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@1eos @beserkerjewel @rhythmlessgay @afro-elf @irangp @comintoyoulivecoite @starboye @vague-humanoid @bilal-salah0 @hehemechief @bahrmp3 @wutheringheightsfilm @autisticmudkip @dykedatasoong @wolstinien @armandmehidri @danlous @biconicfinn @letshearitforthebabyboy @moonisneveralone @glori @hoennger @kholdmalik @neechees @repressionrepresentation @shesnake @akajustmerry @diasdelutasdiasdegloria-blog @lospajaritos @lilblckbk @batboybisexualism @lautakwah @yekkes @evilbisexy @socalgal @idontwikeit @ankhisms @onedollopofsourcream @guldaastan @lesbianmaxevans @mettaworldpiece @jaimeelemoine @womeninthewindow @deepspaceboytoy @sawasawako @7bittersweet @capricornpropagandists @kibumkim @geminipdf
Please help my family survive and get out of the Gaza Strip
Hello everyone
I am Maryam. I am 25 years old from the Gaza Strip. I will tell you my story after October 7 in light of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip.
I have a family consisting of 10 members Parents, 3 girls and 5 boys We were living a life full of happiness in our home in the city of Khan Yunis. Our lives turned into a nightmare during the war that changed our lives. We became without a home, living inside a tent on the street, and there were no necessities of life, such as water, electricity, clothing, and food.

In light of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, we went through very difficult circumstances. We were displaced several times, and during the displacement operations we lost everything, and we lost my house, which was destroyed by the Israeli bombing that did not stop.

We have lost the beautiful things that my family and I used to live with, and the most difficult beautiful thing we have lost is safety in peace, due to the violent bombing that surrounded us in all the places to which we were displaced.

I need donations for a safe exit from the Gaza Strip to safety for me and my family🙏❤️
Thank you
Muhammad Al-Ashqar
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@gazavetters Our team at #GazaVetters has rigorously vetted and approved this campaign, earning it a spot on our official list at #46
@vakarians-babe @sar-soor @plomegranate @nabulsi @sayruq @palipunk-blog @communistkenobi @queerstudiesnatural @bluebellsinthedells @rizzyluke @kordeliiius @self-hating-zionist @raelyn-dreams @unfortunatelyuncreative @licencetokrill-blog @jezebelgoldstone @ramelcandy @labutansa @sammywo @autistwizard @tortiefrancis @sparklinpixiedust @feluka @revcuse @golvio @leftismsideblog @star-and-space-ace @rainbowywitch @marscodes @annoyingloudmicrowavecultist @boyvander @the-bastard-king @ammonitetheseaserpent @girlinafairytale @timetravellingkitty @appsa @applejupiter @brutaliakhoa @malcriada @retvolution @deansmultitudes @devilofthepit @heritageposts @wellwaterhysteria @dykesbat @gorbling @gorbling @half-empty-orbitals @seasnipper
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#diasdelutasdiasdeglorias #ClaroBoulevardTatuape https://www.instagram.com/p/B4-bfVDpZVy/?igshid=ehe6wuqwj7ae
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Não se preocupe com as críticas, elas irão vir... Se preocupe em alcançar seus objetivos, pois esses mesmos que ti criticam hoje, serão aqueles lá na frente que irão dizer que sempre acreditaram em você 😌😌😌, somente siga para o alvo man... . . Samuel Silva . . #novosplanos #novosprojetos #empreendimentos #emprendedorismo #workshop #gym #personaltrainer #gym #nopain #nogain #motoristaexecutivo #driverexecutive #fe #foco #forca #meusplanos #gastronomia #maioreaquelequeprometeu #diasdelutasdiasdegloria #evangelismoderua #evangelhoraiz #soucristao #igsbrasil #ssdriversexecutive (em Osasco, Sao Paulo) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrNeKPTHmLd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1pn43ukz8xm18
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@1eos @beserkerjewel @rhythmlessgay @afro-elf @irangp @comintoyoulivecoite @starboye @vague-humanoid @bilal-salah0 @hehemechief @bahrmp3 @wutheringheightsfilm @autisticmudkip @dykedatasoong @wolstinien @armandmehidri @danlous @biconicfinn @letshearitforthebabyboy @moonisneveralone @glori @hoennger @kholdmalik @neechees @repressionrepresentation @shesnake @akajustmerry @diasdelutasdiasdegloria-blog @lospajaritos @lilblckbk @batboybisexualism @lautakwah @yekkes @evilbisexy @socalgal @idontwikeit @ankhisms @onedollopofsourcream @guldaastan @lesbianmaxevans @mettaworldpiece @jaimeelemoine @womeninthewindow @deepspaceboytoy @sawasawako @7bittersweet @capricornpropagandists @kibumkim @geminipdf
Hello friends and followers! I wanted to share the story of a family from Gaza that I have been speaking with.
Two siblings, Maryam and Muhammad, are raising money to support their family of ten, including their injured father and two younger brothers, as well as their cats, Timur and Sasha - Sasha has just had kittens!
They need support to purchase food and medical assistance - they are in the North of Gaza, where goods are extremely expensive. Muhammad is also very worried that he will be unable to buy cat food for his pets, and worries for their health.
I donated $20 - can anyone match my donation? If you spend even $5 on coffee, a snack, or a treat, consider giving to this family. If you cannot donate, please reblog to spread!

