charlesdesvoeux · 5 months
pictures which induce a pavlovian response in certain sections of the terror fandom (barking)
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charlesdesvoeux · 3 months
yes i'm a des voeux fan. indeed you might say i'm a. a. desvoeuxtee
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charlesdesvoeux · 5 months
Hi my name is Charles Frederick Des Voeux and I have beautiful ebony black hair and warm brown eyes like hot chocolate and a lot of people tell me I look like James Fitzjames (AN: if u don't know who she is get da hell out of here!). I'm not related to James Fitzjames but I wish I was because he's a major fucking hottie. I'm a vampire but my teeth are straight and white. I have pale white skin. I'm also an officer in Her Majesty's Royal Navy, and I live in a ship called Erebus in the Arctic where I'm a second mate (I'm twenty-one). I'm a young gentleman (in case you couldn't tell) and I wear mostly blue. I love Savile Row and I buy all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a blue jacket with gold buttons and black cotton pants, grey stockings and black boots. I was walking on the deck. It was snowy and foggy so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. Billy Orren fell into the sea. I put up my middle finger at him.
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charlesdesvoeux · 5 months
in case you haven’t noticed, i'm weird. i’m a weirdo. i don't fit in. and i don't want to fit in. have you ever seen me without this stupid hat on? that's weird.
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charlesdesvoeux · 2 months
i have no words to describe what this picture does to me
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charlesdesvoeux · 2 months
charles des voeux really is like "everybody wants to fuck me so bad it makes them look stupid" except it's not true. it's literally just stanley
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charlesdesvoeux · 1 month
the thing about rewatching amc the terror is that I am then confronted with the fact that charles frederick des voeux is not in fact the main character of amc the terror
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charlesdesvoeux · 3 months
tell me your favorite headcanons about charles des voeux!! if you wanna. :0
I'd love to 🥰🥰🥰 this uses 1 or 2 details from irl!des voeux's life but is mostly straight out of my head (and of course as far as we know real des voeux wasn't a piece of shit whereas show!des voeux most definitely was)
-> he was kind of a weirdo even as a kid. like he'd kill insects by reflecting the sun with a lens directly into them or shit like that. his parents were kind of freaked out. they punished him but he didn't understand why it was so wrong.
-> he had an older sister with whom he was very close and who wasn't freaked out by his weird shit. they were very devoted to one another but grew distant after he went to sea in his early teens. this distance from the person he loved the most in the world (which persisted even when he was back in land) made him even more alienated from others
-> in terms of the rest of his family: Dad (Henry Des Voeux) was a landlord and they owned a very fancy country estate prob somewhere in Southern England. Typical stiff-upper-lip guy not very close to anyone in the family. Mom (Elizabeth Senior) was initially devoted to Charlie but gradually became more and more freaked out by his weirdness and found him difficult to love which saddened her and made her avoid him even more. His oldest brother (Edward Des Voeux) was like. 10 years older so they were never really close. His sister (Elizabeth Junior) (face claim Olivia Cooke) was some 5 years older.
-> he was named after his two grandfathers
-> his maternal grandfather was more affectionate to him despite his weirdness but died when he was about 5 or 6.
-> as a younger scion of the upper class (his dad was a baronet after all) he was kind of destined for a military career and so he went to the navy. He first became a volunteer at age 12 and midshipman at 15. He fell into a very intense crush with a much older officer during his time as a volunteer who saw him as a son.
-> Witnessed the horrors of the First Opium War. But the thing that disturbed him the most was how easily he took to violence. How the sight of people dead in horrific manners did not upset him; hell, it thrilled him. I think that's the first time he thought "hmmm maybe I understand why not even my family really likes me. maybe there is in fact something very wrong with me".
-> that is also where he first met Fitzjames, Hodgson and Stanley!!! I think Fitzjames respected him as a guy who despite being very young was also extremely competent. Hodge liked his dry sense of humor but Charlie thought Hodge was kind of a fool. That was until he witnessed him in action during the war and he was like "oh ok he is actually quite competent. still a fool though".
-> he fully developed the Stanley obsession when they served on the same ship during the Opium War by the way which I think was a continuation of his tendency to imprint on much older, extremely competent but also emotionally distant men (hello daddy issues). Stanley was like "huh. weirdo" (like he himself isn't weird as hell)
-> British victory at the Opium War solidified his virulent racism which was also present beforehand btw
-> des voeux was an EXTREMELY competent naval officer. he felt he was better at being an officer than being a human being (I could have worded this better but whatever). so he spent as much time as possible at sea which solidified his distance from his sister.
-> had sex with women a couple times but didn't like it very much.
-> I'm inclined to think of him as a bottom and a masochist but I could also see him as top and sadist depending on the situation. The thing is that he tends to go for these older authority figures guys and he does like to be dominated by them. But were he with a guy his age I think he might go for being a dom himself.
