#diamonds made from dragons tears
dammitadolfnomorecake · 3 months
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Extra points if you remember who this baby was
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puzzled-pegasus · 8 months
Here's some silly little metaphors that I think the dragon tribes would use
“Don’t count your clutch before they hatch.” (Don't plan too much too soon)
“Gold is better than silver, but silver is better than nothing.” (If you can't do it perfectly, still try your best. Most dragons forget the second part.)
“‘Sorry’ can't suck the fire back in.” (The damage is done and now you're dead to me.)
“You been eating too much burnt meat or something?” (Are you nuts?)
“Stop all this smoke and use your fire.” (Stop rambling and get to the point already; or stop complaining and do something)
“Doesn't know his tail from his wings.” (Stupid or clumsy)
“You fly like a depressed pigeon.” (Slow flier)
“There's no fire in a rainstorm.” (Stop feeling sorry for yourself and get to work.)
“Nighttime is for the NightWings.” (What are you doing up? Go to sleep.)
“She’s all rattle, and no strike.” (Like all bark no bite)
“A diamond in a pile of quartz.” (Like a needle in a haystack)
“You’re watering the cactus and ignoring the sapling.” (You’re focusing on the wrong thing; barking up the wrong tree)
“Everyone thinks the camel looks silly until the dry season comes.” (Don't listen to them, they don't know how unique and strong you are)
“Crocodile tears.” (Fake crying in order to gain sympathy)
“You can only catch a trout if your mouth is open.” (Be open to new experiences)
“If the tree gives away too much, it ends up as a stump.” (Don't let people take advantage of your generosity)
“Happy as a clam in high water.” (Very happy)
“The flying fish feels like a fool when it sees an osprey.” (Don't compare yourself to others, run your own race.)
“Plenty of fish in the sea.” (Plenty more opportunities to come.)
“You’ve got ink in your eyes.” (You're blind to something important)
“Lobsters only die when they don't leave their shell.” (Keep yourself busy with new experiences and you'll life a long life)
“Sleep is for the dead.” (Why waste your time sleeping when you could be productive)
“SeaWings know their fish and SandWings know their cactuses, but we NightWings know everything else.”(NightWing supremacy propaganda)
“Being nice to a deer never got one in my mouth.” (Other dragons don't matter, only your goals.)
“A prophecy always comes true.” (I told you so but more cryptic)
"You're counting the stars." (You're doing something tedious towards an unachievable goal)
“Gray’s her favorite color.” (She's a huge bummer)
“A lemon is yellow on the outside, doesn't mean they're not sour.” (Referring to someone who is two faced or fake)
“I love honey, but I’d rather not get stung by the bees.” (I could do this, but it requires effort so I don't wanna)
“Nobody likes a rotten banana.” (Nobody likes a bummer/downer)
“Don't tie your tail in a knot” (don't get all upset)
“I have all my berries in a basket” (I have everything sorted out)
“You couldn't sneak up on a pineapple” (insult to one's camouflage skills, popular among children)
“The seal who asks why the orca is chasing him is the first to get eaten.” (A favorite of parents telling their kids to shut up)
“Not the sharpest icicle on the roof” (kinda stupid or slow)
“Clear as polished ice” (i understand or see it very well)
“You're looking a little pink in the face” (you look sickly. IceWings can turn pink from eating too much krill; a symptom of malnutrition. This line can be applied to any illness.)
“Blue blood kills, red blood spills.” (Patriotic propaganda implying that IceWings win every fight
“The SkyWings toss their blue eyed hatchlings because they're worried they'll be as strong as an IceWing.” (More propaganda)
“Pretty is for the SilkWings.” (Vanity is stupid and impractical)
“If it buzzes like a bug and bites like a bug, it's a bug.” (Don't ignore the obvious)
“Clearsight works in mysterious ways.” (I don't know the answer to your question, now go away)
“It's not always good to know how the honey gets made.” (Don't stick your snout where it doesn't belong)
“She's got a couple of threads loose.” (Calling someone a little crazy, threads refers to weaving)
“The bee minds its flowers and the spider minds her silk, it's when they mix that bad things happen.” (Mind ya business)
“Flytraps only trap because the soil doesn't feed them.” (Dragons don't get angry out of nowhere)
“Looking like a leaf only hides you in the forest.” (Time and place)
“If a branch doesn't bend, it breaks.” (Be flexible)
“Even the corpse flower attracts the flies.” (Even someone who seems ugly to one dragon they can seem irresistible to another)
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busycloudy · 1 year
"Happy Birthday Prefect!"
 • So...Guess who's birthday it is. That's right, it's mine!😁
 • This is basically what I think they would give you when it's your birthday 
• Tooth rotting fluff fanfic? Headcanon? Idk🤷‍♀️Either way it's tooth rotting fluff(The last part might make you shred a tear tho)
 • Reader is gender neutral. The first years/our chaotic of a group is last! 
• Enjoy! (And happy birthday to anyone else that has a birthday today!)
Riddle Rosehearts- A Necklace
He gave you a necklace with a Rose, to resemble him, on it. The beads are a bright red and black. In the center of it a beautiful and small glass rose is shown proudly.
Trey Clover- Favorite Sweet
He made you your favorite sweet! He made it specially, and don't worry, no oyster sauce was added!
Cater Diamond- A Phone Case
He got you a phone case that has your favorite thing on it. For example if you like cats he got you a phone case with a cat pattern on it.
Leona Kingscholar- A Ring
This ring was something that simply just reminded you of him. It was golden with silver lettering that said "Herbivore". He didn't tell you this, but he has one himself that says "Sleepyhead"
Ruggie Bucchi- Favorite Food
Ruggie got you some of your favorite food, free of charge! Well, all you owe him is to always have a smile on your face.
Azul Ashengrotto- A free drink + free food
He let you have a free drink, and a free dish from the monstro lounge. How very kind of him to do for a poor unfortunate soul like you! He may also let you sit with him in the V.I.P room and chat.
Jade Leech- Book- Terrainum
He got you a book about different plants, and a terrarium! When you decorate the terrarium, do get Jade if you need help! He will gladly do so!
Floyd Leech- Plush
He got you a eel plushie. He came across it and thought it was adorable, so he thought to give it to you! (He also has a matching shrimp plush)
Kalim Al-Asim- Pictures
Kalim knew for a gift like this, it couldn't be anything, it had to be sentimental, so he gave you some pictures the two of you had together. Hang it on your wall/fridge and he will be so happy!
Jamil Viper- Snake Bracelet
A golden snake bracelet that wraps around your wrist. He hopes this reminds you of him. (He'd be so happy if you wore it every day, please do so, or at least wear it as much as you can🥺)
Vil Schoeinheit- Hair Clip
He gave you a hairclip shaped like a crown. He was still the fairest of all, but maybe you could second him.
Rook Hunt- Bow and Arrow
Rook gave you a bow and arrow of your own Iff you ever would like to practice archery, come to him!
Idia Shroud- Controller- Headphones
He gave you a black and blue game controller with headphones that match, which also have cat ears on them. You can game with him anytime!
Malleus Draconia- Earrings
Malleus gave you dragon earrings, something to represent him. "Would you like to go on a walk tonight?" he asked you. The two of you looked at stars and constellations that night.
Lillia Vanrouge- Fingerless Gloves
Black fingerless gloves with a green bat symbol on it. He also says "You've grown so much since I first saw you" then patting you on the head.(KJDHSJHSHSDJ I DIED WHILE MAKING THIS PART)
Silver- A Blanket
This blanket had multiple squares of different shades of your favorite color(Like patchwork)The blanket was also very soft! If you wasn't already getting good sleep, this will definitely help!
Your friends, the first years, gave you scrapbook to hold all your memories, and matching bracelets
The scrapbook has pictures of everytime all of you guys have hanged out together, and some pages are still left empty to fill out more and more memories. The bracelets have all your main colors on each and every one of them, and connect to each other when close by. They have a striped pattern of Red(Ace), Dark Blue(Deuce), Yellow(Jack), Purple(Epel), Light Blue(Ortho), Green(Sebek), Grey(Grim), and [insert your main color](You).
Ace says the bracelets were "Duece's 'stupid' idea" But in all seriousness, he also loves them.
These things are something you can have so if you ever end up finding a way home, you can take it with you to remember them.
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doumadono · 6 months
Once again, congratulations, my dear ♥ I'd like to order a mint-vanilla cone topped with M&Ms and maple syrup, please. Could I get a fantasy AU with Dragon!Kirishima and Dragon!Bakugo? Something really sweet would be perfect!
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A/N: Thank you very much for all your support over the years, my dear! I hope you'll enjoy these headcanons I prepared for you ♥
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Kirishima lifts his head, his crimson scales shimmering in the fading light. His crimson eyes light up with affection as he sees you entering his den, and a rumble of contentment escapes his throat. "Hey, Y/N," he greets you warmly, unfurling his wings to welcome you. "I've been waiting for you."
You chuckle softly, running your fingers along his snout affectionately. "Sorry for keeping you waiting."
Kirishima's tail swishes excitedly as he leans in closer, nudging you gently with his massive head. "I was hoping you could help me with something," he says, his voice filled with anticipation. "My mane is getting a bit unruly, and my claws could use a polish. Would you mind lending me a hand?"
You grin at his request, feeling a surge of affection for the gentle giant before you. "Of course, Kirishima. I'd be happy to help you out."
He eagerly lowers his massive head, allowing you to run the bristles through his vibrant red mane. With each stroke, he emits a pleased rumble, basking in the sensation of your gentle touch. "Feels good," he purrs, his voice a deep, resonant melody that fills the cavern. As you delicately brush through the thick strands, he leans more into your touch, closing his eyes in bliss. "Your hands are like magic," he murmurs, his voice a low rumble of contentment. "Your touch always soothes me," he murmurs softly as you run your fingers through his mane, untangling any knots with gentle precision. "I'm grateful to have you by my side."
As you tenderly attend to him, Kirishima emits deep, rumbling purrs akin to a contented feline. It's his way of expressing gratitude and affection, a sign that your presence brings him immense joy. When you're finished with his mane, you move to work on his claws.
Being a dragon means relying a lot on the sharp claws. With all the activities dragons engage in, these claws are prone to damage. The best way to prevent further cracking and maintain them is by attending to them regularly. That's why dragon!Kirishima allows you to help him polish them.
Despite his formidable claws capable of tearing through stone, Kirishima allows you to polish them with the utmost gentleness, being careful to not hurt you during the process. He extends his massive paw with claws, allowing you to polish them to a dazzling shine. He watches you work with fascination, marveling at your skill and dedication. He watches with fascination as you buff away any imperfections. "You have such a delicate touch," he observes, admiration evident in his tone.
"I brought you some special polish today," you say with a smile, holding up a bottle of shimmering liquid. "It's a special oil, made of herbs that helps to strengthen nails, so I hope it'll work just fine with you. Let's make those claws shine like diamonds, shall we?"
He enjoys it when you rub herbal oils into his claws, massaging them slowly. He believes strongly it's the most comforting sensation he experiences as a dragon (aside from making love with you!)
Despite his imposing stature, Kirishima isn't above indulging in playful behavior with his human mate. He'll nuzzle you gently, nudging you with his snout to coax a laugh from your lips. "You're so adorable when you laugh," he rumbles, his eyes gleaming with warmth.
You're always amazed by the strength and power Kirishima possesses as a dragon, but you're even more enamored by his gentle and caring nature.
The act of grooming becomes a sacred ritual between dragon!Kirishima and you, a time for you to connect on a deeper level. As you tend to his mane and claws, he basks in your presence, cherishing the intimacy of your shared moments. "I feel so lucky to have you," he confesses, his eyes shining with affection.
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Upon reaching the den, you found Bakugo resting on a bed of soft moss, his scaled form coiled comfortably. He raised his head, crimson eyes gleaming in the fading light as he greeted you with a rumbling purr. "What took you so long, idiot?" Bakugo grumbled, though the affection in his voice was evident.
