
“Emily called me” 
Derek nodded, Prentiss always had his back in one way or another. 
Derek tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, she smiled at him. There was a baby blue streak in her hair, the same colour as the pattern on her dress. The frame of her glasses was slightly darker than the blue on her dress but it looked beautiful on her. Penelope’s eyes shifted from Derek to the picture frame on the desk. 
“Where did you find that ?” she picked up the frame. 
“Desk drawer” 
“I remember this night” she smiled looking down at the picture. 
“Me too” 
Penelope turned back to Derek, he reached forward and held one of her hands. 
“There’s something I need to tell you. I’ve been meaning to tell you and honestly, I have told you but I- I just need you to know” 
“Is everything okay ?” 
“I love you” he says 
“I love you too” she smiles. 
“Penelope, I'm in love with you.” Derek's eyes met Penelope's. Her mouth hung out slightly, she blinked a few times, her eyes focusing on Derek. 
“What ?” 
“I’m in love with you, I always have been. I’ve been trying to tell you that for years. I never realized that I was until you got shot to tell you the truth. It never occurred to me that I could lose you, you work from the office in your little room of wonders and you’re safe. You had always been safe.” 
“Derek I-” 
“Baby, let me finish, please” 
She nodded and waited for him to go on.
“You were the only consistent thing when I worked here, did you know that ? Every time I left this building, there was a chance I wouldn't come back, you were the reason I wanted to come back. You were the reason I pushed so hard to come back. Penelope Garica, you are my angel, the light of my life, my god given solace, you are my baby girl.” Derek let out a sigh. Penelope looked up at him, “are you done?” and he nodded. 
She pulled him into a hug, “it took you long enough” she whispered to him. “I love you too, more than words can explain.” 
Derek’s hand cradled her face, “can I kiss you ?” he leaned towards her, his lips inches from hers. “Yes” she mumbled as his lips touched her. Penelope’s heart pounded in her chest, she could only focus on how Derek’s lips felt against hers. Truthfully, she had been dreaming of the day Derek would finally kiss her for years. It was better than she could have ever imagined. It felt as if time stopped and it was only the two of them while the world melted away. 
Derek’s eyes open slightly, taking in the woman he had been in love with for so long. The way her eyelashes flutter against her skin and the way her pink blush complemented her pale skin. 15 years of friendship and love had led them to this moment, the moment that would change their lives from this day forward. 
After what felt like an eternity, they pulled away from each other. Penelope’s hands clung onto Derek’s shirt like he would vanish if she let go. Her red lipstick smudge and surely there was lipstick on Derek too. Derek smiled at her and she smiled back at him, the two began laughing like school children sharing secrets. 
“I think I'll keep my job” Derek mumbled against her lips as he pulled her in for another kiss. Her mind flickering back to their case in Alaska and what he had said to her before they left. 
“How much longer are you planning on doing that ?” 
“Every single day of my life babygirl.” 
Dedicated to my darling @haleymalaffey <3 
Taglist: @aaronhotchnerr​ @mac99martin​ @aaron-hotchner187​ @tclaerh​ @luke-alvez​ @iconicc​ @lieberhers​ @pumpkin-reads​ @katexrichardson​ @sluttytears​ @thelukealvez​ @scandinavian-punk​ @rosesonmyheart​ @shotarosleftpinky​ @mrs-dr-reid​ @ssaemxlyprentxss​ @summerygubler​ @savannahhayes @moreid187 @lovelyladiess
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twdeadfanfic · 4 years
Stranded Pt.5
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TWD|Death Stranding AU with aspects of both worlds and my own thing, and mostly TWD characters showing up as we go.  
Daryl Dixon x OC
Summary: 30 years have passed since the Stranding ended the world as it was known, as if pretty much the apocalypse came, and now people live in isolated communities or by themselves, while the dead walkers roam the world and so do hostile groups of people. Daryl Dixon is a freelance porter that during a delivery finds an orphan baby who he takes, unsure of what do with her, and not much later stumbles into Rick Grimes, and ex-guard looking for his missing family with the help of Grady Memorial Settlement, in exchange of working for them by joining to their net the other settlements, reconnecting the world, and with the help of Vikki, a scout sent by Grady to take Rick to those settlements, and to help them reach Alexandria, the final destination, a big, distant settlement, where his family is supposed to be.
Chapter 4/25  Words 4082
Find more chapters and fic in my masterlist
The last chapter, Daryl and Rick met Glenn Rhree, a prepper friend of Vikki, and together they went to the Greene’s farm to conect the place to the net, finding out that a new nearby settlement, Woodbury, is giving trouble to them.
On the next morning, Daryl couldn’t help his worry as he watched Rick and Vikki leave the farm, and he couldn’t help but feel a bit guilty too, but looking down at the baby strapped to his chest with the sling, he couldn’t help but feel that he had to stay with her. He kept her with him while he worked on repairing the wall of the greenhouse with Glenn, mindful of anything that could hurt Baby. When he had to get up on the roof to check that there weren’t any crack or fissure that could let timefall in, though, he left Baby with Beth, afraid of tripping with her strapped to him.
Baby seemed to like Beth enough, seeming happy with her, and the girl seemed good with her, she was always happy to hold her. While Daryl worked on the roof, he watched them from time to time as Beth fed the baby one of the bottles. She was good with babies and she really seemed to care for Baby. The Greene’s were good people, Vikki was right, Baby would be okay if he left her there, they’d take good care of her, and still…still Daryl felt uneasy at the idea of getting separated from her, and sad too, if he admitted it.
When he climbed off the roof and Baby saw him, she cooed and smiled, reaching out towards him, and Daryl couldn’t help the way it made him feel or his smile, approaching Beth and picking Baby up. “I think it was destiny that you found her.” Beth grinned. “I mean…it’s horrible that her parents died, I don’t wish it had happened, but looking at you both…it’s like you both belong together.” Daryl didn’t know what to think of all that…and neither did he know how he was going to leave Baby… “Did you ever want to have kids? I mean, I think it’s not in most porters' life, considering that way of living…but did you?”
Daryl looked at Beth, but of course, she couldn’t have known the dart of pain, sorrow, and guilt that would embed in his heart at her words, and she was still innocently smiling at him. Daryl looked down and swallowed hard, trying to push the feelings and memories away, to never think of it again. “Never thought I’d have one,” was the only thing he muttered.
“Well…you got one now.” Beth giggled. “But, you don’t regret it, right?” Daryl shook his head, he had to admit that he loved and cared for that baby. “I think you’re a great father, especially considering that you’ve been one for just like…four days?”
“I ain’t,” Daryl muttered, turning to walk away from Beth, she didn’t mean to, but her words were making memories that Daryl had fought hard to keep locked come back, and he didn’t want to, he couldn’t deal with them. Maybe Baby would be better with the Greene’s than with him…of course she would, what had made him think that a baby could be good with him. Yet, the idea of leaving her just added more pain to the one that his memories were making him feel, and he didn’t know how to stop it, and so he walked away, afraid of ending up crying in front of Beth and Glenn, towards another greenhouse to check that everything was okay.
When Rick and Vikki came back, they had a woman with them, her hands tied behind her back and a katana strapped to it. She seemed dangerous, or at the very least, a warrior or a survivor, and she looked around warily. Daryl tucked the baby in the sling, covering her so she couldn’t be seen, and approached them.
“Who’s this?” He asked and the woman looked at him, and then at the bump of material strapped to his chest, and even though the baby couldn’t be seen, Daryl knew that she knew what he was carrying.
“She says she’s called Michonne, she’s from Woodbury, we found her in our way there,” Vikki explained.
“And why the hell you took her and brought her here?” Daryl snapped.
“Because she came to us asking if we were from the farm and saying that she wanted to help.”
“And you trusted her?” Daryl rolled his eyes, neither Rick nor Vikki had seemed idiots to him, but now he wasn’t sure.
“No, I don’t, so I tied her up and we’re gonna interrogate her,” Rick said, pushing the woman towards the barn. Alright, maybe he wasn’t an idiot after all.
“I told you I’m not from there! I arrived there yesterday!” The woman, Michonne, said, glaring at them. “I heard some of them talking about attacking a farm in two days, that’s why I went out to tell you all!”
“Are you helping?” Rick asked to Daryl, ignoring Michonne, and Daryl nodded. He unwrapped the sling and passed the baby to Beth, who seemed scared but rushed to take the baby, holding her tightly to her chest.
Hershel approached them, frowning at the scene. “Vikki, I don’t know…tying up a woman, interrogating her in my barn…I don’t like it.”
“Me neither, but if we are going to be attacked, we need to know everything we can,” Vikki reached out to squeeze Hershel’s arm. “Now, get into the house with Beth and BB,” she said and Daryl didn’t lose time to correct her about the name at that moment. “Maggie, Glenn, go somewhere high and make sure nobody is approaching, take the rifles.”
“Do we have to shoot people?” Maggie asked, seeming as unsure as Glenn.
“No…maybe, I don’t know.” Vikki shrugged, letting out a sigh, but honestly, Daryl was impressed with how she was organizing everything in a few seconds. “Just…just keep an eye out for people, they could be porters or scouts, but they could also be from Woodbury and we know they’re not friendly, if you see someone, you call for us.”
“If they get close, you warn them to stop or you’ll shoot,” Rick added. “We three, let’s go to the barn.”
They tied the woman to a chair and took her katana, and she kept glaring at them as if she wanted to get her katana back and cut their heads off, but she answered to everything that they asked, and Daryl had to admit it, she sounded genuine.
“What were you doing in Woodbury?”
“I ran out of supplies and when I saw Woodbury ahead I went to see if they had something.”
“What were you doing out there?”
Michonne shrugged. “I don’t have a permanent place.”
“That has nothing to do with it.” Michonne shrugged but Daryl could read the look on her eyes, she was trying to run away from memories, he understood that well.
“Why you stayed at Woodbury?” He asked her.
“I didn’t want to but my gir- my friend, she did.” Michonne scoffed. “I found a woman a few months ago, she was being attacked by walkers and I helped her, she decided to stay with me…but she never liked to be out there. And it seems she likes the Governor more than she liked me,” she said bitterly.
“The Governor?”
“That’s how the man leading Woodbury calls himself. I didn’t like him, but Andrea is blind when it comes to him, I didn’t trust him, his men, the place…but she wanted to stay, said I was paranoid.”
“So…your girlfriend dumped you for a guy and so you decide to betray them,” Vikki said. “I mean, sure it sucks, but-”
“It’s not like that!” Michonne snapped. “I told you, I heard them talking about attacking a farm…I just thought about waning you.”
“I don’t know.” The woman shrugged.
Daryl looked at Rick and nodded. He couldn’t be sure, he couldn’t trust her, but he thought the woman was genuine. What was sure was that the farm was in danger, they had thought that before, and now it seemed confirmed. They could just hope that the woman wasn’t trying to lead them to a tramp.
“When are they coming?”
“I’m not sure, tomorrow I think.”
“Can we speak to them? Negotiate?”
“I doubt it.” Michonne scoffed bitterly. “By the sound of it, it doesn’t seem like this would be the first place they raid.”
“And I was thinking we only had to worry about that Saviour group, what’s wrong with people? Alright…alright, we have to get ready.” Vikki looked at Daryl and Rick as if looking for support, and they nodded.
“Let’s go.”
“You’re gonna leave me tied here?” Michonne called after them.
“I can help!”
Without another word to her, they left the barn. There wasn’t much to get ready, or to plan, though. The farm didn’t have many defenses, just fences that worked for walkers but wouldn’t do so for alive, thinking people, and they didn’t have many weapons besides a couple of riffles. Still, Hershel wouldn’t leave the farm, and Daryl could understand why. He wanted to help, couldn’t talk himself out of it even if he had just known that people for a day, but when he looked at Baby, he was overwhelmed with worry and fear. Over everything, he had to make sure that she was safe.
Daryl was about to go take watch so Maggie and Glenn could sleep when Maggie came running, calling for them. “Vikki? Rick? There’s a woman out of the fences, we told her not to move but she said that she has to talk with us.”
It turned out the woman was called Andrea, and she seemed to be the friend whom Michonne had been talking about, both women confirming it when they tied Andrea inside the barn too. Apparently, she had heard the men talking about attacking the farm too, as she apologized to Michonne for having doubted her and having put the Governor before her, and honestly, Daryl didn’t care for all that drama, he just wanted to keep the farm, the people, and the baby safe, he didn’t want to get tangled in whatever drama was going on between those women.
Andrea didn’t bring good news, though, she confirmed that the men had said they’d attack in the morning. “The people who live there, they don’t know anything about it, I promise,” she told them before she glanced at Michonne. “I didn’t either but I should have trusted your instinct, I’m sorry.” Michonne didn’t say anything, still seeming hurt, and Daryl understood, she’d been betrayed by someone she loved…still, the more he studied Andrea, the more he thought that she was saying the truth. “Let me go back, I’ll tell the people, I’ll find a way for them to believe me. If they unite, they can overthrow the Governor and his men.”
