#diabetes doctor in ahmedabad
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anshobecure · 11 months
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Bariatric surgery is an effective tool against obesity, but it requires a lifelong commitment to making significant changes to your lifestyle. One of these important changes is a commitment to consistent follow-up check-ups with your bariatric specialist. Read More - https://anshobecure.com/why-is-follow-up-care-extremely-important-after-bariatric-surgery/
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drapurvaradiance · 1 year
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alfakidneycare · 5 months
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urologist-surgeon · 1 year
Discover the secrets behind diabetic foot ulcers on the captivating page by the esteemed endocrinologist in Ahmedabad.
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Diabetes and weight loss surgery are two topics that are closely related. Weight loss surgery, also known as bariatric surgery, is often recommended for individuals who are obese and have difficulty losing weight through traditional methods. Diabetes, on the other hand, is a metabolic disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels that can lead to a range of health problems if left uncontrolled. Read More - https://anshobecure.com/diabetes-weight-loss-surgery-know-how-they-impact-each-other/
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jivandeep · 2 years
How do Multispecialty Hospitals benefit patients?
a multispecialty hospital, s a specialized hospital offering treatment for specialized branches of medicine under one roof.
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Rejuvenate yourself with Ayurveda and Yoga Campaign
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Rejuvenate yourself with Ayurveda and Yoga Campaign, Ayurveda , Doctor , Treatment , Nadi Pariksha , Medicine , Pure Herbs ,Sudarshan Kriya , Yoga , Meditation in Dombivli,Kalyan, Vithalwadi , Ulhasnagar,Ambernath,Badlapur,Thakurli
Mumbai, Delhi , Bangalore , Hyderabad , Ahmedabad , Chennai , Kolkata , Surat , Pune , Jaipur , Lucknow Kanpur , Nagpur , Indore , Thane , Maharashtra,India , United States ,
Netherlands , France , Ukraine , Germany , Indonesia , Bulgaria , United Kingdom , Ireland , Russia , Canada , Singapore , China , Poland , Japan , South Korea , Brazil , Egypt , Portugal , Spain , Azerbaijan , Australia .
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Day 1
A Psychologist par excellence, Maharishi Patanjali was a seer who lived sometime around the 2nd century BCE. He knew the twists and turns, the pitfalls and the intricacies of the labvrinthian miracle called the mind.
Maharishi Patanjali was not only well versed with the craftiness of this mind but also knew a way to master the mind. The definitive authority on the body, mind and soul, his Yoga Sutras are an eye opening account, and perhaps the most advanced textbook of psychology.
2200 years later, this text is still the authority on the biggest global trend, that is Yoga. 2200 years later, his text finds relevance in our lives cutting across languages, cultures, borders, time. Yoga is helping people across the world deal with life and living, even today. But what is one supposed to make of the sutras written almost like a computer code?
According to Patanjali, 'Santosha' or contentment is the basic requirement for growth. But how do we get there in this day and age of anxiety and depression?
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji decodes the Sutras with his customary wit and elan, making it an essential addition to everyone's reading list. For anyone trying to navigate the murky waters of life, this knowledge is sure to steer you to a safe shore.
Chapter 1 - Discipline Of Yoga 
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Shaasana are the rules that society or somebody else imposes on you. Anushasan are the rules that you impose on yourself. Now, why is Yoga called a discipline? Where is the need for a discipline? When does the need for discipline arise? When you are thirsty, you want to drink water. 
You don't feel that it is a rule to drink water when you are thirsty. And when you are hungry, you eat. You do feel that you have the discipline of eating when you are hungry, that you have a discipline of enjoying the nature. No discipline is necessary for enjoyment. When is discipline relevant? 
Not when something is enjoyable at the very first step. A child never says that it has the discipline of running to his mother when he sees her. Discipline arises where something is not very charming to begin with, when you know that it would be ultimately give a fruit that is very good and enjoyable but that, in the beginning, it is not enjoyable. 
When you are abiding in yourself, when you are in joy, and when you are in peace or in happiness, true happiness, then you are already in your self. There is no discipline there. But when that is not so, the mind will wag its tail all the time. Then, discipline is essential to calm it down so that it can come back to it Self. The fruit of this is eventually very blissful and joyful. 
