Analyzing Gacha Game Characters using a Personali
59 posts
Combining my two favorite interests into one blog. Hello, welcome to Classpecting-the-Hoyoverse where any character from any Hoyoverse game can be assigned a godtier! Requests: open!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
classpecting-the-hoyoverse · 3 months ago
The Land of Gacha Games and Horoscopes Discord Server is now open to everyone!
Hey guys! It's been almost a month but I'd like to announce that the Classpect-the_Hoyoverse server is now open to everyone!
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classpecting-the-hoyoverse · 4 months ago
The Land of Gacha Games and Horoscopes Discord is (sorta) open!
Before I open this server to the public, I want to let a handful of people in first to get a feel for it and see what i need to touch up on before posting a permanent link. Think of it like a beta test!
So this link will expire in either 7 days or when 10 people have entered the server. Whichever happens first
have fun!
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classpecting-the-hoyoverse · 4 months ago
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classpecting-the-hoyoverse · 4 months ago
It's happening...
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classpecting-the-hoyoverse · 5 months ago
It's been awhile since I've made an analysis post (a whopping 3+ months ehe). Things have been kinda busy and time to sit down and write have been becoming sparse (especially if you're marathoning playthoughs of all of penacony), but i still want to be able to share my classpect thoughts outside of posting. So I'm doing an interest check for a potential Hoyoverse Classpect Discord! I feel like having one would be best way to keep interacting with yall while having a busy schedule.
feel free to voice other opinions about a discord!
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classpecting-the-hoyoverse · 6 months ago
So incredibly happy to see old and new favorite fandoms coming together. Your analyses are well-written and I love how you include other HS characters to compare and contrast. Keep up the good work!
I'm so sorry it took me so long to answer this, but oh my god this means so much to me ;m;. I promise I'll keep trying to deliver quality analyses!
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classpecting-the-hoyoverse · 6 months ago
Furina is a valid troll name.
A seemingly young lady stands in her bedroom, it just so happens that today is this young lady's birthday. Though it was 500 years ago she was given life, it is only today she will be given a name.
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classpecting-the-hoyoverse · 6 months ago
Was reading through HSR characters' info and I can't tell why but Clara strikes me as a Rogue of Life or Rogue of Heart (I think she's definitely a passive class, and Life and Heart both seem likely, but I'm not 100% sure) but I'm curious as to your thoughts
Clara is a rougue class i agree
But i do have a little trouble pinning down her aspect...
I can see life, as seen with how she helps the wounded and fixes machines.
But breath and blood are contenders too, as seen with how she interacts with the people around her. Her relationship to Svarog is a key characteristic of hers. Actually, how she handles relations with others is an important facet of her character.
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classpecting-the-hoyoverse · 6 months ago
hi!! i only just found your account so forgive me if i’ve missed any sundayposting i wasn’t aware of but how do you feel about prince sunday? my train of thought with it is basically how sunday believes that he’s doing good through his actions but he’s actually destroying and causing harm instead, similar to how dirk thought his actions would help his friends but ended up hurting them etcetera.
- 💬
I do agree with your angle here, but personally I feel like sunday leans more towards the creation class! As seen with how he encourages robin to pursue her dream to sing, as seen with him making a stage in their room and audience with their plushies in Robin's Myriad Celestia trailer, which would make him hopebound!
Although, as with many things, too much of one thing isn't always a good thing...
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classpecting-the-hoyoverse · 6 months ago
Guys I promise I haven't forgotten about this blog I'm just very busy ;-;
Anyways um that hi3 x hsr collab huh?
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classpecting-the-hoyoverse · 9 months ago
Who do you plan on analyzing next if anyone? I already adore this blog and am so excited for the next one!
Ahhh thank you!
Also I have Tingyun in the drafts rn, but she’s really hard 2 work with because
It’s tingyun
Or is it?
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classpecting-the-hoyoverse · 10 months ago
Veritas Ratio: The Rogue of Light
Rogue: The passive stealing class
One who steals aspect for others
Alternatively, one who shares or one who redistributes aspect with others
Abstract: Knowledge, Awareness, Attention, Relevance, Fortune, Luck
Literal: Actual Light (Brightness), Vision, Eyes, the Sun, Stars
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This is gonna become a series isn't it?