"Hey there, you big brute," you chuckled, not paying attention to his wry remark, brushing a hand against his sleek scales. "Sorry, got caught up with something. How was the hunt?"
Bakugo's expression shifted, a hint of pride flickering in his eyes. "Successful, as always, woman! What were you thinking?! Brought back enough for a feast."
Your stomach twisted at the thought of the raw, blooded meat he had to bring to his den, but before you could discuss it, you noticed something that made you pause. "Bakugo, your scales," you said, furrowing your brow. "They're covered in dirt and grime. You need to clean them."
Bakugo's gaze narrowed, a growl rumbling in his throat. "I don't need to do anything. I'm fine. I bathed in the lake."
You shook your head, undeterred. "Come on, Katsuki. You know how important it is to keep your scales clean."
He scoffed, clearly not amused by your suggestion. "I can take care of myself just fine. I don't need you nagging me about it, idiot. I don't need to be pampered like some weakling," he grumbled.
You knew how to approach his offended, grumpy ass. A mischievous glint sparked in your eyes as you crossed your arms, a smirk tugging at your lips. "Oh, really? Because I seem to recall you bragging about how you're the mightiest dragon around. Surely, the mightiest dragon can handle a little cleaning."
Bakugo's jaw clenched, irritation flashing across his features. "Fine, woman. If it'll shut you up, I'll let you clean my scales. Goddammit! I can't have a quiet moment, even in my own fucking den!"
You grinned triumphantly, knowing you had won this round. "Great! Let's get started then." As you set to work with a cloth you carried in your woolen bag, gently scrubbing away the dirt and grime from Bakugo's scales, you couldn't help but notice the way his tense muscles gradually relaxed beneath your touch. You marvel at his scales texture, smooth yet with a slight roughness. You feel the dirt and grime loosen under your touch. His scales are warm to the touch, radiating heat like the sun itself. With each stroke, you're careful not to apply too much pressure, mindful of his sensitive skin beneath.
Bakugo grumbles impatiently at first, shifting restlessly as you work.
You take your time, working methodically from one section to the next, ensuring that every inch of Bakugo's scales is cleaned to perfection. As you climb him to reach his back, you encounter a particularly stubborn patch of dirt, embedded deep between the ridges of his scales. With a determined frown, you scrub harder, eliciting a growl of discomfort from Bakugo.
"Watch it, human," he warns, his voice tinged with irritation. Yet, his initial reluctance faded, replaced by a quiet contentment as he leaned into your ministrations. "You know," Bakugo grumbled, his voice softer now, his crimson eyes closed, "this isn't as awful as I thought it would be."
Finally, after what feels like an eternity, you step back to admire your handiwork. Bakugo's orange-red scales gleam like polished emeralds in the sunlight, their vibrant hues shimmering with newfound brilliance.
Bakugo snorts in approval, a rare smile gracing his snout. "Not bad, for a human, I guess," he concedes, his tone grudgingly admiring. "Well, I guess you're not completely useless." The dragon nuzzles his snout against you affectionately.
As you curl up together in the warmth of the den, surrounded by the comforting scent of the forest and the gentle rustle of leaves outside, you can't help but feel grateful for moments like these. "I love you, my Great Explosion Murder Dragon Bakugo."
A deep rumble echoes in his chest. "I love you too, my little human."
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yanderestarangel · 10 months
A/N: This one goes out to my 3 followers who are horny fans of Kano and Erron Black <3!
TW: daddykink, semi public sex, degradation, smut, nsfw, blowjob, afab anatomy,ftm/male reader, praise, creampie, rough sex, eat out, painkink, anal sex, cunnilingus, v!sex, gun play, dom!kano, dom!erron black.
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He is a vulgar man, and this applies in bed too, he spews disgusting and extremely arousing words, fucking you until you are a dumb mess because of his dick, pulling your hair hard and not worrying if you will feel pain or not - at that moment, all that mattered was fucking your holes with all the vigor he could muster.
"You're just a hole for me to use. This is your purpose - to please me and obey me. Remember that, whore, while daddy fucks your little slutty body mercilessly."
He's so brutal as he fucks your throat, forcing you to the base of his dick, you can touch the tip of your nose to the base of his pubic hair - but don't worry, Kano takes good care of his body, oddly enough, he smells well, a strong smell of expensive, sporty, woody men's perfume is quite pleasant - he will degrade you and praise you at the same time, seeing the tears come down from your eyes with each involuntary choke because of his dick hitting the back of your throat holding your head in place while he looked you in the eyes, his bionic eye glowed even brighter with each expression of pleasure you made when sucking him, phrases like:
"You love sucking my dick don't you?"
"F-Fuuck yeah~ that's it my good boy, choke on my cock."
"That's it! Take my dick, you dirty little slut oh- fuucck yes!"
He will also spend all the money he gets just to make you as beautiful as possible for him, and also on sex toys - vibrators, dildos, special lubricants, heart-shaped plugs that he will force you to use while dating him, so preference in public after fucking your pussy and ass, inserting the butt plug into your canal still filled with his thick, hot seed, placing a collar with his name in diamonds around your neck while pulling the chain to bring you even closer of him, you moaned softly at the feeling of having the hot liquid running down your thighs, mainly because he was going to make a point of complementing the pleasurable torture, he was going to put a vibrator on your clit, watching you whimper for him, while he smiled at the pathetic mess that you where.
"Are you shaking already? Just a cute and sensitive boy isn't that love? Want me to fuck you? Then beg louder."
Kano will wait for you to beg him to fuck you in the nearest alley, while he roughly pulled you down, pulling down your panties and exposing your two needy holes for him, the mercenary didn't really care if anyone saw or not - he was just going to fuck you - He turned around slightly, eyeing your exposed pussy hungrily, as he turned off the vibrator from your clit and removed the butt plug from your body.
"That's mine now isn't it?"
the Australian man will fill you up again, taking turns with his thick cock between your cunt and ass, giving painful slaps to your skin as he watches you go weak in the knees from the brutal thrusts - ending up on your ass, while ramming his thick shaft again in your overstimulated pussy, totally dirtying your thighs, taking out his dick again and hitting his member on your sensitive flesh, laughing hoarsely when he sees you hold on to him - he will reward you later don't worry, everything you want he will buy without question and pamper you like you were royalty -
"That's my warrior, You took it all like a big boy, I'm proud of you... I knew you're mine."
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Erron is a domineering and rude man, but not evil. He wants you to make the most of it every time you two make love, he takes the phrase: "save a horse, ride the cowboy" very seriously. He wants to fuck you in every possible position... But his preference will always be "cowgirl", seeing you jumping on his dick so eagerly while trying to control himself not to let out beautiful sighs - which only you do - fills his eyes of the gunman of passion.
"I want to feel your tight little pussy milk my cock dry, my baby boy doll."
"You're a filthy whore, taking my cock so willingly... Your tight, needy pussy is made for me to fuck."
He also likes to see you riding on his face, with his tongue fucking your pussy with all his hunger, the cowboy will make you roll in his mouth - grabbing your hips while placing you even closer to him, doing a provocative cunnilingus while watching you whining for more of him, pulling on his hat while - Erron's scruffy beard tickled your thighs, leaving a trail of juices, he also loves dirty talk, talking about how he missed you throughout the day, how he masturbated thinking about you, while bringing you even closer to him.
"I've fantasized about you, imagined fucking you until you're a moaning mess."
Erron also likes gun play - I think that's obvious - mainly, when you make him jealous on purpose, he will obviously unload the pistol, but he will use the cold, icy barrel to tease your skin, the gun inside your shorts, pressing it against your delicate flesh. It was a shocking and exhilarating sensation - one that made you feel excited, very... Excited.
"No one else can satisfy you like I can... You really like playing with fire, don't you pretty boy?" He continued to rub the gun against your pussy, you found yourself getting wetter and wetter, lightly slapping material on your clit - he will end up fucking you, making a creampie in your pussy while slapping you hard on the face, telling you that you were just his.
Aside from the occasional rough sex, Erron likes to be softer too. Fucking you sweetly on a rainy and tiring day, after a risky mission, holding hands with you looking straight into your eyes as he absorbed every reaction you made to him slowly fucking you - he loves being called "my cowboy" by you, you can see the small smile that forms on his lips, as the older man grabs you by the hips, massaging your breasts, sucking the creamy flesh while leaving small marks.
"I really love you baby...Fuck...Be a good boy and take all of this old cowboy's seed right here in this pretty pussy ok?"
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wolfiesmoon · 10 months
The aquamarine umbrella
duke!neuvillette x dutchess!reader
i have been consuming too much manhwa and too much neuvillette brainrot so this farted out my brain in approximately 4 hours (i know)
also it just so happens to be my first time whipping out my poetic writing side so that means it was written in my native language and then translated into eng because english vocab is scary ( T﹏T )
also you won't guess.... genshin debut!!! 😘😘😘😘😘
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What happens when fate doesn't favour you? When you have to leave the place you once called home because of things beyond your authority?
You are sent to an unknown land in a decorated carriage and into the arms not of a Lord mysterious to all. Well, he is not a complete stranger to you, but the name 'Neuvillette' is not quite a sufficient description of his personality.
The closer you get to his estate, the more you realise your helplessness. As the daughter of an unfavoured duke in your country, you have been chosen for this unfortunate marriage. When father called you into his office, you did not expect his grim face. Or the news that you were to recieve on that fateful day.
So, fate decided to marry you to the heartless dragon of the waters, Neuvillette. Neuvillette is a bit... mysterious among the upper class. You only hear horrible but unconfirmed stories about him. But if there are so many, there's a good chance that at least one of them is true. He didn't even show up at the wedding ceremony, so you can only imagine his appearance.
Neither fierce anger nor the shedding of tears has solved your situation. It's not fair that you can just be sold around like property if you're a woman. But you also know that the King would have you executed if you opposed him. Maybe that would even be better.
You can just clutch the big, heavy bracelet around your neck, made of beautiful sparkling diamonds, and hope that the sky above you is full of stars for a few more years. That you will feel the satin covers under you when you wake up, that you will see the sunset every night.
These little things that you used to take for granted now threaten you with an eternal goodbye.
You should smile right now. Smile and look out of the beautifully decorated window of your carriage and wave at the people of his estate who wave back cheerfully in your direction.
His people do not look miserable. The houses are beautifully built and the smiles on the children's faces bring tears of happiness to your eyes. At least that can comfort you.
There are also small creatures waving at you which remind you of deer. You have never seen anything like them before in your life. You have only seen dead deer after a successful hunting trip from brother. You have always felt a little sorry for them.
They were probably happy in nature, surrounded by clear water, lush trees and the soothing chirping of birds. And in one moment, it all ends.
Perhaps now you understand how a deer feels.
Before you can think too much about the deer-like girls, the coachman is holding out his hand for you to get out of the carriage.
Fate has brought you in front of his castle. From inside, you can hear the soothing sound of water. How familiar.
With every step, the click of your heels can be heard echoing through the great hall. The maids bow to you, standing in a row. The interior of the castle is beautiful. You feel as if you are a small pebble in a bubbling brook, and everything around you sparkles.
Suddenly you hear your own name echoing around the hall. You look up and see him for the first time.
And oh, what a sight he is.
Eyes that sparkle like polished lapis lazuli jewels. Long white hair that looks like pristine silk. A hardened, blank face that holds no forgiveness. Is this what a dragon is supposed to look like?
You bow to him quickly. If you really don't want to become like a deer, it's better to be polite and obedient. Obedience is something that is implanted in you as a young duchess. It is all you've ever known. Quite unfortunate, is it not?
"Welcome to my estate. You probably know me already, but I politely ask you to refer to me by my surname. Since exactly one month ago, we are husband and wife by law. I hope you had a safe journey here." He greeted you formally. You also realised that he called you by your father's surname. Since you are his wife, you are now a Neuvillette. How odd.
It takes you a few seconds to collect yourself and answer him. "It is nice to be here."
