#dfjsdlf i hope this was satisfactory <3
valleynix · 2 years
jealous bela in chapter six is everything to me<33 “she doesn’t like me touching what she thinks is hers” actual heart eyes rn !! (if you have time) pls some more: TPtM girls being jealous and possessive
i love the jealousy that comes with everyone having a massive crush on the same person 😭
here we have it: TPtM ladies being jealous (not sure if you meant all four, but i’ll do everyone just in case :D)
(for the sake of convenience, once again, we’ll just make this a little “what if” scenario)
Alcina Dimitrescu
she likes to think she’s not a jealous person
why would she be? she’s confident in herself and she knows her own worth
even knowing what she does about herself, she can’t help the twisting of her heart when she sees you with Daniela cuddled into your side as she hangs onto your every word in the library
she’d meant to come in and check up on you, ensure her youngest wasn’t acting inappropriately (she taught her daughters manners and respect for others, but she also knows Daniela tends to forget those same manners when she’s excited)
out of the four of them, Alcina is probably the second least likely to act on her jealousy
she loves her daughters dearly, and she knows they care about you, too
she’ll probably act a little cold and distant when she does see you romantically interacting with her daughters, at least until she gets more used to it
she just needs some reassurance, even if she knows you adore each of them equally
you’ll find her later that night in her office, working herself to death and trying to distract herself from the nasty feeling in her chest
“you’ve been ignoring me,” you say
Alcina lifts her head from the paper she’s reread eight times now, still unable to comprehend what’s written on it with her mind racing
she doesn’t like being caught acting unfairly
and she knows it’s hypocritical of her; she wants you to communicate with her, but she can’t do the same?
she’s the most vocal of her fears and doubts
once she voices them, tells you how worried she is and how upset she’d be if you left, you go to sit on her desk (after moving her very important papers, of course) and hold her face gently between your hands
you could never choose one over the others, and if she feels she’s not getting enough love or attention, all she has to do is talk to you
that makes her feel better, admittedly
even so, she still makes Daniela actually do some chores around the castle after catching the two of you, using the excuse, “i can’t have my own daughter not know how to hold a broom”
it’s a little petty, sure, but it does make her feel a bit better
besides, she knows her youngest needs to burn off some energy, and what better way to do that than be productive?
Bela Dimitrescu
she’s the most likely to act on her jealousy
it wouldn’t be anything toward you, no; she’d snap at whichever sister (or, rarely, even her mother) she’d seen you romantically interacting with
the severity of her jealousy depends on who you’re with
if it’s Daniela? she probably won’t be as rude, but she’ll be a little distant until she works through her feelings (which, truthfully, can take anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks)
if it’s Alcina? she’ll be a little more irritable and only speak when spoken to, occasionally snapping out a response if she hasn’t had time to think on what she saw
if it’s Cassandra? all hell will break loose
that moment she saw her younger sister sit in your lap and touch you? she realized how fucked she was when it came to you
the middle Dimitrescu likes to get on everyone’s nerves; it’s usually affectionately, but this time, Bela was not amused in the slightest
i imagine she probably had a nice yelling match with her sister when you were passed out and couldn’t possibly hear them
Cassandra was probably just 😇 the whole time
like her mother, she needs some reassurance
and if she’s not busy (and knows you aren’t, either), she’ll definitely come to find you and either cuddle into you, kiss you anywhere her lips can find purchase, or do a combination of the two
she knows she’s not supposed to leave any marks on you, but damn
you do look good with her lipstick staining your skin and your disheveled appearance that she caused
you certainly don’t mind the attention, but when you ask her why she’s acting like this, she becomes… shy
she knows it’s wrong of her, knows you care about each of them equally and you try your best to show it
you don’t laugh at her worries, of course. she’s not really sure why she thought you would
you kiss her softly and hold her face as you murmur to her all the things you adore about her
that does make her feel better
expect lots of affection when she’s jealous; she won’t be distant to you, but she will snap at her sisters when it’s her turn with you
Cassandra Dimitrescu
oh, you thought Cass could be jealous?