A diabetic patient has a discipline not to eat sugar. Someone with cholesterol has to be disciplined and not to take too much fat. This is because, though fats are tasty, they will raise unpleasant complications later. There are three types of happiness - sattvic, tamasic and rajasic.
Sattvic, to begin with is not so enjoyable but it always leads to joy. The happiness which is felt after a certain discipline is really Sattvic happiness - a long lasting happiness. A happiness which is enjoyable to begin with and ends in misery is no happiness at all, so a discipline is necessary to have this authentic sattvic happiness. 
Discipline is not torturing oneself unnecessarily. The purpose of discipline is to attain joy. Sometimes people impose disciplines on themselves which doesn't give any joy to them or anybody else at any time. This is Tamasic happiness. Tamasic happiness just appears to be but it is misery from the beginning to the end. 
No discipline is necessary for tamasic happiness. Lack of discipline is tamasic happiness. Rajasic happiness appears very enjoyable in the beginning but ends up in misery and suffering. It's caused by following the wrong discipline. It may also arise from a lack of discipline. Discipline is essential for sattvic happiness. 
To bear what is uncomfortable is discipline. It need not to be uncomfortable all the time. But if it's uncomfortable, you need discipline to be able to bear it and move through it. That's why Patanjali began with “now” - when things are not clear and when your heart is not in the right place. 
Nobody has imposed the discipline of Yoga on you. They are self-imposed. What are the rules that you have imposed on yourself? When you wake up in the morning, you brush your teeth. You do it before going to bed, too. This is your discipline. But this has been imposed on you from childhood. 
When you were a kid, your mother had imposed it on you. Once it became a habit and when you understood that it was good for you, it was no more your mother's rule. It became your rule. Keeping yourself clean and observing hygiene, exercising, meditating, being kind, considerate and not being rude. 
You have imposed these rules on yourself to help maintain discipline. Now, what does that discipline do? Discipline unites your Self and unites all the loose ends of your existence.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji 
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Healthy tasty summer fare for diabetics
During the summer, it's crucial to concentrate on providing a person with diabetes with wholesome, fresh foods that support stable blood sugar levels. Here are some suggestions that the best diabetologist in Ahmedabad has given for tasty summertime fare that diabetics can enjoy:
Choose skinless chicken breasts, turkey burgers, or fish like salmon or trout when grilling lean foods. Without adding too much fat, grilling preserves the flavor.
Include a range of vibrant, non-starchy fresh veggies in your diet, such as broccoli, zucchini, bell peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, and leafy greens. These have a lot of fiber and few carbs.
Salads: Use lush greens as a base for light salads, then top with lean proteins such as grilled chicken, prawns, or tofu. Add some vibrant vegetables, and serve with a simple vinaigrette.
Enjoy a luscious slice of watermelon, which has high water content and few calories. It might be hydrating and refreshing.
Berries contain a wealth of antioxidants and fiber, including strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries. When compared to other fruits, they have a comparatively low sugar content.
Greek yogurt: Choose unsweetened Greek yogurt, and for more flavor and texture, add fresh berries or a few almonds. Greek yogurt is a filling food option and is high in protein.
Prepare a variety of grilled veggies, such as eggplant, mushrooms, onions, and asparagus. These can be added to wraps or salads, served as a side dish, or both.
Herbal iced drinks like hibiscus, chamomile, or mint might help you stay hydrated. Avoid carbonated or sweetened drinks that are high in sugar.
Make your popsicles at home by using sugar-free or naturally sweetened ingredients like fruit purées or plain yogurt.
Choose healthy grains like quinoa, brown rice, or whole wheat bread in moderation if you're ingesting carbohydrates. Compared to refined grains, these have more fiber and minerals.
Keep in mind to watch portion sizes, take your total carbohydrate consumption into account, and engage with a trained dietitian or another healthcare professional to create a customized meal plan that meets your needs and blood sugar objectives. For the best results, diet and concerns meet the doctors of Galaxy multispeciality hospital in Ahmedabad as they help in improving health, diet and make you live a long and healthy life.
