#determinants class 12 solutions
shankhachil · 4 months
Countdown to JEE (Main): Week 2/33
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I've done a lot this week! Hit almost all the topics I wanted to. You'll notice that there are some topics I've covered but not solved questions for — these are the ones I studied for the first time and/or made notes for.
Other than that, I have my school unit tests from next Wednesday, so there's that. Sadness.....
Test results:
Test at physics tuition center: 116/120, rank 1/67! Yay!
Aryabhatta National Mathematics Competition: score unknown, result expected on 10/07/2024.
Topics covered:
Physics: Potential and Capacitance; Electromagnetic Waves, Waves on a String; Modern Physics; Gravitation; Electromagnetic Induction (6/3)
Chemistry: Chemical Thermodynamics; Atomic Structure; Chemical Equilibrium; Halogen Derivatives; Solid State (5/3)
Mathematics: Differential Equations; Area Under a Curve; Applications of Derivatives; Determinants; Complex Numbers; Ellipses; Hyperbola; Binomial Theorem; Functions (9/3)
Questions solved:
Physics: - FIITJEE Electrostatics* module, Assignment section — 56 questions, 52 correct - Allen Potential and Capacitance module, O1 and O2 — 88 questions, 77 correct -FIITJEE JEE (Main) archives, Electromagnetic Waves — 12 questions, 10 correct - Allen Waves on a String module, O1 and O2 — 67 questions, 59 correct - FIITJEE JEE (Main) archives, Modern Physics — 40 questions, 34 correct - Allen Gravitation module, O1 and O2 — 61 questions, 55 correct Total: 383/60 questions, 287 correct *FIITJEE includes Potential and Capacitance under Electrostatics, while Allen does not.
Chemistry: - Allen Chemical Thermodynamics module, S1 and S2 — 40 questions, 37 correct - R. N. Sarin, Atomic Structure — 18 questions, 18 correct - R. N. Sarin, Chemical Equilibrium — 11 questions, 11 correct - Allen Halogen Derivatives module, JEE (Advanced) archives — 24 questions, 22 correct Total: 93/60 questions, 88 correct
Mathematics: - Allen Differential Equations module, O1 — 30 questions, 25 correct - Allen Area Under a Curve module, Do Yourself 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and O2 — 51 questions, 46 correct - FIITJEE JEE (Main) archives, Applications of Derivatives — 45 questions, 39 correct - FIITJEE JEE (Main) archives, Determinants — 22 questions, 17 correct - Yellow Book, Complex Numbers, single-choice questions — 20 questions, 17 correct - Pink Book, Ellipses, single-choice questions — 16 questions, 14 correct - Yellow Book, Binomial Theorem, single-choice questions — 15 questions, 12 correct - Pink Book, Hyperbolas, single-choice questions — 21 questions, 18 correct - Allen Functions module, O1 and JEE (Main) archives — 48 questions, 44 correct Total: 268/60 questions, 232 correct
GRAND TOTAL: 744/400 questions, 607 correct
Upcoming tests:
23/06/2024 (next Sunday) — Allen monthly test. Topics: Kinetic Theory of Gases; Physical Thermodynamics; Electrostatics; Potential and Capacitance; Current Electricity; Electromagnetic Induction; Alternating Current; Electromagnetic Waves; Waves on a String; Sound Waves; Ray Optics; Wave Optics; Circle; Functions; Differentiation; Applications of Derivatives; Indefinite Integrals; Definite Integrals; Area Under a Curve; Differential Equations; Matrices; Silicates; Molecules That Do Not Exist; Coordination Chemistry; Metallurgy; Electronic Displacement Effects; Halogen Derivatives; Atomic Structure; Chemical Equilibrium; Solid State; Solutions; Chemical Kinetics; Chemical Thermodynamics. Yeah. I've no idea how I'm going to finish the syllabus in time, since I haven't even started Coordination Chemistry, Metallurgy or Alternating Current — they finished the classes in Allen before I even joined the batch. Anyway, let's see.
That'll be all till next week — see you again!
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whencyclopedia · 4 months
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The Scientific Revolution
Before class, students will be asked to read two World History Encyclopedia articles.
Introduction (10-15 minutes)
Hook: Start with a thought-provoking question: "How would you determine whether something is true or not? What process would you use?"
Write students’ responses on the board to highlight different approaches, such as personal experience, advice from others, intuition, or logical reasoning.
Explain that before the Scientific Revolution, people often relied on methods like tradition, philosophical reasoning, or religious teachings to determine the truth.
Introduce the idea that the Scientific Method emerged as a new approach to discovering truth, emphasizing that this method is based on observation, experimentation, and evidence rather than solely on abstract reasoning or accepted beliefs.
Hands-On Activity (25-30 minutes)
Present the following scenario to the class: "A farmer notices that some crops in his field are growing poorly while others are thriving. He wants to understand why this is happening."
Divide the class into an even number of small groups. Half of the groups will receive Handout 1: Philosophical Approach and the other half will receive Handout 2: Scientific Method Approach.
Instruct each group to brainstorm solutions to the farmer's problem based on their assigned approach.
Philosophical Approach: Groups might suggest reasons based on general principles, such as the alignment of the stars, the will of the gods, or moral interpretations of natural events.
Scientific Method Approach: Groups should focus on making specific observations, forming testable hypotheses, designing experiments, and collecting data.
Pair each Philosophical Approach group with a Scientific Method Approach group. Have the paired groups present their ideas to each other. Encourage them to discuss and debate the differences between the philosophical reasoning and the scientific method.
Class Discussion and Reflection (15-20 minutes)
Reflect on the activity, highlighting the strengths and limitations of each approach and the importance of the Scientific Method in advancing knowledge and solving problems.
Summarize key takeaways from the lesson, emphasizing how the Scientific Method has led to a more systematic and evidence-based approach to knowledge.
Reflect on how the Scientific Method has shaped modern knowledge and technology and ask students how they might use the Scientific Method in their own lives or future careers.
Students will pick one scientist from the collection of 12 Great Scientists of the Scientific Revolution, read their biography, and answer questions on the worksheet (see below). If needed, further research can be done to complete the worksheet.
Continue reading...
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I’ve been gaining a lot of followers lately, so here are a few things about me and what I believe in before you hit that follow button.
1: The Jewish community is my first priority here. They are my people. My community. Therefore, antisemitism of any kind is not welcome here. Am Yisrael Chai, motherfuckers.
And because far too many non-Jews have decided to be dog whistling, This includes the term “anti-Zionism.” If you are not Jewish, or someone I know personally, or I see your comments and see that you are actually educated on what Zionism actually is and what it means, any anti-Zionism comments will get you blocked.
1A: this obviously doesn’t mean you cannot criticize or speak out against the actions of the israeli government. Israel is being monstrous in its treatment of the people of Gaza. It is reprehensible, and I personally want and yearn for a two state solution. I believe that both Jews and Palestinians have a right to safety and self determination in that land. Both groups are indigenous to the land, and both have a right to be there. We can agree or disagree on how this is achieved. I am for civil, productive conversations surrounding this. However, if you are not Jewish, Palestinian, or have family or community ties to either group, then I am giving you a lot of side eye.
1B: However, this does not give you carte blanch to go after random Israeli citizens. Do you go after random Chinese citizens for what the Chinese government is doing to the Uyghurs? Do you go after random US or Canadian citizens for their government’s treatments of their Indigenous population? No. Because that’s asinine. Same goes for Israelis. People are not their government.
1C: Hamas is a terrorist organization. They are not freedom fighters. They are monstrous as well. What they did on October 7th 2023 was the single biggest Jewish massacre since the Holocaust. They need to answer for that. They need to release the hostages. Simple as that. That being said, racism or Islamophobia of any sort will get you blocked.
Okay. That out of the way…
2: Sex work is real, valid, work and it needs to be legalized, regulated and sex workers need and deserve protection and workers rights like any other worker.
3: UBI is one of the best things we can do for people.
4: People need to be creative. And not everything has to be a side hustle. People wouldn’t need a side hustle if they could survive on their wages.
5: We don’t invest nearly enough in the arts and humanities. STEM is necessary too, but humans need art. We’ve been creating since before we had language.
6: best way to end homelessness? Give them homes. The data shows again and again and again that just giving someone a home goes an enormous way to helping them get back on their feet. It helps the economy, it helps the job force and most of all, it helps them.
7: Healthcare should be free for all.
8: Abortion rights are human rights. Abortion is healthcare. Abortion access is vital and necessary.
9: while I think that children are obviously humans and deserve and need more spaces where they are welcomed and catered to, adults need adult only spaces too. Kids do not belong at wineries, bars, concerts (that aren’t geared for kids of course) and breweries.
10: you are not a temporarily embarrassed billionaire. Wealth inequality especially in America is disgusting. The rich only got that way by exploiting the poor and the working class. Your anger shouldn’t be directed at the dentist who makes 200k a year. Your anger should be directed at the billionaire who hoards so much wealth, they or their descendants could never even hope to spend it all. They could snap their fingers and end homelessness, world hunger, etc. Eat them.
11: ANYTHING anti-trans will get you insta blocked. TERFS; go eat a knife.
12: our puritanical views towards sex and sexuality does us all a huge disservice. Everyone involved is a consenting adult? Go for it. Your kink may not be my kink, but sexual freedom and liberation are everyone’s benefit.
13: Everything bagels are the best bagels.
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paigeswiftsea · 15 days
ch. 1 | ch. 2 | ch. 3 | ch.4 | ch. 5 | ch. 6 | ch.7 | ch.8 | ch. 9 | ch. 10 | ch. 11|ch. 12| ch. 13| Ch. 14
hi guysss here is ch. 15. also on ao3
also just a quick psa i start classes next week so chapters will be posted laterish, but still on fridays. for now at least.
im pre writing chapters just in case i wont be able to write later, but beware that updates may slow because school comes first for me
anyway, enjoy loves <3
wc: 3.0k
As Sabine walked through the dimly lit halls of Marchenghast Castle, her thoughts churned with a tumult of conflicting emotions. Mr. Sands' words echoed in her mind, each one sharpening her internal conflict. The weight of her mission, her feelings for Blaire, and her loyalty to the Dark Riders formed a tangled web of responsibilities and desires.
Sabine had always prided herself on her ability to maintain a clear, detached perspective. She had been trained to exploit weaknesses, to manipulate and control without hesitation. But Blaire had changed everything. Their time together, the brief moments of vulnerability and connection, had planted seeds of doubt in her heart.
She reached her room and paused at the door, her hand resting on the handle. The plan Sands had laid out was clear: exploit Blaire’s vulnerabilities, use her to undermine the Soul Riders. But Sabine had found herself drawn to Blaire in a way she hadn’t anticipated. The softness in Blaire’s eyes, the warmth of her presence—it was all too real, too alluring.
Sitting down on the edge of her bed, Sabine stared at the floor, her mind racing. She had felt a deep connection with Blaire, one that went beyond the manipulative games she was accustomed to playing. The kiss they had shared was supposed to be a means to an end, but it had left her with an unsettling mix of emotions. It was as if a part of her had been opened, revealing a side she had kept buried for so long.
The thought of following through with Sands’ plan, of using Blaire as a pawn in their game, felt increasingly unbearable. Sabine knew that if she was honest with herself, she wanted something more than just a calculated maneuver. She wanted to be with Blaire, to explore what they had, even if it meant risking everything she had built with the Dark Riders.
But Sands had made it clear that failure was not an option. If she defied his plan, the consequences would be severe—not just for her, but for everyone she cared about, including Blaire. Sabine’s heart ached as she thought of the delicate balance she was trying to maintain. She didn’t want to lose Blaire, but she also couldn’t afford to betray her own side.
Sabine stood up abruptly, pacing the room as she tried to make sense of her choices. She needed to find a way to navigate this treacherous path without completely losing herself. Perhaps the solution lay in walking a fine line—playing her role in Sands’ plan while still holding on to the part of her that cared for Blaire. It was risky, but it might allow her to protect both her mission and her heart.
Taking a deep breath, Sabine resolved to ride the line with both. She would continue to carry out her duties, keeping Blaire close and ensuring she was an asset to their cause. At the same time, she would remain honest with herself about her feelings, finding moments to show Blaire that she cared, even if it meant living a double life.
As she looked out the window at the darkened landscape, Sabine knew that the road ahead was fraught with danger and uncertainty. But she was determined to find a way to balance her responsibilities with her desires, even if it meant walking a precarious tightrope.
With a heavy heart but a resolute mind, Sabine prepared herself for the challenges ahead. She would have to be careful, calculating, and above all, honest with Blaire in the limited ways she could afford to be. The stakes were high, and the consequences of failure were too great to ignore. But Sabine was ready to face whatever came next, hoping that her choices would lead to a resolution that could reconcile the many conflicting parts of her life.
.·͙̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥̩̩̥͙ ✩ ̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥̩̩͙‧͙ .
Blaire sighed, making her way to Jorvik City, knowing exactly what awaited her at the emergency meeting Alex had called after the chaos at the riding camp last week. Blaire was still struggling, and this was the first time she had left the house—more specifically, her bedroom—since everything had happened.
She’d gone on a quick walk with Sabine one night, but no one needed to know about that. It had been quiet, peaceful, a stark contrast to the turmoil she had been experiencing. It was a nice change, and Blaire wasn’t about to let the others ruin it with their opinions.
She trotted on Diamond, a dull headache already forming in the back of her skull. The headaches were almost constant now. Erissa’s magic had been no joke, overwhelming and sinister for someone so small and seemingly harmless. But then again, that was just one of her forms, right?
Blaire slid off Diamond as they approached Linda's house in the city. She sighed heavily, her stomach in knots as she steeled herself for what was coming. She knocked on the door, feeling like it took hours before Alex finally answered. Alex didn’t say a word, but her expression was enough to set the tone. This wasn’t going to be easy.
As Blaire stepped inside, she was greeted by the tense atmosphere already thick in the room. Linda stood by the window, arms crossed, while Lisa sat on the couch, her expression troubled. Anne paced the floor, her agitation palpable.
Alex closed the door behind her, crossing her arms as she took her place with the others. "Glad you could make it," Alex said, the sarcasm in her voice barely concealed.
Blaire didn’t bother responding. She knew what was coming, and there wasn’t much she could say to change their minds.
