#destroyed knee jeans
you might think i grew out my hair because I simply think it's pretty. but in truth it is so that i can eat ice cream and when i inevitably get it on my shirt, i can simply hide the stain with my hair.
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strawberry-cowmilk · 7 months
everyone say rest in peace to nana's jeans who have served me for a good 4 years
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I own exactly three pairs of jeans. one has been painted with a checkerboard pattern (I'd link the post if I could find it lmao thanks for nothin, tumbles) and the other two are currently unchanged, but with each passing day my resolve grows weaker and I really really REALLY wanna try distressing one of them 😫✂️👖
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evilgwrl · 1 month
TF 141 x Reader (Apocalypse!AU)
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Immune: One
WARNING: This is a 18+ Poly!141 series (MDNI)
CW: Minor gore
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It only started as a cold. Then it spread to a viral infection, consuming people faster than poison. It didn’t take long for the world to stop, for terror to appear, spreading like a wildfire, destroying cities as quickly as they appeared.
It was a vastly asked question growing up, “Do you think you would survive the apocalypse?” and to those who answered yes, where are you now? For you, surviving came easy. You remember it, the scene playing in your head like clockwork.
“Vienna, we have to go!” You spat, your voice scratching against your parched throat as you watched the dead-alive tear at the walls, staggering limbs chasing after the scent of beating veins.
“I can’t run any faster,” Vienna spat, sheer fire running through her exhausted body as she stumbled upon the concrete road. You trusted her. You were going to get through it together. You were all each other had now.
You didn’t stop, only grabbing her hand as your worn shoes skidded against the floor, the smell of rubber burning your nose. “We need to get over that fence!” You yelled, your eyes blurred from exhaustion as you tugged the girl next to you, your sweat dancing along your palms.
You stumbled, heavy feet clamping into the chain as you attempted to pull yourself up. The taste of metallic engorged your mouth as you bit harshly on your tongue, gripping onto Vienna’s hand in an effort to pull her up.
“You need to hurry!” Your voice yelped out, dragging the girl as if she was a rag-doll, your efforts rushed as you attempted to pull her up. It felt like a movie, the sound of gargling flesh, mangled between broken teeth and rotting skin acting as a soundtrack, yet it wasn’t fiction. This was real, this was reality.
Your leg was now hunched over, your body positioned between the fence as you focused on saving your friend. The clamminess between both of your hands, causing a friction as she continued to slip. “I-I can’t, Y/N, pull me harder,” Vienna exasperated, her voice high pitched as she watched behind her, rotten claws scratching the air.
Vienna’s feet dug into the chain as she wobbled, slick pools of blood flooding at her palms as she sliced the tender skin upon the metal. A grunt left her mouth as she clasped onto your hand, the dead swarming closer, desperate and starved.
Almost comically, Vienna whispered out an “I’m sorry” before tugging. You landed with a whack, your knees hitting the ground as you winced, your jeans skidding across the ground, fresh marks of friction, followed by the prickle of blood appeared quickly upon your palms and knees as your eyes darted to the girl infront of you, clambering up the fence.
Your breathing stilled, the sound of static filling your ears, muting everything around you as your limbs froze up. This was it, you thought, the stench of death approaching you as you attempted to stand, hands gripping out to reach for any weapon as the sound of struggle behind you deafened you.
You covered your ears, tucking your face into your knees as you sat up, flashes of everything you were running through your brain like a compilation. Instead, you were met with the trample of feet and bodies toppling over you. Your eyes adjusted, looking at the huddle of zombies walking near you, not paying you a care as they focused on the flesh of your once friend.
Your body stirred for a second, your flesh searing in the sun as you crawled up, your legs weak. You almost wish you had died then, the sound of Vienna’s scream even after her betrayal paralysing you. You didn’t stick around, your hand securing your satchel as you limped off, the sound of squelching and gnarling being the only thing you left behind.
You kept a calendar on a torn, leather notebook, marking each day carefully since the first. It had been 296 days. 296 days of being alone. 296 of being invisible. 296 days of nothing. You survived in an old farm house, tucked away in a rural forest in God know’s where. It was funny, you expected to see someone, anyone, but you never did.
Maybe it was easier that way, you were a given a chance with someone, and they left you to die. It was easy to make a simple life for yourself out here and you often wondered why the previous owner’s had left.
Your food was supplied by the garden, a plethora of fruits and vegetables adorned across the land as you tended to them. There were animals too. Cows, chickens, horses. You grew to care for them, speaking to them often as if they would reply. It was worth a shot, you thought, and it made you less lonely.
You survived by fending for yourself, learning how to shoot an arrow as you hunted the occasional deer in the forest, tenderising the meat on their gas stove. There was a small town nearby, practically untouched that you had raided, using the spare pickup truck that dusted away in the garage.
You had never seen anyone, but if you did, whoever lived here didn’t shy away from guns, the shotgun he left behind and the small pistols he littered around the house, along with your bow and arrow, were your forms of protection. Everything was simple. Everything was as perfect as it could be, you were fine.
It was a regular occurrence for you to ride now, your ass plush against the saddle as you trotted around the acreage. It was rare to see zombies along here, the silence speaking for itself, and if they did, they didn’t pay any attention to you walking over to them and chopping their head off with an axe. You found it comforting as you listened to the whistle of the horse’s nostrils, breathing out slowly.
As it grew dark, you locked the barn, securing it tightly before heading inside. You were thankful for fire as you chucked a log of wood you had chopped into the burner, lighting it with a match. You locked the door, front and back, as you shut the blinds, a simple routine you did to soothe yourself. Your feet, covered by fluffy socks you had found in a cupboard, padded against the floor as you headed up the creaky stairs.
Your body conformed to the blankets covering you, hushing you to sleep as your body gratefully accepted. The only thing that would wake you would be the sun, and the haunting memory of Vienna.
The teapot whistled, steam singing out of the nozzle as you carried it to the bath. Though it was a luxury to shower in hot water, it had rained these past couple of weeks, allowing for the rain tank to fill up and be put to good use.
Your body scorched against the porcelain tub as you stepped in, the muscles in your thighs kneading themselves into tight balls before the tension released. You used one of the several soap bars you had stored, scrubbing against your tender skin as you washed yourself. Your fingers trailed against the gash of a scar on your forearm, a reminder of the fence, a reminder of her.
You finished up, your body snug around a towel you had recently washed using an off-the-grid washing machine they kept stored in the basement. Thank God people lived like that before civilisation turned to shit, either that, or Amish. You weren’t complaining about either.
You changed into a pair of shorts, the weather slowly warming up as the winter passed, the celebration of spring approaching on your calendar. You fed yourself with an apple before approaching the barn, the key clicking against the door as you greeted the animals, feeding them with a mix of leftover animal food and vegetables. Sure, it wasn’t the best diet, but it fed them well enough to provide milk and eggs.
Your feet padded against the hay-covered floor, arms stroking the horse you were most fond of (that you called Nancy) before letting her out, straddling her waist with a saddle as you dragged her to the fenced paddock. You were quick to grab Cecil, the male of the pair. While he was now fond of you, your stomach had still not fully forgiven him for the brutal kick he gave you when you first met.
Once your legs grew, sore, staggering to continue directing the horse, you huddled inside, as you began to sew, using an old dress you found to create a shirt and a skirt. You hummed softly to yourself, the silence of the house speaking back to you, the distance sound of a chugging engine humming in as you stilled.
Like a statue, you froze before dropping expletives, your body slinking over to the window as you looked outside. Is that.. a truck? The soft hum of the engine grew closer as you rushed to grab your shotgun, before rushing outside, hands flailing around as you waited for the car to turn around.
“This is private property!” You yelled, your voice stern, “You need to leave.” Your face was vastly covered by the large gun you held, doing your best to intimidate whoever it was that drove on the land.
You heard the sound of doors opening, before four different doors closed. You lowered your gun, eyes squinting as you froze. You almost felt like your eyes were betraying you as you took in the group before you.
A man wearing a bucket hat, raised his arms slowly, slinking towards you as you stepped back. “Listen, we ain’t- we ain’t trying to scare you,” he spoke, his voice authoritative, “we didn’t think anyone would be out here.”
“Well, I am,” you snapped, lowering the gun slightly to look at him, “So fuck off, you and whoever is behind you isn’t welcome here.”
A man, the tallest of the group, stepped forward. He was intimidating, a black balaclava with a skull face situated on top covered his identity, his frame bricked with muscle as his chest puffed forward, “Listen-“ he began before the man with the hat cut him off.
“We ain’t here for issues, sweetheart, simply need a place to stay. We were in the military and we would greatly appreciate it.”
You furrowed your brows as you raised your gun again, “If you were in the military, why the fuck are you still here? Shouldn’t they have shipped you off somewhere safe?”
“We were on a mission, stuck in a safe house in the middle of nowhere. We assumed we had lost connection when no one could contact us. Took us a while to realise what had happened,” he spoke, arms over his chest, “I promise we ain’t here to hurt ya, at most we just want to eat and if you don’t want us here tomorrow, we’ll get out of your hair, a’right?”
You stilled, taking in their clothes, lined with badges and gear you would only seen on someone in the military. You lowered your gun before turning on your heel back to the house. You waited for a second, not moving, before you heard the sound of multiple feet against gravel before they walked into the house, soft sighs leaving their lips.
“Do you have supplies?” You quipped, tone harsh as you looked at them, placing the gun down yet keeping it in arms reach. Sure you had never shot one, but how hard could it be?
Another man nodded and you could finally take a look at him. Does he have a Mohawk? You couldn’t help but let out a dry laugh as you stared at him. “Got some bottled water in the boot, and some military meals we found at some shops along the way as well as some toiletries. It’s not a lot- but it’ll help,” he said, a thick Scottish accent causing you to scrunch your brows together in an attempt to understand him.
You nodded slowly, still not taking your eyes off of them before reaching into a cupboard and pulling out a labelled pot. The words stew stared back at you before you turned on the stove, letting it simmer. “The best I can feed you all with notice is left over deer stew. If you don’t want it, fend for yourself else where,” you snapped, rubbing between your eyebrows as you grabbed a spoon.
“That’s more than enough, thank you,” the hat man said, his arms resting on the table before he headed outside, to presumably grab the supplies in the boot.
“You been out here this whole time?” An unfamiliar voice spoke. You turned to him. He was handsome, with a boyish smile and soft features, his skin a complimenting shade of brown.
“Not the whole time, ended up here by mistake I suppose but I’m not complaining.”
“You survived this entire time by yourself?” The masked man gibed, looking you up and down as if you were useless. You shot him a nasty glare, your tone spiteful, “Yes, I have and now I have four dickwads at my door, begging to stay with me.”
The man silenced himself, eyes crinkling slightly as he turned around. “What’s your name?” The Scottish one asked, stepping closer to watch you heat the food as your body tensed.
“Y/N,” you said curtly.
“I’m Soap,” he announced, bouncing softly on his feet as he breathed in real food for a change.
“Hell kinda name is Soap?” You spat, staring at him.
“Military name, lass. Real names John,” he added, a small smile on his face before he turned to the others. “That’s Gaz, or Garrick,” he said, pointing to the handsome one, “and that’s Ghost, or-“
“Just Ghost,” the masked man grumbled. You rolled your eyes at his lack of manners, growing more frustrated by the second.
Soap strummed his fingers against the counter before clearing his throat. “The one outside is Price, names also John so it’s easier to just call us Price and Soap.”
The man you now knew as Price walked back in, hands clutching plastic containers filled with water bottles, items stacked on top as he placed them on the counter. “Thank you,” he said, gesturing towards the stew as you nodded.
“There are two spare bedrooms upstairs that you can rest in for the night, I’ll show you to them after we eat,” you say, grabbing a ladle and 5 China bowls.
As you sat down, you felt yourself relax slightly, trying to reassure yourself that if they wanted to hurt you, they would have done so already. Would others around the house be that bad? You shook your head, shaking the idea away.
They’re leaving first thing tomorrow.
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dazed-and-confused23 · 5 months
Summary: You, a wondering trader, and he, a ghoul bounty hunter, cross paths and decide to camp together. Nights in the wasteland were dangerous on your lonesome, after all.
Pairings: The Ghoul | Cooper Howard x Female Reader
Warnings! smut, face sitting, cowgirl position, coming inside
Fluffy part 2 -> HERE
Link to my other fallout works on ao3 -> HERE
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The fire illuminates the harsh features of the ghoul across from the flickering flames. He is handsome by ghoul standards, and you feel an ache in your core you've not felt in a long time. You cock your head to the side and debate with yourself, before shrugging in a matter of a couple of seconds. You'd never been picky.
"Wanna fuck?"
Cooper jerks his head up from where he'd been studying the waves in the sand that the wind left behind. He locks eyes with you across the flame, gives you a once over, and then smirks deviously.
"Ain't ever been propositioned in such a way, but why not. You got any rad-away? I'd hate for such a pretty thing to end up lookin' like me," Cooper drawls and leans back on his hands, legs man spread and cocks his head at you when you nod.
"Come 'ere then, Darlin'."
You stand, reaching for the button of your pants and popping them open as you amble over to his side of the camp. You stand before him, and Cooper reaches out to hook his thumbs into your jeans, jerking them down and past your knees. The ghoul tugs one of your shoes off and tugs the jeans off one leg so that they are out of the way. You raise a brow when he stays clothed, confused for a beat before he pats his chest.
"Let's get you wet, Doll. Then you can ride me til the sun comes up."
Your cheek warm, but you aren't about to argue, and so drop to your knees, one leg one on either side of his head. His hands find your hips and guide you forward, and a hiss leaves your throat when his tongue meets your mound. Cooper eats you like this is his last meal, obscene wet noises coming from where he is buried between your thighs.
Cooper smirks when he sucks your clit into his mouth, sucking harshly and causing you to fall forward, hands hitting the sand and destroying the waves. The ghoul doubles his efforts, tongue swirling around your sticky folds and slurping down the mess you make, a groan of his own fading into the night when he tastes you.
Electric heat coils tight in your belly, and you are seconds away from having one of the best orgasms of your life when the ghoul lifts you by the waist and tugs you down. A shout breaks through when his cock drags across your folds and then slams home, his length deep and perfect inside of you.
"Heh, that's it, ride my cock, cowgirl," Cooper rumbles below you and grips your hips, bouncing you up and down, fucking up into your tight cunt every time he drags you back down. Your hands find his shoulders and dig in, holding on for dear life as the ghoul fucks you silly.