It is. Now let's get going on discussing everyone's favorite interstellar scholar: Dr. Veritas Ratio!!
Let's get the obvious out of the way: His aspect.
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Light is more commonly known as the aspect of knowledge. But instead of talking about he’s light-bound personality wise, why don’t we shake things up a bit? We know that he's a smart and knowledgeable man, but what more can his aspect offer for us aside from that?
To fit with Ratio's Greco-Roman theming, I'll briefly discuss the World of Ideas in Plato's allegory of the Cave.
Forgive me to if I do get the allegory wrong and please feel free to correct me!
The gist of this is that ordinary people are like prisoners chained to a cave, only able to perceive reality through shadow puppets and the distorted noises that bounce off the cave walls. These prisoners were born in the cave and had been raised in the cave, not knowing anything else outside of it; ignorance. It's only when they break out of their chains do these prisoners start their path to enlightenment and they achieve it so once they see the bright sun outside of their cave; the World of Ideas.
Ratio seeks to break everyone from the chains of ignorance and guide them towards enlightenment through spreading his knowledge throughout the universe.
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Ratio is the man who would forcefully break the prisoners' chains and nudge them towards the light, as much as he could anyways.
And for one specific character, he hopes it is enough.
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We'll get back to him later! Next I want to talk about is Ratio and his connection to Christian Gnosticism, which likely had served as inspiration for the concept of the Light aspect in Homestuck. I will be borrowing ideas from one of optimisticDualist's essays so I highly recommend giving it a quick read before continuing onward.
According to Gnostic myth, the world was created through the desires of an aeon named Sophia, an Emanator of light. I should also note that the Greek word for wisdom is Σοφία.
Sophia longed to understand God in His entirety, but in doing so she committed treason and was thus cast out of heaven. Her desire gave birth to Yaldabaoth: a blind, violent, and ignorant god who knew nothing but himself. He created the material world that you and I perceive, shielded from the light of Sophia that birthed him. Because a blind god made the world in his image, the denizens of his earth are also blind to Sophia.
So what do banished gods have to do with the purple guy?
Well, just like Archimedes and screws, things come back around. In order to save yourself from Yaldabaoth’s world, one must be delivered a certain knowledge that is delivered by a “messenger of light” and thus gain the ability to perceive Sophia and her World of Ideas.
In other words, salvation can be sought in what Gnosticism calls a gnosis.
However, one cannot just simply be gifted a gnosis. Those who seek Sophia’s salvation must be driven to reach it, reach beyond the Demiurge’s dark and imprisoning world and into the intangible, bright world above.
Doesn’t that sound familiar?
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By Gnostic definition, Ratio should be an Emanator of wisdom, helping curing others of ignorance and helping them on their way towards enlightenment. Hell, you can even say that he's a sylph with all the constant allusions to healing and helping, especially since that Ratio's a Doctor.
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However, we all know that this isn't true. Within Ratio's character stories, it can be inferred that his one goal in life is to become an Emanator of the Erudition. His arduous pursuit of knowledge was likely all in hopes in attracting Nous' gaze.
Yet, despite all his efforts, Ratio was never spared a glance
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Dr. Ratio is a model Emanator of wisdom by Gnostic standards, yet within his own universe his Aeon of Erudition does not acknowledge him. No matter how hard he tries, he will never reach the status of a member of the Genius society, almost as if he wasn't destined to be a part of it.
Let’s talk about his class: The rogue.
Rogues in Homestuck are the outcasts of their societies. They're loners, isolated, unable to fit in with the groups they want to identify in.
Rogue of Heart Nepeta Leijon lives alone in Alternia's wilderness far from troll society with her lusus as her only companion that is physically close to her.
She's been explicitly described as lonely, creating comics and ships of herself and her friends in order to mitigate her feelings of isolation from other trolls:
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Then there's Rogue of Void Roxy Lalonde, who for her first 16 years of life was the only human within her town of carapaces, whom she provides food for. The only other human in her post-apocalyptic world is more than 1700 miles away.
