#one with eyes filled with icy fire on a summer night;; bellatrix
bellaaegis · 1 year
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How could anyone be scared of a storm? When chaos approaches you must simply become one with it, embrace it. Be the tempest you're so afraid of and take charge of that storm, let it roar.
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FULL NAME: Bellatrix Eris Black
ALIAS/NICKNAME: Bella, Trix (during her childhood),
AGE: Twenty Three
BIRTH DATE: May 3rd, 1955
GENDER/PRONOUNS: Cis-Female. She/her
CURRENT LIVING CONDITIONS: Hogwarts, Slytherin Dormitory
OTHER: Black Manor
OCCUPATION: Student at Hogwarts, Majoring in History of Magic
PETS: Millie (female, chartreux cat), osiris (male, tawny owl)
WAND: Elder wood, Unicorn hair core, 12 ¾ inches, hard flexibility
BOGGART: Her cousin as a happy Gryffindor, with her standing by his side in Gryffindor uniform
PARENTS: Druella Black nee. Rosier & Cygnus Black III
SIBLINGS: Andromeda Black. Narcissa Black.
OTHER FAMILY: None known to her.
SCHOOL: Hogwarts
HOUSE: Slytherin
YEAR: Twelfth
MAJOR: History of Magic
EXTRA CLASSES: Potions, Defense against the Dark Arts, Astronomy
EXTRACURRICULAR: Quidditch & Keeper for the Slytherin Quidditch team, Potions Club, President & Member of the Dueling club, Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, Slug Club
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English, Italian, Bulgarian, Latin
HAIR COLOR: Brunette
SCARS: Small scar on her shoulder from a dueling accident, always covered up.
INTELLIGENCE: High. Adaptive. Chaotic.
SKILLS: Wandless magic (basic, practicing), Flying (decent), Dueling (practicing, decent), Potions (advanced), Ballroom dancing (skilled)
POSITIVE TRAITS: honest, confident, determined, ambitious, loyal
NEGATIVE TRAITS: chaotic, impatient, stubborn, opinionated, too proud
Before Hogwarts
✦ Born mere minutes after midnight of a foggy night in May 1955 ✦ While her parents were hoping for a son to take over as the proper heir of the Black name, Bellatrix was still welcomed with open arms ✦ Grew up admiring her father while assuring that her mother's wishes were made clear for her education ✦ Was a kid with mischief and curiosity in her eyes, a burning desire to explore the world and understand every inch of it ✦ Bellatrix was overjoyed to have little sisters to take care of, determined to prove that three little girls could easily be as impressive as the desired heir that Druella and Cygnus lacked even after three children ✦ When not in dance lessons or tutored by her private tutor or governess busy running across the fields around the manor and the gardens ✦ Always saw herself drawn to the dark and dangerous yet knows when to stop before curiosity gets the best of her ✦ Bellatrix sees herself as the one watching over both her sisters, wanting them to prosper into something more than what people think capable ✦ She noticed early on that she had a fascination for history and the way of the world. Every little detail mattered and felt like the solution to a puzzle yet unknown to her ✦ When her letter for Hogwarts arrived, Bellatrix told herself that Slytherin would be her path with no exceptions. It was a choice made based on knowledge and a feeling of duty
During Hogwarts
✦ When the sorting hat was placed on Bellatrix head it was actually rather torn, questioning if Bellatrix might find a home within Gryffindor or Slytherin as she had a mind that would find comfort within either houses. It was Bellatrix who denied the notion of Gryffindor as nothing but Slytherin would do. A choice she didn't regret. ✦ Bellatrix fit right in with the others, easily becoming part of the crowd and taking charge when needed. It was all too easy when the name carried so much weight ✦ Once third year came around she joined the Quidditch team and became the Captain by sixth year, showing off her natural leading capability ✦ When rumors of a wizard determined to take charge and ensure blood purity began to spread, Bellatrix was one of the first to join up and although she isn't parading that around, the ones who know are very much aware of her alliance and intentions ✦ When Sirius was sorted into Gryffindor it almost felt like a punch to the gut, being reminded of her very own sorting that almost landed her in the house her family would have only frowned upon. ✦ Narcissa's sorting into Ravenclaw filled her both with confusion and pride, seeing only the benefits within her sister proving to be such a wonderfully smart being. Bellatrix loves both her sisters so she'll be the one to support and protect when needed. ✦ When the time to pick a major came it wasn't hard for the witch to settle on History of Magic, seeing nothing but usefulness within the one thing others only saw dry and boring nothingness within ✦ It was around that time when her parents reached out to make it clear that a perfect match was needed, their sights set on the Lestranges. Bellatrix doesn't mind and when the choice will be made, she'll be ready for it.
Future Plans
Bellatrix is aware of what's expected of her. While incapable of carrying on the Black family name it has been made clear that finding a good match to continue the bloodline at the very least on into is of the utmost importance. Yet the witch desires to have fun and live a little before settling down entirely. If life and time allows for it she desires to work in the Genealogy Department within the french Ministry of Magic or remain with the British Ministry of Magic as a curator and historian within the Department of Magical Artifacts.
Headcanons (more here)
✦ Bellatrix has taken to baking, secretly for the most part. The house elves of the manor know not to say anything because Bellatrix can get quite harsh. When not at home she can be found baking in the school kitchens of Hogwarts. Only close friends know and she's sure to make Lucius try her baked and cooked goods. ✦ Loves dark blue roses and white lilies the most out of all the flowers despite their controversial meaning ✦ Despite her strong belief in blood purity and the value within it, she doesn't find an issue with the occasional or casual relationship between purebloods and others as long as those of purer blood are aware that it can be nothing more than a game to be played and dropped at a moments notice ✦ Bellatrix' middle name 'Eris' comes from the ancient greek goddess of chaos and discord. No one had any idea just how much that would shape the path in her life. ✦ At times she finds herself torn about her sister's and cousin's houses, not entirely sure what to make of it even though in case of Sirius the step back and away from the familial bond was a lot harsher.
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