Coop drags a hand down from your hip and to your clit, pinching the pulsing bud between two fingers. You snarl silently, pleasure singing up your spine and making you curse colorfully. Cooper laughs under you, and knows you are close by the way your pussy flutters around his dick.
"Come on, baby. Come all over my cock," He snarls and you tip over the edge when he snaps his hips up, pulling you down and burning himself as deep as he could go. Coop rocks into you, and seconds later, you feel splashes of hot cum fill you up, so much that it begins to leak down your thighs.
You take big gulps of air to catch your breath, looking down at the Ghoul with a grin as you rock your hips back and forth.
"Think you can keep it up, old man?" You quip and are rewarded with Cooper rolling the two of you, the ghoul shifting to his knees and grinning meanly down at you.
"Well now, how about we find that out, Darlin'?"
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siriussslut · 1 month
Hiii! Could you do a foursome between fem reader, remus, barty and evan? They are all close friends, at a party they try a new drug that makes you horny and somehow they all end up fucking each other, please!!!
i feel like you guys should know i wrote this while listening to short n’ sweet, THE ovulation album (most relatable lyric: i’m so fucking horny). miss carpenter ily
warnings: foursome, drugs, sex while VERY high, & lots of very yummy cum
“what is it?” barty asks.
evan shrugs. “no clue. pandora got it from xeno, you know he always has the best shit.”
“well, let’s try it.” you pluck one of the gummies out of evan’s hand, reaching over remus, popping it into your mouth. it has a sweet taste and instantly melts on your tongue.
the four of you wait with bated breath for a few seconds. muggle drugs normally take a while to kick in, but many magic drugs are often instant.
you shrug. “nothing yet.” and lean back down on the sofa.
the three boys each take a gummy themselves. suddenly, the edges of your vision grow fuzzy. a giggle bursts through your throat.
“woah!” you laugh, your brain floating away from your head.
“what does it feel like?” remus asks, leaning down so your heads are level.
“jus’… good.” you slur, a shit-eating grin spread on your face.
“oh!” you watch evan’s pupils dilate, leaving nothing but a thin circle of brown surrounding the black.
it hits barty next, then remus.
your conversation devolves to nothing but giggles and slurred words. thank god you guys are in an empty room and not with the rest of the partygoers.
a movement catches your eye. “what’re you doing?”
remus is rubbing his crotch through his jeans, palming himself.
“dunno,” he mumbles. “so fucking hard right now.”
“me too,” evan groans. you glance at all three boys’ pants to see matching tents. you pull up your skirt to glance at your panties. they’re completely soiled, soaked through.
you stumble to your feet to find you’ve left a dark wet patch on the couch cushion.
“holy shit,” you mutter, lying down on the floor. barty follows suit, lying next to you, stuffing a hand past his waistband.
evan sinks to his knees beside your heads. “need help, lupin?”
remus pulls his cock out his jeans. it’s huge, fully erect. veins bulge along his length, leading to an angry red tip.
“fuck,” evan moans.
barty whimpers, pumping himself faster, eyes pinned on remus.
evan pulls remus past his lips, sucking.
remus groans, tossing his head back.
you flip over, straddling barty’s hips. the two of you strip down. you slide onto his cock, using your slick as lube.
he slips inside with ease, stuffing his massive member down your core.
you moan, thrusting along with him. you reach over to fondle evan’s cock, watching him destroy remus.
barty’s hands slip up your shirt, grabbing onto your bouncing breasts. you glance back at him. he’s lying on his back, face screwed as you fuck. his pupils are totally blown out, face flushed crimson. he looks beautiful.
you lean down, placing a wet kiss on his mouth. tongues explore each other, your hand still pumping evan’s boner.
you bite down on barty’s lip and he cries out. his cock jerks between your walls, his back arching as he comes.
warm semen fills your hole, spilling down onto his abdomen.
remus laughs as the two of you hump each other, coming in synchronicity. you squirt on barty’s cock, painting his stomach.
“of course crouch comes first.” evan seems to take this as a challenge, speeding his assault on remus’ dick.
remus’ laugh cuts off abruptly, his face going slack.
evan licks and sucks. your hand falls away from his balls, using all your energy to hump into barty’s soft cock.
remus groans so loud it’s practically a scream, shooting hot cum into evan’s mouth. evan swallows every last drop, never looking away from remus’ eyes.
once all of his babies are deep inside evan, and he seems to regain control, remus pulls evan back onto the couch, face-down.
somehow remus has another boner. he pulls away evan’s pants, slipping into his ass using the remainder of his come as lube. you and barty lie on each other, boneless, watching remus pump him full of another round of come, destroying evan’s hole.
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jeankirsteinsgrlfrnd · 6 months
NSFW AoT boys x reader and how they would respond to trying “No Nut November”
no nut november
ft: eren, connie, levi, jean, erwin, porco, zeke, armin
cw: smut ? but it’s pretty tame- not really descriptive
eren thinks no nut november is stupid and a made up thing meant to make virgins feel better about themselves. he doesn’t care about participating it in it. especially when he has you. eren doesn’t make it past the first day of november without tearing your clothes off and finishing inside of you.
connie’s pretty into no not november- mainly because of destroy dick december. despite being a yearly player, he never makes it through the month successfully. what fails him this year is you in a pair of black leggings- he can’t help it. he begs you to let him fuck you and you give in, november claiming yet another loser.
when you brought the idea up to levi, he scoffed. he thinks it’s the most ridiculous thing in the world and he won’t be partaking. he’s going to fuck you whenever and wherever if you’ll let him. he cuts the conversation short by pulling you onto his lap, mumbling something like “i’d fail over and over when it comes to you” into your ear.
jean insists that no nut november is easy, that you just have to have control. and he claims he does. he does pretty good for the first week, you’ll give him that. determined to make him fail, you start sleeping in just a small shirt and underwear. jean cant stand your teasing anymore and decides to fuck you raw after a particularly tough day, november claiming another victim.
erwin takes it a little too seriously. he’s never heard of it until you brought it up to him the other day. interested, he decides to partake in it. and he fucking exceeds, much to your dismay. but as soon as december strikes, he doesn’t waste a minute more. he rams into you for hours with an ungodly amount of stamina for someone who was just practicing abstinence.
zeke thinks it’s a fun idea, as long as you join him in it. thinking it’ll be easy, you agree. turns out you both spend the entirety of november teasing the fuck out of each other, each being too stubborn to lose. zeke makes it a week before he’s quite literally on his knees begging you to get him off.
armin would like to try it. he doesn’t make you participate. he just does it to see how strong-willed he is. but that doesn’t stop him from getting you off. not being able to cum means not being able to fuck you, and he can’t stand it. so he eats you and fingers you daily, making sure you’re getting off. he can’t keep his hands to himself.
porco’s too confident in his ability to make it through the month. it’s all fun and games until he wakes up in the middle of the night with a throbbing boner. not thinking, he gently wakes you up and you two wind up having sex. it’s not until you’re cuddling after does he realize that he’s just lost.
reiner says fuck that. he won’t be participating. he hates the idea so much. you’re his girlfriend and if he wants to fuck you, he will. just for the hell of it, he pushes you up against a wall everyday, slamming you full of his cum. if this is no nut november, you’d hate to see destroy dick december. or love it.
bertholdt wants to partake in it for the ‘nostalgia’ of it all. but ultimately, he caves in because the desire for you is too great. you make him fail by wearing a low cut shirt and nonchalantly bending over to grab something, revealing too much cleavage. you wind up on your knees with his fingers in your hair.
please check out my jean fic 🤍
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cordeliawhohung · 1 month
i had posted this vent piece a few days ago but then deleted it because it had too much of me in it. but some people said they thought it was beautiful and i'm trying to get better about not being ashamed of my dark days so i guess i'll repost it on the off chance it helps someone else.
simon riley x reader; short drabble | hurt comfort, depression, dissociation
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Idle hands are the devil’s playthings, and you’ve learned he really likes his games. 
They start as a gentle buzz. A whispering in the back of your skull that traverses down your spine until it takes root in the core of your being. Nothing makes sense at first. It never does. There’s only an insatiable need to destroy, and the object is usually yourself. It’s a fiend you attempt to fight off with deep breathing and good thoughts, but even that gets tainted. Everything born new and fresh eventually becomes stained. It is the cycle of life. Of all things. It haunts you every day. 
You gain this sudden sentience — the realization that you are. It hurts worse than anything, looking at yourself and seeing someone who could enjoy existence. Hope lives in the frayed edges of your jeans at the worn soles of your shoes and the worst part is, you can’t even remember taking the steps to make it that way. It just becomes. You step out of your body to enjoy experiences your mind refuses to remember and you’re only left with the rot and acrimony when it’s all over. 
Part of you hates it because it’s not really you. Can you truly be so soft? Sweet enough to partake in eating bread with a friend? This has to be a facade. You look around your carefully decorated living room and want to smash every object within sight because it’s you. The lovingly placed photos. The hand picked decor. Your favorite childhood movie playing on the TV. Everything drips with your mark, and it’s disgusting because it’s you. 
It’s always you. 
The one person you’re forever stuck with. An aberrant creature you can’t quite run away from. 
You’d snuff it out from the source if you were brave enough. Instead, you continue to curse this existence and apologize for being here all the same. 
The front door creaks open. It’s a long drawl. Nearly enough to perk your ears. You do not look to see who enters. You know him by footsteps alone; towering man lumbering across the living room with heavy weights snagging his shoulders. He says your name and you only hum as glossy eyes stare through the TV. If you look at him, you’ll only ruin him too. 
Work boots scraping across the floor, he flops on the couch next to you. Vibrations rock through you with the force of his body hitting the cushions, and still you’re hardly moved. Eyes forward. Hands tight. Idle. Waiting to rip flesh from bone. Waiting to exterminate the one thing that refuses to relinquish its ailing grasp. When he speaks again, you still don’t answer. 
Feeling you float away, he grounds you. Keeps your head above water as his own suddenly rests in your lap. The weight surprises you. So does the warmth. And for a moment, he is that flicker in the darkness. The sputtering flame that’s losing oil to burn. You stare at him, crooked nose pressed against your knee as he nuzzles into you like a well behaved beast. It’s enough to bring you out of that murk, even if only for a moment. 
“Right ‘ere with you, love.” 
The movie continues. Its soundtrack crackles and hums, luring you back into times too far out of your reach. The only thing within your grasp right now is Simon, and so you take what you can get. What you’ve always wanted. Fingers weaving through short chopped hair, he’s snoring in no time, and still you persist. Hands no longer idle. Moving. Flowing. Useful. 
There are some days when the world is too heavy to lift your body from your bed. Days when it seems the only thing you’re good at doing is bleeding. But if the only thing you’ve done today is revel in the feeling of your lover's hair between your fingers, and felt him rest upon your lap, then you know you have finally done enough. 
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glitterycvm · 5 months
[•~featuring: satoru, suguru, toji, sukuna~•]⊹₊ ⋆
[•~synopsis: you piss the jjk men off and they get their get back~•]
[•~a/n: prob not gonna post next week, a whole bunch of tests:(~•]
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|| SATORU GOJO || silent treatment ⊹₊ ⋆
was it petty to give Satoru the silent treatment after a small argument the two of you had yesterday over something so simple? it was simple, you just wanted him to take you seriously for once. you felt like he only saw you as a joke, a doll he could mess with whenever he wanted to. and satoru, didn't respond so effectively in terms of solving the issue. instead the two of you argued the whole night, over something that could've been solved with some basic communication.
so here you two were, about 3 days without saying a single word. egos way too high to just apologize and move on. it seemed like the both of you were taking it well but in reality it was destroying you both severely. you guys never had so much tension between the two of you before. and after a couple days, satoru was not taking it anymore.
"mmph!!- satoru s-slow down!! please!!" you mewl, legs stuttering as satoru's hips buck into you harshly and quickly. the white haired man just stared back into your eyes, his eyes were so empty and dark, sending cold shivers down your spine. "nah. thought y'said I never took ya seriously right? shut up n take it." he scolds, fingers drilling into the fat of your hips, as his thrusts got more intense, leaving you moaning for more.
his words only made your cunt wetter, fueling that dirty desire of yours. you could feel how deep satoru was in you, his hands pushing your knees so much into your chest you were surprised they haven't broken off yet. the angle made it feel like satoru's tip was just repeatedly slapping your cervix. making you sob for more by each and every thrust.
and you'd be stupid to think satoru was going to let you do whatever you wanted. no- he was going to show you how much frustration you made him feel. because there was no way that you thought he thought you were just a simple joke to him, while it was the complete opposite. you were his everything. if he had ever lost you, he may loose himself. so hearing you mutter such words fueled his fury.
satoru shoves two fingers in your mouth, forcing your sore puffy lips to shut all around his fingers. he relished the feeling of your tongue swirling and sucking on his digits. your moans only getting louder, but less audible. muffed moans and cries left your lips as satoru leans down to your ears, making sure you heard everything he was about to tell you.
"thought you weren't gonna talk to me ever again. what happened to that? you thought I would just let you go so easily, hm? exactly so take this cock you've been begging for, and I want not one sound out of you. do you understand?"
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|| SUGURU GETO || jealousy ⊹₊ ⋆
to suguru, it was obvious that he had a hot girlfriend. he knew it. and he should've been used to it by now. guys always checking you out, admiring your ass in those jeans. or watching your tits in that one v-neck top that already made suguru angsty, and cautious. and usually he would just brush it off, knowing it wasn't your fault you were so so beautiful.
but what pissed him off was the way you feed into every single guy's delusions. I mean it was obvious wasn't it? the guy taking your order at the coffee was so intensely staring down your shirt. and the way he would ask you so many questions, attempting to make small talk. it made suguru sick. and the worst part was that you were flirting back. giggling at his below average jokes, and flashing him your contagious and mesmerizing smile. oh you definitely were doing this on purpose, suguru knew it.
knees burning due to the friction between your legs and the carpet floor of the car beneath you. suguru had been forcing your head up and down his cock repeatedly for what felt like hours. he was forcing to "apologize" to him for "flirting" with the barista. you knew you didn't do anything wrong, all you did was talk to the man. so you weren't gonna apologize for something you didn't even do.
and suguru was not having it. he knew you did it all on purpose. so he was going to force an apology out for you. because he was in disbelief you would flirt with a random guy right in front of him. he bobs your head on his cock swiftly, the ball of hair in his fist tangling severely. he had been doing this for about 30 minutes, with no intent of stopping.
you drooled and gagged all over his dick, sticking to your point. and the more and more you refused, the more suguru would force you down on him. his deep hoarse mutters of "just fuckin apologize." as his hips would also buck into your mouth.
he didn't care about the tears streaming down your face or the drastic red your lips had taken. he was sure to abuse your mouth until he got you to admit your actions. and the sounds of your gagging only fueled him even more, feeling the tightness of your throat engulf his cock. this went on for another 10 minutes before suguru pulls your hair up, forcing your head to snap up.
