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mrsmikaelsxn · 2 years ago
Promise Forever
masterlist 1k celebration
pairing: gilbert blythe x female reader
warnings: kissing, fluff
summary: after his father's death, gilbert travels the world and when he comes back home, he goes straight to your house to give you a gift - requested by anon
a/n: ugh i agree! the lack of gilbert fics makes me so sad because i love him and want to read more of him )): but thanks for requesting !
song: runaway - aurora
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Dating Gilbert was amazing. He was such a lovely guy. Even your parents adored the boy.
He was so sweet, and you two had so much in common it was like you were made for one another.
Unfortunately, his father had gotten sick and later on passed away.
You, of course, were there to comfort him with open arms. When you were at his house one day, he told you that he wanted to explore the world for some time.
As much as it made you upset for him to leave, you supported him, as you always would. You assured him that you would be find, and that it would be a wonderful experience for him.
You spent the night with him, enjoying each other's presence before he left the next day. He promised to write to you about everything and you promised to write anything interesting that happens.
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"Ughh," you groan dropping back onto Anne's bed.
You, Anne, Diana, and Cole were hanging out at the redheads house.
"Y/n? What's wrong?" Diana asks.
"I miss Gilbert, it feels like it's been forever," you sigh.
Cole frowns, "Well, he can't be gone for much longer, it's already been months."
Anne nods excitedly, "Exactly!"
You sit up and your mood brightens a bit, "I suppose you're right. Now shall we bake something?"
They nod and giggle as they go downstairs.
"Hi, Marilla!" you smile happily at the elder woman you've grown close with.
"Oh! Hello, dear," she smiles back.
"Hi, Ms. Cuthbert," Diana and Cole wave.
"Hello. What brings you all down here?"
"We were wondering if we can bake your famous apple pie," you clap your hands.
"Oh, how can I say no to apple pie?"
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Gilbert runs a hand over his face as he sits on his bed next to Sebastian.
"What is the matter, my friend?"
Gilbert looks over to the man, "I miss my girlfriend," he sighs.
"Girlfriend?" He raises his eyebrows, "Is this the person you are always writing to? The one who send the letters that have you all red in the face."
Gilbert laughs, "Yeah, that would be her."
"Hm," Sebastian taps his knee. "You love this girl?"
Gilbert nods, "Very much so."
"So what are you doing here? Go back to her!"
"Gilbert, you are a great boy. You love her and I see how upset you are without her. So go," Sebastian smiles at him.
"You're right," Gilbert falls back onto his bed.
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You were reading your book when you heard a knock on your door. "Mom! Who's at the door?!"
She didn't hear you, apparently, because you got no response. You huff and mark your page, putting the book aside.
You get up and run your hands over your dress. You walk downstairs and to the door. You open it and you are crushed by a hug.
"Gilbert!" You squeeze him tightly in a hug. Both of your eyes water and you pull him inside, closing the door behind you. "I missed you so much."
"I missed you too, darling," he grabs your hands.
"How are you? How was traveling? How come you're back early? How-"
He cuts you off by kissing you softly. You melt into his hold and kiss him back.
You pull away and he grins. "I'm great, now. Traveling was eye opening. And I'm back early because I came home for you. I just got back and I came straight here, I haven't even gone to my own house yet."
"I love you so much," your lips curve into a bright smile.
"I love you so much more," he kisses your head. "I have something for you," he takes something out of his pocket.
You gasp as you look at the beautiful ring in his hand. "Don't worry," he laughs, "it's not an engagement ring. It's a promise ring. To remind you that no matter where I am, we are always forever."
"Oh, Gilbert, it's wonderful. Thank you," you blow out a breath.
He takes your hand and slides it onto your ring finger. He brings your hand up to his face and kisses your palm.
He looks up into your eyes with love, "One day, I'll replace that with a real ring."
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saturngalore · 2 years ago
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she’s so darling to me honestly <3
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ilybkg · 6 months ago
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anenomie · 1 year ago
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Gave some love today to a kitty that will soon be ours 💗 her name is Diana and I decided finally after having her hang out around our house for a year that I needed to adopt her. I thought it wasn’t going to be possible, but with some friends who agreed to help us, and some money coming our way, we’ll finally be able to bring her inside and she’ll eat only the yummiest of foods and be able to sit with us and sleep close to us and be warm and happy forever 💗
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biggiekim · 1 year ago
One of my current fav songs its so uhh 💋🎀
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gghostwriter · 6 months ago
i saw you opened your fluff requests so how about this: reid recieves an invitation to a high-school reunion back in Vegas but he doesn't want to go because of his bad childhood. but his best friend (who is completely in love with him) convinces him to go, and offers to be his fake girlfriend to hype him up and make him feel more comfortable. he agrees and ends up confessing his love on the same football field he was bullied on
please feel no pressure to write this, it's just an idea i thought was cute
Spencer Reid x Fem! Reader Trope: Friends to lovers; Fluff with a mix of pining wc: 2.1k A/N: Reader is not part of the BAU, but she just still work for the FBI. By far, this is my longest request written (it's a chapter length) and I don't know how it became so long but I hope you enjoy it still! Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated 💗 Main masterlist
Rewriting History. // Spencer Reid
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It was the heavy scent of books and wood that welcomed you home. Street lights reflecting off the emerald green walls, bathing the apartment space a warm golden hue. There was peace and stillness, your roommate of two years, Spencer Reid, nowhere to be seen—a usual occurrence that came with his and your job too, being FBI agents under the BAU and CACU, respectively.
