#dhalia dislyte
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visforvictini13 · 4 months ago
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Name: Dhalia
Trainer Card Number: 727
Gender: Female
Series of Origin: Dislyte
Type Specialty: Normal
Cloyster: Calypso is a Nymph who's name means "to cover" which reminds me of Cloyster because it hides away in its shell
Reuinclus: She's a flow esper, who's also green
Doublade: Her double dagger weapons
Dubwool: Dubwool has the ability steadfast which reminds me of her stern nature
Wigglytuff and Ambipom: Pokemon popular with the Teacher trainer class
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1-800-daylon · 4 months ago
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02kt · 1 year ago
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hisuianserperior · 6 months ago
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I'm just happy my girl here has some plot relevance after so long
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peachykoii · 2 years ago
Dislyte Sketch Dump (of much, much older stuff I may or may not finish) ✨✨
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just-1-scorpio · 2 years ago
Massages sso far part 2
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hisuianserperior · 2 years ago
One of my mains and this art is glorious
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high-noon-raccoon · 7 months ago
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How it started versus how it's going
My Lancer character recently escaped her previous life with the Cousins (ahahaha "escaped" they're after her now she's in so much trouble), so she and her Didymos decided to overhaul their appearance to be less...well. Evil? She's changed her callsign from NAZGUL to WIZARD because she's a Tolkien nerd.
Just drew over my previous hardsuit design for her because I've been so drained and don't have a ton of free time for art anymore. Blatant Dislyte influence here, thanks for the aesthetics, Dhalia.
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supernovaae · 11 months ago
List of all 144 Espers in Dislyte (alphabetized)
Abigail (Frigga)
Adrina (Chantico)
Ahmed (Geb)
Ain (Ptah)
Alexa (Aphrodite)
Alice (Gullveig)
Alolin (Pazuzu)
Anesidora (Pandora)
Anna (Persphone)
Arcana (Hermes)
Archibald (Mictlantecutli)
Asenath (Nefertem)
Ashley (Heimdall)
Aurelius (Ullr)
Bai Liuli (White Snake)
Bardon (Baldr)
Berenice (Bastet)
Biondina (Poseidon)
Bonnie (Eris)
Brewster (Garmr)
Brynn (Valkyrie)
Camille (Hati)
Cang Ji (Cang Jie)
Catherine (Hela)
Cecilia (Isis)
Celine (Siren)
Chalmers (Idun)
Chang Pu (Yao Ji)
Chloe (Medea)
Chu Yao (Tai Yi)
Clara (Hera)
Daniel (Charon)
David (Jason)
Daylon (Sobek)
Dhalia (Calypso)
Djoser (Atum)
Donar (Thor)
Drew (Anubis)
Eira (Freya)
Elaine (Nyx)
Elliot (Thoth)
Embla (Ymir)
Emma (Jade Rabbit)
Ethan (Pan)
Everett (Tyr)
Fabrice (Freyr)
Falken (Horus)
Farrah | Aminah (Tiamat | Abzu)
Fatum Sisters (Nornir)
Feng Nuxi (Nuwa)
Feng Xun (Fu Xi)
Freddy (Fenrir)
Fu Shi (Suan Ni)
Fumitsuki (Kaguya-hime)
Gabrielle (Njord)
Gaius (Zeus)
Ginny (Hestia)
Hailey (Hephaestus)
Hall (Hodur)
Helena (Helen)
Heng Yue (Chang’e)
Hilda (Hypnos)
Hyde (Hades)
Ife (Meretseger)
Ikki (Tsukuyomi)
Intisar (Kauket)
Jacob (Jormungand)
Javid (Shamash)
Jeanne (Gerd)
Jiang Jiuli (Chiyou)
Jiang Man (Meng Po)
Jin Qiu (Ru SHou)
Jin Yuyao (Queen Mother)
Jin-Hee (Dokkaebi)
Kara (Serket)
Kaylee (Anuket)
Koharu (Ame No Uzume)
Laura (Neith)
Lauren (Heket)
Layla (Medjed)
Leon (Vali)
Leora (Athena)
Lewis (Ares)
Li Ao (Tao Tie)
Li Guang (Vermilion Bird)
Li Ling (Nezha)
Liam (Xolotl)
Lian (Jiao Tu)
Lin Xiao (White Tiger)
Long Mian (Ao Bing)
Lucas (Apollo)
Luo Yan (Yanluo Wang)
Lu Yi (Dayi)
Lynn (Hathor)
Mateo (Prometheus)
Mavis (Mictecacihuatl)
Mei (Kaya-no-Hime)
Melanie (Medusa)
Meredith (Scylla)
Mona (Artemis)
Narmer (Ra)
Nick (Magni)
Nicole (Nephthys)
Norah (The Muses)
Odette (Skadi)
Ollie (Osiris)
Ophelia (Thanatos)
Parmi (Ninsun)
Pritzker (Mimir)
Q (Eros)
Raven (Odin)
Ren Si (Black Tortoise)
Sachiko (Hare of Inaba)
Sally (Sif)
Sander (Set)
Sienna (Gaia)
Stewart (Dionysus)
Su Jue (Daji)
Tang Xuan (Sun Wukong)
Tang Yun (Six-Eared Macaque)
Taylor (Hercules)
Tevor (Sphinx)
Tiye (Nut)
Toland (Tezcatlipoca)
Triki (Loki)
Uday (Sopdet)
Unas (Shu)
Unky Chai (Yue Lao)
Valeria (QUetzalcoatl)
Wu You (Dijiang)
Xiao Yin (Azure Dragon)
Xie Chuyi (Death Guard Hei)
Xie Yuzhi (Death Guard Bai)
Xuan Pin (Jiutian Xuannu)
Yalina (Mamitu)
Yamato (Izanagi)
Ye Suhua (Shao Siming)
Yu Ran (Bai Ze)
Yu Xu (Jing Wei)
Yun Chuan (Yang Jian)
Yuuhime (Izanami)
Zelmer (Sekhmet)
Zhong Nan (Zhong Kui)
Zora (Amunet)
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mortisal · 3 years ago
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Dislyte xhrz radio now playing
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hisuianserperior · 1 year ago
I've been using Dhalia as a main since I got her and I never noticed anything until they censored it
I promise you no one was even thinking about it till you censored it
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now all of the internet knows Dhalia mains are into armpits
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lexa-hippb · 2 years ago
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I love this template sm djisfksd
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astranne · 3 years ago
After almost two weeks playing Dislyte I have learned…
Mona is awesome and a good starter, she carries early game she‘s still carrying me and my main team together with Tang Xuan, even tho I‘m level 43
I really want her overpriced skin. And I‘m really considering buying it. someone pls stop me
You can get characters without 'wishing'. It takes some time and you have to be fast with certain characters, but that’s a really nice feature (Ripple Dimension)
Ye Suhua and Dhalia are most wanted ripples, everyone will fight for them including me
Stamina fills up much faster than Resin in Genshin, which is awesome but also understandable. It‘s also easier to get more without having to buy with Crystals or other currencies.