"looks like ima have to try something else, since you wanna be so difficult, but it's okay I'll get that fucking apology out of you. get on the seat"
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|| TOJI FUSHIGURO || teasing him ⊹₊ ⋆
toji loved to be a pain in the ass. he loved to see that annoyed look plastered all over your face. he took pride in it too. never forgetting to accidentally walk in on you showering. or his hands somehow slipping up your inner thighs, finger just merely touching your clit. he just loved to watch you squirm because of him.
and it annoyed you. a lot. you felt like he couldn't go 2 seconds without any attempts to crawl under your skin. so what did you do? you simply did it back, only this time taking it up a notch.
okay so maybe brushing your hand all over his clothed cock in the middle of eating out, wasn't the best idea. you argued that it wasn't your fault that your hand just so happened to slip by. accidentally squeezing his already halfway hard dick. toji wasn't a fool though. he knew this was your "payback". but instead of accepting the consequences of his actions, he merely just going to make you regret it.
"p-please toji, m'sorryy" you moan, fingers rushing in and out of your hole swiftly. toji had forced you to play with yourself until he felt satisfied. and it was hell.
all you wanted right now was to feel toji's shaft in you. to reach lengths your weak short fingers could never. to feel how big he was , and how much he would stretch you out. savoring the painful but pleasant burn it brought. and your fingers were getting tired. you had been fingering yourself for about 20 minutes, orgasming almost 4 times at this rate. and all of it was still not satisfying to toji
"shouldn't have been such a slut earlier then, if you wanted to get fucked just say that." he growls, arms crossed as he watched you, those dark menacing eyes tracking your every movement. "be grateful you using your fingers, you wouldn't be able to handle how I would treat you right now." he speaks, hands tucking strands of hair behind your ear. you were just going to have to wait, wait until toji was happy enough with your current state.
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|| RYOMEN SUKUNA || disrespecting him ⊹₊ ⋆
is anybody surprised that Sukuna has an outrageously high ego? it should be so obvious. sukuna knew that he was important. and he knew he wasn't even worthy to be near the presence of most people. in summary he was very egotistical.
and when you two were arguing earlier, about how he didn't treat you well enough. you weren't lying though. he would constantly leave you on delivered, constantly bullied you, and even just straight up ignoring you some times. and you were sick of it. and it all happened so quickly, you swore it was just the heat of the moment. you didn't mean to call him "the worst boyfriend in the world."
so when sukuna heard those offense and outrageous words come right out of your mouth, he knew that you had gone too far. completely lost your mind. who were you even to call him such a thing? he knew in his mind that he was perfect, so maybe you just needed to get put in your place.
"would the worst boyfriend in the world be fuckin ya right now, whore?' he scoffed, grasp around your neck growing tighter. sukuna had you on all fours, on the cold wooden floor of your shared apartment, forcing you to take both cocks in your pussy. he was making sure that you would feel his wrath in the way he would thrust into your cunt, the pace so harsh and fast it made you dumber and dumber by the second.
his two large cocks in you at once wasn't helping either. it was one thing to feel him in you but twice?? it was so overwhelming, but it made you crave him even more. sukuna was so rough with you two. he had forced those two cocks down into you with no remorse for your feelings. and been though you should be scared or concerned, you just felt hornier and hornier by the second.
"s-sukuna!! gonna cum!!" you mewled, voice raspy and hoarse just from the amount of screaming you had just experienced. and you could feel that familiar knot in your stomach start to tighten, the stars building up in your vision, making you let out breathy groans and moans. only for it to all be ruined. sukuna pulls out of you, hand pulling your neck up. "who said you could cum yet? hold it in while I show you how bad of a boyfriend I can be."
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cloudzoro · 8 months
Four leaf clover | Daichi x Reader x Bokuto x Kuroo ♡
pairings: bokurodai x fem!reader
genre: smut, fluff
wc: 6.4k words
cw: group sex, light bondage, a knife but no actual knife play, toys, rough sex, overstimulation, safeword usage, cum play, daddy is used once, squirting, spitting, facefucking, just really nasty porn <3
this an edited reupload of a fic I wrote a few years ago, I have reuploaded it before but my old account got suspended (for unknown reasons) and I didn't want it to be lost to time. so I'm reuploading it one last time. i hope you enjoy! (originally posted in march 2021)
You ask your boyfriend Daichi if you can spice up your sex life by introducing two people you consider close friends to the bedroom but doing so accidentally spices up other aspects of your life too.
"Daichi?" you say, getting his attention. He looks up from his book with a raised eyebrow, and you suddenly get 10x more nervous. "Can we talk....about our sex life?" He’s intrigued, but there is a flash of worry across his expression.
"Is something wrong, Baby?"
"Nothing is wrong, trust me. Our sex is incredible. I just wanted to know if we can try something new."
"tell me what you're thinking."
Daichi is always willing to try new things with you. The first time you two had sex, he was gentle, but eventually, when he got more comfortable with you, you learned his mean demeanour was a facade. This is why you know he won't immediately shut you down when you suggest adding other people to your sex life; he looks pretty intrigued at your proposal. This is how you find yourself in your current position: on your knees facing the bed's headboard with your arms behind you with Bokuto positioned opposite you in precisely the same way, waiting for instructions. Daichi and Kuroo are seated on chairs on either side of the bed, both men palming themselves through their jeans.
"Why don't you two make out and make it sloppy," instructs Kuroo, unzipping his jeans. You can't contain your excitement as Bokuto pulls you onto his lap and connects your lips. He wastes no time shoving his tongue in your mouth, and you moan into his mouth at the feeling. There was so much saliva that the noise was borderline pornographic. Your hand's fist in his hair, pulling him impossibly close. You hear belts unbuckling and whining into Bokuto's mouth, knowing what's coming next. You glance to the side to see Daichi pulling his cock free from his boxers.
"so fucking pretty" hums Kuroo. He spits in his hand and wraps it around his cock. "Play with her pussy"
Bokuto's hand slips between the two of you, and you whimper into his mouth as he rubs circles on your clit.
"Her tits are so fucking sensitive," says Daichi, who's currently wrapping a hand around his thick cock. Bokuto pushes you on your back, slips a finger into your pussy and attaches his lips to your nipple. He bites and sucks on your nipple as he awaits another instruction. The noises you make at the feeling of his teeth against your nipple have him rock hard and ready to destroy you. He starts to grind his hips into the mattress, only stopping when Kuroo sharply tells him to. He adds another finger and curls it inside you. Bokuto moves to the other nipple, giving it just as much attention. Daichi groans as he watches you arch your back. He loves watching his girl. "You gonna cum, baby?" he asks, eyes not leaving your body as you buck your hips into Bokuto, who's stuffing another finger into your tight pussy.
You nod, feeling your stomach tighten in anticipation. Bokuto grins as you squirm on his fingers, feeling impossibly close. Your orgasm washes over you and leaves you feeling breathless. Bokuto moans as you coat his hand in your release. You knew Bokuto would be a moaner instead of a grunter, but hearing him in person is so much hotter than you thought it could be.
"good girl", coos Kuroo taking his hand off of his cock so that he doesn't cum too soon. "Shit, you're a hot little thing", he growls, standing up and grabbing Bokuto's wrist. He pulls Bokuto's hand to his face and sucks juices off of his fingers. He looks so good that you let out a dreamy sigh in appreciation at the sight, and Kuroo chuckles and pats your head.
His hand that was patting you switches to gripping your hair and pulling you onto your knees.
"Lay back, pretty boy."
Bokuto shuffles down the bed a little bit as Kuroo instructed. Kuroo pulled your face over Bokuto's cock. It's pretty, as pretty as a cock can be. He's so big you aren't sure if you can fit it in your mouth. His cock is an angry red and in desperate need of a warm wet little throat to fuck. You obediently lick up the underside of him and take the head into your mouth. Bokuto struggles to control his hips as a tingling sensation shoots up his spine, and he instinctively bucks into your mouth. The unexpected movement forces his fat cock further down your throat, making you gag, a sensation that pulls a beautiful moan from his throat.
With a lot of cooing from Daichi and Kuroo, you and Bokuto calm down and get back to it. Kuroo's hand on your head and the vocal encouragement from Daichi help you take Bokuto deeper into your throat. You bring your hands to wrap around what you can't fit in your mouth. Bokuto's moans turn to growls as you take even more of him in your mouth. He's so worked up that he's already close, and the way you're working your tongue against him has him rapidly approaching his release.
"She's so good", he whines, slowly bucking into you again. "I'm close"
Daichi chuckles, knowing precisely what he's talking about. His hand comes to pet your head in silent praise, letting you know how much of a good girl you're being. You continue to bob your head, preparing to swallow every drop of cum from Bokutos cock. Bokuto's gentle thrusts stutter as his hands push the others out of the way so that he has something to hold onto. His grip on your hair is so harsh that you can't help but moan around his cock, the vibrations of which send him over the edge. Bokuto moans and curses as he shoots his cum down your throat. You try to swallow as much as you can, but the load is so heavy that when you pull away, his cum drips from down your chin to your chest. All three men keep their eyes focused on you as you scoop his cum off of your chest and suck it off of your fingers one by one, groaning as you taste his cum on your tongue. They all whisper praises under their breaths, considering you the most appealing sight they've ever seen. The sight of your perfect lips wrapped around your fingers has them growling. You open your mouth, stick out your tongue to show them you are a good girl, and swallow it all down.
Daichi and Kuroo, who had grown too antsy and unable to watch anymore, grab you, and Bokuto pulls you to their respective sides of the bed. They hold the rope from the box you and Daichi keep under the bed and get to work tying your wrists together. You glance up at Bokuto, who’s already grinning at you. The positions they have you in mean that you and Bokuto are still facing each other.
You moan as Daichi pushes his thick cock into your pussy, splitting you open on him. He lets you adjust to his size before pulling back, causing you to whimper.
"Aww, poor baby. You feel all empty now, huh?" He laughs and waits for you to respond. The frantic nod you give is answer enough, and he thrusts back into you. The gasp you release when he pushes back in gives him a little ego boost. He knows he’s big, but watching you, all wet and eager, struggle to take him fuels his pride. You are an insatiable little thing, ready to present and endure a punishment. Daichi is never panicky about going too far. He always keeps a watchful eye on your state and trusts you to use your safeword if needed.
You clench tightly around him, snapping him away from his thoughts and back to his cock buried inside you. You begin to squirm in his grasp, and he smacks your ass as a warning to behave.
"You’re squeezing Daddy so tight."
“Daddy, huh?” teases Kuroo. Daichi just grunts at him, saving a smart-mouth retort for later.
You’re lost in the feeling of Daichis thick cock stretching you open that you almost forget Kuroo and Bokuto's presence until you hear Bokuto whimper and moan directly into your ear. Daichi smacks your other ass cheek twice, enjoying the way you respond. Kuroo follows suit, swatting Bokuto's ass with equal force to Daichi, grinning at the high-pitched noise that gets caught in Bokuto's throat.
"Look at them", coos Daichi, landing yet another harsh slap on your ass as he continues to thrust into your sensitive cunt. "They look so cute, all tied up and messy". Kuroo hums in agreement, pulling Bokuto up to his chest and biting down on his neck.
"Such good little whores, being obedient little cock sleeves," says Kuroo in a sweet tone of voice, contradicting his filthy words. " I didn't know your innocent little Y/N was so dirty", he chuckles.
Daichi grips your hair in his fist and pulls your head so it's tilted upwards. He moves his hand to your jaw and forces your mouth open; there’s a 'puh' noise followed by the sensation of Daichi's saliva hitting your tongue. He collects more saliva and spits into your mouth to show Kuroo just how filthy you really are. Kuroo pushes Bokuto back towards the bed so that he is level with you, keeping his fist tight in his hair.
"Don't swallow", Daichi warns, pushing you further along the bed so your head is at a perfect angle for Kuroo. You try not to swallow as Kuroo smirks before spitting in your waiting mouth, his saliva mixes with Daichi's and your own. The feeling makes you whimper. You curl your tongue so the saliva doesn't drip out of your mouth. These powerful men spitting into your mouth makes your pussy clench and drool, which doesn't go unnoticed by Daichi, who presses a kiss to your shoulder. Daichi pulls you backwards on the bed so you are face-to-face with Bokuto. Bokuto spits into your mouth and closes the gap between you, slotting your lips together in a messy kiss, tongue lapping messily against yours. Both Daichi and Kuroo let out a groan at the sight. You’re so glad you brought this up. Your skin feels tingly, and you’ve never felt anything like this. Bokuto's mouth feels so good against yours, and your doms are enjoying themselves if their heavy thrusts and growling words were anything to go by.
You’re so engrossed in Bokuto's mouth on yours that you don't notice the wand vibrator Daichi’s pulled out from your toybox until he presses it to your clit, causing you to moan and writhe in his grasp. Daichi knows he fucks you well and is never insecure about using toys. He considers any man who sees toys as a threat to be a pussy. Why wouldn't he want you to have toys when they can be helpful in situations like this? How could he hate your toys when he can use them to reduce you to a sobbing mess? He picks up his thrusts, causing your teeth to clash with Bokuto's as you are pushed forward with each hard thrust.
"Come on baby, give me another one" his words spur you on, and you whine embarrassingly loud, earning a condescending laugh from Kuroo. You let out a pathetic moan and push back onto him, practically begging him to go deeper. Your face is pressed into Bokuto's shoulder, and you can feel the coil in your stomach tighten. Bokuto moans in your ear as Kuroo frantically fucks into his tight ass, and the sound makes you clench around your boyfriend.
"fuck, I'm gonna cum” You continue your mindless babbling as Daichi coos filthy words of encouragement in your ear. You can barely hear Bokutos's frantic whimpering as Kuroo lands a harsh spank on his ass because all you can think about is cumming. When your orgasm finally washes over you, you bite down on Bokuto's shoulder to stop a sob from escaping your throat. The pleasurable sting of your teeth helps push Bokuto towards his orgasm. His asshole clenches around Kuroo's cock at the feeling.
"Shit, so fucking tight."
Your head falls to the mattress beneath you as Bokuto lets out a long, high-pitched whine followed by a loud string of curses. Daichis frantic praise is the only signal you get before he cums, emptying his balls inside your hot little cunt.