“So,” Anne began, her voice sharp, “are we going to address the elephant in the room, or are we just going to pretend nothing happened?”
Blaire’s chest tightened. She knew exactly what Anne meant, and it wasn’t just about the incident with Erissa.
Alex cut in, her tone harsher than usual. "Why were you out of contact for so long? We've been trying to keep things together, and you’ve been off doing… whatever it is you’ve been doing."
Blaire’s patience snapped. "You think I wanted to disappear? I’ve been dealing with more than any of you could imagine. Erissa got into my head, and I’m still trying to put the pieces back together."
"Yeah, but where does Sabine fit into that, huh?" Anne fired back, her voice full of anger. "You think none of us noticed that little late-night stroll?"
Blaire’s blood ran cold, her heart racing. “I— It’s not what you think.”
“Then what is it?” Lisa asked softly, though there was an edge to her question. “You’ve been shutting us out and cozying up to Sabine. What are we supposed to think?”
“You don’t get it,” Blaire muttered, her voice barely above a whisper. “Sabine… she’s different with me.”
“Different?” Alex echoed, incredulous. “She’s a Dark Rider, Blaire! She’s dangerous! How could you be so blind?”
“She’s not the one you should be worried about right now!” Blaire shot back, her frustration bubbling over. “Erissa is out there planning something big, and we’re too busy pointing fingers to even notice.”
“We’re pointing fingers because you’re putting us all at risk!” Anne snapped, her voice cutting through the room. “You can’t just decide to trust Sabine and expect us to go along with it. This isn’t just about you.”
Blaire took a deep breath, trying to keep her emotions in check. “I know that. But I’ve been through enough. I’m trying to figure things out, and none of you have even tried to understand.”
“Understand?” Linda finally spoke, her voice calm but firm. “We’ve all been trying to keep it together, Blaire. But you disappearing without telling us anything—then running off with Sabine—that doesn’t make this easy for anyone.”
Blaire felt the weight of their words, the anger and frustration from each of them pressing down on her. She wanted to scream, to make them see how much pain she was in, how broken she felt. But the words wouldn’t come.
Silence fell over the room, thick and suffocating. Blaire glanced at each of them, her heart sinking as she realized how far apart they’d grown.
Finally, Alex shook her head. “You’ve got to make a choice, Blaire. Either you’re with us, or you’re not. But we can’t keep doing this half-trust thing. It’s tearing us apart.”
Blaire didn’t respond, her throat tight as the weight of Alex’s ultimatum settled over her. She wasn’t sure where she stood anymore—not with them, not with Sabine, not even with herself.
Blaire stood frozen, Alex’s words echoing in her mind: “Either you’re with us, or you’re not.” The weight of it pressed down on her chest, and for a moment, she couldn’t breathe. Her fingers clenched at her sides as her vision blurred with unshed tears.
How had it come to this?
She had always thought of the Soul Riders as her family, her closest allies, but now everything felt fractured. The room seemed to close in around her, the familiar faces of her friends distant, almost like strangers. And the worst part was, she couldn’t even argue. She had been distant, and Sabine—Sabine had been a secret she didn’t know how to explain, or if she even wanted to.
"I’m—" Blaire started, her voice wavering. She cleared her throat, trying to steady herself, but the lump of emotion refused to go away. "I’m doing my best to figure it out, okay? I didn’t ask for any of this. I didn’t ask for Erissa to mess with my mind or for Sabine to—" She stopped herself, unsure of how to continue without unraveling more than she was ready for.
“To what? What exactly is going on with you and Sabine?” Anne demanded, her arms crossed, eyes filled with suspicion.
Blaire flinched, the accusatory tone cutting deep. Her thoughts were a tangled mess, and even she didn’t fully understand what Sabine was doing to her—or what she felt. The kiss, the late-night walks, the moments of softness… It wasn’t what anyone thought, but she couldn’t find the words to explain it. Sabine wasn’t just another enemy. But she wasn’t entirely a friend either.
“I don’t know,” Blaire admitted, the frustration and confusion bubbling to the surface. “I don’t know how to explain it. Sabine… she’s different with me, okay? And maybe I want to believe there’s more to her than just being a Dark Rider.”
Anne scoffed. “You’re delusional, Blaire! She’s playing you. Sabine is dangerous, and if you keep letting her get in your head, she’s going to destroy you. Don’t you get that?”
“I’m not an idiot!” Blaire snapped, her voice rising. The anger she’d been holding back surged forward. “I know who Sabine is. But I also know what I’ve been through! None of you—none of you—get what Erissa did to me. I’m still trying to put myself back together, and all you care about is making me choose sides!”
“That’s because we’re a team!” Alex interjected, her voice stern. “We have to trust each other to get through this. And right now, Blaire, it feels like we can’t trust you.”
The words hit harder than Blaire expected. She swallowed thickly, fighting back the urge to scream or cry. Her heart pounded in her chest, torn between loyalty to the Soul Riders and the complicated feelings she had for Sabine. Her mind was a whirlwind of emotions—anger, confusion, guilt.
"Do you think I want to feel this way?" Blaire asked, her voice breaking slightly. "You don’t think I know how dangerous this all is? I know what Sabine is capable of. But maybe… maybe there's more to her. Maybe she's not just the enemy we’ve made her out to be."
"You're wrong," Anne said coldly, shaking her head. "She’s not different. She’s manipulating you, just like Darko did, just like Sands always does. You think she cares? The moment she has what she wants, she’ll drop you and go back to them."
Blaire clenched her fists, heat rushing to her face. “You don’t know that! You don’t know her!”
“And you do?” Alex shot back. “You’ve been spending what, a couple of nights with her and now you think you know her better than all of us combined? Wake up, Blaire. This is Sabine. She’s a Dark Rider. She’s not going to change.”
Blaire’s shoulders sagged under the weight of their disbelief. She was standing on a precipice, and it felt like no matter what choice she made, someone would end up hurt. "I never asked for this," she muttered. "Any of it."
Lisa, who had been silent up until now, took a step forward, her expression softer than the others'. "We get that you're struggling, Blaire. But we’re your friends. We’re supposed to help you through this, not let you walk into something dangerous without saying anything."
"Then help me," Blaire whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "Help me figure out what to do."
For a moment, there was silence. The tension hung heavy, like a storm cloud about to break.
“We are trying to help,” Alex said quietly, though the frustration was still there. “But you have to want it. You can’t just… shut us out.”
Blaire looked away, biting the inside of her cheek. She wanted to trust them, but things felt so broken now. She wasn’t even sure if they could understand what she was going through. They hadn’t been the ones trapped in their own minds, fighting against Erissa’s illusions, and now… there was Sabine.
“Maybe…” Blaire took a deep breath, feeling the weight of her decision in her chest. “Maybe I just need more time.”
Anne shook her head, clearly dissatisfied. “We don’t have time, Blaire. There’s always something else coming—another threat. And if you’re not with us 100%, how can we fight together?”
Blaire’s heart sank at the reality of Anne’s words. They were right. But the rift between them seemed wider than ever. Blaire looked down shuffling her feet slightly. God her head was back to pounding again. “ Well… well then maybe I should just leave.”
The room fell silent.
Blaire’s words hung in the air like a bitter, unsaid truth, and for a moment, no one knew how to respond. Her heart raced, her pulse in sync with the pounding in her head. She hadn’t meant to say it, not like that, but now it was out there, and there was no taking it back.
Alex stared at her, wide-eyed, clearly taken aback. "What are you talking about?"
Blaire clenched her fists at her sides, feeling the tension rise. “I said maybe I should leave. If you all can’t trust me—if you don’t think I’m with you—then what’s the point of me staying?”
“You can’t be serious,” Anne scoffed, though there was an edge of disbelief in her voice.
Blaire’s chest tightened, her thoughts spiraling. Everything was too much—the constant pain from Erissa’s magic, the confusion over Sabine, the tension with the Soul Riders. It was like she was being pulled in every direction, and no matter what she chose, she’d end up hurting someone.
“You’re being dramatic,” Anne added, crossing her arms. “You’re not going anywhere. This isn’t some choice you just get to make.”
“You don’t get it!” Blaire snapped, her frustration boiling over. “I’m not sure I can do this anymore. Every time I try to explain myself, you all look at me like I’m the problem. But maybe the problem is I don’t fit into this whole perfect team thing you’ve got going on.”
Alex's face darkened, and she took a step closer, her voice stern. “Don’t you dare act like we’re the ones turning our backs on you, Blaire. We’ve all fought for you, stood by you. But if you’re running off with Sabine and keeping secrets, how are we supposed to trust you?”
Lisa, always the peacemaker, stepped forward, her hand raised as if to calm the tension. “Let’s not jump to conclusions. Blaire, we’re not saying you have to leave. We’re saying we need to find a way to work through this.���
Blaire’s head was spinning. The pounding pain from Erissa’s magic flared up, and she winced, pressing her fingers to her temples. “I don’t know if I want to work through this right now.”
Anne threw her hands up. “Unbelievable.”
“Stop it!” Blaire shot back, her voice cracking. “Stop treating me like I’m some fragile piece that’s going to break any second. I’m not—I’m not okay, but that doesn’t mean I’m weak. You don’t know what it’s like to have Erissa in your head, to feel like you’re losing yourself.”
Anne’s cold expression softened just slightly, but the anger in her eyes remained. “Then help us understand. But running away? That’s not the answer.”
The room fell quiet again, the weight of Blaire’s words settling heavily. She looked around at them, her friends, her teammates, and yet, in this moment, she felt more alone than ever.
“I just need some space,” Blaire whispered, her voice barely audible. “Maybe I need to figure things out on my own.”
Alex opened her mouth to protest, but Lisa cut her off, her voice soft. “If that’s what you need, Blaire… we’ll respect it. But know that we’re here, and we’re not giving up on you.”
Blaire nodded, though she wasn’t sure what that meant anymore. She turned toward the door, her head still pounding, her thoughts a jumble of doubt and confusion. As she reached for the handle, a voice stopped her.
“Blaire,” Alex called out, her tone less harsh now, more urgent. “Just… don’t make any decisions you’ll regret.”
Blaire hesitated, her heart heavy, but she didn’t turn back. Instead, she opened the door and stepped out into the cool air, leaving the tension of the room behind her.
As the door closed behind her, Blaire leaned against the wall, closing her eyes for a moment, trying to steady her racing heart. She had no idea what she was doing. Everything was unraveling, and she felt like she was losing control. And worst of all, she couldn’t shake the feeling that something even darker was looming ahead.
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paperanddice · 1 year
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A bythos is a towering figure of mist, with a rough, four armed humanoid shape and a swirling pattern like a great eye on its torso. Despite its apparent composition, it's body is completely solid and in fact has the consistency and texture of dry stone. They are mysterious creatures that hunt the planes and worlds for those who abuse planar and time travel, another emotionless multiversal repair being like the akhana.
As with that other creature, the bythos communicates through singular psychic images, often confusing and terrifying those it seeks to interrogate. They lack the ability to travel through time themselves, and beings or items capable of time travel are exceptionally rare, so the majority of their time is spent hunting for damage to planar boundaries. While over a great time the bythos can channel its energy into repairing this damage, stabilizing ares of planar overlap or leaking gates, its more common solution is to simply destroy the person responsible for it, or failing that, lock them in stasis. It uses this stasis as a last effort, if it is apparent that it's unlikely to be able to defeat its target conventionally, and then the bythos attempts to flee to ensure the stasis remains until such a time that it can figure out a method of destroying the threat.
Originally from the Pathfinder Bestiary 2. This post came out a week ago on my Patreon. If you want to get access to all my monster conversions early, as well as access to my premade adventures and other material I’m working on, consider backing me there!
5th Edition
Bythos Large celestial (aeon), true neutral Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Hit Points 231 (22d10 + 110) Speed 0 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) Str 22 (+6) Dex 19 (+4) Con 21 (+5) Int 22 (+6) Wis 24 (+7) Cha 21 (+5) Saving Throws Con +10, Wis +12, Cha +10 Skills Arcana +11, Insight +12, Nature +11, Perception +12, Religion +11, Stealth +9 Damage Immunities cold, poison Damage Resistances fire, lightning, bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks Condition Immunities poisoned, prone Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 90 ft., passive Perception 22 Languages envisaging Challenge 16 (15000 XP) Confusion Gaze. When a creature that can see the bythos starts its turn within 30 feet of the bythos, the bythos can magically force it to make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw, unless the bythos is incapacitated. On a failed save, the creature can't take reactions and rolls a d10 to determine what it does for the next 1d4 rounds. On a 1, the creature does nothing. On a 2-6, the creature uses all its movement to move in a random direction. On a 7-8, the creature uses its action to make a melee attack against a randomly determined creature within its reach. If there is no creature within its reach, the creature does nothing this turn. On a 9-10, the creature can act and move normally. Unless surprised, a creature can avert its eyes to avoid the saving throw at the start of its turn. If the creature does so, it can't see the bythos until the start of its next turn, when it can avert its eyes again. If the creature lookas at the bythos in the meantime, it must immediately make the save. Envisaging. The bythos communicates through a form of telepathy, nearly incomprehensible to non-aeons. It sends psychic projections of a single concept with a combination of visual and aural stimulation, and expects the target to interpret the meaning it intended. This otherwise functions like telepathy. Extension Of All. The bythos has advantage on Arcana, Nature, and Religion checks. It can also communicate telepathically with any aeon on the same plane as it, and can send empathetic messages to aeons on other planes of existence. Regeneration. The bythos regains 10 hit points at the start of its turn if it has at least 1 hit point. Actions Multiattack. The bythos makes four Slam attacks. If two of these attacks hit the same creature, it must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or age 2d20 years. The aging effect can be reversed with a greater restoration spell. Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d6+6) bludgeoning damage plus 10 (3d6) cold damage. Temporal Strike. The bythos can target a creature or Huge or smaller object within 10 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 18 Charisma saving throw or it disappears from the present moment and reappears in the same space 1d4 rounds later at the end of the bythos' turn as if no time had passed. If a creature or object occupies that space, the creature appears in the closest unoccupied space to the original location. Spellcasting. The bythos casts one of the following spells, requiring no material components, and using Wisdom as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 20): At will: augury, slow, teleport 3/day each: haste, plane shift 1/day: imprisonment (when the bythos casts imprisonment, it traps the target in a form of temporal stasis. The target is frozen in place and can't be harmed or affected by any spell or effect. If the bythos is destroyed or casts imprisonment on a second creature, the imprisoned creature is immediately freed)
13th Age
Bythos  Large 8th level spoiler [celestial]  Initiative: +12 Aging Strike +13 vs. AC (2 attacks) - 25 damage plus 10 cold damage. Natural 16+: The target is vulnerable to all damage (save ends) as it suddenly ages 1d10 years. Natural 18+: The target also can’t add the escalation die to its attacks while it’s vulnerable. Dual Hits: If both attacks hit during the same turn, the bythos can make a temporal strike attack as a free action against a target it hit this turn. [Special Trigger] Temporal Strike +13 vs. PD - The target is pushed ahead in time. It is removed from the battlefield. At the start of each of the target’s turns, it rolls a hard save (16+). On a success, it reappears in the spot it disappeared from. On a failure, it gains a cumulative +5 bonus to saves against this effect. C: Confusion Gaze +13 vs. MD (1d3 nearby enemies) - The target is dazed (save ends). First Failed Save: The target is instead weakened (save ends). Second Failed Save: The target is instead confused (save ends). Quick Use: This attack only requires a quick action (once per round) when the escalation die is even. Stasis Lock +13 vs. PD - The target is trapped in a temporal stasis. Nothing can harm or affect it in any way, until a specific event chosen by the bythos is completed. This event must be reasonable, but the bythos doesn’t communicate it to any creature, requiring powerful rituals to decipher. If the bythos uses this attack against another creature, or is destroyed, the effect immediately ends. Limited Use: The bythos can only make this attack when the escalation die is 6. Flight. Resist Cold 16+. AC 23 PD 19 MD 22 HP 290
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i know kamisato ayato is a seer of space tho i disagree with classpects being like astrology i think astrology is so popular bc people unknowingly recognize the 12 base classes in them aka Deep Personality Stuff anyway what do u think lumine is i know she and aether dont have the same classpect
Isn't the core of classpecting deep personality stuff? A hero title is simply another way to label what you are like in my opinion.
