#diabetic eye care in london
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eyecaresurgicalltd · 7 months
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diabetic-eye-disease · 7 months
How to Take Care of Diabetes Patients' Eye Health
The eye care of diabetic patients is an essential part of their treatment as it prevents damage to their vision. Frequent eye examinations and guiding the way for continuous monitoring of blood sugar levels are vital. Diabetic eye care London, there are specialized diabetic eye care services, so patients get expert attention to avoid or deal with eye complications that may be associated with diabetes. A few things to keep in mind are:
Routine Eye Exams:
Frequent eye examinations have to be an obligatory part of the care program for diabetic patients. Arrange an annual appointment with an eye care professional, such as an ophthalmologist or an optometrist, for comprehensive eye exams. These tests can be used to discover any unwanted preconditions and therefore the panic may be sorted out earlier.
Blood Sugar Control:
Keeping a secure insulin level is necessary for the avoidance of complications, including sight disorders and so on. Follow a diet full of nutrients and regular exercise and then take any prescribed medications to maintain and manage glucose levels at their normal levels. Cooperate with healthcare providers to develop a tailored diabetes management plan.
Healthy Lifestyle Choices:
How having a healthy lifestyle can prevent diabetes-related eye diseases serves as a cornerstone of this issue. Smoking cessation should be adopted because smoking can cause complications in your eye condition. Also include a dietary plan full of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein to maintain physical fitness.
Blood Pressure Management:
When diabetes patients have high blood pressure, eyes usually suffer complications. Set up blood pressure monitoring and work with the healthcare experts to manage them within the normal range. Lifestyle modifications and prescribed medications are the doctor's usual means for attaining the best blood pressure regulation.
Protecting Eyes from Sunlight:
The eyes are weakened after long periods of exposure to sunlight, especially, for personages who have diabetes. Outdoor time makes the eye sensitive to UV edges so wear sunglasses for safety with eyes irrespective of weather. This probably small preventive measure may lead to eye health as well. Prompt Response to Symptoms:
Keep an eye on any changes in vision and see your healthcare providers immediately should any changes be identified. Vision problems like blurred vision, floaters, or difficulty focusing can all be signs of eye problems that need to be attended to. Early diagnosis and treatment of the condition can prevent subsequent problems.
It is when taking diabetic eye care London that you become a superhero for your own eyes when you are a diabetic. Regular control of blood sugar and pressure, leading a healthy lifestyle, using protective sunglasses, staying more hydrated than usual, and being cautious with symptoms are all important to ensure the best care for your eyes. But you don't have to worry because we also work with Eye Care Surgical in London to ensure that your eye is good all the time. It is like a superpower granting eye protection from problems.
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eye-surgery-in-london · 7 months
Everything You Need to Know About Vision correction surgeries
Corrections of the sight - HW are the medical procedures intended to enhance vision and reduce the necessity for wearing glasses and contact lenses. These include surgeries, for example, LASIK and PRK, to correct the curvature of the cornea. Eye surgery in London and treatment centers are famous for cutting-edge procedures that provide patients with a clear vision and a high standard of life.
Here are a few more things to believe: Common Vision Problems:
Myopia makes distant objects appear out of focus while astigmatism (blur) is due to irregularities in the cornea shape. Vision correction surgeries address these common mistakes by reshaping the cornea, therefore, the light rays come in focus on the retina. Knowing about these challenges is critical in the selection of the most appropriate surgical techniques.
LASIK Surgery Demystified:
LASIK is one of the most common vision correction surgeries whereby a laser is used to rearrange the cornea. The procedure involves first, the creation of a thin flap on the cornea, and then the laser molding it in the most precise manner. One of the predominant outcomes of this reshaping is the correction of refractive errors including nearsightedness and farsightedness enabling perfect vision without the use of spectacles or contact lenses.
PRK: Alternatives to LASIK as an Option:
LASIK is a laser procedure to correct errors in the eye and PRK is its alternative. PRK is slightly different as the surgeon removes the outer layer of the cornea compared with the flap which is seen in LASIK. Then, the reshaping of the cornea is done with the laser to correct the vision problems. Anyhow recovery is likely to be a bit slower, but still, it can be a good alternative for some people.
Risks and Side Effects:
It is important to understand the possible risks and side effects before getting surgery to correct vision. However, complications are uncommon, but they could be dry eyes, glare, or halos. They can also be under or overcorrection. Talking to a doctor is necessary for weighing the pros and cons of the surgery and for informed decision-making.
Recovery Process:
After vision correction surgery, recovery is a process that involves a lot of time before the eyes heal. Thus, this can mean that you are forbidden to take strenuous activities, use eye drops as dictated, and go for follow-up appointments. Achieving successful recovery and optimal visual outcomes requires proper adherence to post-surgery instructions and understanding of them.
Costs of Vision Correction Surgeries:
Costs of surgery for visual correction may differ, depending on the type of procedure, surgeon's fees, and location. Certain insurance plans may cover some of the procedures but others exclude them all. Investigating the financial aspects and insurance coverage and planning for better vision are the steps taken to invest in it.
Choosing the Right Surgeon:
Choosing the perfect surgeon is one of the most essential conditions for the success of refractive surgery. Things to look for are the surgeon's years of practice, reviews from past patients, and his or her reputation. Consultation which includes discussions about medical history, possible risks, and alternative treatments will assist in making a well-informed decision when choosing an optometrist.
Conclusion: Appreciation of eye surgery is a crucial essence for people who are after improved vision Postoperative recovery, financial aspects, and the ability of a surgeon to do his/her job properly are some of the key issues. Eye Care Surgical, providing skill and individual experience, is the best place for dependable eye surgery in London. The journey from myopic to farsighted vision is successful and comfortable with its help.
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eye-surgeon · 1 year
Dry Eyes Symptoms and Cause
The eye is the most important part of our body, and our eyes work hard every day. Over 100,000 times a day, we shift them about three times per second. Every minute, we blink about 15 to 20 times. The majority of individuals today deal with various eye diseases. According to a study, dry eyes are very typical. Globally, up to 100 million individuals may be affected, with 1 in 4 in the UK. Here we have mentioned some symptoms and causes of dry eyes.