You sluggishly made your way to your bedroom, adjacent Spencer’s closed door. Flipping open the switch, your worn body collapsed on the plush vanity chair as thoughts about the darkness of your job slip away and get replaced with melancholy on your connection with the boy genius. It was a relationship nurtured by grueling times in the academy—a connection forged out of convenience at first before becoming this convoluted and intimate bond all because you ended up falling for him.
It wasn’t a conscious choice and Spencer didn’t make it any easier. He was a closed off castle complete with a moat and a secret password—painfully shy and awkward in nature. If it wasn’t for required partnership in physical classes, you doubted you’d get as close as you were now.
A beep brought you out of your musings.
And as if he knew you were thinking of him, it was a text message from Spencer informing you of his return home in a few minutes. 
With a sigh, you pushed yourself out of the chair and changed into a set of clothes—a faded Caltech tee, that you never returned, and a pair of black leggings
Padding across to the kitchen, you opened the refrigerator and silently thanked your past self for prepping dinner for two in advance. With how irregular both your schedules were and Spencer’s apparent lack of skill in cooking, it fell upon your shoulders to make sure he isn’t living off of cold pizzas and Chinese takeouts. 
As the second plate of food was heating up in the microwave, the chiming of keys softly echoed from outside the mahogany door.
“Hey Spencer,” you called out from the kitchen counter.
A series of rustles and a soft hey answered back.
You tilted your head to the side in contemplation, something was wrong and as he turned the corner, shoulders curving in on itself and brows furrowed, something must definitely be wrong. 
“Tough case?” You asked, bringing both plates to the rounded dinner table.
“Yeah—” Spencer shook his head. “Actually no, not really but I got an email from Las Vegas.”
Your spoonful of soup hung midair, immediately concerned with the email contents. “Is it your mom? Is she okay?’ 
Having visited Diana in numerous occasions with and without Spencer, you’ve learned to love that woman fiercely too. She was a breath of fresh air—blunt during her lucid days and smart during her academic lectures. 
“It’s from my high school, an invitation for the reunion.”
Ah. “And you’re not sure if you want to go?” 
He shrugged, chewing his slice of chicken before answering. “There’s really no one I want to reconnect with, you know. No happy memories really.” 
“That’s true,” you nodded along. 
During the first few nights moving in the apartment, Spencer had shared the lows he had to go through just to get to where he was now at such a young age—endlessly mocked for being a geek, no friend group or single confidant to watch his back, and the utter humiliation of being tied naked on a football post. You had an inkling that the genius had gone through bullying, it was a sad norm in all schools, especially in public, but hearing it first hand had brought home just how much of his closed off and shy personality was a product of his trials.
You tapped your fingers on the table. “I think you should go.” 
“Yeah, yeah. To show all those mean bullies where you are now,” your back straightening from the idea. “They’ll talk about you in passing anyway, whether you’re there or not so might as well be there to show them up and defend yourself plus—” you paused, taking a sip of water before barreling through. “—you’ve become quite handsome since then. Don’t you think?”
His hazel eyes widened in surprise, further adding to his appeal. Spencer was so innocent that he didn’t know the effect he had on women—first evidence was yourself and the second was Lila Archer. “Y-you think I’ve become handsome?”
With warmth spreading on your cheeks, you nodded. “You’ve always been handsome to me.”
Spencer started coughing, hand beating on his chest as the food threatened to go down the wrong tube.
Alarmed, you quickly stood up and started patting his back for assistance. How embarrassing was this—the first time you blatantly flirted with the man you formed intense attraction for ends up with him almost choking. Was this a sign maybe to not push your luck? You’ve done just about anything to nudge Spencer’s mind in acknowledging your feelings, from remembering all his little quirks (all were just so cute), actively listening to his tangents (all very informative and interesting), and even sometimes delivering a box of donuts to his team (all in the name of seeing his face brighten up) but none seemed to have worked. So, you opted to tell him in words and look what that did to him.
You gnawed on your lower lip. Maybe it was best to pull back, maybe it was best to throw in—
He cleared his throat before his hand reached yours situated on his shoulder. There was a slight tremor before it closed around your all of a sudden clammy palm. “I’ll go if you go with me.”