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hardikortho · 10 days
Don't Put it Off: Understanding the Risks of Delaying Knee Replacement Surgery
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Knee pain can be debilitating, impacting every aspect of your daily life. While surgery may seem like a daunting prospect, delaying a knee replacement when recommended by a qualified orthopedic doctor near you can lead to further complications and a decline in overall well-being. Here at Dr. Hardik Padhiyar, led by the best orthopedic surgeons in Ahmedabad, we understand your concerns. This article explores the potential consequences of postponing knee replacement surgery.
Increased Pain and Stiffness
One of the most significant risks of delaying surgery is the worsening of pain and stiffness. The damaged cartilage in your knee continues to wear down, causing increased friction and inflammation. This translates to a constant ache that can intensify with activity, making even simple tasks like walking or climbing stairs a struggle. Additionally, the joint may become stiffer, limiting your range of motion and flexibility.
Reduced Mobility and Independence
As pain and stiffness worsen, your mobility will inevitably suffer. Daily activities you once enjoyed may become impossible, leading to a loss of independence. You might find yourself relying on aids like canes or walkers, or needing assistance with basic tasks like bathing or dressing. This can significantly impact your quality of life and social interactions.
Weakened Muscles and Increased Risk of Falls
Chronic knee pain often leads to a decrease in physical activity. This muscle weakness surrounding the joint can further destabilize the knee, increasing your risk of falls and potential fractures.
Deformity and Bone Loss
With prolonged wear and tear, the bones in your knee joint can begin to deform. This can lead to a bowlegged or knock-kneed appearance, causing additional strain on the surrounding muscles and ligaments. Furthermore, delaying surgery can contribute to bone loss, making the replacement procedure more complex and potentially less successful.
Impact on Overall Health
Reduced mobility due to knee pain can have a domino effect on your overall health. Limited physical activity can lead to weight gain, increasing the stress on your joints and worsening pain. Additionally, inactivity can increase your risk of developing other health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, and even depression.
Complications with Surgery
While robotic knee replacement in Ahmedabad offers advanced minimally invasive techniques, waiting too long can make the surgery more challenging. The complexity of the procedure may increase due to severe joint damage, potentially leading to a longer recovery time and an increased risk of complications.
Considering Alternatives
It's important to understand that knee replacement surgery is usually a last resort. Our team, including the best orthopedic surgeons in Ahmedabad, will always explore all non-surgical options first, such as:
Physical therapy: Strengthening exercises can improve muscle function and stability around the knee.
Weight management: Losing weight can significantly reduce stress on the joint.
Medication: Pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs can help manage pain and inflammation.
Joint injections: Cortisone injections can provide temporary pain relief.
The Decision is Yours
Ultimately, the decision of when to undergo knee replacement surgery is a personal one. However, it's crucial to weigh the potential benefits against the risks of delaying the procedure. Dr. Hardik Padhiyar is here to guide you through the process. We offer consultations with knee specialists near you to discuss your individual situation and explore all available options. Don't let knee pain hold you back from living an active and fulfilling life. Contact us today and take the first step towards a pain-free future.
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srghospital1 · 20 days
Discover Exceptional Eye Care at Ahmedabad's Leading Eye Hospital
Welcome to the premier eye hospital in Ahmedabad, where your vision and eye health are our top priorities. With state-of-the-art facilities, cutting-edge technology, and a team of experienced ophthalmologists, we are dedicated to providing you with the highest standard of eye care. Whether you need a routine eye exam, advanced surgical procedures, or specialized treatments, our hospital is here to meet all your ocular needs.
Comprehensive Eye Care Services
1. Routine Eye Examinations: Regular eye check-ups are crucial for maintaining good vision and overall eye health. Our comprehensive eye exams are designed to detect any potential issues early, ensuring prompt and effective treatment.
2. Cataract Surgery: Cataracts are a common age-related issue that can significantly impact vision. Our hospital offers advanced cataract surgery using the latest techniques and technology to restore clear vision and improve quality of life.
