#desiring dreams
logophilist1982 · 2 months
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Cottagecore aesthetic
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The Endless siblings and Dream being the stylish bitch he is:
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Meanwhile his consort:
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edlucavalden · 2 months
Oh my god.. this post was cooking i had to..
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matheoxs · 2 months
The quickest way to manifest anything
Have a desire (e.g. a PS5), decide you have the PS5 in the 4D, and boom it's done.
Now, the 3D shows the opposite? Take a pause and think - you literally just decided that you have the PS5 a few minutes ago, right? So what are you going to do? Remind yourself that you already have the PS5. That's why they say "remind yourself", because you have it, not to get it. What are you trying to get if you've already decided you have the PS5?
That's what they meant by persisting - not persisting to get it, but persisting that it's done, no matter what your 3D shows you. And if you want to look for proof, go look in the 4D why? because it's the only reality.
the way I see the 3D I see it as a copy cat it copies everything
"but how do we change self?"
by changing your imagination...
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bet-on-me-13 · 10 months
Death, Destruction, and Danny
(disclaimer: I have the barest bones idea of what the Endless are or their personalities, so this is just a quick blub of something I thought of at Work)
So! The JLA have just had an encounter with a member of the Endless, and called in Constantine to explain what exactly they are.
"Okay, so it's like this. Before Existence, before The Universe itself, the Personification of Time had a group of Children. These Children each Represent an Aspect of the Universe, and they are as Immortal as Immortal can get." Constantine explained.
"These children are called the Endless. They are, Dream, Destiny, Despair, Desire, Delirium, Destruction, Death, and Danny."
"Oh yeah, Danny's a cool guy. He was adopted later on by Time Itself, and he represents Balance. But that's not a word that starts with D so he just goes by his Mortal Name, Danny, to fit in."
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densewentz · 1 year
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Family Dinner Theater
Sandman Inktober Day 19 (dolls/puppets) gets to see Desire having some fun at Dream's expense 💕
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salemlunaa · 3 months
remove all that weight off your shoulders ᥫ᭡
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For those using the void to shift to their perfect life and losing motivation I wanted to give you an idea: I want you to try for the void, but not with the intention of manifesting anything, just do it as a form of relaxation and meditation. You can enter the void and I know that you can. But putting the void on a pedestal is what keeps you from it, you may be denying those claims and think you don’t hold the void to such a high standard. But wait, wait, wait, lemme tell you something:
the void is an amazing way to manifest, everyone knows that, it’s 10000% guaranteed that you will get all that you wish for in the void, you can change your genetics, the structure of your face, heal sickness, have as much money as you want with just one trip to the void. And it seems to good to be true, it’s a golden ticket for you to do ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING you want. And knowing that you have many desires to fulfil in the void and you have unknowingly put a lot of weight on your shoulders as you feel like you need to enter the void to get all that you want.
That pressure isn’t healthy which is why i recommend going to the void just for relaxation purposes at first, tell your brain that you aren’t worried about your dreams for now and just want to try the void as a normal, standard meditation. With the pressure out the window you are guaranteed the void.
You can remember your desires in the void and be like “hold up, lemme cook” or you may feel so taken aback and in awe that you could just sit in the void for some minutes and eventually snap out of it. And that’s okay, because you can use that void experience to fuel your confidence on the void in general. And you can use that confidence that you got from going in to simply relax, take that confidence and get to the void a second time for your desires.
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kayshasiemens · 3 months
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Rising from the dead to share this painting and then disappear again
I have spent over 90 hours of my life on this thing because I have had the brain rot for the last 2 years of my life (almost 20 if you count when I first read the comics) and it had to express itself somehow
Hope this dramatic bitch feels appreciated
(A Dream of Morpheus, handmade egg tempera on panel, 12x18 inches...if by any chance you'll be at SDCC or Gen Con, I'll be at booth 934/936 at the first one and Art Show #13 at the second one - come see the original, maybe get a print, or just yell/cry about Sandman with me?)
And here, have some more details - I had fun combining some favorite elements from both the comic and the show ♡
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awhkacey · 1 year
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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Sublime Equine.
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valorascult · 1 year
★ Scripting your new life ★
~ these are a few ideas for scripting your new life / making your manifestation boards ~
Financial / Business :
Income you want to make
The title you would like to acquire
Where are you working
A business you'd like to start
What do you wear to work
Relationships :
The type of lover you wish to attract
Types of friends you'd love to be around
Lessons you'd like to share with others
How many children do you want
How do you show your love to others
What characteristics does your ideal s/o have
Health :
What are your health goals in the next 6m / year
What is your ideal body type
Health habits you would like to start
What are you eating to stay fit
How does your new body feel
Personal :
How does your new room look
Books you would like to read
Places your new self will visit
A problem you would like to solve
How do you dress every day
Where do you live
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writing-for-life · 5 months
The Endless Are Not Their Opposite--They Only Define It
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I read quite often, on here and elsewhere, that the Endless are also their opposite (@tickldpnk8 and I were just talking about an interesting thread on Reddit), so I just decided to speed-complete this one and get it out of my drafts before it dies in there (so not as much in-depth as originally planned, but sometimes, you just need to run with it 🤣).
The Endless are not their opposite. They define it. It’s a (in my mind, and I’d love to hear what you think) massive difference. And they define their opposite by their absence. If they truly were their opposite, it would give very different meaning to canon, and if we were to do so, a lot of it wouldn't make sense in my view.
Dream is not also reality. He defines it. He is, and forever will be, unreality. It is his absence that defines reality. A dream that becomes real isn't a dream anymore--it's real. That’s the main reason why pulling the ship into reality in Overture weakens him. If he were reality, he could have just snapped his fingers and make it happen. If he were reality, a lot of his problems wouldn't be... well, problems. The fact he is (a) D/dream is pretty much why all his relationships are doomed to fail. Dreams don't last. Dreams are forever strange and can't be truly known.