The answer is quite modest, just as is expected from someone like you.
"Please take her to her room. I can't assure you that I'll always be here if concerns arise, but if you have any at all, you may consult me about it. I hope you sleep soundly tonight."
And so he disappeared down the beautiful blue corridor, leaving you with only the maids who, at his command, showed you the way to your chambers.
Your bed chamber is also a beautiful blue colour. He seems to have a liking for the color blue.
The sky is already turning red, dusk is approaching and with it your first night in your new home. Tonight you can see the sunset. The maids leave you alone, and you immediately lean against the window. Even though you can't see them yet, you are already asking the stars to forgive you. That you will never take anything for granted, as long as they shine. Then everything will be all right.
"How do you feel? I hope the food is to your tastes." Your husband suddenly speaks. He is sitting across the large dining table, but dishes are only placed on your side.
"Everything is fine." You hesitate for a few seconds, wondering if you should bring up your concern. "...B-But, why aren't you eating anything?" you quickly grab a decorated glass and take a big sip of water to fill the awkwardness.
"Human food mostly doesn't interest me, unless it has a large percentage of water. Simple water is more suited to my tastes." His answer is simple, but it doesn't surprise you. He is the hydro dragon, after all. Although you keep forgetting that, because he looks about the same as a human.
"Ah, so... Can.... can you tell me a little about yourself?" you hope you don't sound traitorous or as if you suspect him. So far he's been nothing but polite to you. But what do you know... it's always good to be sure.
"You look like you're guilty of something. I know that look well."
Before you have time to answer, he's already talking. Thank God.
"I don't know what exactly about me you're interested in. But I assume you already know some things about me. For purely impersonal reasons, I can already tell you that in all probability we will never know each other well." These words glue your eyes to his. You don't know exactly what it is, but there is an emotion behind them that is unknown to you. One that makes your chest feel tight.
"I am my land's ludex, not just its ruler. The chief of justice, if you will. I create and oversee laws and hold trials for the accused. I do not doubt you, believe me. But it is best if we keep a distance in between us. Impartiality is the primary virtue of a judge." He explained, eyes closed.
You don't know exactly why, but his words make your heart ache. You don't even know him, and he hasn't cruelly rejected you, but as a little girl you always read fairy tales about love, where a boy and a girl love each other for all eternity. No, since when are you so selfish?! Be happy that he doesn't beat you.
A sad reality many noblewomen in arranged marriages face.
"Ah, I see."
The rest of breakfast was spent in a kind of suffocating silence. You didn't know where to look. Perhaps this accident is suited to you, because nothing comes from nothing.
"It's raining today." The maid gently reminds you as she puts a necklace around your neck. You've never been particularly happy about rainy days, especially because of mother. She always made you wear brightly coloured dresses and would get yell at you late into the evening if you came inside with mud on the bottom of your dress.
And she didn't like it if you got wet, either. To you, rain is an inconvenience that occurs every now and then. Since you came here, you rarely get to see your husband. But his beautiful long hair reminds you of the white silk covers on your bed, and his blue eyes remind you of the diamond in your ring. That much hasn't changed.
You have a tradition of walking through the town every day and greeting people. Your parents made you stop doing this when you were a little girl, because "it is outrageous for the duchy to talk to the townspeople and peasants."
But now that you are Lady Neuvillette, that is no longer the case. You haven't had a chance to ask Neuvillette if you have permission to do so, but so far he hasn't said anything, so you think he doesn't mind.
You are very glad that he is a good man.
You have also made friends with the deer-like creatures, or rather the Melusines. You met one while on a walk and she seemed delighted to see you. After a while, the Melusines showed you their artwork and their cuisine. You thought it was strange, but you were happy to see your new friend's culture nonetheless.
Sometimes they tell you that they notice you immediately when you go out for a walk.
And today is no different. Even if it's a rainy day, the walk has become important for you, for the Melusines and for the people of his estate. The children who sometimes bring you freshly picked flowers make your heart swell.
The maids hand you an aquamarine umbrella, decorated with lace, in your hands at the entrance. It will do nicely.
You wave to the local children on your walk, say hello to the Melusines you meet on the way, and decide to visit a small waterfall in the area before returning. It's not the sunniest of days, but it's still a day to experience. And long ago, you promised the stars that you would look forward to every day.
But you notice something interesting by the waterfall. The closer and closer you get, the clearer this thing becomes. It's not a thing, it's your husband!
He's standing in the rain without an umbrella with a peaceful expression on his face. It is as if he is relieved of all pain. You are tempted to go to him and at the same time you want to leave him alone. You stand in the rain for a few seconds, but finally hear your heart calling you to him.
He notices you and greets you calmly. You stand next to him and watch the water bounce down the little river that flows under the waterfall.
"I'm sorry I don't come to see you as much as I would like. As my wife, you are my responsibility." As soon as he says it, you start defending him. You know how busy leading a fief can leave you. You've already got used to your new life, so there's really no need for him to worry.
"The Melusines tell me a lot about you."
"Really?!" You knew that the Melusines liked Neuvillette, but you didn't know that they also shared things about you to him.
"Really. Thank you for being so kind to them. Melusines are... important to me." His smile made you a little jealous. It's nothing, he knows Melusines better than you anyways. And the agreement still stands.
"You really like the rain, don't you?" you commented, looking at his peaceful face once again.
"Yes, really. The rain is beautiful." His eyes meet yours, and behind them there is undoubtedly a gleam of joy. And it stirs something new in you. You are not a deer. At least not here.
You don't know why, but suddenly you're holding his hand instead of your aquamarine umbrella and you're getting soaked by the rain.
He looks at you with surprise on his face, as if he never expected this to happen.
"Does it bother you?" you ask him, worried he doesn't like it.
"Not really. Feel free to hold my hand whenever you wish. You are my wife."
A comfortable silence fills the air, with only the sounds of the waterfall and the rain to accompany your thoughts.
What's a young lady to do with her heart if fate decides that she should fall in love with her distant husband?
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blackfeather96 · 6 months
Songs that remind me of One Piece ships and why.
Lets start with:
Luffy x Boa - Addicted to you by Avicii
I think this songs describes Boa's obsession with luffy very well.
"You came into my crazy world Like a cool and cleansing wave Before I, I knew what hit me, baby You were flowing through my veins"
What can she do? It's Luffy :D
Sanji x Pudding - Stereo Love by Edward Maya and Vika Jigulina.
This song describes a bit the pain that Sanji went trough in Whole Cake Island, with Pudding's lies, yet he still tried to make it work. :(
"I can fix all those lies But baby, when I run, I'm running to you You won't see me cry, I'm hiding inside My heart is in pain but I'm smiling for you"
Usopp x Kaya - If you're not the one by Daniel Bedingfield.
Because in my heart, Usopp thinks about Kaya every sigle day and he loves her.
'Cause I miss you, body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away And I breathe you into my heart and Pray for the strength to stand today 'Cause I love you, whether it's wrong or right And though I can't be with you tonight You know my heart is by your side"
Robin x Law - Mirrors by Justin Timberlake.
Because of their similar past and personality. They have been trough a lot of pain, but Robin was healed in a way that Law wasn't yet, and In my delulu mind she can heal him.
"It's like you're my mirror My mirror staring back at me I couldn't get any bigger With anyone else beside me And now it's clear as this promise That we're making two reflections into one 'Cause it's like you're my mirror My mirror staring back at me Staring back at me"
Zoro x Tashigi - Another Love by Tom Odell.
Because the main reason why people ship them, is because zoro finds tashigi similar to Kuina, and it doesn't matter how their relationship will develop tbh, I think he will always see her as someone similar to Kuina.
"I wanna sing a song that'd be just ours But I sang 'em all to another heart And I wanna cry, I wanna fall in love But all my tears have been used up
On another love, another love All my tears have been used up On another love, another love"
Franky x Robin - We found love by Rihanna.
Because they met on a sea train on the way for their execution, and they did have some great moments there :)
"Yellow diamonds in the light Now we're standing side by side As your shadow crosses mine What it takes to come alive
It's the way I'm feeling I just can't deny But I've gotta let it go
We found love in a hopeless place"
Nami x Luffy - Believer by Imagine Dragons.
Because she was broken, but he made her a believer.
"I was broken from a young age Taking my sulking to the masses Writing my poems for the few That look at me, took to me, shook to me, feeling me Singing from heartache from the pain Taking my message from the veins Speaking my lesson from the brain Seeing the beauty through the...
Pain! You made me a, you made me a believer, believer"
Ace x Yamato - Thousand Years by Christina Perri.
Because Yamato was waiting for Ace to return, and he would still be waiting...
"I have died every day waiting for you Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more"
Zoro x Sanji - One more night by Maroon 5.
Because they are always fighting :D If they are a thing, this is their song.
"You and I go hard At each other like we're going to war You and I go rough We keep throwing things and slamming the doors You and I get so damn dysfunctional we stop keeping score You and I get sick Yeah, I know that we can't do this no more, yeah
But baby, there you go again, there you go again making me love you Yeah, I stopped using my head, using my head"
Sanji x Nami - What are words by Chris Medina.
Because it doesn't matter where, when or how. Sanji will Always be there for nami.
"Anywhere you are, I am near Anywhere you go, I'll be there Anytime you whisper my name, you'll see How every single promise I'll keep 'Cause what kind of guy would I be If I was to leave when you need me most"
Zoro x Robin - She's crazy but she's mine by Alex Sparrow.
Because she's crazy, and he always saves her when she's in danger.
"The kinda girl who really loves to dance She loves to mess around with her friends Wanna know her now, wanna love her now I wanna make her be my girl She likes to give a smile to every stranger She loves to get her ass in any danger Wanna love her now, wanna love her now I wanna make her be my girl"
Hiyori x Zoro - Make you feel my love by Adele.
Because she fell in love for him in Wano and was always worried about him and took care of him when he was hurt, but he had to leave.
"When the rain is blowing in your face And the whole world is on your case I could offer you a warm embrace To make you feel my love
When the evening shadows and the stars appear And there is no one there to dry your tears I could hold you for a million years To make you feel my love
I know you haven't made your mind up yet But I will never do you wrong I've known it from the moment that we met No doubt in my mind where you belong"
Koala x Sabo - Can't help falling In love by Elvis Presley.
It's a simple yet beautiful song, as we haven't seen much about them, but I do think Koala couldn't help but falling in love with sabo. :)
"Take my hand Take my whole life, too For I can't help falling in love with you"
I probably forgot a lot of popular ships, tell me what you'd like me to write about next! Don't forget to give me your opinion and other songs for this ships!
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Ninjago plots but written in the most questionable way possible. Inspired by a post I made earlier lol
In order ✨
(Tw, a lot of implied themes that could set off triggers)
Old man tells you you’re special and takes you to his house to meet other special teens
Four men fight over a onesie
Child is trained to fight his dad
AI Satan is defeated by autistic AI
Old guy makes special people fight for entertainment (gone wild)
Emo steals the body of a child to get a diamond
Pirate from ancient times needs to marry a teenager for power
Twins steal Steve Jobs and make him invent time travel
Princess turns main characters dad into a zombie
Four teenagers raise a baby while being hunted by Trad goths
Zombie warns his son of doomsday and it happens
Old man screwed over a snake as a child so she banishes his adoptive son
Scroll convinces teenager to start a genocide
Video game got too immersive then got daddy issues
Evil king enslaves trolls in the middle of their race war
30 year old man tricks natives into human sacrifice
Power hungry octopus decides to enslave a god, prompting a teenage girl to become water
Satan revives the dead princess tries to turn everyone into zombies, prompting a zombie and his son to become demons to stop him
Evil queen needs to kill dragons to power her city, then tries to tear apart reality
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 7 months
What are your opinions on each of the songs? (you can answer with as much or as little detail as you'd like)
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Big shocker that the songs from the 2 good episodes are in S and the only one that isn’t is still B tier/sar
The first 2 songs in S made me either tear up/shake violently or cry, and therefore they deserve to be up there IMO. Out for love is also just genuinely catchy and had actual build up to it. Also God “Ready for This” just. OOUGGGHHH IT SCRATCHES MY BRAIN SO GOOD LIKE A WARRIOR CATS MAP. I like it a lot. You cant have multiple characters sing about working together and expect me to NOT cry.
