#devastating tbqh
paleconstellationss · 6 months
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My necks looking awfully empty, don't you think?
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Luke @ Milan Fashion Week
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lyriumsings · 3 months
ngl I think the acolyte put the stakes even higher than andor because like every main character from his planet managed to survive in the end and honestly I was kinda expecting some of them died lol I liked that they weren’t afraid to do it in the acolyte
RIGHT? SO much of star wars feels afraid to like idk go there! like bringing back that stupid fucking cowboy in the mandalorian like i’m sorry but he just fucking annoyed me i literally didn’t care that he survived lmao. Everyone is always saying “we want a darker star wars! we want it to be more serious! explore other stories! etc” they FINALLY do that! and they’re complaining bc i guess it ruined their ships? like bruh 💀 like this isn’t shock value to me if anything the story is streamlined. After spending so many years watching shows lose the plot by adding on more and more and more characters, splitting the narrative 50 different ways until the character arcs are just this incestuous snake eating its own tail like!! i’m glad this story is FOCUSED! the MAIN characters are mae and osha and their masters and just the age old sith/jedi/force philosophy argument which tbqh i LOVE!
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recallback-art · 4 months
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More concept art for my wizard boy, the Apprentice. This here is a potential concept design for the full pattern on his cloak - quilt. It's up to be potentially changed whenever I play him, but for now, he gets ferns and sunbeams. This was difficult.
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louisianimal · 11 months
It is time.
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conjuringghosts · 5 months
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Gaara is truly the Character of All Time
-Introduced as main antagonist in a tournament arc, the terrifying bloodthirsty ninja from a strange desert village who kills without remorse and has survived every mission without getting a scratch on him
-He's 12
-Character design 10/10 he has bright fucking brick red hair, literal raccoon eyes, a face tattoo that says "Love" and carries that weird ass gourd; between the fun elements and the interesting tie-ins to Tanuki Lore, I have never seen a more charming design in my life tbqh
-Immediately more emo and chuuni than Noted Emo Heartthrob Sasuke Uchiha by virtue of reciting weird poetry after killing a guy in cold blood
-We get his tragic backstory and by fucking GOD is it sad. I cry just thinking about it. Literally everything about it is just horrible and devastating.
-Talk No Jutsu at end of the tournament arc, Gaara realizes that he should, in fact, go to therapy and immediately decides to turn his life around
-The first thing he decides to do is apologize to his siblings <3
-Shows up a handful of arcs later with a cool new outfit and becomes friends with the kid he literally tried to murder and nearly permanently crippled in one of the best fights of the entire series
-Liam O Brian's English dub of Gaara is Stellar ya know what. The raspiness of the original appearance morphing into the Deepest Voice That Any Kid Has Ever Had Ever was a genuinely hilarious choice
-Has the only good filler arcs in the old show; he's such a good character that the entire show molds itself and rises to meet him
-Post timeskip he is Desert Ninja President at the ripe old age of 15 and is extremely good at it because he's the weirdest little nerd with no social skills (on account of his tragic backstory) and diligently applies himself to doing paperwork and going to meetings
-Has a fanclub in the village mostly of girls his own age that he never seems to talk to?? Or realize have crushes on him?? Oblivious king we love him.
-Dies in one of the most genuinely moving scenes. Comes back like 20 episodes of fighting later because where would we be without him honestly?
-Becomes Super General Ninja President of the Grand Army of whatever where he accomplishes such feats as forgiving his asshole father and emotionally healing from his childhood trauma, stopping a meteor, and nearly dying a second time.
-Collects cacti as a hobby
-Has the only good sequel series arc where it's revealed that in addition to continuing to serve as Desert Ninja President, he's decided to adopt a couple of orphan ninja kids so that he can break the cycle of parental neglect and stupidity that created his tragic backstory in the first place.
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adelphenium · 1 year
hi hello i just. adore your art, it's so good to see more hockey fanart on my dash but especially when it's always so beautiful and you can tell how much love you put into each piece!!! just 10/10 if not higher, i love it so so much. i hope you know how appreciated you are on here!!
i'm not sure if you like the islanders at all (lord knows i barely do most days), but would it be possible to request a mat barzal art? absolutely no worries at all if you're not about him / not feeling the art, i would love to see your take on him but i also know you're super busy, and i'll love anything you put out tbqh.
thank you so much and i hope you have the most splendid of days <3
it makes me really happy to hear that my love gets across aaah..!!! i always have so much fun making each piece, and just the general reception + super sweet messages like yours get me excited to share my drawings :,)))
here's barzy with his great hair and devastating eyebrows :0 ty for the req, and i hope your day is as lovely as you are!