Anyways, I will be under the assumption that your Lumine in question is the Abyss Twin.
With that out of the way, lets talk about...
The Abyss Sibling: The Witch of Hope
Witch: Active Manipulation class
One who changes their aspect
Alternatively: One who manipulates others with their Aspect
Abstract: Conviction, Imagination, Fantasy, Delusion, Actual Hope
Literal: Light, Wings, Feathers, Religion
Despite how very little we have on the Traveler's kin, it's enough to glean off what kind of person she is and how she reacts to the environment she's surrounded by.
Let's start with her aspect of Hope.
People who identify themselves as Hope-bound are known to be motivated by their beliefs and sense of righteousness.
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We know that the Traveler's Sibling is working with the Abyss in order to settle a score with Celestia, likely for what it has done to Khaenri'ah and its inhabitants.
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Already does she show her belief that Khaenri'ah's punishment was unjustifiable and that going to war with the divine was the only way to avenge their people, seeking to destroy those under the Seven Archon's rule first.
After meeting the archons, her revenge plot sounds sinister. But since we don't what she's witnessed and experienced, there could be a side of that plan that could hold some validity. Even if the Traveler doesn't agree with it.
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The Hope-bound are also said to posses a vast imagination, using it to conjure up solutions to injustice and unfairness:
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The Abyss order has many creative plots that the Traveler's Sibling surely has helped scheme. One of them using the water dragon Osial and a corrupted statue in order to create a mechanized god to fight Celestia.
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The imagery is nothing short of gruesome, more so for a concept as light-hearted as Hope. But to assume that Hope is the aspect for goody-two-shoes, you would be sorely mistaken.
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Next there's her class, the Witch.
Witches, along with Heirs, are the magicians. They manipulate their aspect in ways that they think will befit them and their circumstances.
Witch of Life Feferi Peixies was able to bargain with cosmic horrors to create dreambubbles, a sort of afterlife for anyone in any timeline who have perished. Even after either one's waking, dreaming, or both selves are dead, the person can still keep on living as a ghost within those bubbles. Which, in essence, keeps said person alive essentially forever. It was also used to communicate with souls from far away in their sleep.
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Then there is Witch of Time Damara Megido who. instead of using her powesr to win SBURB, used her abilities of time-traveling to sabotage her teammates and lead their session into its doom.
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In addition to this, a Witch's arc starts with the Witch's surrounding engulfed by their aspect to the point where it influences them. This influence usually has an extension that takes form of what we'll call the Witch's Familiar.
Feferi is the troll heiress of the Alternian empire and is determined to inherit it and change the lifestyle of its inhabitants for the better.
Since birth, Feferi was tasked in keeping her lusus Gl’bolyb pacified and hushed, lest she lets out the Vast Glub and erradicates all life in not just her home planet Alternia, but in the whole universe.
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Look at thatt mother-daughter bonding!
Witch of Space Jade Harley spent most of her life isolated from civilization and was raised by her Best Friend/Best Dog Bequerel.
Bequerel is the First Guardian of Earth and possesses an array of cool powers, his most prominent one being able to bend the fabric of space to his will. A power that will be passed onto Jade once she goes Dogtier.
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What does this tell us about the Abyss Sibling?
The sibling is considered royalty by the Abyss Order as well as a leader. As one of the few people who not only side with Khaenri'ah, but is also unaffected by curse afflicted onto them by Celestia, she stands as one of the ancient civilization's last hopes.
She has the conviction of their salvation within the palm of her hand and that same conviction engulfs her. Their dreams turn into her's, and now she mans them like a ship, with the Abyss Sibling as its captain.
Her virtuous campaign against Celestia though, may only be a delusion that not only harms innocents, but the people she is trying to help as well.
A crack of her well-intentioned crusade could be seen in the Requiem of the Echoing Depths quest, where her attempt to ease the suffering of the hilichurls only lead to them suffering more pain.
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Although the Abyss Sibling is the pinnacle of the Kharnri’aian's salvation, their hopes aren’t the only ones that’s she’s manipulating:
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The main character of the game, The Traveler, has only started his journey in hopes of figuring out what happened to his sibling.
Time and time again does she elude the Traveler's eyes, keeping just out of sight. The one time they do meet face to face though, she tells him this:
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For the Traveler, there is perpetual hope in him that they'll be together again, and the Abyss Sibling turns that hope into a tether; a motivator for him to complete his journey and to understand the meaning of Teyvat's existence.
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Perhaps she is manipulating her own hope as well, stuck so far down in her delusion that Kharnri’ah could be saved that she hopes once the Traveler has finished his journey, he comes to the same conclusion as her and they could once again stand against the Heavenly Principles together.
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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Hensoldt equips Ukrainian helicopters with self-protection sensor technology for the first time
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 22/06/2023 - 17:00 in Helicopters
Sensor solution provider HENSOLDT is equipping Ukrainian Armed Forces helicopters for the first time with state-of-the-art detection and self-protection sensor technology.
The order comprises 16 AMPS (Airborne Missile Protection System) sensor solutions. The order value is in the two-digit range of millions. With the delivery, HENSOLDT is providing the Ukrainian armed forces with modern equipment required by current events. The Czech system integrator LOM PRAHA is planned as the equipment company.
“With the delivery of AMPS, we are ensuring an increase in the defense capacity of Ukrainian helicopters,” said Tanya Altmann, manager of the Optronics & Land Solutions division and managing director of HENSOLDT Optronics GmbH. “By integrating this platform for the first time, we are protecting crews from a wide range of threats, especially surface-to-air and air-to-air missiles.”
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Ukrainian helicopters are equipped with the modular and individually configurable sensor solution "AMPS". (Photo: HENSOLDT)
The Airborne Missile Protection System is a flexible and independent self-protection system for helicopters and fixed-wapped aircraft. Its modular design allows the AMPS to be easily configured for specific operational requirements and for different mission profiles. Parts of the "AMPS" sensor solution are the Missile Launch Detection Sensor (MILDS), an Advanced Display and Control Unit (ACDU) and the Active Recognition System (MACS), which determines the range and speed of detected missiles and eliminates false alarms. Existing Countermeasure Dispensing Systems (CMDS) in helicopters can continue to operate with the current AMPS configuration.
A high percentage of aircraft losses in recent operational areas was caused by surface-to-air infrared missiles (IR SAMs). In addition, laser and radar threats are becoming more common in operational areas. To reliably detect these threats, AMPS can be configured with missile, laser and radar alert systems to provide the best possible protection through rapid detection. HENSOLDT already protects more than 2,000 different flying platforms with AMPS.
Tags: Military AviationUkrainian Air ForceHelicoptersHensoldt
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Daytona Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work around the world of aviation.
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Cavok Brazil - Digital Tchê Web Creation
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somediyprojects · 1 year
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DIY Peg Wall by Christine Wisnieski:
When I moved into my studio fifteen months ago, I knew I wanted to create a feature wall near the entryway that felt curated, functional and peppered with color. It’s a place where I’d greet clients and a space to display my work and objects I’ve collected. While I would have loved to contract a carpenter to build out a drop-dead shelving system like this, it was simply not in my budget. So, out of necessity, I came up with a solution that was pocketbook friendly, doable with limited tools and offered flexibility.
The solution was inspired by the old pegboard system we were tasked with climbing in grade school physical education class, except this one would not require climbing. We used wood dowels and double-sided screws to create the pegs. The shelves we picked up at the local hardware store. Filled with some art and a few of my favorite objects, this project made a big step forward in shaping up our entryway. Not to mention, it created a perfect spot to drop your coat on your way in! To see more of the studio space, stop by my Instagram feed and say hello. –Christine Wisnieski
Here’s what you’ll need:
For Planning -stud finder -tape measure -level
For Shelf System
-1″ diameter hardwood dowel rods (cut into 7 1/2″ pegs) -shelves (four 8″ x 36″, one 8″ x 48″) -5/16″ x 2 1/2″ dowel screws (1 per peg)
General Supplies
-drill -saw -sandpaper -vice -pliers -drop-cloth -all-purpose paint brush -white paint (we used leftover latex paint from our walls) *lathe
Determine your shelving plan
First, sketch out your shelving plan. My wall is 12′ tall x 14 1/2′ wide and features 24 pegs. Pegs are spaced 24″ horizontally (2′ in from the adjacent walls) and 20″ apart vertically (starting 4′ from the floor). For extra support, I placed pegs on studs.
Measure out design
Following your plan, use pencil, stud finder, tape measure and level to grid out your peg positions onto the wall. I found a laser level to be a helpful tool.
Trim down dowels
Using a saw, trim dowels into pegs 7 1/2″ long (…or ask the folks at your local hardware store to assist you with this). Sand any rough edges left from cutting.
Prep pegs
Next, drill a 1 1/4″ hole into the center of each peg to hold screw. The most accurate way to do this is by using a wood lathe. If that’s not an option, simply find the center of the 1″ dowel, secure rod in vice and drill a 1 1/4″ deep hole. Once holes are drilled, insert screw into dowel using pliers.
Paint pegs
Wipe each peg with a damp towel to remove any dust. Using an all-purpose brush, paint all sides white. Tip: For drying, we found it easiest to tie each peg up using a piece of string and hang from an extra dowel.
Install shelf system
Next, drill holes into marked wall to hold pegs. Once drilled, screw pegs into position by hand and arrange shelves into desired configuration.
There are endless configuration options–objects can be placed on shelves, hung from shelves and shelves can even be stacked.
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bucketorandomness · 2 years
I would ADORE some solid BNHA/My Hero Academia recs if you have any! I’m in dire need of a good longfic to commit to 🥲
Your wish is my command! I have a lot of these, so check them out under the cut >^.^<
((A small note, since I appear to have forgotten it: An "Inactive" fic is one whose last update was ~2 years ago with no mention of either Hiatus or Abandonment))
Edit: Fam, Tumblr keeps posting this without my permission, so this is gonna update quite a bit before I’m through. I’ll let y’all know when I finish properly!
Edit 2: We did it! All done! Hopefully the next rec list isn’t quite so awkwardly executed XD
So, first up we're gonna filter results to be just fics with at least 50k words or more ((that's a whole novel!!)) I'll provide approximate novel counts along the way. I'll also see if I can't give these a bit more of a sense of order in case you're looking for anything more specific later.
Starting strong with Fics That Don't Have Plot-Relevant Romance
A Little Luck From a Black Cat Vigilante (1 novel. Incomplete) Izuku decides helping others can't wait for a license and becomes the vigilante they called Black Cat. Also the hacker Zuk, that earns a bit of a soft spot with the heroes. How will UA and Aizawa handle a sassy and confidant Izuku?
Adoption is the Solution (2 novels. Angst. Incomplete) A series where Izuku is a rough kid who acts more like an alley cat. Eraserhead has always been the kind to take strays home for some love and affection.
AllMightAllTheTime said at 12:13pm: (1 novel. Inactive) Izuku is inspired by his online friends to start a channel called "Heralytics" that accidentally gets some massive traction since it's genuine analysis and humor instead of the mainstream reality TV "news" stations.
Insincerely Yours (1 novel. Angst. Inactive) In an effort to create a rehabilitation program for villains, eight UA students take part in a pen pal trial run where they are assigned a random, anonymous villain to correspond with. Todoroki finds his pen pal to be startlingly similar to him.
Internet Enemies (1 novel. Angst. Inactive) Izuku doesn't get much positive interaction in his daily life, so he turns to the internet to fulfil those needs, where unfortunately he turns into a kind of Vigilante and gets forced into a touch of Villainy, but everything's fine!
Kamino's Ward (1 novel. Angst. Incomplete) Izuku Midoriya worked hard during the rise of Quirks to help defend his people from the government. Now, he wakes in a time not his own, suddenly a venerated historical figure. Lost on literally everything, Izuku dances between All Might attempting to make the boy his successor and All for One, who really just wants his son back.
Kitsune, the Night Watcher (1 novel. Angst. Incomplete) Midoriya Izuku died 6. Akatani Mikumo died at 11. Kitsune is the Watcher of the Night, a Vigilante. When he's given the opportunity of a lifetime, nobody expects things to spiral out of control quite as spectacularly as they do. At least Izuku's misery is entertaining.