Delirium is not also sanity/clarity. She defines it through her absence. And when she pulls herself together like in Brief Lives, it hurts her "muchly". It is immeasurable pain for her because it is what she is not and cannot be for any extended period of time without hurting herself.
Despair is not also hope. She defines it via her absence. As long as you hope, you don’t despair. If Despair were also hope, we would not have 6 issues of Overture very clearly showing us who and what H/hope is. If Despair were also hope, we wouldn't need a little girl called Hope reach out her hand and touch Dream—he would have a sister who could do it. But the only time Despair shows up for him, so to speak, is after he killed Orpheus—make of that what you will.
Death is not also life. She defines it. The fact that she is there at your beginning does not mean she is the one who gives you life. She is there so you will remember her, always (and especially when she takes your hand), hence you will cherish life. She does not directly give life to immortals either--they are immortal because of her absence, because she withholds her gift, like she does with Orpheus and Hob (the Eblis-situation has nothing to do with anything in my mind and is linked to a funeral rite, and we are clearly told it is not something she usually does [“it’s been so long”], or is remotely comfortable doing. It is just that she is the Endless that is most life-adjacent and hence the one who will have to do it. Just like Dream is the most reality-adjacent and hence the one who has to pull the ship).
Destruction is not also creation. He defines it. He is what gives us the blank slate, he is what makes creation possible, he is what starts the cycle and ends it, but he is not creation himself. Keeping on destroying makes creation impossible. There needs to be a pause, a break for creation to come to fruition—the absence of destruction. If he were also creation, he wouldn't create so badly (to the extent that it is canonically turned into a running gag), and being around him and seeking him out wouldn't be an issue. But it is.
Desire is not also hatred (I’m still not sure if hatred is really the opposite of desire, but I’ll run with it because that’s what Gaiman chose). They define it via their absence. You know how Dream doesn’t want Desire in his life anymore after one major spat (whether he had reason to or overreacted isn’t really the issue). And what feelings are often left in the absence of Desire? And what does Desire feel and gets themselves tangled up in because they are pushed away and are basically not acknowledged/desired by their own sibling despite constantly trying to show him they are important (desire is not just a sexual thing, people, get your mind out of the gutter 🤣)? Yeah, about that one… There is definitely a different type of enmeshment here which sometimes seems a bit plot-hole-y to me, but I think that might be down to the fact that Desire is the chosen antagonist (and even that, only to a degree until they aren’t). Even so, it still makes sense.
Destiny is not also freedom. He is the absence of it. All paths lead to the same end. Or a decision you make was the decision you were going to make all along, and what looks like a different ending was the ending that would have happened anyway. And even if you choose, the book will start to make that choice destiny again. Only Delirium knows what’s not in his book, and in this universe, the only true freedom is not bound by any rules, logic or sanity…
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matheoxs · 1 month
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Persisting ≠ to get something in the 3D, thinking of persisting as a way to get something in the 3D
Persisting= continuing being that person that has what you want in imagination
Persisting is NOT persisting to get a plus. If you feel like you're forcing something, you're being someone who's trying, or you’re not doing what you want. Where's that coming from? Fear.
Persisting is basically continually being that person who has that thing in imagination. Read carefully please, IN imagination, no matter what the 3D shows you.
Let me give an example. Since you all understand it
better when I give an example:
Let's say Anna wants to be rich.
Okay, so she decided that she's rich in the 4D she imagined (experienced), and as she was imagining, she felt freedom and at ease.
(Stop worrying about whether you're feeling something that’s coming from fear. The way to stop feeling fear is by doing what you want in your imagination; no one is there to judge.)
At this moment, she's in a state of being rich, and it's done, so she's just enjoying the experience of being rich. As soon as she opens her eyes and sees that the 3D hasn't changed, she feels sad. But then she remembers that 4D (imagination is the true reality, imagination is self).
So she returns to the state of being rich. She persists in who she’s being in her imagination, not in 3D, not to get anything in 3D.
Persistence shouldn't feel like a struggle…
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audreyassumptions · 6 months
This worked for me after a couple nights and I successfully entered the void. Here’s how I did it <3
1. Lie down in a comfortable position (it’s rlly hot where I live so I didn’t have any covers on me or anything, I was literally just lay there with nothing covering me)
2. Listen to Edward Art’s ‘I am’ meditation on YouTube :)
3. Put on brown noise (I put the meditation and the brown noise in a playlist so it would play automatically after)
4. Focus on the black behind your eyes and continue to imagine that everything surrounding you is just empty blackness
5. Repeatedly affirm for the void, don’t keep checking if you’re there, try to distract yourself
6. You’re in the void!
This worked for me after a couple tries, but that’s not to say you shouldn’t get results earlier. It’s all about mindset. Persist and I promise you’ll get there.
Love from, Audrey <3333 ;)
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nualaofthefaerie · 5 months
A call for attention!!
Guys, the numbers for "Dead Boy Detectives" are bad, which puts us in the threat of cancelation.
This is a show with primarily non-white cast, of various identities with explicitly queer storylines. No queerbaiting or "maybe we can hc them as x or y". Real stories.
It's a fun show, too, to say the least. I know it is discouraging to keep talking about numbers, but the reality is that we need them.
Binge the show, tell your friends, tell your family, play it in the background as noise, let's rack up those numbers.
We and every queer kid after us deserve to see stories about them told in the most fantastical, spooky setting.
It would also be a wonderful plus to see Desire and the Cat King together, would it not?
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+ look at them. Why would you disappoint them?
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virgo-dream · 16 days
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the family dinner — sandman season 02 sneak peek ✨
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