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brother-emperors · 9 months
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usually when I do a desk post, it involves a photo of my desk. this time it’s an autobio comic because most of what I’ve been working on that’s relevant to this blog has been suffering through reading a book on Caesar for information on Trebonius. I’ve been trying to get through it for a month and I refuse to let it haunt me into the new year.
so about that new TVXQ album. I’m not immune to spectacles of fame and power. I’m also realizing that Rodeo would make a good song for Julius Caesar’s barkada, especially if Mark Antony is in a scene. however, Caesar is not my guy, and ohhhhh Pompey and Crassus were something special. their duumvirate era is so sexy. a really good political alliance transcends everything else tbqh!!
anyway, I got sidetracked from finishing the Caesar book because I keep listening to Rodeo and watching the movie in my head. it’s going to the top of my Trikaranos playlist immediately. Songs will describe the high of power and I’ll immediately start thinking about how Pompey and Crassus both lost their heads because the more devastating the inevitable downfall is, the better the time spent at the high point will be
ko-fi ⭐ bsky ⭐ pixiv ⭐ pillowfort ⭐ cohost ⭐ cara.app
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unlimitedhorsepower · 5 months
I have depression from my town uselessly cutting down at least 30 mature trees definitely older than myself that lined a nice street. I just can't get over it. I got sad again when I saw the ugly stumps today
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Look how bald and ugly I'm devastated tbqh. This isn't even all they cut down. This street will be unbearably hot without the trees during the upcoming climate emergency summer
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AshtonIrwin: New 5SOS gigs on the horizon. Can’t wait to see you
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tazahan · 4 months
Tbqh I don't think the evil version of her is evil for wanting to kill bihan. Maybe this is just me being overly flexible with my judgement bc im gay as fuck for her and my sense of morality flies out the window for sexy villains but i honestly think I could fix her.
Oh yes, you are absolutely correct! Bc there was a strong reason behind this. Bc in my different timeline AU, She wasn't that evil until she found out, her father died bc of the Good Bi-Han accidentally killed him. (Sorry if it's ended up long, it contained power abuse, bullying, revenge, and death) In my other AU, her father and the clan he led thought that their clan was the strongest and the most trustworthy faction in entire realms. Instead of protecting the Earthrealm, they took advantage of their power to abuse others for their own sake. They were an arrogant and dangerous clan. So The Lin Kuei ( Who was also led by the Bi-Han the good one) suggested the Keeper of Time 'softly' take down her clan before everything turns uglier. But it backfired and accidentally took her father's life. So she took revenge by killing and destroying everyone who dared to try to destroy her and her clan's regime. When she finds out that good Bi-Han is the one who was responsible killed her father, she kills almost everyone in Lin Kuei. Including killed his brother, Sub-Zero Kuai Liang. It made Bi-Han devastated. Evil Aila has a pretty much tragic end. Bc good Bi-Han successfully killed her in the end. So when good Bi-Han enters Liu Kang's timeline to provide his aid, he is pretty shocked to see Aila in this timeline has been Nerfed by Liu Kang and made her join the Lin Kuei instead. But now she is the one who is being abused and bullied by the recent Bi-Han. But most importantly, yes you can fix her better hehe...And I was in the middle of making a concept of a villain version oof her.
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godtier · 5 months
have to be at the hospital at 6 AM tomorrow morning
on one hand, it's good bc i don't have to sit around waiting to go in towards the middle of the day or something
on the other hand, i often go to bed around 2 AM most non-work nights so getting to bed before midnight is going to be torturous
some extra whining/musing below the cut bc medical shit ig
i am absolutely not lookin forward to this procedure tbqh lmao i've heard from numerous ppl that they would do the procedure again if they were given the chance bc of how much better they felt immediately after but...
...i've also heard that there's a chance for shit like loss of sensation or "squaring" of the chest and i'm not rly looking for that kinda shit
i also have bad body image shit, probs bordering on dysmorphia, so the idea of my body changing in a way that i may not like is terrifying and bordering on devastating to imagine
i am really hoping that nothing like that happens but they also said it can take up to 3-4 months for the "final result" to appear
that just adds to the anxiety tbqh lmao
what if i like the result immediately after (post-swelling/inflammation ofc) and then some time passes and it changes??? like wtf. or what if i hate it and it gets worse?
ppl try to impress upon me that the feeling i'll get in my spine/neck/joints is worth it but i cannot express just how important my appearance is to me and my mental health
ppl say "who cares what you look like if you feel better?" and i say "i care" lmao but there's no arguing with ppl like that bc they often can't conceptualize the level of importance i place on my appearance and physical nature, specifically my body itself
idk just THOUGHTS i guess!!
