#destiny winters
gaffney · 2 years
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If you need me, I'm here.
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emisirrelevant · 2 years
Hello I am back again with yet another Big Shot meme. This time I figured out how to add pictures. Enjoy.
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queerwomentv · 2 years
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Big Shot | Carolyn & Harper (2x03)
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cyansadness · 2 years
Look What You Made Me Do
So this is a part two to @swifteforeverandalways fic 'Better Man'. Read that first to get context for this fic and also because it's amazing. TW for referenced rape by coercion. Also I reference the movie 'Luckiest Girl Alive'. It's on Netflix and a good movie. The subject matter and some of the scenes are really graphic and unsettling so proceed with caution when watching it.
Tag Squad: @swifteforeverandalways
It was a normal Saturday night. The Sirens, Emma, and Louise were all at Louise’s condo watching a movie. Ava and Louise were on one end of the couch while Destiny and Mouse  were on the other end. Samantha and Emma were in the two chairs that were turned around to watch the movie while Kate was on the floor in front of the couch. There were a bunch of blankets and pillows around the living room, accompanied by snacks.
They were watching Luckiest Girl Alive. Mouse chose it because the others wouldn’t stop arguing over what to watch. She said Harper had read the novel and recommended the movie. 
Mouse had mentioned that there were some rape scenes that were pretty graphic. Louise grabbed Ava’s hand when she felt her freeze up for a second. “Sounds interesting. Let’s do this.” Ava said, squeezing Louise’s hand. 
They were about a half hour in when the first scene started. The tension grew thicker as the scene continued. Louise held Ava’s hand and wrapped her arm around her when Ava started to lean against her.
Ava was tense. Her body was as stiff as a board, her eyes never leaving the screen. Flashbacks of certain events from the last year crept up on her. She let Louise’s touch keep her grounded. ‘Just keep breathing,’ That mantra kept repeating itself in her head. 
The movie continued on, Ava’s resolve crumbled little by little. By the last few scenes, her hands were trembling and she kept wiping her eyes to get rid of the tears. 
Finally the movie finished and the credits started rolling. “I’ll be right back.” She muttered softly as she stood up and went upstairs. Louise immediately followed her.
Ava opened the door to Louise’s room, trying to hold back her tears. Louise came in right behind her and quietly shut the door. Ava turned around and just looked at Louise, tears welling up in her eyes. Louise just hugged her, holding her close as Ava sobbed into her shoulder.
“I didn’t say no. Why didn’t I say no?” Ava cried as Louise led them to sit on her bed. “Because he made you feel like you couldn’t. This isn’t your fault babe. None of this is your fault.” Louise explained, holding Ava’s face in her hands. 
“I shouldn’t be crying about this. It’s been a year.” Ava moved away from Louise, angrily wiping away her tears. “Ava, he raped you..” Louise started before she was angrily cut off by Ava who had stood up from the bed. “Stop saying that. Stop treating me like I’m some victim. I’m not.” Ava shouted, gripping on Louise’s vanity chair for support.
“It’s been a year, I should be over this.” Ava mumbled under her breath. “There’s no timeline when recovering from something like this.” Louise said gently. “I just feel so horrible. Should I have told someone? Should I have fought harder? What did I need to do so it wouldn’t feel this awful?” Ava asked, voice growing desperate.
“Ava, he is a horrible person. He got what was coming to him.” Louise said, going to stand closer to Ava. “No, not just that. I want him to hurt like he hurt me. I want to make him feel powerless like he made me feel.” Ava said, gripping the seat in front of her. 
“Does that make me a bad person?” Ava looked at Louise directly and Louise could almost see every little emotion going through her head. “No, I think it makes you human.” Louise answered, walking in front of Ava to hold her hands. 
They would have continued talking until they heard voices from the other side of the door. Ava’s eyes widened as Louise went to open her bedroom door. Emma, Mouse, Destiny, Samantha, and Kate came toppling down over each other. 
“How much of that did you hear?” Louise asked seriously as she looked at Ava’s terrified face. “Not much.” “All of it.” “Mouse.” Voices rang out as the five talked over each other. “Okay, quiet.” Louise raised her voice, promptly shutting everybody up.