Bokuto had made a mess of your bed, and you aren't any different. Both of you have little time to breathe and fully recover before the wand is passed to Kuroo, who presses it against Bokuto's balls and reaches his hand around to play with his still-hard cock.
Daichi toys with your pussy, rubbing your clit and curling his fingers inside your cunt. He leans down to suck and bite at your ass and thighs, marking his territory. He waits until you’re at your brink, aided by the sounds Bokuto makes, and pulls his fingers away from you. His heart jumps a little at your sad whine. Denying you is so much fun.
Bokuto, however, doesn't get the same treatment. Kuroo seems intent on milking Bokuto dry. He doesn't relent in his pace as he jerks off Bokuto and keeps the vibrator pressed to his balls. Daichi lifts you from your position, holding your neck lightly.
"Watch, baby, see how fucking hot they are."
You watch as Bokuto shiver, growling deep in his throat as he cums once again. He looks so incredible when he cums that you can't help but verbalise it.
"Holy fuck, Kou. You look so good."
Bokuto grins at your praise, looking up at you exhausted. You barely catch his wink as you’re being pushed back down so your chest rubs against the quilt. Kuroo lets Bokuto gain his breath back as he watches you and Daichi. He can't wait to fuck you, to kiss Daichi, to watch Daichi fuck his boyfriend.
Daichi grabs a knife on the bedside table and runs it gently across your ass cheek, pressing enough to leave a thin red mark behind. You whimper quietly, struggling to form a coherent thought.
Daichi steps back to admire your body. He loves seeing you like this. On your knees, displaying your glistening pussy to him. He takes a moment to look at the bite marks and hickeys littering your thighs from both himself and Bokuto and follows them up to your ass cheeks which are red in the centre, and your right cheek shows hints of a bruise. On the left, the thin red line threatened to fade. He mutters out compliments as he situates the blade to your wrists and cuts you free of your bindings, smiling to himself in amusement when you keep your arms behind your back as you don't have the energy to move them.
He rolls you over, smoothes his hand over your legs, and presses kisses to your calf. He is looking at Kuroo, who is using the discarded knife to cut Bokuto free. Daichi has only had one orgasm, and yet he feels blissed out. He doesn't need to cum over and over to feel completely satisfied. He gets off when you get off. Knowing he made you feel this good, hearing you beg for him is enough for him. However, looking at the now untied Bokuto, who is gazing up at the ceiling with a satisfied look on his face, he wants nothing more than to have Bokuto's pretty lips wrapped around his cock.
"You look hungry, Kuroo," he says, still holding your legs. "Want a taste?" Kuroo happily walks around the bed and kneels in front of you. You squirm, knowing you'll probably be too sensitive for oral right now. You moan loudly as Kuroo skillfully licks a stripe up your pussy and clamps his lips around your clit on his way back down. You let out a strangled yell and writhe around despite Kuroo's grip on your hips. It feels so good.
"so, sen-uh fuck, too sensitive", you practically shout, earning a chuckle from Kuroo, who comes up to ask you if you need to stop. You think for a second and then shake your head furiously, he's already started his assault on your clit, and you’re so desperate for more contact that you begin to think that you might combust if he doesn't finish.
"You know you can use your safeword whenever you want to stop or take a break or even just slow down, right?" he asks, making sure you weren't pushing past your limits for his sake. You nod and try to moan at him to go back to what he was doing, but your words get caught in your throat as Kuroo pulls you closer to the edge of the bed, diving back in to lap at your pussy as if it was the last meal he'd ever have. He holds three fingers to your lips and forces them into your mouth. Kuroo groans into your pussy, making you shiver, as you swirl your tongue around his digits, sucking them as if they were his cock. He replaces his fingers with his thumb, grunting as you instinctively bite down in response to a particularly harsh suck of your clit.
On the other side of the bed, Daichi is thrusting into Bokuto's hot mouth. Bokuto is lying on his back with his head over the edge of the bed. Daichi was thrusting into Bokuto's throat like a fleshlight, causing Bokuto to whine and squirm beneath him. Daichi's hand comes down to press against Bokuto’s throat so that he’s practically jerking himself off through Bokuto's throat. When Daichi pulls his cock back, Bokuto takes the fleeting moment of freedom to gasp at any air he can take before Daichi shoves his cock back into Bokuto's eager mouth. Daichi looks down next to Bokuto's pliant body and watches as Kuroo flips you over onto your knees and shoves two fingers into your pussy, licking over the rim of your tight asshole. He teases your tight hole with his thumb as he sucks a purple bruise onto your ass cheek. He moved his mouth back to your ass hole as he thrust his fingers into your used cunt.
Daichi catches sight of the look on your face and almost instantly cums. Your eyes are heavily lidded and slightly crossed, cheeks flushed red and mouth open, leaving a pool of saliva. You look blissed out and drunk on sex. Daichi thinks you look breathtaking. He makes it his mission to see this face whenever you have sex. The thought that someone else is making you make that face should cause a possessive spark to ignite in his stomach, but instead, it makes him feel warm. He finds it so insanely hot that Kuroo can pull such a nasty expression from you. He gives a particularly rough thrust into Bokuto's throat, causing him to gag and moan around Daichi, who's now close to his second orgasm. He watches as your orgasm hits you, and you physically can't scream the way you want, as the only noises coming from you are soft whines and choked moans.
"You're so fucking gorgeous", He growls, picking up his pace in Bokuto's mouth. He thrusts his hips as Bokuto hollows his cheeks. "God, Kou, your throat feels so fucking good", He moans as he shoots ropes of thick cum down Bokuto's throat. He pulls away from Bokuto's throat and leans down to make sure he’s ok as he regains his breath, mumbling praises at him. When he looks up, he sees you on your back as Kuroo grabs the vibrator. Your thighs shake as you struggle to hold your legs up. You're beyond sensitive. A simple pinch on your bare skin could send you over the edge. As soon as you feel the simmering tension in your stomach, Kuroo pulls the wand away with a smirk, denying you the release you so desperately crave.
It's so attractive how much power they held over you.
"let me take over", sighs Daichi, taking the vibrator from Kuroo and pressing it back to your clit. He leans over your body to get a good look at your face. You're making that expression again, which makes heat prickle up his back. He looks at your open mouth, where your tongue is leaving sloppy trails of saliva, and pushes three fingers into your mouth, getting his fingers ready for you. He thrusts his slick fingers into your tight cunt at an angle that has you seeing stars. He knows your body so exceptionally well; it's as much a blessing as it is a curse. He has the ability to manipulate your body as if it were on puppet strings. As soon as he feels you clench around his thick fingers, he pulls the wand away and stills his hand. You attempt to let out a frustrated shriek, but it comes out as a strangled cry, a noise that makes his cock twitch. He gazes at your hole as it clenches around nothing. Once you catch your breath, he continues thrusting his fingers inside you and switches the angle of his fingers to get as deep as possible, curling them and making you arch your back into him. This time, having entirely regained his energy, Bokuto joins Daichi's assault on your heated, desperate body by licking and flicking at your sensitive nipples. The sensations are overwhelming, and you need release badly. However, it doesn't seem like your boyfriend got the message as, once again, he stops. Your orgasm is ripped from you, and you choke back a sob. This time, you don't shriek or protest. You simply cannot do it. You clench your eyes shut, grit your teeth and let the tears fall. Daichi moans between your legs, clearly pleased with your reactions, and curls his fingers inside you. This time he finally lets you cum, and a strange feeling washes over your body as you gush cum. You sit up the best you can, panting like a bitch in heat, and you finally realise what that feeling was. Daichi is sitting on his knees in front of you, with cum dripping down his chin and onto his chest, and the fluid is sticking his hair to his forehead. You go to apologise to Daichi for squirting on him, but he chuckles and nips at the inside of your thigh with his teeth. Looking up at Kuroo and Bokuto, he gives a satisfied smirk.
"I'm pretty sure I could go all damn night. What about you?" he stands up, pressing his lips to Kuroo's as Bokuto nuzzles his face against yours, whispering praises against your skin to let you know how good you had been and help you come down from an incredibly intense high. You could hear the low moans from Daichi and Kuroo, who were still locked in a deep kiss.
"Can I fuck her? I wanna fuck her pussy so bad," asks Kuroo against his lips. Daichi nods and pulls away, letting Kuroo settle himself between your legs. As soon as the head of his cock breaches your hole, panic rises in your body. As much as you want to continue, your body cannot handle it.
"Orange", you breathe out, and immediately Kuroo pulls out, and Daichi begins to smooth your hair. The room goes oddly silent, waiting for you to speak.
"Tell us what was wrong, baby. Are you hurt?"
"It hurt a little. I just need a break. I don't wanna stop," you say between heavy breaths. They all nod, exchanging glances, and Daichi scoops you up in his arms, pulling you up towards the pillows and cradling you to his chest.
"I'll help her calm down and chill. You keep going, and we'll join when we're ready,” says Daichi. Kuroo has Bokuto on his back and is kissing his neck. You curled into Daichi's chest, letting his heartbeat calm you down. Your previous orgasm was intense, and the aftershocks still linger in your body. Daichi holds a water bottle to your lips, rubbing your back as you drink it. "Such a good girl, you're an absolute angel", he whispers, pressing kisses to your cheek. He helped you catch your breath and cool down.
When your pulse returns to normal, you crawl towards Kuroo and Bokuto. Kuroo’s buried balls deep in Bokuto.
"Can I just watch?" you ask, not yet ready to join them. They nod, and Daichi takes his place at Bokuto's mouth. A strange feeling washes over you, and you feel content like you could watch the scene in front of you forever. You bring your fingers down to rub your clit and tease your hole. You watch Kuroo's forearms tense up, and Daichi's thighs flex as they fuck Bokuto, whose moans are driving you insane. It is stupidly hot to watch this, even though you're watching your boyfriend have sex with someone else. You feel no jealousy whatsoever, just a desperate need to move your fingers faster.
"Princess?" You look up at Kuroo. "Can I have a taste?" His voice is soft- he's still wary of your exhaustion levels- and it spreads warmth throughout your stomach. You nod and crawl over to him. You lean into him a little as he takes your slick, covered fingers in his mouth. He hums at the taste, playing it up a little for Daichi. "your pretty pussy tastes so good, baby" You’re feeling particularly soft and needy right now, and Kuroo seems pretty pleased when you lean up to kiss him. Your kiss with Kuroo is deep and sincere as if he's trying to tell you something. Daichi groans at how pretty you look tangled up in each other, and it comes out as more of a whine. Something in the air has changed, becoming painfully clear to him.
Daichi grins as you crawl over to him, pulling him into an equally emotion-fueled kiss. This feels right. Your hand works its way through Bokuto's hair, giving it a tug which it's obvious he enjoys by the muffled moan he gives around Daichi's cock. Daichi growls into your mouth and begins to thrust harder into Bokuto's throat. You can hear Kuroo throwing praise at Bokuto by the bucket and coaxing him to cum. You decided to do the same with Daichi, knowing he was weak for your voice.
"Please cum. I want you to cum in Bokuto's mouth. Please, Daddy, I love it when you cum" You whimper in his ear as if you're the one he's fucking, and you know you have the effect you want when the hand that isn't occupied by Bokuto's hair wraps around your neck. He pulls you close to his face and is careful not to squeeze.
"Kou, don't swallow," he says to Bokuto as he keeps his rough pace with Bokuto's throat. "You, pretty girl, are gonna bend down to his level and take my cum directly from his mouth since you love my cum so much" The growl of dominance in Daichi's voice is addicting. It makes your stomach do flips. Daichi lets go of your neck and focuses back on his orgasm. Every rut of his hips is accompanied by a muttered curse. "m'cumming", he moans, holding Bokuto's head down on his cock. Daichis arms flex, and his head rolls back, making your stomach flutter. When he pulls out, Kuroo lifts Bokuto slightly so you can crawl beneath him and open your mouth. Bokuto spits a little cum in your mouth and then leans down to slot his lips against yours. You wrap your legs around Bokuto's waist and clutch his hair in your fingers.
"So desperate", murmurs Daichi, who has moved around the bed so he can get a proper view of you and Bokuto swapping his cum between you. You swallow down the cum and give a satisfied grin. Every slam of Kuroo's cock inside Bokuto sends his cock rutting against your slick folds. You whine at the friction. Kuroo moves his hands back to Bokuto's hips, and Bokuto's head drops down to your neck, sucking a mark into the skin. The noises you make every time the head of his cock bumps your clit are swallowed by his mouth as he comes back up to kiss you.
"fuck, you're so pretty", he moans into the kiss. "I'm gonna cum, fuck, I need to cum so bad. Tetsu, please" Bokuto's whines were becoming incomprehensible as he approached his orgasm. His eyes roll to the back of his head, and he shoots ropes of cum all over your bare stomach. It's a beautiful sight in Daichi's mind. Kuroo is pushed over the edge pretty soon after, and he lets out a gorgeous low groan as he empties his balls inside Bokuto. Your body's getting warmer, and the tingly, almost overwhelming sensation is rising. You feel as if you exist on a whole different plane. Bringing this up to Daichi was the best decision you have ever made. You feel Daichi wipe the cum off of your stomach and when he finishes, he swipes his fingers through your sopping pussy.
"You're so fucking wet. You're insatiable, huh?" he chuckles from deep in his throat. "Bokuto lay down."
You crawl on top of Bokuto, hovering your pussy above his thick cock. You line him up and sink on him. His cock stretches you perfectly, and when he bottoms out, you arch into him, burying your face in his neck. You whimper into his skin at how good he felt inside you.
"You ready, baby?" you can feel the lust dripping from Daichi's voice as he pushes a lubed-up finger into your asshole. You moan pathetically as he thrusts another finger in, preparing you for his cock.
"C'mon, Daichi, she's squeezing me so tight. Can't you go any faster?" Bokuto’s trying so hard not to rut his hips up into you. Daichi opens the lube again, squirts a generous amount on his hand, and jerks himself a few times so that he is properly lubed up.
"I'm gonna start now, okay baby?" Daichi gives a small warning before pushing his fat cock past the rim of your tight little asshole. The stretch is foreign but not unwelcome. You're feeling unbelievably full, and he's only halfway in. You try to verbalise the feeling in the pit of your stomach, but you are speechless, unable to produce anything other than whines and broken moans of their names. You weren't sure if you could take them both all the way.