Love Letter Analyst (1 novel. Incomplete) When U.A.’s hero class 1-A started to find binders on their desks, there were two notable things about them: one, that the analysis in them was creepy but insightful; two, included in the back of each notebook was a small, folded up letter with sweet compliments and gushing, more personal, comments about the people behind the quirks. Mina promptly dubbed them the “Love Letter Analyst.” Deep in the support labs, Izuku sneezed.
Missing Everything (1 novel. Angst. Inactive) Izuku misses a very important reveal and ends up with a villain-filled soda bottle instead. In the ensuing chaos, he befriends someone named Toshinori Yagi. All Might misses the chance to make a snap decision and ends up mentoring a very heroic, very determined child who has no idea who he really is.
Once in a Blue Moon (A Feather Will Float Down to Earth) (1 novel. Incomplete) Izuku is 1A's Guardian Angel. He's a little over-enthusiastic about doing is job, though, and his superiors aren't too happy with how hands-on his approach is.
What We Cannot Undo (1 novel. Angst. Complete) There's a new vigilante in town. The news dubs him Specter. Eraserhead wants to know who this "ghost" is and why the kid keeps following him (and his new class) all over the city. Nedzu wants a new student. Bakugou Katsuki wants redemption. Midoriya Izuku wants one more chance to change his mind.
Wisteria Floribunda (1. Angst. Inactive) Izuku has an immortality Quirk, despite his Quirkless diagnosis. After watching his mother die, he does his best to become a vigilante feared by more than just the villains.
With Confidence (1. Incomplete) Izuku is hit with a confidence quirk that really messes with his Scared, Quirkless, Deku image at Aldera and beyond.
Zutopia (1. Complete) As a young, quirkless genius, Izuku turns to the internet for stimulation and entertainment. Completely unrelated, but Nedzu has made his first human friend in a very long time. Maybe they should meet without a screen between them.
A Happy Medium (2. Inactive) Izuku lost everything. He's not sure if it was his Quirklessness, himself, or the ghosts that were to blame. No matter! He'll become a Hero anyway. Helps when he finds a couple very tired friends to help him.
Blindfolded Birdie (2. Angst. Complete) Keigo is rescued from the Hero Public Safety Commission as a child, but it was not a smooth rescue. Now, he must deal with the aftereffects of his time with the Commission and manage his desires for the future.
Cat Days (2. Angst. Complete) A series where Izuku has a shapshifting quirk he struggles to control and ends up stuck in cat form. Aizawa, of course, is willing to adopt weird stray cats at the drop of a hat.
Complicated Creation (2. Angst. Complete) Midoriya Izuku is medically quirkless, not technically homeless, perpetually exhausted, and doing his best. He also sees spirits, which might be cool if not for the fact that a) no one else does, b) they really don't like him very much, and c) he's pretty sure the Heroes now think he's a Villain working for the League.
Dāku, The Hero in Plain Sight (2. Angst. Incomplete) Izuku got lost trying to escape his bullies and found Eraser beat up on his way back. He accidentally kidnapped what appears to be a sentient scarf and decided it was a good enough sign to start his serious journey to Heroics. Good thing he's got all of Jr High.
Detective Midoriya (2. Incomplete) All Might told him to become a police officer, and while his dream has been thoroughly cushed, Izuku has always been an over-achiever at heart, and this is a way he can still help people!
Out of Sight, Out of Mercy (1 novel. Angst. Incomplete) Izuku was 5 when he was diagnosed quirkless. He was 8 when he lost his sight. For years, everyone had told him to give up on his dreams of being a Hero. But when did a couple little obstacles ever stop him? It's time for the Vigilante Akuma to rise.
Secondary Colors (1 novel. Angst. Incomplete) Hitoshi transfers to a new middle school and finds the local punching bag to be far better friend material than their explosive Most Likely To Top Hero Charts classmate.
Severance (1 novel. Inactive) Izuku Midoriya has All for One, but everyone around him mistakes it for an erasure quirk.
Smile and Spite (1 novel. Incomplete) A second Sludge Villain encounter never happens, and Izuku Midoriya goes Vigilante in order to take advantage of one of UA's lesser known means of enrollment.
The Capture Scarf Caper (1 novel. Inactive) Izuku found Eraserhead's capture scarf in an alleyway while trying to find the man himself and decided to take it home. They say imitation is the highest form of flattery, so hopefully the hero won't be too upset if he ever finds out about a certain Vigilante look-alike.
The Forest Thing (1 novel. Complete) The Bakugou family go on a camping trip for the weekend and come home with a new family member, one who isn't exactly human.
The Mystery of Student No.18 (1 novel. Angst. Complete) After receiving One for All, Izuku gets caught in an accident before the start of UA's term. Stuck in a coma, Izuku astral projects to attend class unseen. Meanwhile, 1A tries to solve the puzzle that is the empty seat of Student 18, who hasn't shown up once since the beginning of the year.
The Scarlet Thief (1. Angst. Complete) Midoriya Inko discovered her husband was a Villain by the time Izuku was 7. Since then, Izuku's been working hard as the Scarlet Thief to support himself and get revenge on his dad with some assistance from Melissa Shield. With his promotion from Criminal to Villain, though, Izuku's getting more attention from Heroes than he's ever had before.
To Be Human (1 novel. Angst. Inactive) Izuku has a Villainous blood-quirk, and he's willing to suppress the Villainous parts of him so long as he can be a Hero. Only, you can only bottle everything up for so long before something breaks.
Vigilantism of Olympic Proportions (2 novels. Angst. Incomplete) The Pantheon was quickly becoming one of the most successful vigilante organizations of all time, and with little to no information on them, the HPSC is getting antsy.
What We Cannot Undo (1 novel. Angst. Complete) There's a new vigilante in town. The news dubs him Specter. Eraserhead wants to know who this "ghost" is and why the kid keeps following him (and his new class) all over the city. Nedzu wants a new student. Bakugou Katsuki wants redemption. Midoriya Izuku wants one more chance to change his mind.
Wisteria Floribunda (1. Angst. Inactive) Izuku has an immortality Quirk, despite his Quirkless diagnosis. After watching his mother die, he does his best to become a vigilante feared by more than just the villains.
With Confidence (1. Incomplete) Izuku is hit with a confidence quirk that really messes with his Scared, Quirkless, Deku image at Aldera and beyond.
Zutopia (1. Complete) As a young, quirkless genius, Izuku turns to the internet for stimulation and entertainment. Completely unrelated, but Nedzu has made his first human friend in a very long time. Maybe they should meet without a screen between them.
A Happy Medium (2. Inactive) Izuku lost everything. He's not sure if it was his Quirklessness, himself, or the ghosts that were to blame. No matter! He'll become a Hero anyway. Helps when he finds a couple very tired friends to help him.
Blindfolded Birdie (2. Angst. Complete) Keigo is rescued from the Hero Public Safety Commission as a child, but it was not a smooth rescue. Now, he must deal with the aftereffects of his time with the Commission and manage his desires for the future.
Cat Days (2. Angst. Complete) A series where Izuku has a shapshifting quirk he struggles to control and ends up stuck in cat form. Aizawa, of course, is willing to adopt weird stray cats at the drop of a hat.
Complicated Creation (2. Angst. Complete) Midoriya Izuku is medically quirkless, not technically homeless, perpetually exhausted, and doing his best. He also sees spirits, which might be cool if not for the fact that a) no one else does, b) they really don't like him very much, and c) he's pretty sure the Heroes now think he's a Villain working for the League.
Dāku, The Hero in Plain Sight (2. Angst. Incomplete) Izuku got lost trying to escape his bullies and found Eraser beat up on his way back. He accidentally kidnapped what appears to be a sentient scarf and decided it was a good enough sign to start his serious journey to Heroics. Good thing he's got all of Jr High.
Detective Midoriya (2. Incomplete) All Might told him to become a police officer, and while his dream has been thoroughly cushed, Izuku has always been an over-achiever at heart, and this is a way he can still help people!
Feral (2. Angst. Inactive) Izuku is abandoned in the local forest, where he grows up and does good by what he understands the definition to be. Doesn't mean Adults don't get concerned when they find a feral child out on his own.
Here We Go Loopty Loo (2. Angst. Incomplete) Something has gone wrong. The Hell Class makes it all the way to graduation, only to wake up on the first day of 1A. Again. And again. And again. And again.
In the Nick of Time (2. Angst. Incomplete) A series where Izuku has a Quirk that teleports him to safety, and he uses it primarily to jump off buildings and get a nice adrenaline rush like a normal person.
Leviathan (2. Angst. Hiatus) Izuku's only used his quirk once. He was 4 when he took 32 lives. He's sworn never to let that power possess him again. He hides behind the mask of a useless, showy quirk, refusing any connection to the creature recognized as the Leviathan. Lies don't last forever, however.
The Wrong Right Hero to Kidnap (2. Complete) Hitoshi and Izuku are homeless, living on the run from the Yakuza with Eri, who can't control her Quirk, to Izuku's misfortune. When the young girl gets sick and her Quirk starts to get out of control, they decide the only way to help her is to kidnap a Hero who might be able to help them turn the Quirk off.
This is Your Life, There's no way to Run From It (2. Angst. Incomplete) In which Midoriya never receives One for All, becomes the vigilante Carbon Cat, and tries to keep everyone at arm's length. Doesn't mean they'll let him, though.
Viridian (2. Angst. Inactive) The world is ending, and the only chance to save it is to send Izuku Midoriya back to his 14 year old body. "When the time comes, give him this. You'll know he trusts you when he calls you Problem Child."
Who Said the Only Green Thing About him was his Hair? (2. Angst. Hiatus) Izuku decides that Kacchan was right, but he also knows that taking that swan dive would ruin Bakugou's chances of becoming a hero. Instead, he runs away where nobody can hurt him and he can provide all he needs out here in the woods.
Deku? I Think he's Some Pro... (3. Angst. Complete) Izuku gains himself a modest following online as a freelance analyst. The Pros who ask for his assistance don't know his age, Quirk status, or his dream to be a Hero.
Hawks-Sensei (3. Inactive) After the USJ, the Commission is concerned about the security of UA. Hawks does not want this job. He has many other jobs that need doing. The kids are kind of cool though.
Out of Sight, Out of Mercy (1. Angst. Incomplete) Izuku was 5 when he was diagnosed quirkless. He was 8 when he lost his sight. For years, everyone had told him to give up on his dreams of being a Hero. But when did a couple little obstacles ever stop him? It's time for the Vigilante Akuma to rise.
Secondary Colors (1. Angst. Incomplete) Hitoshi transfers to a new middle school and finds the local punching bag to be far better friend material than their explosive Most Likely To Top Hero Charts classmate.
Severance (1. Inactive) Izuku Midoriya has All for One, but everyone around him mistakes it for an erasure quirk.
Smile and Spite (1. Incomplete) A second Sludge Villain encounter never happens, and Izuku Midoriya goes Vigilante in order to take advantage of one of UA's lesser known means of enrollment.
The Capture Scarf Caper (1. Inactive) Izuku found Eraserhead's capture scarf in an alleyway while trying to find the man himself and decided to take it home. They say imitation is the highest form of flattery, so hopefully the hero won't be too upset if he ever finds out about a certain Vigilante look-alike.
The Forest Thing (1. Complete) The Bakugou family go on a camping trip for the weekend and come home with a new family member, one who isn't exactly human.
The Mystery of Student No.18 (1. Angst. Complete) After receiving One for All, Izuku gets caught in an accident before the start of UA's term. Stuck in a coma, Izuku astral projects to attend class unseen. Meanwhile, 1A tries to solve the puzzle that is the empty seat of Student 18, who hasn't shown up once since the beginning of the year.
The Scarlet Thief (1. Angst. Complete) Midoriya Inko discovered her husband was a Villain by the time Izuku was 7. Since then, Izuku's been working hard as the Scarlet Thief to support himself and get revenge on his dad with some assistance from Melissa Shield. With his promotion from Criminal to Villain, though, Izuku's getting more attention from Heroes than he's ever had before.
To Be Human (1. Angst. Inactive) Izuku has a Villainous blood-quirk, and he's willing to suppress the Villainous parts of him so long as he can be a Hero. Only, you can only bottle everything up for so long before something breaks.
Vigilantism of Olympic Proportions (2. Angst. Incomplete) The Pantheon was quickly becoming one of the most successful vigilante organizations of all time, and with little to no information on them, the HPSC is getting antsy.
Repeating/Rephrasing/Rewriting History (4. Angst. Incomplete) Izuku remembers being quirkless, knows how dangerous quirks have to be careful. He's seen and heard enough to know that not everyone is satisfied with the quirk they were born with. There is something he can do: take other people's quirks and give them away. It's a strange quirk, but he's found a way to help.
Useless Monster (3. Angst. Incomplete) Izuku, homeless at seven and alone from before then, is doing his best. That's difficult, though, when your Quirk turns you into a monster even Heroes are scared of.
Anyone (4. Incomplete) Despite the world being against him, Izuku tries to be a Hero. In the process, he accidentally creates a pseudo-criminal organization and not so accidentally steals One for All
Canary (5. Angst. Complete) Midoriya Izuku thought he was quirkless until he opened his mouth to sing, but he has terrible confidence in himself. It's a good thing a certain radio host thinks he's got the potential to be an amazing Hero.
If I Only Had a Heart (5. Angst. Inactive) Izuku is determined to be a Hero with his massive intellect, inventions, and a heart too big for a world that isn't friendly to the quirkless.
Pied Piper (5. Angst. Incomplete) After UA's rejection, Izuku picks up some colored contacts and a stray pipe and does his darndest to be the most efficient Vigilante out there. Things spiral rather spectacularly after that.
Live a Hero (6. Angst. Complete) "You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." Or, you're raised a villain, rebel when you're nine, and fight against the odds to become a hero anyway. That's how it is in Izuku's case.
For the Want of a Nail (6. Angst. Incomplete) A series of unrelated fics where Izuku gets to be both Quirkless and Badass in various epic ways. From Villain to Vigilante to Hero to Civilian, Midoriya Izuku goes Plus Ultra and makes quite a few waves doing it.
Congrats! You made it through the gen fics! Now it’s time for the fics with Plot Relevant Romance Involved!
Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead / Midoriya Izuku | Deku
Burn the World (Make a Home) (3. Angst. Incomplete) Midoriya Izuku, homeless Vigilante extrordinaire, is going to become a beacon in Hero Society alone and Quirkless, and then his soulmate decides to get involved and help him with his impromptu family.
Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead / Shirakumo Oboro | Loud Cloud / Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Pied Piper (5. Angst. Incomplete) UA rejects Izuku, and he decides to become a quirkless Vigilante that fights with environmental weapons. To help him channel his inner Katsuki, he gets some red contact lenses, which works great until he's caught with only one lense in after a fight.
Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead / Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
A Light in the Darkness (1. Angst. Incomplete) A series where Izuku is homeless, has been for a while, and keeps the secret from even All Might. Aizawa, Yamada, and Shinsou find out and decide to help. "Well, Kacchan. It's not exactly a swan dive off a roof but,"
A Twisted Fate Never Alters Destiny (2. Angst. Complete) Aizawa Shouta suddenly finds himself homeless during his time as a Hero student. Inko Midoriya finds a homeless teen and decides he needs support and affection she can provide.
Black Cat Cafe (1. Angst. Complete) A bitter Aizawa makes cafe Switzerland, adopts 20 heroes-in-training, some villains, and Shinsou, then kicks All for One's ass into next week. And maybe falls in love.
Hide and Seek (5. Angst. Incomplete) The last thing that Izuku hears from his Mama is to hide. Izuku takes those words to heart, especially when his Quirk comes in. Meanwhile, Shouta learns that an owl has settled in his area.
Maybe Getting Kidnapped by Space Pirates was a Good Thing? (1. Incomplete) Tricked into launching an emergency escape pod he can't control, Izuku finds himself a space orc in a universe that is very much intimidated by him and his inability to communicate in Common.
Morals of a House Cat (1. Angst. Complete) Aizawa started life as nothing but a quirked kitten adopted by Inko Midoriya. At some point, he is hit with a quirk that makes him turn human. Now, he has to figure out how to person while taking care of his younger brother and balancing his desires to be a cat with his reality of being a person.
Through Thick and Thin (1. Angst. Incomplete) A series where Izuku has never been allowed to learn even the most basic things about being an Omega. From scenting to nesting to platonic cuddles, UA is willing to help him learn, especially those in his dorm. (Purely Platonic A/B/O Dynamics)
Throw me a Goddamn Rope - Just Enough to Hang Myself With (2. Angst. Incomplete) Aizawa has jumped to the past in an effort to prevent the Bad End by keeping Midoriya Izuku alive. Now, he has to wring All Might's neck for not telling him anything helpful before sending him decades into the past and a young Quirkless child hanging on his every word.
Takami Keigo | Hawks / Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
An Idiots Adventures in the Galaxy and the Friends he Made Along the Way (1. Angst. Incomplete) Izuku is a space orc, one of two kids accepted into the space program and abducted by aliens. At least his cell has trees. And company, even if they're a little scared of him.
Takami Keigo | Hawks / Todoroki Touya | Dabi
Darling, Thank God it's This Universe We're in (and you can Annoy me as Much as you Please) (1. Complete) Todoroki Rei divorces Endeavor and moves all four of her children into a small apartment next to a boy with wings as read as the hair of her eldest son.
Another Option (1. Angst. Complete) When Touya stops his mother from hurting Shouto, he decides enough is enough. He needs to get out of this house and he's taking his baby brother with him.
Omeletverse (1. Angst. Inactive) A series where Hawks lays an egg and all the shenanigans that follow.
Dabi | Todoroki Touya / Midoriya Izuku | Deku / Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko
Welcome to the Family (3. Angst. NSFW. Incomplete) While searching for a place to end it all, homeless Izuku stumbles upon a meeting of Villains. Intrigued by the skittish shrimp, Shigaraki offers him a second chance.
Bakugou Katsuki / Kirishima Eijirou
If We're Being Honest (1. Angst. Complete) Class 1A gets hit with a long-lasting truth quirk. Secrets are shared, some good and harmless, some not so much. Dark themes abound, but overall very comfy finish.
Bakugou Katsuki / Midoriya Izuku
Plunge Into Darkness, Bring in the Light (2. Angst. Inactive) Akatani Mikumo leads as happy a life as he can, being young, poor, and quirkless. Then, tragedy strikes, and he decides the best course of action is to survive on the streets and be a Hero there.
Midoriya Izuku / Sero Hanta
The League of Shirakumos (1. Angst. Inactive) A series where Izuku ends up turning the League of Villains into his very own Found Family on his journey to becoming the world's first Quirkless Hero.
Midoriya Izuku / Shinsou Hitoshi
AU Where U.A. is Actually Good at Their Job (5. Angst. Complete) When Izuku wakes up after the entrance exam, he expected to be accepted into U.A. by the skin of his teeth, or for All Might to demand his quirk back when he failed. What he wasn't expecting was a group of teachers who give a damn about his mental wellbeing.
Bandersnatch (1. Angst. Incomplete) After witnessing the apocalypse, Izuku wakes up 15 again and does his best to fix what broke the future while struggling with his now out-dated and jaded mindset that nobody seems to really understand
Before my Heart Gives Out (2. Angst. Complete) The same accident that killed his mother takes Izuku's sight from him and poisons his body in the same move. Now on a time limit, Izuku decides to become a Hero, even if it's an illegal one.
Here There be Dragons (1. Angst. Incomplete) Izuku's been a Quirk suppressants since his violent manifestation. The only issue is, his Quirk is sentient, mildly terrified of being suppressed again, and wildly possessive of his new Hoard of classmates at UA.
Residual Hope (5. Angst. Incomplete) Izuku lets the Sludge Villain abduct him, but it turns out the Villain was simply suffering from Quirk Withdrawl and kept killing people in his haste to ease the pain. Now with a regular body-buddy and mental health referee, Izuku works on becoming a Hero without a Quirk.
Ripples on Deep Water (1. Angst. Complete) When All Might crushes Izuku's dreams, he crosses the path of someone who rebuilds them. Izuku's going to be a Hero, even if it won't be exactly as planned.
Youtuber Deku AU (1. Incomplete) A series where Deku is a youtuber who's quickly gaining popularity, and Mindjack is his best friendand editor who may appear in his videos from time to time while Izuku and Hitoshi navigate through U.A.
Midoriya Izuku / Shinsou Hitoshi / Todoroki Shouto
Datastream (1. Angst. Complete) Datastream is a digital Vigilante knowsn by most of the Underground Heroes and many of the better Spotlight Heroes as a master of surveilance, information, and coordination. To one Underground Hero, though, Datastream is better known as Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta's nephew.
Don't Dead, Open Inside (1. Angst. Incomplete) Izuku Midoriya wasn't like other children, but the most troubling and off-putting part about him was that he had died when he was seven.
Dreamer (6. Angst. Incomplete) Izumi’s dreams don’t belong to her. They belong to the lights, the people who are in pain. She helps them, every night, trying to forget the color of her mother’s blood and the light of her fathers flame.
Net Neutrality (1. Angst. Incomplete) A series where Izuku beats the shit out of the Shie Hassakai and adopts Eri, then they live in a cafe together where Izuku develops a reputation as a vigilante and an info broker.
Player Two (1. Angst. Complete) Izuku has always been Tomura's emotional support center. The one to calm him and pacify his anger. It's what he was made for, but he's outgrowing more than just his clothes.
Reformation (3. Angst. Complete) Izuku is convinced his only future lies with the League of Villains. Paying room and board with analysis and hacking, he thinks all is fine until Toga and Izuku meet Eri. Tentatively, they put their futures in the hands of UA's villain reformation program.
Setting Hearts Aflame (1. Angst. Inactive) After being targetted by Villains for his powerful, emotion-driven fire Quirk, Izuku promises not to let anyone else get hurt, especially not like Inko now trapped in a coma.
The Grey Areas in Between (2. Angst. Incomplete) A series where Quirkless Izuku becomes the Vigilante hacker Grey Hat before making it into UA and falling in love. Oh, and also maybe becoming an official Hero on the way.
Midoriya Izuku / Todoroki Shouto
A Path to Recovery (1. Angst. Inactive) As Shouto begins his first year at UA, he's finally given a support system that wants to help him recover from his less than perfect childhood. Aizawa will figure out what Shouto's hiding, and 1A will make sure Shouto knows he's loved.
Awake and (Un)Afraid, Asleep Or- (1. Complete) Kirishima and Shouto accidentally start trending on Twitter and in retaliation, Shouto decides to make an Instagram to showcase all his Hero Deku merchandise, so that everyone knows how much he loves his boyfriend Izuku. No one expects how quickly it will all spiral out from there.
Bitch, I'm Incognito (3. Angst. Inactive) When a villain blew up Izuku’s apartment complex, everyone believed Endeavor when he said the young boy was dead. Except he wasn’t. With two friends and 6 years of vigilantism, he decides they’re going to Yuuei. As vigilantes. This is going to be fun.
Black Rabbit (3. Angst. Incomplete) For most people, waking up in the secret base of one of Japan's most wanted vigilantes would probably be terrifying. For Shouto Todoroki, it ends up being first stroke of luck he's ever had.
Come On Play Me Something (2. Angst. Complete) Midoriya Izuku's just trying to keep his head above water and the bills from piling up. For the extra cash, he rents out his spare bedroom on Airbnb and hosts a striking young pianist. Shouto's coldly polite, highly mysterious, and unwittingly determined to drag out all of Izuku's once buried ambitions.
Four for Two (3. Angst. Incomplete) Izuku loves his soulmates. All three of them. Not that they know he exists.
I'm Here (25 novels. Angst. NSFW. Incomplete) <The Longest Fic Midoriya never got One for All, but Shigaraki got to him. Midoriya slowly descends into insanity and takes his crush down with him. They follow the timeline of the canon plot, but not everything goes the same when the main character is on the other side.
I'm Unsavable (Please Save Me) (1. Angst. NSFW. Inactive) When Midoriya Izuku is kidnapped by All for One at the age of five, he is turned into a weapon. But, one day when he is on a mission, he happens to run into someone willing to help. Todoroki Shouto is abused. When he needs a hero the most, he finds a villain.
Light My Fire (5. Angst. Inactive) While recovering from the battle trials, Recovery Girl discovers mutations within Izuku that can only be explained by an unmanifested fire Quirk.
Maybe in Another Life (1. Angst. Complete) A young Izuku is "helped" by a woman whose quirk should just be a temporary experience ended once Izuku uses his quirk. The catch? Izuku doesn't have a quirk to use, and the experience only ends at his death.
Quirk: Knife! (9. Angst. Complete) Izuku winds up homeless with a knife and decides being a sass master Vigilante is close enough to being a Hero, right?
Save Me, I'm Drowning (1. Angst. Inactive) Inko says he's quirkless. The doctors say he's quirkless. Izuku knows his medicine is quirk suppressants, because the one day he didn't take them, he saved Katsuki's life.
Survival in Numbers (1. Angst. Complete) At 4, Izuku Midoriya arrives at an orphanage with no memories and meets Shinsou Hitoshi. At 8, they become vigilantes. At 10, they are the most wanted and well-known vigilantes in Japan. At 15, everything changes. Izuku accomplished all this without a Quirk. Or so he thought.
Sweater Weather (1. Angst. Inactive) A series where Izuku has a hoodie that he wears all the time, and Shouto is suddenly and irreversibly gay.
The Adventures of Chaotic Neutral Rat Bastard and Peppermint Boy (3. Angst. Inactive) A series where Dabi takes Shouto away from the Todoroki household and raises him while still trying to figure himself out.
Tightrope (5. Angst. NSFW. Complete) In a world where Izuku never meets All Might, never attends UA, he's still a stubborn problem child and ends up doing Hero stuff... more or less. He's a bit of a punk, and balances the tightrope between good and evil.
Widowmaker (5. Angst. Incomplete) Todoroki Rei divorces Endeavor and takes her four children into hiding. She later develops a bit of infamy as the deadly Widowmaker, a vigilante specializing in child and spousal abuse cases who shows no mercy to the perpetrators.
Midoriya Inko / Midoriya Hisashi
North Side of the Tree (1. Angst. Incomplete) Izuku is not human. He is, in fact, moss, a member of the fae that migrated to Japan centuries ago. He enjoys his life on the mountain and the young boy who comes to visit every year. That is, until the landslide took out his grove.
Midoriya Inko / Yagi Toshinori | All Might
Embers (2. Abandoned) Midoriya Izuku is born with a perfect combination of his parents' quirks. Given that he has literally the most impractical fire quirk in existence, becoming a Hero might be a little tricky.
Wow that is so many more fics than I thought I’d rec. And now, last but not least, I have Crossover Fics!!! ((I know you didn’t ask for them, but I’m on a roll now))
Avatar: The Last Airbender crossovers
The Notebook (1. Angst. Inactive) Todoroki Shouto / Zuko Izuku gives Shouto a journal for his birthday. The journal seems to write in itself, though, with maps of a place that doesn't exist. What happens when Shouto tries to contact the entity writing in the journal?
In His Element(s) (2. Angst. Complete) Aang chases some renegade spirits across world borders and makes some friends along the way. As one does.
Star Wars crossovers
You and What Army (1. Inactive) Midoriya Inko / Yagi Toshinori | All Might Midoriya Inko: Single Mother, Long Suffering Individual, and Renegade Jedi Master. When her son is declared Quirkless in a world that relies on them so much, she teaches Izuku the ways of the Force.
The New Normal (2. Angst. Complete) Midoriya Izuku comes from a long line of secret Force users. Reconciling that with living as a Quirkless person in a Quirked world is interesting at best-- and that was Before his dad tried to make him commit murder.
This has been a Bucket of Rec’s! Thank you for calling! Happy reading! >^.^<
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hookedonapirate · 2 years
Cady Cassidy's Lover
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Summary: 1919 England, Emma Cassidy, wife of a baronet, finds herself trapped in a loveless marriage after the war leaves her husband, Neal, paralyzed from the waist down and unable to produce an heir.
Despite the obstacles, she sticks by her husband's side at Goldby Hall, his family's estate, but when she meets former army lieutenant and Neal's aloof gamekeeper, Killian Jones, she feels curiously drawn to his distant blue eyes and quiet demeanor.
At first, she seeks him out for reprieve from her soulless, mundane existence at Goldby Hall, but what starts out as purely physical quickly turns into more than either of them expects.