Filter off your brain. “As a fake girlfriend type of thing?”
You shut your eyes closed, promising to yourself to stop reading those unrealistic romance novels that Penelope lends you.
“If—if you want,” his voice shaky and soft as rustles could be heard in the background.
Opening your eyes, Spencer was now fully facing you. Eyes roaming your face and body—profiling you.
A small smile graced your lips. “Okay.”
The second thing your brain thought of was how oddly fitting that the reunion was held at the school gym, located beside the football field. The first thought being how Spencer looked devastatingly handsome in his suit and tie.
His attire wasn’t that different from his usual in the FBI but there was a hidden meaning behind his choices. The patterned brown blazer was a gift you had given to him for his first anniversary working at the FBI and his tie matched the color of your dress. 
It made you feel warm even though a shiver went down your spine as a sudden gust of wind passed by. 
Spencer slid closer towards you. “Do you want my coat?”
“I’m alright, thanks for asking Spence,” you looked up, smiling in reassurance. The fairy lights hung in rows emphasized how structured his face was. A high nose bridge, similar to his mother’s, and high cheekbones that made your fingers twitch in want to caress. He was stunning to look at—a view you feared you’d never get enough of.
“Spencer Reid!” A booming male voice shouted from across the gymnasium causing a few heads to swivel. Based on the other attendees reactions—giving them ample space as they passed and the stares tracking their every move, you knew who he was right away. A former bully.
“How are you?” he reached out his hand for a handshake. One that Spencer stared at before bringing his hand up to a wave, lips in a tight lipped smile.
“Hey Paul, nice to see you.”
“Is it?” He chuckled before turning his eyes on you. “I don’t believe we’ve met.”
You stated out your name, tone very similar when you’re on the field—cold and professional.
“Look at you, Spencer, having such a pretty girlfriend. Heard you work for the FBI now, is that how you two met?” 
A saccharine smile spread across your lips. Your boy genius had been stiff ever since Paul called out his name. Having have heard how Spencer once reacted to a case where the unsub was a high school victim, you knew where his mind was at the moment. Grappling with the hurt from the past and trying his best not to lash out from the scars it had left behind. “Yeah, we met at the Academy and just clicked. He was such a gentleman that I couldn’t say no when he asked me out for a date.”
“That’s good to hear. Listen, man, is it alright if I talk to you for a second? Alone?”
You brushed the back of your hand with his, bringing his attention to you. There was a slight furrow in between his brows and his stature was taut, like a stretched out bow that needs to release it’s arrow. This was one of the few times, you could tell, that Spencer was unsure what to do. There was no malice behind Paul’s request and although you weren’t a profiler yourself, the slight hunch on the former bully’s shoulder silently communicated his remorse. 
Spencer’s eyes trained on yours and as if he found the answer within the depths of your gaze, he slightly smiled, squeezing your hand in his before turning back and nodding to the interloper. 
“I’ll go get a refill,” you lifted your empty cup to excuse yourself.
In truth, you stood idly near the punch bowl and kept your eyes glued on the male duo. Paul was looking down, shuffling his feet, before taking a deep breath and looking straight at Spencer. He uttered a few words you couldn’t make of and in turn, Spencer’s body relaxed and he nods once. With an offer for a handshake, one that Spencer shook, Paul walked away as you made your way back to your partner’s side.
“Good talk?” you asked.
“He apologized,” Spencer muttered, eyes studying you before grasping your hand back to his. “No refill?”
You shrugged. “Didn’t feel like it anymore. Say Spence—” he titled his head as an answer. “Want to get out of here?”
He chuckled, eyes twinkling with relief. “Thought you’d never ask.”
The cicadas were singing their tune as you and Spencer stepped out to the football field. The grass lush in color and the faint smell of wet earth wafted around. Grateful that you opted to wear sensible flats rather than the high heels Penelope was bartering you to wear, you held Spencer’s hand tight as he started recollecting the worst bullying that happened in the same place many years ago.
“That—” he pointed at the goalpost on the far right. “—was where I was left tied up. I remember feeling worried that I would catch hypothermia as the rain kept coming and going that day and I remember feeling sad when I got home and my mother didn’t notice me missing.” 
Your voice caught in your throat.
He continued on. “They say people forget events as they grow older and I wished I had the luxury of that.”
“Because of your eidetic memory,” you sighed. It was a blessing and a curse to have. 
“But I was thinking, maybe I could rewrite it instead?”
There was a thick layer of hope behind his words causing you to turn, fully facing him this time.
“I—I’ve been keeping a secret from you for 24 months and 182 days and I don’t know if this would change our relationship or ruin it but you’re my person, my best friend—” he took a deep breath. “—and I’m in love with you.”
People say there are moments in your life that would upend everything as you know it and tilt everything to an axis, you never understood what they meant by that, up until this moment. The twinkling night stars suddenly appeared brighter, the temperature warmer, and the force that tethered you to Earth was no longer gravity, it was now Spencer Reid.
