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gajowa · 6 years ago
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The best #bodycare #hollandandbarret @hollandandbarrett_nl #drorganic #sukin #ecodenta #detuinen #proteethwhiteningco @sukinskincare @dr_organic @ecodenta #cosmetics (w: Holland & Barrett) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByIgWlDosC5PEoBkfImskpgiozCzGYXO359jfI0/?igshid=opaezgxto2pa
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giusysiesticreation · 8 years ago
Inecto - Coconut Shampoo
Inecto – Coconut Shampoo
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{English version}
Buona sera Girls. Oggi voglio parlarvi di uno Shampoo che mi ha dato tante soddisfazioni. Un prodotto che per la quantità e la qualità è veramente economico. Effettivamente molto “Bio” anche se ha sempre componenti che fanno schiuma e per una cute eccessivamente sensibile e portata per le allergie non va bene, non che sia aggressivo sia chiaro.
L’ho usato per diversi mesi, ed è…
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xstaaatic · 5 years ago
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#southafrica 🇿🇦 #freestate #rosendal @elzabezietsman and @tonybentel @detuinenrosendal #nofilter 👏👏👏 (hier: DeTuinen Rosendal) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6pTzXWFEIz/?igshid=12wuy3qmdk6g4
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grau-herbst · 8 years ago
By the way if you happen to be tired often, you could try the expensive supplement Resveratrol. But only if it’s safe for you to use, since you probably already take other medication and Resveratrol can also lower your blood pressure a little bit. If you exercise to stay healthy, don’t take Resveratrol either, because it will ‘block’ any health gain from exercising. You can buy Resveratrol at hollandandbarrett (DeTuinen)
thanks a lot for your advice, dear! so if i took some therapy of Seroquel nowadays, may i take Resveratrol?
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shairmyworld · 8 years ago
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THE DIARY OF A PRODUCT JUNKIE That moment when you go to the beauty store for just your facial tonic and you come back with a bunch of other stuff... Let me introduce you to this collection clockwise: To start, all products are from @hollandandbarrett. Dr.Organic tea tree toothpaste Herbelle Aleppo soap Dr. Organic rose otto skin toner De Tuinen red clay mask Beside the red clay mask I'm familiar with the rest of the products and I love how they work. Can't wait to see what the red clay mask will do for my face. Ps: and yes I know... There are two red clay masks. Last week action: you buy one and get the second for free!!!!!😏 - - - #skincare #natural #plantbased #plantaardig #natuurlijkeproducten #naturalproducts #organic #biologisch #natuurlijk #plantbasedlifestyle #naturalliving #naturallifestyle #natuurlijkecosmetica #naturalcosmetics #detuinen #hollandandbarrett #natuurlijkeverzorging #naturalcare #skincare #mondzorg #facialcare #gezichtsverzorging #bodycare #lichaamsverzorging #facialmask #olivesoap #redclay #toothpaste #beautycare #schoonheidsproducten
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xstaaatic · 5 years ago
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#southafrica 🇿🇦 #freestate #rosendal #sunset #nofilter (hier: DeTuinen Rosendal) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6lq92LFge2/?igshid=and7qm3fg1ph
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urbansugarnl · 12 years ago
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Late lunch #speltbread from #brood #cashewbutter from #detuinen and #rawcacaonibs from #jangotje It's like a #healthysnickers!! And all stores in #depijp #amsterdam #urbannosugar
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giusysiesticreation · 7 years ago
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Farsi i capelli color felpa? Fatto! 😂 . Io adoro il rosso e tutte le sue tonalità e ho trovato questa tinta che mi regala sempre tanta felicità! @naturtint_official n. 4m in erboristeria! . Voi usate tinte per capelli? Quali amate? . 🇬🇧 to have hair colour as your your sweatshirt ? Done! 😂 . I love red and all its shades and I found this color that always gives me so much happiness! @naturtint_official n. 4m in herbal medicine! . Do you use hair dyes? Which ones do you love? . . . #tintacapelli #bio #erboristeria #hollandandbarrett #detuinen #haircolor #change #castano #mahagony #red #redhair #loveyourself #love #amsterdam #haircare (presso Amsterdam, Netherlands)
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giusysiesticreation · 7 years ago