Let's read them out carefully:
Dry Eyes Cause
Vision can be significantly impaired by dry eyes, which usually affect both eyes. The primary cause of dry eyes is a lack of tears, which are required to keep the eyes healthy, moist, and free from illness. Your tears may not be present because they are generating fewer tears or evaporating more quickly. The causes of decreased tear production frequently cannot be prevented. These include:
·       Ageing
·       Underlying medical issues
·       Use of certain medications
·       Medical procedures
·       Hormonal changes
·       UV exposure
·       Environmental conditions (like exposure to wind, low humidity, air pollution, or any other situation).
·       Problems with normal blinking
In addition to general health issues (like thyroid illness, rheumatoid arthritis, and Parkinson's disease), medications can also cause dry eyes. (like antidepressants, oral contraceptives, antihistamines, etc.) The causes of dry eyes may also be inherited traits and family background.
What are the signs and symptoms of dry eye?
As a consequence of dry eyes, some people may also tear excessively. The eyes' natural reaction to Ocular Surface Disease symptoms is to compensate by producing more tears to soothe the eye in response to dryness.
Some of these signs may be recognisable to you if you believe you have watery eyes:
·       Grittiness
·       Scratchiness
·       A burning, stinging, or itching sensation in your eyes
·       Something looks like it's stuck in the eye.
·       Clear, stringy mucus in or around your eyes
·       Eye redness
·       Increased light sensitivity
·       Difficulty driving at night
·       Impaired or blurred vision, especially while reading
·       The feeling of something foreign in the eye
·       Watery eyes
It might surprise you to learn that watery eyes are a side effect of dry eyes. When the eyes are irritated, the body may produce excessive amounts of tears. These tears are often produced in such large amounts, though, that their quality suffers. You must schedule an appointment with a concerned individual if you discover any eye-related problems for better treatment.
We hope this post is useful for you and that you will take care of your eye. If you find any issues related to your eyes, you need to consult with an eye doctor. If you are looking for an eye surgeon in London, you can connect with us here. We have a certified and experienced team to offer you the best services.
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reasonsforhope · 6 months
When Swiss cardiologist Thomas F. Lüscher attended an international symposium in Turin, Italy, last summer, he encountered an unusual “attendee:” Suzanne, Chat GPT’s medical “assistant.” Suzanne’s developers were eager to demonstrate to the specialists how well their medical chatbot worked, and they asked the cardiologists to test her. 
An Italian cardiology professor told the chatbot about the case of a 27-year-old patient who was taken to his clinic in unstable condition. The patient had a massive fever and drastically increased inflammation markers. Without hesitation, Suzanne diagnosed adult-onset Still’s disease. “I almost fell off my chair because she was right,” Lüscher remembers. “This is a very rare autoinflammatory disease that even seasoned cardiologists don’t always consider.”
Lüscher — director of research, education and development and consultant cardiologist at the Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospital Trust and Imperial College London and director of the Center for Molecular Cardiology at the University of Zürich, Switzerland — is convinced that artificial intelligence is making cardiovascular medicine more accurate and effective. “AI is not only the future, but it is already here,” he says. “AI and machine learning are particularly accurate in image analysis, and imaging plays an outsize role in cardiology. AI is able to see what we don’t see. That’s impressive.” 
At the Royal Brompton Hospital in London, for instance, his team relies on AI to calculate the volume of heart chambers in MRIs, an indication of heart health. “If you calculate this manually, you need about half an hour,” Lüscher says. “AI does it in a second.” 
AI-Assisted Medicine
Few patients are aware of how significantly AI is already determining their health care. The Washington Post tracks the start of the boom of artificial intelligence in health care to 2018. That’s when the Food and Drug Administration approved the IDx-DR, the first independent AI-based diagnostic tool, which is used to screen for diabetic retinopathy. Today, according to the Post, the FDA has approved nearly 700 artificial intelligence and machine learning-enabled medical devices.
The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, is considered the worldwide leader in implementing AI for cardiovascular care, not least because it can train its algorithms with the (anonymized) data of more than seven million electrocardiograms (ECG). “Every time a patient undergoes an ECG, various algorithms that are based on AI show us on the screen which diagnoses to consider and which further tests are recommended,” says Francisco Lopez-Jimenez, director of the Mayo Clinic’s Cardiovascular Health Clinic. “The AI takes into account all the factors known about the patient, whether his potassium is high, etc. For example, we have an AI-based program that calculates the biological age of a person. If the person in front of me is [calculated to have a biological age] 10 years older than his birth age, I can probe further. Are there stressors that burden him?”
Examples where AI makes a sizable difference at the Mayo Clinic include screening ECGs to detect specific heart diseases, such as ventricular dysfunction or atrial fibrillation, earlier and more reliably than the human eye. These conditions are best treated early, but without AI, the symptoms are largely invisible in ECGs until later, when they have already progressed further...
Antioniades’ team at the University of Oxford’s Radcliffe Department of Medicine analyzed data from over 250,000 patients who underwent cardiac CT scans in eight British hospitals. “Eighty-two percent of the patients who presented with chest pain had CT scans that came back as completely normal and were sent home because doctors saw no indication for a heart disease,” Antioniades says. “Yet two-thirds of them had an increased risk to suffer a heart attack within the next 10 years.” In a world-first pilot, his team developed an AI tool that detects inflammatory changes in the fatty tissues surrounding the arteries. These changes are not visible to the human eye. But after training on thousands of CT scans, AI learned to detect them and predict the risk of heart attacks. “We had a phase where specialists read the scans and we compared their diagnosis with the AI’s,” Antioniades explains. “AI was always right.” These results led to doctors changing the treatment plans for hundreds of patients. “The key is that we can treat the inflammatory changes early and prevent heart attacks,” according to Antioniades. 
The British National Health Service (NHS) has approved the AI tool, and it is now used in five public hospitals. “We hope that it will soon be used everywhere because it can help prevent thousands of heart attacks every year,” Antioniades says. A startup at Oxford University offers a service that enables other clinics to send their CT scans in for analysis with Oxford’s AI tool.
Similarly, physician-scientists at the Smidt Heart Institute and the Division of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles use AI to analyze echograms. They created an algorithm that can effectively identify and distinguish between two life-threatening heart conditions that are easy to overlook: hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and cardiac amyloidosis. “These two heart conditions are challenging for even expert cardiologists to accurately identify, and so patients often go on for years to decades before receiving a correct diagnosis,” David Ouyang, cardiologist at the Smidt Heart Institute, said in a press release. “This is a machine-beats-man situation. AI makes the sonographer work faster and more efficiently, and it doesn’t change the patient experience. It’s a triple win.”