You smiled, eyesight blurring from tears. His trembling fingers reached out to wipe the droplets making its path down your cheeks.
“I’m in love with you too, Spencer Reid, since the beginning.” 
And as if the world needed more proof, he smiled—his bright, full teeth smile and you felt your heart halt before starting back up again. 
It was proof that he owned the beating organ in your chest and all the emotion that came with it. 
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Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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whatever-lmaoo · 8 months ago
Make me a star
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Summary: You’re giving Bucky a lap dance.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x curvy!reader (i had a plus size reader in mind but anyone can read it! I didn’t use many descriptive words pertaining to size💖)
CW: 18+ This is suggestive as hell(we get close to crossing that line but i didn’t so ig you could say it’s kind of smut, idk😭 ), implied sex, handcuffs, slight dom/sub dynamics, mentions of spanking at the end, I think that’s all but if i forgot anything please don’t hesitate to send me an ask or dm me💖[1.2k]
A/N: Firstly these cute line dividers were made by @firefly-graphics 🌸 I know the title sucks but I had no idea what to name this😭 This is my first time writing something even remotely suggestive, let alone whatever the hell is up under the cut, so I apologize if it’s not the greatest💖 The song I used for this fic is “Dirty Diana” by Michael Jackson. You don’t have to listen to it because it’s not a song fic, I just used a few lyrics. I hope you enjoy and constructive criticism or any nice comments are always appreciated🥹✨💗
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After checking that the handcuffs are tight enough around Bucky’s wrists and positioning his hands behind his back doesn’t cause him any discomfort with his shoulder, you stand up and walk towards your dresser, picking up your glass and sipping your drink. “Was cuffing me necessary?” He says, tilting his head to the side, licking his lips slowly as he lets his eyes trail up and down your figure.
You smirk over the rim of your glass, admiring how the dim light from the candles makes his eyes look almost black. “We both know how touchy you get, and I’ll be damned if I let you ruin my gift to you. Plus, I enjoy seeing you all tied up for me.” Biting your lip, you send him a playful wink before heading to your nightstand.
Placing your cup on its surface, you pick up your phone and scroll through your playlist, searching for the perfect song. Your lips form into a smile once you’ve found it. You close your eyes and roll your shoulders back to release any leftover tension before pressing play and setting your phone back on the nightstand.
You turn around as the familiar intro of “Dirty Diana” plays through your speaker, meeting Bucky’s gaze, swaying your hips slightly as you stroll toward your lover sitting patiently in the middle of the room. He whistles as you glide one hand across your thigh to the hem of your robe, bringing it just high enough to cover what’s hidden underneath. Your other hand travels across your neck and down your curves as you roll your hips to the beat.
You trace your fingers up Bucky’s thigh, past his arm, and to his shoulder as you take your place behind him. You bring your other hand around his body, meeting them both in the middle of his abdomen before dragging them slowly up his chest. One hand dips inside his button-up while the other continues its path up the side of his throat and into his hair. You rake your nails against his scalp before tilting his head back gently and dipping your head into the crook of his neck, peppering kisses across the skin, nibbling on his pulse point before sucking it into your mouth.
The way he trembles beneath your touch and the deep moan he lets out sends an addictive sensation throughout your body. You give his hair one last tug before releasing him altogether; continuing your circle around his form, you glide your hand down his other arm, dragging the tips of your fingers over his thigh before stepping in front of him.
Bending over slightly, you put your hands on his knees, watching his eyes fall to the red lace outline of your lingerie that peeks out of your robe. You push his knees together, placing your legs on either side of him and sit on his lap. The sounds of a gasp and a groan fill the room as your heated core meets his jean-clad member.
You watch as his face contorts into one of realization as you continue to grind on his thighs, your wetness seeping into his pants. “Baby, are you not wearing any panties?” You didn’t think his eyes could get any darker, but somehow they did. “Even better,” you say, rolling your hips as you tug on the tie of your robe, releasing the knot and pulling it through the loops, revealing the pretty, crotchless number you’re wearing.
His mouth watering at the sight of your hardened nipples and barely covered pussy drooling over his thighs, begging for some attention. You chuckle at the sound of him struggling against the handcuffs. “Be a good boy and sit still,” you tease, wrapping the belt around his neck and twisting it around your left hand, bringing his upper body forward.
“I’ll be your night-lovin' thing,” you whisper against his neck. You move your head to hover over his head, your nose barely touching his, gripping his chin with your right hand and tilting it up. “I’ll be the freak you can taunt,” the glint of mischief in your eyes grows as you take his bottom lip between your teeth, sucking on the muscle and letting it go with a pop.
Releasing one end of the tie and throwing it carelessly to the side, you let go of Bucky’s chin. You stand on your knees, dragging your chest in front of his face, grinning as he darts his tongue out, licking a line across your breast, and you pull away just as his teeth grazes one of your peaked nipples.