“What do you think?” Rick asked, looking at Daryl and Vikki.
“I think she’s saying the truth, both of them,” Vikki said. “What would they gain by sending someone like this? They already know where we are, if they wanted to attack us, they could, why send them?”
“Yeah, I don’t know why…” Rick nodded. “Daryl?” He chewed on his lip, but finally nodded too. Vikki was right, he didn’t understand why Woodbury would send those two women instead of attacking them, unless they were saying the truth, though he still was wary to trust them. “Alright then, you go back and tell the people, and us…what do we do?”
“We have to attack first,” Michonne said. “Take advantage of them not knowing that we are going, instead of waiting, we take them by surprise.”
“So you want us to leave this undefended when they attack?” Daryl asked, suspicious once again, and Michonne rolled her eyes in frustration.
“What do you want? You three against the Governor and his men while they tear down this farm? The crops getting destroyed and the cattle hurt? The farmer and his family getting caught up in it? That baby of yours?” No, he didn’t want that. Fear and rage filled him and Daryl felt like kicking Michonne’s chair, but he wasn’t going to take it out on her when she was just saying the truth.
“We can’t let that happen…” Vikki said.
“Then come on. Untie me,” Michonne said. “Keep someone on watch here, we go to Woodbury, sneak in there in the dark, find the Governor and their men while Andrea tells the people how they really are.”
Rick let out a sigh, but finally nodded. “I guess we can’t do much else.”
And so, they untied the women to follow Michonne’s plan, even get her katana back, and Daryl really, really hoped that this wasn’t a trap and they where about to be betrayed, because she looked like she could slash their heads off in three seconds without breaking a sweat. They left Hershel and Beth locked inside the house with Baby, and Glenn and Maggie taking watch, though they instructed them that if they saw the men coming, not to try to protect the farm but just leave and run away, to try not to be seen or caught. It took a while to convince Hershel of the idea of abandoning his farm, and Daryl had almost threatened him, Baby was with him and he wasn’t going to let her die protecting a farm, but finally he had agreed, and also Daryl trusted that Beth would run and hide with the baby.
She had been asleep when Daryl left and he was glad for it, she hadn’t known that he was leaving, maybe it’d have upset her…still, all the way to Woodbury, he couldn’t help but worry about Baby, scared of her ending up hurt or even killed, so much that his stomach felt like it was closing and as if a heavy weight were pressing on his chest. Everything could go wrong, he didn’t know how he’d ended up tangled in this, he should have just taken the baby and leave…leave where to? And he had to find Merle…he had known already that the journey to find Merle was dangerous, it wasn’t one to have a baby with him, and there he was, he was putting her at risk already…
“Hey…” Vikki whispered, tugging at his sleeve, and Daryl pulled his arm away but he looked at her. “BB will be safe, alright?” She tried to assure him, but despite her weak smile, she seemed nervous and unsure too. “Now let’s focus on this.”
“I’ve never sneaked into a settlement to kill the people in there,” Daryl admitted, he was starting to lose faith on this working, he wasn't sure that he’d had much to being with.
“Me neither…” Vikki whispered back. “But it’s for a good cause, yeah? I mean, they wanted to kill us and take our stuff?”
“Yeah, don’t care about them, they got it coming, just down want us fucking this up.”
“Maybe we don’t need to kill them, just capture them or-” Vikki kept going, but Daryl interrupted her, shaking his head, he wasn’t risking it, not with Baby at the farm.
“Nah, we do whatever we have to.”
“Yeah…yeah, I guess you’re right.”
They managed to sneak into the Woodbury settlement in the dark without being seen, following Andrea’s instructions, who had managed to steal from the Governor a key for the door of one of the back fences. It wasn’t a big place, but it was well prepared, all the area surrounded with grating and metal walls, and several roofs protecting it from walkers and timefall, so inside they had tiny, actual houses, similar to Hershel’s bigger one, a sight Daryl wasn’t used to. He was used to preppers bunkers or to tall, metallic and concrete buildings like in Grady, or even to underground places. This was nice, sure, but Daryl thought that it’d be harder to protect too in case of an attack either by walkers or hostile groups.
Michonne and Rick would cover one side, looking for the Governor and putting down his men if they found them, though Andrea thought that if they killed the Governor, then everyone might just give up, but they couldn’t be sure. Daryl and Vikki would do the same on the other side, while Andrea sneaked into her room to try and pretend that she’d never left, while thinking a way of making people believe what was going on. Daryl still thought that it wasn’t going to work, but he didn’t know what else they could do.
Vikki and him kept going, hiding in the shadows, until they spotted a man ahead, and Daryl felt Vikki’s hand on his arm but tried not to flinch. “I think that’s one of the men who came to the farm,” she whispered. The man was heavy-armed and wearing military gear…they must have raided old military camps, they had been abandoned long, long ago, and by now those were full of walkers, so those guys must know what they were doing. It didn’t make Daryl feel more hopeful. He took his crossbow and aimed at the man, putting him down silently. “Maybe we could have-” Vikki began, but she stopped when she looked at Daryl. “Yeah…you’re right.” They kept going, but as they turned a corner, suddenly the whole place was brightly illuminated by big spotlights. “What’s going?”
“Everybody, wake up! We are under attack”
Shit…Daryl cursed under his breath, looking around as armed men and civilians alike got out of the houses. He looked around and spotted a man on the balcony of a tall building, who was holding Andrea. Shit. That must be the Governor then and he had found out about Andrea. This was not working as it should…
“We have been betrayed,” the Governor announced. “Look at this. We took Andrea in, we welcomed her, and she goes out in the middle of the night to bring people to kill us, to take our settlement!”
“That’s not true!” Andrea struggled but she couldn’t break free. “He was planning on attacking a farm near here, he is the one who wanted to take their place and their food and he didn’t care who he had to kill to get it!”
“Stop lying!” The Governor went to take his gun as if he were going to execute Andrea, but she was faster than Daryl would have given her credit, breaking free of the Governo’s grasp and taking the knife from his belt. She went to sink it into his head but the Governor was already shooting, and so she didn’t manage to kill him, but Daryl heard the Governor’s screams as he held his bleeding face, so at least she must have hurt him. Andrea fell to the floor of the terrace and Daryl didn’t know if she was dead or not, but then bullets began flying and he felt Vikki tugging at him, both of them taking cover behind some stone pillars.
“What do we do now?!” Vikki asked him but Daryl didn’t have any answer. “If we leave they’ll go to the farm, we can’t let that happen.” No, they couldn’t, but Daryl wasn’t sure how they could stop those men either.
“How many of them do you think they are? The Governor’s men, not the civilians.”
“I don’t know…four men came to the farm but he must have had more here…” Vikki leaned to look around, but she ducked behind the column again when bullets flew in their direction. Daryl recharged the crossbow with an arrow and waited until the shots stopped. Hoping that the man was recharging, he took a deep breath and stepped outside the cover of the column, aiming and shooting the man dead before he could shot first. “Nice aiming.” Vikki said…yeah, he had good aim, might be the only good thing about himself, good aim for hunting food, putting down walkers silently, and now it seemed that to kill men too. Daryl didn’t let himself think much about it.
“Come on, we gotta fight back,” he told Vikki, even if he wasn’t sure that they could win, they had to try.
Before they could do anything, though, Daryl heard screams everywhere, and what seemed the growls and groans of walkers. “What’s going on?” Vikki’s eyes scanned around, wide and wild, but Daryl had no idea…walkers were attracted to the commotion for sure, but they wouldn’t have reached it so fast…
Then, a woman with a little kid on her arms took the corner, running and seeming terrified, but she stopped when she saw them. “Don’t shoot, don’t shoot please!”
“It’s okay, it’s okay.” Vikki raised her hands as if trying to calm her and Daryl followed her lead, lowering his crossbow, but the woman was still looking around terrified. “The Governor was lying, we don’t-”
“He’s gone insane!” The woman interrupted Vikki. “I saw him, he…he kept yelling about betrayal and he was bleeding, he’d lost an eye he…he opened a garage and he had a group of walkers there, he set them loose, it's big, they’re killing everyone, they’re everywhere!”
No doubt the woman looked so terrified. This was such a mess, Daryl didn’t even know what to think anymore. Vikki took her gun and handed it to the woman. “Take this and lock yourself somewhere, okay? Don’t open it, you hear me? There.” She pointed at one of the houses, pushing the gun into the woman’s hand, who seemed in shock, and then pushed her towards the house.
“Right…right…thank you.” The woman nodded and ran to the house.
Daryl could see a group of walkers approaching, and he couldn’t believe that the Governor had really released walkers on them, inside his own settlement, without caring about his people being killed. Daryl heard a rattling sound next to him and when he looked, Vikki had dropped her bag and was taking what seemed to be a chain whip out of it.
“Don’t get in the middle and I’ll try not to get in the middle of your shooting either,” she said, and before Daryl could say anything, she was charging against the walkers.
She swung the chain and spinned around, pushing away every walker around and cutting the heads off several of them as she did so with a skill that had Daryl glued to the spot, before he kicked into action and shot an arrow at one of the walkers who hadn’t died, putting it down.  Vikki looked at him and nodded before she swung the chain again at the approaching walkers, and off there were their heads again…she was way stronger than Daryl had thought, he had to admit it.
Daryl didn’t reload the crossbow again, instead shouldering it and taking his knife to put down the walkers by hand. It’d been a while since he’d had to face a group of them like that, but he was glad to find that he hadn’t lost the skill, and so he put down walker after walker, making sure to stay far enough from Vikki’s chain so his head wouldn’t be cut too, though she really seemed to know what she was doing.
Once there were no walkers around, they nodded at each other and walked up the street looking for more. There were a few dead on the ground, but also dead people, both armed ones and civilians, and they spotted some scared faces behind the windows too. Following the growls, they reached another group of them, but Michonne was there, swinging her katana around, skillfully beheading walker after walker. Daryl looked at her and then at Vikki, who was getting her whip ready again. It seemed that he’d teamed up with two warriors or something without knowing so, he kind of knew that they had to be fighters, but not like this…not like  he’d complain.
Rick was there too, shooting at the walkers who were approaching by the other side, and so did Daryl. Once all of them were down, they didn’t have time to recover their breath, as two Governor’s men came running to them, but Rick and Daryl were faster, and before the men could shot at them, they shot first, putting them down.
“Watch out!”
Daryl heard Vikki’s voice and he tugged at Rick just in time as he noticed the Governor seeming to come out of nowhere, trying to shot at them. He was holding his face with one hand, bleeding from his eye, but his shaky hand was holding a gun aimed at them.
We finally got Michonne! And kind of a cliffhanger.
Thanks to the people who gave me their support last chapter, and I’m sorry if this is a big dissappointment, but I really worked hard in this story, so thanks for giving it a chance.
As always, excuse my English, is not my first language
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45 notes · View notes
tellywoodtrash · 4 years
immj2 13 + 14.11.20 lbs
i’m just gonna skim through this one, coz i don’t wanna dwell on the death and maatam and all.
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hahahahahahahahaha riddhima is screaming at god for letting this happen and kabir is like “bhagwaan ko beech mein kyun laa rahi ho, mujhe bhi toh credit do!” i truly love this crazyass fucker.
riddhima continuing to scream at god about vansh jissne “KOI KABHI BURA KAAM NAHI KIYA HAI” ?!?!?!!?!?!?!? sis what the fuck???? first of all, none of us over the age of like...... 7, are truly sinless. and THIS MAN PARALYZED AND THREATENED TO KILL YOU MULTIPLE TIMES, FFS.
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now she trying to throw herself off the cliff and for some reason i cannot understand, kabir is holding her back????? literally why, my bro????? let her die, saaari musibatein khatam. ugh, you still have some kinda residual feelings for her from your not-that-kameena days, don’t you?
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asalkdjaldkjsaldkjsalkdjl riddhima ke andar OG prerna ka bhoot chadh gaya, she hitting kabir with danda the way Mother India did dhulaayi of yudi in the disco (still one of the most iconic scenes of tellywood for me, istg)
dude, idk if it’s just ego waale possesive issues or he still has feelings for her, but kabir def wants riddhima to be “his girl”. even after danda beating he’s trying to help her as she stumbles around in sadma.
anyway she sauntered off rubbing that stupid muffler of vansh’s on her face. SIS YOU GONNA BREAK OUT IF YOU RUB SUCH GANDA KAPDA ON YOUR FACE.