Current Issues with AI Medicine
However, using artificial intelligence in clinical settings has disadvantages, too. “Suzanne has no empathy,” Lüscher says about his experience with Chat GPT. “Her responses have to be verified by a doctor. She even says that after every diagnosis, and has to, for legal reasons.”
Also, an algorithm is only as accurate as the information with which it was trained. Lüscher and his team cured an AI tool of a massive deficit: Women’s risk for heart attacks wasn’t reliably evaluated because the AI had mainly been fed with data from male patients. “For women, heart attacks are more often fatal than for men,” Lüscher says. “Women also usually come to the clinic later. All these factors have implications.” Therefore, his team developed a more realistic AI prognosis that improves the treatment of female patients. “We adapted it with machine learning and it now works for women and men,” Lüscher explains. “You have to make sure the cohorts are large enough and have been evaluated independently so that the algorithms work for different groups of patients and in different countries.” His team made the improved algorithm available online so other hospitals can use it too...
[Lopez-Jimenez at the Mayo Clinic] tells his colleagues and patients that the reliability of AI tools currently lies at 75 to 93 percent, depending on the specific diagnosis. “Compare that with a mammogram that detects breast tumors with an accuracy of 85 percent,” Lopez-Jimenez says. “But because it’s AI, people expect 100 percent. That simply does not exist in medicine.”
And of course, another challenge is that few people have the resources and good fortune to become patients at the world’s most renowned clinics with state-of-the-art technology.
What Comes Next
“One of my main goals is to make this technology available to millions,” Lopez-Jimenez says. He mentions that Mayo is trying out high-tech stethoscopes to interpret heart signals with AI. “The idea is that a doctor in the Global South can use it to diagnose cardiac insufficiency,” Lopez-Jimenez explains. “It is already being tested in Nigeria, the country with the highest rate of genetic cardiac insufficiency in Africa. The results are impressively accurate.” 
The Mayo Clinic is also working with doctors in Brazil to diagnose Chagas disease with the help of AI reliably and early. “New technology is always more expensive at the beginning,” Lopez-Jimenez cautions, “but in a few years, AI will be everywhere and it will make diagnostics cheaper and more accurate.”
And the Children’s National Hospital in Washington developed a portable AI device that is currently being tested to screen children in Uganda for rheumatic heart disease, which kills about 400,000 people a year worldwide. The new tool reportedly has an accuracy of 90 percent. 
Both Lopez-Jimenez and Lüscher are confident that AI tools will continue to improve. “One advantage is that a computer can analyze images at 6 a.m. just as systematically as after midnight,” Lüscher points out. “A computer doesn’t get tired or have a bad day, whereas sometimes radiologists overlook significant symptoms. AI learns something and never forgets it.”
-via Reasons to Be Cheerful, March 1, 2024. Headers added by me.
Okay, so I'm definitely not saying that everything with AI medicine will go right, and there won't be any major issues. That's definitely not the case (the article talks about some of those issues). But regulation around medicines is generally pretty tight, and
And if it goes right, this could be HUGE for disabled people, chronically ill people, and people with any of the unfortunately many marginalizations that make doctors less likely to listen.
This could shave years off of the time it takes people to get the right diagnosis. It could get answers for so many people struggling with unknown diseases and chronic illness. If we compensate correctly, it could significantly reduce the role of bias in medicine. It could also make testing so much faster.
(There's a bunch of other articles about all of the ways that AI diagnoses are proving more sensitive and more accurate than doctors. This really is the sort of thing that AI is actually good at - data evaluation and science, not art and writing.)
This decade really is, for many different reasons, the beginning of the next revolution in medicine. Luckily, medicine is mostly pretty well-regulated - and of course that means very long testing phases. I think we'll begin to really see the fruits of this revolution in the next 10 to 15 years.
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tinydeskwriter · 2 years
CINEMA {Chapter II}
A/n:  know that Anne announced her father’s passing on the 23rd, but a little digging on the internet pointed out that Brian passed on the 21st of August of a infection at 86 years old. I don’t thing they would announce it before a funeral and service have already been held due to media and public interest in Harry. Also, quick note that London is 8 hours ahead from LA. word count:2425
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CINEMA | Previous Part
The 21st of August was the saddest day of 2021 for Harry. 
Perhaps one of the saddest of his life.
It started early in the morning, on their daily video-call Anne had commented that Grandpa Brian was not doing well—a mixture of his Parkinson’s disease, diabetes and the poor health that plagues old age—that they had better start preparing for the worst.
He was clearly shaken after the call, pensive, if not a little catatonic with the news, grandpa Brian was one of Harry’s people in the world, and after meeting the old man in 2013 it became clear to Y/n where so many of Harry’s’s most endearing personality traits came from. 
Y/n tried to distract him by taking him out of the house, ‘enjoy the last days of summer’ she told him. They went to the beach in Malibu and enjoyed iced tea from their favorite little coffee shop sunbathing on the golden sand, her head on his lap as they talked about their next few months and plans to visit each other while his tour was on the road, and they had lunch in a nice vegan place. No paparazzi to bother them and they just got recognized on three occasions by Y/n’s far more controlled fans.   
It was shortly after they got back to the house that Harry received Anne's second call that day to inform him that grandpa had passed away a few moments before.
Apart from all the grief, the saddest part was that Harry wouldn’t be able to attend the funeral to pay his respects and say a last goodbye to his beloved grandfather. 
Y/n’s heart broke for him.
There is something truly heartbreaking about seen someone so full of life and love, so sad and grief stricken. His grandfather may have been frail for a while now, but nothing never truly prepares you to lose someone you love so much. 
Harry and Y/n have been at each others side through some amount of grief and loss over the years. Harry had been with her when she lost her grandmother in 2013, and again in 2018 when her beloved grandfather passed away—the only family members she had been close to, with her parents to busy with their careers, and older half-siblings that didn’t care much for her—, and she had being with him after Robin’s passing in 2017, getting in the first flight back home from Canada just to be by his side as they buried his stepfather. 