"How you feelin' baby girl?" he asks as he pushes himself three-quarters of the way in. You reach back to claw at him to let him know you were feeling full. It was a silent warning that you couldn't take much more. "easy baby, easy", he cooed, calming you down and rubbing your hips. "Just let me know if it gets too much, okay?"
You nod in response, and your eyes roll back into your head as he pushes the last of his cock inside you. You feel insanely full. It's a new sensation for you. They give you a few moments to adjust in which all three men coo praises at you, letting you know how much of a good girl you are for taking both cocks.
They start to set a decent pace inside you, alternating their thrusts so that you are never empty. Kuroos is not sure he could get any harder, but watching all three of you become desperate, horny little messes has his head swimming. He waits until they set a more comfortable pace, and you get accustomed to the feeling before adding himself to the fray.
"You've got another hole for me to fill, haven't you, princess?" he asks, cocking his head at you. You obediently drop your jaw and waste no time in wrapping your lips around his perfect cock. Kuroo curses as you take him deeper and threads a hand through your hair, opting to pet your head instead of harshly tugging. "such a perfect little mouth."
You're filled up and overwhelmed by the three men inside you. Their combined scents are making you dizzy. It's incredible. You attempt to bob your head on Kuroo's cock, desperate to make him feel good, too, and you receive an appreciative head pat in return. You can't do much else, and your body's busy responding to Daichi and Bokuto. Both men are hitting deep spots inside you, chasing their orgasms as well as yours. Their cocks sliding in and out of you feel like heaven. There's nothing in the world you want more at this moment than to be filled with their cum. Your velvet walls clench and spasm around their cocks, pulling them deeper and alerting them of your impending orgasm. Kuroo's still ridiculously sensitive after fucking Bokuto, and it doesn't take long for the tight constricting muscles of your throat to pull him over the edge. He pulls out of your mouth once he's finished and cups your face in his hands, telling you how pretty you look as you swallow his cum. You really are the prettiest sight he had ever seen.
"I'm gonna cum", you whimper, gripping Kuroo's arm.
"Do it, Baby, please cum for us", whines Bokuto, who's not far behind you. Daichi's grip on your hips is sure to bruise, but you pay it no mind as your body shakes with the sheer force of your orgasm. You feel like you're floating and never want to lose this feeling. Your walls feel impossibly tight as you gush on their cocks, and they both follow immediately after, grunting as they fill you up with their hot cum. They rub at your skin to calm you down, and both men are careful not to move too much.
"You did such a good job for us, baby girl. I'm so proud of you. I love you so much" Daichis the most vocal in calming you down, and when you finally return to this plain of existence, he gently lifts you off of their cocks, shushing and whispering in your ear as you gasp at the sudden empty feeling. He asks Kuroo to get a damp cloth to clean up your mess. Bokuto crawls over and flops down beside you and Daichi. He has a satisfied grin, but looks like he will pass out any minute.
Kuroo returned with two tea towels and handed one to Daichi. He begins to wipe up the mess on your thighs, apologising when he wipes at your sensitive pussy.
"I love you. You're my everything, you know that? I mean it, baby," he hums happily as you bury your face in his neck and let him go ahead and clean you up. "My pretty girl, my angel. You're so perfect. You are truly the best woman I could ask for, and I love to play with you" his voice is soft and comforting. He puts the cloth aside and tilts your head upwards. "Do you need anything?" You shake your head and grab onto him, wanting nothing more than to drift off to sleep shrouded in the warmth of big, sexy, buff men. You cling to Daichi as he settles himself against the pillows, and shortly after, Bokuto's arm wraps around you. You contently drift off to sleep.
Daichi wakes up feeling worn out but satisfied. He stretches and feels you curl further into his side. He loves you so much his heart could burst. He smiles as he looks down at you. You look content and happy. He looks past you to see Bokuto cuddled into your back, spooning you, and his heart skips a beat. He smooths Bokuto's hair, careful not to wake him up. He notices Kuroo's gone and gets up just to check on him. His movement makes you stir and wake up a bit.
"Daichi?" your voice is so tired and small.
"Go back to sleep, baby", he chuckles, kissing your forehead and walking downstairs to see Kuroo making breakfast.
There's a beat of comfortable silence before Kuroo speaks up.
"A line was crossed last night -and I'm
not saying that's a bad thing- but we should talk about it" Daichi nods in agreement, thinking back on how it felt to wake up in the same bed as Bokuto.
"Yeah, last night was more than just sex. Do you want me to wake them up?"
"Nah, I'll get them when I'm finished making breakfast. They need the rest. They'll probably be sore when they get up. Especially Y/N, we exhausted that poor girl.
"Yeah, we should give them some time before we start talking," says Daichi, stretching his arms back. He notices Kuroo staring at him while he stretches. "Don't burn the bacon", he teases, snapping Kuroo's attention away from his chest.
When you appear at the kitchen door in Daichi's shirt with Bokuto in just his boxers, The atmosphere feels peaceful and cosy like this was how it was always supposed to be.
"Thanks, Hot stuff", grins Bokuto, taking a plate of food from Kuroo. You all sit at the table and scarf down your food, as the previous night's activities left you starving.
"How are you?" asks Daichi, raising an eyebrow as you finish your plate.
"Sore and exhausted," you lean back in your chair. All three men look proud of themselves. "But so so good", you add with a satisfied smile.
"Atta girl," smirked Daichi, rubbing your thigh. Bokuto's voice fills the room and causes a somewhat tense silence.
"Are we dating now?"
You look at Daichi, not wanting to admit that the thought of bringing them into your relationship makes you happy. You think about your genuine feelings for them, and Kuroo speaks up.
"I actually wanted to talk about that because I like you, both of you just the same as I like Kou. Last night just really made that clear to me"
You're comforted by the fact that Daichi was smiling. You shyly nod, heat rising in your cheeks. You can't stop a smile of your own from splitting across your face. The others seem to have noticed too because Bokuto rests a hand on your thigh.
"so are we-?"
"Yes," there's a clear answer from everyone. The rest of breakfast is filled with giggling, chatting and date planning. You're quieter, opting to listen to the boys' conversation instead. You're still tired, and you can't quite shake the exhaustion.
"You okay, Princess?" asks Kuroo, "you seem out of it"
"Can we go back to bed? I'm still tired."
thank you for reading! hope you enjoyed :)
comments and reblogs are appreciated ♡
692 notes · View notes
barelegadventureboy · 2 years
Destroyed jeans season.
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13 notes · View notes
Guilty as Sin? — Chapter Seven
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pairing: professor!javier peña x f!reader
rating: series is 18+ only, minors DNI, professor/student dynamic, oral (m!rec}, alcohol consumption, essentially just porn with plot, these two are in LOVE babes
word count: 3.8k
series masterlist
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The restaurant Javi had picked out was attached to the lake resort, a casual steakhouse with balcony seating that overlooked the water. You watched the yellow lights from the resort dance across the soft ripples on the lake a story below in between glances at Javier. He’d chosen a simple navy blue sweater and dark jeans for tonight, a casual and absolutely fucking delicious sight that had you reaching for your wine to quell your thirst. Javier scanned the menu that he held in one hand while intertwining his fingers with yours across the table, the gesture doing little to settle the rapid beat of your heart. 
Beyond the sex—which was certainly the best you’d ever had in your life—there was so much to love about him. He was kind, generous, an active listener, intelligent, and funny when he wanted to be, all put together in a stunningly masculine package that had your thighs squeezing together every time his dark eyes found you staring. 
“What?” he asked, one corner of his mouth tilting up slightly. He brought your joined hands over to his lips, placing a gentle kiss over your knuckles before bringing it back to the table. 
“You’re just very nice to look at,” you said, biting your lip to try and contain your smile. Javier laid his menu down before moving chairs to come sit directly beside you. You leaned into him, resting your chin on his shoulder as you shared your menu with him. “What looks good?”
“You,” he murmured into your ear before giving your temple a sweet kiss. “I’ve been trying to read this damn menu for ten minutes now, but I keep getting distracted.”
“Wonder why.” You shrugged, lowering your hand to his thigh just to feel him tense. 
Javier leaned into your ear again, whispering, “Are you trying to make me lose my mind? Because it’s working.”
You grinned, completely lost in this blissful bubble the two of you had managed to create against all odds. “You know, I’m fine with ordering room service instead.”
Javier leaned back, raising his brow at you. “I was supposed to be giving you your first good date. What happened to that, you seductress?”
“Guess you have a point,” you said, giving him a soft smile as you carded your fingers through his hair.
“I usually do,” he quipped.
“On the other hand…” You smirked, reaching for his hand as it rested on his knee. Sliding his warm palm up your jean clad thigh—you were forced to change after Javi destroyed your tights—you locked eyes with him as you guided his hand between your thighs. “You should know I’m not wearing any underwear.”
Javi let out a soft, lustful sigh at your warmth. He cursed as he leaned in, holding your face in his free hand. You hummed into the kiss, feeling grateful that no one else had chosen to sit out in the brisk early fall air tonight. No, it was just you and him, the stars on the water, and a whole mess of feelings. 
“Fuck, as much as I want to bend you over this table right now, we should probably stop before the waiter catches us,” he mumbled against your lips, sliding his hand away from your center and letting it rest above your knee with a gentle squeeze. He sat back in his chair, lifting the menu back into view while you eyed him with lust drunk eyes. “I can feel you undressing me with your eyes, cariño.”
“I could be undressing you with my hands,” you replied, turning away from him with a smitten grin. “But fine. I guess I’ll just have to pester you with more questions to distract myself.”
“I guess you will,” he said, fighting back a smile. 
“Alright,” you laughed, biting your lip as you watched him study the menu. “How many girlfriends have you had?”
Javier raised a brow at you. “Serious ones?”
“Sure,” you shrugged. 
“One,” he replied. “Through high school until the end of my undergrad degree.” 
“So you’ve been single all this time?” You eyed him suspiciously, giving him a playful side eye. 
“There something wrong with that?” he asked, leaning forward into your space, his gaze locked on your lips. “If I wasn’t single all this time then I never would’ve gotten to meet you.”
“What a line,” you laughed, earning a dimpled smile from Javi. “What happened between you and your ex?”
“She wanted more than what I could give at the time,” he answered, shrugging his shoulders. “I was young and just getting started in the world. She wanted marriage and a family, which I did too, just…not at twenty-three. I tried to do it, though. Proposed and everything, but as the months ticked by, I just…couldn’t. So I called it off, left town, and started my career.”
“Do you ever regret it?” you asked, no judgment to be found in your tone, just genuine curiosity. Javier shook his head, giving your knee a squeeze. 
“No,” he said. “I meant it when I said if my life hadn’t played out this way, I wouldn’t be here. And here is somewhere I really fucking love being.”
You lifted your hand to his chin, pulling him in for another kiss. It seemed like you’d never get tired of this wanting you felt every time you so much as looked at him, let alone when he goes and says shit like that. 
“Alright, are we ready to order?” The waiter appeared out of nowhere, catching the two of you mid-makeout. You pulled away from Javi with a bashful smile, reaching for the menu and choosing the first entree that sounded good. Javier opted to have the same, only switching out your choice of mashed potatoes for a baked potato. 
The waiter left, taking the useless menus with him. “Interesting choice with the baked potato.”
“What?” he chuckled. “They’re the best way to have a potato.”
“Strongly disagree,” you gasped, clutching your non-existent pearls. “Fries are the best, mashed potatoes are second, and a baked potato might come in at like number five.” 
“So this is our first argument,” he laughed. “I’ll let you have this one.”
“And the next, and the one after that,” you added, leaning back into him like a moth drawn to a flame. 
“You can have them all as long as you keep looking at me like that,” he murmured, ghosting his lips over yours. You laughed, pecking his lips while wearing a lovesick smile. “So now that you got to ask—“
“Oh no,” you chuckled, settling back into your seat and bringing your drink up for a sip. 
“How many serious relationships have you had?” 
“One, really,” you said, scrunching your nose at the thought of Micah. “Serial cheater, sometimes called me mommy in bed, all around horrible.”
“Mommy?” Javier snorted as he took a sip of his beer. “Jesus. I’m starting to wonder whether it’s just your generation of men that suck this bad or if you just have really shitty luck.”
“You’re one of one, Javier Peña,” you said. “That’s why I’m hoping to keep you around.”
Javier smiled, taking a long sip from his beer. “Well, I’m not going anywhere.” 
“No?” you asked, grinning against the rim of your wine glass. “Not even if I told you I’ve been known to snore every now and again?”
“Now that changes things,” he said, eyeing you in mock consideration. “I think I’ll learn to live with it. Or I’ll just get some earplugs.”
“Anything I need to be warned about?”
“I smoke and I’m a terrible cook,” he replied. “Also a bit of an insomniac, but it’s not like I’ll be getting any sleep anyways with all your snoring.”
“A match made in heaven,” you mused. “Aside from the forced-to-keep-it-a-secret part.”
“Maybe not for much longer,” he said, nervously glancing at his lap. 
“What do you mean?” you chuckled. 
“I mean…I got a job offer from the DA’s office,” he replied, his eyes bouncing back and forth between yours as he watched you take in this incredibly exciting news. “And I know it’s early, and things aren’t, you know, official with us, but I was already considering quitting teaching before meeting you, and now…”
“And now?” you asked, your voice hardly louder than a whisper. Javier took in a deep, steadying breath and gave you a boyish smile that brought out a dimple. 
“And now all I want to do is find a way for us to be together without all this sneaking around and shit,” he shrugged. “I didn’t want to tell you to put any pressure on you or anything, but regardless of where you and I stand, I think I’m gonna take the offer.”
“When would you start?” you asked, tracing your fingertip along the rim of the glass as you tried to comprehend the fact that this man was willing to switch careers in order to be with you.
It had only taken him two months of knowing you to decide that you were worth that much, even if he didn’t know where the two of you stood. The thought alone was enough to have you ready to hand your heart over.
“After the semester ends,” he replied, his knee bouncing under the table as he continued to study your reaction. “I can’t tell what you’re thinking, so could you put me out of my misery and—“
“Javi, I…” You laughed, shaking your head at the miracle that was Javier Peña. “I’d do this thing in secret for a lifetime as long as it meant I got to do it with you, but the idea of getting to kiss you in public or even just hold your hand…it feels like a dream. So that’s what I’m thinking, that you are a really fucking good dream I don’t want to wake up from.”
Javier leaned in, giving you a kiss. “So I’ll take that to mean you want to do this thing for real?”
You laughed, nodding as you gave his lips another soft peck.
“All of it. Snoring and burnt dinners, included.”