“Stayed Gone” isn’t one I listen to often but it’s so peppy and fast and full of hatred I can’t help but enjoy it. Also everytime the song starts my brain does this
I dont know anything about Welcome Home
I have. Issues. With “Loser, Baby” but aside from those the song holds a lot more weight to it than I usually give it credit for. And for as cheesy as the start if it is, the line before of Angel talking about self destructing resonates with me a lot. Also Husk lays down in a puddle of vomit and no one talks about that ever.
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I think the first song in B is “Happy Day in Hell” and I’m adding it there 1. Because it is the first song 2. It gets a reprise thing 3. Charlie almost gets hit by a truck. Other than that it’s not really my favourite but I respect the impact it has.
“Hell is Forever” just fucks. End of story. Alex Brightman killed it.
“Respectless” is good I love Velvette’s VA, but the sudden start of the song and the ending are so out of left field the first time me and my friends watched this show we had to pause cause we lost our fucking minds. Could’ve been better but I’d listen to it again, yeah.
“Hell’s Greatest Dad” is silly and funny and maybe I’m biased as a violin player and jazz enjoyer but a lot of the instrumental tickles my brain so nicely. I will say though it confuses me so much because why does Alastor care about being seen as a father figure?? My mom said it could just be him wanting to show up Lucifer and that’s it but I dunno.
“More than Anything (Reprise)” AKA “Charlie and Veggie Kiss Scene - Hazbin Hotel”
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This song sounds like it’s straight out of Barbie & Th Diamond Castle and I’m honestly pissed the girls in the movie didn’t kiss so I’m coping with this. ALSO THE FACT ITS A REPRISED SONG ABOUT LOVE MAKES ME A BIT CRAZY. I never noticed this was the same song Lucifer sang to Charlie SOMEHOW but that’s actually really cute.
“It Starts With Sorry” Has a big part in Sir Pentious’s character growth and just his character in general. I’ve been working on this in my Pentious rant but I never see people mention how much this song probably meant to him. Yeah it’s super corny, but he was fully expecting to be killed and had just been told to kill himself. This was definitely huge for him and I’m not gonna be convinced otherwise.
“You Didn’t Know” is really good but Lute’s part is by far the best and I pray to GOD she gets her own song in S2 her voice actor can SING. GODDAMN! I am very interested in Lute’s character development and I love seeing what people do with close-minded characters like that and hopefully Vivzie doesn’t condemn her to Vivziepop Woman Syndrome. If she isn’t important in S2 I’m going to be pissed but I dunno maybe S3 if we get one.
“More Than Anything” Wish my dad was like this! This song is incredibly sweet and I appreciate it a lot. Honestly might go way higher on the list if I keep thinking about it.
“Whatever It Takes” Sorry you will never be Imagine Dragons. Vaggie doesn’t sound anything like herself cause her VA is making her voice so much more gruff for her character, which is fine! I like her voice (the voice direction is not very good but I digress) it’s just her voice is so high in this I can’t even tell it’s Vaggie.
“Welcome to Heaven” is boring, but we got a Molly cameo!
“Poison”. Read this and this and this. -10/10. I’d rather make out violently with Elon Musk.
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tragedyofdevotion · 9 months
Tick tock tick tock
You heard the clock ticking from somewhere. And lately you had come to like hearing it's sound.
It would probably be a grandfather clock, you imagine. Its body would have been made by some expensive hardwood you would not know the name of. And its pendulum would be in the brilliant color of gold.
You felt something akin to camaraderie to the clock you had never seen which probably stood at the end of the hallway outside your room. It was probably the only existence, living or not, which received your affection in this castle.
The reason for you liking it was as follows: Since you could hear its sound without fail while you were staying in this room which is all the time, it would not have move at all from wherever its place had been since day one.
In a way, it made the clock in a similar situation as you in that both you and the clock did not have the strength and ability to gain freedom and to move around as your heart desired.
Did thinking such foolish things mean you were finally going crazy? It was only natural that a clock did not move from its spot. It is only a thing.
Perhaps you were being thought of in the same way by the master of the castle. You must also be one of the many treasurable things he owned.
And being the dragon, he sure did like taking care of his things as well as protecting them from those filthy thieves who would surely steal them away from him.
Yes, he did protect you from outside; his anger was unforgiving as he cast his magnificent magic to your friends who tried to take you back, against your pleas to please.... PLEASE.... spare them.
That caused quite an uproar... No, an uproar would be understatement as it ended the peace that was finally attained between humans and faes.
Your friends, silly and chaotic as they were, still regarded as hope for the future being the students of the top magician school. Among them, there were also students who were particular excellent at their respective subject.
And, being princes or rich kids or influential people in one way or the other, they tried to take their prefect back using any mean necessary. Your teachers, unable to look away from their student's abuse towards their self proclaimed adopted child, also participated with your friends' mission.
One thing led to the other, and there came a war which was torn between the faes and all other species not faes, which included merman and human and beastman and all others.
You can't fathom why NRC was called a villain school when the students and teachers there could risk everything thing to save a single friend of theirs. Or maybe their willingness to risk everything for someone they hold dear was a sin. But if that was so, you would take the punishment for them since they were pushed to the extreme because of you.
However, een though they had the determination that could even rival the toughest of diamond, their strength was nothing that could ever hope to compare to the faes nor Malleus himself, which was why they failed... and they failed miserably.
And the dragon, the steadfast and devoted as he was, did not have the merciful heart to be lenient to the thieves.
That day, you cried. Not only that day but also the next day and next week and next month and next... and next... and next... and next.... You cried.
You thought that you were going crazy from the agony burning within your heart. But it is only natural since you had lost everything... everyone you knew and loved in this world.
Except for the fae and his companions, of course.
And yes, he did take care of you; his touch was feather-like as his fingers move across your cheeks to wipe away the tears he himself has caused.
But it was a shame for him that your hatred was not so insignificant for you to become delusional and dependent.
And it is a shame for you that your hatred is not so useful for you to take revenge from him when the difference in strength is like the heaven and earth.
But then again, it was already as clear as day that you can't ever hope to damage him, not when none of your brilliant friends managed to do so.
The sound rang from the door.
You ignored it, knowing that the door would open regardless. And as your prediction, it did open.
"My dearest, how have you been doing? I heard from Sebek that you would not be having today's breakfast. So, I got worried and came."
You ignored him again for it took too much energy to speak to someone, especially your kidnapper.
He also ignored your lack of response to take your hand in his and sit down next to you on the couch, which sunk lower due to the additional weight of the person.
"You have to take theee meals a day properly or it will damage your health," the man said as he looked into your face which was looking down the patterns on the carpet.
"Don't worry, I am not planning to starve myself to death. I know it won't work now that I have been changed into a monster like you."
No matter, how much you wished, starvation won't grant you the merciful death anymore.
Yes, you have changed... you have been changed... into a fae, an all mighty species which ruled over all other species after the war. You did not know what he did or how he did it, you heard piece and piece from his aide vampire that it was a forbidden procedure even among the faes and you should be grateful for the dragon's kindness to risk it for you. And you replied, to hell with that.
"I am not going on a hunger strike, I just don't have an appetite. So, don't try to force anything down my throat like before. I will puke everything back," you added, remembering the past experiences.
"I understand. But... My queen, please make sure to eat your lunch. I am worried about you."
You were getting annoyed at his useless chattering so you said, "Stop with the prelude. Do what you have to do."
You lived in the upper most room in the highest tower which was located in the left wing of the castle. The tower was totally isolated from all other attendence except from Malleus himself, his most trusted aide, Lillia, and a very professionalist middle age maid who have never spoken a word to you but reported every single detail of your life to Sebek who then reported back to Malleus.
It seemed that it was quite inconvenient for your kidnapper to come and go from his official quarters to your room every day. So, he worked at the right wing for some days (usually takes for one to two weeks). And once his work has calmed a little, he come back to this tower and stay shut in for a few days (usually around 3 to 4 days), doing nothing but sleeping with you.
When he was done with you, you were left bruised and broken, wondering how great it will be if you were to drift into unconscious world of dreams and never wake up again.
Even though your title was that of a queen, with chains from your leg and locks on the door, you felt like it would be more accurate to call you a slave, a sex slave, kept there for your master to use as he please.
You found him so repulsive and it made you feel disgusted with yourself to be touched by him. In the days after he left, you washed yourself with whatever soap you could find to rinse your body off his presence until your skin was all dry and red and the maid had to drag you out from the bathroom.
Your wondering was brought back to present by the man beside you.
"Today... I did not come here to...," he stopped. Probably because he is reluctant to say "to fuck you."
You snorted with laughter in your mind, the contradictory that he was not reluctant to fuck you but was reluctant to say the word seemed so comical.
"I have a present for you." He said and commanded, "come in," probably to the maid standing outside the room.
The maid came in with a small cage in her hand. She then opened the cage and from there, came out a small cat, its fur of the color white and its eyes of the color blue.
"I wanted to give you a present for our 100 years anniversary. I discussed with Lillia and he suggested that it would be a great idea to give you a pet to take care of. It will soothe your loneliness for when I am not able to come here."
Ah, so it has been 100 years since you have been confined here. You have given up on counting days so you didn't realize. It would also mean that your friends died around 99 years ago.
"Malleus," you called his name for the first time in a long time, and asked, "Do you really think that I would be happy confining a living being's life in this room when I myself am also in the same situation?"
That was not sarcasm like usual, it was a genuine question because you really did not understand what he was thinking.
"And is there any grantee that you would not erase the cat when I spent too much time taking care of it? And even if you did not, did you seriously think I would suddenly become so cheerful and jolly just because of a single cat? And most important of all, did you think I would miss you when you are not here? Are you that delusional? The most it would do is remind me of Grim due to its blue eyes and make me hate you more if that is even possible."
You sighed to keep stop yourself from pouncing at him and stabbing his eye with your hair pin because it would not be effective to him.
"Just take it away. And I never want to see it again. And remember, no matter what you do or how much time has passed, I will never forget what you did not I will never ever forgive you."
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goingmerryied · 6 months
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The Pirate who Loved Me- Chapter 1
Bridgerton kind of meets One Piece in this.
Summary: (Y/N) grew up in a noble home and island. Her family were members of high class, and were invited to lavish parties thrown by the highest members of society. Although she was raised to be a proper woman, she always longed for something more in life. At the age of 18, she is now ready to enter the social season and her father is to find her a suitable husband much to her dismay.
That same season, a group of rookie pirates in a submarine land on the noble island to secure funds and supplies for their next adventure.
*3 years before Luffy sets out on his adventure*
Pairing: Trafalgar D. Law x reader
Warnings: MDNI, 18+ explicit sexual themes, Teasing, Dom Trafalgar D. Water Law, Vaginal Fingering, Penis in Vagina Sex, Unprotected Sex, (Be Safe Out There), Multiple Orgasms, Rough Sex, Creampie, Pet Names, Overstimulation, Biting, Bruises, Hair-Pulling, Aftercare
I do not own the rights to Bridgerton and One Piece
"My Lady, per your mother's orders we must fit the corset as tight as possible."
"Until I can't breathe?" I snap back as my lady's maid Lana as she fastens the strings to the corset that will keep me entrapped under the elegant dress my mother had fashioned for me. She was obsessed with the fabric once the designer had drawn her eye to it. It was a gold silk gown that was lined with gold beads.  My necklace was a line of gold bows that were mixed with the finest diamonds. My hair was placed up with a feather attached to the top which made me feel absolutely ridiculous. It was beautiful but it was not me.