You slide off his lap and slip off your robe, turning around to bend over so he can get a view of your glistening folds. “I’ll be your everything,” you bring your left hand to the back of his head as you sit in his lap again, grinding your ass back into his cock, dragging your hand to the side of his damp cheek.
Turning your heads to face each other, you look him in the eyes as you whisper, “If you make me a star,” against his lips before crashing your mouths together in a needy and lust-filled kiss, humming at the taste of strawberries and chocolate lingering on his tongue. You continue to move your hips as you swallow each other's moans; he sucks on your lower lip as you slowly pull away, needing to breathe, a line of saliva following you as he lets go.
Chest heaving as you rest your head on his shoulder, you shut your eyes and arch your back, wrapping your left hand around the nape of his neck. Bucky watches as you bring your other hand to your sternum, ghosting your fingers down the middle of your chest, passing your soft belly, and leading them to your aching clit.
Just as you’re about to reach your destination, you hear a growl come from the man underneath you and the chain of the cuffs snapping before you feel a warm hand gripping the inside of your thigh roughly while a cold one wraps around the heated skin of your throat. The contrasting temperature and firm hold he has on you sends you into a dizzying headspace, and a loud moan slips past your lips.
“I may have let you restrain me, but touching my pussy will always be off-limits, Doll.” Another moan escapes you, loving when he starts to get rough with you. “If it weren’t our anniversary, I’d spank your ass raw, but since it is, I guess that’ll have to wait until tomorrow.” He stands up and turns you around before lifting you in his arms, walking to your bed, and dropping you in the middle of it.
You move back until your head hits your pillow, spreading your legs as you watch Bucky slowly unbutton his shirt. “Happy anniversary, Baby,” you say, drooling at the sight of his toned abs. His pants and boxers go next, and you clench around nothing when he starts twisting his hand around his hard cock. Climbing on the bed, he hovers over you, kissing you passionately before pulling away slightly. “Happy anniversary, pretty girl. I hope you’re ready because I’m not stopping until you’ve got nothin’ left to sing.” A dangerous smirk grows on his face as he begins to make do with his promise.
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tarotbyjam24 · 8 hours ago
Pick a card : you as a fashion brand
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This is a collab between @tarotbyjam24 and @tarotlexa 🎀
Masterlist \pick a piles feedbacks piggy bank
pile 1 [by @tarotbyjam24 ] pile 2 [by @tarotlexa ]
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pile 3 [by @tarotbyjam24 ] pile 4 [by @tarotlexa ]
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Likes , reblogs and feedbacks are very much appreciated 💗Thankyou for stopping by let's dive in ☄️ Choose the pile you feel most drawn to 🧸
Disclaimer: this is general reading . It may or may not resonate . If reading doesn't resonate let it fly and choose another pile or simply there were no messages for you through this reading 😊 Take the reading lightly as nothing's set in stone until you believe so ���️
If you like my work you can now tip me on kofi too ,leave 🖤 emoji while tipping me because @winisayswhat and I both share same accounts and it'll help us distinguish our tips and leave 💗 if you tip for @winisayswhat ♡
I also offer paid readings you can book one as it'll help me a lot and don't forget to check the free readings offer ✨
Exchanges : open , collabs for paps : open
Pile 1
read by @tarotbyjam24
Hermes , Louis Vuitton, victoria secret,american eagle , kate spade. A brand that's aware about nature while producing its products. Your vibes matches with brands that may even have to do something with nature like ecological brands that use waste materials to produce new products. Eco friendly is the word. Brands whose most products are brown like Louis Vuitton and are expensive. A brand which is home grown like bottega veneta an italian brand. A brand that focuses on unusual style and Balenciaga is that brand . Brands which focus on donating some of their funds to girls education or old age home support,etc .
get your personalised readings
Pile 2
read by @tarotlexa
this pile screams ysl to me with its precise silhouettes and tailoring. sex appeal and emotional detachment is also a part core of your brand.
balmain, mugler, haus of labs, a brand that collaborates with skilled artisans like in mugler's case (architectural couture and what not), balenciaga with its controversies, mm6 by margiela, aquazzurra, prada, rebellious but extremely refined, sexy. savage by fenty, la perla (best lingerie ever), agent provocateur.
get your personalised readings
Pile 3
read by @tarotbyjam24
Brandy melvile ,gucci , tory burch ,Stella McCartney, Vivienne Westwood, burberry ,huda beauty , mary kate . Brands that are non violent and justice focused . Brands that often launches their products. Brands that are often wore by upper class people like princess diana. Brands which may often gets their customers exited by launching their spoilers before hand and keeping the suprise for last. Brands that have best customers and employees care.
get your personalised readings
Pile 4
read by @tarotlexa
intoxicating, edgy, scandalous, game changers. pain and pleasure. dark romance themes, controversial. alexander mcqueen (hauntingly beautiful), rick owens (goth luxury), vetements, vivienne westwood. drama, spectacle, intensity, a walking fantasy that knows no bounds, comme des garçons, yohji yamamoto, iris van herpen, alessandro michele's gucci era.
get your personalised readings
I hope you liked the reading . Thank you so much for letting me read for you . Wishing you best ahead . 🎀Bless you and have a nice day🌸🐰 I'd love to hear which pile you chose Loads of love , jam\gem🩷
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 9 months ago
✨ Audrey Hepburn and Fred Astaire rehearsing for ''甜姐兒 Funny Face'', 1957. Image Richard Avedon.