5 min of flashbacks of vansh. fwding.
family (dadi, chanchal, and all the rest of the riff-raff) has come back home and ghar is all dark.
weird how angre is also with them. i woulda thought he’d be on whatever tasks vansh set him on, instead of doing mandir yatras with these assholes.
mummy has decided to break news in most non-tactful way ever. wearing all white and has set up photu with haar already.
yeah, requisite screaming and crying blah blah. nahi dekhna.
i’m only here for ishani and angre’s reactions. bechaare look genuinely devastated. i mean dadi does too, but bohut hi zyaaaada overdramatic and i’m getting uncomfortable.
riddhima has returned.
to her surprise everyone already knows. zara dimaag lagao behen, how they even found out before you reached??? (ok no i understand you’re numb from trauma rn and can’t think of all this, but i hope your idiot brain thinks of it later.)
holy shit she’s actually saying, “tu toh uski dhaal thi, uske liye tuney goli khaayi thi, iss baar kaise chook gayi????” MAN, FAMILIES OF DESI BOYS REALLY BE FUCKIN WILDDDDDDDDDDDDDD WITH THEIR EXPECTATIONS FROM BAHUS. one time she took a bullet for him wasn’t enough????? you want her to actually fucking die before something happens to him. god forgive me but i really wanna slap this dadi rn.
mummy cooking up some fucking ridiculousssssss story about gunde in the house and how vansh was chasing them and gaadi khaayi mein gir gayi and god knows whatttt
ok she’s saying siya got the call about it and she was running down the stairs while in shock and now whoopsie daisy, she’s in critical condition (probably in a coma or some shit.)
aryan looks sad at the siya news. thank god this mummy ka niyana has basic consideration for someone else other than himself and his mother.
mummy ka rona dhona drama fwding.
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ishani is now yelling at angre. which..... kinda deserved. you’re his safety person dude.
ok too much crying. fwding.
riddhima asking mummy why you lie to family about how he died. mummy like how tf i tell them police dragged him out and he died in an encounter for trying to escape. it’s better for them to not know the truth. which.............. ok fair, but coming from this shadyassss woman......
god this mummy ka ainvayi praising vansh waala scene is going on too long. fwding.
riddhima back to room. some more flashbacks. OUFF. FWDING.
obligatory kamre ka tod-phod scene. FWDING!!!!!!!!!!
fell asleep crying and holding one of his coats.
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dadi slapping ishani for doing what any one of us would do, honestly, so.... whatever. fuck off dadi.
ishani telling 100% truth ki jabse this useless b has entered my bhai’s life, his problems have been never ending, i’m fucking sureeeeeeeeee she’s the reason he’s dead. the only voice of reason in this show, truly.
dadi all WOH EK HAADSAAAA THAAAA, NOONE CAN CONTROLLLL THOSEEEE, oh yeah, not the sentiment that you were expressing to riddhima when she walked in, you stupid old bat. whatever, i’m fwding this scene.
kabir and mishra have entered house. coz they are awwal no. ke sadists. need to get off on watching this family cry and suffer.
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angre bhi staring daggers at kabir. chal hatt, i know for sure you’re behind saving vansh and stashing him somewhere to crawl out whenever it’s the right time. 
body nahi mili blah blah blah
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lol this one’s face clearly says milegi bhi kaise, main tum logon ki tarah nikamma nahi hoon. i have 16% success rate. it’s low but it’s more than y’all 0%.
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lmaoooooo oh DOW DIGGY DIGGY DOW DIGGY DOW DOW, i love you sooooooooo much.
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yup. appropriate response. to just generally all the men in your life.
lmao riddhima like you arrested vansh ONLY COZ I LOVEDDDDDDD HIMMMMMMMMMMMM. lol the amount of self delusion. sis, his feelings for vansh were faaaaaaar more powerful and intense than anything he ever felt for your dumb ass.
kabir saying there’s nothing left for you here, why don’t you come back to me and lmao............... he tried.
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 “riddhima nahi. riddhima vansh raisinghania.” 
ok whatever you say, sis. i’m just grateful to god this manhoos episode is finally over.
redo of last scene.
lmao kabir is like I HATED VANSH WAAAAAAAAAAAAY BEFORE YOUR DUMB ASS FELL FOR HIM. YEAH I DON’T LIKE THAT YOU PICKED HIM OVER ME, BUT I’M NOT SO BAD THAT I’D TAKE REVENGE FROM HIM FOR THAT. yeah, dude. he just wanted his money; not youuuuuu. like..... chillll. kahaan se aata hai logon ko itnaaaaa confidence khud pe???
kabir saying i had proof vansh killed ragini, i found his watch there next to the body. she’s like i had it, i took it to repair it, and ragini died in front of me. vansh wasn’t anywhere near there.
lmao she’s back to shoving him around. what an annoying bitch she is. 
kabir like did you SEE who shot ragini? no????????? then it could very well have been vansh, right????? plus i got that footage from 3 years ago.
kabir saying someone from inside the house probably saved it and sent it. and that vansh made all this happen by taking mishra’s gunnnn and forcing them to take the sunsaaaan paaath and he tried to runnn and blah blah blah.
again he’s asking her to come be with him and she’s like gtfo i don’t wanna see your cuteass face anymore, you’re dead to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok she didn’t say the cute bit, i did. i think y’all already knew that. but how to resist??? he sho cute!!!!!! 
mishra like this b kuch zyaada nahi bol gayi???? 
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“dil par jo chot lagti hai, woh nazar nahi aati, but ghaav bohut gehra hota hai. yeh dard maine bhi mehsoos kiya tha, jab riddhima mujhe chod ke chali gayi thi vansh ke paas.” heinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn? now he suddenly is/was truly in love with her again???? bhai, tu decide karle, ki if she’s just a pawn to you or something more. ainvayi jhool raha hai idhar udhar.
mishra like, ok whatever, but where vansh’s body tho???
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clearly not him. the head shape alllllll different.
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again, no wedding ring. dead body is not vansh.
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“bhagwaan jaane kahaan chali gayi uski laash.” lmao i really loled the way he delivered the line. i really love him the mostttttttttt.
kabir you are honestly suchhhhhhhhhhhhhh an idiot, if you think not getting his body is a good thing. DON’T YOU KNOW HIM AT ALL??????? AT ALLLLLLLL????? NO BODY MEANS HE’S STILL OUT THERE, BIDING HIS TIME TO FUCKING COME GET YOUUUUUU.
he’s like good, vansh didn’t even get antim sanskaaaar. who knew kabir was sooooo religious??????
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vansh so efficient and independent ki khud ka kriyakaram kar raha hai. aatmanirbhar ho toh aise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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not before he maarofied his own pocket tho.
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“bohut jald iss VR mansion ke aage KR mansion ka signboard hoga.” hein???????? the R in there is for RAISINGHANIA. why the hell would you add one random surname to your name??????
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helllllllllllllllllllllllo hunny. NOW YOU’VE MADE THIS SHOW FINALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY WORTH WATCHING. bas thodaaaa saa tharakkkkk ka maska i need to make my tellywood viewing experience sooooooo much easier. AUR WOH MUJHE AAAAAAJ SE MIL GAYAAAAAAAAAAA.
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ok 13 days later.
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bitch looks better after going through life-altering trauma than i do on my most stable mental health days.
talking to portrait about how the misery is unending, etc. etc.
kabir still calling her. WHY??????? dude just take the L and move the fuck on.
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lmaooooooo mummy is like 13 din rone ki acting kar karke aankhon ki band baj gayiiiiii. 
standard mwahahahahaha we succedded bufoonery from too complacent evil ppl. dumb dumb dumbbbbb!
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but let’s admire this evil cutie bean.
riddhima’s mangalsutra which she justttttt set down on that bureau missing. she in a panic.
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ofc these two are behind it.
ishani wants the truth about that dayyyyyyy and aryan jumping in about how riddhima never loved vansh and just always doubted him and blah blah.
my question is since when aryan loves vansh bhaiiiiiii so much huh???????
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anyway. this happens. and those two are left plotting some more about getting the truth out.
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VIHAAAAAAAAAAAN is the new name.
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seeeeee????? i knew his ass had some lucrative skill in the current economy. he some tech bro types.
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unf, boy got cake. that ass just needed shirali to stay tf away from it.
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also askdjalskjdlsakdjlaskjdlkj they turned ragini’s container waala room into his hacker man cave. what a wonderfully multipurpose room!
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honestly, i’m just soooooooooo relieved i can just watch this show for eyecandy now. kaleje ko suchhhhhhhh thandak, yougaizzzzz.
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banda khud vansh ke net worth (5000 cr.) ko dekh kar hairaan pareshaan. yeah, this much wealth accumulation is fucking immoral, asshole. you vansh did deserve to get thrown off a fucking cliff.
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show laaaaaaaaaakh convince karne ki koshish karle ki yeh koi aur hai, my bullshit meter says it’s vansh vansh and no one else but vansh.
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unrealistic af, someone PRINTING photos out in this day and age. what kinda tech person are you???????
lmao he’s checking out each photo for each family member and the commentssssssss.....
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rudra chacha and chanchal chachi: “kaafi expressive faces! koshish bhi kare chupaane ki toh bhi chupaa nahi paa rahe ke lomdiii hain yeh ghar ke.”
aslkdjaslkdjlsakjdlskjdlksj i already like him better than old vansh.
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aryan: “doosron ke bharose jeene waala.”
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ishani: “raisinghania hone ka bohut ghamand hai, magar bechaari ki shaadi angre se ho gayi.”
how he know that if he not vansh????? angre not even in this set of pics.
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siya: “kehte hain jo chal nahi sakte, unka wifi network bohut strong hota hai..... kab, kahaan, kya pakad le, koi nahi jaanta.”
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“aur yeh hai....... RIDDHIMAAAAA....... iss parivaar ka most special aur khoobsoorat member.”
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“moh aur maaya...... dono ka mel [...]”
yup, i definitely like this cheeky and cheesy persona better than the murder-threatening-paralyzing shit we had to put up with earlier. happy days, you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ammi-ka-shehzada · 5 years
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“1995. I was 16. He was 17. We saw each other for the first time in front of Copper Kettle in Liberty Market Lahore. He was a friend of my cousin’s and they met briefly while I waited next to the car. He thought I looked like a snob and I thought he seemed too chummy. So “hmph” teenage moment!
We met off and on with the cousin but never got along. Snob vs too chummy didn’t stand a chance!
1997. I was 18. He was 19.
I was in my BA 3rd year. He still hadn’t completed his A levels...moment of silence there.
I took his number from the same cousin and called him one night in June to talk about something pestering me. Something I knew only he could help with. Incidentally he was alone at home and free.
So, as fate would have it, the snob girl and the chummy boy ended up chatting the entire night. Something which is quite a heroic achievement in the times of one landline a house. That too in the TV lounge and Amma Abba’s surveillance at its peak.
Bharpoor taaliaan!
The next few days we ( separately in our own lives) couldn’t help but think of how well we got along in that one chat. It was actually as comfortable as chuddy buddies.
So. A few days later I, the cheeti ( as my sister called me later) called him again! From the same landline ( it was an orange phone I still remember that. I still remember his phone number also) and from the same TV lounge. Guess what? Yes! Another all night chat. But drop scene yeh huwa ke meri walida mohtarima aa gayeen subha 5 bajay. She didn’t exactly figure out what was happening but of course antennas were up. And Mr Rana ki to sitti gum ho gayee (which he told me later). He said he walked outside on the road at 5 am for hours panicking that I may be in trouble.
Later in the day he walked to a PCO to call and check if all is well. The phone kept ringing and shutting until I picked it up. And a voice said “Sarah?” I said “ uhh no” He said “just wanted to check are you ok?” I said “Yes”.
Relief for him.
Giddy smile for me,
And that was it.
Two telephone conversations later we were both 100% certain that we wanted to get married.
Because it was just so easy to talk to each other. We are the absolute opposites when it comes to personalities, like & dislikes, habits and general approach to things. But, we were both so sure. The kind of bond we had was special, and we couldn’t let go of it. 23 years later, this one fact still holds true.
Acha jee. Ayen na zara practical zindagi main. Jag jayen thora. 19 sala Hero A levels kar raha hai. Theek hai na? Interest kis cheez main hai? Theatre main. Operation theatre nahin. Drama wala theatre. Theek ho Gaya? Heroine BA kar rahee hai. 3 sisters and an EXTREMELY strict and conservative household. Fauji abba. Elder sister engaged. Matlab ke next in line to get married and Amma Abba completely clear on the fact that 1 acha rishta and baat done and beti ko tata bye bye. Parhayee etc sab 2nd priority.
Kher. Nazreen waqt ka pahiyya chalta raha. BA ho gaya. Lekin hero A levels main fail ho gaya. Bijlian gir gayeen armaanon par. His result came out the day my best friend was getting married. Crying my eyes out was easy because it got camouflaged behind my missing her. Everyone thought she was so lucky to have me as her best friend My Masters degree began and he enrolled in a local foundation course for an external degree.
My elder sister got married matlab tamaam topon ka rukh kahani ki heroine ki taraf. Rishtay atay rahay lekin waapis bhee bhee rahay, Shukar Alhamdullillah! Never did rejection feel so good!
He told his mother kyunke bairooni maddad ki zaroorat par chukki thee. Aik rishta serious ho gaya tha. Army Captain. I wonder where he is now...ok. Focus. His mother was super supportive. I collected the himmat to confide in my mother. Jhaar pari lekin qayamat nahin ayee. Baree hee maharat se donon walidas to milwaya. Makhan lagaya. Kiya nahin Kiya. They both said ok we will help you. Plan yeh tha ke my Ami will defer potential rishtas and his mother will bring the rishta as soon as he nears graduation and can talk to Abu with some grace.