But Emma is a baronetess, wife of an aristocrat and Killian is a working class servant. Their love affair is frowned upon, and she risks losing her title, her wealth and her position in the world by being with him. But she is determined to get her happy ending with the man she loves. Even if it means losing everything else in the process.
A/N: Thank you @ultraluckycatnd and for looking this over and for being amazing!
Hope you all enjoy!
Catch up: Ch 1 I Ch 2 I Ch 3 I Ch 4 I Ch 5 I Ch 6 I Ch 7 I Ch 8 I Ch 9 I Ch 10 I Ch 11 I Ch 12 I Epilogue
Also on: AO3
Chapter Three
Emma runs out to the steps when her sister pulls up to the house, tooting the horn of her nimble two-seater. When Emma told her she wasn’t feeling well, Mary Margaret immediately left Scotland where she is currently living with her husband. 
Once the brunette gets out, she rushes over to her sister and kisses her forehead. “Emma, whatever is the matter?!” she cries, her features racked with concern.
Emma throws her arms around her sister, sobbing into her shoulder. 
“Oh, Emma, what's wrong?” she asks again, caressing Emma’s hair and rubbing her back.
“I’m just…I’m so tired, Mary Margaret.”
Mary Margaret pulls away a little, carefully studying Emma’s face, and placing her hands on Emma’s pale cheeks. “You’re ill!”
“No, not ill. Perhaps I’m bored.” But she knows she’s not fooling her sister. Mary Margaret knows Emma wouldn’t have asked her to come quickly if nothing was wrong.
Mary Margaret scowls at Goldby with detest. “This wretched place!” She marches inside, and Emma follows behind, knowing Neal is about to receive her sister’s wrath.
When they enter his study, he sits well-groomed in his chair as he reads the newspaper, not even noticing his wife is ill. If he does, he does not care.
“Emma’s not well, Neal,” Mary Margaret says firmly, fixing him with fierce green eyes, not even bothering with greetings or to address him properly. She doesn’t care though. She only cares about helping her sister get better.
“You think?” he murmurs stiffly, his eyes still glued to the paper, not a hint of concern showing on his face.
Mary Margaret only glowers at him. “She’s exhausted.” Mary Margaret points to her figure but Neal still does not look. “Look how thin she’s gotten. She needs a doctor.”
“I’ll look into finding one.”
Emma can feel her sister boil with rage as she flashes Neal a deadly scowl. “No, in the morning I’m taking her to one we trust.”
Neal says nothing, and Mary Margaret storms out of his study, enraged by his carelessness and lack of empathy for his own wife.
In the evening, they sit calmly, sipping after-dinner coffee as Mary Margaret brings up the topic again to discuss a solution. Or rather to tell him her solution. “You must hire someone to look after you personally.”
Neal scoffs, immediately growing angry again. “I’m not an invalid.”
“Yet you need your wife to do everything for you,” Mary Margaret points out in a feisty tone.
“Yes, I only want Emma. I’ve been in the hands of nurses before and they leave me no privacy.”
Mary Margaret crosses her arms in her chair, glaring at him. “And who’s taking care of her while she’s taking care of you?”
“Emma and I will discuss it.”
“Emma and I already have. I believe you know Mrs. Bolton. She cared for you when you were young. Emma won’t be your caregiver any longer.”
Neal only sulks, not saying anything. But he eventually caves. He doesn’t want to be left in the hands of a stranger, but Mrs. Bolton had nursed him back to health when he had scarlet fever as a boy. He knows her.
The two sisters drive off to London in the morning, and the doctor examines Emma carefully, concluding there is nothing organically wrong with her but that she must go out into the world and do things that make her happy, lest suffer from depression.
When Mary Margaret brings Emma back to the Midlands, they call on Mrs. Bolton, who had recently retired from her duties as a parish nurse and is seeking private nursing jobs.
“We’re so grateful that you could come, Mrs. Bolton.” Emma lets her in when she arrives at Goldby. But her words are insufficient to show how truly grateful she is for Mrs. Bolton. Emma has no clue what she will do with all the time she will have now that she doesn’t have to be her husband’s caretaker. She can go for more walks and play the piano and read more books. There are so many things to do and so much more time!
The woman smiles brightly. “Please, call me Johanna.” 
Emma walks her to Neal’s study, Mary Margaret following behind.
“It must be hard for Sir Neal, with all he’s suffered, and hard on you as well. You think you know how life will be and suddenly it’s gone. I only had my Ted for three years before he was killed in the mines.”
Emma’s heart sags, sadness clouding her face. “I didn’t know. I’m sorry.”
Mrs. Bolton shakes her head and smiles. “Never you mind, my dear. Now, you just follow the doctor's orders and leave the care of Sir Neal to me.”
Neal wheels his way out of his study, making his way toward them.
“Ah, Neal. This is Mrs. Bolton,” Mary Margaret tells him.
 “I remember Mrs. Bolton.” Neal sighs as he stops in front of them. “Are we all satisfied now?”
Mary Margaret nods. “For the time being. I’m headed back to Scotland and Emma’s going for a nice long walk.”
“Good,” Neal comments, not even bothering to hide his delight upon hearing of Mary Margaret’s departure from his home and his personal business. “Safe travels.” 
That night, Johanna helps Neal to bed and sleeps across the passage from his room so she can come to him if he rings the bell for her. She also helps him in the morning, and soon valets him completely, even shaving him. 
Emma is glad she thought of Mrs. Bolton for Neal's caretaker. She is very good and competent and brings a certain light to Goldby.
Before, she’d been going through the motions, brutally aware that among all the nothingness is this empty treadmill of what Neal refers to as the integrated life—the extended period of two individuals cohabiting the same home. 
That was how he defined their marriage! 
And he wonders why she had fallen ill. Because what is the point of any of this when even the most intelligent aristocrats have nothing positive to claim and their authority is nothing more than a farce? What's the purpose? All of it is foolishness. A sense of rebellion smolders in Emma. For what benefit does her sacrifice, her devotion to Neal have? What is she serving? A cold, vanity spirit without any warm human contact?
The stark realization that her husband is merely a shell of the man she once knew—or maybe he never truly was who she thought he was—the realization that he will never show her the love and affection she so badly craves is enough to make any wife sick to her stomach.
Emma knows Neal will never forgive her for giving up her personal care of him to a hired woman. He says it killed the “intimacy” between them. But Emma doesn’t care. To her, their intimacy was like Dutch Elm disease on her tree of life, and now that she is free, her leaves will no longer yellow and wilt.
The doctor had prescribed rest and fresh air, and now that Emma doesn’t have to take care of Neal every second of the day, it feels as though a huge weight has been lifted from her shoulders. She feels a sense of freedom she hasn’t felt in a long while, and she’s even breathing differently. And now she is using that freedom to go for a walk by herself. Not that Neal could go, even if he wanted to.
It had rained, the grass blades glistening with droplets, and the paths are too sodden for his wheelchair, but now that he has a caregiver to tend to him, he has no reason to keep Emma cooped up inside all the time. So she goes out alone when she can, walking or riding her bicycle, visiting the creek and reading her books on a tree stump.
Today, however, Neal wants her to stop by the gamekeeper's cottage to see when the baby pheasants will hatch.
Butterflies form in her stomach in anticipation of seeing him again. 
As she emerges from the forest on the north side and sees the keeper’s cottage in the distance, it appears to be uninhabited from afar. But as she makes her way toward it, smoke is rising from the chimney and she can spot a well-kept garden of flowers in front of the house.
The backyard is enclosed by a low stone wall, but before she reaches the gate, she spots the gamekeeper stripping off his clothes, unaware of her presence just beyond the wall. 
Her breath catches, and she stands frozen, her feet seeming to be nailed to the ground. 
His velveteen breeches slip down his legs and once he is free of them, he is standing there naked, his backside facing her, his perfectly round bare bottom on full display. Finally able to move her feet, she darts behind a tree so he won’t catch her staring at him, and she peaks around the tree trunk, her heartbeat spiking in her chest as she watches him.
He turns to fill a bucket with water, his flaccid penis swaying softly as he drags a wet rag over his face. He scrubs the cloth over his broad, muscular shoulders and arms, through a thin layer of chest hair and down his solid abdomen where a dark, thin trail leads her eyes below his waist. 
She grabs onto a twig to keep herself steady as he scrubs at his manhood and the dark curls there. She bites her bottom lip, her heart pounding, cheeks hot. Tossing the rag into the bucket, he uses his hands to lather his heavenly body with soap, making sure not to miss any inch of skin. Not that she blames him.
She had no idea what a god he was underneath all those fabrics.
When she’d last seen him, he was fully dressed, wearing trousers and a jacket, not allowing her to see much skin, but now it’s all there in front of her.
There’s usually nothing out of the ordinary about a man washing himself. She had witnessed Neal clean himself several times after she helped him into the bath, so why did the vision before her make her weak in the knees? Why do her hands itch to replace his own, itch to feel every inch of rough skin and the hard muscle underneath.
It's improper to watch him like this. Very improper. She is a married woman and he is her husband's servant, for heaven's sake! But it's been a while since seeing a naked man has made her feel flustered, and she can't seem to peel her eyes away. Honestly, she's not sure she has ever felt this flustered over seeing a naked man.
He lifts his leg onto a low stool and runs his hands over his thick, muscular legs and firm butt before switching to the other leg and repeating the process. Her breathing picks up sharply, her center swarming with heat as he wraps his soapy fingers around his shaft, stroking his hand up and down, his cock sliding through his fist.
The twig snaps when she grips it a little too tightly, and realizing he had heard the sound by the way he jerks, she throws herself completely behind the tree before he looks her way. When she dares to sneak another peek, she's relieved to see she has not been caught. He continues where he’d left off, lathering his balls and caressing them softly, making sure they are thoroughly cleaned.
She has to turn around briefly, lest her legs decide to give out on her, breathing coming quick and shallow. A few moments later, he is rinsing off and wrapping a towel around his waist.
She waits until he disappears inside and gets dressed (and until she regains her bearings so she won’t be so flustered) before she goes over and knocks on the door of his cottage to...
What exactly was she sent here for?
Oh right, the pheasants.
She opens the gate and walks over to the door, taking a deep breath. When she knocks, the dog barks from inside, her heart pounding.
The man opens the door cautiously and looks uneasy at first as Jolly appears in the opening of the door, panting. He grabs her collar to hold her back, and when he looks up at Emma, his features soften, his eyes bright with surprise. “Lady Cassidy. Does Sir Neal need help?”
“Oh, no, he sent me,” she manages in a soft voice, still breathless from watching him bathe. Her stomach twists in knots when she sees his damp hair tousled on his head and his dark chest hair poking out of his half-buttoned undershirt. She has to look away to keep from blushing. “Sorry, I…I didn’t mean to intrude.”
“No, you’re not intruding at all, milady.”
She moves her gaze back to his, their eyes connecting again, making her pulse race. 
His tongue darts out to lick his lips as he drags a hand through his soft, damp hair. “Would you like to come in?”
His manners are impeccable, and she steps over the threshold and into the tiny cottage. “Thanks.” 
He pulls up the suspenders hanging from the waistline of his breeches, reminding her of when she saw him removing a similar pair of breeches from his body before bathing. “Sorry I’m not dressed for company.” And it doesn't help matters that the man is looking at her with those soft, alluring blue eyes of his.
The intensity of his stare causes Emma to turn her head away, her cheeks warming. “No. Not to worry.”
“Would you care to sit down?” 
She shakes her head. “No thanks. I just wanted to, um…” Emma stumbles for words as she once again has to remind herself of why she came here. “Sir Neal wanted to know if the new pheasants had begun laying.” She looks over at him again to see him nodding and offering one of his adorable smiles.
“Aye, milady. There’ll be plenty of young chicks in a matter of weeks.”
Emma nods as her eyes wander around the clean, tidy sitting room. “Do you live alone?”
“Aye. Quite alone, your Ladyship.” 
When she spots a book from an author she likes, she can’t help but go over and grab it off the shelf. “You read James Joyce?” she asks in surprise, cracking it open and leafing through the pages.
“That one was hard to find.”
She turns her head to look at him. “Do you read much?”
“Well, it suits my solitary nature.”
“Still.” It seems they have more in common than she initially thought. “Must be awfully quiet around here.”
“No, I’ve got Jolly for company.”
She looks over at him, his eyes smiling at her. 
When his ocean blues cease to laugh, they look as if they have suffered a great deal but still hold their warmth. 
She replaces the book on the shelf where she’d found it. “That’s true.” She wants to say so many things but doesn't. Only looks over at him again. “Well, um, I’ll let Neal know about the pheasants. Thank you.”
“I’ll see you out then.”
“All right.”
He opens the front door for her, and she steps out into the yard, the keeper following behind her. 
As she strides away from the cottage, she spots some primroses around a large tree. “Lovely flowers.”
“Take some back with you.”
She spins around to look at him, shaking her head. “No, I couldn’t.”
“Why not?”
Emma laughs as she reverts her eyes to the flowers, reconsidering his offer.
Jones comes over and kneels down to pick some. Gathering a bouquet in his hands, he rises and extends it to her. “They’re yours.”
Emma arches a brow. “You sure?”
“Aye, take them.”
She smiles at him, his blue eyes twinkling in the sunlight as she takes the bouquet. “That’s very kind of you.” She brings them to her nose, drawing in their cool, sweet scent
He walks her down the garden path to hold the gate open for her. “Good day, milady.” 
“Thank you. Good day.” She’s still smelling the flowers as she plods her way into the forest, knowing he's looking after her. 
The sky becomes overwhelmed with thick, gray clouds, and is even more gloomy than usual. She hurries back to Goldby before it storms and places the beautiful flowers in a vase, telling Neal she had picked them herself. 
When Emma goes up to her bedroom, she engages in something she hasn’t done in a long time. Removing her clothes, she stands in front of the cheval mirror, studying herself curiously and reflectively, her body draped in the soft lamplight as she runs her hands over her curves. It’s been a while since a man has seen her naked, and she wonders what the keeper would think of her body. Would he get hard seeing her like this? Men have told her she was pretty, but she hasn’t taken good care of herself lately. She’s a little too thin and pale for her liking, but now that she’s feeling better, some more nourishment and sunshine should help with that.