Due to COVID health guidelines it was impossible for Harry to attend the funeral, even if they waited the maximum period for the burial and religious ceremonies it would still not be enough time.
Y/n stood by his side, hands intertwine with his, as he talks to his mom and sister.
“They’re burying him tomorrow afternoon, there is no real reason to wait longer.” He tells her as he ends the call. “I will be attending the service through Zoom.” He says with a humorless laugh.
Y/n’s heart sinks as she sees Harry’s red, teary eyes.
“Oh, my Love…” She wrapped him in her arms, allowing him to mourn.
He remains in her arms for a while before pulling away kissing her forehead, their hands still intertwined.
“I need to call Jeff and the rest of my family.” he says sniffling, her thumb caressing the back of his hand.
His eyes dart out to where they're intertwined. Her elegant, small, pale hand intertwined with his larger, tanned hand.
“Do you want me to call someone?” She asks in an almost whisper.
His eyes return to her face.
“Can you call Mitch and Sarah, please? Let them know…” He asks looking her in the eyes. 
“Of course my love.” Y/n she agrees, nodding her head. “I will text Luis, ask him to bring mourning clothes for you from the rental.”
Harry looks at her gratefully and remains silent for a moment.
“I do not want to be alone.” He confesses after a while.
“I am here.” She assures him, her free hand travels to the back his neck and Harry lowers his head, touching his forehead to hers. “I will always be here.” She promises.
He agrees, kissing her forehead again and excusing himself to go make phone calls.
Y/n walked through the familiar long halls of her house, her office was right next to the music room, a space that did double duty as an office and library—she knew Harry was probably in backyard—two of the walls had floor-to-ceiling shelves with all the books Y/n had ever read, and the collection he had inherited from his grandparents, a Guglielmo Ulrich desk occupied almost all the space in front of the huge window overlooking the side garden, an Urban Outfitters desk chair and G. Zema's Anemone armchairs being the only places available to sit in the room. 
The actress closes the door behind her with her cell phone and address book. Before anything else, she orders flowers to be sent to Anne with a condolence note, and a wreath from the same flower shop in London that she had used years ago for her grandfather's funeral—the owner of the business was a discreet lady.
She sent a text message to Luis asking him to bring Harry mourning clothes, explaining that his grandpa Brian had passed away. 
Harry never really did well alone, he always needed to be surrounded by friends, so Y/n spends the next few hours talking to Mitch, James, and Glenne, inviting them to come for Harry’s grandfather’s service, she texts Gemma asking for as many photos of Harry with his grandfather as she can get, and order flowers to be brought to her house the next day. If Harry can’t go to his grandfather service, she intended to do something nice for him so he would be able to say goodbye.
Her Love deserved no less.
Y/n only realizes the late hour when Luis shows up at the house with Harry's clothes and a Nobu bag.  
“I figured dinner would be the last thing on your minds.” Says Luis as he passed everything to Y/n's hands and greets her with a kiss on the cheek. “Got H’s favorite.” 
“Thank you so much baby, I didn’t even notice the time.” The young woman smiles at him.
“How is H?” The assistant asks a little worried not seeing his boss anywhere around.
“The last time I saw him he was still on the phone talking to his family.” She says placing the suit bag on an armchair in the living room and carrying the bag of food into the kitchen, leaving it on the island. “Are you coming tomorrow?” She asked in a lower voice.
“Of course, totally.” The man nods, “Do you need me to bring anything?”
“I have everything under control, just show up for brunch.”
“Alright, Y/n/n, I need to get going, but text me if you guys need anything.” Luis squeezed her shoulder in farewell. “Hug H for me, will you?”
Y/n escorts Luis to the door and then goes looking for Harry around the house.
The first thing that struck her when she walked into the music room was the unmistakable smell of tequila and whiskey through the room. The second thing that struck me was the music. Harry was playing some messy, off-key blues that was both making her sad and also making her ears metaphorically bleed. He didn’t even notice Y/n ’s her presence until she was almost in front of him.
“Lovie!” He smiles drowsily, abandoning the piano keys to turn to her. 
Y/n's heart tightens in her chest as she takes in the sweaty hair and bloodshot eyes, there were tear marks on his face and Y/n just knew he had been crying. 
“Oh My Love! How long have you been here?” She eyes at the nearly empty bottle of whiskey, and the uncapped bottle of tequila.
“I love you, babe.” Harry said against the fabric of her clothing. “You are the fucking love of my existence.”
“I love you too H.” She lifted his face to look him in the eye. “You are the other half of my soul.” She says making him give a drunken smile.
“Why did we broke up?” He asks, his drunken smile suddenly gone.
Y/n sighs, feeling a little drained at the thought of having that conversation with a Drunk Harry.
Why did they broke up? 
He had broken up with her, it would be a better way to say, she had just accepted his choice so she could keep him in her life. They’re too young too be so serious about each other, was his reasoning.
“H, let’s go to bed.” Is what she chooses to says, there was no point talking about their past with him so drunk.
“Promise you won’t leave.”He demands.
“Never in a million years.”
Harry woke up alone in their bed—since when their bed became a synonymous for her bed—to the smell of fresh tea and sunlight streaming into the bedroom. His cellphone was charging on the bedside table along with a few tablets for his hangover—he smiled at that—he only had a few unread messages of condolences from other family members and some more close family friends, who are probably informed by either his mom, Jeff or Y/N.
He gets up stretching his back, deeply regretting having opened the drinks cabinet the night before. He showered and changed into the clothes left for him on an armchair—a Gucci double breasted black suit—.
The ‘Watermelon Sugar’ crooner found Y/n in the kitchen, in front of her custom sage green Aga Stove—after buying her dream mid-century house in LA, the model turn actress decided to renovate her entire kitchen and made it more ‘English’, it was the only thing she did really change at the house—in a black 'The Vampire's Wife' dress, he recognized because Olivia had the same dress in another print, Y/n had an apron on, protecting her clothes from anything that might fall on her, Dorothea, her cook, was nowhere in sight, Rebekah and Luis were sitting on stools by the island, both with their iPads in hand and coffee mugs in front of them.
Luis was the first to notice Harry in the kitchen entrance, getting up and offering his condolences to his boss on his grandfather’s passing, followed by Bekah.
Y/n takes the fry pan off the stove, spreading the vegan sausages and beacon onto a platter, before taking of her apron and going around the island, opening her arms to hug Harry.