“Nick raped you Ava?” Mouse asked, concern washed over her face. “Yeah, he did.” Ava looked down at her shoes, wrapping her arms around her middle. Samantha went over to Ava and hugged her. One by one, the girls had joined, turning it into a giant group hug.
They all separated and had made themselves comfortable in Louise’s room. “Why didn’t you tell us?” Emma asked. “When you’re homeschooled, you don’t learn the difference between consent and coercion. Which really fucks with you when your boyfriend basically manipulates you into sleeping with him.” Ava laughed bitterly, playing with the rug on the floor.
“So how are we getting this asshole back?” Destiny asked. “What?” The group was confused. “That waste of oxygen hurt our teammate, our captain. He isn’t going to get away with it. So what are we doing?” Destiny asked, looking at the group.
“You guys would really get in trouble for me?” Ava asked, looking around the group. The team all nodded their heads. “Mess with one of us, mess with all of us.” Destiny said. “Let’s do this.”
~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip brought to you by my hyper fixation~~~~~~~~~~~
“Are we really about to do this?” Samantha asked, nerves flowing out of her. “Yes, we are.” Kate said. “There it is, that’s his truck.”Ava pointed out. The team, dressed in all black and hoodies with the hoods up, ran to the car.
“Ready?” Louise, who is still the leader of the group even though Ava is captain now, asked. All the girls voiced their agreement. Louise nodded before opening her bag to get the supplies.
She pulled out spray paint, eggs, pocket knives, and a crowbar. “Pick your poisons.” Ava smirked. Ava reached for the spray paint, Louise grabbed the crowbar, Kate, Destiny, and Emma grabbed the knives, and Mouse and Samantha grabbed the eggs.
Kate, Destiny, and Emma used the knives to slash Nick’s tires. The hissing as the tires deflated brought a smile to Ava’s face. Mouse and Samantha start chucking eggs at his car, erupting into giggles with Ava shushing them. Emma used her knife to scratch up the passenger door.
 As soon as they had done their job, they stepped back. With a devious smirk on her lips, she used the crowbar to smash windows. Broken glass fell to the floor and into the car’s interior. She finished the car door windows and the back window before stopping. The smile never left Louise’s face. 
“Your turn babe.” She turned to Ava who was already shaking the paint can. She uncapped it before starting to write something on the hood. When she finished, she stepped back to smile at her work. Rapist, written in red spray paint stood clear as day against the light gray truck. 
She handed the can to Louise who then gave her the crowbar. Ava gripped the crowbar so tight that her knuckles turned white. She hit the dashboard over and over again, letting her anger seep out as she destroyed the glass. 
When there was nothing left, she dropped the crowbar as she breathed heavily. Louise grabbed the bar and stuffed it in the bag with the other supplies. “You did great, Aves.” She whispered, intertwining their hands. Louise started to pull Ava away. 
The Sirens ran back to Louise’s car. As soon as they were all seated, they bursted out into laughter. “I can’t believe we just did that.” Emma said. “Mess with one of us, deal with all of us.” Mouse said. “Thank you guys for doing this, really.” Ava smiled at her friends. Sometimes she wondered if she made the right decision, not going back to the tour. This moment, laughing in her girlfriend’s car with her friends after they put themselves on the line to get payback on a guy who wronged her, shows her that she made the right choice. 
~~~~~~Second time skip brought to you by the lack of Lava fics in this fandom~~~~~~
It was Monday morning and the girls were still talking about the prank. Someone had posted Nick’s reaction on Instagram and it went viral. Ava felt good. She paid him pay but something in her gut was telling her that it wasn’t over. 
They had walked into practice to find Korn and Holly talking quietly in the gym. “Starters, my office now.” Korn ordered, pointing towards the door. The girls cringed as they walked towards the office. As they walked into the office, they saw Nick and Louise in the office, glaring at each other. The tension was so thick, you needed a saw to cut it.
“Girls, please sit down.” Holly said, pointing to the chairs in front of Korn’s desks. Ava sat next to Louise and the rest of the girls made sure to put as much space between Nick and Ava. “Girls, we need to talk to you about an incident that happened Saturday night.” Holly started as soon as Korn entered and shut the door.
“Incident? Coach, they destroyed my car.” Nick yelled out in outrage. “We did not.” Destiny yelled. Soon, everyone started yelling over each other. “Everybody shut up.” Korn shouted, effectively shutting everybody up. 