Running a hand over her breast, she squeezes the firm, supple weight gently, grazing her thumb over the pale pink nipple. A loud clap of thunder startles Emma, her buds stiffening as goosebumps cover her skin.
Slipping into a robe made of sheer white lace to warm her arms, she turns out the light and goes to the couch, the thin material flowing behind her. She lies down on her back, leaving the robe wide open as she lets her eyes flutter shut and her legs fall open, moving a hand down her body. Her heart thumps wildly in her chest. It’s been a while since she has touched herself—since anyone has touched her for that matter—but she wonders what the keeper’s strong, calloused hands would feel like on her supple skin. Gliding her hand down the slope of her stomach, her fingers drag along her skin before dipping between her thighs where she is already wet.
She hasn’t been able to get the images of the keeper’s beautiful naked body out of her mind, and she strokes herself as she imagines him touching her. She imagines his hands running over her body like they had moved over his own. She imagines what he would feel like inside her, certainly more fulfilling than her own dainty finger as it disappears into her warmth and slides in and out until she’s panting, her back arching off the couch.
A moan escapes her mouth, and she hasn’t realized how much she has truly craved physical affection until now. She had forgotten what it feels like to touch herself, feel her dampness coating her fingertips and let herself relax enough to enjoy such a simple pleasure such as this. Opening her eyes, she peers down, imagining him staring back at her like he had in his cottage. She imagines his ocean blues smiling at her from between her thighs as he smirks and touches her most intimate place, perhaps using his tongue on her.
Oh how soft his tongue would feel on her glistening folds and inside her heat. She was wondering how soft and warm his tongue would feel when it had poked out of his mouth to wet his lips. Emma’s breathing picks up as she feathers her clit, her other hand stroking her breast, desperately chasing her peak. Memories flood through her mind of Jones touching himself while bathing.
He’d been flaccid, but she wonders how big and hard he gets when fully aroused. She wonders how good he’d feel inside her. A thrill rushes through her from the very inappropriate thoughts. What would Neal think of her if he knew she was fantasizing about his gamekeeper? He had basically given her permission to make a child with another man, but he surely didn’t mean a servant. To her, it matters not what he does for a living or his class. She knows it certainly wouldn’t matter while he was buried inside her, pounding into her with reckless abandon.
She hears the crash of lightning and the loud boom of thunder outside as the rain pelts the windows, but it doesn’t stop her from coming apart. A loud moan leaves her lips, her back arching and fingers moving vigorously, bringing herself to a sweet, perfectly exquisite orgasm that had been building up inside her. She has never made herself feel this good. Hell, no man has ever made her feel this good. Still panting and floating, Emma slips her fingers from her core, resting them on her stomach as she reassembles herself on the couch.
When she’s able to move again after several moments, her skin still tingles from her orgasm as she gets up and ties her robe closed before slipping into bed. She falls asleep with Jones on her mind and ends up having the best sleep she’s had in a very long time.
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bellaaegis · 1 year
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How could anyone be scared of a storm? When chaos approaches you must simply become one with it, embrace it. Be the tempest you're so afraid of and take charge of that storm, let it roar.
◇ Threads ◇─◇ About ◇─◇ Connections ◇ ◇ Headcanon ◇─◇ Mirror ◇─◇ Musings ◇
FULL NAME: Bellatrix Eris Black
ALIAS/NICKNAME: Bella, Trix (during her childhood),
AGE: Twenty Three
BIRTH DATE: May 3rd, 1955
GENDER/PRONOUNS: Cis-Female. She/her
CURRENT LIVING CONDITIONS: Hogwarts, Slytherin Dormitory
OTHER: Black Manor
OCCUPATION: Student at Hogwarts, Majoring in History of Magic
PETS: Millie (female, chartreux cat), osiris (male, tawny owl)
WAND: Elder wood, Unicorn hair core, 12 ¾ inches, hard flexibility
BOGGART: Her cousin as a happy Gryffindor, with her standing by his side in Gryffindor uniform
PARENTS: Druella Black nee. Rosier & Cygnus Black III
SIBLINGS: Andromeda Black. Narcissa Black.
OTHER FAMILY: None known to her.
SCHOOL: Hogwarts
HOUSE: Slytherin
YEAR: Twelfth
MAJOR: History of Magic
EXTRA CLASSES: Potions, Defense against the Dark Arts, Astronomy
EXTRACURRICULAR: Quidditch & Keeper for the Slytherin Quidditch team, Potions Club, President & Member of the Dueling club, Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, Slug Club
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English, Italian, Bulgarian, Latin
HAIR COLOR: Brunette
SCARS: Small scar on her shoulder from a dueling accident, always covered up.
INTELLIGENCE: High. Adaptive. Chaotic.
SKILLS: Wandless magic (basic, practicing), Flying (decent), Dueling (practicing, decent), Potions (advanced), Ballroom dancing (skilled)
POSITIVE TRAITS: honest, confident, determined, ambitious, loyal
NEGATIVE TRAITS: chaotic, impatient, stubborn, opinionated, too proud
Before Hogwarts
✦ Born mere minutes after midnight of a foggy night in May 1955 ✦ While her parents were hoping for a son to take over as the proper heir of the Black name, Bellatrix was still welcomed with open arms ✦ Grew up admiring her father while assuring that her mother's wishes were made clear for her education ✦ Was a kid with mischief and curiosity in her eyes, a burning desire to explore the world and understand every inch of it ✦ Bellatrix was overjoyed to have little sisters to take care of, determined to prove that three little girls could easily be as impressive as the desired heir that Druella and Cygnus lacked even after three children ✦ When not in dance lessons or tutored by her private tutor or governess busy running across the fields around the manor and the gardens ✦ Always saw herself drawn to the dark and dangerous yet knows when to stop before curiosity gets the best of her ✦ Bellatrix sees herself as the one watching over both her sisters, wanting them to prosper into something more than what people think capable ✦ She noticed early on that she had a fascination for history and the way of the world. Every little detail mattered and felt like the solution to a puzzle yet unknown to her ✦ When her letter for Hogwarts arrived, Bellatrix told herself that Slytherin would be her path with no exceptions. It was a choice made based on knowledge and a feeling of duty
During Hogwarts
✦ When the sorting hat was placed on Bellatrix head it was actually rather torn, questioning if Bellatrix might find a home within Gryffindor or Slytherin as she had a mind that would find comfort within either houses. It was Bellatrix who denied the notion of Gryffindor as nothing but Slytherin would do. A choice she didn't regret. ✦ Bellatrix fit right in with the others, easily becoming part of the crowd and taking charge when needed. It was all too easy when the name carried so much weight ✦ Once third year came around she joined the Quidditch team and became the Captain by sixth year, showing off her natural leading capability ✦ When rumors of a wizard determined to take charge and ensure blood purity began to spread, Bellatrix was one of the first to join up and although she isn't parading that around, the ones who know are very much aware of her alliance and intentions ✦ When Sirius was sorted into Gryffindor it almost felt like a punch to the gut, being reminded of her very own sorting that almost landed her in the house her family would have only frowned upon. ✦ Narcissa's sorting into Ravenclaw filled her both with confusion and pride, seeing only the benefits within her sister proving to be such a wonderfully smart being. Bellatrix loves both her sisters so she'll be the one to support and protect when needed. ✦ When the time to pick a major came it wasn't hard for the witch to settle on History of Magic, seeing nothing but usefulness within the one thing others only saw dry and boring nothingness within ✦ It was around that time when her parents reached out to make it clear that a perfect match was needed, their sights set on the Lestranges. Bellatrix doesn't mind and when the choice will be made, she'll be ready for it.
Future Plans
Bellatrix is aware of what's expected of her. While incapable of carrying on the Black family name it has been made clear that finding a good match to continue the bloodline at the very least on into is of the utmost importance. Yet the witch desires to have fun and live a little before settling down entirely. If life and time allows for it she desires to work in the Genealogy Department within the french Ministry of Magic or remain with the British Ministry of Magic as a curator and historian within the Department of Magical Artifacts.
Headcanons (more here)
✦ Bellatrix has taken to baking, secretly for the most part. The house elves of the manor know not to say anything because Bellatrix can get quite harsh. When not at home she can be found baking in the school kitchens of Hogwarts. Only close friends know and she's sure to make Lucius try her baked and cooked goods. ✦ Loves dark blue roses and white lilies the most out of all the flowers despite their controversial meaning ✦ Despite her strong belief in blood purity and the value within it, she doesn't find an issue with the occasional or casual relationship between purebloods and others as long as those of purer blood are aware that it can be nothing more than a game to be played and dropped at a moments notice ✦ Bellatrix' middle name 'Eris' comes from the ancient greek goddess of chaos and discord. No one had any idea just how much that would shape the path in her life. ✦ At times she finds herself torn about her sister's and cousin's houses, not entirely sure what to make of it even though in case of Sirius the step back and away from the familial bond was a lot harsher.
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Fanmade Unikingdom Citizens
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I’m gonna introduce all of the supporting, minor, and background characters from Big Bright World, starting with my fanmade Unikingdom citizens.
I'll put short recaps for characters I've already introduced, like Pepper. She's my Unikitty persona, and she's wily, random, smart, and slightly spooky. She's smart enough to see right through a prank. Her family moved from the southern side of the Unikingdom to the northern side when she was 7. She would be about 11 or 12 in the show. In the Big Bright World series, which takes place about three years later, Pepper is 14 and a student at Sparklestone High School. Her favorite things to do are draw and write fanfiction. She also loves running and acting, explaining her involvement in the track and field team and the drama club. She finds it hard to sleep at night, and she's a bit sarcastic. She’d sound like me, and I would voice her.
Mabel is another citizen of the Unikingdom who moved there with her family from Botania. She is open-minded and a great listener, and she doesn't back away from going all out. She's determined to give others something to remember about her. She's very energetic, but it's hard for her to slow down. If she were in the show, she'd be about 11 years old. In Big Bright World, Mabel is a student at Central Unikingdom High School and a good friend of Unikitty's. She is a part of its marching band, and she's aiming to be drum major. She plays the piccolo and the clarinet. She sounds like Mabel from Minecraft: Story Mode, except she doesn’t have a Southern accent. 
Pheasala is a classmate of Hawkodile and Eagleator who loves to be loud. She trained with them and their class in the dojo, and she participates in their annual familial sports competitions. She likes to scream and shout a lot. She's often seen carrying around her megaphone. She's very spirited, and she cheers on the dojo family. She can fly, but she prefers not to. She sounds like Petra from MC:SM, but she’s much louder. 
Maya is smart, self-assured, and good at keeping focused on something. She's a friend of Pepper, Puppycorn and Ellie along with Annie and Ringo. Her favorite thing to learn about is math and feels confident in answering any problem she's able to. She is 10 years old. 
Annie is thoughtful and creative. She's also a great thinker, coming up with as many solutions as she can when she's faced with adversity. She also considers all opinions and outcomes. She likes to solve problems and mysteries and help others. She's 11 years old. 
Ringo loves to liven up the mood in a place with his tap dancing. He's charming, energetic, and very social. Once or twice, he's danced a duet with the tap dancing butterfly. He is 9 years old and a social butterfly. 
Val and Ribbon are a sister-and-brother pair of gift boxes who run a gift box shop. They also run a pawn shop and a storage facility. They spend most of their time running their store, and they're good at looking after their stuff.
Pepper's parents are named Beatrice and Calvin. Beatrice and Calvin can be protective of Pepper and her siblings, and they get quite heated up when it's time to do chores. But, they're generally relaxed people who let the kids do whatever they please. They're helpful as well. Her mom works as a photographer, and her dad works at a car wash.
The house that Pepper’s family lives in is owned by Pepper’s grandmother, Marie. She is, more specifically, Pepper’s maternal grandma. She looks after Will, Pepper and Gracey when Calvin and Beatrice aren’t home. She’s pretty sneaky and mischievous. Pepper’s grandfather has been dead for four years. 
Pepper’s older brother, William, prefers to be called Will. He used to playfully make fun of Pepper, but now, he’s laid-back and relaxed. He doesn’t mind if you want to borrow something from him. He tries to make sure that his little sisters don’t get into trouble. He’s a big fan of superhero movies, and he and Gracey try to get Pepper to watch them with them. Though Pepper’s a big fan of the H.I.V.E. Five, she’s not all that interested. 
Gracey is the youngest. While Pepper and Will are about 2-3 years apart, Gracey is about 4-5 years younger than Pepper. She’s super bouncy, and she tries her best to be a good kid. Gracey is taking dance classes, and Pepper and her family want to go to all of her recitals. She watches superhero movies with Will. 
The family’s pet chameleon, Ink, was a gift from Marie. Gracey likes to take him out of his terrarium and play with him. In fact, they take him out often since he gets the urge to run around. 
Now for the guys I haven't talked about yet! Rosa is a young axolotl girl who is sweet and soft-hearted. She wears her heart on her sleeve, and she does things at her own pace. She's trustworthy, honest and lost in thought at times. She likes to read and get lost in a good story. She's also super interested in dancing and choreography. She's very close friends with Mabel, and she considers her to be her best friend. Rosa says that Mabel's the reason she became so interested in choreography. In Big Bright World, she's part of the Central Unikingdom High color guard.
Bigbang is a sports commentator, announcer and master of ceremonies. They're outgoing and exuberant, and they live their life to the fullest. They really, really love their job, so they always get a little sad whenever a sports game they're commentating on wraps up. They'll be right with you if you need them. They're a combination of a megaphone and a speaker, so they can get loud. At home, though, they're pretty quiet, and that's because they've had to pay a ton to fix the glass on their windows. 
Princess Unear and Prince Pericorn are Unikitty and Puppycorn’s parents in the Big Bright World AU, and they were the rulers of the Unikingdom before her. Unear is a unicorn/corn hybrid, and she’s where Puppycorn gets his corn half from. Pericorn is a pink cat/unicorn hybrid like his daughter; lots of people in the royal family are, or else the castle wouldn’t be shaped the way it is. Pericorn is omni. He and Unear are both very positive towards everyone. They let Unikitty take over the kingdom when they knew she could take care of herself. They admire her efforts to make it a happier place, and they can’t wait to see what she does next. They love Puppycorn just as much; Unear lets him ride on her back. (By the way, the reason he’s a dog is because of a grandparent who is.) Unikitty and Puppycorn are still being taken care of by Richard, and their parents don’t live in the castle with them. After they stepped down from ruling the kingdom, they went to work for a cruise line.