3. LASIK and Refractive Surgery: Tired of wearing glasses or contact lenses? Our LASIK and other refractive surgery options can help you achieve clear vision without the hassle of corrective eyewear. Our experienced surgeons utilize cutting-edge technology to ensure precise and safe outcomes.
4. Glaucoma Treatment: Glaucoma is a serious eye condition that can lead to vision loss if left untreated. Our specialists are skilled in diagnosing and managing glaucoma, offering both medical and surgical treatment options to preserve your vision.
5. Pediatric Ophthalmology: Children have unique eye care needs that require specialized attention. Our pediatric ophthalmologists are experts in diagnosing and treating a wide range of eye conditions in children, ensuring they receive the best possible care.
6. Retinal Services: Our hospital is equipped with advanced technology to diagnose and treat various retinal conditions, including diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, and retinal detachments. Our retinal specialists are committed to preserving your sight through innovative treatments.
7. Corneal Transplants: For patients with severe corneal damage or disease, corneal transplants can restore vision and improve eye health. Our skilled surgeons perform successful corneal transplant surgeries using the latest techniques and donor tissues.
Our Team of Experts
At our eye hospital, you will be cared for by a team of highly qualified and experienced ophthalmologists, optometrists, and support staff. Our doctors are leaders in their respective fields, continuously updating their skills and knowledge to provide the best possible care. Their commitment to excellence ensures that you receive personalized and effective treatment tailored to your specific needs.
Advanced Technology and Facilities
We believe in leveraging the latest technology to enhance our diagnostic and treatment capabilities. Our hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, including:
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT): For detailed imaging of the retina and optic nerve.
Laser Technology: For precise and minimally invasive surgical procedures.
Digital Fundus Photography: For comprehensive retinal examinations.
Advanced Operating Theatres: Equipped for complex eye surgeries with the highest standards of safety and hygiene.
Patient-Centric Approach
Our hospital is committed to providing a comfortable and supportive environment for all our patients. From the moment you walk through our doors, you will be treated with compassion and respect. We take the time to listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific needs.
Why Choose Us?
Expertise: Our team of specialists is highly trained and experienced in a wide range of eye conditions and treatments.
Technology: We use the latest technology to ensure accurate diagnoses and effective treatments.
Comprehensive Care: From routine eye exams to complex surgeries, we offer a full spectrum of eye care services.
Patient Satisfaction: Our patients are our top priority, and we strive to provide the highest level of care and satisfaction.
Visit Us Today
Your vision is precious, and at our eye hospital in Ahmedabad, we are dedicated to helping you maintain and improve it. Whether you need a simple eye check-up or advanced surgical treatment, our team is here to provide you with the best possible care. Schedule an appointment today and experience the difference in quality eye care.
We look forward to serving you and helping you achieve the best possible vision and eye health.
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anshobecure · 1 year
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drapurvaradiance · 11 months
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aaryaaendocrine · 1 month
Best Diabetes Doctor in Ahmedabad- Aaryaa Endocrine
Aaryaa Endocrine Clinic in Ahmedabad is a renowned and specialized medical center dedicated to providing comprehensive care for individuals with diabetes. Led by a team of experienced endocrinologists and diabetes specialists, the clinic is committed to helping patients effectively manage their condition and improve their overall quality of life.If you are looking for specialized diabetes care in Ahmedabad, Aaryaa Endocrine Clinic is an excellent choice. for more information visit our website :- https://www.aaryaaendocrine.com/diabetes-centre-in-ahmedabad
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Contact us: +91 93161 33482
Address: 211 Satyamev Eminence, B/S. Saptak Bunglows & Auda Water Tank, Science City Road, Sola, Ahmedabad - 380 060 Gujarat.
Visit for More Information: https://www.aaryaaendocrine.com/
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sexologist-ahmedabad · 2 months
Discovering the Best Doctor for Erectile Dysfunction in Ahmedabad: Advances and Care
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common condition that affects many men, particularly as they age. It's essential to understand what ED is, the latest research and technologies in this field, and how they can improve patient care. In this blog, we'll explore these aspects, focusing on the benefits of consulting the best doctor for erectile dysfunction in Ahmedabad, like Dr. Paras Shah, and why visiting a sexologist hospital in Ahmedabad can be crucial for effective treatment.