Reminding everyone of the importance of "being true to yourself".
👇 full movie ✨
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Fred Astaire, May 10, 1899 – June 22, 1987.
With Audrey Hepburn.
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simpingforheros · 6 months ago
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Fluff - 💗
Hurt/Comfort - ❤️‍🩹
Angst - 💀
Spicy but Not Smut- 🥵
Smut - 🔥
Dark - ⛓️
Disclaimer: While I do my best to label any and all trigger warnings in my posts, I would like ask that yall take a good look at any warnings before you read anything online. Minors DNI as I intend for all my stories, whether NSFW and Dark or Fluffy and SFW, to be for an 18+ audience. While I do my part as the writer to accurately give trigger warnings and label my content appropriately, please be conscious of the triggers and take care of yourselves.
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Bruce Wayne
Dick Grayson
Jason Todd
Bring Me To Life (Arkham Knight! Jason Todd X Female! Reader) 💀❤️‍🩹⛓️ (One Shot, either a future series or rewritten someday)
Corruptions (Arkham Knighy! Jason Todd X Female! Reader) 💗❤️‍🩹🔥⛓️ (part two to Bring me to Life)
Jason Todd Headcanons 1 💗🔥⛓️
Jason's Girl ?? (Jason Todd x Female! Reader) 🔥💗
Jason’s Wife?! (Jason Todd X Female! Reader) (part 2 to Jason’s Girl??)🔥💗
Jason Broke What?? ( Jason Todd x Female! Reader) (part 3 tp Jason's Girl)🔥💗
Gifted with Love (Jason Todd x Female! Reader)🥵💗
You Belong to Me (Hush! Jason Todd X Female! Reader) (Coming soon)
Safe (Gotham Knights! Jason Todd X Female! Reader) ❤️‍🩹💀
Blurb 1 🥵
Barbara Gordon
Clark Kent
Conner Kent
Diana Prince
Cole Cash
Oliver Queen
Dinah Lance/Queen
Roy Harper
Lover Man (Roy Harper x Single Mom! Female! Reader) 💗🔥
Blurb 🔥
Barry Allen
Wally West
Martian Manhunter
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Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Bruce Banner
Natasha Romanoff
Sam Wilson
Clint Barton
Bucky Barnes
Yelena Belova
Wanda Maximoff
Pietro Maximoff
Wade Wilson
Eddie Brock
Logan Howlett
Miguel O’Hara
Sunny X Miggy Series (Grumpy! Miguel O’Hara X Sunshine! Reader) 💗❤️‍🩹 (Retired series from old account)
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Moonlight Lies ( Bi-Han X Female! Reader) 💀🔥 ((coming soon))
Noob Saibot
Hanzo Hasashi (not the child)
Kuai Liang
Tomas Vrbada
Clearing the Smoke (Tomas ‘Smoke’ Vrbada X Female! Reader) 💗🔥❤️‍🩹💀 ((coming soon))
Johnny Cage
Kenshi Takahashi
Takeda Takahashi
Kung Lao
Liu Kang
Shang Tsung
Li Mei
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azzifudd · 8 months ago
paige bueckers x azzi fudd
summary: "damn, why she over here cheesin' at her phone like that"
rated: teen
~550 words
disclaimer: as always, many made up events. here's a little thing that i forced myself to write as a little gift for yall before i go on a short trip, hope yall enjoy
“Paige, get in here!” 
Paige ducks her head bashfully, but she goes to join the picture like Sue says. The photographer directs her to kneel at the front. Megan is next to her with Sue behind her and Diana and Stewie beside her with their wives. 
They pose for a few photos together, all the UConn women at the Wasserman party before everyone else floods in. 
Paige feels so much gratitude in that moment, to be so accepted in such an amazing group of women. 
She approaches the photographer after, asking to be sent the photos when they’re ready. 
The second they come in, she sends them through to Azzi. 
“Wish you were here. Miss you so much. 💗” 
Paige is having a nice night when the text comes in. 
She’d come to Phoenix alone, but luckily the UConn family was expansive and the WNBA community so welcoming. She hadn’t needed to worry about not having company for a single moment. But that didn’t mean she didn’t still wish Azzi was here with her. It didn’t help that most of her friends had their partners with them.