“What’s this?” He asks, noticing for the first time what looks to be a full English breakfast spread arranged in porcelain plates around the kitchen island.
“This is comfort brunch… for you.” She says with a small smile, feeling a little silly with Harry looking at her so intensely and the two PA’s watching their interaction. “I want you to feel loved during your grieving moment, so…” Harry cut her off with a peck, cupping her face in his hands.
“Thank you, Lovie.” He thanked her with sincere honesty, hugging her.
“Why?” Y/n she looked at him confused.  
Harry just smiled. That was just something so very Y/n to do…to do something just so caring and gentle, and just not seeing that it wasn’t simply what ‘anyone else would do’.
“Simply by being you.” His green eyes traveled across her face.
“Babes, why don’t you take H to the backyard?” Bekah interrupts them. “Luis and I will take the food.” Y/n gives them both a grateful smile taking Harry’s hand in hers and leads him to the backyard.
There’s an energy of intimacy that you wouldn’t tell they’re anything other than a couple, it was something in the way he followed her with blind trust, his eyes on her the entire time, or how her head was leaning slightly on his shoulder and she had his hand between hers. And to any of the thirty people in the backyard, they looked like some sort of beautiful quirky couple straight out of a Tim Burton movie.
His eyes are still following her across the lawn when they are separated by friends who wish to greet Harry and offer their condolences on his grandfather's passing.
Harry felt loved with so many of his friends showing up to support him. His whole band was there, James with his family, the Azoffs and the Gerbers, Tom and Jenny, Tyler, Jeff, Molly, even Nick and Lily, Niall showing up had been a surprise, but that was Niall.
Olivia was an unexpected presence, as they were in an awkward place in their relationship, she stayed close to James, Julia, Nick and Lily as he greeted them, Harry wasn't sure who had warned her, if it had been Jeff or James—he was pretty sure Y/n wouldn't have been, the two hadn't even said hello. 
Of his close and dear friends, those not in attendance made themselves present with flowers and heartfelt messages. He was admiring the arrangements with Glenne and Jeff when he noticed what appeared to be papers hanging by ribbons from the English oak that Y/n had been given by a director years ago.
His band were admiring whatever it was with smiles on their faces. Harry's eyes again turned to the other side of the pool where Y/n was talking to Kaia.
“She organized everything yesterday.” Harry turned to Glenne who was looking in the same direction as him.  “Have you seen the tree yet?” 
“What are those hanging things?” He asked with some curiosity, heading towards the tree without even realizing it, Glenne beside him.  
It was only when he was close enough that he realized they were photographs, most of him and his grandfather, some of the whole family, framed and hung from the tree with colorful ribbons. He glanced briefly at where Y/n stood before his gaze returned to Glenne. 
“She texted Gemma yesterday, spent a few hours printing everything out, and this morning while you were sleeping, Jeff and I helped her frame and hang it up.”
They were interrupted by Y/n advising everyone to take a seat in front of the big screen that the service was about to begin, and they would be reunited virtually with the rest of Harry's family.  For a second their eyes met, Harry smiled despite the moment, 'Thank you' he said mutely, to which she smiled back at him.
{next| coming soon}
Taglist: @slutforcoffein ; @lilsiz ; @pandxthings ;
@ameerakane20 ; @angywritesstuff ; @dzastinocha
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kennasutopia · 4 months
Im biting the bullet and writing my first oneshot, don't crucify me. It was just an idea in my head I wanted to get on paper it's not grammatically correct.
[Posts and hides face behind hands]
Elektra dated Anthony Joshua among others in america where she was the dayghter of a pro aghlete and an athlete herself and her biggest thing with her exs was while she wasn't the biggest into pda at least make it seem like you wanted to be around her. Now AJ was in the london elektra was england based now f I r grad school at oxford. Nevertheless aj was in the club in a section across from footballers who were getting all the female attention. Elektra was there as well with her footballer friend and family connections. Elektra and josko had major chemistry and had a few drinks and really didn't care. Elektra returned from being somewhere and when she gotnback there were no seats, josko pulled her onto his lap. They remained decent for a bit until someone asked elektra something from over the railing and she turned with her head away from josko to answer the person. Josko took that moment to stroke elektras stomach with his thumb and his hand traced down and elektras thighs naturally clinched and the nips got hard, she was putty in josko hands. When his hand traveled to elektras thighs elektra made contact grabbing his hand which elektra balled up in a fist as if telling him to stop and control himself. If people didn't know elekrra was a freak the new with what happened next. A bottle girl game over to refill bottles and drinks and she was at elektras knees saying elektras drink was a cocktail, elektra had a two drink maximum just because diabetes and alcohol are frenimes. The bottle girl handed rlektra her drink and the condensation dripped onto elektra who asked for a napkin and the bottle girl used one in her hand. The bottle girl kept eye contact with elektra who was breathing a bit hard and elektra looked back already seeing josko looking at her, everyone was watching the chemistry between elektra and josko even Anthony from across the room.
In the car leaving the club, Kyle is carpool for some of the guys, josko left eith elektra in her car. The group get to a red-light and Kyle happens to look over seeing josko and elekrra in the backseat of her making out. Kyle jokingly shouts for elektra to take it easy on josko they have training the following day. Elektra leans back on josko knees and looks around before spotting kyle and the lights happened to her eyes perfectly bexause it looked like they were glowing blue. In that moment, josko was kissing the valley between elektras chest before grabbing a handful of her breast's. When josko took a nipple in his mouth is when elektra threw her head back, arching her back, and moaning. Someone from the from seat elektras security saw Kyle's car as well and rolled the windows up for privacy.
John: he's not attending practice tomorrow.
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faofinn · 1 year
Day 18 - Stabbing
Tai didn’t always get involved with the family business. He’d had ties back in Ireland, of course. Known Fao’s family, at least heard about them. They’d been in trouble, when things had fallen apart between the Daniels and the Blackwoods, and the Blackwoods themselves had split. That was the whole reason Tai had been in America in the first place, to get away from the drama that followed him around in Dublin. Meeting Hars had been the best of it, and now he was in London, part of the family. It had been a rocky start, but they’d settled quickly enough, Levi a part of their little family. 