Being a Void-Bound, her isolation is very much apparent, but her loneliness reaches its apex during her bad end in her Pesterquest route. Drinking herself to a stupor as the undeserving consequences of seeing her mother just once consumes her.
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And then Rogue of Breath Rufioh Nitram, who was seen as a mutant for his wings and thus was avoided by his fellow trolls, which took a blow on his self-esteem.
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Rogues also struggle with a surplus of their aspect and trying to cope up with that extra while it consumes them. Nepeta taking on the personas of other people through roleplaying, as well as her cave walls being covered in shipping grids. Rufioh living a literally directionless grubhood as travels with a nomadic group called the Lost Weaboos, not to mention his wings, a symbol of freedom, being the cause of why he views himself so lowly. And then there's Roxy, who feels so alone in the carapacian bastion that she fills that void with insobriety, befuddling her mind.
So what does this have to say about Dr. Ratio? All three rogues here have exhibited some type of self-worth issues and a desire to connect with others, but due to being so engulfed by their aspect, it hinders them from reaching that goal...
What if tiny Ratio exhibited such intellect at such a young age that throughout his childhood, he was told that he would be a great scholar growing up? Maybe his genius would earn him a spot within the Genius Society. He was even admitted into a university during his adolescent years.
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As that is impressive as that sounds, can you imagine how isolating that can be for a child? Ratio, the only kid in class with his classmates years above him, talking about things outside of academia that he's too young to understand. Meanwhile Ratio likely doesn't interact with those his age as they couldn't provide anything to stimulate his brain. It could also be vice-versa too: Ratio trying to talk to them about topics far beyond their comprehension and they just start to distance themselves from him, unable to understand him, making an outcast out of him.
His intelligence and genius isolates him from making any genuine friendships during his formal years of life. At least, any that we know of before 2.1.
This loneliness does seem to follow him well into his adulthood as well: Becoming a celebrity comes with its own flavor of isolation: being surrounded by the limelight yet no one will truly understand you.
And let's not forget about his ambitions to become an Emanator of the Erudition, to become a member of the Genius Society, which he fell short of...
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...something that he holds quite close to his chest, a betrayal of his self-perceived character. He became yet, once again, an outcast.
Another thing, I want you guys to got to Ratio's wiki real quick and see how many characters mention him.
How many people do you think were close to Ratio?
Within the team selection menu of Star Rail, Ratio has lines for when he's added to a team with Ruan Mei and Herta, yet the reverse isn't true. Both Genius scholars say nothing when added to a team with Ratio already in it, almost as if they don't acknowledge him.
There is, however, only one character who says something when added to a team with the Mundanite already in it.
Can you guess who it is?
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But, as for all classes, their lives aren't meant to be miserable forever. A Rogue must find a way to overcome this loneliness; piecing through the walls of their confines made of their aspect. Instead of just keeping all their aspect for themselves like their Thief counterpart, Rogues find fulfillment through sharing their aspect, often by taking it from one source and distributing it to others. Or in some cases, exchanging something else in order to hand out.
And after all this, I dare say that Ratio joining the Genius Society would be the worst mistake he'd ever make. Stay with me, I have my reasons:
Though we never got to see much of Nepeta in action, we know that she distributes Heart through her shipping chart, arranging couples, distributing aspects of their personalities to see who would go together the best.
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The amount of thought that she puts into her ships puts a Sylph of the same aspect like me to shame!
I digress.
In exchange of bringing attention to the Watterbitch that's about to destroy their game, Roxy was able to obscure the progression of her session from prying eyes, covering it in a blanket of blankness in order to keep Batterwitch from knowing what they're up to.
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And then for Rufioh, his Alternian counterpart The Summoner lead a rebellion against the Condecse, using his wings to guide his fellow trolls towards freedom.
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And even after his defeat, his tale lives on as Pupa Pan. While the tale of his rebellious predecessor the Signless is silenced and therefore lost to obscurity, the Summoner's story lives on, allowing the idea of freedom to flow into the mind of young trolls.