So when Azzi texts that her flight into Phoenix had been canceled, Paige is hit with such a wave of sadness that Liv stops what she’s doing to ask her if she’s okay. 
“Azzi can’t make it.” 
And she knows it’s a little ridiculous because she just saw her, and she’ll be seeing her again in a few days, but at the moment, she misses Azzi desperately.
“Oh babe, you look so sad I thought something really horrible happened.” Liv laughs a little bit and gives her a side hug.
Paige pouts, leaning into the hug. She usually isn’t this publicly vulnerable, but she’s always felt safe around Liv who has been there for both her and Azzi.
“Bueckers!” Jewell Loyd approaches them, her girlfriend Téa at her side. 
Paige greets them both with hugs. She’d gotten to spend some time with them in Seattle when she visited Nika. 
“Where’s your girl?” Jewell questions playfully. “You talked her up so much the other week I’m excited to meet her.” 
“Her flight just got canceled.” Paige explains with a sigh. 
“Aw, well we’re gonna make sure you have a fun time tonight anyways.” 
And she does mostly, if only because she spends half of the night on her phone.
“Paige over here, smilin’ at her phone.” Flau’jae gives a sly look to her followers. She’s broadcasting the final minutes of the All Star game, and Paige had given a quick wave before registering Flau’jae’s quip. 
“Relax!” Paige crows, and both of them throw their heads back, cackling with laughter as they rock back and forth.
Within minutes, she knows the exchange will be all over the internet as people speculate about just who had Paige Bueckers cheesing at her phone. 
Sure enough, her phone begins to buzz with texts in the team group chat. A full on roast seems to be going on, with KK leading the charge, and she laughs at a few of the jokes, before a text comes in from outside the group. 
💗 damn whoever you were texting must be pretty great to have you smiling like that
shes pretty dope. I like her alot 
💗 she likes you a lot too 
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y2sims · 6 months ago
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Nine Requested Hairs in The New Hair System.
colors by pooklet.
textures by remi (straight) & poppet (wavy).
binned, familied, tooltipped and compressed.
all four colors are in one .package file.
all the meshes are included.
requested by anonymous on ko-fi, thank you!! 💗
↓ more info + download links ↓
3t2 Pompadour
ages pf - ef
3964 polys
mesh conversion by bunhead
DOWNLOAD: sfs // mf
3t2 Sophisticated Updo
ages pf - ef
3844 polys
mesh conversion by rented-space
DOWNLOAD: sfs // mf
Ade Daisy
ages pf - ef
9830 polys
mesh conversion by martini
DOWNLOAD: sfs // mf
LeahLillith Bling - two versions
ages pf - ef
v1: 15.4k~ polys; v2: 13.8k~ polys (lower poly meshes included!)
mesh conversion by redsimmer
v2 was previously done by megamassikalove, but they used the wavy texture so i made one with using the straight texture, for consistency 😄
DOWNLOAD BOTH: sfs // mf
MaxisForAll Diana (updated Sept. 2024 version) & Dylan
ages pu - eu
3k~ polys
the older version of the diana hair can be found here!
textures are originals, just recolored. i think i changed the texture size to be a little smaller, hopefully it didn't affect the quality too much! (also, i copy pasted the same textures for both, f and m, idk why it looks brighter on the male mesh... 🤔)
DOWNLOAD DIANA (updated september 2024 version): sfs // mf
Newsea Jessica
ages pf - ef
all ages conversion by emilia
DOWNLOAD: sfs // mf
Nightcrawler Alive
ages pf - ef
8800 polys
mesh conversion by juliej
DOWNLOAD: sfs // mf
Skysims 018 - unisex
ages pu - eu
10.4k~ polys
m conversion by furbyq
DOWNLOAD BOTH: sfs // mf
Tsminhsims Heaven
ages tf - ef
22.5k~ polys
mesh conversion by grecadea
DOWNLOAD BOTH: sfs // mf
💗 like my content and want to support me? please consider leaving a tip or requesting some hairs through my ko-fi! 💗
131 notes · View notes
userlaylivia · 3 months ago
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certifiedlovergirlsstuff · 10 months ago
fluff (💗) angst (💥) sexual (💋)
1. his brown eyes had tragedy weaved behind his irises 💥
post 2x15 noticing spencer is acting weird and wanting to help him.
2. Pretty Boy 💗
glasses reid. that’s it.