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You clung to Javi’s arm as you made your way out of the restaurant after dinner, tipsy on wine and Javier’s smile. He’d been whispering nothing but filth into your ear since he asked for the check, his lips grazing against the shell of your ear as you walked down the hall to your suite. 
“You’re talking a big game,” you teased, nudging his shoulder with your own. “Maybe I have some plans of my own.”
“Oh?” He raised an eyebrow as he slid the key card out of his pocket. “And what are these plans of yours?”
“Well, to start…I’d like to get you out of these clothes,” you said, biting your lip. 
“That’s doable,” he smirked, turning the handle of the door and swinging it open while keeping his eyes on yours. “Then what, hermosa?”
“Well,” you started, leading him into the room just to turn around and back him against the door as he let it click shut behind him. You slid your hands down his stomach to palm him through his jeans. “You’ve gotten to taste me a few times now, but I still haven’t gotten to taste you.”
Javier groaned, settling his hands on either side of your face as he kissed you. You moaned into it, your hands steady as they undid his belt and unbuttoned his jeans. Javier hissed, breaking the kiss to look down as you took him in your hand and gave him a teasing stroke. 
“Is that what you want, Javi?” you purred, using your free hand to guide his eyes back to yours. Javi looked at you like you held the world in your hands, his brows laced together and lips parted in reverence as you gave him another teasingly slow pump. “You want my lips around—“
Javier cut you off with a groan, settling his hands on your hips as he walked you backwards into the room with his lips devouring your own. You smiled into the kiss, fighting back a laugh as he tripped over your feet, almost sending the two of you onto the carpeted floor. 
“You’re so fucking…” His words trailed off as he let his hands travel up your curves before cupping the weight of your breasts in each. Your laughter faded into a soft gasp as he slid his hands back town to give your ass a squeeze, seemingly unable to decide on what he wanted to worship more. “You’re going to ruin me for all women.”
“Only fair seeing as you’ve ruined me for all men and myself, remember?” Javier laughed, kissing you once before stepping back to shed his clothes. You sat down on the edge of the bed, leaning back on your elbows as you watched him undress. “You’re so nice to look at, Javi.”
He laughed, taking his length in hand and stroking it while you devoured the sight with lust-blown pupils. “You’re gonna make me blush.”
“Looks like you’re already blushing,” you quipped, leaning forward to take over for him, stroking your hand up and down his angry arousal. “Is this all for me, Javi?”
He nodded, licking his lips as he watched you lower yourself to your knees in front of him. He stroked his thumb over your cheek as you stared up at him with an innocent look in your eyes—or, as innocent as you could look while stroking his dick.  “Fuck. You’re so beautiful, baby.”
“Yeah?” You keened at the compliment, a love-starved woman being fed for the first time in years. “Do you think I’ll look as beautiful with my lips wrapped around your cock?”
Javier groaned, his cock twitching at the question. “How about you show me?”
You smiled, pressing a kiss to his reddened tip, the barely there touch causing his stomach to clench. Dragging the tip of your flattened tongue from base to tip, you wrapped your lips around him just far enough to tease before releasing him with a pop. “On the bed.”
Javier raised an eyebrow at you but obeyed, positioning himself on his back in the middle of the giant mattress. “You like being the one in control, hermosa?”
You climbed onto the bed, sitting between his thighs and wrapping your fist around his base. “Sometimes.”
“Then go ahead,” he urged with a smile. “Take control, baby. It’s all yours.”
You smirked, shuffling down to lay on your stomach as you twisted your hand up and down his throbbing cock just to hear him let out a soft hiss. Bringing your lips to his balls, you gave them a suck, your thumb swiping over the precum that leaked from his tip. 
“Fuck,” he moaned, letting his head fall back against the pillow. 
You released his balls with a pop, dragging your tongue up his shaft before taking him in deep until you were kissing your closed fist. You worked in tandem with your strokes, flattening your tongue along the underside of his cock as you bobbed up your head and down. Your spit-slick hand followed your lips with a firm squeeze that had his thighs twitching every time you reached his sensitive head. 
“Shit, cariño,” he hissed, one hand cupping your jaw as he sat up on one elbow to watch you. You stared into those brown eyes that reminded you of warm molasses, relishing in every grunt and groan you pulled from his perfectly bowed lips. 
You could’ve been there for a minute or an hour, a moment or a lifetime, but this thing between the two of you seemed to defy the laws of space and time. You weren’t hiding out in a hotel room counting the minutes until you’d have to return to secrecy. No, you were simply a woman worshiping the man who’d revived your faith in goodness, in love. 
“Baby,” he moaned, brows furrowed and eyes fluttering with every sinful gluck as you swallowed him down your throat. “Baby, shit. H-hold on. I’m gonna come if you don’t stop.“
“I want you to,” you said, your voice hoarse and desperate.
Javier shuddered, nodding his head as he watched you take him back into your mouth, his hands now gripping the sheets as you increased your efforts. “Fuck. Fuck, I’m…fuck.”
You hummed, running your free hand over the expanse of his stomach as you held him in deep, letting him come down your throat. He tasted slightly salty, slightly sweet, and surprisingly addictive. You’d never particularly enjoyed the taste of someone else, but be it love or lust or sheer infatuation, you really fucking enjoyed Javi’s. 
“Baby, fuck,” he rasped, running his hand over your hair as you cleaned his sensitive cock with your tongue, making a show of it. “Come up here so I can kiss those fucking lips.”
“But…I just—“
“Do I look like I give a fuck about that?” he asked, a rhetorical question given the raise of his eyebrow as he stared you down. “Come here, hermosa.”
You crawled up his body, leaving kisses up his stomach, chest, and neck before hesitantly ghosting your lips over his. “You’re sure it’s not gross?”
“Do you think it’s gross to kiss me after I eat your pussy?” he asked, placing a feather light kiss against your lips. 
“No, I think it’s hot,” you replied, your voice a husky whisper. 
“Mmhm,” he hummed, lifting his hand to rest on the curve of your jaw. “Dame un beso.” 
You smiled, letting out a soft laugh as you leaned in to kiss him exactly how he wanted it. Deep, slow, and so fucking sexy you couldn’t help but grind your panty-covered core against his softened length. 
“You’re too clothed,” he murmured against your lips, his hands sliding down to your ass to palm you through your jeans. 
“Mm,” you hummed, kissing your way down his neck. “I’m busy.”
“Doing what?” he asked, reaching between your thighs to put some pressure on your clit as you rocked against his hand. 
“Leaving my mark,” you moaned, sucking on the soft skin where his shoulder met his neck. Low enough to hide beneath a collar during class, but high enough to give you glimpses of it when you got him alone. 
Javier hissed, rolling you onto your back. You laughed, combing your fingers through his hair as he unbuttoned your jeans and peeled them off your legs. He stared at the wet spot on your panties, his tongue swiping across his bottom lip. “Now I get to leave a few marks.”
“But I need to shower,” you said, coaxing his eyes back to yours. 
“Am I invited?” he asked, hiking up the hem of your sweater to place soft kisses across your stomach. Something about him worshiping the part that brought you the most insecurity was so healing, especially after a relationship full of cruel criticism of your body. 
“You’re always invited,” you replied, trying to calm the pounding in your chest. 
“Alright,” he said, sitting back onto his knees. “I can leave my mark in the shower and then come back and do it again in this bed. And then in my bed, in your bed, in any fucking room I can get you alone in.”
“I’ll be covered in hickeys, then,” you laughed. 
“I’ll only leave them where you and I can see,” he promised. “And only when you want me to.”
“You’re a dream,” you mused, pulling him back down for another kiss that would haunt your memories long after you died. 
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“How are we gonna do this once we go back tomorrow?” you asked, tracing your initials across his bare chest as you laid in the darkness with him. He’s just devoted an hour to getting you to climax after climax, the shower you took earlier only acting as a prelude to what he had planned for the bed. “Once I’m back to being your student, I mean.”
“We’ll have to be discreet,” he said, shifting to lay on his side, his elbow propping up his head. “But besides that…it’s just a normal relationship.”
“Except people in normal relationships can go out and not worry about being seen together,” you countered with a half-smile. 
It wasn’t that you cared about going out or anything like that, but there was a gnawing insecurity that perhaps over time Javi would grow tired of the sneaking around and look for someone who he could have a normal life with, one that didn’t involve this much careful planning. 
“It’s only for a few more months,” he assured, stroking his hand up and down your side. “Until then, we’ll just have to find ways to entertain ourselves while we hole up together. I already have a few ideas.”
“I bet I can guess exactly what kind of ideas are floating around up there,” you said, lightly tapping your finger against his temple. Javier moved to nip at your finger, earning a laugh. 
“I was actually talking about showing you my Lego collection,” he returned with a smirk. “I just got the Death Star. Kind of a big deal.”
“You’re serious, aren’t you?” You giggled as he nodded. 
“Dead serious,” he replied with a laugh. “It’s a good way to busy the mind, or at least that’s what I’m telling myself.”
“Does your mind need busying?” His smile faded into something more somber. 
“Sometimes,” he confessed. “I saw a lot of stuff with the DEA, and sometimes the memories come back with a vengeance. Instead of chainsmoking and whoring around like I used to do, I choose to block out those memories with building the fucking Death Star. Healthy, right?
You gave him an empathetic smile, relating to the sadness in his eyes that he tried to cover up with humor. You, too, had a lot of memories to avoid touching, although they likely didn’t hold a candle to the shit he must’ve dealt with. Nevertheless, like calls to like. “I think it’s very healthy, actually. So healthy, in fact, that you’ve convinced me to join you. So it’s too late to take back your invitation, basically.”
Javier laughed, a bit of light fighting back against the darkness in his eyes as he leaned in to give you a chaste kiss. 
“I…” He stopped himself, shaking his head as he stared into your eyes. “Nevermind.”
“What?” you laughed. 
“I just…I almost said something I have no business saying,” he shrugged. “The kind of thing that’s supposed to take longer than this to feel, so I’ll wait, but…I feel it.” 
You knew the feeling well, the four letter word dancing on the tip of your tongue all night. But it was too soon for that, too soon for confessions as heavy as the one that weighed on your heart. You were falling in love with him, quickly and helplessly and without thinking of what it would feel like when you finally hit the ground. 
“Me too,” you said instead.
For now, it would have to be enough.
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jessmaybank · 1 year
Meddle About - Rafe Cameron
(based on the song Meddle About by Chase Atlantic)
Outer banks x chase Atlantic masterlist
Pairing(s): Rafe Cameron x fem! Reader
Word count: 1.7k
Summary: a collection of the readers sinful encounters with Rafe, as they both slowly fall in love with each other through sex.
Warnings: mention of drugs, SMUT, oral (both f&m receiving), unprotected sex, hair pulling, nipple play, fingering.
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Well, come and get it now
Come and get it now
Baby, show me what your doing
Come and turn around
‘Cause it’s not just a figure of speech
You got me down on my knees
It’s getting harder to breathe out
Beautiful sins, like beautiful things, are the privilege of the rich. Some think human beings can't see anything in this world without wanting to destroy it. Rafe argued that statement to be true as he peered at her from across the room, observing how the hem of her summer dress rode up as she crossed one leg over the other. He definitely wanted to destroy her.
From the moment his lustrous electric blue orbs fixated on her, the rest of the party at tanny hill was seemingly invisible. His audacious self just knew he had to have her, and his jeans began to tighten at the thought.
It had taken him all of twenty minutes to lure her into his bedroom, her innocent aura proving to be a fraud as she began to tremble under his touch. An alluring moan left her lips as Rafe’s tongue found her clit, mouth agape and eyebrows furrowed.
He was on his knees in front of her, swirling his tongue over her bundle of nerves harshly as she sat on the edge of his bed, manicured nails gripping into his cotton sheets. His crimson red lips were coated with her arousal, and to him, she tasted like heaven. His pupils were so blown out you would of thought he was on coke.
Her breath hitched in her throat, struggling to breathe as she bucked her hips to meet his tongue. Her dainty hands entangled themselves within his dirty blonde hair, the unorganised knots on his scalp a symbol of his frantic thoughts as his head was buried between her thighs.
We only met each other just the other day
But you already got me feeling some type of way
Now, if I could figure it out
I’d take you back to my house
So we could meddle about
She gasps as he pins her against the wall in the hallway of the island club, his aggressive tactics a reflection of his darkest desires. Rafe lifts his arms to either side of her head, cornering her in, as if he was scared she would bolt at any given moment.
But she never would. Leaving was the last thing on her mind as she grew infatuated with the lust painted within his eyes, engrossed in everything Rafe Cameron. She innocently licked her lips as she gazed up at him through her eyelashes, and Rafe swore she was hell-bent on testing his self control.
“Rafe” she says, her angelic tone causing an abrupt wave of frustration to swarm his insides. His name had never sounded so pretty until now.
“I can’t get the taste of you out of my head” he says, his breathing unorganised as he recalls his sinful actions last week. His enchanting scent of vanilla and whiskey engulfed her, and she lazily brought her hand up to his belt, pressing their bodies closer together.
This time, they found themselves tangled in the sheets within her bedroom, the evening light painting her vivacious figure in the most delectable way as she sat on all fours, face scrunched into her pillow as he pounded into her from behind.
Rafe grabbed a fistful of her velvety hair, wrapping his ring clad fingers around the strands, determined to fuck her as deep as he could. Her back arched into the most divine angle as he lifted her head, a thin layer of sweat glistening on her skin.
“Your pussy is addictive” he says, his zealous thrusts becoming sloppy as the pleasure overwhelms him. She couldn’t even bring herself to respond, too wrapped up in how full she felt as he fucked her into a euphoric oblivion.
We could meddle about
We could meddle about
We could meddle about
She didn’t know how it happened, completely bewildered by his seductive tactics. When the party started, she was with her girls, adamant on having fun with her friends. But currently, she found herself straddling Rafe’s lap in the corner of the room, somewhat hidden from the party goers around them.
The faint fog of weed smoke blurred their vision as they bore into each others eyes. She took in his distinct chiseled features, a crooked smile playing on his lips as he did the same, admiring her appearance.
“I can’t get over how beautiful you are” Rafe says, his husky voice making her cheeks blush with a faint redness. He lifts one of his arms from their place on her hips, bringing it up to stroke the soft skin of her cheek. Being with her made Rafe feel inferior and superhuman all at the same time, and it was unfamiliar feeling.
“Yeah?” She asks, moving her hips to grind against his shorts ever so subtly, but he picked up on it. She sucked her bottom lip in, biting on the skin with a blissful but amused look on her face.
