deepreads · 8 years
Blog to be remade. Aiming for new version’s debut to be in November! 
Main reasons for doing this:
blog was unorganized -> new blog to have a better tagging system
originally a side blog -> new blog to be a main blog
reviews are old and aren’t organized -> will be editing old reviews to be more organized, and create a backlog so there will be more frequent posts
Reviews will still be posted on Goodreads and other booksites.
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deepreads · 8 years
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That feeling when you conquer a 900 page book. 😋🏆
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deepreads · 8 years
Off Hiatus~
Hi everyone! I’m finally off hiatus! I’m going to catch up on as many reviews as I can, hopefully I’ll be able to post one or two a week. I still need to post that video on Youtube. I’ll be announcing the giveaway winner within two weeks. I know it’s been a more than a month since the announcement, but a lot of things came up and I wasn’t able to finish the video. Since it’s been longer than anticipated, I’ll be announcing TWO winners. First place gets to chose two books. Second place will get to chose one book of their choice from the two categories.
I’ll also be fixing up my previous reviews, and adding more information about the author, synopsis, and where to get the books. 
I’m so excited to be posting more often! I hope you guys are too!!
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deepreads · 8 years
Hey all! I made a bloglovin!
Feel free to follow me on Bloglovin
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deepreads · 8 years
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Hi guys! I’m so excited to be a part of the blog tour for Inherited by Freedom Matthews. This is Freedom’s debut book. Inherited is a fantasy series being published by Oftome Publishing.  This book sounds, as well as looks, quite fascinating. Today, I’ll be giving you guys a small excerpt of what’s inside this very pretty book. But before we get started on that, let’s give you guys a little bit more info on what Inherited is about.
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Author: Freedom Matthews Publisher: Oftomes Publishing Series: Curses of VIII #1 Release date: July 12th 2016 Genre: YA Fantasy Synopsis:
If saying 'I love you' meant death, would you still say it?
The Wilted Rose, of faery-tale and folklore, is a pirate ship filled with unfortunate souls-each forbidden to love. One such soul is Valencia 'Lennie' Roux. Raised in a brothel and an heir to a curse; Lennie never expected to pique the interest of any man. Yet with the arrival of vivid-eyed Nathaniel, she is torn between wanting to know him better and fearing what that knowledge would mean.
With Nathaniel bringing the crew's total to six, the Wilted Rose sets off in search of the remaining two heirs. They hope that in reuniting, they will convince the faery Sorceress responsible for the curse, to end it. However lurking beneath the water is a long standing enemy of the Wilted Rose; who is determined to thwart their quest and bring down its leaders.
Together the eight heirs fight for survival, friendship and love.
So, this book is about pirates, magic, and of course, romance. Which are all the things that make a good YA action packed fantasy. Hope you guys also enjoy these excerpts!
According to folklore, Rosa had been the first captain of the Wilted Rose. After succumbing to pain and loss, the Sorceress (the creature responsible for our curse), bewitched Rosa turning her into the figurehead of our fabled ship. After the original cursed eight had died, she was banished to a cove in the middle of the ocean for her failure. The wooden woman was our higher power, and the only link we had to the Sorceress. Visiting her was almost like coming home, she was a warm and mothering creature, who we all looked to for advice.
As the excitement of the night to come enveloped the ship and overpowered the tension; I watched from the side-lines, amused as the crew readied themselves. Davy had at least a dozen hats at his side. Trilbies, bowlers and flat caps, he tried them on one by one, setting them at jaunty angles and positioning his head left and right. Beside him, Butch tried to flatten his hair in the reflection of a tablespoon. Thinking he was the one most in need I joined him.
“Here, let me,” I urged, pulling a bone handled comb from my pocket and set about untangling his straw coloured mess.
“Thanks,” he said, lifting his makeshift mirror to get a better look at the results. I chuckled as I tucked the comb away, “Just find a decent barber when we get there.”
Intrigued yet? I sure am! Here are some links to go and order yourself a copy, or put it in your TBR! 
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/27991136-inherited
Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Inherited-Curses-VIII-Book-1-ebook/dp/B01F3DBVU6/
Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/Inherited-Curses-VIII-Book-1-ebook/dp/B01F3DBVU6
Author info
Freedom is a twenty-something book hoarder with a fondness for all things vintage. She lives in rural Hampshire, UK, with a hotchpotch of family members, ponies and wonky bookshelves. Creating stories has been a passion since before she can remember, and she has been consciously writing since she was 14 years old. An introverted and shy girl, Freedom found her voice in imaginary worlds and has continued to do so…
Website: http://freedomm.blog.com/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14713025.Freedom_Matthews
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/freedommatthews
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/freedommwrites
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/freedommwrites
Tumblr: http://freedommatthews.tumblr.com/
Tomorrow is the last day of the blog tour, so don’t forget to check out http://bookedupandbossy.blogspot.ca/ tomorrow!