My breathing continued to hitch as Lana tugged and tightened the corset. A brief knock and my door opening stopped us both as my mother walked in. She looked me up and down as tears began to form in her eyes. I mentally groan as she observed me as if I were her prized pig that she had raised for the past 18 years.
"Oh my darling you look absolutely stunning!" She exclaimed and tears spilled down her face. I gave her as a big a smile as I can muster but deep down I resented her for this. How could she be okay with marrying her daughter off to a complete stranger? How could she allow her husband to find a match that would better the family's image rather than ensure the happiness of her own daughter?
"You are going to find a husband in no time there's no doubt about it. You're father is not going to have any trouble securing your match once the rest of the nobles lay eyes on you. I'm sure of it. Your beauty is unmatched compared to the other ladies this season. I'm so glad to have bred a beautiful daughter " She exclaimed. I felt sick to my stomach.
"Mother you act as if I'm getting married today," I say as Lana tied the knot to hold the restrictive undergarment. She walked to the closet to pull out the dress I was to wear to be shown off to the Queen of our tiny island. God, Sabo, Ace and Luffy would be mortified to know that I was still trapped on this island, following the traditional noble values, but it was for their safety.
When mine and Sabo's parents had found our whereabouts in the forest with Ace and Luffy 8 years ago, we were both forced back to our lives as nobles. We were also under a very watchful eye, I more so than Sabo. However, he still managed to flee from his babysitter, but that only ended in tragedy for him and heartbreak for Ace, Luffy and I.
After the celestial dragon destroyed Sabo's ship, I was able to run from my bodyguard in order to find Ace and Luffy but my parent's guards were much quicker in finding me. My parents were beyond furious at my attempt of another escape, so much so they locked me away in my room, training me to be a proper wife until I turned 18 and was ready to be presented for the social season. During that time, I was given the news that Gray Terminal was set a blaze leaving me to believe that Ace and Luffy were also gone.
It wasn't until years later that I saw a wanted poster of Ace, I cried with joy knowing that he was out living his dream. He was free. He was living the life he wanted, his dreams of becoming pirates stayed alive. Now I could only hope that Luffy would do the same if he was alive.
I on the other hand played the role of the perfect daughter, entrapped in her room and being trained to obey the man that I would call my husband. I fought back as much as I could but it would only lead to nights without dinners and harsh slaps to the face from both my mother and father. Then a month after my 18th birthday came a night were I decided I would make my escape, the security guard on post fell asleep and I saw an opportunity to finally leave this god forsaken island.
I grabbed whatever supplies I deemed necessary and made it all the way to the dock. I was to take my father's fishing boat and find a way to maneuver it. Dangerous I know but I couldn't take it anymore. Just as I was getting ready to push the small boat from the dock I heard the footsteps. Multiple footsteps heading my way, I then heard the guns being raised towards me.
"Did you really think you would be able to get away so easily (Y/N)?" My father was beyond livid when I looked into his eyes.
"I thought you had broken this habit but it seems you were just trying to deceive us so you could run away to be with that criminal." I knew he was talking about Ace. I would join his crew in a heartbeat if I had found him but now I would never get the chance to. I stumbled as the boat was pulled back to the dock and I began to get as far away as I could from my father. However he had harshly grabbed my arm and yanked me out of the boat.
"Grab whatever supplies she stole and bring them back to our home." He stated as he pushed her into the carriage.
"I've had enough of these games (Y/N). You are not to leave the house unless you are chaperoned by your mother, lady's maid or I. You are not to leave your room unless your mother or I allow it. You are only allowed to speak with staff. If you as so much try to step foot outside your room, I will have Marine admirals chase down your little friend and have him killed with his head brought to us on a platter. Are we clear?"
The hatred I had for my father that night continues to find new ways to spread through me. I was ashamed to be his daughter. How could he threaten my brother like that? How could I leave knowing I would put his life in danger?
"Yes, Lana?" I respond as I'm brought back from my thoughts.
"Your parents are waiting for you downstairs."
"Of course they are. We should not keep them waiting then." I say.
Lana held the back of my dress as I walked carefully down the stairs. My mother and father waiting at the bottom as each step got heavier as I walked.
"My darling daughter, I'm so glad you finally came to your senses" my father say as he meets me at the foot of the stairs and holds his elbow out for me to take. I grimace and hook my arm into his as he escorts me to the carriage, my mother following close behind.
"No funny business (Y/N), you'll soon be out of our household with your new husband, but I'll still keep a close eye on you. Remember what I said."
"I wouldn't ever dream of running away again father, it was foolish of me to try." I say but he sees straight through my bullshit.
"Very well then. Off we go."
The carriage ride to the royal palace was short and hot. I felt as if the dress would melt of my skin as the sun turned the small box into an oven. My fan could only do so much to keep me from sweating while my father had sweated through his coat. Bad day to wear blue old man. It was ridiculous that Goa Kingdom kept up with present day hygiene but couldn't bother to add air conditioning to their must have carriages. They liked to stay in a regency style era to make their island more appealing, all the more reason to run to the hills from this place.
We soon arrived at the palace and although I was ready to jump out of the carriage, I, a proper lady had to wait for her lordship to exit before she is to exit. As my father exit he turned and held his hand out for me to take. I don't wait a second longer before I'm clambering out of the wheeled oven before I began to overcook. The cool breeze hits my skin and I relish in it. I begin to look around at all the other ladies that are to be introduced. They all seemed happy and were shaking from excitement, I on the other hand felt my corset getting even tighter and my lungs struggling to intake oxygen. I see many of the men who are here looking for wives this season and none of them are charmers.
"There's a an abundance of excellent men to pick out for you dear. Don't worry we'll secure you the perfect match" says my mother as she exits behind me. We begin to follow the crowd towards the entrance, as we enter my mother and I are separated into a room where all the other ladies who are to be introduced are.
"Mother, I need a drink." I say as I begin to get warm again.
"Don't wander too far dear, the procession shall start soon." I nod and make my way over the refreshment table. There are two male staff members behind who are oddly arguing with each other. Generally royal staff are as quiet and still as can be. Simply staring straight as they serve guests. However these two are whispering in hushed tones as I approach them. They both look up as I make it to the table.
"Wow pretty girl." The orange haired one looks at me dumbfounded as the other one nudges him. I giggle as the other one smiles.
"Excuse him miss, what can I get for you?" He asks.
"Lemonade please." I respond.
He begins to pour the drink as his friend continues to burn holes into my face.
"Is your friend alright, he seems to be drooling a bit." I ask
"He's fine, he's just feeling the effects of the heat."
"I don't blame him if I could I would take this dress off entirely and let the breeze cool me down."
Just as I said that the orange man hair mouth hangs open and blood begins to pour down his nose. His friend pinches his own nose and pushes him towards the bathroom.
"Is there a problem here?" A man with raven black hair that run down the side of his face asks. His grey eyes are somehow bright as dull as they are but hold a serious demeanor behind them.
"This young woman was just looking for a refreshment sir. Shachi on the other hand is feeling a bit sick due to the warmth and the crowd beginning to grow."
"You should have him take a minor break sir. It is a bit hot, I was just telling them that I myself am sweltering with all the layers on. I can only imagine how you all feel." I reason with him, he was handsome indeed. I could see tattoos peeking from his chest that he tried to hide with the uniform but failing.
"Noted ma'am. I'll be sure to have a doctor check on him. Penguin continue serving the guests."
"(Y/N) it's time!" I can hear my mother yell. I take a deep breath and down my lemonade in one go. When I look back up and see the staff member eyeing me in shock.
"Ma'am I can assure you that you'll be able to find an adequate match." He says amused.
"What if I don't want an adequate match?" I whisper but he hears.
"A noble woman not wanting to marry into another wealthy family that's a first."
"This noble woman wishes she were never weathly in the first place. I want to be free of this life but I can't."
"Sure you can."
"I'm sure that's easier for you to say Mr..."
"Law. Just call me Law."
"Nice to meet you Law, I'm (Y/N) (L/N). You know I find this whole ordeal a bit odd. Royal staff members aren't usually this talkative, mainly due to fear of punishment from the royal family." I say looking around to see if anyone has taken notice of our small conversation, but everyone is concerned about their presentation to the Queen.
"Let's just say I'm allowed to break the rules a bit as these guy's boss." He smiles a bit and looks me up and down. I hate to say it but I grow a bit insecure under his gaze, my breath hitches but not because of the corset but the way his grey eyes analyze my features right before me.
"(Y/N)! Pardon us sir but we must get going now for my daughter's presentation."
"Of course, apologies my lady." He answers, I look back to him and he gives me a nod and smile. I felt my breath hitch as I smile back at the mysterious staff member. If only he were one of my options, I would accept his courtship almost immediately with or without my parent's approval. However I can't be so ridiculous I've only met the man, yet his are like staring deep into a clouded sky. There's beauty and there's mystery behind them that I would like to know more about.
The staff begins to take our names and we are lined up to make our debut, i feel my hands begin to shake. It's becoming real now, the fact that I may never get to have my freedom. My chest begins to cave in itself and my mother grips my arm tighter as to reassure me. However this only make me angrier with her, I want to cry, but I can't. We are third to walk and it will be over much faster than I believe it to be. At least that's what I keep telling myself.
The door opens and the first pair go, I can see the queen awaiting at the end of the procession to see who is being presented this season. The queen is famous for choosing one special person to be her diamond. The diamond is what every lady who begins her courtship wants to be. She is to have the first eyes of all the bachelors and is usually the first off the market. She is also the most beautiful lady in the Queen's eye. Once she picks her diamond, she'll generally call off the rest of the procession as there is nothing more to look for. However I do not have the luck of being in the crowd that is called off as I am in the first three.
Before I know it, my mother and I are next to walk. We take our places at doors and wait for the footman to announce us.
"Just smile dear and remember to bow to the queen. All eyes are on you know?"
That last sentence didn't calm me at all. I would rather not have eyes on me.
"Presented by her mother Viscountess Eleanor (L/N)."
Here goes nothing, to calm my nerves I think about Ace, Sabo and Luffy. They would be dying of laughter seeing me so dressed up, and walking oh so elegantly to the Queen of Goa Kingdom. The thought alone brings a smile to my face which I'm sure makes my parents happy. I began to look around at all the guests in attendance. My father content with how I am behaving. I move my head slightly to the right and catch grey eyes once more. He's looking at me and nods once more as encouraging me. As if I'm doing just fine yet I was anything but fine.  As we reach the end my mother and I both bow. I then see the Queen's dress move and she begins to descend down. She places her gloved hand under my chin and gently lifts it up. I make eye contact with her and slowly stand a bit. She simply smiles at me and says the words I never thought were possible to me.
"Flawless my dear. A true diamond. I've seen enough for the evening." She says. She places a gentle kiss on my forehead. My mother pinches me.
"Thank you your grace." She nods and simply walks out of the room. The crowd begins to the disperse. I had to say I am completely flattered by the Queen, never would I have thought to be considered beautiful, nevertheless a diamond in the eyes of the Queen. However, there is pang in my chest and my nerves begin to twist. That means that my wedding date may have drew nearer and more callers would be at our door soon enough. My chance at freedom was running out.
"I can't believe I'm saying this but I actually agree with the government for once. That girl is beautiful." Shachi says as he and Penguin stand on either side of Law.
Penguin rolls his eyes and Law chuckles a bit "Did you get the information you need captain? Do you want me to ask Bepo to ready the Polar Tang?" Penguin asks.
"Not just yet. There's some more information I'd like to find out, have the crew dock somewhere safe and away from here. We may be here for a couple of months." Law says as he watches the young woman be whisked away by her parents. Every eye in the room is following her as were his.