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#diasdelutasdiasdegloria #djmarciocampos
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O de hoje está pago focado no plano, shape em construção. Sem dor sem ganho. @studiocacademia @academia_studio_c : : : : #academiasuperação #musculação #focoo #maromba #fitness #pegarpeso #focadoo #força #coragem #saudefisica #bemestar #superação #determinação #disciplina #construção #definição #musculos #dieta #diaadia #forçafocofé #bodybuilderbrasil #suplementos #treinos #focadonoplano #focadonotreino #minhasegundacasa #crescerėoqueliga #diasdelutasdiasdegloria (em Studio C Academia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CN4k6lWnqWz/?igshid=rgrdz7gc94g6
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Para onde vão nossos silêncios qdo deixamos de dizer o que pensamos ou sentimos... #diasdelutasdiasdeglorias🙌🙌🙌 (em Itu, Sao Paulo, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqs1_CfnleFDsZaznFNHWo22RS57Cy8QTKIiWA0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fd7qjkxhg7nh
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@1eos @beserkerjewel @rhythmlessgay @afro-elf @irangp @comintoyoulivecoite @starboye @vague-humanoid @bilal-salah0 @hehemechief @bahrmp3 @wutheringheightsfilm @autisticmudkip @dykedatasoong @wolstinien @armandmehidri @danlous @biconicfinn @letshearitforthebabyboy @moonisneveralone @glori @hoennger @kholdmalik @neechees @repressionrepresentation @shesnake @akajustmerry @diasdelutasdiasdegloria-blog @lospajaritos @lilblckbk @batboybisexualism @lautakwah @yekkes @evilbisexy @socalgal @idontwikeit @ankhisms @onedollopofsourcream @guldaastan @lesbianmaxevans @mettaworldpiece @jaimeelemoine @womeninthewindow @deepspaceboytoy @sawasawako @7bittersweet @capricornpropagandists @kibumkim @geminipdf
This is the first time I am telling you that we must reach 3000 today because we want them so badly. We are looking for a house to rent. Our house is completely destroyed and we cannot live in it.
Plz everyone it’s just 253 we can do it 🙏
I just want to live a simple life, I don't want to die from the cold
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Seletiva tuff Brasil Rj barra em 2014, ao lado da fera @fabiomaldonado2017 . #teambergamo #ufc #tuffbrasil #tuff #brasil #mma #mixidmartialarts #valetudo #guarapari #es #diasdelutasdiasdeglorias #bjj #jiujitsu #submission #grappling #brazilianjiujitsu #jiujitsubrasileiro #fazpartesentirsaudades #guerra
Source: ufc
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Live your dreams. Do whatever you want! . . #👕 #diasdelutasdiasdegloria #historianossashistorias (em Hangar Centro de Convenções e Feiras da Amazônia)
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@1eos @beserkerjewel @rhythmlessgay @afro-elf @irangp @comintoyoulivecoite @starboye @vague-humanoid @bilal-salah0 @hehemechief @bahrmp3 @wutheringheightsfilm @autisticmudkip @dykedatasoong @wolstinien @armandmehidri @danlous @biconicfinn @letshearitforthebabyboy @moonisneveralone @glori @hoennger @kholdmalik @neechees @repressionrepresentation @shesnake @akajustmerry @diasdelutasdiasdegloria-blog @lospajaritos @lilblckbk @batboybisexualism @lautakwah @yekkes @evilbisexy @socalgal @idontwikeit @ankhisms @onedollopofsourcream @guldaastan @lesbianmaxevans @mettaworldpiece @jaimeelemoine @womeninthewindow @deepspaceboytoy @sawasawako @7bittersweet @capricornpropagandists @kibumkim @geminipdf
You may have heard about the extremely harsh conditions faced by many displaced people in Gaza due to rain and strong winds. Unfortunately, in the last storm, Mohammed's family's tent collapsed. They are now sleeping on the street.
Mohammed urgently needs to buy a new tent to house himself and his family, including his sick younger brother. He has found a tent for $300, but he does not have the money. Can we help him buy a new tent to house his family?

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A vida me ensinou a nunca desistir Nem ganhar, nem perder mas procurar evoluir Podem me tirar tudo que tenho Só não podem me tirar as coisas boas que eu já fiz pra quem eu amo🎶🎶 #CharlieBrownJr #diasdelutasdiasdegloria
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A vida me ensinou a nunca desistir, nem ganhar nem perder mas procurar evoluir . Podem me tirar tudo que tenho, só não pode me tirar as coisas boas, que já fiz para quem eu amo.
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