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deepreads · 8 years
Hyped to Read: July Releases!
Hey guys! I know I didn’t post a June hyped to read, which is mainly because I didn’t actually have very many books that I was excited/anticipating for that came out then. This month though, I’ve got a few that I’m really hyped for, one of which came out today! (At least here in North America) So are you guys ready for it? 
*drum rolls*
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This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab, P.S I Like You by Kasie West, and The Shadow Hour by Melissa Gray. 
V.E Schwab is one of my favourite authors. Her writing is so beautiful and the story lines so completely new and complicated and just so wonderful. I never fail to fall deeply for her characters, and I know that the same will go for this book. I remember when she first announced the novel, she said it was about a Human wanting to be a monster, and a monster wanting to be human. This is the type of stuff that Gives. Me. Life. This Savage Song released in Europe on June 7th, but it released here in North America on July 5th (today!). I’m super excited to read it, I’m just impatiently waiting for my preorder to finally arrive.
The next book on my list is P.S I Like you, which is written by Kasie West, who is just utterly amazing with romantic contemporaries. Her previous books are super cute and fluffy-- and not to mentioned have great characters. I believe that this book is going to be her first hardcover to paperback, but I could be wrong on that one. I’m excited for this book because I am a sucker for falling-in-love-with-someone-you-don’t-know-but-talk-to-via-messages type of stories (ex. Simon vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda), and since its written by Kasie West, I’m like, triple excited for this one. It comes out July 26th!
Lastly, The Shadow Hour, which is the sequel to The Girl at Midnight. I liked the first book, I personally didn’t think it was all that amazing, but I am quite excited to see what’s in store for Echo. I read the first book last year, and I think I’m in need for a reread, but I’m still very excited for this book. 
This is all for my Hyped to Read for this month, I actually thought I had more like 5 books on this list rather than 3. I know for sure that next month I’ve got at least 5 books on my list. 
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deepreads · 8 years
The Crowns Game Review
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Rating: 2/5 Stars
The Crown’s Game was on my list of anticipating 2016 reads, and after getting my copy from the bookstore, I was ecstatic to start it. Sadly, I was mostly disappointed with it. The premise is about a game that leads to either participant dying as only one can be the Imperial Enchanter. The premise makes you anticipate a restless feud between two powerful teens, but it was actually very calm throughout the novel. The novel is full of surprises due to the way the game is set up, but it was not the fighting-for-my-life-to-win that I wanted. Let's get to why exactly my ranking for this book is a two star. 1. The Romance The romance in the novel is instalove. There's no going around it. Nikolai and Vika are drawn to another the instant they met. Pasha, the heir to the crown, declares his love for Vika after meeting and speaking with her approximately three times. There wasn't any depth to it. The love in the book felt shallow and had little support. 2. The Magic Overall, the descriptions of magic within the book were wonderful, but they lacked the vibrancy that I usually feel reading fantasy novels. I really liked the differences between Nikolai and Vika's magic being of man-made magic vs. elemental, but I was just so confused constantly about how it all worked. The magic system was a little wonky. If the magic the Enchanters are using comes from Russia, why is it the magic found within themselves? Why can they not use another countries magic? Just because they were born in Russia? A lot of the magic was really beautifully described, but how magic worked just didn't make sense to me. 3. The Narration The way the book was narrated irked me a lot. It felt like the author was trying to sound otherworldly yet modern- and it just wasn't working out. Or perhaps it just didn't feel consistent to me. A sentence would draw me back into the world, but the next sentence made me jump right back out. I feel like this was probably due to the vast amount of sentences beginning with "But" and "And." Really, look at every paragraph and tell me there isn't a "But" in there somewhere. I just felt so off while reading the book, I just couldn't get immersed, which saddened me a lot because I was super excited for this book pre-release. 4. The Plot The plot was fairly simple, there were a few surprises, but overall, pretty predictable. Some notable plot parts that I found not so great were Pasha not being told about the game, then his reaction to Nikolai after finding out he's an enchanter. And the instalove. Oh darn you instalove. There is a part with Vika's father that annoyed me to bits in the middle. It felt redundant and obvious, yet the character had to go through that. I just felt tired when I read it. What I did like a lot was the descriptions of food, I got so very hungry reading those bits. And the descriptions of Russia were beautiful. It makes me want to visit one day. I will most definitely pick up the sequel to see how things play out, but I'm sad to say that I didn't really enjoy this book as much as I was hoping I would.