His diabetes diagnosis had come as a huge shock for all of them, but he was managing well enough now, back on his feet. As much as he didn’t get involved in business like his boyfriend did, sometimes it was unavoidable. He’d had information on this particular group, carried over from his time in Ireland. He was out with Hars and Fao, something that was new and relatively novel. It was nice, in a way. 
They were laughing and joking on the way there, and it was an upbeat job at the end of the day. Tai liked working with Hars, and he got on well with Fao. The job itself had gone well, all in all, and they’d got the information they needed. 
On the way home, they’d swung by the caf to get some breakfast. They were all starved, and it would be nice to sit down and celebrate a job well done. The food was good, the caffeine was welcome, and they had a quiet area to sit and talk, given Harrison owned the place. 
Once they’d finished, they gathered their stuff and headed out. One of the other people who had been eating stood up, a face like thunder. Tai went to push past them, not in the mood for someone to be acting up. That was his mistake, because he pulled out a knife, and Tai felt the bite of it as it hit him. It felt more like a punch, a dull pain, but his breath caught and he fell into Fao behind him. 
“Shit.” He muttered, staring down at the blooming crimson spreading across his shirt. 
Harrison had his gun out immediately, pointing at the man. "Don't you fucking dare move."
He didn’t give him a chance to disobey, stepping forward and smacking him upside the chin with his pistol. The man crumpled to the floor and Harrison shrugged. The worker behind the counter had pressed the alarm too, sending an alert back to Fred. 
“Jesus fucking christ.” Fao muttered, trying to keep Tai upright. “I need this place emptied, now. We need Steve to prep the basement, and I need kit.” His voice softened, turning to speak to the other Irishman. “We’ve got you, I’ll get you sorted.”
Tai squeezed his eyes shut, his teeth clenched so tight he could break teeth. He couldn't manage a breath in, each movement sending sparks of pain across his abdomen. He could feel himself putting more weight on Fao, but he couldn't find the energy to care. 
The worker behind the counter moved surprisingly quickly, passing the small trauma kit across to Harrison. It wasn't out of the ordinary for someone to turn up hurt. This, however, was. 
Fao could feel Tai getting heavier and heavier against him, and adjusted his grip to scoop him up. “Get me a table clear, Hars?”
"Not here." Harrison shook his head. "We've gotta get back to Steve, to somewhere proper."
“I just need to control the bleeding here, and then we can get him to Steve.” 
"Okay, sure." He turned, swiping the crap off the table behind him, glasses shattering as they hit the floor. "Here, come on."
Fao winced but set Tai down on the table, grabbing a cushion from the booth behind for his head. “Sorry, Tai. We’re gonna get this sorted.” He murmured, covering the wound and pressing hard to try and control the bleeding. 
Tai groaned against Fao's hands, instinctively trying to move away. He knew better than to push his hands away, though he reached blindly for Hars. 
"Hey, hey. I'm here. You're gonna be fine." He leaned over, pressing a kiss to his forehead. 
“I know, I know. It’s going to hurt like hell, but it needs doing, I’m sorry.” Fao muttered. 
Tai reached to grab at Harrison’s arms that were not so subtly holding him down. He knew he had to stay still, but it didn’t mean he couldn't have some comfort from Hars. 
They all jumped as more men flooded the place, Fred at the helm. He gave the trio a wide berth, knowing better than to go near the blood. Their priority was the assailant, still rather unconscious (and now cuffed) on the floor. After a quick nod, his men fell into position, some hauling the attacker from the floor, others moving to flank Fao to offer protection. 
Fao paused for a moment to rip Tai’s shirt, exposing his stomach. “Bastard got you good.” He murmured, ignoring the men around them. It was good, having them around, but it was distracting. “What’s in that kit, Hars?”
"One of everything from our trauma kit in the basement." He said, his voice wavering slightly.
“Perfect.” He said. “Any drugs?”
"TXA?" He answered. "No controlled."
“Figured. Can you get access for me?”
"Yeah, sure. How much are you wanting to do?" He wasn't liking the idea of keeping Tai in pain. 
“I just want TXA in, there’s not a lot else I can do, I want to get back home.”
"We can do TXA."
“Yeah, perfect. Can’t do a lot without pain relief.”
"We can get some here?" 
Taidgh groaned, trying to get Harrison's attention. "Hars."
"I know, I'm here."
"No, 'ars." He tugged on his hands. "Please."
"What?" He stroked through his hair. "I'm here, you're gonna be fine. You know what Fao's like."
Tai took a moment. "Are you gonna be 'kay wit' Levi?"
"'Course I am, just until we get you back on your feet." He soothed. 
"No." He shook his head. "After."
Harrison made a noise. "Tai, no. Don't be silly."
“Tai, listen to me?” Fao said. “You’re not going anywhere, I’m looking after you. If he doesn’t have you I’ve got to look after him, eh? Need to keep you around.”
It took Tai a few moments to respond. "I guess."
“I’m good at what I do, I’ve got you.”
"No, no, Tai. Keep your eyes open? C'mon, please?"
Fao dug through the kit, looking for what he needed. He found the haemostatic dressing he wanted and tore it open, quickly applying it. Thank god for the trauma kit they had kept there. 
“Come on Tai, hold on for us.”
"Tai, please." Harrison's voice wavered. "Fao you've gotta work faster."
“I’m doing what I can, there’s not a lot I can do here.” He said. “Is that TXA in?”
"Yeah, it's in."
“Have we got evac of some description?” 
Fred looked up. "Van's ready when you are."
“I think I’ve done all I can here, I need better light and better drugs before I can do more.” Fao said. “Happy to go, Hars?”
Harrison nodded quickly. "Yeah."
“Let’s get going, then. Is Steve ready for us?”
"Basement's prepped. Finn’s in, too."
“Great.” Fao murmured. “Sorry Tai, this is going to suck.” He lifted him up again, doing his best not to jostle him as he did so.  Tai barely whimpered, but Harrison could see the look in his eyes, a brief moment of agony before they rolled. It wasn't good, Harrison knew that, even Fred knew that. At least he would have the best of teams to work on him, to get him sorted. Harrison felt so out of his depth, his mind reeling with the possibilities he didn’t want.