“Girls, did you do this?” Korn looked at his team. “No, we didn’t” Louise spoke for everyone, her voice was calm and collected. “We were at my house, watching movies all night.” She explained. “Girls, you do have a history of dangerous pranks. This is a big deal. Nick is considering pressing charges.” Holly said to the girls, all of their eyes widening in realization. 
“Girls, if you just tell the truth, we can come to an agreement.” Holly tried to reason. “No agreement, they tell the truth and then I press charges.” Nick said, fury in every inch of his voice. “Do it.” Ava spoke up, surprising everyone. “Then we can explain to the court why rapist is the only word on your car.” Ava glared at him, ignoring how Holly and Korn’s faces contorted into ones of confusion and slight anger.
“You never said no.” Nick snarked. “I sure as hell never said yes.” Ava shot right back. Nick didn’t respond. “You press the vandalism charges, I will press charges for statutory rape. I was 16, remember?” Ava stood up, staring him down with a wicked smile. “Let’s see which holds up in court.” Ava smiled before sitting down. 
The room was quiet, everyone trying to process everything that just happened. “Okay, Nick, get the hell out of my office. I don’t give a damn about your car. Just get out.” Korn shouted. Nick stood up and left, angry and a little scared. As soon as he was gone, Ava let her shoulders sag as she slumped in her chair. 
“Ava, why did you tell us what Nick did?” Holly asked gently. “I didn’t know any better. I didn’t want my mom to find out. It was easier to just not talk about it.” Ava explained. “Do you want to press charges?” Korn asked. Ava shook her head no. “Wait, why not?” Louise asked, also confused. “Because I don’t want my senior year to be tainted by a case I won’t win. I got my closure when I broke his dashboard” Ava smiled at that last part.
“Well, I canceled practice because I thought this would take longer. Go enjoy your last day with Louise before she goes back to LA.” Korn said, basically kicking them out of the office. They said their goodbyes before heading back to the locker to change. As the others were entering, Louise held Ava back. “Hey, I’m proud of you. Not everybody has the guts to threaten their rapist. I’m glad one of those people is my girlfriend.” Louise smiled as she pulled Ava into a kiss.
The kiss was sweet and soft before Ava pulled away. “And it was also very hot.” Louise whispered in Ava’s ear.  “Now go and get changed so we can get gelato.” Louise basically pushed Ava towards the door. Not all stories end with a happily ever after. This one isn’t the exception but it’s pretty damn close.
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delicatefalice · 2 years
they’re just like me
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thelilylav · 23 days
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"I have to! She's my best friend!"
On Apple and Briar and their slowly dissolving friendship.
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revilladies · 1 year
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Bela Dimitrescu | Resident Evil Village (2021)
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residentevilnet · 1 year
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Resident Evil VIII: Village (2021)
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destinysbounty · 1 year
Yall ever think about how Zane is a seer with prophetic dreams of the future, but he's also a robot with memory problems who struggles to maintain his sense of self? Like. He's condemned to see a future he cannot prevent, yet cursed to long for a past he cannot recall. His dreams are filled with the vestiges of tragedies yet to come, but never the tragedies he wishes he could remember. Do you think he ever used to get disappointed when he'd have prophetic dreams, upset that it was another vision of the future but not of the past he so desperately wished to understand?
Anyway I'm gonna start biting people
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“A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.” ― Ingrid Bergman
To My Star 2
My Secret Love
Destiny Seeker
You're My Sky
A Boss And A Babe
Our Skyy 2 - The Eclipse
Fish Upon The Sky
Cherry Blossoms After Winter
Love Bill
Our Skyy 2 - Star In My Mind
1000 little kisses (1/?) as part of my favorite bl-tropes collection, in no particular order.