To the random stranger, you would think she was an innocent and timid girl, her fragrant citrus perfume giving off nothing but purity. Only Rafe knew different, and he adored the fact that she kept her sins hidden from everyone but him.
His eyes travel down to the bottom of her dress, watching her hips squirm on top of him. She could feel him harden beneath her, and her pussy started to ache with desire.
“As pretty as you are…” he starts, bringing his ocean blue eyes back up to meet hers.
“If you don’t want me to fuck you, right here, in front of everyone, I suggest you behave” he says lowly, before grabbing either side of her hips and grinding her clothed pussy against his erection.
Her lips parted at the sensation, and she had a revelation.
“I can never behave myself around you, Rafe”
Girl just scream it out
Tell me that your thinking
No, I wanna see you undress now
I wanna hear you confess now
“Fuck, you take it so well” he says, watching as she retracts her bruised lips from the tip of his cock, replacing her mouth with her hand as she pumps him vigorously.
Her mascara was smudged halfway down her cheeks, her eyes drizzled with tears as she peered up at him, fluttering her eyelashes. His mouth hung open as he stroked her hair, the comforting gesture making her even more eager to please him.
The faint sound of water running could be heard in the distance, but they both drowned it out. They were supposed to get in the shower, late for a party, but they never made it, seemingly distracted by each other.
She took him in her mouth once again, hollowing her cheeks to fit him all in. Rafe threw his head back in pleasure, small groans leaving his lips as he bucked his hips into her, the sounds of her choking muffled by his cock.
Her hair was a mess, but that’s exactly how he liked it. Her clean persona becoming nothing more than a facade as soon as she stepped into his bedroom.
“Shit, I’m ganna cum” he says, his voice horse as his climax gets closer. His soft strokes on her hair become harsh pulls as he bucks his hips once again, bottoming out in her mouth, before hot cum spills out of him. She swallowed it all, like she always did, and wiped her glossy mouth with her finger to swallow whatever excess was left around her mouth.
Rafe cups her face in his hands, and she rises off of her knees, standing up to face him. He’s still breathing heavy, the image of his bare chest rising and falling a beautiful picture to her.
“We should probably get in the shower now” she says, turning her head to the bathroom door, not forgetting that the water is still running. It’s a good thing the Cameron’s have money, otherwise she would of felt bad for wasting their water.
He nods his head gently, an indication of his exhaustion, but a small smile still frames his lips. He lifts his fingers to her shoulders, pushing the straps of her dress so the material falls, bunching on her waist. She always wore dresses around him, a prevalent need for her to give him access to her body.
His fingers gently trace over her bare breasts, pinching her hardened nipples ever so slightly. A blissful look creeps up on her face as she warms under his touch, a small whimper spilling out of her.
His hands snake down to her waist, pushing her dress down her legs and onto the floor. She steps out of the thin cotton, and let’s him guide her into the bathroom.
Rafe takes his time washing her in the shower, smothering her sun kissed skin in his favourite body wash, happy he has another excuse to explore her body.
“I have a confession to make” he says, resting his hands on her lower back, their faces just inches away from each other.
“Then confess, Cameron” she says, a smirk gracing her wet lips.
“You drive me fucking crazy. In a good way” he says, letting out a small chuckle. Her heart beams at he speaks, a gentle adrenaline fluttering in her chest.
“I want you, all of you. I want you to be mine” he says, bringing one hand down to squeeze her ass. She gasps, lips parting as she registers his words.
He makes it difficult for her to concentrate, bringing two fingers down to her pussy, running them through her slick folds before pushing them inside of her. She moans as she presses her forehead to his, arm reaching to the shower wall so she could stable herself.
“Then I’m yours” she says, eyes lidded as she submits herself to the man she’s only just realised she’s fallen in love with.
We only met each other just the other day
But you already got me feeling some type of way
Now if I could figure it out
I'd take you back to my house
So we could meddle about
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whatever-imagines · 1 month
Fem! Butch! Wolverine x fem! Reader
Tags: No use of y/n; some mention of Origins, Scott and reader are low key besties; repressed EVERYONE; drinking; lemme know what I missed; the fan art and everything has got me.
Did you know Logan can be a girls name? That’s why it’s unchanged.
Rated: T
“Watch it, bub.” Was the first thing she ever said to you; growled out and annoyed, wearing clothes that weren’t hers, barefoot stomping through the halls of the mansion to follow Professor Xavier to the infirmary.
You were just in the way. The stranger was already irritated by the looks of things and you were too dumbstruck on how handsome you thought she looked to get out of the way in enough time. The proximity, the raspiness of her voice, it made your breath hitched and you stared unblinkingly at her retreating form and you knew; you were fucked.
You were told by a calm Scott that her name was Logan. He had put a comforting hand on your shoulder, mistaking your sudden infatuation for fear or discomfort. Scott tells you they found her after a fight with another mutant the team had been hunting down and found her, rapidly healing and unconscious next to the corpse of the dangerous mutant they were looking for. So they brought her to the mansion, to study her and ask questions.
You hear about the fights Logan has with Scott all the time, and how she always flirts with Jean and Ororo, you see her wander the halls in the school portion of the mansion, and you always give her a wide berth. Half because, in a sense, she does intimidate you; she has a powerful mutation and fierce attitude, she could easily destroy you in any kind of fight. And the other reason you avoid her is-
“Jesus, watch it, squirt!”
“I’m so sorry!” You breath out, leaning down to gather the papers that went flying after you literally ran into Logan. They were mission reports that Scott’s been demanding to see, and in your haste to bring them to the team leader, you ran into the school’s resident loner.
You steadfastly refuse to make eye contact, focusing solely on picking up the papers that were spilled. You could feel the intense brown eyes of the other woman bearing down at you, but still you refuse to look up as you sputter apologies. you felt like you could cry from how embarrassed you were but you kept a stiff upper lip.
This is why you avoid her. For this exact reason.
You don’t have an impressive mutation, a very mild healing one that only extends to saving cuts and scraps; and you spent most of that time with your mutation healing yourself because you were so clumsy. What an embarrassment to your kind, you often think. Compared to Logan, you have no real use to the team; you don’t even go out to fight, you just help organize the paperwork and manage the little things so everyone can focus on keeping others safe and bettering themselves. You’re not nearly as impressive as the woman before you.
Once most of the papers are collected, a pair of brown cowboy boots enter your field of vision, and the clearing of a throat makes you slowly raise your gaze up to Logan, the fearsome Wolverine.
At this angle, she looked gorgeous, and curious.
“I’ve seen you around.” She drawls lazily, whatever bite she had earlier gone. “You’re Scott’s secretary.”
You wince in slight annoyance. “I’m the team’s assistant. I just-“ you gesture to the papers around you. “I handle the boring stuff. Help out when I’m needed.” Grabbing the last paper you awkwardly stand up. “Heal scraped knees and alike.”
Her large hand shoots out and grabs your shoulder to steady your wobbling self. Her hand was burning hot, and you could almost feel the callouses from years of fighting and doing god knows what through the cardigan you wore. You swore you felt your stomach literally flip at the contact.
She gave you a weird look, like she couldn’t believe you were this helpless. You quickly schooled your flustered expression and made some excuse up, how Scott would be more annoying if you put off giving him these papers any longer, and you scuttle down the hall, regretfully leaving the warm hand of Logan behind.
Scott also gave you a questioning look when you slammed the door to his room shut after all but running to where he was.
“… you okay, pal?” He asked, half bemused but you could tell by his tone he was ready to be serious if needed.
You sigh, and throw the paper files at him. He caught them easily. “I’m fine I’m just-“ you sigh again. “I’m just a mess.”
The third time Logan speaks to you, it’s when you’re sneaking back into the mansion after a lukewarm date. It’s not like it was a secret, but still the only people you told were the Professor, so you could get permission to leave, and Ororo, who helped you get ready while you panicked.
You quietly meander into the kitchen, just to grab a soda in the dark, when the light suddenly gets flicked on.
“You look nice.” A raspy drawl says, surprising you so bad you slam the fridge door shut.
Your head snaps to the source of the sound, and there you see Logan, face half obscured in shadows.
“Oh!” You gasp. “Thank you…” you tamper off, half ready to explain yourself but deciding it better to keep your trap shut.
The Wolverine’s head cocks sideways before speaking again. “Any particular reason for the get up?” It felt more like a question in an interrogation.
You swallow thickly, suddenly feeling very self conscious. “I had a date.”
Finally pushing herself from the wall, Logan makes her way to where you stand. “Oh?” she inquires. there’s something in her eyes that make your stomach swoop but you couldn’t put a name to it. It almost looks like jealousy, but that wouldn’t make any sense in this situation. She just must be angry you got to leave the mansion and she’s still on probation. “Have fun with him?”
The insulation leaves a bitter taste in your mouth.
“She was quite boring actually.” You gently correct, pulling the tab off your soda can to open it. “An accountant or something. Kept telling me all the formulas she knew.” You mumble, bringing the drink to your lips and ignoring the way Logan’s eye bore into you.
“… don’t like the studious type?” She asks, tone playful but in the edge of something.
You’re sure to stew on your answer for a second, for whatever reason it feels like you should reply carefully. “I like reliable but not dull, if that makes sense.”
She digest your words, her eyes still staring, and you still ignoring the stare.
“You don’t look at me a lot.” Her sentence was quick and only added tension to the air. “Everyone stares-“ a hand grasps your shoulder and forces you to face her; her brown eyes leering at you, dry lips pressed into a thin line, the width of her nose scrunching slightly in irritation- “… except you.”
There’s a beat of silence. You can hear the fridge thrum with electricity, your heart thrum with anxiety.
“… it’s rude to stare.” Is all you can offer.
Logan snorts, amused or angry you don’t know, but her hot hand lets go of your shoulder and she heavily steps away.
“Smart-ass.” She chuckles, and disappears back into the shadow, the should have the keys she wears on her belt jingling away with her departure.
You breathe out slowly to calm your nerves, and sip your soda.
It’s a party; a celebration of surviving another year at the school. Your anniversary. Scott makes it a big deal for you every year, as it’s his anniversary too, you and a handful of others.
“Xavier’s First Class Alumni” the banner proudly proclaims. You smile wistfully at it, happy to be where you are now but pushing the memory of how you got here out of your mind.
The cages, endless rows of cages. Scientists and doctors constantly doing rounds and taking samples like you were a computer giving off results instead of a person made of flesh and blood. There was a fight outside, something tremulous, but you had passed out from blood loss easily in the first few minutes of the commotion. You awoke to Scott cradling you as carrying you onto some extraordinary aircraft where a bald man awaited with a patient smile.
Scott was blinded by an impressive mask for safety then, not even he could tell you what had happened. Only a few who went on the ship stay with the professor, at the school. Many went back home to their families; but you stayed. And nobody could really recall how exactly they were all freed from Three Mile Island.
You’re leaning against a wall in the basement as the streamers hand low in the pulsing light of the party, deep bass music playing loudly enough to drown out most thought but not wake the children upstairs. You look to your left to see Scott and Jean laughing merrily with Kurt and Ororo and you smile.
The scent of musk fills your senses. You’re warm, incredibly warm, and the pressure of another weight against your right side. You quickly look to see Wolverine staring down at you, a beer bottle in her hand resting against her leg and the other arm propping herself over you against the wall.
“Enjoying the party?” She rasps, the bottle coming to her lips for a swig.
You watch carefully as the amber liquid passes into her mouth and she swallows, and you lick your bottom lip without realizing it.
She watches it though.
“It’s a fun thing for everyone.” You settle on saying.
She scoffs. “So you were one of the originals? Chuck’s first students?”
You shrug. “It was infinitely better than where I was.” Her bushy eyebrow quirked up in interest but you soldier on. “I’m very grateful to Professor Xavier for all he’s done to keep us safe.”
She rolls her eyes, a touch of a wild smile teases the corner of her mouth; Logan seems to be in an arguing mood and couldn’t get to Scott, so she settled on you.
“Safe, sure. Cooped up and all.” She bemoans.
And for the first time since you’ve encountered Logan, you’re… irritated with her. You pout and cross your arms, not unlike a child.
“Xavier’s done endless things to make everything better for us here.” You argue.
Your sudden passion seems to intrigue Logan. She straightens up more, once again reminding you of how small you exactly are compared to her. “How so, princess?” She growls out.
The tone was sardonic but you filed the nick name away to fantasize about later.
“Well, no one’s gabbed a needle into me without my consent since I got here 15 years ago, so that’s one thing.” You spit out, annoyed.
Logan’s face contorts ever so slightly, suddenly closed off but still watching you raptly.
“I haven’t had to hear direct death threats from everyone around me; I get to see future generations of mutats learn and grow-“ you gasp to continue your rant. “and be raised in a safe enviro-“
The singular word was delivered almost bashfully, if Logan could do anything bashful. She still staring down at you, hand in her pocket, next to her keys. The beer bottle taps her thigh absently.
No one was watching you, everyone wrapped up in their own bubbles and conversations. You vaguely hear the limbo song start playing.
You uncross your arms and tuck your chin down. “I’m sorry.” You usher out quickly.
“I got heated and I’m sorry.” You reiterate, a little more purpose behind your words.
Logan keeps staring at you, waiting. And your mouth just keeps moving.
“Everyone sees this day as a great day because the Professor found us, but to me it’s always gonna mark the day the experiments stopped. It means that something awful happened to me and it ended but it still happened and…” you trail off, one arm crossing your body to curl into yourself.
“… I know something about being experimented on.” Logan gravely states. “I’m sorry for pissing you off.” She amends.
You look up at her again, and nod. “Thanks.” You timidly respond.
She nods back.
Scott calls to you and you turn to look at him. He gestures for you to come over, and when you look back at Logan to say goodbye, she was already gone.
Logan was gone for about a week after that. When she came back, everyone acted like she never left at all.
You still give her room; she’s complained before about the others “suffocating” her. But now she enters your space.
She sits as close to you as she can turn team meeting while you take the notes. She’s always in the halls you frequently use as short cuts. She always has to talk to Xavier right after you and you constantly bump into her as you leave his office.
And she always says the same thing.
“Hey, princess.”
It almost makes you crumble sometimes. But you straighten yourself out mentally and greet her back politely, and quickly rush away in fear you might make a fool of yourself again.
It eventually comes to head at some point. You mention to Ororo that you might try dating again. Maybe sign up for an online dating service if you could find a queer friendly one on the deep web. Sometime later that same day you get cornered by Wolverine.