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deepreads · 8 years
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Alternative Covers [1/?] - Elemental’s Series by Brigid Kemmerer
+ upcoming book cover
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deepreads · 8 years
The Space Between Review
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Rating: 3/5
The Space Between is about Harper, the younger sister of one of the most popular girls in high school. Her older sister actually want to help make her popular as well, which was surprising because that doesn't usually happen in YA books. It's slightly different approach to how sibling popularity is written in YA these days, so it was very refreshing.
Harper tries her best to act like her older sister Bronte, she dresses similairly, tries to be popular with the boys, and in general, wants to <i>be</i> Bronte. But she's not. In reality, Harper is actually quite meek and unsure about the things she's doing to gain popularity. Then she meet's the loser girl Sarah, a girl who everyone seems to make fun of. Harper actually think's she's quite interesting, and quite attractive. The relationship that blossoms between the two girls is very cute, but the troubles that Harper goes through as she tries to navigate high school and popularity get in the way of their budding friendship/romance.
This book was cute, but I personally felt that the writing was kind of weak. It was a very slow start, and quite a chunk of the writing is telling, rather than showing.  This book is considered YA but I felt like the writing was simplistic, and it didn't really have as much sustenance as you would want in a YA contemporary. There were some heart felt scenes, but there were many many lines that felt unnecessary. As I said, there is a lot more telling than there is showing. I would have liked it more I think, if I could read-between-the-lines parts rather than the this-is-what-is-happening-in-super-detail. In all honesty, this book felt more like a MG novel than a YA.
Overall, The Space Between Us was enjoyable, although it took me awhile to actually read because of the writing style. Pick this up if you're looking for a good cute coming-out contemporary novel.  
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deepreads · 8 years
Hyped to Read: May Releases!
Two of some of my most anticipated releases on this list came out yesterday (May 2nd) and I’ve already finished one of them, which is super great! I hope that I’m able to read all of these books within the month since I’ve already got one down. So onto which books they actually are! My hyped to read May releases are:
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The Crowns Game by Evelyn Skye, The Inside of Out by Jenn Marie Thorne, A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas, The Hidden Oracle by Rick Riordan, and The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson. 
I had the pleasure of reading The Hidden Oracle yesterday, and it did not disappoint. As a fan of Rick Riordan since i was twelve, it’s sort of obvious that I would be picking this book up. It was hilarious and I absolutely adored it. I’ll be posting a review for it later! As for the other book that came out yesterday that I’m hyped to read, it’s A Court of Mist and Fury! I liked the previous book, and am hoping for so much more in this novel. Especially more Rhysand. He’s my favourite. Tamlin can go marry someone else. 
Tor the other three, I’m just as excited to read. I’ve read Jenn Marie Thorne’s other book, the Wrong Side of Right, which was surprisingly wonderful. The synopsis had me a little wary, and I wasn’t quite sure if I’d like it, but it was actually really great and I was so glad to have read it. I hope the same is for this next novel of hers!
I’ve seen The Unexpected Everything at the bookstore and it looekd intriguing. I love the dogs on cover! I’m excited to see what’s in store because it looks and sounds delightful. 
As for The Crown’s Game, I’m really excited for this one. It’s a YA historical fantasy set in Russia. It’s got an amazing cover. I’ve heard lots and lots of good things about this novel and I can’t wait to dive in.
That’s it for my Hyped to Read: May Releases! I’ll try to post June’s hyped earlier!
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deepreads · 8 years
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bad mood blue, Adam & Opal
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deepreads · 8 years
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Hello PJO Universe, it’s nice to be here again!!! Been reading the PJO series since I was 11/12 and will probably be reading Rick Riordan books way into my 20s tbh . . . #thehiddenoracle #ttoa #thetrialsofapollo #rickriordan #pjo #hoo #books #bookstragram #instabooks #bookworm #bibliophile #booknerd #bookaholic #booksofinstagram #booklover #mgbooks #booksbooksbooks
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deepreads · 8 years
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Six more months until TIMEKEEPER’s release! Here’s a teaser to celebrate. ⏳
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deepreads · 8 years
I don’t think people understand that I don’t just want books to read them - even having them around makes me feel better. Stacks of books on my desk and a paperback in my hands, even just seeing a book, it makes me feel calm and safe, their presence is magic.
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deepreads · 8 years
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Sunday you are my favourite ♡🌿
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deepreads · 8 years
So uh, I made a new video
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deepreads · 8 years
Going to post a new video later today or Wednesday! I’m not sure what it will be about yet but what it could possibly be on are the following: (this list is sort of also a To Do list) -a book review -on graphic novels, manga, webcomics, and comics -hyped to read -favourite character type -shadowhunters -demigods -magic -on writing -adaptions from book to movie/show -acomaf (I saw spoilers and I want to disCuSs) -on preorder perks/swag -bookish pet peeves -diversity -a book tag -historical fiction
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