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There are people out there who genuinely think that the Starks aren’t thematically linked to ice in a way that is meaningful and central to the story? What?? I mean, never mind that they’re characterized as exclusively living in a frozen land, it is said that a Stark who goes south of the Neck melts. It’s not like their ancestral sword is called Ice. It’s not like they rule a castle called Winterfell. It’s not like their house words are “Winter is coming”. It’s not like their banner is a direwolf (a creature that is now synonymous with the snowy north) running on what is described as either snow or an ice-white background. It’s not like they are consistently characterized with having icy or cold demeanors to the point of it being a house trait (e.g., Benjen, Ned, Jon). It’s not like they ruled thousands of years as Kings of Winter. It’s not like the Starks, the wolves, are said to be uniquely suited to surviving winter. It’s not like a big part of their house legacy and how they even came to be is the construction of a giant ice Wall. It’s not like a key historical event in the last couple centuries is the Pact of Ice (Stark) and Fire (Targaryen). Apparently none of that matters 🙄 It’s so disingenuous to claim that any house with First Men blood would take on the role of ice. No, that’s a special characteristic given to the STARKS, and their connection with ice and winter and snow has thematic relevance.
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emisirrelevant · 1 year
Farewell, Big Shot
Well, hello everyone- though this is mostly directed to other fans of this show. So, I recently found out that the show Big Shot on Disney Plus was cancelled. It took me a few days to digest the news.
To be honest, I'm still processing it. I just feel like- ugh, I don't know if I'll be able to explain it with words. I'm disappointed. I'm actually not super angry- only the tiniest bit, but more sad overall.
I'm sad because I'll never see more of this show again. I'm sad that it's yet another show that won't get to continue. I'm sad that I will never get to see this team of girls together anymore.
I may have to stop soon or I might actually get too depressed thinking about it.
This show was one of those shows I just gave a chance on, but it turned out to be one of my absolute comfort shows.
And it hurts when your comfort show has been taken away. I'm just really sad. I really am going to miss the show so so much.
As for reasons to why it was cancelled, I did try to look that up and most of what I could find is that it was just a mix of Disney stuff. Personally, I just don't get why they always have to drop the shows no one is watching. I mean, I guess for marketing purposes I can acknowledge it.
But WHY? Why does TV only have to care about ratings and how many views they get? Hopefully someday this kind of thing is able to end. Because I personally think it's wild that someone sacrifices continuing a show for the sake of views.
If the creators, directors, producers, WHATEVER, started to really LISTEN to their fans, and take into account that there ARE actually people saying "this show means so much to me" or "the message and story of this show has inspired me" then wouldn't that make a HUGE difference?
Sigh. Anyway, I know I'm only just one fandom nerd in the world and no one will read this, but I will use my voice here. Because THIS is what I believe in.
Alright, I kind of diverted from Big Shot, but I'll turn back to it now, sorry.
What I am going to miss the most is definitely the team. The Westbrook Sirens are going to be missed every damn day by me. Just seeing each character's dynamics with each other was one of the best parts of this show. All the girls had GREAT dynamics with each other.
And to the actresses, I really hope they have successful futures after this because they deserve it.
I'm just going to miss it all so much.
We'll get to never continue so many interesting storylines.
We'll never know if Olive would have ever come back to visit.
We'll never know more about Destiny's situation with her mother, aunt, or father. Or if she ends up with Trevor and that's eternally canon.
We'll never know if Louise comes back to visit the rest of the team. We don't know if she'll be with Nick- although I personally headcanon that as a NO (because Louise x Ava endgame)
We'll never get to see more of Mouse and Harper. This one hurts especially. DAMN YOU DISNEY!!! (In my headcanon, they're still dating after they graduate high school)
We'll never get to see what it's like for Ava being able to stay in California with the rest of the team. (Sara Echeagaray was ROBBED)
We won't get to see Samantha and Ava doing the peer support group together.
We won't ever see more Emma and Maryvn father-daughter moments.
And the most frustrating thing- WE'LL NEVER GET TO SEE MORE OF KATE!!!! KATE WAS ROBBED TOO. KATE NEVER GOT A LAST NAME. The only thing we got about her was that she moved from Australia.
We really could have had so much more.
Okay, I'm going to go now before I end up making this longer than necessary, or start getting super sad about this all.
Thank you, Big Shot. I'm glad I decided to give you a chance. This may be the end of the game for now, but I know I'm gonna see the Westbrook Siren girlies go on to do even better things. I'm really going to miss this show. Disney, you really had a hidden gem with this one. Goodbye, Big Shot.