There is autoplay it took me several days until I noticed that, how fucking embarrassing is that and you can speed up the game up to 3x
Most People are wholesome and you rarely come across actual assholes.
Channel 8 is the sniffer channel, everyone hates them, but they help and answer questions if you have some. And then they go back to sniffing, which- okay just let them do their thing.
Channel 14 is my to go channel, many Suhua and Dhalia drops hehe
Once, Channel 1 and 2 were the best, but now they are like every other channel (or so they say)
Leveling up is super fast and rather easy, your own level and the ones of your characters.
Clearing the 100th floor on Infinity Tower commands the highest respect, followed by dropping Suhua/Dhalia ripples and telling the channel before, and last getting double or tripple legendaries in a ten pull.
Li Ling slaps sadly I don’t have him
Tang Xuan and Tang Yun are twins (which I didn’t realize until someone mentioned it)
You have to build more than five characters (to form a team) since not every team and formation is fit for different bosses.
Artifacts are still a pain.
For every character there is a page with strategy, filled with infos about the character, which artifacts most people use, which teams are the best and comments about the characters most of them are just thirsts
Drew hits different and is probably the reason why many started playing Dislyte.
Lin Xiao is recognized tiger mommy.
New character Ollie got thrown into a wardrobe, tangled in the clothes, came out like he is rn and they said "we like it picasso"
Character designs absolutely slap, love every single one of them yes, even ollie
Q is the most hated character, which okay, I understand. But in the beginning this little dude was part of my team and maybe I‘m just too shit with these games- but he was useful to me
The fact this whole game is based on mythology has the Percy Jackson kid in me screaming.
Discboom playable character. Right now. Like- NOW.
honestly, i just really like this game and it had me hooked since the beginning and my interest is not going poof. which happens rather often with games. i usually play them for max a week, intense and getting really into it, but then my interest and motivation for these games say bye bye. dislyte is the only game, together with genshin, i‘ve been playing longer than a week. let’s pray it doesn’t change lmao
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elsaedelweiss · 2 years ago
Hi guys! Thank you for all the following, reblogs and likes! Inspired by some of the recent posts I've seen regarding Dislyte and the upcoming Solstice/Christmas... Here is my Esper Union Solstice headcannons!
1. Pritzker and Q play the role of Santa and his helper elf, respectively. They are aided by the Wishlist and Naughty List Keepers (Falken and Elliot) and the Wishmistress and Wishmaster (Dhalia and Drew who listen to what the members want and provide the information).
2. Of course what would Santa be without his reindeers...? Especially Rudolf! Who are the reindeer? To name a few... Gaius, Raven (she sports the red nose), Tang Xuan, Li Ling, Luo Yan... They go all out of course! Reindeer costumes, antlers, harness, etc. Including walking on all fours as they pull the sled! They are a big hit with the kids who adore riding on their backs!
3. Of course, it's not just the kids who get gifts ... The Union hosts a Secret Santa for the Solstice. Including there is always a gift for Santa and his helpers! 😉
4. Everett doesn't sit by idly! He's the one who organises the cooking and bakes Solstice treats! He does get help from the others such as Drew.
5. Ife also helps by choosing the movies and providing Christmas-themed popcorn!
6. Everyone joins in doing the Christmas decorations. Those who can teleport and fly contribute the most! The gardeners provide the living trees for the decor!
7. Discboom and the musicians choose the festive music including performing the music live. Meanwhile the Story Club help choose the stories for the season. The Gamers help by hosting quizzes and games to give extra gifts and treats.
8. Q records everything and provides commentary and help. Including curious facts!
9. Ares beneficiary helps light the candles!
10. A tradition is that everyone must find their gifts! 😉
Hope you like the headcannons!
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peachykoii · 3 years ago
Pulled some more Dislyte gays for pride~
Kaylee and Dhalia
Water and Ice. Our icy queens. 💧❄️✨
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just-1-scorpio · 2 years ago
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So one of Ife's bounty stories is about her helping Bardon shopping present for someone, then they meet Dhalia who asks Ife to help her, then she gives her a paper with a code on it. Then she, and Bardon are tryind to solve it, and Ide trys to do anything, but nothing works in solving it, so Bardon gives her an advice. Then in the end it turns out that it said "Happy Birthday", and it was pland by Dhalia, and Bardon to celebret her birthday. (The things she helped Bardon to buy was for her.)
It's just so wholesome, and I hope this mades your day too.
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