#dib spending the episode tormenting zim with water and then it ends with zim basically fucking drowning dib
shoechoe · 9 months
I find it kind of funny that I have personal friends who say they were terrified of ZIM episodes like Dark Harvest when they were little kids. Personally when I was younger I was never bothered by Zim's freaky alien torture stuff in the slightest (in fact I adored those episodes lol). Instead, the scenes that really bothered me to the point that they were hard to watch were the ones with Dib pressuring Zim to eat Earth food (knowing he's repulsed or actively hurt by it) and doing stuff like splashing him with water (which burns his skin) and laughing when he gags and screams in pain. When I was little the cafeteria food in my school regularly made me gag and cry attempting to eat and I had a lot of sensory issues in general that could make school very unenjoyable so scenes like that hit way harder for me than they probably were intended to
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