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Coccole serali ✨💁🏻‍♀️ Antiaging Mask by kneipp 🍁 Arganoil Sheabutter Q10 Kneipp è un brand tedesco che non conoscevo ma devo dire che provando i vari prodotti per il corpo mi sono trovata molto bene e così ho deciso di provare anche le maschere viso. E funziona! La pelle risulta idratata e "levigata" 👶🏻 🍀 Anche questo brand usa ingredienti naturali, se non riuscite a reperirlo negli store dal loro sito (kneipp.com) ti portano allo shop online. Ha prezzi contenuti per essere un brand "bio". 🇬🇧 Evening cuddles ✨💁🏻♀️ Antiaging Mask by kneipp 🍁 Arganoil Sheabutter Q10 Kneipp is a German brand I did not know but I have to say that trying the various body products I found very well and so I decided to try their face masks. And it works! The skin is hydrated and "polished" 👶🏻 🍀 Even this brand uses natural ingredients, if you can not find it in the stores from their site (kneipp.com), they'll take you to the online shop. It has low prices to be a "bio" brand. #skincare #skin #care #healthyproduct #healty #bio #erboristeria #hollandandbarrett #detuinen #facecare #facemask #q10 #arganoil #amsterdam #instabeuty #beauty #lovely #kneippproducts #kneipp #love #loveyourself #review #recensioni #nederlandse #dutch
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giusysiesticreation · 7 years ago
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Buonasera Guys non so se conoscete il caro Dr. Organic ma con questo balsamo si è superato. 🌟 🧡 Dr. Organic Bio Active Haircare 🧡 Organic Maroccan Argan Oil Conditioner 💁🏻‍♀️ Restoring - Hidrating All'inizio non ero convinta per la profumazione che per me è davvero troppo forte e resta anche per alcune ore. 🤯 Ma poi con il tempo l'ho dovuto amare! Mi lascia dei capelli morbidi, idratati e più forti 💪🏻 🇬🇧 Goodevening Guys I do not know if you know dear Dr. Organic but with this conditioner has won 🌟 🧡 Dr. Organic Active Active Haircare 🧡 Organic Maroccan Argan Oil Conditioner 💁🏻♀️ Restoring - Hidrating At first use I was not convinced because of the scent that for me was really too strong and it still remains for a few hours. 🤯 But then with time I had to love it! It leaves me soft, hydrated and strong hair 💪🏻 #haircare #drorganic #amsterdam #conditioner #balsamo #argan #maroccanarganoil #organic #bio #erboristeria #hollandandbarrett #detuinen #bioactive #curacapelli #hidrating #restoring #prodottipromossi #recensioni #review #blog #blogger #followers #follow
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giusysiesticreation · 7 years ago
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Testing products 🤯 Superbly Smooothing COCONUT body lotion by Inecto Naturals 🌱 90% of natural origins 💚 Vi assicuro che il signor Inecto non mi paga (purtroppo 😜) ma io adoro i suoi prodotti! Questa crema in particolare è la mia preferita! 💝 Non unge, si asciuga e non ti lascia quel senso di appiccicoso, ha una profumazione buona e delicata 🥥 poi amo il cocco 🥥 Quindi se vi capita dovete provarla 🤗 🇬🇧 Mr. Inecto does not pay me to say it (unfortunately 😜) but I love his products! This body lotion in particular is my favorite! 💝 It does not bake, dries and leaves you that sticky, has a good and delicate scent 🥥 I love the coconut 🥥 So if you can you have to try it 🤗 #prodottipromossi #love #recensioni #review #amsterdam #instabeuty #instabio #bio #prodottifiniti #curacorpo #bodylove #bodycare #skinlove #skincare #loveyourself #inecto #inectoproducts #detuinen #hollandandbarrett #erboristeria #bodylotion #naturalorigin #natural #coconut #coconutcream #amazing #inectonaturals
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giusysiesticreation · 7 years ago
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Discover new shampoo 💆🏻‍♀️Hair Repair Shampoo by Hair Wonders 🌹 Avete mai provato questo brand? Fa prodotti molto validi, con un buon inci. Con questo shampoo mi sto trovando molto bene l'ho quasi finito e devo dire che a differenza di molti shampoo "bio" non secca ne i capelli ne la cute. 🌺 Ha una buona profumazione ed è tra i miei preferiti! 🇬🇧 Have you ever tried this brand? It produces very good products, with good ingredients. With this shampoo I'm finding it very well I've almost finished and I have to say that unlike many "bio" shampoo does not dry hair and skin. 🌺 Has a good scent and is among my favorites! #shampoo #hair #haircare #hairtreatment #hairrepair #hairwonder #hairwonderproducts #hollandandbarrett #detuinen #prodottipromossi #love #recensioni #review #amsterdam #instabeuty #instabio #bio #prodottifiniti #capellibelli #curacapelli #beautifulhair #shampoobio
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giusysiesticreation · 7 years ago
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Vi consiglio di provarla! 🇬🇧 you should try it. Is amazing! #naturtint #haircare #curacapelli #tintacapelli #bio #erboristeria #hollandandbarrett #detuinen #haircolor #change #castano #mahagony
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giusysiesticreation · 8 years ago
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Link in bio #prodottipromossi #love #blogmakeup #bloggers #skincare #skinlove #blog #bodylove #bodylotion #cocco #lozionecorpo #pure #detuinen #hollandandbarrett #erboristeria #recensioni #review #amsterdam #instabeuty #instabio #prodottifiniti https://amsterdambygiusy.wordpress.com/
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giusysiesticreation · 8 years ago
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Link in bio #kneipp #hand #handcare #handcream #bio #blog #blogger #followers #follow #prodottibocciati #review #amsterdam #instabeuty #instabio #recensioni #erboristeria #detuinen #hollandandbarrett #citroen #avocado https://amsterdambygiusy.wordpress.com/
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