-> i think its possible that he was on land for a couple months before the expedition and managed to fall into an arrangement with a much older fellow upper class guy which was mostly going well but the other fellow wasn't super into the kinky stuff so it was ultimately unsatisfying
-> managed to get it on with stanley during the expedition even if stanley was left hating himself after every encounter. still he was very drawn to des voeux and wouldn't break things off. des voeux was a bratty sub but deep down stanley loves his combativeness. had periods of serious fights/estrangements in which both were miserable but des voeux always had to be the one who came crawling back.
-> stanley had something of a crush on jfj who just absolutely never saw him in a romantic light. In terms of appearance des voeux looks like a young jfj and that was part of the appeal for stanley-- he looked like a submissive and breedable version of the guy he really liked. but then he also actually caught feelings for des voeux as himself oops. he didn't like that one bit. it contributed to his deteriorating mental state.
-> des voeux was always gonna be a piece of shit but stanley's horrific death-- which elicited real actual sorrow from him for maybe the 1st time in his life-- shook him to his core. It led him to become even colder and meaner and more cruel.
-> was extremely EXTREMELY mad about lieut jopson. aside from the obvious class snobbery des voeux had literally passed his lieut exam before the expedition so. he also didn't really trust crozier from the start but thought jfj would rein him in. but as jfj and crozier grew closer he was like "oh no jfj is going along with this fucker's madness. guess it's every man for himself".
-> killing tom hartnell was an honest to god accident. maybe one of a couple of times in his life when he felt remorse for his actions.
-> as silna left him to die he reverted to his worst instincts and cursed her as a "stupid cruel savage" instead of realizing that she was cruel to him bc he himself was cruel to her and her dad. bc he could never for a moment accept that the entire imperialistic belief system he was raised on and benefitted from was wrong.
-> either while they were still lost in the arctic/shortly after they died his sister named her son after him.
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charlesdesvoeux · 3 months
excuse to talk about immediate aftermath of carnivale, regarding stanley and charles frederick, should you want one? hope you are having a wonderful day or night or afternoon! :)
hiiii sorry I didn't get to it sooner it's iwtv finale day so that briefly took over my life. i think charles was just. wrecked by the events at carnivale, and while he was never a particularly good/nice person it was like... a line was crossed, and he can never go back mentally and emotionally to who he was before that. i think it was something that pushed him to become worse and worse (and he was already pretty nasty before).
(this got way too long so. gonna put a cut here)
i see des voeux as a person who initially hedged his bets on the order and structure of the royal navy bc he was pretty much guaranteed to ascend within it, and above all des voeux is for des voeux. he liked it bc he was good at it, at doing the maths and following the orders and whatever it was that a mate did (i have to look into the duties etc of the different officers in the navy bc i still dont know too much on that). he was already upper class, well-connected (in my hcs, idk about real life), and a very good officer-- I would say, more of an officer than a "human being" at that point. but seeing Stanley-- someone so disciplined, ordered and structured-- break so horrifically also shook his faith in the possibility that sticking to that order would save his life, and for someone who had essentially placed all his eggs in that basket... it was bad. which is one of the reasons why he was so receptive to mutiny later (in addition to the racism, not trusting crozier's decisionmaking, and BEING PASSED OVER FOR PROMOTION DUE TO LIEUT JOP which I think pissed him off to no end).
also imo just... the image of stanley. burning with his arms outstretched walking towards them as if wanting to embrace them. his charred flesh in the aftermath. i think it haunted him to his grave. i'm imagining he helped with counting the bodies but also at one moment he just knelt beside whatever remained of stanley and stayed there. and looked at it, made himself look straight at it even if he wanted to look away. there were no tears in that specific moment, he was too shocked, but afterwards-- when he was back in his cabin at the ship after they finished up with the bodies-- i think he wept. wept like a child. just once. and i think afterwards stanley was in his mind a lot. maybe he wonders-- i think they weren't really speaking to one another when it happened-- he wonders if maybe, just maybe, if they had been in better terms. if it could have been prevented. he quickly decides "no, us being on good terms at the time wouldn't have made a difference bc he did not really care about me, i was just someone to fuck"* but EVEN if he couldn't have prevented it. just for his own peace of mind he wishes that they had been on good terms before stanley died.
*that's not true btw. stanley did in fact have feelings for him beyond just "person i fuck". in fact i think his (eventual) actual genuine affection for des voeux was something which downright frightened him. and when he thought about everyone eating the poisoned food and wasting away slowly but surely-- he thought SPECIFICALLY "i don't want to see this happen to him". which motivated him to do the carnivale fire as "a mercy".
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charlesdesvoeux · 2 months
sir john ross x charles des voeux. let's up the age-gap yaoi ante
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charlesdesvoeux · 3 months
I show my affection for a character by writing a fic where a monkey bites his dick and balls clean off
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