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Dr. Ratio's entire character is dedicated to making education accessible for all. Though some of this does end up into his desire to cure people of idiocy, Ratio does truly believe that everyone should get a chance to attain knowledge. I'd even say that his ambition is the reason why he became a professor!
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Ratio would dedicate his life towards his goal towards sharing knowledge, even if it meant forsaking Nous' attention in exchange.
His path also affirms this drive. One would expect that someone as knowledgeable as him would be following the path of Erudition, but instead Ratio follows the Hunt.
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Ratio's determination to educate, his determination to spread light across the universe manifested into the path he follows. Even if he's never accepted by the Genius Society, he won't let that hinder him or dampen his drive. Ratio just simply strides forward.
The people who make up Nous' faction are described as researchers that rarely interact with each other, and even rarer are the people who are willing to share their research. Ratio would have never found fulfillment in being a member of the Genius Society, I'm almost certain that by joining it he would just be seeking out more and more knowledge, more and more light, becoming more and more isolated.
And one more thing: Rogues are fond of those who manage to get close to them. They appreciate their company and are incredibly dear to them.
For Nepeta, she has Equius.
For Roxy, she has Calliope.
Rufioh had Damara and the Summoner had the Marquise.
So who does Ratio have?
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Even outside of a shipping lens, Aventurine is a very important person to Ratio. The 2.1 Penacony story quest demonstrated how much in tandem these two can be together; how much they trusted each other to pull off this huge gamble and draw attention to the death happening in the Planet of Dreams and Festivites. Luck and Knowledge, they both work in perfect harmony.
Aventurine calls him his equal during his episode in “Keeping Up with Star Rail”, claiming that Ratio’s the only one who can understand him.
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Ratio and Aventurine must have something closer than just mutual respect however. Before Aventurine goes off into his grandiose self-annihilation, he checks up on him. He risks breaking their façade of disgruntled-coworkers-at-best just to make sure Aventurine can continue on.
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Ratio does care for the Stoneheart. So much so that he imparts luck to quite literally the luckiest man alive in hopes that his advice will carry him out of the darkness that he’s in and back into the light. Bringing him out of the blinding Nihility and back into the World of Ideas, back into reality.
And it makes this note all the more important when Aventurine accepts Ratio’s advice, accepting his light when most would brush it off.
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Ratio is a bright person, yet most cannot see past his luminosity and at the same time, he can’t shine bright enough to attract those he aspires to be. To remedy this, the Rogue of Light distributes his lights to others who needs it. He wants to cure those inflicted with ignorance and guide them towards enlightenment.
Knowledge for knowledge’s sake is not his Ratio rolls. His altruism may go against what the Genius Society believes in, but he wouldn’t change his ideals for anyone, steadfast in his determination to cure idiocy.
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classpecting-the-hoyoverse · 10 months ago
Jesus Christ Ratio is an incredibly lonely person
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classpecting-the-hoyoverse · 10 months ago
Wait I show up on people’s recommended???????
I saw this blog pop up on my recommended and omg two of my favourite series of media together?? That I never thought of together?? You're doing amazing work <3
Aaaaaaa thank u thank u!!!!
I’m sure I’ve said this before and will continue 2 say this many times more, but it’s always so meaningful when someone finds joy in what I do!
I started this off as a way to get my thoughts out on paper, but seeing y’all enjoy this just as much as I do boosts my motivation for this silly lil blog! <3
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classpecting-the-hoyoverse · 10 months ago
It’s so fascinating and freaky how intertwined Homestuck and Star rail are
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classpecting-the-hoyoverse · 10 months ago
I saw this blog pop up on my recommended and omg two of my favourite series of media together?? That I never thought of together?? You're doing amazing work <3
Aaaaaaa thank u thank u!!!!
I’m sure I’ve said this before and will continue 2 say this many times more, but it’s always so meaningful when someone finds joy in what I do!
I started this off as a way to get my thoughts out on paper, but seeing y’all enjoy this just as much as I do boosts my motivation for this silly lil blog! <3
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classpecting-the-hoyoverse · 10 months ago
Me: I need to finish all my asks in my inbox once the semester ends. I’ll finally have enough time to finish all of them
Also me: heeheehoohoo ratiorine
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