She had just came back from a bike ride; hair wild and leather jacket over jean jacket over a men’s blue button down shirt over wife beater. Jeans still wet from the snow outside along the bottom, boot a darker color than normal.
“Lemme buy you a drink.” She says, so seriously and quickly you almost misunderstood her.
The proximity of her throws you off, you’re in some corridor not far from the garage. “I’m sorry?”
“Let. Me. Buy. You. A. Drink.” She reiterates, enunciating each word clearly enough you could identify the trace amount of her northern accent. Her arm glides up and once again she leans over you, her shadow casted on your form.
“… why?”
Her other hand comes up to your face and, with a gentleness you would not associate with the Wolverine, carefully holds your cheek in her palm, thumb on your bottom lip.
“I like your face. Lemme buy you a drink.” She asks again.
Your stomach swoops again, your ears burns with affection and you’re biting your cheek so hard as not to squeak in victory you taste copper in your mouth.
She sags minutely, as if in relief.
“Thanks, princess.”
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mypoisonedvine · 2 months
If you’re not taking multiple requests from people ignore this but you choose: soul comforting levels of Burt fluff, or soul destroying I am Not In A Good Place and I want Joby Taylor to Wreck Me smut. Or stepping on Riddly Boi.
all of these are great options but I'm in the most fucked up mood and I need joby carnally holy shit
warnings: 18+ ONLY!!!, some dubcon elements, hatesex, choking, dumbification, pretty hardcore degradation, semi-public sex, overstimulation/forced orgasm, hair pulling, unwanted creampie, just fucknastiness and toxic as hell dynamics with a touch of angst at the end
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"Where'd all that attitude go, huh? What about all that stuff about how you couldn't fucking stand me, how you never wanted to see me again?"
"Shut up," you hissed, "just shut up and fuck me, please--"
He shook his head, you could feel it against the crook of your neck, and curled his fingers a little more inside you; you whimpered, arching your back up off the dirty wall of the dirty backroom of this dirty bar. Everything about this was dirty, but you didn't care: the muffled, mediocre rock music coming in through the cracks in the door; the sticky floor under your boots; the smell of liquor and cigarettes and rain and desperation.
This was what you craved. This was what you deserved. This was what you always came back to.
"Please," you gasped again, rocking your hips against his hand. He pushed his fingers deeper until you felt one of his rings inside you-- he must've known what that would do to you.
"M'not gonna fuck you yet," he decided, "not until you beg for it."
"Fuck you," you groaned, but to punish you for your insolence he stopped moving his fingers.
You didn't realize how desperate you were, how much you were not in the mood to be trifled with, until he did that. But it fucking pissed you off-- and in a moment of rage you shoved him away roughly, enough to knock him off balance and force his hand out of your panties.
"Don't fucking taunt me, Joby!" you warned him. "I'm not in the mood for that shit."
"Don't fucking push me," he returned with a snarl, pinning you to the wall. "Jesus, you're such a bitch."
"Whatever," you decided as you started to writhe out of his grasp, "fuck this, I'm leaving."
"Like fuck you are," he spat grabbing you and pulling you back towards him, ignoring your yelp of pain. "You wanna play rough? Fine."
This time when he shoved you into the wall again, it was face-first; you barely turned your head in time to keep your nose from getting squished, but he didn't care, he was too busy roughly yanking your panties down to your knees.
His body pressed against yours, keeping you trapped as he quickly opened his belt and jeans. Spitting into his hand and smearing it over his cock, he forced his cock into you in one brutal thrust. When you whimpered in pain and surprise, trying to reach back to push his hip and stop him from going any deeper, he growled and grabbed your hands to pin you to the wall completely. "This is what you fucking wanted," he reminded you, snapping his hips and burying himself into you completely. "This is what you asked me for-- you wanted to get fucked, right?"
He was ruthless as soon as he started moving, of course; hard, fast thrusts that kept knocking you into the wall as you whined.
"You know better, baby," he cooed, lips nearly pressed against your ear as he spoke, hot breaths fanning your skin. "You know this is what you get, what did you expect? You didn't think I was going to be nice, did you?"
Obviously you didn't-- you don't drag Joby Taylor back behind the bar because you want to be treated nice. But as your body finally adjusted to him, you sighed a little and your head fell back because it did feel nice, in its own way.
"This is what you wanted, isn't it?" he pressed. "Say it."
"I-- I wanted..." you mumbled, struggling to form a sentence at all. "I, uh-- fuck-- I wanted you..."
You felt his smile against your ear, and then his teeth against your neck. "You can barely talk already," he noticed.
But you don't drag Joby Taylor behind the bar because you want to talk, either.
"This is what you needed, huh?" he realized. "Needed to be fucked right so you don't have to think anymore. You always get so stupid when my cock is in you."
He must have noticed the way you clenched inside, your needy gasp when he insulted you like that.
"You like being my stupid slut?"
You managed to nod, at least-- that was probably the best he was going to get out of you for a while.
"You want me to choke you, don't you?"
You nodded again, but his hand was already around your neck.
Technically, you were the only thing that went silent in that moment-- but the static that filled your brain made it seem like everything was muffled when he did that. He only did it for a few seconds at first, just enough time to really focus on the sound of his hips slapping against your ass; your moan was weak and desperate when he gave you air again.
He knew what you could take. Even more than that, he knew what you needed. The next time he pressed his fingers down, he didn't let up until your vision was almost black and the tips of your fingers started to tingle.
Then, when he let go, you made the most desperate and pathetic. "Oh shit," he hissed encouragingly, "you're close, huh? You love it so much, Jesus. About to cream all over me just cause I choked you-- fuckin' filthy."
He cut off your next moan halfway through-- he pushed you even further that time, until you almost tried to struggle even if you barely had the power to, and when he let go you sobbed out his name. You would've been so ashamed to say his name like that just a few minutes ago, but that was back when you had a shred of dignity.
You didn't even have to say anything when you came, you just let out a wavering moan and felt your legs quiver, and he knew. "There it is," he growled proudly. "You always come so fast when I treat you like shit, don't you? What a dumb fucking whore."
Limp and helpless, you melted into it-- you were ready to go blank, be numb, just let the ecstasy carry you until he was done. Joby had other ideas, though.
His arm wrapped around you and his fingers quickly found your clit; as soon as he pressed them against it, rubbing fast circles, you jolted and tried to reach down for his hand.
"N-no, I can't," you began weakly.
"I need one more," he demanded, but it was too much; you whined loudly, shaking and shuddering and trying to jerk your hips away somehow, but obviously you were trapped. Even if the pressure on your clit wasn't enough to make you struggle like this, he was still fucking into you... it was impossibly overwhelming.
"I can't, I can't," you sobbed-- there were already tears in your eyes just from the sensation. "Joby-- fuck!"
"Shh, shh," he tried to soothe you, "somebody's gonna hear if you scream like that."
"Please," you begged-- for relief, for mercy, for just a second to breathe.
"Somebody's gonna fucking hear you," he warned again, much less sweetly than before. And when you still didn't listen to his implied instruction-- because, of course, you were already being as quiet as you could with him putting you through so much-- he found a way to shut you up.
Choking you again, he rubbed on your clit even harder, even faster-- and you were incapable of screaming, but it's what you would've done. It was brutal and raw and almost painful, but you did come again: a sharp, tugging sort of orgasm that he wrenched out of you so aggressively. And the way he never let go of your neck, keeping your pulse suppressed, only seemed to heighten it even more. Your vision went white and you shook uncontrollably for a few moments as the peak of it really hit you.
"Oh my god, oh my god," he praised through his teeth as he fucked you through it. "Shit, baby, feel how tight you're fuckin' squeezing me? Fuuuck..."
You barely registered his words, of course; you had no brain power for any of that. You were hardly even conscious, actually.
"Gonna fuckin' come inside you," he announced, "gonna fill this little cunt-- fuck, fuck--!"
His hand was still tight on your neck, so you couldn't tell him to stop-- you reached back and weakly tried to physically stop him, as if that was ever possible, but he hardly even noticed. It was too late anyways, he was already moaning lowly and slowing his thrusts down as his cock flexed inside you.
He pushed it to the last second, letting go of your neck only when he was finished, as he relaxed behind you and dropped his head back with a deep groan of satisfaction. You still made the most inhuman sound when you had air again, obviously... you choked on your own gasp for oxygen, you sobbed helplessly, you moaned pathetically-- all at once, somehow.
But you still had enough lucidity to kick him away, forcing him out of you a little sooner than he expected. "What the fuck!" you yelped at him, though it didn't sound especially confident when you were still catching your breath.
"What?" he wondered, still looking pretty out of it.
"You came in me?!" you noticed, reaching down and touching your hole to find not only plenty of cum leaking out of you but more soreness than you expected which made you wince. "Aw, dude..." you whined in annoyance.
"Was I supposed to pull out?" he mumbled.
"Obviously!" you shouted.
"Hey, you didn't say anything!" he noticed defensively.
"I couldn't fucking breathe," you recalled.
"You didn't say anything before," he clarified, "how the fuck am I supposed to know--?"
"'Cause you always pull out!"
"Whatever, I'll buy you a pill," he promised, "it's not a big deal."
"I can buy my own pill," you rolled your eyes, quickly pulling your panties back up and your dress back down before you reached for the door.
"You're seriously just gonna leave?" he frowned.
"Yeah, what the fuck else are we gonna do-- cuddle?" you mocked.
"Fine, Jesus, just go then," he decided with a scoff.
And so even though you were still sore and leaking and your knees were still weak and bruises were forming on your neck, you walked out the door and slammed it behind you, shoving your way through the crowded bar and back outside. Though you weren't really sure why, you wiped another tear off your cheek.
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roanniom · 2 years
Asking virgin eddie if you can blow him
Is That a Serious Question?
Virgin!Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+ ONLY, blow job
"I'm sorry, I might have destroyed my ear drums after years of absolutely shredding it on guitar - what did you say to me?"
You and Eddie are standing in the tiny kitchen of your even tinier apartment. You'd invited him back to your place for a night cap after several weeks of hanging out with him through the go between of your mutual friend Robin. You'd been pretty certain when he'd accepted the invitation - coming at the tail end of a pretty tame night out with the gang - that he understood what you'd been implying. So you push your glass aside and lean over your counter towards him, giving him your most sultry smile.
"I asked if I can blow you, handsome."
Eddie's eyes are wide as saucers and you're pretty sure if he grips his glass of whiskey any harder he will certainly shatter it. To avoid that bloody outcome you reach out and pry his fingers off the glass, moving it also to the side and using your grip on his hand to pull him around to your side of the counter.
"C'mon. I felt how hard you were when we were dancing earlier. You can't tell me you're not into me," you say with a playful smirk.
Your casual confidence floors him. Not that he's surprised you're confident. That's precisely what drew him to you in the first place. But the fact that you seem to be aiming that confidence in the direction of pursuing him? That is something he can't fathom.
"I...I'm not sure...I mean if you want, I don't know..."
You start laughing at his stuttering, not unkindly, reaching up to smooth your hand over his upper arm soothingly.
"I promise I don't bite," you tease, giving him a wink. When he doesn't relax the tension laying siege on his body, you chuckle, less certain. "When was the last time someone gave you a blow job? It can't have been that long."
"Try never, princess," Eddie says with a forced chuckle. You go rigid for a split second. Only a split second. And then you give him an easy smile.
"Eddie. Do you want me to put my mouth on your cock?"
Eddie short circuits. He looks at you with half dead eyes that register almost no emotion before his cheeks set aflame, blushing all the way down his neck and, you assume, across his entire chest.
"I...yes. Yes I want that."
Without further preamble, you drop to your knees. Entirely unceremoniously. Right there in your kitchen. Eddie lets out a gasp and reaches down to you, stopping short of touching you in an awkward attempt to keep space even as you begin to unbuckle his belt.
"What?! Right....here? The tile is like....hard and stuff!"
His concern for your comfort is touching and it swoops your stomach in a pleasant way that makes you want to make him cum immediately. You smile up at him.
"You're cute. You know that, Munson?"
Eddie blushes even harder. Completely unsure of what to do in this situation where you seem totally at ease in the face of his anxiety.
You pop open his button and unzip his jeans, giving his boxer-clad cock room to spring up, extending from his body impatiently and clearly ready to be tended to. Yanking his boxers down under his balls, you tsk at the sight of his leaking, angry red cock.
"You poor thing. How long have you been like this?" you ask, reaching and taking him in your hand. His eyelids flutter shut at the feeling of your palm moving up and down the length of his shaft, something he's only felt from himself before.
"I...oh fuck. I got hard the second you said hi at the bar today, princess."
The honesty makes your smile widen. He looks down at you with hooded eyes when he feels the wet expanse of your tongue press to his mushroom head. You lick up the pre-cum that's collected there and Eddie's knees almost buckle. His hands shoot to the counter, gripping at the edge like he's on the side of a cliff about to fall. It's your intention to push him all the way over.
"Fucking shit," Eddie grits through his teeth, looking down at you almost entirely wrecked already with your tongue swirling around the head of his cock and your fist loosely closed around the shaft.
"Feels good, handsome?" you ask, leaving his cock mashed against your bottom lip as you speak. Based on his words and reactions you've pretty much gathered by this point that he has little to no experience. But that's fine. More for you.
"Is that a serious fucking question?" Eddie asks you, sounding absolutely pained. You laugh and lick a stripe up the underside of his cock and he practically convulses.
"So I guess the answer is yes," you tease. One of Eddie's hands drops to the top of your head. Only gripping gently, but the weight of it spurs you on. You take him fully into your mouth and bob once, twice, three times.
"Are you kidding me?!" Eddie moans out. You anchor your hands on his thighs and get to work sucking on his cock. His fingers tug harsher at your hair in response to the fresh experience of having his soul sucked out through his dick, but you don't mind. It only informs and motivates you. Dropping fully so that your nose nestles in the hair at the base of his member, you let his cock move into the tightened space of your throat. When you gag, Eddie practically shout.
"Oh my fucking - fuck!"
Only seconds later Eddie lets out a shuddering groan that is your only indication that he is going to cum, which he does almost immediately after. The salty spend shoots down your throat and you accept it willingly, swallowing till his balls finish seizing and he's practically gasping for air.
When you finally pull off him, like you're done sucking on a lollipop, your face is devious and thoroughly, thoroughly pleased.
"How was that for you, handsome?"
Eddie pulls you roughly up from the floor and into his arms.
"Again with the stupid questions," he says breathlessly before pulling you in for the most lascivious kiss of your life.
Just adding space so Tumblr can delete this if it wants to instead of the actual writing lol
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