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genshin on a minecraft smp
there was this prompt on reddit i saw asking what the characters would be like on an smp and this was what i came up with :) really silly and fun, i actually really enjoyed thinking about this
yoimiya is the redstone maniac, and she’d probably help klee build really complex tnt contraptions to grief the server
diluc is the mob farmer; builds the entire structure and spends literally all his time farming and enchanting. probably also enslaves the villagers
klee builds a zoo but the only thing inside of it is creeper exhibits
nahida’s the gardener, kaveh probably helps her build automatic farms and all the cool shit
bennett dies all the time—falling into lava after just having found diamonds, a bunch of creepers snuck up on him, etc etc. he can literally never progress in the game because he loses everything and anything he builds gets exploded by creepers (or klee)
xingqiu is just the little shit who steals stuff and does small bits of griefing. im also convinced that he and fischl would be writing a roleplay script for the server and forcing everyone else to comply
nilou is just sweet and happy, she just wants to build a pretty home and get along with everyone :) she’s the one who always helps others out no matter what, whether they need food, weapons, armor, or blocks, she almost always has something to help, and if she doesn’t then she’d be willing to help you get it.
wanderer grinds everything by himself and completely ignores everyone. might even try to beat the dragon by himself too. xingqiu and fischl explain him in the lore as the rude old man who no one ever sees, but occasionally he will grant luxurious gifts to anyone he deems mildly tolerable. the only people who have ever received such gifts are sayu and layla because they do jack shit and are afk most of the time, and he thinks it’s funny.
venti is the first one with elytra. cons yoimiya into giving him all her fireworks. farms music discs
albedo and sucrose are predictably the ones with all the potions. they’ve also scoured the nether; they know it better than anyone else, and they make all the ice bridges for quick nether travel.
layla and sayu are always the ones asking to sleep first—if he is online, there will be a following “fuck you” from diluc, as he is the server’s resident mob farmer and batman kinnie
alhaitham refuses to participate in the “lore” because “fuck you” (fischl cries) (xingqiu demands a duel, for thou hast made his fair lady shed a tear) (alhaitham obliterates him and goes on with his day)
xiangling forces chongyun to share a house with her because the only thing she wants to do is make a farm and kill animals and throw food at everyone and thats literally it. she’s probably really frustrated there aren’t more elaborate meals to make. forces chongyun to build the house and mine and get armor and weapons and literally anything that doesn’t have to do with food (xingqiu visits sometimes to say hi to xiangling and then bully chongyun). she probably also mooches off of nahida and kaveh’s automatic farms
cyno is immediately elected chief of police in the “lore” (the only other people on this “police force” are xiao and heizou)
xiao is completely serious about his job, heizou is not. cyno is a mix of the two. basically all they do is show up occasionally and act really intimidating (or, in heizou’s case, flirt with everyone). yanfei (the judge in the lore) is sick of them for wrongfully incarcerating innocent people over and over again
tighnari and collei have an ACTUAL zoo that isn’t just full of creepers
diona lives with diluc and literally the only thing she does is breed cats, she has so many that it lags the server if you walk into the chunk, so the “police” have sometimes had to stop by and make her spread them out. she’ll comply but then the next day there will be even more cats because she does everything out of spite. also steals everyone’s nametags. she is a convicted felon, charged with multiple accounts of armed robbery, assault, and intentional failure to comply with the wishes of the server, which resulted in harm to one or more players or the entire server (it nearly becomes unplayable because of all the cats so they ban her)
zhongli terraforms the shit out of everything
dori creates a monopoly off of some resource by taking all of it in the vicinity and anywhere remotely nearby so that if someone didnt want to buy it from her they’d have to run thousands of blocks away
fischl builds the entire castle from last year’s summer event, crowns herself prinzessin, and appoints her knights (kaeya, mika, jean, bennett, razor) who start to have beef with the police and then there’s a war and then it gets resolved by klee and yoimiya blowing everything up
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astridhoff03 · 8 months
The Anniversary
Hiccup & Astrid celebrate the day they came Offical together and rember all the memories they have Made together.
"Hiccup, where are we going?" Astrid asked, laughing, her husband's warm hands over her eyes. “You’ll see, Honey. You'll like it," Hiccup whispers in her ear and immediately gave her a small kiss on the cheek, which made his wife giggle briefly. “Just a little bit more and we’ll be there.” He slowly took his hands away from her eyes and gently ran them over her arms. "Happy anniversary." Astrid put her hands over her mouth, she couldn't believe what she was seeing. It was so wonderful. In the middle of the cliff, surrounded by some fir trees hung with glowing lanterns, there was a table for two, full of delicious food. In the middle of all these delicacies stood a carved wooden statue of two dragons snuggled up close to each other and painted over with gold paint. Toothless and Stormfly. She carefully ran her fingers over the miniature of her beloved friends, a small tear rolled down her cheek. "Oh, Hiccup, it's wonderful, I love it." She ran into her husband's arms and wrapped her arms around his neck, lovingly stroking his beard with one hand. “Only the best for my wife and the Chieftess.” Astrid smiled and sheepishly pushed a long strand of her blonde hair out of her face. “May I please, M’Lady?” Hiccup grinned and pointed to the richly laid table whose glasses shimmered in the sunset like thousands of small diamonds. “And if you’re allowed to.” She interrupted her husband and the two of them sat down at the table. The two enjoyed the delicious food and watched the sun disappear behind the horizon with each passing minute. Small fireflies rose from the grass and, together with the silver glow of the crescent moon, illuminated the deep black night. The sky was an onyx-colored carpet dotted with thousands of stars. Hiccup cleared his throat and held out his hand to his wife. "May I ask for this dance?" Another broad smile appeared on Astrid's face as her husband hugged her tightly and the two began to dance slowly. A warm pinch slid through Astrid's braided hair as she leaned against Hiccup's chest. “You know, I missed that. For once, no children. No obligations. Just the two of us.” He placed his thumb under her chin and brought her face close to his. "Me too, Astrid."The next moment she felt his warm lips on hers, his hands moving from her waist to her hips. She put her arms around his neck and hugged him tighter. She wanted to feel him, very close to her. They deepened their kiss. With every touch he became more passionate and hungrier. Astrid felt the heat rising within her, the pure desire for physical closeness. For a brief moment the two separated from each other. Hiccup leaned his forehead against hers and smiled mischievously. “I think now it’s time for my present,” Astrid smiled. “I can’t wait,” Hiccup said softly. He didn't waste another moment and lifted her into his arms like a bride while Astrid caressed him with her lips. Without being able to think any further clearly, the two went into their house and up to their bedroom. Hiccup carefully laid Astrid down on the large bed and then leaned over her again to kiss her. "Are you ready?" "With you always," she whispered and brought his lips back to hers.
A little later the two found themselves snuggled up together under their blankets. Astrid's head rested on Hiccup's chest and she gently ran her fingertips over the runes on his bare chest that spelled her name. She smiled contentedly. "You have to admit my gift was just as good as yours." Hiccup lovingly stroked her shoulders, which he wrapped his arm around. "Especially because you've been giving this to me since our first anniversary." She laughed and leaned over him, the blanket sliding down a little from her chest and exposing a small part of her breasts. “You do the romantic thing and I’ll take care of everything after that. That‘s how its going every year.” His hand ran down her back, grazing her shoulder plate where the tattoo with his name was. “And it’s a treat every year,” he smiled, running his thumb over the soft skin of her cheek. With these words, the two melted back into a deep kiss. “Do you remember the evening we finally got together?” Astrid asked. Hiccup smiled, his hand sliding down her back and resting on her hip. “How can I forget that. That was one of the most beautiful evenings of my life.” Astrid cuddled up to him again, her fingers glided over his torso, which was covered with scars, and caressed the fine contours of his abdominal muscles. "I can't believe it's been so long." He pressed a gentle kiss to her temple. "I feel the same way. I remember that day I was so afraid that Gothi wouldn't find a cure that would allow you to see again." "I was also afraid that I would be in the dark forever. That I could never look into your eyes again.” She paused for a moment and waited for his reaction. But he just stroked her hips, she sighed relaxed and just enjoyed his touch on her bare skin. “Do you remember the first flight on Toothless?” he asked with a mischievous grin. Astrid turned bright red with embarrassment. “Please don’t remind me of my fifteen year old self. I was horrible...and mean." "Oh come on, Astrid. You were just…own.” She laughed. “Oh, that’s what you call my angry outbursts back then. Unlike me, you were just cute. You still are now.” Hiccup had a hard time suppressing another grin. "I was really weird." "In a cute way," Astrid corrected him. He watched as she traced his scars until her gaze slid to his shoulder where he had the Strikeclass symbol as a tattoo, which again had a red tail fin, in memory of his best friend. With that thought, he took her arm and briefly glanced at the small tattoo of a Deadly Nadder who looked like his wife's beloved Stormfly. He kissed the little mark. “I miss our dragons,” he whispered, a sad tone in his voice. “I miss them too but…” “They’re safe and that’s the main thing,” he finished her sentence with a faint hint of a smile. In response, she snuggled closer to him. “You know, that somehow makes me think of our moonlight flight together when we set out to look for oil for your “secret project.” His eyes flashed back to that one very special evening on this deserted island. It was the first night they made love. Hiccup's hand crawled up her hip back to her waist. Their eyes met as he leaned over her again. "If you remind me of that night..." Astrid smiled in relief as their lips touched again and she snuggled into his embrace.
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2023 was fun! It’s my first year reading fan fiction so it’s been one of the horniest and the thirstiest years of my life!😁 I found a lot of amazing people here and this hellsite truly became my home in 2023!💖
I want to say ‘thank you’ to people who made this year very special for me and wish them all wonderful 2024!😘 I came up with some categories so here they are!💖
✨The “OMG” fic of the year
This one goes to Promise /a dragon!Ezra x f!reader/ by @criticallyacclaimedstranger I’m a proud monster fucker but holy hell I surprised myself when I loved this fic so much!🥵 it’s hot and also very sweet and beautifully written!😍❤️ After reading it I had long and thorough discussions about the logistics of dragon fucking with a few people and had the best time!😄
✨The series I love with all my heart
Stay In Bed /pre outbreak!joel miller x f!reader, one sided tommy miller x f!reader/ by @psychedelic-ink is amazing, touching and beautiful! I felt a ton of emotions reading about Joel and reader’s journey to each other. Thank you for writing it, Sil!🫶
✨The “I’m too old for this, my heart nearly stopped” fic of 2023
Every Inch pt 3 /m!ghostface x f!reader/ by @toxicanonymity was so hot that it nearly killed me😅I had to open the window to get some fresh air cos reading it made me dizzy with hyperventilation. I survived thus I strongly recommend to TRY THIS AT HOME‼️
✨The loveliest co-writer of 2023
@milla-frenchy my friend, my twin, my co-writer💖 your support gave me confidence to come out with my own writing which wasn’t easy😅 thank you!🫂 It’s always a pleasure to write with you and I hope to continue our creative journey in 2024. I love you, baby! Check out her masterlist! It’s gold!🥵🥵🥵
✨The most unhinged reader
@gracieispunk created a reader so unhinged, badass and hot that she sometimes overshadows Maintenance Man!Joel himself!😍 Tenant Girl takes what she wants and I love her for it‼️💖
✨My man, my love, my everything
Do you have an emotional support character who can make you feel happier, safer, calmer when you simply think about them? I do thanks to @toxicanonymity ! Nightwalks Joel is my most favourite fictional man! The first, the best, the hottest! HELL YEAH!🍆🧎🏼‍♀️🐆
✨“If horrible, why so hot” character
Joel from the Wrong Way series by @romana-after-dark wins this one! This Joel is one of the darkest I’ve ever read and he makes me feral and I love him!😵‍💫🥵
✨The most read fic of 2023
Liquid Gold /Joel Miller x fem!pregnant!reader x Tommy Miller/ by @gasolinerainbowpuddles is my breastfeeding kink Bible and simply an extremely hot fic! no joke I thought of pinning it on my blog cos I searched for it that often. Just thinking about it now makes me feel like a reread is due!😵‍💫🫠
Also thank you, Puddles, for your hilarious memes!😆👏 you’re a treasure!💖
✨The most unique series
Muddy Waters /Ezra x F!Reader x Joel Miller/ by @bonezone44 blew me away this year! Its characters are complex, the plot is fascinating and unique, it’s like a diamond that shines differently when you look at it from a new angle❤️
✨DDDNE fic of the year
Whatever You Want /Comandante Veracruz x Reader/ by @iamasaddie is a non-con masterpiece! It’s not easy to keep the realism of the situation and still make it hot, but this story has a perfect balance of both!🥵🖤
Also Aly, thank for being such a great friend!💖 You’re hilarious, kind, gorgeous and a super talented writer and artist!😍👏 I love you!😘
✨My favourite writer of 2023
I dearly love many writers on this site. But this title goes to @toxicanonymity without a doubt❤️
You made this year for me, Toxy! I’ll never be normal about your writing, your talent, your characters, your kindness, your heart😍 Every series, every story of yours is perfect! Thank you for everything you gave me and all of us this year! I love you, friend!💖🫂😘
✨My favorite people in 2023
My moots, my lovelies, my friends! Y’all made me laugh, cry happy tears, thirst, FEEL things like I’ve never felt before! I LOVE YOU ALL💖 @missannwinchester @milla-frenchy @toxicanonymity @iamasaddie @neverwheremoonchild @lumoverheaven @multiversed-daydreamer @beefrobeefcal @lunitawrites @rubyfruitjungle @xdaddysprincessxx @ellasinnombre @princessanglophile @romanarose @gasolinerainbowpuddles @noxturnalpascal @gracieispunk @ghoulettesinspace @janaispunk @funnygirlthatgab @jupiter-soups @seratuyo
Special smooches to my wifey @missannwinchester who has to deal with my nonsense every single day😅😘😘😘 LOVE YOU, SWEETIE🫂❤️
If you feel you should be on the list and I missed you, you’re absolutely right and I deserve a good spanking for not including you!😏
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shamanfox · 1 month
I want to dance with fire’s flame,
Taste his breath without a name,
Feel the chill of ice’s stream,
Running deep in marrow’s gleam.