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absolutebl · 4 months
Hii do you have any recommendations for bl that’s similar to Bad Buddy, My School President, and Semantic Error? Idk I’m looking for something fluffy, but with some angst for flavor (also potentially school setting but it doesn’t have to be). Anyways thank you so much!! 💟💟
10 Fluffy Yet Angsty BLs + School Setting (By Request Rec List)
Examples: Bad Buddy, My School President, Semantic Error
Interesting selection. I added the "school setting" to keep me tailored down. Let's see what we got.
You'll never guess how we are gonna start...
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Did ya guess?
Seven Days
Japan 2015 - grey
Never doubt my ability to recommend this show. One of the best live action yaois ever made, with perfectly structured angst, fantastic characters and acting, and no problematic tropes (rare in Japanese BL). The leads have excellent chemistry although it’s low heat there’s still some really cute mutual kisses.
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I Cannot Reach You
AKA Kimi ni wa Todokanai
Japan 2023 - Netflix
This classic friends-to-lovers BL is everything Japan does best. Angsty. Emo. Aching. Driven by real thirst. Yamato is deeply in love with his childhood bestie, Kakeru, and has been for ages, unable to hide his ungainly damaging high school need. He wants Kakeru in every way possible and it oozes off of the screen. Kakeru is silly and a little simple, but not frenetic or overly camp about it. He is earnest, and genuinely wants to keep Yamato in his life which means giving a romance (and gayness) a fair chance. We watch him realize his affection and what form it can take in a truly authentic way. This show was impossibly kind to both of its lead characters and I felt almost honored that I got to watch something so lovely and rare play out on my screen. Full review.
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Light On Me
Korea 2021 Viki
Korea does an elegant pastiche of traditional live action yaoi but all tropes are cleverly deployed to bolster one of the most riveting love triangles ever put on screen… and I don’t like love triangles. LoM strategically tailors classic BL tropes to 2 different semes resulting in pristine pacing, plot, and character development, explicitly serving narrative (not just to tick boxes). LoM is a master class in this trope drops. (If you write fanfic or romance you should study this show.) Full review.
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Cherry Blossoms After Winter
Korea 2022 Viki
Korea took on early Japanese sweet yaoi but gave it their signature softness and precise production with a STUNNING color palette (beautiful pastels, sun-saturated over-exposure), manga framg style, some traditional BL character archetypes, that tiny edge of bullying roughness and out-of-control seme, plus FINALLY a palatable take on the stepbrothers trope and it was, in a word, classic. Sophisticated and understated CBAW is not slow, it’s just subtle. It's dream-like and atmospheric, as if the whole thing took place under cold water on a warm spring day. Is there plot or peril? Not really. Do we care? Also, not really. Look, I can’t help it, I’m old school and so is this show. I grew up reading sweet yaoi, and this was THAT YAOI just on my screen. There’s no objectivity with me and this show. It’s a beautiful pastiche and I loved it for how it made me feel and what it remded me of. It’s not flawless, but it is a wonderful experience. Full review.
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Takara-kun and Amagi-kun
Japan 2022 Gaga and Viki
I gnawed on my knuckles and squealed a lot with this show. Reserved cool kid who must learn to communicate to keep the tiny disaster nugget he’s madly in love with. It is beyond charmg: soft and gentle, packed with cuteness and high school angst, thirst, & yearning. Was there plot? Not really. Was it emotionally tense and paced well enough for me not to notice? Absolutely. Did I enjoy the hell out of it? Oh yes. Full review.
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Korea 2022 - iQIYI
It’s a tiny bit dark and a tiny bit bittersweet, almost too honest to a university experience and first love for BL, but if you want your md ever-so-slightly messed with and your intimacy hellishly sweet, this BL will do it for you in a coldly distant manner, while bitch slapping you with self worth issues. I wasn’t into it at first, but the leads are solid and by ep 5 it got really good, becomg a narrative about self discovery meets understanding and accepting others people’s flaws without hurting them. Ultimately we witnessed two characters maturing because of each other and their mutual affection, without that affection becomg the conflict point. Instead, tension was built around other aspects of identity, popularity, and self-worth. While production values were a touch lower than usual for Korea, Bluemg included decent kisses and other forms of intimacy and a satisfying ending plus there’s judicious and very elegant use of tropes, this is a great BL. Full review.