3. stalker/unsub!reader with spencer 💥
a one time interaction causes an obsessive love
4. kisses over handshakes 💗
you meet the new member of the bau
5. little baby lime 💗
an unexpected relationship introduced
6. twenty four, birthday boy 💗
spencer loves your gift
7. ballad about death
spencer gets a bit insecure 💥
8. grapefruit and tacos
further along in your pregnancy and you want tacos💗
9. a new life is born
your babygirl has entered the world 💗
10. city of angels pt2
lila archer’s a thorn in your side💥
11. birthday proposal
spencer’s birthday takes a turn for the better that night 💗
12. sleeping beauty pt2
the first date 💗
13. kiss kiss fall in love
you just want some attention from your husband💗
14. roomies
you unexpectedly meet two of spencer’s coworkers for the first time and they have no clue who you are💗
15. past and future
laying in bed you and spencer talk about life for your futures💗
16. father’s and mother’s day
it’s a special day for spencer but also another special day for you since you gave him the title💗
17. case of the day
you and spencer have a somber discussion on the plane back 💥💗
18. meet the in-laws
you get to meet diana reid for the first time💗
19. to many more
you and spencer are already planning for future dates💗
20. jealously, jealously
did someone else have a thing for your boy genius? 💥
21. lesson in words
annabeth doesn’t understand the extent of certain words.💥
22. undercover bait
your first assignment in the field and possible your last 💥
23. mixed-matched socks
it’s laundry day, best chore day! 💗
24. where’s your doppelgänger?
on your way to a date, you and spencer fantasize about your other selves lives💗
25. to be loved is to be know
spencer gives you the best birthday gift to date
26. shots fired
inspired by the ending events of 3x09
27. todays the day
you're gonna marry that boy. for real this time.
accidentally meeting two members of the bau
bring your kid to work day
someone is a little green with jealousy
baby number two
liaison!reader gets shot ft. boyfriend!spencer pt2
your best american girl
liaison!reader gets kidnapped
a double surprise at the gyno
liaison!reader shows prison!spencer she’s pregnant
gn!reader having a dislike of mansplainig
early season spencer and his first time
meeting diana reid before dating
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cieloclercs · 2 years ago
hiii I would like an au wherein Ollie bearman is sunshine bf and y/n is grumpy gf like that would be a cutee trope
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better half of me | ollie bearman
genre: social media au pairing: ollie bearman x fem!reader face claim: diana avel
author’s note: rolling two requests into one here! hope you enjoy <3
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liked by francisca.cgomes and 21,837 others
tagged: olliebearman
yourusername taken by my professional photographer/boyfriend 🖤 love u baby
view all comments…
olliebearman love you more 💕
*yourusername liked this comment
olliebearman you’re so pretty my love
yourusername ☺️☺️
username i don’t think i’ve ever seen this girl smile 😐
username fr she always looks so miserable 😭
username black cat girlfriend golden retriever boyfriend frrr
username tbh if i was dating y/n y/l/n i’d be obsessed with her too
username i want to be her 😩😩
username omg where did you get that skirt? it’s so cute!!
yourusername thrifted!
arthur_leclerc he’s been grinning at these for 20 minutes
olliebearman NO i haven’t shut up
yourusername ur so adorable
username girl u know there are other colours than black right 😭
username dream body 😍
jakcrawford_ you mean to tell me ollie actually took these? 🤨
yourusername he did! he’s got a surprisingly good eye :)
olliebearman told you i’m a pro 💪
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liked by arthur_leclerc and 31,837 others
tagged: olliebearman
yourusername life lately… 📸
view all comments…
olliebearman did u like your flowers?
yourusername i loved them baby 🥰
olliebearman my girl 😍
olliebearman what did i do to deserve you?
yourusername i’m the one that doesn’t deserve you pretty boy 💗
arthur_leclerc we get it guys you’re in love 🙄
yourusername @/carla.brocker come get ur bf please x
carla.brocker the cutest couple 🥹
arthur_leclerc excuse me?
username the only time she ever smiles is when she’s with ollie…
username STOP that’s adorable 😭
username highway’s looking real comfy rn 🥲
username y/n i swear i can treat you better than this vroom vroom boy just give me a chance 😫😫
yourusername sorry ml, ollie says no 😔
*olliebearman liked this comment
username y/n’s such a bad bitch how did ollie manage to pull her? 🤨🤨
olliebearman it was my irresistible charm ☺️
yourusername *nonexistent
yourusername truth is i felt sorry for him 😔
olliebearman babe???
username CRYING she’s so unserious 😭
username erm hello??!! why is no one talking about the note with the flowers!!!
username EXACTLY it’s so sweet 🥹 if anyone ever did that for me i’d melt
yourusername ollie gets me flowers with a note every week 🥰
username awww that’s adorable but THANKS FOR MAKING ME FEEL EVEN MORE SINGLE 😃😃😃
username the way they look at each other is just nghhshs 🦋🦋🦋🦋
username the definition of grumpy girlfriend sunshine boyfriend
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requests are open! send something in if you’d like <3
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userlaylivia · 5 months ago
@makeyouminemp3, @nikkiruncks
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abc’s of endless ships –
Adam Conant and Diana Meade (The Secret Circle)
DIANA: “If I lost you, I couldn’t take it.”
ADAM: “You’re not gonna lose me.”
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