I want to soar where clouds arise,
Dampened wings, I search the skies,
To see myself through mortal eyes,
In humankind, where wisdom lies.
I’ll stumble on a mountain high,
Where green meadows softly lie,
Blissful wisdom waiting there,
In fields of thought, beyond despair.
I’ll rise in worlds as pure as dreams,
Where thoughts flow deep in silent streams,
Understanding, Freud’s domain,
Drinking sun through every vein.
I’ll be the dragon, fierce and bold,
Encircling truths yet to be told,
Unsuffocate this child in me,
From mud-born chains, I will be free.
My body whispers, “Trust in heart,”
As love and mind begin to part,
Silver cords in starlit fields,
Where spirit’s truth no longer yields.
Will fire forge a diamond’s light,
To quench desire’s burning sight?
Or will ice’s ancient lessons made,
Transform me into jade’s cool shade?
Beyond creation’s cloudy veil,
Will a phoenix tell the tale,
Of tears dried on a soul’s embrace,
And rib removed to find His grace?
Will mountains part as I let go,
To golden feathers’ gentle flow,
Where imagination meets the dream,
And births a world, a living stream?
A heart speaks truths to mystery’s soul,
Where light and dark make one whole,
A child rich in nothing’s way,
Mind rests formless, led by day.
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vampire-exgirlfriend · 10 months
wyllaemond smut prompt: the fox of karhold and the rogue prince (ot3 verse)
well, this absolutely ran away with me. so much for being 1k words.
fall on me like night
pairing: aemond targaryen x oc wylla karstark
rating: e
words: 4.5k
this is a future outtake from the ot3verse, no more than i was or than i am, which you can find here
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Lovely did not do justice to his sister's newest lady in waiting.
No, the Fox of Karhold was not lovely. 
Haunting, perhaps. Or maybe devastating was a better word. 
Her face was an amalgamation of features that may have been plain on anyone else: soft cheeks, rounded jaw, rosebud mouth. But her skin was pale as the moon, her eyes as gray as a storm that built off the coast. Narrowed in distrust as they were now, that storm built until he could swear he heard lightning in the distance. 
“You want to dance?” she asked. “With me?”
The pointed question poked at the tender bruise of Aemond's ego. “That's what I said, isn't it?” he snapped, all snarling teeth but little heat. 
He did want to dance with her. He'd watched her flit around all evening, draped in black velvet, diamond starbursts in her hair - hair that fell loose and curling to mid thigh. ‘Was it heavy,’ he wondered, ‘all that pretty midnight hair?’ 
“Fine,” she answered, her voice matching his bite even through her thick northern accent, and slid her small hand into his. 
His uncle had goaded him into asking her, watching him as he watched her. “Go on then,” Daemon had said. “It's depressing to witness.” He had softened, pushing lightly at Aemond's shoulder when his face tightened at the implication. “She won't deny you. The pretty little creature has been casting furtive glances all evening.” He turned away then, back to Rhaenyra and Alicent beside her, both smiling at whatever inane thing they spoke of, his mother in a tiara of silver and emeralds, his sister in their father's crown. Rhaenyra turned toward him, as if she felt his stare, and gave him an encouraging smile, giving away that they had been talking about him. 
Wylla Karstark’s hand was cool in his, as if the northern winds coursed through her veins instead of blood. It eased the heat that licked at his skin, ever present, perhaps more so since he had claimed his dragon.
“You're a better dancer than your brother,” the fox said primly, her eye on some faraway point over his shoulder as he guided her in the steps of the dance. His hands found her waist, pressing tighter than was altogether appropriate. But the way she inhaled sharply at his touch was worth the impropriety.
Aemond looked to where Aegon danced with his wife, Abrogail Strong. The red head was dainty, graceful even, and Aegon could not tear his eyes from her.
He cleared his throat. “Thank you.”
“I think this is the nicest you've been to me since I've arrived.” There was distrust in her voice.
Aemond bristled. “You say that as if I've been cruel.”
She laughed and the sound pulled at something low in his gut. It was a large laugh, boisterous, too big for her small frame. He wondered where she hid it. “Not cruel. Only disdainful. Distant.”
“You are my sister's lady,” was all he said in answer. 
Helaena had taken to Wylla immediately upon her arrival from the frozen wastes she called home, wrapping her in dragon’s claws and claiming she would like to keep her. It made him happy to see she had finally found another friend. And Wylla did make her smile, letting his sister set her beetles to crawl over her skirts or placing moths in her hair like jewels. 
He glanced down and found her staring up at him, head cocked, and suddenly he felt like prey, stalked through the Kingswood. But Aemond was not prey. 
He was a dragon.
Leaning forward, he placed his cheek to her temple, feeling the little shiver that ran through her. “You have lovely eyes,” he murmured, and prayed the line would not leave him embarrassed.
Wylla cleared her throat. “Thank you, my prince.” He spun her then, the long bell sleeves of her gown fluttering around them. “Yours is lovely as well.”
He believed she meant it and smiled down at her, noticing for the first time a small scar that cut through her top lip. 
The song ended and his fox was pulled away, though she kept her gaze on him until the crowd swallowed her up. 
A week had passed since the queen's birthday feast and Rhaenyra had been in a happy mood. Her second-born, Prince Lucerys, had arrived back in King's Landing after a time spent warding with their aunt, Princess Rhaenys, and the Sea Snake. He was tan skinned from all the time spent aboard a ship, the tawny making his hair shine more gold than silver, all smiles and tales of life at sea.
Devoid of her attention, and subsequently his mother and uncle's, Aemond wandered until he found himself in his favorite spot in the gardens. A statue of Visenya the Conqueror rose up from a stone dais, her hand on the hilt of Dark Sister, her eyes cast to the distance. A fountain bubbled around her feet, and blooms he knew to be poisonous crawled up her legs like armor, blood red and a purple so dark and deep as to be nearly black.
There was a rustle of fabric from behind the statue and he leaned over to find Wylla Karstark looking over him, gray eyes wide.
Her raven hair gleamed in the torchlight, lit by servants as the sun set. Though they were alone now. 
The thought curled deliciously in his gut. 
“You could ask for her hand,” Daemon had said after the feast. “You know you want her. And her brute of a father would never turn you down.”
“Apologies, my prince,” she said, rising to her feet, blue skirts the color of the night sky tumbling around her legs. It was the same shade of blue as the sapphire he wore in place of his eye, lost six years ago in a sparring accident when he and Lucerys had been foolish enough to attempt live steel, both boys feeling as if they had something to prove. 
“Aemond,” he choked out after a long moment.
“Excuse me?”
“My name.”
She raised a thin brow, finely arched. “Yes, I know your name.”
“You may call me Aemond.” He felt the blood creep into his cheeks.
“Och, is that right?” She was teasing him and he wasn't sure if he loved or hated it. “Well then, Aemond,” she purred, “I must be on my way.”
She passed, and as if his hand had a mind of its own, he reached for her, his fingers closing around her wrist. “Must you?” he asked. 
The fox did not pull away. Instead she looked up at him from beneath sooty lashes, so long they graced the round of her cheek when she blinked away her surprise. 
“Stay,” he commanded, though his voice nearly trembled with the word.
“I -.”
Aemond kissed her then to silence her. It was clumsy, foolish, but she didn't not push him away. Her fingers curled in the fabric of his doublet as if to hold him closer and his own hands found her waist to draw her against him. He had the feeling neither of them knew what they were doing, not truly. At least he did not, having only shared a few kisses with Helaena when they had snuck too much wine two years ago. But Helaena was to wed their nephew now, and Jacaerys made her happy. 
He could not let her take Wylla to Dragonstone, not when he had only just found her.
They broke apart for a gasping breath and a flush crept over Wylla's snowfall skin. 
“Do you often kiss women in secret gardens?” she asked, taking the measure of him. 
He shook his head, though he could not help throwing back his own barb. “Do you often allow strange men to kiss you in secret gardens?”
“Not until tonight.”
He hummed and kissed her again, one hand finding its way to tangle in the hair at the back of her neck. A weak moan fought its way from between her lips, now swollen and pouting, and the sound of it nearly tore him apart. 
Aemond backed her up in shuffling steps until they came to rest against the stone wall, the ivy framing her body and for a moment he wished it would entangle them, keep them hidden in this moment forever. 
“Do you still find me disdainful?” His voice was a low rasp, stuck somewhere in his throat. He kissed across her jaw, down the column of her neck, his lips seeking purchase against any inch of bare flesh as his hand rose to brush a thumb over the little scar that marred her top lip. Visions of sinking his teeth into her danced across his mind and he wondered if she would enjoy the sting of pain as he did, a pleasure he had discovered when handling himself too roughly one evening, visions of her in that black dress painted behind his eyelids.
The girl blinked up at him, as if his words had only barely registered, and he felt a warm bloom of pride beneath his ribs. “Not terribly so,” she admitted, though her face was a strange mix of irritation and arousal, her eyes falling back to his mouth. He kissed her again, licking at her mouth, hoping for a taste. But her hands found his chest and she pushed gently. “I meant it when I said I must leave. The princess will require her bath soon and I must -.”
“And what of your prince?” He was pouting now, a familiar stinging petulance rising up in him. Aemond gathered her face in his hands, his thumbs brushing over her jaw, tightening a fraction too much. But she did not wince; she simply glared and pushed harder, ducking to slip beneath his arm. 
“I’m sure the prince can find a multitude of ways to entertain himself in my absence.” The words were snappish, a cold wind, and he saw how she had earned her nickname, with her narrowed eyes and the feral cut of her mouth.
She gave him no time to reply, stomping through the arch and back toward the keep.
“You are pouting.” The soft voice curled around the shelf that he currently hid behind. 
“I am not pouting.”
An indelicate snort of laughter, followed by the rustling of fabric, and suddenly his eldest sister sat beside him. 
Rhaenyra did not wear her crown today. Instead her starlight hair was twisted into a series of braids that gathered at the back of her head before falling down her back in gentle waves. Her violet eyes, nearly the same shade of his, hid a glimmer of mischief, as if being queen held not a candle to the mental torture of her younger brother. 