Mabel’s parents are named Carmine and Meryl. Carmine Maples is a sharp-witted thinker who loves to soak up the sun. He’s adaptable, jolly, crafty, and good at working with a team. Meryl Maples is playful, sassy and not easily unnerved. She has a sense of grace when she moves. Mabel’s parents moved their family to the Unikingdom because they hoped they’d get lots of sunlight to nourish their leaves there. Carmine and Meryl are also a bi-for-pan couple. I think that Meryl would sound like Eda from The Owl House.
Millie Maples is Mabel’s older sister, and she’s about 3-4 years older than her. She is steadfast and right on her feet, plus super tender. Much like her dad, Millie likes to be outside. Her favorite pastimes are rafting and canoeing.
Scarlet Maples is her younger sister. She’s feisty, cheerful, and filled with willpower. Though she knows she can’t go near it, Scarlet isn’t scared of fire. She even likes to paint her face with it. 
Douglas Maples is the older one of Mabel’s younger brothers. He’s easily bothered and sensitive to most things. But, he’s super funny, and he wants to go out and show people what he’s made of. He likes to juggle. 
Max Maples is Mabel’s youngest brother and the youngest in the family. He can’t speak in sentences longer than two words yet, so he communicates mainly by saying a single word and pointing at something. 
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From Thin to Thick: Transform Your Hair with FUT Hair Transplant at Harley Street
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If you’ve been struggling with thinning hair or bald spots, Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) is a highly effective solution that can restore your hair to its natural fullness. Harley Street, known for its world-class medical expertise, offers some of the best FUT hair transplant services in the industry. This cutting-edge procedure provides a permanent solution to hair loss, delivering thick, natural-looking results that can transform your appearance. Click here for more information FUT Hair Transplant Harley Street
What is FUT Hair Transplant?
FUT, or Follicular Unit Transplantation, involves removing a thin strip of scalp from the donor area, usually at the back of the head where hair growth is dense and genetically resistant to balding. The strip is then carefully dissected into individual follicular units, which are transplanted into areas with thinning or no hair. The procedure is ideal for those looking for a high-density result in a single session.
Why Choose FUT at Harley Street?
World-Class Expertise: Harley Street is home to some of the most renowned surgeons specializing in hair restoration. Their experience and precision ensure that your FUT procedure is performed with the highest standards, giving you exceptional results.
Natural-Looking Results: FUT transplants on Harley Street are designed to mimic the natural growth of your hair. The surgeons meticulously place each follicle, ensuring that the hair grows in the right direction and blends seamlessly with your existing hair.
Permanent Solution: FUT offers a long-term solution to hair loss. The transplanted hair is resistant to DHT, the hormone responsible for male and female pattern baldness, ensuring that your new hair will continue to grow naturally for a lifetime.
High Graft Yield: For individuals experiencing significant hair loss, FUT allows for the maximum number of hair grafts to be transplanted in one session. This means you can achieve a thicker, fuller head of hair more efficiently compared to other methods.
Experienced Care: Clinics on Harley Street are known for their attention to detail and personalized care. From consultation to post-operative follow-up, you will receive comprehensive support tailored to your needs.
The FUT Procedure: What to Expect
Consultation: During your initial consultation, a hair specialist will assess your hair loss and determine whether FUT is the right option for you. They will also discuss your hair restoration goals and create a personalized treatment plan.
Surgery: On the day of the procedure, the surgeon will administer local anesthesia before removing the donor strip. The hair follicles will then be carefully dissected and transplanted into the target area. Depending on the extent of your hair loss, the procedure can last several hours.
Recovery: Post-procedure, you may experience some swelling and mild discomfort, but this typically subsides within a few days. The surgeon will provide detailed aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth recovery. Most patients can return to work within a week.
Results: You will begin to notice new hair growth within a few months. The transplanted hair will grow naturally and can be styled, cut, and maintained just like your existing hair. Full results are typically visible within 12 months.
Benefits of FUT at Harley Street
Thicker Hair Density: By transplanting a large number of grafts in one session, FUT can give you a denser and fuller appearance.
Minimally Invasive: FUT is a safe and minimally invasive procedure with a quick recovery time.
Discrete Scarring: While FUT does leave a thin linear scar in the donor area, it is typically hidden by the surrounding hair and fades over time.
Transform Your Look with FUT at Harley Street
FUT hair transplants at Harley Street offer an unparalleled opportunity to regain thick, natural hair and restore your confidence. With skilled surgeons and state-of-the-art technology, this procedure provides lasting, transformative results. If you’re ready to take the first step towards thicker hair, Harley Street’s FUT experts can help you achieve the look you desire.
Capital Hair Restoration
Address: 10 Harley St, London W1G 9PF
Phone: 02080882393
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Real People, Real Results: Coolsculpting Reviews from Midland Locals
Are you uninterested in obdurate fat that just should not depart despite how a good deal you pastime or weight-reduction plan? If so, Coolsculpting is also the solution for you. This non-invasive process has gained fame in current years for its skill to freeze and cast off undesirable fat cells, giving sufferers a smoother and extra contoured visual appeal. In this newsletter, we're going to discover Coolsculpting reviews from precise of us in Midland, Texas, who have undergone the healing and performed superb results. Read directly to realize their stories and find out if Coolsculpting is perfect for you.
Coolsculpting Midland TX: The Breakthrough Fat Reduction Treatment
Coolsculpting is a revolutionary fat aid cure that utilizes complicated cooling technological know-how to objective and get rid of stubborn fats cells. It is FDA-licensed and has been https://blogfreely.net/maixenyyxt/get-ready-for-summer-with-coolsculpting-services-in-midland-texas clinically proven to be nontoxic and strong. Unlike average surgical systems which include liposuction, Coolsculpting is non-invasive, meaning there aren't any incisions, scars, or long restoration times in touch. It is a handy alternative for the ones looking to reach their favored body structure devoid of the need for surgery.
Real People, Real Results: Coolsculpting Reviews from Midland Locals Maria's Transformation: A Boost of Confidence with Coolsculpting
Maria, a 35-12 months-ancient mother of two from Midland, had struggled with post-being pregnant stomach fat for years. Despite her efforts to devour natural and endeavor probably, she couldn't seem to shed those cussed pounds. Frustrated together with her loss of development, Maria made a decision to attempt Coolsculpting after listening to approximately it from a pal.
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John's Journey: Saying Goodbye to Love Handles
John, a 42-year-ancient businessman from Midland, had regularly struggled with love handles in spite of his active subculture. He turned into hesitant to undergo surgical operation, but after gaining knowledge of non-invasive fats discount choices, he made a decision to are trying Coolsculpting.
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Sarah's Success Story: Transforming her Thighs
Sarah, a 28-12 months-historical fitness enthusiast from Midland, turned into pissed off by way of the presence of excess fat on her thighs. Despite her rigorous practice activities, she could not look to reap the toned legs she favored. Determined to discover a answer, Sarah determined to give Coolsculpting a test.
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tombeane-blog · 16 days
The Smoking Lamp Is Lit
"So we bought a pack of cigarettes and Mrs. Wagner pies, And we walked off to look for America" Simon & Garfunkel - America
I was in Safeway the other morning and a guy in front of me was buying a pack of cigarettes. It cost $12.
Which got me thinking.
Dying from a lifetime of smoking is now financially out of reach.
And it dawned on me… The poorest and most vulnerable among us can no longer afford to die from smoking!
Only the rich can still die from lung cancer. (lucky bastards!)
"Yeah Vern, whatcha got?" "Jeez, that's sounds ominous Tom. How much DOES it cost?" "Vern, If you have to ask, you can't afford to die that way. So sit back, fire up that last Marlboro and listen while I pontificate."
Unless we get in front of this looming national tragedy the poor will only be able to die from smoking if we initiate massive government cigarette subsidies.
After all, if health care should be free, why not the cost to need health care? Two sides of the same coin. It only makes sense.
But, I'm afraid those heartless bums in Washington don't have the platypus eggs to get this sorted out.
So my advice to the poor and middle class is to sit down in a room with your physician and your financial advisor (new career path -Finician?).
Your LBTQ+3x*4y Finician will help you determine a cost effective way to die based on your life style choices and your projected economic status.
I know we all pine to smoke cheaply for 70 years and then kick off like John Wayne. But what used to be a sensible dying path is now out of reach for most.
Like many others, I smoked a pack and a half for many years.
You could buy a pack of smokes out of a vending machine located in every store, movie theater and strip club in America for a measly quarter .
So my habit was about 37 cents a day. (Probably less since I could get whole carton for $1 when I was in the Navy.)
My Anthropic/Chat/GPT/A.I. assistant calculated that the average age of dying from lung cancer is 70.
So let's do the cost-of-death-math for a typical smoker who began puffing at the age of 16 and ascended to that Golden Cloud at 70 screaming in agony.
70-16=54 years. 54*365*37 cents=$7,292.70
The average smoker could die from lung cancer for only $11.25 a month. Very very cost effective.
But what if a 16 year old started smoking today. 70-16. Still 54. But… 54*365*18 dollars equals a whopping $354,780! What the blazing blue bells of Hell is that?
My solution: Since the government ain't gonna' help, they should start teaching teens in high school about the relative costs of various ways of dying. (Give good info to the youngsters and I'm sure they'll reach the right conclusions. It worked for sex and abortions and drugs so it should work just as well here.)
Tell 'em: Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos can afford to die this way. You can't. Don't smoke. Not cost effective. Instead, when you reach 70 buy yourself a $99,000 Cartier watch and a 2024 $255,000 McLaren GTS. (626 Horsepower. 0-60 in 3.1 seconds.) Drive it around a year or two. Have fun. You saved for it and you deserve it. Head to U.S. 101 in California. Crank it up to 203 mph. Fly gloriously off a cliff - Thelma and Louise style.
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You will still have $780 to leave to your ungrateful heirs. The future cost of a pack of Marlboro's.
Make Speech Free Again
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hairlossprp · 2 months
Transform Your Look: The Ultimate Guide to Hair Transplants on the Gold Coast in 2024
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In recent years, hair transplants have become an increasingly popular solution for individuals experiencing hair loss. The Gold Coast, with its state-of-the-art clinics and highly skilled surgeons, has emerged as a premier destination for this transformative procedure. If you're considering a hair transplant in 2024, this comprehensive guide will provide you with everything you need to know to make an informed decision.
Understanding Hair Transplants
What is a Hair Transplant?
A hair transplant is a surgical procedure that involves moving hair follicles from one part of the body (usually the back or sides of the scalp) to the thinning or balding areas. The two primary techniques are Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).
FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation): Involves removing a strip of scalp from the donor area, dissecting it into individual follicular units, and transplanting them to the recipient area.
FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction): Involves individually extracting follicular units from the donor area and transplanting them to the recipient area. This method leaves minimal scarring and has a shorter recovery time compared to FUT.
Why Choose the Gold Coast for Your Hair Transplant?
World-Class Clinics and Surgeons
The Gold Coast is home to numerous renowned hair transplant clinics equipped with cutting-edge technology and staffed by experienced surgeons. These clinics offer personalized treatment plans to ensure optimal results tailored to each patient's unique needs.
Advanced Techniques
Clinics on the Gold Coast are at the forefront of hair transplant innovation, utilizing the latest techniques and technologies to ensure the best possible outcomes. Whether you opt for FUT or FUE, you can expect a high standard of care and precision.
Beautiful Recovery Environment
Recovering on the Gold Coast means you can enjoy the serene beaches and stunning landscapes while you heal. The combination of excellent medical care and a relaxing environment makes the Gold Coast an ideal destination for a hair transplant.
The Hair Transplant Process
Initial Consultation
The journey begins with an in-depth consultation with a hair transplant specialist. During this appointment, the surgeon will assess your hair loss, discuss your goals, and determine the most suitable treatment plan. You'll also have the opportunity to ask questions and address any concerns you may have.
Pre-Procedure Preparation
In the weeks leading up to your procedure, you'll receive detailed instructions to prepare for surgery. This may include avoiding certain medications, refraining from smoking, and following a specific hair care routine.
The Procedure
On the day of the surgery, you'll be given local anesthesia to numb the donor and recipient areas. The surgeon will then perform either FUT or FUE, depending on the agreed-upon plan. The procedure can take several hours, depending on the number of grafts being transplanted.
Post-Procedure Care
After the surgery, you'll receive detailed aftercare instructions to ensure proper healing and optimal results. This may include guidelines on washing your hair, avoiding strenuous activities, and taking prescribed medications to prevent infection and reduce swelling.
What to Expect During Recovery
Immediate Post-Operative Period
In the first few days after the procedure, you may experience some swelling, redness, and mild discomfort. These symptoms are normal and typically subside within a week. Your surgeon will provide pain relief medication if necessary.
The First Few Weeks
During the initial weeks, the transplanted hair will begin to shed—a natural part of the healing process known as "shock loss." This is temporary, and new hair growth will start within a few months.
Long-Term Results
Hair growth usually becomes noticeable within three to six months, with full results visible around 12 to 18 months post-procedure. The newly transplanted hair will continue to grow naturally, providing a permanent solution to hair loss.
Choosing the Right Clinic
Research and Reviews
When selecting a clinic on the Gold Coast, thorough research is essential. Look for clinics with positive reviews, before-and-after photos, and testimonials from previous patients. Reputable clinics will have a strong online presence and transparent information about their services and pricing.
Consultation and Comfort
A good clinic will offer a comprehensive consultation process and make you feel comfortable and well-informed. Don't hesitate to ask about the surgeon's experience, the clinic's success rates, and the specific techniques they use.
Cost Considerations
While cost should not be the sole determining factor, it's important to understand the pricing structure and what is included in the overall cost. Many clinics offer financing options to make the procedure more affordable.
A hair transplant on the Gold Coast in 2024 can be a life-changing decision, offering a permanent solution to hair loss and boosting your confidence. By choosing a reputable clinic, understanding the procedure, and following the recommended aftercare, you can achieve natural-looking, lasting results. Embrace the opportunity to transform your look and enjoy the vibrant lifestyle that the Gold Coast has to offer.
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