Took a promise from us that we strictly follow boundaries.
No exclusive meetings.
No one should be able to see us together.
No compromise on this.
And we remained true to our word.
Now when I think of it I feel SO good about us. I kept studying. He tried studying and kept doing theatre. Started debate coaching with the initial pay of Rs. 5000.
My Masters done. Itni parhi likhi qabil heroine. Hero ka final year. Finally!!! Rishta aa gaya and came the million dollar question “yeh larka Akhir karta kiya hai?!” Start of a new era of daily discussions and many at times fights of Abu saying this is insane and Ami supporting me ( how sweet).
Finally a graduate. Hero found a job of 13000 Rs. Wasn’t great but I was ready to marry an unemployed man to Yeh to lottery thee. I started working. With almost the same pay...and Somehow, after two years of convincing and case pleading we got engaged on the 1st of January 2002. By far that day is, even now, the happiest day of my life. If anyone asks me that question, the first image that pops in my head is that night. It was surreal...honestly it was just meant to be. There was nothing going in our favour but somehow it happened.
Understanding yeh huwee the shadi araaam Se ho gee. Obviously hero was 23 years old!!! But dekhain, dulhan 22 kee thee na...and that’s OLD in a conservative, Punjabi family. To naya katta khul gaya na. My parents wanted it over and done with ASAP and his parents were reluctant. I can understand both sides but qeema kis ka bun raha tha? Aik saal main tension peak par pohanch gayee aur wohee huwa jo filmi stories main hota hai. Hero ko laga unn ke Amma Abba ki “insult” ho rahee hai and unhon ne mangni tor dee... jee haan!!! 🥁🥁🥁
Lekin heroine ki dhittayee par to medal banta hai. ( My sister suggested that I should talk to Abu. Matlab ke khud kush Hamla). Aadhi raat ko ja kar Abba ko jagaya aur bhaaan bhaaan kar ke dukhi kahani sunayee. Felix felicious feeling thee seriously. He heard me. And somehow promised to take care of everything. And he did. Date set ho gayee. Aglay saal ki! 365 days later. That one year was torturous. Because both set of parents were extremely upset with each other and both of us were constantly playing peace makers with one goal. Countdown to 365 days...it was exhausting!
But main ne bhoolne nahin diya hero ko ke mangni main ne jori. Jee Haan. Pehli call bhee main ne hee kee thee. I’m sure he mutters under his breath “why did you?”. Acha jee six months before the big day, Mr Rana decided to quit his job and pursue acting. Chalo jee. Naya sayapa. To huwa Kiya? Everyone discouraged him. Except me. But he wanted to satisfy his parents and went to UAE for a job hunt. Nope. No luck. Came back and announced that whatever it takes I am going to pursue my first love. Theatre and acting. And there was no turning back. Nautankee it was!Amma Abba told me clearly ke soch lo. There is no certainty or future for theatre or acting in Pakistan. All my life I’ve been answering the wretched question “So what does he ACTUALLY do?” Lekin kahan jee. Nothing hits home when you’re in “lurvvve”. He assured me that he will make me the happiest girl on earth. I believed him.
To kar li shaadi.
We were the happiest people alive. I honestly have seen VERY few couples as happy on their wedding day as we were. We were actually on cloud 9. Ready to take on anything that life brings. Anything.
Early marriage days were an absolute dream come true. We felt that all hardships are behind us and we have conquered everything in life. If we can do this, whatever life brings will be easy! Life with him for me actually meant a fairy tale. I was the stupid, naive, day dreaming princess and he was my Prince Charming, equally young and naive. He was supposed to whisk me away from a life of curfews, restrictions and boundaries to a house where I could paint the town red! From the house that didn’t allow me to laugh loudly and clap without a reason to a house where dancing to random songs was daily routine. Without any occasion or reason.
The fact that we paid for a 2 day stay at PC Bhurban with our salamis was a matter of pride for us. We still talk about how we sat down on day 3 and counted if we can stay another night, which we couldn’t and came back.
The first few months were like a daze. With no luxuries but plain joy. We had so much fun. Just being together. Nothing mattered. Driving to work in the morning chatting chirpily, watching TV with dinner, going for groceries. Finding joy in the smallest of moments. Will our car ( a 3rd hand Alto) start or not in the morning was a daily bet of ours. The fact that our entire pay ( both) was spent completely on basic necessities was a matter of pride for us. Watching late night movies with a pizza was an absolute luxury!
I was willing to face anything with him. For him. When our car’s windshield smashed during a toofan we didn’t have extra cash. Omair won 10000 Rs at a theatre festival the very next week and we got it repaired. Drove around for days with no windshield and we still laugh about it 🙂
But things started going downhill a few months later. My super comfortable relationship with my mother in law turned bitterly toxic, for reasons incomprehensible to me ( at least then).
My 29 year old elder sister suffered a brain hemorrhage in UK and was in the hospital for months. In and out of surgeries before coming around but her movement was affected for life.
My parents and younger sister went on rotation to be with her while I stayed back because I was “someone else’s wife” now so he was supposed to take decisions for me. Finances became a big issue so I took tuitions to save money and go visit her.
Omair found a better job and kept doing some TV work on the side but it was a struggle with nothing to fall back on. My heart would be with my sister but I would act jolly because “ghar ka mahaul kharab hota hai”. He decided to study and applied to LUMS for an MBA and started preparing for GMAT, which meant greater financial stress one me. But I stood by him. He didn’t get in ( a behteri in hind sight). The constant stress affected my gynea system... I actually didn’t feel like having a child because I was just so unhappy...and the uncertainty of life, my sister’s health, my parent’s stress and his career had started getting to me. But it had been three “LONG” years, and that gullible version of me caved in to pressure and we started treatment. What followed was two years of scans and injections and tablets and all the side effects that come with it.
2007. Eventually, an IUI worked and Rayaan came along. In bitter reality Rayaan was my clean chit in the eyes of the society that I am “complete”. I did not feel any gushing love for him. Omair on the other hand was over the moon! He has not loved anyone like he’s loved Rayaan. He is born to be a father. And that was a blessing, because Rayaan got the love he deserved from Baba while Amma was busy fighting her battles. The toxic relationship with my mother in law turned unbearable, I almost had a nervous breakdown and we moved out. It was ugly.
Omair didn’t have a job at this time. We had an infant and no worldly possessions at all except my jewellery and bedroom furniture. Fun fact: I had no jahez. Omair’s family made is 100% clear that there will be no jahez. Full marks to them there.
In these 4 years the ONLY thing that kept me sane was Omair, his humour, and our friendship. In these years we became even closer friends than before. He would listen to me silently if ever I felt like venting my heart out. Mostly I tried to keep it in because I didn’t want to upset him. Just silent hand holding was so comforting when he didn’t have any words of tassalli for me. He didn’t share his stress because HE didn’t want to stress me out.(This is when I realized strongly how the man is the worst hit in a conflict between his wife and mother. Made a mental note of never ever letting my son go through this. I hope I remember this by the time that time comes)). We cared for each other as friends before anything else and kept going...We have always been more of friends than anything else.
Something that caused huge problems later because married people need to be husband and wife, behave like a couple, argue like a couple and demand stuff like a couple. But we thought as long as we can communicate openly, make each other laugh, never dream of hurting the other and never go to bed angry, all is well.
This man has made me laugh at the toughest of times and has always ALWAYS been kind. That alone is something I cannot thank Allah enough for.
This marked the year for us actually starting from scratch. I sold some of my jewellery to buy furniture (Something I confided in Omair much later and he still hates this fact) crockery and appliances. We used up all of our savings. We set up a two room portion far away from the city which we called home for two years. I remember someone bringing flowers which I put in a balti because there was no vase. Meals were on the floor. We used to leave home at 645 daily to drop Rayaan to day care ( eternally grateful to The Early Years ) and get to our jobs. I was teaching at several places and so was he. We were shuttling between jobs all day. Only to return in the evening exhausted, showered ( if we had the energy), have omelette toast and crash. All this was just making ends meet, pay rent, bills, Rayaan’s fee, basic grocery and NO savings. Eating out was out of the question. But we were SO very happy.
It was unbelievable.
Even now when we look back the two years at “26 M” were the warmest, coziest, happiest ever. I actually found out what people mean when they say money isn’t everything. I learnt to love my baby boy who was an absolute Godsend. He took his first steps on that terrace. We got heat strokes from the hot weather but still managed to smile. The first sofa set we bought was second hand, for Rs 4000, which Omair refused to give away till 3 years ago.
The beds in the 2nd room were given by a dear friend for free. We shared the bills. Since we couldn’t eat out much I experimented with a lot of cooking (Dalda ka dastarkhwan was my saheli in those days).
Sharing financial and household responsibilities was never ever a problem between us. It was always “our” money, our responsibilities. We were both fighting our separate battles of the move ( we really never wanted to move away from his parents and this was very painful for both of us differently) but we never fought over it. Everything was always so civil and so comfortable.
We moved to a better place. Things settled a bit vis a vis work. Him and mine both. Slowly the ice started melting with my in laws ( things now are 100% ok. Yeah. That also happens. A lot of the credit goes to my parents in law here. But that’s a separate post) Slowly and steadily we made a home.
Right now, I’m sitting in our TV lounge of the home we’ve been in since 2010. And when I look around, every single thing that I can see has been bought by us personally.
Allah has been so unbelievably kind. If I say that we have actually built a home from scratch together, it’ll be 100% true. From a teaspoon to the TV to the car. Everything. But we still remember the first 5000 he earned and the third hand Red Alto whose floor collapsed while we were driving it. Flintstones!!!!
2011. I had my miscarriage.
This was the year we lost our twins in the 33rd week.
What followed was a complete fallout between us.
Oddly enough...We were heartbroken, more for each other than our own selves. I struggled desperately to deal with everything that follows after losing a child. But I failed miserably because of my combination of “I have to be strong”, “ I should always be grateful”, and “ everything happens for a reason” and “I need to be there for him”, and “Look how much pain my sister has gone through, this is nothing”.. But my body wasn’t agreeing with my mind and I fell critically ill.
Hospitalized for weeks while doctors struggled to figure out the problem. Eventually managed to come out of it Alhamdullillah but it took its toll on our relationship.
We drifted apart although he looked after me with such care that it makes my heart melt every time I think about it. But we both knew that it wasn’t the same.
For reasons we both knew and understood but didn’t have the courage to talk about. Since we were such close friends, we both understood the other’s thinking process and we let each other be. It was like parallel lives. We came home to each other, never stopped loving each other but we started living our own lives. Professionally we both grew but as “us” we stopped moving.
Now, when I see couples making this mistake I make it a point to tell them. Ask them to talk it out. Understanding each other’s struggles and giving each other too much space at the cost of your own happiness can cause irreversible damage.
This lack of communication is something I regret in hindsight. Something that went on for years and something that caused our marriage to almost end at one point...We didn’t even talk about what we were going through with anyone either.
No One.
Because our go to person was us...to kiya kartay?
But, yet again, guess what came to our rescue? Dosti. We just couldn’t give up on the dosti. No matter how much time we spent with other people, we just couldn’t help but miss what we have.
And what we have is extraordinary.
We feel at home with each other.
And that is irreplaceable.
You know the person who can look at you and understand what you are about to say? That’s us.
Home is where your heart is, and our hearts belong to each other. Three C sections and he stayed with me at the hospital. You want your mother around at that time and I wanted him. He’s changed countless pampers, done night duties with the kids, cooked breakfast for me, cleaned, dusted, changed linen, gotten furniture poshish done, taken me shopping infinite times, waited patiently while I got my threading done only so we can take a drive together, bought sanitary napkins, taken me for Falooda at midnight, you name it. He made me open my first personal bank account and asked me to put all my salary in it instead of the joint account, he’s never asked me how much I earn, never told me I’m fat ( and I’ve been fat!!!). Always disregarded comments about how “young” he looks compared to me. Something I have let bother me for years before growing up and not giving a rat’s ass eventually.
We’ve never ever argued in front of the kids. He’s always given me the lead in parenting, trusting every single decision I take as a mother, and never made me feel bad for the bad ones (there are quite a few).
He’s never stopped talking to me although I tend to give him the “silent treatment” quite a few times. He’s supported me most in my work. Helped me through the tightest spots professionally. I have grown as a person with him. I have learnt from him what it means to truly forgive someone, to be non judgmental, to drop one’s agenda and focus on the bigger picture. People say it about their fathers, and as much as I love my Abu with all my heart, my husband gave me wings to fly and the courage to follow my dreams.
He’s actually one of a kind.
Completely secure.
Non judgmental.
Hospitable and generous to the core.
Genuinely happy for everyone’s success and happiness.
A truly happy person who wakes up every morning to live life to its fullest!