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Importance of Early Detection in Retinal Diseases
We can see and understand the world around us thanks in large part to the retina, a sensitive tissue lining the back of the eye. Sadly, retinal conditions can progressively reduce eyesight and, if not addressed, result in lifelong blindness. Early identification and prompt action are essential for maintaining vision and avoiding permanent harm. This blog will discuss the critical value of early identification in retinal illnesses and how it may have a profound impact on a patient's quality of life.
Let's read it out:
Finding Hidden Threats
In their early stages, retinal disorders frequently manifest quietly and without obvious symptoms. A slow loss of vision can occur as a result of conditions including age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and retinitis pigmentosa. Regular eye exams by a trained eye care practitioner are crucial for early detection of these disorders and quick action.
Maximising Treatment Effectiveness
Early identification frequently opens the door to more potent treatment alternatives. Eye care professionals can advise on suitable treatments, drugs, or operations to prevent or reduce disease development, minimise vision loss, and preserve quality of life, with prompt diagnosis.
Preventing Vision Loss
Once retinal illnesses cause vision loss, they frequently cannot be reversed. Early identification gives you the chance to take action before serious damage takes place, greatly lowering the risk of long-term vision loss.
Protecting Peripheral Vision
Peripheral vision loss can develop gradually in some retinal conditions, such as retinitis pigmentosa. Early diagnosis enables patients to adapt and make better use of their remaining eyesight, preserving their independence and safety throughout everyday activities.
Increasing Life Quality
Having healthy eyesight is essential for overall well-being and life quality. Early diagnosis and treatment of retinal illnesses can support people in maintaining their independence, participating in their favourite hobbies, and maintaining social connections.
Increasing Proactive Eye Care Power
As we get older, it's even more important to get regular eye exams since the risk of retinal illnesses rises. Early identification enables people to take proactive measures to safeguard their vision through lifestyle changes and appropriate eye care.
It is impossible to exaggerate the value of early identification of retinal disorders in terms of saving sight. Eye care practitioners can apply effective treatment techniques, reducing or even stopping disease development and maintaining vision, by spotting retinal disorders in their early stages. Regular eye exams are essential for identifying these silent dangers, giving people the power to take charge of their eye health and live a life with unhindered vision. Make an appointment with an eye care specialist right away to protect the priceless gift of sight if you or a loved one haven't had an eye checkup in the last year. Rather, if you are facing any retinal disease, our team of Retinal Disease in London is here to assist you. We have years of experience in this field.
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eyecaresurgicalltd · 7 months
How does pollution affect your eye vision?
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diabetic-eye-disease · 8 months
The Link Between Diabetes and Vision: A Comprehensive Guide to Diabetic Eye Health
Diabetes is a health disorder that affects different sections of the body, which includes the eyes. An awareness of the relationship between diabetes and vision is important for controlling and preventing ophthalmic complications. In this detailed guide, we will discuss the role of diabetes in eye care including surgical treatment if it is needed.
Understanding Diabetic Eye Complications:
Many complications of the eyes in diabetic patients occur as a result of long-term high levels of blood sugar. Diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular edema are the two most common conditions. Diabetic retinopathy targets the blood vessels within the retina, while diabetic macular edema refers to swelling of the macula—the central part of this structure with sharp vision.
The Importance of Regular Eye Exams:
For diabetic patients, frequent eye checks are essential. Detecting diabetic eye complications early can help to minimize further damage. A thorough eye examination may reveal indicators of diabetic retinopathy or macular edema, which can be quickly addressed. In vision management, eye care professionals such as ophthalmologists are vital in managing these conditions.
Managing Blood Sugar Levels:
Blood sugar management is one of the best strategies to prevent or delay diabetic eye complications. Monitoring blood sugar regularly, staying on a balanced diet, regular physical activity, and medications as prescribed by professionals can help control diabetes and lower the chances of eye problems.
Lifestyle Modifications for Eye Health:
Other than blood sugar management, lifestyle changes have some amount of influence on overall vision health. Quitting smoking, keeping a stable weight, and Keeping your blood pressure under control are crucial factors. These changes not only improve vision but also promote general well-being and prevent the onset of diabetes complications
Importance of Eye Care Surgical Interventions:
Sometimes the diabetic retinopathy advances to a point where surgical intervention becomes inevitable. Advanced diabetic retinopathy procedures include laser surgery and vitrectomy. Laser surgery helps in sealing the leaking blood vessels, and vitrectomy involves the removal of blood or scar tissue from vitreous humor. Specialized eye care surgical proficient practitioners perform these interventions.
Prevention through Early Intervention:
In diabetic eye care, early intervention is essential. Regular eye tests identify problems early enough to allow preventive measures. Prompt action, proper lifestyle modifications, and surgical treatment if necessary can substantially enhance the prospects and optimize vision.
Raising Awareness and Education:
The awareness of Diabetes and visual links is crucial not only for those suffering from this metabolic disorder but also for healthcare professionals. Through education on the need to have regular eye exams, preserving general health as well as early detection of signs of diabetic complications, empowers people to manage their eye health.
Collaborative Care Approach:
Diabetic eye care is a team effort between the person with diabetes, health professionals, and eye care professionals. Coherent communication and treatment plan implementation are essential. People with diabetes should be encouraged to share any concerns regarding their vision with their healthcare team.
The connection between diabetes and vision is crucial for preserving eye integrity and preventing vascular changes. This process involves regular eye tests, lifestyle changes, and good diabetes management. In cases where diabetic eye complications progress, highly qualified experts in the field of eye care surgical therapies play a crucial role in preserving vision and helping people with diabetes lead better lives. As a reminder, preserving healthy eyes despite the challenges imposed by diabetes relies on proactive care and early detection.
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eye-surgery-in-london · 7 months
How does pollution affect your eye vision?
Pollution can be harmful to your vision, which is your eye health. Fine particles of dust, smoke, and chemicals in the air cause irritation, dryness, and even damage to the sensitive structures in the eyes. The consequences of pollution on the eyes are witnessed by eye surgeon in London clinics, which leads them to seek protection for the eyes against the hazards of pollution.
Reasons why you should protect your eyes:
Air Pollution and Eye Irritation: When the air is filled with smog, dust, or other particles, our eyes become itchy and scratchy. The reason behind the discomfort is when the pollutants come into contact with the sensitive parts of our eyes, causing irritation and sometimes redness.