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cerosin-bis · 1 year
I've been a desperate annoying little groopie for Nikto, Krueger and Golem trying to convince people they're the perfect little blorbos I'm so sad and devastated but so thankful for your light in this darkness
OURGH.... Tbqh newer/MWII fans usually don't really care about anything that's not MWII, which I understand. I just assume it's a lost cause trying to make them like something they're not interested in, but curious people or ppl who want to see more about previous title will come fetch the info... and we'll be out here
I mean, technically Golem is MWII since he's the DE team leader & announcer for SpecGru but since you can't see him... 😔 (and Krueger mans the deadliest killstreaks in KorTac it's so funny to me. Who put this man in a heavily armed chopper. WHO GAVE HIM NUKES?!)
Thank you for your service tho. It is my pleasure and I will continue talking about this lot nonstop cos they are what fuels me. Also Rodion. God I miss Rodion
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1000-directions · 1 year
good stuff 6-20-23
i’m on a 2 day streak of not feeling completely shitty at work woohooooo hope it lasts :) really nice to know i can still feel like this :)))
they have been out of honey mustard in the cafeteria at work for weeks and it is devastating tbqh because my favorite cheap lunch at work is a soft pretzel and some honey mustard to dip it in, but it’s finally BACK, every bite was so delicious :))
i finished reading the murderbot book i was reading and now it’s on to the next murderbot book :)) i had two on hold at the library and they had both came in at the same time. wasn’t sure if checking them both out simultaneously would be too ambitious but it was actually perfect!
@jedusaur and i both baked tonight and it was really nice to be in the kitchen together at the same time :)) i am making cinnamon rolls, will they turn out okay??? maybe i will know by midnight lol but regardless i had fun spending time with my jed :))
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heartlites · 15 days
so, i suppose as a little update in the diary that is my tumblr blog.
out of all those books i bought, i've finished two and i'm on the third one. it's taking me much longer to finish the third one because it just didn't grip me like the first two books did. the one's i have finished are my darling dreadful thing by johanna van veen (highly recommend for a gripping gothic story) and the last story of mina lee by nancy jooyoun kim (also a good read, but didn't grip me as severely as the former).
i'm currently reading nura and the immortal palace by m.t. khan. i think it has fantastic world building with a lot of fantastical scenery and people, very fun and imaginative setting, but the writing style is a bit simpler. i think it's a book better suited for a tween to teen audience.
i tried painting yesterday once again. i picked up some small i believe 5"x5" canvases over the weekend to give myself something small to work on. i didn't like what i made, tbqh, and i did end up throwing it away. the acrylic paint set i have is kind of limited and didn't capture what i wanted and i think i've forgotten a lot of painting techniques. i don't remember how to work with acrylics much anymore. i used oil paints more in the past. i'm wondering if i should maybe look up some stuff to help me figure out and re-learn techniques. however, this does also have me thinking about digital art again because i wouldn't have to struggle w finding my colors/mixing paints or the clean up lol. i wish i could find my old tablet.
i'm excited for fall coming in, i want to try to spend some more time outside again but i've been struggling with a lot of pain, boredom, and loneliness since i fell. i can't do as much around the house and it's frustrating and leading to some boredom to me. i've turned to video games more but i'm currently feeling a little unsatisfied with them.
generally just kind of really depressed as a whole in life, though. so much stress and little way to relieve it. socially i feel crushed and devastated. i feel like some kind of creature trying to imitate humans. i feel so distant and disconnected. my therapist is retired and i still haven't found a new one. idk what to do
edit: oh! an addition. i started playing dead by daylight recently. it wasn't as scary or intimidating as i thought it'd be. it's also not really that scary. horror media has started to surround me in life more and more in my life and i'm unsure how i feel about it these days. its not as traumatic of an ordeal for me anymore but some of it i just do not "get" but i'm trying to make peace with the fact that i don't have to "get" everything. so far i think my favorite form of horror media i've engaged with is probably written/novel forms. suspense and mystery intrigues me and draws me in more.
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