A truly loving father.
A genuinely caring son.
An absolutely accommodating husband.
A wholeheartedly loving brother.
A friend in need.
I’ve spent years being scared of Nazar and bad luck by telling people how blessed I feel, every moment of my life, but not right now. I feel if many people will jinx this, enough people will be happy for us and make the bad nazar nuetral 🙂 I think the world deserves to know this side of the coin as well.
There ARE men who are plain GOOD men. And I have been infinitely lucky to have one of them. I may become overwhelmed with fear in a few days though. I’m unpredictable in this department 🧿
My love story is rather simple.
I simply decided to marry my best friend. My best friend decided to marry his. And we really wouldn’t have it any other way. He calls me his “best mistake”. I still can’t decide if that’s a compliment or not I consider him “my lucky break” in life.
We haven’t had a marriage which revolves around expensive presents, holiday destinations or lavish surprise birthday parties but we have a marriage which has survived the test of time. It is based on years of honesty, trust, hard work and respect. We have both invested in it. Yes I have invested a lifetime in this relationship as well. I have compromised and given in countless times. Cried myself to sleep and wept in the shower. There have been numerous ugly downs in these 23 years...but the beautiful ups have been more than numerous. The laughters are actually infinite.
The most important thing is that we haven’t kept any scores. Who needs to keep a score when we both get to win in the end?”
-shared by Ms. Maira Omair Rana
Copied from facebook page: Humans of Kinnaird.
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avi-stella · 8 years
Goodbye and Hello, Halcyon Days (Ch. 1) | Zen/Hyun Ryu x Reader
RATING: Teen | GENRE: Angst/Fluff SUMMARY: Zen gets into a stage accident in the middle of a show that makes him lose about a year's worth of memories. Naturally, he remembers the RFA, but you, on the other hand, have become a complete stranger to him.
Sometimes, accidents happen. That's the course of life, but even knowing that could never fully properly prepare you for them, no matter how hard you try.
It was a faulty stage light. Apparently nobody bothered to check if they were properly maintained, so you couldn't find anybody to point your finger to even if you so desperately wanted. It was the night of Zen's opening performance, and you were eagerly waiting for the show to start with Jaehee sitting beside you, just as excited. Neither of you expected what was about to happen a few hours into the show.
Zen was giving it his all on stage as he usually did. Days, weeks, and months of rehearsals upon rehearsals all led up to this. He knew that you were in the audience, watching him, and just that thought alone made him want to try twice as hard than he usually did. The support and love you gave towards him and his dream made him rise to new heights, both as a person and on stage.
It was the climax of the scene, and Zen was focused on properly delivering the emotions with his actions. They were dramatic and with absolute flair. He flaunted around the stage when he heard a sound. Normally, he would have ignored it and continued with his performance, but something was off about this one. The actor glanced up, and everything became complete and utter chaos after that.
It all happened so quickly. A stage light had fallen and was heading straight down towards Zen at an alarmingly fast pace. He tried to move out of the way, but it was already too late. A terrifyingly loud crash echoed in the theatre, and for a split second, everybody was stunned silent. But then the screams came not too soon after, people standing up from their seats to see the damage. The cast and crew were quick to act and control the crowd, ushering them out so that they could deal with this incident without their interference.
Amidst the panicked screams, Zen was screaming too, but in pain. His upper body was fine, but his lower body got caught and was weighed down by the stage light. It was excruciating, and he could feel some of his blood seeping out underneath him. Not too long after the actor was pinned down, his co-workers had come in to try to lift off the stage light.
The entire time, Zen looked around frantically, his vision blurring from the fast movement of his head as he tried to search for you amongst the chaos. Then, his eyes locked onto yours. There was absolute fear in your eyes as you tried to run up towards him and his fallen state, but you were being held back, the people trying to push you out of the theatre so that they could handle the situation.
Zen could hear it clearly; even throughout all the noises around him, your voice rang out the most. You were crying and screaming desperately, demanding to be let go and that he was your boyfriend and that you needed to be with him. It was heart-wrenching. Zen had never heard you wail like that before, and he could feel tears slip past his eyes. Yes, his body was in pain, but he was crying at how worried he made you and how absolutely broken you sounded.
The actor kept his eyes locked on yours which spurred you on even more, almost as though they were begging for you. You never took your eyes off of Zen, afraid of what might happen if you did as you fought relentlessly against everyone. Then, you saw him weakly stretch out his hand towards you, prompting you to do the same. You wanted—needed—to hold his hand. To tell him that you were there for him and that he was going to be okay. Zen gave you a reassuring smile, lips parting as he said something, but he was too far for you to hear his words.
Then, Zen's vision turned black.
"He's fine," the doctor reassures you and the other RFA members who have gathered in the waiting room. "He was lucky and didn't sustain any life-threatening injuries. Looking at his past medical records, he should be able to recover just fine with a bit of time, however..."
You furrow your brows and stand up from your seat. "'However' what?" You urge the doctor to continue, an uneasy knot twisting in your stomach. You must have looked menacing, because Jumin firmly grabbed your shoulder, and you begrudgingly relax yourself. You bring your attention back to the doctor who doesn't flinch, perhaps having seen these kinds of scenarios all the time.
"Perhaps due to the shock of events, he currently cannot remember anything from the past year."
You freeze on the spot, and everyone in the RFA glances towards you. Zen had been in the RFA and knows each of them from way before than just a year, but you were different. You were new. You only joined the RFA and established a relationship with Zen only a few months ago. Your mind was drawing a blank. You didn't know what to do or how to react. What were you supposed to do?
You were certain that Zen would only remember not having a girlfriend for four years and would be shocked to find that not only does he actually have you as his girlfriend now, but he was living with you too. It might be too much for him to handle all at once. You vaguely hear Yoosung call your name, and when you bring yourself out of your thoughts, you see that the RFA have surrounded you now with concerned expressions.
"I-I'm sorry. I'm okay," you try to reassure them, but the tears that trail down your cheeks say otherwise.
You bring up a hand to your mouth to muffle the sob that escapes you, and suddenly, your legs feel weak. You falter for a moment, but Seven is quick to catch you and guide you back to the chair to sit down. The doctor looks at you sympathetically before explaining that Zen was awake and that it was fine to see him but to be considerate towards his current state and not bombard him with too many questions or shocking information.
The RFA wait a moment to give you a chance to collect yourself before going inside Zen's room. When the actor hears the door open, he looks over, and a smile spreads on his face when he sees everyone. They all pile in one-by-one, greeting him, before you hesitantly step inside. Zen sees you, and you will yourself not to cry again when he tilts his head in confusion at your face.
"Hello," he greets you with a friendly voice, but there's a certain distance with it. "Who are you?"
You take a shaky deep breath as you step closer towards the male. The actor panics a bit when he sees you start crying, and he doesn't know what he did wrong. You desperately fight with yourself to put up a smile and reach out a trembling hand for him to take. "Hello," you return his greeting and give your name to introduce yourself. "I'm the new party coordinator for the RFA, and also your girlfriend."
Zen seems taken aback by that information, and he sputters out, "G-Gir-Girlfriend?" As soon as he regains himself, guilt rises onto his expression. "I'm sorry, I don't remember..."
You keep your smile plastered on your face and give a small shake of your head. "It's okay, the doctor told us. We can take things slowly. I'll help fill you in... Oh, unless you'd be uncomfortable with that, then the others can do it instead..."
The young man looks at you, and he can see how much of a struggle this whole situation must be for you. It's a confusing one for him, but he can tell that it's affecting you much worse. Zen works up a smile. "No, if it's you, then it's okay."
At that, Seven gives a light-hearted laugh. "You're really trusting Zen. For all you know, she could have been lying."
It was meant to be a joke to ease up the tension in the room, but your eyes widen with panic as you frantically think about how to prove to Zen that what you were saying was the truth. Jaehee seems to notice your distress and lightly smacks the hacker's arm for you. "Don't put ridiculous ideas into Zen's head. That's not what he needs right now."
"Ah, it's okay, Jaehee," Zen reassures the young woman, and everybody falls back into place. The actor then turns to look at you, a welcoming smile on his face. "I believe you. I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused, but please look after me."
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jkrhonda · 8 years
BOY Ichihara (NEW)
Takahashi Ichiro is standing underneath a Sakura tree. The young Japanaese man is of well built stature and tall. His jet black hair is shorter in the back but longer in the front. He's wearing traditional school uniform. Standing next to him is a teenage woman of the same age, her name is Akimoto Yumi and she is the childhood best friend of Ichiro's. Her straight, long jet black hair goes to her back as her petite frame is clothed in cute schoolgirl uniform. Yumi suddenly jumps forward to hug Ichiro whose taken aback. A small blush comes across his face as she squeezes him in a tight hug. Yumi I'M GOING TO MISS YOU SO MUCH!! Ichiro (Laughs nervously) I'm sorry that I'm leaving YUMI but I promise It'll just be for one year while I improve on my English. Ichiro touches Yumi's shoulders with a gentle hand but she becomes stiff, ridged w/ sadness. ICHIRO Um, what's the matter with you? YUMI It's just--you will be America all by yourself And I worry that you will forget about me while you're there.. ICHIRO Of course not! YUMI ... (Silent) ICHIRO Yumi I haven't told you this but you mean more than a friend to me. I could never forget you. It was true, Ichiro loved Yumi-chan more than he'd realized and even if he were to move to the USA for a year how could he ever forget her, his best friend of 13 years. YUMI Really Ichiro-kun? I only worry because I care. We've known each other since we were children. (touches his face with hand) A small part of me doesn't want to see you leave. Ichiro leans in closer to Yumi as their lips touch, unaware that he's kissing her, Yumi opens her eyes in surprise. YUMI Ichiro!? (Shocked) ICHIRO (Pulls away quickly) Whoa! Sorry! (Blushes extreme) I didn't mean to do that Yumi!!! YUMI It's--it's okay. The two blush as they can't make eye contact. Slowly they walk, side by side on their way to school. Their school Horikoshi Gakuen, is very prestigious and is a high school known in Japan as the elite. One must be (very smart & wealthy to get into this school)& get full scholarship. Facilities fully equipped,luxurious & exclusive, Ichiro had been at the school now for two years and had made many friends. His popularity wasn't as striking as his brains though. Ichiro smarter than most kids his age. Ichiro and Yumi meet up with their other three friends, Ito Shinji, Uchida Takeshi and Ogawa Yoshio. YUMI Good Morning Shinji, Takeshi and Yoshio... ICHIRO BOUYA! What it do muh home brotha's! Yoshio (Um, Weird) What's UP with the ghetto greeting Ichiro? ICHIRO Isn't this how I talk everyday? Ichiro scratches his head in confusion as his friends watch him curiously, raising an eyebrow at his silliness. YUMI (Well) He's just excited that he's going to America to increase his English proficiency. Everyone Aww.. YUMI!!! (Hearts for eyes) ICHIRO Yeah, I'll be in the United States for one whole year! If that's not something for me celebrate I dunno what IS? (starts dancing) Shinji Optimistic now aren't we? YOSHIO He keeps acting like a clown and he won't make it far in America I tell you that. (Narrow eye) Ichiro stops dancing to kindly yell at Yoshio ICHIRO ARE YOU REALLY MY FRIEND!?! Takeshi So Ichiro what are your plans once you get to America? I heard a lot about the BIG Apple in NYC is that where you'll be? ICHIRO Yea, with my host family.Not sure what my plans will be once I get there but I know for sure I'm  enrolled in a public school. I heard New York had some nice scenery and big buildings too. YOSHIO Everything's bigger in America Ichiro. EVERYONE They all agree with Yoshio ICHIRO Oh..? You mean the buildings? (Dumbfounded) YOSHIO The food, The people--everything!! TAKESHI That's besides the point. As long as you enjoy your stay and focus on your studies that's all that really matters, right? ICHIRO I guess. YOSHIO And don't fall in love while you're there Ichiro. I heard the women are very beautiful. ICHIRO Don't worry, I won't. I'm not in2 those Western women guys. Besides I got the girl of my dreams (side eyes Yumi) YUMI (Side eyes Ichiro) YOSHIO Nah-uh, don't tell me (puts two & two together) NOOO! (Dawns on him) Yumi this can't be TRUE are you WITH Ichiro!? YUMI I am. EVERYONE Mouths open, eyes are wide with shock. Turns to look at Ichiro with anger in the eyes, a fiery inferno. (Ichiro steps back, one arm raised to his side as he became nervous) ICHIRO Uh-oh! EVERYONE Chases after Ichiro as he runs for his life ICHIRO (Screaming) (a crowd of people looking) YUMI (Watching in the distance with a small smile) I had the good life. Popularity,tons of friends an excellent school and a good father to come home too. (Ichiro smiling as he's seen running from his friends) Funny how it all changed so suddenly! My life in America wouldn't be the same as the one I had in Japan. I was soon going to realize that I couldn't go backwards in time, I had to step forward and achieve my goals even with limitations. That no matter how much