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jestiree · 22 days ago
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A life laced with regret
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omfals · 4 months ago
Guys y'know whats worse abt all the dog allegories that can be made w/ the shiny duo this session? Pearl had to communicate with soley body language and generally incomprehesible robo noises in the biggest bits of it towards Gem.
Like, like how dogs can only bark, whine and rely on body language to communicate to their owners. And how owners usually coo at their attempts then indulges them to what they think they want, like how Gem cooed, and when Pearl mistakenly looked towards Lizzie's base, Gem goes "Yeah yeah yeah, Lizzie, go on" to encourage to kill her.
I am clutching ur heads in my hands do you SEE THIS SHIT.
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centuryberry · 3 months ago
I need you to tell me more about the Detoxify AU Shadowpeach relationship, like how does Wukong react when Macaque gets revived? How does Macaque react to the Wukong is so traumatized that he doesn't like touch anymore? I am consumed with these questions and more and I need answers
Ps: hope you have an amazing day
Of course! I love talking about my AUs!
So. To summarize, Detoxify!Shadowpeach is tragic and broken by things beyond their control. Their relationship is actually the center of Wukong’s trauma (I.e. him brutally murdering Macaque while under the influence of the love poison.) When Macaque comes back to life and reunites with Wukong, Wukong just…breaks. All of his guilt rushes back at the sight of the one he has wronged the most and he’s on his hands and knees, begging for forgiveness. No matter how many times Macaque insists that it wasn’t his fault, Wukong doesn’t believe him. When Macaque tries to comfort him with a hug, Wukong has a complete breakdown. He’s both too scared that his touch would hurt Macaque again and triggered by the gentle touch.
Macaque doesn’t know what to do. He’s helpless and angry (at Azure) and has no idea what to do. This wasn’t how he had imagined their reunion to be. He’s so, so heartbroken at the state of his king. Wukong, who used to cling and hug and love so freely was now a broken shell of his past self. Wukong pushes Macaque away and flees.
Now, MK is there since the Macaque episode plays out in a similar way except it’s Macaque wanting to surprise Wukong and it going super wrong. This is what pushes MK to encourage therapy for his mentor. Macaque stays in the Shame Temple and keeps his distance for Wukong’s sake until the other is ready to face and talk to him.
RinRin is a whole ‘nother can of worms. Wukong freaks out when he sees her too. She’s currently roomies with Macaque as they seethe at what Azure did to Wukong.
(Thank you for the well wishes ❤️)
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fjordfolk · 5 months ago
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ariadne-mouse · 2 years ago
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Jupiter after reading from Lucien's ritual book of the Somnovem:
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michdoodles · 11 days ago
Like one stobotnik post and the floodgates open and overwhelm you with stobotnik
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goldenglueandporcelain · 3 months ago
A Sideblog Begins
Hi! I'm pickledchips (my main blog,) and I've been writing a thing; it got a lot more popular than I was expecting, lol! I love comments and fanart and any interaction about the fic at all really, so I've made a blog for anything related to that. Yep.
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yeonbam · 9 months ago
fang duobing would love li lianhua to the point of invention actually. he had the potential. unfortunately the narrative (li lianhua) didn't give him the time and opportunity
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multiuniversefangirl · 1 month ago
say what you want, but i think jey winning the rumbles a good thing. this is the way that the royal rumble SHOULD be used: getting someone who might not have a guaranteed path to mania a match at mania. Cena, Punk, Seth, Roman, they all are almost GUARANTEED a match on the card. the way they’re presenting people like Penta, Bron, Damien, they’ll likely be there in some capacity as well. someone like Jey, who for his whole career until last year was defined by his talent as a tag team wrestler and his family, who had a comically short singles title run, and then returned to the family whose reputation he was synonymous; he has earned a shot at a main event.
just because your favorite didn’t win doesn’t mean that wrestling isn’t good. wrestling is a fairytale, in the wise words of Windham Rotunda. let the fairytale happen and enjoy it.
and if you don’t like it, that’s fine. not everything makes everyone happy.
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laced-containment-chamber · 10 months ago
i just had the idea of like dating scout and living with him and like. he scrapes his elbow at one point and i bring out these
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and hes like "no. i am not using those things" and im like "sorry, thats all we have right now" (complete lie) and he just believes it and begrudgingly puts it on and is embarrassed about it for the rest of the day.
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bluemantics · 8 months ago
Toxic yaoi is OUT! Wholesome, uplifting yaoi is IN! The world is suffering, let me see lovers with hands gently intertwined, making mistakes but determined to learn how to love someone beautiful. Two people who return to their homes after difficult days and find solace in the presence of their partner. Heated fights that end in reverent apologies, kisses to knuckles, slow-falling tears that weave over bruised skin.
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worldwide-blackfolk · 18 days ago
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centuryberry · 3 months ago
Detoxify AU, questions: How does shadowpeach get together here? Like they’re going to have to work through the trauma™️ first and SWK is going to have to learn that touch is okay and all of that…
Also, How is Macaque dealing with his death? Like SWK was not himself when he did it but he still killed him and that’s gotta be traumatizing even if you KNOW that they didn’t meant to
Slowly. Shadowpeach gets together slowly. Macaque is willing to wait and support Wukong while Wukong puts in the work to heal and get better. In a strange twist, it’s after Season 4’s events (post Azure’s death) that they get together. Wukong faces the source of his trauma and gets his closure. He also finally forgives himself. Yue (his therapist) is very very proud of him. Wukong still has issues with sudden touches, but he’s getting better at tail holding and cheek touches. Baby steps.
As for Macaque and his death experience? Not great. He represses it and sets it aside in favor of Wukong’s pain, but he’s not fooling anyone. MK pushes him to get some therapy too so Yue gets yet another patient.
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kathynd · 9 months ago
therapy? no no i say let them become even worse
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ozcarr · 1 year ago
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I know I’m not your favorite, but I like when you say it
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faggotfungus · 7 months ago
your post made about detoxes reminds me of someone who posted in this Tourette’s Syndrome facebook group about how their kid has been on a “parasite cleanse” and has had an extreme increase in tics asking if the two could be related. I asked what medicine specifically. It was a naturopath-prescribed treatment where all but one ingredient was documented toxic to children. The child had no indication of parasites but the the naturopath insisted on a parasite cleanse to “cover all bases”.
The treatment might not even have been what caused the increase in tics, it could’ve been coincidental. But the company called cellcore that provides this treatment is so sketchy. The language just sets off so many alarm bells in my head. The attitude is always “well the worst that will happen is no change if it’s bogus” and I’m just exasperated bc whenever I bring up the potential harm especially regarding children I get such pushback.
I know my mom fell into this trap too when I was a kid and it’s such a slippery slope from a “healer” promising they’ll fix you and then all the sudden when it’s not working and there’s so much money down the drain it’s you, the sick child’s fault it’s not working and you aren’t healed because you aren’t “willing to believe” it will work. I don’t know, I was just glad to see a post addressing this in part. ✌️
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Parents of disabled children are truly some of the fuckin worst. They get it in their heads that they've been slighted by god in some way, so they take it out on the children that are even more reliant on them than your average kid; by neglecting them and ignoring their disability altogether, or pumping them full of every drug known to man and ✨️then some✨️
When reading about their diagnosis is literally Right There. Bare minimum. (Something neither of my parents did as well for any for my diagnoses)
Detoxes and cleanses are so extremely damaging.
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