“Fearsome little Aemond, pouting over a girl.”
He glared. “And to think, the queen of the Seven Kingdoms sits on the floor in a library to tease her brother. Not particularly regal of you.”
“It’s a fair use of my personal time.” She nudged her shoulder against his, but he did not look at her, his eye still focused on the tome in his hands - the tome he had reread the same section of over and over. “The northern girl?” She asked.
Was he so hopelessly transparent? Had he become so pathetic?
“Not entirely pathetic, no.”
Aemond groaned when he realized he’d spoken the words aloud, dropping his head back against the shelf, the dull thud of it making his sister laugh.
“Aemond -.”
“Please don’t.”
She laid a hand on his knee. “I may have overstated your patheticness for my own amusement. But truly, you’re doing nothing wrong. Not nearly as ridiculous as your brother for the Strong girl or even Jace for Helaena. Of all my siblings, of all my children, you are the most stoic. But you aren’t doing anything wrong or shameful or embarrassing.”
“I hate this feeling. I hate the way it eats at me, the way it feels lodged in my chest.” He resented it, wanted to punish the girl for the sin of making him want her. At the same time though, he longed to see her smile directed at him, even if it was accompanied by her nearly constant ire. 
Her answering smile was soft and for the first time in a long time, Aemond remembered how young she truly was, less than two decades his senior. Rhaenyra shifted, the black silk of her gown shimmering in the light that came in through the high windows. “If you’re lucky, that feeling never fades.” She waved her hand. “Take the girl flying.”
He made a face. “I heard her tell Helaena she does not care for the dragons.”
“To be fair, the largest animal she’s seen, other than a horse, is those wolves of the north. Dragons are fearsome, they are magic made flesh. You, my favorite brother, are a dragon.”
Aemond rolled his eye. “Aegon is your favorite.”
“No, he is simply the most like me. Which probably makes him your mother’s favorite.”
“Hateful,” he teased, the knot of worry in his chest loosening slightly. “Daemon says I should simply ask her father for her hand.”
“Please only listen to your uncle in small increments,” she sighed, dropping her own head back beside his. “Just…just go to her. Learn her. Know her. See what you find.”
The idea of knowing Wylla, of learning her, made some dark thing, hot and a little wild, curl up in his belly - a feeling that was altogether uncomfortable as he sat beside his sister, his queen, on the library floor. Aemond shifted and then stood, reaching down for Rhaenyra, who took his hand and rose to her feet. She did not reach for him, did not comfort him in the way she might Aegon, who basked under physical contact like a satisfied cat. Instead she looked at him, truly looked, and the corners of her mouth curled into a smile. “You are a dragon,” was all she said before turning and walking out of the room, leaving him alone with his desires. 
The low torchlight was Aemond’s only companion as he traversed the tunnels, counting his steps and praying that he wasn’t about to open the wrong door. From Helaena’s rooms, Wylla’s should only be a handful of paces away, close enough that Helaena could call on her at any time should she need her. 
He stood before the seam that should open into her room, directed beside the fireplace, if his rememberings were correct, and wondered if he was altogether insane for even considering this. Rhaenyra had told him to dismiss her husband’s advice, but he could think of nothing else since Daemon’s sly reminder that the little fox was prime for the taking in her own rooms, with no one around to distract them. “How could she deny you?” he’d asked. “You are far too like me to say no to.”
Aemond was not sure that was the compliment his uncle believed it to be, yet here he stood, torch in hand, his fingertips pressed to the rough stone as he imagined the girl lounging across her bed. ‘Did she sleep beneath northern furs?’ he wondered. ‘Would she taste like wine she had snuck before bed?’
Forgetting his misgivings and focusing on that dangerous tendril that snaked through him, Aemond pushed open the door, setting the torch in the iron holder beside it. He blinked when he entered the room. 
Candles burned low on nearly every surface and the air smelled of cinnamon, thick and spicy, but not cloying. The bed was empty, as was the chaise at the end of it. 
Water splashed to his left and his head snapped in that direction, eye widening at the sight of her in the tub.
Wylla’s gray eyes were wide, a small paring knife in her hand, clutched between her slender fingers. He saw the tray of fruit on the small table beside the metal tub.
“What in the hells are you doing?” she hissed. 
He noticed that she did not shout, did not raise her voice to alert the guards, and a new sort of confidence built in him. 
Aemond stalked closer to the tub, his eye darting between her face and the knife she clutched. Lower still, he found the soft round of her breasts only just covered by the still steaming water. Her hair was plaited and piled loosely at the back of her head to keep from getting wet, tendrils curling around her jaw and he wanted to lick the water droplets that raced down her neck.
“Put down the knife,” he murmured, his eye darkening at the idea of just what she might do to him with it. It was not an altogether unpleasant imagining. 
But Wylla did not put down the knife. Instead, she stood, baring herself to him, teeth showing in a snarl that went straight to his cock. Her breasts were small, no more than a handful each, and her waist tapered before blooming into hips that were wider than he had expected. He could imagine exactly how her plump rear would feel in his hands. “Why exactly would I do that?” she asked. “You sneak into my room from some hole in the wall and expect what? A warm welcome?”
His gaze traveled over her body, cataloging each freckle and blemish that marked her pale skin. Surrounded by steam and wet as she was, he wondered if this is what those old gods of hers looked like: silent, though wild, beautiful and yet terrifying. 
He wanted to taste her, to sink his teeth into her soft flesh, and found that he was at a loss for words. Stepping closer, never taking his eyes from her, he approached the tub. The heat was delicious as it rolled off of her, and he desired nothing more than to strip from his doublet and press close against her, close enough to imprint himself upon her. Gently, more gently than he realized he could, he reached forward, his fingers twining around her wrist. When she did not release the blade, he squeezed, reveling in the way her delicate bones felt against his palm.
The knife clattered to the ground and Wylla opened her mouth, likely to attack him with her teeth, but Aemond pulled her forward with a sharp jerk and pressed his lips to hers. Before she could shove at him, fight him off, he pulled her from the tub, pressing her wet body to his, molding her to him. 
She surprised him then, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him deeply, and with a little jump, her legs wrapped around his waist. Aemond moaned and she licked into his mouth, her tongue curling behind his teeth, her fingers gripping hard at his unbound hair.
In a clumsy rush, he walked them to the bed, doing his best to avoid tripping over unfamiliar furniture. He did not dump her against the furs, instead curling his body around hers, his hands finding her waist, her ribs, her breasts. She made eager little noises beneath him, finding the ties at the front of his doublet and ripping at them impatiently. He shed the damned thing and could not help but moan when she found his bare skin.
“My father will demand your head for this,” she murmured as he licked a trail over the column of her throat.
“He can’t.” His reply was breathless as he shifted, kissing the top of her breast before wrapping his lips around her peaked nipple. Wylla whined at that, arching her back.
“No?” It was a silly pointless question.
Aemond clutched at her other breast, molding it against his palm, delighted at the way his hand engulfed her flesh. “Not if you are my wife.” He abandoned his groping to undo the ties at his waist, lowering his breeches and small clothes until finally his cock was free, so hard it bobbed, throbbing against her thigh.
Wylla stilled beneath him. “Are you…asking me to marry you?”
The insanity of the moment, of the words he’d actually uttered, slammed into him. But such had been his uncle's advice and he owned the ludicrousness of it. “I don’t believe I asked.”
“You are telling me to marry you?”
‘Please, please, please,’ his heart thrummed, though his pride would not allow the begging question to cross his lips.
He kissed her soundly and pulled her bottom lip between his teeth, biting down sharply, as if asserting his desired ownership. “Yes,” he mumbled against her wet flesh. 
A fearful look chased away the ire and desire he had seen just a second ago. “I cannot. I…I am promised to Lord Bolton’s son.” She gently gathered his hair in her hand, tugging sweetly at the ends of it in a gesture that had him wanting to rub against her like a cat. 
Aemond expected rage. He expected that violent creature that lived in him to raise up, to swallow him and her both. He realized that she had allowed things to go as far as they had in a bid at claiming a bit of independence, a fantasy to cling to when she was back in the cold north, wife to a savage that burnished a flayed man on his banners. But it did not. Instead, something more solid, more demanding took its place. “No,” he said simply.
“You are mine.”
He slid a hand between them then and found the place she wanted him most, and thanked the gods that his brother had beaten him over the head with bawdy retellings of his own escapades with his wife. 
Wylla’s head fell back as he teased at her entrance, a finger dipping in only to retreat a second later. He found that little shock of nerves, working at it gently until she moaned for him, the sound surprisingly husky. She bucked against his hand and he surmised that she wanted more. So he finally took mercy and pierced her with a single finger. 
There was something shocking about the tightness of her, and it kept him locked in his body, unable to tear his eyes from her as she writhed. Another finger added, and this time he curled them forward, tearing a groan from her chest. Fumbling hands found his cock and she stroked at him, no real finesse to her touch, but he was so desperate for her that it mattered not at all. All he longed for was to help her find his end, for he knew he would not last once he was inside of her. 
His mouth found her breast again and she was so responsive to his touch, wanton even, when he sank his teeth into her, that it spurred him on. Aemond ground the heel of his hand against that spot that made her cry out, two fingers pumping in and out of her at a speed he slowly increased. The flutters around his hand were surprising, grasping at him as if to keep him there, and Wylla lifted her hips, riding him as best she could until she fell apart, panting his name, pulling him up and demanding a kiss as she whimpered.
She glowed beneath him and he could swear that her skin shined with the light of the moon. Had she hidden it beneath her skin, like some myth of old?
The question died in his mind as he pressed inside of her, and the world narrowed to only the places where she touched him. She was hot, scaldingly so, and so tight that he could not stop his eye from rolling back. A pained whimper caught his attention and when he looked down at her, her face was pinched in discomfort. He kissed the line between her brows, stilling until she relaxed. He wanted desperately to be gentle for her, but now that he was inside of her, his ability to cling to that softness was rapidly disappearing.
“I’ll be yours,” she whispered, her fingertips finding the scar that split his face, and he wondered if she felt beautiful in the reflection she saw shining back at her in his sapphire eye. 
Those three words rended away his self control and he could not help but pull back, thrusting forward, and he moaned at the delicious friction. Wylla clung to him, her nails raking over his back, and he was surprised at how she matched each roll of his hips, as if even an inch between their bodies was too much. 
It was only moments, but time stretched out strange and foreign before him as he fucked her, his face buried in her neck, his teeth catching purchase against her throat. 
“Please, please, please.”
It was Wylla murmuring the words and they echoed in his mind, bouncing between the walls of his skull. He knew his end was near, that hot sensation gathering at the base of his spine. Aemond moved to pull back, to spill across her belly, not wanting to assume or risk getting a child on her before he had a chance to plead his case for her hand. But something instinctual in Wylla rose up, and she hooked her leg over his hip, holding him inside of her until he could hold back no longer and came with a groan of her name. 
For a long moment, they simply lay there, him sprawled over her, his face against her chest. Wylla’s fingers found his hair, and she combed at the snarls she had tangled therein, the gesture shockingly comfortable for all of its intimacy. 
“I warn you, my father is not the most agreeable man.” There was something hard in her voice, something full of resentment. 
He looked up at her, resting his chin against his hand where it lay on her belly. “Good then, that I boast the largest and most ancient dragon in the realm.”
Wylla rolled her eyes. “Good then, that you also boast the largest ego in the realm.”
He crawled up her body and kissed her, just a soft press of his lips to hers. “Have I not earned it?”
The girl flushed crimson, a delicious sight. “I suppose,” was all she said, but he took it as confirmation and gathered her into his arms, dropping back against the pillows. A minute twisted in a few and he felt his eyes grow heavy, the fox a warm weight against his chest. Her fingers traced idle patterns over the skin of his stomach as she settled.
There was a sigh, a small shift that pressed her closer.
“Fine,” she huffed, pressing her face against him. “I’ll marry you.
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