Understanding Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction, commonly known as ED, is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance. This condition can be distressing and may impact a man’s self-esteem and relationships. Various factors contribute to ED, including:
Physical causes: Heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity.
Psychological causes: Stress, anxiety, and depression.
Lifestyle factors: Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and lack of exercise.
Symptoms and Diagnosis
The primary symptom of ED is difficulty getting or keeping an erection. Diagnosis typically involves a physical examination, medical history review, and possibly some tests to identify underlying conditions. Consulting with the best doctor for erectile dysfunction in Ahmedabad, such as Dr. Paras Shah, can provide a comprehensive evaluation and personalized treatment plan.
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Latest Research and Technologies
Recent advancements in ED treatment are promising and offer hope for those affected by this condition. Let’s delve into some of the latest research and technologies:
1. Shockwave Therapy
Shockwave therapy uses low-energy sound waves to improve blood flow to the penis, encouraging the growth of new blood vessels. This non-invasive treatment is gaining popularity due to its potential to restore natural erectile function without medication.
2. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy
PRP therapy involves injecting concentrated platelets from the patient’s own blood into the penile tissue. This promotes healing and regeneration, potentially improving erectile function. Research suggests that PRP therapy could be a viable option for those who haven’t responded to conventional treatments.
3. Stem Cell Therapy
Stem cell therapy is a cutting-edge approach that uses stem cells to regenerate damaged tissues and improve blood flow. This therapy is still in the experimental stages but shows promise for long-term solutions to ED.
4. New Medications and Combinations
Researchers are continuously developing new medications and combinations to enhance the effectiveness of ED treatments. These advancements aim to improve response rates and reduce side effects.
How These Advancements Could Change Patient Care
The advancements in ED treatments are transformative, offering new hope to patients. Here’s how these innovations can change patient care:
Improved Outcomes: Treatments like shockwave and stem cell therapy focus on addressing the root causes of ED, potentially leading to longer-lasting results.
Less Invasive Options: Non-invasive treatments reduce the need for surgery or long-term medication use.
Personalized Care: Advanced diagnostics and treatments allow doctors like Dr. Paras Shah, known as the best doctor for erectile dysfunction in Ahmedabad, to tailor therapies to individual needs.
Enhanced Quality of Life: Effective treatments can significantly improve a patient’s quality of life, boosting confidence and relationships.
The Role of a Sexologist Hospital in Ahmedabad
Visiting a sexologist hospital in Ahmedabad is crucial for accessing specialized care. These hospitals offer comprehensive services, including diagnosis, counseling, and advanced treatments. Here’s why choosing such a facility is beneficial:
Expertise: Sexologists have specialized training in diagnosing and treating sexual health issues.
Comprehensive Care: These hospitals provide a range of services under one roof, ensuring coordinated and efficient care.
Advanced Technology: Access to the latest technologies and treatments for ED.
Supportive Environment: Counseling and support services to address the psychological aspects of ED.
Consulting the Best Doctor for Erectile Dysfunction in Ahmedabad
When dealing with ED, it’s vital to consult a qualified healthcare provider. Dr. Paras Shah, recognized as the best doctor for erectile dysfunction in Ahmedabad, offers expert diagnosis and treatment plans tailored to each patient’s needs. Here are some steps you can take:
Schedule a Consultation: Early consultation can lead to more effective treatment outcomes.
Discuss All Symptoms: Be open about all symptoms and concerns for a thorough evaluation.
Explore Treatment Options: Understand the benefits and risks of different treatments.
Follow Up: Regular follow-ups ensure that the treatment is effective and adjustments are made as needed.
Erectile dysfunction is a manageable condition, especially with the latest advancements in medical research and technology. Consulting the best doctor for erectile dysfunction in Ahmedabad, like Dr. Paras Shah, and visiting a sexologist hospital in Ahmedabad can provide comprehensive care and improve outcomes. Early intervention and personalized treatment plans are crucial for overcoming ED and enhancing quality of life. Always seek professional advice to explore the best options for your health and well-being.
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