well, you’d actually be correct
it doesn’t happen often; she doesn’t let herself care enough about other people to be jealous
you, though? she both loves and hates how she feels when you’re nearby
she loves the attention you give her, the way you actually pay attention to what she saying and pretend you’re interested (you actually are interested, but for some reason, she never believes you)
she’s… actually pretty happy with you
it’s taken her longer than everyone else to realize she even has feelings for you, but once she did, she felt such relief
that being said, she may not admit it, but she finds herself jealous of the relationships you have with the rest of her family
she knows she’s different than they are; she prefers solitude, and she finds comfort in creating things as well as taking things
she’s... well. she doesn’t know how to feel when she sees you with each of her family members
she doesn’t ever show it (why would she?), but once she’s alone again, her mind wanders and overanalyzes each interaction she’s seen between you and her family
you’re so carefree with Daniela and you’re usually always smiling. are you ever like that with her? she thinks you’re typically more afraid of her than happy to be with her, and if you’re not that, you’re annoyed with her while she’s just being herself 
she knows her mother makes you happier than she could; she’s like a safe harbor for you, someone to rely on in times of stress. Cassandra wants to be that for you, but she thinks she may have come off a little more threatening than she intended to 
don’t even get her started on Bela; she’s everything Cassandra isn’t, and she knows you have a lot more in common. she would make you a lot happier, wouldn’t she? 
she tries not to think too hard on it, especially when you’re together, but it hurts her to see you wrap your arms around Bela’s shoulders and press your head against her own
it’s not intentional, and she knows you don’t mean any harm. you’re just giving her the attention she deserves and-
she’ll act on her jealousy, but only with you, and never maliciously. she knows you mean well, and even if she’s hurt and a little upset, you don’t really deserve her anger
she’ll seek you out sometime during the night when she’s come to understand her feelings, and she’ll basically demand all your attention for a while without actually saying it (but you’re smart and know when she wants attention)
this is usually done by holding you close to her chest if it was her mother or Daniela she saw with you; they don’t make her incredibly jealous, but she still wants to know that you care about her
if she saw Bela with you, expect her to feel the need to mark you (with your consent, of course, and only on places no one else could see)
probably lots of kisses (and bites) and just... existing with you
if you ask her why she’s acting like this, she’ll deny the real reason for about five minutes
she doesn’t want to admit it, but you’re her weakness, and she can’t deny you when you softly kiss her neck (she hates that you know she loves attention there) and ask again why she’s acting like this
she’s not surprised when you understand where she’s coming from, and her heart swells when she hears that you’ll take her feelings into consideration more often
she apologizes for being a little possessive, but it’s not sincere
you don’t mind it, of course. you’d be crazy to complain that she was giving you such affection
Daniela Dimitrescu
she’s the least likely to act on her jealousy
she’s carefree and knows you care about her the same way you care about the rest of her family
most of the time, she’s happy just to be around you and have you smile at her
it makes her whole day
that being said... she does find herself a little jealous when you’re spending time with another of her family without her
she knows your boundaries and she knows you have to spend time alone with them, too, but she just misses you
she’ll probably just end up moping around the castle while she waits for you to be finished, and if you’re taking longer than she wants, she’ll make her way to the library and hide there among her books 
she knows, deep down, that it’s not fair of her to act like this, but she can’t help it. she’s used to getting her way, but she also knows she can’t be like that with you
she loves her family and she’s pretty sure she loves you; she wouldn’t want to ruin anything for anyone, and she knows you’ll spend time with her again soon
she ends up falling asleep in the library, and you find her there a few hours later after you’d been searching everywhere for her
she doesn’t wake up until she feels you push some of her hair behind her ear, and she finds you crouching by her chair, smiling softly 
her earlier sour mood vanishes almost immediately, but even as you laugh and embrace her (well, more like she embraces you), she still feels her doubts lurking in her mind
you notice that she clings to you a little tighter, like she was afraid you’d vanish if she let go
you just hold her and kiss her cheeks and forehead and neck, and that makes her feel so much better
she’s never really experienced romance before you stumbled your way to the castle, but she knows this is what it should always feel like
she’ll definitely voice her worries later, when she’s cuddling with you and you’re falling asleep, and she hopes you don’t hear her
she’s not that lucky
you’ll talk to her, but you barely get a few words out before all her worries and doubts come spilling out of her mouth
coherency certainly isn’t her strong suit, but like always, you understand her
she’s glad to have found someone who just gets her. she’s tried relationships with the staff before, but she was never happy like she is with you
you kiss her and hold her close as you tell her she never has to worry about you leaving and that you’ll always have time for her
but you also help her to understand that the rest of her family deserves your time and attention, too
she does get it
you usually never have to tell her anything twice (she does listen to you and respects your boundaries), but this little conversation has eased a lot of her worries
she ends up falling asleep holding you tight against her, but not before she kisses you lots and ensures you always have something to look forward to with her
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