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About Youth
Taiwan 2022 - Gaga
A truly lovely little coming of age high school BL with a classic YA low drama but high angst and an earnest depth. I didn’t even mind the singing, and that’s saying a lot. A weak seme/uke dynamic but tons of BL tropes (both rare in a high school setting but common for Taiwan) makes this one feel both sweet and colored by real world authenticity and grit. Full review.
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My Love Mix Up
AKA Kieta Hatsukoi
Japan 2021 - Viki
Completely adorable absolute chaos bi disaster muffin falls accidentally and utterly in love with his classmate, hijinx and friendship result. What’s great about this BL is that it deals with things like homophobia, asexuality, and one sided affection in an extremely gentle and palatable way. Perhaps sometimes too subtle, but I believe this is a great show for younger audiences, particularly if you want to spark conversations about identity, sexuality, authority, truthfulness, and consent. Oh and it’s funny.
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The Eclipse
Thai 2022 - YouTube
GMMTV does gay Blacklist with a good boy/bad boy pairing. This is a good show but the cast is excellent and the leads are absolutely flawless, which elevates it beyond just good. We got a nuanced and multifaceted burgeoning relationship: philosophical (and socio-political) conflict contrasted to moments of empathy; flirtation contrasted to moments of genuine affection, plus plenty of angst. This narrative is less about love than it is about courage and tenderness. However, near the end the pacing was off and the plot frustrating. Still, this is an enjoyable watch, with a finale that features verbal consent and a fun blooper reel.
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Destiny Seeker
Thai 2023 - WeTV
Frankly this probubly ranks along side most of hte runners up, but it's chronically under watched so I wanted to give it a special shout out.
A darn near perfect pulp featuring 3 likable grumpy/sunshine pairings with uncomplicated iterations of enemies to lovers. At least one half of each does a decent amount of pining and there’s good chemistry, classic tropes, and communication rep. It’s fun and full of linguistic jokes. Sublimely cheesy but a good rainy day offering with tons of rewatch potential. Full review.
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Honorable mention
These satisfy your criteria but I jsut personally like the above 10 better. And you did ask me, still OPTIONS!
2gether & Still 2gether
A Breeze of Love
Between Us
Dark Blue Kiss (+ Kiss Me Again - PeteKao Cut)
Hidden Agenda
Love By Chance
Love Class
Love Class 2
Star in My Mind
Theory of Love
Why R U? Thailand
Why R U? Korea
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inbarfink · 1 year
Important Status Update on the State of Simon’s Undies
Simon changed out of the Trauma Robes at the first chance he found, swapping his clothes out with a Snowman Scarecrow.
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(Dang, Simon is so happy to be out of these robes it temporarily cured his Wizard Eyes)
But I highly doubt the people of Farmworld put underpants on scarecrows. Simon finally had pants again, but he is still going commando under there for the whole episode.
However, I have no reason to assume the clothes Simon got in the next episode, supplied by the Winter King (and seem to be just the Winter King's old pre-Crown outfit that he doesn't want anymore), shouldn't also include underpants.
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I mean, I guess I wouldn’t put him past him but he was deliberately trying to endear himself to our Simon and I think he would probably want undies so…..
Yeah, I think it's most likely that this is the moment - it took approximately one and a half episodes for Simon to put on underwear again!
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sunrise-imagines · 1 year
hey!! who do you write for in fionna and cake??
That’s a good question! Currently I’m writing for:
• Adult Finn (Main Universe)
• Farmworld Finn
• Fionna
• Simon
• Marshall Lee
• Gary Prince
• Hunter
• Winter King
• Candy Queen
• Prismo
• Scarab
• Marceline (Main Universe)
• Marceline (Vampireworld)
• Princess Bubblegum (Main Universe)
• Bonnie (Vampireworld)
• Martin Mertens (Vampireworld)
• Huntress (Vampire World)
• Huntress Wizard (Main Universe)
• Hana Abadeer
• Betty Grof
• Whatever that dude based on Lord Monochromicorn is called idfk
• Jay Mertens
• Little Destiny
• Baby Finn
• Jake the Dog
• Cake the Cat
That’s all the ones I can think of right now, if there’s a character you want me to write that’s not on this list just send me an ask and I’ll let you know if I’m willing to try writing for them or not! Thanks for asking!
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horrorofgames · 1 year
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