I had hoped to have an easy life other plans were in store for me. I lived in a big house with my father Hiro and somehow, despite all the love he gave I still felt empty. Like a piece of me was missing. I studied hard, in hopes of one day aspiring to be accepted, not by the school but by her, my mother. Even though I grew up despising her, loathing her somewhere inside me I had hope that she might come back into my life. Anger was my only resolve towards a mother who abandoned me and my father. (Ichiro is looking forward as flashback happens. He is speaking to the audience about occurrence. An old portrait of the family burns memories in to Ichiro's mind.) It was ten years ago to this day. I faintly remember her, sitting on the couch talking with dad. She looked ashamed, as though she had done something really bad. I was standing in the hallway, clenching my (Lion King)stuffed animal. In the shadows I looked at her as my mother's guilt was eating her alive. My father looked extremely upset, the most angered I'd ever seen him. He choked back tears as my mother spoke. Mother Hiro, I don't know what to say... Father Say it! SAY IT! (Shouts in Anger) You love him don't you? After everything I did to support us you went behind my back and did THIS! Mother (Exhales) I did. (Finally looks her husband in the eyes) And I love him Hiro... I'm going to be with him, I'm sorry... Hiro bolts up from the couch he stands infront of her and slaps her across the face with the back of his hand. Her petite body went sideways as her hand flew to her face. Ichiro jumped and dropped his stuffed toy as he felt fear for the first time in his eight years of growing up. She started to cry as Hiro spoke. FATHER You damn BITCH! (He shouted) Go on, be with him I hope you're happy now, breaking our family apart for HIM, whoever he is! MOTHER (Tears streaming down her face) I never meant to hurt you or Ichiro. It just happened and I truly regret it... FATHER Shut up WHORE! (Hiro bellowed) Next I remembered my mother taking a suitcase out of the closet and filling it with articles of clothes, shoes and other miscellaneous items. I cried so hard as she rushed past me. screaming I chased after her, my little leg falling behind as she greeted some strange man. ICHIRO Mama! Mama! Please don't go! (Ichiro cried out as he ran to her side.) Looking down she see her son grasping her waist in sadness Ichiro's mother gave one final hug to her son and climbed in the car with the anonymous man. ICHIRO (Screams) MAMA!!! The flashback ended.Ichiro is seated at his desk his hand cupped under his chin as he looked into the corner of the room. The teacher notices this & claps his hands together to point a finger at Ichiro! Teacher Day dreaming Mr.Takahashi? (crosses arms) Well I'll have to let the Head Of School know our star pupil is slacking AGAIN!(kids giggle in background) This maybe your last day of class here but I assure you it's just the beginning for you THERE! ICHIRO (Looks abashed as the kids continue to giggle) Sorry, Mr.Watanabe. Later in that day we see Ichiro on a train, with his friend Yumi. They are both standing up as train goes past the marvelous scenery. Ichiro walks Yumi home and at the door the two say their final farewells. ICHIRO I'm really going to miss you. YUMI And I'm going to miss you too. They both embrace each other in a tight hug as Yumi looked up into Ichiro's eyes, her lovely face and long beautiful Black hair made Ichiro weak, Ichiro cupped the back of her head with his hand and lowered his head to kiss her lips.   The scene fades out as Ichiro talks to the audience. The following morning came and my father Hiro drove me to the Airport station in Narita International stationed in Tokyo. I was nervous as I clutched my luggage, passport and student visa in hand. I looked over at my father who was silent. I was aware that he was bottling up his emotions like he often did whenever he felt sad. ICHIRO Dad my flight will be here any minute now! FATHER I know. I know. (Clenches jaw) It's just a whole year without you son. ICHIRO You'll get through it dad. (Smiles) I promise. Hiro looks up at his child, his growing boy and he smiles warmly. In the next scene we see Hiro lower his head and then raise it as he looks out a large glass window we see the airplane that Ichiro's in lift and fly into the sky. FATHER (Thoughts) Be safe my boy. Chapter 2: Dreams of You Ichiro is dreaming, his soul is walking down a busy street. The sidewalk is ten times the size of that in Japan. "New York," his soul murmurs as he continues walking, his head jolts to either side as he views the ginormous buildings scattered all around him. All the people, so many people going someplace. In awe Ichiro blinked as his eyes settled onto a little girl in the chaos. The scene became brighter as sees her playing with a small round ball, tossing it up into the air and catching it. She had her hair up in a high ponytail on the top of her head, she was only a baby not too much older than 4 or 5? Ichiro walked closer to the girl and observed her. A  deep, warm feeling of love swept through his heart as he felt the urge to protect her. He didn't know why but he felt an overwhelming love for this little Angel. As he reached forward to caress her head a woman's voice called out from the distance. Woman (Simone) Claudette! Come 'ere girl! Why'd you take your jacket off for? You'll catch cold if you ain't got your jacket on! Ichiro looked up in surprise at the woman, supposedly the child's mother as the child ran to her in the misty haze. The child resembled her mom. Big beautiful eyes that could look right into you, soft, golden brown skin that had a Chestnut complexion and lovely hair that was thick and long with dark waves and curls. Ichiro was mesmerized by the two that he couldn't take his eyes off them. Claudette But mama I was hot! I can't toss my ball with this big oLe coat on! Its hot mama do I have to wear it? WOMAN (SIMONE) Yes you do have to wear it! It's chilly outside honey, didn't I tell you already? I don't want you to get sick (lifts jacket and puts it on the child) that's why I have you wear it. Ichiro walked beside them and touched the woman's shoulder but his hand went through her, lifting his hand he looked at it then looked back at the two as they walked down the busy street. They walked like that for sometime until the little girl started to get tired as Ichiro followed closely behind. CLAUDETTE Up, up. (lifts arms up to mother) WOMAN (SIMONE) (Smiles down at her little girl) Ichiro watches on as the mother lifts the girl to her hip and carries her. In the busy crowd Ichiro notices a strange man as he leans against a wall, he appeared suspicious. Ichiro wrinkles his brow as a bad feeling rumbled through his gut. The man watches the young woman and her daughter, he approached them from behind as the woman seen him Ichiro's heart jumped as the man revealed a pocket knife to the young woman and she didn't even flinch but she set her daughter down her left side and held her arm out infront of the child. Claudette appeared scared, Ichiro lunged at the man but fell through him. His soul hurled to the cement beneath the mans feet. Strange man Don't cause a scene and you won't get hurt-- WOMAN (SIMONE) What do you want? STRANGE MAN (Steps closer, pocket knife pointed at Simone) ICHIRO Get away from them! (Swings punches at the strange man but each blow goes through him) In the distance we see a Black SUV, a man seated in the back seat is looking out the dark tinted windows at the strange man. Man 1 That's him! (deep voice) Man 2 Do it! (Makes an signal with his hand and the third man rolls down the window, revealing an automatic in his hand. Ichiro stops suddenly as he see the mysterious van roll up alongside the sidewalk, inhaling sharply Ichiro watched in horror as bullets flew from the car. Hearing the sound of gun shots the woman shielded her daughter with her body as the bullets hit both her and the strange man, one bullet striking her in the head. Ichiro opened his eyes wide with dismay as the crowd scurried away screaming, several other people were hit as the car drove quickly past. In slow motion the woman's body fell, her daughter covered in her mother's blood watched as the body hit the cold pavement. CLAUDETTE M--Mommy...? (Eyes wide with terror as her mother's bullet ridden body lay infront of her) ICHIRO Oh my god.. Oh god.. (Shaking terribly) Ichiro sees the strange mans body only a few feet away from the the woman's. He was shot multiple times, his face had been blown to bits it was almost unrecognizable. Ichiro's heart stopped beating when he realized that the child, although terror stricken had survived. Ichiro quickly ran to her side as the girl got on her hands and knees. She touched her mother, then softly shook her. No response. CLAUDETTE Mommy? Mommy, please don't be dead. (Crying) Ichiro's heart broke, he started to sob as he stood up looking around the area, looking at the bodies that were all around him. ICHIRO Somebody help us! (He screamed) A man came from around the corner, having heard the screams of the dying victims he seen Claudette, a survivor among the dead. The man, very cowardly in his attempt to help the poor child walked forward some and then stopped. CLAUDETTE H--help me! Help my mommy... Man I--awe shit. I don't know what to do? (Rubbed his hand against his head) I'll be damned if I get shot today! ICHIRO (Watches as the man takes off, running the other direction. In shock Claudette furrowed her brow and cried harder.) You Son of-- (Ichiro screams in rage) You damn coward!!! Ichiro clenched his fist so hard tears streamed down his face, he wondered who would be cruel, so cold and heartless? Who would shoot random, innocent bystanders and leave a child with out her mother? Hate filled his heart as he heard an ambulance, his face disheveled with emotions watched as Claudette cried over her mother's motionless body. There was nothing he could do to protect Claudette, he felt so useless. Ichiro woke up. He stared out into the darkness of the window in the airplane as it flew over head. Furrowing his brows, Ichiro was brought to tears. He cried because he was emotional from the vivid dream, he felt very upset and powerless to his feelings at the time. He questioned who these people were and why did he have to see it? See the carnage before his very eyes! Who was Claudette? And what were these strange feelings he had for her? He was so confused? He wiped away his tears as drifted back to sleep. Chapter 3: City Boy Ichiro furrows his eyebrows as he awakens to the noise of the passengers on the airplane. Quickly opening his eyes he realizes the plane had reached its destination. With the daze of sleep still evident on his face Ichiro grabs all of his luggage from the overhead cabin above his seat and scurries to the front. Ichiro wipes the stray strands of hair away from his forehead as He makes his way down the stairs. Looking around the area and trying to read every word that was in English he walks to Immigration Counter, Ichiro stands in the "non-citizen" line with his passport and student visa in hand. Giving them to the Immigration officials who facilitate the next step of process Ichiro's fingerprints and pictures are taken. The woman looks at Ichiro's passport and handing it back to the young man she let him in. Proceeding forward Ichiro finds his luggage on the conveyor belt and walks towards US customs where an officer inspects his baggage. The man approves Ichiro and lets him go forward. Exiting the Airport Ichiro looks around the crowd. Somewhat exhausted but excited to be here in America, Ichiro exhaled. People hurried past him, the eagerness in his eyes told a vivid story, one of a young mans earnest attempts to make use of his time in the United States. His heart pounding, butterflies filling his empty stomach Ichiro squints his eyes as he could see a woman from afar calling his name. Ahh, his host family he thought as he began walking forward. Noriko Hey, Ichiro!!! Over here!! (waves arm) Dazhawn Is that him? (Asks wife) Looks a bit tall and scrawny don't cha think? Noriko (Elbows husband in side softly) ICHIRO (Bows) (Talks in thick Japanese accent) Hajimemashite, Hello! It's nice to meet you! (Bows again) Smiling Noriko gave Ichiro a hug, Dazhawn took out his hand and Ichiro was amazed by how BIG this mans hands were. Shaking his hand, Ichiro smiled like a goof ball with big glowing eyes and bearing teeth whilst the tall, strong built Black man smiled back. He had deep, mahogany colored eyes that swept into the crevices of someone's heart and a smile that could be seen from miles away. He was a good natured man, his wife appeared to be much older than him. A free spirited woman with long brown hair, bangs surrounding her forehead and black, almond shaped eyes that were warm and full of love. She looked half Japanese and her husband was Black. The interracial couple was a rare pairing in Ichiro eyes, he'd never seen anything like it. NORIKO This is my husband, Dazhawn Lewis (touches her mans arm) and you can call me Auntie Noriko. ICHIRO (Shakes head in agree) Yes, Aunt Noriko and-- De-- (trying to say Dazhawn's name) DAZHAWN Just call me Shawn, Ichiro. ICHIRO Shawn. Shawn and Noriko. (Smiles brightly) DAZHAWN I'll take your luggage for you. (Grabs bags from Ichiro's hands) It must've been a long trip for you Ichiro, 24 hours. Everyone begins walking towards the exit as Ichiro is still looking around, trying to take in as much of the new scenery as possible. ICHIRO Yes sir, it was very long trip. (Smiles awkwardly as he looks at Noriko who is walking quickly ahead.) Noriko points to a 2003 White Honda Accord sitting parked at the entrance. NORIKO That's my car right there. We'd better hurry and get in, we don't want a ticket! (Races forward) They all get in the car as Noriko spots the ticket on the windshield. In distraught, she clenches her fist and gets out the car and snags the ticket off the window. Showing the ticket to her husband she cries. NORIKO Gosh darn it! We got a ticket anyways honey! That's $50 buckaroos down the drain now, ugh! DAZHAWN (Takes ticket from her) I told you I should've stayed here while you bring Ichiro to the car. NORIKO Well.. (pouts) It's not like Ichiro was going to know we were out in the car waiting for him and come to us. I wanted him to meet you and me at the same time. DAZHAWN He could've met me in the car. Would've saved us a lot of trouble and effort. (Upset at wife) ICHIRO (Worried face) Is everything alright? NORIKO Oh! Don't worry dear! We are just having an adult discussion nothing is wrong (smiles) DAZHAWN Yeah, (deep voiced as he starts the engine to the car) Sure. NORIKO Looks at husband with a grin on her face. The car drove away from the airport and onto the busy highway as Ichiro's eyes were mesmerized by the lights and sounds of New York City. All the yellow taxi cabs, people scurrying around on the busy street, the scenery and view was just so breathtaking he could marvel at it for days. It finally struck Ichiro that New York