Chemical Exposure and Eye Damage: The environment can expose a person to harmful chemicals that affect the eyes. The function of these dangerous chemicals, like industrial pollutants or household cleaners, is to irritate our eyes, cause a burning sensation, and cause serious eye injury if they come into contact with our eyes.
Particulate Matter and Eye Health: The particles of particulate matter are very small and suspended in the air, for example, dust and smoke. When we inhale the air polluted with these airborne particles, we might experience irritation of the eyes, followed by discomfort, redness, and even more serious problems like infections or damage to the surface of the eyes.
UV Radiation and Eye Protection: The eyes can be damaged as the eyes are exposed to the UV light from the sun. Repeated exposure to UV without protection for an extended period can increase the chances of cataract formation, macular degeneration, and other eye problems. A pair of sunglasses with UV protection and a hat can provide enhanced protection for our eyes from these effects.
Water Pollution and Eye Infections: Water pollution results in the tainting of water sources that host harmful pathogens and bacteria. Once these pollutants go into our eyes, there is a possibility of infections like conjunctivitis or keratitis. Ensuring access to water that is clean and safe is an important aspect of preventing infections and maintaining good eye health.
Indoor Air Quality and Eye Comfort: Insufficient indoor air quality as a consequence of pollutants like dust, dander, and chemicals can lead to eye discomfort. Airborne irritants may result in dry eyes, itching, or even redness. Improving ventilation, using air purifiers, and keeping indoor spaces well-cleaned can help soothe symptoms and enable one to see clearly and have better health for the eyes.
Prevention and Protection: To shield your eyes from pollution, wear sunglasses and thus protect yourself from UV rays and reduce exposure to irritants. Wear eyewear in hazardous environments. Keep your eyes clean by rinsing them with clean water frequently. Frequent eye examinations reveal pollution-related issues early.
Conclusion: Appreciation of the effect of air pollution on eye health is a key element in prevention. Regular eye examinations and the adoption of safety measures are needed. For a high-end eye surgeon in London, opt for an experienced eye surgeon to guarantee a good treatment procedure leading to the restoration of vision. Optimal use of money prevents pollution-related health risks and improves vision and overall health.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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World Sight Day
World Sight Day is an international day of awareness that focuses attention on the global issue of eye health and aims to eliminate blindness and visual impairment. Individuals think about the importance of their own eye health, but particular focus is put on the eye health of those living in developing countries, where an overwhelming majority of those with blindness live. World Sight Day was created in 1998 by Lions Club International with the goals of eradicating reversible and preventable blindness and encouraging people to have eye exams regularly. It is also known as Lions World Sight Day, a name that was most frequently used early on.
From its start, World Sight Day has been a global initiative. Major media events were held on six continents during the first observance. To raise awareness, a giant eye chart was projected on the House of Parliament in London, as well as on sites in Hong Kong, Cape Town, São Paulo, New York City, and Sydney. The Lions Club International continues to organize activities for the day. They collect eyeglasses to be redistributed and accept the donation of assistive devices for the visually impaired; they conduct vision screenings and eye health education programs.
World Sight Day became an official event of the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) in 2000 and is now coordinated by them. Until 2020, it was part of their VISION 2020 program. They put together materials for the day and usually set a different theme for it each year. They organize events and activities, such as the EVERYONE COUNTS Global Challenge, although many events are organized by others, such as those organized by the Lions.
With there being a billion people around the world with visual impairment who don't have access to eye care services, and because 80% of visual impairment can be treated or prevented, World Sight Day remains an essential holiday. People of all ages have issues with vision impairment, but most are over the age of 50. Its main causes are uncorrected refractive error and unoperated cataracts. Other causes include glaucoma, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy, as well as eye trauma and disease. Eyes can be an indicator of overall health, and eye health can affect many aspects of life, like daily personal activities, interactions with others, school and work performance, and access to public services. For all these reasons, sights are set on global eye health today.
How to Observe World Sight Day
There are numerous ways you could take part:
Make a pledge to get an eye exam, and then schedule one. Use social media to encourage others to do the same.
Create and share a World Sight Day poster.
Browse the IAPB's World Sight Day webpage for information about their photo competition and this year's theme, and find additional resources on their toolkits and promotional material webpage.
Take part in the EVERYONE COUNTS Global Challenge.
Check if a Lions Club near you is collecting eyeglasses, conducting vision screenings, hosting an eye health education program, or taking part in another way.
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eye-surgeon · 2 years
Things You Should Consider Before Any Eye Surgery
Eye surgery is very critical; you should consider lots of things and take care of your eyes and overall health before and after the surgery. If you are facing any kind of vision defect, you need to consult with an eye specialist to get the best care for your eyes. If your doctor recommends eye surgery. Here we have mentioned some points you should consider before undergoing this surgery.
Let's read them out carefully:
Type of surgery
There are many different types of eye surgeries, each with its risks and benefits. It's important to discuss the procedure with your eye doctor or surgeon and make an informed decision about which surgery is right for you. It will help you know which option is best for you and within your budget.
Your overall health
Your overall health can affect your ability to undergo eye surgery. It's important to let your surgeon know about any pre-existing medical conditions you may have, as well as any medications or supplements you're taking. Also, discuss if there is any family history of eye disease. If you are suffering from diabetes, it is very crucial to know any eye doctors.
Potential risks and complications
All surgeries come with risks and potential complications. It's important to discuss these with your surgeon and make sure you understand the risks and benefits of the procedure. It will help better prepare for the situation.
Preparation for surgery
Depending on the type of surgery, you may need to stop taking certain medications or avoid eating or drinking before the procedure. Your surgeon will provide you with instructions on how to prepare for the surgery. So consult with your surgeon to get ready for surgery.
Recovery time
You will need to plan for some time off work or other activities to allow for proper healing and recovery after the surgery. It's important to follow your surgeon's instructions for post-operative care and attend any follow-up appointments for the best results.
Cost and insurance coverage
Eye surgeries can be costly, and it's important to understand the cost of the procedure and whether your insurance will cover it. Try to choose the centre that covers your eye care surgery and suits your budget.
Overall, it's important to thoroughly discuss the procedure with your surgeon and carefully consider all the factors before deciding on any eye surgery. Rather, if you are looking for an eye surgeon in London, you can connect with us here. We have a team of professionals to offer you the most comprehensive services. Our team is focused on delivering the best customer experience. For more details, you can connect with us. 
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