was similar to Tokyo Japan with the tall buildings,flashing lights and crowded streets. It occurred to him then just how tiny Japan WAS in comparison to America or any other country. Perhaps he'd been living inside a box all his life? Realizing the incredible, slow churning, gut feeling rumbling deep inside of his belly Ichiro anticipates the journeys that will await him in such a bizarre, foreign land. Ichiro glimpses out the car window and his eyes widened at the impending view. He loved it. The noise, the smell,the rush of people.... He loved this new feeling of being thrust into the center of Unknown, It gave him shivers. The feeling of pure joy while looking onwards into the concrete jungle. An hour passed before the three finally reached their destination. Ichiro, peering out the car window could see a big, brown building made of brick steadily approaching. The little, white vehicle pulled alongside the curb and came to a sharp stop in front of the large construct. Ichiro's eyes darkened then and he pulled back slightly as his breath exhaled and he swallowed hard against his dry throat. Is this where he'll be living for a year? The building, which was an old, dirty, dilapidated apartment complex was as awful as it appeared. Graffiti stained it's wall and the many windows above were tinted, stained from the elements and never having been replaced like they should. Ichiro's heart suddenly sank like a rock in water. His excitement faded and a frown etched its way across his handsome, young face. DAZHAWN (Gets out of car) We're here! NORIKO (Gets out of car on other side) (Looks over at Ichiro who looks like hes seen a ghost.) Honey? Are you alright you look pale! ICHIRO What is this place? (He says in horror/shock) NORIKO (Taken aback) What do you mean? This is our home, where you'll be staying at for the time being. (Smiles, takes Ichiro's hand into hers) Don't be frightened. DAZHAWN (Narrows eyes) He means to say "What the hell is this we living in?" (Grabs Ichiro's luggage) This ain't no five star room and board kid, you better believe THAT! NORIKO SHAWN! (Snaps at her husband as he walks away)(raises hand to Ichiro's back to comfort him) Sigh* Don't let him intimidate you, he's just a big ole softy when it comes to things like this Ichiro. We live in the heart of East Brookyln and these complexes are called FlatBush Garden Apartments. (smiles) ICHIRO (Still White) Flatbush? Garden? (Looks at Noriko with nervousness in his slant eyes) like..a ghetto? NORIKO HoHoHoHo (laughs awkwardly) Down 'ere we call them the projects Ichiro but that's enough talk about that! Hmm (raises one finger) You have a week until school starts and we want you to be ready, okay? ICHIRO (Not enthusiastic) I guess so... NORIKO You could act more excited about this, I mean, you ARE in America, going to study English and meet a bunch of teens your age that share a common interest! And I haven't even gotten to the best part--(slightly nudges him in the arm) You just might meet a pretty, young girl you might like. Eh? Eh? The two come upon the stairwell as Noriko leads the way. The creaking of the staircase beneath their weight sent an eerie feeling down Ichiro's spine. One that reminded him of dread. Beginning to regret the whole situation was the least of his worries. He kept telling himself that, it wasn't as bad as it seemed.. That maybe, it was just his imagination making the area seem much worse than what it appeared to be. That perhaps it would all get better? Ichiro exhaled as the two came to the top of the stairs. NORIKO Alright. (opens door) We're on the third floor. Go on in, you have your own room I prepared for you. ICHIRO (Hesitates) Thank you. NORIKO Uh-huh, go on now. (Motions for him to go in) Immediately the first thing Ichiro noticed was THE CATS, all THREE of them! Noriko scurried across the room and picked up one of the three. Snuggling it to her body and face she cooed. NORIKO Oooh, I missed you my sweet buttercup. ICHIRO (Thoughts to self) Buttercup? Weird.. Ichiro sees that the apartment isn't as bad on the inside, perhaps older but not as awful as his initial thoughts would be. The two proceeded to the back room, where there were two bedrooms. Pointing to his room, Noriko calls out to her husband who, comes out from the other bedroom and approaches the two. DAZHAWN I set your bags in there. (Talks to Ichiro) So do you like your room? So far u seem be really reluctant to liking your new home.. (sternness) ICHIRO Oh? Um, (thinks carefully) The room is very thoughtful of you both and I appreciate it. DAZHAWN Hmm.. NORIKO Ahh.. ICHIRO (Bows) Arigato! (Quickly moves past the two into the room where he begins to unpack his luggage.) DAZHAWN What did he say? (To wife) NORIKO He said Thank You (To Husband) DAZHAWN Damn. I'm really have a hard time understanding what he sayin' ain't I? NORIKO Not as long as you have me around you won't. (Smiles and nudges husband with elbow)
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jaywrote · 6 years
Super Gal: Chapter 1
this one is really going to need a rewrite later on but this is what i have for it’s first draft
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My day was starting the way it so often does, at 5am with a travel cup of coffee in hand rushing out the door while still rubbing the sand out of my eyes, i love my job but waking up at 5am is the worst and means i don’t get much of a night life.
As i look through my bag for my keys i spot that i have three missed calls from around 3am from somebody i don’t know, i check the name “Madison Payne”, do i know this person? No, am i going to call back? Also a firm no because phone calls are the work of satan and calling back a man i do not know that called me three times at 3am that i am not even sure how he got my number does not sound like a good freaking time.
I finally spot my keys and get out the door but as i do this i see that my neighbour Ali is in the hall looking over his mail. Ali is a kinda of annoying guy i know, though i guess i don’t know him very well but i also don’t have much interest in getting to know him better, he was a bit shorter than me and also had shorter more curly hair though we did have naturally dark hair in common though i never can tell if it’s black or just very dark brown. He looks up when he hears me and our eyes, both brown, make contact and it’s time like these where i wish i didn’t live in apartment.
“Oh, hey ember!” Ali looked up and waved at me with maybe a bit too much enthusiasm “Where you heading off too?”
I sigh as he always asks this when we run into each other this early in the morning and i always say “I heading to work like i do most times i am going out of the house at 5am looking like i barely slept, what about you? Why are you up this early?”
“I was trying to figure out why power got cut off to my apartment so i guess i got a little antsy and got up early to see the mail and see if i got a cut off notice” He rubbed the back of his head and i could see a bit of colour come into his golden face “By the way… Thanks again for letting me come over to your house earlier, it was nice to not have to be in my dark apartment alone at like 1am”
“Yeah sure thing, don’t mention it” I sighed, as i walked away and down the hall and i could hear him yell after me
“Uh oh, okay bye!” I didn’t look back but i am sure he was waving again with the same amount of enthusiasm
I make my way out of out of the old apartment building and on to the sidewalk, the city even though it’s 5am on a week day is as alive as ever, i guess that’s one of the pro’s of living in new york and another pro is the fact that you don’t need a car to get around and that works well for me as i’ve yet to ever have enough money to buy a car that wouldn’t break down on me a week later.
I head down the stairs to the noisy subway, it’s already so crowded and i have to push my way to the train. All seats were taken so i stood and put on my headphones hoping that it might block out all the noise just a bit, if i knew how many headaches i’d get from sensory overload i might have rethought moving to new york but even with that i think the city is growing on me all the time, plus i wouldn’t have met Super Gal if i didn’t.
Still all the noise sucks so i put on some music and look through my facebook, looks like my mom posted a link to a blog with recipes for living on a budget, sweet of her to think of me but i think i would have preferred if she had sent that to me privately.
Soon enough i reach my stop and get off, i climb the stairs out of the subway and find myself in one of the poorer areas of the bronx, heroes tend to get their bases in these areas since it’s good to be near your work and all plus the rent is cheaper. The sidewalk seems maybe just a bit too empty in the block around the office building and when i turn the corner i can see that there are about 3 police cars parked right outside the building, i run over taking off my headphones and shoving them into my bag.
Panting i reach the scene where i can see that it seems like two officers are talking with the landlord, another is taking photos of the building another is talking on the radio and the last is talking with a detective. I also see a white woman with curly red hair who is wearing a white tank top and jeans with a notebook in hand who spots me but then goes over to the officer that is on the radio.
One of the two talking with the landlord also spot me and comes over, he is a older white man, i’d say about in his 50s who seems to have a frown permanently stuck on his face. He stand in front of me and asks in a most curt tone of voice “Who are you? And why are you here?”
“Ember Andrés, i work for Super Gal” I try to sound somewhat polite but i can’t help but feel my stomach drop a bit as he scrunches up his eyes for a moment and then asks.
“You an immigrant?” I can almost hear the shitty undertone in his voice as i try my damnedest to not face palm, i do however let out a long sigh.
“Sir, that is none of your business but i am not. Now why are the police here? And where's Super Gal?” I put on the nicest face i can as i answered his question and then drop that as i try to get to the bottom of what is happening.
“A murder has happened here, Super Gal was found dead earlier today” The world seems to pause for just a moment, my vision goes blurry as tears swell up in my eyes, i can tell he said something right after that but i couldn’t hear him.
My world feels like it just crashed around me, just the other she was alive and i thought that i would be her intern for the next year of my life, just this morning thought i’d get to see her today and hear how her patrol went last night, but now, now everything changes with just one sentence, my plans, my future.
I walk off to the side and sit down on the curb, i remember the last i saw her, she said she was going to do a late patrol an that she wanted to talk to me in the morning about something i will now never get to hear come out of her mouth. I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye, i am going to have to leave so many things unsaid and i guess she will too.
I see the red haired woman walking over to me and she comes right over and sits down right next to me and starts talking and goes to shake my hand.
“Hello, I’m Mary i work with the super-u paper, a newspaper and web site that reports on anything superhero related. I’m wondering, you are Super Gal’s intern, right?” She asks while tapping her pen on the blue notebook she still has in hand.
“Yeah.. I’m the intern..” I fidget a bit of my ombre hair between my fingers and i continue to just look at the road in front of me and not even look at this woman.
“Great to hear! What is your name?” She seems maybe a bit too upbeat for the scene of a murder as she starts resting her pen on her smiling lip.
“Ember” I take my bag off and start looking through it, it is still messy and i did jam my headphones in to it not helping the problem but i find my cigarettes and take them out “Mind if i?” i gesture at the box, i might have the best first impressions of this lady but I’m not going to smoke right next to her if she has a problem with it.
“Go right ahead.” As i hear that get one out of the box and pull out my black lighter from the pocket of my army green jacket and i hear her continue “So, Ember, what was Super Gal like?”
“She was a good hero, she also was a alright mentor..” I felt my eyes well up with more tears and my body yearning to just curl up into a ball and not stop until the world started making sense again, i did not want to be talking with this reporter about my mentor right after i found out she was murdered
Wait, who killed her? And how? My mind rush's trying to think something and then the answer hits me like a brick wall, the serial killer, Savior must have been the one to kill Super Gal. I get an idea, it’s small and only in the back of my head and i know that if i tried it would fail because i am not a detective, and i am not a superhero, i am just a intern and former shop clerk with little life experience. But the back of my head tells me to find Savior, unmask Savior, and bring justice to the person who took Supe- no, Candace away from me and away from the world.
I then realize i have been crying and staring at the pavement and Mary looks worried “You okay there Ember? I get losing somebody close hurts a lot so take all the time you need”
I hear one of the officers call me over, i get up and walk over and i see that Mary goes to bother the detective. I reach them, it’s two of them the older man that talked to me only a few minutes ago and a younger looking woman that seems a little less pale than the man.
“We need to ask you a few questions” The woman starts and i can see the man flip open a notepad and getting a pen ready “So where were you last night? And do you have any sort of alibi”
“I was at home, and at around midnight my neighbour came over cause his power wasn’t working and i’m pretty sure he is afraid of the dark”
“Okay, how long were you working for Super Gal?” She continues
“About 6 months, and maybe a week or two” I put my hands in my pants pockets and fiddle with a quiet stim cube i keep in the left one, my other hand just gets to be still
She continued to ask more rather simple questions like if i knew who Super Gal was or how i landed the job, and what my job even was and it was fine till the man spoke up
“Hey Alice” He turns to the woman “This girl might have been the killer”
My blood boils, i feel my right hand form a fist and my left clutch the cube tight. How dare he!
“And why do you think that George?” Alice rolls her eyes and seems almost bored as she asks
“I don’t like the look of this girl, plus she’d be able to get in the building and take Super Gir-”
“Her name was Super Gal.” I shout, my emotions are all over the place aren’t they? the officers both look taken aback as i realize i just yelled at two white police officers. My mom used to warn me about this sort of thing and how you should never ever do that sort of thing but i couldn’t just stand there and take this, could i?
“Fine, she could have taken Super Gal by surprise and used that to kill her, also she’d know how to get around her powers wouldn’t you, girl?” He seem almost smug like he just figured out who jack the ripper was and not like he was accusing a 18 year old of murdering the only person they were close to the whole city.
“Shut. The. Fuc-” I get cut off before i can make that grand mistake by Mary coming over and shouting
“Sir! What are you doing?!” She looked a bit flabbergasted as she stood right next to me
“We were just discussing suspects..” He gives me a smile like a fucking snake
“I don’t think you should do that in front of one of the victims friends” Mary put emphasis on the word friend and then continued “Now if you don’t mind i have some things i need to talk about with Ember” Mary gave the two a smile as she grabbed me by the shoulder and walked me away from the both of them
She lead me back the curb and checked behind her to make sure they weren’t mad and then turned to me “You alright?”
“Umm, yeah i guess” I realize how tense my whole body is and i let it relax “Uh thanks by the way..”
“Yeah sure, of course!” She pats my shoulder and then asks “So any idea why he was being so tough on you? I heard what you guys were talking about and he seemed pretty convinced”
“I think it’s just because i’m young and i have what men call a resting bitch face and i guess i dress kinda punk-ish” I rub my neck a bit and then ask “So why’d you help?”
“Well it looked like they were just upsetting you and not really doing their jobs. Plus, us girls gotta stick together” She gave me another smile and i start to wonder if she knows how to be somber
“Umm, not a girl but close enough i guess….” I feel awkward mentioning it when there is so much more important stuff going on but i am starting to get really sick of being misgendered today
“Oh, sorry!” Mary looked a bit like her was dying inside “I mean also it was the right thing to do… I mean nobody else looked like they were going to get you out of that and trust me telling a police officer to shut the fuck up is never a good idea even under the best of circumstances” And she let out a small awkward chuckle
“Yeah it’s fine, and you don’t have to tell m- Wait it kinda sounds like you’re talking from experience” I can’t help but wonder what this sweet seeming girl could have been doing to end up telling a police officer to shut up
She gives another awkward laugh and says “I kinda am, long story short i was working on a report about the murder of some poor woman and one of the officers was being pretty disrespectful about the victim so i snapped at him. I got kicked out after that” She rubs the back of her head.
I guess that makes sense and i am sure that if i was in that sort of situation i would have spoke up as well. Before i think much more in to it i see the detective is coming over. He is a black man with short locks that are in a low ponytail, he’s wearing a tan trench coat and then a dress shirt and black pants. Frankly he wears the clothes of a stereotypical detective
“Hello, I am detective Madison Payne. It’s nice to meet you” He puts his hand out and i go to shake it and he then says “What is your name?”
“I’m Ember Andrés” I let go of his hand and put my hand back into my pocket “So I’m guessing you want to ask me something? Or something like that?”
“Yes i do, i need to ask you a few questions about where you were last night and a few questions about Super Gal. I understand if those ones about Super Gal take you a few minutes to answer as you must be in a lot of shock right now” He gives a friendly yet aloof look on his face and pulls out a notebook from one of his coat pockets “So i heard you were at home with a person over last night, is that correct?”
“Yup, i stay home at nights since i have to be at work so early and one of my neighbours came over due to the power not working in his apartment” I click the switch like thingy on my fidget cube as i answer, I’m not nervous of him but i guess more of the general vibe of this whole morning that has put me on edge. I hope to god that my nerves aren’t showing on my face.
“Alright then, what’s the name of this person that was over?” I see him jot down what i just said as he asks
“His name is Ali Benson” I can’t help but start to think of what tomorrow will look like, what the rest of this week will look like, how things have changed so drastically in a hours time. But i push those thoughts to the back of my mind because for now i need to try to give the detective all the information i can so he can find the killer.
“Okay. So i have to ask a few questions about Super Gal but i don’t think any of this should be too personal” He looks up at me and i feel like he is trying to get a read on me, i am not sure if i should be honest with my facial expression or stay stone faced but before i can chose the moments passed and he looks back down to his notebook “So do you know if Super Gal would have had anybody over at around 1am?”
“She wouldn’t have, she said she was going to work alone tonight and i know she had some paperwork to do so i doubt she’d bring anybody in to the base while having work to do there” I see him note all of that down before asking another question
“Did she act at all out of the usual in the days leading up to now? Did she seem more nervous or like she knew something?”
“Not really, but kinda on that topic i just remembered something. About a week ago we found a letter on the doorstep that was rather threatening, it wasn’t signed and we didn’t think much of it at the time but now that she’s… gone i can’t help but feel like the letter might have been from the killer”
“Thank you for bring this to my attention, do you know where the letter was put?”
“We unfortunately thought it wasn’t important so she tossed it out” i sigh, it could have been a important lead but now it’s just in some landfill
“Yes that is rather unfortunate.” He also lets out a sigh and i can tell that he was hoping to see the note, i feel bad for a moment for not stopping Candace for throwing it out but my thoughts are cut off “So what were Super Gal’s powers exactly? We have a basic idea but you might be able to fill in the blanks a bit”
“She had psychic energy manipulation, she could create and control psychic energy, it was sorta like a hard light substance made out of will power. She said she had the energy running through her body at all times and did mention from time to time that it could hurt her body if she did not keep it under control” I remember the first time i saw her use her powers, she had only used them to lift up something that had fell but i was still rather impressed by it.
“Okay, last two questions, first what did your job as a intern entail? And do you have any superpowers?” He asks that last question as it was routine and i guess it is fair enough to ask as i guess some kinds of powers could help me lie about things or could help the investigation. It’s fairly common place to have witness with any sort of useful power help out the police while they are still around the place
“I helped with paper work, i also helped maintain her gear and if i was brought to the scene of the fight she was apart of i would help people evacuate the area. I didn’t do any fighting unless i had too to protect myself” I always hate when a sentence makes you say a word twice but i continue nonetheless “And i do have a power, if a touch a dead body i can see their last moments of life”
I can see Madison and Mary’s eyes both go wide for a moment, Mary walks off to the side with a thinking face on while Madison regains his professional look he keeps on his face.
“That’s a pretty helpful power in sort of situation, though i have to wonder how you found out you had this power?” He looks still a bit surprised, most of his face wouldn’t tell this but his eyes still had that sort of look in them alongside a lot of curiosity
“My grandma’s funeral was… Interesting to say the least” It was kinda of nice to think for a moment of something that was funny, a nice distraction from the fact that i was sure that the officers were going to make me have to see the last living moments of my mentor.
“Must have been, i’ll let you go now. You can leave the area for a few minutes but do be here in around 20 minutes as we will be asking you to use your power” He looks like he understand how hard that is going to be emotionally but without further word he heads over to the police officers and starts talking with them
Mary walks back over to me and gives me a quick pat on the back before saying “You want to go get some coffee or something? It’s on me by the way”
I give her a small smile and we head to a nearby corner store i know that sells pretty okay-ish coffee, while walking to and from the store i do talk with her and ask her few things and find out she is super-u’s superhero interviewer as she has a easy time getting heroes to talk with her and i think i am starting to see why, she seems like a kind woman who must be only a about a year older than me. I wish i had a more steady job
Once we get back Madison rush's right over to me, he does not look panicked but he sure as fuck does not look calm either. He grabs me by the arm and pulls me off to side and i see Mary isn’t following and just gives me a bit of a wave goodbye
“Wooh wooh, what’s going on?” I ask as Madison stops just a bit out of view of the police
“They are pretty sure that you’re the killer, i don’t know why but they are pretty convinced so are going to probably ask a lot more of you than just helping with this one dead body. Do you think you could handle that?” He looks a bit like he does know why the police think the grunge girl looking person that already heard one of them make a racist remark about them but i guess i can understand not wanting to go through that mouth full, or not wanting to say it in case they over hear that part
“I guess i can handle using my powers on other dead bodies, i mean it doesn’t look like there are a lot of other ways to keep the officers happy with me..” I trail off and then take a sip of my coffee
“Okay then it looks like we are sorta working together” Madison remarks, if it’s to himself or me i can’t tell.
0 notes
Comedy Script
A man sits in an office, looking through papers with a worried expression on his face as he hears a knock on his door and a face appears.
“Ah Mrs.Doo, please come in. Thank you for coming in on such late notice. I appreciate it.”
He motions to a chair across from him in a warm and welcoming manner as the woman enters.
“Oh please mate, call me Deidre.”
The woman sits across from him smiling.
“Deidre? Your name is Deirde Doo?”
The man looks at her quizzically as he asks.
The woman says, her face deadpan as the man continues to look at her quizzically. The exchange lasts around 5 seconds and then the man regains his composure.
“Oooook, moving along I actually called you in to talk about your daughter. She has been exhibiting some alarming behaviour the last few weeks and we wanted to talk to you about it before she got too far down a bad path.”
He looks across at the woman with an expression of sympathy that turns to seriousness.
“That can’t be right, my girls from a good mob. Not my Didge. Maybe it’s them Parker gir.”
“Wait wait wait, sorry you call Bridget Didge?”
The man cuts Deidre off and raises his eyebrows, leaning in closer to her.
Deidre replies with certainty, maintaining eye contact with him.
“So, you’re Deidre Doo and she’s Didge Doo?”
The man raises his eyebrows again and leans in even closer to Deidre.
“Yeah and….”
The man looks away from Deidre, trying to conceal a smile as he looks at the camera and shakes his head as if to shake away the funny thought and regains his composure.
“Um never mind, back to the point. I assure you Deidre, we have been watching Bridget very closely and she isn’t acting like herself. You know what she did the other day? She answered a question in math class and it didn’t involve how many litres are in a goon sack or how many durries are in a pack of ciggies! This behaviour alarmed not only the teacher but her peers!”
He raises his voice slightly and leans over the desk as Deidre’s face takes on a horrified expression as she looks at him and then the camera.
“That can’t be right! She would never! She knows maths should only be for how much KFC or ciggies you can buy!”
Deidre starts looking frantic and is running her hands through her hair while the man looks morosely at her.
“I’m sorry but there’s more we need to discuss. There was talk that Jaiden asked Bridget to go round the back of the bike shed for a bit of fun, he’s our best footy player and she said no!”
Cut to a scene of a good looking Indigenous guy dousing himself with water on a footy field reminiscent of Hugh Jackman in Australia. He notices the camera and proceeds to yell, “Ay bud, what are you lookin at?! Take a picture it’ll last longer, fucking pedo.” As he walks away.
“But all of us love our footy players! They’re our second biggest weakness behind the dole!”
Deidre shrieks as she starts to look teary.
“That’s not even the worst I’m afraid. Bridget was at a party with some of the other girls last weekend which I am sure you are aware of. You had given Bridget some money for dinner and she actually spent it on getting food. She didn’t try and buy alcohol with it and even when she was offered cruisers by some of the other party kids she refused saying she doesn’t drink because it’s bad for your health.”
The man looks across the table at Deidre and her face is stricken with sorrow and she sheds a tear as she stands up from her chair, looking at him dramatically and then to the camera as she runs out of the office.
Cut to Deidre sitting at her kitchen table crying, being consoled by an older woman. Bridget enters with her headphones in and sees her mother.
“Mom, are you okay? What’s wrong?”
Bridget stands in the doorway, taking out her earphones. Deidre looks up from her folded arms at Bridget.
“Didge? I went to see your principal today and he told me what you have been doing! I don’t understand where I went wrong. You come from a good mob, we always encourage you to be exactly who we are meant to be!”
Deidre wails and puts her face back into her folded arms as she starts to cry.
“I don’t really understand what I did wrong, I’m just trying to be smart about my education and health so I can be a contributing member of society one day.”
Bridget says arms outstretched with a look of exasperation on her face.
“What you just said?! That’s what’s wrong! We don’t do that! We get pissed and go to Centrelink! We like our petrol and drink! You wait till your father hears about this! As soon as he is back from getting some durries.”
Deidre has stood up and is acting hysterical while Bridget stands by confused.
“Mum, Dad left to go to the servo 15 years ago. I think it’s time we all accept he ain’t coming back. I’m going to go do my homework.”
Bridget leans forward conspiratorially as she says this. Deidre’s hand flies to her heart in shock as she reels back as if she has been slapped. Bridget leaves the room, putting her earphones back in as her mum yells after her.
“Don’t you dare, we are going to sit around this table and complain about how we are shortchanged as a culture while not doing anything about it. What are you listening to? That better be some Yothu Yindi because God help me if it’s Taylor Swift or Delta Goodrem I’m sending you to your cousins in Bowraville! You hear me! You’ll be going to experience the real mob life!”
Deidre goes back and sits in her chair as her mother consoles her, rubbing her arms up and down.
“Don’t worry love, she’ll lose that desire to be like them white folk once she realises they do all the hard work while we get the dole.”
Deidre looks at her mother, puts her hand on hers and nods her head looking calmer and smiles. Both then look at the camera with a wistful look as a smile appears on their faces.
End of skit.
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